a house powered by wind and wave energy


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Post on 12-Jul-2015




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Page 1: A house powered by wind and wave energy
Page 2: A house powered by wind and wave energy
Page 3: A house powered by wind and wave energy

What is wind energy?

Wind energy is a form of solar energy. Winds are caused by the uneven heating of the

atmosphere by the sun, the irregularities of the earth's surface, and rotation of the earth. Wind

flow patterns are modified by the earth's terrain, bodies of water, and vegetation. This

wind flow is harvested by modern wind turbines, can be used to generate electricity.

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How is wind energy processed?

Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy in the wind into mechanical energy. This mechanical energy can be used for specific tasks or a generatorcan convert this mechanical energy into electricity to power homes, businesses, schools etc.

First wind spins the windmill blades. As the blades spin, mechanical energy is processed through the low-speed shaft and then into the gearbox. The high-speed shaft then collects the energy and sends it to the generator where it is stored for a while and then sent down the tower to the transformer. The transformer changes the mechanical energy into electrical energy and sends them out to power lines.

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What is wave energy?

Wave energy is the energy produced by moving waves or tides. Waves are caused by moving winds over the surface of the ocean. There are many parts of the world where wind blow consistently enough

and with enough force to keep maintaining on going waves. Waves are also caused by tectonic activity

under the earth`s crust. Areas with rich wave power include western coasts of Scotland, northern Canada, southern Africa, Australia, and the northwestern coasts of the United States.

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How is wave energy processed?

The kinetic energy of waves are captured in a way similar to capturing wind energy. They also use turbines except these turbines are located under water.

Rotor blades



Wave is also processed in a similar way as well. First the push of the waves spins the rotor blades. The mechanical energy passes through the nacelle(low-speed shaft, gearbox, high-speed shaft, generator). Then it travels up the tower to get to the transformer. Then finally, the transformer sends the newly generated electricity to the electrical power plant it is connected to. The power plant then sends it to us through power lines.

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The advantages of wind energy

Advantages of wind energy• Wind power is free (after the initial production and installation)• Wind power is clean (no pollution or carbon dioxide after the initial setup,

apart from the emissions produced to manufacture, transport, erect and maintain them)

• Wind is a renewable and sustainable resource. We can use as much as we can today and there will still be more tomorrow.

• Wind power will become cheaper than fossil fuel in the next few years (when the price of carbon is added to coal and oil).

• Wind turbines are self sufficient, just place them and watch them spin! (low maintenance, few moving parts, easy to repair)

• Wind prices won't inflate like today's gas prices.• The land beneath can still be used for farming.• Also one wind turbine takes up a smaller spot of land than a factory• Wind turbines are a great resource to generate energy in remote locations,

such as mountain communities and remote countryside. Wind turbines can be a range of different sizes in order to support varying population levels

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Disadvantages of wind energy

• The main disadvantage regarding wind power is down to the winds unreliability factor. In many areas, the winds strength is too low to support a wind turbine or wind farm, and this is where the use of solar power or geothermal power could be great alternatives

• Wind turbine construction can be very expensive and costly to surrounding wildlife during the build process

• Protests usually confront any proposed wind farm development. People feel the countryside should be left in tact for everyone to enjoy it's beauty

• The noise pollution from commercial wind turbines is sometimes similar to a small jet engine

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Advantages of wave energy

• Tidal energy is renewable • The energy produced is clean and non polluting• There is no carbon dioxide or any other by-products released. It produces no

greenhouse gases or other waste• It is a renewable energy that will help reduce our reliance on the burning of fossil

fuels• There are two tides every day and they can be relied on. The energy is there for the

taking.• So the electricity supply is constant and efficient.• Once you've built it, the energy is free because it comes from the ocean's power• It needs no fuel• It produces electricity reliably• Not expensive to maintain• Tides are definitely predictable• Offshore turbines and vertical-axis turbines are not ruinously expensive to build

and do not have a large environmental impact• A plant is expected to be in production for 75 to 100 years• Uses an abundant, inexpensive fuel source (water) to generate power• May protect coastline against damage from high storm tides

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Disadvantages of wave energy

• Effects on marine life during construction phases

• Expensive to construct

• The dams and barrages sometimes interfere with shipping

• Barrages affect fish migration and other wildlife- many fish like salmon swim up to the barrages and are killed by the spinning turbines. Fish ladders may be used to allow passage for the fish, but these are never 100% effective. Barrages may also destroy the habitat of the wildlife living near it

• Affects the lives of the people who rely on fishing for a means of living

• There are few suitable sites for tidal barrages

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How it would power a house

Even though wind and wave energy have some disadvantages, they could still power a house in efficient ways. Wind energy, when converted to electrical energy, can power just about anything in a house from your toaster to your T.V. Wind and wave energy are converted into electrical energy and sent to homes through a power plant. The energy that your home receives is the same that you would receive from a nuclear or coal power plant, it is just processed in a more cheaper and eco-friendly way.

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solar energy: light and heat from the sun kinetic energy: energy of an object is the energy which it

possesses due to its motion mechanical energy: whenever a force acts upon an object

and causes it to be displaced electrical energy: the presence and flow of an electric charge power lines: poles that connect power plants to homes gearbox: machine consists of a power source and a power

transmission system generator: machine that converts mechanical energy into

other energy forms tectonic activity: movement of the tectonic plates under the

earth`s crust

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Power plant: industrial facility for the generation of electric power

Nacelle: hold the gearbox, high and low speed shaft, the generator and transformer

geothermal power: the power of heat energy from under ground

Fossil fuels: fuels formed by natural processes

Glossary (continued)

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