a n d o h r o iv ic l b scÒto^rowcaif imp^misedh.el geme ironie. a fnmlly «lo. llved "ear...

’S, , % hïi*l i / : * / . \ X i *. ÍÓ^f'. :cials * over the im « m$3 i 9S i~.-42£5 XXVIII. No. 22. A N D O H R OIV IC LB CRANFORD. N, J, THURSDAY. JÜ l Y97|92T~ ....... 43.45 ........ $4.95 ISF- ..... 1 $4 1 95 » CL$145 .......... $1.25 H Mil Indiana it , tbe Ansliran 1 of All Satntr ha delta- of tbe > letter to -oat- 1 the quantity ot he Indian puplla 1 a — T hey have breakfaat. pota- ter and both-for Saakntoon Rtar. f Vi •> 1 to Cover Fanhaae Jar Park MM Authoriaad by .Towaaftto ilttee rkmrtalked o f purclia*; of the TRJW PfJI I f f l i l i i to«. nw m t, —J KKer. /ur park puriuM«» uiU [faei-outa an ncrxiniplbdutt tact, ‘"xllnanee authorizing tlnr pur- ami tlw issue. ot ImxkU tu tlie toat having hoon adopted »Irtl reading by tin- Tman.htp nlttee TUmlay night. Tlie rtr » particularly well adapt- '•park purixwo* and on it are line trace which will now be er-’** 15"«row- destruction. There |aunaJI house ot little value on opurty which may possibly be —1 to (tome tnunlri|ia) tot*. - pittance» for «rower lateral cv Jun In Orongo avenue and fur K improvement ot the. wing* on ■ A avenue from' Mlln »tree! to . oyer In fuhjunetkm w it» the •V highway work ami for a emt- > with tiro State to <l<i the work: t«lso atbiptctl on third reading, j »lection* wero made to (ho pa* fo r the several ordinance.*. “ |^nM>n„and Ewiex^l^ncl irn- Eiho ¡tower lateral he further ex- **“l through property tliey own -> eonnectlng streets. This pe- * wa» referred to Township Kn- J* Oillina for report .................. Itaeer Collins reported that the ¡.highway iroople would not al- p e, traffic booth at North av«* lld_linlon avenue, whlrh ha* I of so much vnltie In ifeulal- nC, to be continued »lien the ate highway Is completed i the.tnuinciM section, jfr. -. r6*<l a copy of a letter jptratlng against this attitude Istate, citing the unusual *on- | tft this point and the proved |of the present tralllc regula-, which wa* worked out sneeessi l “ ..cri£ W cxperlenec nncl ex- Wt...ThU letter wa» approved i Committee,: ,j. Bor Collins reported on the of owngrs; of Nouth ;th iperty for root! improv,- ¡Jt lit» did not- consider this I. until permanent means to ‘ take caro of surface drain- he provided. . This wa* with Sir, Collins for fur- •rt. Mr. Collins also stated ides or BISE AT RICES G OUT k D low ••$340 Pumps. .... $2.50 ips, per $ 1.00 Pumps; ... 4 I.OO Regular ...$2.50 ps. Reg* ,..$2.95 12. A .... $ 1.00 - - •• . - 6- - [colors. nueh progress had been male .matter of sidewalk repairs -spirit, of cooperation nrMOOTaroftStkm*«JTffufiktora ^>r Moore, , who reported is granted during June, estl- L «>ctt being $631625. Driveway ». wore granted to Mrs. Lush- nee street, and Sir. Shnratt. [avenue. ‘Commendation ol Fire Com- er Warner the name ol Fred r was dropped from the rolls, f vuf&mlsjtioncr Iteg$p* report* 1 in June and police ealls (Bender ol Burnside avenue, |Ufe. attention o l the Commit- ~ tho. unkempt conditions in asked tUe TOwndiip Committee to do soowttaing to improve this. . Mr. Iterator stated euadiUcns are word! here to I hi» regard than anyxxtwre hetwcfsi KUcata-tb and Plainfield. The matter wax refeinof hi Police COutmtaskwicr Beer* to j»-e what sbsae-s* iwprtmr-rxmxMttoirx«; CHICKRH THIEVES CAUGHT Lake Saturday night, William H Reel. Jr. of -JSl" Walnut avomie, heard a dssturhance hi his rliicken *5 the rear of his proierty, aiul promptly railed IVlio- ilcattouar trr* ami Iklnilnia bcurtc llon-n dale an.»w*twi. going up High street. Ire saw »e ih a i Hewlett, colon»!, of •**> I’nioD avenue. North, and another loan making off toward tin river 1 loan tlM-stnul street- Seeing the oiSccT. live two dn>p|x»l tlie rbfeken* thry were earning- and took 1» their hc-elx.1 How tnlale or- der«! them to halt and. tired a.shot in the air a.* tae pursued them down South arcBoe. to O tOnnor » garage. Here hr again tired In the air when •hey faded 1« stop and Hewlett made for a chimp of buslit-s. u here he wa* raptured and taken to head- iiutoterx. Cpon ciauilnailon Hew- ig»tt »afct iV v< Vtifjctr o f 16 Holly •wood atemre t-ad been with him and I’atrolraoa ffoMndalc Miugbl the former- whoa lie found »«Iking along Sooth avenue, with Oliver Brown. m W o l of oiSJ I’nlon avezme. Taegir mshted. that lie bad sjK-nt the evening at the Ixune of Itroun's brother Henry, in High street, but till* »tafeenmt was disproved by t)tIv«T Itrowu. w Iki declared In a signed statement at |«dfrc heatl- nnmrten. that he had bimself |,ecn at bt* brother'« house all tlie even- Jig and that Vaeger iiail railed him from the tionse to take a -walk, haterhoth'pleaded guilty to lareeny ami - dlssirdetly conduct and were fined f£*to each by Judge Buckley in eiHirt Momlay night, with alter- rtatire of a terro la jail- Hi addition they were repaired to |iay ,Mr. Hei-l tte value be « t on the chickens takenj ill. | Both sett led up later in the* evening. Officer llosc-ndaie was complirapnwsl on hi, .pilrk work in •hlng tm? thieve«. SCÒTO^roWCAif Follawiag Tvro W««k> ol Xastructlvo aad Haalthftd . Traialng. bacai Scout Ttoops 3 and 4, Raturn to Cranford. . Ftu- lUe sessuul «eaiton Swartrwixxl lake proveil to Iwi an Ideal sisd tur a camji. due to Unii thè suliimihig faeilitie* a fiordi»! there and also lo tiro bfjglit ol tiro land H|mn whleh ¡he rniiip la locatiHl. A «»mling Im e«- bluux dlix-i-Uy' thrutigh ttu .tenta whirli drive* aMay auy ino»- UUitoes flint miriti ho tressjia-wlng. ’Hie troys limi elrid~Uia(* at tlieir dlsiNisal, wlilrh weie always in u ' 'Ibi* ramp was. tiro sivtli Seti •»«•».*- nm*. sail: niAkll rtok'lll eam|i liendi») by ltev. K. H. .Martin and the hu-reased Interest sliuWii ean Im> readily disccrnisl tliiotigli tiro Ineieased iiuiiiIm - 1 of boys at- tending. From under twenty boys unending tlie first vamp, tlie mini U-r lias now swelled In over.lllty rills (net s|x-aks voimm-s. The oigatilzatlan id tin- eiimp wa* put into action from tlie very start and all enmp alln|rx were handled by committees, all of them bended by Mr. .Marlin. A lifesaving lirigaili under the illreelliin of Wesley tanger. Jr., lunrtioned dm lug t he sulmiiilng lioura and sncreedi»! Ir mahitainlng discipline In (lie wnler Nmrls llrlseo was in charge o f tin rill defies, nnd ran oil a truck mei as welt ns two horseshoe tminia liient*. Norman Burke was In charge ol tlie boats ami managed them very vvell.^ Itevlltc Turk was tlie enmp chaulTeur and made nearly dally trips to N'ewlou, tlie nearest town for supplies, etc. Mr. Wesley liege man was In cumiiletp. charge el the culinary department ami was assist ed liy Kd Cannon, who tilled tlie pn all hilt ot cook ami who liiclrleiitall did very we|| considering U10 hand ■'■P* that lie had to work iimier. During the course, of tho two Weeks, a tegular routine ot I work currle-' ............ -•--- ■• 1 tiro,camp gnmnds, ®tr... Followlog avM'iuhly urtili IJ «clock wax glven un lo pass ine Scout textx or tu s)ro- dal work. Uro iminilng swlin usa at II. ami uxttally tastisi unih«boni ti l.tinch waa ot nne « ‘clock ami ¡Ime was again glven far Ila» pa*a- Ing ol test», etc.. muli ilio atternuun .»h o wlihh tiwik p|*ee «( sismi. .1; l-A ilo- aulm Ia»t.»r (iom J:U-to l:l,ì ami thè remainder of lite Unte tmtll.dimier was oi*-n to tlie Ixiya Tiro regular. ovunlng c»mp llrostart* i»f at• 6:1*1 and w«s always featuri»l hy die regular ghost story- as tubi •U tlie >|hi| by Itev. K. li. Martin. Ili* story tbis ranni eontaltii»! tbe .»nmleiIngH ariti mysterloiis haiiis'ii- nhigs et Bete tiro |*ele. Tapi (ol- Ioni»! tbe eamp lire ami thè Seoul ramp dav endetl. • All Imldeiit «eli «orili meni Ioli Implieneil 011 (he very lust atlefiiiHUi or Ilio canili ader most of tiro Isiys h.el geme Ironie. A fnmlly «lo . llved "ear thè ealnp nere aerustouied tu bai he al t he carni» heiich ami imi- o f Uro lltih- Iroys, m Iio uà* leiitnlng to «liu. «oiild jiinip oli of thè Ihìhi hut In- was tislug Ulto thè water, .«hiTu,lt was noi 4 ivnr liis head. It huppi-ned flint Inst Siunlnv alter- 01*111 thl* Molili Isiy Juiil|H'd over- •onrd in a piare timi » n* over hls ‘lenii nini abortir Uve feet ileep. Mrr hnrles Nklllman and Milton .Soeof. *k.v nere In a nenrliy Ixiat ami iiimii «eelng (he youflg Imy |n suoli a serbiti» pi'eilleaiheut, yonng Koeofsky • !iiiii|»'il Itilo thè water, alllrougli lie “ ini irom a slrmig swliniuer lilue II. and Meni to Ilio nld ol tiro diounlng lu>y. Alded hy Mr. Kklll- iitliu, In" Ilio liont. Ilio two of tlroiil mriliii^i-d i*r gei thè boy out liefori iMp^miSED Wask Tlrgialaa Wiltaa U u .r ot ApprotUllaa for Aid la Tracing Oar. , - Just U-lore leaving tor Imllnnniro ne*s«-y mad« putdie a teller recelu-d from W. It. Owens of lllui Uel.l, West yirglnla; to which th- hut highly’ rwmmendcd t'lie finnfoid force for picking up ' line.- young men In a Nlpdelmker msIiim. ii|*ni wlileli payioeols had not l.ccn coin pletcd, ' The ear whlrh Iroie West Virginia license plates un* hailed h» Nei geanl Marlin In North mcime. 00 tl.O evening lit July b||d, nod It* ee emiaul» In-Id in-tiillug nil hm *llgii Hon, since I hey |ni*se»*ed mdlher hill ot sak>, ortiirr'a ur n It of II»«» yimili-. ulm i»nvr Ids name a* Kelly iluehmuin, 1 ’ii. ol rreebiirii, Ketilueky. slatod he wa* file mviicr ot the ear, which In« loid purchased hi MV-si Virginia, iroiRTiTg n first payment ot $hn mol Hfreehu- ¡0 pay the hnlanee. In ipi mouihly liistnlliiients. Tiro letler tnun \\i-*i Vlrgliiln toll»»». "We. are In recelpi ot your tele blh’d » - - ,--i- ---.i mu neiuie ariylhlinr serious eould Impiron hut > oilrig bovi risky eert nInly deserves ntlejiipl to cate l! A lb ABOARD FOR ASBURT Next Wcdrrosday. July istli. Is tiro date set for the animal Sunday school Kvrcrslon to A «bury I’ark am! Ocean Grove. -Cranford s Salt } ' “ £rej»»y it (ns become arid Cram *ln>re. The Snrvdar Schools tliat Join to gl«tn* Use Kxcundon are the FresdiTterisn. First. M. K_ St. Haul's i* N ..TWa,i,y- •■hristlan Alliance, First Baptist. Itadlan Protestant and Garwond Schools. _.Trair « “ ni bate (Isayligiit Saving Time:» Cranford at 6:15 and Gar- “‘J ’ * ’ thl* realu also stop ping at Oanforel. Iteturnlng. tsotli sect tot» will leave Asbury Park at The chnreh bells will ring at 6:30 neloek j» the rooming cm tlo> day of the rtrurspQ. tJiLs denoting that the cvcunsSoQ will be run. wa* curried out every day. Heveiui- was at 7 It. 111 .. with the morning dip ¡<1 ivako one up,. .Mess wn.» at alronf <:ti or R a. m., and following iln-ss tlrore-vvasm-llttle tlliroalloweil tor Iho straiglilenhig out -nl the tents etc. Assembly followed at about KM,', M here tbe Instruct Ions tor tiro day were given out by Itev. Martin. It was at this time Mint the dllterem tenls were. assigned to tlm ramp task* of making the rump lire, get- ting wood for the cook, cleaning up pnilse fur »tiie'Milhiiil save immher Ikiv'x life, Mr. Mm I In wishes to express his heni'ly iippreehithui ot the aid tiro ¡mvnsjieople oireie,| holli In convey- lug the hoys lo Mie eamp nnd for In». fiimnWitl tfirr «1 k!n<ity <»r fejed Ino* I «if-ft eonl I United lit Hie rrernttrnntseslmiiihm. -------- ' , *.* ...» ... »«.-«. e .................... Brani of July .1 atallng Mini yen |m.. turiied a Ktinlehaker sedan, lalnn frolli Kelly Ihicliaimit. oter lo Mi l(. F. Ilolieiisleln. Uesllleld. N .1. 1 am nrltlng lilm tmlay in legnili t sanie. "1 wnnt lo fliaiik ymi fm Mie Irouhlp thl* lulglit havn eniised vìììi, and tu rompllmcnt ymt ami yom torce. In calclilng |ld* lumi, n* he limi alregily goitni Muntigli nhoui (Ite Ninfe» Wlllloul lielng eimi;lil,oi over lielng lUieslloned uIhiiiI Ilio II NEW INDUSTRY COMINO Senator l(oyB|* t\>|Hdailil ol New \oik, head* a no» com|iany \l lililí lm* lakeii over Míe luh-k plant east of tVtifi-iiiilat niellile and adiaren! to the l.ehigli Valley trarkx. Tile .,.!l,í.1 !!.';**... « i . I l i r -iumpau*.. 4a 4 tro ¡üüinilacliire of pore (uill Juice* (or In i i lnce* Olid lellles. The proc.-.s évitait* the pine J i t o f various oil - i..iiHe|iUti|.e,.(| « Uly pieiuoes il for ImiMiHlhile ii.e, Mine of the use* of the iomentintn I* In Jelly making. I he rimeeutialiil Julies lonv he used fur thl* pori*,,, but » heu n «inali oonnl II y I* added to In- Jlllee III Mu- plore** of home Job T tr'h'"* !! bdve !.. )« n iiMiih'.IInh'ly . I Tiro new Iilniit nil! employ inille a niindiri ot band* and wlllbeopei- mod a. n miHlel ot «niillnMo'i and rii iiMlIne»« || Is exp, ,-led Mult III, oipmiy will gel under way Ilium, dlnlely limi heglu shipping their Ilio. Od tor wlih li Miete I* a lend) nuukei and a large mi filimi di-mfiiiil Ji auk N I rimi- well known hi lln mr I 111 N,'u Vurk, M *., at. d with beiinror fo|rolaiid a* ,',V viiiiipany and UHI (IM|l»||pkN KlMllll mill'll of J,|„ — VV-l K^t-tftn-phiTTt . ) H ON 0 ft ClVlL WA n VETE HANS. A t- n~Tin i)T"‘» T:*’**, --»~ ** ' filiad Ox Tongue Fruit Salad Dawn Doughnuts Whol. Whaat Orackara Orange Jules Caiiara Biicult . J.H. McMAHON High-Grade Grocer I? » Union Avo.r»r. T s r S7i ,U n T'" idlug orcaplnlti Neixell Ifoihiey |-|*ke Post, No. .IVi, Veter- an« of Foreign War*. Irohl at Mason- Mull on the evening ol Juy 7th. nine veterans of ito-Civil War were made honorary mernhers of tho or- ciinl/aMen. They were Henry f lnihh. r-niery Angevhie, -lames A. Nan ford. Chas Moses, William Nnilth, Henry v nmleveer. James Tiiridmli. Ferdl- naml * ....... - ............................. . Post . ‘ducimi ......... .......... „„„ „ slsteil hy Past (Vitntnnmlera Kilttrln A. Crulksliiink. Ileiherf It. Wlncto b;r Krnest W. Holt, and tho fufl *<ln(T of tiflii oiN,, 1nllmvlutf tUv/in -liillutlmi, till, l.jnllos1 Auxiliary oil ....... ................. ................. ?M tor,li.to Khato to Rabuk. ............. ; (\,nl|hfnnder,l |>Vj ! A^ììohV toitoR» wrítiír i»î m* I >*»•*•«* Intoxicated, filmi «•. «....„.h ilalnoil Minse present » lib a pro- Biaiii which liu-ltideil conni «elee- ¡Iniu !»y Min. f„ I). MiiNoj^ nnii rflol* talions hy Mrs, Mid,pi ttorgslor. Marry llein* . orchestra fiirnlslmd the imisic. / Miss Alice - Mati^liews, a memlror ofourHIirli.NelifitdfHeiiity.aridMIioi MiirMia. Nh-uiitt, drehnnl street, sailed for Wropn yesterday on tho _ George Mnshluglon. They will visit " Great Ijrllalu. France. Italy, (1er- to», i», » , won ima noeti writ lug Wnd speaking for the last week against national Defense Hay. was answered yesterday hy the Ifev ml), of W ................ - ’ Tire STATEMENT OF CONDITION 1 JUBEJetk, 1US . R E S O U R C E S L IA B IL IT IE S LOANS, on Demand and Time,, .. ... KBU rr ; CAPITAL _ 3 20000000 SECURITIES ........... ............ ...... - UIURI7 ' - Consisting pf IT. r Oovcmment. SURPLUS ............................ ............. 13TRNMW Railroad, rtihllc Utilities, Monk v UNDIVIDED PROFITS gjfuuiin elpal and other liigh-grade Bond* ' : ............................... ‘ -■ ..........BAWlB0 and Federal Reservo Bank stock. DEPOSITS .......... ...... ....................... 2,862,839.43 p, Boms um MORTGAGES ^ »1051 DIVIDENDS UNPAID . . . , . « ,«.00 . First Liens on Cranford propertfc* ' . CASH on*Hand and in Banks______ whmw , TREASURER'S AND CERTIFIED OVERDRAFTS ___________ ; ____ ____ sw » m CHRCKS-puUUading, ...... ......... 1Í.065J» BANKING BOUSE AND OTHER ' BILLS RATABLE _______ _______ «000 00 r REAL ESTATE ..: _______________ _ S35J9172 ____ .. 1 ‘ 1 ' FURNITURE AND FIXTURES. 2USUS ....... RESERVED FOR INTEREST, ......... ... ----------- TAXES, DEPRECIATION, ET0-. 4406A4- total - -------- $342%49042 -------- ^TOTAL ... ......... . $3,329,490.42 will «n.^^l ^ n l Wera''SCti, ° r<í n.° W*&lr vríuá eommercfál value than the good y S our many depositor* a.-*! fciKrf...’nrourhmrtreflcete<l fneur financial Mate- ment It la our moat valuable asset. . ^ " ' ‘ WE INVITE TOUR BUSINESS . . . - - - ^ . a o d o3w yon ^ . * “EVERT KODERJI RANKDIO FACILITY” •’ many. Bollaud and Belgium, return- CRANFOflD THURSDAY Speciali On» Day Only I ELEANOR BOARDMAN AND ; .. CONRAD NAOEL Id "So Thl» t» Marriage" Bohhy Vernon In "Great Gun»“ New» FRIDAY PERCY MARMONT In "The Clean Heart" By A, K M. Ifiitclifuiuin MernmM (knnedy—"Low Tide" * *• . Tuple» ' SATURDAY ALICE TERRY AND CONWAY TEARLE In ,, "Th* Great Divida" . Al ht. John hi liy mi ml fe Boggle’ A ohoji' h Fatile», een»0 he wax U*lng, ilrluu * perrofi or title.lo Mro car. ■Till» man bough! Mil* mr iwu monili» ago mi tiro payment ..plan and wo earrh-d tiro (Ilio to M»/em milll lt wa» paid for »ltli Gie i(ii,|,-i «taucllng it u «» i„ remain bere until that time. About fifteen (lay* after Hurt dale In, i|l»aiipeiire.l nml «'•IroMm, afile io [inaili lilm until ■lot Bled by you. / , ‘'Again I hanking/you ami your force for Ilio wurk ilone In Ilio en*i, we ore, / Trjliy your», . / W. B, OWKNK -Hmu-boio-— VV-lroit-tbk- ptnut/fixpiii» mi lu, Uni loo » fil be given lu timi»,* »l>,;* or I Olllfolif |,| X|,|| (],|w mviltntii,ii om| Senato/ IVip,Jan,i «III n.'l a* lio«t...Thiyfb'iinlor fora I oc lime wa* lleal!Jr(kiiiiml**lonei in ai 'H v hi k VHyy , ENJOT PICTURE SHOW ...... ' " " liomlred nee.epl|,|| (fie Iml.-dloo i’x.i iided.l'y Mr. ami Mix ' } ) fo enjoy Mro.iniiihui î \ JI •'l; *rt,,l,|K’|,t on Mie lait o "f l lddr 11 »hleiii'e. 621 rollili «ye. mo./.Norlli. Fourih pf ,|„ly evening. x rei , ,’V -' I'Ofiiy, o f llnioklyu, rt friend of (he family, who xpenl Hie » irokeml 0« I heir giie*|. The pie ni' o 'v,‘i 'V ««"«I,- ilexpfie - many imo -lro 'r'r *"h 1(1 H'* *»î»rn. ni«» TTFtT*nTi}iiiff rain fuiiki> o | «/rmnili.iH,» nf fho l'iWKiofi l'iiîy! hut enough wa* »tonni to hold Hie aUilleiroiv-un.iHiiioiiglr nTJîrtoklê YOlfNG BOY DROWNED Elavoa Yaar Old Calorad Boy Ua- abla lo Bwlm Lotti LIU in Rivor at Fawoc Houi* . -Yue«day—aftrnwroir iioiiirr: (lue.- ' oVIiiek, Kiìward I * 11 . J( , ,--jo'» ,,| age, »mi of Mr. nml Mi* Jo»epb • '«noi. vololetl t«,le : .IHI iik ,*t 16 .Volili alenile, F.n«l, «a* ,h>,»ue,l In rolii|iarallve|y -Imll,.» wnler elmti* Mie 1 * 1 « er filili.»!- pi epe |t y hetweell -Soulli avellile nml Mie l'i iiiial If l{ Tliri»i Imiv* •.lame* Mnllnee. Jerrv Siitml nini lini dU'rtil Im »v u » u ? |(ti«% Jn« in Uh* >*uU-r. «1 i « m All ll«r»*** IIii. m I iip io jmuji <»iì fI h- Urtll \\Hrr»- ’ ,,i In* \u|ii i . un- a |.|( J m l -|HH i .M i íltlM or Ikv( lint |\rou Imv [iill. tl to millo lo Ilis* »nifaro fitol Un* olluH», klHoi- lllg lie I olllil liol «»lia, lililí tu-lililí lililí lo «ave lililí. Fiiutlly Iheli erlei Htlrnelpil Míe ................... . ............ Jone*. eleelTlchtlt, ul Míe i*,»,., I111"" ' » I'11 O íliTtííp f 11EV , [ 1 uTei, lorllted (lie lnn|y and IiioiikIi I ti mi *liore, Fli»l aid lli'almein «a* L,|i,.„ ami ..mG'd.roforëVbe'ih^i.^r'^lï li . *'M ’ ^,rn* • ’ ‘ »»MïMly. I a I cb 'H l»v x ,l V",r',lv ,"" » •»""<,;■ Vl-ll/liro xiiki-d imieli nierrlrneiif. Míe ' high un* Ib" julillnt(ini of flr. Vlllnger—over «billing Míe fe doeloi* «eut lor al nulo, lu. Gilpin ni»|Hilidliig mi rail ol l.leiil ,M ii,»„. nn<l Ilio Hre Definiiun-iil poliiinloi wa* biiiiigln mei bv filler rikiol-.in ¡mil n«i»t. toll nilrolbul* lo '.nve Mie buy* Ilf,,, eonl lulled for iiemly an 1 !’ hi.vain, l| wa« Ilii.iiKhl limi life wa* glim, when (lie Imdv.. •*"* '»ken from the water, rile body wa* lakrii lo liray'« orni, gilè nml Inter |« rmli for lemoml «XJ given by iVioiily Fliy«bliiii Uro »IUV, I till l'Il I m’IAIitn Ui’i o (if'lil yi'N U'htny nfti-rn<MiM uf ,s|. Mnik'i V M |,,(frhUr,',,‘ 1 r h||,||,|V oltlHj.t- POUCE COURT CARES .Monday night biu a lilt lui«h-r I him , iiMinl. hi Judge linekley* .L-UUtl^—roJiMHtpli "flf « (» f BcenlJy mis lum i nido Volli, on iro ¡im n. had hé.‘O «un ......... .. . ^O'dlg l.f.u r|ei| I lint ha liad i,iiangiii| lleeti«e piale* fimn nilnllror mirolilne. Fallili* nilniHleii /•GDxmuttmi mol iheron paid a Ç.T Unb. Joaeph Mana...... ml Mlke '■"V".'," M ," n' •'f"''1Y1 - ' ‘'«''h for t nolle -, ¡- .vl" l '11 ‘ 'tl*. Main nml Mr*. Mai* Gy Jd«yliig ronn’‘frèë'H,i| " .V1 ,11 !1 :"""','1 ''Y \B» Mai K'i n/le 1er Helen, to eipreiï Id* ah!e Í r* i- i, l.' 'lefnmn- ....... the* ttmorut» W I l** 5l _V J1* ^ . M l i r i p t i li> thrJutlKo ¡irovoki-d etmiigli laugh», Ilexplte tlm II. !.. Ixiuri. ,-r— - A of Wcxt New Vork, N. J.. til» brotlier, wlro, wearing Hie ¡!"l.''rV ',°i Bn. tofanlry lleulennul, walkml Into tlie ottice or » Njnek newxpaiier, wliorii tlm Volurilnry tie- fetiMi Day reglatratkm of ell hen» wa* helng eumlucleil. and a»kml for « regbilratlon card. . “I wa* going to Camp Dlk for n mllliary training jierJotl and emiui r,.nt ^F®*k,_ a» a relmke t„ my hrotlmr, Mr, Ixiurteh exphilneil. "I e ife /i'1 .tH H," ’ w l|W,l»ln « f till* city tliat one momlror of tlm family rS-’n A * «JpWto.^wyYBgki Herald Trlhurro, Hunday, July 6. Itr?;" Til, 4J2.W HON. and TUES.'. . Sp«eiallSp*ciail2Diy<l CORR1NNB GRIFFITH In Declasse - •'»«roo Comedy --‘'Don’t Fall" •! . New» ___ ,1 WED. 3 KENNETH HARLAN AND DOROTHY. BEVXER do Tira Virgin" Brody Meiwlnger In 'Aggrlvatln Kid llodgo Bodge ¡Tíri» V * T fr*\ ,,,r ttrivîiiK î*i! ? tfit'Gb'alml. Il!i*l mi appent í!'í Çn«' «III lie Imx",I furl Iter. Irotoni Judge Hieiu hi Mro at Tnl/nlielli. fiuinty Court QÜMiMÜÉiHRáU— ’■ N a m i k . . « r r i| M r Need a New Refrigerator? If so, call and see our large assortment S FOR June 30,1921. June 30,1922: June 30, 1923: June 30, Í924. COMPARATIVE . Deposit* --------- -^41,605402.42 --------- 1442,697.69 2,193,374^3 2^72,195.31 Robbins & A 11 uoil Inc. . MOVnro, STORAOE, PURHJTHRE 12 NORTH AVENUE, WEST, , CRANFORD, N. J. ' phone mb A FEW FACTS FROM FEDERAL FIGURES .May Nauti, eould »ave no citali, Iter ninn coi,Id »ave no-money, ____ No twtxt jliinn Jmih ..............._ . . __ . ?!' 1,1 troth, - I.lodr wcilding vow* uer„ |,rok *ir ' ................ .^»ck amt Jllt wiort op-fl,» bill,-- - ................. ' ' ... •« hiiiik- their pull of money, - * .- *'"! 'im l ,,uî ,aH '«»rued Grown, And Jill her la»t xavad Fenny. '!*".■ t,u>rflhulM>,l. with every dime. * Irl It wax ini morn need eri, . - Volv oli III« level they walk logellu r. Bm-nii*o "Thrift" they nlwnyx heeded. Money d.po.ltxd to our Sxvtog. D »p .,t««nt on or baio,» July 10 , m» 1 draw lotxra.t from July j. 7 1 WALNUT‘AVENUE Resource* $1,813,899.67 2.449.620.69 2,608,191.04 THAT GRAND AND GLORIOUS PEEUNG/ Cranford Trust Company ■•'.. -. eiaxman . to ■ "THE BANK ' nAXVUXD. M. M. ! YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME" N. J. f . m. warm hmt 7» or ntJgJtOmt sftMl "fivnitr" Writ, he toi hie J tbe edMr 4»r Ten she«14 order Venn without éUtf , \ ' ' -‘ * ’ -• ' ... :'.t '• 1TH the grand** and OerUmatmi 1**ttnrtìMtfnt)oùr Winter coar In th» cellar. There's the Joy of e x p «t«l warmth In your Ip-art and a feeling tliat It's a great old world. Pbotje wheal- Have Yau Taken Out “Heat" Insurance ? IF NOT," _ Buy Coal Now AND KNOW THAT YOUR WINTER'S - COMFORT IS WELL INSURED PHONE ONE THREE Walter W. Mooney Co* Inc. l L. L. LOVELAND & SONS» Inq. 1M North Avena», X . TxL «M ORANYORD, N. J, H U t l O H i y t i M M t H M M M l I M U jH iU tnlep K onn IM Standard Lumber £ Supply Co. ... . LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES ™ > * * HATH OEBRNUT POSTS , tor toa««, grag« artors, ata. ,, Per. R lrt art Ottotoat Sto. ~ OUNYOIU). » k fl V ' ' '

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Post on 30-Jun-2020




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Page 1: A N D O H R O IV IC L B SCÒTO^roWCAif iMp^miSEDh.el geme Ironie. A fnmlly «lo. llved "ear thè ealnp nere aerustouied tu bai he al t he carni» heiich ami imi- of Uro lltih- Iroys,

’S, , %

h ï i * l i/

: * /. \X

i *.

ÍÓ f'.

:cials* o v e r the

im «m$ 3 i9S

i~ . - 4 2 £ 5

X X V I I I . N o . 22 .

A N D O H R O I V I C L BC R A N F O R D . N , J , T H U R S D A Y . J Ü l Y 9 7 | 9 2 T ~

....... 4 3 .4 5

........$4 .95

ISF-..... 1 $ 4 195 »

C L $ 1 4 5

.......... $1 .25


Mil Indianait , tbe Ansliran 1 of All Satntr ha delta- of tbe > letter to -oat- 1 the quantity ot he Indian puplla 1a — T hey have breakfaat. pota-

ter and both-for Saakntoon Rtar.

f Vi•>

1 to Cover Fanhaae Jar Park MM Authoriaad by .Towaaftto ilttee

rkm rta lked o f purclia*; o f the TRJW PfJI I f f l i l i i to«. n w m t ,

—J K K er. /ur park puriuM«» uiU [faei-outa an ncrxiniplbdutt tact, ‘"xllnanee authorizing tlnr pur-

ami tlw issue. ot ImxkU tu ■ tlie toat having hoon adopted »Irtl reading by tin- Tman.htp nlttee TUmlay night. Tlie r t r » particularly well adapt- '•park purixwo* and on it are line trace which w ill now be

er-’**15"«row- destruction. There |aunaJI house ot litt le value on

opurty which may possibly be — 1 to (tome tnunlri|ia) tot*. - pittance» for «rower lateral c v

Jun In Orongo avenue and fur K improvement ot the. wing* on ■ A avenue from' Mlln »tree! to . o ye r In fuhjunetkm w it » the •V highway work ami for a emt- > with tiro State to <l<i the work: t « ls o atbiptctl on third reading, j »lec tion * wero made to (ho pa* f o r the several ordinance.*.“ | nM>n„and Ewiex^l^ncl irn-

Eiho ¡tower lateral he further ex- **“ l through property tliey own

-> eonnectlng streets. This pe­* wa» referred to Township Kn-J* Oillina for report..................Itaeer Collins reported that the ¡.highway iroople would not al­p e , traffic booth at North av«* lld_linlon avenue, whlrh ha*I o f so much vnltie In ifeulal- nC, to be continued »lien the ate highway Is completed i the.tnuinciM section, jfr.

- . r6*<l a copy o f a letter jptratlng against this attitude Is ta te , citing the unusual *on- | t f t this point and the proved | o f the present tralllc regula-, which wa* worked out sneeessi l “ ..c r i£ W cxperlenec nncl ex-Wt...ThU letter wa» approvedi Committee,: ,j.

Bor Collins reported on the of owngrs; of Nouth ;thiperty for root! improv,-

¡Jt lit» did not- consider this I. until permanent means to ‘ take caro o f surface drain-

he provided. . This wa* with Sir, Collins for fur-

•rt. Mr. Collins also stated

id e s o rBISE AT RICES


k D lo w ••$3 40

Pu m p s.....$2 .50

ip s, p er$1.00

P u m p s ;...4 I.OO

R e g u la r...$2 .50

ps. R eg * , ..$ 2 .9 5

12 . A....$1 .0 0

- - ••. - 6- -

[c o lo r s .

nueh progress had been m ale .m atter o f sidewalk repairs

-sp ir it, o f cooperation

nrMOOTaroftStkm*«JTffufiktora ^ > r Moore, , who reported is

granted during June, estl- L «>ctt being $631625. Driveway

». wore granted to Mrs. Lush- nee street, and Sir. Shnratt.

[avenue.‘Commendation o l Fire Com­er Warner the name o l Fred

r was dropped from the rolls, f vuf&mlsjtioncr Iteg$p* report*

1 in June and police ealls

(Bender o l Burnside avenue, |Ufe. attention o l the Commit- ~ tho. unkempt conditions in

asked tUe TOwndiip Committee to do soowttaing t o improve this. . Mr. Iterator stated euadiUcns are word! here to I h i» regard than anyxxtwre hetwcfsi KUcata-tb and Plainfield. The matter wax refeinof h i Police COutmtaskwicr Beer* to j»-e what

sbsae-s* iwprtmr-rxmxMttoirx«;

CHICKRH TH IEVES CAUGHTLake Saturday night, William H

Reel. Jr. o f -JSl" Walnut avomie, heard a dssturhance hi his rliicken

*5 the rear of his proierty, aiul promptly railed IV lio - ilcattouar trr* ami Ik ln i ln ia bcurtc llon-n dale an.»w*twi. going up High street. Ire saw » e i h a i Hewlett, colon»!, o f •**> I ’nioD avenue. North, and another loan making off toward tin river 1 loan tlM-stnul street- Seeing the oiSccT. live two dn>p|x»l tlie rbfeken* thry were earn ing- and took 1» their hc-elx.1 How tnlale or­d e r « ! them to halt and. tired a.shot in the air a.* tae pursued them down South arcBoe. to O tOnnor » garage. Here hr again tired In the air when •hey faded 1« stop and Hewlett made for a chimp o f buslit-s. u here he wa* raptured and taken to head- iiutoterx. Cpon ciauilnailon Hew- ig»tt »afct i V v< Vtifjctr o f 16 Holly •wood atemre t-ad been w ith him and I’atrolraoa ffoMndalc Miugbl the former- w hoa lie found » « Ik in g along Sooth avenue, with Oliver Brown. m W o l o f oiSJ I ’ nlon avezme. Taegir mshted. that lie bad sjK-nt the evening at the Ixune of Itroun's brother Henry, in High street, but till* »tafeenmt was disproved by t)tIv«T Itrowu. w Iki declared In a signed statement at |«dfrc heatl- nnmrten. that he had bimself |,ecn at bt* brother'« house all tlie even- Jig and that Vaeger iiail railed him from the tionse to take a -walk, haterhoth'pleaded guilty to lareeny ami - dlssirdetly conduct and were fined f£*to each by Judge Buckley in eiHirt Momlay night, with alter- rtatire o f a terro la jail- Hi addition they were repaired to |iay ,Mr. Hei-l t t e value be « t on the chickens takenj i l l . | Both sett led up later in the* evening. Officer llosc-ndaie was complirapnwsl on h i, .pilrk work in

•hlng tm? thieve«.

SCÒTO roWCAifFollawiag Tvro W««k> ol Xastructlvo

aad Haalthftd . Traialng. bacai Scout Ttoops 3 and 4, Raturn to Cranford. .Ftu- lUe sessuul «eaiton Swartrwixxl

lake proveil to Iwi an Ideal sisd tur a camji. due to Unii thè suliimihig faeilitie* a fiordi»! there and also lo tiro b fjg lit ol tiro land H|mn whleh ¡he rniiip la locatiHl. A «»mling Im e«- bluux dlix-i-Uy' thrutigh ttu

.tenta whirli drive* aMay auy ino»- UUitoes flint miriti ho tressjia-wlng. ’Hie troys limi e lrid~U ia(* at tlieir dlsiNisal, wlilrh weie always in u ' 'Ibi* ramp was. tiro sivtli Seti• »«• ».* - n m * . s a il : n i A k l l r t o k 'l l leam|i liendi») by ltev. K. H. .Martin and the hu-reased Interest sliuWii ean Im> readily disccrnisl tliiotigli tiro Ineieased iiuiiiIm- 1 o f boys at­tending. From under twenty boys unending tlie first vamp, tlie mini U-r lias now swelled In over.lllty rills (net s|x-aks voimm-s.

The oigatilzatlan id tin- eiimp wa* put into action from tlie very start and a ll enmp alln|rx were handled by committees, all of them bended by Mr. .Marlin. A lifesaving lirigaili under the illreelliin of Wesley

tanger. Jr., lunrtioned dm lug t he sulmiiilng lioura and sncreedi»! Ir mahitainlng discipline In (lie wnler Nmrls llrlseo was in charge o f tin rill defies, nnd ran oil a truck mei as welt ns two horseshoe tminia liient*. Norman Burke was In charge o l tlie boats ami managed them very vvell.^ Itevlltc Turk was tlie enmp chaulTeur and made nearly dally trips to N'ewlou, tlie nearest town for supplies, etc. Mr. Wesley liege man was In cumiiletp. charge e l the culinary department ami was assist ed liy Kd Cannon, who tilled tlie pn all hilt o t cook ami who liiclrleiitall did very we|| considering U10 hand ■'■P* that lie had to work iimier.

During the course, of tho two Weeks, a tegular routine ot I work

currle-' ............ -•--- ■• 1

tiro,camp gnmnds, ®tr...FollowlogavM'iuhly urtili IJ «clock wax glven un lo pass ine Scout textx or tu s)ro- dal work. Uro iminilng swlin usa at II. ami uxttally tastisi unih«boni t i l.tinch waa ot nne « ‘clock ami ¡Ime was again glven far Ila» pa*a- Ing ol test», etc.. muli ilio atternuun . »h o wlihh tiwik p|*ee « ( sismi. .1; l-A ilo- aulm Ia»t.»r (iom J :U -to l:l,ì ami thè remainder of lite Unte tmtll.dimier was oi*-n to tlie Ixiya Tiro regular. ovunlng c»mp llrostart* i» f a t• 6:1*1 and w «s always featuri»l hy die regular ghost story- as tubi •U tlie >|hi| by Itev. K. li. Martin. Ili* story tbis ranni eontaltii»! tbe .»nmleiIngH ariti mysterloiis haiiis'ii- nhigs et Bete tiro |*ele. Tapi (ol- Ioni»! tbe eamp lire ami thè Seoul ramp dav endetl. •

All Imldeiit « e l i «o r ili meni Ioli Implieneil 011 (he very lust atlefiiiHUi or Ilio canili ader most o f tiro Isiys h.el geme Ironie. A fnmlly « lo . llved "ear thè ealnp nere aerustouied tu bai he al t he carni» heiich ami imi- o f Uro lltih- Iroys, m Iio uà* leiitnlng to «liu . «o iild jiinip oli of thè Ihìhi hut In- was tislug Ulto thè water,

.«h iTu ,lt was noi 4ivnr liis head. It huppi-ned flint Inst Siunlnv alter- 01*111 thl* Molili Isiy Juiil|H'd over- •onrd in a piare timi » n* over hls ‘lenii nini abortir Uve feet ileep. Mrr hnrles Nklllman and Milton .Soeof.

*k.v nere In a nenrliy Ixiat ami iiim ii «eelng (he youflg Imy |n suoli a serbiti» pi'eilleaiheut, yonng Koeofsky • !iiiii|»'il Itilo thè water, alllrougli lie “ ini irom a slrmig swliniuer lilue

II. and Meni to Ilio nld ol tiro diounlng lu>y. Alded hy Mr. Kklll- iitliu, In" Ilio liont. Ilio two of tlroiil mriliii^i-d i*r gei thè boy out liefori

iMp^miSEDWask T lrgia laa Wiltaa U u . r ot

ApprotUllaa for Aid la Tracing Oar. , -Just U-lore leaving tor Imllnnniro

ne*s«-y mad« putdie a teller recelu-d from W. It. Owens of lllui Uel.l, West yirglnla; to which th- hut highly’ rwmmendcd t'lie finn fo id force for picking u p ' line.- young men In a Nlpdelmker msIiim. ii|*ni wlileli payioeols had not l.ccn coin pletcd, '

The ear whlrh Iroie West Virginia license plates un* hailed h» Nei geanl Marlin In North mcime. 00 tl.O evening lit July b||d, nod It* ee emiaul» In-Id in-tiillug nil hm *llgii Hon, since I hey |ni*se»*ed mdlher hill ot sak>, ortiirr'a ur n It

of II»«» yimili-. ulm i»nvrIds name a* Kelly iluehmuin, 1’ii. ol rreebiirii, Ketilueky. slatod he wa* file mviicr ot the ear, which In« loid purchased hi MV-si Virginia, iroiRTiTg n first payment ot $hn mol Hfreehu- ¡0 pay the hnlanee. In ip i mouihly liistnlliiients. Tiro letler tnun \\i-*iVlrgliiln to ll» » » .

"We. are In recelpi ot your tele

blh’d » - - ,--i- ---.i mu neiuie ariylhlinr serious eould Impiron hut > oilrig bovi risky eert n In ly deserves

ntlejiipl to

cate l!

A l b AB O AR D FOR A S B U R TNext Wcdrrosday. July istli. Is tiro

date set for the animal Sunday school Kvrcrslon to A «bury I ’ark am! Ocean Grove. -Cranford s Salt } ' “ £r e j » »y it (n s become arid Cram

*ln>re. The Snrvdar Schools tliat Join to g l«tn * Use Kxcundon are the FresdiTterisn. First. M. K_ St. Haul's i* N . . TWa,i,y- •■hristlan Alliance, First Baptist. Itadlan Protestant and Garwond Schools._.Trair « “ ni ba te (Isayligiit Saving Time:» Cranford at 6:15 and Gar-

“ ‘ J ’ * ’ thl* realu also stop ping at Oanforel. Iteturnlng. tsotli sect tot» will leave Asbury Park at

The chnreh bells w ill ring at 6:30 neloek j » the rooming cm tlo> day o f the rtrurspQ. tJiLs denoting that the cvcunsSoQ will be run.

wa* curried out every day. Heveiui- w as at 7 It. 111.. with the morning dip ¡<1 ivako one up,. .Mess wn.» at alronf <:ti or R a. m., and following iln-sstlrore-vvasm-llttle tlliroalloweil torIho straiglilenhig out -nl the tents etc. Assembly followed at about KM,', M here tbe Instruct Ions tor tiro day were given out by Itev. Martin. It was at this time Mint the dllterem tenls were. assigned to tlm ramp task* o f making the rump lire, get­ting wood for the cook, cleaning up

pnilse fur »tiie'M ilhiiil save immher Ikiv'x life,

Mr. Mm I In wishes to express his heni'ly iippreehithui ot the aid tiro ¡mvnsjieople oireie,| holli In convey- lug the hoys lo Mie eamp nnd for In». fiimnWitl t f ir r «1 k!n<ity <»r

fejed Ino* I «if-ft eonl I United lit Hierrernttrnntseslm iiihm .--------' ,

* .* . . . » . . . »«.-«. e ....................

Brani of July .1 atallng Mini yen |m.. turiied a Ktinlehaker sedan, lalnn frolli Kelly Ihicliaimit. oter lo Mi l(. F. Ilolieiisleln. Uesllleld. N .1. 1 am nrltlng lilm tmlay in legnili t sanie.

"1 wnnt lo fliaiik ymi fm Mie Irouhlp thl* lulglit havn eniised vìììi, and tu rompllmcnt ymt ami yom torce. In calclilng |ld* lumi, n* he limi alregily goitni Muntigli nhoui (Ite Ninfe» Wlllloul lielng eimi;lil,oi over lielng lUieslloned uIhiiiI Ilio II

NEW INDUSTRY COMINOSenator l(oyB| * t\>|Hdailil ol New

\oik, head* a no» com|iany \l lililí lm* lakeii over Míe luh-k plant east of tVtifi-iiiilat niellile and adiaren! to the l.ehigli Valley trarkx. Tile.,.!l,í.1!!.';**... « i . I l i r -iumpau*.. 4a 4 tro ¡üüinilacliire of pore (u ill Juice* (or In i i lnce* Olid lellles. The proc.-.s év ita it* the pine J i t o f various

oil - i..iiHe|iUti|.e,.(| « Uly pieiuoes il for ImiMiHlhile ii.e, Mine of the use* of the iomentintn I* In Jelly making. I he rimeeutialiil Julies lonv he used fur thl* pori*,,, but » heu n «inali oonnl II y I* added to In- Jlllee III Mu- plore** of home JobT t r 'h ' " * !! bdve !..)« n iiMiih'.IInh'ly . I

Tiro new Iilniit nil! employ inille a niindiri ot band* and w lllbeopei- mod a. n miHlel ot «niillnMo'i and rii iiMlIne»« || Is exp, ,-led Mult III,

oipmiy will gel under way Ilium, dlnlely limi heglu shipping their Ilio. Od tor wlih li Miete I* a lend) nuukei and a large mi filimi di-mfiiiil J i auk N I rimi- well known hi llnm r I 111 N,'u Vurk, M * . ,at. d with beiinror fo|rolaiid a*,',V viiiiipany and

UHI (IM|l»||pkN KlMllll mill'll of J,|„— VV-lK^t-tftn-phiTTt

. )H ON 0 ft C lV lL W A n VETE HANS.

At- n~Tin i)T"‘»T:*’**, --»~ **

' f i l ia d Ox Tongue Fruit Salad

Dawn Doughnuts W h ol. Whaat Orackara

Orange Jules Caiiara Biicult .

J.H. McMAHONH ig h -G ra d e G ro c e r

I ? » Union Avo.r»r. T s r S7i

,U n T'" idlug orcap ln lti Neixell Ifoihiey |-|*ke Post, No. .IVi, Veter­an« of Foreign War*. Irohl at Mason-

Mull on the evening ol Juy 7th. nine veterans of ito-Civil War were made honorary mernhers of tho or- ciinl/aMen. They were Henry f lnihh. r-niery Angevhie, -lames A. Nan ford. Chas Moses, William Nnilth, Henry v nmleveer. James Tiiridmli. Ferdl-naml * ....... - ............................. .Post .‘ducim i......... .......... „ „ „ „ „ „slsteil hy Past (Vitntnnmlera Kilttrln A. Crulksliiink. Ileiherf It. Wlncto b;r Krnest W. Holt, and tho fufl *<ln(T of tiflii oiN,, 1 nllmvlutf tUv/in -liillutlmi, till, l.jnllos1 Auxiliary oil

....... ................. ................. ? M to r , l i . t o Khato to Rabuk. .............

; (\,nl|hfnnder,l |>Vj ! A^ììohVt o i t o R » w r ít iír i»îm* I >*»•*•«* Intoxicated, filmi «•. «....„.h

ila lnoil Minse present » l i b a pro- Biaiii which liu-ltideil conni «elee- ¡Iniu !»y Min. f„ I). MiiNoj nnii rflol* talions hy Mrs, Mid,pi ttorgslor. Marry lle in * . orchestra fiirnlslmd the imisic. / ■

Miss Alice - Mati liews, a memlror ofourHIirli.NelifitdfHeiiity.aridMIioiMiirMia. Nh-uiitt, drehnnl street, sailed for W ropn yesterday on tho

_ G eorge Mnshluglon. They w ill visit " Great Ijrllalu . France. Italy, (1er-

to », i», » , won ima noeti writ lug Wnd speaking for the last week against national Defense Hay. was answered yesterday hy the Ifev

ml), o f W ................ - ’

T ir e



LOANS, on Demand and T im e,, .....K B U r r ; CAPITAL _ 3 20000000S E C U R IT IE S ........... ............ ...... - U IU R I7 ■ ' -

’ Consisting pf IT. r Oovcmment. SURPLU S ......................................... 13TRNMWRailroad, rtihllc Utilities, Monk v UNDIVIDED PROFITS gjfuuiinelpal and other liigh-grade Bond* ' :............................... ‘ -■ ..........— BAWlB0and Federal Reservo Bank stock. D E PO S ITS .......... ...... ....................... 2,862,839.43

p , B o m s u m MORTGAGES ^ » 1 0 5 1 DIVIDENDS U N PA ID . . . , . « ,«.00. First Liens on Cranford propertfc* ' ■. CASH on*Hand and in Banks______ w h m w , TREASURER 'S AND CERTIFIED

O V E R D R A FTS___________ ;____ ’____ s w » m CH R C K S-puU U ading,...... ......... 1Í.065J»

B A N K IN G BOUSE AN D O TH ER ' BILLS R ATAB LE _______ _______ «000 00r R E A L ESTATE ..:________________ S35J9172 ____ ■ ..1 ‘ 1 '

FU R N IT U R E AND F IX T U R E S . 2USUS.......RESERVED FO R IN TE R E S T ,......... ...— ----------- TAXES, DEPRECIATIO N, ET0-. 4406A4-

t o t a l - -------- — $ 3 4 2 % 4 9 0 4 2 --------^ T O T A L ... ......... . $ 3 ,3 2 9 ,4 9 0 .4 2

will «n.^ l ^ n l Wera''SCti, ° r<í n. ° W*&lr v r íu á eommercfál value than the goody S our many depositor* a.-*! fciK r f . . . ’n rourhm rtreflcete<l fn eu r financial Mate­

ment It la our moat valuable asset. . ^

’ " ' ‘ W E IN V IT E T O U R B USINESS . .. - - - ^ . a o d o 3 w yon ^ . ■ *


many. Bollaud and Belgium, return-



; ..CONRAD NAOEL Id"So Thl» t» Marriage"

Bohhy Vernon In "Great Gun»“ New»


"The Clean Heart"By A, K M. Ifiitclifuiuin

MernmM (knnedy—"Low Tide"* *• . Tuple» '


TE A R LE In, , "Th* Great Divida" .A l ht. John hi liy mi ml fe Boggle ’

A ohoji'h Fatile»,

een»0 he wax U*lng, ilrluu * perrofi or tit le .lo Mro car.

■Till» man bough! Mil* mr iwu monili» ago mi tiro payment ..plan and wo earrh-d tiro (Ilio to M»/em m illl lt wa» paid for » l t l i Gie i(ii,|,-i «taucllng it u « » i „ remain bere until that time. About fifteen (lay* after Hurt dale In, i|l»aiipeiire.l nml «'•IroMm, afile io [inaili lilm until ■lot Bled by you. /, ‘'Again I hanking/you ami your force for Ilio wurk ilone In Ilio en*i, we ore, /

Trjliy your»,. / W. B, OW KNK

-Hmu-boio-— VV-l roit-tbk- ptnut/fixp iii» mi lu, Uni loo » fil be given lu timi»,*»l> ,;* or I O lllfolif |,| X |,|| (],|w m viltntii,ii om| Senato/ I Vip,Jan,i « I I I n.'l a* lio «t...Th iyfb 'iin lor fo ra I o c lim e wa* lleal!Jr(kiiiim l**lonei in a i 'H v h ik VHyy ,

ENJOT PICTURE SHOW......' " " liomlred nee.epl|,|| (fie

Iml.-dloo i’x.i iided.l'y Mr. ami Mix ' ■ } ) f o enjoy Mro.iniiihui î \ J I •'l; *rt,,l,|K’|,t on Mie lait o "f l lddr 11 »hleiii'e. 621 ro llili «ye. mo./.Norlli. Fourih pf ,|„ly evening.x rei , ,’V -' I'Ofiiy, o f llnioklyu,rt friend of (he family, who xpenl Hie » irokeml 0« I heir giie*|. The pie ni' o 'v,‘i 'V ««"«I,- ilexpfie - manyimo -lro 'r'r * " h 1(1 H'**»î»rn. ni«» TTFtT*nTi}iiiff rain fuiiki>o|

«/rmnili.iH,» nf fho l'iWKiofi l'iiîy!hut enough wa* »tonni to hold HieaUilleiroiv-un.iHiiioiiglr nTJîrtoklê

Y O lfN G B O Y D R O W N E D

Elavoa Yaar Old Calorad Boy Ua- abla lo Bwlm L o tti L IU in Rivor at Fawoc Houi* .

-Y u e «d a y —aftrnw roir iio iiirr : (lue.- ' oVIiiek, Kiìward I *11. J( , ,--jo'» ,,| age, »m i o f Mr. nml M i* Jo»epb • '«noi. vololetl t « , l e : .IH Iiik ,*t 16.Volili a len ile, F.n«l, « a * ,h>,»ue,l In rolii|iarallve|y -Im ll,.» wnler elmti* Mie 1* 1« er filili.»!- pi epe | t y hetweell -Soulli avellile nml Mie l'i i iiia l If l {Tliri»i Imiv* •.lame* Mnllnee. Jerrv Siitml nini lini dU'rtil Im»v u » u ? |(ti«% Jn« in Uh* >*uU-r. «1 i« m Allll«r»*** IIii.mI iip io jmuji <»iì fIh-Urtll \\ Hrr»-’ ,,i In* \u|ii i . un- a |.|(

Jml -|HH i .M i íltlM or Ikv( lint |\rou Imv [iill. tl to m illo

lo Ilis* »n ifa ro fitol Un* olluH», klHoi- lllg lie I olllil liol « » l ia , l i l i l í tu-lililí lililí lo «ave lililí. Fiiutlly Iheli erle iHtlrnelpil Míe ................... . ............Jone*. eleelT lchtlt, ul Míe i* , » , . ,I111" " ' » I'11 O íliTtííp f 11EV, [ 1 „ uTei, lorllted (lie lnn|y and IiioiikIiI timi *liore,

F li»l aid lli'a lm ein « a * L,|i,.„ ami

. . m G 'd . r o f o r ë V b e ' i h ^ i . ^ r '^ l ï l i . * 'M’ ^,rn* •’ ‘ »»MïMly. Ia Icb'H l»vx ,l V",r',l v , " " » •»""<,;■ V l- ll/ lir o xiiki-d im ieli nierrlrneiif. Míe ' high u n * Ib " julillnt(ini o f f l r.Vlllnger—over «b illin g Míe f e

doeloi* «eut lor al nulo, lu. Gilpin ni»|Hilidliig mi rail ol l.leiil ,Mii,»„ . nn<l Ilio Hre Definiiun-iil poliiinloi wa* biiiiigln mei bv fille r rikiol-.in ¡mil n«i»t. toll nilrolbul* lo '.nve Mie buy* Ilf,,, eonl lulled for iiemly an

1!’ hi.vain, l| wa« Ilii.iiKhl lim i life wa* glim, when (lie Imdv.. •*"* '»ken from the water,

rile body wa* lakrii lo liray'« orni, gilè nml Inter |« rmli for lemoml «XJ given by iVioiily Fliy«bliiii Uro»IUV, I till l'Il I m ’IAIitn U i’ i o (if'lil yi'N U'htny nfti-rn<MiM uf ,s|. Mnik'i V M |,,(frhUr,',,‘ 1 r h||,||,|V oltlHj.t-

PO UCE COURT CARES.Monday night b iu a lilt lui«h-r

I him , iiMinl. hi Judge linekley*.L-UUtl —roJiMHtpli " f lf« ( » f BcenlJy m is lu m i n ido V olli, on iro ¡im n . had hé.‘O «un......... ..

. ^O'dlg l.f.u r|ei| I lintha liad i,iiangiii| lleeti«e piale* fimnnilnllror mirolilne. Fallili* nilniHleii

/•GDxmuttmi mol iheron paid aÇ.T Unb. Joaeph Mana......ml Mlke'■"V".'," M," n ' • 'f"''1 Y1-' ‘ '«''h for t nolle

-, ¡- .vl" l '11 ‘ 'tl*. Main nml Mr*. Mai*Gy Jd«yliig ronn’‘frèë 'H,i| " .V1,11!1:""" ', '1 ''Y \B» Mai K'i n/le

1er Helen, to e ip re iï Id* ah!e Í r* i - i, l.' 'lefnmn-....... the* ttmorut» W I l** 5l_V J1* ^ . M l i r i p t i li> thrJutlKo

¡irovoki-d etmiigli laugh», Ilexplte tlm

II. !.. Ixiuri.,-r— - A of Wcxt New Vork, N. J.. til» brotlier, wlro, wearing Hie ¡ ! " l. ' ' rV ', ° i Bn. tofanlry lleulennul, walkml Into tlie ottice or » Njnek newxpaiier, wliorii tlm Volurilnry tie- fetiMi Day reglatratkm o f ell hen» wa* helng eumlucleil. and a»kml for « regbilratlon card. .

“ I wa* going to Camp Dlk for n mllliary training jierJotl and emiui

r,.nt ^F®*k,_ a» a relmke t „ my hrotlmr, Mr, Ixiurteh exphilneil. "Ieife /i'1 .tH H," ’w l|W,l»ln « f till* city tliat one momlror of tlm familyrS-’n A * «J pW to .^ w yY B gk i Herald Trlhurro, Hunday, July 6. It r? ;"

Til, 4J2.W

HON. and TUES.'.

. Sp «eia llSp*cia il2D iy< l CORR1NNB GRIFFITH In

Declasse- • '»«roo Comedy --‘'Don’t Fall"

•! . New» ___ ,1

WED. 3


T ira Virgin"Brody Meiwlnger In 'Aggrlvatln Kid

llodgo Bodge

¡Tíri» V * T fr*\ ,,,r ttrivîiiK î*i! ? tfit'Gb'alml. Il!i*l mi appent í ! ' í Çn«' «III lie Imx",I

furl Iter. Irotoni Judge Hieiu hi Mro at Tnl/nlielli.fiuinty Court

Q Ü M iM Ü É iH R áU — ’■ N a m i k . . « r r i | M r

Need a New Refrigerator?I f so, call and see our large assortment

S F O R0 »

Jun e 3 0 ,1 9 2 1 .

Ju n e 3 0 ,1 9 2 2 :

Jun e 3 0 , 1 9 2 3 :

Ju n e 3 0 , Í9 2 4 .


. Deposit*--------- - ^ 4 1 ,6 0 5 4 0 2 .4 2

--------- 1 4 4 2 ,6 9 7 .6 9

2 ,1 9 3 ,3 7 4 ^ 3

2 ^ 7 2 ,1 9 5 .3 1

R o b b in s & A 11u o i l In c .. MOVnro, STORAOE, PURHJTHRE

12 N O R T H A V E N U E , W E S T , , C R A N F O R D , N . J .■ ' p h o n e mb


.May Nauti, eould »ave no citali, ■Ite r ninn coi,Id »ave no-money,

____ No twtxt jliinn Jmih..............._ . . __ .? !' 1,1 troth,

- I.lodr wcilding vow* u er„ |,rok *ir '

................ .^»ck amt Jllt wiort op-fl,» bill,-- - ................. '' ... • « hiiiik- their pull of money, - * .-

’ * ' " ! ' im l ,,uî ,aH '«»rued Grown,And Jill her la »t xavad Fenny.

'!*".■ t,u>rflhulM>,l. with every dime.* Irl It wax in i morn need eri, . -Volv oli I I I« lev e l they walk lo g e llu r .Bm-nii*o "T h r ift" they nlwnyx heeded.

Money d.po.ltxd to our Sxvtog. D » p . , t « « nt on or baio,» July 10 , m» 1 draw lotxra.t from July j. 7


R eso u rc e *

$ 1 ,8 1 3 ,8 9 9 .6 7

2 .0 5 3 .1 3 0 .6 9

2 .4 4 9 .6 2 0 .6 9

2 ,6 0 8 ,1 9 1 .0 4


Cranford Trust Company• ■•'.. • -. e i a x m a n “ . to ■

"T H E B AN K 'n A X V U X D . M. M.


N. J. f.

m .

warm hmt 7» or ntJgJtOmt sftMl "fivnitr" Writ, he toi hie méJ tbe edMr 4»r Ten she«14 order Venn without éUtf

, \ ' ' -‘ * ’ -• ' ... :'.t '• ‘ •

1TH the gran d ** and OerUmatmi 1 ** ttn rtìM tfn t)o ù r Winter coar

In th » cellar. There's the Joy of e x p « t « l warmth In your Ip-art and a feeling tliat It's a great old world. Pbotje wheal-

Have Yau Taken Out “Heat" Insurance ?

IF NOT," _

Buy Coal NowA N D KNOW T H A T YOUR W IN T E R 'S -



Walter W. Mooney Co* Inc.l

L . L . L O V E L A N D & S O N S » In q .1M North Avena», X . TxL «M ORANYORD, N. J,

H U t l O H i y t i M M t H M M M l I M U jH iU

t n l e p Ko n n IM

Standard Lumber £ Supply Co.. . . .L U M B E R A N D B U IL D IN G S U P P L IE S

• ™ > * * H A T H O E B R N U T POSTS, tor t o a « « , grag« artors, ata. ,,

Per. R l r t a r t O ttotoat Sto. „ ~ O U N Y O IU ). » k

fl V

' ' '

Page 2: A N D O H R O IV IC L B SCÒTO^roWCAif iMp^miSEDh.el geme Ironie. A fnmlly «lo. llved "ear thè ealnp nere aerustouied tu bai he al t he carni» heiich ami imi- of Uro lltih- Iroys,


-t V -,

W - - ■*»

' ¿3t Á

1 & % * *i M f ^ ^ l g s i ^ â ^ p âg .S

¿ààaJïl-'i*,:- '

%#ae *••

' ----- - :..^S-j»¿aMWá'..nl|i»»T»lil »"ifr*

' .• *~~. .. f

- - W -> •■'■.■'■• y • ,.? *. .

' ' . ✓ ' '




. t¿; t.j hhuVvKliif/

-.Hf.lti: In horror enough on land

n ....«

T* ilh Ms desolale gulch*’* ®nl roofing dark fórrala, but for

I any. J* |h* clutching : Ii.rr.,r or ll**» sea. Willi III«’ hf UrllONN

l-tiM’ iirit1*« of It all lí a rnuh Io »*»n .Mico' under.the empty sky; and the

* "itr<*ri-<»«••{ O f |ihn#i l**m- ehlp1»-J*rlutt:.l«r.i,L...t-ní* itlí!... Ai/'iíiL'jí _.J.hj‘lr _ UyrhliiKer *<t

fien ili'fn Ihr « lili night* i*'*’ a * " “ ' " found 1l mo

• I funi «ten* I*«*- second mule on 1b* *'ii.»niter « ’JirMle. him! I'll any for her ihm »i urn ter, lighter little «ruft nrur 4:i(>(ioi| oti( of tìlnsgow lisrhor. Her

rnj*niln -MUiw the Maint* pity hliu— uns a ili-mi If ever on« irod «deck, llr Mim niiohh from f ’Mrutta lo Brazil um M devil and a driver and bV» rr*W8* l*onr doyn. were nhvnya filiarte up of tje^'Her» fryjji (he servire and sulking

in Hithoul aotlla.I low could I know MnrOougnllT I

w-hn fur .off my usual course In Gibe* go*. With tod n herlh Iti »teilt; row heu I Im- old limn offered tup a rlHinre. •* s.TMhii limit»- I couldn’t siga quick

-enoughWe were hound for Janinlm with, a

of wool, und wo got under way tvr*h—a—hrrwllttg—wlftt|-vl»ohln*i—u*—thatI listed well out to sen. Everything w iii trim, nnd II looked to t»e a 'good ^fin The rn*w rnuatered nine men, live o f ilit-tii Krois, iw o Sweden, one IvimllMhioiui nnd hue I'o r l’ugume.

ItealdeN the old itutn, the mate nnd intMdr, there wmt a <b»y to wait on the inlde^iit ihe.nfter rnhlih and to ative the officers from dirty work, I reckon. I never knew the tmy'a name. The whole crew rutted him "Pedro.” lie might hove been aJitpen or forty* for nil we knew and for til he raid •bout It. lie had n thin gray face with a sharp, knlfellke none, und pur.'liinent akin.; Ilia lipe were thin and white, and jvrre atwaya writhing

lag druakv B r fw t ha could f i t M t o f the way th# captala had kowrtad him down abd kicked b io Into tba «cuppers, where ha lay rootlonleaa.

He waa aurh a bulk o f akin and honra before ttiat .1 w o looking for arrlou* cunaequeore* If MaeLKiugaü •houfd heat biro up again. T walked oveir to the spot, and: waa pretty well wrought up to find thal Pedro would never get up again. The aldp fell oj£ * p o i n t h ? n . and lhe inoonjygfit t ò t down-'tBto-the iÌtttÌÉ lay; and I aaw the moat shivering eight that ever Idaated a man's eyea.

Thai hldetiua face, apnttered with h'tood, and blue aa tny coat, waa con­torted Inin up. eii*r»lRklon that niakra loy t»lm»d turn V»fld to think on. It waa a look that Ml asear wui uever ae««n pn, a mifri'a fare before.

I »farted hnci<'when Í raw It, and I could feel'the- hair rising on,my cold m-alp, and a lump of fear |n,iny throat. L tried t» done tlioie atiirlng .white oyen, but It uiiN no go. 'then I calmed down anil called the mate, lie waa taken worse than I was when he sew if, and said, with his teeth chattering, “There’ll he h—I to pay fo r t Ma, innn.’* l ie looked aft, “ The bloody di*v|M”

We covered- the -body with a tar* paulJn und laid it amidshlp. Matthews und I culetiJflfcd not to say anything to the ruptuln. hut to let the faw take Ila morse. We agreed nut to defend the murderer. ,

The neit day, we told the rnen, hut one o f the Swedes had seen the whole thing and It wan common property. _We laid Pedro out, uglier u tlmuwnnd

D O I T E D S I L K S - S C O R E H I T ;


W IIKN Indoubt obout »Ilk» tblnI

timen than he ever was alive, and the men got ranvns und needles to get hlrn ready for Ids Inst cruise.


and. licking'hi a tiurrllde leer. whlch wiisiq ihujsnhcf UttH»a ’wrurue on w- count of n paraUAls of one eye, which would suddenly slip out of focuy with the other, and then slip hack'again.

In spite of his evil-look send dlspo. fit ion, he might have got by without •ronshig any parlleular wonder, If It hndn't been for his left hand, which had .hut three finger«. . .They hadn't been cut ofT, either; tie was born that way. •

I’ve . ne^er seen.« more repulsive human No wonder he couldn't feel sociable with other tnen. To see lilm Hicaking' about the decks, his feet making no .more noise than a cat'", reminded you of some strange, glioul- hdt iinlmal that you didn’t dure turn your Inick on. '

Even MncHougalt, who was said to fear nothing on God's Vuru»,. didn’t rtdinh that cnbln-hoy. -

When the |x»or wretch efitus within range of the captain's curses he dis*

_ _unlen» It^wuH thatr h iM U j^

Usual. * ’ ' .An I suld. the voyage promised to

to he a ^good one, am! Mr,. Matthews, dbe..mate,- n.nd I: were. cmiKrntulstlng auratdn^oiritic.unevTTrtiulneiWQf'thw li*g, when, four days out of (liasgaw, the-captain began drinking, nnd from then on It uim a different ship—«

• fiontlng hell. ■ .There 1« nothing , worse than . «

• drunken »kip|K*r, especially If he Is q mnn of <miel>ougaU'« type, Matthews

-nol I wiw.’trouble abend and we ven* tuc<si to argue with him. but we might us well have talked, to the phosphor* esrence In our wake, lie looked at us for a inlnute riut of Ids sot's eye's, and then told us to mind our owu business.«le was captain on his own ship nnd he'd bnmk’ no Interference from n

.couph* of luhherly ujistnrts.„ One tuomlni; the captain staggered

aft lo the 'cabin after Ids watch was* up. The wind was blowing fairly hsrd. and coming ns It was. In gusts nnd fiawR. It was a hard Job to keep the ship* from losing headway. Th© rain hml t»een‘ condng,down1n torrent« all night, and MncDougnll had resort*ed pretty often'to the rum..... * ‘

As tie lurched dow® the cofnpnolon« -wny he tripped over Pedro, who was

. . unfortunate enough to have gone to ' sleep Just at ttie foot, of the ladder.

Tlie captain turned around, cursing,.....nnd kicked the hoy -with his hwry sea

boot Pedro sprang tip. grimacing as usual, and holding Ms side. I reckon some « f his ribs must have been bro*

, ken. The cnptnln kicked him «galtt, knurklhg Idm against „the cabin .w«U, where he crouched without ' « ‘‘sound,

. feeling his throat with his lame hand He didn't *ny n word or utter a (roan, but the hs-r on Ids foe« was unearthly*.

The epptaln looked st him for minute.nod then turned away; Pedro

.. crepi noiseicRKl.v up the ladder. After thiV» he. was pretty careful .to ^hve the old man a wide l»etih, and the latter being always drunk, didn't go out of.

. his way to tnoleat him. The boy grew weaker, nnd also thinner, If that could he. I tried to get him to let me look

.¿at bte.1njury.vbut he jatt -knarled gf

' slonei He never took bis eye« off the - —- capuln when was-within stgtrt o f

..tilm»;. but followed blia wuh «- took • thst can‘1 b i s iy n iM L It v u too

* »«trvM( tor tMttnt kt ws-»:* hind o f inho- ^ * make

Just nt that minute the captain slug- gered forwanl with !d<md In. Ills eye. (tne gliincu nt the tiling on the deck turned hlfiVcrnxy. nnd he sprang into the midst of the circle, swearing and raving; nnd picking thn body up, he started to burl ft over- the rail. HI run go enough,/ Pedro's three fingers caught Ilk* a hook In the mplain’s coat, lié screamed and struck ut them, and then we heard the splmih. helow,

The men stood as If petrified for a second; then they rushed to the side, to-tlnd-»whnt wo already know—the corpse was flouting, MacDougull had gone aft ggaln, nnd (lie crew went about their work with white fares nnd trembling hands,- heenuse - sallormen knowtlm^a «hip is cursed if a dead man Is given to tho fishes without a burial and a shut ut tils feet..

•After that day MncDougnll drank.no moré. I don't know whether his rum had given ont^ ori whether, he wns afmtii of what ..he saw when he was drunk; blit,- unywuy, ho wits sober nnd haggard. He left the bundling of the ship to the mate and myself, and kept pretty much to his culitn. W h en !« did go out otrdeck he seemed uneasy, nnd kept gluttclng over his shoulder as I f he thought someone was follow* Ing him. Then he used to. snenk up to Matthews and me nnd get chummy, l ie told us stories of phantom' ships, nnd the weird tale of the "Helmsman's Ghost,” am) asked us if Ave believed In spirits und the Ilk«. I never huw n iiuui. change so. .

One night bo came on deck, looking even more drawn than usual, nnd said !m wan going aloft to let the* wind clear his head. After he had clam* bcreiLup. the. ratlines Mutthews- apd I stood talking, speculating’ on the chuncos for a good wind.

“ From the looks o f the moon,” he was suylng, "I look-for u—”

dip Rot na .further. A Joftg. shudder*, ~gHitéd-dür Vrfy 'aCiúlÁV-‘

looked up Into tlie dark mniui of cun* vas overhead; for we know a »»an servant* like timt only once. _A whirl­ing black hulk dropped like a stone from the rigging and ernshed on the deck with n crunching, grinding sound,

We rushed to It. Yes, U wns Mac* Dougulf—tlend.-* T ils face was gray mottled with’ black and was twisted Into a form that PH swear was like that denthmnsk o f J*edro*s,

I heard li gasp of horror.^ Mntlhew« wns pointing to the-dcad man’s throat

Ith n shaking hand. Then*, In three distinct black Unes, were—the prints

'three -lingera- ■ ’

season choose a cola-dot or polka- dot pattern end then ,*o ahead and make it op Ic any sort of costume. For morning, afternoon or ai*>rt» wear dot* fed silks are making a record for#them-

jfiv+9 as the most successful of all d * signs In a season of printed fabrics. .Thvre.is ..ftOu cnd.r to, the-.-.V|ui«U#Jit. of- .iffotted-iilflnii. maiir'^Trf'fhetn peeaetrtln^ dms of different sizes and varied ar­rangements and combinations, wjth other paflertia •, ■ . . ,.

In Murk and whirs, navy and white, bright red <>r green and while the dot­ted silks are most popular In simple dey dresses and a|K>rts frocks and they

' -V-

tba style laporunca of this now*#o- impnlar «wester type, rtilnla o f Its vatoe as first aid to beauty. There ahoold be genuine Joy and satisfaction in the wesrtng o f ^a aweafer whose high crush-collar.and below-tl^wHst length sleeve« are proof positive age last that much dreaded coat of fan. which sc* quiiyd >a tbf summer to . fH jiw t jw quires awtntertepaiiiat- sppijkwttfla^f bruuty cream and bteseb. .

As to chic and rluirin of appearance of this latest sweater model, consider the accompanying illustration and be cnnvlnrcd. An element which also contributes rKce«*dlng effectiveness to these swagger swcutfr iriwfea, la that

......................r -s s -

A Handsome Sporta Dress.

era much used In bnndlngs oh dresses of white or tight-colored silk. Just how effectively., they con be used In Ihts way Is shown In the handsome aports dress pictured here. WltUo m*pn de chine, with handings of black and white polku-dot silk, contrive a rout-frock that stands ut the head of the class In midsummer sports styles. The handings on the dress are edged with u white silk hrald und the sleeve finish Is very gracefully ninmiged.'Tho designer has further elaborated the front of-this dress with nn embroidered flerol) and fioral pattern which nmv bn

ndlted without Rucrifietng tlie dis­tinction of-the ensemble, which In* hull's n scurf of the dotted silk bor­

dered with .crepe do rhlnr. It would

of fancy stttch. Notice that the body of the sweuter here Illustrated Is knitted In a conventional zlgzng which defines a most efftH'tlve two-color coni*, blnation. In thia instuncu putty color l\ylth Indian brown was selected. Gray with blue Is decidedly popular this season, also, apy bright color or pastel with white. .

Among other Interesting' BtttchVrlos emplmMlzed In these latest sweater fHHhiuim, are square* knitted In reverse form producing a hnaket weave appear* nneq. Large and small twincolorblock effect«. Jacquitrd nnd Fair Isle pot* ternlngs. stripe* and ^faney : fthell stitch all plav Important roles In the designing o f .these new Jumper sweat* cr*. which are the big vogue not only

of ’

UH)T In Groat Hrl.tuln provide that e y ' cry child'boro in England must, wlyn<

Ertfliafi Vaccination LaWêThe vncctnntion orders of ISPS and

In six.months after the birth, he,vac­cinated by a< registered practitioner or by the public vaevlfudor ft»r .tho dls* trlct. No pftreut or other .person will be liable to any penalty tinder the vac* ettiathm acta If within four months from the hint» he makes a statutory declaration before a commission for oaths or a Justice of the .peace that he conscientiously believes, that vacci­nation would be prejudicial to the health.of thi* child. A conscientious objei'tor can thus esca;>c penalties, but

person who does not obtain a cer­tificate, o r make, a declaration, will still be liable to pcnaUtea for not hav­ing the child vaccinated.

6000 T O E




Crra^n» kr I h tMpmrtmmml

n »d bullde» In balteiini diwn glcan- Hc barrier» *ud-»rercomln» seemlnslr Iceurtnouotable obiMctr* lo tn.be ae- ceMlbte to tbe public the natural won* tier» ot tlie Went anil to »Id develop- meur of Western rommnnltle» tbronsh (be medium ot modern hlibwnja la tba itnry lo1cf in a nrnr United fihile» D»-- purtroent o f Aerlculture motion pic-' lure, ‘The Hond Ooe* Ttiroueh!"

r * S T

n r

i f "

T ill» ftlm. rcplrte with apect»ctilar rond constmctlon »hot», with tb*M-enlc »rundeur of the national fore»!» a» tbe buckground, ahou, roads beln| (Ttt tbrouxb the elunt timber, o f the Mt. linker National forest, blasted tbrouxb wnlls of solid rock slung the precipl- lout shores of Lake Crescent on tbs Olympic peqlnaula of Washington and Cleared throush the tnnided man, of Iceos blown down by heavy winds In tne'nmv fatuous Olympic storm sons; Curved Inlo the led(es of precipices a IliOusand feet above the blue tenters of tlie I’nclflc «long the/ route o f the Itoosevrlt Memorlnii rood In Orejon; brl(lged uver_ r«urlnit claclal torrent* on Hie vertical aides of Mt. I I inhI, and the building of a rood over historic Oonnor pnss. rnllfnrnln.____________


(Copyright, l i l t . )

."Th « H»«<l Goes Through!** reaches leW

Horizontal .b » l* (s 4 fs l s a l M f ie l r is • —V aH «s»leë *rllh • * • !» -c*-

I K A U ll #f llsht IS—fftlafet lahkri JS—8*a«h A aa riw l l » iA i » i s i •S- f V f l H ag -i -k fS l-

Its climax In seen«« devote») to thp Ctiyoma project In southern California where tlie task of pierdug this valley became the heaviest construction Job In the Went. Here the highway engi­neer found himself faring every prole lent* known . to the road builder, and many now ones—hnt breaking tfowrn barrier after harrier, the skill arid In­genuity of the engineer triumphed and the Cuyama road went through! *

'The Hond Goes Througli!** la one reel In length. Copies may bfc bur­rowed for short iporlods, or msy be purchased at the laboratory, charge. A complete list of the department’ Jtlma» with Information on th< ' method „of. dlstrlhiitlng them, fa. given Id Ml*cel- lanwus Circular -*7i which may be oh* tnlne»!. ns long aa the supply Instil, on niqillonllon to tho department at Washington.

P u b l ic W a n t s H ig h w a y s

aa Trafile IncreasesWe have made^some progress along

the way toward complete Improvement of the highways of this country In the last ten year*. _ The stntlstlca give, us credit (or more than 400,000 miles of surfaced road, and nearly all of It has been Improved within a decade. Ver- haps Ir is time,to ask the doughboy's question : Where-do we go from here? i One thing Is certain, nnd that Is that wé'are .going to have better roads In this ; country. The public demands them. There has been manifest o f late some reaction against the expenditure of public.funds for roads. There can bcnoavoIdlngthntexpendltare.Wttt more than 15.000.000 motor r4l$Hes now operating on our highways, I^WI* tlonal mllenge of Improved hlghtovjs nnd the maintenance.,pf those already dmpeft<ed- -'--h';^hag#^vtmk>thafc;:càa: neither he iuld aside nof negiec|ed. soia n report of the federal bureau of public roads. The cost of operating and maintaining these motor vehicles on the highways In their"present "con­dition will-he greater than the cost of improving nnd maintaining the roml- wflvs so that they will be equal to the traffic demands.

in other word«, with the number ot motor vehlclcs'now In operation, the public at targe will pay .ln other way* q sum greuler than the cost o f Im» proved highways if we do not Improve the highways. Unlew the states build them the locality must, and the voice

IT—A p r «K 6 l t i » la—A M i t l i n atafs (akkr.)IS—AlwM pkert -.11—lata . ' . . ' . .SS—Aa Astati« sala» lllr n - D « x y l n i v o t m stasa SO—F lf is « HM SM ls ST—lUaarel

—A !• • « , M rr «f« .ss**!*** '—Water i m I fa r ÌM «tn l«B - ,

.11—Akrv* . ' ’• . ;40—Aa « ip r raalaa é t la f t y y ___ ",

—A k k s tM i la "••«itliaaatar« Aala —A t«a*-**r*4 | a itn » f4

ST—A ssavra l la « A amali spai4A—A ta lw h M l «1—Calata43—A M a tk in ita tr fabbr.)............. ..' —A M is 'a M M t IÌ|SH»S44 .4IU-A s « l » la tb « d istra i« acal«—— A m i A I m «vbleb h«l4a a p i« «« « f

aalrvkjt .Wbll« It i « b « l « s n t t b - W w I r i p a i ter partlelaa '

' KS—ò » I la albar basé . '• ”• .............U i|i‘A .ttladr.af varsa la ÉasÌIat p a try W - T t « • br ' . oa—ftb «w «p fW—TeVraub A a w a t fabbT.J. i l—Orni * • »—Balere

—Etisia -U - A a ita la tbe°aiat«aJ« a «a l«" —Fvlatare' aarafarcs «T— A- eà*eNtaattac partici#M » l a «aria a aaaaasr70—A alt artlfce _ 73—«leader74—lastra Mirata far 'a easartm#.T&—Msr« pratosa« .

Vartlctl ............ l*d *a pvtltt«a «ho tspm aa Betajg

S—A rcrrat grata .. .S—A M l s ased wtlb aaaaa a f ttaae,

aaraalag " t f e i f *4 -S a a to ■ ‘ •" 0—Tbst tblagT—«laaller fa A—Keotwayab -A a rjaralattca saraalag Mb«bol4*

10— To «aaaaaat ...11— Te fall la frepa .. l ì ^ E r f r i m s tm a . .Ili—Oso o f aa' aaflrat Teatoate r a t i IS -'Oata aiasih«4 a^llb woader

SO—Collecte*, as learoa, «U fe a ava tata taotnwoat ■ o

S9 Labrtcatea ' __¿4-—Hakeo a la *« «A gtag ...... ~ZS—To wta4 optrallp za - a aob ■j f e * A loag, J i i lb l t «ppoaáogoSO—To Olp «vaiar treoa " . .........SS—A acgatlv« proba ' .t i - »Halloo ' 85 » Dlaagroeafelo*T—A aoloaia aSraatU a •80—To rala la a 4owapoar ...........C ^ -L a r f« taba44—A Socialist a ostie»« |«r preside««

la 1Í34 ;..44—Coaelag at tbo rad . .4T—A' rcrìooa 4latlagalabr4 bp voler 48—Eradicala4P—TVlaoaoaietHo faartleao .........

—A gtrl . 41— À pr»sg&»—Mal« hkoep 44—Vrblrlco84—Coae«rasato«' 47—lo »•<80— Aa laélaa toot ool4t»r81— A beap - - 40—Port s f a shoo44—To root apoB tb « baaacbeo I b - A Im i to—Yoa aad fTl—A a sO t geootlag aa ageat70—A pelât « f Ilio eoaapaoo 70—Object!«« p«ro«aal proaoao

! • k| Obort OtaryTub. Co.)IVEBYRODT la Fmlrport k a e*

Henry Colfax. Henry had groaral w

|n p pity lag sort of Ho t u ao gentle, so kind, and

Incapable, that he had probably t Inspired aa active dislike in aa>*

Matt am) boy he hgd gone his Ifeoftlfa v ij , bliaklng behind hU **sH«b, never too busy to do a

to any us«: always too pre; tiFretze itijr o f the chances

r life as they flitted past He had be­an Institution, es much a part

1 Fa lnw t s s , the homely old village When some of the progressives

ad made an effort to remove thla a yeara before the town had risen

rei*elihm; what It would do If »onje* |hln( threatened to remove Henry Col* jfas wns not yet of record. Mean* rhlle the papers poked'fun at him. and

st people took the limping wit as matter of course.

Not „all people, however. Bessie jton. resenteji it hotly.

> Norton was a year ot*. two fouiikcXthmi Henry, and she had lived

{.»ext dooKto Mm all her life. They Ityad been.Inwove with each ’other ever | since he worrK^nlckera and she wore {'piiiftf«m**~«ir—wnqtever“ the fTiIfigiTare" |:Talled. But Bcssle^had decisred years p.before thnt sli« would.never marry a

nonentity: amr~ttclfry“ T^'(r^iuITy~Hd~ mltted that he was. If tutyjhlng. Ics* than a nonentity. Ho they tmd lived

-door'-l»y door, year aftcK.year, sfh yearning for the other, but each Orupalile— Henry Incapable o f blow

¿lag out a* a celebrity, and Bessie ln- ■pnhle o f fighting the fire that would

loach him off. .But Bessie dlil not fall, for want, of ytpg. . She did n»t nag. hut ahe did

up a steady pressure. At last a certain spring eveuing she burst

TIm w is t is s will « i f t a r l i * « i i l>^ i«

Solution of Lati Week's Puzzli.

Q u n r a ■ h ecd ■ scan ni b n n sH E H csn irn EJR] [33 □ Dnraa \saa

E H H a

-Oh, Henry I” »lie walled. "\VIiy t jou I done i .jjomethln* with |

IlfeT l-ilnn't toeim innke money, t mean h leoine fnhtous. I pienn—

menu—»h jr lon't you do Somelhlngr nu've got more ihrulns tlmn Jack'

Soheru or H'llIIe M it’ rew or Frank dellffe or nnjr o f them. Ve( they ■ prosperous: they sre looked up io ' llitencl to : and you—you are

ftmllns away your, life over thnt col- ‘ of youra! Oli! I could love'»0 much If yap would ouñ—Just

Ucnry shook Ms’ hrsd sadly. "I'm I'os oo.food. Jiessle.* he sdnilt-

tumibly. - -Romrthlhf's been left of m« and—- ’

I know! t know I* Interrupted dll» , In swift contrition. “ 1 know— , surety J"u. c»n do tiometblnf to ■ stop lo these hsteful slur. In tbs er». Listen to this!- With shsk-

. dnfers she. tried to'smooth out the ‘J'a **enlOf paper which » few moments

.HOW TO 80L.VE A CROSS-WORD PUZZLEW »e i the.correct l.ct.ra «re piare, I « the » » I l e .pore» tSI. peíale »IU

«re t i wardia botb veHteall? u 4 barUoalally. . Tbo Irot lottar I « earh word » iMdtrsteè fer a saa iltr , wbleb refer« tb tkt dd a itloa Ilale4 below tbe i>u«slv* Tfe«o No, S oodcr Ifet ealaaii leaded HfearlMatar 4e8aeo M.w«*d. whlrb nlll Hi

t^ ^ .^ W fo r e she had crushed In her hand*. X ' ' “ H *1* H la !” she quavered. "Llstqn

(fcV ofetlf apiirea op to tbr Wriat btsrk wqoorr"to"--lb« riKht. aaë a aombrr o«d»r •»fe tlra l* grfloro a word whlrb w tn 411 tb« wblt« «gaarra to « I r ara« blark «

No lettera g « (a lbo black agscoo. Ali word« ta t i are dlrlinsarf word«, r ir o ft irayrr aanea. ÁfebrcvlaUoo«« otsag, fallíala* teebmlcal tem o and vb»e*

-lato lori o are Imdlcatod Ms tb « dcOmlUana. , ' •

'M m


CT'OM, seed fourteen. Is Just,finish- * Ine

o f experience proclaims It a very fool-iiilnenfmIsh tiling for the people of 'state lo

decide not to support an adequate pro­gram of state road building as a means o f deereasing lattes, because It Is much more likely to Increase tales.

This recalls President Coolldge-» declaration: “ No expenditure o f pub­lic money contributes so much to the national wealth aa Tor building good roads." '

- . And H e Patttd lIn Scotland! rvmurks the ixindon

Morning Post.-there Is a strip of coun­try. known hs- Krnnrdy’a Pass thst mystttles itmn'grrs, *aa It In no way resembles n pass. It owes Its minu­to the fact that'.. Kennedy wua one o f a group of. travelers rfho! »veré playing poker In á carrlngvr, Just si

' ’ Nsw Swtatsr That Is Popular.

he hard . to Imagine anything' more practical or beautiful than'thls outflt.

Ikveutly n "rival o f silk« In »porta ' “ has t\iade great hendwny.clottic

they tvachi-d .this point the man who. cal!e<‘ " ‘ ‘ca ll«d tr irom ' o f filin d<*l*tvd '“ four*

.Vhp..liad ; ace. -kliig^ qtieen. Jack, and ten o f llu i, asme suit “ pawed," ......... ...................... ‘

. — R e v o lv in g C a r a f e '.Ikmdon expc-ela soon to .hare

xaroge with » revolving floor. Th a i a _ , w r Parked en (be floor can he brought

rotallaa « (

Jumper drysses and two-plv-ce frocka of bolhrlggan Jersey, lu pnyfel »hades and white, prove'themselves Ideal for summer sports weqr.' Tlic.v are <Mol «ltd . very i attrac|lvc—the .• Jumper dr»wt'*-.-w,^...-ovOr ^l,Cer'i;|,,ng-'sleeved Mouses, hnye'f..l><'X.plal.tcd. skirts. In the two-pi.-co suits.1 the *k|ns are ntso platted and are set ento a sleeveless waist of thin »Ilk, A lonc- tileeved overblousc (vinplries the *ult! Cohwvwl flannels sty made up In the •ante wayt^ . '

I The smart'mode o f the moment calls I tor the t.mle-neck sjveuter with Its | ta g claaa-htUng oleevek Aside from

W m fë M

.for the moment, hut are bespoken is leading lu tlx* coming autumn codec­lion. • ’ ' ■ . < '

lit belmTf o f Summer comfort, fash- lonlsts are creating most o f dlie hlgh- tieck. Umg'Sli^ve sweaters cither o f pure alik or fine rayon, «m l It would take an expert to detect the.dlireronce between ihe tw.v I t t^ .-o f- «ujsen roiHlinm.-then Very IlgM^'weTghf vroolen .yarrv.fs employed, -'.' .... It I* the vogue to wear-these.sweat* ent with thatching finely plaited crepe do Chine skirts In fact, this etnablnk- tlon. l » '»o unlvenutliy adopted, lit the field« o f »t>ort». that It has assumed utmost the »s|wwx of a uniform far smart society wv»sr.

JULIA BOTTOM LE Tt& IUI, W «t*re Niw«r«£^* C tk ,«)

R o a d s H o ld C h in a B a c k . : .It la vstUusttd. according to the De*

partwont o f CoinmFrce; tM r thciv are H.524 raarenRer curb, 1.150 truck« and EH2 motor cycles registered In China. Donnlie'fetatemenM relating to the'ex* tent of the Chines* market «re diffi­cult In view o f the absence o f centnil «tntf«tlcni bureaus Knd the number of widely separnteil cities, each having Its own peculiarities.

Chine«© development Is being re­tarded b y ‘"the Inck of transportation. When the country hns a system of highways, automotive vehicles-wjlt be a great ftietor In dereloplnq Chins tnto H 'modern Industrial nation. ,

' • Cost of Transportation ,■ California: Is «prc.vitlne the gospel of

■ live ami let live, on the «jjghvr.ays Blilfdtar.dk athnKf the State carrythese' mild exhrwtstion» so that hewhiv-drivesi: may :read:". ; ..

MI.ook before yon weep." ' .•.‘•This Is » p.Hxl rood It Vtlu cost

you money to hnrp it op.™"Don't' »i>ccd;'else. "Good morning

Milge:' * .

‘ “Thou »halt not kill."Look out. Tou may meet » too'

1ireumi the corner,"

lng the grammar school, and since he and I are friend», often sb we walk down together he tells me bis plans for the futura and. among these, what he Intends doing In the high schooL These' thoughts have set me "to think­ing. and sometimes I plan what I should do If, like Too:' I were to have a chance once more to enter the high school.

I shbold not look so eagerly for "snaps“ aa I did then. I know that If may seem foolish to work when one can ‘ get out o f 1L to take a difficult coarse when one can get Into an easy t.n4.' but I have learned that It la only In doing hard thing! that we gain strength, and It.la only In overcoming d ifficu lt!« that we learn to depend on ourselves. The easy course1 may give f­us credit», but It dees not make u» strong or efficient Even tbe thing we do not like may be of the greatest benefit to ns I f we will only have the determination- » . carry It through.

I believe I yttibuld sot study so much, but I should' itudy harder. I learned little concentration and much s f the time I prided myself I was working when 1 was only getting ready to work, or limply .holding a book In my hand while my thoughts were wool, gathering. I should try to settle my self Into a lesson and stay w ith 'It without ihlftlng, around until It wns mastered, even l f : It took an. houror two hour*. . . ___ „ . . .. 1 should learn to do my work my­self. “ Did yon fellows' get the tenth problem7“ 1 heard-one high schoolbo» ask n group of bis classmates only a few days ago. And then he copied tn his own book the Informa­tion which wss offered him. Th e act Was.not quite honest, nnd It gake hint .act" training.,- In . rp ,l llfe -we ‘must' work things out for ourselves: If we .Jlnd ourselves , In ..a hard corner we must use our own wits to got out.. 1 sboplo■ learn to speak on my.feet grammatically, correctly, without using slang. I f I were ever called upon to make a speech I should do my best Every man at one time or another must speak In public, and correct speech Is luges» » m atter-o f practice. The

sooner one gets control of tho s l in k in g knees, the quivering voice, the h a lt in g flow of words, the better. The high school course offers a g r e a t muny changes for practice, and I f I had sn opportunity once more to be on the program nt the debate, or at the Fri­day“ afternoon exercises, or In the class meetings, I should use It ' eteo If at first I should i fall.......... .

I should learn to ploy some ath letlc game well, not only for the fui^

^ri'vJ'Our ancient friend,1 Henry - Colfax. iSVVj-Jhtund a new fossil yesterday. Look In

mirror, Henry, and you'll find an old- iS e W iar.on er" - _ - . . . . .

Henry smiled anxloasty. "Oh ! that’s thing," he declared. "It 's -only Jack

¡ ÀT}JM jBoherts' little Joke. I don't mind.''• ■' ' “ But you ought to m in i" Insisted

i l r l . “ ¥ou—yhu ee:O h l:lV h a t*w e use?"“ I'm sorry.“ . H e very evidently orna onever, there won't be mnch moke

It. I guess, Bessie I'm - goingiway I" .."Going a w n jt" This was a new

and a dismaying one. Miss Nor- could not take It Ip for an In­

a n t ...... ...... ... .... ........... , . .....Henry took' advantoge o f her sl-

"Yes." he harried on. " I nerer

and honor to be gained from such abil­ity, bu t"for the lasting physical g'vul which It would be to me. Few thin-» bring more real pleasure and profit than clean, healthy, out-of-door ath­letic exercise. Such exercise adds : » the number o f one’s friends. Incre.ro * one's physical powers, and develop* one's mental alertness. Iioaf inn est and Skill In athletic games 1» of more than pasilng benefit to a young fellow; it becomea a permanent Inter est, and later In life when the ten­dency grows to sit at the desk or to stick to the business, to grow , fat nod overfed, to the neglect of one's phis leal health, the old habit draws one out Into the open air, renews oaf * youth, develops one’s muscles, and Mu­lshes Indigestion. The young mnn «ho has developed to the high sclni-'l * permanent Interest In such healthy sports as tennis, baseball, swlmmin— golf, rowing, »katlng and,the llkc.-hi»(inns mneh fn toon KlfflSilf DkJT?DH■ /done mnch to beep hJmself perenc.r young and Tigoroui. •

I f I were again a high school K*I should cultivate » * ftiUy p o s > .my friendship for ¿¿her boys. I ' * Joyed the companionship o f girls s« do -all normal, healthy boys. ’believe I got the greatest goodthe dally rough and tumble c m - with bora o f rod .oyrti use. Tin 1 — school fusser is usually ineff«-t,w

1 should Tvant to keep up . *■but" should- -taSre - ln - -W 'r ^ • school activities rather than Ml roy time to Btody; .1.-should -r •• well Rcqualnted with a « .many o f . teachers «# possible; and above i things | Miould «tick perslsicntly tone one subject, and^try to lt^ra * more than pa»»ably well. I should 1 ~ ai )e«^»r In ou* ■ subject, to be thing more than commonplace. .

Uliw « M W » - W W •

d you. but I—I «pent all tbe money Mher iffft roe Ipng ago. When I

’ent to the Paleontological congress t Paris last year I bad to mortgagele house to get the money1, npd now id tgortgflge In due and the lawyers

^tiave given one notice that (hey roust ,^ 's .^ lJavp tlie money or foreclose and—and

The atnte mureum will my collection, and I roust go Knst

Kvrfjflnd try to get a place somewhere! Pro' ¿7ty Borry* ^ul * rausL**

*v/r Anxiously he leaned fonviird, trying read Bessie's feature«,, but with a

I f slifled *«>b the girl jumped up und 1 Into the house,’ leaving him to ke his way slowly home. T ill date C night he watched the light burn- behind her window panes, wonder*

••what could he ocHcnpylng her. l i e did not guess the fads. Miss

on, though dUm’nye.t! by the news, s not one to sit quiescent under this ■ny other blow o f fate. Before she t tbnl night, she bad written'a let* fo Frank nadcilfO. an old school-

llow, who-was secretary to some sol* itlflc body or other In Washington. ie ended: _•T . . . So. roy dear Frank, yon see/ lenry has a lro r fb the end o f bis

/¡Sjnr'«un.es antMa^gping East to loob^for ‘ plfece. Can" you not hdp-him for

lime»- sake? , He knows a prent ■I about foRtkilt, I believe, nnd If he

get a post to >help In sune mil- it. i know he 'would be di*JIghte<I..

I tyn l. Think he would do nny age. Ton. know T am~jict rich, but'

an spare *10 « week to b^ added tb . «alary, If you 'rcaa.manage. things, •he will not find out—^ *

days aftenrards. Frank Rad* ffe received- arid read tlie letter. Then read it again. Then he chuckled, ows s great . dewl about fon­due« hcT he laaghed. '‘.Won't


, I

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Page 3: A N D O H R O IV IC L B SCÒTO^roWCAif iMp^miSEDh.el geme Ironie. A fnmlly «lo. llved "ear thè ealnp nere aerustouied tu bai he al t he carni» heiich ami imi- of Uro lltih- Iroys,

V . /# . ■

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1 I© •>» Wiurt » to r , l-u u. Co. >

ITSBYBODT la Fxtrport kMSHenry Colfax. Henry bad grows

i w wtd» rainfeK-. Ei r ^ 'llted him (a a [illylog *ort of Ha waa ao gcntlt. ao kind. and

toeapabie, (hat he had prubatil f Inspired aa actlre dislike la any

Wan and boy be bad gnne bis Ifeoalft way, blinking beklml bla laden, neirer too busy lo do

to anyone: always to» pre-, tWTtttx* any or; tb# tbanee«

ess they flitted past. He bad be­an Institution, aa much a part

Valrport a* the homely old tillage When some of the progressives

made an effort to remove this years before the town had risen

rebellion; what It would do If aoroe- ig threatened to remove Henry Cob win not yet at record. Meat»'

le the papers poked'fun at him. and at people took the limping wit aa matter of course.Not .all people, however. Beadle

scnletl It hotly.Frr^if Norton wan n year oi>. two

»flunM'Ktlmii Ileury, and she had lived f.nett dooK lo him all her life. They i had been lri>h)ve with eneb oilier ever |alnre he worrXknlckera and she wore fp inafore»—or olla te ior tlie ITiTnus are I'railed. Hut n-ssle-bad declared years Ibefore that »he u mild mo or marry

nnnenrltrr“nm rttenry_hiiirTiaiITy- ¥tI; wilted that he was. If tirtylhlng. less

n a nonentity. So they tmd lived door by door, year afteK.year,

aCh yearning for the other, but ncupalile— llcnry Incapable o f

ont es n celebrity, and lteaale In npnhle o f lighting the Are that would onch him off. .

t Bessie did not fall for want of g. . She did not nag. hat she did up a steady pressure. At last

a certain spring evening the burst

©» say daowaal Baary OsUfcgi C«Rd U r d f He apemag 19 sad taa ! » • Ur oflkR at Urn pawddeat o f tkaInstitution. Afiar a whtlg ba back te bla dtak and sent a t a daaaa emldegrama and aaaM teiegrama. Oaa of tbs Utter, addressed ! » Basils Nor-' ton. ran aa foilowa;

"Everything all right. Leave for Falrport Thursday. TrU Henry w a il tight till I arrival»

♦ tv* days later Badrliffa *aa la' »"airport. Instead at- seeking oat Henry or (leaata, however, ba went to the oOre of tb* falrport Biathr. and laid certain fact* befor* Ur Jn<& Ituberta editor o f that paper—he wtiosa Idea of bumor bad stirred Uiaa Norton to rueh wrath.

Itutierta Was an opinionated fellow, and hla ronvIcHooa died hard. But ha waa a good newspaper man and knew when to »witch, Hence, tb* Binds that afternoon carried lb* followingktoryr ' .............................

"Once more one ■ of fairport's bona baa won world wide fame. Our teemed feUow-cItlten,' Ur. .Henry Aiot- fax, who has ao long, »0 arduously, and ao modestly latmred In tbs muse of science, has at lust gained the fains which the Blade has ao long prophe­sied for him—the honor and recogni­tion of the wortd.

“Mr. Frank - Itailcllffe. secretary of the Canuody university, 'arrived In Falrport today, bringing with him

'cafilegriima from the aecrrtariea of the .Boyal I’uleontidoiilcal Boclely of Eng limit llie Socletle HnleontoglitUe o f France, the Aca.deniy of Sciences of St. t’elersbnrg, tluj lloyal Imiwrlal Owv logical Society of Beriin, and half' (burn lesser bodies, staling that Iheso MM’b-tli's 11 ¡1 tl conferred on our dla- llngulsheir savant. Mr. Henry Cot- fnx, wlio 'honors Falrport Try Ida pfe*-

•cnrermcr-l Tlirw fellowahlpa, eacli of which oap. rles with It n suhstnntlal^pecuiihfry- re­ward. * Mr. Itadcliffe tipiught^aiao rca-

Famous Painting b Brought Back' N e v a d a n s R e c a l l

P k m e c r S t a g e D r i v e r

R < «a ,Nr* ^ ( i ( t n ( « ( im i t i t i »v t tw n U t rida la a * ii| v rose*» lir itM by ItaKt Urtsk « b r i ht * Ut red ihn« wertlos tnihm mmrlf flu ì « * » nm-*n#d rw CTOtly « tw o a gift wartfi fn ttoa l « a i hr\iashi lo a locai Jewelry arorw t#r repair

Th t «n i

driver la h»s w«;rts #fEng tsh m«nur«Murvs an»! ihr cw »e, o t l * V a r a i g«u ,j a?«d u t \ s h Ih* '* * OCDO«* la4Un 1'n tu ‘l** *.

Tb# 1M1 In«crtjvI I « « : -|Tr###a?ad t « Ilar.k Munir-? ** ,* ' 't Mreor-.tsl «'f .1 »i'iiTrcl- * Attivo of h!* frim.U f»--r hi* «ki!i «na rmrvfuFrr»*» rb m « íj i j» ^

•*K#ni jour *rjf, \$r ♦'.IU hiRR< ÍL IS tÄ - . ♦

. ♦



•novo OMFORM K IB M iX M A i


I N V E N T S B I P L A N E -


N ow C ra ft M a y K gvo lu tion ixa

■ - A r t o f F ly in g .

I S 1 S Ì□aia


ELB .(M IBI* P i » 1' ’ I111 H(#r la earh «o rí *• ipR briose (br |iu»»^* lyro'd eehlrh «III irr8 ■ Mmbrr *fnL* • 10 f i r t in i blurb nr# dlrlloaarf irai teraa and

introl of tnc siniklnj; ug voice, the luiltln., ib better. 1 lie Mth era a preat ce- anJ if I Innl 110 more to be 00 'bate, or at the It »- erdses, or !u the should use It « ' « ,jld , fall................to play aorne atb- ot only for the fu^- ttted from such abll- sting physical to me. Few tlnn^*

pleasure anil pjy . out-of-doorcb exercise ndda to 0 friends. IncreJ«-*

wera and ilevth-i-A tness. Kcaf inltr thlctlc prune» t* (,f : benefit to 0 yoiu^ a permanent inier- life when the t«n- t at the desk or to n-«, to grow , fat rl.1 gleet of ones ph>» Id habit draws

air, • renews on* *1 muscles, and t--»®*

The young man *h° the high wh*>"l 1

t Iq such honhhy baseball, swlmrnin-. ag and^he Ilhc- '* <J hjmself perenclaly

is. •a high ach('oI t“-’ is fully as postil*:« c jher boys. 1 ^


n-i '

lonshlp o f -plHs. '»1 ealthy boss. 1 greatest g(*od fr aud tumble o»o*-‘ : in i flge. The 1 -a usually Ineffectb'v keep up nty ,stu •-* ^

part In g»'' v*** rather than de ''- ’' tudy; 1. should itb aB many o f '•*? ble; and above.tfrk perslstemly "andjjry to lea«»

f well. I should try ubject- *o be ■ommonplace. .

m w « Cal«->.


?#‘Oh. Henry!" she allied. "Why ivcn*t you donei ..Something with

r life? I t on’t tnplto' innko money, n't mean b K*ouie fntnou». l jneo.t|>

it—why ion't you. do hometlilng I’ve pot more bruin* tlum Jock erts or Willie McC'rew or Frank

adctlffe or any of them. Yet they • prrwpfrbua: they are looked up to

^gnd, listened to: and you—you are i^bottnx away your* life over that col ^faction of youna Oh! I could love

i.’eo much if yop would ouv«—just

try shook hi* head Mdly. *Tro rtn no. good. fJewIe.** he admit­

; btrojbly. • "Something's been left f me mud—M ' 1

know! f know!" Interrupted'.tfts In awift contrition. *1 know—

t »ure|y you, can do ilomethtnf to la atop to these hateful alura In the

^Mlprra. Listen to this !** . With shak- k itg fingers ahe.trled to*smooth out the v!>tftenlnff paper which a few moments

¡% W fore ahe had cruahed In her hands. "Here It 1st'* she quavered. “Listen

^'v^.^Onr ancient friend,9 Henry - Colfax* ¿¿brand a new foaoll yesterday. tx>ok In

mirror. Henry, and you 11 find an old-iM t. . o n e r ■- - - ".kV: Henry smiled anxlouslv. **Oh! that'«

Dthing." he declared. "It'* only Jack oherta* little Joke. I don't mind "But yon ought to mini''-, insisted. t giri. **\ ou—ybu^ - - i)b i '“ 'What's^

he use? •" I ’m sorry-" fie very evidently sms.

However, there won t be much more It. I guess, Bessie I m • going

Bway r ."doing awajyr This was a hew

(Sea. and a dismaying one. bliss Nor- could not take It ip for sn In

^NinL.... - ...... . ■ ■ .■ ..... .....Henry took advantn^e. of her si-

f^tence. "Yea.** he harried on. "I never fold you. but I—1 spent all the money

rther Idft me Ipng ago. When arent to the Paleontological congress

fa t Paris last year I had to mortgage $vtfie hoa»e to get the money1, npd now

tithe tjortgage Is due and the lawyers have given me notice that (hey must

* «^have the money or foreclose and—and ^^^¡1hal*s all. The atnte museum will

I -‘¿ii.ibuy my collection, and I roust go Kant '‘?:>£juid try to get a place somewherel I’m ■£^:Borry. but I must,**

Anxiously he leaned forward, trying rend Hcssle'a features, but with

If-ilified n«>b the girl jumped up und Into the house, leaving him to

take hi* way slowly home. Till Jate" iat night he wntched the light burn-

behind her window panes, wonder* ig wlmt could he ocHCUpylng her.He did not guesa the facts. Miss •rtnii, though dismayed hy the news. n not one to «it quiescent under this any other Mow of fate. Before «he t that night, she had written a let-

<0 Frank ftaddlfife, an old school-^y^itow, w ho was secretary to some »cl-

*|]gBtIfic body or other In Washington, ended:

So. my dear Frank, you ienry has ctTme ft* the end of his urt'es and-Ingoing East to loob/for plkce. Can" you not help -him for

time»* sake?.. He know« a great I about I believe, and If heget a p<wt to -help In w»me ran-

¡BMin) I know he 'would be d -llghted..I c onl. think he would-do nn y ,ge. f- Y^a brow f am'perrtch.h’ui'

ra *pnre s week to hid: added to . salary, if you cun..manage, ihings,. be will not find out—'* .

ifrwo day« afterwards. Frank had­e received- and read tlie leiter^Then read it .again. Then he chuckled.

«8 s great, deal about frm- due* be?*' be tsaghed. "Won't

nluthm* from the Clnqvletne Congress (•(‘ologlque Fniveraole, now in session at Paris, hailing M r Colfax is the

ate«t living authority pa the early Pliocene, and* stating thal tnor# tt*an any man living he has cootrilHited-lo the wortd> knowledge of the Tertiary.

"The near« that these well-earned honors have^een bestowed will de­light, but will-rK*t surprise those who have watched MrvColfax's researches during the pant-twenty years, and have Arltnessed the steadyS^rowth of hit n'putntlJJiLlnaUc_.»clenUfl iwiiria. -Fair- 'port honors Jilm as be bqqprs.^Fnlrport.. ... * . '. . . *

“ Incidentally, Mr. Colfax's ^mny friends ’will rejoice to. hear that Mr. Iladcliffe also brlpgs word t^af th

Xnrmody unlvenlty ha« voted 1 grant of $10,000 a year to Mr. -Colfax, «0 that he may be able to coutlnue the studies Into the fosalls that have so distinguished Falrport!"

ItadciUfe chuckled over this last sen­tence a«, paper, in band, be stroll^] out to* Bessie Norton's suburban cottage, “More troth than yoa intended, Rob­erts." he murmuredt.

The moon 'wss on 'duty that night when Radcllffe departed. leavlng^Bea- §le and-'nenfry" ¡stunned with amaxe- ment behind him. Falrport was a beau tlful place, especially In Its suburbs, and It outdid Itself that night. Hun dreds of fireflies twinkled among th« bushes. Great white moths fluttered over the roses that shut In Bessie's porch. The .darting night birds whirred overhead, through ths rus­tling trees. A soft « lod came up wjtb the perfumed dusk, and bore the far off music of ths rippling river clearly to the ears.

Suddenly Bessie turned to Henry yrlMt a «ob, .H\Vhy dldn lyou tell ineT* «he cried. "Why did you let me think that you were Incapable—yon. whom the whole learned world waa delight­ing to honor! f ran understand why yon did not tell Falrport! I f Fair port was too blind to see. it was right to leave It in blindness. Yon—ho, let me speak—you were right to scorn It. But I. your friend! . I, who loved you and so longed that you should he great! I deserve to be punished! Ah. yes! I deserve to be scorned with the rest!. But—hut It wasn't like you; it wasn't like your loving kindness—" ^

Hush! Hush!. Obi Hush!? ‘No longer to be restrained. Henry broke In upon the girl's words. “Good HegTensn he cried “ I don’t worn anyone—anyone; least of all you! How could I scorn you when t love yoii so? You know ft ! I hare loved you all roy life! How could I scorn youT*

Pleadingly he stretched hi« arms to­ward her and she iSUslped into them.“But—hut—" ..Tlie word* came veryfnlnt. half-smothered in hi* coat col­lar—"but why didn’t you tell me you were famous?" .

Henry chuckled. *1 didn’t know It myself,**-he declared. "I didn't even, suspect It till Undcliffe told me so.. Honest Injun! I didn't;'* .

I'boCi’gftiptt of the first (Kirtrnlt ever pibttTrd nf (¡eorge ^Yu«tiln¿K»n, intuir In 1770 by Churl** \VlUon Peale., alten WuRÌÌltigioof ugc. It hs« Just been brought hark to thl* tyrantry »>? the Jucque» Svilg manti (¿aliene*, and »old to an American colle'France. •

»erts Have New Rapid-Fire Gun

S e v e n - M i l l im e t e r W e a p o n

A n Im p r o v e m e n t .

\V**blagton, — Army brdnanca. ex­pert* ar* attempting Jo aolve. the

raulder aemt-autoujatlc rifle problem rt*hfh development of a new type of

reduced caliber weapon. Tide would lncre*»# bjr one-thtrd the * amount of ammunition, tbet can be* provided In front tinea for th« gun without any tncrea*« in. weight . . . „ . •

j . JD. Fedetaon/Jnvf&t.or cad prodots tioa engineer, baa been employed foe soma < time at ftprlngfleld. armory to turn out the new gun, kuown aa the seven-mllltxnetet gua and WAr depart- meat reporte already show important advantages claimed for th# weapon aa compared to the tWo types of atkQd<ard JKkcaliber shoulder automat, with which the expert» are also experi­menting. • . *

The new gun I* a ¿70-caliber aa compared to the 20 aervtce ammuni­tion standard.

Against Net* AmmunltlMi Blf*.The practical dltadvanfagee of add­

ing a new caliber of ammunltton to the supply line burdens art fully real- IsetL and may qltlmsrely prete&r-sdop- tlon of

Aa the a{m7 la now equipped, only- the regular" JKVcalibkr cartridges^dre needed fo •. all rifles and machlpeiguns, and troops can be resfocke^wlth am­munition from any dep^t or dump. This U a very blgh power, loog-range type of ammunitloiC and not suited tt the probable-effort .range use foreseen In war for„af)oaider semlautomatfra.

Furthermore, it hat been found far 'retajta^in the way of sustained

fire, economy of weight and other par­ticulars can he obtained with the seven-millimeter caliber. .

One point already establlthed Is that the dealgti oTthe Pederson seven-ralHl- • meter affords the best yet attained by ordnance experts for quick qusnilty production. "There la no rn * »o to doubt,’* tbe offlclai report atateo.- “but that it will be eaater and cheaper to pot into production than any weapon hitherto designed.” ■ „

Range of 1,000 Yards.The hew gun Is built for a range of

,000 yards, the maximum distance at which rapid sustained fire would he re­quired. Beyond that range heavy mo- cMne-gun flre with regular ¿SO smmu

S«*nts M- n!«« <‘*l A Id-na.: weigtùng fh'iin

deh IllSy Mr»h2¿ilic ilit«■ «t iiilvA 5"«%dnre«i t>rp» rrH«HUly hy'»f. A. A Mrrrin «>f it-i- Culifurnin

Cai. f».‘U«»wlog *r»un-«| "Rtlr-«c»sful iri«l tf.tght{R* *t fitld.

*n uos only forty-f«ur yearm \ arar 'bere. ««F fuc-ivi piane*. •Mach a m.-uliio«*, id mlniaturr, «hot

(“r^ufti'r bciiig irai yt’tirv in | fruAt. a ««tixjajU, RrtìU'il gr»u'rfuMy -Ihrougli th.* «ir tur a «il*»»nc# vf im»r# fhuD U*l feri *n«| « r|h*4m|of thlrty-flv# luiifv «n h«tir. . I( m i .belìi. tierfaCUjf.. Lataoi<ta| io thf>-*lr t»,v’ artlflcUt alt rurrvot* furcl«hr»l Uy (vur matura. ' .

A man «isrd piane, «M iti »HI have a wlng »paf> of ttrnrjr l « o (ivi *nd a length »>f ntiir fw l from th# pr«j»#ll#r to the j lp of the_ (uaetage...la t*Uig

vCoORlrufirtl al Yntl«v, C‘» L n#ar tiene, th»~aui«irrt«tVn “v.r- Vi

■SìmHtO. ; ft wéii :be driver»'.hj « tight fottr-èyHftdrr nwtnrrjrl# englne, r|hs • hip WliKta tr»rrd at dover field uj**H coinpIrflnnX^ • .. . “The wlngvXof thè regular hlptane novi urimI lo luhffDrntal «»UUua are •o rofiitrueted iì)sf th# atr. strikes tfiera firvt »od 1% W r d down and u Kin th# tsUplec#.- «Kt^b eìhnluat#a thè pitch of tbe piane.“ l*rhf#*«or Mer­rill salti in exptslnlng M« thèory. “Ttie tatlplece « a » elUntaated In tbe «wo- Htr(irtt*>n ‘»f and, gliden» h>x<1etermlnlng • polnt of grsvfty, snd *< Justlng tbe tower wieg of ih« tslllesa piane, so tbat alr cut resta sirlke tira two wlng» siauifaneoURjy. Although

jh# place may bave a greater teodeory lo ri*« aud fsll tban thè ordinar/ fjjw pian#, lt arili remala perfectly bèi anced." -

nlti<mf-wnuld he rr»r»ritd to. a* the ehould#r gun I* designed only for u*# agHlnat visible targets -

*2 he gup U tfis rvjuhalenf In weight and alae' of the pre»cnt Hprirtgfield artny rifle. It load* with a ten-car trJdge clip, ejecting the clip sutoiuet- ically with the Just shot, and the gun and ¿40 rounds o f ammunition have the same weight as th« regular Hprtng- £eld rlfle.snd IKK) rounds of service smmnnltlon.

Because of the reduced powder charge, anti consequent, reduced first­log effect, it rah be fired more rapidly and- for a greater length of time with­out heating than either the Thompson or Gcrap<l ^-caliber guhs. atWS la also ■aid fo be free o f lubricating at«*., other mechanical difflcultlee which make the bigger guns subject» to trouble under hard service conditions.


E lactricitjr

....... Satixfacl

M ora

■ Saw Tork.—Offlc, a ltx * «,iw i* o f th , $10,000,000. t ro « ■ oor N rtjrr ln * Fifth *r«nu, mark l|i« «nd of the. Ilk*, tb , W. K. Vuml.HilIl mandón.« 1,0 ,p «ll the pxHlus of toother miliar fixare of old New Tork. th,'KTubwomxn. ........... . ......

The ecnjhwoman, e , iurh, no fonxer exlri* In the letret om c balldloke In the Well etreet dletrlrt 'downtown,

hlch Fifth • venue protnleee lo follow. Her dleeppeerenre lo the older build’ Inxf will be onlr • metier of Hi*’ #.

In the Eouitehle building, the lerc- e«t office hull'llng In the world, ecrab- women hete been eupplented b j met», end her brueh and weter pell hr en electrlpel ecruhhtng merhlne. '

Solving Problems by Machine

tí sc#/» / *u/lnr

The Lotteries o f JupiterJupiter made a Pdfery In heaven * whlcii iivnrtftlK a* well ns gods

were allowed fo have tickets. Tlie prize w as. wisdom, snd Minerva got^

Th# mortal« muniitired and sc- fused the trO»!* of f«»ul piny. Jupiter, fo Sdpp off th!«’ a«p#n»Ion! declar#-!nnthef lottery for mortals singly »nd

exclusive of the god«. Th# prlre wan^r folly. Tliey got Jt and slmred St

rnong tiiemsclree. A ll were sat Ja­iled. The loss of wisdom wo* neither regretted rmr remembered—folly trap- i

li#d It.« place, nnd ffios# who had the largest «hare o f lr thougj.t them­selves the wJ*e«T.*-*jne fa JIofte> • *

No Watte Allowed ...0 *1 cn«-or cok# manufacturers In

France «re compelled by law to re­cover- the by-product*;. for-«»iJt#r-n«i!v Idqnld* « l i ld i can b# n*#<i a* fuel In Intern.*)! combustion «sgfncW ir v #s}i«d*Il/ desired . :

G e r m a n s S e e k W a y

t o D o d g e L i g h t n in g

Berlin.—-ftc many people Have been «truck by lightning In open field« In Germany recently that \ | German scientists hit# t>*cn •' asked to find new safe pieces’ ]) where people can take refug« « í

,) during «lertrlcnl storm«.The belief has always been

j 4» that open fields were place* of ; ’ safety, hut recenlly in Germany, ] ■ and eSj»ed*!ly In -SJI#*ia. pevipl« l hsT# been killed after leaving 4' the protection of tree*. . *

There,!». * irmrln* .»ppl-eheo- •+•Ion that dlstuThance* «,f th rther. by. , r?n4}t>. bronrlrasting ] ) have upset tb# old* fashioned i * maxim* and that ■ new ##t 0f I ! rules abooi bovt to behave dur- * • Ing electrical atoms must bm de- *! vised .

; : i »

^^AuxtiRl and'^t'pfemtieiLart the b#«l;. sw*tha Ur vrhkbT ro cott fl^ 'k«. Item» that have |h# charartcrtHth's of good Uvcrs and that sr# U jlng In Augu«t •nvl beptvmbrr h a » «%lHf»«u ln»urUl>ly th# b«»t pn.Hitii’vr» throughout lit# jta r . In order *tu cull a fl»»-k prot»- «r ly lt ta A(.n#«ary to tmndle corti hrn slid |>ut her Ihnmgh eomo t#r(ts such os Hi« fulluwHvg, «urxveled by -<4 A. Schiuldt. Colorado Agii« alsur«l i-ot- lege.

l>n# o f th# outstanding, character 1 *t1»va o f a n‘>u iuVlftg n ot ih# >#l low #klm»i*>| » ttricli*« iRMho dcr|i jrrP low cot«>r found oil tit# RtutnW«. iui the t'cak. arouud th«* vent, «riMiud the In lUT cdge uf the #>«4h1s and mi the ciira «*f Iho »hllohduMl vortetlr«. W-ticrt lkc«e. b«*h« sre luilng, ihU -jci- tow pigment Is *11 hccdt^l to fjirtii th»» egg yolk and n<>tio U dop|<«H<,d «>n the.hody, and co»i*t*que-ntty tli# pntta Jd»t chUtnrnitcd are fiph*vl or %%hitt»t> In color.

The pelvic or |»ln hone* of non h«v- cm »re lhj«k, ctir»ed in and do*# gclticf. t»n loving hens they o.re tldn. slrulght, ItcMhle iiimI wide nptirt, tin«*# finSciV hri'mitlis it i'mT»TcT^ ^|e>i»nre rHi'h.heii f*ir ltd» dl*tnnc# heiuei'n tl»e pln bohe« »hen «'tilling.— XV4vmt~a—b»*n 1« toying hen'll» her hod» 1« deep, n condition brought, on by tbe rnhirged Ifit’estllica nod egg. tuns*. TUii« flepti* of-bfkdy 1«'fm*o« hrt'd froio. the pin Ihou'i i^o tho end of tl»r* kroT’ a'niT n“ good ln)«*r sloovs a dept-h1» - o f m o re than four finger hiroillliR from th# pin <HUtea to th# k#«d. Test, riirh hrn fur till« depth. :

Ni»n,lp)rrs. gcticmlly have ti,.(lun, drawn up, tneofy nr fleshy a.hdoouii • nd tlWTer froin high produce»« imhli a« a fot -href row differs from n good dairy cow, Fvcl lh « abdomen uf no It ben. •’ 1 ' ' • *

Tbs vent o f a |«mh| laying hen I# large, open *riirm ,d»t. »b ile that <»f «.!iun.iiijrct_.ia_aujJiU»r_jdiuuid,-budicrcd- and tiff. Iam.K jit,. Iba tM‘0( uf c«eb bm when /«hi (. .... .. ... •.

Tb# « tiriih o f tb#| mm laying h#n 1» dry. pale, ban!, and «iften tuvered with small scales. On a laying Ion H la

«*? e « v r, a rttswATaa. d i » i »*««•« •««• !»• WRm V Sw4f •<*(« (».« f t » « « *f i Htrag» I

•C I • r • WRRI-» w «»«eftfiMI t’Mln« I

- -Lttmnr far July l ì "THE GOSPEL IN ANTIOCH OF


IS IS uhol.t I <•< Itlw |iec


I I r»S$>N T» X T -A - I «ó il. l.I N I i.\ r I

* l ' » n him r>>t * <f, i• l<’iilrr « 11 ••omiMRiulir (< yd»» - tua t i I’ riU-MTHT T»*»l'’tC~T#lH'i*¿ *4ir«où«rR

At*"Ut J» »u«Jt'NhUl 3 t - I'd fK Ahfl • Riot PmuI

lo \ II » lo, h. Pimhtln. .. ,»N I I U’YIKUI* » K ANh* yts.NPlM fODv 1'* - \M u in » «>f V>o*UM MioRl.O’« .

lo l 'M I h :ni r — t aut * I t*.

AM*» AlHM.r 1n|*. >ti ttird 11 • i;ft. » !»

I. In th« Oyn«g«gu« st AnliochvinPlRtdts Ivv . 1:1 |»1> , ’

Krotir. Toplio« i ’Hlil nu<| 'itotnoloi«, " l ib tbelr comptinloi) Mork. went iiorthonfil' to perg;»’ llerc M.tik, f».r »«um» reUHou. m thop« Ihm uu«»e t»f ho»»| Midp«, «m l hoik Hr won m ,)y |U go ugniti h Ih'M they Rtorletl oti tloir he.on.I J.uiimy, but Ihnii wo»il«| n..| giv«> pu eoh»eni t y. i«* iu>-fore I’ohI’h «lentil !.»• h«lltl« it In \l«rk * fovor for ho lm<| found him itioiii,i)»Ionoto himl i l i ) - ' !•« Ahilo. It In lend Mm

Mte mlnlwiry it Tergi» Ihry IMMdht, mol her»1 yimgogm« on the

til hmvvrtd t»» Ml» )' » h Sul.I.oth.

kr*‘ Mud Mu>ui/tit .e o l l le R h e d id m i l i 't i t f b e g in

I.mik St ther#tl. «oft and larger, rontb« and fr^l them.

Cottirary tn popular cplnlon the #r»rly rnnlting hen should he nnrtunl rundltPma. lj«m

rii!ic»l. Ftoler that ro<dt early

ara noi Very blgl| ||r»»dur#ra. Tbs early nmltef 1* irpictJ Ilk# lb# ct»w that go«« dry thr#f motitbs too soon. Mark the beh» that start molUtig first and gel rid o f .them

j\At all HtttfS cull all Ijèos. fifMtd lay/rs arr blrda s i » * / « looklnr f ♦ati In.csrvful cui Ing ineòtlofted, should t# only th« b#kt bird« iliel ter f o f1 breeding,nr breeding, fully called rarK^yejr,«re glvfu gm»d ni|ris can b « cynslderabl/j Increased.

sickly. Innetl»« nrtlve beslthy

ir aomethlng to atl lb* factors onsidereti and

J over lb « win lock« »re core knd If th# bird« egg prodih.lbra

Fattening'Broilers In ... Cratcff Ih Best Plan

Beat fMulta In fay#it|ttg bndlers can■ Th# scrubwetnan beraelf. however,

does nor exactly suffer>/• th« change . ..Klie haa be^ j llfred frorarr^r è öd her tr* rkhrrah t&g rh lf.lfw as s a id 4 •fld tneiAín¿rpho*#d into a cleaning woman. . A tftist clofb «o d Ughi mop V # ths »e igh t o f her prtMDt harden.Rh« Is «ven termed «i •'tnsld,*4 heraus« dusting o f offlcea aad freabeniog up A linoleum floor ls de#tD#d comparatila wöh housework. . .

A\)motor srrob,* »ÌJb • tbrewrsso crew, rajies n r t o f corridors aod main balls bearing the troni o f a building*« foot traffic. Th# motor srrnb pit 1 is Moeely fo lio««»!) by s rosta fdyfeg a rubber "sqoeegeev* which draw* op tb# water. s&4 fiy s third roso» who gives a finishing dry mojí ro Jb# flfwr.

Th# trio t th# I>jultai/I# b'ulldlng does as much as twenty ordinar/»"rubbers fa th# n m # time. ..

fonffóetiiebl; Mnd'fbf this purpose «pc risi fattening crates, or at lenti a small brooder, house o ' room, should be u**dL <Jr^ K t o f rmi o^Vr.fiO bird« to « bouse o r i i or rljht to th# rrnt# should be used. Afte« confining*ihe birds, do not feed tbein for 24 hours, •nd th#b feed s mash lwl<;# a day In trougbs^sr#! all ( tb#y will eat In 30 minute«» No" water' *h ’»ul»T b«""n#ce*’•ary. ■*. s tb# rnssh Isjto be fed wet. A good and «Inipl« fsticnlr g ration wotild rwislst of Uf) poundji f t yellow corn meal, 10 pound* ofi w iest middling« or «bori«, .10 pound« <>f fine ground

imerrJiJIk Mil the rlai/ before It

■our, Market week* o t this

oafs nnd 10 gallons o f h Hi# mnsb and milk ith* fs to be used slid lei It after ten days or two feeding.

Toe-P;cking Habit Will - DevelopJn Crowded Pen

Tofriilckìng among; cfilrk» is apt to develop when the qu.iirt«Vs o f th# blr«1* are crowderj v-f/r vfticn ! Mroro I* not enough animal protein ; In (be ration Tb# ronstsm picking uf th# toes final' ly causes th# blood tf/flow nnd us this prove« pnlntabl# U leads fo'mnnlbfif Ism. This Is difficult to cb#"k an.d often c»Ufc« scrlou* Joss,

When this trouble f* discovered both rwiiilcr únarter* und mor# animal protein should fie ' provide^! 'Ihe tliU'k* with bleeding foeft sl'otinl be removed snd kept separate until lh* toe* nrcwell healed. ,

tt I* wefl to k#«-p the chirks «cru pled by hanging vegetables und ?w/n»'* With shreds of men! HftijrJird by •trlng- at » height which -hU i emm* them ir* Jump In brder to reach these product*. .

i 144 4 i H I H I H

( Fr»nk F, Gage, Inventor, winj Herf^ew n. Ftewarf, working of^ra ’tW j roscbln# devised by tb# former, nnd which 1* fl)te»d#*l townlvw *JJ inAtberoaticai problems. The Inventor-Hslnur for Ms d#vpc rh# rserbaclcw) sbutty to sol««

t wtrbJB.an hour a matbeznstlcal problem that.ordioaflly would take professor«I three or hour.hour» to solve.- Htudcpt# at tn# Msisachuawtt* Imstitula « f

| | 11 |^J Tschnologj and si Harvard afa keenly interested la Mhr roac&lc*.

Market Cockerel» .: All cockerel« raised eurh sen »on ex­empt tho«#-se lee!#»), to kA'ep: for ^reed- -era . sturata bw #«(#n,- ruuocd : nr1;,Mar­keted- Just aa s<K»n as they nro large rnrragb; i t ' UurrtiJeks'■■ «re huicbwt early tb# c»>cker#l«-should rewcb-brnll- #r Mm In Jun# or July. Cockerels, aaved for breeders should b# Vigorous strong, artlv# snd alert, snd fhosr tbat have-grown most rapidly snd xrr tbs b«st devrlo|»ed- I f a bird does not putita« the»# qiisMtles ba will- otx ms** a good breeder^. ■ v ..

«lay. i nmi Mil« we I ’ilill »»(|fl fl.'ílt l<> till i.»»t dcpMrr, ffmu rhe Plug « Uh Mir .1 i'm k

II. Paul’s First H«ciird*d Q<rmon (sv 17 ID

I bit* c.'ltli.'ll Is »MMfhy of (Iirrtill shniv. In Hr hIiiiI)*!* »»i> find fnurpurl»-: - • ........... ,... - ...... •;......... . •

' ». Illnlorli itl (!V, 17 7.1 ),lit this »ri'tpiii we hew I’umI.

In b coixliluiiiry >«ev. led Mirm giaf|n< i*Uy thr«mgt» n » . r i « » *d *-I»ìh»b»-h in whli'h M'mI hint ih-uli grit. |nt|*|* wijth Mirili, llimlly giving Mm-hi J«-hiis, ||liv. Holl, , . ,

--- f l < } « d " - Ho»*#—nfitl'erfftM'd Ihlf-proptr (V ITI . j— .-II#,- ilr lU m it- Muuu- fiumMm) homhtgr, nnd l«>«t Ihi-in Minmyh the terrible wlhlrrn#**« (vv 17 IWl

(HJ lie drnlrH)«'d the 'CttnnnftllMi nMlnim. giving ihrir IhimU to the Ih m elile« <v, III). w

(4) lie gave them judge«- »* Mir-lr deliverers when dUir#««#»! hy sur roumliiig nntinns tv, »<>F

(fi) After they IOMl:««lfi*hljf, rtiOHen S king, Ile rrjet-led Mie dy<òH>t.v *.f Haul, nnd rim«« llnvld, « num «ftto l i l t own henrl (vv. ’¿ I/ .’ j.- . (fi) Finally If wns Hod who from David'« seed raised up urdo Ivnet « Knvlor, Jestj*. Thls «|einnni|rd proof, wlil.'h fa given 1a Dm n#if a#< tioa

2. ApulogeMrot (vv. ’J-t lVT). _*{'h»f lhi« Jr«US |s the seed of Du.

Vld «fid therefor# Mie proniiar’d Hr«- •lab, he proves by three llms of «r^ii- mrnt : ’

( t ) Tbe testimony 0/ John lb# fhip- list (vv. -24 25). -. John rU«<-lnlmed all power a« llirir dMlverrr.'Bnd pnlnfcrf fo Jr«n« nn sin b. ~1 ( 2) prophecies of Hrrlpnir#were fulfilled In their - rele^Mon nmi.- m irlfiilon of Je«u« (vv. »'fi «*11),.-.v(S)„ Jtijf-' 111« rcvurrn.tioK from th«\ d fsdT(vv. m m . .

Having proved Jesus in be rh# «red of frsvld, be proceeds to follow H>e/ doctrinal teachings growing out nt surd» proof, , • “ ■ /.• ‘ H, . ! »odrina! (vv. fW'flHir ' \/ •

Tb# great doctrine derived t.rmn tJdt.,. proof Is JnstlflíMtlon by fa lll^ th « very marrow of tbh gospel. /

(1) 4I be ground of justfflearlon I» byJesus; tie took our plai e n* a sinner that we might imv^,Ills piace as .«ona (H '<>r.-B:8lV-. / . - ,

(2) Who ure jfiRtffled? T Iuhi« whobellev# In. |Jln>;. "

(fl) Fròlli; wbpI-la one Ju«rlfle<i.? All /jflffna, Tbc nneiUho hclleyea ln Je«i|«Is freely fo^glicn. I ll* sins or# *14 blotted out. This IS Ih# mluntamir/ message for ail time«. May we «t r i« » to get our pupils fo.believejm Him.

H ) .Traetlcsl; (vv. 4</4I).’ Tlie irpidh'iillon o f this sermon was

a wsrn|ng.'je»t lb# Judgment spoken o f . by Hubakkuk aimuld fall upon then».

III. Th« Efftcl o f ths 8srmon (vv, 42-Ü2). . ■. I. Many o f the Jews and proemine« risked to lour (bene word* iiguJn (vvvz-m . ' . ..........

Almost the whole clfy nim# to Ikjit tbe Wor»I of God fho neif HaU»,»fh.' ìb is great »row'll Incited the Jealousy Of the Jews, ,

2. Unen OfifioHlMon fvv .Vl-.VJI 'lids J«*,dormi rould Pol tong to n

stfidned II broke out In opro op^o rlHon Tb# p«'r« t ntbm lie« »roe *n vlolepr M»,if Paul and Ib»rn»biM iu r# r*i«dled from the m y This pr rv.. tifi« wnit answer* d by Pants r*J*rUon of tb i^ ji-As .imi bJ* turning to ft**r»«4jllle«. ”

'I 'Ibe di nr Ipl es were fllpd eph Joy rind Mie Holy ftbo«! (v ,»j)

Jean P au l R ich te r Said :•TIj# life of Ci)rl«i nm i.rn . Hl(n.

wbo being tbe bottCMl irruong *h# mlgbtj, 'and tb# mtgbrl#si i»m*n»g lb#

- holy, tiffed «Itlp -llla pierced -boixN ' empire* off tbelr blng»H. umj tur- <-d -tb# stream of icnturle* out o f iiw channel, and still govern« tb« ugo*."

G od M ust L eadWat## Is tb# greatest nivesnlty o f

life, (bough Hod must lead 119 info the wilderness before we unthralufitl It.'—Kv angelical Teacher.

if i

l ' - *i

Page 4: A N D O H R O IV IC L B SCÒTO^roWCAif iMp^miSEDh.el geme Ironie. A fnmlly «lo. llved "ear thè ealnp nere aerustouied tu bai he al t he carni» heiich ami imi- of Uro lltih- Iroys,



r;ifc t ich’s »<

riii- r »v .n - ilTutrs a -

r^eu«MCD iv t* *Usta* lM*»r Cxa«f* C. » 1

jam** t.*¿5;w aav

v .u M l

,M I.miTermi Two Dollar«

! Ti»- proposal to found * liuwlon y mar Plainfield,, a* reported

f in <!tf OaJly I»■¡«-fr./M one which ì . n IdM iu i iA » ¡ t i t wiafiintou* dhtap- 'i.-.'-ial II im i !*■ wlfftfiljr » selling ■ ¡i,,- . u lm l/ fn 11«* active hrain

, i « « it it lU - . t i t r operator who I . . « oil opfiMrt unity to | unload ■

not i,t.t lumi »1 » ** lilit - -, i hr* it Mar i* I f tn dohtg in »¡«triti».¡ r u n / » i l l 1-fiti-nirlw, however, ¡.•■irhi'ío I**1 ri» fu u * i: for estahleii- |(*rtA lor.-tro colon). I » » m»ny »1

' Iwlittli »<- already have Hi *>ur larger ¡/«St» Wo » i f -lomuli «iiit|«/i i i t « f. < it»- Ih-IIi-I lli»t till« country!

U- » haven It » ttiomi |htm- '

AX OBI>IVAXf E U> lutUri» Uw n«rvt)Muf a t Ui*»-rN (tor TtHMUkbi*» oí11.4 (he *U(« of At« Jtfarf läTMtfl (to flUi# XütJ/tf«/ (uffiftiMiW (««rMtor K* tto to* (*«,»«*♦*14 Nmt)» A**uu* ft um • |«M„tortai ti f»«4 W(«{ «/ U* Utter RBCttyo «i£b (to

«.ito «rf Man H/tM Xm u i/(8; |«i (to 11*1.»** lü'Cf »fed itAfl* «f «lid ><U«( a«fi Mite Ht/ottf. |0 (toIrretì Ulf Ul-. *l»*Fr «f *(*cU 'lifDvtiuif.U *r-J bi Aultof)A« tto tWUW

!b.bto Ui mart tu**) aDftfuttrteikm HMfilt ito hUt- lilflfW•/ “

__liiXSJ.il Al-lì:fi» r fl Cm i 1lAisti

(to-Mat« of M-w iifptf I* «UnA Ui tototo« Cbd fi«># biffUi Al'tJUr. A Elat* Mo»4 frv» A .-mi aUivt. »i/ f*d W«N OÍ llAiMi »>• ai r </f Miln Mir*«* KAiAcfljr

. . ih* JJ»k*a> «i»rr, *ral »torea* U 1« w tw uri t'ii] fk*l/»(4e (toi mlä VOtlkM of Mid nr 1*1 to |/i»nJ from fuller (a cult . ... .

_ . » o , . , . 1MBl .» lü t t * « li.-.* Hut« ui X »«. J« r * -r Vf tu H u u■ •A* { . 4 . 1 - fj.r »»li,*/. i »«maul**»** 1* »UlUif lo «tita* ter,/• riitojM !«• n l«w-n U>T W* 1 I« rM j » w|rt(| „,Ü4 u># «rf irAo^rd

IS-« *>•% w_*A___ u/»i '1 jn lff kÄll) MfJ(1 j *ftirfrl-i «lift j«u*f uUl *grrw tri «»Ur*

A <*J n r i Í ‘ - ! * w A’ t)i ; t -.s *. j*>» Torni n tfti. UH ** (a filini . coi:;|ii’X ' ^ " Í »;>•> »T j vi

hud .« in''.- f f-« l i i! Í *rÍ! l wit li «nd V# .'(* ) f rd. ihVI i* • U r Kill 1 1n 4If c wOi-t l-.'-kl/íí- , -* e r ; r*j »Ol*!! }•or .L". Mi« t» \y r teil? t*l 7Í** A-i iti TI Jttoí il, ite« > o { niiH fi »’ l i'.1<t invi

i- i <nin< i| 'n f !.) Mf i*fi

1h nr M oth. f |'f• l>*‘T > *. * »;• r I.

« «ai4 (i.|t iiu-H‘ r t W f W!W nsrrfi.tr,T "/r-fs-T ö|}a«t-afir-*i'ak'»sfni»»«' 1 - ... ll ’ Mir ■/1|¿" ki«k-ii/ hiltMmtni »hit AHiái . UilàiMkb>t> A*

,\o* l)i*4aV»'Mi» ufi«?\» ») llflki Tlifit Uf*«J I iuu/ a l i ríll* lo I ; llUIWrjicr Jof ' il Zli'ijr -I* fo !»••(-?> fi*

(I***- in Ji>- ifh-lfif e*hi rofiii *Tnt< r*-l* il h« r*iin-F-lon. of, fin-


f f i f fr SI*-'.r 'r- itr

fio!, r»**!{ i >»*! Ìt Ufi3:.*?««r'! a S"!. wln» mlffiiJ a- fai»** i (!*•,

r,« » Mi«.;« ;'nini- lk n*» Jan im*i* i ut*uì» iho; Toujì>hlp fnay * *ifnj»» l fi* arri* |»rÌVttl*- JlM»l**-7(> f'Ot Ito- Moulit |my • n ryoui '*liouJ<l *11« taf*- tilt- • ■ '

Hi«- T**iui“hi|* < oorrnflt* • In |*r«» vMInj: for M»*- ¡nin.h;**-r- <»f thr rnfl Ufi« proji* il > * al litio»« nv*Y;t:*- aiol

— #4v»-h—?♦♦«-—fttok— * 1,MainRtl«’ a fu»«- irti»-tno-nf for Tra:» lord, f * m >k I ti ir t <* fli«v fiittir» ♦>? t!»« roiojiiunlt>' Uni a *imilJ i***rtl»*f» t.f (la- )iro)H ft\ »u iil'l li»»* Ik « ( i atntl alilo i of I r 11 {1«| j i ■ |/ | * t j » | »* * - • « uMto f»> Ihf ptiirhii»** Ih»- uJiol#- »« |»r*'MTV- <*l Ini H- fi/ i-f »»** lof 0»»- |»«iMÌ«v' Tliu jtMM'lia»-«' **l fili» tfiuPt. for |«r> ]a]ijHis< >. |iiih lo i ri falk» *t *»f f«*r J' yvnta or mori* an*l it ]■« «ine «i! Uh imrcoJi* n romui*'ml* «l f*>r jutf« ha*«, hy. Ih*1 Tonn-hlp hj tlu- .\«hl>*»r> l'ark Con.min«.- In It* r*i«»rf tu«« ycarh hlrn’r Th«- |itn«*lm«i‘ wlll pr«»**

liu».ijm « « ... fujr. l ’raiifurd luore (itnrly iiih {oir(oo«| jmrh a j« n leu yiar> iii riie tltun novi. -• • * *

Tilt* IMirrlmsi* ut |irii|» rt> uill In* i l r i ' i l i i l l i ) ,-<*rt ititi Itiiilvliliial, ami rlli|Hi » Mini lim i' llit'lr min |tri\nli umh I » I? i filili unii nini li III ini* «n> niimti« !». ì iTirtc..«ibtcmiUUL—X line «■xumiili* : nf tllln JUit .limi li Hit­fini ('incili I Imi t fu- (inu'lm-c ut II»- 11'i‘iiml immillili; i-mrlUf 11111111'* I I » * lli.inirtinrlil iiu i ili l'iitnliU it-il ami ( xtrmiiciint - tli«*rt*ftirt* u lmril;-i.i 1,11tIn* 111X1111 >1-1. Tlln ila lr im -n r t-ii-ii1111 h Imi-li iiniili* lluit Dii. |iuin|i r»n lini ilrrni unti/ frinii 'malli» uitlnnil InTHklnc ttirili, lim i fi»ill*li. al ttinnirli imillrliiiis mu-Ii talk I- TI»- iiiih ìiiii mit i i ( fnln- iiilnriimtlnii un 'Jim nilil|i alili Ir-* iiupari-iitly lia< Ih- coni«* Din n-Kiilnr Jiiiiini-». ot M,im- Jiciiiiln. --, I . . -L , , . • / •

Tini fa rti un*, unii furti ari* farti, t In- timi immillili* cui;Ine limi' Ih-

.»irnt nur iliuri-ii » 11- Wlillr liu » ,»-i. If till* I* Un- .'« ir . Hi'-y .‘ innM malli' r » < l rii firn* anil II I.nl.l II- far III Mi r tur tin nì In III •ln ! fi*- o Inni** of llilnir* a i Mirti a!!n 1 man unliavm tu |/ri-ii-rin » ,n Irn !in ru »» ‘ - »ml riiitnrn* In M i *» i,j;*- lami « In ri- tliclr rn lcliliiri o- linunl I » vli u Mirti a liiiln ri* ¡trri1l*tnr«ti • ff Tfn*)- «rr- Ifril* ■»<*, -, tini nani fin in nmli r any rnmll

ji rnllarity nf tlu* altarka « l i l i lí Mr, Ulllaii K. IVIcki-rl Ijfi'i n o n III i „ launrli al lv-n»t*ir Waltcr K. I. 'lfi -l» lijo fací tliat ilic ilo ií fn4 1 ii-li'l film « l i l i lii-r ili-fral 111 Un- ri.iniarli'* liut imt* lln.- lilami*. nn K . S-natnr Jn*i-|ili ti, l'rrllmrlniyicn, I,, r fnriiii-r |iillllr«l nlly. It I*. |icr- !,a|n, mi* InHlilIlty lo i'onci-iln iln- i . í i t y of i«n|Min-'lo liny lint n!' lln- n «nn ii( » i livi ly i nKiiRi'il In follmi- iii|; li* r ohti miiiii-MIibI iüti'li'am llnc of IIiourIiI, « l i l i l í citmcil Klutc ('un-' (;<,||>r Ni iilon A. l i. Itnitln-i* lo fe- maik. “ In niy Jmlitnli ni lln* State i,n- rollen ilil o f h rommiui mili- arn* in lln- ilf l ia l of Sfr*. l'VIrkort f,.r S,a(i’ « **,ioinlf l i|i-ii'olnmi.,‘

Invili,c wl.m 1I011I1I* flint tIlo e ! i* iw of inaliitainlfiR'. ('runfoiil'i r ia ) yn.urlili li nnincy «e l i l|n-nl, -I,oiild inakc It u fniliit tu violi olii- •! Un ni mini- |ili-aiHli| nmrnIne ni afiiiiiiHiii and . ami for tlim iiii-liri dii-, di-llelit Ilo- yoniiRilcri tiikc In Un lum iiloii inailo fin tticlr 1 • 11 li 1 v- un ni Kii-n In-foro Ihoy «o ro olll-

al|y o|nnod for Ilio aonion, etili­In o ratlnrod nroiind tln- im Iiirh mi M i i a m a i hook a i lllcy «o ro

(taf In filare.• • #

liirà l *i»iti Inveri mlclit ivoll fui- lon.llie.t'ranforil Ilaao*Itali ('Itili m

ih Inni nrniind Ilio rlreuit Itili « « il i. • tt liti nnly uno ilofoiil elmlk- I iip arsim i ttieni, and timi liy 11 -ani n Idoli lliey Davo ilm-o ville

iiiritifit.i thè homo tenni Imi heerr layiitr creai liall. Kvery Kiindny

i lieto m ili tic a comi kamo nt ilio ■■ili aienuo crouiidi. " .

HirHH uf pMtrntcni Ai><f «>*]ir# i*Byrto(ihi»pU A4 |irf t Iti* f (t f litUtUUM' Ttniftutp to u taùAtuHi Vf Ito futn».

< of Mi» Tutrnftliip t»f Crtuifurd,m ito ( «Mifiiy of l'nWm, Uut (!*• < tRÌrmM <d Ito T,'rt»HAlit|i . OeumlMto ADd Ito TtfWlÙJlili (torli to *ih> tUry VtttVf «re- aulhurterd Ut »•»►« ule oh tto |'*r| of llu ToWiiiJll|> of OlB l-itil «n *rfi •filmi teiwtwd tto Dui» of Xm J‘,e>2 Ite HUto HlfbHAjr CuumlMkNB.AJldDir of Cffenlud whcreto Ito fluì«r-iii «pfi* io tintffot* NiaUi Avrou* frctai a tomn u'/ firt- UjAr-irf tte’ lntTnrtilirt» uttii Ili# Wi-rtiflx. Ilio 'of Mila Kt/evi ftASUfljf io U»A Hiititt«»' llltcr «Oli I»rttu*i» ot gftlfiii» (fl4 viii»i A* ft/Hou»;

(Al fty tto'rtSi*UiMtkm oi rutu-MiA ptfA- i»i lo f«it wtiW tum ili* |R»)nl fUrt a bove

finntii>ot-<i 111 ti«* atipie Ih >orlb Arrmw to* t*»*o I iì‘«.ii. Airiiu» and AltJefi Mirtwl wlib r»t*a ul/lili lo rurb Hit* al Jalui tiuUdlAf «a Un- VVlttli'fl) alile of KatlUiAD Mtraet, ItVWI <1 ftói *>)■)« io Uic attyle te Nortii Ar»nM fu*t

t of Alfb'ii Mt/« ri Rtid Uimca ft| f«H «ld» tu Ito iUliMAjr KJver iiu-lgiflog hileratifiotill «f»tri-eia !<* (in? iiioiy-fis It/ie and luctudlfig fui« k Aitili'* tm»i*f*'le at Uh, Interae/'tbitui lo atoid iM.*f in otMiitni ■irrtiA.ia Elr» .Xfoua.» mi«J. »tu hidifi* lliifi Hu««4-ffom Im t*a*lii>a 1.1 MtfiVj àtid Ito mi|r««ed p Htloti of K'istiuait Hirri't It-iwtt-u Milli HU«( and NònbAiutiti ,

H*> Wj». Ut«* <iitAt»uc|lim- of tit'tf coiiffata luti« «ut dir Monili aijtf of N'ortli Atenua and Wi-at aldi’ of Ea»!w«ti Ml/rtl frotu Ui* pò lui Hiat mcntiontd io ito A. It. MU'tfjirojH-rt» ;• tm flu> .Moutfi afda of NorUi Afciiua «ioli* (Imt tn?rttoM ihrrruf m to pa»*<J f< f.rt klilr and ft2 w*/k< aa alerte deArrlbadi on

tWth alile of Ntarili Avenue frena dia Weat* rriy rrm riT f.rw i^TinmTiratoSrTS feri, aiuti*

C ß A N fO R O R O T A R T CLUDVI laut inciting, J’rdNlrirnt

»II« W rlelil, a r<*MUiim r f thè ' Inirh at tlw Aiimml ( Vmvent Ion of

•tary 1nUrnntl*nml whicl» wfin . W at rifvc lam l tit .lunr- -

i*a(r« from far nway Auitrnlln miti •u ¡Celami 1h 1|KmI tu miikn tip (Ite ,<«m otiti (Im t ut IciultMl. New Va '»

lami «hh-rnliH Marlml on tliHr trio ilio latl«T jmil of March. Tlic l'roMi- lent'a rijNirt uom iiiomì intcroliiiK

. .. ti * * “1 dclail arul Information.

iisrtl on m|y w ater umili that a n y ti» « in o nmy iw* liook id on to without any ilnu i«R f o f miy kiniL A * a mai tor o f fact «n o o f tho roa'4«*»* !«>r tuvin jr tho to'con.i |»mni>lriff .ina rhino wam that II unultl onahU- tlu Uro o f w liter from the r iver fo r Hr» * ut 11 Ioni; (Hstmuv from the htr»-am when the w ater jireHMur»' In main*In low or Itone til ull to*only tw’o vour* flare for i'ond*h*rable iierloUM, . •/.

l*oost' fa tk o f umn rttosary meat fo r 7 tti<v ' Fire l»rpàrttitrnt -t* tnet eJTeotimlly ln that by reaM»n of lmvln« a complete lire“ e*pilpmcnt InMirnnce premlumM In CYanfonl thi year were reilueet! a i*t»uMl»IeraI»!i

'x|K*returtii|ti^Ar!iiehVhi'-*tbtftI.vlRr4tatt(ii more Nuving to ttie :r*»un*hlp a.« a whole than tlio extra co*t. Mich I'gulpment mluht entail throufh taxcK, ■

* Cntnfon) Ih n w ell nianac**! com lim nlty no m atter what aKltató;^ mill those w ith some ob ject ln > t i ring up troubh* may say. In ev« ry (iepnrtment t'ranfort! U op w ith «• abomi ni most com m u n liU v-Tn w ATe Ii Ik Ii nml ailvantav*- i* taken . this to Create the lmpre**.U»n that money |* was|e«l.---Ta\«to' a re faeh ever>'vvhere, m » Is the com *>f livi'j In ev^ry ImuM tmbl. I r b hanllv t «^ Hlblo to run a coniimmltv at l«^ - coot fo r mntvrliils urei labor n«*d than one ran run any other l.u*k ness.


*T lie i(» Is nothing irr ilw e v o lu d ou t.o f Kurop«'ah «•xjM’rit'ntv

. fttul condition*-that can a*T»*rd **»n:oi publanc*' t(» ns.” J«ihri Sitarsr*»tormer anient Socinli>r. . ”

“A n against the sch«*nir’* of riatti?- Aliznllon. which inrvltaldv rvnunv extenshi* biirenmrmy far their ad mlnlNtratUm, We ndvanc<k under tie luge o f our own evinrienc** toward Industrial ijiMiiocracy alone Hie way

. ohroclalized Individualism. ” . r liiNteail ol ««wemmenv ownership

Wv nreTeaching out toward tumular- ownerddo. In the ea.M* <»t our tmb , 11c ut lilt Ion, imjltllar ow ncr>hip Jm-

luoi'eiMled nt such a rnt«* that all nhemcN of*- nutlouttìi/ntlon (»r-imir.l

- clpalzation begin t*» amwar antiejuated, retrogres-ive. anti not tiro*grvsNlve. *

Mltu|K»slng u|H»n private proin-rty And individual In itiative and enter­prise the lim itations anti restraint: o f ixn active.and incriuLsingly Mvn*l liv e nocini consc|ousnc>^ we ate-at (alnlng a j?*'nuine sociaHzathm o f m 8iPUÌ; ui uitltout theuondiy reprcv>*>ion whlrh m c u w u » u * inNeparalile trem hureaucrucy. ’• tT,* i“ 1" . IX-’illn lU lc » th il lAmerica, therefore, hut exultantli- upUinlitle." ■

PR E S B TTE R IAN OHUROH'IlhvMMt l » lin wlime trntiiRreiilon Mrclven, Mlmsti ili! In rovereti."-

1 Valin -'U;l.W e rniilially Invile you lo «tir-

hip « It t i Uh. . .f i le iimnilnc hour or public « o r ­

lili? U it o'clock, lfev. O. (V Hopper ill picai'h;- No cvciilnc nervlee. soietity School eoiivenei at '.1:1,1 u.i. ■ ' ■ '• >or animal 'Sunday School Kxcur-

i"H IeceUier « Uh Ilio oilier Sundny ie|e*e|i e f t ’ranhinl nnd (ìanvomi,

1,11 take place ou WcdiicMlay, July •Hi Till« li Cranford'« Itay hy the •mide. The train « I I I he in two ril„u i, t In- tint .»eel lon lonvjnc

I -xn'iii-tl nt i I.Viy- su , Kml en 1 -I lay lictir KnviiiK Time, nml the »ec'ond

Hen Jeaylnc B few minute! Inter, hil-heil o f , the Hilled Sitnduy IhhiK under hi ’yearn of ace will taken free of elmrye. - Scholar«

«nei h. year* of ñce, and (curlier», • IV I Cenerai.public: Aduli». »1.50; bihhcii. JloO. • » . * ■ "The member.! o f the fulíowtiic or-

caniralteni have le ft for tlio Sum* mer Oinlerences ut Silver lluyt Mr». J A. Adle.; o f Ihé W om an'» Mlislmi- ary Society: Mr*. W. Ia'IIOX, Mr». A. ” I 'akei, nml M l»» Ann Thiunpion,

the W e itm ln itc r (illllil: Ml».«•oiofliy .Vdam*. M l»» Marlon Him- n. and MI.II Anna Khariile**, o f the «■'me W om en '» H lhle ('las*.Our Simday ScIkkiI « I I I close It» -n l,m i fo r the Summer on Suiidny;


Un* l’«rk vi .Ulln Hind, »round Ito ruffinTl tin' Mmijuii llulJdlfi* roiiltfiijlrig along to. VuloA A* ci' it • tin inti hi* a round cot tier, around the

tliiaal roif.iT of I’filoo Riid Mordi Arenue*. «t die «iijilfi hr Nf»rdi Aftinir totween (Julón

«mi Allieti, Mimi, hill i-oriiffi of Al- fl.ii Mirivi HUI. i radili» of 12 irti, from Alden Nutrì ITO fui KAMtifly, ÌM/th Ll/TUi?« of gpriljl' fl*id Aiiouv atol froHi Mprlfigflrld Auntie lo dii* rhi’t, ........................... .......

(f| lijr n ía )log i.iutitotie aiihaalk» on (he Hondiirly ildr of N’ordi Avniuo from (lui p<>ln( firn *ln»i* im-nUoiuHl Ut III» JtruKb ptopertr, (don* (Hai |w.rliuti tu he.jmtrd f i ami fig frtt «Oifi' h» fllxiic nii'iiiloiiwi ai.d from Die lr»- (tmtiimi of MjiHitBfliUl Amine to ito rlrer.

(di Hy i-ofiHiruftlou «f new coiuTrte aide« H«lk» mi dta Stordii rly aide of SorUi AvfriiieAlno* die l'ftrk Ri »nifi Diferí. ........... -......

(li liV loiiatrrnitoi of a »lorro inerf aliaif Ì.W1'• ì »«n» ito t'ark at Kastman andMlln Hircii» Kitahily, |» thè rhir; wllli (he ne- ‘■•■“ « í . *,“ l‘ •' hoRlna. iiianholi-a and nttloga. ilíhrw¡ijfi.r,,>",'1,,a "f ‘'‘'“4,f,íl'l,0,, of C«*«»k»K u.’i? “ »irfl'/JUIrhiB, (uimclòot land on Ih* Mtiiidi«rl)l »Mi' of M’ìih Arniuo totwvrn the nngto juaV-Ka« f.rAhhn gfreet aud ' Die "rTttr Hjl|,t.lrtkt' iuf Arenile TV feci«Il f 1>» arntriteto.» with;'plana m«Ì* by Ito Mute DI*Im»«- ( «mntilulon, Moute V, Me llon i i a . •toita i io e tn. liiiiip, dtrouih fiiitor of ♦ rntifofd Towiuhlp, RlgiH-d fred fi. Dlrard! Kn? Kitgiftoi- o,,» on file in iho ofllee of ih» Town- »tilt« r.n*lm<i'r. .

Meri lon. 2. Timi* Din cost of the «irlo of líltV/'r o ‘3 f.V* ' rlí'T,'n hrl ( « either■Itoof Die renter lino aU»o ihmrltod on North Aii'iiio', luiTitiliii* Rtrret IntcrRwilon» betMeen iropiriy lini», ito mreMarr excaratlun for tto»* |.AMd una» and f.U% of Die ouat of »lotni «Hit dnthiacn wllliln Die Umll» of itoMtflma, »hall to paid by the flute of N««J(fwy and Die remaining roti «.f.Mld Improve ford'* * 1-11 1,4111 ^ Um Tuwtisldp uf Cran-

Tiltil «Die Towinlilp ort'ranford will pay for •m-h liii|>roiriiniiU to Die Treaaurer of Die fltelo of New Jeme)- ah Amount niulvalimt to Ila share of Die rt«t nf>i-rrorttdng the work aa «(•ote |ir*fvldvd,> paymenU 1« lie made on certi* llndf of the HUte lllshway Kngliimr that the »(»Ik Ima tolto, done ami completed In,accord- ntti’v Midi Die pispa and aiorlfleatlona,

Timi Diere eltort1 tw aiid hereby ts appro­priated for Dievpiir|Hme of paying for aueh pail of Die ni«| of anld Itnpmvrmenta aa la to to Uirne b) Dip Timiialitp of t’rattfurd Die sum of f 10,00(1.00 ami for the pur|nwip of mectliig Ihat 'appropriation and temporarily■ financing the Ridtl improveini'iiia (en>|Hirary Improvemeiil Ntnda of Die Towiialdp uf Dranford are hereby mithorUcd to )«> Issiod from time to Dine,In an amount noi In exceed Dm aum of fio,000.00 piirMHittl to the pfovUUma of NetMlon 13,' Chap- l»r '¿M. »if, the La»a oflslg. of New Jeraey, a* amended:-Bitch'Vetuimrary Improvement bomte xhall- toar Inirrr«! at.a rate.hot f<> eicecd.>%- to? IBdU'hih ahU «hall mature ln~ nói nreedtng alt y rata from Die day when the' puriKti for "hhii they are Issued aliali have toen carrlod mil. ; • » ,

All other matters in respect of said temporary liHprmcntiiii Itonda shidl. to. dctcrmbied • by* itf/ndiiiloy, ot-.ihd- wtuddp:* CoRlmUtee •

11c: It fiiUlirr i.riUim-,1 that llili untili»»« shall lake elti-ct Imnmllately. - • •

itouKii i\ Aumtm,A1.VAX !.. „¿5SSK" Cliltim «..

. Township tMi-rk. , ■ "DsUhI July ?,_ 1055. , '

FIRST M. E. CHUR0HSetvlc«'« every Sunday Illumini;

tin^iKlmut the Summer.Ttie - tmit or, Frank Chad« Ick, « III

l’roarh at W:J0 o'clock. 'Sunday School for the. hcRinncn

iU'I lTimaty dcfiarlmeuts at !i.:w éloi'k. and for ¿lie yoiutir tieople'»

Jc|iartim*nt at 11:15. .Hcii-cveH Men'» illtde I ’liii* at

noon. .. ... . .A <<*r*llal « elcoine Í» evtcml to all

-•rvlex.lieinciuher Or«-an (trove cxrursUm

\\ cJne-ilay.

Itotit Fortn-J ft? Sért W,i]n, *tsy la-ttm.date Tor- A«íu h t Cark and Oehm> (ln>ve, XYantordi Salt W ater

M M » mmà-Km¡a at w o t cUi.w wta! .*• I I « M I j t tkat «

T R u n r r o b u r o hServices in Trinity Church durimi

July Will tie a« fo lio « « : llnly Com- tmmion. M S a. m.; Sutiunvr mommIoìi ot ilie Sunday School at 10 a. m.; tnemlng.prayer ami address al It

m..Ttie Veneratile Archdeacon l ’ ercy •' W ' hli-r. ulm preached a mission

at TH n lly Church several years uro. and « a » heard «U h nutrii interest by the people o t tTanford, w ill preach at the eleven o'clock service next Sunday. July l i H o Ims lust relum ed from a trip around ttio a*tfld, iluring which hc rvumliuMl (or «■me tim e In India and the Holy I « i d , and lu< « i l l doubtless have n iiiiy interest Inc tlihiRs to te ll, . ivibiciSay ? ,‘ ii',0»'A.(irvi,V (t/ncMMliuv

- - (W X GapUtan Cistoo i !« r the night be

tlH-. **• —«ditog, Qenuaas btf«h ******« » «-Odd» O s door of tiM hr,«.

**** **** ^ r ~ - i

, AN OHDJNAM'K to aeijuireUnda In tto Town- ahlp of t'rantord for (ha putihrm» of iNtblte l’»(k. til Apph'priale the >um of llÍ>(Í0J»Ó to detr«y Du* roat «ml r.apetiao ihercof. aml tu «u- ihcrlre Dm .huiam-e of U'lupnratjr-tautU uf ih» TV'wn«hli> to meet »urh «pjiroiwUtion.' '

Do It ortUlm-D by 'th* Townahlp tVnunltte* •f Dm Townahlp of Cranford, In the Count? oft’nlrniT"......... “ .

Heel loti 1. That the following deocrltod land and (tremi»-» in the Townahlp of Cnnfonl to pori-hamt. or taken and Cviulrmiml, for um aa « ruhUe Park of the Towiiahlp of Crtafurd, lit wit ; - ' .

liKtiINMND In or near the middle of Unto* MiftH-t or Atrmie (formerly known-jia '‘the road hading from 1’nlon to W'etlfleld through th» VltUfe of C’t»tietllh‘> at « corn** óf land now or* foviiKiiy bchiitglng to tiiarlotle It, ttuplf«; Dtutce ( l ) »Imiß ihe middle-of Mid »(reel N. 41* :¡ó' K. I chain A lloka: throe« (J) gtUl along »aid atrecl N. 35* 3U‘ R. 3W llnkaj thnte* 431 »Ult atang «uld »irret N. tf* K. | chkltt 47 ll'tka to Ihe brldge over the Kahway fllvart ihrm-r (4) down the Kouthwe«t*rly vdg« of tb« Unk of Mid river the armai couraao ttortof to the ihre of «aut land tww or forawrl? of oald Charlotte H. Hiapeta: theneo (5 ) 'along •aid l«»t mcuttoniW line «od blmUng ther*ao N, 41* 2P W. í <"ha¡M €4 links to the beginning corner. ' Cmtuinlng^by railmat* It* acre« to the aame nutre or leas; bounded NorthweatMly t>y Mid »irret. Kaatrtly by the Rahway Riva« and KouUmeau-rlv tty m UI lamia now or Mrw- rly- of Mid Charlotte 11. HUplu: ‘ aubjeei.

however, to puMtv u»è sud irrni over io aw k of the »tone turntUvned Und sud pttwitMO U He within the Untila of Mid I'ttUm 8tmt (cow known sa Vul.*« Avcnufl. " „

Mo«Hon 1- Tt»»l Dm sum of ftS.H0.to to swd it hereby 1« appropriated W defray tb« (Wt«nd rii*en»e of ao acquiring Mh) tend tendWemlve*. - - .........

HxvUtut 3.. T1»at to meet h M spproprUDon imiHtrary t<omto of tto Tovruihtp ot Ifufohl to tuuovl In an amount'tot to «xcted tto «usa of VtS.OM.M to mature ln ihre« <31 years fewa the «tat« of 1*»ue and t»> boar IntrtMt At « rat*- not to csceed 3% |*er annum.

«.I-Ikm l Tint Uil, Wiunum, atuRl U p cfliVt immodutely.

ROtTCR 4V AUDUOH,,,»• v '. cttnDiwsit Township IVmm Kc«, A1A>N U. ItKNMAN. v

Townshh' Clerk.Da 7. Jt»S5, , - •

4X OtlOffAXCl te tagrw» Xvrti Aranti*frua « pviaic ito * t$ fewt W«s of M» tnixr- s«iin«k wRk fla* WcatetTy Ito* of Mia IOrwi futsariy te Ha* la m j Slvcr aod parte wt Rtrtraff and teto flonte*. . *- .

te» M aretetawg ter tea TowwAHp < /j«a»»tto nf ito Tdawklf « f finterà, te im (toni; 't'ala* « .. gerii©« I. Th*i Jtertll ivraue f?«m» « poltilatout tS feci V«te « f tu w»h ttoW«M«4y Ite* ot Kfl© tftrwrt Kafterly te tto Kkbiraf gira* orni torte « f Mite «>te Kntauj*Wirewt* to Msp*«««n te tto folto« tog ’natte««' :

(*) >y wwalmrU— nf ranrrff# Mrrpt«i 4* fwt wflte frena fge polat flrid «to c Mattoato in tto gngte te N«rdt Avteu* t o t « » « fato» im w nnà Altea Aerate wlib «-site wltet lo cwrb line ni intei Butotag *** Di« Weetnrfy site uf Knnteann Mrwt, Pm m f i i h *hlr tu ttonngt* te Nomi A»«m# JaM K*te ot Abto» »«/•te ned Ito**•>$* fete vide i» Ut« Knbwsy Aivcr Inrinteag wtxv aeri tona of atreten te tto proomrtr Unn nod imJudteg qokk »ruteg conwH» ni ito' telar—v unto v> i»ote <May ir-------------------

Nenir a tétto:- t<r*K»»f«ntr Aerate and tto unpa*«d |M«Dun « f fama»; *tr«te btewae© Mite Atr*te and N»rtfe Avmur.

4P) flf Ite» magrartion of n»w roarrrp «urte ©a tto AouUi alte of Nonh Atraue aodWcte «ite vf Itetenuta Atrm fr«m» th* potai Srte «bevo UWfttowBd te ito A. 1«. MUlwr ptop* « l/ j « Ito Houli! site ot North A temi» alone Dial Pori io* thereof lo Ur pavwl 74 fn t wlte and i t fvcl wlte af abuve dra/rtUd: on (to Nutetorfy alte vf Nurlh Arenu* from Uw Wwt- rrly end of oro navvwwwii atout Ti tert, a lori g Ito m A 'a l MOn ìrou&J ÌW'iiwtor 'il'(ha Magi*« BuUdteg ronllnultig aiwg te T'nloo Ansimi torfudlng a naod eotnrr, arourid ito Aorttonte corate of Itekm and N«>nh AvenuM, si ito angié te VMortli Av*nu*t tota««» Cote© Avermi» and Alte« Almi, unii corner* of Ai- dm Afrete, wlth radiai of 12 fe»i,. from Alden Ntrert 17# fvet KnaUTty, tolti corntrv.of flprlng- fteid Avcsmn and from Mprhigfhld Annui te Dr«.ylvcr. . *

(e) tot frlaying blu* atonv aid wHlka ou thè Hotiltoriy site or Korth A «rii ut frutti tto polii! Qrat abov» ueollotied to thè Jl*o»<b prup«rty, glottg (ha* porllon to'to pavrd 74 and i l feti wltefYs atovn mantfoned and from thè tntcraec Don of Nprtngfield Avetiuv te thr ri ver. .. (dl' fly.' consiruction of iicw < uitcrv(e' alile walks on thè Northwty alile of Nofth A» ernie »long ito Fark al MUn HUcrt.

<*) Dy conalrurtlon of a »lonn-arwcr along Nofth Afrniie from thn Tark «t Kaatman «iti Mite Mtrreta Raainrljr td thè rltcr, wltb tto oacesMry catch baalna, mar lx>l< « «mi AUlnga.

Htt hf n-placing'of conatrut-Umi of eilallng Unvewayn ^ • .........

<() Dy acqutrlng aufflclmt land on thr fteuih* rrly side of North Avenue iNiwmst thè angle . hit ft»it of Alteri Htfrrt and Di»* rlvor f» mijtfiat porllon uf NorDt Avrnue 7* fmt wtdo,“ ' ‘ wlth pi_ . itoti, llnutn I», Hn*Don 1S-A:

aheeta I t e # tnrluaive, thrmigli ccnUr of .'raufirru Towuahlp, algfnd fred D. Dirard, Dea, Kiigiut-er, now on file, iu Dm office of thè Tewnfchlp Kngtnecr. . .

MwDon f. Thvt Dia mat- «>f Die «irlp of paterne»! IJ fyrt Wide, Il ini ori rlthcr side *>f Die cruler Dite-«tetre drucriu-d on N'orDl Avrnue, Inctuding' atfret liiiti*<R tluti« IrI wcch iroprrty linea, thè n*c«uu»ry.. i %• nvstlon for Dime paved areaa and RV',1. of Dm ro»t of •lorm water draluage wUlite ito Dmlu of Dot hlghway aliali to |iaM l>y ito MUlo of gVtw Jeraey, aa provklrd for In a reruln ccuilrAci now atout to to eritemi Iute hy Die Htate by Ha Mute Hlghway flomialMten »mi. (he Towu- hlp of Cranford, ami thè rèMialnlng ro»t of aald ffiftrovenirnta ahail to pald hy Da* Totrnalilp •f l.’ranfortl . ; .

Don «. *Tliai a© tnueh nf tee rivai of a<ild Imorovcmnii# lliat I» to to Unii* l>> tho Town- «ICP uf Cranford a« may to l»wfijlly nnumil MIHtii thè l«n<l» tofieninì thrrehy, aliali to mt aaacajMHl »urauanl to (h* ataiui > hi «uch rase rande and provlded. — . .

fOrDrai 4. That thla ordlnnnro ©Iia.1I teke ffwt Immedlaieiy. ' * .

' - RODEU c. .u.imini,. Chalrnuir ToUnalilp CuitmilUee,

XLV»N R. DRNM\N,Townaldi

Daled July 7, IP2.1.ili» Clerk.

AN tlRDINANCM for, tho construction of of the Township of Cranford, In the t'ounly of sanitary sewer In Orange Avenue.

Be It ordained hy (he.Township Committee t/ulon;. Hertlon 1. That a IS Inch vitrified tile «anltary »ewer to laid on Orange Avenue, from th* present manhole south of I'acyic Avcuu* alwut 78# feel nortiieaaterly with manhole«, according to Plana and speclflcatkitia prepared hy tto Townahlp Engineer and uow ou file In th* office of tho Township Clerk. '

Hectlon 1. That th* tetiedls rnnferreo by the conatructhm of aald aaiiltery iiwur tto aaacaacd upon the lands and real estate benefited there­by pursuant to itetut* In such-caeca mad* and provided. .

Kectluft.3. Hite ordinance shall take effectIjtimniJatrJy. •MODF.lt C. ALDUICII. . *

. Chairman Township Committee. ALVAN R. OKNUAN,

Tbwnaldp Clerk.Dated July 7. (IM3.

NOTICENotice la hereby given that Dur iimlcrslgned.

CumndasUtiers apixiluttxl by Dio Township Com­mittee of Uie Township of Cranford, to make aaaesamMte for beneflte conferred by tho con­struction of concrete curt« on t»<th aldea of North Avenue from Mlln Atrovt to the Westerly Townditp-ldne -ahd -fnnn-th»' Rahway Rtver~ to tto Kaateriy* Townahlp Line and by the pare* meni of aald portlona uf North Avenue, with tto eicepthui of that portion thereof paved by the Miete Highway Cuumlaaten. ujntii the tends and real ratete benefited Uieroby. will meet In

cordor; of ^jiiion ,Avtnueami XMen Street/bu .... ....... ^

WKDNKKDAY. JULY 13T1I. 7P23, at « o’clock I*. M.

(Daylliht Having Time), at which time and placo an on>ortunlty to to Jieard will to given to all parties luteriwted regarding aald proposed aaacatiraciitA.


. Comralgalouera.Dated June r . t in . .

_ ^ N otice " ’ .Notice tv'torvby given that the undcralgneO.

IVmmlMbxmcv »pivtntcd by the Townabte wUtce uf Utr TkKRiiihUt of t antor.l -1» «.V . »bimuitfith fur tonedla rwufrnrd by Uie ma- ■Itut'Orat «•( vrWate ervvlce dumcctkraa with 'he wcwvr. g « *»d wairr jnahvs to North Ate-UKi, »ill nun m US, ron>«*4 X'nkin Avcmir and Ahh<n Kirvrt. tm ’ *

....;.T*AV* day, ji lt . uni. usa. . /• at » oVtuck I*. M.

Iltoxlixhi Mavtng Time). '•Í.Lwiílíi»» l^,' ' 4,Í'1, 4n Wto'tuttlty to to itmfTCwUl to given to all luutk« taucewled regitdlikg-»aid prvptwid aaaemuweuta.


tato* Juma SL Utt,


By virtue of an order of the -Court of Chan my uf New Jeraey, mad* on the dayXpt the date hereof. In a certain cauto wherein UMIa Reeor Hoad la petitioner, and you'1 are defend­ant you ara required to/appvar. and plead, anawef, or demur to petitioner« petition pn or before the 10th day of August next, or. In de­fault therm", *och decree will to taken against rou as iLj Chsnctdlue alull think equltablo andUBt • ■ ' . 'The object Of such ault ts to obteln a decree

of divorce, dissolving the marriage between you .«ml thr said petitioner.

. HAMDKL ~ RKlItCL.'Hollrltur of IVtitloner.

I*. O.- Adurcas._2tS Rroad Street,^ . . . ' . • WUatoih, New' Jcrtry.Bated June #. |»tL“ •........... ..... ........................ T-B _


Durausnt to the order uf Charlea NV Cod­ding, Mumigafr of the County of Co Km, made im _th#Lt»enty;fifth day of June. A. H„ tt»25.tip« the application of the undccslgtmt, as Ltveutto of th# -catate of aald deceased, ts hmbr gin« to the creditor» uf aaAd dc to rsalMt to the eutocrltor under oath or affir-mitten ttolr claims and demands against the estate of aald dvecnard within six months from the date of aald order, or they wtU to forever barred from prosecuting or recovering the same «gabbai the subscriber. * -

• JpHN 8. VAN MATER.• , Executor.

BaDrt. New Jersey.1 U Pern—$I3.W.

EXECUTORY SETTLEMENT. .Notice la twrrby give«, that the aevount (if

the subacrltor, Executor of the last WUl snd Testament of Mary Dealing, dretnsed, will to audited and stated by tto Surrogate, and re­ported for. srutaamt to tto Orptona* Court of the County of Colon, on Wedbvnday thc fif­teenth day of July, next

• - WALTER LTÌIETFIELD.Dated June Vtlih, H2J, * . Kxwutor-T ,- ' - " ‘ ' . " . Prca-rSAtt.

- SURROGATrS NOTICEESTATE or JENNIE E. niRB8t dec«r«d. ,•¿ IVeuvnt to Dte urArr of iXurleo N. Cuktt«.

?* **? L'kranty-pt l?nte«*i teiOer un V«,í!ar¿ U*T *°J 3xil*' A t* ' upon the•kT!¿« X * ¿fil}^***?3****'' ** Barato» of j he fatate of aaU dwaged. notice I» hereby given to the Mtdiuwwof «aid deceased to exhibit to the •utMTlbrr utwkre oath or affirmnDon their rUlms

^ nf **hl drcoaaod i í h « fr"a*.ti,l> »*»1» of ash) order,«r incT will to forever barred from tmumittu xvr recuterlug the same annlat the !tutm*rdwN \ JAMES 1\ IXiWSRS,1 Kcicutor. '( * US Madteoa Ave.. .

_ KUsaheth. N- 4Lf -r « m m i i .i i' t ' '

K l M O » » I H U » t * m i 0 U U I U . ( 0 » » » « W

John W. Hein» & Son

I North Ave. Cranford, N. A

TalapbosMB oOb m i . Oranford TT7 - - ■ I

'm m



.......... On Rortb » ld « o'l Oranloird, 'ia ' unjuxpii»»cl'rural «¿r-''roundlof, a tlx room Souta.' X rerytb in f in i t to livinv

" ': ; p icu xn t: anff eonronient. - i t r g t JiTtog 'room: w itli bpitn:• flroplace, nleo tun porch/ Steam itaat. Breakfast nook,

and room tor garage add driveway. . .

Our price ia only $8,500Ootne In'and talk it over, and hear our terms. - •

- - \ taMKMWWMMi , .





...G. ZINGALES, Own6r> 14 SOUTH AVENUE (at Walnut Avenue)



Offices for Rent• (all outside espetare)

chasT dàrsh ,1 Call Oranlord 695

OFnCES TO LETIn the Nine Shapiro Building

Union Avanue, North. .' OranforA How J in tig '



V a ' •P O S T Of f ICC. K L DC

H o u s e fo rS a le or Rent

NO. 20 EUZABSTH AVRyUR. containing tlx rooms, bath and sun parlor, Was built last year. Bargain. For particulars inqulro-



SHERIFFS SALEStillKiUrr-H BALI-ln C'h.ni-rrj of Nrw Jcr.

aey. Hitwwn- Ellxsbcth Realtyr Investment 'rnupany. codplalnanl. and Waltet I*. Tat*, et.

ala., defendants. PL fa. for sale of mortgaged jxemlaca. , ;

Hy. litui*, of the sborr-stated writ of fieri facias tu Ute dlrvclrd I «Itali expose fur aale by -fuWlc vendue, at Die Mlicrlffa .office In the *mrt House, ta. thè rtty of Ellutoth, N. J..


at two-o\)oek te th« afternoon otj aald day. (Da)light Riving Time), .

All (hose certain Juts, tracts or parerla úf land and premtees »Itiuto. lying and being In Die Tuvriuhln nf Cranford. In the County uf CnUm, and »Ute of New Jersey, known, dcalg- itntèd and dtsllngulohed as lots-No. »crenty-stx (tè) and aircnty-icren - (71). as tto name are UM down on a certain map now on file In iho office of th* Regtatcr of Union County entitled. ' Land of the Kstate of BenJaisJn P. Ham, at t'ranfursl. New Jersey, Section Two (2).'**

Levy amouuttng approximately 12,too. —.. »AKUT BIUMONS. MhcrllT.


LOST ' tHANK/ltook No.-8809 o f tlie Cran­

ford Trjist Company, Cranford. N.■ 'J. . Tho fln'dor Is rcaitestod to re­

turn It to tho hank. I f not re­stored bofore. the'10th day o f July, 1925, application will Uo rondo to tho bank for a now book.

H A N K Hook No. 4015 o f tho Cran­ford Trust Company, Cranford, N. J. Tho ilndor is requested to return it to tho . bank. I f not re- Htorcd lioforo tho 21th day o f July, 1925, application w ill bo ntado to tlio bank iOr a now book.


Your laundry washed In rain soft water with Proctor & Gamble Soaps and dried In fresh filtered air— no Ink marks used.

SEMIFINISHED SERVICE Fink work Ironed, wearing appnrol dried ready to Iron at your lclsuro; lOe per pound mlftlfhura bundlo $1. PHONE WESTFIELD 1300 AND OUR YELLOW AUTO W ILL CALL

Van Doren Laundry Service 606-612 North ave.. Westfield

,us.HELP WANTED—MaleSALESM AN«! real character and , ability for unusual opportunity to ' sell a National advertised product

In Union County. Our men enm from 550.00 to $125.00 per .week. Cnr furnished and epcnscs paid. Seo 51r. Ginn, 281 North Broad street, Elizabeth. N. J. .7-9

YOUNG* man! I f you are desirous o f making connections with a com com whero your future Is assured you should communicate with us. Wo furnish you with car and you earn while you learn. W rite lot­ter .for interview. Address Mr. W. R. Townsend, 1159 Mary street; Elizabeth, N.1 J. - 7-9


- N • M**

REAL ESTATE POR « n vR E A L BARG AIN ;—Bungalow, four -room s and bath, also garage. « ¡ t!l

4 lots o f ground: all Improvement, except beaten sitaated at No t,- W all street. Cranford. Price lajsjo Inquire 117 Betiord avenue. Tel 641-Jf. ' - - ¿a

BUNGALOW , A ve rooms and bait, all Improvements. Garden IMuct'

owner. J. A. SaDoun, 418 t'enten nlal avenue. Cranford. Telephone


Broom house, all lttjp., $45moritlile Sroom house, a ll Imp, *75 monthly IP roomjioiwc. a ll imp,. *luo mont lity- 8 room apt, all imp, *55 monthly 5 room apt., all imp., » « monthly

A»«*e.-.l*U- hup-.Bungalpu*, all Imp., *4JMi); *500 down House, all Imp, *4.700; *500 down Ctbcr. house» and Cungalow» to all

ftrlecs for sale. Term» to suit. Cranford Itentlng and Kelllng (iilhv

101 Centcni)iftl avenue, Cranford ’ Tel. 35AM. •

FOR RENTGAS stations In Crahfonl and vicin­

ity. - Good • business- locations . Otis Wright, 332 North avenue

East, Cranford. tfFOR rent In Rosello Park, first Iiour

apartfuent. Five room« uiid Imt h with uil Improvement«. *45 in

...unlri' 218 (.3iestniit-!itrcet,-l{i— Park. N. J. Plionp Roselle nvi

TH R E E unfurnished room« fur light - housekeeping. Gas, light uml lu ai

furnished. Good loeation. "I'el,- iilione Cranford 149-31.

TO R EN T—Tlilrd lloor, suitable [or ligh t lumsckcoplng.-Adult», -1 hi, water nnd electric; 207 Union u\e tme. Cranford.. Phono 793.

APAR TM E N T to rent, with steam heat. Corner Walnut anil Soul h avenue. Otis Wright. 332 North avenue, East, .Cranford. ' tl

APARTM ENT, live rooms nnd hath.: o il Improvements, *40 per mouth,

Inqulro 117 Retford avenue. TelM IJ. . . tf

STORES and Apartments, all Im provoments, new building. For terms, apply Ehtnllng Bros, West-

I Held. * i ■ * ; t|TH R E E garagoa for rent, 15 Union' ■ avenue, N , Cranford. Call Ram.. Rosello 95.3........ T ,

S IX rortin lint, *35; 37 Burnside ave­nue. Phone Cranford 425. .

FOR HALE—MTI10ELLANEOP8BABY carrlasb. Good condlthui. .

Also small violin., Tel. 885-R. • ENAM EL Iron bed,I 'mattress nml

»firing; hurcuu nnd inlrror: ih ,k and ehalr. A ll (tainted grey, $25. ' Also three chairs, $1 each; one rocker, $3. Phono Cranford 7»7.

K )R I> otto ton (ruck. In first class condition, .used less than u year, ro-jniorced body, bargain. Pro- « toctlve Coatings Corporation, Ken­ilworth. Telephone Cranford 400.

M ANDOLIN; also gcntlpmnn's white llanncl trousers with blue serge coat, slzo 40. Worn once. Henson- - able.. Craig. 51 Forest avenue.

LE IIIG U Avenuo Greenhouses, 127 N. Lehigh avenuo, Cranford. Wholesale and Retail Florists. Kurl Juul, Prop. ■ tf ,

PttLICK dogs, Chows, Bostons, Air- dales;" Fox Tprrlers. and Great Danes. A few very exceptional puppies given to reliable people on breeding basis. . Police dogs trained by noted German trainer nt rcnsonahlo fees. Stronghcurt Kcnnols. Enston - avenue. New Brunswick.. N. J, i 'Jnr---- ---------- ----- » M l ' 1TEXPRESS. TRUOKINCksR o. ' ‘ 5

D AILY E XPR E SS SERVICE tp and from New York. - Trunk ,and merchandise; special trlps tnmle. Sargents’ Motor Express. Phone WCstfleld 261-R; Now York Walk er 739L 1 " tf


residence. .Eliminates risk o f sub* stitutlon of material and disease by contact; Beds reflnlshed any color. Box springs repaired. Ser- vlee-Mattress Co, E. .Mackie. pro- -firlctor. ,35 Smith street, Elizabeth, N. J. Telephone Trinity 120-1.’

■ . ‘ 10-29

POUND -POODLE .dog. Enquire 201 Burn­

side avenuo, Cranford. . '

.. , nonet\Mlrr I, htn-lijr «Uni Uut th, under,UrnrP.

Commluloner« aptolntod by U*e Te*n&blp Cora- oiiuoe ut the Tuunship of Cmnfonl. to make •Mcawamii far' toarfite conform! by the coo- »truclteii of a »nltery erwer In North Armue rrum Easterly rod of toraeot arwrr,. In front ur-protorte -Johif Vote) tn an Easterly dims \ri11?*?*-•/ert *° Carprtilrr rtece. also atom 10® frtl ot »ewer at atrrrt Intenwctlutui, N;»rth Atmur from Mila 8tmi to the Wratcrly Town- »hll> Ltee and Drum the -Rahway, Hirer to the KastiYlF Towuahlp Lina ond-by (he parfmeot of »aid purttenu ot North Avenue, with the rxc<r>tkm of Uut forth» thereof torra! by the Pute ItefiUway Coomtaaten. upon the landa and real eatete benefited thcruhy. wlU heel la the Townahlp Rooms, corner of k Union Avwu* and Altka KireeL on • •

TUCRSPAT. JULY «TO. 195J.o\'$ o*clork.Y. Mi-;'U--.- • .*

* ' ¿ i o i-fAvliu;..TtetOqv. at which time and place an optortunU? to to heanl will to xlrcn to all parties Interested nnrdinr uld rr(>(»scd asst-ssraniu. •

• . ; •. jm s w; HKtsa: _ . ;KENYON* ME SICK.

* • . MORTIMER J. CROSS. •w.. , , . . . k Cwnmlaatoner*.-.Dated June 23, »25.* . - ..

^ WANTED" ILL buy clean cotton rdgs (not

dippings). A ll buttons cut oil. Citizen und Chronicle. Telephone Cranford 8. • - - ■ ' tf

i Had Pautd AwayReturning Mom his visit to the sea­

shore little Pc,n told the family about the ocean. “Why.“ he exclaimed, his eye* big with excitement, “ It Jumped and leaped all around! I brought some of It home to show you. Now Jus* look,“ and he prodneed a big bot­tle of sea water, the contents o f which he poured Into a pax, where It ley inert and lifeless.' “Huh! that's Nin­ny, he said. “It must have, died com­ing henna.“ ., . , y : - . v --

FIREWOOD FOR SALE H ARD AkshI. cut in 12 Inch lengths,

delivered by the load. Telephone Oanfurd 6M-W.

World?! Largest Library :_ Tka largest library In the world tx

t»e Blbllotheque Nationale, Parta, Lonl* X*7* U contains

LWWOO-Volumes. 330,000 pamphlets. 1RIO00 manuscripta, SOO.OOO maps r a Charta . 1,300,000 old prints and engravings, and nearly 1SÓ.OOO medata ea » coins. . « . . . .


trnctlve'hoine, 8 rooms ami bath, all improvements, large ground-*, quantities o f fru it Enclosed ver­

' npda,..... Iieautlful nclgbliorliumk.. 'Adult ftimlly. Address owner, v P. O. Box 265, Cranford.

FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT .TiVO* pleasant furnished rooms for

ligh t housekeeping; 102 N. Uni"» avenue. - ' tf . -

FURNISHED room. All convert ionees. Private home; 115 North-

i avenue, 'West,' Cranford. 7*16'.: FURNISHED rooms, a block anil a

half from station, half a block to trolley. Furniture for sale. Includ­

ing piuiio'nnd porch- swing, very reosoruliio;1186 North avenue. > - Crnnford,.Phone Cranford 516.

CURIOSITY SHOPTH E Cariosity Shop o f Westfield

renders you *the service of obtain ,lng calling cards, wedding Invita­tions and announcements engrav­ed on tho best" paper, without your plate. Classes In making Hooked Rogs cvery-Thursday and Friday afternoon. Mrs. Ed-Moshcr. teL W estfield 1737. tf


Hemstitching and Button Cover Ing. Mra.E. Christiansen. SO South Union Avénna Cranford. Tele­phone 454-M. \ ' ,‘ f

OARAGES FOR RENT .GARfVGE'. spàee for rent; ' 2>11

Nortli aventie. West, ( ’ranfonl- Telophone Cranford 14.3. v____ _

• -r-KENEBECK Canoe. Painted green

Reward.* C A. Skflltnan. '2K> tVn- tral avenue. Cranforvl.-. -

BUILDINOGIBBON BROS, Contractor«- am*’ ' Builders. Special -price on all new

roots for 30 days—slate surface; shingles, asbestos and wood: IS; S t Georges avenue, Rahway. TeL Rahway 277-AL 8-13-

Page 5: A N D O H R O IV IC L B SCÒTO^roWCAif iMp^miSEDh.el geme Ironie. A fnmlly «lo. llved "ear thè ealnp nere aerustouied tu bai he al t he carni» heiich ami imi- of Uro lltih- Iroys,

• m i s i m. « o o a , I N.

For a . Greater



A t a meeting of the ” Uoroug ■ fVaorll beld Tue*il*y night. tTi-

Fire and Water (ktmnilttee (n- »trueted to look for a nullable lo r »

„ Moo tor a Are houno on the North Hide and obtain figure* on the prob­able Costs ol otmb rot»trurtk>n. -•

n ils step was taken because of - tbs , feeling that the -Genier "Ptn$t

grade rroealng offers sertous obstruc- flon to the fire company rmarteied In Borough Halt i t .wafc pointedout that in rase o f an alarm on the

- North Hide tire Are might gain ser­ious headway should tlte re be a train on the crossing at the time and such a delay in the arrival of the apparatus would possibly remit in great property damage. Tlw Com- infttce Is to report Its rinding* at the neat tViunell tuectjng., ■/«

The restaurant license ot Frank Kalmon was revoked by the.Cuuncll tor alleged- faitqre to obey the or dinanre regarding screening.

Tito application o f K. I*. Watnbold to conduct a pool room was referred to the License Committee for Inves­tigation and report,.as wifi* also the application of H. A »«In j i t - ifiwelle

. .o ra permit to peddle dry good*.'Tlte application j>f Cltarle* Brit­

tain for appointment on tlw police, force was riled until such time as a vacancy might occur.

Hlgns were ordered plared on the Park property at Ka-t anti (lidtozy streets 'priuhltiiilug the dumping of garbage and tra.di.at that lsiint. Tills was the result of a !«•!itlon pre* aented requesting the Council to dis­continue this nuisance. .

Hills reported (»aid amounted to 11.25(1 Fines collected amounted to fOO. Mayor William Itarrucli aud all Inombers of the Council were present -

k ,


Garwood auffcrcdla temitorary de­population - last ¡Saturday, when many Garwoodltes docked to their favorite breathing places to . cele­brate fhe Fourth of July. Beginning Friday night and continuing all day Haturilay, people left by train ami

~auto to sponu tho-day ami week­end. H il» outpouring was- some­what offset by the Influx o f visitor*.

A ll through the temperature con : tlnually crept upward through the day, -it did not reach snch holghtli* as to be oppressive. - Clouds threat­ened intermittlngly during the af­ternoon hut It did not rain until early Nonday morning.

Town» around u* had special holl- dsy programs and these affairs at­

; tracted many o f the stay-at-homes In tho morning, afternoon and cvcn- Ing. Garwood! had no special pro­gram but it did make arrangements to register the male, citizens, bc- toveen the ages o f 18 and 45./a* a part o f the National program of Na­tional Defense Day. Considering the Inrge number of people who hail left town for the holiday tho regis­tration was very good.. >

No accidents of serious nature were reported and this seemed to lie true of other towns around u*. so that physicians hail a compara­tively easy day. However, trie chill dfeii seemed to have Inst as good a

' time with the less dangerous fire works anil the less noisy. This add­l’d also to the peace and enjoyment of many o f the. older folk* -- -Tbs

-'merchants cooperated very w ill In enforcing the police regulation re­garding the. sale of fireworks before July 1st, and the days preceding the Fourth were also undisturbed by noise. Here and there In .various neighborhoods people bad arranged tor their own private display and thus amid the glow ot sparklers am] red and green lights and spreading rockets passed- the nicest, safest, sanest,-most enjoyable Fourth Gar­wood has had.for some trine.

Mldtmmmer Eem Caetome - S* Fzwoe*. Uldsammer n > is spok-

« • M as tk» Eve of tbs Nativity of M M John Baptist, sad - la Brittany ( M «»ary hilltop t beacon light t l m These ere known as tbs Ftna ef -Salat John • _ . - __:..... ....

U rn Worth WhUoThor» ’ la something solid aaa

doeghty la the man that can risa from defeat—the « u i of which victories ara.mads la do* lima. when. ws art ahtafto ekaoaa osr poattfoi bat tar aad tka asm k i t w r back.—Low att. ■

f l n f English Bonk .■ The ftnt book primed in the Eng- Uak taagaagw was the work of WU- Ha« Oaztoa. who, In 147«. laacad the "Bwwyail Of the Historye* of Troy.* • translation of Harm! da Ferre's work.

~ > Tba (Stima iad Cbroslcls w illfea. on tala at Burks's Stara,' Castra ' I tract, Wenxal's, Earth Avenue and K tekwM rfll, Cantor S tm t


- ArrivalTrain No. 1(13-6:55 a. m -E aa t

“ * 5—8:00 a. nt—East* 116-11:30 a. m .-Wart

“ “ 109—12:55 pi m —East' “ ' 113—4:33 pi m -East

Departs» -- ’■■ Train N a ' £-8:f)0a.m.;“-W «rï-

■d “ 116—11:30 A n^—East

..!*. " 108-1235 ft ni^-Weet» 120— 233plŒl—East -

* 1 1 3 -4 :0 » ia -W ee t -“ * 52— 7:21 p.ŒL—East

Mails close 20 minutes before dé­partant


■ MASTER o e v r r a l

assume the duties uf second sml*t- ant pustmaster general, hi t\ a*li- lug tun. I*. C Mr. Glover la a rousln of Mr. Morton L U lo m of Hazel avenue.

Many people In town are acquaint­ed with Mr. Irv ing-W . fll over, through his cousin, and will tie glad to- hear-of bis promotion, amt "wish Itlm sueceaa. Sir. Glover l* a well known and well liked public speaker and lias traveled all over the United (States and pdrta of Great Britain.£ Ivina addresses ot various natures.

Ir. kL L Glover has at various times endeavored to get Ills cousin to visit In Garwood and give tlte iieople in town a chance to hear him. It is seldom that any such chance of obtaining such an emi­nent speaker I* offered to Garwood, and many people were disappointed when on ono occasion Mr. I. W. Glover had to postpone hi* trip to Garwood, at »lie last minute. '

Mr. Glover Is a favorite of Presi­dent Coolldge and a man In much demand and 1* thus forced very of­ten to defer Ills personal plan» at the last moment In favor of „the more pressing demands of his posi­tion. It Is to lie -hoped, however, that Garwood will yet havc.tho op­portunity of meeting this man.

He will be remembered by some because lie was In a measure largely responsible for securing for Gar­wood -the- free dellvwy. and l* ebii~ stantly on the look out for ways and means by which he can help out Iqeal postal authorities to In­crease the servlro In town. He was at one time sjieaker In the Hfluse-of Hepresentativc* in Trenton. I ll home In New Jersey Is In Engle wood, hut tho pa«! few'years Ids duties .have kept him In Washing­ton.


Garwood citizens care practical mi ni their patriotism on the

mrth. by tarn Ing out to register at tlte Borough H ill In response to the request-of tlie Defense Day l\»m- miitee. Ililrty »Ignalures were ns corded by the Borough ilbrk at his office between tlm hours o f 10 to If A' InTTUMI Y to I |i in Ttilk nuinlief would no doubt have been greater hail It not been a luilhtay failing at U w ,»M cn iL when many, tnuk. ad- vantage.of tlm opportunity to visit seasliore or other resorts, a fart which had Ird tlm Commute« to do ride it would Iki inadvisable to-plan an clahtuate Independence Day relo- hratlon. While the sale of fireworks was unt prohibited In the Borough, no argldents from their use were i«ported. ■. ",


Two nun proinjiicnt in world' af fairs have passed away. One a lead er o f Organized lalsir, the oilier the Iread of ono of the world’s greatest railroad systems. f

Both rose to roiiifnandlng posh trims liy hard work, nnd ability. . ~

One. after 20 years as a locoiiiotlve 'engineer wa* made President of fin Brotherhood of locomotive Engi­neers. lie opened the eyes of labor to the possibilities of using Its llnan- elal resources In trio hanking busi­ness. l ie was laltor's llrst banker and labor's greatest banker, War­ren Slone would have made a sue c m In any calling. - ~~

Julius Knittshnltt was a railroad gehlus and ah exceptional scholar. Ho waa a walking encyclopedia on rail and transportation questions, and actually gave his life to upbuild­ing a railroad system. He was the dean. o t American railroad oxocu lives. ■ . ,

It Is hud to replace such charac­ters, but, tho inero fact that they lived and carried on means that they transmuted their spirit of cn. deavor to others who. will . make even greater strides In the Interest of the public welfare as the result of file training they secured under speh .m aster.m in ds.^

CHATS ABOUT TOUR FRIENDS■Mr., “nd Mrs. Kllsuortli Downe of Third avenue, have left on a camis•"«. trip to Hampton. Conn. . ........ Mr*. :>L Bollan of 415 South ave­nue. Is recovering rapidly from her reeent operation at tho St. Eliza­beth Hospital

Mrs. Fred Schoell and Mrs. Nlcho- m^enjoyed soreral days . at Asburr

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Oowcll ot Vs- oust avenue, have returned from their honeymoon and are at home now to tlielr many friends.; Mr. and Mr*. Gustav Wenzel have returned from their honeymoon and are at home to their friends at their newly furnished homo at 391 Cen­tre street. - .

The Biblo Class which moots each week at tho home of John stiff. 417 Centre street, hold an outing on Wednesday last up the Hudson to Poughkeepsie. About fourteen went along and everybody had an enjoy­able time._______ — — — r .—

Sir. George R Good-'Amt'family are visiting ln‘Allentown tor a fewWBCkflL t$t

Mr. and Mrs. Peter SL Erlksen of 313 Center street spent .the holiday in Elmira; N. V , to which place they went by auto. __-. .

St. Mark's Episcopal Church Is planning a parish picnic to be held at Duke» Park.

Elmer Winn, of the First National Bank, spent thb week-end at Manas- quin, S . J. ., Ml.«* Madeline Angleliart of Wll- Ipw avenue, lias returned from a va­cation. spent at Park Land, Pa. She Was accompanied by Miss Dorothy Maelver. .

Ganrod Council, No. 309, Jr. O. U. A. MJias postponed Installation of omccra until Monday evening, July 20th.' ■ •■"."■ - ’ • . .

_ Own TalentMMasonlsr. dw (rMt-Freach pstn 1er

ot allUary. aobJ«cba ws* practicallysMf taagbt, bartog recelTed only **ry mooter fartrertloo from teachers. Ilfs *Retrest r « a Moscow* wrts sold for niDjQOO fa 1830. ., .

F . a YO U N G....... FLUM Bsra • -, • : - HEATXBO- -CotnWaatloo Oaa B M t m and

■ ' Htidwara .

HOBTH AVE. sad CENTER ST' _ TeL Westfield 928J


MEW HUDSON BROUOtlAMA new four tiawngcr bningliBUi

a ctrlklngly fiandsoinn' car—I* an­nounced by the Cranton) Mudimi-Kaséx Co. Ono of the new ear* Is now on display at Hie salesroom ol Kbmllng Bros., lIud*on-K**<'X (dl*trihutori. — -----------—■-------------

The new car Is a four-door, close coupled ty|ie. with leather rear quar- tefs. Tlio gciieral lines are typical ot Bullion construction and design. The whole’effect Is ono o! striking smartness and s t y l e . ■ ... ,

•Tb«’»*» cites nr« c«*sr.imJMiin.:.tiy mu' ol Hit’ ol(|i*»l and best known ImhI>’ nmtintacturers In the country." said Mr. W. A. Khinllng. "Tile con­struction Is all aluminum, mid the details ot trlnmiliig and lilting* Bri­ef the same slum Inni as the Hudson si’diius In the sevenpassi'iipor sire. Tills car will ho recognized ut once a* one of the handsomest ot) 1 tic slrcots." • - -

"The outstanding feature, how­ever, Is that they are given a quan­tity prlre. lludsim-Essex Is now thafargest «I* cylinder manufactur­er In tho world, sud ull Its ro<t> unii innmifucturing ex ponses are illstrl- hiiti’iii over a very lurgo. yufuuiajut business.- Till* - fact- ha* made pos­sible the untlstinl price which Hud­son Im* ^established, -on this car. With Its rustoinbullt IsMty ami tie’ advnntnges ol the fftnvmis KiiperSIx chdssls, tills bruuglmm will lie nm­ol the finest cars anywhere. It real­ly must he jn-en to be appreciated In Its fineness ot details and Ms gen­eral Impression of luxury and smart beauty.- ’

"The general'volutilo of Hudson­Essex business I* nt an unprecedent­ed rate, v This mouth will.lie the lar­gest in- have ever known, nml It would be much larger If we had a* many carso* Ilio public aska ns for. Wo aro making «ivory posalblo effort to deliver ears promptly but tho de­mand la so unusual, that tho task Is almost beyond us."

SAFEGUARD AGAINST FIRETho limn has com« for builders

and nrehltecta to,look further than more mechanical-safeguards against overloads and «tresses In planning ami erecting building* of all kinds, said Bobcrt Beck, president of tho J-ongncro Engineering & Construe- tlontvniipnny IntlK-.VewYork.lnur- nnl of ( 'oinpifimv^They should give attention (o definite proteelliui against thejqirenil of fire.

“ We ate every year burning up . -imfirty worth iwmietlilng In CXees* of f.VCi.iJOO.000 -a stun more than sir- (Helent' to build the Panama Curtul, niiil ln reducing this huge aggregate of'vnlues to lnconsci|ucritlal as lies.' Wo sacrifice thousands of lives. Thnrp are no detailed record» avail able, hut It Is estimated by tho Na­tional'Board of Fire Underwriters that the fatalities total 15,009 an- nually^ond, that. In addition, some «,'W tiersons are Injured by burning.'Tills enlirrnous waste of human

and material wealth I* largely due to structural defect» that can, and should lie corrected. In New, Fork and In other largo cities where one finds flats and tenements, ami where housing conditions have caused tho conversion of the older dwellings In- lo small apartments, there have re­cently occurred many fires In which the loss ot life has been heavy." -Architects should lead the way In

educating the public as to Are re- slsting.mcthoda of construction. -

“ Higher Criticum*The higher criticism Is n prlence the

aim of which Is the'determfastioo of the literary history t f boyks sod wrtl- lags, ft le called the higher criticism to dlhflogulfli It from the gels ted science of lower or feituil criticism' whlch.bas for Its object the ascertato- lag the history of wrrilag as tho work ol penfesa and primers. . .


cezrotitt vira »liowmo rgrvrsr Mttvpg ' ros


L A B O R , '‘¿ ¿ f t ............... ■'

mnofiMCN; staro


Ex e c u t i v e s

O T H E R L A H O R Ex c e p t P o w c/t -65 ,




IN JU R IE S ■ .........


■ T A X E S ................


~ H V

ie %


- - ,- 4



J . r .

• is '

' Dlagrzm, ‘prepared by the Bmltheoalaa^lnalltiitloo, ehows how . the publlc'e dollar Is zpsnt by the street cat compSaleA An Inter- ' ••tino feature of. the sketch I» the fact, » • show*, that nearly halt « I Vht money spent by the componi»# goes to letwr. '

Enjoym onfJ^n TourTony'—"Whnl^s-irl o t time Is Frani

having on bU*"i»(iii»r lourT' Jim- "(irent 1 t've bad two . letters front him—hoc from a police station , am' the other from ' a bospltul."—<joo.' Ilardnnre. ' - .

' Shopping HintBe careful While selecting the ex­

perience you want. Tot) can't get year money beck If not satisfied^- Coltnablfl ill. C.) Kmird.

Guaranteed te Loot ‘Oa*ff?oDomIc candor la New Haven

— For sapper—tad ell through the sight; a toasted cheese osndwleh.'— New York. World.

Hard LahorEthel—1"So Dick presented yon with

ih*t splendid ' .«ngagrn*cBt rtsgr l’3pra-T-"Fnwepfed i'ptiChhogrwg v-gwrung 1 1"—Americar* legion Weekly.

- Largati Orange GroomTho largest orange pure In the world,

covering an ares of 2XiWy scree. Is 1» Hob». .

WE CAN REACH ITno rnntlcr how high up, linw iti.wly located the pluinliriig trnubln In your .ih-im-*nc. I.lkcwls*-, wo can plan for you a e.nriltnfy plumbing system to ihcct (ho mosl dilllvtili arrangement of rooms In your house*. Kveryl lilni: lu I ho. plumbing , line gets our very best altcntlon,

HESS BROSP lu m b in g , K e a tm g . T in n in g

Tc-lepfione 314*11 & Union Avesus, CRANFORD

A t l a n t i c c i t y$ Q 76. S o J e * * t £ ■


Leave Cranford at C:51A. if.044 044 H u r t « O s y U t H T I M .

MAUCH CHUNK, $2.40«»4 r e t s m _


U*r*-Cr«MotS 111 i * '.0*4 0 « M «*r t e r O a y t ls s t .T I a w

LAKE HOPATCONG, $1.75»od Return

EVEP,Y 8UHDAT JULT AND -AUGUST "* co-r*.1’-- ■ r—Jk

' Uèi<* X, R ..0444 O0* Hw hf Dtt1htki T)mt.....TV'k*TE fruA «iftijr ob temisi Usi»

4»tB for «tikis imuei


'nm goods obtained at our market are of tlm lilghdst quality. Our snr- vico I* prompt bud courteous. Give us a trial and bp convinced. Phone your order- any ; trino. -

K L E I N ' S



Maoulactured lu sdl stsndsrd sizes tot wall» Arid partition*



Telephone Cranford 53S-M

Telephon® «78-WFELICE E. DI FABIO


AU l i a i * et Contrôle Werk Jobbing aad Rapai/ Werk .....

- Estuoataa Furori b»d 162 Burnside Avena». Or safer d. V. I

AutomobikPaintìng. . Tal. iie-B - - '

HÀROLD F. BENNER' M M a O t® . ' j .


B erkshire Hills

Produced Under Strictly

Sanitary Conditions

' - • .-r>» , ‘ ■ - • . _ _ '■ ■

J . F .D o r e m u s- -------CROCEI


Kastnmn Street nml North Avenue

w i t n x r . i t i t t im BLaLMitouBLtsai' v ' i f v ¡tup.3



I'irst nnkylor our lalesl Itooklcl ‘Tlwwcr»-I'rtmi Mtillis "

1 lien p lum y m ir order w ith ua curly l o ¡n am e ilc l iv r ry

licforcr it ¡a lo o Inle. '

Crocket’s Floral Shoppe




SCOTCH PLAINS, N. J.: The moit comptât» line of Nursery Stock for all purports '


A ik for cftUlogu* and «itln a te , Phon« H39 Fanwood


ßW IM MXW Otu oionrar fool

M» TMI £A«r -


ORCHESTRA 'redis* cuora, rosila, s v im i», hovcltic»


Buy at Julius’ Market; ......... ...... A good plsc* t« »bop for • . ......

CHOICE MEATS, POULTRY AND PROVISIONS' 5Qfu*Uiy *ud Service at All Time* ;


■ ‘ . . TelcplMm®'626*J • .

Cranford Lunch W ago nL u m i l i l i ander new artasgement H. CHROMAS


. ; / ’ - OPEN DAY AND J1IOHT. ' , /

Page 6: A N D O H R O IV IC L B SCÒTO^roWCAif iMp^miSEDh.el geme Ironie. A fnmlly «lo. llved "ear thè ealnp nere aerustouied tu bai he al t he carni» heiich ami imi- of Uro lltih- Iroys,

. . .

i lJ L . " - Jt

a Jt



i i i ^ t e Ä ip* 1 "ír"Í*M ÍS »

i,i. .iawnn*»imiiM « M i MIHHH


ocfpf.: ^ 9 * . ' ..

sin gs th is song i

■ CT r m n u r i eascu w w « ^ » « uiw vmi •whnt is object o f introduction?' T eed with cow «nd excellent Heater Plant fill home with Springtime warmth/ grina Honorable Master. Personal •oqualntance with driifchtfiif Thatcher Boiler brings knowledge that Wise Master speaks George Washington truth!”

Importaci Spot in EpaTh» rimilar y«H»w spot caltrd “ma'

«ila. lu i»»“ and known. aitar Ila. d i» eorari-r, aa “111» fa llo « spot of Roto mtruhg,'' la *hout finelwaotlatb et sa Uirli. lo dia tonar. The. oelf maio- inala In nlilrli II aliala aro mas and wnnkajr. Il la III» ara» uf moni dia- llnrl rlalun, a riiiruinatanr» »lilrluaay partir ba »«oubted far JoCth» faci flint II la »IngulArly fra» froul blood rasarla, whlrh curva arnuod It asd ap­paranti/ arold IL

A UTOMATIC and shK)1u1e control of a Thatcher R tm d Dollar la l »Mured by a burtrrfly door In the aab pit, » id a aandlti»» dla-

phragni atlachrd to the large damper In the smoke hood. Every . point can be reached through the Urge

cleanout door.- All boUera are tapped SO that hot water supply heaters can be caiUy attached. -

Stn&for d/uafrafad Soda» Aeoâla#

TH E T H A T C H E R C O M P A N YFttmmtp T in ti* twmsm Ca

«IBM I «10 ' .59-41 St. Prandi Stmt

CUttMsfil. N1WAJUC, N.J. NrmYmk



Such'Good Looking

Meati And Just

At Good To EatMeal from tills nloronlunys look» appetizing. Wo btut tho host

...................... - lly nml <1«**-—- • " * - - —Meat wo rah, rut and trim it carefully anil ('lollvor It to you In »potleHNly clean wrapper*. Kvery sonlUry precaution In used for your protect Inn. .


’ From a Student EuayA minor I* a pujiulor for

Ihrrr nr*» lot* <»f jkNijiU* abo art a)< wo)« looking Ibid -It. Moat mirror* urn >c*t evcrywlirr«» wr fb w*ms them round. Oftrn. lifer « wallrr,

tfypt4*or~ff nm X iw*nlr«v Mnct of U» m

«Dm* tMng to Ilk»* In n mirror, yet It la alfe’ii)« ranting rrilcdlona on our penmnnt npiH*iiniTii,r.--lloaton Tru% acrlpt. J

Tho Find Chiama The tra rating rlreas orlguatotf Is

Lenden sad was fcepOy • man m a id Philip Aatley, who UrM at the end ed the Wghtraurti rentayy.

lYota the rery begtnnlng. the drone was held in a tent,-the center at which Tarmed the areas where the perfem- asea Irak pia««. The arala for the spectators woe amagad la tiara a » ceadlag trae l b central epees

The rasa exMMtlmw which Cher, •eteriaed-osr own cirrus wan fuund la tba Orsi etra There wer» frate er honemsaablpi rach ss laaplag thrwagh hoops from the back of a «al loping horse, alan ding with one foot on each of two bora*«, ta they gallop aide by

ButterHy Tabte DelicacyThe llug'iiig iiiotli or hullcrfly Is •

dellcscy - whlctr ;■ »ptruroa »tnong rar- Inln ilhurluln.ll |.t'..|ilcl o f Auafrell*.. -H ill iriivi-l long dlatmirCa toa ohtaln, The l.pultrrllli'« gulhi-r evory yenr on llio alnjiea of Mn- llugung inounlulna, In New Nnnlh Wnlcn, whpre Ihey nre miiidil hy bring »ulTiuntrd by Ihr aninke of wnod llri » llghtrd linder lli» trccs. . '

. MozartI l In douhl fui If nnyhoily know« III«

ranci npot wlioro .Murari In hurlrd. A violoni »turili nan ruipniE nt Ilio timo of Ilio fiutoni!, unii Ilio hiMirao wont ltn

tin.|i.i’nin|uinli.il ti. th » olnirpliyiiril.

' A ctor ttodìy Rattléd ’A young man had to lake part ah

some amateur theatiira!» Ills part was quite s minor one and Hier« was really not a grati deal far him to do orAy, . . . 4 ......— .... .......................:

After the shooting aeon» the young man had to voter the wlnga ami say :

“Hark! T U the ptatolI"Now, during relw-arsaia a real pistol

wss norer used, and Ih» youth, on re celrlng his rue, walked In mid per formed Ills pari quite elDrlon ly.

On the opening night, however, ' a real platol wna auhatllulrd for tho rue. and, this apparently, took the yonng man hy surprise, for an ihe pistol nom off he rushed on and gn»|iei1 : '

"T o godai Whnt on eurth was D iati"

__ „ Söfr- 2 "T V f

Freight s a d T ax Barro ' .

Car th è H U D SO N C O A C H


F or o/ fAo O t t oTho «kin. of sea otter* Is Tery loasr

apon. the body, nay* Nnture Magaxin«. The fur Is c< ncrn!ly o f a deep liver

and lib IhhI? wa* romniftted In thp pauper*' w i » t . In 1HT»0 the city, of Vienna crwtiMl <m the prohuble spot a monument to lit* imunory.

Putting Up Prescriptions Is Our Profession

f|U R Pr°feu>on u primarily prescription work.. wr When we play, we play. When we put up pre-

scriptions, we put up (mscriptions. It it really a serious matter with us; we devote our careful and undivided attention to our work— -> YO U R PRESCRIPTIONS.There is no comeback to our prescription work. They go out compounded exactly and precisely as your ' Doctor prescribes. Ask your Doctor. - ,

Call 349 for prompt service

APOLLO DRUG STORETrust Building, Cranford

States With Indian NamaaTivenly two of llio stale* have

nnmea of Imllnn, origin. They are: Ainhnmu, ’ ArknnaHB,' Connecticut, Idaho, llllnnla, Iniltunn. lows, Knnias, Kentnrkyr Mlchlgun, Minnesota, Mia- »laalpiil,. Missouri, Nebrnaka, North and ; Koiillu. Ihtkoln, Ohio, Oklahomn, Tennessee, Utah, Wisconsin and Wyo­ming. ‘ ■

brown color. frnSH’tl with n scanty growth of long, allver-tlppcd atlffer hulra nml umlcrlnln by n preponder nnre of beautiful soft woolly fur which gives the twit lla value. The animals feed on mussels, seiv urchins, ernba and perlinpa tho lender shoots of. kelp. ;

Hand FouarIt has beta estimated that If all the

lu te u k lB i of the last election coulfhud- _ _____ __________ _be put to milking .cows, all the raws of the nation would be milked for ■ week,—(looil Hnnlwore.

Catharing Diamond»The fuel tbut dlumonde cling to

luhrlcnllng grease In wnter, t^hlle pebr hlcs nnd Ki'oil preclpu» atonaa rolt ofr,- baa been mudo the Inula for n new machine col led Hie "pulautor," which picks dlumonds out of materials In which they éufmoi be ióen by human cyea.—1‘opulur Selene» Monthly.,------

,Birmingham Waathar.,- Only once In Hie history of IHrmlng-,

Ti«m, Ala., lia* the thermometer feit­en below nero. • -

r • • 4 ■ •/Ih io a g lio a r Hudson’s laa>tiincpalfeyo€gfviag gresMCvahs* fo r d ie mptury, this is the lowest price, the fin r it Hudabo, the ‘p t s k s t value Hudson ever o ffend . O n ly Hudson’s exclusive advnntaaes o f the fomous patented Soper-Six princip le comebtoadwulk-das u w t f s is q s i t f w diNriett o f- ficT U n d w enrs-- - ...-...make it possible. B y (ren ter m in in i than ever befog« it b . today d ie “ W orld ’s Greatest Buy. P u b l i c

M èri am

The R

\\A never ending

c o a l. |o prinrijial

Hudson- World’s Largest Selling 6 ■ Cylinder Cars

. and gas plants o f P Bargeman is their be

l ie is charged wit seeing to i t that fur h u n g ry H e keeps u

--In- I n o c a s o o f l l t e fo amounts to more thar h u d so that there i to service. .


Phone BjM North Avenue at A ldea Btreet

High Japanaam Birth RataThe birth rate-la-.Japan Is high«

than In any other country In which vital tiaUsUra are kept

5rawe Narval -An elephant's tusk contains a users

from owe ta two feet long and an Inch in dlamtaar. :




B. I..EICHINGERA M f i R U A N S P R IN G S w o R U s a o E R

When the new stall there w ill bo atorag 375,000 tons o f coal w ill be more than d

Sea sad land, the rai •hip, minister t<




Tetophons MMd CRANFORD. N. J.


‘ Mark Proved WorthIteul silver Is mild to be "hall

marked.“ Tho term cornea from Ihe .company halt of the guild of gold and silversmiths, of London, where, 000. yenra ago gidd and sliver articles be gun In be assayed and marked with a etniup that vouched for their being genuine.

M E T A I HEATING & PLUMBINGa A T A A ^ . Jobbing or fkmtraet irew.Jobbing or Oontract Work. Otw baat

work by expartaoead nan. O u t o

WORKING s ä sassiJ O H N

7 U N IO N A V E North

tlm atea-------------

D O Y U EC R A N F O R D . N . 1.

00000000000000000000*000000000000000*oo**ÄS iSSS££Z77T

ERNEST L. METER,”lne.BsUbUthad U U


WMMiriiael Di Fabio & BrotherO sM nt eeutrucUon et i l l klada.

It Unseln. Avenus,


W orkauak lp Ä . 5 Ä . C M ICHAEL DX FABIO A BR O TH B R

ta ss e m et OkaatorA M. I.

i > Automobile Repairing and SuppliesFlut Clase Work by Experienced Mm Imsi. in . -

SEYMOUR WESTERVELT-Telephoas BgJ , m Sorth At^ ORANFOBD, N. 3................................1 1 1 eae a a » » » » . ■ ¿-------111 I i n u n■ " _ . ■ A m . ■ ram ■ wdp , )8 C IH’ CCB0» « » M M i i i n i n n aa

Schooler CoDGrete & Constraction Co.154-156 Fiitiaghuysco Avenue, N EW A R K , N . J.

to; I T E R A T I O N S '’ £ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ £ ’_ CMp* ° U l‘_ >h*l>n • * « Concrete w erk

................. ■""****'* M" ' I I I I i7 m 7 T ,T tA“ f i . > -


Politanaaa Akin to G iltIt Isbeeuuse gold Is rare that gliding

has bran Inventod, which, without hav-. lag Us eulldlty, has all. Its brilliancy. Titus, to rcplaco tho klndiioss we lack, we have devlewt imlltonoas which has all Its appearance.—lie Lovla

Introduced Ffowor LanguageLady Mnry Wortloy Montagu,

whose husband wns top a time British amlmanidor to Turkey,' la snld 1» have learned the language of flowers among the Turks nml to have Intro­duced If tnloweitern ltnrope. .

Early Franck Reformat»The Wuldenidnns, early refortnere,

were orgnnUed about 1170, by 1’etcr Waldo or Vntdo, u merchant of Lÿoiis, Prance. Their prlnrlpnl centers were Ini the 1‘lcilmont, Provence und. Dau­phine Alps.

Strength in Advaraity 'Occasions o f adversity best discover

how great virtue or strength each' one hnth—Pop occasions do not make a man frail, but show whnt he Is.— Tho use. a Kcmpts. -

Ancient Carvings DiscoveredC'arylngs on rocks recently discov­

ered th llie Libyan desert of Africa ihdlcnte that the Ksklmos and South African bushmen met In Europe 80,000 years ago, . -

I Avoid Accident»It Is a foolish woman who does not

Insist upon every bottle In her m«dt- clne cabinet being plainly marked Us to Its contents. ■

1 Something to Count On ■Cheer up! I f you don't get what

you go after, you are sura to get what’s coming to you.—lloston Tran­script.. ■ v -

Blindneu of Riche*Nothing Is so hard tor those who

abound in riches as to conceive how others can be La want.—Swift.

Ho Profit in Revenge •Revenge, that thirsty dropsy of dèa

tools, makes us covet that whlctrtûrta ua most—Massinger, -

Spontaneou*Not even the. nuwt varaful nudele

kaaker-ejm -gtiaranira that they wih- •ot have, a flaraup. . -

-... - Unflattering Report*........EngUah Pniteo-ltev. Hebert Howie

preached bosh morning and evening.— Basta* Transcript, . ‘

Like a Fire C rack

V /The first advertisernent in any advertising campaign in this paper is

simply the fuse. If you light it and then smother it by discontinuing

further advertising, you will never reach the'point where results will, . ' -• v» ' -*■

Commence to be heard with a bang. W e have the cuts and copy to

aid you in the preparation of a campaign that will bring you big re­

sults— but you'tnUbt be willing to use space regtjlarly, week, after

week. You can count on our active co-operation to help you in every

way we can. , -

The Cranford Citizen and Chronicle

Our.Iri: Ser

- Realty & Inn

Cranford. ’ , Cranford

Consult your Insurance agent ns y


Page 7: A N D O H R O IV IC L B SCÒTO^roWCAif iMp^miSEDh.el geme Ironie. A fnmlly «lo. llved "ear thè ealnp nere aerustouied tu bai he al t he carni» heiich ami imi- of Uro lltih- Iroys,

yi*» - <- A r

x - I v:. : /



♦T\S „¿W

- * L

Public Service' Men and Women .

The Bargeman . [A never ending proertrion o f barge* bring*

coa l. to principal clrclrio generation elation* and ga* plants o f PUBLIC SERVICE, and The Bargeman i* their boa*.

no i* charred with pjgt o f the big job o f arcing to it that furnace* and ovens never go hu n gry He keeps up the coal reserve which

-an Ihe ease e f lhe ftmr larrest clcctrin nations------amounts to more than 225,000 tons—always on band so that there shall be no interruptions to service. . , . ■

When the new station's! Kcamy is completed there will bo storage room for an additional 375,000 ton* o f coal, and The Bargeman’* job will be more than doubled. .

Sea and land, the railroad train and the steam, ship, minister to your needs through

. P u b l ic s e r v ic e .

toe awffORp qrnzENmmmmmmmnmnmmmmmmm

THURSDAY. JULY 9. 1925W . ......... :................... . ' ' ■ ^

; New Jersey m • State Briefs'.■ a

Our, Insurance Service

rdoea not atop serving when a policy is signed, /ft is

always on the job in the interests of our clients/

Every property owner is invited to take advantage of

our advisory service, which entails no obligation to in­

vest In the insurance protection we offer.

t* th* PUfeArigihuuMl Swath ¿arms StcnrtawM*. tw * tall charge at th* SruJUbtliiM aatMeroMBt t o r n at U » Kata aad vrUl raaitow to cany an tu acttvtthw trsst the «skwt-in this city, tia K H w ts Adrtoa C. CfcaaWtLt* •hS formaHy twreed over the «a v * «•

, Mr- Ssam and hod* t in w i f to th* Wwh has hegua on tha eanstTacttoni * * * - 1

• t a p«nuuM«t H a m a roadway oat « « * OsatstroRar NVatoa 8»«th Charch afreet, H w m t in . a! * i l> h* U rw4y to tarn over•eelloa at th* last* trass tha Ihasay*>b* fund of lis.coi« arprm-rutvd to f*rrr to Whits Hora pika • ] m e t l i t u » u m >4 t t * f ir iiU Is-

Ushtaias strwch tha chain of host vmtlcattac commuter Tho wtmnir- stalls at th* FMalagton fair (Tooad* Bf** >'f Mr. Rub«*, « 1 hough coutrwry track rvcootty. Tha Sra which tot] t* » slrlct intrvvrvtoifc« of a ruling lowed dratrarad forty-eight boa Mall*.! hr Attorney General KatacmWh. U th* tralalag Kablm sad bans. , l !»»sd »a , « feelirt I ta l ha U acting»».

BloomJUbL/aacafad ttoinlurad »hen; Captain WtllUm II. Taylor, of th* saaollo* tank of bar autoaiohn*: Trvntvn landed at sea |ui*ht olihtba exploded aa aha lit a match to (ansa: In t rairh a f atrlpvd t««a 'o f ■ ho-ant­her aupply. Tha machine wa* de-1 eon,-including alt fl»h that weighed a moltahed. (total of IT* poumln On* alone

Mra Matilda Voarhaea o f HsrdlK.-wrtsfted war* than »rtydevea poumfa Bear Kerport. hatter known aa “Aunt Taylor caught the big fi.h from ht* Matilda.“ cak-brUed her lOTJ-blrthday ; p o » « ( » a t a uuartrr of a tulle off Deal M th* hoasaof bor.daashteffitra. WU*i Jenww Lw . vrfco. ho* dralt to baas for llam I I Heyer, with whoa ihe haa,'.twelve roan, sal,) the forty «even llrad tor many year*. j pounder was the targe« ever brought

Detectives are Seeking Dan Brooks.! In by » ahtnf or from the breaker*, negro Aerb doctor. In their lnvmtlga-1 Preliminary to the depanur* o f Dr tlon of tha death of Mra. Sarah Turner j prank Moor* eupcrtntrndcot of the of Newark, found dead In bod, frank Rahway Hetortnatorr. for Europe on Turner, h*r husband, told police the July 11. n tratlmonUI dinner wat •bought n bottle of aathma medicine tendered him by the ofBcera of the Infrom Brooke. ....... (Stljutlon. The affair, arranged by

“ 2 ? *^ *■ PI>MII»l>arg Jamea E: florden. of Trenton, wae heldwee « ta l ly wounded by.n pletol In hla at the t’olonla Country (Tub Mr. Iior-

dU" d*1 Is finer flerk. at the lUhw-ay in­charged while be t a feeding pigeons ; etltution end I. a brother of

•wBet-.Blnwad.tha-tataiMaaa. -Ha-holder Wllttam S 'tldfden/i-r Mercer died following an operation In the county.. , -— iirhSwnrVt-__ ,____ an_____ ! Samuel Wllenn. » «»I.tani .up.rlnh o^^of M r^Td nm u *h* . » ¿ Ih e AntiSallmIn Mount“ ir^S i made Public n letter which he had ad.PhUHMbirw^mn d o - ^ i h' 0f •“ A. llarry M<H.re. IVmocraltc

flrUllIWO®H ElVOOd • nan* / j» i.vrgaV r*ikv' llta |^a._ . .

■treat. Slower* rofuaod to dlicu** th#1 n .T ii ! i ’, ,h® Trentonkilling, *io*pt to remark; “Shd onl y: Mucat hm to compel arbltra-got what *h* ought to bars hod long: “/ * * » madeAgo** - ' • > “ , y. : by the (barIra J. Smith tVnvtruttton

Pennsylvania "peanut/ pollilclan^! ' h" r,^ ular '” «■“ >’ * ®t■•eking to gain preetlge at home .¡! bo" r,d’ V 10 r '“ m ■f*“ 11 uu‘ « » through th*lr Inalitufca t h « no tolle j ho ‘ r <r,™ 'l° r iT'm 001. Nf 'h* charged on th* Delaware nivee i 3' T,R Hm4,h ‘ -»mpany holda It la*irM«i ir>fg ham till IM i*sp«iuitit^fui j 'T d ' i " 1 ^th. preeant eontrorerey t^ween th. I fontracts, overhewltwo i t « * * bjfBtate Benatornicharru! i d " ? ’’ ‘V . ' . ' T * * ’ d*5?tor «ererai y*ar* counsal tor th* N*Wi * on*-. •,,cr** »«t wage*, and liltercet Sa Jersey ¿ im W * - PVm.nf..which were delayed.

fox—..a ru ™ .v r O ® '« » were vlfctc-l try Mechonl

Tee. W fm M m t Them*Aà tavwUd wa* farad tmUaily

whaa a wâd bow daahat Into « a bwl f"* * - W *V* also known tan » bore* that nap awlf-mspactinf bxalld would fw fw w to N C ip s -X n r Ortvwae Thaaa Plcajnna

Origin l a g In Antim ity Tha gwnos o f raah joafg U age* «1A

I l k aapporad to hav« been lut ruled ahowt tha thus of tVnfurfu* but the «set-m ita and tha name of u,e |a. veutrs boa been hurt.



BacilliThe largeot huHllu« recorded I«

Shorn t-S«JU o f an terti ton* and t a ,«* ! i t an fhih-'whle. Hlillr the eumlliHd known torva hàa an nverng« aire uf l-W.000 Of an Inch by M » ,u » v ■ — _ y

Ciwritm JiMptri, ^H*JW t* the- bride tht. Miti• eliln.-a «■ '—sllth th» moro -Xhi-uei»'- nho get* tha happier the )A - Ihictoii Trimectlpt. c . - ... - . . . -

} C ia n i P u m p k in *’A IV>pound pumpkin una siywn In

* ( allfotriie field ulilcli. wben turned Into f.le*, made .l«d > i me il.iIn11...

: fou n u et Simitar NamatOf the nnnice of imvii. mid

|Mivt office* In the Culled stiitea |:| ■p|wwr more than at time* cn. ii


■ Realty & Insurance Dept

Cranford Trust Co., . - , . Cranford, N. J, - - ‘

Oongnlt Tons' lniuranc* agent as you would your lawyer or doctor

EveryoneCan Now

O w n a

, ThorElectric Wash er

" ^ 3 d o w n .... .... Eighteen months to pay. !,.

| Just think what'a splendid ’ . thing it would be to press a

button and have the weekly wash made clean and fresh without any effort!

¡T h * Thor washer does just that.I S ? ” 1 t 1C iw,tc^ relexiinf; the motor |The Thor washes, rinses. Hues.' , _____

^ swinging ail njjcial wringer, electrically driven, removes another backbreaking wash day job.


W i t r t r i gg teUmgtr K ith k <u h -dsg p r o b i * » , •wk«a ■

$5 downlbrtegt- go* the Thart

Thor g&trs are guaranteed for . - wear-resistance r - expert Thor

. service always available. Three types, revolving-reversing cyl- indcr, vacuum cup, oscillator.Free demonstration in poor horns ' on reineit. , .

PUBLIC SERVICE- . l - . . . .


Trucking and General Contracting


Dr./Sdward Capp*,proferaor o fr O fw ^ a r ~ B n a « (9 ir t a r r i^ nounc*d th « ' an arrang*m*nt had b**n oopoludcd with th* Ortek Oov •mmlnt wb*raby a coaoaislon tor arehSMlogle« «soavatlon work In th* hart of th* old city of Alhon* had born grantod tho American School of OIOMloal Btudlw In UtU city. Uoro than forty Am*rlcan onlvonltlM will eomblno In tho work.

Rosldcnt* o f Edward* ptocisi Prihco- toa,'w«ro tcrrlflad by a dog, luppowd- ly mad which duhod down tho *tr*ot foaming « th* mouth and frightening woman and children on ibolr porcbo* and In tho yards. Tho dog ran wildly »bout thp «root tor lorn* tlmo, and In tarror * group of houuholdor* who had b*«n purchasing produce from a tanner, fled. FOr a tow moment* It ***m*d *s If th* brut* would lump'a dividing fane« and fall upon a small child ploying in on* of th* front yard*. Polk* war* caiMd, and Officer Loo Rodwcllor an*w*r*d. H* wa* un- abl* to find th* dog, but found It l« * r . who It* o w n « w it, and »*■«! th* dog wa* not mad,; but flL : . V

Ff*d*rlok Cook, twenty-tour year* old, a oontraotor apd buUd« of East Borlin, wo* stricken with heart fall- ore and died in th* offle* of Dr. Bob- M i B. Davlw « Clemanton.

Dr, 0*org* Adam* I* th* new city Phytloian of OIoucoder 6lty. Ba *uo- Omded Dr. t. A. Do*k, who resigned hMsus* h* wet »ppolnUd ono o f tht medloiu Inspectors of tbs schools.'Th * TuUytown Board of Health

have «looted tholr off)o*r* for the oa- ■aing y*w; -Blchwd a Walton w u ro-oloctod ««crotary and Harold II.Allen was reappointed health officer,

James Tromott*. thirty-two, a tod .ami.prohibition agont attached to-th*PhUidelphla office sad assigned to Monmouth county, w u held in |3,M0 b*U « Asbury Park for th« federal grand Jary on charge, of accepting * bribe. -

Sevan men attempting n flOO.OOO whisky robbery from th* government wwebou** o f the Trmnsstlantlo Trad­ing Corporation w*r* captured by po­lk * at Trenton. A similar «tem pt.In which, seven men were Implicated, wag frustrated in- March. '

Official figure, o f the primary elec­tion, held nearly two week* ago, bar*Just boon announced by County Clerk Hart pence. The figures show that about one-third o f the number o f reg­istered voters in Mercer county cu t ballot* at the iprtng primary. While the primary registry book* show a total of I M U persons eligible to rots, only 1LM0 took odrantage o f th*' right.. Of this, number Republican* cast 1(447, while th* DnnocrnUo to­tal w u (4(1. . '

Vice Chancellor Backet k u granted a temporary' order rastnthlng tho fassalp Coneolldoted Water Company erom shutting on He. supply o f water to the New Jersey Suburban Water ; company *hd the New Toth and New Jersey Water Company, which supply the town of Kearney. . . !

C tork^B. a. eimpson,- S e n tr City ■ WM1, , lawyer, w u Indicted by the Hudson ; county grand jury on echarge of em -' 8t0,,r-’ ®aI *n-J

OOcers Were vlrrtcd l<r Mcchanlre .I tome -Couiu ll.-Junl-rf >rdrr~Vnlrcd American MechanU-a. at their recent mooting « Jameeburg, u follows councilor. Henry Brhenck; Vico coun­cilor, Kenuoth Bchenck; recording secretary, W. Harry Lekerson; anlel- ont recording eecretary. llarry Haue­mann; treuurer, John Waddy; c l « secretory, Oliver lilchorde; con ductor, Joseph Jcmlvon; warden. Thomu Douglas; Inside guerd. Ocorge Colo; outoldu guard, Joecph Van Pelt; trustee, Joseph Van 1-elf.

To glvo the people uf Cut Treoton tho opportunity of buying direct friiin tho farmer, a privilege now enjoyed In

Man’s LimitThe boundary of mim 1.. i(if..lrrn H.'tl

tVlien non' wr |>«iis limi pu h-, nnr suenllan antri null« bl« i tnm r „r

Heating Value of PsatIVet. 1-M-pnrt-d for tool. Im> itlnmi

th# Same (hernial tnlue na the IVnn- eylvanta anthracite nmv nblnlimble.

' Scanty at Fat Is KesnA ‘ to* r*n »cent n limn n uimrler of

I mile away.


■ ru il lT V 'l.KAUN i<> nuMM'lat« Young Ram-

inns auilllng,' .inialHiy- far* « i th

franfor.l Unity'« Grade -A llgw

'lllk. K e I.« a »Vuihul.of U#,purity and n( our Upv|Hinalldllly.


South Trenton (brnugh the public vnar ket at tho Municipal Dock and- fa

by George Olatrae, a florist, who ae- |cu*od Mr. Simpson o( keeping 41.600

l i abor* coon*« tou which be * ' ‘ to* Qiatru an ■ claim.

Chamborsburg through the market « Tenth Ward Park, a third municipal market w u opened on th* recant lot at NoW York and Oldea avenue«, op poslte tho__ Htnndard OR Company plant' The new market Wlil be con­ducted under the u n regulations ob­served In the two older one« and will ho opened dally escept Banday. Only

• tim ers. wUI tet permitted to tohe*t*ud»,.hUçk*lér»‘âü(I others' being ex­cluded.

The Vocent tog d»y for fho Homeo- pothlo Hospital, Camden, netted ( 5,- 1-7( 81, according to the return* mad* to Mrs. r. U. ' Oxrrlaon. preside« of tho Ladle,- AuSHUry. ■

The gum of (10.090 each w u sward­ed George Sinclair Gould, James Gould and GcnevUve Gould, children of tho late George Gould, Ononclar, by Vico Chancellor Bseke* In Newark. The money te to be «pent la tnaln- tonanco and education of^the «-bit- dron. .

An actu« cosh balance of 11940!,- (03 remained In the etoto treaaury at the ciova of New Jeraay-« C,cal year Jane 20. Gbllgatlone ogalut tbl, bal­ance amount to »*4*2,94!, represent­ing amount, due connues for echo,1 purpose* and rt-qnltlUoa reserva, to meet contractual obligation*. . The free-net balance. with which the Stole began It« new fine«! year ta »2420430, which U »33g,(97 In excess of the u- Uniat* mode by. the state comptroller to tho budget commission lost Sop tomber.

Professor Edwin Welker Kemmerer of .the department of eotmomlce of I-rtnceton. .Ghlversliy h u orrlféd In Chile with a party of dlatlnguUhed economl*to to atudy the situation (here at the re-neat' of the govern­ment of that country. The Princeton man * u honored by the Chilean gov­ernment tn being requeued to act u chairman of the American commie-

.«Ion on economic affairs to th « coun­try and will help the South American nation untangle Its „ currency banking problems.

Mr. end Mrs. David Auitln, C u t Park avenue. Vineland, celebrated their* fiftieth wedding anniversary re­cently, The .couple were married near Glasgow S'-.tland, July I, 1575.. Matthias F, M--C -Jrdy, an Iron work­er of Belleville, waa JnvtjtoUy killed while at work on « now bsIMlng at

Elgh tecsth-avenues,., trade.' paining ’ the

Cling* (o cylinder mwII* for hours or day* or weeks, if need jk , W hcthrr your engine is ruiF ning or not, n good

... oil must slay on flic<■ job ready lo lubri*

elite-, at tlio first - move o f fjtfeenotor.

H e re ’* ^ c flint does. -

‘STANDARD4 » » M O T O R O l l S

Hlattdjon over SO years' experience

Wm. C. Golding, Inc..opticians.. -219 Broad -Sired


w... . ... . «M W v .......-.....

•Great Lakes ..Cruise

A m j n R A L m i l A r v t • f r n r n r f v m * |- t k m t r l » , I d - i iv r 4X1 V i t l l r yt f d i f t i I m n i U iM b f ik *fv«i w *«ktr A « a l ia i ii iR . N iw tfk .

»n«| I r t v v c l f i v r f - f h c i I r l i g M . ¡ a l l y • e r r iit ' m t i t r **» the* C ir r rtt L d k r a , C o n v r n f c n l r o n n c s tint*«w i t h c o H if n t ln h l r i t N u n u i f o f ^ r r a t f U l c f A w * . c u l l i n g n t C l « * » »U m l . T o l #t l ° ,. t M M, | M h l r . t o .M a c f c l n E o I c U n t l g t h i l U T h mui o t h e r |Ntdiitt4>r in t r r t a t ,

S*tnteaupon fur tlotail*Zehi h\iatllcy Railroad

O O B w m i, o f t h e B I « h O l e a w « 4

S M A H i r e a . j « , i i „ ” “ " 1 7 l*»l,» Valla, H,iltn,« - .?

46« Mlnnay Did«, Newarkuiirii ......v i r i s - ' " - ' - ‘ i—

(• -''A tlas*

“ • ■ *.. -,» l«lii

Nmtna AiUtmgg „

V a c e U o n A i l v l , N u . 5

• » » n m M, IBen**» r t e i t il


t~ 1. itwvNaw <’ * TOTH

Remember My Hobby

PRESCRIPTION W ORKTim year» 1 have brnri right litirn

Jn-uno-ajKjt. ■enU<rhie-tit-the-imimr pMtjilo and imttlng up tho mum tloettm' prc«f rlptlrina, 1« n giipi] a|#fJ o f our worth In the work..



T h e .K len/o T re a tm en t

. l T*.,,; . ' l,' :. Fltn/o lo-iiliil t'r/.,in undj-Willi a Klin/// TV^ith Ifrii-.fi In.nroH

whJti- tenth, honlthy ginn, ami eletti month.

Dental Creme, 25c Klenzo Tooth Brushes,

35c and 50c

besoletnent The eomplslnt wo* made ! whim ... ,■ - — - m„_ j bunding cut In two a gu7 rope atretch-

ed. heroes, the ..street aml.a haary iron'girder control;-d by the rope «truck him. Tho truck driver, unaware Of the accident, continued on hla way.

I. R. REA Yn * :

..- I S U n io r t iÄ venue - : - •Pians 127 1

sseaniutsBismtiMigvma fa ^

tob rowLfl o r tas a ie“ » « ' ! . • * Iho cnttls on a thonssnd hlll* ail contrlbuU) thelr e h «e o f ‘

MEAT FOR TOU TO BAT.Ttils markot handlu non* bnf the clmlca grades o ( y

POULTBT AED MEATI fs prie«» aro haaad on tha niany, «a li» and »mall proflt w lnopla lt wgnti yotir rogufay trade and wo’lll gnt U If you vrlll only glv# oa g trial. Tha ouallty of tha maato andi tho moderato prlou ara what w*| rnly on to hulld bualneaa

, u ^ »»O Olami E v « » riUUy


BRENNAN&T0YEPlumbing, Tinning

HeatingIM louth Avsnu*. B. ORANFORD

CAMILLO MASSA■ , _ “ ' . . .

General ContractorOrsillng Concret* Work

Cellar» Escnvated Bowori, Bldswalka, Etc,

IV O , I lo * Ul (.'ItANVOKD

Bathroom and Kitchen— r - n U N G - —. » ■

FlroplMoo, PorchM and Voatlbula*THOMAS B. ROSS


Hlgn l ’alntliig Papor’ Hanging

Vnrnlahllig -Ornili Ing



Phono «a - lt~ '174 Burnilde Avanue, OUANFORD

M Ü n -S ir ü l^ R r N w i l fT R ü m


MEALS served from 7 e. m.. (o 11 p, m,

Family Partie* * Speddty

—Fumighed Roome to let—

FLOWERSfor *11 ou u loh *

Artlstl« and Latut Duign* Fuaarnt Work n lp*«aity

------ * t UtoU-c^ ■

Riv4veide Flower Shop*1 Mor4h Avo. E.




OlSts: U -Horth Avsnu«, Orsnford

Telephone» 700 and IU

MARTIN SCHAFERMuon and Contractor

CRAWFORD, M. J. Estimato« Fumtabed on all 4

. of work-

G J. JANSEN Carpenter and Builder *

Ptrquet Floors. Jobbing a Specialty miPHONS ses-g

HE South Avo., E., CRANFORD j Office and Hcaltlouco I'lioiio 274 .




Telephone» 70 and 8ß0'


Car» For All Oceulon* CRANFORD,’ NEW JEBBET

|FR ED H . J A H N(Hucceaaor to Philip Jahn)

[H o u m , Sign and ■■ v ■

-5- ' . Fréaco PuntineFiala «n i Decorativa .....V .

Paper Hangingand ilcalor in - -



-r ________ -

Page 8: A N D O H R O IV IC L B SCÒTO^roWCAif iMp^miSEDh.el geme Ironie. A fnmlly «lo. llved "ear thè ealnp nere aerustouied tu bai he al t he carni» heiich ami imi- of Uro lltih- Iroys,

r Jatil -JIIaL ir t-f tifi*

KEMLWOItTH CHfBRATEST i » * T « t in H iitonr « i

Boronch. B ig P » r id * *nd T in i ..... p*agI»U»--(&Z-Zk£-..WbPl«..P*?.:------

Tfii- t ’-fl f ruVf'.-n-i.n)-» U f i t i " |.vi|i..ti in ot K i-m ìIut.fi fi u j!l I.. Ii.aii.t.1 ilirai! n» « I

r » « . l m u'i »u>r<‘" l n l " I "I*11>-it Itavi- r « « » ' •*» ¡>*f■ • I I " lntnM iiia> ariti |fr*JtaM> u .ll l-i.MC ►"!!" t lm lir M ctd-t ami ( « ili't: ti*.u u r rcr-M-miu-r I I « ' m \tar a « III- l->'l

Tih* »!:*•!.■ day U h » - « a - mijmc Chi ng dùiat::' In II «- umii»hi# Jh*; ru llim i)» '. |t> in ni S t i r i y »r liii 'Ir ittn i: ot m-autiliil Ami-lJian ami Ita lia » !!n rv « I H i« l » »d'i<iai- |. r< i 'f I Im- S « i.|y. W. O. W. Hall.|..|liml!ir Milk li all j"ir.i«<l Itt « II*- itarntl* . . . . .

Tlw |.ara.I. Irjmi I I » - l ire|{ii|f«t< ¡|| »' III«' f <♦!Jt<" Jk-IMKtltrfiiirli LMli *t?<*'t. \f<*nt<m• fixf'iiw*, 1 ,'tJi «rrv«?- aud ii»».' If’ lli

Morir**»* !»•,«»¡no, 11*1 It ►(n o i, W a'h inctori avMitH’ , *1M \o\»»rk avi ntW-. J 'i*l ►tn-ol timi MoHlovanI t<» IlanHnc JncIh*oI. .

Tito |»3ra‘ !»"-un* ImmuIo*! by-C h ltl «if |*ul»r«r Vrtr»ta!>* fiuti.o!!lroi>t Fin» r i i it f A r . «V*l< » »■» p f«n il ninr>hul. tiriti tlw* Tir«* iH-imtlnit ut Itami.

"TTItl!rftlK“»»f--4lw---4 >rraf»i/J*li«»t;w in litio noto Volornto» c*f Kotoirn War.v Itay Scout«* «*f Aniorira. Tir«* l>» |*arttjn nt timi tip l'Hiatu«.*'%rh««o| « hlMn li. Ilio A i ih t I- rnt^ltnftari S * U ty atiil l»nml timi Uòht*,. omlin;: witl* *» M i lino «»f fiuto»* » I l U 'autifuHy ilei-orate«! » f i l i Ilo* color* mi «fta r t<» ev«*ry t fiie A meriraiL ! . . .

7’he partitlt* «n»» n o li «iriranlr.otl miti n ll urrit tluou cli u ìtliotii a Ititeli.7 he n inn i* »> o ì Ilio riiin iiiiltoo hi chnrpe «*f tlw* ttlm lc iirojrraiu wei'e: (« to rc e K. Ifolm loll. |,»irf*idriit; O. .1. Meyer» M-rretary: Jolin E. Ilu tle f, trrn>nror: I torvi] eh (Vmnrtlnieii *ìm sopii Sfiallcrtr*-* am i Josopli Morlrk. 4’xirl Hoflman. F ire <7ilof A , Ì ”. O r

an*l F irem m .Morsoli. Arthur« (W e n «. HUI und Vitale. T lie conim ittoo e\|»rév*-«l i l * thanks to M e

• eltfzèn* o f tfM» -lto rw fflr^ fopH-tlm lu arty nM»]M*ra(loti tdiown.

H ardtag 8<bo«I P r o i r t a A t tho H o ld in g SclitVo! am iltorluin

n patriotic i*ri»prani un?* rom lonsl xvith ati auilionrc o f ahoitt tKHt (ho host turnuut un Mieli ..mi event l im i Konilnurth Im»» ovor h»il.

I>m* tu Mnyor r . A. KosimitrtiM nhsonci'. l«m nrilti.ian Fianocim. J*rosUlont •*! ti»** IUuuùrIì iVuncU. m to il In hi* Ixh a l! nniì hi n slmrt

Oi^Ui-sb. ouluffl/t d tho varim i* or can l«U lo ii* for tholi part and work ¡ti i.iinKhiR tho Fmirtl» o f July |tw* - ».le t » n liffist' i)liree f'ftll tlliM l.

) S . Naylnr a l»o p iv e a pli)>rt ad- d i ).od in vtlili li lie l"«ln l) *.l «u t l i « » I limili fui vie elioni)! Ih< M e » In Kcn-tlttid lhD vern iiTW lt-etM itu rynH ’aaiio f eoiiiinUiiIraiImi. 'tl'uiiàjHirtàHwi; ,-le «•«uuiared vi itti w liat «u r f«re fat fiera liail 1» rm ilem l «H l i IVJ ( i ai|i -»(¡e. He al1" 1 " l" '*1'' *•! • rum III o f Kelillivértli In t Ite laat f i l le r yenra funi predirteli » y r ia t future fiir Mie'IfuroViirir lieéaii»«*' « f Ita Kefiffinplilral ÌK i»ltl«n a» tlm litilt o f I nlon t 'o iiiil)'.

Imnea A rllu ir, Nr.. f?nve n very «Idrlled tinfrliiffe falk'. ami iteeille.ia lo muni Ion' here flint « l in t lm limi l<i ray una moro than appreciated. Mr. Arthur, one o f Ihe ploneera o f the Itoroiiah. who hie- lia.l eournife inni faith In the rormnm.lty In aplte. if nil ohatnelea anil who lina proved

It hy lila own work. Anil heenu»e of Ida experJenrea In «u r lim onali he imiet lie eonrhlered n iitli«ritiitlve . H e kitoua o f what In- e|ieaka anil know Ina II. he ra n . cimvl.nrliiKly carry lila niewmae limile..

t 'lile f A .C . O p in i apoke lor a few m in u te*.. auylpa lie -Avita, J iilah ly proud when he wa* at the liciul o f the paratie w ith the liew llre-eiurlne, hut that lie wa* prouder tmloy than he Initl-ever hrrn_ nl— nny-tline- lie- eniiMi o f the /net Hint lie m is aide to, live to mm' the day w hen he a* Chief o f the llepnrtlim it om hl lend III* liuti limili In the Fourth o f .Inly mi nife. I le nino ennio out s llo tia ly n fnvor o f law enforcement. The

low*- arò limilo for the tm « l <•! Ihemany, mid every true hlooded Amerirati will re*pcet the law* of a country Hint I* mieti of the people.- for the people mid hy the people.

The propani-rondured wa* a* fel­low*: v- ’

1. ' Inveratimi hydfev. C. K. Wood' d Ifunelle.2. AthlreAs hy John .1. Klnnnann. . .1 1.Incoio’* (!eltyNhiii'K‘ Atlilre**,

M’llllmn \V. Memlell, I*n*t Com* mmiilrr, (1. A’. It.

I. Ilnttlc Hynin of the liepnhlle. li. Aililre**. K \V. Naylor.. t l A ildre**,-Jm ne*' A i tliur. Kr, - ­7. I In (I Coinmliln. ' '■ K. Adtlrdas. A .¡C ’ Clpden, Chief of Kenilworth Fire iHMinrtinent. “

¡i.. Star Nimnitled llnnner.10. Heneilltdion. Jatnea Artluir. Sr.

...B a b y P irn d « ..Aliuo*t the entire llorouKh turned

out for the tinby parade ami many rontcKtant* were In lino at three «'cluck: when the parade Minted. Muniti wns luminimi hy tho Flro-

man’* limid, led hy Director John K. I tut ler. — Jtid*e»v H iree In number, wererhoneiMin tin- *t*it from among the out of. town gue*t*. Tlic Judge» wi-n: ,M r* lllrlnger of Ilellvllle. K. M. Itnlllnger of York. Pa , and Wm. Weher of Hiooklyn. ■*• '

ver l«rln>f «ii|)*;. fine for- tlie |S,et- tle*t turn ottf. which wan won by Helen Krl*kn, four year* old: one for the moat original turn out, which wa* won hy Fred Wenlghan, two year* dihl; and one for tlje moat comic -Hirrt out. which wa* w<p l»y Harry Cozen*, four year* old, .

Helen Krl*ko leprewnted a cuphl. Fred Wenlglinn, a fireman riding on n miniature lMxik .aml lathler truck, ami Harry Cozen* an aviator, riding a miniature aeroplane.

fie ld Day Brant*I. The hundred yard danh for

hoy*. IMA year* of age, wa* won bytirli-l Kiwmutza. the prlzo holng a

Hoy Ncotit knife. ,2 . The WO yard tla*h for boy*,-12-

It year* of age, wu* won hy David Dmmhite, ami the iirl/.e was a Hoy Scout knife.

:i. M yard tln*h fur hay* tinder 12 year* of age, wa* won liy Arthur Forman: prize a lia*ehull hat.

4. 7,i yard da*h fur girl* It-IA y<'tir* o f age, wa* won hy Nolllo Oet-cliell; |5rlze a 2-lh. hox (if candy,__

fl—;n ynnt'(Ia*li for gTfl* iihtler 12 year* o f uge. wa* won hy Carry I.tingheln; |irlz,e a 2-lb. box of candy.

~ Potato racn for girl* over 12 year* of age. w a* won hy Nellie (let, flit'll: prize a box o f candy,

A. Potato race for girl* under 12 yeet* o f ago. won hy Carry Lang- belli: prize a Imx of candy.

I>. Sack rnco for hoy* over 12 year* o l age, wa* won by Itohert Meyer: prlzo a Scout knife,"

10. Sack race for hoy* under 12 year* of age. wa* won by. A. O ra ; prize a hneeliall hat,

II. - Two prlzo* wore given In the ladle*1 potato rnco. Flint prize, a *llver toH.*ot wn* won hy Mr*. Coz­en*: *oroml prize, n ninntleploco eloek. wn* awarded to Helen Dollar.

12. In tho lloy Scout race, Mario Cera won Die Scout nxo.

t.rO 'ne-ffm rtw -nytm r-ofrhedH y wn* the llrenmn'* ei|iilpment race. A mu froth the Marling lino for, a dis­tance of I0O yard*, In civilian clothe* to tliolr llrenmn'* layout, a run back of unother UNI yard*, fully equipped all button* ImttOnod. tmtiic Martlng- lltie, wa* the rttlo of tho event. Tho winner wa* presented'with a loving cup that wn* to bo held by hi* Com­pany until next year, when If tho snmo' Company wjn* ogaln. tho bup

will forever remain thujiroperty of the Coamany winning. - Tha eup. waa won by Company No. 2, Allen Arthur reprewmttng that Cmopmiy. He al- *o won a watch lor himself for coin­ing through flrst. James A/tliur. yr.. won . a watch, widen wa* given a* aaacowLpriuu Jlc also rcprpMmcd fkiiaponF' iBtt..). .ip* .tiniipany-.iWa,.. i wa* overwhelmingly defeated hi till* event. ,

TROOP t BOT SCOUTS .Tho lloy ncouix in mu i*)i))usii

bad ai v e h r ' active t ¡ in « '' Ob' tlib Fourth ot July.

Tlie celebration pf tho Glorloux Fourth-,the hlrthitay of our nation, slarled With tho aollltig of the birth­day rake. Fvcry heme which had ordered a rake during the week, wa* tipplied with onobetweon-tho hour*

of 8 and 10 a. iil This gave a net Income of 816. & -• A t 10:30.a m, tho Hoy Scout* a*- aeinblod to tako tinct In tliQ tin rude, ami alter tills dlstrfli'uted the pro­gram* for the ovont* of the day, and Joined In tho'service hold at the llardlng School. •

A t 3:13 p in.. .Matin Cera took the l)r*t prize In tho Hoy Scouts race, a Hoy Scout axe.

A fter till* 20 hoy* started for a '24- Itour.camp at New ProvIdeneo. elOHo to tho Pa*salo ltlvcr. The trip waa made by biking, trolley anil bun. The Scout* were In guy .spirit* a* the tent* were pitched, while Henry Johnson anti Kcd .lolinson, cook anti kitchen police, prepared ham- and egg*. - lle loro the meal, - however, a dlvo In the river w u* taken,’ to wash off the du*t, - ,.......

A t lO.n. in., ivhen the rain started, everybody except the guard* wa* In bod. Tho very heavy thunderstorm and rain could not decrea*e the good spirit o f tho Troop. The tent* were pitched right and no ono miss­ed a good night’s sleep. The camp lire wa* Imrnlng nll through tho night.

A t 8 ii m., July 5th, breakfast wa* *crved, followed hy swimming and tho taking of toMs. Seven boy* were candidates hi lire making, tracking unit knife nml hntclict use. -v ir -w a fa tlll 'ta lr ifn g and the-boy* were hunting for dry wood. Worden Khbetts tntpcoodbd'lh limiting a IdAz- Ing lire, using only one inntch. 'H er­man Hick, Francis Stevens nml Joe Hatnglla also passed, while Alfred Seal, Alario C oraandKndKnrfallcd.

The tracking te*t was passed hy llcrmah lllck, FYttncIs Stevens, W or­den Ebbett*. .Mario Ceru, W illiam Johnson anti. A lfred Seal, Init Joe Hafaglla failed.

The knife and hatchet teat wa* passed by AVorden KhhcU*-, UHUiam Johnson, Jleraun Hick, Joe Ilatag- ila, F. Staveng and Marie Cera. Hie one (allure In thl* tc*l wax,Alfred SeaL ■ . . . . .... ■ ■ ■ .

The foreaald test* kept the Seout- mx«t«r andBldtLbtisTxnd tlm htmtg

wa* not Idle, and a meal wa* served luring an Interval in the tests. The whistle to eome track Mew too aoori, but U had to be done. Camp broken up. camping place cleaned and In Her Scout faahUm, the Troop..flag flying, tho Journey for home was started. / -

I* it a wonder—20 boy*. the Scout- tnaster Included arc asklng—whcn do we camp again?

(additional Kenilworth new* on last pago)

raoroaxia roa aiDgwAiica. minilwoRth aoaeuQH

8tftlf4 f^ofteuU w ill, tw rwelKd , bjr the . »rough CnuBrll o f the Itorouch of Kenilworth, at the fiorotu flail» Kenilworth, n, J.» at4:00 I’ ./M. (Darllfht flavtnt Tim*), on

TUMDAY, aitLY T, 1M3, . .fnr the followtni d«acrtb*<l wnrln: .•

1. Hldewalka cm wnitherljr aide of Monroe AVmn» front-ff/ttit Street to N. ZUb Street. A diitanc* of about *71 IIum I feat.

1. Bldewalk» wn both akkw of M. 20th Ktrwt from flhtrtdu-Ammr to Kahwwr Val* ley &. ft A dllUnCa of nbout 4SO lineal fort

3. Sidewalks on Kratherlx side of Hbrrldan Avenue from North IthfQfieLtt» N. JOtb Pirwf. A dlatarice of almut iflSd Until Feet.

4, Sidewalks on westerly side of .N. lfthKtrret from rlybl of way of Kahway Yallry H. fl. to Lafayette Avenue;.and on northertv aldo of Lafayette Avenue from N. ITth Street to N. l^th Street. A distance of about 1103 lineal feet. . •• -

9, Hldeifilks on‘ easterly aide of N. ISth Street from Lafayette Avenue to Concord Ave* hup. A distance of about 819 Itncat fett.

0. Htdewatks on eastmty aide of Springfield Road from Concord Avenue to thv Borough Line. A Ulatsno« of about 948 lineal feci

Sidewalks to tw 4 feel wide by 4 Inches thick, of concrete. -

The above six Jobs must be bid upon sepa ratcly and contracts for the same will be swarded separately.

Mans and specifications for throe construe tlone with alt detailed tjuanmie* thereof may be ramlned at the oflJce of the Itorouib Eml< neer, 120 Oroad Street* ElUabeCh, N. 7 . <

Earh bidder mual autmlt with the bid a certificate of a Surety Company Mating that surh Surety Company will provide the con­tractor with a bond In the sum of and under such rondltkmi aa are required by the spcrN firatlon«, >

Each bid muit'b« accompanied with ai cer-

«a re.julr*d by the ypcclflcatlona. IHie Roroush .Cmncit .reaerveg the right to

reject any Or all bids. • 'JACon Ti. nvtEK,

' • Borough Engineer,


Turnte« and B u ga Work.P h o n e - C ran fo rd 368-R -


SUBSTANTIAL AND B¿AUT1FUL I AND 2 FAMLY^ HOMES FOR SALE AND RENT AT KENILWORTH,Naw Oraag* Park U cIIm , i m w I lMidtt fra g I raaaaa tag bath « ÿ fgnOL I rae su xadbath apartxMat far rast aftWt I airnni sad bath fo rm t a t IM. WONDRä PULBABOJUBIS. DO ROT aüu th m white ttejf lut, B ltp lim Cm fa r f Htf ; - .... . ....... .

JAMES A lf i l f i^ d m wid BuiÜer. Kenaworth. ft £

. YOUR EVERY NEED CAN BE SUPPLIED................. -.............by............— ................


' OUR TWO STORESMeat Market and General Merchandise Store ’

ara eesvenlantly located sakf’ to each other for jraor b n i t t Daltvariai made promptly, ¡Phone orders will.rccciva oar ipoctal attention. ..... •■■■ ..... '■ ' ■ . -w.. - •


Joseph ShallcrossMOVING TRUCKING


-, Phoat XS&M Oranlard--- ------------- ------- ■■■■■■■■.................................................................................... ........................ , . > 4 ^ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4IM«4««4«««44444««m«44«44«04444«44«4t4«4Mtl4M««4«



Phone 61AJ Cranford .



Rapreienting the Bush-Goerke Motor Co., 373 Central Avo., Newark!

Good News for the Neighborhood!


I.'■ will be open for business on or about July ISth in a







V ’ CARS WASHED AND POLISHED. ^ ALL WORK STRICTLY GAURANTEED.- - - - - - — - ...-••••• • • . . . . . . . . ........................ . - • ■ ■ . . . . . . . . . . . ’ t> . _ ■ ■ • *, • • , ■ ■






rrr-avf.-.-i'.— ’TF.r

Page 9: A N D O H R O IV IC L B SCÒTO^roWCAif iMp^miSEDh.el geme Ironie. A fnmlly «lo. llved "ear thè ealnp nere aerustouied tu bai he al t he carni» heiich ami imi- of Uro lltih- Iroys,

4r “ ■ .

/ft# t c.

• v 7

/X « * i í l

1 *» , i V-

É S r

í í # I ■ ;

2 FAMILY OLWORTH.l u i b t l k w l r IM M t a l bath liM tkaa» while

ihttítll» P L JT


Storerant benefit, t out special

> » » » ♦ » »00 '



> m w » « w


M. J.

> m w <


LWOETH, H. Avo.. H W « i »/


> v * m t b g e v e r m 1 iunnrimi ' V U l B U £ R O M T


»BoocrtR* *


Town Notes,

Mayalrln Teat (situ will "ho i - fronr-Jnlr- ! jniTTinnrX'ii rr 1st.Miifirer* o f I In? tYanfnril I irtim-

(.Tub iiM‘t la-t c ii' iiIuk to si'lcrt 1 «1 Director» for tlic cmiilng

Bfttrd Firemen's Belief _Vksu- l »till meet tonight i.Tu-ty 11 till, bt o'clock at Fire lleadiiunr-

Hansel hiul <i< IiIh irut'st« fNronguwi 4'lulV, Morris IVinn- "• the week-eml. Messrs: A. IS.

Harry Helti» and Kenyon

Vluriilins tYuli'ts. oi St. Mi- l i t . ( '. 4'hiirtli. » I l l moke an ¿hike. leaving niiout "even-

stunlty morning.nfurd A. A, ilruiipcil in at

il, Kli™lM'tli.jla-t Sunday nf- JalllcaU:iiUu'.-BU"liU.>wii.|

Fllzalieth, "runs to 2. townsfolk motored to Sum- Fnnwood the night o f the »hero they witnessed tla<

t t display of firework*. . Andcraon..-iculuriult »of.-,'ts * •venue, uns overeotrte l>y ' while working on- Lincoln

Ho is a hit llii)iniveil ill today.

1 announcement made from l by Secretary of State Thopi-

Jartin . gives Ktafe Senator IW ’hlmoy an official plurality

i votes In tiro Primary elor- lirh made him the Hepuhll- ainee for Governor. - Oka Council, -No. St, L O. It.

_ gone tlie. old-fashioned ’’ fide one better. Tliey plan a t rlde to KeansbUrg. leaving lien's Hall, at it n. in., on Sim-

JTuly 1-tti.j l fo r d Council, Hoyai Ari-amini.

|,Bwet Friday night (Kttln. The ^attendance, price was not won ¡¿week so it will. lie a fC>.0M price

ek to the lucky member at-


__ W. I lf in * . the Hea! Estate •who has lmen salmon fishing

the past two weeks, got i last night. He reportoi] linv-

• finest fishing in years, many l.xery large average. Ills

; fish was 40 fits, and annu l­i from 23 to 33 lbs., something

|>ome o f our local an "tors to : # w .r Green Triangle of Trinity eh will have-Bn ontsloor social

(Saturday evening. duly lStli. at (Parish-House. There will he an

Jrrnovie. the film tielng Jack don's “Burning Daylight,". and

hments w ill - E-e served. Mens i w ill be admitted by showing

membership card and paying ty-five cents, admission for

i being fifty rents. - ' . Another o f the mid-summer bridge tie * which have liecorne a fea­. at the Cranford Canoe t'anoe i this season, was held last even-

_j-;- Despite the t hrt-at on! rig' w < »Hi- *■, more members and their friendsitended tlian were present.. two

eks ago and all-the tallies were Prizes were won by Miss .v ie

de.; Richards. Miss Edit Ir'Cox, McGrayne and Jack Penis-

The Itostseses were Mrs. John. . Mr». Curtis Cnlin. Jr, and Miss,

aise Mount. - .. ■t and Daughters of Liberty. Ifi-

t y Council. No. ififf, will fiohl " it ion o f officers tomorr ow.

night. lu lled 3ten's Hall. i r t Deputy bister Brutidage

. have rhargi’. On August sth. Son* and Dangtitcrs of LiU-rty

J have a picnic supper at the Es- j County Reservation. going there [automobile, carrying part of the

ahmenta and preparing hot roast corn, and rofice on the

There .w ill he all' sorts of ,-i and races. Any member who

_j not receive notification should : in touch with the Chatrman of. - Good and W elfare Committee.

stores in Crantord will be _ ■ all day .next - Wednesday, . all hands will gii to’ Asbury : orf Hie Annual Sunday School »ion.' ' . ■. ■.


Albert-J. Tutu)in and .ehil- Jullan and Alice ut Caie

« a . ■aere recr-nt guest» of F« brotlfer. Ails-rt K Cald-

' Bctford »venne.

i O l i r t i » ' y ”la a tana dcrlnd Creta

kdtscclcaa ' word raocha.a pisce wber»

i aat aad alacp, bai gradoaily


K l i Droeacher retuniad tìaDday from a bu*ine««r tr ip to Od.eago.'“

Miss ik iro th y Sm ith ha» returned from a v a c a t i « spent a i Uelmar.

Mr. »nd Mm. % C, Ogwald o f Del- ham, K. Y . have relumed to I lam p tun H iK c

IJ. Ik ' RoUtnaon o f Rahway, has come lack to Hampton Hall, after a short absence.

F. G. fiykea of Central »venu«, b in town, having returned from Plymouth, Masa -

Mia» Margery Dewte ot Central ave­nue, is spending per vacation at

' gfleld. * ' 'hpringucu.Mrs. Har^.DUlJgail tamhy ut Wal

,»ht aveuwbÁA» -osksAwsMM t s ' na» tor trip to Chutada -

Misa Marjorie 'Pierre of Proaitect street, U spending th<} Rummer at Siasconaet. Nantucket.

Mr. and lira Clyde G -Hell and furaliyof booth avi%ue,aMratfHeTr Ruimimr tiome at Indian lake.

Mr.' and Mr»; T . 'H . Cronüeÿ of CentraFavenue, suent tlie last week, end at Point Bluff, lak e Champlain.'Dr. ami. Mrs. 11; I , lake of Fulton,

X. Y , an* visiting their daughter, Mrs. T. It. Tetley of Hawthorn street.

Attse Winifred Gee of Prospect »treet. is at camp,at Falrlen. Vt.. and Seville Gee at .camp on. Long Island. •' ' • i •' »'"we ■

Miss Natalie Willlams'ot Sylvester street, is spending the Rummer at itngged Mountain Camp, near An dover, X. II.

Mr. and Mrs. Bellten ol tNanfonl avenue, have returned from n this weeks' visit at the .Christy Camp at i'pis'r Rarnnac.


Mr. anil Mrs. WMilam R|HTTy of tlig Hotel Cliatlmio. N. V, formerly or Cranford, spent Independence Day at BaUusrol.

Mr. ami Mrs. llublikrd 1). Nitride, Jr., of Pittsfield street, .aunotme'e the arrival of. a daughter. .Virginia Edgerton, born July ;t.

Kveridt Fay of lb-aspect street. Is :it-Pump tluinltet# Klieltor Isluud, Conn., where lie will serve as n coun­cillor for the camp season.

Amongll tlmas srherluled for bit vice at Hie Otlk-er’s t{<‘serve Corps ( iimp at Seu Girt, Is Cantaln Kilgar 1, Haines ol fill -'Springfield avenue.

Hunter Hamm of Springfield nve mil', and Stewart Mi’ Fttdden of Mlln -•treet, left tin Tuesduy for a motor trip to^iljorldu, where they will Join Mr. Ilaiitm at Miami.f

Mbs l.’orllo Martin-arrived at Trin­ity Rectory, Forest uvenne. last MAntlay. from Isis Angeles. Cal.. • She will s]H'nd a month in Cranford be­fore going to Brnttlehoro, Vt.- -- -Miss—Wore(tee~-A:ugHsi»—Mundyr who «■»« teacher id HI grnilc at Lire coin Sctnail. and David Marshall Ayken. will lie married July istli. at. thi M. K CImrcIi, Rprlngdnln, X. J.

Mr. and Mr».' H. W Honk anti laughter left Tuesday for .their homo at ’ Los Angeles, Callt,- after stiendlng. slx montlw In Cranford. They nrc making the (tip by auto.

Alr. nntl Mrs. O. K.' Huster anti son.'Harrison, o f Holly street, will make, an extended automobile tour through New'England. Tliey plan tt> motor as far os the Stato of Maine.

A1 Lusartli retumoil this week from Canada, having made tho tripin ilis roadster. A1 says Canada is a .vomlcrftil place, and hopes to make the trip again in tho not too distarit future. - .

1>r nnd Airs. » . J . T ll011ipson ot itosello I ’ark:, oro. Irnlng congratu- luted oli H ie arrival Iri tho family of a fine baby buy AV.edrtostlny morii; Ing. Sirs. Thompson was Miss Her­tine Loveland.

Alrv and , 5Ira - G eo,: Koury . and laughter .-Valerio, who word staying port of last week at tho Lake House, Swartgwood, N. J., near the lloy Scout Coinn, nro touring this week In Conncctlejit,

Tlie many friends o f Isador. Bren* w;asser'wlll ho glad to know thatlie Is convalescing following tin oper­ation at Elizabeth General Hospital. Mr. Brenwosser nbw 1» at Ills home, i i i Xortli avenue; AVesL' •

Air. nnd Airs. Eldriilge Humphrey of Colllngswood,'visited Air. and Airs. A. AV. Flogcl of W illow street, on Inde|iendenco Day. Mr. Humphrey. Is n former resident of Cranford, where he has many friends. ■

Atr. anti Mrs. Charles E. Estnbrook ,Mrs.Kstnl)rt)ok's_slster.AIr.s. James of Columbia avenue, lmtl as a guest. It. De.Mott of Brooklyn, nnd last Pritiny rnotorr-d to Layton: S','3.. to siK-ntl the week-end. Mr. Do Mott joined them en. route.. .

Commissioner A. Harry Moore of Jersey City, the Demticrntlc candi­date for Governor, and his wife, will -.pend a week-end In . August with Mr. and Mrs. II, C Rossell.of UT< Burchfield avctitlc. Air. Aloorc anti Mr. Bussell arc life-long friends.

Air, anti Alrs,Edward Tierney, Jr., sis-nt the weekentl over the rourtli of July w ith-Air. and Mrs. Harry C, Ifoss'elt of 2« Burchfield avenue. Mr. Tierney is tlie son o f Mr. Edward C. Tierney, the owner o f tlie Arlington Hotel o f Blngliamton, New York. ■

AV. B. ltosencrantz anti lilt son Charick are away on a two-week»' motor trip through westein~Penn- sylranla .MLs* AValtla Roscncrnntz is at Camp Afiuahung. Central Val­ley. X. V , where she has been en- gagetp as swimming councillor for the season. .She la a graduate of the fled .CrosssAtjuatfi; BfbqoL .

Car) R. Bratlley. Assistant Rcere- tary o l Cranford T^ust 'C>), leaves Fritfgjr. for Kansas City. 51o^ where lie will attend the Jiatiodal Conven­tion of the American InstBntc o f Ranking. Mr, Bradley w ill repre­sent Klizalteth Chapter o l the Insti­tute, .-.whlcli-stivers the counties of L’nion. JsotDfirsct,- and Middlesex,' Chief Hennessey o f Cranfortl I V lice and Airs. Hermessfcy le ft early Tutsday •morning to enjoy- -the. Cliiefs vacation together,-touring West by auto. During tlie. -trip Chief Hennessey will attend the an­nual convention o f the Police Chiefs Association o f the UnitedStates and Canada <» 1* held at

I Indianapolis, Ind. - ' ,

Mr. and Mrs. A. B- Hlttenlwiitw of Klin Mrect. spent the holiday at New HtvlH'lle.

Mr. and Mr*. Charles E. Estabrook. J r, took a m otor trip to Layton, X J,, from Friday to Monday. ‘ —

Air». O. K . liu s te r o f H o lly street. It yeaterday tor a three m onth»'

s jay at Bailey, Maine. .Mr. and Mnt. Ivavld Brown ot Elm root, motored to New Rochelle to sit trlenda over the Fourth ot July, Mrs. E, J. CVtleman o f Union avt»

'iue, gave a card lUtrty and kitrhen »iuiwer last 'ihunstay erenlng. f Mrs. Howard Holt. . .

lN>stnia»ter E. G. Houghton and family Jeft Fridmr auto tur EF niUua,"K-iX» T-Aig. .H a tu h tva eetu nad Mtmtlay. Mrs. Houghton will make an oxlotuletl stay In the Elmira vl rlulty. • *

Hampton Hall held a putting con le.-t on the lawn fur its guests on Uie-aftcrooun-of. ludependence-Dayr anti a bridge and man Jongg party in Go- evening.

Limit- K. Ilendrlrkson. w Iwt repn- sent» tho Elizabeth Daily Journal lit tills sect Ion. Is enjoying a two week.s varalton; Harry W .'llu ey Is hand­ling tin- work while Dniio Is vlslthlg

Mr. and Mrs. G. \V. tlwlvnlw-rg ot Willow avenue, and .Mr. pint .Mr*. A. il. Miller, o f Elizabeth-avenue, uto lured to the Miller m ilage at loke llopatcong for the week-end hoil ilny. - .

NEARLT KIIAKD IM FIQHTA few. inim ites In-fore 12, itixin.

July Ith. I'tdit-o lleailtpm rters had (u o rails, innii i-Yank J. Jnlin ami llundolpli Mrknmn o f Walnut nw line, saying a luully Injuied etd'ireil limn was In flu- gutter o f Retford Hvemto.-jiisl ftrtiund lie- vor!ii-t‘. IMli i t-r C raig was sent at once and lie ftmml Ben Butler: who work» for th e 'M oon ey Co, anti live* at 2uP Rtiiiilt nvemio. tim-onsi-loiis ami find- ly cut and o llir rw l-e injured mainly »bout tlie Iteiid. I>r. Blythi-./ttlio lives .nearby, was “ iiinuioned und dressed the limn s Injuries and nr di.ti-d him tnken to hospital. I.ater. mi n n it ii I lit net- took h im jii Ellzitlielli fienera l Hospital, whine lie is re­ported as reeinerlngi

Bui lor. wlien ho roroerted con- selmisnt's*. refused.to mnke a state nient o r to say wiio nttuckrd liini < MUi'er Craig,Was tolil by Mrs, Knapp of R e tfo rd avenue, who got Mr. Jnlin to telephone, that slit- saw three eofored men fighting nnd that one fe ll .to t lie «treet, tlie id la-r two running away. Tin- oith-er then found at tlie Kirsi-lieiilinuni bar .rark*, 2S i-ithm averuifvts:,-1 hnf iw o iirolin-r», Roy anil • Robert Tube, wiio hoarded Glt-it- hat! rnslit-il In at uotiil. grill died a few rlotlies ami ills- iiplJVureil. T lie Com ity w iies were «tit working and police all over were utitchliig, fo r llm tmnv.wllliln-2ii-uiUe hies hut they got away. Tin- Tolie brothers trad been In Cranford about a muiitli iiuil clulineil to have come [rum l ’ ittvimrg. it ts said. AVIiat, «tn rtiil tlie Gulit cannot lie Iruriied. Tlie tw o brothers evidently thought they had killed Butler. I lls wounds, inllictod by kntto and a brick, were Very serious but he Is said to he re­covering In good bIiiuhi nt the hos­pital. ..................


Next Tuesdny, begiuniiig at lii o'clock in the mornliig, tin- Comity Board o f Taxation will hear appeals /mule by Cranford taxpayers for rr, diictlon-<if assessment values. There

approximately.. !KI appeals to lifer, some of these being for

areio iis Ii ,large amounts.

The lieuring Is held In Cranford rather than , ln-EllzulM.-tli.- ior -the com cnlenccrif.t ax payer* filing' an js'Uk Townsiilp .Attorney Austin will rcpresent-Tuwnshlp Interests at tlie bearing,' ■ .

MASOHIO DAT AT OLYMPICAH eye.» o f ¿lie Aiasoulc fiaternlly

nro fixed ijikiii Olympic I'ark. where, on July Kith, will he held a monster picnic, tin- largest ever held In tills Ntlite.lt Is believed. Hnlnnm Templeo f the Afystic Rliflne Is.getting rendy for tlie b ig event which w ill in* n re­ception' to Grand .Master o f .Masonsof New- Jersey, Ralph E. Linn.

A ll mason* and their fam ilies will In- adm itted to the- park fri-e and tliero fs every Indication tlin l everylarge c ity in the State delegations.

w ill send

STORES W ILL CLOSE a I l DATAll Mores In Cranford will close

all day next Wednesday to give em­ployes a« well, os proprietors opisir- t unity to go on the- hlg-T-xciirsImi to Asbury J*nrk and Ocean Grove, f I w ill he n big da)' at tlie seaslHire,

Miss' M argery Denman o f Rprlng- field avenue, fs tin- guest o f her col­lege cfiuirt, .Miss Alary Gladys Brown at Asheville, S. V. '

— Jade It Deceptive [GemPearl* and jsdc ore twe precioio

gcin*- widely worn by women tod*y. and « c a w of tbcfr popularity i> tlie dlmculty of letlln* nt a,gitine* the' lyal - from - Ills nrlifif-tai.v TM*- fa crpo- - dally tnj* of inde, exea when laid aids by *ld*. There 1« no perceptible difference, even to an expert, between one piece that rosi* a few doiiir* aad one that costa hundred*. .

Ibten Voluntary ExileItwen; the Norwegian dramatist, afi

er falling to stir op bit eaaatrymn by bis "A,Brother In Need,” to nil} to the aid of Denmark, left Norway In voluntary exile, and remained away until l i » ] . ; ' , .

Ended Sunday Pastime*W w tii* crUlapM* of -* largd tbe-

atar on the Rat-bath day In the reign •Jtt Quern Khz»belli. * -geseraf -prohl- billon i f afi- NumJay public ytttUat* “ollowed. . .

CANOE CUT» NOTES1 er fitonpal hrt l*«' tw-la at the

eliii hoUec two Week* ago hiet with *nth »uvee» that ti e EiitcrtaUi n ; • t t - mm -l-v in' - -e-cUt' d to con itone tins i aure during tlie Rum tiler month-- file,second of the scr- icy. n o In-Ut last AV«sinc»-i»y even ing ani)-similar parties will Ito given -very tu « weeks hereafter.• Hie ladle* ot the coiiimiitec have iislitutcsl tho custom of serving

ffliinu iou ii -. A^inl of the rooluig refre-lmient. iIucxhI In Die rose artHir. w unteli iiiprecistxHlby-tin- players and their tricfnls.

Tlie ’iA-nnls Gmuuntco onnou * » hlUid draw ilouldc« tournament, ui wiilctr tin- JmRncri “rlil J* eiccb •si by lot. starting Natuntay. July lllh. A mixed doiihle* tollman t is planned tor the near lutine.

Fourth ol July, a team, o! horses, a dump wagon ami a nuints-r ot moro or .lesa w ||l!tiJL.Jtaiiiis.rar.rJciL Vlio'tw» addiilonni tennis courts well tin their way toward compie tion, The team ami wagon were tie dated for. the. day., minus a dr her, ’Utf tilts I tlhl twit lit ter the liardy imriners of tho Caum< Cinti for long, dee among Guise present » » a nember who had onrt- silent the »«miner on a (arm, an extu-rli-nco inanlihousiy court-tied siuhcjeiit I» warrant Id" holding the temporary litico of Director ot ’lYnnsfMirtatlou. I'ho apiHiintmout proveif fully Jii-tl lied and- Ills masterly Immilliti: of t 'lie reins quickly eaHieii fm litui tin'' <rdir|i|Ui-.t ui lieu finn

Tlie real piii jays*' of tho exoedlGtm •ias to carry stiltlrlent reek to tillìliodialhagiyfreiicli surrounding tlieion cmirt-eiiml scouts sent mil. tlie irevloiis Yilglit, reported u, former dilli trustee willing to contribute Vlie concrete from Ids dismantled llsh'ptiud tor that pur|«ise. Nome of llié parly doubted Gad 111* inni ir e .ias altogether nltrulsGc. however,.1 lii’ii llm improved appi nraio'c ''of In' siurniiiiilliig» wa» inaile appai ‘lit Dy* ( 111’ removal (if the deliri". A lidz/li'iil t’xpressloli -un hi» • w ife's faci’ il" site liewed tlie proceeding' lint some weight to till" suspicion

Nothing 'id of the iiidlmity murk­'ll tlie m i i : al of tlie Hi-i lumi id it lestlnaGini. savi* sumo illllii'lllt)’ III iierMiaillng Die dumping ini i'lianlsniin fimcllou lllilll till’ nook..WBsinrtly unloaded by iminl.A siTnnd Irlji wa* limile, Gils timo

Il a ili-si-rted stone pilel ll i ’re ail lent wi ll GII one of tlie gang bait I large hmihl.er dnippeil on Ills fi">t, l l'.’ilnhil lull fmlnnalely not a »er-



iiiMuij» i ito,i in inovtiitfilÜJUlLi '

nii'if. uhjjo tfiry Uori* of tin inrinh sH % v*. tin* j-foManr* »lie-

lhnl tlu'ro vin* no iW-ojI to •ViTnoik tin* li(rrM"i on n liolliln tiiil uilii iippnnal ami furllior bon Imk iHMontlfiijiMi fm tin* tilin'

DANCE AT OASnVOTho i ’rauford rjisiim

th*.' fourth uiui im ovenlnK inirrii mriy ilnju*«* \»hh*h murh i't>*

joyofi hy uH-mlM*rM mnl tln*lrvluhlioii«»«' sviw <l‘ vornlo<i wit!»

IhiK* nn't’lmnllnff. »vhllc tfiifly rolur U lm»tA‘ruF (urnUU<M! Hlumlnathm

in«f Hcidctf (’ rentjy to tlio AttrnHlv»^- •ict-- <j( ttn» plutuir 'I hc hr<m<l jiln/.- :a fflclJiK on tin* fiver nml externiliiir uoumi Uuet- Nidi- <*( tlic l»ull<Unu iifliheimjdenl M itiiu: for MJ<‘h An L'nlertiiimiient flnd the muMo, fur*.Iifthed hy r|*ho J'tolh’ker.M, v» hm fill hill ((Mild l»<‘ de*dred. . .

Itnpwtedgo o l EnçlitS India-pensable, S aya Professor.

I»««« bwt oriate, nMtor ttuiQ Un» umi»I Buiuhrr «»T «i U'Utytlk* M i » fey j•oui hy « l i t r r « f»*r th« iuh; * jaoh-*. 1« tonit* wh«t !» wrant !»>

«Igm iHl Moi» Ikun»- taWty ftw y«Mr» lUrt^M Ihitmvr.(ftw f ut |>li!M«ii|ihi In llurtfiAt uni«rfidtya. A«id -Itt *gmhw iMivvmÎ «t ih« l nUvndty « f î Mulnxiia; "Oimx! judert liât*

hv, *f»i| h* AtaOi', U m w.vUa-nUH’hì jr<l |Mrî»nii wt»o UM<« ht» w tt h Ìl*twer nn<1 be»uty.w U»U‘r ht» h.Mo -.a5 mm« «ndpr tti# Titto ,.f ^4 ÎT i0uli|v«tui» ln KnfilUh.*'* »nul U I# («• I >Uy m% «i'idÎcublG nn.l «tliGGlrt'.lruj n» ! r'rr. Kvery tmthvc«. i>ui|.

Bllti ©Vt‘fjr Uh'ììiÌhV “ f h (•tlnnd itumidlh't* lu U»«' iHtuult>

(\\t U» «*CvMvU<V «R \y l«ivv4’ ofiliemry ct»itnH»»hlen tu< I« nn item h« « jM>un« » f !t»i>))lral!t>n AUd cuhhtnre, ni»* »M'» tho Youth'» rtMiil'Aiiii'n _ÀÎthough Vrvtv*pur l’.thw« r‘tr fortmiL

I» of i»,tiiv**r»»rtl M|tplli'ttl|tHi, It niiiNt Im inkiti lu tld* couufry whï» r« f':nùV»' lo IvUtflIàh, for, no nmiicr Ikmy g «14 h iiiiiii umy knuw «n> «»üti-r lieU Uunvliy Unndkui’iH'd If tu- «t««« »« n,«i Lu<m huw to il»« Oie laniitiui;«* of tto- •m*r«hu4tnlng tunjortt) .wtth 1» ve»tnln iUitrtH* uf oeouraeÿ hnd im»«,. If *»•«»

jFovtiT ami !t I» IM-*n -lMsd tfml uUf |»ul»!l(* »uIxriIh -liii»« il.tUe iM-riinp« thHr m««t ii«»d«l »»«iiL A comnii’h languii£t* 1» n ur» R| miili-n Ai| .lu iu-Ilt, «ml tlu» iim* m|l-lnfiUiilt thmuyfumt tlu* V'uUctl iït-ttcH i» Miinelldnji to Im* ^rilteful for h iIm-i

tiuv« ih»dr-t*ï»uv uud toit Uu* ofiu-lal hitnniHgc* of t (»•* «‘imiii 1 ry iuiikI !><> thn comtii«*u |>o»Nc»nl«>u nt «tll, Ttii* »tory of (Im ’l’mu r nf llnhel i» »un in t>oint,.And kttoMlndtf* of Knuh"h do«A uni

MU'fin un rely thr «IdIUy |o re»ul h||h|*,Iç l»ro»w! #nd to tlu* »it«* w [»hum.«'.»n# tho dtiy, ml»cd »»liti hIgu It u»w»n», nt Tiilimr *«* tci«vl»NlRNlrto»!, th»* nhlllty In H|»ctdi imd wt)\v wlth •‘natiriK)', itndmh) nn«l rnngt*.“ Ilrrv U ni Inod nun troni i<> wurd wtilch ntl nf uur In

»v .t^UUfr -fflfinmB» cnn tnfoly f»ro«*» T'd'»tfïfdr

DIEDThe niiiny friend*« o f Mr, und Mm.

J.YHihn I* LoviMimd. Jr., nro xympo- Ud/liiK u llli them In the Io.m o f llndr htihv Kiri, who ttled Wednet- _!iiy of. this H’tiek..liv in g hut one dny ufter hlrtli, . ......... - -

ACCIDENTSUn July *1. .h»**e|i|i Murino o f New-

nh, d iove his tn iek into the «tide ut fhe .'•even jiit^^eni'e.i loiuhtjf r « r o f John W»M|d*M>. o f U lvhm onil. H ill, f«. !.. yiniivliin^ II. 'I'he nreldenl in * urred f»e»r KuMnmn street nml

N’orlh nvenne. 'On July 7. Joo Kmdi, of Cranford,

a lide duvin/r- hi* m r, »»ns rim Into »y it tnnk, \thleli did not nt'np.

Itememher Orunn f¿rove exeuruhm Wedneydiiy. » .

Volum of Politem i»ScbfKil yeorvifir to he polite Afid

cuurttKiu» und'-r all rlrruiu*tnftce#--w ó tr ir/lnj ’ f lrcfjmBtunrrjt ro ll!«-■**■# la of tl»«v wtrtitj(s«>Rt (title« oni “■n hu»e hi fj numi ituh hi« ftilow ndn.-»lltuir> t^cv«». » . '

' Je?uit Martyr ! ^ IEither . hmif íé^uwi, th*\ French

/«•nit fuüot.'oTifjr.Y, Ig» I» one of ft)« M i ; holy perron» UciifiHrd durian th« fldy yenf In inm»«*, ->n*j killed l»y Mo- hftwk Indino« nf r.’foi hrirtivejru, JS. October 1« .!«:»/{.■ •. '

Groveling PunishmentOcr idra of » berry cvy U th» bîrc bo found two »rmed borgier» and "

hi* and made ‘ithesa host for collar huilón.—I'nltenlly ot QsorgL* Cr»ck««>. • . '


When you bava one* usad an Exidc, you will understand why ’thair makers ore thé world's largest tata- ufseturers of Storsg* Battorfes for every parpóse. -

Standard,, Pola ri ne, Ford Oí] - ■" Sflveriöwn Cord Tim ■

Gas 0| Gk «k Acceuorifi*

James G. MiddletonVorth Ave., »t Lincoln Av». .

CRANTORD, ïf, J.Tolephono \Ve$tflM |596 .

Hliurtt'oinlns* In edier «iildert* eon l>« rnnrcaied tun fu till y KUklUh. wlipihn in t(HH»A'li or In »vrlilrttt, la «nrc to i»* »uni It «A« It At the Ur»l c»miitvt. r |i I« only th*» inAityf» tlm t^oti .wlT»/fd _t» niTuiiilVemir«.*’'

Mother Underltood 'Kli* te'a wumlerful tlttli’ ni"ibcr.

Ininllic, SlVCCt, lb»:l(l>'lll, - lllisnl'lllsll calut and atway* c-mivriii’it mcr ibc ucifnr* nf ber big boy, ulmw- bile 1111111x1 Itati wiirrim) Iter nut a little.

"Wlmt tinai tiiil full get la Inst nlglitr tbu laqiilrcd at bri’iikfn«!.

“Tins riioralng you inciirt', Innlbcrl It .ivua 12:10.” I . '

“Attd «berti utero you, migliti a«ki.’i.“Wctit In B llrirlrs Slid Inni a Mille

iMtinrr nftcrwaril. Cater fbarge nml -ill didn’t make It very null).'' ’

Slit- bad beard of cover rhnrgrs til •mb nffnlra. hut Imd never qulfe tin- -li-rstiiiid HMe «milled a iiioiim-in nml Mn n : .

"Miitlicr uspc/ial»er-l..almulil-iblnk. It sceme-to me Itlat you'd get tired of paying fur table coverà.“--Iiniliiini[ioM» Selva/ - . ■ .

Vitatily al Beat S**diItpet aced» ratnIn Ifielr germfniiilos

islwer for IT yenr». «ccordlng m ex (ivrlincnta recnntly coadiirtejl liy l'rof K. Biirtib-I’eteraen of thè Dnrd»h *«-d Itatltlg «tatlon. A cntialdcriilite immunt nf tliis «lock waa ato'red nwuy 17 jenr* ngo end tome-wlttidràwn for .ostieri- iuent every yenr. Tlie leale »lemeii SS per’cent òt cernilnnllun Mie «¡»'oad year and'24 per ceni Uni «eventi entb year of dornmney. Kceds of wblle dover gemi]nutrì] after 2S yenr*/ Gnly a few. gres* epede» u-sted. «lei» ed inuch llf» «Ber «uvea or elgbt yenr* Vadnus eovlronniratiil romlltlnn« imi) Ipfiucnce thè lengtli • of lime o nei»! iiiny remaln «live. i’rofe««nr Doridi l’ctcrsen belle*e*. ' _____________

Goat* Do DamageTh* Bulgarian sheep and goni cea

vim for the current year «lune* .that there la a pelr of sheep,-or a sheep. Snd é goat, for etery mun, woinnn *nd cblid In llnlgsrlii. «Itil i pan of a stiK-p or a goat to «puré. Rlieep. fwwever, ore much preferred to gnat* tty- Hie 'Bulgarian government. The mi «on I» Hint ' gout«, feeding on Mie frnih, young tops of shrub« and ibc •mall trees. Ofdiarenlly are enllng the couatry biire of fore»!«. llitii'- Mit-v nre being tskeu to discourage tlielr In ■■rease. n

“ Love>t Labor Lott” ■ .Ml))« Mitt Dorolby May iiovurd

1*132 Sortii Fenosylvsnln «treet. udio lias Just readied tlie sge of nine, tra» Mnt qalssed the oilier day roricern- mg tier “boy friend«,“ Tlil» wo» the -vfflrer»atli/o: .

"Wrll, Dbittthy, bare you a bcnqV' tlie tliltor »sited. -

Dorothy May'« face lighted up und •tellingly she asid: “Bure 1 have a tiesti," then her smile changed io »ml nu» ss abe added, “But be dwaiTl pay »ny «Itrntlou to tue.“—Indiana poll* News. . -

... B rilliant A nal y titI'resldent Juilas B. lloraos fif the

Unlfed Buies' chamber ot contioerce paused In a success talk In Cleveland to soslyu • failure.

"From the atari.' said »fr. flamea. -he was otte ot those chap* who pride themed*«* ua the emittore ot their


i l



OCEAN GROVE Wednesday, July 15th


Trains leave Cranford «,4» A M.: Qsrwood » A M tstortis.; at Cranford)

Returning, both saattona isav* A*bury Park T U P M

All time given la Daylight Saving Tim*

TheVanity Shop


AT 18 EASTMAN ST.Fftatitrini **V»i)4ty Fai»' lAr,i»u*

i 8U!t Ho«« «tn! Clift A a id n



PHONE 9 5 0 .......






F U N E R A L10* Union Ave.. Hoitb


CRANFORD. |ï. J.Tel. «

Chiropractic An Exact Sciencef'hlrftprflHic U on f'xaut hcUhivi:

Min! U iKirU’itfy dr*monytrfkhh?. ! iy it th*‘ tii'ivi H (imt itofilrol tli« lieaJUi jiff iriufii from .their orlxiii to t!ie

uln'rc tnmbtfi In-gin* In Uto vi rUhr^l forimirm. if the

min** u portât* your Jiorvp* June lion pro\ior\y. 'flm Chiropractor porwU iniiwr/fîct, «llffofiwnt' andh*'jiïUi rchiiUi». ......... ....... r.....

DR. A . F. FISCHER Licetued Chiropractor .

P. O. AtHXjHNO, CRANFORDTuc*. siiil Tt<u/A,’ 2:00 to 8;00 P. M.

HaL, 10:00 A. ML to' Af. P . M.

Travel am AmazonThe A'ooxoq, the» prtnutfwit rt««r «î

flouth Anxrlft aud th« ia'rj;»*«: ia tk* world, U DAvIgaUr for «iramnhip* f*»ir 1,300 ot It» 8*300 mllra TPI**» rlw III! ■■ fur M 400 ujlira fnmj Ua taooth

H oppinet* tor A lt '- Happions Is n wnyalde tt-mer. tn ,

ta lUiwbo will jduck It-re.r a rare orchid tb be porrluaeiF bs lb« rtcài ,it. a Wood&nll. ’ '



* CLVDE c . b e l l


BlMtttlRTCMMk W ,* ’


Page 10: A N D O H R O IV IC L B SCÒTO^roWCAif iMp^miSEDh.el geme Ironie. A fnmlly «lo. llved "ear thè ealnp nere aerustouied tu bai he al t he carni» heiich ami imi- of Uro lltih- Iroys,

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Ä ssa ss^ g r’

DADDY3EVDDMCn in r t u E

Fi|nnl Rights Now in Brooklyn


T bb (s| k »d c i(M fo cvîl M» *;.-"rïls Greca Frog who tl'vl la i>» p «< l «< * '

Iti* < *t* «h * » »;Lb*--r

Old UaB llrcd.T-.n-my • * * ' » *

lag t*. '•** th* «Md Msn «ad b*

Jtp'TZ ' « *ty j f l*lr talli VtH»ût”"tiii

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-----DyJOMNDtCKtN&ON-*HERMAM.-.-■ fM M ||||>H K lA i!IÏA T IV | i ••Blb

n WARD T. TAVI.OH ofM r Colurado In Mio Inai ron-^ - grvss raised a question

which, frulli Ih* viewpoint "of Mr. Average American, would »rom to In' worthlit* prompt »Mention ofIII* Htsiy-NInth congress:

Htuill Ih* Untied BUI*» coiitlnne lo permit officisi

______ rn|ilt»l guide* lo collectauthorised fee from III* Auierlmn

people visiting llii'lr »eat of govern­a m i ! •

LIMI* Mr, Kotin Whlspsrsd.

tw»»*ire w «» true. . lie. « * * natural.ly v.ry much ex-r lle l shout It »1L

lit! he bad cn- J 0 } <• d slopping »»•I V e in * other» no t.i» «ay/

<;--*>riiU} (Jr«?a1‘rvei hud- !*■«« to-t*-ri;>!nl«g trim. .

Tt«*n Tobunj, •bo bail biwijtfct fo*>d »'1th him, on<J had a fra*t, sad all tbe little cr« uturr* fri*m about had n»«ie. .- When they had all »-aim «H tliejr

.could po«udM/ eat T«m.:’iv had filed a number of Hit!« |.acVi» *a filled with ermutui mod M*1 all the jwryfii! to take the*^ home to the ir children.

•*H*a atwaya only tig lit,” Tommy aald, “"to »end home ►'iin<,t!dng friuu tvery party to the rh.ldrm.*

The birds were •»» .^Hghied' ilmi they tang a give!««« ►•■ng of thanks and told Tommy that the Old Man had aald Tommy was a friend of their*- a* he would no more think of taking egg* ©at of the Dnta of birds than he would* eVen If he were much bigger, go around usd take little-boy» apd glrla fmm their bom* n.nta.

“All those things msde the Old Maa an happy whea you atarted adventur­ing.** they^aald. **Tou were Juat the

Ily a recent Tirdrr of the public service commissioner of Jlrcoklyn, N. T, both men .and women tire jM rmlited to atnoke in the teur compartment of the street « am; Here are seen Hie Hrat two young women to take advantage of their privilege' . . . . ’ . ' “

A n t « m A TrKctar E lim in i t * : A n v il W orker.

Hertford. EagüugL— Siren twos effort» oro M a i s i ila ber* and la ether WCrleotnuwl districts o f England te n n tbe picturesque old-fashioned rti- Ugt blacksmith trots panting lot* oblivion. ' .

T h ssm ltbo f Engl tad today Is not ‘lolling and rejoicing" to draw undue attention to himself, but If “sorrow- itoF1 w sv e std s s l n » than -Esdib»

all becqp“ ot th* sdvent of the auto­mobile and tbe motor tractor. .

Is their desire to “save” the vlHaE* blacksmith tb* llertfordahlro ^©ouniy council.. member».. announced., rtccp'-'i. particular* of a plan designed to keen alive tbe drearing induatry which ha* been »o bard hll .br tbs moilerb or ganlration of tbe big ntap.ufarturer» and their agents who aupplr atandartl- lird parts of farm Implements and machinery on line* of muss production . Ttie iiilMsiry of agriculture, tatk ba» become Interested lb tbe achem* to 'prevent tbe passing of Ibe blaAamltb and boa agreed to codiperate In tb* movement. , ’

Spedai commute** appointed to to-A I• ■ 4 \ '

Hazard 'Tranoferred from Induttrici to Streets.

By C. National

oa# ht hoptd would come.** “Am I to co to the cave oowT’

gv«r line* I first vlsltsd this build* tag, twenty )*srs s«o. I hav« fslt that this magnltlrsnl hulldlns ws ar« •II no -proud, of. this Capitol building • f .tho irM tfit nation on *srth ought

"fsrsvar to Vs firs lo ths Amsrlcsn puhllo to look at. 1 ft«l that thsrs asvar should b« a fltsd chargs to go IWfuugh thts bulldlna. 1 f**l fhst a patty cash ha chart* of 16 c*nta tu •m this building Is bsnsath ths dignity s f our grant fra« govsrntnsnt and of

esnts psr hour and II esnts for any additional paft of an hour far sadh |>*raon, partlss not' tp *>*ca#d Sft psr* aims. Oulds» must conduct ail partlss to both floorai to ths ssnato wlnn lowsr floof, through tbs crypt; to ths houss gsllsry, and back to rotunda, from which-all partlss wilt start.. k. Tor school (Trisnlisttons, II esnts each parson par hour or addlttonsl part tborsof. • '

There are now 14 guides, on# ofthem a woman- rorentljr appointed. Most of Ih w gutde# wenroppoloted many year« ago. Hmjamln J. Cady, H’hlcf guide, hat tieen llicre 4A year*. Albert Daugherty 25 jrenra,. and Kd- ward Kmst, 20 years. Ondy Ai»es no guiding. Up la director and cashier.

<M»nitr»M-uf—tha—United—Htalaa^ T h o^ o th e r-tS -fu id eg -tu rn -toH o -tilH ^ ^ y ¿ r? i£ ? S ? £ £ « ^é!rnTtùò~^Viùù9 Is no raputabls guvsmmont. In w .w m____w «. , 1* " th* ■'*mP l.sMworld which atilh*ri»ra ür"-p*r*' -•TW---wgnt.rthb^gtrthortiid-Tfe*#*77.llw- pl» into thlS C*p1tot:bu1tdln* wTk*f«

tbs ... .sslla a t l ‘Cint flat chargs psr bsad far as-slng Us capítol.


I t

That’» the way Mr. Taylor put. It. B * I» a vcirran trim hiv».!iee<i In the bon y »lore 11»»). Ile umile' a apeecb. against Itila gultfe ‘»yetem ten year« ago. but acema to liaye been slope In bis protest. In tbe last congress he tMnidureil a *‘MU to estnhUah a free

' guide servire for the Capilo) building," providing for one chief guide at liso

. a oiouth and ten guides at f lW » »«n th . and for au “otlldal capitol booh." -, ■ , ■ " /

Tlie fact« concerning the guide*. » ». brodght forth In Mr. Taylor's vipeech,

lo tlie delude In tbe.house and In com- Blttre brnring«. Inciude these:

Orawth of Syatam.Up to the time of the Centennial

at rh lladelph la 'jb «» vraa no guide ejeiem of uny kind.- The- crowd, of «laiton to the cnpllol that year vrere ao large tinti rongrcM rauaed the ap­pointment of the guide* and allowed them to take tip* for »err he, Tbe act of 1NS2 ÿto regolate the u*e of tbe tapltol grounds' atilt In force. It dm-» not mention the nord "guido"la any way ................ .

The rnltlnet oltlccra.hnve charge of the government hulldlng* of their re- japertite deimrimcnia and make their a»wn rule* roiiiu-rnlng visitor*, tlulde «servire la free In them. Tlie Capltoi building la under the control t>f the prealdcnt of the aenttte and the Bleak­er of tlie house, of representative*, and they delegate 'thètr authority to the Capitol polire hoard, composed of the aergeiinia lit anu* of the aennte and the house ; and that board traue* ebe rule* and regulation* for the eon­

___trot of-the hutldlng— Sériions T and S. of the -'Mules and Ilegulatlons lìovero-

lng the Capitol Tollco” are n» foi- *owa: '

divide* them and geta SO centt axtra. Tti* guides do not .turn la their tips. In MCb lb* authorised fee* collected by 1.1 guldea totaled g.T).it3T.05, and .«HhMKSft in 1ÚS* by 1* iw ldei -Tbi* Indicate* a SO per cent tncream In business,' The probable total of fees and lipa i* over $50.000..

Few Vlaltork laeapa - , In addition there nr* at least ala

-'capítol books” on salt *1 prices rang Ing from $1.00 to 25 cent* 'Ota¡ guide» urge, the purcliaae of these and get commission* averaging nhoqt IS cents Mr. Taylor any* three books are writ­ten to sell, and thinks they hare little dr no historical value. Moreover, the bouk-aeiUug practice appear* lo have come Inlo existence without legal au­thority. In addition there is a profit­able sale of pesirnrit*. '— lt~ ahnuht-ber«' he noted-that-Mr. Taylor eutphaslsea tbe fact that be la attackltig tho gitldo system, not the personnel of the guide*. He think* they are all good men. lie saya they are doing only what they nre. allowed to do by the oSU-lal rutea and custodia long In force. And of course a vlallor can got Into the building aniT go about without employing a guide; there muat he more than a million visitor» « year nowadays Neverthelcaa, na Mr. Tay­lor say», the guide*, after all these year*, have got - the .guiding, business to a tine nrt:

‘The taw authorises a nominal fa* at I* e»nta «sell for showing-you ov»r ths building." Th* uhaophUttcateO publié look upon It ao an antranoe fs* which they muat pay or g«t ont, and-' ao th«y cough up tho t l cents aptoea, an* thap attar tltay kav, been shown around a llltla and conduct** up to lh„a boohatanda and tnvatotad Into buying a hunch o t books and pamphlala they do not want, thty go away in disgust, fjMlIna thsy have htan frlahod or gougtd. and they feat rtaantful toward congraaa fog permit­ting what they think l e * sebema of petty larceny end peculation and thSy wonder whom tbe guides are dividing all that money With.. 1

Another complaint made by a great many la that too large a number ot people go through at-one time with one guide, and ecarcety anyone can ‘ " ' " Bel

Tleorct* To Igolog to aing for you,’ tittle Mr. ItoblD whtspere,! In Tommy's ear. "H e .would feci dreadful if you didn't listen to him.- ’Tlewiekeeup tda owa-tunea and-b*

makes up tb* word* to ;ht* eooga.” "That*» clever of blot,” Tommy »aid. -Don't speak before you bear," salt!

Mr. Robin. “Rot It doesn't make any difference anyway. UeorgI* Is aucli good company." ■ ,

Georgio was clearing bla throat noie. □Is eyes were tralglag from hit bead and ha waa looklag atotmd at hla sudl- eoco to sew U all were ready to listen to him. '

- I »ball slog a aoog eelltled 'A Frog'» Fancy,' 1 wrote It myoelf ami aotno day I bop* It will bo put In all tb* school books so .tha t boy* and girla will bo able to know that poetry need not always bo poetry {n order lo call Itself poetry. And- I hope they will pat my pletore In tb* book* too.

"Tbt* la my aong” ____:____,__

B. AU EL. Prasldant,. 8afatyf Council. .

New Vork.—-Thé world bus become mechanical—man power and horse power (except aa a unit Of msasure* tuent) are falling Into ileruetude. Tlarneaslng Niagara" waa an achieve­ment, conveying Its fore« to great distances wag an accoinpllahmcpt. but to make Niagara freexe Itself Into llt- ■ïïS“ ci6«n [n '‘ ITê'TûtïïfonîîlTè'ïntïi brotvn . the liuckwheat cukc«,> on the foreman’» brcnkf»st.... table and drive the aew|ng machine In the third floor back, transcenda .any. of. Aladdin'» mytblcat-efforta„.. .Not.-content- with barnesalng mere coal deposits and riv­ers, man harnessed the oil fields, and with what result!—the development of cheap and light mechanical motive power molding him’ to flivver the »ea. flivver the air, and flivver the a’urfoc* of the land. Bee alio what the gas engine t* doing for the farm*—the Inst stroagbolu of hortwrimurer. Flr*t Into onr liidnatrial life, next Into onr pub­lic life and Anally Into our home life K ive crept lb«-maolfalil appHcsMona of power to dally need*. ; "■*

; Fewer Take* Toll. ,□ut, hreause power la the applica­

tion of the mechanical force« which, the hnronn body cannot withstand, power has taken and continue* to take It* toll of life and llmt). The path "i .It* application to man'* ttamla Is

transferrlny Itself to the field o f pubi lie accidenta, In olhec words to our Uriels, our highways, our transpor­tation systems a n « our public build­ings. It Is following the advance of power, but whether, ns we develop public protective measure* and there­by diminish public accident*. It will trnnafec Itself to our home* rematiti to be seen—-for today It la sufficient to’ rendre that the focus of. the dis­order haa moved Into the public life of the community. , .

¡The only new thing about the' snfe-*"'lytlp^eïSB ïFTtr« m r ^ i ^ l í ' t K r T t t *

a movement and not an Institution or sn.lnatlnct nnd that 1» wholly beeaus.’ of the abnormally rapid davelopment of modern life, I f Rfe- would slow dotvn-ga It did. In.. p’reMatortc . time* safety would be * family matter; ,'lt Would be part o f the family discipline, like not eating-with one'» knife or not tying In bed In the morning, both tyi- doubtedly prehistoric vices

vestlgute the plight of the smithy hav reported that llitfa ar* many arthl In popular demand which cannot be- aatlifnrtorily produced by factory methods because of the »bill and the handiwork or the craftsman which should count more than mere cheap- ne«s. . . .

With a view to giving the village blacksmith a new lease on life, .n spe­cial exhibit waa arranged for the recent llcrta 'agrlcultural show, where prltea were awarded for' »„rkullurnl Implements,.wrought Iron gate*, acroll work, door titling*, general utility Wares, such as weather viutes and um­brella and golf stands. ■

F,' W. Bpealght, director o f tbe ex­Mbit, has also proposed varloua other schemes ' designed to prevent the gargge fyom,replacing the blacksmith shop and silencing the ring o f the anvil forever. .

L »y s Egg Inside E gg ‘ ' ■.• Cape May. N, J,—Caps-.: May hen»

have lined np on nn economy program - and are conserving space by laying onecgg.»TthlnnnolhelV-.Hg*Sf)l-J!chfl.len:..

a: farmer ot Fishing Creek, near here, while gathering egg* foqad what he thought 'was s douhle-yotked egg; On opening the egg he found another complete egg Inside. -~ /

■ ■■ ■ . : , « F-

Tenement Arm y ot W all Street United

Clubhouse t .id PUyground Provided ¡by Corporation».

___ _________ _ _ . _ vltklftan Hour« amt »ach «tilda ha» lo US# too or 100 pMpU through th« build* Ih*, he. o( court«, canno I g it« lh«at any ««rvlc«.

Oace^acOh* . Oforgle citA itâ lilt lhn>al. aDJ ih r » > « i t a g : ........'

-trecteó-wUli-blooil—ÛrsMtt-ihe-lBdua^ — T«rk.— Wall with 111

'• Taylor I r L e w * e * F ,u : • •'It cannot be truly aald that Ur.

Taylor received enthualaatlc tupport frtmi any o f the member«, while • * eral iboved active boatlllty. It* la fa ir guesa, Ihrrofore, that U r, Taylor la prepared to continue to feel loot» «mie* for be wound up hla ipeccb tliua: ; ‘ ;

Vm G#orgU G m a Prog; - I Itv# ob • leg. „ .I H t l v i «? « I . > ;

A id alight« «a tap aow— to my meati lk «a II |o«a

Tm Ooqi|Io O rna Prog. M o « « Ik* kOBW bog.I ctooh » id | «lagJttit any oU thing.I fancy yea know Pm quit« ihr «ho l# show.

t. Guide» « r « 1‘VrmtUed to charg« 16

Th« peopl« imiti «ntrr at on« of Ihre« door», the floor on Ihr houe*»10«. ;Ihk floor on the »rnatr tlflr. lh* .floor In the renter of^jjvr-^»utttl^ Ing The vu»ljim-J«^tr*Twhrn oropW •ctVvr any ,«a* of tho«« thrrr floor« lh«y are met at t.?»c floor hp a vrry couricou« anfl *u«vr auHle* looking lw Ih.bIhb uufl \w«rlng nn omur * euU »ml Mid' » l»r<t offirtRl b»flao. The guide ivoiltrly »«>m “i)»' yi»u fl«- •Ir* to »«• th« capHul huUdloa?'' Of evuree, they very naturmtly an»w«r ’•ye«.** Thry do not come here to h»v« thrlr fortun**« tolfl; they com« to «•• th* ckpltoL Th« auU« th«n a*y%

I know lh«ra ar# a number ot g«ntt«- men her« who ar# very much oppoeed to its any manner InterCtrliat with the monopoly of the«« guldo#*. 1 fully rtollie that there/t« etrong and con* c«rt«fl oppooUlon at both end* ot tht# capltoi tov any Interfering with thla condition. Anybody who trie« to In­terfere with thte marvelouily growing •md„ycy_- profitable and entirely un­controlled and unregulated, absolute

Bat Just at that tnoment 0 corgi# Soppti ' guddrely and ahouteif:. .

“Goog • a - room, foo^amoni. ‘ tb*_ Old Man ha» »ent^ m# « ctMtafi* oo_ thla leaf which )nat (lew down la „

monopoly la «ngaaing on a vrry thank* lee# and utterly unappreciated took. N'everthet«*«. 1 know that eomehow. that eome lint*, eorne congreee la gw*Ing I « wipe out Ihle btór oft out capUot and lei the word go out to the worldthat the people of nil the #arth may freely pare through the capito) of tbta groat republic without being compelled to pay a ’f t r tor-s# doing.

Nevertheless« It la npt IncohcelvaM# that cookivmi may lakh action sooner than Mr. Taylor Expect«, f o r ih* un­desirable fcnlurct ot ,lhe ...continuous |>#rfontuuic« utt* vary.much In evidence — ar this writer will attest. During RossUms- they ar# qu object leseon to every member ot the setiute otij house Who list's hit eyes and run . And If Mumflhhtg shoutd happen to shirt a in*pu1nr Tirvilrst. hfl- org\vmrnt* should be'tieccnsnry to bTlns nlnnit theeh.ingo to a more businesslike aud fliunifiedsystem.^ ------------- ,------------- ;------- ------

It hurts the, ^ U n jit o f Mr. Ayernge American who area It-espcclally I f hi» forvfuthcrs are on exhibit In th# ca)v Uoi un canvas and tu stoucC

front ot «sc that b# Is ready to re-, reive visitors lû the cave.“

Thè I’i'od prop’* all began to |»oiat the way. and Tom­my hurried 0,7.

lie had scarcely lared hope th«t all would turn out


tries pomp of w hich, a decade ago were called ‘‘»laughter housca^ tojlay upon the street! where #v*ryw tnan’a life Is In Jeopanljr—perhspssto*norrow with* In «ur home, its latest field of con- ■qUeatr:-:-r::.

Nature’s osm efrorta to protect tlie Individual of the speclea from the dan­gers of his environment are* marvel­ous hut they are. Inexorably *loiy. Human efforts at protection, .will al* ways lag far behind the Inception and even, the conception of the haxard. It seems that an * Incredible number of human beings must be killed or In­jured tiefore the’public conscience la aroused. It tw true that the majority of those Industrial estnhllshmentf which were termed “»laughter houses** have at Jast become aafe places ’.n which to work, hut yet the.automobile has been • allowed to take the toll of.

• 100.000 lives In this country alone.of

Then H» Sang.

Maybe there would be the trea*ure t after all.* Oh yHC surely there wontd

b# the yrea^ure' Survly. suivly there would be the treasure. .‘‘Sow be would know! And he would wiu' /

íw Lesson From JapanWe raWM Tvarn fwitii the Jspinrsi-

la retard to this’point. Thejr dlxpfsx ealF «nr picture si n time, rhoosThk Uw’ SLhJWt: tbit Is »pproprtste - to the •eases 'of the rear, or some special « ~ » m i ; sod they A cep It In tis Zev oady * short

I f era i ¡Jenonghplctore»tsks many) to

fsr hotter sdraotnee and appreclste them the mure. Tlie docornttrr effi’cl of ihe liume would thus be enlivened sod, hoL’ravcj. with $ew,.culw Ut lh* old »pot. ' ' ' . - ■

F rw n c h m a n H t u L io o d L o n g Jean lbiptlste Rollsnd.. who recently

celebrated hi» one hundred and forty* ninth birthday and Is said' to be France's oldest eltUen, ptolisbly .owe* hla Ut* to th* fsct'thst on* of his 1st» Is six inch«« shortsr than th*

raped service In all tli* wars which have raped during his lifetime.

M. Rollsnd list thrqe sons living Th e ' baby Is eUthty three. - the second Cm ur 'etglity.'**ven ! and1 the oldest. Michael,- is not quite nlnely-flte. Dio- costing th».lttlar,.IM. Midland-recent­ly said: "H e Is s poor sort, lie Isn't quit* ninety-five, hut he ts denf. half blind aud nm able to work. It Is too bad for. s child to ho tn such a stst*. I often wonder what w ill happen ts him If be should bacon* ■ t ts i l j old man.” .....— ■ ■

!_ . ’ W A c it H a ro ld ! W a n te d¡"H arold 's mother,t*s*k liitu with her | srben sb* went to call ea a oeislibor; ! but ecstn fcc became frvriul and she| started to tske him homo-.-------------- -[ “Don't e " yet,'.»aid the nelghtn'r; i'“I will prt S-.lra a pla»* of milk. May I be that « ill pactfy til-.u." 'i “l»h r" sa'd bis moft cr, "that will be j t<» touch t-ther." 1 . -1 “No. ’ it . «oat." tupv-d Harold. 1 "Tbsfli .make me stop ervlnc." -

Notwlthstandlni! nur reemmltlnn what la coins nn. th . annual Increase ln automobile deaths bas hot been ar­rested. It l i nur human falline not V fnnure throe evil» nnd onr human vveaknea»! in Clove nur eyes to their appalline crowth until vve nwak'e to And. In (heir elmlnsllnn, » huge na­tional problem. ' ,

Stratta Now Danger Point.The center of gravity of accidental

death» la the Vnlted State* wna prob- nb!y ut. one time »1'natV.t In the Imluo- trle». 1>m vln.'o"the Inception o f the safety ninvement It tins hern eiovvty I

skyscrapers houses an office population of 800.000 by 'd*> and U held by a tenement gurrlxon of 10,000 by nlgbL

Wall street la the sol* llvellhooid of this skeleton, force of nlghtfolk. la (liwjtafge of s .iisaso bf obllgstlon Jt has quietly fostered an . Interest Ing piece o f dtlxetlshlp work tb* last ten years. ; .

The major result of the work, tedd­ers say, haa been to conrert th* dis­trict from New York's most polyglot belt, wjlh 1,400 families representing 23 nationalities. Into probably Us most closely knit,, most ¡homogeneous com­munity. . . ■

Financed by 1^00 Corporations.

The work Is flnanced by 1,000 cop porutlons, Anns' sad Individuals under the ja m e o f thé Bowling Green Neigh- burhooo assoclstlons.- -The activity la expressed, - for ex­ample. In terms of a model four-story dwelllnghonse on West street for hesfl- quarters; a $000,000 playground cover­ing nine city lots on the river front; 25 flourishing orchestras and clubs for young people; nine social and political clubs and lodge, fdr adults; educa­tional classes, health clinics and com­munity services In general which the

association operates either singly or Its conjunction with uptown agencies.*

Irish pioneers. Inter Jolned- by Aus­trians, Syrians and' Greeks, bend the census Indowntown-ManbsttSD^whlrh.also Includes Blsr*. Tukks. Armenians,...................~ ' ' ind...............Serbs, Rumanians, Scandinavian* and other nationalities seemingly too di­verse ever to bring together. Yet racial.' demarcations; audslly connlil-tj

’-IBKiiiiiiaiZI«»•bestu isseri.' ; _. Common Employment Has Hslptd.''Common employment has helped tor

ward this coalescence. - Wall street. buildings like the Equitable. Empire and tbe vsrtqus banka carry on 'their . payrolls for cleaning and other work some 8,731 women and >2,651 met) nf the neighborhood.. They. Work split , tricks at tbe start and the end of the night, as a-rale, and often double lo restaurants at noon. Aqnnal enrnlDK- for families In the district, with both parents working, average $1.000. eschq according to Pnnl "Franklin;, exeiutlrw director o f the association. . --Group activities snd''thesecond geo- -

era lion o f children have been tbe prln dpal factors In the -•fget-fogether" • phenomenon presented by the. commu­nity. It woe said. The association bus long since dispensed with Interpreter* Where grownups have not picked up t English their offspring are on.hand to piece out. To all practical purpose* \ the 23 natl&ns speak a common tongue. -'

H I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I H -M H hl-l l I I I 1-11 I l » $ H > | I I I I I 11 11 l-H-

Unveiling Memorial to W. H. HudsonI I I -l - N h t 1 H I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I H I 1 1 I 1 I I ! H - U - H - Í ' l - H i 11 I l - H T

Mints Busy Turning Out “ Double Eagle«“

I’lUlrulHi'hljKV*' The Rtnnrtftnl

H * n H a d W rtH t& R tcx p * . - .4’• Ltíctíé vi-aLí« vî43ï ftsic . io'vtfcelcouairv. It Jot oí the fourjcxr-e-M.to bvz\. Ip Un lOn« tfgj »^s« broaçlti in ■ tt-rr tutatll oar, nrffituraaM.t |*M b j » hntsm

.“Acntlr/“ Mid tbe liule tiuWI. «tiowlag ft, **lhr brn ihst. i.iM ihl* #gt didn’t h«T« tb« r:gM recipe.“— Popclxr PoaUq-

l'juk Imo-it« own,. jioci»r>Hng t«» n'jM'rl« from the Stn.tr»'

, filini here, n» well a* th.^o [n Snn Fruncid' nn<l iVnvrr. All thrrr nurnjk’hatr Iwvn .ine hi ihr rolnln*: of ‘MoijKir

7 h« I’Mfntlrljihln mint Is ! urn ins out.:a».'»vi (.f dir SCM» jjnlel -iviiij*'..dully.•: nhlcÎT.* rvfnK.-'

■ nahes- a n «« -re<Vfd r«r »ne oh« plani. . Thli u»inu ,v \% thr rr. *uJt of « Ijpv » nnc eit by roa*sre^i whlrh provhlrnl-thnt - one*llilrfl of dir torn! .-sMiTVntiiJinc

.J’nlltil Starr« g«"rrmnrnT ^old k-erflflcMi«'# tmiM hr n'pn««‘nfrt| by ncjonl spoeî#.



Qiinese T

¿ teffiit-iullraihriiik'' tiiiil Tl*«

Just at this time. ■ when there I danger o f a recurrence of antl-forelg snrfsre tn China slmllnr to the Uoxe vnr of. twemy-flre. years »go. It I nlerestlng to know that the Chinee |nnles aro being kept In exccllec fighting trim. Troops o f General Fen fire here seen on a practice march.



■ Jusprr Cbamberluln wu* the gradu- Exiting clmui of Brown aendeiby o f Earn ' Kingston. N. U. l l e w a i the only

fBrmber o f thr grndlJQtihg claUp.wa» «Ins# mledlctoriun. poet. etc.. on«j ^ben It cai^e^ttruc -for tbe diploma«.

l the roll began and ended with his . fiume/Tbere was dancing» a pageant.

and orchestral. ma*lc. all In door of the graduating ¿las» of one.


Frvimrr St.ir.ir> Baldwin (center, left) watching .the unveltlnc «Í XV. U. Hudson tuemorlnl In the bird »ancillary dedicated to ihM greatucd nature lover In U jde park. London.

A -~ i.. .

ity telephone tn U n. Frederick 1 |Bickert o f Hoboken,‘ N. J , mme the; pistiMnNHng. news that «he was helri Ego o f gfófl.QOú left hy her unde, j(Worrit Ziegler of PbUadelObla. j

-it"*“ Hi

Page 11: A N D O H R O IV IC L B SCÒTO^roWCAif iMp^miSEDh.el geme Ironie. A fnmlly «lo. llved "ear thè ealnp nere aerustouied tu bai he al t he carni» heiich ami imi- of Uro lltih- Iroys,

> giving lh* vlllngv lent* on life, .a «pe-

arranged for th* uUural «how, where- ded for- a„rkulliirnl ¡111 Iron «nte». «(-roll iga, general utility ather vunes and irm- inda. • ., director o f the ex- uposed varloua other 1 10 prevent theicing the blackemltl» og the ring o f thr

Inside E g f ‘ -I.—Caps-.. May hen» in economy progniro , apace by laying one

h_ ng«ee)IJ!rhellen; fiablng Creek, nenr Ing egg* foqad what i dmiWe-yo'ted egg; ;g he found another

* A

A LO N E IN H IS G LO R Y Bowdoin’s Deck Seen From Aloft, linn pii lute ,.f t m il'll lem tu rn In nel Ion «im token during Ilio Im iti« ut Attor, «lieu Colonel greydvnherg'o

trwij « fintglit c»>til|nijniu(j fr.r Imo dn}angnlual III» lltmjnin- ------- -


ilea either alngly or 1» uptown agenclee."Inter Joined.-hjr Ad»

and Oreeka, head the awn-Manhat tao-whic b -— | iva. Tukka. Aranenlana, ia, Scandinavian* and lea seemingly too dl- brlng together. Yet Iona aodally conalil'o ppearin*. aaaoclrtlv® - •

man* Has Halped. nent baa helped in. ence. Wall etreer.

Equitable. Empire inka carry on 'their , ag and other work i and -2,651 « » " f . They work «p ill... and the end of the

tad often double In a. Annual enruing* i district, with txrtj» iverage $LOQO e »c l^ •Franklin;, exenulvw oclntlou. -and'the second geo- - have been tbe prln-the “ get-together"

nted by the. commu- The osaocIatioD hut ?d with Interpreter*, have not picked up I'd ring are oo,hand in

practical purpose* ik n common tongue,/

Î . Hudson

• i ■ *1. .

> r V " - ^Ar -, , *

“ e . »

'S 'r » V , i >

/■Great Shipyards to Be Sold ‘MilSS CALIFORNIA"

r ’. : f V « vii' V• hi * & J«!i A

' e. v i . '

i -i

« i r *%\ i\ V *

i n , *i i J )

m g

* lA IIM. V «h m i In »« , >

f i l l l a i Strvh# W flh O tU f C ta k .

la on more pl**i*iun»t»l« *en»atl«*o la golf that* an a^iri'iuh shot do«*# to or lull* tin* cup. - Il 1« th*» puri«*## # f thl* mtUl** |o tell how |hU rna t# aev*»mpU«h»*d far iimr« often that« It la,_ M t w-i U J « V*. u j ‘iu (rjiii i mi l i m t , or# fairly cipcrt with th* putter and that )uu UJcP-r-tuti.1 fully Mint Hi«* pel* Ur- tdc# shall go took and e#*»• through the IihII «1 right angles to pn>- iliu1# llio ovorapln putt. At « «lintaor« #f luuha|>« (rot ) mi flint that ©o a #t«»w itrr«-n y«>u lo## Bti-urMt y throostk- hudng to hit III© tmll tm* hanl fur four puHltitf mroko. Uhv-n tlvt* Jl#“ lane# la rmdirtl, '„il or fat fief, tak# • )i»ur ilrUlnu iron o r -d ^ k aiul pall with It. torgrt «ntlrotjf that th# dull la tn>l a fiitt<;r. - I’lny «««nctly m If It Wrr# a piitl©r, A llltl© pmcfltn Will mnk© foil na (uiornl© wlMt th« ilrUtag Iron na with th© pullfr. ‘

Nmp|hhm‘ you an* ofT th© rut aurfiiro of'th ii mr fi> (*4) frrt froui th «ptn Urn* la a dinner tu ua«* your Jtoflil.. I f you « nn loft ilm tialt to th# rut aurfui r. u*o n mill trim ty j»r#f* rri’Ui'o hut ho atiro ■ml u<«o llio mnk- Ur puiMptf atroko. Artimlty tin* ah#t la a pji« It unit run hut it la iiolhlu* Ilk#* iho atroko ni’roatutry If you aro tiHiro thhu .V* yttrilV frmu t h r hV*lo KU « puromot aiiopto, ih«* «mty...hoivoiiunl \n\ug with ttin wrl«la. Ih# rrat of llio hoily tiolnit hot*) wtthmit Iho alliflitoat motion, at Iff na ■ w n tf«If you wl«li an tong na you tot th# wrlaia <tu tint work frcoly, If tIt«* t»«»it la lying f|o«o th «rnaa nn tnih lone* . tiotfor try n Jj^uor mi nr**ount o f It# grontor loft. Yoti util flint Hint with ■ tnmlonilo amount o f prnrtlr# yw» run to* a « rortnln of totting nut tn on# * or two atrokoa un<1or Mioao romlttlou#

rw!.?j> tho t>iHI*T from tmlf f T t j i o ? » try,'the m^iahio wLth th# . putting atroko. WIMniuf trying ror <)l#- tniii'o, io»lo rnrofully Juat liow far th# hall will.tuft nnff how mioh of a mil It will ha»o. I'rohntity you wilt fluff Mint nn an avorag# you rau l<*f| th# ■ hull to or Ifl foot, foltowo*t tiy • mil o f Iho anm#^t**»igth, hy putting wlfN tho uinahto. NoW try Iho aam# allot ovor n ann<| trap« Y*»u run b# rrr* ' tnln of hottor roaulta limn by lining Mi#

._iu«»h!*!_ afrokf*. . My. putting... with tho rliiha na imloff. you inn tn#* torlnlly rr<tu*‘o yotir anno.

Muaclas Mail Not'. fl# T m i «.iVrhapa llio worat ©rror, roriulnl^

Jhe. -DiiuuiiJ/itei.-JiilIiiiaYeniKiigiJlf_■uing (« thu tonalng or atlffoiilng o f Iho imiMloa. Much o f th»t atlfTno##“ la In tlio imrola nro) wrfata hut lijr fur tho gronirr port la In Iho log«.

Thor« la no wlah In Iho nhov# lo minimi*« Mint nror'IlmiMnn o f muarJ«*# thut rtilmlnutoa In tho liming, who# tho dull nml hull nr« In mntnd. Thoro ' In-tho vary *lo*h|o*l wlali, howoror, t# i?ifjphaai*#-tl>« fm t thut tenao muarl##-

Oonornt vlow of tho «hipa ly ing f In thu hnaln nf Iho gYdit ll*»g 1a!nn>! ahli*yxnl on

: Ihe war# .-river*- ..'Urn.; tru tiro pltmt »viril fh « vinaria will •mm ho a**hl nt mietimi hy th« govornuu’Ot. -

Jasper ChambeHuIn was tbe gradu* Tjutlos etnas of Brown academy of Easi Kington. N. H. He was the only fnemher of tho gmihiating cloaa, was -class mledlctoriun* poet. etc., and *prben it cam etlm cfor the dlplomna. the roll began unu enueu wuh his

^.nume^Tbere was dancing, a pageant. •Imslhg and orchestral, timslc. all In

nor of the graduating ¿lass of one.

Plane That May Fly Over the Ocean




S f e j _«—i f r f S

• the unveiling uf '' rd te ihat great * r,lU'r

lljr telephone tn ilex. Frederick ¡[Bk'kert o f lloboken, >. J . came the

astounding, new» that »he wai heir rV“*aia. o f gXkl.000 left b j her tmde,

garrii Ziegler, of I'hlladeldhla.

dost befrtre the MacMillan Arctic expeditlon-malle"d.'thl» atrlkln* view of the deck of the steamer llowdoin waa takeo from tho crow’s neat of her companion ve**el. tlie Pearjr. ’ '

Unde Sam to Sell Patent ModelsThomas H Itotn*rt»on. commissioner

of patents, Dcpanmeot of Commerce, Inspecting some of the IW.TtOO patent models sliortly fo !*e sold hjr the gov­ernment. The collection has been In th* .making Mace early colonial days .and

. records all progressive stei*s of -Amer­ica'# art» and lndu«try.

'm S m & f - -Va

Miss Kaye léomphler o f rAlonieda, 'M l«» C<i!lfornln’--of M A , retalnedffitr Mtle In Mm annual heriuty. contest of IIC5 h«ld at Hunta Crux, and ah# wilt represent Min alare ngulu ni th# na­tional heauty contest la Atisntic City in September,





les ig li o f ih«* xrigftfHlc n}rj>lnü* which |/mH» I'reguet o f France, ahown |0 Jouet, plans to build f<»*-the transallanrlc passenger service. -


__Uils.—Is... iJjn-../iiUachm*»nf—of—f ?nlfe*|--Pirates marine» rbnt has been,, sent to

samp#coM, -MuA«., to guard >Vblr# Cotirf. the . summer White House, while President re !• there.


sru not effect I v> iiiuadca _ when It comes to rñnktng the gólf awing. *WIMi the rest o f the swing going proj»erly, liter« can he no such thing ns what ¡a known ps * pressing.'' t.'nill H im fur-

• wnrib swlitg Is* 'welb'fm" Ha vrfly, Thersr ; should he no feeling o f stiffness anil very lllrl«- of inusculnr exerthm. la Mi# loMer. tmlf of Ih»* forwtirij awing, with everything going right, no harm will be done In using every pnrllçle o f your uvaihible strength. Th « harta cornes In applying muscle too soon; often on til" hitek swing, where (her#Is no need of exertion other Ihnn la lift tho dnh buck Into tho right p<*»P . Mon. • .

Ons of the reusons, then, for a play­er's staying dn the uverugo chis# I# that there ls a mlauppJlrnflon of mu#- rular force, oftenest evident In ten»# muscle*. And Iho worst offender# sr#

..Mm-leg*.—-l^»ref*il-exoioJ/*Hlloo of II*#- stroke hy'going through It slowly I#■ ««I fcu re .fo r this fault. You d# Hot need a Jmll nor to he outdoor*. A fter a few prortlc« swings, sole Ih# club and go through the whole swing very slowly. Mm* rhnnrc* In ten you rill be nhla to locate one at ruor#

muse!«* that tense themselves tnvol- unfnrlly. Now begin again with th# club soldi and relnx everywhere, eo* perlally the knet*s. I f you nm l(N*k Info a mirror during this relaxation, you may note thut Ilm *top of y*»at head is ■ fraction of an ‘ *Mh l»/wer than It wn*. Now take the club back regularly, keeping tho knees rchixed. Dot bent, and go. through the whot# •wing sgnln. Von may Ionite other tens# muscles. I f so, try the awing over and over until they are all re­laxed, Mrndunlly Increase the speed o f the swing with the certainty that

Jhere !» no tenseness nnd you hnve moved th« greniest stumhllng block la th# woy of golf "progress.

j Clifford Udtwn, an Invalid of liur

Ij IlDgioxi,. Iowa, who has received hi* ( A- I), degree from the University of ; Iowa fo r work completed^Uirouffk-Ui# [radio correspondence cpprica» '

r s ;Va^

Much in Little ‘Dog» arc the oldest four-footed com*

panhm* o f men. ’T h « hrst street lamp# were lighted

300 years ago. . . . *lJuu J. Illckey» retiring secrefary o f

fflng Hlng prl#M»n, w|tn*'Ased *<££& execw* tions In thlrty-^ne years. \ .? "Ac^ordJng’to a Ch‘fne«e <riitfrtion,Th#

o f ’ cloth was evolved from th# practice o f women carrying their chlK dren In

In AUHtruMa\th«re are at least 20 spedes of nnlmals that are avlaiosra flying sTjulrrela. flying oposauma» t f Ing mice and even flying bear*.

Id a crosh-Parla race between a M* cycle« an automobile, a subway pan* < w^g«v and # pedeatrUn th# Wcy iu n ,



Page 12: A N D O H R O IV IC L B SCÒTO^roWCAif iMp^miSEDh.el geme Ironie. A fnmlly «lo. llved "ear thè ealnp nere aerustouied tu bai he al t he carni» heiich ami imi- of Uro lltih- Iroys,


■ O rig in o f ArabianI Hone Never Traced

TßTW uly Idriory o f the Arnica« 'jp Jn limi Íiij|*-n*‘tr.i1rii>

n-il vthith iDMüiUbtHr« Uw'«‘tK^a ilbat'J** 1<* ilUw.VfT • w»tifcía« ttify j»i*th t¡j»

till* llH'fr-tUtWtiT'l «• ...» f!x«Hj t)|x* i»f iil.r.:h<*M quality, r«’i»uluug irma ]>Alu»taMn«c »nd «■»refill mutine

. to |‘ürtl< uUr risulta. Hinny »tu-<h’nt* :*»rr « t m i l limi .11»<* Ajj«Mhn nil^tit i « » * - lM-«*n «rJglnNtiit nn<t i * r

...National MtiiiiivIfiP- (*nthr other tintiti. the AritMnn nnd tho lU rli *d io>riIierit Africa hh* *<» nlikc. and jw K» «lutim i In evrr> jh»**m M*- way frotu tlie nnrli-nt hurw* of t)ie

inni of the KurojMMin «rvui.. — tf;¿f o f itre -A iT'irvH tìtirt itflrt»

•r í^ m »lii)n í: to moilin them to tin) hut *»'; dl.wfliVt„ rln«*lflrijth«ti «if IhHir

' ''own. ¡¡ ■ V" ; : ‘Ttteih» lim e many littndml« of

booknij «rrltt on on the.liorw.. A life*, time to the Mtiriy hin* hroti^ht

the .^m ii-tiou tliut « Iurte majority of tln||M* wruln'4:»it « » far ii" t»y rn<\ contnlruHt little originai mul­

. trr, ohri that tho*«* « l i l i h* ina) Ih* ri»- cnr«hd n» ' autlmrltiithe muni l*r «-on

' nMt-ml in liti* tmvnl lljtht o f rrcnrijcri¡LjiWoi un«l «»f witntllllr dlwmorlo* In

^nfWrji to ti corroo! value to. "thplr irohrlu*!'*«»»

. TIH:: j'rojMintltn*mT, \ of- ’ tvhhiv** favori« Ilio htillt'f Hint the Arahlali

• horH l* urr«* oMhIiuhT thfoimh KlîFfri ’ frutn iMtiy un trito*«-of northern Africo,

nml that ><x long umt cureful ftintlnv the fujicrlor ^tyjo* of Arohlan ’ horac Ima ÌM’«n imiiiittilnc«] through miinj rent lirica. .

Old Neighbor*Wlill« riunì«» Unii tie a p M couraa

» , Mount t'nlon. l'a , «rorkim-o wore tired to remove » » old «ppt» «™ *

When ili« a i « * * law to to* W to * lh*r found o * « » to « groond a »nd a n « t o f * 1* » » « « * • > «P “ * trw a n«at o f red 8«ld m b « « * » to«»- I,, red from lb» W«»M of *<■ »». ■‘ o " tha t«li a l i i i a r tw h owl had taken- up It» li»Ml»t- T U *>rane« arf«l>w « luid evldeiillj l«wt> »«In* p«-»Ç*fullyuûOrr the Mine rooflnw.

Variity o f fo + ê m C t ó « 3 í V*g'(id>l*» »r « u*c<l liiurli mora

ti»—» ».*■ III« «nini'»« inopi« th»» by till- Amortra«». In «ddltlun to tlwi .iiinniun. uni-*, «urli a» |iol*lui». H’*1? •irli ciil.liiiï». rodl»tio«. «nd ll»a »k«. imiiiy |il»nt« «nd u«ul» »re Wien

’ « Idi I, " a t r u ö r »«raittly - c malilraad-aati«.d IO A merle«. Tliu» rudi«» leave*, «tieplirrir« pu r« «. Iuimlnx> »pruul» und ,i i « rc« numlier o f iw iiw r«I*ur# u»ed il» fumi

. Atibe NortàPeteTh» Suri It p<-K1, iweoptlxed M toa

northern ettretnity ôf- tha cartli. la 1® tkr millet III • hollow »Wrh hold» aoUnd In tt>« oelahlmrliood uf tha pel* ttietf. Th* moat mtrtoarty. land» poa- ■ n »nlnitl Ilfw-tnoak-ok, ralndaar. 4» » » r lieur, wolf, fu», rrrnln».. Uad


! Kliiaktth Thus Hay» Ratam Oama and K » n a U K . . ,The hard h lU liif Jteliiumt* o f m

». la « » « «M r tmte I im mmvmj y*yr - ¿ r - -■m fn r-iboft ^T fnF-|o ‘reueAt - r i t W fJlmit flower«. Ilum»n Ufa la I * tlie lor«1 nine hut were mot within »m e i t » m ile« o f tea W o "» “ ^ h a ba ira fh X d hatted hallo In

4tie early part of fho »»m e and.when .the amoke rolled away n>mid tlMfim

/■■____ r_____n ____ L»e|ye» at tile little cml o f • W

to r r e ® f t S ^ ^ « * a ^ & ; M r ' * *


whit* Wouaa EtiqueteJnim» klonroo w n iiilliil-Id » enhlnat

utuiiit Ih» priH-nluru luvolveil In lh* reei-ptloa of (lie illploinatlr -corita at ilie IToM intluI New Veur'a »reetln», •¡Huí it u h» iteclded Ihul for the terep ilmi un Jnliuarf I. 1HIH, tl>» inotuWer» .f Uie"dl|i|om*lie rorp» «liould Im re ■«Ivid nt U.:!W..nnd llw* Ireneral pule lie friun lw elic to tliree oVIm'k. T ld» .1,1 \ the (lint time tlml a fl*«d «,n)» h na «rriinyed. .

To preiem rumorot" ITr *-",*r* " “ It he name and i S r (YtiriltiHl TtW- liMtdln» on at»«*, w li* ofl tha *!«■* tomera applauded tlm Jwiu'-. team » with a pin e of cloth wet with flytenn. I |,]rB „ ( ipjypltality To the limit. Th« newt few drop« remain aa drop*I TTwue who raine In.late “ ,m .r'l,*l{' »1 r> ii din» »nd aliowiM a Imdenry to ed therim. hut u. Hie drop, lucre.« In » “ » ; K ^ ^ V i l k e d 1%

. har.. lUey .iuinw. Dita coiitllfi 'itfh ' ^ 5 1 tn «» ‘ttf' 'KottuiTwfcf * -Hw* I oihcr «ml roali*»c*, formlfig • -?w>oth L m r tnouml nrtbt. mi well Umt Uiey iri»n*Darcflt film of WBtff ortr tbd I w*llo|K*il lliem oil over tlw lot. col- <lrr «b id » t* oo obitrtictloO h ^ tln s Hvo run* IfTtlm Urivt jnnlfUf'to Vinton. . ............. IwmI throo fiifw,In thi> Mcona itnnm;

, . ~ lenoagb to i t i ^ won tin* icolno o* it

A r ith m e t id e O r ig in i <ffie*liet»ytown a»BreK»tlnn, when

s c h o o l i u e H on esHome, phllwophaj- o f htniliieiw re-

eently enumerated Three tim er») Mute» fuf makln* Dioney.

L J»o wm athln» helore other» do

**2. Vo «omethln» other» do .not

^ Oo^womethln» better than

" 'ro 'th a 0torcioln* may lie added atiea»t on# more, _.....

Save money, tor you f ,n 1 morh without It. - - . . .

TTtere’» • common naylni that you have to have money la ” >>” r l - make money.. There , no east-r way

saaiSsssiftRria. » - W-I, _ . -- ... IIW a-.— :-mm will warrant tature capital to •tart to btulnea« With when 11 c he-

Scripture§ Say Little - ,of the Barber*a Art

The w<>nj l.urtn-r Ih <ml)' curi* iijMifiorirti iu Um* Hcrli-Uinn. imnicly, In Krvklcl f»;l, « l i l i l í rvinUi “ Anri thou, •«ton of mnn. tuko flier u *hnr|i knife, lu lr llicd* «i ImrlM-r's rntor, nitri emine It to jiiim ujm*« ilrinr Itriiri «tiri iijión ihy bhttrri. . ‘

Altho^cli tiHflierH arr not e*|»rr*»ly rneiitlonrri, yrt fruin the conulnut men-

\ M a h oga n y ;The rent mnh<>»any I« » tropical tree

«nd iiKwlXof II I* »rmvii In the fimlral AVm flciin Vountrie«, »ucli na Hondura«. (liinteninlaA Hrltlíli Hondura» nnd «.iilhrm .Meyh'o. A »reut dinl of Ilia

luImKooy of tliewe rounlrle» I» flouted Pmn the river» tu. Hie »ca In ruftw The dii>t>er I« rouihly aqtmred and (hell floated down the »trenini durlnu tjia rainy »en»otp ..

tl«m of tfinvlnj; unri tlio Incident .

■j Sftinujn UiertT run lie mi dcuM« Utili M i da «■ cilatrd ninont? tlie umdenu. Tbo llelirv*w> wi re j*urili iduj-ly r»irefill o f Uidr heiiri nitri heurri. miri nil m*4«fn to tiuv* «iririifMl ritte rarer eievjit Ihe Naudic*«, wliu were tmiutulied by li fruai ttudr birth. Th* .Kfiyirilnu bur­b e » w«*re eallcri klmk or Klmvorn, am) thry aro rviirvuentiHl nt work ih n tomb of llenl-lUiMditi, of the Twelflli rijuunty. bollili)]: their rntor» In lite futuri, which linve n *Kholt cyltnrirlral homllf, with ii brauri. llul blurie ol brtmr-o on a tUu* with the n il» o f the baudlc. > . ..... -

P ro to in in W h e a tt’rudo protein coiili'ul hai heeooir

■in lm|>ortunl factor In eilnhllahln* the niiirket.. mluo o f rettala ctajnv« * f « lient, rrendun» « f »v e rn i ernia a Otialiel have lieen paid fo r each addi­, pin ni per" ceni •of-erwhe-protota-cuiP-:inliied In wlieiit nho»» no ^»fleod per- eeiitni:«. A«h content nlao la an bn- port nut factor In nmrkvllng flour.

E volu tion o f T ro m b o n eTlio- tmiulwne, from the Ilnllnn

"Iroinhii." n trunipct, wu« formerly l ulled the anckhul, nnd la n hruai In- »Iruinent, of tmeerinin Invention and epoch, dlivugh-It nppeara In n manu- »Crip! of the Ninth Ci-nlury. prvaerved i t Ilouloane. 0« » drnwlog heurlns- - ' » « h -treat reaeiuidanr* to tO ' tramliono of todny without U« hell—Mutlc World

- RovePe Friend —Ilovef, (h r bet ri<*K owueri by Will

ter 1‘ratr o f Howriirinhutu, M y_ i:ct»• aTonj: fuinouiUy with the futility cut,

•ml the ca l ulwuya tricep* nt tilclri UriWecD ibe |mw» o f Hover. One nicht, Hfler the family hud retired, it wA»itin>u»cd by u AcrutcbbiR uml 11 low burking at the front ritH*r. When

__r_i_.tha_ili*t*r_ w a i - optuimi-lD wulkeri^tbiLcut, with one foot cuunht In n trup; bohlari came lUtvor. earefuUy boi.itmr op the chain o f the trap. Knr up n nclghluirlng _»trvum Jrupjver» hml »et

... trmpi for Diuiriirutii. uori Kitty evident*- • ...• ly; walked, InLo onp. ,Uutcr,mu^..U'»ue

hewrri her cry and gone to the icm -uc. for he bad cvlricutly ftvmrcin*ri. fouml the tropt»cd kitten anil lifted the frap from ibu water; then frvM*iiig hl» friend aa much* as pon-tlMc. curried Hu chain all Ihc way M‘ine.—New York World ,

W o r ld ’* ContinentsArçordlng lu modern ueogrnphcr»

There' nre »I* continent»—Kuro|«>, Anlm Africa. North America, Houlh Ainerlcn nnd Au»trnll«. Huifle nuthnr- Ulei ndd th. Antarctic, continent, ol- Hiuugh thla territory lina not hen «uf- llclcntly riptoreil lo determino II* ex- nel extent.

T re e T o a it C hanges . C o lo rIt I» a well knoivn (net Hint lire

toad» or tree* fix>g» enti elilinee their ctiUsr through a çt»n»lricnri*lc ruh e frota nrarly while to nearly Muck, In harmony with the Mirfuce on which they are rvBtlngl Thu» they take ci» the hue* _ of the tree» and • »timba un which they live. The trw ln»g» formthe1 connecting link between the tnu ffoga and tourin. They live cbtelly In Irt^« which they dlmb b.v moons ol their clttw-»hn]u*ri t w i Tin ) nre mu.iU and are more active and l>rli:bter in color than true frop*. They ulter loud piping nolnea. liven though theM* ore« turfca live In tr»*v'» they nylurn lo llie water to lay their egg*. The hind leg are long a* In .ordinary trogs. tmt store they jump very little If ut ult the muscles of the*' limbs uiv »light ly developed.—l-atMlmler Mugualne,

Animals Fight Like MenThe nnnnnunt» of nhlumU nrc strili-

ingly like those umt hy man. Then* are few meuns of offense iiori ricfi'tisi u»td by soldiers that are.,unlike what may be found In the 'animal and uNn the Innert kingdom. A study of tin methods of defense-among-nnimuls-l* must Interesting and histructlye. Na­ture's habit of uklng the ÜcliUm: In- atlnrt of anlnmls as one of the grrt‘rttv*M means tor the development und Hie survival of sjiortes must be cv4idKmTd before cten the fighting Instinct in man la quenched.

--- — — i uiv iN'k»E lumi ha »*■ .......Mntlicmutlca a* « «rtcnce mad» >>*|tlicy tuttorod up to tin- plato,.now

nr»l ili'llnllo »ppaafanra »Imm* to* |am f ngaln |«ki il out « lilt <>r two KatpUnn*. Then' aro evidence« of It« wlilcli not t e l them, a rim hero anil

Ä S Ä ' d M t S Ä . w :left rtHordi <»f considerable mathwnatl* jn*. j Howard Ktausche. ubo to urnklng«»al pnígreai arwfound in Kgypf #w*||»to debutwltli (*ntnfnrd.‘ »itone n* a give un líitcreatlñg-vlew' òf Iba ■t* l*| iirlffht hf ' 'brlKht hful glltlerlng ‘•tnr wlieii Itgive un iiiMTrsiHis-»iv«« *“w j liriRTU nuu riuiv...... ...........of the selene* ns early R* the latfrr rH),io Ilf»'turn to give tb» hll/«bcth imrt of |ho third ujllletmluiu before lau » Heldin* practice U p drove.four... . . .. ' . I •.«..» a h 1l'Urial.

T w o T ypes o l A r t is t* lami a iw t iiih ; hj. •*’ " Ttic treat nrtlat la'fnrovar Milanfln» I out a two-hnan lilt, «liti

. . . . . . a — ■ a. A... aIhw 1 iila n a l - niw ill to fu iftfl fl I I

Rill liriNIHS I" - ............. .. - ,prtrtty wIiikIo« Jnot tthcro tlioy >Huthe uiiwt-BiKMl. J’ihiIi was a iioao «cromi wit ti tliroo ol Hk- »Brno klm Miti a »acrilico fly. llouvton lliioil

■ • '■ ' Holt ami¡ho »cui«' of liutuan art and omUMcIn* | Ntrrii cacli inmlni a 1 I

th»l liavo never | Kollcr an(l Wronckl collcctoil trtu(Ulne» will, love m »i uavo i,«,«-r, >»vm. known uri licforp. 11# enn only il" I *• ip. " 1' ' ) y |lul|I,y»-ihiit i,r.nwkln» Hum. hcamlful. and w i w br Inning».|t,c WKtitdlic nriljit who bring« ta lo l y .... c iiA-Arvimwliaf h# «alla Ul» art. U.lng» that nr* K i,M1|(l ;u, ................. ....ugly nnd r,-nmln Junt » « ugly aflat he i|ouattl„. ji, ...................lina louclicil Ihcin la nothing la tha | Miller, rf worl.a--lluvulock Kllla ■ * I Million,

Streu, It Holt. 21)Wahl», «ü Kn. Jirauocho. cf Hand-to, p ...


IVocxTan Tra ys ........M'onden «ray», tl.ooglr laUor-««vlng

In Hi« »cii»e that «hey need no denn­Ing. nro ofíen iimrred by dltoaa and pinte* Huit aro rarrird upon tbem. A tray marked In «bla Way may be r«-atumdl. bx- nettila (nt>H«»».-w)U>. wana ....linseed ell. Hub th* oil. In wllb • [ Kilgk*. !tt> -....................piece of collón wool òr acino otb«r I ¡larrloim. If ........ .. ■eqniillj abaorbenl maleri«L I Knllnr ‘.'I, rf ..............



Stan ui wu»mca« VOIR»« y * .rouit!» o l age. T ile N«)m<') Ikanlt _1* oi»>n ovary - Wuufi* ...rn nrIr«m.-.Ællftrrl2:i« flurJ/lK . J“ *? . 55Î- Augu*t. Stop In and open nn ac count. _ . _

- Bacar HallFollowing I* tho Honor Itoli tor

W»«lne»ilay, July 1. W2j:■ Slierman Bchool— Aiuonctta Angl-

" ’iJncoln He liool—Margaret Kiel.

'" f la g Winner—Sherman tfcbool.

¡ixrcoxSflrxrL o aMf a i o n c l o s e dFinal llgure» In the ipipulnr owner-

«blp oiler o f »oven per cent, cumu­lative preferred atoek Ilf i'ulille Ser­vice Corporation of Now. Jerxey Jimt rimrliiiloil »bow tlmt (tv’ilil.auo wortli of »lock wail »old to lllJirJ »¡do vcrlber». Tlio caiiliiAlgn-bopnn Mny I and closed Juno itti. 'This to $1,51(5,* WX> more than the goal act at the atnrt o f the campaign', which wan sunoo »bare».

There liavo been »oven customer owneralilp stock campaigns since I*i21 In wlilcli. altogether, libout fiBI.riUO.IXiO worth of atoek, seven anil eight per cent, baa been sold. In ttio enmpalgn wlili-U stiirled October

Qaaittoa Kalaad Wltotkag M eroagh Clark Oaw Mag * 0 * • * * far Laat Two Month*. .Tlio rotating of the Kenilworth

Iiorougli Connell Tuewlay night waa a lively ono although t h e m « « but an ordinary amount of routine buab ness. Trouble arose when the right

l m ^ , p of tl e Con tell to pay. the *»^**“ *“is m * / tim er m i “

... u«,-« vTTw tvjuncllman. Tlio question aro from the fact that Mr. O owa teiro aa District (3erk did not end until June : »? oih1 tlio tlalm waa mnde he could not draw salary tor tw o Jota. In the aliacnec of legal ngylee. the Council divided and tlio H a y o rd ldriot feeT H6 dtioald " d eeh te - '< 3 e *Dow did not like the situation and promptly presented his resignation, which wa*. acceptmb— ^Ttio matterwnicil - » mr. pLwiikwn* '“ 7 * " 'w ill In i referred to the Borough*At torney and It 1* a fairly sate hot he will say that Mr. Oow U entitled toiilii salar# aa the two clcrkshli« do

Ulct.. - . .not eonuivi.. - ..................... ,lllila for sidewalks were presented

by six contractors, for several streets In the Horough. Anthony fmlqjr, o f Hillside,waa tlio lowest bidder on all amt-was awarded all the con­tract». Ills bid price was KI Cents per lineal toot plus 05 cents per yard for excavation, fieorgo Conk- lln was ap|H>lntcd-patrolman on threw months’ probation t o f l l l the vacancy.-.un the isillce force

ITALX4H ________. m [ | j )Ik s Society AUtaace Oolambu»

Kirk Ilenefit Fund o f Kenilworth, celebrated the rhrfatenfag a t an American and ftalian flag t o the morning o f the Fourth, at It* bead- marteni. th e W . O. W . H a lt The Hoelety turned out to a man and many visitors also were a t the meet­ing. The godfather and godmother o f the American Sag were Michael and Teres*’ Mascara and o f the Ital Ian flag Y ib w en » O m w tao and Ju lla Itega. Ifev. Salvator« La Vec- chlot rector o f the Church o f the Aymnpthm o f Itooelle Dark, per* formed the ceremony o f the rhrfau-

' * admontsbni respect for

lir. J. A. Ziagalm o f Cranford, «poke at length on the htstonr of American InstButiou*, 'urging n- speet tor tlicse and greater unity In flic-ii«cicty as a whom _

President P letto Infanttoo o f the Society, soldi he hoped a ll wouldW i l t .from' fHe aatTM' lrfveto - AH-...tlwiny fJrippo also urged the Society to seek always to retain the respect o f their nelghhora nnd to cooperate In general for the good o f the com- • mimlty.

Hoy S fh iu idw ’» Monte Verde Band furnished the music and a lter the exercises, headed the Society In the Fourth o f July parade. Donations, col|erted to help defray the cost of the two flags amounted to $57.00.

« io eumpaiKU --------I. 11*21. and cirticllldeil .iMilinry .11 of tills year. 77/,72 shares of stock weresold to 10,515 subscribers.

' E n g lish “ J a y W a lk e r ^ .Tb# Safety First aaaoclaUon In Eng­

land has found that" It l»_idmost Im- poaalble to get people to obey ’well- Inteuded regulnllnns for pnleetrinna.

.PATHFIHDEBS LOSTThe -Kenilworth A. A. played the

Pathfinder Club of Newark Sunday, July 5th, on their home grounds, and won by the score o f 7 to 0. It was a fast playod game from Btart to flnlsli,: the features o f the game being .tlio piU'tiing o f Furavho hold* lug the visitors to a no run game: also a long drlvo to confer Held by I. Pollock, bringing horn© three runs In tli© sixth inning, also catcli- Ing a long drive In deep right Held robbing the visitors o f two runs.The score l)y innings: .......... „I ’nthflndora --------.'5®?Kenilworth ___ ......u.000 Jill Olx—7

Il I



Strm fog

I Keiler, 2b...............J. .McMeel, rf. 2b ....

I Wronskl. lb


............. ....................... i, - — — «>. , i K, McMeel, as .............. .....I*

When other coinblrmtlnn» of reflec-1 Mclìuire. cf .................... . 0. . ____ ‘__ ----------- ... i r ,_____ --lions from snow crystal» occur *o «■ to lOregory. c ...............

double or tmblo the brlglilnca» of'apota I Kocliansky. p ..........lu the purbeUc circle I» the reflection INewbanl,.2b.... ....of Hie «inflight forming « band of I ,while light nronnil the borlion at the I ........ !.......appnrcnt lingular nlllluilc of thè »un I ^ oro |,y inultiRs: , nnd imunlly pn»»lng Hirough It, It >• I liolnionts.... ........... . 013

(I212I 0 11,II

kuown ui u lumlog.1100100


Trimming Maple TreesTtiu ficpuiluHiit o f AnHcuhoro snyi

that the heel time to trim limpie tree» la In June, whim, they »re In most ncllvo .growth, l'rolmhly the Worst timé In In August, unlee» It 1» lust a i the buds nre.,.pusldiig, when they are most likely to bleed. 1

Cranford..................5101 Two-base lilts- Keller, Mullen. K. '.McMeel, llouston. ,Tlire<>-Iinse bit» - Holt, Streu, Hit by pitched ball— Urcgory. btriick out—Hy Hundzo. Sr by Kochanaky, 2. Umpire—Jos. llleriuv i


Ilradley King, noted aconarlst, I» doing tbroo of Corintio Grllllth'“

Nation’s E a rly Days

uuuir uuvu ui vuiuiiiu UUIIIUI.Dforllicoinlng First National produc­tions. tho first ono ot which, "Declaa-

tn 1T75 the estimated impuUtlmi of the .18 colonies was 2.000,000. "Tlio |H>pul«tlon of the principal colonie» waa: Mii»*«chu»cU», 888,000: IVim«>l- .xattto, 800.000;. New. Tork. ,H'0.«M;,SbrihC»rbÍltíll4UVér203,000;Vtrg<iil«,töojwa ’ V .

C ourss o f W isd om ......... ...................... .................-mink»—"tVhat-would you do If * ! se,“ lma Just rcacbed tlie screen,'

bnndlt told you to hold up your Koch ono la an adaptation ot « hundsr1 Jink»—"Well, If utter a h ^ j» ta g o tilay <>f proven cntortalmnent rled coiisutlnUon with them my legs ouijltles. “Declasse, to bo almwn

I at the Oanford Theatre next Mon- dldn t feel «W * ‘ r« 'dual to th. I |ay ^ Tuosaayi July i 3th Hth,emergency Id 0 * * ^ . v. ' e? * , * “ 1 servisi Kthel Barrymore os ono ol on ujx 1 thlnk.*-~tTnrinu»U IItiaulrot; j j|(,r ni(¿ ( n(j {Sklostago*TehlcIéa. The

I other two, “Tlio National Anthem"

Guard Against Post*,.Alfalfraod clovor aeed ar* generally

cleaned btfora plnnllng to prevent the Spread of neuitt,-minute destrucllvc- erganlsmi that pray upon alfalfa end clover. Throe- cloantaga »1» often neceuary to ratnove the p**t» entirely.

., !m „ « u wn r f thxTut^r of on >’ o'v York's famous theatrical Nothing 1« known of the *ut“ “r " I highway. • Laurotte Taylor starred tho flrwf published dictionary of the I jn tho former, tho play having boon English language, except that hi* Oral UpCCi#ijy written tor her by her ploy- name « i i Henry Cockarain.' Ut» “Bn# rwrlght husband, J. Hartley Manners.name was mnrjr vvc»anua. uw m v iwrlgnt nunDOnu, J. itarury maimer», llih IMctlomirte" Drat appealed In 1020, J Florence Heed was tho star of tho and by 1070 bad twelve editions. I latter, tho author bolng Reginald * ...• _____________ _____ -.... (Goode.

. H eavy N ail Damage .Hall is one of Hie moat destructive

of atmospheric agencie», «ay» Nature Magatine. It due» damage estimated to ttverige. nmre than $200.000,01X1 a •éttUTbioughtiut the-world. " ‘ ‘

Epic Poem"The Trumpeter uf Haeklngen." B

popular. Oermntt epic |>oeiii, by Joseph

____ _____ Must-oflid » lass U borne by growing crops


impumr. ucmiaq epic poem. <*j - " " " i 1-* ■ Over 425,000" copies o f tin* Summer Victor voft Seheffcl. In » little more Issue o f tlio Telephone Directories than 80 years ¡utter Its pubircatlon in I tor JSorthcni Now Jersey nro now 1853 had passed through 200 targe betog-dbtrltiuted to Its aubscrlbcra «ltUona-tn-Ocriiuiuy-alone-------- ^— -.li’O k o ^ tnT. Teleplionc Com-

Flowsrs Figure in MenuThe petal» of the rose, violet ond

Jasmine are used csvaslonally In dUhe* In at least one Mg hotel In Loudon, while'In France the petal« of orange uml lemon blossom«, nnd of-the white locust flower are u»ed freely to food. .

pany. . ■ .This Is about lftBMF more copies

than were required Inst Fall andEmbassy’s Privilege linau wi'rv. nniuinw ihn» xwsa •«*« A foreign embassy may fly a foy- marks the high water mark In the

elgn flag without having It aecompa- [circulation of theso Now Jersey tiled'by the American flag. The. for- I tele phone books. , ■ elgn Mnbaosy 1» under the Jurisdiction [of tha country which. It repreaents; M e ta y e r S ystemtherefor«, the law ot that country atfS-! Under the Metayer ayatem of fnnn-pllea

IViiuMr in Life’s Race- «Life I» a test of fltnesa. In running tils (ace a' mtn ahoutd be able to paa« the wInning peat with head upnieafi' tight, eye ctear, and conactence at pence. It he can d® *o he la not "one who also ran." hut the captain of hi* ©on dcstlivy.—Ortt. ‘

Churth Involved Labor— in the rortugueoo Congo a churth has been built of atona .which had to SO" carrlettfourtnltcabytbenaHrto. Th* completed atrueiure contains I V 000 (toma, repmenttng neatly 120.000 tulle* ot walking. -

tag land the cultlvajor or tenant pay« tig . rant la kind—generally a fixed proportion ot the product, not a fixed aasmnt. At .one Ume It waa common la Franco aad , Italy, hut It has de- dined dtotag lhe paat 30 jeara Tha product o t the fa m la »omatlméa db

Ärgualty beiwaen owner and oe>

‘ '

Spanish friar*# “ M e m eria PFor the «tory of the early year# of

-New -Mexico, the-hU«ori»n I » Indebted to-. Henatldee, a, FranctaCan friar, w luw "Memorial," preeented to the king of Spain, eonulna a record Of tila vtslt^18 N'ew México, '

Refused Allegiance, Robert Toombs, Confederate------tnry of atete In 1801, and »entrai to tha Ctafederate »erste«,* went abroad after the war to Uv«x but returned to

. «NMIlmei to the ratio of tenIk* one. The proportion, ta n tootM Si contract. ' ' ‘ .....................

Her ObservationsRyitamler—“Did yea get the num*

after the war to me. out reiurnea to i w a a f the ear that knocked, you dowo, 180T and refused to awear ollegtancw j nadara r-. VtetUn—*N*, but the husay, to the United State« government. | that was dr tv tug it wore a three-piece

Strong for Honor System „It wwa .pfoiKmed- to- establish^ U'C

honor ayatem to « large eastern penb tenUary- " The matter, waa put UP -to

■ the priaonera theuaelvc*. It being flg- cured that they would know better'Ilian

. wwycif else .whether they could play - the gora# honorably. It was put to a

~'p^dHtoley.** eald one tougfi eltl- i. 'R f ya'vrite.ter the

Morning’* Cold TabDirection» for taking a cold bath:

Itun the tub one-third full of cold wa­ter. tost with tha toe. then cut off cold water fiotoL, and. turaion hot water fiill DIt —Nattritte Rumar. - r

C alori«»Srientuts ayaert that tho consump­

tion of-ougar tenda to ■procnote emo- tlgoaUem. .which may account tor the condition of the young ladle« who eat ao many'pound# o f cboçotstee at mari-, neoa • - ,- ' "

mull, lined wtlb canton crepa and ah* had on a periwinkle hat, trimmed wttb artificial chenten**-» Gratybody'a Masailne.

Depende on the Ftatteree Like mOasoea. flattory muto not be

poured on; tan. thldh— Milwaukee Journal. ' .. .

Historie Sherwood . T h a «Mainai Sherwoodtofeot _ KaMa ‘ Hood fimo was twenty-tv* ■llw lang byv ten mile« wide; but In­cluded puton* heath« and «ven bap■ • Wsqrs et- Shm Jays: lauara pastor««, neatha aad oven bar

V « * y mountain bine Taya plck up-j rtW trwct». with bera and there è mapa srith- their teet and carry them deneely wooded grave, away to* their neeta - I ■

R m o m ’ i Gmeto H e lp- W* ought to rail , to matoh Ukn a

ow»r ..... ............. . toood phyalcUn, a i a htop to ratacao,r* *L w m knn«r-4MMHttoa •

“ ' ” ’ - i " ■- "x*-“ ki ^

I lo o k to United States Hearty ell farina In ltrexU er« tilled

by ' th*-ald o f toiplepient» frani the


. Trae Courage , t Any coward («a fight a battle when Ik on re of winning; but give me tb*

who ha* pluck to fleht when be'» o f twins.—lîeorge Eliot.

Porch Rockers Rexeated j /Chain Caned ‘

.Wicker iVork AUo Done.

Inferiority Com plexInferiority complex—Being awed by

know Ilitn-.'M yoy dont know nml ilncau't know thing* you do know.—The Duluth .Herald.


Tlic K'-nllhortli A. A . traveled to » ElUabctli on the Foarth o f July ami . ' played .the Klirabeth Arrow». ' do- (eating them in a.han lfought 12- Inning game by n sfore o f I I to H.Th© feature* o f tb© game were the fast base running of the lo ca l team and a haul <>n© I land catch in cen­ter Held hy J. Simmons. , .

W ajdas pitched nine Inning» and was relieved by Furze In the tenth, he holding the Arrow* scoreless for tor llli'- reinalmtcr af the garoe. flic local Iniys winning out In the 12th inning hy scoring three run». The line-up was jm follows:

Kcnilworfti A. A.—Grime* 3b, Em- rle ss. Fuller and Simmons cf, Wer­ner c. Itoiimann 2hi Stupae III. rkirzc ond Pollark rf. Kusniek If, Wajcio and Furze p: Elizabeth A rrow s- Peis 3b. Tryon ss. If. Martin c f Far- Icy c. Keenan 2b. Dunce lb. Lind­strum rl. Van Ardslec U. Monk p

Tlie score by Innlgs was: __ ,,Arrows _______ ,112 200 U10 tlflO—11jvepJIjvorJIu___2ul 330 OtG 003—11

Try u h ttaw *d i i¡M il» «MU Ud ntRÊÊb I f » Mi»







in fact for anything in the. printing lineSEE

Gustaf F. Hegg, 21st streetKENILWORTH» N. J.

Loco) Representative for T H E CRANFO RD CITIZEN AND " CHRONICLE: also Local Correspondent for th « N E W A R K '

. EVENING n e w s . '

¡ W H E N building a... Iiouso wo do not L thluK .merely o f goto I

■ ting the Jolt through; | W o think o f tlio com­I tort and tho pleasure | ot those who aro going | to llv<t frt-lt.

"Lto U* k»M tw Veaf*

I A. D. HOUGH, Jr. IBoll ding Ooatractor

-.TIM 8priagfl»14 Av». CRANFORD, H. J. I



S ' j

F. ROLFCarpenter-and Builder




Ice CreamOur U s Cream has that Ingrained Goodocre whieh gTOwi QP®° yon with continued use. Every Ingredient we aso la Absolutely Pure. .



TELEPHONE 815» 4 4 « m 4 m m « M 4 k



U NORTH AVENUE, EASTAll Work Guaranteed at tho Lowest

Price*W o also coll for and deliver your

laundry. ' ‘


Gboice Fruiti Ukd Vegetihlë» ' FREE DELIVERIES .


The McCarter Schôo121 Cranford Ava, Cranford, N. J,

Canning Season SuppliesAsk to bk Shawn the new "Universxl- Alnmimnn Canning Outfit- Prietd at LL90. Jon, Jelly Glasses, Rubbers, «te . now oa * «!• * 6 this store. Also Flash Lights,' Thermo* Bottles, far tha trip to Asbury Park next week. .

L C Pike Hardware C lit I I ’ m I

"•*1 Nartlr-ATeuuaW'eit. CRANFORD. K r:

First, Roonnd and Third Grade«. French gsd Munto InchtdnL - Fall Urta begins SEPTEMBER mh. IS2S

ALICE NèCAATEB* PrincipiXTTA t PKlLUN. A u to « .

. T«ktthoo« I31-W . .



r«i rti«iii'*Taftyitf ,i r-j&ääs Yiìi ra---' »')a-«»wdiAa¡3lc ■

hVol XXVIII. N.. 2).-

TilBOABDflEMSAFfEit ^ PVjtoT -ft. « /v. , T-rrvs. » - y?'•«hÉ«F-C5*ÉâiiIltttojtora'’S t t o 'lS

ahlp Raaaoa, Ores» and Wersl

Cranford taxpayer» liad their in rourt lost Tuesday, wlien CVuoty Hoard of Taxation xat at

thorn wh« had filed appeal* Itoriginally tikwght Ui© lies would he cuiupletetl by 3 p. itt, tlio numlier o l apjwals tu Ik> ;»>»*hI o f nrroMsilated a eesslon f '0 a W. to about 5 p. nu, with a brief intermission for lunch«»

On th© whole th© meeting qu id and dectiruin prevailed. (Vuiunlioiloner» doing tlietr be«l


ailju»t dlfferenee» -of onlrihm e< rahly so far as,*tlie evhh'nee .li;:due*»l would jM'rmlt. Where .

t douht ext»te«l the problem vins i p i hy n promts© to visit nnd ins| 111© prujierty under considerai

[Gnce or twice Carl \Var»ln»kl, earing a* counsel for ceverni

, Jio taxpayer«, ond " .Mortimer IlGros*. ajslstant to tho assessor, f gaged In a brief verbal tilt, and I owner expressed doubt that f Gross had ever even seen «he ji /erty In question, which prodi] »laughter and helped to clear the

Kmoephere. ,E In on© case an error In prinl wand II«curing oecurri-d hut th!«|*poedlly corrected oti.rccoiumci Í tlon of tlthe assessor.

In another Instance of land ass |«d at 11,450; Mr. Wurslnsk! coin ' ir the owner, staled the prop;

tad cost $250 Jn licit, and could (bought today for $1(10.’ The Conn Eslon questioned th© nccuracy of lasgessed valuation under tho leumstiuires hut Mr. (¡mss asset |thc valuation was fair nnd reque» ‘ slice tlon o f tile property." 11 , listín, Town Counsel, Intimate jloiibt as to the owner's w llllngi

[sell at tho small amount n (nvslarKi-iirr-firosirinterJectvri

pinion that If such was the cm* ¡ras because clear tit le could not btalnqd to the property. .Mr. V 'nski Immediately challenged slstant to the assessor tn put Ii if.lw dcr.Q atU jm du iakeku cl atemenL In the ease o f tho Christian 1

limlonary Alliance, who clatr ption on land at Cherry st r Retford avenue. It was Ii

t since the property bad not hi eveloped tor ehurch purposes

> October 1st, ltw as not entlt jxcmptlon for tills year,

i W . D. Bigelow presented a v . ittrefnlly worked out and compl - set o f drawings and figures show i valuation comparisons on a fium o f Cranford houses; Tlio Cominiss requested that he file these dr montswitb them for thoir consh at Ion. . Mr. Bigelow answ ered papers hod been prepared for tl panpose and their information.

’ Mr. Beers claimed lno<«na1ity valuation as compared with nea assessments and asked to-.Die list sustaining Ills claim. Mr. Gr objected hut the chairman held tl his position did not entitle him make such an objection since


Start aA checking accou

ditures, at the same tir or loss,

....... Pay your bills by 1of every penny you sp do so invites many use or carelessness.

A checking accou your money. Come in as large. '

