a list of things to do before school starts

A LIST OF THINGS TO DO BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS GRADES K-12 ROOM ENVIRONMENT Decide on a theme for your classroom Prepare/purchase bulletin board materials Decide where to post notices/materials Make a classroom welcome sign Set up learning centers, display tables, and student work areas SUPPLIES Writing, drawing, and construction paper Pencils/Pens Crayons Paste/glue Stapler/staples Paper clips Rubber bands Straight and safety pins Transparent tape Manila folders Marking pens Rulers Art supplies Grade book Lesson plan book Attendance materials Textbooks/workbooks Boxes for keeping units FIND OUT ABOUT Fire drills Tornado drills Lunch procedure Staff handbook Dismissal procedure Your colleagues STUDENT PREP Make student name tags Prepare first-day materials to send home (emergency cards, school/classroom rules,  bus regulations/info, letter to parents, classroom schedule) Prepare class list Decide on your seating procedure Check records for students with special needs GETTING ORGANIZED Brainstorm class expectations Arrange desks Pin up bulletin boards, notices, etc. Write lesson plans for the first week Duplicate materials for first week Write daily schedule, date, and your name on the board Prepare files for parent correspondence, school bulletins, and sub teachers THINK ABOUT PROCEDURES FOR...

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Decide on a theme for your classroom

Prepare/purchase bulletin board materials

Decide where to post notices/materialsMake a classroom welcome sign

Set up learning centers, display tables, and student work areas


Writing, drawing, and construction paper 





Paper clips

Rubber bands

Straight and safety pinsTransparent tape

Manila folders

Marking pens


Art supplies

Grade book 

Lesson plan book 

Attendance materials


Boxes for keeping units


Fire drills

Tornado drills

Lunch procedure

Staff handbook 

Dismissal procedure

Your colleagues


Make student name tags

Prepare first-day materials to send home (emergency cards, school/classroom rules,

 bus regulations/info, letter to parents, classroom schedule)Prepare class list

Decide on your seating procedure

Check records for students with special needs


Brainstorm class expectations

Arrange desks

Pin up bulletin boards, notices, etc.

Write lesson plans for the first week 

Duplicate materials for first week 

Write daily schedule, date, and your name on the board

Prepare files for parent correspondence, school bulletins, and sub teachersTHINK ABOUT PROCEDURES FOR...

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Book distribution

Turning in work, format of work 

Handing back assignments


Grading--recording grades, extra credit, portfolios

Housekeeping procedures--clean up, supply storageRewards and incentives

Communicating with parents

Signals for students' attention

Daily routines--beginning of day, transition times, independent and group work 

Agenda use and motivators

submitted by




[email protected]

Англиски јазик

Петто одделение (прв странски јазик)

Заокружи го точниот одговор!

1. Koj od dadenite zborovi pretstavuva letna obleka?A. T-shirt

B. glovesC. boots

D. coat

2. Кој од следниве поими означува вид храна?А. pie

B. girl

C. eleven

D. blue

3. Какво тело има змијата?

A. long

B. tall

C. shortD. fat

4. Koj zbor od navedenite ozna~uva ednina?A. an apple

B. a apple

C. a apples

D. an apples

5. Кој од наведените зборови означува член?A. the

B. my

C. her 

D. is6. Кој одговор е соодветен на прашањето Дали е тој ученик?

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A. Yes, he is.

B. Yes, she is.

C. Yes, they are.

D. Yes, we are.

7. Како се поздравуваме навечер?

A. Good evening.B. Good morning

C. Good afternoon.

D. Good morning.

My friend Bojan visits his aunt Marta every Sunday. Every time, he brings her flowers

and chocolates. They spend all day together watching TV.

8. Кој збор во текстот погоре означува ден во неделата?

A. Sunday

B. flowers


D. aunt

Merita really likes skiing. She usually goes with her sister in Mavrovo inJanuary.They have a wonderful time there and they stay for one week.

9. Кој од дадените поими означува месец во годината?

A. January

B. sister 

C. week 

D. Mavrovo

Томе gets up at 7 o’clock every morning and goes to school at 8 o’clock. His

 parents go to work at 9 o’clock and his sister stays home with their grandmother.

10. Koj izleguva od doma vo 9 ~asot?A. Tome’s parents

B. Tome

C. Tome’s sister 

D. Tome’s granny

[esto oddelenie(prv stranski jazik)Zaokru`i go to~niot odgovor!1. Кој од наведените зборови означува превозно средство?

A. boat

B. table

C. chair 

D. school2. Od koi od slednite materijali voobi~aeno se napraveni vilu{kata,no`ot i la`icata?А. metal

B. wood

C. leather 

D. glass

3. Која од следниве именки е небројна?

A. milk 

B. orange

C. apple

D. egg4. Кој би бил одговорот на прашањето Are they going to the party tonight?

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A. No, they aren’t

B. No, she isn’t.

C. No, he isn’t

D. No, they isn’t.

5. Koj zbor od navedenite е пример за komparativ?

A. colder B. cold

C. coldest

D. the most cold

6. Со кој збор би ја дополнил следнава реченица:

We are in a library. You.............be quiet.

A. must

B. mustn’t

C. can’t

D. can

7. Идни планови и намери искажуваме со:

A. I’m going to...B. I go ...

C. We go ...

D. We are …

Birds can fly. They also lay eggs. They have got feathers to keep them warm and they

also help them fly.

8. Според gorenavedeniot tekst, што им треба на птиците за да можат да


A. feathers

B. eggs

C. fly

D. warm

For my birthday I got: a big birthday cake, an MP3 player, a skateboard, a pair of 

 blue jeans, a big teddy bear, and a wonderful school bag.

9. Сo koj od rodendenskite podaroci mo`e da sportuva{?A. skateboard

B. MP3 player 

C. school bag

D. birthday cake

In winter it snows sometimes and we go sledging in the streets. In spring we go

rollerblаding. In summer it is very hot and we go swimming in the river or in the

nearby lake. In autumn it sometimes rains and we wear raincoats.

10. Според горенаведениот текст што вообичаено правиме во зима?

A. We go sledging.B. We go swimming.

C. We go rollerblading.

D. We wear raincoats.

Angliski jazikSedmo oddelenie(prv stranski jazik)Zaokru`i go to~niot odgovor!1. Koj od dadenite zborovi go ozna~uva poimot peja~?

A. singer B. swimmer 

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C. sailor 

D. soldier 

2. Дополни ја реченицата со соодветниот збор. You can catch plane at


A. airport

B. railway stationC. bus station

D. sea port

3. Кој од следниве глаголи е неправилен?

A. see

B. play

C. watch

D. cook 

4. Во која од наведените реченици е искажано долготрајно минато дејство?

A. Sophia was doing her homework.

B. Sophia did her homework.

C. Sophia does her homework.D. Sophia is doing her homework.

5. Со кој од наведените предлози би ја дополнил реченицата: They always

travel … train.

A. by

B. on

C. in

D. in front of 

6. Кој од следниве зборови означува герунд?A. listening

B. to listen

C. listen

D. listened

7. So koj od navedenite izrazi mo`e{ da ka`e{: Studeno e! Dali mo`eda go zatvori{ prozorecot?A. It’s cold! Could you close the window, please?

B. It’s cold! You can close the window, please?

C. It’s cold! Shall I close the window, please?

D. It’s cold! Close the window and go out, please!

Ana has a rather big family so they all share their obligations. Her twin sisters,

Pamela and Jessica, have to clean the dust, her older brother Jason does the dishes,

her younger brother Phillip has to buy groceries and Ana has to clean the table after 


8. Според горедадениот текст, кој има обврска да ја средува масата повечерата?

A. Ana

B. Jason

C. Jessica

D. Phillip

I eat cake with a little spoon, my sister Ana eats it with a fork, and my dad wants to

cut it with a knife which is a bit strange. My mum doesn’t like cake at all.

9. Со кој дел од приборот Ана јаде торта?

A. fork 

B. spoon

C. knifeD. fingers

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Last Sunday John was sitting at his computer, he was playing PC games all day long

so he didn’t do his homework.

10. Od gorenavedeniot tekst, zo{to Xon ne  ја napi{al domaшnaта

задача?A. Because he was playing PC games.

B. Because he was sitting at his computer.C. Because it was Sunday.

D. Because it was a weekend.

Англиски јазик

Осмо одделение

(прв странски јазик)

1. Koj zbor ozna~uva isto {to i zborot ‘chips’?

A. crisps

B. sweets

C. cookies

D. cereals2. Koj od slednite transportni sredstva ne ja zagaduvaat na{ataplaneta?A. bicycle

B. car 

C. bus

D. planes

3. Со кој збор треба да ја дополниш реченицата: Give me the ……..I want to

take photo of you.

A: camera

B: photograph

C: photography

D: camcorder 

4. Koj navedenite prilozi za vreme mo`at da se koristat so glagolskotovreme Present Perfect Tense?

A. for 3 years

B. 3 years ago

C. tomorrow

D. today

5. Која клауза недостига за да се доврши следната реченица?

If I pass all my exams, __________________.

A. I will go to college.

B. I would play tennis.

C. I should learn how to drive.D. I may go out.

6. [to iska`uva re~enicata: “I’ll carry those bags for you”.

A. offering help

B. asking for help

C. refusing help

D. asking for information

7. K ога имаме обврска да направиме нешто, велиме:

A. We must...

B. We should…

C. We can…

D. We will…According to a story, the origin of coffee began in Ethiopia in a nearby city of Caffa

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Today certain regions in the world dominate coffee production. The top coffeeproducing

countries in the world are Brazil, Colombia, India, Indonesia, Mexico,

Puerto Rico, and Vietnam.8. Според горедадениот текст, од која земја потекнува кафето?

A. EthiopiaB. Puerto Rico

C. Indonesia

D. Mexico

I love the holiday when all the family gathers and we have traditional Christmas

dinner and share presents. We always have a wonderful time together.

9. За кој празник станува збор во текстот?

A. Christmas

B. New Year 

C. Easter 

D. Father’s Day

My name is Angela. I’m 13,5. I live in Australia with my parents and my little brother.Maths and English are my favourite subjects. This year we are starting to learn

Japanese and French, too. I like my school because the teachers are very kind and


10. Za nejzinite nastavnici, Angela misli deka se:A. nice

B. bad

C. good-looking

D. smart