a methodological guide for writing and formatting student papers

TALLINN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY School of Economics and Business Administration A Methodological Guide FOR WRITING AND FORMATTING STUDENT PAPERS Tallinn 2012

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Page 1: A Methodological Guide for Writing and Formatting Student Papers


School of Economics and Business Administration

A Methodological Guide


Tallinn 2012

Page 2: A Methodological Guide for Writing and Formatting Student Papers



Virve Siirde, Monika Nikitina-Kalamäe, Kaja Lutsoja, Tarvo Niine, Liis Saks.

Page 3: A Methodological Guide for Writing and Formatting Student Papers



INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 6

1. THE NATURE OF STUDENT PAPERS .............................................................................. 7

1.1. Papers to be written during the studies ............................................................................ 7

1.1.1. Essay.......................................................................................................................... 7

1.1.2. Refereative paper....................................................................................................... 8

1.1.3. Internship report ........................................................................................................ 9

1.1.4. Research paper .......................................................................................................... 9

1.1.5. Other papers ............................................................................................................ 11

1.2. Graduation theses ........................................................................................................... 11

1.2.1. Bachelor’s thesis ..................................................................................................... 11

1.2.2. Master’s thesis ......................................................................................................... 13

2. THE ESSENCE OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH ................................................................. 15

2.1. Academic research logic ................................................................................................ 15

2.2. Statement of research problem....................................................................................... 16

2.3. Theory and methods ....................................................................................................... 17

2.4. Solving of a research problem ....................................................................................... 18

3. PLANNING AND CONDUCTING AN ACADEMIC RESEARCH .................................. 20

3.1. The choice of research area and supervisor ................................................................... 20

3.2. Research concept ........................................................................................................... 21

3.3. Structure of research paper ............................................................................................ 22

3.4. Selection of special literature ......................................................................................... 23

3.5. Structuring of a research paper ...................................................................................... 24

3.5.1. Abstract ................................................................................................................... 24

3.5.2. Introduction ............................................................................................................. 25

3.5.3. Chapters ................................................................................................................... 27

3.5.4. Conclusions ............................................................................................................. 29

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3.5.5. Résumé (summary in foreign language) ................................................................. 29

3.6. Language of the paper .................................................................................................... 31

3.7. Cooperation between student and supervisor ................................................................ 32

4. FORMATTING OF THE PAPER ........................................................................................ 34

4.1. General requirements ..................................................................................................... 34

4.2. Title page ....................................................................................................................... 36

4.3. Table of contents ............................................................................................................ 37

4.4. Body of the paper ........................................................................................................... 38

4.4.1. Numbers .................................................................................................................. 38

4.4.2. Tables ...................................................................................................................... 40

4.4.3. Figures ..................................................................................................................... 42

4.4.4. Equations ................................................................................................................. 43

4.4.5. Lists ......................................................................................................................... 44

4.4.6. Referencing the sources .......................................................................................... 46

4.4.7. Citing laws and regulations ..................................................................................... 49

4.4.8. Appendices .............................................................................................................. 50

4.5. References ...................................................................................................................... 51

4.5.1. Books ....................................................................................................................... 52

4.5.2. Articles .................................................................................................................... 53

4.5.3. Legislation ............................................................................................................... 54

4.5.4 Sources access to which is restricted........................................................................ 55

4.5.5 Other sources ............................................................................................................ 56


GRADUATION PAPERS ........................................................................................................ 58

5.1. Research paper ............................................................................................................... 58

5.2. Bachelor’s and master’s theses ...................................................................................... 59

5.3. Permission to defence, defence and assessment ............................................................ 60

5.3.1. Permission to defence.............................................................................................. 60

5.3.2. Defence.................................................................................................................... 61

5.3.3. Assessment .............................................................................................................. 62

5.4. Reviewing ...................................................................................................................... 63

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APPENDICES .......................................................................................................................... 64

Appendix 1. An Example of Text Structuring ...................................................................... 64

Appendix 2. An Example of the Title Page of a Graduation Thesis..................................... 65

Appendix 3. An Example of a Title Page Reverse ............................................................... 66

Appendix 4. An Example of the Title Page of a Research Paper ......................................... 67

Appendix 5. An Example of the Title Page Reverse of a Research Paper ........................... 68

Appendix 6. An Example of a Table of Contents ................................................................. 69

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During the studies students write various types of papers, which show their knowledge

and skills in solving theoretical as well as practical problems. An explicit problem statement,

development, conclusions and author’s contribution, as well as references to other authors’

works are the most common requirements for academic research papers. Therefore it is

necessary to explain to students the principles of and requirements for writing and formatting

academic research papers. This methodical guide seeks to provide the student studying at

TSEBA, TUT, with knowledge about the requirements and principles of writing and

formatting papers. Compliance with these would ensure formal conformity of the papers to

academic practices and is compulsory at TSEBA.

This methodical guide explicates the requirements for writing and formatting various

papers, for example, essay, refereative paper, research paper, bachelor’s thesis and master’s

thesis. Requirements pertaining to the content and format of the doctoral thesis are provided

in a separate document – A Guide to Doctoral Studies at TSEBA, TUT.

The students of TSEBA write papers in the language of instruction, i.e. either in Estonian or

English, in the International Relations curriculum exceptionally also in Russian. The Guide is

based on the principle that papers written in a different language shall respect the traditions of

the respective language, whereas the formatting style must be uniform. The formatting

requirements are based on the word processing programme MS Word. When some other word

processing programme is used, the formatting style must be rendered as precisely

corresponding to the requirements of this Guide as possible. This Guide has been written in

conformity to all formatting requirements of TUT. The Guide won’t answer all the questions

that may arise when writing and formatting papers; therefore the supervisor or head of the

chair will help find solutions to unanswered questions/problems.

The Guide is based on the Regulations of Completion of Studies at Tallinn University

of Technology, Academic Policies at TUT, previous guides of TSEBA, guides to writing

papers of other universities, observations of supervising students, and good advice and

recommendations given by colleagues.

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Papers to be written by a student are all those tasks and assignments that are to be

drawn up and submitted on paper or electronically, which reveal the student’s skills of

analysis, generalising skills, her/his orientation in the respective area of speciality. These

papers show how the student is able to independently formulate research problems, analyse

with the help of appropriate methods, research and solve them.

This Guide will provide requirements for the following papers:


refereative paper;

internship report;

research paper (basic study research, core study research and research paper);

other papers;

bachelor’s thesis;

master’s thesis.

In order to help students better comprehend the nature of difference papers and based

on different requirements pertaining to the content of the papers, detailed explanations will be

provided for each type of paper.

1.1. Papers to be written during the studies

1.1.1. Essay

Essay is a free form development of thought in an independently selected or given

topic. Important components are creative thinking and author’s personal reflections; it is not

compulsory to prove statements. Use of source materials is not required in essays; but where

these are used they must be referenced according to the requirements provided in this Guide.

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In general, an essay is written without supervision. The required length of an essay is decided

by the instructor, the most common length being 5−7 pages.

The essay format depends first of all on the problem task and requirements made by

the instructor. If instructor has provided no specific requirements pertaining to the format, the

requirements of TSEBA, TUT for writing and formatting papers must be adhered to. Abstract

and foreign language summary are omitted from the essay.

1.1.2. Refereative paper

Refereative paper (referat) is a brief summary of a problem or topic, which is based

primarily on written sources, i.e. the author summarises the main points from the sources and

reformulates them with her/his own words. Refereative papers are written on the basis of one

or several sources.

A refereative paper written on the basis of one source only provides an overview of

the main ideas, conclusions or/and the author’s own opinion. The first chapter of this kind of

refereative paper describes briefly the author of the source work.

When several sources are used a comparison of attitudes of different authors about

the topic are provided in the refereative paper. The author of the refereative paper provides

conclusions and his/her opinion.

A refereative paper is usually written on one topic in one subject. By writing a

refereative paper the student improves his/her skills of finding and using the topic related

literature and develop his/her skills of analysis and expression. The length of the refereative

paper and number of literature sources shall be decided by the instructor. Most commonly a

refereative paper is 12-15 pages long (from title page to appendices). Refereative papers are to

be written by students independently, without supervision. The role of a refereative paper in

the subject is decided by the instructor: it may be a form of preparing for seminars/exercise

classes, a prerequisite for sitting an examination; scores for refereative papers may be part of

an examination grade. The requirements of TSEBA, TUT for writing and formatting papers

must be adhered to when writing a refereative paper. Abstract and résumé are omitted from

the refereative paper.

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1.1.3. Internship report

Internship report is a written report of the assignments fulfilled during the internship,

application of knowledge acquired during the previous studies, of new knowledge and skills

obtained during internship, and conformity of the internship to the objectives. An internship

report shall be based on the internship syllabus of the respective curriculum. Requirements for

bachelor and master’s study internship reports are provided in the internship guide, which is

available on the TSEBA website under the link Internship report.

A bachelor’s study internship report should be approximately 15-20 pages long

(appendixes excluded).

A master’s study internship report should be approximately 10 pages long (appendixes


The requirements of TSEBA, TUT for writing and formatting papers must be adhered

to when writing an internship report. Abstract and résumé are omitted from the internship


The method of how the internship report is defended shall be decided in the respective


1.1.4. Research paper

Depending on the curriculum, the student has to write either: 1) a Research Paper I and

Research Paper II, or 2) a Research Paper.

Research Paper I (Basic Study Research) represents solving of a specific problem

given or approved by supervisor by applying particular methods of research. Research Paper I

is based on a subject studied within the basic study curriculum. The topic may be selected

from the list of sample topics of the respective chair and may be related to the main


Special literature (reference sources) in the subject must contain a minimum of 10


As a result of writing the research paper I, the student has acquired the skills of

searching for and working through special literature, of collecting and processing empirical

information and expressing oneself in writing; acquired skills of formulating a research

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problem, setting objectives, discriminating tasks (1-2), choosing appropriate methods,

gathering and processing information, drawing conclusions, and presenting the results.

A research paper is approximately 20-25 pages long (from title page to appendices),

plus appendices, where necessary.

Research Paper II (Core Study Research) consists in solving of a specific problem

given or approved by supervisor by applying particular methods of research. Research Paper

is based on a subject studied within the core study curriculum; the topic may be selected from

the list of sample topics of the respective chair; the topic may be related to the main


Special literature (reference sources) in the subject must contain a minimum of 10


As a result of writing the research paper II the student must have acquired skills of

formulating a research problem, objective setting, discriminating tasks, choosing appropriate

methods, collecting and processing information, and drawing conclusions, making

suggestions, and of presenting the results.

The research paper has to be approximately 20-25 pages long (from the title page to

appendices), plus appendices, where necessary.

Research Paper represents solving of a specific problem given or approved by

supervisor by applying particular methods of research. Writing of a research paper helps to

acquire skills of formulating and defining a research problem, objective and task setting,

choosing appropriate methods and finding empirical materials for achieving the objectives,

skills of working with special literature, and of analysing and generalising research results.

Special literature sources (references) in the subject must contain a minimum of 10


The research paper has to be approximately 20-25 pages long (from the title page to

appendicess), plus appendices, where necessary. Table 1 presents types of different research


All research papers are written individually (by one student). By way of exception

(participation in a research team) and with the supervisor’s agreement two students are

allowed to write a paper together, which shall be bigger than normally (by 20%) and the

contribution of each author must be clearly distinguishable (by mentioning the authorship of

introduction, each chapter, subchapter, section).

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Table 1. Types of Research Papers

Types Objective Volume


Volume (pages)

(from title page

to appendices)



Research Paper I

(Basic Study Research)

Acquire basic academic

research methodology

3 20-25 Min10

Research Paper II

(Core Study Research)

Acquire and using

academic research


3 20-25 Min10

Research Paper Acquire academic

research methodology

and apply methods

3 20-25 Min10

The research papers shall be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of TSEBA,

TUT for writing and formatting papers. Abstract and résumé may be omitted from research


The form of defence shall be decided in the respective chair.

Writing of a research paper helps to prepare for writing a bachelor’s or master’s thesis.

1.1.5. Other papers

In addition to the above described student papers students have to write during the

studies various other papers assigned by instructor, for example, problem solving, reports,

projects, business plans etc. The requirements pertaining to the content and volume of these

papers shall be prescribed by the instructor who teaches the subject or who supervises the


The format of other papers depends on the problem task and the requirements set by

the instructor. In case instructor has presented no specific formatting requirements, the student

shall use the requirements of TSEBA, TUT for writing and formatting papers.

1.2. Graduation theses

1.2.1. Bachelor’s thesis

Bachelor’s thesis is an academic research paper written independently and personally

under the guidance of a supervisor, in which the author in a comprehensive manner discusses

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and works out topical theoretical and practical economic problems, or problems in the sphere

of international relations according to the main specialisation on a level worthy of the

bachelor’s degree.

The topic of the bachelor’s thesis has to be related to the main specialisation (see

Table 2)

Table 2. Bachelor’s curricula and main specialisations

Curriculum Main specialisation

TAAB02 Public sector economy

(previously TAAB02 Economics)

1. Public sector finance

2. Urban and environmental economics

TABB02 Business 1. Business finance

2. Accounting

3. Management and work organisation

4. Marketing

TASB08 International relations 1. International relations

TVTB03 International Business Administration 1. Marketing

2. Finance and accounting

TACB08 Business administration 1. International business administration

2. Finance

3. Marketing

The bachelor’s thesis is to consolidate the skills like problem formulation, target

setting, task discrimination, methods of searching, collecting and processing of information,

drawing of conclusions, making suggestions, as well as presenting of results. A bachelor’s

thesis is to reveal the student’s theoretical knowledge obtained during the studies, cognition of

economic practice, mastery of professional terminology and information, presentation and

argumentation of his/her viewpoints. Compared to the research paper, the bachelor’s thesis

has more weight on integrating theoretical and empirical analysis and on generalising and

integrating the results of analysis.

The general characteristics of the bachelor’s thesis are provided in Table 3.

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Table 3. Characteristics of the bachelor’s thesis

Type Purpose Volume




(from title

page to


Quantity of

reference sources

3 year curriculum

based bachelor’s


Learn the academic

research methods and

apply the methods in


8 40–45 Min

20 (10*)

*Note: By way of exception and with the consent of the supervisor, the number of foreign language

sources may be different in certain topics. The number of foreign language sources is obligatory for

students in Estonian and Russian curricula who write their graduation thesis in Estonian or in Russian.

By way of exception (member of a research team; cooperation under the synergy

effect) and with the consent of the supervisor, two students may present a joint bachelor’s

thesis with a volume 20% bigger than normally and the contribution of each author clearly

distinguishable (the authorship is indicated for Introduction, each chapter, subchapter, section


Bachelor’s theses shall be defended publicly in front of the specially appointed

defence committee.

Bachelor’s theses and theses defence shall be assessed according to the grading scale

established in the Academic Policies at TUT and on the basis of the learning outcomes in the

curriculum graduation paper module. All positive grades imply a succesful defence.

1.2.2. Master’s thesis

Master’s thesis is an academic research paper (in 3+2 curriculum) written

independently and personally under the guidance of a supervisor. The purpose of a master’s

thesis is to investigate and solve important economic problems or international relations and

European studies related problems in the selected area at a level worthy of the master’s

degree. Master’s thesis in MBA curriculum is an applied research where the author discusses

and solves in a comprehensive manner topical practical economic problems.

The master’s thesis topic in the 3+2 curriculum has to be related to the main

specialisation (see Table 4).

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Table 4. Master’s thesis curricula and main specialisations

Curriculum Main specialisation

TAAM02 Public Sector Economy

(formerly TAAM02 Economics)

1. Urban and Environmental Economics

2. Public Sector Finance

TARM02 Business Finance and Accounting 1. Business Finance

2. Accounting

3. Auditing

TATM02 Management and Marketing 1. Management

2. Marketing

3. Human Resource Management

TAKM02 Business Administration 1. Business Administration

TVTM03 International Business Administration 1. International Business Administration

TASM08 International Relations and European


1. International Relations and European


In comparison with the bachelor’s thesis, the contribution of the author of the master’s

thesis and the share of new information must be bigger. The types of master’s thesis are

provided in Table 5.

Table 5. Classification of master’s theses

Type Objective Volume


Volume (pages)

(from title page

to annexes)

Quantity of reference

sources (in foreign






Synthesising application of

scientific methods of

analysis and presenting of

practical solutions

30 60–70 Min

35 (15)*

MBA Synthesising application of

scientific methods of

analysis and providing new

practical solutions

30 60–70 Min

35 (15)*

*Note. The number of foreign language sources is obligatory for students in Estonian and Russian

curricula who write their graduation paper in Estonian or in Russian.

Master’s theses shall be defended publicly in front of the specially appointed defence

committee. Master’s theses and theses defence shall be assessed according to the grading

scale established in the Academic Policies at TUT and on the basis of the learning outcomes

in the curriculum graduation paper module. All positive grades imply a succesful defence.

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Academic research (research) in general is a qualitative and/or quantitative analytical

approach to a subject related problem; when writing the paper the student acquires scientific

research experiences and skills of analysing, interpreting and generalising results. The

generally accepted standards for research papers shall apply: originality, objectivity,

provability, verifiability of the results, accuracy, system, clarity. An essential part of a

research paper is a practical research conducted by the author, which comprises using of

certain method(s) of research, interpretation of results and drawing conclusions and making

suggestions on the basis of empirical data gathered by the author.

2.1. Academic research logic

Every academic research paper must contain the following components:

Define the research problem to be solved or put up a research question;

Theories that would serve as the basis for solving the research problem/research

question and other authors’ research findings or/and given solutions;

Description of the methods to be used to solve the research problem/question;

Solving of the research problem/ answering the research question, based on the

above theory and methods, and, where possible, comparison to other authors’


The above expresses the inner logic and principal components of any academic

research: research problem/question, theory, methods and solution to the research


The research, topic and problem of research are as a rule chosen by the student

independently and subject to approval of the supervisor. In case the student cannot find an

appropriate topic, the respective chair shall suggest one.

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A suggestion to the students: the research problem should be chosen based on personal

and professional interests and potential future career. The topic of the graduation thesis must

correspond to the main specialisation. Academic research papers are part of the study process,

i.e. their purpose is to teach conceptual thinking and diagnostics and solving of the problems.

Academic research on the whole must reveal that the author knows the reality in

theory and practice, is able to find and raise important problems and to investigate and solve

them methodically. Assessment of the work depends primarily on the level of research and

how well different parts of research have been laid down.

2.2. Statement of research problem

In most general terms, problem is a perceived difference between the actual and

desired situation (objectives). In academic research it means that the author has to define the

current situation (e.g. in economy, company, theory) and the objectives of the research, i.e.

what the research seeks to achieve.

In brief, an academic research problem is the difference between knowing and not

knowing, and solving of the problem is creating of a new knowledge, which would fill in that


From the strictly scientific point of view, it is the everyday task of every

scholar/researcher to diagnose, formulate and reformulate problems. And solving of a real

science problem is nothing else but diagnosing, formulating and reformulating, and solving of

new problems.

Academic research is characterised by theoretical and methodological justification. It

is important that the theory and methods, and all the process of solving the problem were

presented correctly in writing.

Any kind of academic research has to fix the problem to be solved; otherwise it would

not be possible to assess the content and level of the work, since it is not clear what about and

for what the paper has been written. Definition, justification and explanation of the problem

show the researcher’s skills, grasp and level. Problem conveys the idea and meaning of the


Academic research problems should be simultaneously:

problems enabling academic research;

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development problem (problem arises or grows sharper in the future) rather than

emergency problems (problem is acute, needs immediate solution);

current problems (topical today) and potential future problems (not yet very topical

today) rather than past problems (not topical any more, but may teach something


complex problems recommended (comprise many interrelated problems (hierarchy

of problems)).

An academic research problem cannot be too simple, unsolvable or unresearcheable; it

must satisfy the academic research requirements of the respective academic level. It is not

reasonable to choose a research problem that is solved/settled before the research is finished.

A complex problem may have a number of influencing factors that one needs to know

in research and take into account (political, social, socio-psychological, psychological,

technical, technological, historical, ethical etc). Solving of a complex problem requires

knowledge and skills in several specialities (e.g. business model, strategy). Methods of system

analysis or combined methodologies can be used.

In reality there are no problems delimited by one speciality only, if only these tasks

that can be solved with the help of unambiguous methods.

From the aspect of academic research it is important that the problem is new. Problem

should be chosen taking into consideration the amount and duration of work. Problem

statement may be in every way appropriate but when its solving means a lot of work (exceeds

EAP limit), it is not reasonable to select this problem for the research. Research problem

statements must take into consideration that an objective of the research is to solve actual

problems, not imaginary, i.e. pseudo problems.

2.3. Theory and methods

Every academic research paper must contain parts describing theory and methods.

Parts that describe theory present and compare theories used by other authors to

investigate this subject.

It is inevitable that various methods of research are used in research.

Method is a process used for investigating/solving a problem, a combination of

techniques that enable to get new information about the problem in order to solve it.

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Methodology is a complex of research and analysis methods used for

investigating/solving a problem.

Method/methodology has to answer the question „how", i.e. how to investigate and

solve a formulated problem on the basis of the particular theory.

Academic research shall apply various methods for the following purposes:

methods for collecting information, i.e. where and in which way empirical

information is gathered;

methods of analysis, i.e. how is information systematised and conclusions made;

solution and decision-making methods, i.e. in which way are possible alternative

solutions to the problem worked out and how to choose between them.

The choice of methods to be used, their justification and explanation is a natural part

of every research; without this it is not possible to methodically investigate, comprehend the

research or reach motivated final results.

Considering the multitude of theories and methods the author of a research has many

alternatives. Final outcome depends on the right choice. It must be taken into consideration

what is the academic level of the research, i.e. methods used in the bachelor level research are

definitely simpler and the approach more general than those used in the master’s theses.

2.4. Solving of a research problem

The main part of the research is solving of a research problem. The problem is solved

based on the theories and using methods described previously. Individual components here

are analysis of the problem, empirical research, analysis, interpretation of the research results

and conclusions, possible solutions and choosing the best from among them (decision-


The keywords that should be focused on when solving practical problems,

investigating them separately, where necessary, are: to what extent the problem can be

influenced; resources (including budget); prerequisites and limitations to solving the problem;

risk management and diversification; motivation of the parties involved and avoiding of the

conflict of interests; approach to the implementation of the solution. These include also,

where necessary and possible, economic calculations of possible costs and benefits of solving

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the problem. A result would be new knowledge of the problem and its possible solution, and

recommendations to those who the solving depends on.

Theoretical papers have to present a systematised overview of previous research and

theories, suggest in an argumented way author’s own theory, which would enable to solve the

research problem and find answers to the research questions.

A sophisticated problem can be solved in academic research under certain conditions,

i.e. it is inevitable that the author has to define certain preconditions for solving the problem

and exclude certain factors or aspects. The fewer the prerequisites and exclusions, the easier it

is to define the problem. The paper needs to demonstrate that the research and solution are

correct under certain conditions and the author understands that some circumstances may

significantly influence the problem and its solution. It would be good when the author of

research can identify himself/herself with the owner of the problem, who is authorised to

identify and solve the problem. Owner of the problem is for whom the problem is formulated

as a problem, who is responsible or interested in investigating/solving it (e.g. employee of a

company, civil servant at a Ministry, member of NGO).

Based on the definition of the problem, the problem is solved by defining and

implementing activities in order to change the actual situation into a desirable situation, i.e.

achieve the objective.

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The students should start writing a research paper and a graduation thesis as soon as

possible, research papers advisably 3-4 months before the submission deadline and bachelor

and master’s theses at least one year prior to the expected defence. The recommendation is

based on the significance of the research problem, i.e. the appropriate choice and formulation

of the research problem takes several months, depending on the topic and nature of research.

Because of the large variety of research papers and problems it is impossible to

provide detailed recommendations. So as the research would proceed purposefully, we next

describe the principles and stages of planning and conducting academic research.

3.1. The choice of research area and supervisor

Academic research begins with the choice of research area or formulating a research

problem. Research area shall be chosen by the student according to the main specialisation in

the curriculum. Supervisor can assist in finding the research area as well as formulating the

research problem, and he/she most certainly shall not be a co-author. Potential supervisors for

research are appointed in the curriculum. For bachelor and master’s theses the student can

choose supervisor within the main specialisation. Supervisor is a TSEBA faculty member

who has at least an equal diploma or academic degree, or an equivalent qualification with the

academic degree to be awarded to the student. If necessary (e.g. for a subject requiring expert-

specialist in a specific field, or where more sophisticated statistical or econometric methods

are used), a co-supervisor may be appointed from some other chair of TUT or outside

(external supervisor). The choice of co-supervisor has to be approved by the principal

supervisor, the choice of external supervisor with the head of the respective chair.

Finding a supervisor and applying for his/her consent in due time is the responsibility

of the student. The student may make the initial choice from among the list of faculty of the

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respective chair, taking into consideration previous contacts and cooperation. Under particular

circumstances (e.g. the list of students of a particular supervisor is closed, or the research area

of the supervisor is not that of the student’s main specialisation) the supervisor may refuse

from supervision. In case the student has problems with finding a supervisor, he/she may turn

to the head of the chair of her/his main specialisation.

The student and instructor in the respective area shall come to an agreement between

themselves about supervision. The list of sample topics and supervisors (topics of papers) on

the TSEBA website help to find an appropriate supervisor.

Internal regulation of the choice of topic and deadlines are available at the TSEBA


The study advisor shall assist students find a supervisor, where necessary.

3.2. Research concept

Major components of a research are research problem, theoretical background and

methods used. Author’s creativity in finding possible solutions to the research problem and

analysing cannot be disregarded. Problem, theory and methods constitute an integral whole. It

is supplemented by the student’s vision of a possible solution of the problem.

A research concept must be submitted to the supervisor in writing and it should

contain the following:

potential title of the paper;

the research problem/question to be solved and its justification;

objective (what the paper wants to achieve, where to reach);

where necessary, work hypothesis(es) (what the paper wants to prove or disprove);

object (object of research: who, why);

explanation of the theoretical background, i.e. what kind of theory, whose

viewpoints, why these theories (based on the research problem);

explanation of the choice of research methods (e.g. qualitative/quantitative


expected final results, i.e. what might be solution to the problem.

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The student shall coordinate the research concept with the supervisor. In the

subsequent work process additional circumstances may appear, which cause changes to the

research concept.

3.3. Structure of research paper

According to the research concept (see section 3.2.), the headings of chapters, sub-

chapters and sections are formulated and sequenced logically. The structure of research shall

be decided.

An academic research paper usually comprises three chapters, as an exception there

may be more or less chapters. Division of the paper into more chapters in general is not

reasonable. Depending on the problem of research and title (whether a theoretical or

application oriented research), the body part of the paper is based on different principles.

Below two examples are provided.

Example 1:

Chapter 1 – present main theoretical perspectives, legislation. Define, explicate, justify and

formulate the problem to be solved.

Chapter 2 – overview of the research object (institution, company, sector etc), present key

information, describe the environment/background. Describe methods. Depending on the goal

orientation, methods may/must be described in a separate section.

Chapter 3 – empirical research and solving of the problem (results, discussion, conclusions,


Example 2:

Chapter 1 – overview of the research object (institution, company, sector, law theory etc),

present key information, describe the environment/background and define, explicate, justify

and formulate the problem to be solved.

Chapter 2 – theory and methods. Depending on the goal orientation, methods may/must be

described in a separate section. Present main theoretical perspectives.

Chapter 3 – empirical research and solving of the problem (results, discussion, conclusions,


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The paper must be structured pursuing a logical balance. The volume of each chapter

depends on the problem and goal orientation. In general, the chapter for empirical studies and

problem solving should be the biggest (approximately 40% of the content).

The research structure conveys the logic of research, which renders the lack of logic

and disproportions easily identifiable.

3.4. Selection of special literature

It is the task of the student to find and go through sources of literature for the research.

The student may use professional literature and electronic databases at the library of TUT.

Electronic information search is enabled by: search engine Google Scholar, reference

databases (FSTA, SciFinderScholar etc), on-line databases of full texts (EBSCOhost,

ScienceDirect etc), e-journals A-to-Z in the TUT library portal, multimedia CD ROMs

(Microsoft Encarta InteractiveWorld Atlas etc), subject gateways (professional information

sources in the internet, TUT servers etc). Search engines (Google, NETI etc.) are suitable for

finding other internet materials. The catalogue ESTER covers the collections of major

Estonian libraries.

A primary orientation in sources of information helps to prepare a work plan. Relevant

information for the research is gone through, analysed and synthesised in greater detail in the

process of writing. The selection of sources for in-depth research must be diverse, including

many renowned authors and writings of various level (monographs, collections of articles,

journals etc.). The respective module of Word (References) or some special reference

management software (Zotero, EndNote Web, Jabref etc) may be used to record source

references and manage them.

Sources used for research must be reliable, in compliance with good academic

practices. Monographs, publications in professional journals and reliable databases are

preferred. The number of other internet sources must be as small as possible. One should

avoid sources with the author unknown (e.g. Wikipedia articles). It is not advisable to use

lecture materials either.

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3.5. Structuring of a research paper

A paper traditionally contains three parts: front matter, main body and end or back


Front matter, as a rule, comprises of the following components:

Title page – the title page components are provided in section 4.2. The reverse side

of the title page contains the author’s declaration, and in bachelor’s and master’s

theses, the supervisor’s and the chairman of defence committee’s resolutions.

Table of Contents – Table of Contents lists the headings of divisions with their

corresponding page numbers. It is advisable to use an up to three level hierarchy

(chapter 1, subchapter 1.1, section 1.1.1); Table of Contents contains section

headings with respective page numbers (see section 4).

List of abbreviations (where necessary) – when many special terminology

abbreviations are used in the paper, the respective list shall be made.

The main body seeks to provide an in-depth description of the problem statement

through solutions to conclusions and proposals. Discussion of problems in the main body

must be complete and systematic. The main body is divided into the following parts:





résumé (summary in foreign language)*.

Back matter contains:



*Note: Papers in Estonian and Russian language curricula require a résumé in English.

Résumé is not required in papers in curricula with English as the language of instruction.

Below will be explicated the content of the main body.

3.5.1. Abstract

Abstract is a brief summary of a research paper, which gives an overview of the

paper, focusing on its main points and defining for the reader the outlines of the subject under

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study. Abstract of a finished research is „retrospective“. Abstract must be an independent

meaningful text, be easy to read (explicit, unambiguous formulation, short sentences) and

understandable to the wide audience. Abstract communicates the objective of research, the

research problem, methods of research, results and their originality, and areas of application.

Important facts, relationships and numerical data are also provided. Abstract ends, on a

separate row, with keywords (5-10 words, depending on the research specificity) which

identify the subject areas discussed in the research.


The title is: Use of Virtual Teams in the Learning Process

Keywords: virtual team, e-learning, spatial distance, combined study, electronic teaching aids

Abstract contains no charts, tables or graphs. It is not advisable to use texts that

require referencing in an abstract. An abstract covers approximately ½-¾ of a page.

3.5.2. Introduction

Introduction of a research paper is based on certain components: justification of the

choice of topic (topicality and novelty), objective of research, research problem, (where

necessary) hypothesis(es), research question(s), research tasks, method(s) of research, object

of research, short description of sections.

Introduction does not solve any problems; it does not contain any tables, figures or

abundant numerical data. The author may direct attention to the facts that help understand the

work (problems related to search for empirical information and representativeness, assistance

of persons and organisations to writing etc). Introduction is approximately 2-3 pages long.

Next the components of Introduction will be explicated.

Justification of the choice of topic (topicality and novelty of the problem)

The choice of topic must be justified by opening the background and indicating the

current importance/topicality of the problem. The choice of topic is justified by

providing a brief overview of the area and explaining the need to study the area

further. The justification of the choice of topic must be academic.

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Research problem

Research problem is the perceived difference between the actual and desirable

situation (objectives).

Research questions

Research questions are open ended questions (not whether-questions) and have to

be asked specifically about the research problem.

Objective of research

Objective of the research shows one or several alternative solutions to the research

problem. The objective must provide a clear understanding of what is to be

achieved as a result of the research. The objective may not be expressed simply in

activity (provide an overview, describe, characterise, analyse etc) but in the

expected outcomes of this activity, e.g.: work out strategies for enterprise N and

evaluate their efficiency.

Research tasks

Research tasks show the stages to be gone through for the achievement of the

objective, or what needs to be done to achieve the objectives.


Hypothesis is a theory or experience based verifiable scientific assumption.

Verifiable means that the hypothesis may not contain any vague expressions or

specific criteria that would show that the hypothesis has been proved.

Research object

Methods of research

Method of research is an approach used for investigating/solving the problem, a set

of techniques that enables to get new information about the problem and its

solution (e.g. quantitative/qualitative methods)

Short description of chapters

So as to make it easier for the reader to have an idea of the research it is necessary

in Introduction to describe briefly the gist of every chapter, for example, three to

five sentences about each chapter.

If the author of the paper wants to acknowledge or say thanks to those who assisted

him/her in the work, the most suitable place for that is the last paragraph of Introduction.

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3.5.3. Chapters

The chapetrs of an academic research paper are traditionally divided into three:

1) theoretical chapters,

2) methodological chapters,

3) Results, discussion, conclusions and proposals/recommendations.

Depending on the research subject and research strategy, the paper may be structured

differently from the traditional one. A chapter or subchapter describing alternative solutions

(proposals, suggestions, measures, projects, programmes, etc) is usually added to the

development projects. In papers containing a complex analysis, a description of research

methods, results obtained with these methods and their discussion are often concentrated into

one subchapter (less often into a chapter).

The chapters discuss the process of solving the problem. The process in empirical

research is from general to specific: theoretical benchmarks, methods, analysis and results. A

theoretical research necessitates, in addition to a systematised overview of previous

understandings, presentation of a new concept. In the main the student’s personal contribution

to the development of the subject should be revealed. The structure depends on the subject

and nature of research. Chapters and subchapters need to be logically connected to each other

and form a whole. Structuring of the paper depends on the subject, organisation and volume

of the paper. The structure should be neither over- or under-structured. The lowest level

section should not be shorter than one page. The chapters are numbered according to the

internationally used method (Arabic numbers).

The proportion of the theoretical part and empirical analysis depends on the subject

and objective setting. When the focus is on empirical analysis, a theoretical approach to the

problem is due to be presented.

1) Theoretical part

Theoretical part shall point out which theories the research problem development will

be based on and what is the main special literature the research will be based on. This chapter

is structured based on various principles. For example, the author may first present the subject

related terminology; then present some main concepts, viewpoints and facts about the

problem, indicate which issues have been solved, which haven’t.

Every paper must clearly identify the student’s personal contribution to the problem,

which may reveal, for example, in confronting and comparing different authors’ opinions

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(theories) together with presenting his/her own viewpoints and assessments, making

generalisations, conclusions or applied proposals based on source materials, etc. It is very

important that the student wouldn’t be limited to citing one author’s viewpoints only but finds

other authors’ counter-arguments to the argument and analyses different viewpoints.

All the material shall be joined into a whole with author’s own comments and


2) Methodical part

Methodical part gives a detailed description of the research: description of the research

object (e.g. enterprise) and its environment, research materials, methods of data collection and

processing (quantitative/qualitative research etc) and justification of their choice (e.g.: in

questionnaire survey the principles of sampling, sample size and representativeness, the

questionnaire shall be appended). When statistical data are used the sources are indicated.

When data had to be modified, smoothed, adjusted, these modifications are to be described.

Also problems encountered when gathering data and how these were solved should be

described. When deductive statistics is used for data analyses (statistical hypotheses testing,

econometric modelling, etc), quantitative descriptions of data (descriptive statistics) are


The description of methods should be so precise that a specialist could repeat the

research, where necessary. This chapter shall also describe statistical methods or programmes

used in data processing.

This chapter does not write about research results.

3) Results and discussion, and conclusions and proposals/recommendations

The part of results and discussion shall describe the results (data) obtained during the

research, which are presented using charts, tables and author’s text, where he/she analyses,

synthesises and generalises the data obtained. The connecting text must avoid repeating and

retelling of the information provided in tables and figure.

The results provide statistical processing of data results and assessments of their

reliability. Detailed tables, observation reports, questionnaire information, interview

transcriptions and other materials enabling checking of the results are provided in appendixes.

Results sub-chapter has to be written without scientific discussion elements and without

references to literature sources.

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In the section of discussion of results, the results are interpreted; connections,

regularities, possible generalisations, as well as exceptions, doubtful points, miscorrelations

etc are pointed out. The results obtained are compared to other authors’ analogous research

results, attempts shall be made to theoretically justify the results. The author shall discuss

what kind of attitudes can be developed on the basis of results.

Findings include the most important results (what is good and need to be

preserved/reinforced, what and for what reason is bad and needs to be improved).

Proposals/recommendations provide author’s opinions and possible solutions to

amend the situation in the respective area. It is advisable to present conclusions and proposals

in a systematised way, in a separate section at the end of the last chapter.

3.5.4. Conclusions

In Conclusions the author presents with his/her own words a generalisation of the

research, mentioning the objective and how the objective was achieved, pointing out the main

results and findings, suggestions, problems that need to be solved still, and development

trends. Conclusions and suggestions/proposals are presented by special items or theses.

Conclusions also identify the hypotheses, either proved or/and disproved with the

reasoning of approval or/and disproval.

Conclusions shall not raise any new problems, present no viewpoints or draw

conclusions in issues not discussed in previous parts.

Conclusions may not contain viewpoints or solutions not discussed in the main part of

the paper. Conclusions do not refer to literature sources or present opinions or conclusions

made by other authors. Conclusions assess whether the objectives of research were achieved

or not.

Introduction and Conclusions should be presented in such a way that a bystander could

have an idea of the problems, the way these were solved and main results.

Conclusions should be 2-3 pages long, depending on the nature of research.

3.5.5. Résumé (summary in foreign language)

Résumé or summary in a foreign language is a brief presentation of major aspects and

statements in other than the main text language. The objective is to communicate as precisely

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and briefly as possible the text or the main ideas. Important is the factual correctness (nothing

the text does not support is added), presentation of the most meaningful details and no

unconnected conclusions to the text are made. Foreign language summary must provide a

generalised but exhaustive idea of the paper to those who do not understand the language of

the paper. Résumé is not a direct translation but a symbiosis of the Introduction and

AbstractRésumé is titled in the respective language, e.g. in English SUMMARY, in German

ZUSAMMENFASSUNG, etc. Underneath the foreign language résumé (e.g. SUMMARY)

write the title of the paper in the respective foreign language (all caps) and beneath that the

author’s first and family name. The summary in foreign language, title in foreign language as

well as author’s name are aligned left. Next comes the foreign language text with the first line

indented. The foreign language summary is approximately two pages long.

Note: Papers in Estonian and Russian language curricula require a résumé in English.

Résumé is not required in papers in curricula with English as the language of instruction.





Tiina Kask

The effectiveness of marketing and as a result the success of the whole company

depends on how well known the consumers, their needs and purchasing behaviour are.

Consumer behaviour is influenced by many factors, but marketing can affect it only via the

elements of the marketing mix, which are product, price, promotion and place.

The aim of this work is ...

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3.6. Language of the paper

The papers in curricula with Estonian as the language of instruction shall be written in

Estonian. By way of exception (foreign students, co-supervisor is from a foreign university,

studying and paper writing abroad, etc), with the supervisor’s approval and when there is a

defence committee speaking the respective language, the paper may be written in some other

language (e.g. English, German, Russia or Finnish). The papers in curricula with English as

the language of instruction shall be written in English. The papers in curricula with Russian as

the language of instruction shall be written in Russian.

It is important that the language and style used in the papers are correct, that the

author’s approach to the problems, justifications and conclusions are logical and observable.

Language use must be strictly academic. One should avoid wordiness, reiterations.

Formal style, contractions, slang words, idiomatic, journalistic, populist expressions,

colloquialisms, poetic phrases etc are inappropriate in a research paper (e.g. the expressions

like “... there’s no smoke without fire” are not appropriate). One should also avoid

(over)emotional adjectives when describing phenomena or processes (for example “...

miserable economic situation”, “... profit kept growing nicely”, “… real estate market has a

big stopper on”).

One should avoid excessive influence of foreign language and mistranslations. The

meaning of the sentence must be translated, not individual words. In case one cannot find an

adequate equivalent to a foreign language term or doubts the choice, he/she may enclose in

parentheses the respective foreign language term in italic, for example (in English marketing).

However, the terms may not be used only in foreign language.

When the paper contains more than twenty unfamiliar terms, abbreviations or symbols

and every one of them occurs more than once, it is advisable to make a list of abbreviations

and symbols, which together with the respective explanations shall be presented after

Introduction. Ensure consistency in using terms and symbols throughout the paper. The

papers should avoid using synonyms for the same scientific term. It is advisable to prefer

commonly used terminology. When traditional term is regarded as inappropriate and a new

one is suggested, reasonable arguments should be given. Foreign language terms introduced

into the language of the paper but written and pronounced as foreign terms, must be printed in


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Use of abbreviations and acronyms. Before using an abbreviation or acronym it

must be defined first by spelling it out fully. For example: Gross Domestic product (GDP);

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). Another possibility is to

present a list of abbreviations and acronyms with definitions in Appendix, which will be

referred to after every abbreviation or acronym. Eceptions are most widely known

abbreviations and acronyms, which are traditionally not spelled out in full (e.g.: USA, UN,

WTO etc). No abbreviations or acronyms are used in headings. The authors must use one and

the same abbreviation or acronym for the word throughout the paper.

British usage favours omitting the full stop in abbreviations which include the first and

last letters of a single word (e.g. Mr, Mrs, Dr), most other abbreviations, however, require a

full stop. Acronyms generally are in full caps omitting the full stop. Do not use an

abbreviation that can easily be avoided. Anyway, be consistent throughout the paper.

Mode of speech and voice of writing must be consistent throughout the paper. The

author may not take sides. Instead of using “I” or “we” (for example, we investigated, I

analysed), use impersonal and passive voice (e.g. “…is discussed, analysed, investigated in

the paper” or “the paper discusses, analyses etc”).

It is preferable to use the indicative mode, because the predominant use of subjunctive

mode might leave an impression that the author is not quite sure of the correctness of his/her


Orthography. All kind of spelling mistakes and misprints are unacceptable. The

author must carefully double-check his/her paper, tables, formulas, figures etc. The meaning

and orthography of foreign words and infrequent terms need to be checked with the help of a

lexicon or dictionary. It is also advisable to use a special spelling and grammar software.

3.7. Cooperation between student and supervisor

Academic research paper is a student’s independent work, i.e. supervisor is neither a

co-author nor editor of the paper, not to speak of corrector. The student alone is responsible

for the correctness and content of the paper. Supervisor is for the student an instructor whom

to address to get a preliminary assessment, as well as advice and assistance. Confidential

relationship between student and supervisor is important primarily for the student.

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Commencement stage. The role of supervisor is especially important in the early

stage of research, i.e. when the concept of research is devised and structure designed.

Supervisor shall be responsible for justfied recommendations and drawing attention to major

mistakes and shortcomings.

Writing stage. Supervisor shall monitor the development of the student and the whole

process of writing from start to end. It is recommended to make a work plan for that. The

student is required to submit the paper to supervisor at least twice. The first version is

individual chapters (sections), and finally the complete paper. The timetable should be made

so that the final version is submitted to the supervisor at least three weeks prior to the official

deadline; then the student has time to make amendments, where necessary. The student is

bound to regularly contact supervisor, inform him/her about the work, problems that arise,

possible changes etc.

Supervisor neither approves nor assesses the final version of the paper that is

submitted to him/her for reading for the first time, where the main aspects have not been

discussed with the supervisor. Supervisor need not correct formatting mistakes but points

them out. The same applies to mistakes in style, formulation and spelling. The terms and

terminology shall be discussed with the supervisor.

Concluding stage. The reverse side of the title page contains the author’s signed

declaration (subchapter 4.2) that the paper has been written independently and in compliance

with the rights of other authors. If the supervisor approves of the paper, i.e. the paper satisfies

at least the minimum requirements, he/she signs the reverse side of the title page, which

means he/she recommends it for defence.

Research paper shall be duly submitted to supervisor, bachelor’s thesis and master’s

thesis to the respective department. Supervisor shall submit to the defence committee a

written opinion on the bachelor’s or master’s thesis within one week of the submission

deadline. Defence committee shall take account of the supervisor’s opinion in assessment.

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4.1. General requirements

The papers written at the School of Economics and Business Administration shall be

in the format complying with good international practices of academic research. Papers are

printed as MS Word documents on A4 format white paper, on one side only. An exception is

the title page where on the reverse side the declaration of authorship is printed. The reverse of

the title page also contains a supervisor’s notice on permission to defence and chairman of the

defence committee’s on defence.

The requirements provided in this Guide can be achieved in several ways in MS Word.

The Guide indicates one of these possibilities. The Guide uses English terms and is based on

the English version of MS Office 2010, because the computers in the TSEBA computer class

have an English version of Word.

For creating a Word document, first set the page layout (paper size, margins,

orientation, font size and line spacing):

Set the margins (Page Layout → Margins → Customs Margins) – Top and Bottom

margins must be 3 cm, Right margin 2 cm and Left 3 cm.

The font to be used throughout the paper is Times New Roman (including

Headings) and font size 12 pt (from format toolbar Font and Font Size); exceptions

are appendixes, tables and figures.

Line spacing throughout the paper is 1.5 (Paragraph → Indents and Spacing →

Line spacing), exceptions are the list of references, appendixes, tables and figures.

Text alignment is justified (on the format toolbar Justify). Where large spaces

appear between words, use hyphenation. For manual hyphenation choose an

appropriate place on the next line for hyphenation and click <CTRL>/<->.

All pages are numbered in one system (including appendixes), page numbers are

displayed starting from the first page of Introduction (title page is included in the

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numeration, but page number is not displayed), centred at the bottom of page.

Reverse side of the title page is not included in the numeration. Page numbers are

inserted by clicking Insert → Page Numbers → Bottom of Page →

Plain Number 2. To avoid displaying page number on the title page, choose Insert

→ Footer → Edit Footer and select Different First Page check box and click OK.

All chapters and sections have a heading that shows the content. All headings are

numbered with Arabic numbers (e.g., 1., 1.1., ...) and aligned left. Headings are

typed in Bold. For the first level headings use All caps, font size 16 pt. For the

second level headings use the first letter capitalised, font size 14 pt. For the third

level headings use the first letter capitalised, font size 12 pt.

Do not use abbreviations in headings and do not use full stop at the end of the

headings. When the heading consists of several sentences, every sentence ends

with a full stop, but not the last sentence. No hyphenation is used in headings. The

first paragraph after a heading shall have 18 pt spacing before it: Paragraph →

Indents and Spacing and Spacing, choose Spacing Before 18 pt (one blank line

with font size 12 pt). No blank lines are inserted before the next paragraphs.

The first level headings start from a new page, with 72 pt spacing before them

(four blank lines at the top of page with font size 12 pt). To make a new page

activate in the menu Paragraph → Line and Page Breaks click Page break before.

Lower level headings continue from the same page where the previous section

ended. Level two headings must have 36 pt spacing before them (two blank lines

with font size 12 pt). The third and next level headings shall have a 18 pt spacing

before (one blank line with font size 12 pt).

When less that two lines of text go on the same page with the heading, the heading

will be transferred to the next page. An example of text structuring is provided in

Appendix 1.

Text is organised into paragraphs, no blank line between paragraphs, the first line

of the paragraph indented. The indentation by 1.25 cm is chosen from Paragraph

→ Indents and Spacing in the Indentation check box clicking Special: First line

and typing By: 1,25 cm.

The general requirements for formatting papers are obligatory.

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4.2. Title page

All title page elements are written on a separate line, centred, with the exception of

information on supervisor; the place and date of defence are on the same line:

university name, all caps (TALLINN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY);

faculty name (School of Economics and Business Administration);

name of department in the subject or under supervision of which the paper is


name of the chair in the subject or under supervision of which the paper is written;

author’s first name and family name;

title of the paper in capital letters;

type of paper (research paper, bachelor’s thesis, master’s thesis); in a research

paper add also the subject in which the paper is written;

title or position (lector, assoc. professor, researcher, senior researcher) and full

name of supervisor(s) – aligned right;

place (or location of supervising institution, i.e. town) and year of defence.

No punctuation is used on the title page, with the exception of the title. Title page font

size is 12 pt (except for the title). Title of the paper is printed in Bold, all caps, font size 16 pt.

Author’s first and family name are placed before the title, 2/3 from the top of the page.

Hyphenation and abbreviations are not allowed on the title page.

The reverse side of the title page of research papers, bachelor’s theses and master’s

theses contains the author’s signed and dated declaration that the paper has been written

independently and all sources of information have been referenced. It must also contain the

student’s code and e-mail address.

The reverse side of the title page of research papers, bachelor’s and master’s theses

also contains supervisor’s approval of the thesis, including the place for signature and date.

The reverse side of the title page of the bachelor’s and master’s theses also contains

the chairman of the defence committee’s notice on permission to defence, including the space

for signature and date. The chairman of the defence committee’s notice on permission to

defence is omitted from research papers.

An example of the title page of bachelor’s and master’s theses is provided in Appendix

2 and an example of the reverse of the title page in Appendix 3. An example of the title page

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of a research paper is provided in Appendix 4 and an example of the reverse of the title page

in Appendix 5.

4.3. Table of contents

Table of Contents is placed after the title page and describes the structure of the paper.

Table of Contents includes all headings and their corresponding page numbers precisely as

they occur in the paper. Table of Contents contains all headings starting from Introduction.

Only body part chapters and their subdivisions are numbered (decimal Arabic numbers, e.g.

1.; 1.2.; 2.3.1. etc). Table of Contents, Abstract, Introduction, Conclusions, References,

foreign language summary are not numbered. Every next level subheading is indented from

the preceding level. Add leader dots between the heading and the corresponding page number

(only number without abbreviation p.). Page numbers are aligned right. All appendixes are

listed in the Table of Contents with their respective headings and page numbers.

Table of Contents can be made automatically – using built-in heading styles. All

headings (except for the heading TABLE OF CONTENTS) need to match to the respective

level heading style (on the Home tab, in the Styles group choose „Heading 1“ or „Heading 2“

etc). For creating a Table of Contents choose References → Table of Contents → Insert Table

of Contents, the number of levels for the paper has to be chosen in the box Show levels (3 as a


It is reasonable to make a Table of Contents already when writing the paper, because

the links of headings in Table of Contents will take you directly to the respective heading in

the text. Before printing the paper out, update the Table of Contents: when computer asks

Replace, click OK. An advantage of the automatically made Table of Contents is that the

headings included in the Table of Contents and their respective page numbers are exactly as

they are in the text. However, it should be checked that the automatic Table of Contents uses

font size 12 pt. Use line spacing 1.5 for Table of Contents.

An example of Table of Contents is provided in Appendix 6.

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4.4. Body of the paper

Every element in the paper is designed in the same style throughout the paper

(headings, division, non-text elements such as tables, figures, equations etc). Where many

abbreviations, tables or figures are used in the paper, their lists may be included after Table of

Contents, indicating the page numbers of figures and tables at which they start in the paper.

A section should not start or end with a table, figure, equation or list.

4.4.1. Numbers

Usually the numerals 1-10 are spelled out.


Two points,

Ten enterprises,

170 students.

When paper contains many numbers or large and small numbers side by side, use

numerals for all of them.


Liina has been working at the dean’s office for 5 years and at the rector’s office for 12 years –

her employment history at Tallinn University of Technology is 17 years long.

Numbers followed by a unit of measure or its abbreviation are written as numerals,

and a space is left between numerals and the unit of measure. With abbreviated units of

measure or symbols use numerals to denote numbers. The percentage sign and section mark

are also used only with numerals.


The room is 4 m long, 3 m wide and 2 m high.

One litre of petrol cost 1 euro.


§ 5

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Do not leave a space between the numerals and symbols of percentage, degree,

coordinate minute and second.


Daily average temperature is -5º.

Growth rate is 8%.

A space is used before the symbols of percentage, degree, coordinate minute and

second when the respective symbol is a logical part of the following symbol.


Average temperature -8 ºC (degree Celsius).

Years should be written in numerals rather than e.g. ‘last year’ or ‘this year’. The use

of more than 3−4 digits should be avoided both in body text and tables, if possible.


Correlation multiplier r = 0.346 instead of r = 0.345729315379067.

Round figures 100; 1000; 1,000,000 etc are spelled usually when exact figure is not

accentuated. Numerals are used when the exact figure is to be underlined.


About hundred people attended the meeting. 100 specialists answered the questionnaire.

For large sums it is advisable to use a combination of numerals and spelled-ou



5 m or 5 million

Page 40: A Methodological Guide for Writing and Formatting Student Papers


A number and the accompanying unit of measure, either abbreviation or symbol, is to

be placed on the same row (use Ctrl+Shift +).

In five- and more digit numerals split the digits into groups of three starting from the

right and use commas to separate the groups: 1,234,567 euro.

In value ranges use the unit of measure after the last numeral or before the value

range. Instead of to use en dash.


16 to 60 years or 16–60 years

In the years 2001–2010

4.4.2. Tables

Tables are used for systematic presentation of texts and data. Tables with unprocessed

data (measured by the author or published by other authors) shall be presented in appendices.

Tables containing data calculated or processed in the paper or systematised text tables

are presented in the body text in case the table is no longer than one page. Large tables and

processed tables are presented in appendixes. All Tables are numbered consecutively using

Arabic numbers and either ordinary (recommended for a smaller number (up to 10) of tables)

or multiple level numbering (used for a larger amount of tables). For example: Table 1 or

Table 2.5, the latter standing for the fifth table in section 2. Every table is referred to in the

body text (for example: the results are presented in Table 4), and placed in the text as soon as

possible after the reference.

Table headings are aligned left, leaving a space of 18 pt before and after. This will

separate the Table heading from the preceding text and from the table itself. Heading starts

with the generic name „Table” and the number of the table with a full stop (see an example

after this paragraph). A Table heading starts with an uppercase letter and no full stop is used

at the end. The table heading font size is 12 pt. When all numerical data in the table have the

same unit of measure, the unit is added to the heading in parentheses. Where several units of

measure are used, these will be presented in the respective columns or rows, either in

parentheses or separated from the preceding text by a comma.

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Table 1. Budget revenues across counties in 2006–2011 (thousand euro)

Use borders and gridlines for tables, no shading for the background, only black and

white colours. To insert a table choose Insert → Table and relevant number of columns and

rows. The text and numbers in the table may be in font size 11 pt and line spacing 1.0

(Single). Tables must be centred. Column headings are centred. Texts are aligned left. Do not

use indentation. Capitalise the first letter of the headings of columns and rows. No caps for

the headings of sub-columns.


Table 2. Heading (unit of measure)

Uppercase first


Uppercase first letter

lowercase first


lowercase first


lowercase first


lowercase first


Uppercase first

letter … … … …

Uppercase first

letter … … … …

Numerals in columns are aligned right so that the decimal points were aligned. It is

recommended to use comma for separating thousands. Columns must have headings,

advisably also the first column. Generic words like type, name etc should be avoided in


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Table 3. Indicators characterising labour productivity and wage level (euro)

Indicator AS A AS B

2011 2010 2011 2010

Average monthly wage 804 792 739 725

Sales revenue per employee 20,845 19,956 19,666 18,957

Source: (AS A … 2011; AS B … 2011)

Columns are usually not numbered. Columns may be numbered, for example, when:

a certain column is referred to in the text;

a column shows how the result is received (e.g.: „column 2 × column 3“).

Immediately after the table give a reference to the source(s) of data and/or comments

and Notes (line spacing 1.0). Leave a space of 18 pt between the table and the following text.

When a table is made by the author of the paper, write in the Source: Compiled by the

author/author’s calculations/prepared by the author on the basis of data provided in Appendix

3, etc.

Tables inserted in the text should be as simple and short as possible. Inserted in the

text are usually tables no longer than one page (including Sources and Notes). In case the

table with the references does not fit into the page, it should be started on the next page. The

free space should be used for the subsequent text.

4.4.3. Figures

Figures are all illustrative materials, including graphs, diagrams, maps, drawings,

schemes, photographs, etc. Figures are illustrative materials for the text and/or table

information. Figures must take into consideration that the information they contain is clearly

distinguishable and observable; use suitable types of figures for that. Figures are presented in

the same language as the paper itself; other language text is allowed only by way of

exception. Every Figure has to be referred to in the text. Refer to Figure in a suitable place in

text before that Figure. A space of 18 pt is left between the text and Figure to separate Figure

from the text. Figures are centred. Every Figure must have a caption summarising what the

figure depicts; the caption is laconic and is placed below the figure. Before and after the

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figure caption leave a space of 18 pt. Figure caption starts with the generic name „Figure“ and

number of that figure accompanied by a full stop. The caption begins with an uppercase letter

and no full stop is used at the end. Leave a space of 18 pt after the figure and before the

subsequent text. Recommended font size for symbols, numerals and words used in Figures is



Figure 1. Relationships between financial accounting, cost accounting and management


Source: (Alver, Reinberg 2002, 21)

When a figure is used to illustrate numerical data gathered from different sources or

processed previously, the source indicated in that figure is the appended table with numerical

data. The original source(s) is indicated in the appended table.

4.4.4. Equations

Important equations for the paper are written on a separate row with explanations

(simple mathematical expressions need not be inserted). For writing an equation the equation

editor in MS Word may be used: choose Insert → Equation (where necessary, choose next

Insert New Equation). The basic font size for equations is 12 pt and font type Times New

Roman italic. Equations are typed on a separate row and are centred. Single letters and

symbols used in equations are printed in italic, not on a separate row. Correct mathematical

symbols have to be used (e.g. * is not multiplication sign). No punctuation marks are used




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after equations. Symbols used for the first time and units of measure are defined on the next

row after the equation (line spacing 1.0), starting with „where“. When there are more than one

equation in the paper, these need to be numbered with numbers in parentheses. The equation

number is aligned right on the same row with the equation.


( )



a – fixed costs,

b – variable cost rate,

n – number of periods,

X – activity content,

Y – total costs.

With a large number of equations use multiple level numbering (e.g.: equation 2.3

would be the third equation in chapter 2). The writing style of equations should remain

consistent throughout the paper.

4.4.5. Lists

Lists are printed with line spacing 1.5 and paragraph spacing 0. Lists are formed of at

least two elements which have common attributes. That attribute in the list is mentioned in the

introductory phrase that ends with a colon. The lists are presented:

horizontally (elements are placed on one row in the text),

vertically (elements are placed on separate rows, rows are indented).

Lists with short (e.g. one word) elements may be presented horizontally. When the

sequence and number of elements are important (or elements have to be referred to), the

elements shall be numbered (number is followed by a parenthesis) and separated by a comma;

the last element is separated by the word and.


Scandinavian countries are Norway, Sweden and Finland (the sequence is not important).


The main foreign trade partners of Estonia are: 1) Finland, 2) Russia, and 3) Latvia.

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Lists are numbered also in case the list points consist of more than one sentence. In

other cases the numbering (numerals or letters) is not necessary or may be replaced by bullets

(where list items are direct continuation of the preceding text) or other symbols.

Shorter than one-sentence list points begin with lowercase letters and are separated by

a comma or semi-colon; use full stop to end the last point in the list. When one point in the

list contains commas or other punctuation marks, use semi-colon to separate points.


Home working provides advantages also to employers (Arvola 2006, 38):

1) lower overheads,

2) growth of labour productivity,

3) experienced workers do not quit and new ones can be hired,

4) improvement of enterprise’s reputation.

Sublists are denoted by lowercase letters in alphabetical order accompanied by the

parenthesis (where sequence of sub-elements is important) or a different symbol than in the

main list.


Elements in the list are:

1) sequenced (sequence is important, elements are numbered)

a) one-word elements are presented horizontally,

b) one-sentence elements are presented vertically,

c) multi-sentence elements are presented vertically;

2) not sequenced (sequence is not important, elements are not numbered)

a) shorter one-sentence elements are presented horizontally,

b) longer one-sentence elements are presented vertically.

One-sentence elements are usually presented vertically. Multi-sentence elements are

presented always vertically and the elements start with an uppercase letter and end with a full

stop. A full stop is used after numerals in numbering.

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Tasks for the achievement of the objective:

1. On the basis of literature, provide an overview of the emotions as well as factors of

employees’ and customers’ emotional satisfaction and of the relationships between

them and of the development of an emotional customer experience.

2. Conduct an empirical research – study satisfaction of the personnel with their


3. Analyse emotional satisfaction of employees and compare emotional satisfaction

of employees and customers.

4.4.6. Referencing the sources

Reference in the text is an indication that the previous part has been cited, paraphrased

or summarised from the author’s own or other authors’ published works. Opinions of all other

authors and information provided by them must be referenced; well-known understandings

and fundamental truths, in principle, need not be referenced. All other authors’ original

statements, problem statements, citations, numerical data, schemes etc including data obtained

from databases and elsewhere that are used in the paper must be referenced. The list of

references includes only those sources which have been specially referred to in the paper.

Other authors’ viewpoints may be quoted, paraphrased or summarised in the paper. A

paraphrase communicates viewpoints presented in other author’s paper, the idea of his/her

text in a free form, often in a concise way, supplemented by comments. No quotation marks

are used; however, it is necessary to indicate the source or author.


One can perceive an increase in the share of fixed costs in total costs of a number of

enterprises (Alver, Reinberg 2002, 51).

In the lists, the source must be indicated at the very beginning, so as it would be clear

— this is not author’s own creation.

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Home working provides advantages also to employers (Arvola 2006, 38):

1) lower overheads,

2) growth of labour productivity,

3) experienced workers do not quit and new ones can be hired,

4) improvement of enterprise’s reputation.

Sometimes a paraphrase may be based on several authors’ different papers; in that

case all of them must be referred to. Paraphrases may be supplemented by author’s own

viewpoints in the issue.

A quotation repeats the exact words of another, maintaining the exact meaning of

these words and is put between the quotation marks. A quotation from other language must be

translated as precisely as possible. Where possible, also add the original quotation. The

reference is inserted immediately after the quotation marks ending the quotation, irrespective

of whether it is in the middle or at the end of the sentence. To quote means to repeat the exact

words of the original, maintaining the exact meaning of these words (sentences ripped out of

the context can be arbitrarily interpreted). A quotation may not be modified by adding own

words or by cutting out words that modify author’s idea. In a quotation it is not allowed to

add fragments of different sentences into one sentence. When you omit words/sentences in a

quotation, denote this by three dots (...). Parts of a quotation can be explained or emphasised

by putting this in square brackets. Shorter quotations are inserted in the text between

quotation marks.


„One can perceive a tendency toward increasing share of fixed costs in total costs in many

enterprises nowadays” (Alver, Reinberg 2002, 51).

The name/date system of referencing is used at TSEBA, TUT. The references are not

numbered in this system. The citing depends on whether:

the reference is to the whole book or some pages in the book;

author’s name of the cited paper is mentioned in the sentence;

it is one- or multiple sentence citation;

reference is made to one or more sources.

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The reference to a one-sentence quotation or paraphrase is placed in parentheses

before the full stop ending the sentence.


One can perceive an increase in the share of fixed costs in total costs in many enterprises

nowadays (Alver, Reinberg 2002, 51).

Reference to a longer (more than one sentence) quotation or paraphrase is placed in

parentheses at the end of the last sentence after the full stop; no full stop after the parenthesis.


One can perceive a tendency toward increasing share of fixed costs in total costs in some

enterprises. This is due to many factors. (Alver, Reinberg 2002, 51)

A reference to a book with (an) author(s) named on the title page comprises the

author’s family name (first name or initials are not included), followed by the year of

publication and, where necessary, page numbers. Page numbers are not included when the

reference is to the source as a whole. First name or first name initial is to be added when

reference is made to authors with the same family name (e.g. J. Alver and L. Alver). When

there are two authors for a work, they both should be noted in the text with ‘and’ between

them. When there are more than two authors, only the first author should be used, followed by

et al. Do not use comma between the author’s name and the year of publication.

When quoting several works published by the same author in the same year, they

should be differentiated by adding a lower case letter directly after the year for each item (e.g.

Kerem 2009a and Kerem 2009b).

When the author or regulation has been named in the sentence already, write only the

year of publication and page numbers in parenthsis.


R. Arvola has discussed home working as an opportunity to increase employment (2006, 35).

References to the work of an author that appears as a chapter, or part of a larger work,

that is edited by someone else, should be cited using the title of the source. For a source with

Page 49: A Methodological Guide for Writing and Formatting Student Papers


no author write the first words of the title followed by three dots, each separated by a space.

The title is written as far as the source is identifiable.


The professional language committee pointed out the need to improve the comprehensibility

of decisions, guidelines and information given to citizens (Kieli … 1981).

When the same source is cited at the same page on several occasions, write Ibid.

instead of the author’s name and year of publication.


Home working involves risks also (Ibid.).

References to other parts of the same work can be made either directly or indirectly

(reference is in the parentheses).


Equation 2 demonstrates that ...

Using the method of least squares, the prognosticated total costs in January are 46,900 euro

(see Equation 7).

If you make reference to a list, the reference should be made at the beginning of the

list (see an example of the list, p. 46).

4.4.7. Citing laws and regulations

For referencing laws and regulations listed in the References use the title of the law of

regulation, or abbreviated title (in iterative references).


(Commercial Code) or (CD)

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A reference to a law or regulation contains the law title (the first one or two words

shall be written out, or an abbreviated version with three dots) and the article; where

necessary, the date of coming into effect of the Act and section, subsection and clause.


(Commercial Code, § 247 (2)).

In case of in-text citing of legislation at the beginning of the sentence, the provisions

(e.g. article, section, clause) are better to be written out.


Article 7 provides ...

When citing in the middle of the sentence, abbreviated versions of laws and

regulations may be used.


Articles 7 and 13 of the Commercial Code establish ...

4.4.8. Appendices

Materials which are relevant for achieving the objective of the work but not directly

necessary in the text, or sizeable materials, shall be presented in appendices: for example,

unprocessed data (if necessary), large tables and figures, computing software generated

reports, questionnaires. Each appendix must be referred to in the text.

Appendices are placed at the end of the paper. Appendices begin with level 1 heading

APPENDICES, which may be on the same page with Appendix 1 (in this case, no space of 72

pt is left on the top of the page). Each appendix begins from a new page. Appendices are

numbered in order of reference in the text and have level 2 headings (e.g.: Appendix 2. Title

Page Example), no space of 36 pt before headings. The second and next pages of an appendix

are headed as, for example, Appendix 2 continued. Headings of appendices are also included

in Table of Contents. When a table or figure is presented as an appendix, the heading is the

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table or figure caption. References, comments and notes are placed after the table or figure as

usual (see 4.4.2. and 4.4.3.).

4.5. References

All sources cited in the text must appear in the list of references at the end of the paper

(References) and all sources in the list of references must have been cited in the text. The list

of references contains some required elements, which may vary in references in terms of their

sequence, punctuation and emphasis of individual elements. On the basis of the reference it

should be possible to identify the source unambiguously; it should also be possible to assess

its topicality and reliability. All elements of a reference except title must be in the same

language with the paper, including all abbreviations should be presented in the respective

language, for example, in an English language paper pp. (pages), ed (edition), vol (volume),


Alphabetise the list of references by the family name of authors; if the work has no

author or editor, alphabetise the work by the first word of the title. When the source has more

than one author, write the names in the same sequence as they appear on the title page. For

references which have elements in other than Latin alphabet, it is advisable to transliterate

them into Latin alphabet according to international standards, and at the end of the reference

add a note in parentheses on the original language of the source, for example (in Russian). If

the author regards it impractical to transliterate such references, they may be presented in the

original language alphabet separately, after the Latin alphabet sources. The references are not


The papers by the same author are listed in order of the year of publication, starting

with the earliest. The papers by the same author published in the same year are listed in

alphabetical order by the lower case letters added to the publication date: a, b, c etc.

The list of references is aligned left. If a reference is longer than one line, use

indentation of subsequent lines (hanging). Use single line spacing for the list of references.

Leave an empty space between two references. Depending on the type of source, a reference

must contain some mandatory elements.

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4.5.1. Books

References to (a) book(s) with (an) author(s) contain: Author(s). (Year of

publication). Title: sub-title. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher.

In the first position in author’s name is the family name, followed by a comma and

initial(s). Separate the names of authors by a comma, use an ‘and’ to link the last two. Where

two authors with the same family name have also the same initials, write out the first names.

Titles are to be written in full, unabridged. Include edition number only if it is not the first

edition, write it in Arabic alphabet with a description (e.g.: 2nd revised ed.). If the year of

publication cannot be identified, write s.a. (sine anno). The place of publication is a town or

city. Where there is no place of publication, write s.l. (sine loco). The name of publisher is to

be separated by a colon from the place of publication.


Alver, J. and Alver, L. (2009). Finantsarvestus: Põhikursus. 2nd

revised ed. Tallinn: Deebet.

Chiang, A. C. (1984). Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics. 3rd ed. New

York: McGraw-Hill.

Vesnin, V. R. (2007). Menedžment: Utšebnik. 3rd

ed. Moscow: Prospekt (in Russian).

For books with no author named on cover or title page give: Title: subtitle. (year of

publication). /Editor or organisation. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher.

For edited works where the name(s) of editor(s) is written on the title page or its

reverse, write after the year of publication, separated by a full stop, the editor(s)’ initials

followed by surnames with the word ‘editor’ or ‘editors’ before the initial(s).


Ideest eduka ettevõtteni: õppematerjal. (2008). / Editors R. Sirkel, K. Uiboleht, J. Teder ,

M. Nikitina-Kalamäe. Tartu: Haridus- ja teadusministeerium.

Working Papers in Economics (2006). /Eds. J. Alver, E. Listra, K. Paadam, M. Randveer,

M. Saat, U. Venesaar. Vol. 19. Tallinn: Tallinn University of Technology.

Page 53: A Methodological Guide for Writing and Formatting Student Papers


For books freely available over the internet, add full internet address and accessed



Ideest eduka ettevõtteni: õppematerjal. (2008). / Editors R. Sirkel, K. Uiboleht, J. Teder,

M. Nikitina-Kalamäe. Tartu: Haridus- ja teadusministeerium.


%F5tteni.pdf (21.06.2011)

4.5.2. Articles

Articles are published in journals, newspapers and elsewhere. Articles may be also

published as chapters in collections of papers. In the first part provide information on the

article/paper, in the second part where it was published. The two parts are separated by en


For chapters in collections of papers the required elements for a reference are:

Author(s). (Year of publication). Title of paper. – Full title of publication, Volume number

(Issue number) or date. Place of publication: Publisher, page numbers. When the collection of

papers has an editor or editors add his/her/their name(s) after the publication information

before the place of publication.


Siirde, V. (2002). Juhi eetiliste otsuste mõju organisatsiooni töötajate käitumisele. –

X Majandusorganisatsioonide juhtimisprobleemide konverents, 28 November 2002.

(Ed.) K. Gerndorf. Tallinn: Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, pp. 106−110.

Wahl, M. F. (2008). Governance and Ownership: Theoretical Framework of Research. –

Working Papers in Economics. Vol. 25. (Eds.) J. Alver, E. Listra, M. Randveer, K.

Paadam, M. Saat, U. Venesaar. Tallinn: Tallinn University of Technology, pp.


Page 54: A Methodological Guide for Writing and Formatting Student Papers


For articles in journals and newspapers the required elements for a reference are:

Author(s). (Year of publication). Title of article. – Title of journal, Volume number or date,

page numbers.


Karnau, A. (2007). Töösturite idee leiab vastuseisu. – Postimees, 26 January, p. 9.

Alver, L., Alver, J., Sundgaard, E., Thomsen, J. (2010). Challenges for the Estonian

Accounting Staff. – Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy &

Business, No. 4, pp. 129−138.

Articles from a reference book are referenced in a similar way as a paper in collection

of papers. The reference can be written as a short record entry using the Latin abbreviation

s.v. (sub verbo).


Transliteerima. (1999) – Eesti keele sõnaraamat. (Ed.) T. Erelt. Tallinn: Eesti Keele

Instituut, p. 819.

4.5.3. Legislation

In the first part of a reference to a piece of legislation provide information on the

legislation, in the second part where it was published. The two parts are separated by en dash.

The required elements are: Title of the piece of legislation. The body that passed the law and

date of passing. – Full or abbreviated title of publication, year of publication, issue number,

legislation number.

Since legislation is mostly accessible over the internet, a reference to a piece of

legislation should be made to the official source (not internet address).


Council Regulation (EEC) No 3037/90 of 9 October 1990 on the statistical classification of

economic activities in the European Community. − OJ L 293, 24.10.1990, p. 1–26.

Page 55: A Methodological Guide for Writing and Formatting Student Papers


Required elements for a reference to judicial decisions are: Title and number of court

case. Name of judicial body. Date of judicial decision. Full internet address and accessed date.

4.5.4 Sources access to which is restricted

Sources access to which is restricted include reports and documents, study materials,

dissertations and graduation papers, archive materials, unpublished interviews etc. Required

elements for manuscript reports, documents etc are title of the document, year (or date),

authorship/organisation and, where necessary, type of material (e.g. manuscript, in



Accounting bylaws. (2009). OÜ Jaekaubandus.

Required elements for manuscript graduation papers (bachelor’s, master’s theses and

graduation papers) are: Author’s name. Year. Title. Educational institution and

department/faculty. Number of pages. (Type of paper).


Taal, L. (2011). Juhtimisotsuste mõju äriühingu sidusgruppidele. TUT Department of

Business Administration.53 pages (Bachelor’s thesis)

Required elements for interviews are: Family and first name of the interviewee.

Occupation of the interviewee. Title of the interview (where possible). Name of interviewer.

Interview type (recording, e-mail, phonogram etc). (Date of interview). When interviewer is

the author, the name of interviewer is not given.


Karu, Mart. Chief Accountant for AS Laevaehitus. Advantages and Disadvantages of

Electronic Annual Report. Tamm, Kersti. Recording (15.03.2011).

Karu, Mart. Chief Accountant for AS Laevaehitus. Advantages and Disadvantages of

Electronic Annual Report. Author’s interview. Phonogram (15.03.2011).

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Required elements for a formal letter are: Name of institution which sent the letter,

date and number.


Ministry of Finance 15.06.2011 letter no 3-1/220.

4.5.5 Other sources

For publications available from websites the required elements are: Author’s family

name, initial(s). Title. Website address (Accessed date).


Kaljapulk, A. 21. sajand – kas haridus internetiülikoolist?

http://www.eac.ttu.ee/essee2005.airi_kaljapulk.htm (15.06.2005)

Where the author of material is missing, write after the title the organisation’s name

where the material comes from.


Keskmise palga kasv jätkub. Ministry of Finance.

http://www.fin.ee/index.php?id=107542 (03.06.2011)

For sources freely available on the internet the required elements for a reference are:

full internet address, which is not linked to the reference source and may change. A specific

code (ISBN or ISSN) allows tracing the source. Year of publication is the date of creating (or

refreshing) in the internet.


Teder, J., Golik, M. (2006). Ethnic Minorities and Entrepreneurship in Estonia. 14th

Nordic Conference on Small Business Research. Stockholm, pp. 20.


Tüür, L. (2003). Kuidas mõista informatsiooni ehk mõtteid targast tulevikuühiskonnast.

– Infofoorum, 7. [E-ajakiri] http://www.tlu.ee/~i-foorum/ (12.01.2007)

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The required elements for a CD-ROM are: Author. (Year). Title of document. – Title

of journal or collection (when journal or collection is recorded on CD-ROM). Title of CD-

ROM, version. Title of journal or collection is written in case a journal or collection of papers

is recorded on the CD-ROM.


King, J. (1996). Revenge of the IS Worker. – Computerland . CD-ROM, Computer Select.

The required elements for standards are: Full title of the standard. (Year of

publication). Identification code of the standard. Place of publication: Writer/issuing



Accountant II. (2008). 14-11122008-07/5. Tallinn: SA Kutsekoda.

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5.1. Research paper

Research paper is the least regulated student paper, since research papers may vary

largely. The general requirements for research papers are provided in assessment criteria for

research papers (in the Study Information System). Next a recommended time schedule for a

research is provided.

Choice of topic and getting approvals – during the first weeks of semester it is

necessary to gather as much information as possible on different research options

and communicate with many potential supervisors. To have enough time for

thinking the work through and conducting it, the topic should be chosen and

approved by the supervisor by the 4th

week of semester.

Commencement of principal work – first it is important to ensure that the objective

of research and problem statement was formulated as unambiguously as possible.

The timetable should also be agreed with the supervisor.

Submitting the paper – the final deadline of research papers is the last day of

contact work in the semester. Research papers shall be submitted to supervisor on

paper as well as electronically.

Subject course research papers shall be defended on a predetermined date during the

session of examinations. The defence is in the form of presentation (app. 10 min), which

clearly points out the objective of the research, problem, research questions, method(s) used,

results, conclusions and proposals (see also 5.3.2. Defence). Research papers are assessed by

the supervisor, either individually or with colleague(s), and where necessary, external experts.

Papers are assessed on the basis of the assessment system provided in the Academic Policies

at TUT and assessment criteria of the respective syllabus.

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5.2. Bachelor’s and master’s theses

Although bachelor’s and master’s theses are different in terms of academic level and

volume, they resemble in the commencement and finishing phase. The main stages of this

process are as follows:

Examine instructional materials in detail – advisably not later than a year before

the expected defence.

Contact potential supervisors, discuss potential themes – a year prior to expected


Formulate the research problem(s) – get approval from supervisor for the topic and

research problems/questions before the last semester studies begin.

Work process – from defining the research problem/research questions through to

finish it is necessary to have good cooperation between the student and supervisor,

it is advisable to agree on the timetable.

Declare title of the graduation thesis in the Study Information System (only

bachelor’s theses) – deadline is provided in the academic calendar. Title is

declared in Estonian and in English.

Submit the graduation thesis – deadline is two weeks prior to the beginning of the

defence period (see academic calendar). Graduation theses shall be submitted to

the respective department on paper, in three copies, including at least one hard

bound and the others loose-leaf, and a digital version in pdf format.

The graduation theses shall be signed by the author and supervisor.

Submit an application for defence to the Study Information System’s defence

committee (only master’s theses) – deadline is provided in the academic calendar.

Title shall be declared in Estonian and in English.

Supervisor and chair of the defence committee shall endorse with their signature on

the reverse of the title page that the paper satisfies at least minimum requirements. If the paper

is not at the required level, the above-named persons have the right to reject a thesis defence.

It is not possible to dispute the decision of supervisor and chair of the defence committee if:

The paper is a plagiarism (the penalty is dismissal from the university);

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the content is not in conformity with the topic;

the objective, tasks and methods are not defined;

the paper is not structured as it is appropriate for a research paper;

relevant principal parts are missing (Table of Contents, Introduction, Conclusions,


author’s personal contribution is insufficient;

conclusions do not provide an overview of the work and results;

sources used in the paper are not referenced;

the list of references is inappropriate (only Estonian or Russian sources, principal

textbooks, lecture notes, etc);

the paper has not been submitted as required or in time;

requirements of TSEBA for the writing style and formatting have been markedly


Submit no later than on the day of defence to the dean’s office or department a

completed clearance form confirming that student has returned all books to the library.

5.3. Permission to defence, defence and assessment

Defences of graduation papers are held during the defence periods provided in the

academic calendar twice a year. The time and place of defence shall be announced at TSEBA


5.3.1. Permission to defence

For defending bachelor’s and master’s theses a defence committee shall be nominated

with the dean’s order and a defence of papers shall be held according to the defence

committee’s work schedule. A defence committee for graduation papers comprises a

minimum of three persons, who have the requisite level higher education. A prerequisite for

permission to graduation theses defence is fulfilment of all the curricular conditions for

graduation required to be completed prior to graduation theses defence. Fulfilment of the

prerequisites for graduation thesis defence is verified at the dean’s office. A master’s

graduate candidate (not bachelor’s graduate candidate) who wishes to defend his or her

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graduation thesis shall apply in the study information system for defence; the date is

indicated in the academic calendar. All curricular conditions for graduation have to be

fulfilled by the deadline. To avoid misunderstandings in the verification of fulfilment of the

curricula, the student who wishes to graduate should him/herself make sure in the study

information system that all requirements for graduation are fulfilled.

During the days following the submission of the graduation thesis, the chair of the

defence committee shall review the paper and based on the minimum requirements

established for the graduation theses, decides whether to give permission to defence or not.

5.3.2. Defence

The main stages of the defence procedure, in order to assist graduating students to

present her/his defence speech and communicate the content of the graduation thesis, are:

1. presentation/defence speech of the candidate – for bachelor’s theses approximately

7−10 minutes long, for master’s theses 15 minutes.

The presentation should contain the following components:

address (Dear chair of the defence committee, members and attendees);


title of the graduation thesis

justification of the choice of topic (I selected this topic because …);

problem in the area (A problem studied in this graduation thesis is...);

objective and tasks set for the achievement of the objective (An objective of

the graduation thesis is …; I set the following tasks for the achievement of the

objective …“);

a short description of the research object;

methods (data collection as well as analysis methods);

results (what the research accomplished, as well as conclusions and proposals);

concluding words (Thank you for listening/Thank you for your attention!").

During the defence speech the defendant shall not answer the questions asked by the

reviewer in the review (master’s theses).

2. Hearing of the review (if a review is required) and answering the reviewer’s


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3. General discussion (answering the questions asked by members of the committee

and other attendees)

4. Final word of the candidate (if she/he wishes).

The defence speech is presented using well-known presentation software, for

example, MS PowerPoint, indicating:

title and author of the thesis,

justification of the choice of topic,

research problem (research question),



(where necessary) hypotheses,

description of the research object,

description of methods,

results and discussion,

conclusions and suggestions/proposals.

It is advisable to use in the last slide of the presentation concluding expressions such

as: Thank you for your attention!, Thank you for listening! etc.

The presentation is usually made by standing up; the defence committee has the right

to make exceptions, where necessary.

The language of defence is that of instruction, the defence committee has the right to

make an exception, where necessary.

5.3.3. Assessment

Graduation theses’ grade shall be decided on the same day, after all graduation theses

are defended, in a closed session of the defence committee, taking account of the opinions of

all members of the committee, supervisor and reviewer. The grades shall be announced after

the end of the closed session. The assessment is based on:

content and format of the graduation thesis,

content and presentation of the defence speech,

reviewer’s opinion (if required) and answers to the reviewer’s questions,

answers to the questions asked by committee members and other attendees,

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supervisor’s opinion.

Bachelor’s and master’s theses and their defences are assessed on the basis of the

assessment criteria established in the Academic Policies at TUT and the learning outcomes in

the graduation thesis module of the curriculum. All positive grades imply a successful

defence of the graduation thesis. When bachelor’s or master’s thesis was graded "0", it is

possible to re-defend the thesis on conditions especified by the chair of the defence


The TUT scale for measuring student achievement is the following: excellent (5), very

good (4), good (3), satisfactory (2), poor (1), failing (0).

5.4. Reviewing

Research and bachelor’s theses are not subject to reviewing.

Master’s theses are to be reviewed in order to get in-depth comments on the thesis

from a qualified specialist in the field. Reviewer is assigned by the chair of the defence

committee after the thesis has been submitted. As a rule, one reviewer is assigned for a

master’s thesis. Reviewer may be either from among the academic staff of the faculty or a

specialist outside the faculty. Reviewer is required to have at least master’s degree or

equivalent qualification.

The review form is available as a separate document at the TSEBA web page. The

review form provides the main aspects on which the defence committee wants reviewer’s

opinion and judgement. Reviewer’s written opinion, according to the provided form, must be

available for the graduate candidate and members of the defence committee no later than two

days prior to the defence. The master’s thesis’ author expects from the reviewer, in addition to

a feedback, also questions which he/she can answer during the defence, after reviewer’s

comments. Reviewer’s presence in the defence is not required but advisable in the interest of


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Appendix 1. An Example of Text Structuring


Text xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx, xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx

xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx, xxxxx. Xxxxx xxxx xxxx, xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx

xxxx xxxx xxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxx.

Text continues xxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx, xxxx xxxx xxxxx. Xxxxx xxxx xxxx,

xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx, xxxxx xxxxx xxx

xxxxxxxxx. Xxxxx xxxx xxxx, xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx

xxxx xxxx, xxxxx. Xxxxx xxxx xxxx, xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx

xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx, xxxxx. Xxxxx xxxx xxxx, xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx…

2.1. Second level heading

Text xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx, xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx

xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx, xxxxx. Xxxxx xxxx xxxx, xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx

xxxx xxxx xxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxx.

Text continues xxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx, xxxx xxxx xxxxx. Xxxxx xxxx xxxx,

xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx, xxxxx xxxxx xxx

xxxxxxxxx. Xxxxx xxxx xxxx, xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx

xxxx xxxx, xxxxx. Xxxxx xxxx xxxx, xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx

xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx, xxxxx. Xxxxx xxxx xxxx, xxxxxxxxxxx ….

Second level heading: Bold 14 pt

Spacing Before: 36 pt

First level heading: Bold 16 pt

Spacing before: 72 pt

Line and Page Breaks: Page break


Page Setup Margins: Top 3 cm,

Bottom 3 cm, Left 3 cm, Right 2 cm

Tekst: 12 pt

General Aligment: Justified Line spacing: 1,5 lines


e first






By: 1,25




18 pt





First Line

By: 1,25



Before: 0


Page 65: A Methodological Guide for Writing and Formatting Student Papers


Appendix 2. An Example of the Title Page of a Graduation Thesis


School of Economics and Business Administration

Department of Accounting

Chair of Management Accounting

Kati Karu


Master’s Thesis

Supervisor: Professor Villem Vaarikas

Tallinn 2012

Page 66: A Methodological Guide for Writing and Formatting Student Papers


Appendix 3. An Example of a Title Page Reverse

I declare I have written the master’s thesis independently.

All works and major viewpoints of the other authors, data from other sources of literature and

elsewhere used for writing this paper have been referenced.

Kati Karu ……………………………

(signature, date)

Student’s code: 095111

Student’s e-mail address: [email protected]

Supervisor Professor Villem Vaarikas:

The thesis conforms to the requirements set for the master’s/bachelor’s theses


(signature, date)

Chairman of defence committee:

Permitted to defence


(Title, name, signature, date)

Page 67: A Methodological Guide for Writing and Formatting Student Papers


Appendix 4. An Example of the Title Page of a Research Paper


School of Economics and Business Administration

Department of Accounting

Chair of Management Accounting

Kati Karu



Core Study Research Paper in Management Accounting

Supervisor: Professor Villem Vaarikas

Tallinn 2012

Page 68: A Methodological Guide for Writing and Formatting Student Papers


Appendix 5. An Example of the Title Page Reverse of a Research Paper

I declare I have written the research paper independently.

All works and major viewpoints of the other authors, data from other sources of literature and

elsewhere used for writing this paper have been referenced.

Kati Karu ……………………………

Student’s code: 095111

Student’s e-mail address: [email protected]

Supervisor Professor Villem Vaarikas

The paper conforms to the requirements set for the research papers


(signature, date)

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Appendix 6. An Example of a Table of Contents


ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................... 4

INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 5

1. ESSENCE OF STUDENT PAPERS ...................................................................................... 7

1.1. Papers to be writtent durint the studies ............................................................................ 7

1.2. Graduation theses ........................................................................................................... 12

1.2.1. Bachalor thesis ........................................................................................................ 12

1.2.2. Master's thesis ......................................................................................................... 13

2. ESSENCE OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH .......................................................................... 15

2.1. Logic of Research .......................................................................................................... 16

2.2. Defining of the research problem .................................................................................. 18

2.3. Theory and methodology ............................................................................................... 20

2.4. Problem solving ............................................................................................................. 22


3.1. Choice of research area and supervisor ......................................................................... 24

3.2. Research concept ........................................................................................................... 26

3.3. Plan of research .............................................................................................................. 28

3.4. Choice of special literature ............................................................................................ 30

3.5. Structure of research paper ............................................................................................ 32

3.6. Language of paper ......................................................................................................... 36

3.7. Cooperation between student and supervisor ................................................................ 38

CONCLUSIONS ...................................................................................................................... 41

REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 42

SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................. 44

APPENDICES .......................................................................................................................... 46

Appendix 1. An Example of the extended plan of research ................................................. 46

Appendix 2. An Example of Supervisor’s Oinion ................................................................ 47