a khutbah on warning of desires

Üéu†Ö]<à·†Ö]<]<ÜŠe    א           א   ع    א       A Khutbah regarding a cautioning of adhering to Desires  By: Shaykh Saleh Bin Fawzan Bin 'Abdillah Al-Fawzan < <<<<<<<<  ¿Ëu ±^Ãi<<<]<<ä   The 3th day of Muharram in the Year 1430 after Hijrah From the Book: Al-Khutubul-Minbariyah Volume #1 pages 446-449  Translation provided By: Abu Sulaymaan Muhammad Ibn Baker  Note: This document is an on-line book publication of Maktabatulirshad LLC. This book was formatted and designed specifically for being placed FREE on the Internet (i.e. for Da'wah  purposes). I, Abu Sulaymaan Muhammad Ibn Baker, allow for this document, in its present form and with no alterations, to be distributed, printed, photocopied, reproduced and/or disbursed by electronic means for the purpose of spreading its content and not for the purpose of gaining a profit, unless a specific request is sent to the translator and permission is granted. Anyone wishing to quote from this document must give credit to the translator.

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  א      א  ع ْ א      A Khutbah regarding a cautioning of 

adhering to Desires By: Shaykh Saleh Bin Fawzan Bin 'Abdillah Al-Fawzan <

<<<<<<<< ¿Ëu±^Ãi<<<]<<ä    The 3th day of Muharram in the Year 1430 after Hijrah 

From the Book: Al-Khutubul-Minbariyah Volume #1 pages 446-449 

 Translation provided By: Abu Sulaymaan Muhammad Ibn Baker


Note: This document is an on-line book publication of Maktabatulirshad LLC. This book wasformatted and designed specifically for being placed FREE on the Internet (i.e. for Da'wah

 purposes). I, Abu Sulaymaan Muhammad Ibn Baker, allow for this document, in its present formand with no alterations, to be distributed, printed, photocopied, reproduced and/or disbursed by

electronic means for the purpose of spreading its content and not for the purpose of gaining a profit,unless a specific request is sent to the translator and permission is granted. Anyone wishing to quote

from this document must give credit to the translator.

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Table of Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................. 3 

The desires of man ......................................................................................................... 4 

Choosing the love of Allah & His messenger over his desires ...................5 

Having love for Allah mandates action.............................................................. 6 

Having love for Allah mandates following the messenger  & loving

him more than all creation ...................................................................................... 7 

Sacrificing for the love of Allah & his messenger .......................................... 8 

Preferring the love of Allah over one's soul ...................................................10 

The origin of disobedience & innovation..........................................................11 

Placing one's desires over the legislation.........................................................13 


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 All praises belongs to Allah the Lord of all that exists. He has created us, provided for

us and has not left us abandoned. Rather He has sent to us a messenger showing us to

the way to good and forbidding us from the path of evil and wickedness. He enjoins

upon us obey him as well as to adhere to him in order that we may obtain bliss in the

Dunya' and the Hereafter. In addition, I bear witness that none has right to be worshipped in truth except for Allah alone who has no partners. I bear witness that

Muhammad is the servant and last messenger of Allah. May Allah praises be upon

him, his family, his companions as well as everyone who adheres to him

(Muhammad ) and clings to his Sunnah until the Day of Judgment.

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The desires of man

 As for that, this is to follow:

O mankind, have Taqwaa of Allah and know you have not been created in vain,

and you haven't been left to no end; rather your deeds and your statements will be

accounted for within a book that no minor thing or major thing will be left except

that it will be recorded. Afterwards you will be held accountable upon that on the Last

Day, and you will be recompensed according to that—so whoever finds good then let

him praise Allah and whoever finds evil then don't blame (anyone) except himself.

 Afterwards, Indeed man is within this worldly life desiring and loving with his heart

and that is inevitable. So if he desires good and loves that which came with the

Messenger his soul becomes pleased by it and he hates wickedness and acts of 

disobedience—so this is the believer.

 Therefore, if he desires wickedness and acts of disobedience, and dislikes that which

came with the prophet --then he is either a disbeliever or a Hypocrite.

 Thus in the hadith from the Prophet said:


"None of you will have complete faith until his desires adheres to what I have came with." 1 

1  Hadith on the authority of 'Abdullah bin 'Umar Al-'Aas – ر - mentioned in Forty Hadith (hadith # 41) of Imam Nawawee – ر - and in his book Hujjah . Shaykh Bin Baaz – ر - was asked about its authenticity he

replied, "some of the Scholars have mentioned this narration who have deemed it to have a Saheeh Isnad (i.e. chain

of narrators) and there are also others who deem this hadith of be Da'eef . Among them is Ibn Rajb in his book Jamee' 

Ulum wal Hikmah (volume 2 page 23) he stated: "the authencaon of this hadith is very far from being Saheeh ."

Also Shaykh Al-Albaani – ر - mentioned in his book Mashkaatul-Masabeeh (hadith # 167), "its Isnad is Da'eef ." And

mentions additionally in his book Dhilaalul-Jannah (#16), "the chain is Da'eef due to Na'eem Bin Hamad because of his

abundant mistakes/errors." Additionally Shaykh Yahya Al-Hajoori – ظ - mentions in his Explanation of Forty

Hadith a number of defects in the chain of narrators.

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Choosing the love of Allah & His messenger over his


 Allah mentions throughout the Noble Qur'an verses indicating to that. Allah says:



"But no, by your Lord, they can have no Faith, until they make you (O Muhammad   ) judge in all 

disputes between them, and find in themselves no resistance against your decisions, and accept (them)

with full submission." 

[An-Nisaa' 4:65]

Moreover, Allah says:


"It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allâh and His Messenger have decreed a matter that 

they should have any option in their decision." 

[Al-Ahzab 33:36]

 Allah says:


"That is because they hate that which Allâh has sent down (this Qur'ân and Islâmic laws, etc.), so

He has made their deeds fruitless." 

[Muhammad 47:9]

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Having love for Allah mandates action

In addition, Allah says:



Then how (will it be) when the angels will take their souls at death, smiting their faces and their backs? That is because they followed that which angered Allâh, and hated that which pleased Him.

Therefore, He made their deeds fruitless. Or do those in whose hearts is a disease (of hypocrisy); thinkthat Allâh will not bring to light all their hidden ill wills? 

[Muhammad 47:27-29]

 Therefore, the obligation upon every believer is that he loves whatever Allah loves, a

type of love that makes it a duty upon him to perform, that which is obligatory onhim. Therefore, when his love will increases to the point he will perform that which isrecommended of him, that is a virtue and a surplus of good.

It is a duty upon the believer to dislike whatever Allah dislikes, a type of dislike thatmakes it a duty upon him to abstain from whatever Allah has made unlawful uponhim. Therefore, when the dislike increases to the point he will abandon what isappropriate for him to abandon freeing from that, which is a virtue.

Having a love for acts of obedience and performing it as well as having hatred for the

unlawful acts and being distance from them is an indication to having a love for Allahand His messenger, an indication to following the Messenger.

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Having love for Allah mandates following the

messenger  & loving him more than all creation

Indeed Allah says:


"Say (O Muhammad   to mankind),"If you (really) love Allâh then follow me (i.e. accept Islâmic  Monotheism, follow the Qur'ân and the Sunnah), Allâh will love you and forgive you of your sins.

 And Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." 

[Aal-'Imran 3:31]

Moreover, it has been affirmed in Bukhari and Muslim from the Prophet that hesaid:

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"None of you will have complete faith until I become more beloved to you than yourself, your children, your family, and all of mankind." 2  

 Therefore, the believer is not a true believer until he places the love of the Messengerover the love of all of creation. The love of the Messenger comes after the love of 

 Allah. Whoever loves Allah and His messenger rightfully he will place the obedienceof them both over the desires of his soul, and it pleasures from wealth, children, andhometown.

2  Hadith on the authority of Anas –  ر - mentioned in Imam Ahmad Musnad , agreed upon in Bukhari &

Muslim, Sunan Nisaae', and in Ibn Majah. Shaykh Al-Albaani – ر - graded the hadith to be Saheeh in his book

Saheeh Jamee' Hadith # 7582.

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Sacrificing for the love of Allah & his messenger 

So when these things contradict with the love of Allah and His messenger Allah says:




"Say: If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your kindred, the wealth that you have  gained, the commerce in which you fear a decline, and the dwellings in which you delight ... are dearer to you than Allâh and His Messenger, and striving hard and fighting in His Cause   , then wait until  Allâh brings about His Decision (torment). And Allâh guides not the people who are Al-Fâsiqûn 

(the rebellious, disobedient to Allâh)." 

[At-Tawbah 9:24]

In addition, for that reason the Muhaajirun abandoned their hometown and wealth when staying in their hometown conflicted with the obedience of Allah and HisMessenger. Allah says:


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"(And there is also a share in this booty) for the poor emigrants, who were expelled from their homes and their property, seeking Bounties from Allâh and to please Him, and helping Allâh (i.e. helping His religion) and His Messenger (Muhammad   ). Such are indeed the truthful (to what they say)." 

[Al-Hashr 59:8]

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So they had obtained the pleasure of Allah because of that, and their replacementof good from what they abandoned, Allah says:

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"Those who emigrated in the Cause of Allâh and after that were killed or died, surely, Allâh will 

 provide a good provision for them. And verily, it is Allâh Who indeed is the Best of those who make  provision Truly, He will make them enter an entrance with which they shall be well-pleased, and 

verily, Allâh indeed is All-Knowing, Most Forbearing." 

[Al-Hajj 22:58-59]

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Preferring the love of Allah over one's soul

 Whoever prefers the love of Allah over his soul's desires, then places what Allah lovesbefore what he loves he will discover the sweetness of true faith. In Bukhari andMuslim from the Prophet said:

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"Three qualities whoever has within him he has discovered the sweetness of true faith. That Allah and His Messenger become more beloved to him than everything else other than those two, that he loves a person for no other reason except for Allah, and that he dislikes to be returned to disbelief after Allah had rescued him from it just like that he dislikes to be thrown into the Hellfire." 3 

3  Hadith on the authority of Anas –  ر - mentioned in Imam Ahmad Musnad , agreed upon in Bukhari &

Muslim, Ibn Majah, Sunan Nisaae', and in Sunan Tirmidhi. Shaykh Al-Albaani – ر - graded the hadith to be

Saheeh in his book Saheeh Jamee' Hadith # 3044.

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The origin of disobedience & innovation

 All forms of disobedience verily origins from placing the person's desires over thelove of Allah and Messenger. Indeed Allah distinguishes the polytheist with adhering to their desires throughout many places in the Noble Qur'an. Allah says:

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"But if they answer you not (i.e. do not believe in your doctrine of Islâmic Monotheism, nor follow  you), then know that they only follow their own lusts. And who is more astray than one who follows 

his own lusts, without guidance from Allâh?" 

[Al-Qasas 28:50]

 The people of innovation verily introduce their novelties adhering to their desirescontradicting to the legislation of Allah and for that reason; the innovator is called

ashabul-ah'waa (i.e. the people of desires). Those who legislate with manmade laws andcontradict the legislation of Allah, verily what carry them to following their desiresthat contradict the legislate of Allah. Allah says:


"Then We have put you (O Muhammad   ) on a plain way of (Our) commandment [like the one which We commanded Our Messengers before you (i.e. legal ways and laws of the Islâmic 

 Monotheism)]. So follow you that (Islâmic Monotheism and its laws), and follow not the desires of 

those who know not." 

[Al-Jaathiyah 45:18]

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In addition, Allah says:


"So judge between them by what Allâh has revealed, and follow not their vain desires." 

[Al-Ma'idah 5:48]

Moreover, whosoever obeys his desires regarding contradicting the command of Allahthen indeed, he has taken his desire as a deity other than Allah. Allah says:


"Have you (O Muhammad   ) seen him who has taken as his ilâh (god) his own desire? Would you then be a Wakîl (a disposer of his affairs or a watcher) over him?" 

[Al-Fur'qan 25:43]

In addition, Allah says:


"Have you seen him who takes his own lust (vain desires) as his ilâh (god), and Allâh knowing (him as such), left him astray, and sealed his hearing and his heart, and put a cover on his sight. Who then 

will guide him after Allâh? Will you not then remember?" 

[Al-Jaathiyah 45:23]

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Moreover, Allah says:


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"O you who believe (Muslims)! When the call is proclaimed for the Salât (prayer) on the day of Friday (Jumu'ah prayer), come to the remembrance of Allâh [Jumu'ah religious talk (Khutbah) and 

Salât (prayer)] and leave off business (and every other thing), that is better for you if you did but know!" 

[Al-Jumu'ah 62:9]

Moreover, the announcement regarding the Salatul Fajr says:


"Salât is better than sleep." 4 

 Thus, whoever loves Allah and His messenger he will abandon sleep and will respondto the call of Allah.

4  This narration mentioned on the authority of Salim from his father mentioned in Ibn Majah's collection of 

Hadeeth–Shaykh Al-Albaani ر graded this hadith to be Da'eef  (i.e. weak & not to be taken) , as well as the

same narration mentioned in Imam Malik's  Mawati ; Shaykh – ر - graded it to be Da'eef in his book Mashkaatul- 

 Masabeeh # 652.

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 Just like what Allah says:

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"Their sides forsake their beds, to invoke their Lord in fear and hope, and they spend (charity in  Allâh's Cause) out of what We have bestowed on them. No person knows what is kept hidden for 

them of joy as a reward for what they used to do." 

[As-Sajdah 32:16-17]

 Therefore, whoever has preferred the love of sleep to the love of Allah and Hismessenger, and then verily, he will remain in his bed and will not respond the call of 

 Allah. Then the Shaytaan will urinate in his ear and tie on the person three knots andhe, Shaytaan, will say to the person,

¯ ï ¯ ï ï ¯

"I will put you to sleep for a long time." 5 


"And the person's punishment in the grave (i.e. for sleeping over the time of the prayer intentionally without a legislative excuse) is that his head will be crushed by a rock. and every time his head is crushed it will return to its former state when he would find the Fajr Prayer burdensome and he 

would turn away it (i.e. praying it in its proper time)." 6  

 Just like the prophet informs of that.

5  Hadith of Abi Hurairah –  ر - mentioned in Imam Ahmad Musnad , agreed upon in Bukhari & Muslim,

Sunan Abi Dawud, Ibn Majah, and Sunan Nisaae'. Shaykh Al-Albaani – ر - graded the hadith to be Saheeh in his

book Saheeh Jamee' hadith #8107.6  A long hadith on the authority of Samrah Bin Jun'dub –  ر - mentioned in Imam Ahmad Musnad , and

Agreed upon in Bukhari & Muslim. Shaykh Al-Albaani – ر - graded the hadith to be Saheeh in his book Saheeh 

 Jaame'  Hadith #3462.

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So have Taqwaa of Allah – O servant of Allah – He says:



"And follow not your desire for it will mislead you from the Path of Allâh. Verily! Those whowander astray from the Path of Allâh (shall) have a severe torment, because they forgot the Day of 


[Saad 38:26]



 May Allah bless me and you all concerning the Tremendous Qur'an.