a home away from home

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Post on 07-Nov-2015




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a home away from homeThis is what we call blows from lifewell not exactly blows but I guess some sort of jerks that remind you that life is not as fluid as you think. It was expected but realization was, nevertheless, to be precise, shocking. It was the day we finally realized that we were going to Chandigarh.. two hundred and sixteen kilometers away from our home delhi. Although it takes five and a half hour to go from one place to anotherits still a major distance for us. Coming to an alien place, one youve only heard in news and studied in general knowledge, and staying there alone, away from your family and friends, is tough. Not tough for many people out there, who are used to the solitude and loneliness in unknown places, people who are grown up, emotionally and spiritually. First few days are the worst. You arrive at the hostel. Noisy, dirty place with wild girls, roaming about with an air of rude over-confidence, their eyes assimilating each and every detail of your appearance, right from your hairstyle to your shoe-size. Yeah, that is the first time you start feeling alien. You apply for hostel, you get a hostel. You have every reason to be excited. Youll get a new room mate. Perhaps forge a friendship for a life time. Youll go to college, new rooms to discover, new friends to make, new places to roam about in. you reach your room, that by the way happens to be a single room. Imagine this, in a place where the it is easier to get a tigers milk than get a hostel for female student, I got a room which was not only isolated from the main building, but also had a very good water supply(which incidently is non existent in main building), and nobody on the whole floor. And of course, no room mate. The first day of my arrivaland I find theres no electricity. Okay, calm down nothing to worry about. Its just 40 degree Celsius outside, and fans not working. So what Ive got my hand fan. Cheers to my newspaper! Finally at 7 in the evening, night has fallen, and there was darkness everywhere. Nobody on the whole floor. Although I consider myself brave enough.. these are few circumstances where I loose my cool. I went to stay with my parents in the hotel that night.Okay so my life sucked at hostel right now. But there was more to come. My college..sweet, non-beautiful college that comprised of two big buildings, one small building and a cafeteria with virtually no crowd at that time. Incidently I met someone who was about to be one of my very good friends in college. Lets name her irene. Now irene is not like me. Or not like you. Shes a bit different. Not exactly an introvert but not too forthcoming also. Nevertheless we got acquainted and I found out that she intended to remain in the same class. To my utter relief, I also found out that she was from noida, which meant that we could come together and go together. I never really expected to be very close to her. Because we were not exatly alike. And as it turns out in the end. I never really could. But thats not to be disclosed.Coming back to hostel. There was some progress on friends front. I was very well acquainted with a girl three years my senior studying law and another girl of my age. She was also studying law. But so far no success on finding any friends from my own class or my own stream or even my own college. But that was all about to change.August 17, 2009. My world changed. When I was supposed to move to the new hostel. In such a remote area of the university. My first thought on encountering my new hostel was oh my god. It wa utterly filthy with contruction work still going on in full-flow all around it. I had come to submit my form and take my room. Little did I know that I would meet my future roommates and friends in the hostel office. Or I should say temporary office. I didnt give them much attention as I had loads on my mind at that time. Turns out that the room I was allotted was locked. And so I was transferred to the room adjacent to it that had three people already living in it. Wow. I thought. It would indeed be different. Already I seem to be doubting my friend-making abilities and here I was supposed to live my life with three strangers who had most probably become a life and sould of each other already. Being a girl, I know how tough it is to accept a new girl in my group. And lets face it, I wasnt exactly a hannah montana. I didnt have curly hairs or beautiful skin, or that over-talkative streak in me. That day passed. I got to know my new roommates. Shiela, swasti and anisha. Although I didnt talk much. I was still lost in the dreams of the city I had left behind. And they didnt try to be overtly welcoming. On my part, I didnt try to friendly too. On some unknown part of brain, still lied the idea that I would be able to get that seat in dce. Nevertheless. I got to know that my roommates and the room across it were actually a group from there previous hostel. In fact a girl from across the room, jyoti, who was about to become my best friend in college, was the one who had suggested that I come in my present room. Jyoti, I would always be thankful to you for this. And if I ever become angry on you, you can just remind me of this small suggestion that has left me a life full of memory.The days dragged by