a m remington's hat store s am iiheise...

, ( #Jfe%*iSZ~^?~„ THE TARIFF,—The Washington correspond- jcnfc of the. Journal of Conttnoroo soya—Tho Committee of Ways and Means of tho House have a great nuitiWr of methoi'UUs'before them on tho subject of U 'ihodiHc'ation of the 1'urilT, buthave no'ihtention of giving serious consider- 'ation to any project at this session, They will 'not report any bill on the subject at this session. Corporation Proceedings. Regular meeting, nlondny evening April 26, I8'52. Present: iho President, Messrs. J. ulimsori. J. M. Clar|;,atul C. IT. Wright. A petition'Wiw read fromW, 'Sherman ami fiveothurs, a minority of parsons'interested 'tiskitm that a street bo laid out in tho smith west part of 'the Village, described ns follows : " Bcgiiining^at a poihl 'in the south westerly margin of Massuv, street, \Vhero a sireetis laid out on the map of tno Village or.Water- town, made by John tWan in the summar pf I£151, and which as ihus'laid down on the map of said Village runs SiSO. E. across the lands of Hart iYfnss'ey to ihe westerly line of V. W. Hubbard's laiid, and that said street be 'continued on the same course forty feet wide, until it in* tercets Sherman streetatthe division line between Inntls of Wooster Sherman and the fate Oryille Huntierlbrd, and that said street be recorded ; and be called Hunger- ford Street. On motion, resolved that the prayer of the petitions be granted. Resolved that J. II. Dutton be appointed Assessor to fill n vacancy occasioned by the nun-acceptance of said of- fice hv A. J. Peek. Resolved that 0. H. Wright's account of $18,08 be au- dited and passed to his credit as overwork. Resolved ihat the resolutiim passed April 12, 1852, voting $10 a year to each pap^r in the Village for pub- lishing tho proceedings of the Board he rescinded so far 'as it may concern the Jeflrsrsonian & Reformer. On motion the Jiuard adjourned to Friday evening^ 'next, A. C. BEACH, Clerk. -THE MAHKBTS, Kcw York, May 1. FLOUR—There is no change to notice in our rarrket for 'western and Plate flour, but there U so much buoyancv "for the low grades of western, (''uiindinn firm: stuck' 'ino'derate; sales 1591) brls at $1 IS a 8-135. Sales do- mestic 6 U)0 brU at $350 a S3 75 for sour. Ohio, Si 25 a $1 6*2 for Michigan ami Indiana. GitAis—Wheat, is betier. There is more Canadian offering, and for tlm there U good shipping inquiry. Com i«inbi)tter demand for export, Oats firni; Jersey 30 a 37c. Rye less firm and dull at7Ra7Clc. Barley heavy. WIUSKKV,—The market ts rather moderate ; sales 200 brlsat 20c for Ohio and 2 l o for prison. ' PROVISIONS—Holders of pork are firm. <• T h e demand is not active, sales 5 , )0brls at SIG75n S1G 87. Ui-ef aalwfl 1000 brls. at S9 50 a S13 for mess. Bacon scarce ; sales 50,000 lbs wesiern middles, rib in, at £?. Cut meats senn-eand holders firm. Lard light, sales 800 brls. and tierces at 10 a 10}u. Butler more plenty, sales Ohio at 18a'2'2e. state 23 a 37c. Cheese in demand at 71 a 8*r. Among the inventions of modern saiciico, few confer a greater benefit on the community than tlint contribution of Chemistry to the healing art, known ns Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral. In our advertising columns may bo found the evi- dence of distinguished gentlemen, tlint eh owe their eonli- deuce in its peculiar efllcncy to cure distempers of the Thronta nnd Lungs. 31ml [From the Albany Morning Express,} Wo hnvo seldom heard nny thing so highly spoken of in his city ns tho Mountain Indian Liniment. " FAITH WITHOUT WORKS 13 DEAD." Faith In the efficacy of the MOUNTAIN LINIMENT, first in- duces those afflicted to try it. Faith is no longer nceessitry, n3 all who have used it admit Its potent power and spread tta fame. Tho only thing now requisite to guarantee a cure la *' WORKS 1" Apply thif reinady (with a strong arm; nnd , you are well. T. II. CAMP &. CO , Solo Agent. 3lml Important, Racy, A ND JllOir.—HOUR & TREAT, having boon, appointed , sole agents lor selling u very superior article of India Rubber "ooda in groat varietyrare prepared to wholesale or retail at lower priuca than were ever offered before Top of the Tree Clothing Store. No grovelling things nbdvo ground. KuMruad Stock want- ed. Downfall in Carpets N OWIS.YOUlt.TIME.—^.cahtlihl Kxtfa Fine nil wool Carpcfa.'lroin the celebrated factory „, H, S. Iligqjlns & Ob.,.,tbi l '4s. por yard, Tufted Itnga, Mate, Binding &e.&o. Ctfl nnd'oxiiffliuo. P.M. WKVEH. 3,1 .. No. 7, Ooitrt-et. In grains, y of A. & OiAHK & WIG-GINS, LIVE AND LET LIVE "CLOTHING -SORE. No. 4, Oii,nv>. Sti-cor. OPPOSITE THE AMERICAN, WATRnTOWN, N. V. C LGTIIS, Ves.tings, Collars, 'Suapendors, Cuasimcres, Trimmings. Cravats, Shifts, and furnishing eoods ceh- cmlly. The popular trade. Tho rapidly increasing demand for CLOTHING manufac- tured at this Establishment, has induced the proprietors to make more extensive nrrangem6nts for the Spi ing and Sum- mer trade than they have heretofore dolie. During the past winter they have kept employed n 'large nuiiiber of the best worJcmen; consequently they rire'hoV prepared to exhibit a stoclc of Clothing, every Way superior to nny stock ever kept in this vicinity. Having perfected arrangements with the manufacturers at the East, they are enabled to oilertheir customers Ctothsntid Cassimeres of evei'y stylo as soon as the sample cards are exhibited'lit any city. They will, as hereto tore, bo the flm to adopt the most desirable styles ; nnd their Custom Department will always bo under the su- per ntendenceof Cutteis, competent and willing to give sat- isfaction. The laws of Etiquottn arc daily commanding more atten- tion hi this country, nnd every one dearies, hi the first place, to wear the appearance of n gentleman. Tho lir t step to- wards this desirable end, ia to go and get a complete out-fit of fashionable garments from tho celebrated IJIVB AM) Li2VraVJ3 OliOTIIING STORE, where you will find n Stock comprising over 10,000 GAR- MENTS of every conceivable etyle. Also, a larger assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres^ Veslings, Furnishing"Goods, hidiallubbtr and Oil Cloth Clothing, fa fa, than wus ever exhibibtcd in this section, 34yl ULAltKfc WIGGINS. 18 Sc^hoolTl^ibraiy Books. 52. r p H E Fallot'Poland, by E S. Suxton,2 vols, with Plates, J. American Heroes, 1 vol. Noble Deeds of American Women, 1 vol. Italy, Past and Present, by Mur'etti, 2 vols. Life on the Sea, by Rev, W. Oulton, 1 vol. Aiitiquiti es of New York nnd the Weet. Battle Summer, or Ihe Revolution of '18. Naval Life, by Lieut l.hu-h, 1 vol. Captains of the Old World. 1 vol. Intpetiid Guard—Ileadley. 1 vol. Uedley's Miscellanies, I vol. Old Guard of Nupulcun—Ileadley, I vol. llomt! auil Haunt.- of the L'octs—Howctt, 2 vols". lUiiatratfd Ut^tury ot tlin llevolutton ot 1770. American Fluid lfoott of the Revolution. Kobio Deeds and lirillmnt Ex[)loits. Lady Wortley's Trave s in the United States, riir John Franklin and the Artie Expedition. Men nnd Women of the 18th Century, 2 vols. Kossuth and his CicnertiK 1 vol. Popular Delusions, 2 vols. Queen's of England, G vol'3. Women of Chi^tianity, 1 vol. ., Putnam's Cyclopedia, Chambers Papers for the People, "Chambers Miscellany, Irviug's Worlw, 'Goldsmith's, Web- sters, and all tho New I'ubiiemions Of Putnam, Applcton, Harper^, Ticknor & Co., and all other leading Publicationa hi the United States, kept constantly ou hand. Our pricea nro below competition. Trustees of richoola, and alt others, are invited to examine our ±>tock, May, 1U52 ' STERLING &IUPBELL. More Evidence in favor of^thc Oxygenated Bitters. FrOm Hon. Geo. W. Jones, Surveyor General of Iowa. Surveyor General's Ollieo, Dubuque, Iowa, Sept. IS, IB 10. Dr. Geo. B. Green, Windsor, Vt. Dear Doctor;~I intended, beiorc leaving Washington City, last spring, to my to you in black und white, aa I have fre- quently done viva voce, how highly I esteemed your " (Jxy- gennted Bitters," nnd that I have no doubt hut thoy will net ns a certain, speedy, nnd agreeable cure of Dyspepsia, in any case, it matters not lmw obstinate. Ymir Hitters acted na a charm with my friends, Hon. A. C.Dodge, M, L. Martin, IP D. Foster, and others, as they did w-th myself. Your obedient servant, GEO.AV. JONES. nEED, HATES, & AUSTIN, Wholesale Druggists, No. 2fi Mcrchnnts* Row, Huston, Gi-nurttl Agcnta. Price Sl,0l) per bottle. Six. Buttles fur S.\uu. ^ ^ Hundreds of our cittzeiH complain of debility and angaor of the system, d-uvm-jO'mmt nf t!io Vvn nnd st>im. nch, want of appetite, Sic.; they are frequently the result nf too close application, and a thousand other causes we cimitMt hero immc j but wo would soy to all so nfll.cteJ, do an ne have done—get a liutilu or two of Dr. IhioHimd'a G.-rmm Bittcw, prepared by Dr. Jrtefcsun, nnd, onr wiird for It, y..n will be cured. We recommend this medicine, knowing from experience that It is much superior to the generality ol pa- tent medicines. Wo would any to onr renders, purchase fcouu unless preparedliy Dr. C. M. Jnckaun, Phil.uU'lphln. 2yr A R RIED. On the 20th vlt, hy the Rev. F. II PtinU.li, Mr. Oconnc W.SEVMOI'H. ot I yme. llnti-n C<i, Oh.n, to Miw Ciun- LOTTK l-„ HOTCIIKJ.V, dang .ter of Mr. J. B. Hotch;.in, ul this village. {\ benutitul brldnllonrnccompanteil this notice, for which we tender the fair dunor many thanks.) Atltristol, Conn,, on tho 331 tn-t, by tho Rev. Wm. Good rich, the Hon CIIAULCS E CLARKG, ot Great I!*-nd, .t.-flci. eon Co,, N. Y,, to Mn, HANNAH S. li.UL3i.-Y, of tho former phi ce In this village, on the lstm*t., hy Rev. Mr. Pnyder, Mr. J.T.rfoi'TitwouTi!,tu.Mrs.A.v.vL. Wool),allot WutiTtown. M CMlTNN'rfJ^LIXER OPIUM.—A new i.repun.tieii of Opium, at _ _ N.M. SMiril'rf- f pRU-SSKS, tHJPpnhtBUa AND SHOULDnU BRACE?. X Marsh's improved Unices Tru^s a a I Hnjipnrtrrs. IlhtVn iinprov. il nrneec, Trafs and t-'uppurters. A lnrj-c nttort- ment Ju«st received t,tNo. It, t-ntlord llleck. Lubin's Perfmneri'es. V) INK, Sweet \\ illiam. llnwtln»m, fi.ndle Wood. Uritn, X Hpnuir t lowers, DcCarohne, SLC.&C, a now supply al No. y. riutfitr I Block. " Waturtown, May &1,1952. rjUVINTf^tfcniieTGililiiKr, India, Linen nnd Cotton Twine, X tit No. It, Watford llloth._ I ?BUIT.—LemoiiV'^'nonds.Fi^a, nnislns, Currnnts, Clt- ? ron, Ac, just received. Also, Piet-envd Ghnrer atid "Gunvn lolly, very nice rind 1rcsh, atNo. H, Siilluivl Block. _ S "ODT7\NTTLEatON BISCUIT—A fresh "supply just re- ___ ceived at ^ SMlTllV. S TB WARTS SYRUP.—A fine quality, nt~No. 3, Sirilbrd Mock. _ C OMBS.—-Ivorv nnd Bufi\.lp Hrr?sing, Horn and "i'ocitct Combs, a n e w supply at No. 3, Satlunl Block, ^ B ltUSUES.—Pnintnitd Vnrnisli llrufhrs, assorted sizes, (induing Tools, iiflfh Tools, Horse White Wnsb, Floor, 3Int, UidriTwth smd Nail Brushcain great varictyvft new supply at No. 3, St.Uuid Block. B KKMUDA ARROW ROOT~Ncw crop nt SMITH'S Drug Store. M IXED IMCKLES^MExcdPu^leT/Caliliflnwr^rn^eTs, &e.,nn.nv supply at N. M. SMITH'S. May 3,1832. No a.^utlord Bluck. _ S " OAP.—White Almond, Honey do. Vnringntcd do. with ft grout variety of other Cnr and Cuke Solips. N. M. SMITH. DH. E. ANDREWS, ECIiSSTIO PH7SICIAN, Can be consulted a* follow-': At his Syracuse Oflice, -11 Fayi-tto-st. AtWuteftown, Globe Uutol, May 18. Oxbow, IIutiEo ot John HemlH, May 21. do do Horry limit, May, 20. Cnrthage, do Jaima Tlmmpi-uu, May 23d. Having concentrated all his energy and ttndy to Ida Med- ical Proies-iiun. he has tiathund fro'm nil theories and sya- temp, medicines, nut puisona, but such as act in harmony with tho vital lorces. CoiiHuioun of the dilatcrious eil'ccts ot nicrcurienl prciin rat ions, he oldifjntcs hiiitself to heal the di-j. eared witlmut It-* aid. Jhiviiig (not only a weight of oxpe- riener) hut remedads to fulfil every indication. Those buf- fering eoniplleiiud or local diseases, by strict adherence to Ids- prescriptions may rcnsonubly expect a speedy convulus- cenco. N. B. Those who, liy indispensible nvocntions, cannot enn- suit him personally, may by a written statement of their case, <Uiu usual lee included.) he benefitted—many having been entirely cured in this way, A personal examination is, however, always preferred. f^"Address It tters to Syracuse, Onondaga Co., N Y. Vi,-it-« continued every lour or five weeks, of which no- tice will bo given. 27 GRAJKTD E N T R A N C E OF THE ASIATIC CARAVAN, MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE OP 1*. T . HAUNtr.U. ISeinsrthfl hrgest exhibition la the world and double tlm aizeoi nil the other travelling mwtiiigeites lu the U. 3. put tug'-ther. A T1SA9X O F TKN H L K P I T A N T S will draw the (JUI'.AT CAR UK JUUtiKRNAUT. A YOUNG CMAt niF-PinNT, only *\x mrmtli!* i*ld mul rp ^ lert in U* t^lit will carry upon hi* hf rk nruimil tie- iiiti-rinr id thf e.do- * d p-iviHi>n the Ld- lipuii-nth-ii'-rdToM TUtTMII Th- nu.jinlic*ut vmv#* eMn.tii-esllOHuItSKri, and Jut MLN I TU* piivili.-u ot **xhiliitlf»nuilltitTui<;iii(.tl«itt*L\i»Hl»it»-eIatun at UIKP. All tin* line>t Willi jiiimwlwmi'r eslidHt- d in tliH t'jimti-y aie nmv ultwehtd t& thl« exhiintiou, hi-in^ --fir. ted ut nuiiteiiic VQ** fr'-m the ndti.tr e-r.ihMimenr* North and t'uuth. MX BKAVTUfJL LIONS! fresh from thrir nutivr lure -T«. A liPRMI^r.BUI-L, trr.m theM„n.lt.f (\-\l u, unr*hii<t >I there hy tho Pnq;:m n*itivpj», anil rer ntlv t .Ut-sifutin theiriJnl.itmus temple-— Tin* i l n i w i-l eh ph'Vt t*.«t wetiiipniiidiit ihe jun^h'snt Cell- iriilCcvlm. hy M'.Ti-Sr-ih una J>itt> .irlit'.i. Nmtef, a.' ei.mpaideJliy li.n u..live-, i-Iter a pmuiit vi tf*ree weik-i uml t.i.fi tli\*intl»-' iiM'jI.c, Thev were linai'y iiitn»p''-l i,ui -mirnf utitKlMrt ,(Ht IM»i\N*lWAI\t.i ciimmoiis ihiM.-u-tmmiinl i^nll.-'in -tr.lii.ih, wl.ni' tlit* tL|«f'Hits wer»«*»hJued, Til. I 'Mil r.l-jhjiit unnnipanies it* dun, an v u« wtMin-d i u ita p.i'si'.-e lnan liuii.i. A NATIVC (T.YLfiN t'HlKF, liil.ilr.'iin Ki th- \viM nnd w-inlpnnji tn't.* f»r Kniliii whn-- I. I-.M t >n«li»lnra an- vivi-lly ift st i-Le.l hy Itn^i no Sue in ihe Wi.ii.ti nnj Jt w, necoinpuntcs the el- ephmiN. A mi^nifieent nrt«-s Bnnd will iley during the eshibiLon, nnd accompuny thu Trtumphnl Proct ssixin. m Remington's HAT STORE in r\N Paints, Oils, &c. T UST received at N.M. SMITH'S Drug, Paint, and firo- »-' eery Store, No. 3, Snfiimi Dlock, I.lnsced Oil, Boiled nnd Raw, White Lend, Pure, Extra and No. 1, (fround iu Oil, White Lend, Pun*, Extra nnd No. 1, Dry in Oil, Ohio Paint, (assorted) Ash, Drab anil Ciioclate Colors, Her- 13 ON FAIRBANKS 1 OOB.N&R. M OLESKIN, Beaver, Kossuth, Pnnuinu and .Straw Hats of the latent stylos. Gaps ol* every variety lor men and Boys, and every thing usually kept in a Tint Store, may be found at this establishment;, and will bo sold 23 per cent less than the ueurd rales. Remington keeps Hals of the finest material, and has such a variety of styles, that, pur- chasers can have a becoming as well nan durable Hat, and nt a price that cannot fail to give aatial'aliou. Terms cash in- variably! Watertown, April, 18S3._ 33'yl A Word From O. 8c J. MARSHALL TO THEIR FRIENDS. O NE YJSAR.ngu we commenced business in this place, mid having figured up for the past your, and laid our pinna for the future, it is but fair that you should know what we have done, and what we intend to do. We have thus far met'with unprecedented success—hnye sold more goods than any other shop hi town, without exeeption,atid thousands can testify that we hnve furnished them'BETTER GO 0153, and at CHEAPER RAVES, than they could obtain any where else. The secret of our success rests lntho fact that we have fulfilled our engagements, and furnished, ns we promised'to do, as mnny goods.for S3.50 as you had formerly paid S5 for. This was ti.outdiutt the time a stretcher, and it is true that it cilts down the'prolits, 'and if our busbies* was aa limited as others we could uot afford it; but by selling so many goods and receiving a Hide profit on the whole, we are better off in the end, and ol course our customers are better satisfied. Our great success the past year, has encouraged us to lay still larger plana for the luturo ; but in all our arrangements we shall never abandon tho principle or practice of $5 for S3,50. Wo are aware that this is a great eye-sore to some, but it works well and we shall hold on lo ic. rfu much for the past. The future looks bright. Wo have just opened a magnificent stock of DRY GOODS, which in richiiGSf, beauty of etyle. and qunlity, far surpas- ses any thing of the kind over attempted in ibis part of tho State. It would fill a Newspaper to enumerate everything ot which our splendid stock is composed, and we can ouly mentinu a few lending articles : Dress Roods, Bonnets. Parasols, Ribbons, Millinery Goods, Needle-Worked Goods, Carpets Oil Cloths, Domestic Coods, liroadcloths, Cas-imeres, Bleached. Goods, Shawls, and a full assortment of White Goods. The'e Uoods are all fresh, rich and cheap. Call and ex- amine them, aridyou will be satisfied that " these things are ." 'Terms CiKih—Trimmings thrown in. C.&J. MARSHALL. Watertown, April, 1S02. 33 fro. 7, Court Street, W OULD respectfully announce to his friends nnd the public in general, that he has taken the ahove Store, which he has fitted up in the most SUPERH sSTi'LE ; that he has just KKUJM VKD a hu-irer and better stock of DltY_ GOODS than was ever holnre offered in Northern New York—that his motto will bo Quick SIIICH nnd Simtii l'rofitH. These goods have been bought for Cash, at the present extreme low rates at. which they are now being sacrificed in New York and llo.stoi.. thus enabling him to sell full 10 Per Cent lower than can hn bomrht at any other establishment, with-, out exception. No pniii3 or expense shall be spared to ren- der this establishment tho most deainihle place for LADIL.S to make thHr purchase*, inni where tlley may at all times dfpend on finding the very bc-c OF (iOODH, at the very LOWEST PRICK, and th'itt his motto ofQuick Sales and Small Profits, ehull be mo.-t strictly adhered to—Spring style OF SILK AND FANCY GOODS ot" evt'ry di-cHiillou, embracing the newest and Intent hibrlcs in DRr.dS UUODS.MIAWLS. &e, &c. PRINTED CALICOES, An endloas variety of patterns from the rk-hewt to the more modest nn I simple styles. Ilia stock of DOMESTIC COODd H IHIW romplete. and ia intruded at all times to Include eve- ry article in that line, which will he sold nt tiie very LOW* KrAT f'RACTlUN whivlt euch goods cau be bought North ul Albany. WHITE GOODS. Plain Cambric, JneuiHtts, Swiff?, UMiop Lawn, Book Mus- lin check and bured, L'lpj.et spotted and dotted Sw ias. Can- tun Mie>lin, Lndies, Children and Gents, Linen, Sdk and Cumuric ILiuditerchiutx, LACES. Cotton and Thread Edgings of all widths nnd description— IU>ek, White and Colored tfillt Edgings and Luces, Plum iind figured Nett«, A;e., {<:'. EMBROIDERIES. Linen nnd Jaroiiett Ed^iti^, Iiiserting,Colhirs,CulTs,Sleovcs, Ckbiiiezetto. Aie, I.net-1 idl V.-jlo, LuJInrs Mr-eves, &,c, &.C. DRESS TRIMMINGS. Hr-wing ?llk fringes, every width, culnr nnd quality, Braid, Gimps Curds. Buttons ut all t-tyles, TufiUtu and tintiu Rib- bun crimped, &u. t S-c, HOSIERY. Childrens' Brown, White, Bhu-k, Mixed and Striped, Ladies, Black, Brown, White and ribbed Silk, Cotton und Cashmere, Eighth «nd German nt every quality. GLOVES. Lndiesnnd Genls Cuttun. Lisle Thread, Pilkand Kid of every iiilur. Ladies Lou'lb-h 1 illet and Pn-nch Sewing .Silk, and Gluves ul all qnuUt>i*. Every htyle, quality and vuricty ut Kid, the largest block in town, Ac, A.e, die. HIS STOCK will f^t all times he kept up m.d K-pUiii-hed hy additions of thi.- HIM 11 AS1I1UN AIU.I-, as ««"-n i>s tin j uiviutrodactd to Lit*«rirk*t, Ri:Mi..im.i. IHB.NAMS. r. M.WEVEU. Nu 7, ('• mrt Street, (IVeV's Block.) oppo.-tto the AtnencH. W . i t ^ t i . u n . Ai»nU'-'. !•-:>.*. :i.fyl. ETo SumbugaboutFrankM. "Wever's H AVINt! tlif ulfx s* let tt'il Hock ut DRY (iOtlliH in \\..t'itMivn, His sup'iinr t.i-te is '•wh. th.it tie* Uct tl at a liUE-'H w.is ptireh ^fl at WhVlilt'.H i* n HutlU-i'lit pm*r..m t. thatttiaRfUH 1*1 l»itti*r t itl h. c..H nn hhnl.et.jrtf Uuywi. N-«. 7, C»-urt Mrct-t, Pcth's l«iAk. \vt |t, rt-,wn, Api'4»i.*s It --'. li-lyt. To tlie Ladies. r » i r I I Itmcitile lm-nt S.lut. phmt iind, hun^e.d.Je d i ,\<hh\ t, nnd slnp.« d", h'i^h > am de ClMUf. Mirk dr->- -lu Mi m-*, t.v'i-ti.tr with .' ih^ ..Uu-r UPW >iv!.-t ot neb t'l(l>rr fJUU£*.*S'-'U*»w<-rpr;i' ^rlKintaii lie tueudjit. iivnther-ti.r' No. 1" M. WLVTR. , Peak's Wei li. Mil. r.T. BARNUM, Proprietor of the N<w-York and I'lilln. di Iphm Museums. 1ms the ht.nur to mim.univ that, eiicmir- a;nl Itv the hrhhit.ut siK-cifrf which hieiutteilded IiN enter- iinseiibrmiiin^JI NNY LI Nil before the American Pt opte, he has hi en led to term ihe pivj.-et uEorganizing a viiht trav- tlhttiz MUSEITM OF WONT>ERSl Which conipri"efi n ii*eatrr\aviety ut mtniethms nnd more estmordmarv mivtlticH, than any travelling extu'.iti..n in the wi-rhl. iuwry ie.ainvof t' is miimmuth crf.d.hshmeiit i-* o! a prfidiiiriindhiterr-litu imtiirp, nnd thewh.de ia pro- duccvtiipe.ua jJ-iiiiit c ftidc of meii'tt'tdc*. T'"* rr«vt|iiug par-iphern dm ul the Amencau,MuM uni, as It enters each town, ispi.-ceedeil hy il«; yiiweims CAU OK .lUiiCLRNAXTT, drawn hy Ten Kleph.iiitssupe'ridy companioned, lirin? an nceur-te. mmlelot lh.it terrude en^me ot idolu'trtma s;«-n- ii.-c, timshed auddeeu'iitul in . 11 the extravit^uuee of the innih'tjs'yb*. t'i'Uvwiu/ iM- uiMuster vehitKl-uhmspro- ee?siun nl eoftly CiiL-'saiid carriages, tiie whiile tornmi^ a epni tat-It* of moie thai Orhnbd t-ph ndor. The exhihitam will take place withm a maguific ut Vnricpnted I'livili.tii, conrp».fted id Anienci.n Flst^a of water pruU' L'brie. The real, genuine, original " (TKN. TOM THUMB is attached to this exhibition, am! will oppenr in all his pcr- lorunatce-* as tiveii before thepriucipal crowned h. ads of Kui-tipe, ineluilmfr Songs,Dances, Grecian Statutes, and Ids admir- d persuiaiiifI«R rd Nnpol«-oii mid Frederick tho Great. kirncr County Pmnt, assorted cc lors, Oneida County I'liiut, t '-.'"f litUu'«euur«li«« ninet-eu years t.f nap, weighs wily lit- assorted colors. Zinc White, nt Manufacturers prices. AIKO ! tf,( -" l"'""^. »' ld •« *J U * twxniy-eiglit inches high. Also en- n full assortment of Drugs, Medicines, (Slabs Ware, Griter- ics, %\e. Watertown, Mny, 1852. LIVERY STABLE! C. SCRIFTITRE,| At tip' Gioho Hotel, kccp3 good Iloraos nnd Carriages to let on reasonable terms. A new Baroucho with n fino^Tcnui, at the disposal of his customers. Ehquiro ut the oflico or at the Bflrof the Globe. \Vntertown, Mny 3, 1832. 3-!yl Dfy^Goods aiidiriUincry for Cashi Mr. & Mrs. Welch, COURT STRKET, WATERTOWN. M R & MRS. W. hnve just opened a heavy Stock of Dry Goods and Millinery, whii-h hnvchcen selected with grcnt^aro for the Sprimr and Summer seasons, and withrmt wishing to mislead by strong statements, would say they Intend pursuing their uniform practice oi rtoih"? their very bast for their friends nnd customers, nnd would add that hi Dry Goods and Millinery, they can and will sell at such pri- ces ns shall meet competition. Country Mcrchnnts and Milliners, can purchase goods nt the above Establishment at New York iniccs. Mourning Bonnets kept constantly on hand. Straw Bonnets altered at tho shortest notice, Wedding Head Dresses nnd Bonhots al* ways in readiness. The largest assortment of Dress Cnps, from 23 toGs. Mny 3,1832. 3-iyl J852, Spring aM Summer Trade 1852. DRY GOODS &C. W. AV. & I. IV. DERRICK, W HOLESALE and retail dealers in Foreign, Domestic, Staple nnd Fancy Dry Goods ; Window Shades, Pa* £er Hangings, Floor Oil Cloths ; Family Groceries, Fish, Flour, Nails; &.c. &c, No. l,Xron Block, WntcrtoiTii, Have now in store, nnd wilt receive every week during thesoMHon, the nowcstnnd latest stylos of Rich Goods.pur- chnscd expressly for this market, ineludih"' Rich Black, Chnngenble and oth. r press Silk! r b fa MR. NELUS. the man without arm?, -who will execute, his rntrnordin:iry Teat e of loud.ng and iirinjr a pistol with his toes; cuttinii profile ltkcnee^t > s ; s-houtlng nt a mark with bow and arrow; pliiyiug upon the Accordion and Vioiuu-ello, &c. Mr. Nel- lis, "in tiiej-e perform am-es, exhibits a wonderlnl example of what indomitable eiler-ry nnd hidn-t*-y cnu acctunplit-h, even when hiboriiiiT undur disa .Vdiitages apparently thu most in- surmoimbililo A complete menngerie of Living Animals is also included in the American MuscAtiu, and at a convenient period du- rihjr ihe exhibition, MR PIERCE will enter the Dens of the wild Beasts, nnd give hisclnssicnl Illustrations of Herculous strugaliug with the Numidian Li- on ; Daniel ia the Lions Deu ;~S.aupson destroying the Li- on &.C. One of the most interesting portions of the exhibition is formed by the display of n great collection of WAX STATUARY, including figures of the size of Life, of id] the Presidents of the United Shites, and al-u ul a great number of noted char actcrs, American and Foreign, nil of which Hre accurate likenesses, and appropriately costunied. In fact, the whole bstablishmehti? a vast reporitnry of WONDFRFUL UB.IKCTS UF NATURE AND ART. The full particulars of which it would be impossible to give within the limits of a newspaper advertisement, mid which hnve been brought together at an enormous expenditure nf menns, lot whig thu largest nnd most novel travelling exhi- bition in this or any otlfer country. A fine military band will | crform the hioft populntairs of tho any, ns the procession enters town, and also during the hour.-of exhibition. The American Museum and Menace- rie will exhibit at WATERTOWN, on Monday, May 17th, 1S52. Admission 55cents, children under 0, hnlf price. To the w ole of this Immense ICstnbhshlnent, inuludinc Gen TOM THUMB, the entire collection of WILD ANIMALS, WAX STATUARY, MR. PIERCE'S PERFORMANCES, in tho Dens.THE RAUY ELEPHANT, &c.&c. aminoextrachnrgc, under any pretence whatever, let the reports be what they mny. Doors open froiutfe to 4M\ mitt from 7 to 0 o'cltH'ki'.nii Wetcr';awit, Apr.l iM 1 , l^l "We Defy Competition I N FfiUngfUr.-M tluod*,Sli'twU, Ititiuiet',I'rints.flinshams and Liumcktiift. t»«dl mid e&iuuta. Suv.- ymir m per rmt. F M WLVLlt. Nt» 7, Court Slrerr, (P. ck'« Blnck.) oppu.-itc tl«> American. Wut. ituvtu, Apul i", Ir'iJ. a^yl. To tlie Public. - •t^'flYNittliri. iHidc^HulCuilint WKVHR'Sl Simply >V I..-.-.UM" he «,.R, (VMIIJ CHEAP, Miikccpi aTRE Ml.NrHiU- ASMJKT.ML.NT. Nt..7, (LMIIII Stn.t. il*.'i.'i Bl.«tk,) oppr<*It*> the American. Wi.teit.mit.Al-ld^-', trV> it-ljl. White Groods, Laces, Ribbons, E nPLUlP4:i;II>-. Dn-s Tnmuiinj^. &>.; Ae. A dm- pht<; .Hid eiitm !y n-w Pt-cl.,. uitipri"!!'.* e n r y ipiti3*tv aiifl ih .-•.lipti.m ot the i.hu\c goods just rercivrd. and 1MV tdeby I-.M. WKYLR. W.itertnwn. Apid .^, I-".! 5fr». 1, Cmtrt Street iTitriii >>1.V/ .i.\v"in CiC ANALYTICAL PHYSICIAN. can be cuUtuItrd at his oflii e?, ni follows: Wiitertawn.Aincric.tn Hotel, Tanrsd.y and Friday tBc 27 and •-•* if May Admns 1'niiiei ..y's IIr-t» 1, the 25th and £G ot Jhty. (".unit. ti. McCiiiien's IL.tel, tin 1 a4th nf do. ItMine, Stamvix Ihdl, the MiM and *£1MI d.i. I*lii a. Haug's Ih.tel, the -HHh ;.nd 21M of do I i.U'.i'. (iit-pers Il'.tel, the :tlst nf Mav eiidUtut June, Svn.iusr.Ililiilnids Ilntfl.tht* :t alal 4th ut dn. Aulmnt. Amerl'Mii Hut*-], tle'Tthiind Hlj i.f .In. Ppuii till dHCii'tfi ntei.h nt to the human >-yhU:m, particularly aifettiuns nt the Luiii***. Heart. Liver, Kidupyf. Spleen, Ncr vun«ii( «?. tirnpwy, Rheunmtem, AsthiiM, liiuuthit*-', Scrtdu* Lii Uyspep-ia, Scald nrSure Head, Hip diiet'TP, Ulcer.", Par- alj.eia. F.ryMpelas, Men ur-'id di-eu.-r.-. Impunlies of tin* l'.f'ind, vVc, i.vc. spei.-i.il attention given to the DJ*»C«SCS of Wniucn und Children, UP will explain tlie*ymptnm* elmrart»*rj' dispute.**, nnd will bUn\v by demount rut Km i imnlcs >tl treating thu«e di=ea-e« are nnui^Hlel tiut I'ldeiihi. "They Have Come.". AM I I H E I S E AERIYAIi OF TSTEW SPHINTG GOODS, AT No, IS, WOODHUFF Ilouai:, J &H. SELIGMAN, are now opcuhiy thoir New Spring Goods, and such u largo ami well usaortod stock of Dry Goods, lias never been exhibited before in this county. Thoy will be sold ua usual, at tho ** most reasonable prices,]' suiifi as thu Scligman*s aloneara justly celcbraicdlor. Exp'prionco lias rniovcd to us sulHuiemly the correctness of our motto. - "SMALL PROFITS, LAMM SALES fa." . FA™ DEALINGS.—Amqngst.tho numoroua articles just re- ceived, wo would particularly mention, a beautiful assort- ment of Dress Goods and Shawls, of tholateat and moat fashionable styles. Our Stock of Barege, DuLaines, Lawns, (iingliamsamt Hillc Tissues, we do hot hesitate to say is the moat extensive of any one lirtown. fcaiLic GOODS.—Consisting of Fancy Sill-3 and Satins of ev- ery- description, Black do. from 4s up to 1'lanynrd, LINENS AND HOUSEKEEPING AiiTiotES.-Sueh ns Irish Lin- ens, by the piece or-vurd. A inrge lot of Diapers. Table Cloths "Linen and Cotton 8*lieetings,Jied Quilts, ice. &c. ' White Goods and JSmbcoidorles. We have brought on na endless variety. f ^ P Ladies needing anything iu this lino, can snvo money by giving us a call, J Gloves nnd Hosiery of all sizes, Materials, Colorsnnd Qual- ities, from the cheapest, 6d up to tho best English Hoae We have "also received a cfteop iQt of 'Carpets, which wc are enabled to sell 20 per cent below thft usual prices. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine Those that are not already will necessarily he convinced that our cstnblifihmeiit oflars better iuclucatiitiats to purehiis' era, in the shape of Variety of Assortment and Low Prices than any other in Northern New York. ' April 13,1653. 31 18 SPldNGRBPORT ! 52. Pram the " Uoflt of the Tree*' Clothlus* Rtora. ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST, ]S\Oiy THE M)*TEX. TENSIVE ESTABLISHMENT ffl " .ToHeryon County. H AYING obtained,a reputation exceeding nny House in Town, the sbscriber ia happy to inlurm his customers that having enlarged hia premises, he is better prepared to acoommutlata the public than in former vears. Ilia Cloth Room, (Second floor,) is filled with the Choicest and most Fashionahte Variety of Ctaths, Castimcrcs and Vestivgs, over offered, and will bo made to Order, inn stvle not sur- passed in this market, lleiddo feels confidentmanylne thut his i-emenae Stock of Ready Made Clothing shall retain the name it has ahvnys borne—"tiupnioritv of Manufacture," so that his customers can rely upon gettiu" a better m tie-la for less money, than at other plaecs. ° To those prclemiuj garmeiits made to order, wo v/otild say, that our Cutters m-o men ot acknowledged, abdity and taste; understand theeie of Sheui's—and hi no caso will a garment leave the Store without becoming the wearer, and worthy Oio l^ttiblisliuiMii. y5T" Ahvnys MipplieU with a large amount of C»< ods iu their season, wo would earnestly invite -Jj 'Wholesale Dealers to call, as wo are confident we cau otter Inducements, of which lew can boast. P. S.—Owing to the great success attending this establish- ment by sellinj,' Onotl Uaods at Low Prices, ninny smuli du'd* ers huve beau induced to assume theiitle»ivcn it, of " CHIiAP STORES." g ^ p O u r friends will under*t<uid tneir object, und remem- ber that ours is rite only Cheap Clothing tiLre in \Vntcr- town. N. W. tiTRLLTKR. April Cth, 1852 30tf Agricultural Mutual Insurance Co,, rjM UU directors and n'jentsot this compuny are busily en- i yaaedin getting up it3 capital and unMiujements t o in- sure. The compniiy « hen orgtiiiize-i, will ho one ol tho beat in tho State in which to iusuro FnninV buildin^i.— It is heiny organized by tanner-, wholiuuiv their own in- tere--t«, mid who feel indignant at tho deception prac-tM-'d upon them by agents tor years pu*t, nnd Imve re-iolvL'd to furmtiie Ai-ncalt.ir.il luaur.uice Compuny tor tlieir prutec- tion. Ihe Ittiiird ol Uirecturs, at their firat meeting so fi\- ed the cunstftatiLtn as to prevent rheir olllcurs, or any subse- quent Hoard, or agent*, from in»ttrins nny pniperty except tiirmcra' dwellings and out-buildin^, niidtliur-vontents, Thefir-t and only object ut this organizHlMi was to torm n cheap and snto iusurancn company lor lunner^ without liuviiif; link property, as heretuture, cunacctud witli city and viii.ijio links and other lui'.nrdous property winch mu-t id tt.L* riiiuoiiH hu« uccur, their notes taxed to pay suvh lus^ts. S L12IGU BULL ANDSKATfia-r-10largo Boxes juatree'd mid to be sold at mice at low commission prices at the half -price store of R .1OI-INSON &.SON. DiBtrict/X'xusteos, W R nro receiving now publications constantly, am] havo now a fine assortment suitable for ScirooL LmiU- IITRS. Call at No. 5 Iron Block, tho Watertown Book atorc. March 30,1852. " KNOWLTUN, RICEfc00. f "RON, STEEL, &u.—R. Joiinson & Hon hnve the heaviest X and greatest assortment, consisting of Swede's, ISugliah and American Iron nnd Stoel of evei'y sl?,e, shape and siamp, Anvils, Vices, hollows, Files, etc., ia endless variety, which thoy sell at uvea more than their n3iinl heavy discount, §^^ Store on north side of Court street, above thu Klrby House, opposite Otis' Block. Life Insurance. C ALIFORNIA'S Insured at the lowest rates, hi the Na- tional Loan Fund, Capital ©2,500,000, and United Statea LU'eln's. Co., Capital 3100,000. \VM. B. FARWELL, Agent, over P: Mundy's Store. Watertown, February 11th 1853. ' SEtf iPrices G-reatly Reduced. Watehes, Clocks, JeiocVnj and Fancy Goods, Lownn TJ&AN BVEK. rpHE subscribers would notify their trlonds and the pub- X lie penorally, that they have just received a large in- voice of New and Fashionable Jewelry, which were bought very low, of which we are disposed to give our customers tho benefit and only request nn examination to be satisfied of the fact. g^° A large supply of Premium Silver W a r e constantly on hand nnd Torsalu very low. GKNNET & O S BORN, No, G Woodruff House. Watertown, Sua. 20,1852. 19 NEW'WHOLESALE % RETAIL G-ROCERYAm FRUIT STORK FAIUBANK3' CORNER, "WATKRTOWN* T HE subscriber has taken the Store under Messrs. Solo- mons &, Aaronij', Corner of Arsenal and Court sta., bet- ter known as b'uirbijiike* Corner, and has gone extend velyin to the Grocery and Print business. He will keep constantly on hand a good assortment of FAMILY Gnocifitxes AND LI- o.uoiis. Also,, all Ui(! FRUITS in their reasons, which will bo sold nt a low figure at either wholesale or i etail. Purchasers are invited, to give him a call, and he ia satis fied that he can midieit an object for them, to buy of him. Watertown, June, 1851 38 CHANDLER. CLARK. AKTX> S H A M P O O S HG-! rpHE Subscriber has taken, the pleasant and commodious X room over W, W. Ilcrrick's stqre,in the Iron, Ulock.for- merlyoccupicd by I. L. Rowllsou, which ho haa fitted up in good style for n BAK-BiER. SHOP. Those whodesiro their Hair well iind fashionably cut,and easily shaved, will please give him a call. SlIAMPOOIHQ dono according to the most approved custom. He bus also, a Liqaid Hair [fash, which will restore hair to its original cplorniid at the same time render it soft and preserve its natural lippearance. For side only at his shop, No. 1, Iron Block, up stairs. {g^Dmrt forget the plnce. Waterto-wn,Dec. 2.1S.".0 | l^tf. D. U, RAY. THE OTIS BLOCB:, T HE undersigned have removed their stock of Hardware to the RRICK 11UILDING lately erected hv D. 1). OTIS on Court direct, where they will Hell n X U b W A H K at price*lowt*r than ever bofi.re otiered in this county. Thoy arereeeivlug weekly additions to their stock, including a va- iletyot" CUUKINU STOVES, among which are New En- gland Air-Tight Cooking Stoves ; Western do. d o . ; l'hncni.v do. do.; New World do. d o . ; Clinton d<>. do. which took the premium at the late Fair. 7 kinds Air-Tight Parlor Steven ; d- kinds IMnte stoves ; Ruftinn and ihiylifh Stuve Pipe; Tin. Copper und Sheet Iruu Witrc; English Itar Iron, ihit, round dijilsmiavc : Swccds, dn d o d o ; American, do do do j Nor- wegian N.dl Huds; ,Spi:ci..:—Kiii»hnh, Blifter, Gei'inaJi.Spiiny and Cupt: Cut and Wrot Nails: Log, Trace and CahleCli'ii;,; Uour '1 rimmings of nil kinds ; Mill, V, Cut, l h m d .mil Circu- lar Saws ; Cast and Htcrd Plated rihueii. pr/^Rtuck'-imihs supplied with stock on liberal term 1 !. liR'nimiuiiictureufTin, shuet iron and Copper Ware continued in iti various bninchcH, hy skinful a-id experi- enced workmen. OTIS &VALI**. Wiitert.iwn, .bm. 1, INA 17 Ions jiroperty. i«iiiciii{| , , and fumi&rtt have hnti 1 The ollicettf this tuiummy id at Evans WXB, commuuicatioiis bhuuld be mblro«ped. ^(3t(wii) --here all «wii> THU.MA.S W. WAlin, Secrttury. The Sead Quarters of Fashion ! il KEH' TAIL01UXG ESTABU5HMEXT AND Grsntlenaen's Famishing Store. W OUDIil.'LL ..t WESCUTT have just ujiened atNo. 7 Areinlt'.ailiiLirsfrum Piwt Olfwe, a rk-li rnd elegant ns«ortineiit of u)l kinds uf^u.i.t-., uJ.tiih.-d ta UENTL HMUS'S Wi.va, t.i v.hich they would c til the .ttt-'iitioii ot the Put- he. Ourie-<e-rtmviitconMHt:i in part t.t' thclglluwiug, viz : ilr-'adelorliR, Ca:-imi'res, Ve.-tin^-, Trlmminaa, Shirts, Col- lars, Ciav.f, (iluvea, ^u L 'peniieis, Iloi.-pry, &c. A:e.,— which we will sell at extremely Imv piiccslur caah. w. s. wo«unri,ii, lor tlmhr-t a years in the employ ot Me-iSio. OtAUK & WIG- GINS, wdl iita-inl per.-oiutlly to nil ends in tlioT.iihtring line, with the j=anie Ei.ustai.tfc.il to lna cUbtumi'tE which he haa yiven heivtoleie. Ci'tliii:- dt'iu- at fhcrtnotire nnd everything w arrautt-d to give citiirt stiti\tairti»n in alt c*i<tr. (t••ntlcmeii ianu*-hi«u their uwii Chith 3 , cm depend on h t*.»»4; tliemii) t.i- up in Siip'-rhtr St>l.*, uii churl uot tec. Mur : .Mua*t, I ti.i'ftiipWj andi'.z,- i'ri.v. tlJ-n W.t.-rti'W«. Apid.l<-oJ. UooUlII'LL/iWESCol r. W..i. S Wii..)iiirLi.. c'HAS.l'.WK^cuxr. Harrairr "Harrah ! f'Horrab! ! ! M U S E U M I April Magazines, \ I.LMie Mt^'.zmeRt',.rApul. uii'iiim-reiHiyatPXEZlCC'S J.""X Ciienu I'uhii-.-utiuii rieptit, N.*.H. Aivade, 2MH.SAiioN'.\r. M.vfiv/iM*—!*J Itlii-trittiiin, 144 prgf";.— A heiiiiutal imm'-.vr, .'-ti'. cr.pri uu $;u_$iit \uh—v'tct-? i'cr number. I Uini-cit't, M\n4zi.vr.-14Ji r,-. *,^'i-r.'ully i".ratvut*:d.— ^niio^tiptii'ii ^.t—•."-'>tt-* p *r uttialter. tiiuiiAy'iMA/i \/iM:ttir April, witli P.Hlernnlcn-revtn^s! S\urvt\"4 Mu*\7iNr, ly eu^.avhi'.-r, very ele^snt—«ub- scriptam t;t- •,*-"« etn p.— Nti. lit.mi's LIPV'S lttmK, •,'! exsgruvin*;'*, very licituufid— F.ub«t.-ri|itmu$.f, t'"' eta. per No. BLH'Kw»'iut"rMiiivIi, Hutfscrfp'iun 5-1. C»" cKpcr Na Tlir AMCl.K AN Tl-IPLRAM V. MARAZIM", l»r AjTll, •with u be iiitiiitl n.'-K'-utint 1 Juraum; ot Kthv.ii*tlCDt!o\nii, i.u •- teiunt lit!.- p i_.-, und T'l p.-^ts of on^tial ic »Ung. Hah- ^•-•rtptitin •r'J, I - '-'•'. per Ne. BVI.MI:* Mi" UANIC'I, MrnrpANTT'i, AND T N u i v r r r ' s PtrKl-rr.eirxMuN ,*-'ernnd> Lii.iti. M'li.'JVfcs. prl*,-t*bl. All the weekly nevv.-p.ipeiw,ii!su!thrt(|-.nitiTill(iv Mnj..^ia.M ns HMi.11 DI puidvl e,l. L. A. riLUCf , Ne.!'. .\iv t.t. . GEORGE'S SAL00S, S^x At Nn. I^,1'ndt1ark*M Arcndc.™*^—«2 nttw ttpeufi.r the rei rpte-ti >•! vi-itnrs and rim {.uidic. _ .. idly. At jjr* »t e\pri»M? the fulijunher ba^ litUd up m the ni'jjtg-.'r^e.ai- *t\l n t-xn-nittdifiiti Mid i:ismo.\.ihLi; XALUUX vth-.re he willb^ Luppy tu rn-rnp the-1 iJf-H1 lti«frirn-I=t,-,nd tlif puhh'\ ft el.n.* r-it-i-y M-.sur.tiice tln-t with hi- pr< EeT t f.r- nniiemeiitsh** wdl la*enabii-d t-*^n.tily iill^h-i ms*v l.nai htm with their p itr-jii.i^e. In Cuimecthm wititintfral^Miihc hiisiitud up a Ladies' Parlor, in tho riehe-t ?!yh* of mnilurn t.t-te and etrelh*nee, 'where Lutth'sutl] ue u-dttd upon. Mid thfirvi.dtsrendered n.-reu. al le. bemprtreo-lrom the noise uud cunfuatuii usually wit- lir-^setl at other S.dmUlS. IIH larder will (dwnyihfi rlehly nnd t.lnind.intly ptored with the lieetthi* market titlhrd'* at all s-e.i-uii*. and will he d*'i«lt uiit to Rr.irity the t.T-t',i'f Ins v.irioiH 1 itstMiners. Thankful l»r tu** many tikern id lej.irl her,"tof.iro re. ctivid lrum fins coniiiiimiiy rr-1 thepu'dir.it wilt lc still •riy highest plctsure to endeavor tu m 'tit a tontmuauco ol tliu-e l.i vi .re. The bal.itm willopnn ntS A. >I„ and cln«"l 13 P. M^ 1'cnple lnan th«* country will h<> nccumiiiutlati.'J wtli h or eiiM iiii'iihnu the fhorte-t l.-.tice I'UFSII OTMCES rct..-iveddailv uiid for cile hv the dm. " OLORCI; mm.mv. IVnfertmvn, April, 1^*3. :*tfvl MBS nil Chronic - j.^j i,!(..r„ryl>t'ii.h«hiiient1F1(iut-dinJnheiuh'.iur.jly ..uiv tlint llic pre.-ent , ,j ,„„• Cm net \ oll |, v A. AMUiU^ON, h ts l.re-, pniciui--- .1 by the f litis --niter who voidd re.« ptlII.-ilH-.Ml peetiul y iidurm ihti puh- icil to prove hnjeurnd. and explain the pr.neiphs!.y wiiah ; h ". ,j nt hf? llaB p((t |llfJ K((Ct(jrv in ^ ^(,1-„,1<,n, „,„• ^ J, El , . 5. 1 .1*r„ dl V;i:rr_5" V..!!?. "l?*-^!'! .^^''^.ifclJ.'f 1 : i prepand t.i Inrush t.i the trn'dc a siiuPimraiii. " cures ut three of them-nt mditpnndth* eluructert-tiu at all time.-i be friveu ut thnrihVitey and (-iieec u s tlint atUmd«i the trentment ol tiise.iKe^ upnti tiie principles mlvoeated t.y Tlr. Wtnte. TheFueei-Rsbd uioile ul treatment hdlowr-.l m the cura- bihty ttt disease, and tu • unti-pni^nniai-* eh-imeter of his mt;<ii(*mes. ciinipi>s*"it riitmlv ot art eles irmn tho Veseta- hte Kinydrtm, {many ni which are Ittnnvn only I>yhim E eh'itiie qualities and pre;! IAIM.JIH o:it una I trmn ordinal reeipe-J iu his pn.-se.«ei.m, have been themenns of rest"riug thousands tu their tost health, when consigned tu death by their lriends and medieal adviser?, Dr White will continue his visits to this p!a«-e once in four or five week?, id which tluc notiee will be given. Of*^*' letters must bo directed tu Dr. White, VJ, sixth street, Troy, rust Paid. 41 yl H. SCOVlIi, Carriage, Wagon and Sleigh Maker, H AVING purchased tin.* interef t nf Nnyes Tuttle, hia late partner, will continue the lmMiie=s "in nil m depart- ments, nt the old stand on south sidit i f the public pquare, and on Factory Street, two d-mra e;ist of the Centre House. Carriages^ Vouhtc-aitd Uiitpie Lumber Wagons, Sltifihs and Cutters. Manufactured and prepared to order on tho shortest nntice. livery descii]itiitn of Can-iar;*- Painting ami Trimmmij done iu th« richest etyle nnd to suit the taste of purchasers. The proprietor hnvinsr been emrtnreil In thn. business over twenty-five- vunr?, and h.ivlue employed ns foreman in his prejm Cotton Tarn, Twine,' Battis, &c. n* Jfi*wY*.rk CzfihrrUtit. gr^f* All orders cx< cuted with ilr=patch. Terms—Cash, or .'pprovd pa]if r far all sums uver S^U. \Viitortov.11. M*ircli IG.1KU. '^tf J.JAY KliOX. Li?" Orders must he adilr^st:d to A ANDCr^ON', Agent. EMPORIUM. AyG EL*S BLOCK, CO UKT ST. M lt. cc Mkt*. Wi:LL*U re-peetf«iHy inform thoir old-eus- tunu-'l-s ami thi> public jienerally, that tht-v h.ivo just returned from Xew York w Hb „ Larue, iMl-sehiuu and .%«- frW.!HhtjrtmentufI)iy Goods and Millinery. Having boen m their 1 t-Bpeetlve ltu<,iito-H fur a (fteat muny veins, and be- in-* well acMuniuttid with the market, their e'listomein inav rt-ly upon pnrclmsm^ front them » --mid attici**, and at iei cheaji a rate as imi |>« lnai^ht in any other huusi*, and may confidently rely upull h 'lu- unituriiily htmcatiy UL-UH with. To Aliliiiiert.—MiDiiie/, will Und it to their tulvHutanr.' to call at this* ciore, an they will beetle tu purchn'-o fiinh arriclea ;-a tliry may rc r 'i»iro «t a che&pci n.to than lln-y can at N. VurU. hri'.'.i Caps nnd Head dref-fliM for * . M fid and upwunla. f-d- verwiviths and Muwer-. mid all su>h arUcleu us may be le'iuil'cd lur wejihiiiis nnd parties. Uomitt*, *!Cc, nitiUu lo order on the shorle-t nntice. ^Ty* N U. Mr. W. h.\* assumed Idi hn».niC£s in coiwe- ipieni'c ot the death ul hi-* son Itofiert. 5yl Wntertttun, Oct..1, K#l. NEW"MILLINBRY"STORB7™" MKS.M. A. HUGHES, . No. S, Arcade. I T ESPnCTriTM.y Inlunnt the Ladies of Wutertowu and •L vicinity, that she 1I;IH juwt upeiini a MTLLL\ERY STORE at the above place, vvhelt- s-he will eoin-laatly heeponhnnd it llil'L'e li-rnrtlili lit til PcNNKTt, llHCSS .'ATS Ulul evelv artie'e iri lur h.<e u| husji.tva, \\ hieh, nrear.im^ to quality and ktyh-, will lie fold a«* cheap tin the elieapt»-.t. Mit- II, hnsjii'.tretaiTfd tr.nii Mew Yi»rf; with a ciiperinr «*iMtitmi-rit of Millinery aii.l the m.i-t ta^ihm.il.!.* Styles ol Liaiiiet-., n:e,, ami w»iT.l-a^ ih,t they wdl ho *--\titu tu all} 1.1..itt- ut N»-w Yoih City. Mnn..NiNti lUi.NMT.1 .'h\ny* n.i huiid. C\l'):i tVi.i ("Ln\K1 cut. N*i We-t putlerie j!i*-t received. \'.r .^ruvw I(»N.*;rrs f.-hh imidy alcr d, Ld. lultcd or cui'.it-d 1 :.nkuii thi'jM.n. tie.iit.. c>l STSHLIKTG- & KIBDBLI^ No. 10 PADDOCK DUILDINGS, ir.irriiTojr.\, Keep for Sile an Bsteahivo Assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS, p MI!!: \' IM! lh•I...1. -t I Jitunw ul nil Ill-- inr'.lliM in U It -n..in )li t.i. 1^',-f. .-.UtiT.il \.n'l,-lii!- • W..!. r.,\t .liriiljLiI. 1'u.i.T-llv. '4.»irlp, Uish ft h.1.1, t.ii.l shuul n;k.||iii.j.i. -, M.ii.l.mUV..i!.-< •nl.nv. M.-.laiii... i.i.il Tli... ul.;;jyj A^ru-ulTiiiv.IIi.m. t.Iim.-. ..i..! Auliitti-tur..-; Miscellaneous Books, I uil-rrrli:^ nil tlir lirci-iit \')^'uiWi.. PnWicliMn^, 1'ofiIiR for i-'tliui.l LF-nui.-p, Iliiiiiisl.ir ^iiinliij SiltuuN. l'(.l,'h. »li..iia ul «... Ain.-tv- .n Tr.nt S..C..IV, liiti!.--, Ti'.^-mi.-nts, i.ml I'xuy. a-Iiu.i!j*, lll.mk limikiiit vilfcniiK Staple and Fancy Stationery. Sunday School Books. G n r VT r,(r., hn. I.. ,n r,>':. ii f. cull.-, t tin f.t-v-t u..iirti.i.-rit ill .;i...k,f..r^.il.:i.tl..~v.i.-i..l.,tiit:in? I'. 1... t...iii.i n- •ti^lll. Miniiui l.'mttK I 1 Ml-l.-.1.,.ill Ul tin* .-...U'ln. l>I"i k i. lhf_Mtiii-lr..iii|tl. t" ,.iiU vi.lii.iit:.' in .'. it. r ..x'l'ti. •I.'ur.. .1.1 M.i.rfii, ...i...; i'u,-.,i, _ i,:i,n,i.is No IMSJ umi riJm ti..- I. >,i.m. tli.irin w •,". l.ii.i,,ri% ulid ii'.vily n:l ut U" ir lut--i.il .nr.im jiiiMi.-i.ti.'Ti.. M "••-.ii.-lm.'ptt« .^ninliiy M;1M.II1 Unirin, TttMi. -.nuiia.it lii.'.'l. lii.i.tit ]Ji„i\ LViwiu, Ami r.r „II UV.Kttuci.t>, ..51 clUiea-ljubHi:..Ui^sconttfiit. ly!<.],tl..r-,,l,.. 1'1'-1'> t'Ti.'i. lln'ir.l nf rulilict'ti«r.3, TiilH. t l'ltlili. illiili S«..:i. tv, J>i>. !..tlMuiili.vf.l...i.H.'mi.ti. ^ 'In.-. i;n i- vitu iilllht.. rir.-i;iil rfn.-. for Fill h-.lh FcVcrA -'-'"i'lt. glXM.l.M;&I t miil,u,. TSM.V Uriini-'liTOYS —TU«"iiiicu!arl!uiii J«i„.vv Mug J iiii.nut t. tun d it'io vj.rcjus I.1I1.L-. ut Tuvs. Lulll ut.r-lul Pltit tin. im..H!.,l, lur rltldrrr. iii.IU.Uu b.-i Ktnili- l:.ir.'», llin.-n, Wil.fc.. riolk rit.L-, Li .HN, t_iwl>-. I r..^.. Hur-r,, f.'.-Hiiy.. Hun., s r t . u n l i . s Ai! 'ih... viiu'.iflft iii»'ti„.-,Y<, i.i..ril(i?/l.'.''..'/..i.-. tt.irn.SikU ir..!.r;.n- / iurwil.-l.y_ MXIll_.G_i lillll'I IX. Daniel Webster's 11'oirRs'and'"speeches', W'j " " ""'-•I'.'I'lu™! Mtntuir, l.y DlnurJ l.n-rolt, in u IM'lirtu'--; Ih-lnry of til.- Unili-il Ft I'.-S, Ir.-.m it^ Tll-rnvi-ry t..t!"-c:..«i.'iil J-'lli'ipmi-a, ii.lir.,liiF.t.iilir.ii, in.". \ , .l..iiij:lii-,-iJ Hi lij.iii HI I iiiuMiu'a L.ii , \\ 01 :.!< L'U'I i'uulic Ana in s VuU Lit. 1.1 1 1.1-1 JniVry, Willi ("crrc-piwiilcnM, 1-y Xor.1 Cock. imi, a v il.. In clmli Dl.111.Iic \Vurk3 ..lid i.lic r.r i^lli,!:. n<n.r» {,4 4 v.jK VIOA (.Int. .. \\»nk«t.t' Oliver G'l'l.iii;tii.'l vt.I<. in elrrn. J.i.l.ir.ir- lll.ti.ry uf liie I'm!. .1 Str.l.-, 4 v.,|.. ' .,1 ii'_t- .11 h vii.^'a LC'ir'i.l. |. \\ ..d.. 111 1;, V.J^B. lir,:t..rm, Iinl.i-. p. s'r»V,a.t..Scott'«WorUf,27vol' liilUiuiiu.i. r«-t»ii Ch «u«. frTUiUM. .v I'll .in 1.1., fin,n.-, va. :..,. iu. wu-u.i.ji.,11 >t. THB AMERICAN RHSTTMATIC BALSAM. A snrtmrefor IufLvamaitrij. Chranie. Anntaud Mercurial R^e'ima'aiii. Lwi't-iji, (hut, Sishinl C-^n^la'iit, fa,, fa. Drc- parrdlvH Tllt.\En,B»jfafa,>. 1'. A new reiiiciy 1-iU-ly •i^ttivere.linthpvi^rtntilehin.tloni, _"\n pure nml pF-rimiueiit nirn far nil rheiniitiie cimipktnt-, such ns luihunat'H-y, L'hrwue, A'*ute nn.l Mc urinl JUj<«um*i ti-m, fiout, Liimhaao, Hpin.il AnVetion, &.v., ir. This Med- icine hiisloli^' ltRpii"Muiuhtfni\ ithnsbitn wA thut Klirumn* ti»m eoul i nut lie ettrrif, Imtthere is-i r-'iiifi'ly 'l-'^i^iifid. Iiy n.«ture fur the cure ot nil (hpewst-s, Unit tie- htim»<n R>'- em H subject t*t, nt hi-t u rotnetiy hus ! f en (omul tlt-it cures llhen- uiiitirmot ihe wurvtlonu, one of the nui.'t \e^£'tnlile pro- ducitons of the earth, the yrmte t uu<l must unp.irt.mt «ll3 ciivi ry of the aa*\ mid n wuiirit rlul IIUFCIUS! ti« 'he huimin f.imi'y, itcureg wiiiiout Bk'kemi*jro»*U*-biliUtlu^,..T.a.rtr«i;WB strenutii nnd vi^or to tins whulp sy-iem. Tiiciollnniii^tcitatlniunyisrocclved from lnoiviaiLJs oi this County: MB U. TUMCER, Orlenna, July Ifith, l ? o l . This is to cerufy thut 1 hnve been afflicted with the ithi'U- Printed Chnllies, Tlnrcge DoLnins, Tiasues Poplins, Printed Lnwna and Muslins, Hilk Worps, Plain BIRCK iand Colored Bnrcges, _, , ... . Hlbbons.Lneep.Mnntilloa, "White Grnpp nnd other fohnwla, White Goods. Hoiscry, Cnivatp, niid ilnmlkerchiefs, Parnsols, Luce, tiimpsnnil other Dreas Trimmings. ,—ALSO,-^ - Scotch nnd Linen Gimrhams, Cochcco, Mcnmack nnd other Prints, Cloths, "Cnseimeres, Tweeds, Summer btuits nnd Vestings Brown nnd Blenched Muellua, Striped Shirt- ings, Ticks, Cheese llnndngct?, Strniner Cloth, Cotton ^arii, £nrpet Wnrp, Wicking, Bnge, drugget Fhmucls, Straw and Pflhn Lonf Halts, Umbrellas, &c &c. . Together with a complete assortment of nil other goods inlhcirlino, to which the inspection of tho inhabitants o £m22?™°r?h2i' n :^ in themoden. style, nnd is now known ns the BosUoick CUSTOM HOUSE, Cape Vincenb, April 20,1852. W HEREAS one Grey Horse has been seized for hoing illegally imported into this DistriLt, nnd due notice to elnimniits published pursuunt to tho provisions of the act of Congress, entitled '' an net directing thedisposition of cer- tain unelnimnd Good", Wares, nnd Merchandize, seized for being illegally imported into the United Stutes," approved April 2 ltf44. Notice is hereby given that 1 shall expose the snidHorso to sale at piibliu nuciion, on tho 12th day of Way next, atone o'clock I*. M., tit the Custom House ,in the vil- lage of Cape Vincent. G.S. SACKET( ^3w3 Collector, •; *'.."»'„-•';..",'. L*- \tr. p „ « i.U-«.'e wii,. fr.t-Hioii«^ *iv.» mnti'-mfor iiitinv venrs. loot-lined sum* of your American shop on Factory st, Mr. I. u ^ . * h " ™ r ^VnlivrflV Jthemimtw Halsum.hy the ndtiM- ol H hirn-lju^dtho suiuo yrm*s hns been employed nslureninn in.lames II. Lotwciis „-^|.„„ *,, . i i w t i • mul t a,.rtmilv believeirt«ti..*^r..ni shop, fldttetthlmaelf that he can bring to the execution of ; ft^ordin^ to dnectk-n ,nnd I d. , nnjiij bi-UOIPKU the great- his work ns grout mi amnunt of experience and tradical skill ns cnnbeloun.l in Norinern Now York. The host nf material will bu used in huiliiing nnd repairing Cnrriii^es, Wagons nnd Sleighs, and all work warranted to do the hpfitnf eorvlco. WANTI3I).—20.000 feet 2d growth White Ash, for which the hijrhest price will be nnid in cash. IL sSCOVIL. Wnfertowi^Feb. 0,1?32L £!tt WATCn" SOSTWICK HOUSE, I/OWVILT*E. T HE Tavern formerly kept by J. House, nfc Lowville. has boon rebuilt nnd enlarged, nnd furnished throughout in the moderii style, nnd is now known ns tho Bostioick "...jiuiiHUU, U11U Will OUli Ub LllU »>J1'J i w m . u n J.»'-"~l •- . short time, and prompt six month's Buyers. "Thoy wont he undersold. W. W. HERRICK. - I. N- HERKICK. Watertown, May Mf 1850; 3 ^ mS i'ited to givo,raen call. Loivvillo, April 18,1352. A good Livery kept at the House JOHN J. TALCOTT. 32tf _ t'TiOCK AND JBWELRf ESTABLISHMENT! a i H E subscriber having lately returned irenn New Y^rk, . isnowreeoivinsr.at No.2AMi?niCANlli.ocK1Ne%vGoods : in thislme, which, lor elegnnco of Etyle, nrnuty of finish, and extensive variety, have never been equalled in this town. This decant stuck df Jewelry and Watches has been se- lected by the subscriber with great care, In order to give en- tire satisfaction to his patrons in this market He'iherpfnrc invites his friends and the public tocsamine his beautiful and varied assortment, consisting, in part, of the following ar- ticles : Gold nnd Silver Watches, Lever, Anchor Escapement, Le- pines, &.c. Gold and Silver Chain*, Neck, Vest and Fob Chains; Ladies Bracelets, Breast Pins, Rings, &c.; Silver Spoons, Tabic and Ten Sets, Dessert, do. Ladles, Butter Knives, Salt and Cream Spoons, Sugar dd., &c, &c; Gold Pencil Cases and Pens. SILVER PLATED WARE. In this department the subscriber offers a fine display of Cake Baskets, Cnntors, Candle Sticks, Snuffers and Trays, Tahle und Tea Spoons, Mustard and suit do. —AL^O— Gilt Ware, Keys, Chains, Steel Keys, Steel Chains, &cM «c„ nnd a general assortment of all articles t o b ^ found in such establishments. In inviting the attention of tho public to this fine stock of Goods, the subscriber assures them that prices will be of iho most satisfactory chprnctrr. U.K. NEWCOMB, No. 2 American Block Watertown, Sept. 1,1851. 51 The Watertowri Book Store IS NOW LOCATED AT SO. 5 IRON BLOCK.. (Formerly Occupied by A. IV1. tHlcy.) W HERE may be found every article in the line of Books, Paper Hangings, Stationery on Fancy Articles. Railroad Dividend Scrip taken nt par in exchapco for goods. KNOWLTON RICE in CO., "vVtttartcwn, Jan. 1853. 10 or dm ii _ __ . e tt t medicine ot the age, for which it is recommended to cure, and it will prove a blessing to ;.li tlmse tlmt may be atHicted with Rcuimttisiu. Yours wfth Itoprn't, STKPI1EN PCOVIL. BrotVnville, .hdy 1.5th, lfe-"d. Mn R. Tt'BXEli^-Penr Fir : I would rhr-rrfnlly %ay to vou, and for the benefit oftbusc who are aflltated with libra- tntitism, that I have bet n truuiil-?*! with this dice-a?*? verv hnd, i,r.d 1 trit <l many tiling, hut »ut no pcruinnphtreliet. until i trlrd your American lihetmiatn.- Bai H am, which I ueed. la*-t March ; 1 only used hull of one buttle before I was perfect- ly cured of the disease. JAMES CRAWFORD. Dexter, July 10th, 1851. To nil whom it may concern : This is to certify that I Was raken with the inflammatory Rheumatism, so Hint I wasconfinedtomy brd,nudmy limli3 •were badly swollen. I ohtiinni one bottle of the American Rheumntie. Hal^im, and used it according to the directions on the bottle, and by the time th«t I had need one halt of it, I was completely cured of the Rhcnmntisni, JAMES MORGAN, Sold hy PAUL W. GlLLETT, Brown viUe, General Agent, and hy the foliowiag Agent-, nnd also by others. II Lord fctfon, Brownville ; T U Camp &Ca.,NM Smith, H ticribner,and Wtsawcns & Co., Watertown; J A Bell, Dexter j L t^nnth & Co., Limerick ; IIB Camp, and D S Kimball, Hackeis Harbor ; 1 T Wait, ( hiimpion ; Jon&tliim Duvis. Adams tVntre ; S A Menan, and Buaiei Smith, Ad- amsi IlnrveyAlen, Pierpont Manor; J^atuti Griffen,. Bell- \-illc j Ira Intuitu, Chaumont; Schuyler, Putnam & Co., ThreoMileKay; O P Starkie.nnd 1m Ct.nverpe.CapeVincyiiti ^seltine & Hnle, Ci.ivton ; In^als & Ihmtingtun, Depoa. ville j Jf J & E T Cooper, Oxbow; Stebbins & Fisiicr, Antwerp i H. Green Jr., nnd C M C:trter, Henderson ; .1 & J B Clark, Wood ville; W ri Cruris, Elllsbnrgh; Eafl <t Wil- der, Mansville ; Rone &. Ohiy, Alexandria; Murdlck Jc Car- p ntcr, Philadelphia ; A Auirsbury, PIMIMJ Andrew Hkln- iirr. Hterlimn-ille. t A M Cook, i;v;ms Mills; Georice W Ua- zrltnn. Black River; Gillea & Parker,Lotrfline ; Gilbert &, 1 Wait, East ltodman j C B Avery, Perch River ; Frederick &. Siiffurd, Cnrthaso ; Buehncll fcLampson, La Fargevillc; 3 Rliownrd, Felts Mills ; Ilarworth & ^plcer, Great Bend, rartlcular attention must be paid to the d'rectiotia on the bottle, and aspeedy cure will bo the happy result. None genuine unless nut up with an engraved label upon tho outside wrapper, sigued by the proprietor 30yl tt. TURNER. nKALEa if* READY MADE CLOTHING, Ololhs, Cassimeres, Testings, jailor's Trim- mings, and Gent's Furnishing Goods, ANTWERP, N . Y . . "F. B. Cliitlillii,' made ro Onlpv on ehort notitio, linil War- rnnloil to glvi- sutiwai'tion. S^E^n^mlJi-'rlMa IBIIIOUIACU to_Bilve_yom'yi^pcr eenf. D KI.ANKS, litis, nil waul Oiiilimoi'tH oi'tlio UiTestStylesI the Ijcst inul Chenpn^t iissortincntof Bluolt jmtl Gormxnl Alpncns, Fnrnmcltns, French laid JSiiglMi Mnrtiwamut ma- ny other atylea of seasomile Dresa Gooda can be Ibmul at „ , „ SELlUMAN'a 9 ^ N. 13. LiuIieB will fmd it to tlieir Interest to examine our atuuls, bel'ure parchasin/j any where ei.se. T O DAIRY MEN.—Just rocokeil-16 1I)B, Carrot Soo(l, rtiiaoil in .TiitV. Comity kit vear, lor cale cheap Iiy *\Vul«rto\vn_, W Man'.h,]8.'i8. 0T13 &YALB. Valuable'Yillage Property for Sals- ' o HOUSES lor sab.—ono a well linlsbotl new. two Btbry ,C .dwelling House nil State streutiibout twenty live rods oliove ihe liisrtittitt.. On tho lot ia a j-ood burn and other out building, a Hood .iurable well anil extern A'.c. 'a'ha other 1B Bituatod on Academy street, IH nearly new,; well IIIUSIKMI with good out 1.11 jhliag, a good well and two uibteliifl, For turthev nurticlura euimiro of K. G. VAU0HK. Watorloivn, Out. i:>, isr.l. T E Blondea's Hair llestorative. HE Subscriber having devoted mail v years to the treot- mont nnd preservation of tile human hair, has finally found in the " Hair Restorative" the great desideratum, so long sought alter. It ia composed of vegetable substatieca, and poBoosacB the magic power of restoring diseased hair to its original tnote and beauty. It frees the skin from scurf, dimaruli.and other cutaneouBdiseasos, v.-bkh are tho inces- sant causes of baldness, and will keep the hair in a healthly and liixullantstnte until the latest period in life. Many of the citizens of Watertown, cun testify from e x p e rience to the sovereign qualities of the ltestoriitivo, alnoua- whom are the tollowing : Charlofi Ford, C O Jackson, 11 Ten Eyck, D D Otis J K Smith. J II Meias, W H Burciiiu'd, John Muckle, LII Drown E 'A Crowner, A Wilson, H Camp, W Hathaway, \Y Ft.il. ing, A McHi'fttney, S lluckley, Milton Clark, T T Turner, K Jones, F. II Wait, lloyt i: Gice/ory, J M Cobleigh.ll Fading, A S Green, a Cr Wiggins, Jnuies Cole. F 1 J Cm tor, 0 ile.wo.tt, V Durkae, KilbornUimnahs, J Fiiyel. A. BLUNDF.N.J3 Watertown, Feb. 8, l«j-'. 2Uf c Cigar, Wine and Liquor Store. nr^ H13 duhacriher havuiir concluded to open an extensive 'X Cigar, Wine and Liquor Store in Waturtown, is now receiving a large stpek ot'supcrior brands of thouliovcgoods, which he oilers to Merchants, Hotel Keepers i'lid others, at prices which must-prove satisfactory to all who wUh to pur- chase. 1 nin.nlso prepared to furnish any quantity of tho French Cordials for Parties on the thovlcs notice. All persons desirpus of purchasing any goods in my line, are invited to call and exnmino my stock beture purchasing elsewhere; na I intend to otter fuduccmauta to purchnriern not to bp found at any other establishment in Kew York, Albn- ny, Troy or nny point west of those uhh*s. The proof of'n pudding is in eating it, so Iaay come and taste, Court St. next door to Johnson & Son's Hardware Store, und opposite Utia & Vulea. n, j. ciLjrA:?. Watertown Nov, leOl. Uvl Plows ! Plow/3!! Plows ! ! ! r p I I R Suhseiibe-vs hnve for enlo, and nro nowmauufactu. X mg at their shop in Urowuville, PLOVVd ; the hi-st in marker, and of thu lcUowhi; iiaiterns, via : '•ttliiimorV Jfu. S ;*' *' U. D;tvis* Kti. li und A'o. -1;" " A. Davis' No. 1;" " Lord Sz Slciinifi'.-i No. 1." Tfuw Phnv« aro wnrraiited In be mntlv of iho best mate- rlul.-., and t-i yivu enure Mitinfactiuu iu ilifir woik. Fjirmcrs und dculurs aie re-ijecti»hy inviitd to puiclmee. Mmilitoards, .^Iiino? nnd hunii-iden lur iho iiliuveptiftcrni, cnni.t alltiiiR'Sl'e irjiii! t fit iln'ir e.-r.dili*.hnii;nt, aswill as Sharus uud LuiideiJ<.'S lumiMt'ly nil the I'luwrfiu Udo iu the County. Tiio casting bn^inrst! is contiuuoil n tt u^u^l, and all job-i in thtit line, done to order, ini-iin the lu-t munin'r. MILK 1'AN.S nnd u "onend n^ortiii.'nt nt Tih, Short Iron, Copper and finis.-, W:i e idwnj-s (.n h >nd, cv m.idu t-j order. Also, Stoves and Stovepipe, SlUNNtlt X l>liUTIlEK3. Brownville, Mi.n-h y% li-t-\ Msiai FALIi ©OOUS. ampholl & Bniytoii are now rrceivhnr a Large no* uortment ofPtapIo and Fancy DRV GOODii, suited to the Full Trade, which they respectfully invite their custo- mers and.the public to cull and oxumine. Their stock cmbrancs a rich assortment of tho- LATEST STYES OF DRESS GOODS. . . eonsisthifr part of Sillts, JvierinocH, Cashmeres, Coftoitiipd Wool and all wool De Lainea, Persian Clotlia, French and EnstUsh Prints. i, Shawls of every description, Kmhroidories, Muslins, Cufi>, Collars, Velvet, and Velvet Ribbons. CARPETS AXD OIL CLOTHS. A large supply ot Cnrpets of new pattet ns—Oil cloths of dlt- lerbnt widths Cheap for Cash, pui'btooltianow ready for Fall. Trade, and will bo sold at os low prices as goods of the mmo quality and stylo can ho puie-liiiiwd in .leth'Ooiintv. A. P, nRAYTON.jr. A. CAMPBELL. "SVatortown. Oct, 1851. _ 5yl T ins SubscrhVr ntl'ors f.n- anlo hi* Farm Iving' in the south QMI jinvt of nnuii-titld. iii>out Turtles from Watertown, 6\u from dackft's. Hnrlmr. and in view of the W. and It. &. Koud, and convenient lo a st.-tlon on the same. Said Farm contains over G'U aciva uf improvomenr, a Rood wood lot, timber for fencing, sawing &c. A good honoe, wood house, cheese house, itorte bain, 2 qend barns, one 7:3 by 44, with stubhnjj for over aOheiid ot*cnttlp. On Mad Farm nro three oruhiti'dh with other varieties- qf Irwit. The above Fartn-ia In a good state ol cultivation, Also 40 yonrijr Cows, and conve- nient dmry »ppni-atussoldutth thn I arm it desired. A view ut the pruiUMttS is souCttod of thoac wishing to purchase. a. G. MACK. iroimnflpid. MarchlCrfiT 1P52. a7w8 flnver Seed. J USTReteired iwnity ti\o bushels Clover Seed, warrant- ed lo bo of the long variety. A written Rtiauuilpo will be irivcii to tho purcha or if desired. Otis hk>ck Court St., Wutertowu, March 3, l&H. (2fy OTIS & YALE.- pr*owsrP3ioW.3. 1 h(\ I'hOWrt. JUST HECE1VEV, liom iho Aprl- 1UU cnHunl wnrlc--. at Worcf-t^r. M"^?., all woodrU with Ftcaii4 iiroKih Oalt, u'oiH'd n- d (Inched in tho very best manner. Ti<ey atx-ot nviriet.v < I p.!'r..-u«, ami niited to alt k IUU of sod hi.d tMinlitimi of i.iad. ptisins wishing to }turvli(ifii< will do «tllt«i call niiil rxi.mire thtm, at the Ay- rhnliuivd W.iri'liou-sc, No. 2, lion Ulot Jr. MaichO. li-JA CuOPtn & WOODRUFF. 400 I'E'S Cu-.rjf Kip Uuot^, Home Muiiufutture, mid Slip " Wciii-.-aV Momct-o UusUliis, Ilomcilimutuc. turo. w.iri-iiiiti*d ti> du ^uu.i tyni.H-. rui-Mdt-ut No.2 Cuurt.StnH, --ntliird r.ioel:. Tj;N J^CK &, KXtAZEI.L. Wntortrjwn, March ir-, lH-sl 27 "Clocks! Clocks"!"~CiocksTr! J UST j-e-etnved hy toe siib^crihcr, itt thu Watch & Jui^cl- Mor.j, Nn. 0, Ainau::.!! lii'inl, ;, Ur-.e mid coinplt to as- noitmirnt nt t'l-Urlv- urul l'Altl.Uit llMli riU'JAot'ev- fry di;scnptit'ii, w»rr.*nti*d to ker-p r.i.ii.-, and wold ic low a<* c.-n in? tuiu^ht tl-.-vh.-i.". A^u u f!»-r-..v a^uitiiiUit ol Wutrhe^i.iid Jew.lrv i.f tl-.'!^»,t !•-<-•>'!io,i. CLUCK*. ii'J / (.V/i'V and JLULLl. i HITAWEP. TIR-HU 1 ' 'ri!n'ii*;-oJw).ma-1.;•*..! i In. udaiunl li.f j'uMIc I'ftirridly, that h.-h.i.- ^m-mul tif* f .-r\i. .-H ..(' j.n c<ji..r.. t-iiecd waH'h iiiaii'-v, Uym Htm. i-.in t^u il/t-lmid, ami i- i'«.w rcatly to du all Kh<d* of J'IIM HI In- tun* oi ini^mii-s, on -hn^t nutiK', uud in the bi'.-t m.tnn>:r.l<'L>h>i<: t-i ttindint thut nil u u i h di^n-_* nt thiri fsiahi-hiii.-iit, wil 1 -ivi-liill -.itHtin:li<iu. ."ihcr wure, lioJd fhus, A v., sold nt tins c-i.;rbli-hiiH'iit, himd-ninf ly c-ns.'1-tivi d.witiiont fNtraehiiryo. i'artiL-uhu'iiMi'i.titm p-nd lu v'.-ltin plnti* in. rnvnu-. U- K. NL\VCO>» li. Wiiti-rtiitt'ii, M.irch i:t, 1?.11, yt ; HOHR & TH23AT, W llnl.KSAI.Ii and Uetail Deuli-u In I'li.lii... Ti.ii.Ii". Cm net Ilj.;a, V.ili.-..», I'uww li,,-i,.ry, U1..UV, Oil i , ltul.l.,1 L'lutliiii;;. in Rrej.t.T vmif-rics t1..m enn l e fimt.,1 wiM .jt Altit.ny nri jti'f'piu-.'il to tuuu'h ineivlailit', and uth.rii«illi tin- ubti\ c ut tin-New lwrit JoUL<.:itii'ikc*,ti3 «'f buy direct el the Im- ltwrr.-iv. Custom Work Demo with pronn.'iKa.- ..Utlilifimcteli. A tit lit i.l: timerf v.--»r- rutited. srmiEii ctoru<MD rrarwii* ju^t rr it i\i.ini 141;,. .(;» U.I H. J . Tlir l'ulilir nve It.^I..TtlulU' i.iiil. .It... •..mill.-1..', in,i.i. !t*e hiii^I-, i, ,,u I, «.- |il.'.lufiiui-il\. niin-lll,i»i.| ili,.n ,ii,v ol lliemi'ili v . n- .-.^i.-._..s mi, Lit _•..;,. (.un;J , ii, i.i, -.„s t.i <I-i r liuilit. .- i.,.•.-'!.Hi ul tin I n , ' 1 i.r i HMii^i.. h ultji-il.r uttll h'- t- r.. ll.cl-'ieimr. l...,,ii'^ t! . ivli. i,-. Tup i,l tiieTr.-. ('lnlliit.1. W,.r,., N.i 1 .\iiii>rie..v. l.y Hi Hill .Villi AT U -liiUMii lliu.l. r j .-'cr.li v. .iut.-'.l, uud lini^l Kuma r.t v ,'.i .-r ITii,,-. . \\ ..K-iutwii, i^,.... >jr, For Sale. r|Twoii,i-.,'...,,,„.„i vin.-lii. •;i„„.,.i in ti„. »,«...,. ,,( A. V...I.1-I..1W1 j.n.l tl.....li,.i in f.uu i.« i.iii.. (in.' ,\ ill i. II..- u,l........t \\',t.rl..uii..JH . 1.UI..1I t.i di. Ull (".ml .1, . t , li it.I .... l.- <i« .^i.-.i..-M. t .!•.. a i., .... -! ; r , i Id.,...- »-.--t, 1.1 i iV.-t t', ,.i. t -1.-.'.!..,.,. I Ini' l.lui - t . 1 ..H .-i.-iluu - t . i *..i I. . . tin \^", »i. «t. 1 v...!Mi, I.. ! ..ii.ll.t.r.i. Jk. I.i.ii. .•o.iHiiii.m».-i -/-., Ai-n.1. -:.--! luiii'i-Tiiri-'i. t .im.-li.i.-i ..ii it.-,.1,1,1 .-t.i 111. I.Mt ."..-Lit.'ft., ul..nt I..-I ilmliiiii" I.,,t, in KLIIII Wi.u, t..-.iii. ni,.rui nt ul.,.nr l-.|... i,-. n-tli,- runii i.l i;nlt.iti.t. i Hun. i-uu.ll.il iu Hi.- i .li,.,;.. i.l TI i,,-llil.. lii.v. a l.inui.1 •. Iii.nt Iliiiii-ii-. i-.«ii I..VV.- mi.l 1.II1. r.-ti...!;. Iii.liuliiis i.l . i. 1. i .-li.'.-ji. n.Kr I!..- vi.l-u.'ut Alitivvrp. A .... t.t.irm i.l ; . ALII.-,..11 Aliul't-.i IJ..l.i.|ili.|..'li.ru..tl..lul t.i nl 111 .'. i-r- -, -s ,in ...,.! I!.., , ,i, i ii ,i i.'l. ,., T',.. t.n- li i,t r i . i u IH-,1.. Al-i.i,..-- „ t-. i.ii.ii l.,r... . i iiii.mt 'lim.-i-.-. . -tl. ^t,.'.«. w- . ii. UL. tu i II ..i.,---- ,.i. \|.., I . IU H.'.-i-i.. II .'.in.•% . I l'..:-i , 1 1 . I . -. -. j:i..'..!.i K..I-, i'l.I V.ili.ii..,. ,. i ,.t . . : . . ..! i'. i'-iii ii tr"i.. I !• j . ul J V I - il. l.\Mii n... ,-..! i.. ii..!iiu.,i...i,L \v-,t^it^-.-n.*i:r.: l, ]-.:.'. -.-.:i STAfV, miM/u & Co.. wit..:. .-*'* ii>f.u<«.-.i. .-.'i Bry Goods. Hotion.^, Carpets, Oil- Cloths, &c. Nn. t O ! , <it*ni-M*e S t r e e t , V t i o n . Rt-tril Uoouts Kc n.t..r—Ct.rp-t l:«-'ii'« ->id tmur—Wh.l' 1 M.l- K'..m.>- M tl.«,r M.-l I- - in- lit. W r.hnw h t r.-'. 1v.. ( tii.i., it.-- t..;, tl l Ii.nvy A»'*:-n h'ldiM in N.'W V.iih, ltm-'ii bfhi.v iftitiiiii.nnnvi'. pi. r.--. n hi'.i»'ilui ..--urtnii nt..( p;.h'l p> liy V* hit, 'I *<(» ti v hru^'l .l:iii««.'l., u ih, fttif, i'M- -. ..id Mip.-rlni.rti t'i'rpttjf, CnM'.n i-i.d \\'.ii.l .'did CMIMJ..' •. 'Iiif. tiy, l.ru ^. 1 . Vini'ti,.iiiii.d ,-lMi-,- M.,ir ('.(rp.-t*: lliDV'jt-tr', U\> .-. M.«tl-. Oil f'IOIIIP ID ii--w KIIII lMiutil'it <!»^:i'ti-. M.ui-.-i. r'ort'tn 1'o'lii.r-, f.iMl.,.,i.(p.|Mi Lt-t*f T-i .Mn- 'vi ' I«I-...U At-ifi *i \,-r? I-ii^riiN.ijsplindidJi Mirti.j nt *-! n<-iitl -ii- •' Hi.tf lii-ii'din- Hill;- tn _•»•,,*• vtirirtv, PI ,'li rdi«- ..ti'l ."* ^it wirii nil tJieiir-w-r\lm ,-|>r ? -> -• t«^._-Jis f.^r Linht' ur.r • •VI-u al,tt^o.>8. > rt.*j- um tu h EI»lBHOIDB .133. l-^-.l C m o n Crnp • sl«i'< 1., I .n- .ni.|«f,.i n.- lii-n,.l i-ir.l r- •li- i"i» .'.-• .-h .v.!-, tV„,u it., uuil i. v iv .- r-.-..l I livhi vj-'utdj. tT,''"Y i.OI Iil:N .v l"n. •-7m! ' 1. DAIRT-MAID. rj\nV. nn7!AT -irCCKSS d llii^ vnlui.blo.DAIRY £ S'l OVKli.m iud.ir.--tl tlies.il<.ri'ilK'r.-t ni,'niii toult'cr t r c m tn llui P iryin.-ti ot' ilri Coiu.ty ivilli lull t-onlitli-nce tlmt thf-v iviil gV.. ci'ini'lt to p.:iistiiclifin lur till nmry- intl-riiisoj. wla-uii£L-il 1.ii-lu.ftt]n-' Milk with it tin tiili iti ilia cnltlrttii, llii.t-t'liiiio .!'in..i»i-ul'liiuliiirj the Milk ; nnd chiT',. mndo 11 tliMvi.y Mill I'.-tch l.'iitir liimM' pii. o in rmirlicr. This -ttno J. ti-.-d tn -iOi.-i inUtiliiti-f; Jni'i.llbnilinfr i.iiil .-illirmry puipii.-!-?, li.-.iiiii;: I-ii.l lir-i.« \o A;t ; mttlliy rciiiiivin^ tlio linfl.'i-il iiit.l:.--. iiliritt in I rtiptt.il ln-iiiin-.'Stuvp. There no tlit-i-c 1 nlltfi' s'zifi—S'..-- 1 . l-l. 2'J :tml !1", '"ii.l ivill l.o snlil ficlei»d p r i c s tlitiu nny ctlii-i- in-lit 1.? yt tin-1-ind tn liiurltul, Cull nnd SL-L- tin? r'tove, nnd ^it.- <ino n tritii. ^-ALr'O-, Onliinid niitl lur PI.!I> liio tt-it-i'ii.tid .ItlToi-scn Air-Tiglit rtit.ik.-ttiit-.-i. With ii LineftSaijllMi-ut. ot oili-.-v stoves, uf tit.-- Intf-i-l p-iItt-Tii^. OTl.-> vt YALE. Wiitt-l-toti ii. 1-t-l.. 1H1. S7 atriiTrvAOfOKS. Km with Sttjt-1 Tc-.-tli rttr-iii^i J lur lf„i-r.n. nt=-, SO " ' ' r.,ii. t'ultii.itlii(!, E» nl Kxtm nt.. 1 'lVi-tli tn Li- -i.'il.-. i.,in.t.lv. Tim itlilvtv ul' th>- SI. -1 Cultii t.t-.i-. i- -o w.-ll liimv n nn'l niipr...i.itt'd', tli'.t n.j t^-" 1 i .-.<u. .mi. I I..niu'r t-liould bo v. iili.itittli'-ni; lor t.doitt tl.t.- A^ii.-iilti.v.l W...... I!n.iBt..^o i! 1M.II 1II...-U. L..iUl'1-.U & \N UOUUUFF. 1-tU.tll-j.'. ^ 1 _ _ l'.VUTll'l I..VU XtTICi: To the Citizens of Jefferson County. t.-;p.Mii.\NT i)l:vrt,in-i r.i .-. [Fmin Ihe'• llhihcr.li r lUiili/ Auufictin."] Iiil'illhilllt- Ui-ni.'-.H. OUTW Villi rU'l'Lll-ATIiKi liKI.Y rplli: M.ntnl nn IIIIIII.II I.H.II.I...II.I.I.I t. ,.nt Ji..».lv rrticn X imd i-ij.-i'tiMlly nn-. .HI- •!.. ii.', ..! u. f.i ..-, v i n Mil »• Cl.V.ffllil N. l-i. .it,-' Ati.i 11,li . ii. II— litI-.M,tin. lid.il l..rii.ul.iit" il '\ 'i.i.-l.il..ji. in.- il,.,',i ,-...!.- .\:ii.i-iil,.ri,ii.l '.. .Vi.ii', i - l:!ii-iiu-"ti-ii.. ii. .tt.l'.iti. ,| .t.i' t,)!i tii'iit- II..I.I |...i-.ll) 1-, Itll.t. i-.'J Mul... l.'i.lnr.i'[. ,1 lit,, ti.--, pi-.,ti. nil,! tl li J,.i. t . Tiit-i.i.,,1. i .... ' i . .it,,..,,- -i.i. il •-.., 'I \ ll.i-i.i.-.pri.:tor i.'lli.. int.i.'.t Km, ... P.i.f.ii uil..i- p. i I., i.l.. t.li!rin:l .^. ...u- lurutir,and - t'. Iiili.-il-' ..I i.i tin, iiK. \II|.IJ l.y 1, i . r l..il..- Pi..,.,-; I..1- i.l i l .V..mil.in In.ll- nn 1 .inn,, i.t ' p, -,. ...II. p.,t, li..|-.,i. II.in -, Ai:mny, i.'. Y, irtuMu.m-, .•. ^.'„il..iil, |-li.i|.|... !.. ;, V., i.tucru! W.liio Kill ,.ul..I,., ...i.di i -.1 .ii-,,- tm-il.r.- I.. i.i.il II in, .It. i. l.i.vp n-t'd - --<i uia I.I.IV ul. ''..- n- i -.tl.-litiuii •. . I. 1. D. J 11 Wiiicr. > l lilui.l.i.i, \\ «i Y'i;.-Mi.,;,.- r,-' r..in ,.i., tt'l. tit ini-. I'-li. lll.il. lill -Ul .11 J..I... « t 'I."" •', I''" .-- ill;, .-il. ni.tt'it, .In., \ -. iini.ili .1 ,.I'i.. ... " l l i . l t.'i'ifi'.ir.iTia. ... v I'lu.-m-fii ' . . i.'il-II. •"• i --it t' > '"t,. '. 'in-.. I., my,- . Ii.r.iulft. r\ tit .1- ... i .. il I.. .|i.„.l'. : t-.llli fl.i- li.i-ts. I >'.iul.|l.|. li'ivpi I-.. -I' 1 . 'I it' II." in • .•.-• I..-' lilcii Cil. n^Iit.S... li 1...-itt.i. :.^I..K.. !..- t-l. :,• v. r;«.i;nr.NEn. '" 1'ii... r.ii..rtiiil'.ri'.-ri'. .II 1 -. £,".''!-.ir - .1... Mii.it- -1-MLi i. i.iil, l.v >I. - i v Miitirp^ tt 1.,1'iHni.. 11 ti ' . -I- '.. \ , i.. n-i >l \ , ..... 1-Nurtin.tn ..-w 1..II,, ti, l-l ,11. ..II. i.l.-i .1.11.1-'i'. il.r--u-, IrnMiul-.-, V.' n. l'.- I > .11. Mill- , H ..I • t - D.-l. .II, VI.IM .'.-,•- VS II, . Ii I oi .1 .v f„n, .... A "-!. .'...I.-, I.l. f.n : II H. .-iTt.CKWf-T.L, !it'.-.-..iii ..... li-.iu .:;. v., .i.-i WC> 13 O Ii! IIP UL CUKES! ••=SC©/''A i! 'A\-'-^-: CANCHALA6UA. H A1.F HuCJtS witu the U •* ,mtiiMi.- 4 VuU. lull iiiiiin-1. Q.-i:<kt;it>m. i.r H i s t o r y of my Life, Mn v Martin,mul ntlirr r.»I^»f, Kt.yirunt; and HptHmj U.titioniry, ( ..inplrf Angler, hv r M Ikp, Widtnn, II^t-.i-> td (,,nr,;i.«. hyT.rf.Arthur, lJl-tn»-y of Kt'litiit hv, .Iu. Aj.nl L~, J,-;2. f-TJ-.liUNa -^%^ ^ | # ^ / ' % % Covghs, CCMR, liifiuen=.a, A&tlima, brojiclilt's, Sn-itt-UM;'ABlood, rini.iit ul | ,s.,,,1 t,H ml,, I Lm •-" < Viu*i...i,". i.i.ilm; lo CONSUMPTION. 1.1 ,<I> •1111. I IH,' .- r-plir.,1-, : L i in. 1 ' Cj.nl -i. VI..1,- Ii/Cii',ric3lii.nlit, ! **•*:<!, t-i. i.ifj I.HI; Of\t\ f(.AM'.niLT! mW /iU*/ riilrl-:mi.». __ nXJiDELL. •rin-.d.llj.. r;*"r;i ,'^u, iu.'i d Ii:.uruti..tdIiiMi-u< i-.n-h. iniui- ly hilnVe. litiiiMstuSl". Kl KltLIXU &. UIDDELL, rglKN thitusitntlropii-p told of Undo Twin's? O '!in,b^ Il.ir- i rirt r>.:*-l4tr.-"iMi\p, J. ncu, "Sl.vJ rnt'ti* ii <ry nt tfhukt tpcnricii Clnot* tli>n?, 1,IKI Jli.r^niritt Cf-til. 75 Camp l"ir."a ui tlin p.ovoltifion. 4">' rn-.'rn,viiia"a, Lr«v«ji frmn tho N'<jtc l;o**.i •»! a Iiataui'i-r, " CO April U7, I t l i . cTLIUJ.NG Jc itlDDELL^ Eta-tf? Books for the Psople. G D T2RAL St.mtiSff JK/ic Yjrk, from iti.' r J to t^J, com- ph't". Uiiflar«t; v-.httnt?. Lrsi l-tt.z'e Gui'b\ muuiinjiu Laws and ftulfs, hy which I<11 Uuhiifr.itivp hfjJirsart- yuvcrut'd. Otievul. Suptrvixur's LQJI; fhowiny the pnwera and duuca of Super- vifor**. One vtil. 2itw Ctrrks'Astisiant, a book of practical forms for all has!-1 nffs ni<^n. j Waterman*s Justice,a complex 5u.de to thoii2.v!y cbctsd ] Ju-tk*-.*. Coiittat'lKs' Guide, showing the powers and dutic3 of Consti-: lira un.I IieputicE. Execut'-ars' Guide, in settling cstatfu. _Apnljii7, lt.TJ. STBItLIN'G & RIDDELL. Spring Style of Paper Hangings. C UJifcLSTlAG ol acw nnd beautiful designs—fuitahlc to dccor«tc the Walls of Cottasc or Mansiua. Kmv Fpring patterns—superior in etyle and hnish tn those Elrgatu Pa- pers which attracted auch attention and cule at Ko. 10 Wath- ington i<t., last season. April, 165-3. STERLlyg & ItlPDELL. . Borders &nd Wixidotv Shades. i~[\ DIFFERENT pRttern9or French, Znnli«h and Ameri. *J\J' cm decigngJ.einhra<:inu the Richest Gilt Orinwon, and Purple Velvets, and Common J?ntiu nnd Plain Borders. Cur- tain Papers, Transparent Window Shades, und Fire Bonrd Prints &.c. &c, prices low. April 13. M5& STERLING & EIDDELL. I'- T» \ 1 -:/ ...i 1, . 1 .. i t ' .. ' ti . It t.t-.l, .' I: t , III it.l'1,1- " ' i l '. I.' 1 ,.' I V 1 A /../I'.'/.r i">-: •ii, t .. »y -' y.-t -•; x.i/<r r vvn r. ..• /.-.;/ rio'.f. ..I !•..-. li I I q, 1. 11., ror.-i-.vi .. ... .. ... ,»ni)j,! T 1IK Tifi.t i.n.l *li-c.i:-.',t ciit'ii.l ir.<;iitint mthcworU lur ti.0 t-iirt- of IN AT,I. IT-~ V.\l:ll>rt« rOH>W, ' Such.iat i itiiiiMboM-f-ir...'ii. il.i itl.tin.. If'ibitintl Ocstlvc- , nct-B Anid i-to-rii ^it. Ht.i.t r.-, !...« t,I Appftil.. . l-iic«.:iii'litH-.i..-,'r-,'i.,l'.tiit'iji Pl.-iil-B.l'lit' : ul»(ti-.o or V. - ln.l in In- --t.Ltii.t-li, Kti-vnitt-iif *, rt,ijn--. ol ll.e K:;trcffl..ifi^, v/ct.li. ' Jin-a nl tho Llml.,*. OENBRAI, l)EBIT,TT\', Arialiiafrom Protracted FRvrji-g, cxp.ifiurcto Hr.it nr Cold. Old Age, Impcrlfict I>is''s*ioli,fieri Ijt-r^Tiqod C"ndJ..;on ot thfl St.imit^li, imd is tau best tunic known for the prevvri- 1 t.on and cum of ! F E V E R AND AGTTI3. t.i l.'t "- t ^ ". > i j.iui'.ll'i.l;- - - fi'n'i. t«i i ..-rii''.i . .-.i-'ir.ii..' i- ,1 li-(nl.-It . ir.l M I.. m-Ulfli v.,i -. ,• t V t i ' I - tl. rl/.ili, ,„..! tl 'I I- • rxi.-.t,.-.-.t ... Hut ti..:- 11.i t II iil.|„!y . , . ' t i „ t,., l.'r.l.-l|..i... l..„... -Ili.-li' II II" p'.trl.t I, I.','.- -• li-l.. . t, -.-.. t:^l|, I. I. ! .... /lit l.lt.il. '.1.-I i li L ol .1 .It-i" MIHJ III., -i.,H..» Hv. •i.ra i i.. ii.'.ti.i-. m. nt it. I... f. t,ii,li,. ,r L"'.'iV.f-', ' •'«•• v -'«. V '•!> ,1. d I tl.. .... . . ,•-r I-.-... 1.-... i - .i I- .• to ,,.,ir.-..i. i.r ...li ."licit a 11,i.- ... |T... t . r . J-- I- -.-.'lif --.- p-i'-ii--- I- M.III ii. ..'v .i I,. t.Jt.it.ii' - i.y .,1 ll.it t> i-'il, It lii-j... V. " iViii.t/ry ti.ii .'-ti.ti? Ar,; IA o n - ' , ; •I uni i n n lit. ".r-'vcliiri.! ;-• v-.,i^'t on ll.'.l.iiid .1, lli.'ltliori;. ., ,.-i..'..iiiiv-.- ' ii.r-uii.lr.ij ,,- ..... /.V-pof It i W t - , «tut.i 'i.r.l.j- llli» .. -. It i- v. r.- - j-!-. 'rut;, '.nil i ..•••_ riwlit tlin •}j.'i"Ji','£n'I, Cough and D'Sfase r>f\i lpnnths tinudinp cured riprr hrir'q yii-ca 1.^. t'lhi by Enintrd Plnj- ikians ' Ai.rv.'.Y, . r .ti.- % 1619. MEHSIIS A. T.. ,-cfiviLr.r: & Crt.—I in-r.-ii-tii f.-,i iviiril to you l i b nlSOa„ n^n^t .cmHy ,nd n ^ B arpn r W hy any j J ^ ~ ^ ' ^ S V ^rr^^ryrup of A Splendid Work. T UOKOGttlAPlnc Jiniryclopasilia of Science, Literature -L and Art by .1. G. NECK. HOW bound in aix volumna T.vo voltimns of Plates, und lonr of Texr, price 40,00, for forsalo by STERMNG7c HimiKM, A RTIFXCIAL FLOWEH. MAKING.—Leu Paperd, Car- XI. mine. Ulue, Pink, Yellnw, (iruen, Or«o^e, Uclire, &c. &e. Also Tissue Papers, Vnri«?ynted TtEsmc, Glized Paper for Boxes and Portfolio ensee, Gilt casket paper, ulso a vn- riety of Artificial leaves, Stamens, Wire Pteius*, Ac &c. April 13, 1S.'»2. STERLING & KIDDELL. QTUDIES IN FLOWER PAINTING.—A Eoriea of Plutea *-J for instruction hi Drawing and (,'oloring FlowRrs. Price £1.00 STERLING & KIDDELL. B LEAK UOTJSE, by Chas. Didtena, Np.l, jasfc pubhshed in this country, STERLING <t HIDDELL. Books Newly Publisiied. R ECEIVED March 25, nt STERLING & RIDD'ELL'P, Men and Women of the 18th century 2 vols. Price £2,30 RecollectionR of a Literary Life, MiasMilford, 1,'W Women of the Revolution, Mrs. Ellet,vol.3d4 1(12 Book of IJalladB. hy Bon.GauIticr, W Annual of Scientific Discovery for 18S2, 1»25 American Bee keeper's Manual, Minor, lf£ Keat's Poems, 1 volutoe complete, l«0O Ptuert on Proverbs, *J15 Bancroft's Hiatory of t h e United Stated VoL 4- April, 13t 1552. STERLING &. RIDDEL L. tew. for Female E„HoriuS iron, Utertao i'"^™ iX. \ J S ^ ^ ^ T Z n ^ I I tl'u'^ Z i"S A-rnotigtli, uiim.roasandhisl.lyreepect*!, e-Utow. ! S " f S j " S U S . f i - ~ a a wffrelortott»J..iiowmg: ; Cttr!!.ill...i.i..-J,rmd ^ I lit.d provioii-ly r-.l ntliin putt>.tn.m|. Prof. A. A. IUyr.5. M. II, State Amnyer. | , , .,.,-,.,,'fl,,,.,. ,,i„,litt,,, „ii„,». ui,.lIinvf l mwl rati). FlTZllSKKY IIOMEK, I>q.. Button. . ,„.,] ~0f m v m„. ;,>.„„ , v ,|, ,«, ..rr U u cun- H3 '- iff IV88 per- JAS. C Stags, E?q„ CityTrfamrer. Boston. , ft'rnK,,t s \ j,,,,! ,i, mW' mv ^kwr'., b..iu fciir.ii up twfen Hon. Mrnoi.- LAIVIIKNCI:. Kx-Prfst. Mass, tlf-niitf.. | ^ . m7 ..i.v^i.-i.i.ii.. 1 »nti" ri'-'A- coiii..n'if.d uiy i,Ui.;i.ec0, af- Hon. L.II. AliNokD, t«jriiierlyCJovcrnurKhodcIfllaiid,i3t>iv ; ^ tutjl(1,,; f tlunk, iil.om li-iit Itotli.-f. Mnmber of Gonsrf.s^. Yo.iret. ritstifctntliv, TFO.:. C FAUDER. Hon.W:a.WoDDIlIlIDOl!,forIIlorlyGov.JtIlchlgall,nt,r.•i•. ; jgjrjj^jjj.,-^ 43. THE LUNGS!!—&c Aon !"HS.TT. Mo*E«fiAD, formerly Gov. Kentucky, now If. j ^ ^ rf ,t,r »%$%&?£:v* Prnrl, t„ ». V - non."j° F. SIMMONS. U. 8.1-Vnatorlrora Uliodo Wtinrl. A ».•»• <fc.y<s -*>v-)-\ Cliri'tm..-. I w - I .ll'-n iiiiMil, nnd Hon. SuMt'M rt. W n a i n U. S. tlcnr.tor from Vcrm-ut. rvm cmninnwA oiw.lint.' lit tril l,..r.-... 1 .;,..lf..I In allt. Wnn WMl'l-iiATT " " rnmopiuliic-l»liy*i..iii.,lmr Int. ii',.t]|fn.fifl,diif,t-f-f into llflp Hon SoLOairtJ FOCITE, Memfcprof Congress from Vt. , rno. I if id your i,dv..rti.en-^nt, i.nd ti,.,,iSl,t I wwild fry Hon. H. t}. ri.sTr.n, M-mtarol" Conir05»fr6in I'snn. ' lit. Poittr, r-yrtio ;1 t-'verwort, lur f-r,,l l,.,,. „,l»?un. Bo. Hon M.L.HAUTIN, DelDstuin ConjrMafromWteoniII. torellul t«':oi. vpth, thirdooW«,my!,!i>»Jln?l.nd»taMMd, Tprritcin- I mv C'otirjli v-;-5torn.,r,r.iJ. tlflt v.illi-3 ..Mj.l. Jlj-lualth is Gen A.C. Donor;, rirtegotoIn Con«ro»«fri)m Iowa. 1 now gt.t.,1. I foh-if!r.rif n mo>t.-TOl;. nl wo^id.'.fi.tindcor. It V STOWl..Laij.,Cl?rkintanHoii-«eofni'pr<!BoiiBtiro... ; olnlly rtomiijji.l it to my lrlciuh. [Tiiu ete'.tnwnt wtifi O C.TnownniDCr.. Etq„Detroit. Michisun. , an^e»ttinprjpiii;tor».:.fi.rcli l'AJK'J. Gr.o W. .IONHS, Kfiq-, .Survryor (*cner&l, Tiu'oufiiic, Itm-n. : r ^ f y i i i s wfi..Ii. pr.pi.-r rrnyt t hi; lilli.fi with IctU-ra, fiimllor JORKPH Hoxtr.. E«q., No. 70W1.1! st .Nun- i'orl:. : tot.in utovfr, lrom liiorf: who ht-vo bcfn enrerl, Mnnv other indii-iiltisla of the highest rctpM-tnl)ll)ty can ; For .»!•• v-hulrait!.. nnii ri.-li.il, by A. I., f cov.l & Co., Pro. borcfi'"rred lo, r lio ivili conlirm all thut iiaa been euld Ul fa- pnet'r»,i;t t„o.i' prlfcliuil df-pot. lii.lhic Hull.No. 316Brond. vor of this iiivf'Iuablo r/indicln". | "-a J, >. 1.. to whom i.ll orders for Ibo ixif-dtritiG, and nil let- DH. GKO. B. GitF.EN. Proprietor, WlndsoTr Vfc. i ters relfting to ue-enciert thoulrl be uddrri-Eed, post-paid. H E E D BATES &AcsTrK,'\VbolesoleDrnggfiit3,r.'o.ll8Mor- ! Grc*!ttnri& & Kinjr, Goner.tl Agente. Mfiiccllue, Oncncli'ea chantB' Row, Boston, General Agent. I Co., N. V„ and fat lale by T. H. f-'nrrp tfc Co., and V/. Kef*Price hi per bottle: sis bottJeB for 83. > bawens .4*, Co., w&tertoivn,and by V/. Lord it ffon, Brown- For Mloby T. a CA.MP. .'- r,.. »nd tV. HAWF.KP, & j vilV, Co.. Wfttirtnim. amsccra:) FHIOE—InUrge bottlej Sl.iM or !lK bottlen for S5,0n

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Page 1: A m Remington's HAT STORE S AM IIHEISE …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn86053169/1852-05-05/ed...#Jfe%*iSZ~^?~„ THE TARIFF,—The Washington correspond-jcnfc of the. Journal of

, (#Jfe%*iSZ~^?~„

T H E T A R I F F , — T h e Washington correspond-jcnfc of the. Journal of Conttnoroo soya—Tho Committee of Ways and Means of tho House have a great nuitiWr of methoi'UUs'before them on tho subject of U 'ihodiHc'ation of the 1'urilT, buthave no'ihtention of giving serious consider-

'ation to any project at this session, T h e y will 'not report any bill on the subject at this session.

Corpora t ion P roceed ings .

Regular meeting, nlondny evening April 26, I8'52. Present: iho President, Messrs. J. ulimsori. J. M.

Clar|;,atul C. IT. Wright. A petition'Wiw read fromW, 'Sherman ami fiveothurs, a minority of parsons'interested 'tiskitm that a street bo laid out in tho smith west part of 'the Village, described ns follows : " Bcgiiining^at a poihl 'in the south westerly margin of Massuv, street, \Vhero a sireetis laid out on the map of tno Village or.Water-town, made by John tWan in the summar pf I£151, and which as ihus'laid down on the map of said Village runs SiSO. E. across the lands of Hart iYfnss'ey to ihe westerly line of V. W. Hubbard's laiid, and that said street be

'continued on the same course forty feet wide, until it in* tercets Sherman streetatthe division line between Inntls of Wooster Sherman and the fate Oryille Huntierlbrd, and that said street be recorded ; and be called Hunger-ford Street.

On motion, resolved that the prayer of the petitions be granted.

Resolved that J. II. Dutton be appointed Assessor to fill n vacancy occasioned by the nun-acceptance of said of­fice hv A. J. Peek.

Resolved that 0 . H. Wright's account of $18,08 be au­dited and passed to his credit as overwork.

Resolved ihat the resolutiim passed April 12, 1852, voting $10 a year to each pap^r in the Village for pub­lishing tho proceedings of the Board he rescinded so far

'as it may concern the Jeflrsrsonian & Reformer. On motion the Jiuard adjourned to Friday evening^

'next, A. C. BEACH, Clerk.

-THE M A H K B T S ,

Kcw York, May 1. FLOUR—There is no change to notice in our rarrket for

'western and Plate flour, but there U so much buoyancv "for the low grades of western, (''uiindinn firm: stuck' 'ino'derate; sales 1591) brls at $ 1 IS a 8-135. Sales do­mestic 6 U)0 brU a t $350 a S3 75 for sour. Ohio, S i 25 a $1 6*2 for Michigan ami Indiana.

GitAis—Wheat, is betier. There is more Canadian offering, and for t lm there U good shipping inquiry. Com i«inbi)tter demand for export, Oats firni; Jersey 30 a 37c. Rye less firm and dull a t7Ra7Clc . Barley heavy.

W I U S K K V , — T h e market ts rather moderate ; sales 200 brlsat 20c for Ohio and 2 lo for prison. '

PROVISIONS—Holders of pork are firm. <• T h e demand is not active, sales 5 ,)0brls a t SIG75n S1G 87. Ui-ef aalwfl 1000 brls. a t S9 50 a S13 for mess. Bacon scarce ; sales 50,000 lbs wesiern middles, rib in, a t £?. Cut meats senn-eand holders firm. Lard light, sales 800 brls. and tierces at 10 a 10}u. Butler more plenty, sales Ohio at 18a'2'2e. state 23 a 37c. Cheese in demand at 71 a 8*r.

Among the inventions of modern saiciico, few confer a greater benefit on the community than tlint contribution of Chemistry to the healing art, known ns Ayer's Cherry Pec­toral. In our advertising columns may bo found the evi­dence of distinguished gentlemen, tlint eh owe their eonli-deuce in its peculiar efllcncy to cure distempers of the Thronta nnd Lungs. 31ml

[From the Albany Morning Express,} Wo hnvo seldom heard nny thing so highly spoken of in

his city ns tho Mountain Indian Liniment. " FAITH WITHOUT WORKS 13 DEAD."

Faith In the efficacy of the MOUNTAIN LINIMENT, first in­duces those afflicted to try it. Faith is no longer nceessitry, n3 all who have used it admit Its potent power and spread

tta fame. Tho only thing now requisite to guarantee a cure la *' WORKS 1" Apply thif reinady (with a strong arm; nnd

, you are well. T. II. CAMP &. CO , Solo Agent. 3lml

Important, Racy, AND JllOir.—HOUR & TREAT, having boon, appointed

, sole agents lor selling u very superior article of India Rubber "ooda in groat varietyrare prepared to wholesale or retail at lower priuca than were ever offered before

Top of the Tree Clothing Store. No grovelling things nbdvo ground. KuMruad Stock want­


Downfall in Carpets N OWIS.YOUlt.TIME.—^.cahtlihl Kxtfa Fine

nil wool Carpcfa.'lroin the celebrated factory „, H, S. Iligqjlns & Ob.,.,tbil '4s. por yard, Tufted Itnga, Mate, Binding &e.&o. Ctfl nnd'oxiiffliuo. P.M. WKVEH.

3 , 1 .. No. 7, Ooitrt-et.

In grains, y of A. &


"CLOTHING -SORE. No. 4 , Oii,nv>. Sti-cor.

O P P O S I T E T H E A M E R I C A N , W A T R n T O W N , N . V .

CLGTIIS, Ves.tings, Collars, 'Suapendors, Cuasimcres, Trimmings. Cravats, Shifts, and furnishing eoods ceh-

cmlly. The popular trade. Tho rapidly increasing demand for CLOTHING manufac­

tured at this Establishment, has induced the proprietors to make more extensive nrrangem6nts for the Spi ing and Sum­mer trade than they have heretofore dolie. During the past winter they have kept employed n 'large nuiiiber of the best worJcmen; consequently they rire'hoV prepared to exhibit a stoclc of Clothing, every Way superior to nny stock ever kept in this vicinity. Having perfected arrangements with the manufacturers at the East, they are enabled to oilertheir customers Ctothsntid Cassimeres of evei'y stylo as soon as the sample cards are exhibited'lit any city. They will, as hereto tore, bo the flm to adopt the most desirable styles ; nnd their Custom Department will always bo under the su­per ntendenceof Cutteis, competent and willing to give sat­isfaction.

The laws of Etiquottn arc daily commanding more atten­tion hi this country, nnd every one dearies, hi the first place, to wear the appearance of n gentleman. Tho lir t step to­wards this desirable end, ia to go and get a complete out-fit of fashionable garments from tho celebrated

I J I V B A M ) Li2VraVJ3 O l i O T I I I N G S T O R E , where you will find n Stock comprising over 10,000 GAR­MENTS of every conceivable etyle.

Also, a larger assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres^ Veslings, Furnishing"Goods, hidiallubbtr and Oil Cloth Clothing, fa fa, than wus ever exhibibtcd in this section,

34yl ULAltKfc WIGGINS.

18 Sc^hoolTl^ibraiy Books . 52. r p H E Fallot'Poland, by E S. Suxton,2 vols, with Plates, J . American Heroes, 1 vol.

Noble Deeds of American Women, 1 vol. Italy, Past and Present, by Mur'etti, 2 vols. Life on the Sea, by Rev, W. Oulton, 1 vol. Aiitiquiti es of New York nnd the Weet. Battle Summer, or Ihe Revolution of '18. Naval Life, by Lieut l.hu-h, 1 vol. Captains of the Old World. 1 vol. Intpetiid Guard—Ileadley. 1 vol. Uedley's Miscellanies, I vol. Old Guard of Nupulcun—Ileadley, I vol. llomt! auil Haunt.- of the L'octs—Howctt, 2 vols". lUiiatratfd Ut^tury ot tlin llevolutton ot 1770. American Fluid lfoott of the Revolution. Kobio Deeds and lirillmnt Ex[)loits. Lady Wortley's Trave s in the United States, riir John Franklin and the Artie Expedition. Men nnd Women of the 18th Century, 2 vols. Kossuth and his CicnertiK 1 vol. Popular Delusions, 2 vols. Queen's of England, G vol'3. Women of Chi^tianity, 1 vol. .,

Putnam's Cyclopedia, Chambers Papers for the People, "Chambers Miscellany, Irviug's Worlw, 'Goldsmith's, Web-sters, and all tho New I'ubiiemions Of Putnam, Applcton, Harper^, Ticknor & Co., and all other leading Publicationa hi the United States, kept constantly ou hand. Our pricea nro below competition. Trustees of richoola, and alt others, are invited to examine our ±>tock,


More Evidence in favor of^thc Oxygenated Bitters.

FrOm Hon. Geo. W . Jones, Surveyor General of Iowa.

Surveyor General's Ollieo, Dubuque, Iowa, Sept. IS, IB 10. Dr. Geo. B. Green, Windsor, Vt.

Dear Doctor;~I intended, beiorc leaving Washington City, last spring, to my to you in black und white, aa I have fre­quently done viva voce, how highly I esteemed your " (Jxy-gennted Bitters," nnd that I have no doubt hut thoy will net ns a certain, speedy, nnd agreeable cure of Dyspepsia, in any case, it matters no t lmw obstinate. Ymir Hitters acted na a charm with my friends, Hon. A. C.Dodge, M, L . Martin, IP D. Foster, and others, as they did w-th myself.

Your obedient servant, GEO.AV. JONES.

nEED, HATES, & AUSTIN, Wholesale Druggists, No. 2fi Mcrchnnts* Row, Huston, Gi-nurttl Agcnta. Price Sl,0l) per bottle. Six. Buttles fur S.\uu.

^ ^ Hundreds of our cittzeiH complain of debility and angaor of the system, d-uvm-jO'mmt nf t!io Vvn nnd st>im. nch, want of appetite, Sic.; they are frequently the result nf too close application, and a thousand other causes we cimitMt hero immc j but wo would soy to all so nfll.cteJ, do an ne have done—get a liutilu or two of Dr. IhioHimd'a G.-rmm Bittcw, prepared by Dr. Jrtefcsun, nnd, onr wiird for It, y..n will be cured. W e recommend this medicine, knowing from experience that It is much superior to the generality ol pa­tent medicines. Wo would any to onr renders, purchase fcouu unless preparedliy Dr. C. M. Jnckaun, Phil.uU'lphln.

2yr A R R I E D . On the 20th v l t , hy the Rev. F. II PtinU.li, Mr. Oconnc

W.SEVMOI 'H. ot I yme. llnti-n C<i, Oh.n, to Miw Ciun-LOTTK l-„ HOTCIIKJ.V, dang .ter of Mr. J. B. Hotch;.in, ul this village.

{\ benutitul brldnllonrnccompanteil this notice, for which we tender the fair dunor many thanks.)

Atltristol, Conn,, on tho 331 tn - t , by tho Rev. Wm. Good rich, the Hon CIIAULCS E CLARKG, ot Great I!*-nd, .t.-flci. eon Co,, N. Y,, to Mn, HANNAH S. li.UL3i.-Y, of tho former phi ce

In this village, on the lstm*t., hy Rev. Mr. Pnyder, Mr. J.T.rfoi'TitwouTi!,tu.Mrs.A.v.vL. Wool),allot WutiTtown.

MCMlTNN'rfJ^LIXER OPIUM.—A new i.repun.tieii of Opium, at _ _ N.M. SMiril'rf-

f pRU-SSKS, tHJPpnhtBUa AND SHOULDnU BRACE?. X Marsh's improved Unices Tru^s a a I Hnjipnrtrrs. IlhtVn

iinprov. il nrneec, Trafs and t-'uppurters. A lnrj-c nttort-ment Ju«st received t,tNo. It, t-ntlord llleck.

Lubin's Perfmneri'es. V ) INK, Sweet \ \ illiam. llnwtln»m, fi.ndle Wood. Uritn, X Hpnuir t lowers, DcCarohne, SLC.&C, a now supply al No. y. riutfitr I Block. "

Waturtown, May &1,1952. rjUVINTf^tfcniieTGililiiKr, India, Linen nnd Cotton Twine, X tit No. It, Watford llloth._

I?BUIT.—LemoiiV'^'nonds.Fi^a, nnislns, Currnnts, Clt-? ron, Ac , jus t received. Also, Piet-envd Ghnrer atid

"Gunvn lolly, very nice rind 1rcsh, atNo. H, Siilluivl Block. _

S"ODT7\NTTLEatON BISCUIT—A fresh "supply just re-___ ceived at ^ SMlTllV.

STB WARTS SYRUP.—A fine quality, nt~No. 3, Sirilbrd Mock. _

COMBS.—-Ivorv nnd Bufi\.lp Hrr?sing, Horn and "i'ocitct Combs, a new supply at No. 3, Satlunl Block, ^

B ltUSUES.—Pnintnitd Vnrnisli llrufhrs, assorted sizes, (induing Tools, iiflfh Tools, Horse White Wnsb, Floor,

3Int, UidriTwth smd Nail Brushcain great varictyvft new supply at No. 3, St.Uuid Block.

B KKMUDA ARROW ROOT~Ncw crop nt SMITH'S Drug Store.

MIXED IMCKLES^MExcdPu^leT/Caliliflnwr^rn^eTs, &e.,nn.nv supply at N. M. SMITH'S.

May 3,1832. No a.^utlord Bluck. _

S" OAP.—White Almond, Honey do. Vnringntcd do. with ft grout variety of other Cnr and Cuke Solips.


DH. E. ANDREWS, E C I i S S T I O P H 7 S I C I A N , Can be consulted a* follow-':

At his Syracuse Oflice, -11 Fayi-tto-st. AtWuteftown, Globe Uutol, May 18. Oxbow, IIutiEo ot John HemlH, May 21.

do do Horry limit, May, 20. Cnrthage, do Jaima Tlmmpi-uu, May 23d. Having concentrated all his energy and ttndy to Ida Med­

ical Proies-iiun. he has tiathund fro'm nil theories and sya-temp, medicines, nut puisona, but such as act in harmony with tho vital lorces. CoiiHuioun of the dilatcrious eil'ccts ot nicrcurienl prciin rat ions, he oldifjntcs hiiitself to heal the di-j. eared witlmut It-* aid. Jhiviiig (not only a weight of oxpe-riener) hut remedads to fulfil every indication. Those buf­fering eoniplleiiud or local diseases, by strict adherence to Ids- prescriptions may rcnsonubly expect a speedy convulus-cenco.

N. B. Those who, liy indispensible nvocntions, cannot enn-suit him personally, may by a written statement of their case, <Uiu usual lee included.) he benefitted—many having been entirely cured in this way, A personal examination is, however, always preferred.

f^"Address It tters to Syracuse, Onondaga Co., N Y. Vi,-it-« continued every lour or five weeks, of which no­

tice will bo given. 27 GRAJKTD E N T R A N C E



ISeinsrthfl hrgest exhibition la the world and double tlm aizeoi nil the other travelling mwtiiigeites lu the U. 3. put tug'-ther.

A T1SA9X O F TKN H L K P I T A N T S will draw the (JUI'.AT CAR UK JUUtiKRNAUT.

A YOUNG CMAt n iF-P inNT, only *\x mrmtli!* i*ld mul rp ^ lert in U* t^lit will carry upon hi* hf rk nruimil tie- iiiti-rinr id thf e.do- * d p-iviHi>n the Ld-lipuii-nth-ii'-rdToM TUtTMII Th- nu.jinlic*ut vmv#* eMn.tii-esllOHuItSKri, and Jut MLN I TU* piivili.-u ot **xhiliitlf»nuilltitTui<;iii(.tl«itt*L\i»Hl»it»-eIatun at UIKP. All tin* line>t Willi jiiimwlwmi'r eslidHt- d in tliH t'jimti-y aie nmv ultwehtd t& thl« exhiintiou, hi-in^ --fir. ted ut nuiiteiiic VQ** fr'-m the ndti.tr e-r.ihMimenr* North and t'uuth.

MX BKAVTUfJL LIONS! fresh from thrir nutivr lure -T«.

A liPRMI^r.BUI-L, trr.m theM„n.lt.f (\-\l u, unr*hii<t >I there hy tho Pnq;:m n*itivpj», anil rer ntlv t .Ut-sifutin theiriJnl.itmus temple-— Tin* i ln iw i-l eh ph'Vtt*.«t wetiiipniiidiit ihe jun^h'snt Cell-iriilCcvlm. hy M'.Ti-Sr-ih una J>itt> . i r l i t ' . i . Nmtef, a.' ei.mpaideJliy li.n u..live-, i-Iter a pmuiit vi tf*ree weik-i uml t.i.fi tli\*intl»-' iiM'jI.c, Thev were linai'y iiitn»p''-l i,ui -mirnf u t i tKlMr t ,(Ht IM»i\N*lWAI\t.i ciimmoiis ihiM.-u-tmmiinl i^nll .- ' in -tr.lii.ih, wl.ni ' tlit* tL|«f'Hits wer»«*»hJued, Til. I 'Mil r.l-jhjiit unnnipanies it* dun, an v u« wtMin-d i u ita p.i'si'.-e lnan liuii.i. A NATIVC (T.YLfiN t'HlKF, liil.ilr.'iin Ki th- \viM nnd w-inlpnnji tn't.* f»r Kniliii whn-- I. I-.M t >n«li»lnra an- vivi-lly ift st i-Le.l hy Itn^i no Sue in ihe Wi.ii.ti nn j Jt w, necoinpuntcs the el-ephmiN.

A mi^nifieent nrt«-s Bnnd will iley during the eshibiLon, nnd accompuny thu Trtumphnl Proct ssixin.

m Remington's HAT STORE in r\N

Paints , Oils, &c. T UST received at N.M. SMITH'S Drug, Paint, and firo-»-' eery Store, No. 3, Snfiimi Dlock, I.lnsced Oil, Boiled nnd Raw, White Lend, Pure, Extra and No. 1, (fround iu Oil, White Lend, Pun*, Extra nnd No. 1, Dry in Oil, Ohio Paint, (assorted) Ash, Drab anil Ciioclate Colors, Her-

13 ON


MOLESKIN, Beaver, Kossuth, Pnnuinu and .Straw Hats of the latent stylos. Gaps ol* every variety lor men

and Boys, and every thing usually kept in a Tint Store, may be found at this establishment;, and will bo sold 23 per cent less than the ueurd rales. Remington keeps Hals of the finest material, and has such a variety of styles, that, pur­chasers can have a becoming as well nan durable Hat, and nt a price that cannot fail to give aatial'aliou. Terms cash in-variably!

Watertown, April, 18S3._ 33'yl

A W o r d From O. 8c J. M A R S H A L L

TO T H E I R FRIENDS. ONE YJSAR.ngu we commenced business in this place, mid

having figured up for the past your, and laid our pinna for the future, it is but fair that you should know what we have done, and what we intend to do. We have thus far met'with unprecedented success—hnye sold more goods than any other shop hi town, without exeeption,atid thousands can testify that we hnve furnished them'BETTER GO 0153, and at CHEAPER RAVES, than they could obtain any where else.

The secret of our success rests lntho fact that we have fulfilled our engagements, and furnished, ns we promised'to do, as mnny goods.for S3.50 as you had formerly paid S5 for. This was ti.outdiutt the time a stretcher, and it is true that it cilts down the'prolits, 'and if our busbies* was aa limited as others we could uot afford i t ; but by selling so many goods and receiving a Hide profit on the whole, we are better off in the end, and ol course our customers are better satisfied. Our great success the past year, has encouraged us to lay still larger plana for the luturo ; but in all our arrangements we shall never abandon tho principle or practice of $5 for S3,50. Wo are aware that this is a great eye-sore to some, but it works well and we shall hold on lo ic. rfu much for the past. The future looks bright. Wo have just opened a magnificent stock of

DRY GOODS, which in richiiGSf, beauty of etyle. and qunlity, far surpas­ses any thing of the kind over attempted in ibis part of tho State. It would fill a Newspaper to enumerate everything ot which our splendid stock is composed, and we can ouly mentinu a few lending articles :

Dress Roods, Bonnets. Parasols, Ribbons, Millinery Goods, Needle-Worked Goods, Carpets Oil Cloths, Domestic Coods, liroadcloths, Cas-imeres, Bleached. Goods, Shawls, and a full assortment of White Goods.

The ' e Uoods are all fresh, rich and cheap. Call and ex­amine them, aridyou will be satisfied that " these things are

." 'Terms CiKih—Trimmings thrown in. C.&J. MARSHALL.

Watertown, April, 1S02. 33

fro. 7, Court Street, WOULD respectfully announce to his friends nnd the

public in general, that he has taken the ahove Store, which he has fitted up in the most SUPERH sSTi'LE ; that he has just KKUJM VKD a hu-irer and better stock of

DltY_ GOODS than was ever holnre offered in Northern New York—that his motto will bo Q u i c k SIIICH nnd Simti i l'rofitH. These goods have been bought for Cash, at the present extreme low rates at. which they are now being sacrificed in New York and llo.stoi.. thus enabling him to sell full

10 P e r Cent lower than can hn bomrht at any other establishment, with-, out exception. No pniii3 or expense shall be spared to ren­der this establishment tho most deainihle place for LADIL.S to make thHr purchase*, inni where tlley may at all times dfpend on finding the very bc-c OF (iOODH, at the very LOWEST PRICK, and th'itt his motto ofQuick Sales and Small Profits, ehull be mo.-t strictly adhered to—Spring style

OF SILK AND FANCY GOODS ot" evt'ry di-cHiillou, embracing the newest and Intent hibrlcs in DRr.dS UUODS.MIAWLS. &e, &c.

PRINTED CALICOES, An endloas variety of patterns from the rk-hewt to the more modest nn I simple styles. Ilia stock of DOMESTIC COODd H IHIW romplete. and ia intruded at all times to Include eve­ry article in that line, which will he sold nt tiie very LOW* KrAT f'RACTlUN whivlt euch goods cau be bought North ul Albany.

W H I T E GOODS. Plain Cambric, JneuiHtts, Swiff?, UMiop Lawn, Book Mus­lin check and bured, L'lpj.et spotted and dotted Sw ias. Can-tun Mie>lin, Lndies, Children and Gents, Linen, Sdk and Cumuric ILiuditerchiutx,

LACES. Cotton and Thread Edgings of all widths nnd description— IU>ek, White and Colored tfillt Edgings and Luces, Plum iind figured Nett«, A;e., {<:'.

EMBROIDERIES. Linen nnd Jaroiiett Ed^iti^, Iiiserting,Colhirs,CulTs,Sleovcs, Ckbiiiezetto. Aie, I.net-1 idl V.-jlo, LuJInrs Mr-eves, &,c, &.C.

DRESS TRIMMINGS. Hr-wing ?llk fringes, every width, culnr nnd quality, Braid, Gimps Curds. Buttons ut all t-tyles, TufiUtu and tintiu Rib-bun crimped, &u.t S-c,

HOSIERY. Childrens' Brown, White, Bhu-k, Mixed and Striped, Ladies, Black, Brown, White and ribbed Silk, Cotton und Cashmere, E igh th «nd German nt every quality.

GLOVES. Lndiesnnd Genls Cuttun. Lisle Thread, Pilkand Kid of every iiilur. Ladies Lou'lb-h 1 illet and Pn-nch Sewing .Silk, and Gluves ul all qnuUt>i*. Every htyle, quality and vuricty ut Kid, the largest block in town, Ac, A.e, die.

HIS STOCK will f t all times he kept up m.d K-pUiii-hed hy additions of thi.- HIM 11 AS1I1UN AIU.I-, as ««"-n i>s tin j uiviutrodactd to Lit*«rirk*t, Ri:Mi..im.i. IHB.NAMS.

r . M.WEVEU. Nu 7, ('• mrt Street, (IVeV's Block.) oppo.-tto the AtnencH.

W.i t^ t i .un. Ai»nU'-'. !•-:>.*. :i.fyl. ETo S u m b u g a b o u t F r a n k M . "Wever's H AVINt! tlif ulfx s* let tt'il Hock ut DRY (iOtlliH in

\\..t'itMivn, His sup ' i inr t.i-te is '•wh. th.it tie* Uct tl at a liUE-'H w.is ptireh ^fl at WhVlilt ' .H i* n HutlU-i'lit pm*r..m t. thatttiaRfUH 1*1 l»itti*r t itl h. c..H nn hhnl.et.jrtf Uuywi. N-«. 7, C»-urt Mrct-t, Pcth's l«iAk.

\v t | t , rt-,wn, Api'4»i.*s I t --'. li-lyt.

To tlie Ladies. r» i r I I Itmcitile lm-nt S.lut. phmt iind, hun^e.d.Je d i ,\<hh\

t, nnd slnp.« d", h'i^h > am de ClMUf. Mirk dr->- -lu Mi m-*, t.v'i-ti.tr with .' ih^ ..Uu-r UPW >iv!.-t ot neb t'l(l>rr fJUU£*.*S'-'U*»w<-rpr;i' ^rlKintaii lie tueudjit. iivnther-ti.r'

No. 1" M. WLVTR.

, Peak's Wei li. Mil.

r . T . BARNUM, Proprietor of the N<w-York and I'lilln. di Iphm Museums. 1ms the ht.nur to mim.univ that, eiicmir-a ;n l Itv the hrhhit.ut siK-cifrf which hieiutteilded IiN enter-iinseiibrmiiin^JI NNY LI Nil before the American Pt opte, he has hi en led to term ihe pivj.-et uEorganizing a viiht trav-tlhttiz

MUSEITM OF WONT>ERSl Which conipri"efi n ii*eatrr\aviety ut mtniethms nnd more estmordmarv mivtlticH, than any travelling extu'.iti..n in the wi-rhl. iuwry ie.ainvof t' is miimmuth crf.d.hshmeiit i-* o! a prfidiiiriindhiterr-litu imtiirp, nnd thewh.de ia pro-duccvtiipe.ua jJ-iiiiit c ftidc of meii'tt'tdc*. T'"* rr«vt|iiug par-iphern dm ul the Amencau,MuM uni, as It enters each town, ispi.-ceedeil hy il«; yiiweims

CAU OK .lUiiCLRNAXTT, drawn hy Ten Kleph.iiitssupe'ridy companioned, lirin? an nceur-te. mmlelot lh.it terrude en^me ot idolu'trtma s;«-n-ii.-c, timshed auddeeu'iitul in . 11 the extravit^uuee of the innih'tjs'yb*. t'i'Uvwiu/ iM- uiMuster vehitKl-uhmspro-ee?siun nl eoftly CiiL-'saiid carriages, tiie whiile tornmi^ a epni tat-It* of moie thai Orhnbd t-ph ndor. The exhihitam will take place withm a maguific ut Vnricpnted I'livili.tii, conrp».fted id Anienci.n Flst^a of water pruU' L'brie. The real, genuine, original

" (TKN. TOM THUMB is attached to this exhibition, am! will oppenr in all his pcr-lorunatce-* as tiveii before thepriucipal crowned h. ads of Kui-tipe, ineluilmfr Songs,Dances, Grecian Statutes, and Ids admir- d persuiaiiifI«R rd Nnpol«-oii mid Frederick tho Great.

kirncr County Pmnt, assorted cc lors, Oneida County I'liiut, t '-.'"f litUu'«euur«li«« ninet-eu years t.f nap, weighs wily lit-assorted colors. Zinc White, nt Manufacturers prices. AIKO ! t f , ( - " l " ' " "^ . »' ld •« *JU* twxniy-eiglit inches high. Also en-n full assortment of Drugs, Medicines, (Slabs Ware, Griter-ics, %\e.

Watertown, Mny, 1852.

L I V E R Y S T A B L E !

C. SCRIFTITRE,| At tip' Gioho Hotel, kccp3 good Iloraos nnd Carriages to let on reasonable terms. A new Baroucho with n fino^Tcnui, at the disposal of his customers. Ehquiro ut the oflico or at the Bflrof the Globe.

\Vntertown, Mny 3, 1832. 3-!yl

Dfy^Goods aiidiriUincry for Cashi M r . & M r s . Welch,


MR & MRS. W . hnve just opened a heavy Stock of Dry Goods and Millinery, whii-h hnvchcen selected with

grcnt^aro for the Sprimr and Summer seasons, and withrmt wishing to mislead by strong statements, would say they Intend pursuing their uniform practice oi rtoih"? their very bast for their friends nnd customers, nnd would add that hi Dry Goods and Millinery, they can and will sell at such pri­ces ns shall meet competition.

Country Mcrchnnts and Milliners, can purchase goods nt the above Establishment at New York iniccs. Mourning Bonnets kept constantly on hand. Straw Bonnets altered at tho shortest notice, Wedding Head Dresses nnd Bonhots al* ways in readiness.

The largest assortment of Dress Cnps, from 23 toGs. Mny 3,1832. 3-iyl

J852, Spring aM Summer Trade 1852. DRY GOODS &C.

W. AV. & I. IV. DERRICK, WHOLESALE and retail dealers in Foreign, Domestic,

Staple nnd Fancy Dry Goods ; Window Shades, Pa* £er Hangings, Floor Oil Cloths ; Family Groceries, Fish, Flour, Nails; &.c. &c,

No. l , X r o n B l o c k , Wntc r to iT i i , Have now in store, nnd wilt receive every week during thesoMHon, the nowcstnnd latest stylos of Rich Goods.pur-chnscd expressly for this market, ineludih"'

Rich Black, Chnngenble and oth. r press Silk!

r b fa MR. NELUS. the man without arm?, -who will execute, his rntrnordin:iry Teat e of loud.ng and iirinjr a pistol with his toes ; cuttinii profile ltkcnee^t>s ; s-houtlng nt a mark with bow and arrow; pliiyiug upon the Accordion and Vioiuu-ello, &c. Mr. Nel-lis, "in tiiej-e perform am-es, exhibits a wonderlnl example of what indomitable eiler-ry nnd hidn-t*-y cnu acctunplit-h, even when hiboriiiiT undur disa .Vdiitages apparently thu most in-surmoimbililo

A complete menngerie of Living Animals is also included in the American MuscAtiu, and at a convenient period du-rihjr ihe exhibition,

MR PIERCE will enter the Dens of the wild Beasts, nnd give hisclnssicnl Illustrations of Herculous strugaliug with the Numidian Li­on ; Daniel ia the Lions Deu ;~S.aupson destroying the Li­on &.C.

One of the most interesting portions of the exhibition is formed by the display of n great collection of

WAX STATUARY, including figures of the size of Life, of id] the Presidents of the United Shites, and al-u ul a great number of noted char actcrs, American and Foreign, nil of which Hre accurate likenesses, and appropriately costunied. In fact, the whole bstablishmehti? a vast reporitnry of

WONDFRFUL UB.IKCTS UF NATURE AND ART. The full particulars of which it would be impossible to give within the limits of a newspaper advertisement, mid which hnve been brought together at an enormous expenditure nf menns, lot whig thu largest nnd most novel travelling exhi­bition in this or any otlfer country.

A fine military band will | crform the hioft populntairs of tho any, ns the procession enters town, and also during the hour.-of exhibition. The American Museum and Menace-rie will exhibit at WATERTOWN, on Monday, May 17th, 1S52.

Admission 55cents, children under 0, hnlf price. To the w ole of this Immense ICstnbhshlnent, inuludinc Gen TOM THUMB, the entire collection of WILD ANIMALS, WAX STATUARY, MR. PIERCE'S PERFORMANCES, in tho Dens.THE RAUY ELEPHANT, &c.&c. aminoextrachnrgc, under any pretence whatever, let the reports be what they mny. D o o r s open f ro iu t f e to 4M\ mitt f rom 7 to 0 o ' c l t H ' k i ' . n i i

Wetcr';awit, Apr.l iM1, l ^ l

"We Defy Competition I N FfiUngfUr.-M tluod*,Sli'twU, Ititiuiet',I'rints.flinshams

and Liumcktiift. t»«dl mid e&iuuta. Suv.- ymir m per r m t . F M WLVLlt. Nt» 7, Court Slrerr, (P. ck'« Blnck.) oppu.-itc tl«> American.

Wut. ituvtu, Apul i", Ir'iJ. a^yl.

To tlie Publ ic . -

• t ^ ' f lYNi t t l i r i . iHidc^HulCuilint WKVHR'Sl Simply >V I..-.-.UM" he «,.R, (VMIIJ CHEAP, Miikccpi aTRE

Ml.NrHiU- ASMJKT.ML.NT. Nt..7, (LMIIII Stn.t. il*.'i. 'i Bl.«tk,) oppr<*It*> the American.

Wi.teit.mit.Al-ld^-', trV> it-ljl.

W h i t e Groods, Laces, Ribbons, E nPLUlP4:i;II>-. D n - s Tnmuiinj^. &>.; Ae. A dm-

pht<; .Hid eiitm !y n-w Pt-cl.,. uitipri"!!'.* e n r y ipiti3*tv aiifl ih .-•.lipti.m ot the i.hu\c goods just rercivrd. and 1MV t d e b y I-.M. WKYLR.

W.itertnwn. Apid . ^ , I -" . ! 5fr». 1, Cmtrt Street

iTitriii >>1.V/ .i.\v"in CiC

ANALYTICAL PHYSICIAN. can be cuUtuItrd at his oflii e?, ni follows:

Wiitertawn.Aincric.tn Hotel, Tanrsd.y and Friday tBc 27 and •-•* if May

Admns 1'niiiei ..y's IIr-t» 1, the 25th and £G ot Jhty. (".unit. ti. McCiiiien's IL.tel, tin1 a4th nf do. ItMine, Stamvix Ihdl, the MiM and *£1MI d.i. I*lii a. Haug's Ih.tel, the -HHh ;.nd 21M of do I i.U'.i'. (iit-pers Il'.tel, the :tlst nf Mav eiidUtut June, Svn.iusr.Ililiilnids Ilntfl.tht* :t alal 4th ut dn. Aulmnt. Amerl'Mii Hut*-], tle'Tthiind Hlj i.f .In.

Ppuii till dHCii'tfi ntei.h nt to the human >-yhU:m, particularly aifettiuns nt the Luiii***. Heart. Liver, Kidupyf. Spleen, Ncr vun«ii( «?. tirnpwy, Rheunmtem, AsthiiM, liiuuthit*-', Scrtdu* Lii Uyspep-ia, Scald nrSure Head, Hip diiet'TP, Ulcer.", Par-alj.eia. F.ryMpelas, Men ur-'id di-eu.-r.-. Impunlies of tin* l'.f'ind, vVc, i.vc. spei.-i.il attention given to the DJ*»C«SCS of Wniucn und Children,

U P will explain tlie*ymptnm* elmrart»*rj' dispute.**, nnd will bUn\v by demount rut Km i imnlcs >tl treating thu«e di=ea-e« are nnui^Hlel tiut I'ldeiihi.

"They Have Come.". „


A T No, IS, WOODHUFF Ilouai:,

J &H. SELIGMAN, are now opcuhiy thoir New Spring • Goods, and such u largo ami well usaortod stock of Dry

Goods, lias never been exhibited before in this county. Thoy will be sold ua usual, at tho ** most reasonable prices,]' suiifi as thu Scligman*s aloneara justly celcbraicdlor. Exp'prionco lias rniovcd to us sulHuiemly the correctness of our motto. -

"SMALL PROFITS, LAMM SALES fa." . FA™ DEALINGS.—Amqngst.tho numoroua articles jus t re-

ceived, wo would particularly mention, a beautiful assort­ment of

Dress Goods and Shawls, of tholateat and moat fashionable styles. Our Stock of Barege, DuLaines, Lawns, (iingliamsamt Hillc Tissues, w e do hot hesitate to say is the moat extensive of any one lirtown.

fcaiLic GOODS.—Consisting of Fancy Sill-3 and Satins of ev­ery- description, Black do. from 4s up to 1'lanynrd,

LINENS AND HOUSEKEEPING AiiTiotES.-Sueh ns Irish Lin-ens, by the piece or-vurd. A inrge lot of Diapers. Table Cloths "Linen and Cotton 8*lieetings,Jied Quilts, ice. &c. '

W h i t e Goods and JSmbcoidorles. W e have brought on na endless variety.

f ^ P Ladies needing anything iu this lino, can snvo money by giving us a call, J

Gloves nnd Hosiery of all sizes, Materials, Colorsnnd Qual­ities, from the cheapest, 6d up to tho best English Hoae — We have "also received a cfteop iQt of

' C a r p e t s , which wc are enabled to sell 20 per cent below thft usual prices.

The public are respectfully invited to call and examine — Those that are not already will necessarily he convinced that our cstnblifihmeiit oflars better iuclucatiitiats to purehiis' era, in the shape of Variety of Assortment and Low Prices than any other in Northern New York. '

April 13,1653. 31

1 8 S P l d N G R B P O R T ! 52 . P r a m the " Uoflt of the T r e e * ' Clothlus* R t o r a .


.ToHeryon C o u n t y .

HAYING obtained,a reputation exceeding nny House in Town, the sbscriber ia happy to inlurm his customers

that having enlarged hia premises, he is better prepared to acoommutlata the public than in former vears. Ilia Cloth Room, (Second floor,) is filled with the Choicest and most Fashionahte Variety of Ctaths,

Castimcrcs and Vestivgs, over offered, and will bo made to Order, inn stvle not sur­passed in this market, lleiddo feels confidentmanylne thut his i-emenae Stock of

Ready Made Clothing shall retain the name it has ahvnys borne—"tiupnioritv of Manufacture," so that his customers can rely upon gettiu" a better m tie-la for less money, than at other plaecs. °

To those prclemiuj garmeiits made to order, wo v/otild say, that our Cutters m-o men ot acknowledged, abdity and tas te ; understand theeie of Sheui's—and hi no caso will a garment leave the Store without becoming the wearer, and worthy Oio l^ttiblisliuiMii. y5T"

Ahvnys MipplieU with a large amount of C»< ods iu their season, wo would earnestly invite -Jj

'Wholesa le Dealers to call, as wo are confident we cau otter Inducements, of which lew can boast.

P . S.—Owing to the great success attending this establish­ment by sellinj,' Onotl Uaods at Low Prices, ninny smuli du'd* ers huve beau induced to assume theiitle»ivcn it, of

" CHIiAP STORES." g ^ p O u r friends will under*t<uid tneir object, und remem­

ber that ours is rite only Cheap Clothing tiLre in \Vntcr-town. N. W. tiTRLLTKR.

April Cth, 1852 30tf

Agricultural Mutual Insurance Co,, rjM UU directors and n'jentsot this compuny are busily en-i yaaedin getting up it3 capital and unMiujements to in­

sure . The compniiy « hen orgtiiiize-i, will ho one ol tho beat in tho State in which to iusuro FnninV buildin^i.— It is heiny organized by tanner-, wholiuuiv their own in-tere--t«, mid who feel indignant a t tho deception prac-tM-'d upon them by agents tor years pu*t, nnd Imve re-iolvL'd to furmtiie Ai-ncalt.ir.il luaur.uice Compuny tor tlieir prutec-tion. Ihe Ittiiird ol Uirecturs, a t their firat meeting so fi\-ed the cunstftatiLtn as to prevent rheir olllcurs, or any subse­quent Hoard, or agent*, from in»ttrins nny pniperty except tiirmcra' dwellings and out-buildin^, niidtliur-vontents,

Thefir-t and only object ut this organizHlMi was to torm n cheap and snto iusurancn company lor lunner^ without liuviiif; l ink property, as heretuture, cunacctud witli city and viii.ijio links and other lui'.nrdous property winch mu-t id tt.L* riiiuoiiH hu« uccur, their notes taxed to pay suvh lus^ts.

SL12IGU BULL ANDSKATfia-r-10largo Boxes juatree'd mid to be sold at mice at low commission prices at the

half -price store of R .1OI-INSON &.SON.


W R nro receiving now publications constantly, am] havo now a fine assortment suitable for ScirooL LmiU-

IITRS. Cal l at No. 5 Iron Block, tho Watertown Book atorc. March 30,1852. " KNOWLTUN, RICE fc 0 0 .

f "RON, STEEL, &u.—R. Joiinson & Hon hnve the heaviest X and greatest assortment, consisting of Swede's, ISugliah and American Iron nnd Stoel of evei'y sl?,e, shape and siamp, Anvils, Vices, hollows, Files, etc., ia endless variety, which thoy sell a t uvea more than their n3iinl heavy discount,

§ ^ ^ Store on north side of Court street, above thu Klrby House, opposite Otis' Block.

Life Insurance. CALIFORNIA'S Insured at the lowest rates, hi the Na­

tional Loan Fund, Capital ©2,500,000, and United Statea LU'eln's. Co., Capital 3100,000.

\VM. B. FARWELL, Agent, over P: Mundy's Store. Watertown, February 11th 1853. ' SEtf

iPrices G-reatly Reduced. Watehes, Clocks, JeiocVnj and Fancy Goods,

Lownn TJ&AN BVEK. r p H E subscribers would notify their trlonds and the pub-X lie penorally, that they have just received a large in­

voice of New and Fashionable Jewelry, which were bought very low, of which we are disposed to give o u r customers tho benefit and only request nn examination to be satisfied of the fact.

g ^ ° A large supply of Premium Silver W a r e constantly on hand nnd Torsalu very low. GKNNET & OS BORN,

No, G Woodruff House. Watertown, Sua. 20,1852. 19



THE subscriber has taken the Store under Messrs. Solo­mons &, Aaronij', Corner of Arsenal and Court sta., bet­

ter known as b'uirbijiike* Corner, and has gone extend velyin to the Grocery and Print business. He will keep constantly on hand a good assortment of FAMILY Gnocifitxes AND LI-o.uoiis. Also,, all Ui(! FRUITS in their reasons, which will bo sold nt a low figure at either wholesale or i etail.

Purchasers are invited, to give him a call, and he ia satis fied that he can midieit an object for them, to buy of him.

Watertown, June, 1851 38 CHANDLER. CLARK.

AKTX> S H A M P O O S H G - ! r p H E Subscriber has taken, the pleasant and commodious X room over W, W. Ilcrrick's stqre,in the Iron, Ulock.for-

merlyoccupicd by I. L. Rowllsou, which ho haa fitted up in good style for n

BAK-BiER. SHOP. Those whodesiro their Hair well iind fashionably cut,and

easily shaved, will please give him a call. SlIAMPOOIHQ dono according to the mos t approved

custom. He bus also, a Liqaid Hair [fash, which will restore hair

to its original cplorniid at the same time render it soft and preserve its natural lippearance. For side only at his shop, No. 1, Iron Block, up stairs. {g^Dmrt forget the plnce.

Waterto-wn,Dec. 2.1S.".0 | l tf. D. U, RAY.

THE OTIS BLOCB:, THE undersigned have removed their stock of Hardware

to the RRICK 11UILDING lately erected hv D. 1). OTIS on Court direct, where they will Hell n X U b W A H K at price*lowt*r than ever bofi.re otiered in this county. Thoy arereeeivlug weekly additions to their stock, including a va-iletyot" CUUKINU STOVES, among which a re New En-gland Air-Tight Cooking Stoves ; Western do. d o . ; l'hncni.v do. do.; New World do. do . ; Clinton d<>. do. which took the premium at the late Fair. 7 kinds Air-Tight Parlor Steven ; d- kinds IMnte stoves ; Ruftinn and ihiylifh Stuve Pipe; Tin. Copper und Sheet Iruu Witrc; English Itar Iron, ihit, round dijilsmiavc : Swccds, dn d o d o ; American, do do do j Nor­wegian N.dl Huds; ,Spi:ci..:—Kiii»hnh, Blifter, Gei'inaJi.Spiiny and Cupt: Cut and Wrot Nails: Log, Trace and CahleCli'ii;,; Uour '1 rimmings of nil kinds ; Mill, V, Cut, lhmd .mil Circu-lar Saws ; Cast and Htcrd Plated rihueii.

pr/^Rtuck'-imihs supplied with stock on liberal term1!. liR'nimiuiiictureufTin, shuet iron and Copper Ware

continued in iti various bninchcH, hy skinful a-id experi­enced workmen. OTIS &VALI**.

Wiitert.iwn, .bm. 1, I N A 17

Ions jiroperty. i«iiiciii{| , , and fumi&rtt have hnti 1

The ollicettf this tuiummy id at Evans WXB, commuuicatioiis bhuuld be mblro«ped. ^(3t(wii)

--here all «wii>

THU.MA.S W. WAlin, Secrttury.

The S e a d Qua r t e r s of Fashion ! il KEH' TAIL01UXG ESTABU5HMEXT


Grsntlenaen's Famishing Store . WOUDIil.'LL ..t WESCUTT have just ujiened a t N o . 7

Areinlt'.ailiiLirsfrum Piwt Olfwe, a rk-li rnd elegant ns«ortineiit of u)l kinds uf^u.i.t-., uJ.tiih.-d ta UENTL HMUS'S Wi.va, t.i v.hich they would c til the .ttt-'iitioii ot the Put-he. Ourie-<e-rtmviitconMHt:i in part t.t' thclglluwiug, viz : ilr-'adelorliR, Ca:-imi'res, Ve.-tin^-, Trlmminaa, Shirts, Col­lars, Ciav.f, (iluvea, ^uL'peniieis, Iloi.-pry, &c. A:e.,— which we will sell at extremely Imv piiccslur caah.

w. s. wo«unri,ii, lor tlmhr-t a years in the employ ot Me-iSio. OtAUK & W I G ­GINS, wdl iita-inl per.-oiutlly to nil ends in tlioT.iihtring line, with the j=anie Ei.ustai.tfc.il to lna cUbtumi'tE which he haa yiven heivtoleie.

Ci'tliii:- dt'iu- a t fhcrtnotire nnd everything w arrautt-d to give citiirt stiti\tairti»n in alt c*i<tr.

(t••ntlcmeii ianu*-hi«u their uwii Chith3, cm depend on h t*.»»4; tliemii) t.i- up in Siip'-rhtr St>l.*, uii churl uot tec.

Mur:.Mua*t, I ti.i'ftiipWj andi'.z,- i'ri.v. tlJ-n W.t.-rti'W«. Apid.l<-oJ. UooUl I I 'LL / iWESCol r .

W..i. S Wii..)iiirLi.. c'HAS.l'.WK^cuxr.

H a r r a i r r "Harrah ! f 'Horrab! ! !

M U S E U M I Apri l Magazines,

\ I.LMie Mt^'.zmeRt',.rApul. uii'iiim-reiHiyatPXEZlCC'S J.""X Ciienu I'uhii-.-utiuii rieptit, N.*.H. Aivade,

2MH.SAiioN'.\r. M.vfiv/iM*—!*J Itlii-trittiiin, 144 prgf";.— A heiiiiutal imm'-.vr, .'-ti'. cr.priuu $;u_$iit \uh—v'tct-? i'cr number. I

Uini-cit't, M\n4zi.vr.-14Ji r,-. *,^'i-r.'ully i".ratvut*:d.— ^niio^tiptii'ii .t—•."-'>tt-* p *r uttialter.

tiiuiiAy'iMA/i \/iM:ttir April, witli P.Hlernnlcn-revtn^s! S\urvt\"4 Mu*\7iNr, ly eu^.avhi'.-r, very ele^snt—«ub-

scriptam t; t- •,*-"« etn p.— Nti. l i t .m i ' s L I P V ' S lttmK, •,'! exsgruvin*;'*, very licituufid—

F.ub«t.-ri|itmu$.f, t'"' eta. per No. BLH'Kw»'iut"rMiiivIi, Hutfscrfp'iun 5-1. C»" cKpc r Na Tlir AMCl.K AN Tl-IPLRAM V. MARAZIM", l»r AjTll,

•with u be iiitiiitl n.'-K'-utint 1 Juraum; ot Kthv.ii*tlCDt!o\nii, i.u •- teiunt lit!.- p i_.-, und T'l p.-^ts of on^tial ic »Ung. Hah-^•-•rtptitin •r'J, I - '-'•'. per Ne.

BVI.MI:* Mi" UANIC'I, MrnrpANTT'i, AND TNuivrr r ' s PtrKl-rr .e i rxMuN ,*-'ernnd> Lii.iti. M'li.'JVfcs. prl*,-t*bl.

All the weekly nevv.-p.ipeiw,ii!su!thrt(|-.nitiTill(iv Mnj..^ia.M ns HMi.11 DI puidvl e,l. L. A. riLUCf , Ne.!'. .\iv t.t. . GEORGE'S SAL00S, S^x

At N n . I^,1'ndt1ark*M Arcndc.™*^—«2 nttw ttpeufi.r the rei rpte-ti >•! vi-itnrs and rim {.uidic.

_ .. idly. At jjr* »t e\pri»M? the fulijunher ba^ litUd up m the ni'jjtg-.'r^e.ai- *t\l • n t-xn-nittdifiiti Mid

i:ismo.\.ihLi; XALUUX vth-.re he willb^ Luppy tu rn - rnp the-1 iJf-H1 lti«frirn-I=t,-,nd tlif puhh'\ ft el.n.* r-it-i-y M-.sur.tiice tln-t with hi- pr< EeT t f.r-nniiemeiitsh** wdl la*enabii-d t-*^n.tily iill^h-i ms*v l.nai htm with their p itr-jii.i^e. In Cuimecthm wititintfral^Miihc hiisiitud up a

Ladies' Parlor, in tho riehe-t ?!yh* of mnilurn t.t-te and etrelh*nee, 'where Lutth'sutl] ue u-dttd upon. Mid thfirvi.dtsrendered n.-reu. al le. bemprtreo-lrom the noise uud cunfuatuii usually wit-lir-^setl at other S.dmUlS.

I I H larder will (dwnyihfi rlehly nnd t.lnind.intly ptored with the lieetthi* market titlhrd'* at all s-e.i-uii*. and will he d*'i«lt uiit to Rr.irity the t.T-t',i'f Ins v.irioiH 1 itstMiners.

Thankful l»r tu** many tikern id lej.irl her,"tof.iro re. ctivid lrum fins coniiiiimiiy rr-1 thepu'dir.it wilt l c still •riy highest plctsure to endeavor tu m 'tit a tontmuauco ol tliu-e l.i vi .re.

The bal.itm willopnn ntS A. >I„ and cln«"l 13 P. M^ 1'cnple lnan th«* country will h<> nccumiiiutlati.'J wtli h

or eiiM iiii'iihnu the fhorte-t l.-.tice I'UFSII O T M C E S rct..-iveddailv uiid for cile hv the dm.

" OLORCI; m m . m v . IVnfertmvn, April, 1^*3. :*tfvl

MBS nil Chronic - j .^j i,!(..r„ryl>t'ii.h«hiiient1F1(iut-dinJnheiuh'.iur.jly ..uiv tlint llic pre.-ent • , ,j ,„„• C m „ n e t \ o l l | ,v A. AMUiU^ON, h ts l.re-, pniciui--- .1

by the f litis --niter who voidd re.« ptlII.-ilH-.Ml

peetiul y iidurm ihti puh-icil to prove hnjeurnd. and explain the pr.neiphs!.y wiiah ; h " . , j n t h f ? l l a B p ( ( t | l l f J K ( ( C t ( j r v i n ^ ^(,1-„,1<,n, „,„• ^ J,El,

. 5.1.1*r„dlV;i:rr_5" V..!!?. "l?*-^!'! . ^^ ' ' ^ . i fc l J . ' f 1 : i prepand t.i Inrush t.i the trn'dc a siiuPimraiii. " cures ut th ree of them-nt mditpnndth* eluructert-tiu at all time.-i be friveu ut thnrihVitey and (-iieecus tlint atUmd«i the trentment ol tiise.iKe^ upnti tiie principles mlvoeated t.y Tlr. Wtnte.

TheFueei-Rsbd uioile ul treatment hdlowr-.l m the cura-bihty ttt disease, and tu • unti-pni^nniai-* eh-imeter of his mt;<ii(*mes. ciinipi>s*"it ri i tmlv ot art eles irmn tho Veseta-hte Kinydrtm, {many ni which are Ittnnvn only I>yhimEeh'itiie qualities and pre;! IAIM.JIH o:it una I trmn ordinal reeipe-J iu his pn.-se.«ei.m, have been themenns of rest"riug thousands tu their tost health, when consigned tu death by their lriends and medieal adviser?,

Dr White will continue his visits to this p!a«-e once in four or five week?, id which tluc notiee will be given. Of*^*' letters must bo directed tu Dr. White, VJ, sixth street, Troy, rust Paid. 41 yl

H . S C O V l I i ,

Carriage, Wagon and Sleigh Maker, H AVING purchased tin.* interef t nf Nnyes Tuttle, hia late

partner, will continue the lmMiie=s "in nil m depart­ments, nt the old stand on south sidit i f the public pquare, and on Factory Street, two d-mra e;ist of the Centre House. Carriages^ Vouhtc-aitd Uiit pie Lumber Wagons,

Sltifihs and Cutters. Manufactured and prepared to order on tho shortest nntice. livery descii]itiitn of Can-iar;*- Painting ami Trimmmij done iu th« richest etyle nnd to suit the taste of purchasers.

The proprietor hnvinsr been emrtnreil In thn. business over twenty-five- vunr?, and h.ivlue employed ns foreman in his

prejm Cot ton Tarn , Twine,' Battis, &c.

n* Jfi*wY*.rk CzfihrrUtit. gr^f* All orders cx< cuted with ilr=patch. Terms—Cash,

or . 'pprovd pa]if r far all sums uver S^U. \Viitortov.11. M*ircli IG.1KU. '^tf J.JAY KliOX. Li?" Orders must he adilr^st:d to

A ANDCr^ON', Agent.


Mlt. cc Mkt*. Wi:LL*U re-peetf«iHy inform thoir old-eus-tunu-'l-s ami thi> public jienerally, that tht-v h.ivo just

returned from Xew York w Hb „ Larue, iMl-sehiuu and .%«-frW.!HhtjrtmentufI)iy Goods and Millinery. Having boen m their 1 t-Bpeetlve ltu<,iito-H fur a (fteat muny veins, and be-in-* well acMuniuttid with the market, their e'listomein inav rt-ly upon pnrclmsm^ front them » --mid attici**, and at iei cheaji a rate as imi |>« lnai^ht in any other huusi*, and may confidently rely upull h 'lu- unituriiily htmcatiy UL-UH with.

To Aliliiiiert.—MiDiiie/, will Und it to their tulvHutanr.' to call at this* ciore, an they will beetle tu purchn'-o fiinh arriclea ;-a tliry may rcr'i»iro «t a che&pci n.to than lln-y can at N. VurU.

hri'.'.i Caps nnd Head dref-fliM for *.M fid and upwunla. f-d-verwivi ths and Muwer-. mid all su>h arUcleu us may be le'iuil'cd lur wejihiiiis nnd parties. Uomitt*, *!Cc, nitiUu lo order on the shorle-t nntice.

^Ty* N U. Mr. W. h.\* assumed Idi hn».niC£s in coiwe-ipieni'c ot the death ul hi-* son Itofiert. 5yl

Wntertttun, Oct..1, K#l.


No. S , Arcade .

IT ESPnCTriTM.y Inlunnt the Ladies of Wutertowu and •L vicinity, that she 1I;IH juwt upeiini a

MTLLL\ERY STORE at the above place, vvhelt- s-he will eoin-laatly heeponhnnd it llil'L'e li-rnrtlili lit til PcNNKTt, llHCSS .'ATS Ulul evelv artie'e iri l u r h.<e u| husji.tva, \\ hieh, nrear.im^ to quality and ktyh-, will lie fold a«* cheap tin the elieapt»-.t.

Mit- I I , hnsjii'.tretaiTfd tr.nii Mew Yi»rf; with a ciiperinr «*iMtitmi-rit of Millinery aii.l the m.i-t ta^ihm.il.!.* Styles ol Liaiiiet-., n:e,, ami w»iT.l-a^ ih,t they wdl ho *--\titu tu all} 1.1..itt- ut N»-w Yoih City.

Mnn..NiNti lUi.NMT.1 .'h\ny* n.i huiid. C\l'):i tVi.i ("Ln\K1 cut. N*i We-t putlerie j!i*-t received. \'.r .^ruvw I(»N.*;rrs f.-hh imidy alcr d, Ld. lultcd or

cui'.it-d 1 :.nkuii thi'jM.n. t ie . i i t . . c>l


ir.irriiTojr.\, Keep for S i l e an B s t e a h i v o A s s o r t m e n t of

S C H O O L B O O K S , p MI!!: \ ' IM! lh•I...1. -t I Jitunw ul nil Ill-- inr'.lliM in U It -n..in )li t.i. 1 ',-f. .-.UtiT.il \.n'l,-lii!- • W..!. r.,\t

.liriiljLiI. 1'u.i.T-llv. '4.»irlp, Uish ft h.1.1, t.ii.l shuul n;k.||iii.j.i. -, M.ii.l.mUV..i!.-< •nl.nv. M.-.laiii... i.i.il Tli... ul.;;jyj A^ru-ulTiiiv.IIi.m. t.Iim.-. ..i..! Auliitti-tur..-;

Miscellaneous Books, I uil-rrrli:^ nil tlir lirci-iit \')^'uiWi.. PnWicliMn^, 1'ofiIiR for i-'tliui.l LF-nui.-p, Iliiiiiisl.ir ^iiinliij SiltuuN. l'(.l,'h. »li..iia ul «... Ain.-tv- .n Tr.nt S..C..IV, liiti!.--, Ti'.^-mi.-nts, i.ml I'xuy. a-Iiu.i!j*, lll.mk limikiiit vilfcniiK

Stap le and F a n c y Stationery. Sunday School Books .

Gn r VT r,(r., hn. I.. ,n r,>':. ii f. cull.-, t tin f.t-v-t u..iirti.i.-rit ill .;i...k,f..r^.il.:i.tl..~v.i.-i..l.,tiit:in? I'. 1... t...iii.i n-

• t i ^ l l l . M i n i i u i l . ' m t t K I 1 Ml-l.-.1.,.ill Ul t i n * . - . . .U' ln . — l>I"i k i . lhf_Mtiii-lr..iii|tl. t" ,.iiU vi.lii.iit:.' in .'. it. r ..x'l'ti. •I.'ur.. .1.1 M.i.rfii, . . . i . . . ; i'u,-.,i, _ i,:i,n,i.is No I M S J umi

riJm ti..- I. >,i.m. tli.irin w •,". l.ii.i,,ri% ulid ii'.vily n:l ut U" ir lut--i.il .nr.im jiiiMi.-i.ti.'Ti..

M "••-.ii.-lm.'ptt« .^ninliiy M;1M.II1 Unirin, TttMi. -.nuiia.it lii.'.'l. lii.i.tit ]Ji„i\ LViwiu, Ami r.r „II UV.Kttuci.t>, ..51 clUiea-ljubHi:..Ui^sconttfiit.

ly!<.],tl..r-,,l,.. 1'1'-1'> t'Ti.'i. lln'ir.l nf rulilict'ti«r.3, TiilH. t l'ltlili. illiili S«..:i. tv, J>i>. !..tlMuiili.vf.l...i.H.'mi.ti.

^ 'In.-. i;n i- vitu iilllht.. rir.-i;iil rfn.-. for Fill h-.lh FcVcrA - ' - ' " i ' l t . g lXM. l .M;&I t mi i l , u , . TSM.V Uriini-'liTOYS —TU«"iiiicu!arl!uiii J«i„.vv Mug J iiii.nut t. tun d it'io vj.rcjus I.1I1.L-. ut Tuvs. Lulll ut.r-lul Pltit tin. im..H!.,l, lur rltldrrr.

iii.IU.Uu b.-i Ktnili- l:.ir.'», llin.-n, Wil . fc . . riolk rit.L-, Li .HN, t_iwl>-. I r..^.. Hur-r,, f.'.-Hiiy.. Hun., s r t . u n l i . s Ai!

'ih... viiu'.iflft iii»'ti„.-,Y<, i.i..ril(i?/l.'.''..'/..i.-. tt.irn.SikU ir..!.r;.n- / iurwil.-l .y_ MXI l l_ .G_ i lillll 'I IX.

Daniel Webster's 11'oirRs'and'"speeches', W ' j " " ""'-•I'.'I'lu™! Mtntuir, l.y DlnurJ l.n-rolt, in u IM'lirtu'--; Ih-lnry of til.- Unili-il Ft I'.-S, Ir.-.m it^ Tll-rnvi-ry

t..t!"-c:..«i.'iil J-'lli'ipmi-a, ii.lir.,liiF.t.iilir.ii, in.". \ , .l..iiij:lii-,-iJ Hi lij.iii HI I iiiuMiu'a L.ii , \ \ 01 :.!< L'U'I i'uulic A n a in s VuU Lit. 1.1 1 1.1-1 JniVry, Willi ("crrc-piwiilcnM, 1-y Xor.1 Cock.

imi, a v il.. In clmli Dl.111.Iic \Vurk3 ..lid i.lic r.r i^lli,!:. n<n.r» {,4 4 v.jK VIOA

(.Int. . . \\»nk«t.t' Oliver G'l'l.iii;tii.'l vt.I<. in elrrn. J.i.l.ir.ir- lll.ti.ry uf liie I'm!. .1 Str.l.-, 4 v.,|..

' .,1 ii'_t- .11 h vii.^'a LC'ir'i.l. |. \\ ..d.. 111 1;, V.J^B. lir,:t..rm, I inl . i - . p .

s'r»V,a.t..Scott'«WorUf,27vol' liilUiuiiu.i. r«-t»ii Ch «u«. frTUiUM. .v I 'll .in 1.1., fin,n.-, va. :..,. iu. wu-u.i.ji.,11 >t.


A snrtmrefor IufLvamaitrij. Chranie. Anntaud Mercurial R^e'ima'aiii. Lwi't-iji, (hut, Sishinl C-^n^la'iit, fa,, fa. Drc-parrdlvH Tllt.\En,B»jfafa,>. 1'.

A new reiiiciy 1-iU-ly •i^ttivere.linthpvi^rtntilehin.tloni, _"\n pure nml pF-rimiueiit nirn far nil rheiniitiie cimipktnt-, such ns luihunat'H-y, L'hrwue, A'*ute nn.l Mc urinl JUj<«um*i ti-m, fiout, Liimhaao, Hpin.il AnVetion, &.v., i r . This Med­icine hiisloli^' ltRpii"Muiuhtfni\ ithnsbitn wA thut Klirumn* ti»m eoul i nut lie ettrrif, Imtthere is-i r-'iiifi'ly 'l-'^i^iifid. Iiy n.«ture fur the cure ot nil (hpewst-s, Unit tie- htim»<n R>'- em H subject t*t, nt hi-t u rotnetiy hus ! f en (omul tlt-it cures llhen-uiiitirmot ihe wurvtlonu, one of the nui.'t \e^£'tnlile pro-ducitons of the earth, the yrmte t uu<l must unp.irt.mt «ll3 ciivi ry of the aa*\ mid n wuiirit rlul IIUFCIUS! ti« 'he huimin f.imi'y, itcureg wiiiiout Bk'kemi*jro»*U*-biliUtlu ,..T.a.rtr«i;WB strenutii nnd vi^or to tins whulp sy-iem.

Tiiciollnniii^tcitatlniunyisrocclved from lnoiviaiLJs oi this County: MB U. TUMCER, Orlenna, July Ifith, l?ol .

This is to cerufy thut 1 hnve been afflicted with the ithi'U-

Printed Chnllies, Tlnrcge DoLnins, Tiasues Poplins, Printed Lnwna and Muslins, Hilk Worps, Plain BIRCK

iand Colored Bnrcges, _, , „ ... . Hlbbons.Lneep.Mnntilloa, "White Grnpp nnd other fohnwla, White Goods. Hoiscry, Cnivatp, niid ilnmlkerchiefs, Parnsols, Luce, tiimpsnnil other Dreas Trimmings.

,—ALSO,-^ - Scotch nnd Linen Gimrhams, Cochcco, Mcnmack nnd other Prints, Cloths, "Cnseimeres, Tweeds, Summer btuits nnd Vestings Brown nnd Blenched Muellua, Striped Shirt­ings, Ticks, Cheese llnndngct?, Strniner Cloth, Cotton ^arii, £nrpet Wnrp, Wicking, Bnge, drugget Fhmucls, Straw and Pflhn Lonf Halts, Umbrellas, &c &c. . Together with a complete assortment of nil other goods inlhcirlino, to which the inspection of tho inhabitants o £ m 2 2 ? ™ ° r ? h 2 i ' n : ^ in themoden. style, nnd is now known ns the BosUoick

CUSTOM HOUSE, Cape Vincenb, April 20,1852.

WHEREAS one Grey Horse has been seized for hoing illegally imported into this DistriLt, nnd due notice to

elnimniits published pursuunt to tho provisions of the act of Congress, entitled ' ' an net directing thedisposition of cer­tain unelnimnd Good", Wares, nnd Merchandize, seized for being illegally imported into the United Stutes," approved April 2 ltf44. Notice is hereby given that 1 shall expose the snidHorso to sale at piibliu nuciion, on tho 12th day of Way next, atone o'clock I*. M., tit the Custom House ,in the vil­lage of Cape Vincent. G.S. SACKET(

^3w3 Collector,

•; *'.."»'„-•';..",'. L*- \tr. p „ « i.U-«.'e wii,. fr.t-Hioii«^ *iv.» mnti'-mfor iiitinv venrs. loot-lined sum* of your American shop on Factory st, Mr. I. u ^ . * h " ™ r ^VnlivrflV Jthemimtw Halsum.hy the ndtiM- ol H h i rn- l ju^dtho suiuo yrm*s hns been employed nslureninn in.lames II. Lotwciis „-^|.„„ *,, . i i w t i • mul t a,.rtmilv believeirt«ti..*^r..ni shop, fldttetthlmaelf that he can bring to the execution of ; ft^ordin^ to dnectk-n ,nnd I d., nnjiij bi-UOIPKU the great-his work ns grout mi amnunt of experience and tradical skill ns cnnbeloun.l in Norinern Now York.

The host nf material will bu used in huiliiing nnd repairing Cnrriii^es, Wagons nnd Sleighs, and all work warranted to do the hpfitnf eorvlco.

WANTI3I).—20.000 feet 2d growth White Ash, for which the hijrhest price will be nnid in cash. IL sSCO VIL.

Wnfertowi^Feb. 0,1?32L £!tt W A T C n "


THE Tavern formerly kept by J. House, nfc Lowville. has boon rebuilt nnd enlarged, nnd furnished throughout

in the moderii style, nnd is now known ns tho Bostioick

" . . . j i u i i H U U , U11U Will OUli Ub LllU »>J1'J i w m . u n J . » ' - " ~ l • - . short time, and prompt six month's Buyers. "Thoy wont he undersold.

W. W. HERRICK. - I. N- HERKICK. Watertown, May Mf 1850; 3 ^ m S

i'ited to givo, rae n call. Loivvillo, April 18,1352. A good Livery kept at the House


_ t 'TiOCK AND

J B W E L R f E S T A B L I S H M E N T ! ai H E subscriber having lately returned irenn New Y^rk,

. isnowreeoivinsr.at No.2AMi?niCANlli.ocK1Ne%vGoods : in thislme, which, lor elegnnco of Etyle, nrnuty of finish, and extensive variety, have never been equalled in this town.

This decant stuck df Jewelry and Watches has been se­lected by the subscriber with great care, In order to give en­tire satisfaction to his patrons in this market He'iherpfnrc invites his friends and the public tocsamine his beautiful and varied assortment, consisting, in part, of the following ar­ticles :

Gold nnd Silver Watches, Lever, Anchor Escapement, Le-pines, &.c. Gold and Silver Chain*, Neck, Vest and Fob Chains; Ladies Bracelets, Breast Pins, Rings, &c.; Silver Spoons, Tabic and Ten Sets, Dessert, do. Ladles, Butter Knives, Salt and Cream Spoons, Sugar dd., & c , &c ; Gold Pencil Cases and Pens.

SILVER PLATED WARE. In this department the subscriber offers a fine display of

Cake Baskets, Cnntors, Candle Sticks, Snuffers and Trays, Tahle und Tea Spoons, Mustard and suit do.

—AL^O— Gilt Ware, Keys, Chains, Steel Keys, Steel Chains, &cM «c„ nnd a general assortment of all articles t ob^ found in such establishments. In inviting the attention of tho public to this fine stock of Goods, the subscriber assures them that prices will be of iho most satisfactory chprnctrr.

U.K. NEWCOMB, No. 2 American Block

Watertown, Sept. 1,1851. 51

The Water towri Book Store IS NOW LOCATED AT SO. 5 IRON BLOCK..

(Formerly Occup ied by A. IV1. tHlcy.)

WHERE may be found every article in the line of Books, Paper Hangings, Stationery on Fancy Articles.

Railroad Dividend Scrip taken nt par in exchapco for goods. KNOWLTON RICE in CO.,

"vVtttartcwn, Jan. 1853. 10

or dm ii _ __ . ettt medicine ot the age, for which it is recommended to cure, and it will prove a blessing to ;.li tlmse tlmt may be atHicted with Rcuimttisiu. Yours wfth Itoprn't,

STKPI1EN PCOVIL. BrotVnville, .hdy 1.5th, lfe-"d.

Mn R. Tt'BXEli^-Penr Fir : I would rhr-rrfnlly %ay to vou, and for the benefit oftbusc who are aflltated with libra-tntitism, that I have bet n truuiil-?*! with this dice-a?*? verv hnd, i,r.d 1 trit <l many tiling, hut »ut no pcruinnphtreliet. until i trlrd your American lihetmiatn.- BaiHam, which I ueed. la*-t March ; 1 only used hull of one buttle before I was perfect­ly cured of the disease. JAMES CRAWFORD.

Dexter, July 10th, 1851. To nil whom it may concern :

This is to certify that I Was raken with the inflammatory Rheumatism, so Hint I wasconfinedtomy brd,nudmy limli3 •were badly swollen. I ohtiinni one bottle of the American Rheumntie. Hal^im, and used i t according to the directions on the bottle, and by the time th«t I had need one halt of it, I was completely cured of the Rhcnmntisni,

JAMES MORGAN, Sold hy PAUL W. GlLLETT, Brown viUe, General Agent,

and hy the foliowiag Agent-, nnd also by others. II Lord fctfon, Brownville ; T U Camp &Ca.,NM Smith,

H ticribner,and Wtsawcns & Co., Watertown; J A Bell, Dexter j L t^nnth & Co., Limerick ; IIB Camp, and D S Kimball, Hackeis Harbor ; 1 T Wait, ( hiimpion ; Jon&tliim Duvis. Adams tVntre ; S A Menan, and Buaiei Smith, Ad-amsi IlnrveyAlen, Pierpont Manor; J atuti Griffen,. Bell-\-illc j Ira Intuitu, Chaumont; Schuyler, Putnam & Co., ThreoMileKay; O P Starkie.nnd 1m Ct.nverpe.CapeVincyiiti ^selt ine & Hnle, Ci.ivton ; In^als & Ihmtingtun, Depoa. ville j Jf J & E T Cooper, Oxbow; Stebbins & Fisiicr, Antwerp i H. Green Jr., nnd C M C:trter, Henderson ; .1 & J B Clark, Wood ville; W ri Cruris, Elllsbnrgh; Eafl <t Wil-der, Mansville ; Rone &. Ohiy, Alexandria; Murdlck Jc Car-p ntcr, Philadelphia ; A Auirsbury, PIMIMJ Andrew Hkln-iirr. Hterlimn-ille. t A M Cook, i;v;ms Mills; Georice W Ua-zrltnn. Black River; Gillea & Parker,Lotrfline ; Gilbert &,

1 Wait, East ltodman j C B Avery, Perch River ; Frederick &. Siiffurd, Cnrthaso ; Buehncll fcLampson, La Fargevillc; 3 Rliownrd, Felts Mills ; Ilarworth & ^plcer, Great Bend,

rartlcular attention must be paid to the d'rectiotia on the bottle, and aspeedy cure will bo the happy result.

None genuine unless nut up with an engraved label upon tho outside wrapper, sigued by the proprietor

30yl tt. TURNER.

nKALEa if*

READY MADE CLOTHING, Ololhs, Cassimeres, Testings, jailor's Trim­

mings, and Gent's Furnishing Goods, A N T W E R P , N . Y . .

"F. B. Cliitlillii,' made ro Onlpv on ehort notitio, linil War-rnnloil to glvi- sutiwai'tion. S^E^n^mlJi-'rlMa IBIIIOUIACU to_Bilve_yom'yi^pcr eenf.

DKI.ANKS, litis, nil waul Oiiilimoi'tH oi'tlio UiTestStylesI the Ijcst inul Chenpn^t iissortincntof Bluolt jmtl Gormxnl

Alpncns, Fnrnmcltns, French laid JSiiglMi Mnrtiwamut ma­ny other atylea of seasomile Dresa Gooda can be Ibmul at

„ „ , „ SELlUMAN'a 9 ^ N. 13. LiuIieB will fmd it to tlieir Interest to examine our atuuls, bel'ure parchasin/j any where ei.se.

TO DAIRY MEN.—Just rocokeil-16 1I)B, Carrot Soo(l, rtiiaoil in .TiitV. Comity k i t vear, lor cale cheap Iiy

*\Vul«rto\vn_, W Man'.h,]8.'i8. 0T13 &YALB.

V a l u a b l e ' Y i l l a g e P r o p e r t y for S a l s -' o HOUSES lor sab.—ono a well linlsbotl new. two Btbry ,C .dwelling House nil State streutiibout twenty live rods oliove ihe liisrtittitt.. On tho lot ia a j-ood burn and other out building, a Hood .iurable well anil extern A'.c.

'a'ha other 1B Bituatod on Academy street, IH nearly new,; well IIIUSIKMI with good out 1.11 jhliag, a good well and two uibteliifl, For turthev nurticlura euimiro of

K. G. VAU0HK. Watorloivn, Out. i:>, isr.l.

TE Blondea's Hair llestorative.

HE Subscriber having devoted mail v years to the treot-mont nnd preservation of tile human hair, has finally

found in the " Hair Restorative" the great desideratum, so long sought alter. It ia composed of vegetable substatieca, and poBoosacB the magic power of restoring diseased hair to its original tnote and beauty. It frees the skin from scurf, dimaruli.and other cutaneouBdiseasos, v.-bkh are tho inces­sant causes of baldness, and will keep the hair in a healthly and liixullantstnte until the latest period in life.

Many of the citizens of Watertown, cun testify from expe rience to the sovereign qualities of the ltestoriitivo, alnoua-whom are the tollowing :

Charlofi Ford, C O Jackson, 11 Ten Eyck, D D Otis J K Smith. J II Meias, W H Burciiiu'd, John Muckle, LII Drown E 'A Crowner, A Wilson, H Camp, W Hathaway, \Y Ft.il. ing, A McHi'fttney, S lluckley, Milton Clark, T T Turner, K Jones, F. II Wait, l loyt i : Gice/ory, J M Cobleigh.ll Fading, A S Green, a Cr Wiggins, Jnuies Cole. F 1 J Cm tor, 0 ile.wo.tt, V Durkae, KilbornUimnahs, J Fiiyel. A. BLUNDF.N.J3

Watertown, Feb. 8, l«j- ' . 2Uf


Cigar, W i n e and Liquor Store. nr^ H13 duhacriher havuiir concluded to open an extensive 'X Cigar, Wine and Liquor Store in Waturtown, is now receiving a large stpek ot'supcrior brands of thouliovcgoods, which he oilers to Merchants, Hotel Keepers i'lid others, at prices which must-prove satisfactory to all who wUh to pur-chase.

1 nin.nlso prepared to furnish any quantity of tho French Cordials for Parties on the thovlcs notice.

All persons desirpus of purchasing any goods in my line, are invited to call and exnmino my stock beture purchasing elsewhere; na I intend to otter fuduccmauta to purchnriern not to bp found at any other establishment in Kew York, Albn-ny, Troy or nny point west of those uhh*s.

The proof of'n pudding is in eating it, so Iaay come and taste,

Court St. next door to Johnson & Son's Hardware Store, und opposite Utia & Vulea.

n , j . ciLjrA:?. Watertown Nov, leOl. Uvl

P l o w s ! P l o w / 3 ! ! P l o w s ! ! ! r p I I R Suhseiibe-vs hnve for enlo, and nro nowmauufactu. X mg at their shop in Urowuville, PLOVVd ; the hi-st in

marker, and of thu lcUowhi; iiaiterns, via : '•ttliiimorV Jfu. S ;*' *' U. D;tvis* Kti. li und A'o. -1;" " A. Davis' No. 1;" " Lord Sz Slciinifi'.-i No. 1."

Tfuw Phnv« aro wnrraiited In be mntlv of iho best mate-rlul.-., and t-i yivu enure Mitinfactiuu iu ilifir woik. Fjirmcrs und dculurs aie re-ijecti»hy inviitd to puiclmee.

Mmilitoards, .^Iiino? nnd hunii-iden lur iho iiliuveptiftcrni, cnni.t alltiiiR'Sl'e irjiii! t fit iln'ir e.-r.dili*.hnii;nt, aswill as Sharus uud LuiideiJ<.'S lumiMt'ly nil the I'luwrfiu Udo iu the County.

Tiio casting bn^inrst! is contiuuoil ntt u^u^l, and all job-i in thtit line, done to order, ini-iin the lu-t munin'r.

MILK 1'AN.S nnd u "onend n^ortiii.'nt nt Tih, Short Iron, Copper and finis.-, W:i e idwnj-s (.n h >nd, cv m.idu t-j order.

Also, S t o v e s and S t o v e p i p e , SlUNNtlt X l>liUTIlEK3.

Brownville, Mi.n-h y% li-t-\ Msiai

F A L I i © O O U S . • ampholl & Bniy to i i are now rrceivhnr a Large no* uortment ofPtapIo and Fancy DRV GOODii, suited to

the Full Trade, which they respectfully invite their custo­mers and.the public to cull and oxumine.

Their stock cmbrancs a rich assortment of tho-LATEST STYES OF DRESS GOODS. . .

eonsisthifr i« part of Sillts, JvierinocH, Cashmeres, Coftoitiipd Wool and all wool De Lainea, Persian Clotlia, French and EnstUsh Prints. i,

Shawls of every description, Kmhroidories, Muslins, Cufi>, Collars, Velvet, and Velvet Ribbons.

CARPETS AXD OIL CLOTHS. A large supply ot Cnrpets of new pattet ns—Oil cloths of dlt-lerbnt widths Cheap for Cash,

pui'btooltianow ready for Fall. Trade, and will bo sold at os low prices as goods of the mmo quality and stylo can ho puie-liiiiwd in .leth'Ooiintv.

A. P, nRAYTON.jr. A. CAMPBELL. "SVatortown. Oct, 1851. _ 5yl

T ins SubscrhVr ntl'ors f.n- anlo hi* Farm Iving' in the south QMI jinvt of nnuii-titld. iii>out Turtles from Watertown,

6\u from dackft's. Hnrlmr. and in view of the W . and It. &. Koud, and convenient lo a st.-tlon on the same. Said Farm contains over G''U aciva uf improvomenr, a Rood wood lot, timber for fencing, sawing &c. A good honoe, wood house, cheese house, itorte bain, 2 qend barns, one 7:3 by 44, with stubhnjj for over aOheiid ot*cnttlp. On Mad Farm nro three oruhiti'dh with other varieties- qf Irwit. The above Fartn-ia In a good state ol cultivation, Also 40 yonrijr Cows, and conve­nient dmry »ppni-atussoldutth thn I arm it desired. A view ut the pruiUMttS is souCttod of thoac wishing to purchase.

a. G. MACK. iroimnflpid. MarchlCrfiT 1P52. a7w8

f l n v e r Seed.

J USTReteired iwnity ti\o bushels Clover Seed, warrant­ed lo bo of the long variety. A written Rtiauuilpo will

be irivcii to tho purcha or if desired. Otis hk>ck Court St., Wutertowu, March 3, l&H. (2fy OTIS & YALE.-


1 h(\ I ' h O W r t . JUST HECE1VEV, liom iho Aprl-1 U U cnHunl wnrlc--. at Worcf-t^r. M"^?., all woodrU with Ftcaii4 iiroKih Oalt, u'oiH'd n- d (Inched in tho very best manner. Ti<ey atx-ot nviriet.v < I p.!'r..-u«, ami niited to alt k IUU of sod hi.d tMinlitimi of i.iad. p t i s ins wishing to }turvli(ifii< will do «tllt«i call niiil rxi.mire thtm, at the Ay-rhnliuivd W.iri'liou-sc, No. 2, lion Ulot Jr.

MaichO. li-JA C u O P t n & WOODRUFF.

400 I'E'S Cu-.rjf


Uuot^, Home Muiiufutture, mid Slip " Wciii-.-aV Momct-o UusUliis, Ilomcilimutuc.

turo. w.iri-iiiiti*d ti> du uu.i tyni.H-. rui-Mdt-ut No.2 Cuurt.StnH, --ntliird r.ioel:.

Tj;N J ^ C K &, KXtAZEI.L. Wntortrjwn, March ir-, lH-sl 27

" C l o c k s ! Clocks"!"~CiocksTr! J UST j-e-etnved hy toe siib^crihcr, itt thu Watch & Jui^cl-

Mor.j, Nn. 0, Ainau::.!! lii'inl, ;, Ur-.e mid coinplt to as-noitmirnt nt t ' l-Urlv- urul l'Altl.Uit llMli r iU ' JAot ' ev-fry di;scnptit'ii, w»rr.*nti*d to ker-p r.i.ii.-, and wold ic low a<* c.-n in? tuiu^ht tl-.-vh.-i.". A^u u f!»-r-..v a^uitiiiUit ol Wutrhe^i.iid Jew.lrv i.f tl-.'!^»,t !•-<-•>'!io,i.

CLUCK*. ii'J / (.V/i'V and JLULLl. i HITAWEP. TIR-HU1 ' 'ri!n'ii*;-oJw).ma-1.;•*..! i In. udaiunl li.f j'uMIc

I'ftirridly, that h.-h.i.- ^m-mul tif* f . - r \ i . .-H ..(' j.n c<ji..r.. t-iiecd waH'h iiiaii'-v, Uym Htm. i-.in t^u il/t-lmid, ami i- i'«.w rcatly to du all Kh<d* of J'IIM HI In- tun* oi ini^mii-s, on -hn^t nutiK', uud in the bi'.-t m.tnn>:r.l<'L>h>i<: t-i ttindint thut nil u u i h di n-_* nt thiri fsiahi-hiii.-iit, wil1 -ivi-liill -.itHtin:li<iu. ."ihcr wure, lioJd fhus, A v., sold nt tins c-i.;rbli-hiiH'iit, himd-ninf ly c-ns.'1-tivi d.witiiont fNtraehiiryo. i'artiL-uhu'iiMi'i.titm p-nd lu v'.-ltin plnti* in. rnvnu-. U- K. NL\VCO>» li.

Wiiti-rtiitt'ii, M.irch i:t, 1?.11, y t ;

H O H R & T H 2 3 A T , W llnl.KSAI.Ii and Uetail Deuli-u In


T i . i i . I i " .

Cm net Ilj.;a, V.ili.-..», I ' u w w li,,-i,.ry, U1..UV,

Oil i , ltul.l.,1 L'lutliiii;;. in Rrej.t.T vmif-rics t1..m enn le fimt.,1 wiM .jt Altit.ny nri jti'f'piu-.'il to t uuu ' h ineivlailit', and uth.rii«illi tin- ubti\ c ut tin-New lwrit JoUL<.:itii'ikc*,ti3 «'f buy direct el the Im-ltwrr.-iv.

Custom W o r k Demo with pronn.'iKa.- ..Utlilifimcteli. A tit lit i.l: timerf v.--»r-rutited.

srmiEii ctoru<MD rrarwii* ju^t rr it i\i.ini 141;,. .(;» U.I H.J.

T l i r l'ulilir nve It.^I..TtlulU' i.iiil. . I t . . . •..mill.-1..', in,i.i. !t*e hiii I-, i, ,,u I, «.- |il.'.lufiiui-il\. n i in- l l l , i» i . | ili,.n ,ii,v ol lliemi'ili v . n-.-.^i.-._..s mi, Lit _•..;,. (.un ; J, ii, i.i, -.„s t.i <I-i r liuilit. .-i.,.•.-'!.Hi ul tin I n , ' 1 i.r i HMii^i.. h ultji-il.r uttll h'-t- r.. ll.cl-'ieimr. l...,,ii'^ t! . ivli. i,-.

Tup i,l tiieTr.-. ('lnlliit.1. W,.r,., N.i 1 .\iiii>rie..v. l.y Hi Hill .Vill i AT

U -liiUMii lliu.l. r j .-'cr.li v. .iut.-'.l, uud lini^l Kuma r.t v ,'.i .-r ITii,,-. .

\ \ ..K-iutwii, i^,.... >jr,

F o r Sale. r|Twoii,i-.,'...,,,„.„i vin.-lii. •;i„„.,.i in ti„. »,«...,. ,,( A. V...I.1-I..1W1 j.n.l tl.....li,.i in f.uu i.« i.iii.. (in. ' ,\ ill i. II..- u,l........t \ \ ' , t .r l . .uii . .JH .

1.UI..1I t . i di. Ull (".ml .1, . t , li it.I....l.-<i« .^i.-.i..-M. t .!•.. a i.,....-! ; r , i Id. , . . . -» - . - - t , 1.1 i iV.-t t', ,.i. t -1 . - . ' . ! . . , . , . I

Ini ' l.lui - t . 1 ..H .-i.-iluu - t . i

*..i I. . . tin \^", »i . «t. 1 v...!Mi, I. . !

. . i i . l l . t . r . i . J k . I.i.ii. . •o . iH i i i i .m». - i - / - . ,

Ai-n.1. - : . - - ! l u i i i ' i - T i i r i - ' i . t .im.-li.i.-i ..ii it.-,.1,1,1 . - t . i 111. I.Mt ."..-Lit.'ft., ul..nt I..-I ilmliiiii" I.,,t, in KLIIII Wi.u, t..-.iii. ni,.rui nt ul.,.nr l-.|... i,-. n-tli,- runii i.l i;nlt.iti.t. i Hun. i-uu.ll.il iu Hi.- i .li,.,;.. i.l TI i , ,-llil . . lii.v. a l.inui.1 •. Iii.nt Iliiiii-ii-. i-.«ii I..VV.- mi.l 1.II1. r.-ti...!;. Iii.liuliiis i.l . i. 1. i .-li.'.-ji. n.Kr I!..- vi.l-u.'ut Alitivvrp. A .... t.t.irm i.l ; . ALII.-,..11 Aliul't-.i IJ..l.i. | ili. | . . ' li .ru..tl. .lul t.i nl 111 .'. i-r- - , -s ,in . . . , . ! I!.., , ,i, i ii ,i i. 'l. ,., T',.. t.n- li i,t r i . i u IH- ,1 . . Al-i.i,..-- „ t-. i . i i . i i l . , r . . . . i iiii.mt ' l im. - i - . - . . - t l . ^t , . ' .« . w- . ii. UL. t u i II ..i.,---- , .i. \ | . . , I . IU H.'.-i-i.. II . ' . in. •% . I l ' . . : - i , 1 1 . I . -. -. j:i.. ' ..!.i K..I-, • i ' l . I V.ili.ii..,. ,. i ,.t . . : . . ..! i'. i'-iii ii t r " i . . I !• j . u l J V I - i l . l . \ M i i

n . . . ,-..! i . . i i . . ! i i u . , i . . . i ,L \v-,t^it^-.-n.*i:r.: l, ]-.:.'. -.-.:i

STAfV, miM/u & Co.. w i t . . : . . - * ' * i i > f . u < « . - . i . . - . ' i

Bry Goods. Hotion.^, Carpets, Oil-Cloths, &c.

Nn. t O ! , <it*ni-M*e S t r e e t , Vtion. Rt-tril Uoouts Kc n.t..r—Ct.rp-t l:«-'ii'« ->id tmur—Wh.l'1

M.l- K'..m.>- M tl.«,r M.-l I- - in- lit.

W r.hnw h t r.- ' .1v.. (tii.i., it.-- t . . ; , t l l Ii.nvy A»'*:-n h'ldiM in N.'W V.iih, ltm-'ii bfhi.v iftitiiiii.nnnvi'. pi.

r.--. n hi'.i»'ilui ..--urtnii nt..( p; .h ' l p> liy V* hit, 'I *<(» ti v h r u ^ ' l .l:iii««.'l., u i h , fttif, i'M- -. ..id Mip.-rlni.rti t'i'rpttjf, CnM'.n i-i.d \\'.ii.l .'did CMIMJ..' •. 'Iiif. tiy, l.ru ^. 1 . Vini'ti,.iiiii.d ,-lMi-,- M.,ir ('.(rp.-t*: lliDV'jt-tr', U\> .-. M.«tl-. Oil f'IOIIIP ID ii--w KIIII lMiutil'it <!»^:i'ti-. M.ui-.-i. r 'or t ' tn 1'o'lii.r-, f.iMl.,.,i.(p.|Mi Lt-t*f T-i .Mn- 'vi ' I«I-...U At-ifi *i \,-r? I-ii^riiN.ijsplindidJi Mirti.j nt *-! n<-iitl -ii- •' Hi.tf lii-ii'din- Hill;- tn _•»•,,*• vtirirtv, PI ,'li rdi«- ..ti'l ."* ^it wirii nil tJieiir-w-r\lm M» ,-|>r?-> -• t« ._-Jis f. r Linht' ur.r • •VI-u al,tt^o.>8. > rt.*j- um tu h

E I » l B H O I D B . 1 3 3 . l-^-.l Cmon Crnp • sl«i'< 1., I .n- .ni.|«f,.i n.- lii-n,.l i-ir.l r- •li-i"i» .'.-• .-h .v.!-, tV„,u i t . , uuil i. v iv .- r-.-..l I l ivh i vj-'utdj. tT,' '"Y i .OI Iil:N .v l"n.

•-7m! ' 1.

DAIRT-MAID. rj\nV. n n 7 ! A T - i r C C K S S d llii^ vnlui.blo.DAIRY

£ S'l OVKli.m iud.ir.--tl tlies.il<.ri'ilK'r.-t ni,'niii toult'cr t rcm tn llui P iryin.-ti ot' ilri Coiu.ty ivilli lull t-onlitli-nce tlmt thf-v iviil gV.. ci'ini'lt to p.:iistiiclifin lur till nmry- intl-riiisoj. wla-uii£L-il 1.ii-lu.ftt]n-' Milk with it tin tiili iti ilia cnltlrttii, llii.t-t'liiiio .!'in..i»i-ul'liiuliiirj the Milk ; nnd chiT', . mndo 11 tliMvi.y Mill I'.-tch l.'iitir liimM' pii. o in rmirlicr. This - t tno J. ti-.-d tn -iOi.-i inUtiliiti-f; Jni'i.llbnilinfr i.iiil .-illirmry puipii.-!-?, li.-.iiiii;: I-ii.l lir-i.« \o A;t ; mttlliy rciiiiivin^ tlio linfl.'i-il iiit.l:.--. iiliritt in I rtiptt.il ln-iiiin-.'Stuvp. There n o tlit-i-c1 nlltfi' s'zifi—S'..--1. l-l. 2'J :tml !1", '"ii.l ivill l.o snlil ficlei»d pr ic s tlitiu nny ctlii-i- in-lit 1.? yt tin-1-ind tn liiurltul, Cull nnd SL-L- tin? r'tove, nnd ^it.- <ino n tritii.

^-ALr'O-, Onliinid niitl lur PI.!I> liio tt-it-i'ii.tid .ItlToi-scn Air-Tiglit

rtit.ik.-ttiit-.-i. With ii LineftSaijllMi-ut. ot oili-.-v stoves, uf tit.-- Intf-i-l p-iItt-Tii^. OTl.-> vt YALE.

Wiitt-l-toti ii. 1-t-l.. 1H1. S7


Km with Sttjt-1 Tc-.-tli rttr-iii^i J lur lf„i-r.n. nt=-, SO " ' ' r . , i i . t'ultii.itlii(!,

E» nl Kxtm nt.. 1 'lVi-tli tn Li- -i.'il.-. i.,in.t.lv. Tim itlilvtv ul' th>- SI. -1 Cultii t.t-.i-. i- -o w.-ll liimv n nn'l

niipr...i.itt'd', tli'.t n.j t^-"1 i .-.<u. .mi. I I..niu'r t-liould bo v. iili.itittli'-ni; lor t.doitt tl.t.- A^ii.-iilti.v.l W...... I!n.iBt..^o i! 1M.II 1II...-U. L..iUl'1-.U & \N UOUUUFF.

1-tU.tll-j.'. ^ 1 _ _ l ' . V U T l l ' l I..VU X t T I C i :

To the Citizens of Jefferson County. t.-;p.Mii.\NT i)l:vrt,in-i r.i .-.

[Fmin Ihe'• llhihcr.li r lUiili/ Auufictin."] Iiil'illhilllt- Ui-ni.'-.H.

OUTW Villi rU'l'Lll-ATIiKi liKI.Y r p l l i : M.ntnl nn IIIIIII.II I.H.II.I...II.I.I.I t. ,.nt Ji..».lv r r t i c n X imd i-ij.-i'tiMlly nn-. . H I - •!.. i i . ' , . .! u. f.i ..-, v i n Mil »•

Cl.V.ffllil N. l-i. .it,-' Ati.i 11,li . ii. II— l i t I - .M,t in . lid.il l . . r i i .ul . i i t" i l ' \ ' i . i .-l . i l . . j i . in.- il,.,',i ,-...!.- .\:ii.i-iil,.ri,ii.l ' . . .Vi.ii', i -

l:!ii-iiu-"ti-ii.. ii. .tt.l'.iti. , | . t . i ' t,)!i t i i ' i i t-II..I.I |...i-.ll) 1-, Itll.t. i-.'J Mul . . . l. 'i.lnr.i'[. ,1 lit,, ti.--, • pi-.,ti. nil,! t l li J,.i. t .

Tiit-i.i . , ,1. i . . . . ' i . .it,,..,,- -i.i. il •-.., ' I \ ll.i-i.i.-.pri.:tor i . ' l l i . . i n t . i . ' . t Km, ...

P . i . f . i i uil..i- p . i I., i . l . . t . l i ! r in: l .^. ...u- l u r u t i r , a n d -t'. Iiili.-il-' ..I i.i t i n , i i K .

\ I I | . I J l.y 1, i . r l..il..- Pi..,.,-; I..1- i.l i l .V..mil.in In.ll-nn 1 .inn,, i.t ' p , -,. . . . I I . p.,t, l i . . | - . , i . II.in -, Ai:mny, i.'. Y , i r t u M u . m - , .•. ^ . ' „ i l . . i i l , | - l i . i | . | . . . !.. ; , V., i . t u c r u ! W . l i i o

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t m - i l . r . - I . . i.i.il

II in, .It.

i. l.i.vp n-t'd - --<i uia I.I.IV

ul. ''..- n-• i -.tl.-litiuii • . . I. 1. D. J 11 Wiiicr. > l lilui.l.i.i,

\\ «i Y'i;.-Mi.,;,.- r,-' r..in ,.i., tt'l. tit ini-. I'-li. lll.il. lill -Ul .11 J..I... « t 'I."" •', I ' '"

. - - ill;, . - i l . ni . t t ' i t , .In., \ -. iini.ili .1 , .I ' i . . ... " l l i . l t.'i'ifi'.ir.iTia.

... v I'lu.-m-fii ' . . i.'il-II. •"• i --it t' > '"t,. ' . 'in-.. I., my,-

. Ii.r.iulft. r\ tit .1- ... i .. il I.. .|i.„.l'. : t-.llli fl.i- li.i-ts. I >'.iul.|l.|. li'ivpi I-.. -I '1 . 'I it' II." in • .•.-• I..-' lilcii Cil. n^Iit.S... li 1...-itt.i. :.^I..K.. !..- t-l.

:,• v. r;«.i;nr.NEn. ' " • 1'ii... r.ii..rtiiil'.ri'.-ri'. .II1-. £,".''!-.ir - .1... Mii.it- - 1 - M L i i. i.iil, l.v >I. - i v Miitirp^ tt 1.,1'iHni.. 11 ti ' . -I- ' . . \ , i.. n-i >l \ , . . . . . 1-Nurtin.tn

..-w 1..II,, ti, l-l ,11. ..II. i.l.-i .1.11.1-'i'. i l . r - - u - , IrnMiul-.-, V.' n. l'.-I > .11. Mill- , H ..I • t -D.-l. .II, V I . I M . ' . - , • -


. Ii I oi .1 .v f „ n , .... A "-!. . ' . . . I . - ,

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WC> 13 O Ii! I I P U L C U K E S !

••=SC©/''A i ! ' A \ - ' - ^ - :


H A1.F HuCJtS witu the U •* ,mtiiMi.-4 VuU. lull iiiiiin-1.

Q.-i:<kt;it>m. i.r H i s t o r y of my Life, Mn v Martin,mul ntlirr r.»I »f, Kt.yirunt; and HptHmj U.titioniry, ( . . inplrf Angler, hv r M Ikp, Widtnn, II^t-.i-> td (,,nr,;i.«. hyT.rf.Arthur, lJl-tn»-y of Kt'litiit hv, .Iu.

Aj.nl L~, J,-;2. f-TJ-.liUNa

- ^ % ^ ^ | # ^


' % %

Covghs, CCMR, liifiuen=.a, A&tlima, brojiclilt's, Sn-itt-UM;'ABlood,

rini.iit ul | ,s.,,,1 t,H ml,, I Lm •-" < Viu*i...i,". i . i . i lm; lo

„ CONSUMPTION. 1.1 ,<I> •1111. I I H , ' .-

r-plir.,1-, : L i in.1'


-i. VI..1,-

Ii/Cii',ric3lii.nlit, ! **•*:<!, t - i .

i . i f j I . H I ;

Of\t\ f( .AM'.niLT! m W / i U * / riilrl-:mi.».

__ nXJiDELL. •rin-.d.llj.. r;*"r;i ,'^u, iu.'i

d Ii:.uruti..tdIiiMi-u< i-.n-h. iniui-ly hilnVe. litiiiMstuSl". Kl KltLIXU &. UIDDELL, rglKN thitusitntlropii-p told of Undo Twin's? O '!in,b^ Il.ir-i rirt r>.:*-l4tr.-"iMi\p, J. ncu, "Sl.vJ

rnt'ti* ii <ry nt tfhukt tpcnricii Clnot* tli>n?, 1,IKI Jli.r^niritt Cf-til. 75 Camp l"ir."a ui tlin p.ovoltifion. 4">' rn-.'rn,viiia"a, Lr«v«ji frmn tho N'<jtc l;o**.i •»! a Iiataui'i-r, " CO

April U7, I t l i . cTLIUJ.NG Jc itlDDELL^

Eta-tf? Books for the Psople . G D T2RAL St.mtiSff JK/ic Yjrk, from iti.'rJ to t^J, com-

ph't". Uiiflar«t; v-.httnt?. Lrsi l-tt.z'e Gui'b\ muuiinjiu Laws and ftulfs, hy which I<11

Uuhiifr.itivp hfjJirsart- yuvcrut'd. Otievul. Suptrvixur's LQJI; fhowiny the pnwera and duuca of Super-

vifor**. One vtil. 2itw Ctrrks'Astisiant, a book of practical forms for all has!-1

nffs ni<^n. j Waterman*s Justice,a complex 5u.de to thoii2.v!y cbctsd ]

Ju-tk*-.*. Coiittat'lKs' Guide, showing the powers and dutic3 of Consti-:

lira un.I IieputicE. Execut'-ars' Guide, in settling cstatfu. _Apnljii7, lt.TJ. STBItLIN'G & RIDDELL.

Spring Style of Paper Hangings. CUJifcLSTlAG ol acw nnd beautiful designs—fuitahlc to

dccor«tc the Walls of Cottasc or Mansiua. Kmv Fpring patterns—superior in etyle and hnish tn those Elrgatu Pa­pers which attracted auch attention and cule at Ko. 10 Wath-ington i<t., last season.

April, 165-3. STERLlyg & ItlPDELL.

. Borders &nd Wixidotv Shades. i~[\ DIFFERENT pRttern9or French, Znnli«h and Ameri. *J\J' c m decigngJ.einhra<:inu the Richest Gilt Orinwon, and Purple Velvets, and Common J?ntiu nnd Plain Borders. Cur­tain Papers, Transparent Window Shades, und Fire Bonrd Prints &.c. &c, prices low.


I'- T» \1-:/

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' t i . It t.t-.l, . ' I: t , III i t . l ' 1 , 1 - " ' i l '.

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ror.-i-.vi . . . . . .. ... ,»n i ) j , !

T1IK Tifi.t i.n.l *li-c.i:-.',t ciit ' i i . l ir.<;iitint mthcworU lur ti.0 t-iirt- of

IN AT,I. IT-~ V.\ l : l l>r t« r O H > W , ' Such.iatiitiiiiMboM-f-ir...'ii. il.i itl.tin.. If'ibitintl Ocstlvc- ,

nct-B Anid i-to-rii ^it. Ht.i.t r.-, ! . . . « t,I Appftil.. . l-iic«.:iii'litH-.i..-,'r-,'i.,l'.tiit'iji Pl.-iil-B.l'lit' :

ul»(ti-.o or V.-ln.l in In- --t.Ltii.t-li, Kti-vnitt-iif *, rt , i jn--. ol ll.e

K:;trcffl..ifi^, v/ct.li. ' Jin-a nl tho

Llml.,*. O E N B R A I , l ) E B I T , T T \ ' ,

Arialiiafrom Protracted FRvrji-g, cxp.ifiurcto Hr.it nr Cold. Old Age, Impcrlfict I>is''s*ioli,fieri Ijt-r^Tiqod C"ndJ..;on ot thfl St.imit^li, imd is tau best tunic known for the prevvri- 1 t.on and cum of !


t.i l . ' t " - t ^ " . > i

j . iu i ' . l l ' i . l ; - - - fi'n'i. t«i i . .-rii ' ' . i . .-.i-'ir.ii..' i- ,1 l i -(nl.-It . i r . l M I.. m-Ulfli v.,i -. ,• t V t i ' I -tl. rl/.ili , ,„..! t l 'I I- • rxi.-.t,.-.-.t ... Hut ti..:- 11.i t II iil.|„!y . , . ' t i „ t,., l . 'r. l.-l|.. i... l . . „ . . . - I l i . - l i '

II II" p ' . t r l . t I, I.','.- -• li-l.. . t, -.-.. t:^l|, I. I. ! . . . . / l i t l.lt.il. '.1.-I

i li L ol .1 . I t - i " MIHJ I I I . , - i . ,H. .»

Hv. •i.ra

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I- .• • to ,,.,ir.-..i. i.r ...li ."licit a 11,i.- . . . |T. . . t . r . J-- I- -.-.'lif --.- p- i ' - i i - - - I- M.III ii. . . 'v .i I,. t.Jt.it.ii' - i .y .,1 l l . i t t> i - ' i l , I t l i i-j . . . V. " iViii.t/ry t i . i i .'-ti.ti? Ar,; IA o n - ' , ;

•I uni i n n l i t .

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• ' ii.r-uii.lr.ij , , - . . . . . / .V-pof It iWt- , «tut.i

'i.r.l.j- llli» . . - . It i- v. r.-- j - ! - . 'rut;, '.nil i ..•••_ riwlit tlin


Cough and D'Sfase r>f\i lpnnths tinudinp cured riprr hrir'q yii-ca 1. . t'lhi by Enintrd Plnj-ikians '

Ai.rv.'.Y, .r.ti.- % 1619. MEHSIIS A. T.. ,-cfiviLr.r: & Crt.—I in-r.-ii-tii f.-,i iviiril to you

l i b nlSOa„ n ^ n ^ t . c m H y ,nd n ^ B a r p n r W hy any j J ^ ~ ^ ' ^ S V ^ r r ^ ^ r y r u p of

A Splendid W o r k . T UOKOGttlAPlnc Jiniryclopasilia of Science, Literature -L and Art by .1. G. NECK. HOW bound in aix volumna — T.vo voltimns of Plates, und lonr of Texr, pr ice 40,00, for forsalo by STERMNG7c HimiKM,

A RTIFXCIAL FLOWEH. MAKING.—Leu Paperd, Car-XI. mine. Ulue, Pink, Yellnw, (iruen, Or«o^e, Uclire, &c. &e. Also Tissue Papers, Vnri«?ynted TtEsmc, Glized Paper for Boxes and Portfolio ensee, Gilt casket paper, ulso a vn-riety of Artificial leaves, Stamens, Wire Pteius*, Ac &c.

April 13, 1S.'»2. STERLING & KIDDELL.

QTUDIES IN FLOWER PAINTING.—A Eoriea of Plutea *-J for instruction hi Drawing and (,'oloring FlowRrs. Price £1.00 STERLING & KIDDELL.

BLEAK UOTJSE, by Chas. Didtena, Np.l, jasfc pubhshed in this country, STERLING <t HIDDELL.

B o o k s N e w l y P u b l i s i i e d .

RECEIVED March 25, nt STERLING & RIDD'ELL'P, Men and Women of the 18th century 2 vols. Price £2,30

RecollectionR of a Literary Life, MiasMilford, 1,'W Women of the Revolution, Mrs. Ellet,vol.3d4 1(12 Book of IJalladB. hy Bon.GauIticr, W Annual of Scientific Discovery for 18S2, 1»25 American Bee keeper's Manual, Minor, lf£ Keat's Poems, 1 volutoe complete, l«0O Ptuert on Proverbs, *J15 Bancroft's Hiatory of the United Stated VoL 4-

April, 13t 1552. STERLING &. RIDDEL L.

tew. for Female E„HoriuS iron, Utertao i ' " ^ ™ iX. \ J S ^ ^ ^ T Z n ^ I I t l ' u ' ^ Z i " S

A-rnotigtli, ui im.roasandhisl . lyreepect*! , e - U t o w . ! S " f S j " S U S . f i - ~ a a wffrelortott»J. . i iowmg: ; Cttr!!.ill...i.i..-J,rmd ^ I lit.d provioii-ly r - . l ntliin putt>.tn.m|.

Prof. A. A. IUyr.5. M. II , State Amnyer. | , , .,.,-,.,,'fl,,,.,. ,,i„,litt,,, „ii„,».ui,.lIinvf l m w l rati). FlTZllSKKY IIOMEK, I>q.. Button. . ,„.,] ~0f m v „ m „ . ;,>.„„ , v , | , ,«, ..rr U u cun- H3 '- iff IV88 per-JAS. C Stags, E?q„ CityTrfamrer. Boston. , ft'rnK,,t „ s \ j , , , , ! , i , m W ' mv ^kwr'., b..iu fciir.ii up twfen Hon. Mrnoi.- LAIVIIKNCI:. Kx-Prfst. Mass, tlf-niitf.. | ^ . m 7 ..i.v^i.-i.i.ii.. 1 »nti" ri'-'A- coiii..n'if.d uiy i,Ui.;i.ec0, af-Hon. L.II. AliNokD, t«jriiierlyCJovcrnurKhodcIfllaiid,i3t>iv ; tutjl(1,,; f tlunk, iil.om • li-iit Itotli.-f.

Mnmber of Gonsrf.s^. Yo.iret. ritstifctntliv, TFO.:. C FAUDER. Hon.W:a.WoDDIlIlIDOl!,forIIlorlyGov.JtIlchlgall,nt,r.•i•. ; j g j r j j ^ j j j . , - ^ 4 3 . THE LUNGS!!—&c Aon

! " H S . T T . Mo*E«fiAD, formerly Gov. Kentucky, now If. j ^ ^ rf ,t,r »%$%&?£:v* Prnrl, t„ » . V -

non."j° F. SIMMONS. U. 8.1-Vnatorlrora Uliodo Wtinrl. A ».•»• <fc.y<s -*>v-)-\ Cliri'tm..-. I w - I .ll'-n iiiiMil, nnd Hon. SuMt'M rt. W n a i n U. S. tlcnr.tor from Vcrm-ut. rvm cmninnwA oiw.lint.' lit tril l,..r.-... 1 .;,..lf..I In a l l t . Wnn WMl'l-iiATT " " rnmopiuliic-l»liy*i..iii.,lmr Int. ii',.t]|fn.fifl,diif,t-f-f into llflp Hon SoLOairtJ FOCITE, Memfcprof Congress from Vt. , rno. I if id your i,dv..rti.en-^nt, i.nd ti,.,,iSl,t I wwild fry Hon. H. t}. ri.sTr.n, M-mtarol" Conir05»fr6in I'snn. ' lit. Poittr, r-yrtio ;1 t-'verwort, lu r f-r,,l l,.,,. „,l»?un. Bo. Hon M.L .HAUTIN, DelDstuin ConjrMafromWteoniII. t o r e l l u l t«':oi.vpth, thirdooW«,my!,!i>»Jln?l.nd»taMMd,

Tprritcin- I mv C'otirjli v-;-5torn.,r,r.iJ. t lf l t v.illi-3 ..Mj.l. Jlj-lualth is Gen A.C. Donor;, rirtegotoIn Con«ro»«fri)m Iowa. 1 now gt.t.,1. I foh-if!r.rif n mo>t.-TOl;. nl wo^id.'.fi.tindcor. It V STOWl..Laij.,Cl?rkintanHoii-«eofni'pr<!BoiiBtiro... ; olnlly r tomii j j i . l it to my lrlciuh. [Tiiu ete'.tnwnt wtifi O C.TnownniDCr.. Etq„Detroit. Michisun. , an^e»ttinprjpiii;tor».:.fi.rcli l'AJK'J. Gr.o W. .IONHS, Kfiq-, .Survryor (*cner&l, Tiu'oufiiic, Itm-n. : r ^ fy i i i s wfi..Ii. pr.pi.-r rrnyt t hi; lilli.fi with IctU-ra, fiimllor JORKPH Hoxtr.. E«q., No. 70W1.1! st .Nun- i'orl:. : tot.in utovfr, lrom liiorf: who ht-vo bcfn enrerl, Mnnv other indii-iiltisla of the highest rctpM-tnl)ll)ty can ; For .»!•• v-hulrait!.. nnii ri.-li.il, by A. I., f cov.l & Co., Pro.

borcfi'"rred lo, r lio ivili conlirm all thut iiaa been euld Ul fa- pnet'r»,i;t t„o.i' prlfcliuil df-pot. lii.lhic Hull.No. 316Brond. vor of this iiivf'Iuablo r/indicln". | "-a J, >. 1.. to whom i.ll orders for Ibo ixif-dtritiG, and nil let-

DH. GKO. B. GitF.EN. Proprietor, WlndsoTr Vfc. i ters relfting to ue-enciert thoulrl be uddrri-Eed, post-paid. H E E D BATES &AcsTrK,'\VbolesoleDrnggfiit3,r.'o.ll8Mor- ! Grc*!ttnri& & Kinjr, Goner.tl Agente. Mfiiccllue, Oncncli'ea

chantB' Row, Boston, General Agent. I Co., N. V„ and fat lale by T. H. f-'nrrp tfc Co., and V/. Kef*Price hi per bottle: sis bottJeB for 83. > bawens .4*, Co., w&tertoivn,and by V/. Lord i t ffon, Brown-For Mloby T. a CA.MP. .'- r,.. »nd tV. HAWF.KP, & j vilV,

Co.. Wfttirtnim. amsccra:) FHIOE—InUrge bottlej Sl.iM or !lK bottlen for S5,0n