a look into instagram the global photo and sharing...

A look into Instagram the Global photo and sharing App Instagram is mostly used as an online mobile App, however you can also use it on the web using a normal browser. You can use it to share videos and pictures. You are also given the possibility to share content across other platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Flikr. 70 million photos are shared on Instagram every day. According to the Instagram Terms and Conditions, you need to be at least 13 years of age to set-up an account. Accounts are Public by Default! To change the privacy settings: PRIVATE PUBLIC • Only followers you approve can see your posts. • You may opt to un-follow persons you had chosen to follow. • Username, photo and bio are always public! • Your posts are visible to everyone. • You may choose to block people – this will stop them from seeing and commenting on any content. 1 Tap for the account icon YOUR PROFILE CAN BE: Tap your settings Set your account to private 2 3 USEFUL TIPS You can report such content directly with Instagram or you can call our helpline 179. Keep comments positive – use them to show support and encourage privacy. Set your privacy settings and be cautious prior to approving followers. Post responsibly, respect yourselves and others. Instagram also allows you to tag a location when posting. This function reveals where a photo or video was captured including private residences. Co-financed by the European Union Connecting Europe Facility Be the change: Unite for a better Internet besmartonline.org.mt www.facebook.com/saferinternet.mt

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Post on 09-Aug-2020




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Page 1: A look into Instagram the Global photo and sharing Appstorage.eun.org/.../519/20171219_083818071_519_Instagram.pdf2017/12/19  · with Instagram or you can call our helpline 179. Keep

A look into Instagramthe Global photo and sharing App

Instagram is mostly used as an online mobile App, however you can also use it on the web using a normal browser.

You can use it to share videos and pictures.

You are also given the possibility to share content across other platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Flikr.

70 million photos are shared on Instagram every day.

According to the Instagram Terms and Conditions, you need to be at least 13 years of age to set-up an account.

Accounts are Public by Default! To change the privacy settings:


• Only followers you approve can see your posts.

• You may opt to un-follow persons you had chosen to follow.

• Username, photo and bio are always public!

• Your posts are visible to everyone.

• You may choose to block people – this will stop them from seeing and commenting on any content.


Tap for the account icon


Tap your settings Set your account to private

2 3


You can report such content directly with Instagram or you can call our helpline 179.

Keep comments positive – use them to show support and encourage privacy.

Set your privacy settings and be cautious prior to approving followers.

Post responsibly, respect yourselves and others. Instagram also allows you to tag a location when posting. This function reveals where a photo or video was captured including private residences.

Co-financed by the European UnionConnecting Europe Facility

Be the change: Unite for a better Internet


Page 2: A look into Instagram the Global photo and sharing Appstorage.eun.org/.../519/20171219_083818071_519_Instagram.pdf2017/12/19  · with Instagram or you can call our helpline 179. Keep

X’inhu l-InstagramApp, li tintuża madwar id-dinja kollha, li tippermettilek tqassam ir-ritratti tiegħek

L-Instagram huwa użat l-aktar bħala App fuq il-mowbajl, imma huwa possibbli wkoll li tużah minn browser normali fuq kompjuter jew apparat ieħor.

Huwa użat biex tqassam vidjows u ritratti.

Jagħtik il-possibilità li tqassam il-kontenut li għandek permezz ta’ Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr u Flikr.

Kuljum jitqassmu mas-70 miljun ritratt fuq Instagram.

Skont it-termini u kundizzjonijiet ta’ Instagram, l-età minima biex tuża Instagram hija 13-il sena.

L- Accounts huma pubbliċi awtomatikament! Biex tbiddel is-settings privati tiegħek:


• Dawk il-followers li tapprova inti biss jistgħu jaraw il-posts tiegħek.

• Tista’ tagħżel li ma tibqax issegwi nies li tkun segwejt qabel.

• Il-Username, ritratt u bijografija tiegħek huma dejjem pubbliċi!

• Kulħadd jista' jara l-posts li ttellgħa.

• Tista’ tagħzel li twaqqaf lin-nies milli jaraw u jikkummentaw fuq il-posts tiegħek.


Agħfas biex tidħol fl-account tiegħek


Agħfas fuq settings Aqleb l-account tiegħek għal profil privat

2 3


Tista' tagħmel dan dirett ma Instagram jew inkella tista' iċċempel il-helpline 179.

Ikteb kummenti pożittivi – użahom biex turi appoġġ u biex tħeġġeġ l-privatezza.

Irranġa s-settings tiegħek biex ikunu aktar privati u ogħqod attent qabel ma tagħżel lil min taċċetta bħala followers tiegħek.

Ippowstja b'mod responsabbli, irrispetta lilek innifsek u lill-ħaddieħor. Bl-Instagram, hemm il-lok li turi minn fejn qed ittellgħa l-posts. Ipproteġi l-privatezza tiegħek.

Co-financed by the European UnionConnecting Europe Facility

Kun il-bidla: Flimkien gh-all-Internet Ah-jar
