a movement of movements

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A Movement of Movements. Unit Overview. Organizing Principle. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


A Movement of Movements

Unit OverviewA Movement of MovementsOrganizing PrincipleThe experience of World War II began to challenge conventional wisdom regarding race relations in the United States. Following the global conflict, African-Americans created a national conflict by challenging the racial hierarchy that ran directly against the basic principles that this country was founded on. Black Americans, followed by other minority groups that were excluded from the American dream, fundamentally changed the American narrative by standing up for their rights during the 1950s through the 1970s.Black Status QuoSouth under Plessy v. Ferguson195015 million African Americans2/3 live in the South Jim Crow SouthDe facto segregationby lawDisfranchisementNorthSecure access to some public accommodationsTokenismJackie Robinsonintegrated baseball (1947)Global politics America defined?Exposes the disparity in American Credo Decolonization

The Seeds of RevoltWWIIMilitary serviceLabor activismA. Phillip RandolphProtests during the warCongress of Racial Equality (CORE)Sit-insSecond Great MigrationThe American Dilemma (1944) Gunnar Myrdal Truman EraTo Secure These Rightsgovt. commission Desegregates the military (1948)NAACPLegal attackSmith v. Allwright (1944)White primary declared unconstitutionalSweatt v. Painter (1950)Equality in Law SchoolsBaton Rouge, LABus boycott 1953

Brown V. Board of Education Courts take leadChief Justice Earl WarrenBrown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954)Desegregates public schoolsall deliberate speedCracks Plessy v. Ferguson legal precedentBrown IILocal solutionsSouthern reactionresistance Move to impeach WarrenSouthern Manifesto195699 politicians to resist BrownWhite Citizens CouncilShift to private schoolsStalls integrationDeep South2% of blacks integrated in 10 years

AwarenessEmmett Till14 year old ChicagoanSpends summer in MississippiDoes not adhere to racial etiquetteWhistles at a white womenBrutally murdered by vigilantesMurderers acquitted by an all white jury National media picks up the story

Mobilization in MontgomeryRosa ParksSeamstressNAACP SecretaryRefuses to give up her seat 12/1/1955Arrested Calls for a boycott (12/55-01/56)Montgomery Improvement AssociationE.D. Nixonlabor leader Organized through the churchMartin Luther King Jr. Spokesman for boycottWhite community/businesses resistSupreme CourtRules segregation of buses unconstitutional in AL

Civil Rights in 1957Central High SchoolLittle Rock, Arkansas(1957)School integrationLittle Rock NineGovernor Orval Faubus Sends in national guard to prevent integrationViolates court orderIke sends in troops to protect black studentsFaubus challenged federal authorityCivil Rights Act of 1957Establishes permanent government commissionInvestigates violations of civil rightsProtects voting rightsSouthern Christian Leadership Conference (1957)Political agency of black churches who supported Civil RightsMLKface of the movement

Eisenhower refuses to back BrownLBJ waters down the Civil Rights Act of 1957 to prevent Southern filibusterSCLC was formed to keep the interest of activists after the Montgomery campaign9Direct Action PhaseSit-in movement begins01 February 1960Greensboro, NCMovement spreads across the SouthGhandian Non-ViolenceStudent Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)1960 Ella Baker

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical CollegeWhite protestors waved Confederate Flags at the protestorsHighlander Folk School10Kennedy and Civil RightsElection of 1960Kennedy calls Coretta Scott KingBlack votersKennedy moves slowlyWith a stroke of a penDiscrimination in housingDoes not follow throughWary about Dr. Kings associates Communist tiesVoter Education ProjectFunding encouraged by the Kennedys

Freedom RidesFreedom Riders (1961)CORE tests supreme court ruling on interstate busingDesegregate bus stationsMet with violenceAlabamaKKK and local law enforcementFederal Marshals dispatched

John Seigenthaler, Kennedys emissary, was beaten unconscious in MSParchman Prison Farm12Stand Off at Ole MissUniversity of MississippiSeptember 1962James Meredith granted admission by SCOTUSGov. Ross Barnett blocks Meredith Kennedy calls in Federal MarshalsOctober 1962Protect MeredithMob congregates in protestViolence ensuesKennedy calls in MS National Guard

Two dead, 160 marshals injured

The Student MovementStudents for a Democratic Society (SDS)Al Haber and Tom HaydenPort Huron StatementParticipatory democracyAnti-imperialismThe Free Speech Movement (FSM)University of CaliforniaBerkeleyPolitical participation on campusThe New LeftWhite, middle-class and from the NorthAssisted in protest movementsCivil Rights and Anti-War Movement

Birmingham CampaignAntecedentsAlbany, GASCLC & Project C April 1963attempt to end segregationStated sit-downs and marchesEncourage student involvementPolice get violentEugene Bull ConnorFire hoses, dogs and nightsticks used on studentsKennedy sends in mediators Klan launches bombing campaign16th Street Baptist ChurchMedia Frenzy!Letter from a Birmingham Jail

Laurie Pritchett of Albany stifled media attention by not resorting to violence.C=Confrontation15U.S. Government and Civil RightsCongressThe 23rd Amendment (1960)Electoral votes for D.C.The 24th Amendment (1962)Abolished poll taxImplemented in 1964Supreme CourtBaker v. Carr (1962)Equalized representation of voters in TNJFK (1963)Civil Rights CommissionProposes Civil Rights ActResistance still ripeMedgar Evers assassinated in MS

March on Washington (for Jobs and Freedom)28 August 1963Planned by A. Philip RandolphEconomic concernUnemploymentIncome inequalityLiving standardsHope to rally congress to pass Kennedys BillI Have a DreamCriticsMalcolm X

March demographics (2/3 black, 1/3 white)17Gender EqualitySocial FeminismLabor and radicalsEqual Rights FeminismMiddle classThe Feminine MystiqueBetty Freidan (1963)The problem that has no nameKennedyEqual Economic Opportunity Commission (EEOC)Workplace discrimination

The Death of JFK22 November 1963Open aired motorcadeDowntown Dallas, TXJFK shotLee Harvey Oswald arrestedJack Ruby? US mourningWarren CommissionConspiracy?LBJ sworn intakes up civil rights