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Hi everyone,

This series is based on readings set down for July in the Lectionary. The Lectionary that we are

using is a book that contains Scripture readings allocated for given Sundays in the year.

The concept of the Lectionary dates back to the time of Moses when specific Scriptures were read at

the annual religious festivals of Passover, Pentecost and the Feast of Tabernacles (Nehemiah 8:13-


When Jesus read Isaiah 61:1-2 from the scroll in the synagogue at the beginning of His ministry,

He was probably reading according to the Lectionary (Luke 4:16-21). The practice of Lectionary

was adopted by the early Church as Christians read extracts from the Old Testament on the


As the Gospels were written down, and the letters were received from Paul and others, they added

portions of these writings to their weekly readings.

Typically a Lectionary follows Scripture in a logical pattern, although various relevant passages are

included for particular occasions (e.g. the account of the crucifixion at Easter). Each week there is a

passage from the Old Testament, Psalms, the Letters and the Gospels. Lectionaries can follow either

a one year or a three year cycle. The Lectionary is not used by every church and different churches

have developed their own in different parts of the world.

May God bless you as we link in with the wider Church and follow this series of readings this month.


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W H O I S Y O U R G O D ?

JU LY 6 , 2 0 1 4 ( 4 T H SU ND A Y A FT ER P EN T EC OS T)

MATTHEW 11:25-30

The yoke was a familiar piece of equipment in Jesus’ time, but to those of us who live in cities in the

21st century it does not seem to be something that we would want to wear. The rest Jesus offers

sounds good as we lead frenetic lives but the idea of wearing someone else’s yoke implies that we

are under their command and are their slave. And we feel we have enough to do without taking on

more work and do not want to be slave to anything. But are we really free agents? Could we be like

Paul’s description of himself as he writes to the Romans (Romans 7:14b-15; 18b)? We are

continually trying to do what is right but failing much of the time. We are, in fact, slaves to sin

already. So it is not so much a matter of whether we will be in servitude to someone or something

but rather whom we will serve.

In Jesus’ time a young animal was yoked to an experienced animal to be taught how to do the task

for which he had been bred. The older beast would carry most of the burden and would, purely by

doing the task for which he had been trained, show the younger animal what to do. Gradually as the

young one matured and became more experienced, he would be able to take on more of the load

and, in turn, train another younger animal.

We are all yoked to something, whether it is the economic, political or social system under which we

live; the things we own; the letter of the law; or our own personal desires. Do we cling to the yoke

with which we are familiar? Do we break away from it to a new kind of ‘freedom’ which involves

another humanly devised yoke? Or are we willing to be yoked at Jesus’ side, prepared to submit and

walk with Him until we are so practiced that we do not want to walk any other way? Living like this

gives freedom and dignity to every person and we discover that it is no burden, but rather the way

to true rest and refreshment. So, at last, we partner with Jesus in the work God has planned for us

to do in the world.

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GENESIS 24:34–38, 42–49, 58–67

Here is a story of openness and obedience to God’s guidance. What is God blessing in your life at the

moment as a result of your willingness to obey Him?

Father God, I seek to serve You and those around me. I praise and thank You for the success, favour and

blessings it brings into my own life.

PSALM 45:10–17

What have you given up in your life in order to follow Jesus?

Lord, as I seek You with all my heart, soul, mind and strength the reward is greater than any rewards I

receive from man or through my own selfish endeavors. Thank You!

PSALM 72:1-7

In the days of a just, wise leader the righteous will prosper. Pray for our leaders today that they may

be just and wise as they make important decisions during their tenure.

Father, may the Spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge and fear of the Lord rest

upon them as they serve the people. Isaiah 11:1-3

PSALM 145:8-14

How has the Lord kept His promises and shown His love for you recently? Spend some time

praising Him today for that love.

Praise God for the love He pours so lavishly upon us. He is gracious, compassionate, patient and kind to

all. He is worthy, just and gracious in His dealings with us.


Those who follow this King are promised that He will ‘proclaim peace … free … prisoners … (and)

restore twice as much to you’. How has following Jesus (being yoked to Him) changed your outlook

on your future?

We rejoice today! It was for freedom Christ has set us free no longer to be subject to the yoke of slavery.

Reflection: I am no longer a slave to sin. Jesus has set me free!

MATTHEW 11: 25–30

What does being yoked to Jesus mean to you?

Jesus, in accepting the invitation to “Come to You”, I thank You. I can cease striving and know that You

alone will bring me into a place of humility, peace and rest.

ROMANS 7:15–25A

What do you do that you do not want to do – that you hate doing? Spend some time with God today

telling Him about it and asking Him to release you from the desire to do whatever it is and follow

Jesus more closely.

As I wrestle with fleshly desires, Lord, the answer lies in Jesus Christ who delivers me from a life style

often dominated by the desire to sin. In my weakness Your grace is sufficient for me today.

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Who have you learnt from who is ‘gentle and humble in heart’? How are they like Jesus? How can

their example help you be more like Jesus? Do something to show your appreciation for that gentle

person in your life.



What is the most tiresome, tedious task you have to do over and over again? Why do you feel this

way about it – why do you have to do it?


Spend time in worship together.


How have you been using your spiritual gifts recently?


Read Matthew 11:25-30

1. Is the concept of being yoked to Jesus a positive or negative one for you? Explain why you feel

this way.

2. What keeps you busy? Does this busy-ness yoke you to Jesus?

3. How does being yoked to Jesus lead you to a place of rest – or doesn’t it? Do you need to give

something up? Share your thoughts with the group.

4. What does the rest Jesus offers mean to you and how do you experience it?


Pray for one another – for those who are too busy; for those who need rest; for those who are

threatened by the concept of being yoked to Jesus; and for those who are flourishing.


What can you do to help someone else experience rest this week?

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JU LY 1 3 , 2 0 1 4 ( 5 T H SU N D A Y A FT ER P EN T EC OS T)

MATTHEW 13:1-9; 18-23

Often when we read a parable we try to decode it and give a meaning to every image that is used.

But sometimes parables are more effective when we look at them as a whole.

Jesus begins telling the story of the good soil by speaking of what can go wrong with the seed. He

uses the simple, ordinary image of birds eating it. There is nothing spectacular about this – it is

what birds do. But this is not the only threat to the successful growth of the seed. The seed itself is

perfectly good seed and there is nothing wrong with it – but as it is sown, catastrophic things

happen to it – it falls on infertile ground, it is exposed to the sun and it is strangled by thorns. We

may do everything we can to avoid such gigantic catastrophes – but the birds, whilst small and

appealing can also be destructive. Jesus calls them the ‘evil one’ and says they snatch away what is

sown in the heart. (Matthew 13:19). Jesus warns us that we are more often prone to being tripped

up by the ordinary, everyday things in life than big things such as hardness of hearts, adversity, or

the pull of material gain.

Suffering can be fertile soil in which the seed of God’s love can flourish. Whilst the Jewish people

suffered under Roman rule, Jesus encouraged them to care for one another and to see God as Abba –

a loving Father. Planting the seed they could begin to understand how the power of God’s love

would bring in His Kingdom as they cared for one another. The only way this can happen is by the

grace of God; and this is equally true for us today. Our own personal suffering connects us to the

suffering Christ; the suffering of others enables us to love them in it and share their suffering to ease

their burden.

How does the parable of the good soil change in our understanding if we let the images wash over us

instead of assigning roles to ourselves and others around us? What happens to our interpretation of

it if we think about the Good News of God’s love continually being scattered widely and generously,

without concern for where it will land? The seed may even land in our own hearts on a bad day and

not be received by us. But from time to time our hearts are the place where God’s seed can take root

and grow; sometimes we ourselves are the seed that grows where someone else is desperate for

God’s grace; and occasionally we may even be the one who sows the seed flinging it lavishly into

places where it will take root.

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GENESIS 25:19–34;

Who or what do you favour in your life to the detriment of other people or projects that causes you

tension, and makes you feel as if you are neglectful?

Lord, forgive me where short-term gratification makes me neglectful of the things that really matter to



Read the psalm through and then read it again, praying through the phrases that speak to you at this


Lord Jesus, I trust that by Your Spirit I will be shown the right path through the truth, revelation and

understanding of this psalm. Respond accordingly …

PSALM 65:1-13

In this hymn of creation, it is evident that those who walk close to the Lord are blessed. How closely

are you walking to the Lord? Do you consider yourself blessed? Tell God about it.

Father, You bless us in the wilderness. As we cry out to You with longing and deep desire for more of

You, You quench our thirst, still our mind and bless us with peace.

PSALM 119:105–112

How do you feel as you read this section of the psalm and hear yourself saying the words to God?

What do they mean to you? What do you think they mean to Him as He hears you say them?

Father God, as I remain obedient and hold fast to Your Word You redeem, restore, protect and lead me

in paths of righteousness for Your name’s sake. Be glorified in my life today.

ISAIAH 55:10-13

What effect do these resounding words of hope and promise have on you? Spend some time praying

around the feelings they produce in you.

What joy, Lord, to know that Your word accomplishes and produces an abundance of good fruit in us

and there is a rich harvest of joy and peace.

MATTHEW 13:1–9, 18–23

How does the parable of the good soil change in your understanding if you let the images wash over

you instead of assigning roles to ourselves and others around us as described in the final paragraph

in the background above?

Father, soften and deepen the soil of my own heart so that Your Word will be deeply rooted within me.

ROMANS 8:1–11

‘… through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.’ Write a

note in your journal telling God what these words mean to you.

Reflection: May I experience a new sense of life and peace as I am led by His Spirit within me…

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Buy a bag of oranges and make some time together to go and hand these out to people you find at

robots, intersections etc who may be hungry. Don’t question too much who you are giving the fruit

to; rather give for the sake of giving with the generosity of God.



What do you enjoy most about a garden? Looking, smelling, working, etc?


Spend time in worship together.


How were you able to give someone the opportunity to rest this last week?


Read Matthew 13:1-9 and 18-23

1. Read the last paragraph of the description above. Discuss any ideas that come to you as a result.

2. How do you see any suffering you (or someone close to you) may be experiencing connecting

you to the suffering Christ and to others?

3. How can your response to the previous questions help you to deepen your relationship with God

and with those around you – so that the seed that is sown bears thirty, sixty and a hundredfold?


Pray for one another around the answers you have shared. Gather around those who are struggling

and lay hands on them and pray as one for each of them.


How can you connect with someone in your circle of influence who is struggling with their health,

their faith or their relationships this week? What can you do to encourage them? Once you have

identified the need, take action!

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G O D ’ S P L A N U N F O LD S B E H I N D T H E S C E N E S

JU LY 2 0 , 2 0 1 4 ( 6 T H SU N D A Y A FT ER P EN T EC OS T)

MATTHEW 13:24–30, 36–43

The parable of the weeds only appears in Matthew’s Gospel and is the sort of story that Matthew

loved to include. It addresses a question that is just as relevant today as it was in Matthew’s time –

Why does evil continue in the world? Christ’s explanation only reassures us that at some time evil

and good will be separated, but gives no reason why that separation cannot happen now. We are

drawn to the conclusion that perhaps it is not such a simple thing to do.

Evil has become so entrenched in world systems that it is not easy for us to do anything without

oppressing someone else in some way that we probably do not know about. Perhaps the school

shoes that are manufactured in another land are made by child labour; or the coffee we drink is

harvested by someone being paid less than a living wage. Evil has entwined itself into our way of

life, and is there whether we want it or not. Only God knows exactly how this has happened for both

humanity and for each one of us as individuals; and only He can show us exactly how entangled we

are in it.

Paul speaks about this in a different way in his letter to the Romans. On the one hand he

acknowledges the pain and suffering of all creation; on the other he proclaims the hope of our future

glory because we believe in the risen Christ Jesus; and it is through Christ Himself that the whole of

creation will be reconciled to God (2 Corinthians 5:19).

In the parable Jesus restores our hope. It is comforting to know that God knows about this and will

finally take action ‘at the end of the age’.

Jesus’ listeners despaired of the situation ever righting itself. When they looked at those who had

any authority over them – from Roman overlords to the Pharisees, from the tax collectors to the

zealots, they doubted that God was at work or that He would prevail against evil.

Jesus challenges such loss of hope. It is not up to us to judge whether the person sitting next to us is

wheat or weed. It is not our job to rip out the weeds, nor need we be afraid of being corrupted by

those we consider to be weeds.

In Jesus’ explanation of the parable He does not assign a role to the servants who seemed to be

unaware of the origin or meaning of the weeds in the crop. They were well intentioned but

misguided. By the time the weeds could be identified, their roots were so entangled with those of

the wheat that they could not be separated.

Looking at those around us, we realise that everyone is at a different stage in their spiritual journey

and are as uninformed as the servants in the parable. We do not know or understand where our

fellow believers come from or what their purpose is either. We cannot just pull them up and throw

them out of the church. Their detachment will affect us – it is only by working together that we can


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But there are weeds of evil in our own hearts too and they smoulder inside us until something fans

them to flame; then the fire will either burn us or purify us. Even here we cannot judge for the

weeds that make us ashamed may be the seeds of life and the wheat of which we are so proud, may

be insignificant. Like the servants, we do not know.

We need to keep our faith in God. His plan is that goodness and love win and that the universe will

be restored to wholeness. But His time is governed by grace and compassion. We need to trust that

His plan is unfolding even if we cannot see it, and so we must not lose hope or lean towards evil


This is the Gospel. What looks like a weed to us may well be full of unseen life and goodness.

We are not to judge ourselves, others, or the world – our task is to trust, believe and hope.

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GENESIS 28:10–19A

It was obvious that God knew exactly what was happening as He watched over Jacob’s busy dream.

And He still does. Talk to God about any confusion in your life where you can’t see the tares from

the wheat.

Quiet and still your mind. Be still and know He is God in the midst of your confusion. Find peace in the

knowledge that He is all seeing and all-knowing and simply rest.

PSALM 139:1–12, 23–24

Sometimes we are confused about who we are, what we think, what we believe, etc. Bring any such

dilemmas you may have about yourself to God and ask Him to help you better understand yourself.

Lord, I find peace of mind and rest in the fact that You have perfect knowledge of who I am and accept

and love me unconditionally despite my failing and weaknesses.

JONAH 2:1-10

Jonah was in a fix. Yet when he praised God, the Lord commanded the fish to vomit him out onto dry

land. Fill your day with praise for God today, no matter how messy a situation you may be in – and

watch with expectation for His response.

Response: Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised. While I live I will praise the Lord; I will sing

praises to my God as long as I shall live!!

MATTHEW 13:24–30, 36–43

‘They who have ears, let them hear’. What are you hearing God say to you about the people, both

believers and non-believers, around you?

Lord, give me grace, strength, commitment and discernment to co-exist and journey alongside those

who have diverse belief systems and those of a different faith.

ROMANS 8:12–25;

What do you hope for? Ask the Holy Spirit to help you pray about this and spend a quiet moment as

you pray with Him. How do you feel now that you have prayed together with God about this


Response: Jesus, You are my hope. I move forward from this day with renewed hope, joy and peace….

filled and strengthened by Your Spirit at work in me and on my behalf.


What is happening to creation that causes you great distress? Pray about this situation today asking

for God’s intervention

Reflection: God has given us the ministry of reconciliation. As ambassadors for Christ we are called to

pray and intercede (stand in the gap) for a lost and dying world.

1 JOHN 4:7-21

Who do you find it difficult to love? Ask God to help you to see this person with new eyes and to

love them with God’s love. He will do this for you if you ask Him to do so.

Reflection: Love for God must express itself outwardly as love for fellow believers.

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It is not for us to judge who is wheat and who is weeds. We might live with people who act like

weeds in our life who choke the good out of us; and there might also be people who really add value

to our lives. Whether you think people are wheat or weeds, you behave like wheat this week and

add value to people’s lives.



What have you judged by your first impression only to find you were mistaken? (Eg I disliked the

smell of coffee as a child – it was only when I tasted it as an adult that I realised how delicious it

actually can be).


Spend time in worship together.


How did you encourage someone who was struggling last week?


Read: Matthew 13:24–30, 36–43

1. What one evidence of social evil is causing you distress? (Abuse, conservation, corruption, etc).

Briefly share why you feel this way.

2. What hidden evil could we be supporting in our everyday lives without being aware of it (see the

information at the beginning of this week’s session for a couple of examples)?

3. William Wilberforce and a group of associates stood against the power, money and prestige of

those who benefitted by the slave trade and these few eventually had the system made illegal.

What action could you, as individuals or as a group, take to rectify the situations you have


4. How do you feel about this discussion, and any action you have decided to take?


Pray for one another regarding struggles and the way forward. Ask Jesus to show you the way.


Research the evils you have discussed and come back to the group next week with more information

ready to discuss concrete action about which one you can take a stand against.

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JU LY 2 7 , 2 0 1 4 7 T H SU ND A Y A FT ER P E NT EC OS T

MATTHEW 13:31–33, 44–52

Jesus was eager for the people standing around Him to understand what He was saying about the

Kingdom of Heaven. He used ordinary everyday things with which His listeners would have been

familiar. He told them that the Kingdom of Heaven was like a mustard seed that grows into a large

tree – do you get the picture? … Okay, then, let’s try this – how about some yeast mixed into flour?

… Hmm, well, what about a very valuable pearl that was found hidden in a field? He reached out to

His audience – the farmer, the housewife, the merchant – using word pictures which described what

they saw every day.

Do we, in this day of ready mixed mustard in jars, and mass produced bread in plastic wrappers

understand His imagery? Perhaps some of us will understand the story of the pearl, but few of us

understand how yeast works. Yeast can die if it gets too hot, so care has to be taken with it; it needs

to be fed so that it does not run out of energy; it requires time to do its work. Some yeast works

quickly, whilst another kind of yeast takes a long time to produce the desired result. We are like

yeast. Some of us catch on quickly, others need more time; some of us have run out of energy and

need strengthening; others are too distracted by our circumstances to be able to respond.

Today Jesus would use different pictures for us to understand the Kingdom of Heaven. Perhaps He

would describe the man who bought shares in the 1980’s for R100 and who finds himself a

millionaire today; or the anxious doctor who knows that the pressure of his work in the city is not

where he is supposed to be and sells up to move to a quieter more gentle practice somewhere out of

the city’s rush; or the mother who juggles home, work and aging parents and so gives up her job to

spend time with her family and finds peace.

But we do not always want to listen to this message. It is easier to settle for a life of mediocrity than

the abundant life Jesus offers. How often do we ask ourselves individually and as the Body of

Christ, ‘What is the Kingdom of Heaven like?’

Jesus stimulates our imagination with His stories. We search the fields, we plant seeds, and when

we find heaven at last, it is better than anything we can imagine. The seekers in the parables did not

expect the results they obtained. They did not realise that their seeds would be so prolific or that

their bread would be so fine. As they looked and worked they found something way beyond

anything their expectations or imagination could portray; something which was of greater value

than anything they had ever dreamed.

Is the heaven you are seeking big enough? Is it exciting enough? Does it fulfil your dreams? Are you

settling for a life of mediocrity rather than seeking the abundant life Jesus Christ offers?

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GENESIS 29:15–28;

Jacob was deceived by Laban and had to work for Rachel for fourteen years… and then worked for

him for a further seven years! Perhaps he was in a rut. Take a look at your life – are you in a rut,

doing what you’ve always done for the same reward? Speak to God about it.

Lord, You say that You will teach me wisdom’s ways and lead me in straight paths. Show me where I

am in a rut and guide me in the way forward. Prov. 4:11

PSALM 105:1–11, 45B

As we tell others about God’s grace and what He is doing we become increasingly aware of His

participation in our lives. What is God doing in your life at the moment? Who can you tell?

Father, Your grace is sufficient for me; Your favour abounds in my life.

Response: Today I choose to share my testimony of your goodness and grace with those I meet.

PSALM 119:1-8

How eager are you to walk in God’s ways? How often do you spend time discovering more about

who God is and what He wants? Spend some time with Him now that you may know Him more

deeply than before.

Meditate on these words……be still, open your heart and mind to receive the invitation to a closer

walk with Him. Response: I will follow You, Lord.


Walking in God’s way brings great blessing. What blessings do you see in your life today? Make a

list as you go through the day and spend time thanking God for all of them as you go to bed tonight.

Response: What a joy to celebrate the fruit of my labour today and be blessed as I have spent time in

seeking to follow His ways. Thank You, Jesus!

MATTHEW 13:31–33, 44–52

Spend a moment thinking about how you would describe your image of the Kingdom of Heaven to

someone who does not understand what Heaven is. Is it a place you long for? Why is it so special to

you? If you struggle with this, ask God to help you.

The Kingdom of Heaven is every place where I allow Jesus to rule and reign in my life. It brings Heaven

to earth. I live in righteousness, joy and peace. Your Kingdom come Lord!

JOHN 10:7-10

What does having life to the full mean to you? Is this the way you live now? Tell God how you feel

about your life and praise Him if it is good, or if not, ask Him to help you to live a more fulfilling life.

Lord, You promise a life of abundance in the here and now. Show me where the thief seeks to rob and

destroy the fulfillment of these promises in my life.

ROMANS 8:26–39

How does being ‘more than conquerors through Him who loved us’ make you feel? What difference

will it make to your life as you realise that this passage is true for you?

Lord Jesus, the word says if God is for me who can be against me. What strength, comfort and fortitude

this brings to me today as I stand on this promise.

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What is your favourite story that Jesus told? Why is it your favourite? Learn its reference (eg

Matthew 13:31-35).



What thing do you value most in life? Why is it so precious to you? (NB speak about a thing rather

than a relationship).


Spend time in worship together.


Which evil of these you researched will you stand against? What can you do to start with? How

fired up are you about this? Remember the tares amongst the wheat – how has Jesus helped you

this week in this regard?


Read: Matthew 13:31-33; 44-52

1. How do you see heaven?

2. Where are you closest to this heaven on earth?

3. What is missing in your life (if anything) that makes you feel you may not be living the abundant

life about which Jesus speaks? If you feel you are already living that abundant life, what makes it

abundant for you?

4. What do you need to speak to God about in regard to mediocrity and an abundant life?


Pray for one another that you may hear God speak to you in regard to a more abundant life – and

spend some time in silence as you listen for His voice. Give each other the opportunity to share if

anyone wants to at the end of this time.


How can you make someone else’s life a little more abundant this week? Find a way that does not

involve spending or giving money – write a letter, make a visit, offer a lift, etc.

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Page 17: A Journey with Jesus › wp-content › uploads › 2015 › 11 › A... · DAILY DEVOTIONS: GENESIS 24:34–38, 42–49, 58–67 Here is a story of openness and obedience to God’s


























