a n i n t r o d u c t i o n t o o n l i n e b u s i n …...2018/12/04  · w i t h i n cre a si n g...


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Page 2: A N I N T R O D U C T I O N T O O N L I N E B U S I N …...2018/12/04  · w i t h i n cre a si n g yo u r t ra f f i c. B y kn o w i n g h o w t o ma ke yo u r b l o g s re a d e

AN INTRODUCTION TO ONLINE BUSINESS Before we dive into the 4 easy steps to build your own online business I would like to give you an introduction of what exactly is an online business and how you should approach it.

WHY YOU NEED AN EXTRA INCOME ONLINE? Earning a good income is a goal of every adult around the world. You need a source of income to make things happen, and sometimes a typical 9 to 5 job can’t cover everything you need in a two-week period. It is always good to know some ways to get some extra income if you are in a pinch. Many people think it is hard to work from home, the opposite is actually the truth. Anyone can work from home, all you need is patience and a good skill set. If you go online there are people looking for something you offer. Some of the more common freelance careers include:

● Writing ● Editing ● Graphic Design ● Marketing

These four things are just the tip of the iceberg. There are hundreds of millions of people out there. You can find someone who needs your skill set and you are guaranteed to make some extra income. With all of the previously mentioned ways to earn some extra money, you should have no problem finding something that fits in with your desires and capabilities. You will want to make sure that you are getting started as quickly as possible though. After all, the longer you wait, the longer those bills will go unpaid or the longer you will have to wait before you and your family can go back out and enjoy life again.


One thing is for certain and that’s if you own an online business, you will have to work to get traffic to it. Finding people that want to purchase your items will largely rest in your own hands. There are numerous methods for you to do this and one of the best is by blogging. Creating unique content about what you have to sell is sure to be helpful


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with increasing your traffic. By knowing how to make your blogs reader friendly, this can be ideal. When any person is looking to make a purchase of any kind, you should consider being as informative as you can be with your content. Provide specific reasons why this is item can help make life better and the numerous benefits of purchasing it. Taking time to invest in your blogs is sure to be time well spent that will pay off for you in the long run. You’re sure to get more visitors to your website and this can enable you to make more money while working to keep your business moving forward at all times!

WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR WEBSITE FOR MORE TRAFFIC Regardless of what you’re trying to sell, you will need to get the right amount of traffic to your site to make this a reality. Visitors at your website can potentially turn into customers and this is your ultimate goal. One of the more effective ways to get more traffic is by using search engine optimization (SEO) to do so. This will enable you to get your site noticed on the Internet. One of the things you will want to invest in when it comes to your online business is having an attractive website. This will enable you to get the attention your business needs and will increase the number of sales you’re able to make over time. By knowing specific ways to improve the appearance of your site, these can be helpful to you. For example using bold colors, columns or drop down menu to help the visitors find the right information.


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HOW TO START YOUR OWN ONLINE BUSINESS Now that you have a clear vision of what an online business is and how you should approach it in order to make money thanks to it, let’s see what are the 4 key steps to build your own online business. In these report I show you the exact path I follow to build my own online business and therefore the formula you can use as many times as you want to build your own online business.

WHAT IS AFFILIATE MARKETING Affiliate marketing is getting paid commissions by recommending product/services to other people. Sounds familiar? In fact every time you are recommending a restaurant or hotel to your friends, you are doing affiliate marketing (but you won’t be paid for this). Building an online business thanks to affiliate marketing, instead, can make you a lot of money. Benefits of affiliate marketing: ➢ Freedom to work anywhere at anytime you want ➢ You don’t need to own any product ➢ You can promote as many product/services as you want ➢ No coding, sales or experience needed ➢ You can start with little no money ➢ You need just a laptop, internet connection and the right system to make money.



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In this image you have everything you need to build your own online business to start making money. There are plenty of ways to do affiliate marketing but this is yet the most effective to build a sustainable business.

1ST STEP: CHOOSE AN INTEREST Every website out there has a main topic, therefore your website or blog needs to be tailored to a specific topic or market. Based on your interests, you need to choose a niche, a smaller portion of the market, to which you will talk.

I’m pretty sure you are good at something or at least you have an interest or passion for a specific topic. For instance: cooking, health and fitness, playing guitar, travels, etc. Every market has almost infinite niches and you just need to choose one of those to start your own online business.

You don’t need to be a super expert in any of this topic in order to start but of course you have to be willing to put into some efforts in order to make this interest your new way of income. In order to choose the right niche for you, the best way is to answer to the following questions: ✓ Are there always offers to promote? ✓ Are customers in this niche known to buy? ✓ Can you market to this niche in a profitable way? ✓ Do you like this niche?


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As far as you respect these conditions, you are sure to be in a profitable niche. What you need to focus on is to helping people to solve a problem, related to that niche.

2ND STEP: BUILD A WEBSITE As I briefly explained in the introduction chapter, you need to get noticed online and one of the best way is by blogging. Don’t be scared, building a website nowadays it’s just a matter of minutes.

The first time someone told me that I needed a website I thought I would need a lot of money and l needed to learn some coding skills or something like that. Then I realized that I could eventually start for free and build my website without any experience, just as opening a social account on Facebook or Twitter.

There are platforms online available for you to build your website in just a few clicks. If you’ve never tried it before, I give you my first recommendation to start building your website. You can sign up for free at this link and create a Free account on Wealthy Affiliate. It includes the possibility to build 2 free websites (all instructions are included in the platform). Thanks to that platform you are able to have your website ready in minutes and start publishing content, in the same way you write documents in Word. Don’t worry if now you don’t have any idea or you think that blogging is not for you. Thanks to the course inside the platform you will understand how easy is to find topics for your blog posts and how actually everyone can become a good copywriter. The most important thing is always to find a way to helping people to solve a problem that they are looking for online.


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3RD STEP: ATTRACT VISITORS You are halfway to build your own online business. You’ve chosen your niche, you’ve built a website and now you just need to attract new visitors. Without traffic there are no customers and therefore no sales. Traffic is not really a problem but what’s the most important is to attract visitors that potentially are willing to buy. That’s why the main problem is to choose on which platform to find this traffic. There are two types of traffic:

● Free Traffic ● Paid Traffic

Free Traffic is the traffic you get organically. It means that every time someone types a specific keyword or a question on the search engine, potentially will find your website. In order to appear on the first page of Google, you need to work on the SEO (search engine optimization) of your website. It means you have to write blog posts related to specific keywords of your niche in order to attract specific visitors to read that content. Everything is explained inside Wealthy Affiliate. With your free account you have included 10 lessons regarding the basic knowledge you need to let your website be visible online. Another way to get free traffic is to publish posts on social media. You can share your website or blog post directly with your friends on Facebook or by answering questions of people on forums such as Quora or Reddit. Paid traffic is the traffic you buy in order to appear in front of your potential customers, whenever they search a specific keyword, they are on social media or browsing online. Basically it works like that: you spend $1 in advertising and you want $2 in return. You can advertise your website using platforms such as Google ads, Facebook ads, Instagram ads. etc.


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4TH STEP: EARN REVENUE Believe me or not, if you’ve arrived to this point you are ready to make money online. No secrets or complicated formulas. What you’ve learned in the first 3 steps is basically what every online business needs in order to create an income on internet. Thanks to your new website you will be able to reach your final goal, make a passive income online. That’s the best way if you want to achieve your financial freedom and be free to work at your own pace. There are basically 6 ways to earn a passive income online:

1. Affiliate programs 2. Products review (e.g. Amazon products) 3. Advertising platforms (Adsense) 4. Building a list (email marketing) 5. Create your own product 6. Partnerships

You’ve already understood the potential of an online business, but in case you need further information in understanding how to make money online you can check this guide.

Your goal is to master one or more of these methods and be able to talk to your audience in order that they will be interested to buy the products you are promoting. You can earn $10 a day as much as $100 a day or more but if you don’t work properly, following one of these methods, you may end u with $0 per month. The more efforts you put, the better. In just a few months you can really build a business that is making you money on autopilot. Of course your results will grow over the time, at the beginning you will make mistakes or you will focus on less important tasks (it’s a common thing).


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RECAP AND NEXT STEPS In order for you to better understand the whole process, I want to do a quick summary.

Here you have the 4 easy steps to build your own online business:

1. Find a niche and sign up for an affiliate program. 2. Build a website and start publishing content related to that niche. 3. Attract visitors that are interested to your content with free or paid traffic. 4. Get the commissions once visitors will buy the products you promote.

WHAT TO DO NEXT? This is just the beginning of your journey in order to start a profitable business online. I hope that with this report, you have now more clarity on how to build a business online and make money thanks to it. Not everyone is willing to make it happen, therefore I thank you to arrive to this point and I’m sure you are really motivated to create your financial freedom thanks to the web. If you are ready to start your own online business, I would like to invite you to join Wealthy Affiliate. Click on >this link< to open your free account at Wealthy Affiliate, in order to join the biggest community and training program online for affiliate marketers, thanks to which I’ve started my own online business, as thousands of marketers around the World.