a i. philadelphia aaa viiv fttal v*v«» v4 mu ..royal ...has returned to resume.his studies at...

Saturday, October 17, 1925. .-1 Locals-Am Miss Aline Roundtree left for# Bishopville Thursday where she resumes her. position as^ tea-jher in the Graded School. Mrs. A. J. Collins who Is con-^ fined to the Benedict Hospital is reaiing comfortably at this writing. -. Misses Cynthia Nichols and Genevieve Vincent, both teachers in the Graded School of Florence, were week end visitors to the city. i. Mr. Henry ' Richardson after spending his vacation in Philadelphia has returned to resume . his studies at Booker T. ,Wash ington High School, "* Mrs. Wauneta Davis Gardner has returned to New York City after having spent a very pleasant stay with relatives at 2236 Hampton §£ Mi33 -Jennie Smith, before returning to her home in Macon, jGa., is spending a few .days With her cousih^Miss~Julia Johnson on East Hampton Street. ~ Z ~\ r Mrs. Liieile Paul was very successful^with herentertain- crowd came out andleverything . was sold. This entertainment was given for St. Luke Church. Dr. and Mrs. J. D.1 Williams of Jacksonville. Fla.f Mr. and Mrs. Blunt and Mr. Edwards - of Augusta, Ga., were the Friday, evening guests of. Dr. L. M. Daniels and family,; Y Le-Circle-Entra Nous, a club composed of Columbia's society : leaders,, was re-organized on Tuesday afternoon, after disbanding for the summer months._ The' same officers worp electedi.but lliui't! VV&a a" "> slight change in the object of ^ the club. J.. The^^jimior teachers of the ^ graded schools organized a sewing club on Monday afternoon. They will hold weeklly meet|F.Ings, each member entertain ing. The name "Deluxe" was V given the -club. Miss Sarah Boozpr ehtertains on Thursday f Oct. 22nd. . ^ . Among the visitors from Augusta ta witness the game between Benedict College and Haines Institute on last Friday Mr. and Mrs. Blunt and Mr.Bonner. While in the city thcly were entertained by Dr. L. M, Daniels.. 9 -. Mrs; Mi S. McLeod who has been on a visit to her son, Dr. F. J. McLeod has returned to ~ her home in Florence and is ; much improved by the trip and the treatment, w asnington, D. C! is a fine c;ty to trest in. onrTLrt. in tho crroof A aKnrv kj I IV, v^UUV/ AAA Hiv kAUMUl J M. E. Church of which Dr. King Is pastor. . Miss Anpie Mae Manigault, h daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Manigault o| 1703 Wayne a graduate of the class of '23 of Booker Washington Hifhj School and having completed two successful years at State A. & M. College, Orangeburg,! receiving her L. I. degree from her college course at Benedict College. We wish Miss Manigault much suceesa^ THE AJAX SOCIAL""CLUiT R£ORO A WI7.F!n_ v The Ajax Social Clubheld its first meeting of the yeay, Tuesday^Oct. 6tlv at Mr. Heyward r ^Friday's residence op Bllossom . ^treet. The meeting was call' I ^c". ( V ' ' .1 Personals - -1 ed at eight o'cloek by the Chairman and members nomi-i J nat.ed. .The following members were elected officers: Presiident, Henry Starks; Vice Pres. Hey ward Friday; Secretary, 'Arthur Rowe; Treasurer, Thos. [Hoover^ Reporter, Jas. Wise; (Chairman. .las. .Mitchell. 1_ ! The Ajax Club has organized; its own orchestra, The Ajaz Syncopators with Mr. Leon Starks as Musical Director. .The Ajaxs have promised to. make this year's dances the most brilliant of the season. )' ! .; PARTY AND RF.MF.FlT . DANCE. k . ), Extensive preparations are being madefor the coming Hallowe'en Masquerade and Costume Dance, which will be held (at the Ellks Hall, Oct. 30, 1925, for the benefit of the Building | of the Children's Orphan,age. In a few days, invitations for this affair will be in the mail and preparations 'will be ^begun for the making of varb ous masques arid costumes to i.be worn on this very gala occasion. ;^ The ballon and confetti dances will be looked forward to with much merriment: It is 'expected that this masquerade will be the grandest affair of theseasOn. The famous Simp-ikins Orchestra will furnish the music for this, and he has promised to outdo ~"Tns former stuff. PARTY FOR ALLEN'S . FRESHIES. A very unique party was giv- en at the home of Miss Katheryn Sharper by the cabinet members of the Phi Beta Society. First you enter the Freshman room which was dec orated in green. Many funny Igames -were played; In one Dean Thompson was made to ; make a speech in order to redeem a pawn. The speech was jvery inspiring. Th51T~We" entered the Soph- trrrore room wnicft was uecoratea eause-the Freshmen were initia(ted. Fruit punch was served | to cool them off; Junior room | game next., It was decorated in blue, green, red and yellow. In this room quotations were given to each "Freshie" to read iq a book form. Last the Senior rlom; it was decorated in gold and blue "where a literary program was carried out as follows: Music.Negro "National Anthem; Invocation led by Miss iLenora Thompson; Welcome to the young.women,.Miss Eva Pruitt; Response, Miss Malinda Washington. -Welcome-teethe young men, Mr. Jas. Sawyer; Response,.Me;.Larry.King. Solo, Mr. Jamas Jiles. Address by Prof. G. A. Singleton. Yells rwere Lften in order. Music, Allen's Alma Mater. Ice cream and. cake was served. Those assisting Miss Sharper to serve were Mesdames Rebecca Sharper and Maggie Lane, Misses Carolyn Rutherford and Mamie Lover. Everybody said they spent a veyy pleasant time. The members.of the faculty were Dean H. B. Thompson, Prof. G. A., Singleton, Miss Sadie Green and Mrs. L. K. Nelson. Miss Green was the chaperon for the boarding girls. Mr. Mims was Master of Ceremony. Misses LeVallie, Thompson and ^ruitt assisted in helping lfaiss Sharper in receiving the guests. By Reporter:. a THE PALM! TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF MR. AND MRS. E. F. CAL ll/Vf TKT .. AAOUaMb ; I.j .. i at 8:30 o'clock, at the beautiful Calhoun, on Summit Avenue Ridge wood was the celebration of their Tenth Anniversary. The partor and the . dining room were turned into one large rnnm nnH t.hA ynftflt.S, whose names &re too numerous to men tion filled the house. Mr. Robert tannon presided at the piano. He played and sang a beautiful solo, entiled: "Tri tho ornrHon nf mu ViQorf 'r AAA VIIV fttAl V*v«» V4 |IIJ 1IVU1 t After which he . sounded the wedding march. The flower girls entered as follows: Misses GePaul. The maids were: Miasms Inez Mpnigault, Amanda Stearns Myrtle Stevenson, Annie Mae JBeachum, Thomasina Harper and Alma Hall. v "7 Then came Mrs. Jennie Myers and Mr. J. Casper ; Mr, Calhoun and Mrs. Alma Hopkins, Mrs. Calhoun and Mr, J, W. Beaehum.' Mr? and Mrs. Calhoun stood beneath the beautiful arch in the parlor, while Rev. Downer offered a fervent prayer, following was scripture reading by W. H. T. Reynolds. After the' ceremony, the guests "were served ehicken sal. ad and punch in abundance. _ Mr. and Mrs. Calhoun were the recipients of many useful and beautiful presents sent and brought by their many friends. Their residence a beautiful; bungalow, (to the writer's eyej Is as njear perfect, in design and construction as any we have ever Hflfin,) was beautifully decora-ted with ferns and flowers which added much to the occasion. . v , At and near the "wee sma" hours the Lguests departed for their-homes, expressing their [delight' with a delightful evening spent CONTRACT AWARDED. Mr. William Tavllor. contracting painter of this city was c.wflrftpH thp .frn rln'f-ViP painting and decorating of the! Drawing- room in the Memorial Hall of Coker College at Harts* vffle, S. C. ~ Mr. Taylor, who has lived inI this city the major portion of his life, ie to be commended. He has steadily but surely fought his way to recognition in his profession. JOINT MEETING OF MISSIONARY SOCIETIES AT WESLEY SUNDAY AT 4 U ULAJUIV. There will be a joint Program' the Woman's Home Mission-! ary Societies of this city at! Wesley M. E. Church, Sunday, Oct. 18th , at 4 o'clock after! which will follow the organiza-j tion of the Federated Mission^ : * » ^ 1 ary Society. The public is cor-' Mrs. C O. Wakefield, Ptfes. Rev. N. S. Smith, Pastor. I * .T* CARD OF THANKS. = We take this method of thanking our relatives and friends for the kindness -fchown during the illness ..and death of I 9 1 ^ AI_ « r «. our granamorner, Mary s. Smith. Mrs. W. M. Mouzon, Mr. P. A. Smith, Miss J. A. Smith REV. ADAM M. SANDERS Pastor St. Peters Bapt. Church . Irmo, S. C. SERVICES.Every first and third Sunday in aach month. Also President of the. Christian Rising Sun Society, Columbia, S.U. * - rvmo LlADMt " DR. IMES OF.TUSKEGEE IN-1 * STITUTE MAKES THRILL- !g SEKECH^AT-AEEEN'S^F ^ FICIAX OPENING TUES- \ i DAY NIGT. Told of Bishop Beckett's Won- ^ derful Leadership in Missis..ft sippi. Presiding Elders and Laymen Welcome the New § Bishop. " President Sims 3 Gave Elaborate Reception « L _~tn College Cafetaria. o 3 AFRICAN M. E. CHURCH f MAKES PROGRESS ' 1 (By Special Correspondence.) $ . Three hundred ministers and 3 presiding elders of the A. M. E. J? Church and hundreds of-visits tors here.attending the official o opening of Allen University a»nd % |the reception for bishop W. W. ci Beckett heard a thrilling ad- o dress in the new administration o building last Tuesday nightTby 8 Dr. G. Lake Imes, head of social o service _work in the Tuskegee * Ihstitute. Dr. Imes was presented to the large audience for a special talk alter the program r of speakers which consisted of X a presiding elder from each an- r nu&l conference in South Cara. X lina, two laymeh.one repre- senting ^.the voice of the laity ' I and the other" Tepresenting the ' I pyfeljc Bchools. an address from the Missionary Society and one | from ~fhe~grand master of the j * Masonic Order in the State, Dr. Imosrtofd of the efforts of | the Bishop to place Campbrell $ College of Mississippi on a good foundation by having it moved ^ to the Delta "section with many ~ additions and a strong backing. His talk was grand and much enjoyed. Professor G. W. Howard and ^ Professor I. M. A.-Myers, made! C ringing speechesTIIetting forthiB the position of the laymen of P the Church and what they ex-' Ipected to do under the leader-1 ship^of Bishop Becketf. | President D. H. Sims of Allen University was one of the; i; speakers at the meeting Tuesday night. He made a fine im- « pression as he always does. Hisi. work at Allen is makintr-4#m. the acknowledged leader of edti^ cational thought in South Caro- Iina and his ideas and ideals are j ^ just what the Bishop would iike to see and wil, without^a-Udoubt,- bring -Allen up to the; IV standard of the leading univer-| 'j sities in the country. The raehj in the State Jare-with President r Sims au<t~evevy^n^>^nvwi* T^iah t~ op Beckett^-judgi'ng from the ovation given him at the recep-i tion Tuesday night and the pre-[g, sent&tion of a substantial gift § by the presiding elders and 3 ministers. Every minister who s spoke guaranteed the .JBishop d undying love and hundred per 3 cent support. There was ad nonular hnwl in tho moafinn. f - 2 4.4 . -*w » " vnv luv/vuii^ iui y the Bishop to come to South IS Carolina and preside for the o| next 12 years and he is coming, jg It was reported officially that pgr something like $20,000 was col-1 a lected in the effort here this £ week which keeps the workjQfJj' financing^ up to former times. | : The spirit everywhere is goodjf and the 100,000 communicants g ol "the Cliuich.in this Stale stand ready to render service g: that will emancipate^Allen fi- g nancially. .With the business a methods recently installed, and especial work of an accountant 5 the men say confidence has been;2 established and the people are < going; to do more than ever. S The philanthropists of the % country - are beginning to pay! some attention' to Allen's work and under Dr. Sims and Bishojj 0 Beckett the endowment will S come. V 1 5 If a Chinese exjrects a nres- :j ent and it does not come he ! sends one of lesser value as^a J reminder. j J An eight-month baby has a 5 much better chance of lviing jjj than a seven-month, baby. *" |Jj ' 'or : 5 J '«l "J J1 O c>o CL< aoo< Cash Mo, S th re \\\ | $ 1 O.OO Givei Thursdc F,very person who buys a t chance at Cash Prizes to be $ 1 O.OO in Ca^sh. ..Royal 1 -Every THJ Remember Always a G Often A G jOJSCK^J&O.O O O.C-.Ov 0»«0»»0"0.<- vOvOO' BUSINESS SCHOOL, CV Ser v ico. KontRrod Will Open for the R< MONDA Y. SF.PT1 We teach the Touch-met and.Pittman method of Shor and Enp-lUVy Wfe have a corps of Efhcrej For further information. 1 Mi H. HOL 2029 Taylor St., - Phone * FOR SALE. kin and Scalp Soaps, Face Pow- 1 srs, Deoderant, Vapishin^ ; ream,- Cold Cream, Talcum , owders, Toilet Water, Hjiljquet erfume. : PORO SYSTEM V- " .. , Stalp and Hair Treatment. ] iVlnie. Callie Servaiico Draow, t25 Blossom St., Columbia, S. C. ; NOTICE. I..K« u 1. nil C3. «j una iiuiiipiints RESSMAK1NG AND REPAIR SHOP lEft' clothes repaired iIRT MAKING A SPECIALTY U -746 ASSEMBLY STREET 1 Punctun Pnnc^ure Proof h Savers and Cart _ _Guarai The biggest bill Gas Savers and C , cut the gas bill .50 ] .for both,.Both fas 1 Write fcnr =^-: Liberal Co\ c:. B. joi 501 -C. Markley St Meet Me at T cscBcas&tx^^ HAVE YOU UFJ THE SIMPKIN'S 1 Now Playing Private- and Pa Anywhere In the Music StudTo FREDERICK. Phone W. L. Sinipkins, Mgr., B«n Garrisoi *WW^w^MWWWWVtWWWWWWMWMWMMMMv>»t ' ... k " """" f*KVKN ya&OO OO O ^ LOOK J ney Free il ; 3a y* October 23, | ". n Away Each = ly at the |~ hea^re "-| icket on Thursday \\ ill g^j a § .given every Thursdey night |jjiFRFF iurvi%jl=v S - - I ^ ' URSDAY I The Royal f - >o Show reat One * ^ v%"X*v ^t"> \"X-X' .». LOWAY'S I I FI: A N D T R AN S r K R | ___. ?gular School Wear , , . , i - '-MHFR ftl, 1025 | = hod e? Tyi>ol\riting; Gnegg £ tlmnd; :vYrithmettc--SpeHing- ~i 1.- ... ^ X -4. .. it Teachers; ^ j r" ivrite LOWA^ r $ 9115, Columbia, S. C. *»* Y >IAUv BOA RDERS"WANTED I can. furnish Board and Lodging for male Boarders at i reasonable rate. Call and see' no-for- ra<tes etc. ---AIRS. NANCY SUBER 808 Hampton Avenue. ; J \lme. Mary Lee Brooks BEAUTY PARLOR" . -O PORO SYSTEM USED and TAUGHT. o. KHM Green St.y "Columbia, "SrTX " - PHONfi-frtST ^ " L. A. Hawkins' -_A Real Estate Agency 'Homes on Easy Terms" 1107' l W,1 sKirt?* f on Street Columbia, s. c. xoo o'oooaoo oo o»Oi»3c« e Proof I r\ r\ i^v I unci . i uutr:s vjcis & )on Removers, v Liteed- ' " is the - gas bill;" 1 C arbon Removers | per cent. in every County "$7 t sellers. ~ .Hi.- Teimst r15 mmission. .j- : 4NSQN -=yh^ . Greenville, S. C. | he State Fair f r ^ooo^ooooooooooDooooor>;o.oo * ; IRD THEM? i ENTERTAINERS § httc Engagements. Will go « TwtrCSTSlihas. § 9173*"" TDLUMPIA^S. C- | ^ R. E. Simpkins, Asst. Mgr., Cj Director. . g M,,.. "a« ,-

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Page 1: a i. Philadelphia AAA VIIV fttAl V*v«» V4 mu ..Royal ...has returned to resume.his studies at Booker T.,Wash ington High School, "* Mrs. Wauneta Davis Gardner has returned to NewYork

Saturday, October 17, 1925.

.-1 Locals-Am

Miss Aline Roundtree leftfor# Bishopville Thursday whereshe resumes her. position as^tea-jher in the Graded School.

Mrs. A. J. Collins who Is con-^fined to the Benedict Hospitalis reaiing comfortably at thiswriting.

-. Misses Cynthia Nichols andGenevieve Vincent, both teachersin the Graded School ofFlorence, were week end visitorsto the city.


Mr. Henry ' Richardson afterspending his vacation in Philadelphiahas returned to resume

. his studies at Booker T. ,Washington High School,

"*Mrs. Wauneta Davis Gardner

has returned to New York Cityafter having spent a verypleasant stay with relatives at2236 Hampton §£

Mi33 -Jennie Smith, beforereturning to her home in Macon,jGa., is spending a few

.days With her cousih^Miss~JuliaJohnson on East HamptonStreet. ~ Z ~\r Mrs. Liieile Paul was verysuccessful^with herentertain-

crowd came out andleverything. was sold. This entertainmentwas given for St. Luke Church.

Dr. and Mrs. J. D.1 Williamsof Jacksonville. Fla.f Mr. andMrs. Blunt and Mr. Edwards

- of Augusta, Ga., were the Friday,evening guests of. Dr. L. M.Daniels and family,; Y

Le-Circle-Entra Nous, a clubcomposed of Columbia's society

: leaders,, was re-organized on

Tuesday afternoon, after disbandingfor the summer

months._ The' same officersworp electedi.but lliui't! VV&a a"

"> slight change in the object of^ the club.

J.. The^^jimior teachers of the^ graded schools organized a sewingclub on Monday afternoon.

They will hold weeklly meet|F.Ings,each member entertaining. The name "Deluxe" was

V given the -club. Miss SarahBoozpr ehtertains on Thursday

f Oct. 22nd. . ^

. Among the visitors fromAugusta ta witness the gamebetween Benedict College andHaines Institute on last Friday

Mr. and Mrs. Blunt and Mr.Bonner.While in the city thclywere entertained by Dr. L. M,Daniels.. 9 -.

Mrs; Mi S. McLeod who hasbeen on a visit to her son, Dr.F. J. McLeod has returned to

~ her home in Florence and is; much improved by the trip and

the treatment, w asnington,D. C! is a fine c;ty to trest in.

onrTLrt. in tho crroof A aKnrvkj I IV, v^UUV/ AAA Hiv kAUMUl J

M. E. Church of which Dr. KingIs pastor. .

Miss Anpie Mae Manigault,h daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.

Manigault o| 1703 Waynea graduate of the class of '23of Booker Washington HifhjSchool and having completedtwo successful years at StateA. & M. College, Orangeburg,!receiving her L. I. degree fromher college course at BenedictCollege. We wish Miss Manigaultmuch suceesa^



The Ajax Social Clubheld itsfirst meeting of the yeay, Tuesday^Oct.6tlv at Mr. Heyward

r ^Friday's residence op Bllossom. ^treet. The meeting wascall'

I^c". ( V

' '.1Personals - -1

ed at eight o'cloek by theChairman and members nomi-i

J nat.ed. .The following memberswere elected officers: Presiident,Henry Starks; Vice Pres.Heyward Friday; Secretary,'Arthur Rowe; Treasurer, Thos.[Hoover^ Reporter, Jas. Wise;(Chairman. .las. .Mitchell. 1_! The Ajax Club has organized;its own orchestra, The AjazSyncopators with Mr. LeonStarks as Musical Director..The Ajaxs have promised to.make this year's dances themost brilliant of the season.

)' ! .;


k .

), Extensive preparations arebeing madefor the coming Hallowe'enMasquerade and CostumeDance, which will be held(at the Ellks Hall, Oct. 30, 1925,for the benefit of the Building

| of the Children's Orphan,age.In a few days, invitationsfor this affair will be in themail and preparations 'will be^begun for the making of varbous masques arid costumes toi.be worn on this very gala occasion.;^

The ballon and confetti danceswill be looked forward towith much merriment: It is'expected that this masqueradewill be the grandest affair oftheseasOn. The famous Simp-ikinsOrchestra will furnish themusic for this, and he haspromised to outdo ~"Tns formerstuff.



A very unique party was giv-en at the home of Miss KatherynSharper by the cabinetmembers of the Phi Beta Society.First you enter theFreshman room which was decorated in green. Many funnyIgames -were played; In one

Dean Thompson was made to; make a speech in order to redeema pawn. The speech was

jvery inspiring.Th51T~We" entered the Soph-

trrrore room wnicft was uecoratea

eause-the Freshmen were initia(ted.Fruit punch was served| to cool them off; Junior room

| game next., It was decoratedin blue, green, red and yellow.In this room quotations were

given to each "Freshie" to readiq a book form. Last the Seniorrlom; it was decorated ingold and blue "where a literaryprogram was carried out as follows:Music.Negro "NationalAnthem; Invocation led by MissiLenora Thompson; Welcome tothe young.women,.Miss EvaPruitt; Response, Miss MalindaWashington. -Welcome-teetheyoung men, Mr. Jas. Sawyer;Response,.Me;.Larry.King.Solo, Mr. Jamas Jiles. Addressby Prof. G. A. Singleton. Yellsrwere Lften in order. Music,Allen's Alma Mater. Ice cream

and. cake was served. Thoseassisting Miss Sharper to serve

were Mesdames Rebecca Sharperand Maggie Lane, MissesCarolyn Rutherford and MamieLover. Everybody said theyspent a veyy pleasant time.The members.of the faculty

were Dean H. B. Thompson,Prof. G. A., Singleton, Miss SadieGreen and Mrs. L. K. Nelson.Miss Green was the chaperonfor the boarding girls.Mr. Mims was Master of Ceremony.Misses LeVallie, Thompsonand ^ruitt assisted in helpinglfaiss Sharper in receivingthe guests.

By Reporter:.




.. AAOUaMb ; I.j

.. i

at 8:30 o'clock, at the beautiful

Calhoun, on Summit AvenueRidgewood was the celebrationof their Tenth Anniversary.The partor and the

. diningroom were turned into one largernnm nnH t.hA ynftflt.S, whosenames &re too numerous to men

tion filled the house.Mr. Robert tannon presided

at the piano. He played andsang a beautiful solo, entiled:"Tri tho ornrHon nf mu ViQorf 'rAAA VIIV fttAl V*v«» V4 |IIJ 1IVU1 t

After which he . sounded thewedding march. The flower girlsentered as follows: Misses GePaul.

The maids were: MiasmsInez Mpnigault, Amanda StearnsMyrtle Stevenson, Annie MaeJBeachum, Thomasina Harperand Alma Hall. v

"7 Then came Mrs. Jennie Myersand Mr. J. Casper ; Mr, Calhounand Mrs. Alma Hopkins, Mrs.Calhoun and Mr, J, W. Beaehum.'Mr? and Mrs. Calhounstood beneath the beautifularch in the parlor, while Rev.Downer offered a fervent prayer,following was scripture readingby W. H. T. Reynolds.

After the' ceremony, theguests "were served ehicken sal.ad and punch in abundance. _

Mr. and Mrs. Calhoun werethe recipients of many usefuland beautiful presents sent andbrought by their many friends.

Their residence a beautiful;bungalow, (to the writer's eyejIs as njear perfect, in design andconstruction as any we have everHflfin,) was beautifully decora-tedwith ferns and flowerswhich added much to the occasion..


, At and near the "wee sma"hours the Lguests departed fortheir-homes, expressing their

[delight' with a delightful eveningspent


Mr. William Tavllor. contractingpainter of this city wasc.wflrftpH thp .frn rln'f-ViP

painting and decorating of the!Drawing- room in the MemorialHall of Coker College at Harts*vffle, S. C.~ Mr. Taylor, who has lived inIthis city the major portion ofhis life, ie to be commended.He has steadily but surelyfought his way to recognitionin his profession.


4 U ULAJUIV. There

will be a joint Program'o£ the Woman's Home Mission-!ary Societies of this city at!Wesley M. E. Church, Sunday,Oct. 18th , at 4 o'clock after!which will follow the organiza-jtion of the Federated Mission^

: * » ^ 1

ary Society. The public is cor-'

Mrs. C O. Wakefield, Ptfes.Rev. N. S. Smith, Pastor.

I *.T*


We take this method ofthanking our relatives andfriends for the kindness -fchownduring the illness ..and death ofI 9 1 ^AI_ « r «.our granamorner, Mary s.

Smith.Mrs. W. M. Mouzon,Mr. P. A. Smith,Miss J. A. Smith

REV. ADAM M. SANDERSPastor St. Peters Bapt. Church

. Irmo, S. C.SERVICES.Every first and

third Sunday in aach month.Also President of the. ChristianRising Sun Society, Columbia,S.U. *


rvmo LlADMt"



of Bishop Beckett's Won- ^derful Leadership in Missis..ftsippi. Presiding Elders and "§Laymen Welcome the New §Bishop. " President Sims 3Gave Elaborate Reception «

L _~tn College Cafetaria. o


' 1(By Special Correspondence.) $. Three hundred ministers and 3presiding elders of the A. M. E. J?Church and hundreds of-visitstors here.attending the official oopening of Allen University a»nd %|the reception forbishop W. W. ciBeckett heard a thrilling ad- odress in the new administration obuilding last Tuesday nightTby 8Dr. G. Lake Imes, head of social oservice _work in the Tuskegee *Ihstitute. Dr. Imes was presentedto the large audience fora special talk alter the program rof speakers which consisted of Xa presiding elder from each an- rnu&l conference in South Cara. Xlina, two laymeh.one repre- j»senting ^.the voice of the laity ' Iand the other" Tepresenting the ' Ipyfeljc Bchools. an address fromthe Missionary Society and one |from ~fhe~grand master of the j *Masonic Order in the State,

Dr. Imosrtofd of the efforts of |the Bishop to place Campbrell $College of Mississippi on a goodfoundation by having it moved

^to the Delta "section with many~

additions and a strong backing.His talk was grand and muchenjoyed.

Professor G. W. Howard and ^Professor I. M. A.-Myers, made! Cringing speechesTIIetting forthiBthe position of the laymen of Pthe Church and what they ex-'Ipected to do under the leader-1ship^of Bishop Becketf.

| President D. H. Sims of AllenUniversity was one of the; i;speakers at the meeting Tuesdaynight. He made a fine im- «

pression as he always does. Hisi.work at Allen is makintr-4#m.the acknowledged leader of edti^

cationalthought in South Caro-Iina and his ideas and ideals are j ^just what the Bishop wouldiike to see and wil, without^a-Udoubt,-bring -Allen up to the; IVstandard of the leading univer-| 'jsities in the country. The raehjin the State Jare-with President rSims au<t~evevy^n^>^nvwi* T^iah t~op Beckett^-judgi'ng from theovation given him at the recep-ition Tuesday night and the pre-[g,sent&tion of a substantial gift §by the presiding elders and 3ministers. Every minister who sspoke guaranteed the .JBishop dundying love and hundred per 3cent support. There was adnonular hnwl in tho moafinn. f - 24.4 . -*w » " vnv luv/vuii^ iui y

the Bishop to come to South ISCarolina and preside for the o|next 12 years and he is coming, jgIt was reported officially that pgrsomething like $20,000 was col-1 alected in the effort here this £week which keeps the workjQfJj'financing^ up to former times. | :

The spirit everywhere is goodjfand the 100,000 communicants gol "the Cliuich.in this Stalestand ready to render service g:that will emancipate^Allen fi- gnancially. .With the business amethods recently installed, and especialwork of an accountant 5the men say confidence has been;2established and the people are <going; to do more than ever. SThe philanthropists of the %country - are beginning to pay!some attention' to Allen's workand under Dr. Sims and Bishojj 0Beckett the endowment will Scome. V1 5

If a Chinese exjrects a nres- :jent and it does not come he !sends one of lesser value as^a Jreminder. j JAn eight-month baby has a 5

much better chance of lviing jjjthan a seven-month, baby. *" |Jj' 'or :


J '«l "J J1

Oc>oCL< aoo<

Cash Mo,S th re \\\| $ 1 O.OO Givei


F,very person who buys a tchance at Cash Prizes to be$ 1 O.OO in Ca^sh.

..Royal 1-Every THJRemember

Always a GOften A G

jOJSCK^J&O.OO O.C-.Ov0»«0»»0"0.<-vOvOO'


Will Open for the R<MONDA Y. SF.PT1

We teach the Touch-metand.Pittman method of Shorand Enp-lUVy

Wfe have a corps of EfhcrejFor further information. 1

Mi H. HOL2029 Taylor St., - Phone *

FOR SALE.kin and Scalp Soaps, Face Pow- 1srs, Deoderant, Vapishin^ ;ream,- Cold Cream, Talcum ,owders, Toilet Water, Hjiljqueterfume. :


.. ,Stalp and Hair Treatment. ]iVlnie. Callie Servaiico Draow,t25 Blossom St., Columbia, S. C.

; NOTICE.I..K« u 1.

nil C3. «j una iiuiiipiintsRESSMAK1NG AND REPAIR



PunctunPnnc^ure Proof h

Savers and Cart_ _Guarai

The biggest billGas Savers and C

, cut the gas bill .50 ]

.for both,.Both fas1 Write fcnr

=^-: Liberal Co\c:. B. joi

501 -C. Markley StMeet Me at T



Now Playing Private- and PaAnywhere In the

Music StudTo FREDERICK.Phone

W. L. Sinipkins, Mgr.,B«n Garrisoi



... k

" """"


^ LOOK Jney Free il ;3ay* October 23, | ".

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ly at the |~hea^re "-|icket on Thursday \\ ill g^j a §

.given every Thursdey night |jjiFRFFiurvi%jl=v S- - I ^ '

URSDAY IThe Royal f - >oodShowreat One *


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?gular School Wear , , . , i -

'-MHFRftl, 1025 | =hod e? Tyi>ol\riting; Gnegg £tlmnd; :vYrithmettc--SpeHing-~i 1.- ... ^ X -4...it Teachers; ^

j r"ivriteLOWA^ r $9115, Columbia, S. C. *»*


>IAUv BOARDERS"WANTEDI can. furnish Board and

Lodging for male Boarders ati reasonable rate. Call and see'no-for- ra<tes etc.---AIRS.NANCY SUBER

808 Hampton Avenue. ; J

\lme. Mary Lee BrooksBEAUTY PARLOR" .



o.KHM Green St.y "Columbia, "SrTX "

- PHONfi-frtST ^ "

L. A. Hawkins' -_AReal Estate Agency

'Homes on Easy Terms"1107' l W,1sKirt?* fon Street

Columbia, s. c.

xooo'oooaoooo o»Oi»3c«

e Proof Ir\ r\ i^v Iunci . i uutr:s vjcis &

)on Removers, v Liteed-'"

is the - gas bill;" 1 Carbon Removers |per cent.in every County "$7

t sellers. ~ .Hi.-Teimst r15mmission. .j- :

4NSQN -=yh^. Greenville, S. C. |he State Fair f

r ^ooo^ooooooooooDooooor>;o.oo*


IRD THEM? iENTERTAINERS §httc Engagements. Will go «TwtrCSTSlihas. §9173*"" TDLUMPIA^S. C- | ^

R. E. Simpkins, Asst. Mgr., CjDirector. .gM,,.. "a«,-