a mechanistic model for cuttings transport.pdf

9 Society of PetroleumEngineers SPE 28306 A Mechanistic Model for Cuttings Transport R.K. Clark, * Shell Development Co., and K.L. Bickham, BET Development Co. “SPE Member ‘A Copyright 1994, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc. Tfds paper was prepared for presenta$on at tha SPE 69th Annual Tgchniml Conference and Exhlbltion hdd in Now ohms, LA, U. S.A., 25+8 .Septemb.ar 1994, This papw was SaIected for presentation by an ePE Program Curnmittee following review of lnfomliai cantdnad In an aksfracf silbmitted by the authm($~ contents of the paper, as presents-d, have nof bee” reviewed by the !Mety of Petroleum Engineers and am subjwt to correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of the Sodety of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented af SPE meetings are subject 10 publication re.dew by Ed[torial Committees of the Sodety of Petmle.m Engl”eers, permission to copy Is restricted to an abstract of net “ore than SCU words. IIlusttafions may not be copied. The abstract sfm.ld wn!ah conspicuous .Mmwfedgmem of wher8 and by whom the paper Is preswtod, write Llbrarlan, SPE, P,O. Box 632s!36, Richardson, TX 7503S-3336, U .e,A, Telex, 183245 SPEUT, ABSTRACT* Acuttinggeneratedatthebit maybe transported to the surfacaby several different mechemismsas it moves along the wellbore. The specific mecbenism depends on the wellbore angle. For high angles, where a stationery cuttings bed can form, transport is vie a rolling mechanism. In intermediate angles, where a churning, moving cuttings bed can form, transport is via a lifting mechaniem. At near-vertical angles, particle settling determines transport. The model described below combinee fluid mechanical treatments ofthese mecbanisme intoaforrnat for easy analysis of cuttings transport in wells of any configuration. INTRODUCTION Of the many functions that aeperformedbythe drillingfluid, the most important ie to transport cuttinge from the bit up the amndue to the surface. If the cuttinw cannot be removed from the wellbore, drilling cannot proceed for long. Transport is usually not a problem if the well is near verticaI. However, considerable difficulties caa occur when the well is being drilled directionally as cuttings may accumulate either in a station~ bed at hole angles above about 500 or in a moving, churning bed at lower hole ! angles, Drilling probleme that may result include etuckpipe, lost circulation, high torque end drag end poor cement jobe. The severity of such problems depends on the amount smdlocation of cuttings distributed along the wellbore. The problem of cuttings transport in vertical wells has been studied for memyyesm, with the earliest analysis of the problem being that of Pigott.l The transport efficiency in verticrd wells is ..—— . *References end Table 3 at end of paper. usually assessed by determining the settling velocity, which is dependent on particle sise, density and shape, the drilling fluid rheology smdvelocity, and the hole/pipe configuration. A recently developed correlation for settling velocity of irragubdy shaped particles in drilling fluids is that of Chien.2 Since the early 1980s, cuttinge traneport studies have focuesedoninclined wellbores, andenex~neivebody ofliterature on both experimental end modeling work has developed. Experimental work on cuttin~ traneport in inclined wellbores haebeenconducted usingflowloopsat the University ofl?ulsas-s and elsewhere.g- 11 Some of the more recent modeling etudies are those of Luo and Bern,12Fordet eL,18Larsen,Pilehvari and Aser,14andRaei.16 LuoandBern12and Fordet al.lspreeentmathematicel modaIsfor determiningt.heminimum fluidvelocityfor trrmsportingcuttings without the formation of a cuttings bed. These are physically based models thathavebaanvalidatedagainst axperimentrddata, Lao and Bern’s model has also been compared with field data.lq L.emen’s model is based on empirical correlations derived fi-om experimental data generated in a 35 ft long 5-in. diame~r flow loop.14 Thie model can be used to predict a cuttings bed height if the flow ie “sub-critical,” i.e., below the velocity required to keep all cuttings moving upward. Rasi assumes that a cuttings bed will form end predicts the height of the bed15and the open area above it. This area is then compsxed with the cross-sectional area of thebit and stabilizers to see if they can pass through the non-bed area without ditlkulty ThemodelsofLaoandBern,12 Larsenetal,,14mdRagi15 mevdd for hole angles greater than 50° or so where a stationary cuttings bed may fofi. The model of Ford et al. can be applied at any 139

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  • 9Society of PetroleumEngineers

    SPE 28306

    A Mechanistic Model for Cuttings TransportR.K. Clark, * Shell Development Co., and K.L. Bickham, BET Development Co.

    SPE Member

    ACopyright 1994, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc.

    Tfds paper was prepared for presenta$on at tha SPE 69th Annual Tgchniml Conference and Exhlbltion hdd in Now ohms, LA, U. S.A., 25+8 .Septemb.ar 1994,

    This papw was SaIected for presentation by an ePE Program Curnmittee following review of lnfomliai cantdnad In an aksfracf silbmitted by the authm($~ contents of the paper,as presents-d, have nof bee reviewed by the !Mety of Petroleum Engineers and am subjwt to correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflectany position of the Sodety of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented af SPE meetings are subject 10 publication re.dew by Ed[torial Committees of the Sodetyof Petmle.m Engleers, permission to copy Is restricted to an abstract of net ore than SCU words. IIlusttafions may not be copied. The abstract sfm.ld wn!ah conspicuous .Mmwfedgmemof wher8 and by whom the paper Is preswtod, write Llbrarlan, SPE, P,O. Box 632s!36, Richardson, TX 7503S-3336, U .e,A, Telex, 183245 SPEUT,


    Acuttinggeneratedatthebit maybe transported to the surfacabyseveral different mechemismsas it moves along the wellbore. Thespecific mecbenism depends on the wellbore angle. For highangles, where astationery cuttings bed can form, transport isvie arolling mechanism. In intermediate angles, where a churning,moving cuttings bed can form, transport is via a liftingmechaniem. At near-vertical angles, particle settling determinestransport. The model described below combinee fluid mechanicaltreatments ofthese mecbanisme intoaforrnat for easy analysis ofcuttings transport in wells of any configuration.


    Of the many functions that aeperformedbythe drillingfluid, themost important ie to transport cuttinge from the bit up theamndue to the surface. If the cuttinw cannot be removed from thewellbore, drilling cannot proceed for long. Transport is usuallynot a problem if the well is near verticaI. However, considerabledifficulties caa occur when the well is being drilled directionallyas cuttings may accumulate either in a station~ bed at holeangles above about 500or in a moving, churning bed at lower hole

    ! angles, Drilling probleme that may result include etuckpipe, lostcirculation, high torque end drag end poor cement jobe. Theseverity of such problems depends on the amount smdlocation ofcuttings distributed along the wellbore.

    The problem of cuttings transport in vertical wells has beenstudied for memyyesm, with the earliest analysis of the problembeing that of Pigott.l The transport efficiency in verticrd wells is

    ...*References end Table 3 at end of paper.

    usually assessed by determining the settling velocity, which isdependent on particle sise, density and shape, the drilling fluidrheology smdvelocity,and the hole/pipe configuration. A recentlydeveloped correlation for settling velocity of irragubdy shapedparticles in drilling fluids is that of Chien.2

    Since the early 1980s, cuttinge traneport studies havefocuesedoninclined wellbores, andenex~neivebody ofliterature

    on both experimental end modeling work has developed.Experimental work on cuttin~ traneport in inclined wellboreshaebeenconducted usingflowloopsat the University ofl?ulsas-sand elsewhere.g- 11

    Some of the more recent modeling etudies are those of Luoand Bern,12Fordet eL,18Larsen,Pilehvari andAser,14andRaei.16LuoandBern12and Fordet al.lspreeentmathematicel modaIsfordeterminingt.heminimum fluidvelocityfor trrmsportingcuttingswithout the formation of a cuttings bed. These are physicallybased models thathavebaanvalidatedagainst axperimentrddata,Lao and Berns model has also been compared with field data.lqL.emens model is based on empirical correlations derived fi-omexperimental data generated in a 35 ft long 5-in. diame~r flowloop.14 Thie model can be used to predict a cuttings bed height ifthe flow ie sub-critical, i.e., below the velocity required to keepall cuttings moving upward.

    Rasi assumes that a cuttings bed will form end predicts theheight of the bed15and the open area above it. This area is thencompsxed with the cross-sectional areaof thebit and stabilizers tosee if they can pass through the non-bed area without ditlkultyThemodelsofLaoandBern,12 Larsenetal,,14mdRagi15 mevddfor hole angles greater than 50 or so where a stationary cuttingsbed may fofi. The model of Ford et al. can be applied at any



    wellbore angle.la The models are accessible via main frame orpersonal computers end uee readily available data as inputparameters.

    Laboratory experience indicates that the flow rate, if highenough, will always remove the cuttings for any fluid, hole size,and hole angle. Unfortunately, flow rates high enough totransport cuttings up and out oftheennuluseffectively cannotbeused in my welis due to limited pump capacity and/or higheurfeee ordownhole dynamic pressures. Thw ieparticularly truefor high angles with hole @eZ@ger then 12?4 in. High rotaryspeeds and backreamin g are often used when flow rate does notsuffice.

    Drilling fluid rheology plays en important role, _althoughoften there are exmflicting statements as to whether the mudshould be thick or thin for effective transport. It is common whendrilling high-angle wells for elevated low shem-rate theologies tobe spec~led. Ty@callx the Fmm 6-rpm and 3-rpm dial readingsare set at some level thought to aidin hole cleaning at high angles.Many settheselowshearreadingz (inlbf/100ft2)equivalenttothehole sizeininches. Thisrecommendationas wellazotherrulesofthumb have been presented by Zamora and Henson.18~17

    The model described below was developed to allow acomplete cuttings transport analysis for the entire well, fromsurface to the bit. The mechanisms which dominate withindflerent ranges of weilboreengle areuzed to predict cuttings bedheights and ,=ukir cuttimgs concentrations as functions ofoperating parameters (flow rate, penetration rate), wellboreconf@ration (depth, hole angle, hole sizeorcasinglD, pipe size),fluid properties (density, rheology), and cuttings characteristics(density size, bed porosity angle of repose), Parameters that arenot currently taken iriti account include pipe eccentricity androtary speed.

    This paper has three major section% (1) the fwst identifiesthe modes of trmmport and outlines the mathematicaldevelopment of the model, some of which is given intheappendix;(2) the- model is compared with data generated in flow loopexperiments; and (3) three applications of the model are used toshow its versatility in addressing a variety of cuttings transportproblems.


    When theannulermudvelociiy ishighenough, elldrillcuttimgs inthe wellbore aretransportedupwerd (F@re 1). Moreoveq for thegeneral case, the annular mud velocity needs only to exeeed thecuttings bed buildup conditions in the most sensitive spot eio-ngthe wellbore. There, as the annular mud velocity slowly andcontinuously is decreased, a state is reached where some cuttingsare lost from the flow.

    The notion of acritical transport condition leads to a theoryfor czdculating the equilibrium cuttimgsbed height. First, with asteady mud flow rate, a decrease in the wellbore annular mwaresults in a mud velocity increase. For sub-critical mud velociiyconditions, the theory is that the cuttings bed will build. As it

    builds, the mud velocity over the bed increases. The cuttingsbuildup process continues until the mud veloeity over the bedssurface eventually reaches the critical value. At that condition,the bed height remains unchanged. If additional cuttings axedeposited onthebed, themudvelocityin theneighborhoodofthatregion exceeds the critical velocity As aresr.dt,the stronger fluidforces will dislodge the protruding outtinge. After these extra

    cuttings are moved downstream, the local equilibrium bed heightis then re-established. Thus, the equilibrium bed height isformulated as a function of the critical mud veloci~.Furthermore, the critical transport velocity is the criticalvelocity that gives a zero cuttings bed height.

    1Wellbore 7< U(Cuttings J-.nMud velocity profile(x and z components) sFormation -%

    Fig. 1 Schematic of cuttings transport in an inclinedwellbore.

    During laboratory flowlooptests,three si~]cant patternsofcuttingsmovement were observed. They zrerolling, lifting, andsettling; a different pattern seems to dominate the cuttings bedformingprocessineachoftbreerangesof wellbore angles. Athighangles, the transport pattern is rollinG namely, the cuttings rollend bounce along the bed surface. At lower wellbore angles wherethe wellbores complementary qngle is greater than the cutting%angle of repose, cuttings are lifted from a churning fluidized bed.Atnear-verticaltoverticalwellbore angles,thecuttings sreahnostuniformly distributedthroughoutennular cross setilonendsettledownhole against the flowing mud.

    There me several mechanisms that could possibly play amajor put in the cuttings transport process within a particularflow pattern. In the following sections, severaI equations are


  • SPE 28306 R, H. CLARK AND K L. BICRHAM 3

    derived for the three patterns. However, the governingmechanism is the one which dominates the flow at a particularwellbore angle. Two mechanisms are based on the forces requiredto displace asingleprotrudingcuttingfrombeds surf-, namelythese equations calculate the velocities that causes acuttingto beeither rolled or lifted from its resting place. The third equation isbasedonthe Kelvin-Hehnholtz stabiMyofthemudlayerflowingover the fluidizedbed. Finally the fourth equation is baeedonthesettling velocity of the cuttings, that is, the annular velocityreqtied to limit the suspended cuttings concentration to fivepercent by volume in the flowing mud stream.

    Equilibrium Cuttinge Bed Height Models. Figure 2 shows a

    stationary cuttingebedthathes formedonthelower wellbore wallin an inclined well with a wellbore angle, a. At high wellboreanglee where the wellbores complementary engleis less than thecuttingsengle ofrepose,~, astationarycuttings bed accumulatesin the lower part of the wellbore cross section. When the wellborecomplemental angle, 90- a, is Iesethsm$, the outtinghae tobeeither rolled or lifted from the bed surface in order to move.Suppose that the cuttings bed height is in equilibrium with theprevailing conditions. If the dynamic forces acting on thestationmy cutting can be calculated as a fmction of local mudvelocity, U, then the mud circulation rate needed to dislodge thecutting can be determined. This notion is en exteneion of work inother areas, such es sedimentation,18~Ig,zo soil erosion,zl andslurry transport.zz

    Fig. 2 Forces acting on a cutting on a cuttimgsbed.

    A number of forces act, on the protruding cuttimg. Thecuttingis assumed tobe sphericel with avoid-free interior. It hasadiameter, d, and a material d&eit~ e.. Furth&more, it is heldstationery byareactive force, FR. Thie force acts throughboththepoint contact, a, at an angle, 13,end the cuttings center of gravity.The cuttiige bed has an angle of repose,+. The mud density is Q,

    end the muds rheology is assumed to be governed by theHerschel-BuIkley viscosity law. The static forces are thebuoyancy force, F~ gravity force, Fg, and the plastic force, FP,which is due to the yield stressof the mud. The dynamic forces arethe dragforce, FD,Iiftforce, FL,and pressure gradient force, FAPTheysxeallzssumedtoaot throughthecenterofgravity. The mudcirculation rata is held constant.

    RollingMechaniem. Forthecsaeofrolling, themomentsduetoforces are summed around the support point, a(x,z); nmnel~

    IxI(F. +FJ+ lz\@. -Fp)+g(F, -F,)=O (1)

    where the length of the moment arm for the buoyancy andgravityforces is

    t = Izl(sina + cosa/ten@) (2)

    Moreoveq O Othersera derived in the appendix.


  • -. . ...



    The drag force,

    F~ = C~~@J2, (5)

    the lift force,

    FL = C@ QU9, (6)

    the buoyancy force,

    Fb = gQ~, (7)

    and the gravity force,

    F. = gQ=~ (8)

    where CDis the drag coefficient, CLis the lift coefficient, and g isthe gravitational constant.

    The following two equations are derived in the appendix

    (Equation (A-1) end Equation (A-4)). The plastic force,

    Fp = =[$ + (Jx/2 - @) Sill@ - cos@sin@], (9)

    and the pressure force,

    ndaF& = r~, (lo)



    where Dhyd is the hydraulic diameter of the flow area (sesEquation (16) and Equation (17)), P is the pressure, z~is the wdshear stress, end ~ is the mud yield stress.

    Rolling and Lifting Bed Height Equations. Two equationsforcriticrdvelocity may beobtainedbysubstitutingEquations (2)end (3) end the ancillary equations (Equations (5)-(11)) intoEquations (1) and (4). At high wellbore angles, one of theseresulting equations for critical velocity may govern the flow. Forthe case of rolling, the geverningequation for the critical velocityis

    - [.,4[3~@ + (rc/2 @) SinzI$ - COS!$Sill@)&n@ + dg(Qc Q)(cosa + 5~ati@) drl 1


    u=3Q(C~ + CLtan@)


    For the csae of lifting, the governing equation for the critical veloci~ is

    .. . .


    1/24[3~@ + (x/2 - @) Sinz@ cos @SkI@) + dg(Qc - Q)Sins]

    -u = 3QCL 1 (13). . ,,- -.. .

    Both Equation (12) and Equation (13) give a value for thecritical velocity of a cutting. The velocities calculated by theseequations are the undisturbed velocities, that is, the axial velocityacting above the cuttings bed at a point that would be occupied bythe cuttings center ifit were in place. These equations calculatethe velocities that would either roll or lift the cutting from itsresting place. In general, these two mkulated vekes will bedifferent. In such cases, the lower value will be the dominent oneproviding that other conditions cmemet.

    Kelvin-Helmholtz Stability Model. When the behavior ofthe cuttings is observedat low wellbore angles intheflowloop, thenature of the mud and cuttings slurry is a churning motion. Theprocess is reminiscent of the behavior of a gas-liquid flow whenits flow pattern is changing from stratfled to slug flow. The

    app~ce Oftie fluidized bed is similar to the liquid layer,andthe mud layer flowingover the bed behaves like the gas layer. Theinterface between these layers has a wavy churning nature.Occasionally, wisps of cuttings are swept up into the mud layer.There, they are carried downstiefi and settle back into thefluidized bed. The process is persistmt, and it appears to berandom.

    Coneiderthestratifiedflow arrangement ehowninFigure 3.There is a nearly cuttings-flee mud layer flowing over a mostlycuttinge-fiiled fluid layer. A smell-amplitude wave propagates atthe inter&e as long as the flowing conditions are stable. TheinviscidKeIvin Helmholtz stability theory provides amethodforpredicting the onset of unstable conditions between inertial andgravitational forces acting on the interface,z5 that is, the value ofmud velocity that causes the lower layer to disperse cuttingsthroughout the entire cross section. Wallis end Dobson20 give aclear description of the instabili@ condition for stratifiedgas-liquid flow. Their result is adopted here as follows:

    TJmk >


    Dqg(Qb Q)sinaQ

    @b = Q.(1


    d( )]]




    Dq is the equivalent diameter of the area open to flow, end ~b isthe bed porosity. Sometimes, Qbis called the submerged bulkdensity Whentheaverage mixturevelocity, Um~, intheopenareaabove the bed exceeds the RHS of Equation (14), the interfacebetweenthelayers is unstable. The minimum transition velocityis when U~ equals the RHS of Equation (14).


  • wSPE 28306 R. K. CLARK ANf) K L. [email protected] 5

    Fig. 3 Stratified flow ofmudoverafluidized cuttingsbed.

    Equations (12), (13), end (14) are theequilibriumbed heightequations that calculate a criticef velocily condition. Therelationship between the two different velocities, U and Um~,needs to be emphasized here. The velocity, U, is the local axialvelocity acting ahove the cuttings bed at a point where thecuttings center would be if it were in place. The velocity, Uti, isthe average flow velocity in the mea open to flow. Um~ is easilyobtained from the operating conditions; however, the Iocdv&city, U, is determined from fluid mechanical relationships.

    Five Peroent Mrmirnum Coneentrntion Model. Forlow-angle conditions, Figure 4 chows a schematic of the cuttingstransportproeess inaHerschel -Bulldey fluidunderleminerflowconditions. The area which is open to flow is characterized as atube insteadofanenmdus. This simplifies the wellbore geometryThe tube diameterisbaeed onthehydraulicdiameter forpreseuredrop calculations and on the equivalent diameter for velocitycalculations, eo that the equatione derived in this section can beused whether there ie a stationary cuttings bed or not.

    Since drilfingmudoften exhibits ayield streee,there maybea regio~ netw the center of the croes eeotion, where the shearstress is less than the yield stress. There, the mud will move as aplug, i.e., rigid body motion. The plug velocity is Up The averagecuttings concentration and velocity in the plug are CPand UcP,respectively. In the snnularregionaroundtheplug, themudflowewith a velocity gradient and behaves as a viecous fluid. Theaverage annular velocity of the mud in this region is Ua, Inaddkion, for the cuttings in this region, theaverage concentrationend velocity are wand U=, respectively.

    Croee-Seetional Geometry First, let us define some basicwellbore geometry. The hydraulic diemeter is defined es fourtimes the flow ereadividedby the length of the wetted perimeter;namely,

    D4 X croes-sectional area

    hyd = (wetted perimeter) (16)

    IT&relationship canbeusedtodetermine thehydraulicdimneterof the area open to flow above the cuttings bed. For just thewellbore anmdus, the hydraulic diameter of the weflbore crosesection (with no cuttings present) is

    D =D~-DP (17)

    where Dh is the wellbore diameter, in., andDPis the driilpipe OD,in. The equivalent diameter is defined as

    De~ = m (18)

    where A is the area open to flow. For the wellbore anrmlus, theequivalent diameter is

    % = m ()

    The plug diemeter ratio is


    cutting ~




    annular ,1,region - -



    plug region - ,,,,.!

    mixlure:1 .

    velociiy \profile


    Fig. 4- Mixture and cuttings velocity profiles in aHerschel BuMey fluid under laminar flow.

    Flow Conditions. The mixture veloci~ is


    where Qm is the volumetric flow rate of the mud and Q is thevolumetric flow rate of the cuttings which depends on the bit sizeend the penetration rate. In addition, the mixture velocity can becalculated from the average plug end anmdus velocities in theequivalent pipq namely,

    Umk = U*(1 q + Uplf (22)



    Cuttings Concentration. The feed concentration isdefmedasfollows:

    0 &(23)

    The average concentration, c, of cuttings in a short segment withlength, Az, and cross-sectional are+ ~ can ha calculated asfollows

    c =c.(1~)+cJ:. w)

    The cuttings concentrations in the plug and annular regions areassumed equal. This means that the suspended cuttings areuniformly distributedacroes the ereaopentoflow. Obviously, thishas a major impact, and it probably is a function of wellboregeometry, mud properties, cuttings properties, and operatingconditions. It could stand alone as a research topic. Thus, weobtain

    u =_.cu.(l c). . c-c.



    u. = U=(I ~) uq~ (26)

    is the average settling velocity in the axial direction. Thecomponents of the settling velocities (see appendiz) in the axialdirection are

    u= = Fl[c, R~, Uiz ] (27)


    SP = Fz[U~ ,32] (28)


    u: [ 11/2_ 4dg(QC @

    3QCD (29)



    u~ =4 dg(e. - Q)


    cosa, (30)~3

    dUQReP = w.


    3tys = dg(@c Q) (32)

    CDis the drag coefficient of a sphere, ~ is the yield stress of themud, end Vais the apparent visc6ii@ of the mud at a sheer rateresulting from the settling cutting.

    The value calculated using Equation (25) is the minimumacceptable mixture velocity requiredforacuttingsconcentration,c. Plgott recommended that the concentration of suspendedcuttings be a value less than five percent.l With this limit(C = 0.05),Equation (25) becomes

    u ==-mix 0.05- 0(33)

    where ~

  • . SPE 28306 R. K. CLARK* K. L. BICKHAM 7

    Foralltesta,theannular cuttingeconcentrationwasallowedto reach a steady state, cuttings injection wqs stopped, and thecuttinge were flushed out of the anmdue end weighed. From thecuttinge weight and density a volume percent concentration inthe annulus was calculated. This concentration could beconverted to a cuttings bed height knowing the cuttings bedporosity end the po~tion of the inner pipe.

    Critical Transport Prediction. Figure 5 shows the vieuallydetermined critical flow rate, described above, as a function ofhole angle foraxanthrmgumfluid with the properties listed withthe figure. The hole and pipe size, penetration rate, and cuttingssise ere also listed. The critical flow rates determined with thepipe concentric and with the pipe eccentric are both indicated.

    FlowRste (gpm) MudVelocily((pm)

    o~ A (b

    S30- 9



    o~# , I

    0 108?2040= ev702090WelboreAngle, deg

    Mud Xanthan Gum Dsnstiy: 8.3,ppgPv: 3.5 Cp PiPeDiet 2.2 in.YP: 8.0 IM1OOR2 Hole Dla .5.0 In.YZ 2.5 b/100it2 Cuffirsw 0.18 Io_,-ROP 50.0 fph

    Fig. 5 Critical transport comparison.

    The solid line represents the criticrd transport conditionpredicted by the cuttings transport model. The angle r~ge foreach mode of trensport, eettle, Iii, and roll, is indicated. Thepredicted criticaj transport flow rate is considerably lower thanthe visuellydetermined criticelflowrateat ee.chefthe fouranglestested. Thedifferencebetween prediction and experiment here isdue to the different criteria used to determine critical conditions.Thetramsport model prediction is effectively amininmmpreseuredrop condition. The experimental critical flow rate is based onvisual observation and is not amenable to analytical modeling.

    Sub-Critical Prediction. Figures 6 through 9 illustrate themodel prediction of the ahmdsr cuttings concentration in thexsnthan gum fluid for various hole angles, pipe positions, andcuttings sizes as a fimction of flow rate. The measured cuttingsconcentrations tweindicatedoneach figure. The data point atthehighest flow rate represents the vieually determined critical flowrate. The transport model critical flow rate occurs at the sharpbreak in the elope of the concentration versus flow rate curve,Examination of these figures chows good agreement between the

    measured data for the large cuttings (0.43-in.) and the modelpredictions. The quantitative egreement is not so good for thesmall cuttings, eithough qusditatively the chsnge in cuttings

    24z -23-

    a~ ,* - x Measur6d Concentric 0.42v Measured Eccentr?c 0.4S

    S 16 - Predkted 0.18 PFa&h3d 0.4s

    ~ 10-

    g -8-

    v4 -

    2 -

    0 6OW1M13374O1O31SO 2W2222402E02WFlow Rete (gpm)

    Fig. 6- Cuttings transport in a 5-in. flow loop at 30.

    40 Plpa Pmiticm ~~~&+ Measured concentric 0.18

    25 - V Measured Eccentric 0.18

    gm - x Measured Concentric 0.4sv Measur4 Ecmnt,b 0.43

    Predicled 0.18~ss -;

    Pmdided 0.42

    j - 0+

    P 5E~ !0-

    5 -

    w IDI 120 140 160 180 m 2ZU 240 =0 230FlowRate (gpm)

    IFig. 7 Cuttings transport in a 5-in. flow loop at 50

    Pipe PosSiOn s~#~+ Measured Concentric 0.1S0 Measured Eccen!ric 0.1sx Measured Concantrio 0.43v Me&sured Eccenlric MS


    01 \24 80 IL-Qla 144 100 !80 m :FlowRate (gpm)

    Fig. 8 Cuttings tronsport in a 5-in. flow loop at 70.



    40* PipePositbn CultrllSize (In

    + MeasuredConcentrk0.1835- 0 Measured Eccentk 0.i8

    g ~. - x Measured Concentrb 0.43v Measured E.xan!rb 0.43

    Predbtd 0.18

    [ 25 - Pred!!t& 0.43

    g 20 -0~ 15 -

    g ,00


    80 IW 120 140 180 130 240 220 240 =0 280FlowRate (gpm)

    Fig. 9- Cuttings transport in a 5-in. flow loop at 90.

    Figures 10 end 11 compexe model predictions with

    experirnenti data from tests on the 8-in. flow loop With anextended bentonite mud. Agein, the highest flowrate data weretaken to represent ~itical conditions. These are againconsiderably above the model prediction. The critical flow rateprediction in the 8-in. loop is certainly more in line with fieldexperience then that based on visual observation. Agreementbetween experimentendmodelpredictionis quitegoodforeach ofthe sixhole angles. Unfortunately insuflicientdatawere takenatthe lower hole anglee to eesese the model predictions fully.

    Inflow loop tests with water and other low-viscosity fluids,the model consistently underpredicted the annular cuttingsconcentrations at angles above 50. It appears that the fluidrheolo~ is given more importance in the transport model than iausually seen in high-angle flow loop experiments.6)8

    28- \, q+ 20. Mea%.s - \ 20 Pred.A 35.Mea,. 30. Pred.v 4W Mess.- - . 40- Pred.~ to


    30 -oil -

    4 -2 -


    o1WSM3W4WX.3 w07m8m

    Flow Rate (gpm)

    ig. 10- Cuttings transport at low angles in en 8-in. flow loop.


    gr2 -

    B~ 18-g; :~ 10-.s8-E

    2-0 1msN3m4cOs10 sm7c08co

    FlowRate (~m)

    Fig. 11- Cuttings transport at high englee in en 8-in. flow loop.


    The Wttings transport model, in its easy-to-use personalcomputer format, has been applied to many different drillingsituations. A number of these are discussed below.

    DrillingLarge-Dweter Holes in Deepwater Operations.Thefwst stringof pipe set duringdeepwater drillingoperetions isa.SO-in.or 36-in. structural pipejetted several hundred feet belowthe mud line. The first interval drilled end cased is for either20-in. or 26-in. caaing. This interval is usually drilled with

    eeawater end viscous sweeps with mud returns to the seafloor.The large hoIe sizesmdlow-viscosity drilling fluid (eeawater) willresult in abuildup ofcuttings in the structuraIpipe srmuluswhichcan, if the fracture gradient at the shoe of thestructorcd pipe islow

    enough, result in loss offluid. This loss is one of several causes forwhat iecalled shallow water flow, i.e., abreekthrough offluid tothe sea floor mound or away horn the structural pipe.

    The cuttings transport model was used to examine thisproblem end to identify corrective action. Table 1 lists thepredicted steady state cuttings concentration in the enmdus of a36-in. structural pipe (34.75-in. ID) es afimction of flow rate. Thepressureat thebaseofthe 200 ftlong, 36-in.pipegeneratedby thiscuttings-laden fluid is also given. If the pressure imposed by thecuttings-laden fluid exceeds the fracture pressure at the base ofthe 36-in pipe, fluid flow to the mud line may occur. For weak,shallow sediments in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico, the fracturegradient maybeequivelent to only 30 or 40 psioverhydrostaticor118 to 128 psi total.

    The two portions of thetable correepondta drillinga31%-in.hole at 50 Whr with seawater end the use of a viscous sweep(density = 8.9 lbm/gaI, plastic viscosity = 9 CP,yield point =

    40 lbf/100 ft2, yield stress = 15 lbf/100 ft2). The cuttings bulkdensity is 2.05 g/cm8 and the she ie 0.25-in. The drillpipe size is5-in. in thie example.


  • .SPE 28306 R. K. CLARK AND K. L. BICKHAM 9


    F1OW DrillwithSeawater DrillwithSweepRata(gPm) Cuttings Pres9ure cuttings Pressure

    Concentration at Shoe Concentration at Shoe(%) (psi) (%) (psi)

    750 51.0 134 21.8 llz

    1000 45.0 129 15.4 107

    1250 39.8 124 12.3 104

    1500 35.3 120 8.6 101

    1750 31.1 116 7.0 99

    2000 27.2 113 4.5 97

    Pipe jetted to 200 ft balow the mudline, drilling 31%-in. hole.

    The model provides guidance on drilling the 26-in. casinginterval such that SW1OWwater flow can be minimized. It isobvious from Table 1 that ahigh flow rata is essential, as areperiodic viscous sweeps, to keep the pressure at the base of thestructural pipe at a tolerable level. Drilling continuously with asweep would be succesefid, although the total volume of sweeprequired for drilling the 31%-in. interval may exceed the rigmixing capability.

    The cuttings concentration levels shown in Table 1 areessentially unch~ged for each of the two d@rent operationalprocedures in common practice in deep wate~ (1) drilling a pilothole to the 26-in. casing point and then opening to 31Ys-in. or(2) drilling a 31%-in. hole in one pass. The sane cuttings loadingwill eventually occur in the 36-in. ennulus whether or not a pilothole is drilled before the final hole size is reached. If the cuttingsfrom the pilot hole arecleaned out of the 36-in. snnulus, they willbuild up again asthe pilot hole is opened. Itis ilso interesting tonote that the cuttings loading is virtually independent ofpenetration rates that a-e typical of deepwater operations.

    If~Ything,the model may underpradict the magnitude of

    the cuttings btildup, se sugges~d by comparison with theexperimental data of Ali shown in Table 2.27 Alis data weregenerated by placinga 10-in. diameter washout, six feet in lengthin the verticrd 5-in. flow loop at the University of Tulsa ACarbopol solution was used as the drilling fluid.

    A similar amdysiscanalsobe-conducted to examine cuttingsbuildupinalsrge-diameterdri~ingrk~. Theneedforhighermudviscosity, viscous sweeps, end/or additional flow rate by boostingthe ricer can all be aasessed end operational practice set asnecessary. Monitoring the pressure at the base of the riser is awayof assessing how effective such practices are at keeping the riserclean.


    FlowRate Annular EquilibriumCuttings(gpm) Velocity Concentration(%)

    (ft/min)Experimental Predicted

    100 25.8 33.0 26.8

    125 32.3 24.9 21.5

    150 38.7 19.5 16.7

    Experimental data from M (Reference No.-27).

    Redevelopment Drilling. Redevelopment of axistiig fieldsoften involvae reentering an old well, cutting a window, andrhilling out to a newbottomhole location. Such wells czn havecompkx directional progrmns. This was the rase in a recentoffshore well in which awindow wascut inacurved conductor, thewell kicked to an angle of ovar 40, droppad to near-vertical, andthen turned sharply and eventually completed as a horizontalwefl. During drilling of the 12]/!-in. hole at an angle near 85,problems were axperiencad on strip out of the hole at ameseureddepthof 6710 ft (5700ft TVD). It tookexteneivebackresmingandcirculation to compIete the trip out of the hole successftily

    The output for en analysis of this situation by the cuttingstrsmsport model is shown in Table 3. The input parametersinclude themud type, the rheology model chosen, the penetrationrate, the mud flow rate, the mud properties (density, plasticviscosity,yield point, endyield stress), end the cuttings proparties

    (density diameter, bed porosity, and angle of repose). Themeasured depth, hole angle, hole size, and pipe size complete theinput data required for conducting the analysis. These data areincluded in the output es indicatad in Table 3. Note that 133/5-in.easing (12.347-in. ID)hadbean setat 3010 ftmeamu-eddepth, andthat 5-in. drill pipe end 180 ft of 8-in. drill collars were used.

    The results of the emdysis at each depth include thefollowing: the mud velocity in the open area above the cuttingsbed, the equivalent circrdating density (ECD), the mud pressure(circulatingwithoutcuttings andtotaIwithcuttinge), thecuttingsconcentration (in the circulating mud end total in the anmdus),the areaopen to flow,andtheheight of the cuttings bed. Figure 12depicts much of the same information but in a format that allowsthe location of cuttings accumulations in the wellbore to be morereadily identified.

    The asterisk in the fa right-hand column of Table 3indicates that the cuttings accumulations at this location me in amovingbed end will avakmche down the wellbore if the pumpsareturned off without first circulating them out of the well. Wherethere are no asterisks (depths from 6310 to 6525 ft), a stationsg.bed three to four inches in height is predictad.




    Well Cia.m.




    cam. FLowArecv. ma


    Drillpip Mud 12.5 ~g ROP 50.0 @h

    Pv 40.0 Cp Cko. Rate 620.0 ~mWellbore v!? 17.0 Ib/looitz Cuttisgs 0.25 in.

    VZ 6.0 lb/100f12

    Fig. 12- Cuttings analysis in a redevelopment well.

    Several pointa can be made flomthis analysis: (1) abuildup

    of cuttiige islikelv in two intervak (z) where the hole angle ia50or less, theseouttingsarein amovingbedandcen becirculatedoutof the well but will avalanche down the well if not circulated outfirs~ (3) cuttings canied in a moving bed contribute to the totalwellbore pressure (ECD); and (4) a stationary bed can exist atangles above 50 and up hole fkom the drill collars. Table 3 andFigure 12 show the situation as it occurred. The model inputperametera can be varied to see what action is most likely tocorrect the situation. Increasing the flow rate to 800 gal/reinshould be sufficient to remove cuttings effectively at angles lessthen 50, but a flow rate graatez then 1000 gal/rein would berequired to remove the stationary bedsat anglesgreaterthan50.

    Sincethemodelisastsady state solution, it cannotbeusedtodetermine the circulation time needed to remove cuttings whenthey are in a moving bed. The analysis implies that onebottoms-up time is not sufficient, but how muchlongerthan thisis needed to remove all cuttings is unknown. Cutfmgs in astationary bed cannot be removed by circulation alone unless themitical flowrate isexceeded. Suchbedscenoften beremovedonlyby mechanical action via pipe rotation and e.xiaImovement. Thework of Raei15indicates that a stationary bed can be tolwated ifthe cross-sectional areas of the bottomhole assembly and bit arelees then the area available for flow. For the exemple in Table 3,this ereais 66.8 in.2,68% of the open-hole annuhrareaat 6310 ft.

    Extended-Reach Drilling. The world record extended-reachwells drilled by Statoil in 19912s and 1992/9329have been walldocumented. considerable hole cleaning-related problems were

    experienced when drilling the 17Yz-in.interval on the C3 well in1991. Thisintervalwae drilled from5220 fttoaftidepthof9460ftfollowingonesidetrack. Theholeanglesrangedfrom 60 to71.Based on this experience, the 17yz-kI. interval on the nextextended-reach well, the C2, was planned and drilled with lower

    angles etartingfrom 5 andbuild@gto84. The drill pipeusedforboth wells was 66/8-in.

    The cuttinge transport model wee used to examine the17Y2-in.interval in these two wells. The model indicates that,

    while both moving and stationery cuttings beds were presentwhile drilling the 17%-kI. hole in each well, the extent of thestationary bed wee far Iesain the C2 well than in the C3. Theheights of the stationary beds are predictad to have been aboutequal in both wells, five to six inches depending on the hole angle,butthetotalvolome ofcuttingsinthestationarybed intheC3 wellwas over four timee the volume in the stetionmy bed in theC2 well. This reduced cuttings volume in the C2 well resulted inIesstimeepent backreamingat ahighrotary speed, shout theonlypractical way cuttings can be removed in a large, high-angle hole.Each welliapredicted to have contained about the samevolumeofcuttings in moving beds, outtinge which can be circulated out ofthe well given eufticient circulation time.

    The cuttings transport model predicts few hole cleaningproblems in the 12%-fi. end 8%-in. intervals in both wells, eventhough these interva.lsweredrilledatangles of80ormore. Whilesome problems were mentioned in the StatOilpapers, they werenot of the same magnitude se experienced in the 17Yz-in.interwd.One of the objectives of the well path used in the C2 well was toreduee torque end drag. The cuttings treneport model indicatesthat the@eof path eelectadforthe C2 wall iealsobentilcial froma hole cleaning standpoint. This has also been noted by Raei.15Thus, one of the uses of the cuttings transport model ie to designwell paths that yield the fewest hole cleaning problems, assumingthe path meets all of the other objectives as well.






    Acuttinge transport model has been presented whiohutilizesfluid mechanical relationships developed for the variousmodes of particle transpork aettling,lifting, and rolling. Eachtransport mechanism is dominant within a certain range ofwellbore smglee.Themodelpro~desameans ofanslyzingcuttings transportasa function of operating conditions (flow rate, penetrationrate), mud properties (denei@, rheology), well configuration(angle, hole size, pipe size), and cuttinge properties (densitysize, angle of repose, bed porosity).Model predictions zwein good agreement with experimentalcuttings transport datafor flowratesbelowcritical conditions.Predicted flow rates for cxitica.1transport, i.e., no bedformation, are lower then those determined visually in flowloop experiments.This versatile model. in ita PC format. has been used toexamine several situations where poorcuttinge trsnsporthadbean reeponsl%lefordrillingproblems. Themodelisuseful forassessing the problems caused, for identif~ng potentialsolutions, and for designing well paths for optimal holecleaning.


  • . SPE 28306 R.K. CLARKANDK. L. BICKHAM 11


    We would like to thank Shell Development Company forpermission to publish this work. We would also like to thankDr.J.J.Aser, Dc A Pil.ehvari,Don Richison, and the studentaaudassistants at the University of Tulsa who assisted with the flowloop experiments.


























    mea open to flow

    local cuttinge concentration

    local cuttings concentration outside the central core of amud with a yield stress

    cuttings feed concentration

    local cuttings concentration in the central core ofa mudwith a yield stress

    dreg coeflkient

    lift coefficient

    cutting diameter

    hydraulic diameter of the wellbore immdus

    equivalent diameteq see Equation (18)wellbore diameter

    hydraulic diameter, see Equation (16)

    drillpipe outside diameter

    diameter of the central coreof a mud @th a yield stress

    buoyancy force

    drag forcegravity forcelift forceplastic forcepressure force

    reactive force ,.consistency index -~

    moment arm for the buoyan~ and gravity forcesbehavior index -volumetric cuttings flow rate

    volumetric mud flow rate

    p~lcle Reynolds numberlocal veloci~ that would act at the cuttings center in theabsence of the cuttingaverege mixture velocity in the rweaopen to flow

    average settling velocity in the axial direction

    settling velocity in the area outside theplughamud witha yield stresssettling velocity in the plug-in a mud with a yield stresscoordinate normal to the flowing mudyield stress parameter, Equation (22)

    axial coordhate

    wellbore anglewall shcxwstress

    mud yield stressshear rate - -.

    Yp shear rate peet a spherer pressure gradient, see Equation (11)

    e reaction force action engle

    ~ plug diameter ratio

    Pp spparent viecosity of mud surrounding the cutting

    Q mud density

    Q. cutting material density

    @ angle of repose

    @b bed porosity


    CP x 1.0 * E-o3 = pfl*S

    ft X 3.048 * Eol = m

    fthr X 8.466667 E-05 = m/S

    fvmin X 5.08 * Eo3 = IdS

    gal(U.S)/min X6.309020 E-o5 = m8/s

    in. X2,54 * Eo2 = m

    in? X6,4516 * Eo4 = mz

    lb/100 ftz X4.788026 E-01 = Pa

    lbrn/geJ(U.S.) X 1.198264 E+02 = kg/m3

    lbf/in.2 (psi) X6.894757 E+03 = Pa

    * Conversion factor is exact.











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    150,.. .

  • ,

    SPE 28306 R. K. CLARKANDK, L, BICKHMI 13


    Plastic Force Acting in the Stagnfit Mud Beneath theCutting. Acuttingsittingonthe top surface ofacuttingsbedwill1ikelybepoeitionedinenintersticeofeeveralneighbonngcuttingeheld stationary by the bed. The circulating drilling mud, aroundthe upper portion of the cutting, will be liquid end flowing. Incontrast, thedrillingmudin theintereticebeneath thecuttingwillbe stagnant end pleeti~ assuming the mud has a yield strees,

    Slip-1ine field theory provides a method to calculate theresultant force, Fp required to Mt.acuttingfrom astagnent layerof drilling mud. However, several simplifying assumptions areneeded to make the calculation tractable. HWgivesamethodthatcan beusedto calculate themesn compressive preseureand shearstress acting on ayield surface based o.nslip-line theory.30 Sincethe forces are axieymmetric, the region of interest can be treatedueing a two-dimensional coordinate system. TheSpheres motionis assumed to be incipient. The result is

    F, =% -- -[Q + (n/2 ~)smz$ - eos@ sin~]. (A-1)

    Force Due To Pressure Gra&ent. The differential forceactimgin the z-direction due to a pressure gradient is

    dFAp = (Pl P2)~COS2 ~df3 (A-2)

    where the upstream and downstream pressure difference can beeapressed as

    PI -Pz = rd sin~. (A-3)

    PI is the upstreein pressure, PZis the downstream presswe, d iethe diameter of the sphere, 13isenenglemeaeured fromthex-axis,and Iis defined in Equation (11). The preesure force can be foundby integrating Equation(A-2) from Otcin/2. The result ie

    Fm = Ilcds/6 (A-4)

    SettlingVedocity CorrectiouFactcrs. Perry and Chiltongiveaprocedureforcrdculatingthehinderedsettlingeffect @q. 5-224,p. 5-64),s1 They present agraphical method (Fig. 5-82, p. 5-65) fordetermining the exponent, n in Equation (A-5), as a function ofRep Equations (A-6), (A-7), end (A-8) were chosen to fit theirs-shaped curve within 370error.

    u. = F,[c>R%, U:,] =_ UA (1 - C)n (A-5)

    wheren =. e0.0811y-1.19 (A-6)

    Sgn(x) y = (0.0001 + 0.865 1X1-9V3 - A-v

    and . . .,,x = -1.24 hl(ReP) 4.59. (&8)

    A correction for the settling velocity of the,en~elop: thateurro~de a cutting se~tling in: mud tith a yield stress cm beestimated se follows. The settling velocity of the particle andenvelope system can be found horn the continuity equatio~namely,

    . .


    = = U,(I- p)u (A-9)where ~ is the envelope-to-particle diameter ratio. Beris al SJ.3Zcompleted a ftita difference study end found that theenvelope-to-particle diameter ratio for material with differentyield stresses could be determined. The following is a curve fit oftheir resulti.

    g = y;o.47. (A-1O)

    After combining Equations (A-9) and (A-1O),the following resultis obtained

    u *. F2[U~ >Ys] = U$ (1 ww). (A-11}

    Herschel-Bulldey lZecosity Law. For ~pical muds, it is

    ~gued t~t the Herschel-Bulkb?y viscosity law is a eatiefactoryrepresentation. ZmnoraandBleier show experimentally that thisviscosity law represents the rheologicei nature of drilling fluideunder most steady flow conditione.33 The Herechel-Bulkleyviscoeity law is used to express the shear stress as follows:

    z = ~Y+ khyn (A-12)

    where ~ is the yield streee, kh is the consistency index,

    t= dtidr is the shear m~ (YsO), and n is the behavior index.(When T s ~ y = Oend the strtis are equal to zero. In otherwords, the plugs interior behaves es if it were an inelastic solidmoving at a velocity of UP)

    Lift and Drag Coefficient Models. Saffman developed anemdyticel model of the lateral forces acting on a sphere in auniform shear flow in a Newtonian fluid.w~35Saffinens theory is

    applied to tie ~ttinge trensportbyutinga%ynolds number thatis based on the apparent viscosity of the mud surrounding thecutting; namely,

    R% = QdU/~, (A-13)


    KB = ~Y/YP + %yp- l). (A-14)

    UMherretei. present amethodto celeulatetheaverage sheerrateof a power law fluid flowing past a sphere graphically, Thefollowing is a fit of their r.e801k3e

    p= %[+-351 A-15)where U is the velocity of the fluid relative to the particle. If theparticle is stationary, the velocity is the axial velocity ahove thecuttings bed at a point that would be occupied by the cuttingscenter if it were in place.

    E1Samnilg end Einstein and E1Sm@ls present resultsof the dynamic forces due to a flowing stream acting on rocksprotmding above a sediment bed. Their studies focused on aturbulent-water stremnflowing over abed of rocks. This end theSaffman models are combined as follows


  • .-



    CL= [ CLS=582[~~cLs2cm(A-1,)1 CL,E= 0.09 cL,~< cm



    Drag Coefficient. Clitl et rd. present the best models forcalculating the dreg coet%cient of spherical particle in aNewtonian fluid.37

    Wdlbore Geometry Model. Figure A-1 shows that the regionsof the wellbore cross section maybe iderWzedusing ammbinationof arcs, chords, andsegmentsofcircular m-eea.Moreover, it showsthat the regions may have different shapes depending on theposition of the chords defining the top end bottom surfaces of themoving zone and the top sun%ce of the stationmy bed. Theirshape depends on whether these top surfaces exist, and then, ifthey are below, touching, or above the drillpipe. The boundariesthat separate these regions are hI and hII.

    ~ moving cuttings zOnO -~ Ststionatyc.ttings bed

    1- !-- D,-- DhFig. A-1 Wellbore cross section with a cuttings bed.

    Relationships for the arc end chord lengths smd for thesegment ereaz can be found in any mathematical handbook (e.g.,Beyer38). The following mathematical anaIysis leads to a set ofrelationships based on the segment height, h, end on the circlediameter, d. The analysis stsxts with the following basicrelationships:



    B = l-~,

    arc length = d cos - l(B),

    chord length = d ~, end(A-18)

    segment area = ~[(arc length) - B(chord length)].

    Approximate Mixture Flow Model. The wellborecross-sectional areawhichisopen to flow ischaracterized asa tubeinstead of as an irregularly shaped channel. This decision wasmade primexily to keep the calculations manageable at theperzonaIcomputer level. The development ofamore physicallyaccurate flow model would be the basis of a maior researchprogikm. Further, a more physically accurab model should bepursued only after the approximate model is proved inadequate.The mud rheology is calculated using the Herschel-Bulkley

    viscosity law. For both the kaninar end turbulent flow cases, thevelocity profde end the pressure drop equations are required.

    The pressure grdlent is sum of three component; namely

    dp- 1 +*I. +%If A-)Zdza

    where z is the natursl coordinate in the direction tlom the wellbottom to its top. The first term on the right is called theaccelerational component it is negligible for this study The nexttwo terms m-ereferred toes the elevationdange and fictionalpressure-gradient terms, respectively.Practicallyspesking, atlowcirculation rates the frictional term is negligible compared withthe elevation term. However, some of the important resultsobtained when calculating the frictional pressure-gradient termm-e used to celcukate the cuttings concentration, namely, thevelocities, U, U@ end Up, end the plug diameter ratio, kP,for the

    case when the flow is leminer.Since no general enrdyticfd solution exists for a

    Herschel-Bulldey fluid flowingin en eccentric enmdus with thedrillpipe both rotating and trsnzlating axially and laterally the

    approximate fiictiond pressure gradient is calculated from acombination of methods. The combination accounts for both thecemplex cross-sectional geometry of the wellbore and the natureof the non-Newtonien fluid flowing in either a Iaminar orhubulent state. The methods are obteined from several sources,e.g., Benadict,3gDodge and Metzneq40>41Govier and Aziz,42andTorrance.g

    Although this approach is a practical one, it leads tosituations ofuncertainty. Forinstance, thearmularflowgeomeiryis treated as flow in a tube with a regidsr circular cross section.The tube diameters chosen differently depending on the purposeof the calculation. Ifit is desired to calculate the velocity profile,thed@neter is chosen toequsl the annulus equivalent diametar.On the other hand, it is equal to the hydraulic diameter if theptiposeis to predi% tie average shezwstreis actingon the wettedper~eter~ fiother words, to predict the pressure gradient.


    Table 3


    Mud Name Synthetic-BaseViscosity Law HerscheIBulkleyDrilling Rate (ft/hr) 50.0Mud Flow Rate (galhuin) 620.0Fluid Density (ibm/gal) 12.5Pv (Cp) 40.0YP (lbf/100 ftz) 17.0YZ (lbf/100 ftz) 6.0Cuttings Density (g/cm3) 2.30Cuttings Diameter (in.) 0.25Bed Porosity (%) 37.0Cuttings Angle of Repose (deg) 40.0

    Program Reeuke

    Survey Meas. Hole Hole Pipe Mud ECD Pressure cuttings Flow BedPoint Depth Ang. Diem. OD Vel. Circ. Total Circ. TotiJ lwea Ht.

    (ft) (deg) (ii.) (ii.) (fpm) (Ppg) (psi) (psi) % % % (in.)

    1 02 915

    3 1575

    4 1660

    5 2165

    6 2915

    7 30108 Soil

    9 3195

    10 3750

    11 4320

    12 4560

    13 4875

    14 525015 55543

    16 5700

    17 5865

    18 6010

    19 6105

    20 6245

    21 6275

    22 6310

    23 6360

    24 6435

    25 6525

    26 6526

    27 6610

    28 6709

    29 6710


































































































    0 08 606

    15 1002

    18 115822 1315

    31 1698

    32 175232 175234 1858

    40 2180

    46 2522

    48 2675

    51 2679

    54 312657 3325

    59 8423

    60 3525

    62 360863 3656

    65 3723

    65 373766 3753

    86 3774

    68 3801

    69 3830

    69 383171 3851

    73 3864

    73 3864








































































    *Cuttinge bed may avelanche when circulation stops if hole angle is less than 50 degrees.

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