a monthly newsletter of trinity united methodist...

Volume 20, Issue 1 January 2020 A monthly newsletter of Trinity United Methodist Church ...a Stephen Ministry Congregation Come & See From Pastor Kim: The Urn Program Ministry Activities Stephen Ministry In Action Fish Christmas Party Christmas Blessings Puzzle New Bible Study Three Questions HomeTouch Reading TUMC Leaders 2020 Memorials & Gifts Thank You Notes Those Who Serve We Care/Prayer List Birthdays/Anniversaries Go & Tell Open Hearts Open Minds Open Doors

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Page 1: A monthly newsletter of Trinity United Methodist Churchimages.acswebnetworks.com/1/2632/January2020forwebsite.pdf · The fact that God is invisible makes it hard for me to experience

Open Hearts

Open Minds

Open Doors

Volume 20, Issue 1 January 2020

A monthly newsletter of Trinity United Methodist Church ...a Stephen Ministry Congregation

Come & See …

From Pastor Kim: The Urn

Program Ministry Activities

Stephen Ministry In Action

Fish Christmas Party

Christmas Blessings


New Bible Study

Three Questions

HomeTouch Reading

TUMC Leaders 2020

Memorials & Gifts

Thank You Notes

Those Who Serve

We Care/Prayer List


… Go & Tell

Open Hearts

Open Minds

Open Doors

Page 2: A monthly newsletter of Trinity United Methodist Churchimages.acswebnetworks.com/1/2632/January2020forwebsite.pdf · The fact that God is invisible makes it hard for me to experience


The Urn

Almost thirty years ago my mom and dad received a golden urn for a fiftieth anniversary present. The urn was a gift from my dad’s sister and I am sure it was given with the best of intentions. It sat proudly among the other gifts my parents received for surviving life and each other for fifty years. However, my mother hated this urn. There was nothing my mother hated worse in her house than this urn. Regardless of what the Pope and Vatican II said, she was not in favor of cremation. She had a fear of fire unless she was cooking. Our smoke

alarm was the dinner bell at our house regularly and often. She preferred her food d-e-a-d dead but did not want her body to be reduced to ashes. When my mother passed away it was my job to go through her house, which she and my dad lived in for over fifty-three years, and sort things into three piles: throw away, give away and keep. Her anniversary urn was one of the things I kept. My wife cleaned it and it sits on the high boy on my side of the bed. Each morning among the first things I see is that urn sitting patiently for me to meet my maker. Margo and I decided some years ago that we wanted to be cremated for several reasons. One, the cost of a funeral is literally out of this world. We have children and grandchildren we would rather have those funds to use for school or expenses or just plain ole fun. Second, we both have stood over way too many coffins looking at a person who has passed and made the comment “don’t they look good.” Nobody told me that when I was living and I don’t like the idea of people telling a lie about me and not being able to make a retort. Third, at our last family funeral I was asked to be a pall bearer. My cousins and I are getting some age on us now and we had to actually arrange ourselves according to our “good sides” so we wouldn’t risk dropping the coffin. Plus, I’m not sure I have enough friends who could pull the weight, if you know what I mean. I saw a cartoon on Facebook recently that said “cremation is my last chance to have a smoking hot body!” I know this is true. I am very sure the smoke from my cremation will be seen from the Space Station. The advantage of seeing this urn everyday is a reminder to me that I am much closer to the end of the play than I am from the beginning. The urn is a reminder to me to make every day count. It reminds me to thank God every time I awake and have another day to serve him and his church. It serves as a reminder to not dwell on the mundane but to seek the profound and to avoid the negative folks and surround myself with those who really care about me. We all have an “urn” awaiting us. While some people have avoided taxes, nobody can avoid death. Therefore, make this New Year your best year. Start each day by making a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation and come into his presence with thanksgiving. Live each day to it’s fullest until you breath your last and God sends his heavenly uber to bring you home!

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Until further notice, our Sunday morning schedule will be:

Sunday School 9:00 AM Blended Worship 10:00 AM

Program Ministry News

January of 2020! An exciting new year awaits us. New beginnings always brings to mind, for me, the passage in Isaiah (43:19). Let’s consider a couple of translations. Our NIV says, “Behold, I will do new things ….” And, the International Standard Version says it this way, “Watch! I’m about to carry out

something new! And now it’s springing up — don’t you recognize it? I’m making a way in the wilderness and paths in the desert.” This passage reminds me of our church home springing up soon. In 2020, may we, Trinity Church, body of believers, family of Christ, follow the path that God has prepared for us. May we watch with excitement what God will do in the coming year as we join Him in ministry! Happy New Year! Peace and Joy, Cindy

Upcoming Programs & Activities

Triple L — Conway Glass Our seniors’ small group ministry, ‘Triple L,’ will enjoy a glass blowing demonstration at Conway Glass on Friday, January 10th at 12:15 p.m. Each participant will make a glass friendship ball. After the class, we’ll have a sandwich lunch at Cordie Page. You may park at Cordie Page and ride together to Conway Glass. The cost is $25.00. Come and join us! Contact Cindy to R.S.V.P.

Fish Club — Minnows, Little Fish & Big Fish Begin! We kick off our winter/spring season of Fish Club, our children’s small group ministry, on Wednesday, January 15th at 5:15 p.m. at Cordie Page. We’ll have a yummy supper, a Bible story, creative craft and joyful music. It’s a fun time for all! Fish Club is for ages 4 and up through 5th grade. If you’d like to provide a meal one evening, please contact Linda Gainey.

Questions about Fish Club? Contact Cindy at 843-2448-2194.

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Recently, I was teaching at a Stephen Ministry event where someone introduced me to “Megan,” a woman in her early 30s who wanted to tell me her story about receiving care from a Stephen Minister during a difficult transition in life. Megan prefers to remain anonymous--but she gave me permission to share her story with you so you’ll know about the powerful difference Stephen Ministry made in her life. Amity Haugk Amity: What led you to receive the care of a Stephen Minister? Megan: It all began soon after I moved to (a new city) to live near my family. I had just ended an eight-year relationship and was depending on them to be my support system. But a few months after I arrived, they unexpectedly had to move away--so I felt very, very alone. Not long after they moved, my grandfather passed away. It was one of the hardest times of my life. I knew I needed to talk to someone, but I hadn’t lived in the city long enough to develop close, comfortable friendships that I could depend on. But my new church had Stephen Ministry. When I found out what Stephen Ministry was, I talked to my pastor about getting a Stephen Minister. How did your relationship with your Stephen Minister start out? It started off a little bit slow. I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about sharing deep, personal things with someone I didn’t know very well. But her consistency, compassion, and care for me really came through. I realized that my Stephen Minister was a safe person who wasn’t going to share what I told her with anyone else. From there we developed a deep relationship until I felt like I could truly share anything with her. What was it like to meet with your Stephen Minister? We met weekly. Sometimes she’d come to my house and we’d sit and talk, and other times we’d go walking together. During our visits, she just let me talk while she listened. As I was talking through things, I realized that it was helping me to make sense of everything that had happened and how I was feeling. She accepted my feelings, including the ones that seemed risky to share--and that was really helpful. I actually didn’t need advice from her--I needed acceptance and affirmation. I had a lot of loneliness, a lot of hurts, a lot of uncertainty inside. I needed to be validated and not put down. My Stephen Minister did a wonderful job of creating a warm, caring space for me to process my emotions and work through my issues. I’ve heard other care receivers say that their Stephen minister helped them experience God’s love. Could you tell me more about how that happened for you? The fact that God is invisible makes it hard for me to experience him sometimes. I’d been through some very negative experiences in life that caused me to question whether God even existed--and, if he existed, whether he loved me. I truly wondered, after all the things I’d done and the mess I’d been through, if God could still love me. I somehow knew intuitively that I needed a person that I could see and touch. I think that’s truly why I asked for a Stephen Minister. When my Stephen Minister was able to share her concern and her sorrow over my experiences, God was there loving me through her. I experienced God’s sorrow and God’s compassion and God’s love--and it made all the difference for me. What I needed the most was her unconditional love--to know that no matter what I shared with her, no matter what I’d done, she cared for me. Her care showed God’s love for me. I needed to know that there was one person in the world who knew everything there was to know about me--the good, the bad, the ugly--and still loved me. It was the tangible expression of God’s love in my Stephen Minister that changed my life. Based on your experience, how would you describe what Stephen Ministers do? Stephen Ministers do a lot of listening and ask really good questions that help you talk through your thoughts and emotions. Stephen Ministers are there for you when it seems that no one else is. Just having someone to talk to--week after week--to bounce ideas off of, can help bring clarity into your life and help you sort through whatever it is you’re dealing with. The most important thing my Stephen Minister did for me was to provide spiritual care that led to spiritual healing. Doctors can take care of our physical needs, and counselors can help with our emotional needs. Pastors focus on spiritual needs, but can’t possibly care for every person in their congregation who needs it. So sometimes there’s a real gap when it comes to meeting spiritual needs. My spiritual wounds were the gap for me--the neglected part inside me that hadn’t been taken care of. God used my Stephen Minister to really fill the spiritual gap. What would you say to someone who’s considering receiving care from a Stephen Minister? Asking for a Stephen Minister is the best thing I could have done for myself. Stephen Ministry is transformational. As a care receiver, you’ll grow so much through your Stephen Minister’s care, concern, and compassion for you--you may not even recognize yourself afterward! And you’ll be a lot better off for it. I would encourage anyone who is suffering, discouraged, or going through a difficult time to ask for a Stephen Minister. And if someone offers a Stephen Minister to you, say, “Yes!” It really is life-changing.

Stephen Ministry in Action A Stephen Ministry Story: “I Began to Feel God’s Love Again”

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Big Fish, Little Fish, Minnows Christmas Party

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Christmas Blessings

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Trustworthy, A Study of 1 & 2 Kings

When hard times come and it seems God is deviating from the plan we assume our life should follow, we’re much more likely to want to tame God, not trust Him. It’s then that we begin to press into our ways and our own timing. No human can carry the weight of being their own god, but so many of us try.

In this 6-session study of 1 & 2 Kings, you can join Lysa TerKeurst in Israel as she honestly reveals the places of distrust in her own heart while exploring the deeply personal applicable Scriptures that will teach us how to truly trust God.

Our study begins on Tuesday, January 7, at 10:00 AM in the Cordie Page Building.

Contact Nancy Anderson at 843-397-5206 for more information.

New Bible Study

There’s a tale of a traveling priest who was confronted by a soldier in pre-revolutionary Russia. Rifle in hand, the soldier barked, “Who are you? Where are you going? Why are you going there?” Instead of answering, the priest asked how much the soldier was paid — and offered double if the soldier would challenge him with those three questions each day as he passed by. Those three important questions can guide us on our journey through the brand-new year ahead. For Christians, thankfully, the answers are clear: • Who are you? “I’m a child of God!” • Where are you going? “I’m going out into the world!” • Why are you going there? “I’m going out of love for Jesus, who died for me!” Place these questions and answers in a spot where you can see them each day. Then go forward confidently, knowing “whose” you are and what your purpose is.

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Presented by: The Trinity Choirs

And Chamber Orchestra

Sunday, December 15, 10:00 AM

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Trinity UMC

Committee on Nominations and Leadership











TREASURER: Wayne Suggs



1) Pat Henry 2) Marvis Henry 3) Alan Nagy 4 )Ellen Nagy

ALTERNATES: Milton and Cynthia Gantt














CHILDREN: Cindy Smith

YOUTH: Ara Heinz

YOUNG ADULT: Molly Hopkins


FAMILY: Beth Suggs

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At Large Members:

2020: Dale Grunsky, Davis Inabinet, Jordan Hyman

2021: Pat Howle, Gerry Woodle, Ernest Hardwick

2022: Greg Suggs, Jamie Hewitt, Jamie McLain

Specialized Ministries

NURTURE: Brenda Murphy

OUTREACH: Jeff Davis


WORSHIP: Lana Hudson



PASTOR, Kim Strong

BUSINESS ADM.,Carolyn Causey







TREASURER, Wayne Suggs


CLASS OF 2020 Stan Cross, Chairperson, J immy Johnson

CLASS OF 2021 Carolyn Floyd, Davis Inabnit, J r ., Pam Reis

CLASS OF 2022 Sid Blackwelder , Linda Gainey, Glynn Johnson




CLASS OF 2020: Barbara Davis, Wayne Hill

CLASS OF 2021 Nancy Hopkins, Alex Hyman

CLASS OF 2022 Margaret Jordan, Donnie Guyton




CLASS OF 2020: Janet Howle, Anne Woodle, Andy Altman, Chairperson

CLASS OF 2021: Susan Blackwelder , Skip Baker , Pat Henry

CLASS OF 2022: Jeff Davis, Er ik Reis, Ara Heinz

BUILDING COMMITTEE: Erik Reis, Jeff Davis, Dale Grunsky, J immy McLain, Andy Altman,

Janet Howle, Pat Henry, Ara Heinz

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Given in memory of….

Bob Evans Merilyn H. Holcombe

Elbert Long

Merilyn H. Holcombe Peggy S. Inman Martha M. Cline

Olivia Garren Peggy Jo Dorman

Robert & Kim Thigpen Mr. & Mrs. Joe Parler

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Hudson

Barry Garren Olivia Garren

Carlisle & Frances Floyd

Olivia Garren

Janet Beckley The Chancel Choir

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Parler Mr. & Mrs. Joe Hudson

Buddy Owens

Mr. & Mrs. Pat Henry

Many thanks to Phyllis Eisenman, who has faithfully served as our representative to The Shepherd’s

Table for the past four years.

Phyllis is retiring from this position at the end of December and we need someone to step up to

replace her. You would be responsible for securing volunteers to serve and cook at The Shepherd’s

Table one day a month.

Please contact the church office to volunteer .

Phyllis will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Trinity UMW, Thank you, thank you--I was privileged and blessed to serve as your president. I love each of you for your willingness to support our UMW and church. Brenda Murphy

Dear Mrs. Smith, We just wanted to say thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and generous donation of school supplies for our students at Conway Elementary School. They have certainly been put to good use! It does take a village and we are so thankful and truly blessed by the support of our community members like TUMC! Thank you again, Maquitta Davis Conway Elementary School

Dear Trinity Family, We cannot thank you enough for the absolutely beautiful monogrammed blanket for our baby boy, Hamp! We are truly blessed with such an amazing church family who have kept us in prayer through this special time for our family. We are so in love with our son and look forward to introducing him to our church. Thank you so much for thinking of us during this time and for all your love and support. We thank God each day for this miracle. Sincerely, Beth, Travis, & Hamp Hyman

Dear Friends in Mission, Thank you! The dear people you just helped with your gift to UMCOR may never have the opportunity to meet you, but if they did, I am certain their response would be - Thank you! Together, may we continue to reveal the love of God for men, women, and children of all ethnic, racial, cultural, and national backgrounds and to demonstrate genuine love for our neighbors. Grace and Peace, Thomas G. Kemper, General Secretary Roland Fernandes, COO and General Treasurer UMCOR International Disaster Response & Recovery

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Electronic Giving is a convenient, consistent way to help our church

continue to grow.

Consider scheduling a recurring electronic contribution today. It’s very convenient, safe and easy! You will no longer need to write out checks or prepare envelopes every week. Even when travel, illness or other circumstances keep you from attending worship services, your electronic contributions will continue to be received on an uninterrupted basis. You may also make one-time special offerings through our online giving page. To begin your electronic giving, simply visit our website, www.trinityconway.com, click on the online giving button, and follow the simple directions. Remember that your online giving can be easily changed at any time. Thank you for your continued financial support of Trinity.

Be loyal to your church. Uphold it by your prayers, your presence,

your gifts, your service, and your witness.

Those Who Serve


Dry beans Lima beans Oatmeal Cereals Soups Rice Peanut Butter Toiletries

Monetary gifts are always welcome. Make your check payable to Trinity and

put CAP on the memo line. Thank you for loving, caring and sharing.

January 5

Greeters: Stephen Ministers

Count Committee: Barbara Davis, Car la Booth

January 12

Greeters: Stephen Ministers

Count Committee: Karen Johnston, Linda Parker

January 19

Greeters: Stephen Ministers

Count Committee: Genie Peterson, Diane Ginty

January 26

Greeters: Stephen Ministers

Count Committee: Marti Hubbard, Lee Johnston

We Care Ministry Assistants and Shepherds

Please plan to attend a meeting on January 26, 2020, at the Cordie Page Building

from 4:00-5:00 PM. We need your input to restructure this ministry

as we serve our church family.

Thanks, Brenda Murphy

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Rolling Green Village,

4 Hoke Smith Blvd Greenville, SC 29615

Eloise Smith Rm. 238 864-371-6829,

Conway Manor

3300 4th Ave., Conway, 29526

Angell Pettit (406 W)

Laurel Crest

406 Joseph Walker Drive W. Columbia, SC 29169

Jane MacDonald 803-828-9396

Lakeside Place Senior Living

478 Hwy 378., Lexington, SC 29072

Mozelle Goldfinch (Room 404)

Carolina Gardens

2310 Hwy 378, Conway, SC 29527

Lloyd Davis (Room 608)


101 Brightwater Drive, Myrtle Beach, SC


Jim Reddick (AL 309)

The Palmettos of Garden City

9415 Frontage Road, Murrells Inlet, SC 29576

Davis McNeill (Room 208)


Barbara Thompson

9613 Captain Smith Lane, Corryton, TN 37721

Chamela Harrell

606 Burroughs St., Conway, SC 29526

Annie Lou Spivey

512 9th Ave, Conway, SC 29526

Ruby Pittman 1706 Sherwood Dr., Conway SC 29526


Wayne & Karen Nobles

Pat Rose

Pete & Martha Johnson

Iva Finkenbiner

Jim & Sara Reddick

Diane & Dale Ginty

Joe & Saundra Parler

Tina Hubbard

Cheryl Robertson

Dolly Updegraff

Dennis & Jean Murdock

Larry & Dorothy Deitrich

Wally & Cookie Elston

Robbie Yarborough

John Bunn

Emma Lou Johnson

Betty Ackley

Lucy Olson

Allen & Phyllis Koch

Burnette Owens

Harriet Floyd

Lois Merzke

B.G. & Jenny Gantt

Doug & Raylene Williams

Lana & Bob Fortson

Athene Long

Marti & George Hubbard

Samantha Heinz

Henry & Jac Cannon

Lee Johnston

Alan & Ellen Nagy

Pete Byrdic


Molly & Earl Nobles (Wayne Nobles’ parents)

Rebecca Suggs (Gregg Suggs’ mother)

Mary Hopkins (Bryan Hopkins’ mother)

Carol Reis Starr (Erik Reis’ mother)

Carolyn Holden (Carol Baker’s mother)

Alex Strogen (Gray Strogen’s father)

Carolyn Britt (Diane Parker’s mother)

Barbara Nagy (Alan Nagy’s mother)

Jimmy Richardson (Tamara Tindall’s father)

Marilyn Johnston (Elaine Hyman & Joey Johnston’s


Molly Robertson (Steve Robertson’s mother)

Barbara Calhoun (Alanda McLain’s mother)

Betty Taylor (mother of Rick Taylor)


Caroline Robertson (Cheryl & Steve’s granddaughter)

Bill Darby (Jo Rush’s brother)

Finn Brown (grandson of Sara Newton Reddick)

Christine Kennerly (Pat Rose’s daughter)

Vincent McLean (Lana Fortson’s brother-in-law)

Bailey Anderson (granddaughter of Mary & Kip


Willie Henderson (Betty Ackley’s son-in-law)

Aston Grace Calhoun (daughter of Charles

Calhoun & Sierra Joiner)

Teresa Richardson (Ruby Pittman’s granddaughter)

Jason Owens (Burnette & Geraldine Owens’ son)

Lincoln Browning (Don Murphy’s great nephew)

Chuck Johnson & daughter (Pete & Martha

Johnson’s son)

Ron Harper (Lynn Long’s brother)

Allen & Fay McNew (Wayne Hill’s brother &


Valerie Boccabella (Betty Ackley’s daughter)

Evelyn Dunn (Pete Peterson’s sister)

Janet & Ron Kirkley (Mary Shellam Hill’s sister &


Mark Peters (husband of Patti Herbert’s niece)

Leisa Smyly (daughter of Carolyn Causey)

Ray Floyd (Lana Hudson’s brother)



Rock Smith (Joe Hudson’s friend)

Mac & Carolyn McCormick(Iva Finkenbiner’s friends)

Rev. Julian Riddle (Russ Nixon’s friend)

Durwood Owens (Pat Gregory’s friends’ brother)

Joey Jones (Sara Reddick’s friend)

Janice & Danny Elmer (Jerri Woodle’s friends)

Eddie Caskey (Meredith Hyman’s friend)

Marie Freeman (Lana Fortson’s friend)

Barbara Jenkins (Lana Fortson’s friend)

Beth Milcheck (Lana Fortson’s friend)

Jim & Jan Green (Trinity’s drummer)

Betty Springle (Pete & Martha Johnson’s friend)

Pamela Paschall (friend of Trinity)

Armed Forces

Michael Merzke (Diane Fouquet’s nephew)

Matthew Merzke (Diane Fouquet’s nephew)

Capt. Joseph O’Brien (Barbara Davis’ cousin)

Jackson Schade (Genie Peterson’s cousin)

Major Matthew Linton (Beth Linton’s grandson)

Gene Austin Norris, Jr. (Gene & Carolyn Norris’ son)

Ray Davis (Gene & Carolyn Norris’ son-in-law)

Dax Battaglia (Mary Ann Mehl’s nephew)

Alex Kann (Mary Ann Mehl’s granddaughter)

James Kostuch (Barbara Davis’ grandson) Austin Clark (Brenda Murphy’s friend’s grandson)

SPC Russell Dozier, H Co, 118 CAB 30 ABCT,

APO AE09330


All in our church and community who were affected

by the flooding.

Samaritan Counseling Service

Are there any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them. James 5:14

We Care for One Another

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Dr. & Mrs. Strong join the entire

Trinity Church family in

expressing our deepest sympathy

and Christian love to:

Tony Owens & family, following the death of his

father, Buddy Owens


Carly and Landon Jones, following the birth of a daughter, Martha-Kerrington Leigh Jones.

Proud grandparents are Dawne & George Oliver, III. Proud great-grandparents are Olivia Garren, Patsy

Oliver, and George Oliver, Jr.


Church office address

1317-B Third Avenue, Conway 29526-5038

Mailing address :

P.O. Box 1072, Conway, SC, 29528-1072

If you are not receiving our E-mail blasts but would like to receive them, please call the church office at 843-248-2194 and give us your e-mail address.

1 Will Guyton Chandler Hughes

2 Erik Reis Geraldine Owens Karen McCully Marie Herrin

3 Carrie Raymor Harriett Floyd Amber Wall

4 Jerri Woodle Eric Covington Nate Todd 6 Frank Chesla

7 George Oliver Jenny Southerland Emily Johnson Sondra Ray Helene Stamm

8 Boyd Gainey Pete Peterson Jimmy & Emma Lou Johnson

9 Martha Johnson

11 Reggie Daves Joe Holbert Billie Hallman Abigail Peters Louie Welch Scott Demko

12 Alan Edwards Ann Long Genie Peterson Erica Tyler Cassie Brown Jamie & Helen McLain

13 Alex Hyman Joey Vereen Amy Horner

14 Craig Anderson Gunner Hucks Ray Binis

15 Fred Richardson Burnett Owens Cheryl Robertson

16 Ken Jordan Angell Pettit

17 John Winn Teddy Henry Bill & Alta Fox

18 Amy Henry

19 Matti Oliver Joe & Saundra Parler

21 Danny & Pearl Reynolds

22 Carol Bunn Margo Strong

23 Athene Long Shawn Campbell Brantley Hucks

24 Sherry Graham Martha Cross Summer Hilliard

25 Robert Floyd Michele McDowell

26 Robert McCord Frank Keiser Red & Billie Hallman Brenda Murphy Clay Branyon

27 Lynn Spires Jane MacDonald Nick Webster Pat Rose Melanie Custon Buck Cutts

28 Sophie Horner Dolly Updegraff

29 Danny Reynolds Jenny Gantt

31 Merrell & Carolyn Floyd

Ed Plaugher George & Alonna McGarvey

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UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ...a Stephen Ministry Congregation P.O. Box 1072, Conway, SC 29528-1072

1317-B Third Avenue, Conway, SC 843-248-2194 phone, 843-248-4445 fax


Change Service Requested ____________________________________________________

REV. DR. KIM STRONG, Senior Pastor 843-248-2343, parsonage; 843-877-3052, cell [email protected]

CINDY SMITH, Lay Assistant Pastor 843-655-6562, [email protected]

DR. ANDREW FOWLER, Director of Music

843-457-9686 or [email protected]

CAROLYN CAUSEY, Business Administrator

843-907-0030 or [email protected]

ANNE STEELE, Financial Administrator/Internal Auditor

RALPH FIELDS, Facilities Maintenance Deadline for Good Word information is the 15th of

each month. E-mail: [email protected]