a little taste

A little taste of what’s in store….. Dark Reflections In The Footsteps of a Killer A thru Zach The Last Cattle Round Up Denise J Bryson 1

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Post on 16-Jul-2015



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Page 1: A Little Taste

A little taste of what’s in store…..

Dark ReflectionsIn The Footsteps of a Killer

A thru ZachThe Last Cattle Round Up

Denise J Bryson


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Dark Reflections

Monika Banks has been having the same reoccurring nightmare now for most of her adult life. There’s a house that is calling to her and she is afraid. It belongs to the long dead pirate Damon Philippe Le Rouge, who is on an eternal search for his lost island princess Amiya. Damon believes that Monika is her and will stop at nothing to seduce her to join him. The nightmare has robbed Monika and her husband David of many a nights sleep and she just wants it to end.


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Marcus Mc Mann her art manager and her one time lover, suggests that she get away for awhile. Monika goes in search of a quite little place where she can revitalize herself and stumbles upon a beautiful sea side house on a cliff. At once she recognizes it as being the house from her nightmare but her fear of the house is only equaled by her desire to own it and she is helplessly drawn to the it. The house has a history of death and a dark secret is held within its walls. Without telling David about the house’s connections she convinces him to rent it for the summer. From the second they begin to move in strange things begin to happen. Not only is the house connected to her nightmares but it is a place filled with dark evil, the scene of many tortures, deaths and murders. The house holds crimes from its past, its present and its future. The blood of the helpless villagers spilled at the demonic hands of Damon Le Rouge and Amiya, both joined in an unholy alliance with Satan. Now Le Rouge will stop at nothing to take back what he believes to be his, Monika.


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With her in the house now it will be easy for him, all he needs to do is to get rid of everyone in his way. With the help of Max his first mate, who should be dead but isn’t, he sets the wheels in motion. David almost has his head carved in two the very day they move in. Marcus sees ghostly visions at the house warming party and Kim, Monika’s friend receives a ghostly visit and warning from the couple. Will Le Rouge succeed at his plan to take Monika away with him? Will David and Marcus be able to put their dislike for each other aside and rally together to save Monika? Or will Amiya’s plan trump all?


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In The Footsteps of a Killer

Leah Moore started out her young life by dieing. At age four she is accidentally electrocuted by sticking a fork into an electrical socket during a lighting storm. Mathew her father performs infant CPR and brings her back to life. At that same time in another part of the city Albert Cain Macarthur is sitting in an electric chair awaiting his death. When the switch was thrown Albert dies but unlike Leah he is not brought back to life although he knows that he will come back from the dead to continue his homicidal reign of terror.


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Twenty two years later Leah is drawn to a small curio shop where she sees an old pair of smoking gym shoes. Afraid there may be a fire she finds the shops owner but upon their return the shoes are gone. In their place is a pair of red ballet slippers. Out of impulse she buys the shoes but once she gets them home she finds the old gym shoes that the store owner must have switched. Angry, she throws them outside

where they begin their journey. The shoes, once they are put on by someone, cause the wearer to commit one of the crimes committed by serial killer Albert Macarthur. Once the deed is done the shoes disappear and the wearer has no idea of what he has done. The shoes once belonged to Albert and it is through the re-committing of his final fives murders that he will rise again as promised by the dark forces of the under world. No man on earth will be able to stop him once he is reborn, but he needs a body. To be exact he needs Leah’s body, the body touched by electricity as his was, so long ago. After he has taken procession of her he will live


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forever. That is unless Leah can figure out how to stop him. Can Leah find a way to stop Albert before he can take over her body come back to life? Can she convince Justin, a police officer and her new boyfriend of Albert’s existence? If she can convince Justin, can she find a way to kill Albert and save both herself and Justin from Albert’s murderous intent?


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A thru Zach

When Zach was a little boy, he dreamed about The Lady. She was very pretty and very nice at first. Then she said she wanted to kill him. Well not kill, but to a ten year old boy the word “dead” meant kill and he didn’t want any part of that. Zach is now thirty five, single and still a virgin. Not by his own choosing, The Lady had seen to that by appearing and disappearing when ever Zach had tried to score. “You must remain pure”, were always her words to him and he would go limp from fear. The Lady never made a move to hurt him yet Zach held on to his fear. He was sure that sooner or later she would kill him. Zach had always know that only he could see The Lady so he knew that she was


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somehow only in his mind yet countless hours of therapy had not changed his mind about his fate. At a demolition site, Andy the site boss and company owner spots a woman walking out of the rubble of a building that he and his team have just brought down. No one could have survived such a blast and no one should be walking through it now. Yet there she was. She places her hand on Andy’s chest and he drops to his knees, only to find out later that a heart condition he had has mysteriously been healed. Slowly, one by one strange miracles are happening all over the world. Until one day, when Zach hears about a mysterious woman who is going around the world performing miracles of all shapes and sizes. Zach feels rather than knows that the woman is The Lady. But if it is his Lady why is she performing all these miracles and trying to kill him? Then while watching television, a man being interviewed about an accident gives Zach a chilling warning. The Lady is coming for him. She is going through the alphabet,


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letter by letter and Zach will see her once she reaches Z. He knows now that he will die. But Why? Why was The Lady out to kill him? Why did she prevent him from having sex all these years and cause him to ‘remain pure’? How could Zach reason with her and stop this tragic ending?


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The Last Cattle Round Up

Jordan Montgomery is a single, successful, beautiful black woman whose job it is to clean up, dismantle and tearapart companies that lose money. Derek Diamond of Diamond Jack Beef Co moves in and takes possession. Hired to be his master head hunter she is sent to Montana to “clean up” what is left of the parent company. Not at all happy to be there she decides that the first thing to go is the ancient cattle drive that has been around since the cowboys and Indians. She finds CJ Duncan the tall handsome, blue eyed, curly haired cowboy complete with the ten gallon hat irresistible. His family has been in charge of the cattle drive just as long and


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he has no intention of letting the cold but beautiful city girl come in and destroy his way of life. CJ has to find some way to make her understand that the cattle drive is not only his way of life but it is what makes Diamond Jack Beef the best beef in the world. Armed with his strong convictions and beliefs CJ comes up with the idea that he must somehow convince her that the cattle drive is worth saving. He asks her to come along on the cattle drive and see for herself, first hand that the drive was worth it. Jordan completely refuses and tells CJ that he must be crazy. CJ has to make her understand, so he decides to force her on the drive. He kidnaps her in her sleep and the journey begins. Jordan wakes up to find herself tied and gagged in the back of an RV with a man she does not know. CJ is handsome but is Jordan in danger? What kind of danger has he put her in? And will this danger turn from hate or love?


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Well I have sparked your interest? Any of theses snippets peak your curiosity? Would you like to find out if they survive and our heroes and heroines can save the day? Monica, Leah, Zach and Jordan, all in different situations but each with something to lose and something to gain. What will happen to them? To find out if love or death or the unknown wins, all four are for purchase. Dark Reflections, In The Footsteps of a Killer and A thru Zach and The Last Cattle Round Up, can be found at Lulupress.com.


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At Lulupress.com you can purchase one, two, three or all four. Look for the future release of Bedtime stories for Brandon R.I.P 10-31-91, Computer Mate and the autobiography of Confessions of a Fag Hag. I hope you’ve enjoyed these snippets of my first four novels and I hope you will buy them. Enjoy and may your day dreams be dark dreams…Happy Horror