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•MMHIPlMWji^.^. lUllllflimil A HISTORY OF THE Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Lehigh University y Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (1866 - 1941)

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•MMHIPlMWji^.^. lUllllflimil


Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

of Lehigh University y

Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

(1866 - 1941)

Location of Chemistry Department

on Lehigh Campus

I - Christmas Hall 1866-1868

II- Packer Hall 1868-1883

III- Wm. H. Chandler Chem. Laboratory 1884

318 £

A History

of the

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering


Lehigh University

Bethlehem, Pennsylvania


FOREWORD 235493 To the Committee on Departmental Histories this report

on Seventy-Five Years of Chemistry at Lehigh University is

respectfully submitted.

It represents the result of interest and help from many

sources. Biographical outlines of the present staff were

compiled by the respective individuals. Photographs of the

instructional staff were made by E. F. Williams, '41. The

period from 1894 to 1938 was traced by Dr. H. M. Ullmann.

The bibliography of staff writings was compiled by members of

the Class of 1941, whose efforts are acknowledged in a preface

to that section. Many thanks to many friends.

The editor has introduced biographies of Dr. Wetherill

and Dr. Chandler and included numerous pictures taken over a

period of years. Finally, a summary of the more important

events of the seventy-five years has been made as the introduc­

tory essay. This paper was read before the Division of Chemical

Education of the American Chemical Society at Atlantic City on

September 10, 1941*

It was hoped to be able to include much of the human and

humorous side of the "chemische gefuhl" but time prevented.

The task has been a pleasure even though done during an ex­

tremely busy summer. No apologies are made for split infini­

tives or cracked grammar. The work was done by a chemist under

heat and pressure.

The Editor,

R. D. Billinger#

William H. Chandler Chemical Laboratory. Oct. 1, 1941.



Seventy-five Years of Chemistry at 1 Lehigh University

Departmental Heads 2

Buildings 11

Courses 12

Student Chemical Society 13

Fellowships 14

Publications 14

Graduate Work 15

Graduates 15

Charles Mayer Wetherill 18

William H» Chandler 26

The Period 1894-1938 (by H. M. Ullmann) 30

Vahan Simon Babasinian 43

Instructional Staff (1866-1941) 44

Publications (75-Year Bibliography) 52

Biographical Sketches of Faculty (1941) 78

Laboratory Views 94

Staff Picture (1941) 99



R. D. Billinger, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa»

A diamond jubilee is quite appropriate for a University

whose origin was due to the black diamonds of Pennsylvania.

It is now seventy-five years since Asa Packer, who had been a

successful entrepreneur in coal and transportation in Carbon

County, founded the University which bears the name of the

Valley in which he lived.

When Lehigh University started in the autumn of 1866 its

Department of Chemistry consisted of but one Professor, Dr.

Charles Mayer Wetherill. With only a few students majoring in

chemistry the laboratory was confined to small quarters in the

original campus building, Christmas Hall. In the first class

graduated (1869) there was one chemistry student. In 1940

there were 68 majoring in chemistry and chemical engineering.

To handle some 300 chemistry majors plus a like number of

students in service courses to other departments, a teaching

staff of 22 members is now employed.

In the history of the Department 975 students have been

granted undergraduate degrees. Until 1906 the degree of A.C.,

Analytical Chemist, was granted. Since then B.S. in Chem., and

Ch.E. degrees (more recently B.S. in Ch.E.) have been estab­

lished. In addition graduate degrees of M.S. and Ph.D. are

showing a steady increase. Annually there are now about thirty

students taking graduate work, most of whom receive the Masterfs

degree. I

The Pilots - Departmental Heads

There have been five Departmental Heads over the span of

years. Dr. C. M. Wetherill (1866-71), Dr. W. H. Chandler

(1871-06), Dr. W. B. Schober (1906-14) and Dr. H. M. Ullmann

(1914-38) were followed by the present incumbent Dr. H. A.

Neville (1938 - ) . To these men must be given the major share

of credit for growth of the Department. Brief outlines of

their several careers and contributions follow.

Charles Mayer Wetherill, Ph.D., M.D., was one of the

original faculty of five scholars selected to chart the courses

of the young technical institution. Wetherill was rich in

training and experience, and came from a family well known in

the industrial and scientific world. A graduate of the Univ­

ersity of Pennsylvania, he had furthered his training in the

well known Philadelphia laboratory of Booth and Boye. His

education was completed by a year with Pelouze in Paris, and

two years with Liebig in Giessen. Here he received the Doctor­

ate in 1848. In the interval before coming to Lehigh he had

been successively public analyst, lecturer, traveller, first

chemist of the Department of Agriculture, special investigator

for President Lincoln on gunpowder production and chemist for

the Smithsonian Institute. His published researches cover

papers on medical, agricultural and mineralogical subjects. His

interest in the first field had led the New York Medical College

to grant him an honorary M.D. degree. His longest treatise was

a book published in 1860 on "The Manufacture of Vinegar." One

of his most important pieces of work in Washington was a study

and plan for the ventilation of the Capitol Building.

CHARLES MAYER WETHERILL ( 1 8 2 5 - 1 8 7 1 )


The first chemical laboratory consisted of two rooms in

the west end of Christmas Hall - the first building on the

Lehigh Campus. In 1868 the laboratory was moved to Packer Hall

where Wetherill designed an excellent laboratory on the first

floor. For his first classes he prepared and printed "A

Syllabus of Lectures on Chemical Physics" and two years later

"Lecture Notes in Chemistry."

Despite the duties of arranging courses, lectures and

designing laboratories, Wetherill had time for research on the

mineral Itacolumite (articulite) and his paper was commended by

the well known geologist Dana. Before Wetherill died suddenly,

in 1871, he had considered a change to the chair of chemistry

at the University of Pennsylvania.

One of Penn's greatest alumni the late Edgar Fahs Smith,

Professor of Chemistry and later Provost, wrote an illuminating

biography of Dr. Wetherill. This seventy-page tribute estab­

lishes Wetherill as one of the outstanding American chemists

of his day. This series of articles appeared in 1929 (post­

humously arranged by Dr. C. A. Browne) in the Journal of

Chemical Education.

Dr. William Henry Chandler was the second Department head

to occupy the chair of chemistry from 1871 to 1906. The

Chandler influence in American Chemistry was long felt, not

only through the activities of the Lehigh Professor, but also

through the work of his illustrious brother - Dr. C. F. Chandler

of Columbia. William Chandler received his A.B. and A.M. degrees

at Union College, where he studied under his brother. In 1873

he was awarded his Ph.D. from Hamilton College. For three years

he was an instructor at Columbia, again working with his

brother Charles. At intervals prior to this he had done indus­

trial work in the copper works of New Bedford, and in the tur­

pentine and phosphate industries of the south. He was well

equipped to carry on the guidance of young chemists in the new

University in Bethlehem.

During this period the Chandlers edited "The American

Chemist," seven volumes of which appeared from 1870-77. This

was a monthly journal of theoretical, analytical and technical

chemistry published in New York by W. Baldwin and Co. It was a

very important beginning in the literature of American chemistry

and no doubt inspired the subsequent publications of the American

Chemical Society. The Chandlers also conducted an analytical

laboratory in New York City.

During Dr. Chandler1s thirty-five years with the University

he served as Librarian for most of his incumbency. His interest

in books led him to purchase many rare volumes which are now gr­

eatly treasured. His energy and intellectual ability were attes­

ted by the publication of a three volume "Encyclopedia and

Epitome of Universal Knowledge." This was published in 1878 by

P. F. Collier, New York.

The work of which Professor Chandler was most proud was the

erection of the Chemical Laboratory - since named for him. He

planned it and supervised its erection with the help of Addison

Hut ton, Philadelphia architect. The construction occurred be­

tween May, 1884 and September, 1885. The main building was 259

by 44 feet, and consisted of two principal stories, a basemert

and a smaller third story. A south wing 62 by 42 feet was connec<


SCHOBER, Wil l iam Bush .

"American Men of S c i e n c e , " 1 9 3 3 . L i b r a r y No. 920 C368.

Schober, Dr . W i l l i a m Bush , Coconut Grove , F l a . C h e m i s t r y .

Cumberland, Md., Nov. ' 2 8 , 1 8 6 4 . S t . J o h n ' s C o l . ( M d . ) , ' 8 6 , A.M. '90$

Ph.D. Hopkins f 9 2 , I n s t r . s c i e n c e s , A l l e g h e n y A c a d . , Cumber land , ' 8 6 - ' 8 8 $

a s s t . , chem. l a b . , H o p k i n s , *90- f 92$ i n s t r . o r g . c h e m . , L e h i g h , ' 9 2 - ' 0 4 ,

ass t . prof, chem. , ' 0 4 - ' 0 6 , a c t i n g p r o f . ' 0 7 - ' 1 4 , r e t i r e d . Died Augus t ,

1935. Diazo-compoundsj s u l f o n i c a c i d s .


ted to the main building. Chandler had made a study of impor­

tant laboratories in this country and abroad and after the ex­

perience gained in erecting his own building he published his

findings in a book "The construction of chemical laboratories."

This was printed in Washington by the Government Printing Office

when Chandler was a U. S. Commissioner to the Paris Exposition

in 1889.

Some of Dr. Chandler's researches are indicated in govern­

ment publications on "Textile Fabrics, Wearing Apparel and

Accessories" and "Products of Mining and Metallurgy." He was

especially proud of his Chemical Museum in which he had collec­

ted many interesting specimens of natural and industrial produc­


Succeeding Dr. Chandler, who died in 1906, came Dr. William

B. Schober, a native of Maryland, graduate of St. John's College

and Johns Hopkins University, an organic chemist. Schober had

done work on diazo—compounds and sulplaonic acids, translated

Gatterman's Laboratory Manual of Organic Chemistry and faithfully

taught at Lehigh from 189£ to 1914. He retired from the Depart­

ment and spent his later years in Florida, succumbing to ill

health in 1935.

From 1914 to 1938 the Department was under the direction of

Dr. Harry Maas Ullmann - aptly described in Bowen's History of

Lehigh as "able executive and efficient administrator." No de­

tailed account of Dr. Ullmann»s career will be repeated here. It

was the subject of a biographical sketch in the July 20, 1936,

News Edition of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry - written

by one of his former students, Mr. A. E. Buchanan - Director ox

ULLMANN, Harry Maas, P r o f . E m e r i t u s . b . S p r i n g f i e l d , Mo. , A p r i l 1 4 , 1 8 6 8 , h . 5 ' 5 " , w. 1 5 3 # . m. Rachel B a r n e t t M i f f l i n , c h i l d r e n - 2 . Edn. Johns Hopkins Un iv . A .B . 1 8 8 9 , P h . D . , 1 8 9 2 . Member A . C . S . , A . I . C h . E . , S o c . Chem. I n d . , F e l l o w Chem. S o c . (London) ,

A.A.A.S. Publ. "Rapid D e t e r m i n a t i o n of Ash and Phospho rus i n Coke" , "Rapid

De te rmina t ion of Ash i n C o a l , " D e t e r m i n a t i o n of T i t a n i u m i n A r g i l l a c e o u s L i m e s t o n e s . "

Experience: I n s t r . Quan t . & I n d . A n a l . L e h i g h , 1 8 9 4 - 0 4 , A s s t . P r o f . 1904-10, A s s o . P r o f . 1 9 1 0 - 1 4 , P r o f , and Head of Dep t . of Chem. & Chem. E n g . , 1 9 1 4 - 3 8 , P r o f . Emer. 1 9 3 8 - .

Frat. & Soc. The ta D e l t a C h i , Sigma X i , Tau B e t a P i , Be th lehem C l u b , Saucon V a l l e y Coun t ry C l u b .

Church: E p i s c o p a l . Hobby: S a i l i n g .

NEVILLE, Harvey Alexander, Head of Dept. and Prof, of Chemistry. b. Millwood, Virginia, Feb. 18, 1898, h. 5'11", w. 150#. m. Ilda Langdon, children - 3. Edn. Boyce High School, Boyce, Va., Randolph-Macon College, A.B., 1918,

Princeton Univ., M.A. 1920, Ph.D. 1921. Frat. & Soc.: Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi. Member A.C.S., A.A.A.S. (fellow). Publ. (books) Lab. Exercises in Chemistry (with B.S.Hopkins) D.C.Heath

& Co* (articles): about 30 in chemical journals, principally in colloid chemistry and catalysis*

Scien. disc: 4 patents. 3sL5&ci«nce: Instr. and Associate, Univ. of Illinois, 1921-27.

Asst. Prof. Lehigh, 1927-30, Assoc. Prof. 1930-38, Prof, and Head, 1938 -.

Chief Duties: Lecturer in Gen.Chem. (freshmen), Adv. Chem. (juniors), Surface Chemistry (graduate students), Administrator.

Hobby: Gardening.


Research for the Remington Arms Company.

Dr. Ullmann, native of Missouri, came to Lehigh in 1894

from the influence of Ira Remsen at Johns Hopkins and two years'

study in Munich and Paris. His early work in Bethlehem was in

the field of quantitative analysis. Amonghis published papers

are methods of rapid analysis for ash and phosphorus in coal

and coke, and a method for the determination of titanium in

cement rocks. It was Ullmann (in 1903) who laid out the curricu­

lum in chemical engineering during Dr. Chandler's administration

and with the guidance of the University President Thomas M. Drown.

Drown had been Professor of Chemistry at M. I. T. and his advice

was invaluable.

Dr. Ullmann's greatest success was in building up his Depart­

ment and surrounding himself with a congenial staff which combine

intellectual activity with a remarkable esprit de corps. He

labored at great length with students - "the quick and the dead."

Dr. Harvey A. Neville has been Head of the Department since

1938. A diplomatic Virginian, graduate of Randolph-Macon and

Princeton, Dr. Neville had seven years' experience at the Univer­

sity of Illinois before joining the Lehigh Staff in 1927. His

guiaing liana nas airectefi. several to-arses o£ sVoA-y, HtxVa. c\vLet

interest and accent in the realm of colloids and catalysis. He

is an acknowledged expert and consultant to the plastics industry.


As the University grew the chemistry laboratories were moved

from Christmas Hall in 1868 to larger quarters in the newly

erected Packer Hall. Here Dr. Wetherill had ample space for his

lectures, laboratory work and museum collection. In 1884 Dr.

Chandler moved to the present building which he designed and

which bears his name. This fire-proof, sandstone building has

been described briefly under Chandler's work.

Additional extensions have been made to the original

building. A three story extension 60 by 37 feet was added in

1921 to the western end, and and east wing 116 by 52 feet was

completed in 1938. The three story east wing, completely modern­

ized to afford facilities for research, chemical engineering

laboratories and an excellent laboratory for general chemistry

was provided by funds donated by the alumni. The trustees have

named the east wing the Harry M. Ullmann Chemistry Laboratory,

in recognition of his 25 years of service as head of the

Chemistry Department.

Pictures of the main building show the old-fashioned chimneys

which were the source of fume hood ventilation used in Chandler's

day. The new annexes now utilize power fans and blowers to

remove fumes.


An interesting survey of the early courses offered in 1866

is obtained from the first Register of the University. The

courses listed for the School of Analytical Chemistry were:

nJunior Schoolmen

Qualitative Analysis - (Fresenius), English translation.

Use of the blowpipe (Plattner). Use of the spectroscope. General

Chemistry (Miller's Inorganic). Lectures by the Professor and

constant practice in the Laboratory.

Physics - Lectures on Chemical Physics.

Senior Schoolmen

. • .•


Qualitative Analysis - (Liebig) Specific gravity of vapors

and gases. Volumetric analysis (Mohr). Quantitative blowpipe

analysis (Plattner) Chemistry applied to the Arts (Knapp) in

common. Lectures in Chemical Physics. Metallurgical and

Technical analysis and assaying (Bodemann's Probirkunst) Dialy­

sis. Bunsen's gas analysis. Chemistry applied to agriculture

and the arts; methods of analyzing soils."

With the passing years many new courses of study were

offered and older ones dropped, keeping in line with general

practice. Today there is a list of some 53 chemistry and

chemical engineering courses offered to undergraduates, and

30 more to graduate students. Much more emphasis has been

placed in recent years upon advanced courses in physical and

organic chemistry, kinetics, thermodynamics, colloids, catalysis,

chemical engineering design and practice - with accompanying

research problems. However, the effort has been made to keep

the fundamental courses of general and analytical chemistry of

such a nature as to be most helpful to the training of engineers.

which has been Lehigh's chief aim throughout the years.

Student Chemical Society

"In the first year of Professor Chandler's administration,

1871, the Chemical Society of the Lehigh University was founded

and has been active continuously in a highly successful career

for seventy years." This statement by Dr. H. M. Vllmann is but

a modest summary of one of the factors chiefly responsible for

the esprit de corps in the Department. It is one of the pioneer

student chemical societies in America. Besides fostering the

scientific spirit by bringing distinguished scientists to speak


at meetings, and in the earlier years financing trips to distant

points for the collection of museum specimens, the Society has

been an important social function to students and staff. Its

annual Christmas party assembles some three hundred members and

guests to a grand banquet. Chief sponsor for this event is

Professor A. A. Diefenderfer.


Various industrial fellowships have been established to

foster research and provide funds for graduate students. These

have included researches on silk, leather, drying oils, resins,

carbon black, chromium compounds, paint, etc.

Unique among research fellowships is a plan inaugurated in

1927 by the Class of 1950 (freshmen) to donate refunds of labo­

ratory deposits toward the establishment of research fellowships

for Lehigh graduates. This fund has grown to well over $20,000

and is a lasting tribute to the spirit of Lehigh students.

Recipients of these fellowships have done research in physical

chemistry, organic chemistry and X-ray studies.


From the very first year of its establishment the Depart­

ment has encouraged faculty publications of texts and contribu­

tions to the technical literature* Approximately three hundred

and thirty publications have been produced covering a wide range

of subjects. Nationally known texts have been published in the

fields of chemical calculations, qualitative analysis and general

chemistry experiments. For years also the English translation

(by Professors Schober and Babasinian) of Gatterman's textbook

for the organic chemistry laboratory was widely used. Well


known have become the researches of Dr. J. S. Long on the drying

oils, the work of Dr. E. R. Theis in tanning technology, the

vapor pressure studies of hydrates by Dr. W. W. Ewing and the

colloid and plastic researches of Dr. H. A. Neville. Less known,

though equally important studies of other staff members have

resulted in important contributions to analytical, physical, and

organic chemistry, X-ray analysis, chemical engineering, chemical

education and history of chemistry.

Graduate Work

Lehigh University has encouraged a small group of graduate

students for many years to pursue work for the Master's degree.

In fact, the doctorate was established as far back as 1893 when

Joseph W. Richards attained it. Dr. Richards distinguished

career as a metallurgist and electrochemist proved that he

merited this distinction of being Lehigh's first Ph.D. Another

doctorate was granted in 1896 to Dr. H. E. Kiefer. Then for

many years only the Master's degree was given until in 1937 the

doctorate was re-established. The present number of graduate

students total 29, 5 studying toward the Doctorate and 24 toward

the Master's degree. Of this number 25 go forward in chemistry,

while 4 are in chemical engineering. This is in contrast to the

undergraduate students which number 315, of which 261 are in the

curriculum of chemical engineering and 54 in the chemistry cur­



An industrial organization is known by its products. Simi­

larly a University is known by its graduates. As the college

president is reported to have said, "Yfe guarantee the product



RICHARDS, Joseph William. A.G., '86, M.A.(Philadelphia Central H.S. *87, M.S. *91, Ph.D. '93. Asst. Instru. in Metallurgy and Blowpiping, 1887-88; Jhstr., 1888-90; Instr. in Metallurgy, Mineralogy and Blowpiping, 1890-97; Asst* Prof., 1897-1903; Erof. of Metallurgy, 1903-21. Died Oct. 12, 1921.



or we will return the student."

Lehigh graduates - and those who didn't - are to be found

in many prominent positions. A roster of these is impossible

rfere, but such a list would include men prominent in the produc­

tion of steel, coal, oil, paint, linoleum, drugs, arms and

ammunition, fertilizers and many allied chemical fields as well

as in academic positions.


This paper is but part of a longer reoort being ore-oared

by the author in connection with the seventy-fifth anniversary

of the University. The author is indebted to many alumni and

members of the University staff for information. To Professor

Emeritus, Dr. H. M. Ullmann, he is indebted for important

details of the long period 1894 to 1938, during which time Dr.

Ullmann was actively engaged on the campus.

To another personage belongs much credit for inspiring an

interest in the early activities of the Department. This was

Mr. Henry C. Huettig, who for 57 years was a member of the

Department, a faithful stockroom keeper and lecture assistant.

ffo Lehigh man since 1878 failed to know Henry. To him books

and poems were dedicated in spite of the fact that he often

"ruled the roost" with a stern hand. As this is being written

word comes that he has just passed away, on September 2, 1941.


Lehigh's First Professor of Chemistry

Ever since the founding of Lehigh University the Depart­

ment of Chemistry has been a potent factor in its development. The

choice for the first occupant of the Chair of Chemistry was Charles

layer Wetherill, Ph.D., M.D., appointed in 1866 by President Henry

Coppee. Though but five years of Dr. Wetherillfs life were spent

on the Lehigh Campus it is certain that his influence started the

growth of one of Lehigh's largest departments.

Local records are meager in the facts of these earliest

days. The Alumni Directory and Drinker's History of Lehigh each

contribute one line to the hasty inquirer about Lehigh's first chem­

ist. But the name of Wetherill is one of the oldest in our nearby

City of Brotherly Love, and so to Philadelphia and Wetherill1s Alma

Mater, the University of Pennsylvania, we go for our information.

One of Penn's greatest alumni the renowned Edgar Fahs

Smith, Professor of Chemistry and later Provost, wrote an illumina­

ting biography of our Dr. Wetherill. This seventy page tribute

establishes Wetherill as one of the outstanding American chemists

of his day. From this series of articles which appeared in 1929

(posthumously arranged by Dr. C. A. Browne, after Smith's death) in

the Journal of Chemical Education, the writer has abstracted freely.

Ever since 1682 when Christopher Wetherill emigrated from

England to this country we find the Wetherill influence. The name

is associated with the first manufacture of cloth in Philadelphia.

A Wetherill was such a staunch supporter of Washington's cause that

he (Samuel Y*r. 1736-1816) was expelled from the Society of Friends

and later founded the Society of Free Quakers. This same ancestor



manufactured drugs and chemicals and was the first manufacturer of

white lead in America. Through several generations the name was

associated - and still is - with the scientific production of paints

and pigments.

From this lineage came Charles Mayer Wetherill, son of

Charles Wetherill and Margaretta Mayer - the eldest of five children.

His schooling was done in private schools of Philadelphia where he

excelled in languages. At the age of sixteen he began his studies

at the University of Pennsylvania where he received first honors in

the Class of 1845. His friendship with able Professors such as

A, D. Bache and John F. Frazer determined his future career in chem­

istry. Professor Bache later became Superintendent of the U. S.

Coast Survey and was a source of help and inspiration to Wetherill

<ja many occasions.

Graduating with Charles Wetherill were his cousin Samuel

Wetherill and Samuel G. Rosengarten, men whose names became renowned

in several fields of scientific endeavor. Samuel Wetherill came to

Bethlehem and manufactured the first zinc oxide made in the United

States. Rosengarten became a manufacturing chemist and carried on

in the well known firm founded by his father. The firm Rosengarten

and Company continued from 1823 to 1927 when it merged with Merck

and Company.

Wetherill went from Penn to the practical analytical

laboratory of J. C. Booth and M. H. Boye in Philadelphia. A year

later he set out for foreign study in Paris where he worked with

Pelouze and attended lectures by the famous chemists Gay-Lussac,

Dumas, and Regnault. In 1847 he went to Germany and continued his

researches for the doctorate under the celebrated Dr. Justus Liebig


at the University of Giessen. The young student was able to publish

three papers in the field of organic chemistry from his European

researches. Liebig characterized his work as accomplished with

"remarkable industry and enthusiasm."

In addition to enlarging his scientific knowledge and

experience Wetherill formed lifelong friendships with two American

students who became famous professors of chemistry - Dr. R. Ogden

Doremus and Dr. Wolcott Gibbs.

Back in his native City of Philadelphia Wetherill opened

a laboratory and school for instruction in chemistry in 1849. Here

for four years he performed sundry analyses, published papers and

delivered regular series of lectures before the Franklin Institute.

Offers came to fill various positions. In 1850 he was offered the

position of U. S. Assayer for California at a salary of $5000, but

for some reason Wetherill refused. Honors also came. In 1851 he

was elected to the American Philosophical Society and in 1853 he

received the honorary degree of Doctor of Medicine from the New York

Medical College. This latter came as a result of Wetherill's

interest in foods, drugs, etc. His most important contribution to

medical chemistry was a paper written in 1855, "On Adipocire and

Its Formation." It attracted wide interest and added to his pres­


In 1853 Wetherill closed his laboratory to accept an

appointment from his uncle, John Price Wetherill. He was to act as

mineralogist and chemist in charge of collecting samples of Penn­

sylvania minerals to be displayed at the Crystal Palace Exposition

in New York in 1854. This was the first international exposition

held in the United States. Wetherill collected not merely specimens


but facts and figures concerning the early industrial operations

in our State. This widened his interests and one year later we find

him travelling far into the West to study the copper works of the

Lake Superior district, and the lead districts of Wisconsin, Illinois

and Iowa. He also visited and studied the Indians of Minnesota and

Dakota (Chippewas, Ifinnebagos and Sioux.) An account of these travels

was published in German, but there remains no English account.

By 1865 Wetherill was seeking a permanent professorship.

An offer to come to the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New

York was declined because of the poor remuneration entailed. His

career turned westward to the home town of a young lady whom he had

met the year before. In 1857 Dr. Wetherill married Miss Mary C.

Benbridge of Lafayette, Indiana. Failing temporarily in acquiring

an academic post he turned again to analytical work and to problems

of sanitation and illumination. He was a crusader for improvements

in milk and water supply. He wrote his longest treatise - a book

entitled "The Manufacture of Vinegar," which remained a standard

in its field for years.

In 1861 with the outbreak of the war Wetherill turned his

eyes east for a position. The new Department of Agriculture was

being formed and Wetherill became its first chemist. The salary

was but $1600 per year, but there were great opportunities for


Shortly after his arrival in Washington he was detailed

by President Lincoln to do special work for the Army on a study of

a new type of gunpowder. This required his leave of absence for

months at a time in Philadelphia. Friction arose between him and

his superior Commissioner Isaac Newton of the Department of Agricul-


ture. Newton thought Wetherill neglected his official duties and

ousted him without pay. A Congressional Committee exonerated

Wetherill and voted him his back salary. The result, however,

was a transfer of Dr. Wetherill to a more desirable post in the

Smithsonian Institute with his friend Dr. Joseph Henry. Here he

stayed for two years doing various researches. His most elaborate

research was a study of the warming and ventilating of the National


Wetherill made a thorough investigation of his problem

with a resultant ninety page report. (Executive Document No. 100

of the House of Representatives, 39th Congress). Dr. Smith des­

cribes it as "work conducted with such thoroughness and attention

to detail that it ranked for many years as the most authoritative

and comprehensive chemical treatise upon the ventilation of public

buildings." He showed that the average of 4.5 volumes of carbonic

acid per 10,000 volumes of air was far superior to that of public

buildings in Europe. He criticized the low humidity and suggested


Wetherill's interest in the varying composition of the at­

mosphere and his suggested analyses for different sections of the

United States was interrupted by his acceptance of the Chair of

Chemistry at the newly formed Lehigh University.

Dr. Wetherill's acceptance of a Chair at Lehigh was

literally just about that. But there was promise and opportunity,

a challenge to help the handful of professors and students under

Dr. Henry Coppee to found a great University. The Professor's

salary for the first year was f£400. A house was to be built as soon

as practicable - rent free. His laboratory was to be in Christmas


Hall. The apparatus and specimens for demonstration were brought

by Wetherill - boxes of them collected from all corners of the

country and abroad. Some specimens and glassware of Wetherill's

are still to be found in the condensed chemical museum - carefully

preserved by his successors - Chandler and Ullmann.

That Dr. Wetherill was ambitious for his small department

is proven by his printing of "A Syllabus of Lectures on Chemical

Physics for the First Class of Lehigh University, September 3, 1866,

Printed at Allentown, 1867." In 1868 his "Lecture Notes of Chemis­

try" appeared. This latter was a text of 112 pages, an outline of

material which the Professor developed by experiments, demonstra­

tions and specimens. The introductory page of his early text is

interesting because it shows the reverent attitude of our first


Lecture I


Simplest Expression of all Human Knowledge


Matter GOD Force

Homo Minister et Interpres Natura

Relation of Souls, Matter and Force, and their dependence

upon God, expressed by the diagram of a triangle.

(a) At the apex, Soul, with its attributes of mind, res­

ponsibility to the Creator, and relation to other souls, to Matter

and to Force, constituting Man.

(b) At one angle of the base, Matter.

(c) At the remaining angle, Force.


The whole dependent upon the will of the Almighty.

Indestructibility of (a), (b), (c).

(a) Souls are indestructible] but capable of changing


(b) Matter also indestructible and changing condition.


The chemistry courses which were introduced at Lehigh

were considered to be the most complete of any offered at the time

in this country. In addition to courses offered to Civil Engineers,

Mechanical Engineers and Mining and Metallurgical students there

was a complete curriculum for the School of Analytical Chemistry.

The courses listed for this course were as follows:

Junior Schoolmen

Qualitative Analysis - (Fresenius), English translation.

Use of the blowpipe (Plattner). Use of the spectroscope. General

Chemistry (Miller's Inorganic). Lectures by the Professor and

constant practice in the Laboratory.

Physics - Lectures on Chemical Physics.

Senior Schoolmen

Qualitative Analysis - (Liebig) Specific gravity of vapors

and gases. Volumetric analysis (Mohr). Quantitative blowpipe anal­

ysis (Plattner) Chemistry applied to the Arts (Knapp) in common.

Lectures in Chemical Physics. Metallurgical and Technical analysis

and assaying (Bodemann's Probirkunst) Dialysis. Bunsen's Gas

Analysis. Chemistry applied to agriculture and the artsj methods

of analyzing soils.

By 1867 Wetherill obtained an assistant, Mr. S. P. Sharpies,

from his friend Dr. Wolcott Gibbs of the Lawrence Scientific School.



That year he was able to publish a research on the interesting

mineral Itacolumite (articulite) in the American Journal of Science.

There followed other papers under his own hand or by his students.

It is interesting to see the paper designated as No. 1 Contribution

from the Department of Chemistry of Lehigh University. The writer

has counted approximately forty papers published by Wetherill.

Doubtless there were others. It was while writing a scientific

paper on Sunday morning, March 5, 1871 before going to church that

Dr. Wetherill was overtaken by a heart attack and died quietly in

his study.

Thus passed Lehigh's first Professor of Chemistry in his

prime. His career had been varied by wide contacts, friendships

and travel. He was an eminent lecturer, author, and consultant.

One of his students Dr. Samuel P. Sadtler later became an eminent

chemist and teacher. He carried the torch to Dr. Edgar Fahs Smith,

a forementioned biographer of Wetherill, and inspired him to take

our Dr. Wetherill as the theme for his last work.

At Wetherillfs funeral in Philadelphia the entire Class

of 1871 attended. The last member of this class to survive was

Dr. Henry Sturgis Drinker, our former President. He wrote that

"Wetherill was a good teacher, much liked by his students, and a

gentlemen." Another pupil wrote:

"He was one of those 'golden natures' who help us form

ideals of life."


1871 - 1906

"Billy" Chandler the strong man of chemistry from 1871 to

1906 was one of the dominant campus figures of that era. Builder of

the Chemical Laboratory (1884) which bears his name, Director of the

Library from 1878, he was also acting President of the University

during 1895 and 1904-05. His fame and influence, when coupled with

that of his illustrious brother Dr. C. F. Chandler of Columbia, spread

to international spheres. Much of the impetus acquired by the present

Lehigh Department of Chemistry dates from the pioneer work of our

Doctor Chandler.

The Chandlers, of New England stock, trace descendants to

English settlers of 1637 in Massachusetts. Yfilliam Henry was born in

New Bedford on December 13, 1841. His father Charles Chandler (mer­

chant), was of a botanical bent, and often took his sons for walks in

the study of nature. This influence, together with early impressions

of hearing lectures by Louis Agassiz turned the Chandler boys to

science. When older brother Charles took up the study of chemistry

William followed suit. William Chandler was graduated from Union

College in 1862. Then followed five years of practical experience,

as chemist with the copper works at New Bedford until 1864 and from

1364-7 with the Swan Island Guano Company.

In 1867 the Chandler brothers were reunited at Columbia.

Charles had been a teacher at Union Gollege, when William was a student

there. Now they were both on the staff. It was during this period

1867-71, while William Y/as working for his A.M. degree and also

teaching, that the brothers began an important literature venture.

The Chandlers saw the need for an American chemical journal.



The American reprint of the English "Chemical News" had been discon­

tinued, and the Chandlers began publishing "The American Chemist" -

forerunner of present publications of the American Chemical Society.

Its scope as outlined in the first issue was "devoted to Theoretical,

Analytical, and Technical Chemistry" and it was successfully published

through seven volumes until April, 18 77. The editors were busy men

who combined lecturing, investigation, writing, and travel.

During this period William Chandler was called to 3ethlehem

to the chair of chemistry at Lehigh University in 1871. This vacancy

arose upon the death of Lehigh's first professor of chemistry Dr.

Charles Mayer Wetherill. Here while Lehigh was making strides as a

rising technical institution Chandler continued his long career as

chemist, librarian and author. (In 1872 he received the Ph.D. degree

from Hamilton College).

Two years after coming to Bethlehem Dr. William Chandler

married Mary Elizabeth Sayre in 1873. In 1878 he became Director of

the new Library, erected by Asa Packer in honor of his daughter Mrs.

Lucy Packer Linderman. Here with a liberal endowment he was in a

position to purchase fine books and build up the second largest college

library in Pennsylvania. While most complete in engineering and tech­

nical works it also boasts rare editions in literary fields, such for

example as our first editions of Shakespeare.

Perhaps the greatest work which "Billy" Chandler performed

at Lehigh was the erection in 1884-85, of the unique laboratory which

bears his name. Built of native sandstone, it was originally designed

to house departments of chemistry, metallurgy, and mineralogy. His

careful plans included adequate ventilation through immense chimneys,

maximum lighting (by gas and by God), a system of speaking tubes for

South Side Wm. H. Chandler Chemistry Laboratory (1925) Showing West Wing Constructed in 1922

North Side Wm. H. Chandler Chemistry Laboratory (1925)



communication, centralized stockrooms, a large lecture room well

arranged for visibility, and we!3.-equipped laboratories. He also

included a chemical museum, and it was one of his happy tasks to add

continually new specimens for his boys. The building cost $200,000,

a huge sum for the times, and was the best laboratory of its day.

That "Billy" was proud and careful of his building is attested by a

humorous note in The Epitome for 1887. "Students wishing to take

friends through the laboratory must make a deposit of fifty cents

with Professor Chandler, to provide for wear upon the building."

Not the least of "Billy" Chandler's abilities was his prowess

as a master of exposition and demonstration in his general chemistry

lectures. In this he was ably assisted by Henry C. Huettig, whose

connection with Lehigh is perhaps longer than any living man. For

over fifty years Henry was stock room man and lecture assistant.

In his later years Chandler undertook the monumental task

of editing an encyclopedia. It was a three-volume edition of 1,700

pages, with many diagrams and colored maps. There were four assistant

editors and many experts handling special fields, but Chandler was

Editor-in-Chief, and himself contributed the material for twelve major

fields of information. All this while he did, or directed, work of

investigation for surrounding industries - zinc, iron, coal and cement.

The combined teaching activities of the Chandlers cover some

80 years of influence touching directly perhaps 40,000 students. The

indirect influence through their writings and through students of

their students can never be completely evaluated.

THE PERIOD 1894-1958


My earliest information about Lehigh and its Department of

Chemistry was conveyed by Paul J. Dashiell, a fellow graduate student

at Johns Hopkins who was teaching the organic chemistry at Lehigh.

Dashiell visited the Hopkins Laboratory with a left ear partly torn

off, earned in playing football for the Lehigh team, which, like the

baseball team, was uniformly triumphant under his native athletic

prowess. Athletic rules, even in those days, required that partici­

pants in games must be students. So, as the teacher in one of the

most important subjects he had to qualify as a student by taking an

undergraduate course, which he did by enrolling in two weeks of in­

struction in photography. Dashiell was prominent later as coach at

the Naval Academy where he was Professor in charge of Chemistry.

Dashiell returned to Hopkins to complete his doctorate study and was

succeeded as teacher of organic chemistry by William B. Schober, who

had attained to his doctorate at that institution. Dr. Schober

advanced to the Professorship of Organic Chemistry and Head of the

Department from 1907-1914 when he retired because of ill health.

Professor Schober was later succeeded as Head by Professor Harry M.

Ullmann who had taken his doctorate In the group with Schober in 1892.

When Michael D. Sohon, A.C. '90, resigned his position here as In­

structor in Quantitative Analysis to pursue graduate study at Johns

Hopkins, Schober proposed the name of Ullmann to Professor William

H. Chandler. The recommendation was considered favorably and another

teacher of the Hopkins tradition was inducted into the chemistry




In 1894 when I came here the department had been housed

for 10 years in the central section of the present building, omitting

the end T's on the east and west. The dimensions were 219 feet in

length by 44 feet in width, with a wing to the south occupied by the

Metallurgical Department.

In the Register of the founding year, 1866, and for many

years thereafter the department was called School of Analytical

Chemistry, and the degree given graduates was Analytical Chemist, A.C.

In the Register for 1872-73 title of the curriculum was changed to

Course in Chemistry, with the degree still A.C. in accord with the

preponderant approach to chemistry, which was mainly on the side of

chemical analysis. Later, it was permitted to change these degrees

of A.C. to B.S. in Chemistry when desired, on application to the


In the first year of Professor Chandler's administration,

1871, The Chemical Society of The Lehigh University was founded and has

been active continuously in a highly successful career for seventy

years. It admitted, according to its statement, "by election," students

from all departments of the University, and sponsored a reading room

well supplied with scientific periodicals, including eighteen of the

principal English and American journals. The Society met weekly for

literary exercises. Notable speakers were invited. Among the honorary

members of the society were more than sixty of the most distinguished

scientists of Europe and the United States. (See University Register

for '72-'73, page 26). In 1874 the title of the society was expanded

to "The Chemical and Natural History Society of the Lehigh University;"

This permitted the choice of speakers on topics in sciences other than

chemistry. At that time was written, "The Collections of Chemical

*,-„„,.*. ., , .*, ,„.*«...»..., , ̂ -.,,.^. „.*•


Preparations and of Botanical and Zoological Specimens," belonging

to the society. During the past year parties have been sent to Texas

and Brazil to collect specimens for these cabinets. (Reference to

specimen cases in the Packer Hall Museum). This society did much to

make Lehigh and the Department of Chemistry widely known. The

Register for 1874-75, page 31, states that, "Among the honorary mem­

bers of the society are more than one hundred of the most distinguished

scientists in Europe and the United States."

The same Register felt justified in the statement, page 21,

MThe chemical laboratories and lecture room of the Lehigh University

are not surpassed in excellence by any similar establishment in the

United States, being supplied with all modern Improvements. The col­

lection of specimens, apparatus and models illustrating general and

applied chemistry, are already important and rapidly increasing."

As time went on and the number of students increased,

Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis were moved out of Packer Hall

j and into a barn that had been fitted up, located just about where the

present Mining Building is. It is reported that this barn was con-

[ venient to the brewery building that is now Price Hall, and it has

| even been said on the authority of good old Henry Huettig that occa­

sionally beer found its way surreptitiously into the laboratory.

In 1894 when I joined the staff here there were 499 students

I enrolled in the University, and of this number 41 were in the Course

in Chemistry. The subjects listed were 10, - Theoretical Chemistry,

Analytical Chemistry, Gas Analysis, Assaying, Organic Chemistry,

[ Industrial Chemistry, Toxicology, Sanitary Chemistry, Photographic

I Chemistry, and Microscopy. Today there are 87, many of them closely

I related. Of the subjects in '94, I taught Analytical Chemistry on


the Quantitative side, Gas Analysis, and Sanitary Chemistry. The

other teachers in addition to Professor Chandler at that time were

Frederick W. Spanutius, M.S. in Qualitative Analysis and Assaying,

and W. B. Schober, Ph.D. in Organic and Theoretical Chemistry.

In 1895 I obtained an Assistant, Nathaniel Thurlow, who had

graduated in the previous year. The following year student enroll­

ment dropped, a probable sequence of the panic of '93, and Mr. Thurlow

left us for research on synthetic camphor at Buffalo. This experience

lade him valuable to Dr. Baekeland whose assistant he was in the dis­

covery of Bakelite, first of synthetic plastics. The department staff

was again increased by one assistant in 1900, whose main duties again

lay in the teaching of Quantitative Analysis. This was William

Gummere, who remained with us two years and then joined the forces

of John A. Roebling's Sons Company and rose through the positions of

chemist and metallurgist to high executive duties with that company.

Among the earliest assistants, and two who have continued

with the University to the present day, are Alpha A. Diefenderfer who

Koined in 1902 and George C. Beck who came to us in 1904 from the

laboratory of the New Jersey Zinc Company. Dief. is still with us

as Professor and George is his assiduous and faithful Assistant Prof­

essor. Together these men have upheld serious and strict discipline,

admixed with personal hard work and helpfulness at the student's

elbow. Professor Diefenderfer's great joy of the year, in which he

glories, is the annual Christmas Dinner of the Chemical Society. All

details, food, songs, play, and presents have been developed and are

supervised by Dief. The cheer of this dinner of students, teachers

and guests has repeatedly moved Dean Max McConn to voice the opinion

that the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Lehigh


evinced the greatest esprit de corps that he had ever known of anywhere.

Undoubtedly a system of teacher advisers and student advisees, meeting

weekly, had much to do with promoting this happy and understanding


In 1903 Dr. Thomas M. Drown, previously at M.I.T., was

President of the University. Massachusetts Tech. had instituted a

curriculum in Chemical Engineering and with the permission of Profes­

sor Chandler and on consultation with Dr. Drown a curriculum was laid

out by me for Lehigh. It was Dr. Drown's opinion that the arrangement

at M.I.T. was in his time too strong in Mechanical Engineering and

rather weak in Chemistry. As laid out here at Lehigh, "In this course

the training is essentially chemical and the graduates are primarily

chemists with a good knowledge of Mechanical Engineering." Since that

time, both at M.I.T. and at Lehigh as the field became more specialized

the main stress has been placed on the engineering of machines and

industrial apparatus adapted to large-scale chemical processes and

operations, and instruction is arranged toward carrying manufacturing

operations from the laboratory findings into large scale production.

Increase in students and in the importance of manufacturing

demanded a full-time teacher in these industrial applications. The

first teacher of professorial status was Samuel H. Salisbury, Assis­

tant Professor 1912-17, who resigned to join M.I.T. as chief of their

intensive instruction in chemical engineering as exemplified in the

i cement Industry at the plant of the Atlas Portland Cement Co. He was

succeeded by Dale S. Chamberlin who came to us from the coke, gas and

by-products industry and since leaving us is developing the manufacture

and sales of textile oils. During the incumbency of Associate

Professor Chamberlin the title of the course as the engineering content


grew Y/as changed to Chemical Engineering. In 1928 appointment was

made of Charles W. Simmons who had a varied valuable experience. He

is still in charge of this most important and interesting field of

engineering. With his graduate students he has developed important

phases of evaporation and condensation. A spirited assistant was

Dr. Harry B. Osborn, Jr., now Research and Development Engineer in

inductive heating with Tocco, the Ohio Crankshaft Company.

In the year 1903-04 I obtained permission from Prof. Chandler

to inaugurate a course in Physical Chemistry for seniors. This impor­

tant branch had its first special Instructor allotted in the person

of Dr. D. J. McAdam, who has since done notable work in metallography

and the fatigue of metals at the Annapolis Laboratory of the U. S. Navy.

McAdam was followed in Physical Chemistry by Dr. J. Hunt Wilson, who

after 6 years joined Lafayette and is now head of the Department of

Chemistry at that institution. Since Dr. Wilson's resignation the

study of Physical Chemistry has been under the charge of Dr. Warren

f. Ewing (Chicago). Dr. Ewing is known primarily for his outstanding

work in hydrates, and he has incidentally carried forward work on zinc

pigments. He was assisted for seven years by R. J. DeGray who resigned

to join the Brooklyn, N. I. Research Laboratory of Socony-Vacuum Oil

Company. DeGray was followed here by Hilton A. Smith, Ph.D. (Harvard)

who is carrying forward important work in the kinetics of gas reactions

and of esterifications and is in charge of graduate instruction in

Kinetics. Dr. Thomas H. Hazlehurst, Jr. (Hopkins) has the graduate

instruction in Thermodynamics and is developing some aspects of surface


After Professor Chandler died in November, 1906, Dr. Schober

was made Professor and Dr. Vahan S. Babasinian took over the course


in Organic Chemistry. Organic Chemistry Laboratory, required of

junior students, had at that time an attendance of six. The original

organic chemistry laboratory had desk room for a maximum of 12 students.

Today there are always something like 65 juniors in Chemistry and

Chemical Engineering, augmented by 10 or 15 students interested in

Organic Chemistry from other curricula. Judson G. Smull v/as added

to the Organic Chemistry staff as numbers increased and is continuing

as Assistant Professor. Dr. Babasinian died in May, 1939, after 33

;years of valiant, kindly service, and Drs. Schultz and Amstutz joined

the organic staff.

Professor Schober was compelled to withdraw from the depart­

ment because of ill health in 1914, and Dr. H. M. Ullmann assumed the

headship. After the period of the war with its many exemplifications

of the scope of chemistry in war and in peace, there arose a greatly

enhanced interest in chemistry and its industrial applications, with a

corresponding increase in the election of that subject by college

students. Industry too awoke to the need of more chemistry research.

Fellowships were established here by E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.5

also by Rohm and Haas Co. By 1921 the eastern wing of the laboratory,

60' x 37', was ready for occupancy. The increased numbers of students

had risen from 52 in 1910 to 175 in 1920.

Dr. H. S. Drinker resigned the Presidency in 1923 to become

President Emeritus and Honorary Trustee, and was succeeded by Dr.

Charles Russ Richards who brought forward the Lehigh Institute of

Research toward the development of graduate study and research. In

this connection an interesting and unique development of research spirit

was manifested by freshman students in chemistry subjects. Under the

leadership of Stanley B. Adams, Met. E., '29, they embraced his idea


of allotting deposit residues in chemistry laboratory deposits to a

fund for furtherance of graduate research in chemistry by a Lehigh

student. As officially stated in the Register: "In the spring of 1927

members of the Class of 1930 (freshmen) established the Student Chemis­

try Foundation in honor of Harry M. Ullmann, Head of the Department

of Chemistry. This fund provides two'research fellowships for Lehigh

University graduates only, carrying an annual stipend of $750 each."

Subsequent freshman classes have contributed to the fund which now

amounts to a sum of $21,000. In establishing and administering the

fund Mr. Adams was ably assisted by Professor H. V. Anderson, Ch.E.

(Mich.) who had joined the department in 1918 and Professor J, S. Long,

Chem. Eng. '14, who took up teaching here after graduation, later went

away on leave for his Ph.D. study, and severed his teaching connection

in 1934 to become Chemical Director of Devoe and Raynolds Co. Professor

Anderson has continued his interest in freshmen and has the responsi­

bility for X-ray instruction and research for graduate students.

Under the Institute of Research new and additional industrial

fellowships were sponsored in varied fields. Under Professor J. S. Long,

[several fellowships for research in drying oils in which study he was

[preeminent were obtained:- The Archer-Daniels-Midland Co. and the Wm.

0. Goodrich Co. Research Fellowships (3), the Raybestos-Manhattan Co.,

I now continued under Professor C. W. Simmons, Professor of Chemical

Engineering. Since Dr. Long has become associated with Devoe and

Raynolds Co. the department has had their fellowship and one assistant-

ship in certain industrial applications of colloid chemistry, directed

by Professor H. A. Neville.

Professor Dale S. Chamberlin, 1917-1930, attracted and super­

vised fellowships of The Columbian Carbon Co. on carbon bla ck and of



the R. K. Laros Silk Company on silk and the fabrication of silk

textiles. Under Dr. E. R. Theis, who joined the department in 1927

as Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, and who has specialized

in tanning, fellowships from the folloY/ing companies have been attracted:

Barrett Leather Co., Hunt Rankin Leather Co., Seton Leather Co.,

United Fur Breeders Co., National Oil Products Co., Mutual Chemical Co.

of America, Corn Products Refining Co.

Professor C. W. Simmons in addition to the Raybestos-

Manhattan Company's fellowship carried the fellowship of Stroock and


A fellowship of the Textile Foundation under the U. S# Depart­

ment of Commerce v/as held for a period of years throughout the exis­

tence of these fellowships under the Foundation.

The William L. Heim Research Fellowship was established by

illiam L. Heim, '02 toward research in X-rays, directed by Professor


Four annual prizes, the William H. Chandler prizes in

Chemistry of $25 each were established in 1920 by the gift of Mrs.

Mary S. Chandler of Bethlehem, widow of Professor William H. Chandler.

These prizes have been a source of keen stimulation toward excellence

in studies.

With increase in the number of undergraduates attached to

curricula in the department and with the institution of a distinct

Graduate School under President C. C. Williams, 1935 - the number of

students had again grown beyond the capacity of the laboratory. In

1938 the east wing was completed, largely from donations by Alumni.

The Trustees have named this wing the HARRY M. ULLMANN CHEMISTRY

LABORATORY "in recognition of his service as head of the Chemistry

& »

Department." Provision was made in the exceptionally high ground floor

for added facilities in Chemical Engineering, in which field Lehigh had

been one of the institutions accredited by the American Institute of

Chemical Engineers since 1932. Special individual research labora­

tories for graduate study were installed.

Provision was also made for a modern laboratory for instruc­

tion of the University's freshmen. In the foregoing resume adequate

attention to the Department's instruction of the University's freshmen

has not been arranged. This has always been the special charge of the

head of the department with the pleasant duty of making the freshman

lectures more interesting and of increased educational content. In

recent years he has been assisted by Professor Robert D. Billinger,

who has also made some of the demonstrations of value in his visits

to preparatory schools in attracting some of their best college

material to Lehigh.

With the completion of the wing named in his honor, Dr.

IUllmann had come to the retiring age and was continued as Professor

Emeritus. The position of Head of the Chemistry and Chemical Engi­

neering Department was filled by the appointment of Dr. Harvey A.

Neville who had been a most valued member of the department since


At the present writing there are 6 Professors, 2 Associate

•Professors, 6 Assistant Professors, 2 Instructors, 5 Assistants. Dr.

C. A. Buck, '87 is Lecturer on Procurement of Raw Materials.

The total of students in curricula of the department is 315.

Of this number 261 are in the Curriculum of Chemical Engineering and

| 54 are in the Chemistry Curriculum. Graduate students total 29, 5

I studying toward the Doctorate and 24 toward the Master's Degree; 25


going forward in chemistry and 4 in chemical engineering.

Honorable mention should be given to a gentleman whose

term of service as lecture assistant and stockroom supervisor is

probably an academic record. Henry Cornelius Huettig is the man who

for some 55 years "ruled the roost" in this capacity. Known to

thousands of students as "Henry" his fame has become so much a classic

that books and poems have been dedicated to him. In his early years

Henry entered into the pranks and confidences of the students so

heartily that returning alumni would seek him to reminisce about the

Bygone days. He was a guide to both staff and students, and a faith­

ful servant of the University from 1883 to 1938. Succeeding Henry

is his capable grandson John H. Schumacher whose abilities are confined

,o the increased work of business manager for the stockroom.

h Left to right— 1st row—Prof. H . V Anderson, Dr. E. R. Theis, Dr. V. S. Babasinian, Dr. H M

Ullmann, Prof. A. A. Diefender, Dr. H. A. Neville, Dr. W. E Ewing


r-n G " C ^ B e < i ' K M * ?\ S m u l l > M r - I N - R ° P e r - Mr. A. K. Long, Dr. R. D. Bilhnger, Dr. T. H. Hazlehurst. rd row—Mr. R. J. DeGray, Prof. C. W. Simmons, Mr. H. B. Osborn.




Henry C. Huettig

Lecture Assistant and Stock Room Keeper for 57 years.

(Deceased Sept. 2, 1941)

John H. Schumacher

Stock Room Manager (1938- )

Grandson of Henry C. Huettig


James Scott Long, Ch.E., M.S., Ph.D.

Prominent alumnus ('14); member of staff from 1914 to 1934j Author of several texts and numerous research papers on paint and drying oils (see bibliography list).

Technical Director of Devoe and Raynolds Co., Inc., and donor of several industrial fellowships.



sity i ^k sorsh it

The members of the Lehigh Valley Sec­tion and his many other friends were shocked to hear of the death of Professor Vahan S. Babasinian, on May 24, 1939. Death came after a brief illness, and was due to pneumonia.

Professor of Organic Chemistry at Le­high University, Dr. Babasinian was the son of the Rev. and Mrs. S. H. Babasinian, and was born November 28, 1876 in Marsovan, Asia Minor. He received the A. B. degree from Anatolia College, in Turkey in 1895.

Some few years after the A. B. degree was received, he, with other younger men came to America, all on the Quest of more learning. Professor Babasinian had com­pleted a course in Theology at Hartford Theological Seminary, and was preaching in a Congregational Church in Providence, Rhode Island for some time, when the scientific urge drew him away from this first calling. He matriculated at Brown Univer­sity where he received the A. M. degree in 1903 and Ph.D. in 1906. From 1903 to 1906, he served as an instructor in Chem­istry at Brown. It was at this time that he first heard of Lehigh University through Dr. J. A. Bucher, a Lehigh graduate, and at tha t time a research professor of Chem­istry at Brown.

Dr. Babasinian came to Lehigh Univer­sity in 1906, and received the full profes­sorship in 1922. He was always regarded as one of the ablest and best lecturers on

the Lehigh campus. His advice and coun­sel were eagerly sought by his colleagues and students, who had all learned that he gave advice only after thorough and care­ful consideration.

Professor Babasinian gave considerable time to research on the derivatives of thio-phene; and he was on sabbatical leave from his duties at the University, was preparing a Monograph on Thiophene Chemistry, and had hoped to have it completed in Septem­ber. A literary executor has been appoint­ed to complete this important work for publication, so that the results of many years of intensive work may not be lost to the scientific world.

Dr. Babasinian was active in the organ­ization of a chapter of the Society of Sigma Xi at Lehigh University and was the first president of the Lehigh chapter.

As a member of the Tau Beta Pi honor­ary society, his counsel and advice were eagerly sought by the members of this society. He was a member of the Ameri­can Association for the Advancement of Science, and the American Association of University Professors.

Along with his life work as a teacher of Organic Chemistry, Dr. Babasinian found time to organize the Association of Armen­ian Students in America with headquarters in Philadelphia.

Dr. Babasinian's home was in Fresno, California. During the summer vacations, he hiked around the immense lakes and mountains of the High Sierras, averaging several hundred miles every summer.

In the summer of 1909, he was a mem­ber of the Summer School faculty of the University of California.

During the World War, Dr. Babasinian enlisted in the Chemical Warfare Service and was stationed at the American Univer­sity, Washington^,, D. C. He made many new acquaintances with many prominent men of Science and Industry, during this period. This resulted in an important re­search on Indanthrene Vat Dyes, with the issue of a patent on the subject,, and as­signed to the duPont Company. He re­turned to Lehigh University in 1919.

He was intensely interested in music, and was a regular at tendant at the Bach festi­val, given at Lehigh every year.

The Section mourns deeply the loss of th'is reserved, kind, gentle man. this student of literature, and music, naturalist , scien­tist and teacher, one who proved a true friend to scores of students, to colleagues on the Faculty of Lehigh University, and to many others throughout the country.




(Note: This list was taken from University Registers and the Lehigh Alumni Directory, 1937).

AMSTUTZ, Edw. D., B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Instr. in Chem. »38-'41, Asst. Prof. '41.

ANDERSON, Harold V., B.Ch.E. (Univ. of Mich. '12) M.S. '25, Instr. in Chem. '18-'21, Asst. Prof. '21-30, Assoc. Prof. '30-41, Prof. '41-.

ASHBY, James C , A.3. (Wabash Col. '13), Asst. in Chem. '13-'15, Instr. '15-'13.

BABASINIAN, Vahan S., A.3. (Anatolia Col. '95), A.M. (Brown Univ. '03), Ph. D. '06, Instr. in Chem. '06-'09, Asst. Prof. '09-'ll, Assoc. Prof. Organic Chem., 'll-»22, Prof. 122-139.

BAILEY, Edgar H. S., Ph.B., (Yale '73), Ph.D. (111. Weyleyan Univ. '83), Instr. in Chem. '74-'83.

BAIRD, Julian W., M.A., Ph.D., Instr. in Chem., 1883-86.

BEATTIE, Frederick S., Ph.B. (Brown '06), Instr. in Chem. '06-'09, Asst. Prof. Org. Chem. Lowell Textile.

BECK, George C , A.C. '03, Asst. in Chem. '04-'05, Instr. 105-113, Asst, Prof. Quant. Anal. '13-.

BERKELEY, William N., B.S. (St. John's Col. '96), Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins '99), Instr. in Chem. '07-'08), Managing Dir. Yonkers Museum of Science & Arts.

BILLINGER, Robert D., Ch.E. '21, M.S. '25, Ph.D. (Univ. Cin­cinnati '29), Instr. in Chem. '23-'26, Asst. Prof, of Chem. 129-139, Assoc. Prof. '39-.

BLOOM, Edgar B., A.B. (Hiram Col. '23), M.S. (Ohio State Univ. »26), Ph.D. Ohio State Univ. '28), Instr. in Chem. '28-'30,

BOWMAN, Paul E., Ch.E. '22, M.S. '26, Ph.D. (Univ. of Cincin­nati '29), Asst. in Chem. '24-'26, Instr. '26-'27, Chem. Teacher Mt. Hermon Prep. School, Mt. Hermon, Mass.

BOYD, Harold G., Ch. E. '18, Instr. in Chem. '18-'20.

BROWN, Carlton E., Ch.E. '27, Asst. in Chem. «27-'30.

BUCH, Newton W., A.C. '01, Asst. in Chem. *01-'02, Instr. '03-'05, Instr. in Met. & Mineralogy, '07-'08, Instr. in Met. '03-'09, Amer. Cyan. Co., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, N. Y.



BUCK, Charles A., B.S. in Chem. '87, Eng.D., Lecturer on Pro­curement of Raw Materials, '33-.

BUCKLEY, Malcolm K., B.S. in Chem. '21, M.S. '23, Asst. in Chem. '18-121, Instr. '21-'24.

CALMAN, John W. J.,S.D. (M.I.T. '03), Asst. in Chem. '05-'06.

CANTELO, Robert C , B.S. (Queen's Univ. '13), M.S. '20, M.A. (Univ. Toronto, '22), Ph.D. (Univ. of Cin. »26), Instr. in Chem. '22-'24, Asst. Prof. Chem. Eng., '26-'27, Asst. Prof, in Chem., Univ. of Cin., Assoc. Prof. Univ. of W. Va., deceased 1940.

CARTER, W. H., B.S. in Chem. '17, M.S. '23, Instr. in Quan. Anal. f18-i21, Asst. Prof. '21-'23, Calco Chem. Co.

CHAMBERLIN, Dale S., B.Ch.E. (Univ. Mich. '12), M.S. '20, D.I.C., (Univ. of London, '24), Asst. Prof. Ind. Chem. '17-»20, Assoc. Prof. '20-'25, Assoc. Prof. Chem. Eng., '25-'30, Warwick Chem. Co.

CHANDLER, Wm. H., A.B., A.M. (Univ. Univ. '62, Columbia Univ. 171), Ph.D. (Hamilton Col. '72), Prof, of Chem. '71-'06, Dir. of Library, i78-'06, Acting Pres. ('04-'05). Died Nov. 23, 1906.

CLUTTER, Oswin R., Ph.B. (Grove City Col.) Asst. in Chem. Feb-June, 1913, New Concord, 0.

COAKLEY, Maurice T. Ch.E., Asst. in Chem., '16-'17, John J. O'Hearn Estate, Shenandoah, Pa.

COBB, Philip H., A. B. (Boivdoin Col. '02) Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins '05) Asst. Prof, of Organic Chem., '18-'20, Assoc. Prof, of Research Chem., '20-'22, South Portland, Me.

COLBY, Albert L., Ph.B. (Columbia '31), Instr. in Chem., 'S3-'86.

CONGDON, Ernest Arnold, Ph.B. (Columbia !37), Instr. in Chem. '89-'91, Died April 6, '17.

CRSSSY, Charles R.,B.S. (Univ. of Minn. '98), Instr. in Indus. Eng. '10-'12.

DARBY, Edw. H., A.B. (Clark Univ. '14) A.M. (Clark Univ. M5), Ph.D. (Clark Univ. '17), Instr. in Chem. '18-'20.

DASHIELL, Paul J., A.B. (Johns Hopkins '37), Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins '91), Instr. in Chem., '89-'90, '91-'92, Prof, of Math. U.S. Naval Acad. Annapolis, Md.

DeGRAY, Richard J., Ch.E. '27, M.S. '23, Asst. in Chem. '23-'30, Instr. 130-135, Diesel Engine Research Socony-Vacuum Co., Brooklyn, N.Y.


DIEFENDERFER, Alpha A., A.C. '02, M.S. 108, Asst. in Chem. i02-'03, Instr. !03-'12, Asst. Prof. '12-'17, Assoc. Prof, of Quant. Anal. & Assaying '17-'30, Prof. '30.

DOLT, Maurice L., Ph.B. (Brown Univ. '07) Ph.D. (Brown Univ. '08) Instr. in Indus. Chem. '09-'10, Prof, of Organic & Analytical Chem., North Dakota Col., Agricul. Col., N.D., Calco Chem, Co., Bound Brook, N. J.

EDGAR, Arthur, B.S., '05, M.D. '03, Ph.D. (M.I.T. '12), Asst. in Chem. '05-'09, Died 1913.

EVERHART, Wm. A., A.B. (Miami Univ. '14), Instr. in Chem. 1918-20.

EWING, Warren W., B.S. (Parsons Col. '12), M.S. (Univ. Chicago '18), Ph. D. (Univ. Chicago '20), Asst. Prof, of Physical Chem. '20-'28, Assoc. Prof. '28-'33, x°rof. '33 -.

FSHNEL, James W., Asst. in Chem., Sept.-Dec. '13; Industrial Hygiene Lab., Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., N. Y. C.

F0RN0FF, F. J., A.B. (Illinois '36), M.S. (Ohio State '37), Ph.D. '39, Instr, in Chem. '40-.

FOX, Frederick, Jr., B.S. (M.I.T. !35), Ph.D. (Univ. of Leipzig '90), Instr. in Chem. '91-'92, Analyt. Chem., 77 State St., Portland, Me.

FRANTZ, Alvin J., B.S. in Chem. '30, M.S. '32, Grad. Asst. in Chem. '30-'32, Colgate Palmolive Beet Co., Exchange PI., Jersey City, N. J.

FREAR, Clyde L., B.S. (Syracuse Univ. '14), B.Sc. (Queen's Univ. Kingston, Ont. '16), Asst. in Chem. '16-'17, Instr. Sept.-Dec. '17, Chemist Merrell-Soule Co., Syracuse, N.Y.

GRAY, Archibald E., B.S. (Eureka Col. '22), M.S. (Univ. of 111. '23), Ph.D. (Univ. of 111. '25), Instr. in Chem. '26-'28.

HARTZELL, Allen R., B.S. (P. & M. Col. '17), M.S. (Pa. State Col. '21), Asst. in Chem. Sept.-Dec. '17, Asst. Prof, of Chem, St. Lawrence Univ., Canton, N. Y.

HAUSER, Charles R., B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Inst, in Chem. '28-'29, Duke Univ., Durham, N. G.

HAWLEY, R.S., B.S. (Ch.E.), A.B., Asst. in Chem. '40-.

HAZLBHURST, Thos. H., A.B. (Col. of Charleston '23), Ph.D. (Johns-Hopkins '27) Instr. in Chem. '27-'30, Asst. Prof. •30-139, Assoc. Prof. '39-,

HEIBERGER, Charles A,, B.S. in Ch.E. '35, Asst. in Chem. '35-'33, Ph.D. '38,


HEINS, E., B.S. '39, M.S. '41, Asst. in Chem. '39-'41.

HITCHCOCK, Romyn, Instr. in Chem. '73-'74.

HORINE, Frederic L., B.S. (In Chem.) '16, Asst. in Chem. 116-117, Johns-Manville Co., 22 E. 40th St., N. Y. C.

HUMPHREY, Edw., B.S. (Bowdoin '17), Asst. in Chem., il7-il3, Asst. Gen. Mgr., Portland Me. Publ, Co., Portland, Me.

JOHNSON, Frank V., B.S. (in Chem. Eng.) (Univ. of Iowa '24), M.S. in Chem. Eng., (Univ. Iowa, '25), Asst. in Chem. and Columbian Rese'arch Fellow, '26-'27, Asst. Dir. Res., A. 0. Smith Corp., Milwaukee, Wis.

JOYCE, AsaW., B.S. (St. John's Col. '13) Ph.D. (Yale '16), Asst. in Chem. '13-'14, Chem. Foundation Inc., 85 Beaver St., N. Y. C.

KAUFMANN, Emerson W., B.S. in (Ch.E. '32, M.S., Asst. in Chem. i32-!34, Archer-Daniels-Midland Co., Philadelphia, Pa.

KELLER, John C , B.S. (Colgate '21) Ph.D. (Cornell '26), Inste in Chem. '26-'27.

KINGSBURY, Francis B., A.B. (Harvard '09) A.M. (Harvard '12), Ph.D. (Harvard !14), Asst. in Chem. f09-'10, Instr. in Physiological Chem., Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn,

KNAUSS, Calvin A., B.S. in Chem. (Muhlenberg '23), M.S. '25, Asst. in Chem. '26-'27, Nuodex Products, Inc.

LAKE, Charles N., Ph.D., Instr. in Chem., '86-'33.

LAKE, Dyer B., B.S. (Syracuse Univ. '09) M.S. (Syracuse Univ. '10) Ph.D. (Clark Univ. '16), Instr. in Chem. '16-'18.

LENOX, Lionel R., Ph.B, (Columbia '33), Instr. in Chem. '38-'91, d. 7/25/27,

LEVENSON, H. S., B.S. (Ch.E.) '37, Asst. in Chem. '37-'41, Ph.D. '41, General Foods, Jersey City, N. J.

LEWIS, William E., A.B. (Haverford Col. '12) Ch.E, '15, Instr. in Chem. »15-'17, P.P.ccL.Co., Beth. Pa.

LONG, Austin K., B.S. in Ch.E. '34, M.S. '36, Grad. Asst. in Chem. '34-'35, Asst. '35-'36.

LONG, James S., Ch.E. '14, M.S. '15, Ph.D. (Johns-Hopkins '22), Asst. in Chem. '14-'15, Instr. '15-'17, Asst. Prof, of Inorg. Chem. '17-'20, Assoc. Prof. '20-'28, Prof. '28-'34, Devoe & Raynolds Co., Louisville, Ky.


LUNN, Edw. G., B.Sc. (Univ. of Chicago, '22), Ph.D. (Univ. of Calif. '26), Instr. In Chem. '26.

MacINTOSH, James B., E.M., C.E., Instr. in Chem. '86-'38.

McADAM, Dunlop, J., Jr., A.B. (Wash. & Jefferson Col. '97), A.M. (Wash. & Jef. »00), M.S. (U. of P. '06), Ph.D. (U. of P. '38), Asst. in Chem. '07-'03, Instr. '08-'10, Metallurgist U.S. Naval Eng. Experiment Sta., Annapolis, Md.

MaGUIRS, Charles H., B.S. (Clarkson Col. Tech. '10), Asst. in Chem. '10-'ll, Instr. '11-'16).

MARSH, Charles W., Ph.D., Instr. in Chem. '37-'39.

McRSYNOLDS, J. P., A.B., Ph.D., Instr. in Chem. '38-'40, Ohio State U.

MILLER, Clinton P., B.S. in Chem. '34, Grad. Asst. in Chem. 134-136, Devoe & Raynolds Co., Brooklyn, N. Y.

MILLER, Jerome M., B.S. (F. & M. '21), M.S. (Pa. State Col. '28) Instr. in Chem., '23-'32.

MILLER, W. Schuyler, B.S. '30, M.S. '32, Grad. Asst. in Chem. 130-'32, Randolph-Macon.

MERTZ, John C , B.S. in Ch.E., Lehigh '31, Ph.D. Yale '36, Instr. in Chem. '36-'41, Asst. Prof. '41 Univ. of Conn.

MOELLER, Walter, Ph.B., Instr. in Chem. '85-'37.

NEVILLE, Harvey A., A.B. (Randolph-Macon '18), M.A. (Princeton 120), Ph.D. (Princeton '21), Asst. Prof, of Chem. '27-'30, Assoc. Prof. '30-'38, Prof, and Head of Dept. '38-.

ODOM, Wm. P., B.S. (Clemson Col.), M.S. '13, Asst. in Chem. '11-'12, Instr. '12-114, Supt, Sayles-Biltmore Bleacheries Biltmore, N. C.

OLPP, Archibald E., A.C. '03, M.D. (U. of P. '03), Asst. in Chem. i03-'04, 314 Bergenline Ave., Union City, N. J.

OPDYCKE, Lawrence H., B.S. (Rutgers '13), A.M. (Columbia !16), Ph.D. (Johns-Hopkins '22), Asst. Prof, of Chem, '22-'26).

OSBORN, Harry B., B.S. (in Chem. Eng.) '32, M.S. '34, Ph.D. !38, Asst. in Chem. !34-'35, Instr. in Chem. Eng. '35-'38, Ohio Crankshaft Co., Cleveland, Ohio.

PENNINGTON, Fred A., B.S. in Ch. E., !36, Grad. Asst. in Chem. 136-137, Andrew McCreath's & Son, Harrisburg, Pa.


PIERLE, Chester A., A.B. (DePauw Univ. '09), M.S. '11, Ph.D. (Univ. of Wis., '19), Asst. in Chem. '09-'10, Instr. '10-'11, West Texas State Teachers' Col., Canyon, Texas.

PUDDICQMBE, Sydney J., Ph.B. (Yale '14), Asst. in Chem. Feb.-June, '15, 1956 Chapel St., New Haven, Conn.

REICHARDT, C. H., B.S. (Rutgers '39), M.S. (Lehigh '41), Asst. In Chem. '39-'41.

RICHARDSON, George M., A.C. '86, Ph.D. (Johns-Hopkins *90), Instr. in Chem. '38-189, '90-'91, D. 7/26/02.

ROPER, J, N. Jr., B.S. (in Ch.E.) '34, M.S. '36, Grad. Asst. in Chem. t34-,35, Asst. i35-!36, Tenn. Eastman Corp., Kingsport, Tenn,

ROSE, Arthur, B.A. (Univ. of Cin. !25), Ph.D. (Univ. of Cin, '27), Instr. in Chem. '29-*30, Assoc. Prof, of Chem., Pa. State Col.

SALISBURY, Samuel H., Jr., B.S. '06, M.S. '15, Asst. in Chem. i06-'07, Asst. Prof. !12-Feb, '17, Atlas Portland Cement Co., 25 Broadway, N. Y. C.

SCHOBER, Wm. B., B.S. (St. John's Col. '36), A.M. (St. John's Col. '90), Ph.D. (Johns-Hopkins '92), Instr. in Chem. '92-'04, Asst. Prof. '04-*06, Acting Prof. '06-'07, Prof. »07-'14, d. 3/35/.

SCHULTZ, R. P., Ph.D., Instr. in Chem. '37-'39, Asst. Prof. 139-141., Hercules Powder Co., Wilmington, Del

SERFASS, E. J., B.S. (in Ch.E.) '33, M.S. '35, Ph.D. »38,

Asst. in Chem. '36-'37, Instr. «37-'39, Asst. Prof. '40-.

SHAPLEIGH, Waldron, A.C. '71, Instr. In Chem. 1863-72.

SHARPLZS, Stephen Paschall, S.3.'(Harvard '66), M.S. (Penn. State Col. '15), Instr, in Chem., '67-f68, Died 3/20/23.

SHIRSY, William Brown, A.B. (W. Va. Univ. T21), A.M. (W. Va. Univ. !22), Instr. in Chem. '23-!26, Research Fellow, Pa. State College, State Col., Pa.

SIMMONS, Charles Wellington, B.Sc. (Queen's Univ. '20), M.S. '28, Instr. in Chem. Eng. '23-«29, Asst. Prof. '29-'36, Assoc. Prof. '36-140, Prof. '40-.

SINKINSON, Eric Spencer, B.Sc, D.I.C., F.C.S., Asst. Prof, of Quant. Anal., '24-'27, Asst. Prof, of Ore Dressing & Fuel Tech, '27-'28, Assoc. Prof.Ore Dress. & Fuel Tech,, '28-, 68 W. Market St., Beth., Pa.


SKULL, Judson Gray, B.S. (in Chem.), '06, M.S. '21, Asst. in Chem. '19-122, Instr. '22-'38, Asst. Prof, in Chem. '33-, 66 W. Greenwich St., Beth. Pa.

SMULLIN, C.H., B.S. in Ch.E., M.S. Chem., Asst. in Chem. '33-'40.

S0H0N, Michael Druck, A.C. '90, M.S. '95, Ph.D. (Johns-Hopkins), Instr. in Chem. '91-'94, 224 Bell Ave., Hasbrouck Hts., N.J.

SPANUTIUS, Frederick William, Ph.B. (Yale '83), M.S. (Ohio State Univ. '90), Instr. in Chem. '92-'03. Died 6/19/15.

SMITH, Hilton A., Ph.D., Instr. in Chem. '35-'39, Asst. Prof. '39-'41, Univ. of Tenn.,Knoxville, Tenn

STEIN, C. W. C , B.S., Asst. in Chem. '36 ,

STEELE, J. H., A.B., Asst. in Chem., '39-'41.

STICKLER, Paul James, B.S. in Ch. E. '35, Grad. Asst. in Chem. '36.

STRUB, P. T, W., B.S. in Ch.E., Asst. in Ch.E., '39-'41.

TAYLOR, N. W., B.S. '37, Asst. in Chem. '37-'38.

THEIS, Edwin R., Ch.E. Ph.D., Asst. Prof, of Ch.E. f27-l30, Assoc. Prof. '30-138, Prof, of Chem., !38-, 1021 Raymond Ave., Beth., Pa.

THRUN, Walter E., A.B., (Univ. of Mich. '12), M.S. «14, Ph.D. (Univ. of Mo., '17), Asst. in Chem, & Columbian Res. Pel., Feb. '25-June '26.

THURLOW, Nathaniel, A. C. '95, Asst. in Chem. '95-'96, 1 W. 68th St., N.Y.C.

ULLMANN, Harry Maas., A.B. (Johns-Hopkins '89), Ph.d. (Johns Hopkins '92), Instr. in Chem. f94-T04, Asst. Prof. '04-'10, Assoc. Prof. *10-'12, Prof. '12-'33, Prof. Emeritus, '38-, 20 W. Church St., Beth., Pa.

VAN HAAGEN, Walter K., B.S., Asst. in Chem. '08-'09.

f/ALDBAUER, Louis Julius, B. Chem. (Cornell '17), M.Sc. (McGill Univ.) '22, Ph.D. (McGill Univ. '23), Instr. in Chem. '24-'26, Prof, of Chem., Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.

WETHERILL, Charles M., Ph.D., M.D., Prof, of Chem., '66-'71, Died Mar. '71.


WETTERAU, Paul Christian, Ch.E. '25, M.S. '27, Asst. in Chem. '27-'28, Congoleum Nairn Co., Marcus Hook, Pa.

WHITENIGHT, Harold Philip, B.S. (Muhlenberg '24), Asst. in Chem. '27-'30, 825 N. 6th St., Allentown, Pa.

WILLIAMS, Waldo W., B.S. (Guilford Col. '28), M.S. (Univ. of N. C. 130), Instr. in Chem. »30-»32.

WILSON, John H., B.S. (Lafayette '05), S.M. (Harvard '07), Ph.D. (Harvard '08), Instr, in Phys. Chem., '10-'16, Asst, Prof, of Chem., Lafayette Col., Easton, Pa., 31 Cattell St., Easton, Pa.

WITTMER, Martin, E.M. '32, Instr. in Chem. '82-183.


This list of publications by staff members of the Department

is an attempt to show the chronological output of published articles

and researches pertaining to chemistry written at Lehigh University.

Within each year the arrangement is alphabetical by authors. No pre­

vious records were kept over long periods and this one does not claim

to be all inclusive. The task of compilation has been interesting,

though arduous, and the list is believedto be fairly complete.

Acknowledgment is made for the kind help of the following

members of the Class of 1941 for assistance in this phase of the work:

J. E. Andrews, A. Descheemaeker, L. F. Dieringer, L. J. McKinley,

R. D. Miller, D. Richards, R. L. Tilton.


1. Wetherill, C. M. "On the Crystalline Nature of Glass," Silliman's

Journal, 91, 16 (1866).

2. Wetherill, C. M. "A Syllabus of Lectures on Chemical Physics for

the First Class of Lehigh University, Sept. 3, 1866," printed at

Allentown, 1867.

3. Wetherill, C. M. "Experiment on Itacolumite," Silliman's Journal,

94, 61 (1867).

4. Wetherill, C. M. "Lecture Notes of Chemistry," 1868.

5. Wetherill, C. M. "On the Existence of the (so-called) Compound

Ammonium Amalgams," Sillimanis Journal, 101, 369 (1871).

6. Chandler, W. H. "A Day in Dublin," Chemical News, 2, 88 (1871).

7. Chandler, W. H. "Physical Laboratories," Chemical News, Z9 142


8. Chandler, W. H. "The Metric System of Weights and Measures,"

Chemical News, 2., 142 (1871).



9. Chandler, W. H. "The American Chemist" - monthly publ. from 1871

to April 1877, 7 vols., Editors C. F. Chandler and W. H. Chandler,

New York, N. Y.


10* Bailey, E. H. S. "An Examination of the Water of Bethlehem and

Vicinity," Bethlehem Daily Times, Nov. 11, 1879.

11. Bailey, E. H. S. "Dried Alum," Pharmacy Journal Transactions, (3),

13, 838.


12. Chandler, W. H. "Report on Textile Fabrics, Wearing Apparel and

Accessories," Govt. Printing Office, Washington, 1891 (51 pg).

13. Chandler, W. H. "Report on Products of Mining and Metallurgy,"

Govt. Printing Office, Washington, 1891 (88 pg.)

14. Richards, J. W. "Aluminium; Its History, Occurrence, Properties,

Metallurgy and Applications, Including Its Alloys," H. C. Baird

and Co., Phila., 1887. (346 pg).


15. Chandler, W. H. "The Construction of Chemical Laboratories,"

Govt. Print. Office, Washington, 1893 (36 pg).

16. Chandler, W. H. "Hygiene and Public Charities," ibid. 1893 (54 pg.)

17. Chandler, W. H# "Appliances and Methods Employed for the Preserva-

vation of Wood," ibid. 1893 (39 pg.)

18. Schober, W. B. "On the Reaction of Alcohols with Paradiazobenzene

Sulphonic Acid," Amer. Chem. Jour. !15, 379 (1893).

19. Schober, W. B. and Spanutius, F. W., "On Phospho-hydrocyanic Acid,"

Amer. Chem. Jour. 16, 229 (1894).

20. Schober, W. B. and Kiefer, H. E., "On the Action of Certain Alco-


hols with Meta-diazobenzene-sulphonic Acid," Amer. Chem. Jour.

17, 454 (1895).

21. Schober, W. B. "The Action of Sulfuric Acid on Anisol," Amer. Chem.

Jour. 18., 858 (1896).


22. Chandler, W. H., "Chandlerfs Encyclopedia and Epitome of Universal

Knowledge," 3 vols. publ. by P. F. Collier, N. I., 1898.

23. Schober, W. B. and Kiefer, H. E», "The Action of Certain Alcohols

on (a)-m-diazoxylene-sulphonic acid," Amer. Chem. Jour. 19,, 381


24. Schober, W. B. and Bowers, H# L., "The action of sulfuric acid on

phenetol," Amer. Chem. Jour. 25, 69 (1901).

25. Schober, W. B., Translation of the first edition (1896) and the

second edition (1901) of "The Practical Methods of Organic Chemis­

try," by L. Gattermann.


26. Schober, W. B. (Gattermann, L.) Amer. Chem. Jour. 27, 158 (1902).

The practical methods of organic chemistry, 2nd Amer. ed. (Review).

27. Schober, 1". B. Amer. Chem. Jour. 32, 165 (1904). Propanetrisulphonic

acid. (Preliminary paper).


28. Ullmann, H. M. and Boyer, J. W., "Determination of Ti in Argilla­

ceous Limestone," Chemical Engineer, 10, 163 (1909).

29. Ullmann, H. M. and Buch, N. W., "Rapid Determination of Ash and

Phosphorus in Coke," Chemical Engineer, 10,, 130 (1909).

30. McAdam, D. J., Jr., "The Atomic Weight of Vanadium," J. Am. Chem.

Soc. 32, 1603-15, 1910.


31. McAdam, D. J., Jr. and Pierle, C. A., "TheSolubility of Sodium


32. Ullmann, H. M. and Buch, N. W., "Rapid Determination of Ash in Coal,"

Orig. Com. 8th Intern. Congr. Appl. Chem., 25., 771-773. (1912).

33. Salisbury, S. H. and Beck, G. C , "A Study of the Dolomitic Lime­

stone of the Allentown Quadrangle," J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 6^ 837-43,


34. Salisbury, S. H., Jr., "Sodium and Sodium Salts," Mineral Industry

24, 624-41 (1915).

35. Salisbury, S. H., Jr., "Sulfur, Pyrite and Sulfuric Acid," Mineral

Industry 24, 642-6L (1915).

36. Salisbury, S. H., Jr., "Sodium and Sodium Salts," Mineral Industry

25, 645-66 (1916).

37. Salisbury, S. H., Jr., "Sulfur, Pyrite and Sulfuric Acid," Mineral

Industry 25. .667-94, (1916).


38. Salisbury, S. H., Jr., "Sodium Salts," Mineral Industry 26, 621-42


39. Salisbury, S. H., Jr., "Sulfur, Pyrite and Sulfuric Acid," Mineral

Industry 26., 645-69, (1917).

40. Long, J. S. and Chamberlin, D. S., "Elementary Experiments on the

Non-Metals," Rhode Printing Co., Kutztown, Pa. 1918 (78 pg.)

41. Babasinian, V. S., Translated for W. B. Schober the third edition

of "Practical Methods of Organic Chemistry," by L. Gattermann,

Ph.D., publ. by Macmillan Co., U.S.A. (1919).

42. Salisbury, S# H* and Long, J. S., "Chemical Calculations," Kutztown,

Pa., W. S. Rhodes Co., 126 pp., $1.50, 1918.


43. Cantelo, R. C. and Boswell, M, c , "The Relative Lowering of Vapor

Pressure of Aqueous Solutions," Can. Chem. Met. j3, 109-11 (1922).


44. Cantelo, R. C , "Absorption of Gasoline from Natural Gas. I, II.

Can. Chem. Met. 6, 177-9 (1922). II. Ibid 196-200.


45. Chamberlin, D. S. and McGovern, E. W., "By-Product Oven Heat

Balance," Gas Age-Record 51, 199-202, (1923).

46. Smull, J. G. and Subkow, P."Pyruvic Acid from Lactic Acid, " Chem.

and Met. Eng. 28., 357-8 (1923).


47. Babasinian, V. S. and Sachs, J. H., U.S.Pat. 1,509,846, Sept. 30,


48. Cantelo, R. C,«J. Willard Gibbs," Can, Chem. Met., 3., 215-7


49. Cantelo, R. C , "The Thermal Decomposition of Methane," Jour.

Phys. Chem., 28, 1036-48 (1924).

50. Long, J. S, and Anderson, H. V., "Chemical Calculations," McGraw

Hill Book Co. Inc., New York, 1924.

51. Chamberlin, D. S., "Glass Pump Plungers Lessen Replacements,"

Chem. Met. Eng. 32, 818-9 (1925).

52. Chamberlin, D. S., and Buckley, M. R., "A Rapid Method for

Determining the Decolorizing Power of Carbons," J. Oil & Fat.

Ind. 2., 4-8 (1925).

53. Chamberlin, D. S. and Newitt, D. M., "An Apparatus for Accurate

Analysis of Small Quantities of Gas," Ind. Eng. Chem. 1J7, 621-2,


54. Ewing, W. W* "The Preparation of Electrolytic Mercurous Chloride

in Saturated Potassium Chloride for Use in the Calomel Electrode,"

J.A.C.S., 47, 301 (1925).


55. Long, J. S. and Smull, J. G., "A Control Method for Boiling Eng.

Drying Oils," Ind./Chem. 17, 138-41 (1925).

56. Long, J. S. and Wentz, G., "Rate of Molecular Weight Increase in

the Boiling of Drying Oils," Ind. Eng. Chem. 17, 905-8 (1925).

57. W. A. Patrick and Long, J. 3., "Adsorption of Butane by Silica

Gel," J. Phys. Chem. Z9j 336-43 (1925).

58. Sinkinson, E., "Some Observations on the Transition of Coal to

Coke," Ind. Eng. Chem. 17, 27-31 (1925).


59. Babasinian, V. S. and Billinger, R. D.f"Modified Fusion Pot,"

Ind. Eng. Chem. 18, 340 (1926).

60. Billinger, R. D., "Illustrating the Black Art," J. Chem. Ed., J5,

No. 8, Aug. '26.

61. Billinger, R. D., "Chilled Iron Resembles White Iron," The Iron

Age, Aug. 5, f26.

62. "The Spheroidizing of Cementite," Ind. Eng. Chem., 18, No. 8,

785, Aug. f26, by Bradley Stoughton and R. D. Billinger.

63. Cantelo, R. C , "Thermal Decomposition of Methane II." J. Phys.

Chem. J50, 899-901 (l926).

64. Cantelo, 1. C. "The Separation of the Phosphate Ion in Qualita­

tive Analysis," J. Chem. Ed., 3., 829-30 (1926).

65. Chamberlin, D. S. and Thrun, W. E., "The Flicker of Flat Luminous

Flames," Gas Age-Record 157, 41-3,52, (1926).

66. Long, J. S. and Wentz, G. "Rate of Molecular Weight Increase in

the Boiling of Linseed and China Wood Oils," Ind. Eng. Chem. 18,

1245-8 (1926).

67. Sinkinson, E. and Turner, H. G., "Adsorption of C02 by Coal,"

Ind. Eng. Chem. 18, 602-5 (1926).



68. Billinger, R. D., "Fume Hood for the Small Routine Laboratory,"

The Foundry Magazine, Sept. 1927.

69. Chamberlin, D. S. and Thrun, W. E., "Flat Luminous Flames,"

Ind. Eng. Chem. 19, 752-4, (1927).

70. Ewing, E. W., "Calcium Nitrate I. The Temperature-Composition

Relations of the Binary System Calcium Nitrate Water," J.A.C.S.

71. Long, J. S. and Knauss, C. A., and Smull, J. G., "The Boiling

of Linseed Oil, Ind. Eng. Chem., 19> 62-5 (1927).

72. Neville, H. A., "Adsorption and Reaction," J. Phys. Chem., 30,

1037-42 (1927).

73. Turner, H. G. and Sinkinson, E., "C02 and Spontaneous Combustion

of Coal," Pulp Paper Mag. Can. 25., 681-2 (1927).

74. Smull, J. G. and Knauss, "Rate of Reaction between Bromine and

Unsaturated Aliphatic Acids as Evidence of Stereoisomerism, J.A.

C.S., 49, 2808-14 (1927).

75. Theis, E. R. "Industrial Biochemistry," J.Am. Leather Chem. Assn.,

22, 70-93 (1927).


76. Babasinian, V. S., J. A. C# s., 50, 2748-53 (1928). "Mononitro-

and dinitro-thiophenes."

77. Billinger, R. D., "A Night in Alchemy," J. Chem. Ed., 5,, No. 6,

June, 1938.

78. Chamberlin,D.S. and Rose, A., "The Flicker of Luminous Flames,"

Ind. Eng. Chem. 20, 1013-6, (1928).

79. Chamberlin, D. S. and Clarke, D. R., "Flame Speed of Hydrogen

Sulfide," Ind. Eng. Chem. 2D, 1016-8 (1928).

80. Long, J. S., "Research on Drying Oils," Paint, Oil and Chem. Rev.,

86., #18 12-14 (1928).


81. Long, J. S., Zimmerman, E. K., and Nevin, S. C , "Studies in

the Drying Oils VIII. Absorption of Liquid by Oil Gels,"

Ind. Eng. Chem. 20, 806-9 (1928).

82. Long, J. S. and Egge, W. S. IX, "Action of Cold Blowing on

Linseed Oil," ibid., 809-11 (1928).

83. Long, J. 3. Egge, W. S. and Wetterau X, "Action of Heat and

Blowing on Linseed and Perilla Oils and Glycerides derived

from them," ibid. 1928.

84. Neville, and Jones, H. C. "The Study of Hydration Changes by

by a Volume-Change Method," Colloid Symposium Monograph 6,

309-18 (1928).

85. Theis, E. R. and McMillen, E. L., "Critical Study of the Bio­

chemistry of Soaking, I. Study of the Changes Occurring Within

the Skin," J. Am. Leather Chem. Assoc, 23, 226-33 (1928).

86. Theis, E. R., "Some Further Characteristics of Animal Skin

Fat," J. Am. Leather Chem. Assn., .23, 4-9, (1928).

87. Theis, E. R. and McMillen, E. L., "Critical Study of the Bio­

chemistry of Soaking. II. Effect of Time, Temperature, and Hide

Proportion Upon Soak Yfaters," J. Am. Leather Chem. Assoc, 23,

372-97 (1928).

88. Theis, E. R., "Industrial Bioehemistry. II. Chemistry of Pro­

teins," J. Am. Leather Assn., 2J5, 526-51 (1928).

89. Theis, E. R., "The Lipid Distribution in Normal and Adnormal

Liver Tissues. I. Beef Livers," J. Biol. Chem., TJL> 55-74 (1928).

90. Theis, E. R. "The Lipid Distribution in Normal and Adnormal

Liver Tissues. II. The Effect of Insulin on the Lipoids of

Rabbit Liver," J. Biol. Chem., 77, 75-80 (1928).


91. Anderson, H. V. and Clark, G. L., "Zonal Structure of Silica


92. Anderson, H. V. and Clark, G. L., "Application of X-rays in

the Classification of Fibrous Silicate Minerals Commonly Termed

Asbestos," Ind. Eng. Chem. 21, 924 (1929).

93. Billinger, R. D., "Assaying with Agricola," J. Chem. Ed. Feb. !29.

94. Chamberlin, D. S. and Clarke, D. R., "Flame Speed of Hydrogen

Sulfide," Lehigh Univ. Pub. .3, No. 5 pp. (1929).

95. Chamberlin, D. S. and Bloom, E. B., "Thermal Treatment of Natural

Gas," Ind. Eng. Chem. 21, 945-9, (1929).

95a. Chamberlin, D. S., Theis, E. R. Schlingman, P. F., and Long, J.S.,

"Studies in the Drying Oils. X. Fumes from Oil Kettles," Ind. Eng.

Chem. .21, 333-8 (1929).

96. Long, J. S«, "Research, Its Importance and Its Future," Paint,

Oil & Chem. Rev. 88 #12, 12-14 (1929).

97. Long, J. S., Kittelberger, W. W., Scott, L. K. and Egge, W. S.,

"Studies in Drying Oils, XI. Monomolecular Films of Blown and

Heat-bodied Oils and their Constituent Fatty Acids and Esters

on Water Surfaces," Ind. Eng. Chem. 21., 950-55 (1929).

98. Neville, H. A., "Particle Size and the Properties of Matter. I.",

Chemist Analyst, 1§., No. 5, 4-5 (1929).

99. Neville, H. A., "Particle Size and the Properties of Matter. II,"

Chemist Analyst, 18, No. 6, 4-5 (1929).

100. Theis, E. R., "The Lipid Distribution in Normal and Adnormal Liver

Tissues. III. The Effect of Disease upon the Lipid Distribution

in Human Liver Tissue," J. Biol. Chem., 82., 327-34 (1929),

101. Theis, E. R. and Neville, H. A., "The Hydration of Animal Skin

by the Volume-Change Method," Ind. Eng. Chem. 21, 377-9 (1929).

102. Theis, E. R. and Lutz, J. A., "Effect of Nitrate Oxygen upon

Tannery Effluent," Ind. Eng. Chem., 21, 763-6 (1929).

103. Theis, E. R. and Long, J. S. and Brown, C. E., "Drying Oils. XII.


Changes in Linseed Oils," Ind. Eng. Chem. 21, 763-6 (1929).

104. Theis, E. R., Long, J. S., Beal, G. F., "Drying Oils XIII. Changes

in Linseed Oil, Lipase and Other Constituents of the Flaxseed as

it Matures," Ind. Eng. Chem., 22, 768-71 (1929).

105. Theis, E. R., Miller, J. M., "Critical Study of the Biochemistry

of Soaking. III. Influence of the Gaseous Environment upon the

Soaking of Heavy Hides," J. Am. Leather Chem. Assoc. 24, 290-314


106. Ullmann, H. M., Thorpe, M. A., "Petroleum Wash-oil Thickening in

the Scrubbing of Coke-oven gas," Ind. Eng. Chem., 21, 313-4 (1929).


107. Billinger, R. D. and Rose, Arthur, "Nitrrosyl-Sulphuric Acid,"

J. Chem. Ed. 2> No. 5, 1138, Apr. 1930.

108. Billinger, R. D., "The Quantitative Trend in General Chemistry

Laboratory Courses," published in J. Chem. Ed., paper given at

A.C.S. convention in Cincinnati, 0., Sept. 11, 1930.

109. Billinger, R. D., Rose, A., "Approximate Molecular Weights from

the Boiling Point Rise," A Laboratory Experiment in Elementary

Chemistry, J. Chem. Ed., Nov., 1930, 2> No. 11, p. 2715-18.

110. Billinger, R. D., "Thomas Messinger Drown," J. Chem. Ed., Dec

1930, 1, No. 12.

111. Chamberlin, D. S., Hathorne, B. L., and Sargent, R. E., "Determina­

tion of Moisture and Oil in Rayon," Textile World 78.* 1674-5, (1930).

112. Long, J. S., "The Mechanism of Transition of Drying Oils Into

Protective Coating Films," Am. Paint J. 14, #10 60ff (1929); Paint,

Oil & Chem. Rev. 89, #1 8ff (1930) j Can. Chem. fk Met. 14, 35-40


113. Neville, H. A., "Particle Size and the Properties of Matter III,"

Chemist Analyst, 19, 7-8 (1930).


114. Neville, H. A., "Emulsifying Agents for Technical Use," Am.

Silk. J. 49, No. 10, 64-6 (1930).

115. Neville, H. A. and Theis, E. R., "Measurement of the Hydration

of Gelatin and Similar Materials and the Relation of Hydration

to Swelling," Colloid Symposium Annual .7* 41-9 (1930).

116. Neville, H. A., Theis, E. R. and KfBurge, R. B., "Properties

of Gelatin. I. Hydration of Gelatin and its Relation to

Swelling," Ind. Eng. Chem. 22, 57-60 (1930).

117. Neville, H. A., Theis, E. R. and Oswald, C. T., "Properties of

Gelatin, II. Method of Determining Transition Temperatures of

Gels and Sols," Ind. Eng. Chem. 22., 60-2 (1930).

118. Simmons, C. W., Long, John D., "Tower Absorption Coefficients, II,

Benzene by Mineral Oil," Ind. and Eng. Chem. 22, 718-21 (1930).

119. Theis, E. R. and Miller, J. M. "Critical Study of the Biochem­

istry of Soaking. IV. Influence of the Gaseous Environment of

Liming," J. Am. Leather Chem. Assoc. 25, 2-15, (1930).

120. Theis, E. R., "Critical Study of the Biochemistry of Soaking, V."

J. Am. Lea. Chem. Assoc, 25., 48-57 (1930).

121. Theis, E. R., "Effect of Postmorten Action upon N2 Distribution of

Animal Skin," J. Am. Lea. Chem. Assoc, 25, 92-102 (1930).

122. Theis, E. R., "Critical Study of the Biochemistry of Soaking. VI."

J. Am. Lea. Chem. Assoc, £5, 442-60 (1930).

123. Theis, E. R. and Neville, H. A., "The Hydration of Animal Skin by

the Volume Change Method, II and III." Ind. Eng. Chem., 22,

64-9 (1930).

124. Theis, E. R., "A Method of Measuring Astringency," J. Am. Pharm.

Assoc, 19., 326-7 (1930).

125. Ullmann, H. M. and Theis, E. R., "Unhairing Hides and Skins,"

U. S. Patent 1753539-April 8, 1930.



126. H. V. Anderson and H. G. Turner, "A Microscopical and X-ray Study

of Pennsylvania Anthracite, Ind. Eng. Chem. 25, 811 (1931).

127. Anderson, H. V., "X-ray Analysis of Slate," Amer. J. Science, 22,

103 (1931).

128. Anderson, H. V., "Effect of Normalizing on the Grain Structure

and Physical Properties of Automobile Sheet Steel," A.S.S.T.,

Oct. 1931.

129. Billinger, R. D. and Williams, W. W., "Quantitative Experiments in

Elementary Chemistry. I. Determination of the Molecular Weight of

Oxygen," J. Chem. Ed.,8., No. 9, Sept. 1931, p. 1862.

130. Ewing, W. W., "Calcium Nitrate II. The Vapor-Pressure-Temperature

Relations of the Binary System Calcium Nitrate-Water," Ind. Eng.

Chem. 2j5, 427 (1931).

131. Ewing, W. W., "Heats of Adsorption and Wetting on Zinc Oxide,"

Ind. Eng. Chem. 2J5, 427-9 (1931).

132. Ewing, W. W., "Apparatus for the Rapid Drying of Solutions,"

Science T±, 74-5 (1931).

133. Hazlehurst, T. H., Jr., "Exorcising a Spector: Entropy," J. Chem.

Ed., 8, 498-503 (1931).

134. Long, J. S., "Treating Drying and Semi-Drying Oils with Cathode

Rays," U. S. 1,818,073, Aug. 11, 1931.

135. Long, J. S. and Chataway, H# D., "Drying Oils. XIV. Rate of Oxidation

of Linseed Oil at 160°," Ind. Eng. Chem. £3, 53-7 (1931).

136. Long, J. S., "Aspects of the Oxidation of Linseed Oil up to Gela­

tion, Ind. Eng. Chem. 2j5, 786-91 (1931).

137. Neville, H. A. and Marshall, T. H., "Some Experiment in the Soaking

of Silk," Ind. and Eng. Chem. 23., 58-62 (1931).


138. Neville, H. A. and Oswald, C. T., "The Stabilization of Blue

Cupric Hydroxide," J. Phys. Chem., J55, 60-72 (1931).

139. Simmons, C. W., "Gas Conditioning," J. West. Soc. Eng., 56,

330-42 (1931).

140. Theis, E. R., and Hunt, F. S., "Fat-Liquoring of Chrome Leather.

I. Effect of Hydrogen-Ion Concentration on Oil Adsorption," Ind.

Eng. Chem., 2_3, 50-3 (1931).

141. Theis, E. R. and Kratz, P., "Tannery Effluent. I. Effect of

Various Gases on the Nitrogen Distribution," Ind. Eng. Chem., 25,

69-71 (1931).

142. Theis, E. R. and Benton, "Hydration of Animal Skin by Volume

Change Method. IV. Effect of Various Factors on the Hydration

of Calf Skin," Ind. Eng. Chem., 2J5, 367-70 (1931).

143. Theis, E. R., "Liming and Depilation of Animal Skin," J. Am.

Leather Chem. Assoc 26., 352-88 (1931).

144. Theis, E. R., "A Physiochemical Method of Measuring the Activity

of Pepsin. I. A Preliminary Study," J. Am. Pharm. Assoc, 20,

355-7 (1931).

145. Theis, E. K. and Goetz, "Critical Study of Pickling," J. Am. Lea.

Chem. Assoc. 2j3, 505-45 (1931).

146. Theis, E. R. and Grynkrout, "Hydration of Goat Skin," J. Am.

Lea. Assoc, 126, 134-43 (1931).


147. Anderson, H. V., Theis, E. R., and Chesley, K. G., "X-ray Studies

of Animal Skin, J. Am. Lea. Chem. Assoc, 2J7, 12 (1932).

148. Miller, W. S., Anderson, H. V. and Theis, E. R., "An X-ray Study

of Coagulation of Egg Albumin," J. Am. Lea. Chem. Assoc, 27^

174 (1932).


149. Beal, G. F., Anderson, H. V. and Long, <J. S», "Studies in the

Drying Oils. XVI, Ind. Eng. Chem. 24, 1068 (1932).

150. Billinger, R. D., "A Measure of Catalysis," J. Chem. Ed., 9.,

No. 1, page 144,(1932.) Complete title in Journal: "Quantita­

tive Experiments in Elementary Chemistry. II. A Measure of


152. Hazlehurst, T. H., "Presentation of Second Law Theory. II. A

Proof of the Second Law for Systems Composed of Perfect Gases,"

J. Chem. Ed., 9., 1087-96 (1932).

153. Ewing, W. W., "Calcium Nitrate III. Heats of Hydration and of

Solution of the Binary System Calcium Nitrate-Water," J.A.C.S.,

54. 1335 (1932).

154. Long, J. S. and Billinger, R. D., Book: "Experiments in Inor­

ganic Chemistry," August 1932, publ. by Bethlehem Times Publish­

ing Co.,

155. Long, J. S., "Drying Oils," Am. Paint J. 16, #17 54f (1932);

cf. C. A. 25., 4417 (a lecture).

156. Long, J. S, and Moore, C. N., "Action of Cathode Rays on Drying

Oils, Ind. Eng. Chem., 1932.

157. Neville, H. A., "Emulsifying Agents for Technical Use," Am. Silk

and Rayon J., 51, No. 6, 45-6, 78, 80, 82 (1932).

158. Bennetch, L. M. and Simmons, C. W., "Tower Absorption Coefficients,"

IV. Ind. Eng. Chem. 24, 301-3 (1932).

159. Theis, E. R. and Goetz, "Chrome Tanning, I. The Role Played by

NaCl in Chrome Liquors upon Chrome Tanning," Ind. Eng. Chem., 24,

304-7 (1932).

160. Theis, E. R. and Hunt, F. S., "Fat-Liquoring of Chrome Leather,

II," Ind. Eng. Chem., 24, 799-802 (1932).


161. Theis, E. R. and Goetz, "Critical Study of Pickling, II." J.

Am. Lea. Assoc. 27., 109-26 (1932).

162. Theis, E. R. and Goetz, "Critical Study of Pickling, III. Effect

of Time and Temperature," J. Am. Lea. Chem. Assoc, 2/7., 570-7,



163. Anderson, H. V. and Chesley, K. G., "X-ray Study of the Trans­

formation of Marcasite into Pyrite," Am. J. of Science, 25,

315 (1933).

164. DeGray, R. J., "Surface Tension Balance," Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal.

Ed., 5., 70-3, (1933).

165. Hazlehurst, T. H., "Demonstrating the Oxidation of Ammonia,"

J. Chem. Ed., .10, 639 (1933).

166. Ewing, W. W., "Calcium Nitrate IV. Heats of Dilution of Solu­

tions of Calcium Nitrate in Water," J.A.C.S., 55., 3603 (1933).

167. Ewing, W. W., "The Temperature-Composition Relations of the

Binary System Magnesium Nitrate-Water," J.A.C.S. 10, 4822 (1933).

168. Ewing, W. W., "Solubility Relations of the Ternary System

Magnesium Nitrate-Nitric Acid-Water at 25° C.," J.A.C.S. 55,

4825 (1933).

169. Ewing, W. W., "The Temperature Composition Relations of the

Binary System Zinc Nitrate-Water," J.A.C.S. 55., 4827 (1933).

170. Ewing, W. W., "Solubility Relations of the Ternary System Zinc

Nitrate-Nitric Acid-Water," J.A.C.S., 55_, 4830 (1933).

171. Long, J. S., Rheineck, A. E., and Ball, G. L., Jr., "Studies

in the Drying Oils, XVII. Influence of Several Factors in the

Mechanism of Drying of Oil Films, Ind. Eng. Chem. 25, 1086-91



172. Neville, H. A., Jeanson, C, A. Ill, Smith, A. L., "Wetting

Agent in Textile Processing, I and II," Am. Dyestuff Reptr.

22, 541-3-565-6 (1933).

173. Theis, E. R., and Graham, J. M., "Analysis of Sulfonated Oil,"

J. Am. Lea. Chem. Assoc, 28^ 52-63 (1933).

174. Theis, E. P.. and Goetz, "Critical Study of Pickling. IV. Effect

of Pickling on Chrome Tanning," J. Am. Lea. Chem. Assoc, 28,

193-206 (1933).

175. Theis, E. R., Goetz, A. W. and Snyder, R. G., "Conductivity

Titrations of Basic Chromium Sulfate Solutions," J. Am. Lea.

Chem. Assoc. 28., 260-74 (1933).


176. Billinger, R. D. and Miller, <J. M., "Qualitative Tests for

Acetates," The Chemist Analyst, Phillipsburg, N. J.. July, 1934.

177. Billinger, R. D., "Quantitative Experiments in Elementary

Chemistry. III. The Law of Multiple Proportions. J. of Chem.

Ed., May, 1934, p. 303-4.

178. Billinger, R. D., "Open House" Programs - J. Chem. Ed.,

Sept. 1934, p. 494-9.

179. Ewing, W. W., "Studies on the Vapor Pressure-Temperature

Relations and on the Heats, of Hydration, Solution, and Dilution

of the Binary System Magnesium Nitrate-Water," J.A.C.S. 56,

1053 (1934).

180. Long, J. S., Reynolds, J. B., and Napravnik, A., "Drying Oils.

XVIII. Specific Heat of and Features of Heating Drying Oils,"

Ind. Eng. Chem., 26,, 864-8 (1934).

181. Harris, M., Neville, H. A. and Fritz, W. C , "Iodine Number of

Wool," Bur. Standards J. Research, 12_, 803-9 (1934).


182. Simmons, C. W. and Osborn, H. E., "Tower Absorption Coeffic­

ients. V. Determination and Effect of Free Volume," Ind. Eng.

Chem., 26, 529-31 (1934).

183. Simmons, C. W. and Osborn, H. B., "Tower Absorption Coefficients.

VI. Absorption of Ethylene Dichloride," Ind. Eng. Chem. 26.

856-7 (1934).

184. Theis, E. R. and Graham, J. M.f "Effect of Aging upon Oils in

Chrome Leather," Ind. Eng. Chem., 26., 743-6 (1934).

185. Theis, E. R# and Serfass, E. J., "Studies in Chrome Liquors. I,"

J. Am. Lea. Chem. Assoc, 29., 431-6 (1934).

186. Theis, E. R. and Serfass, E. J., "Studies in Chrome Liquors. II."

Determination of Olation," J. Am. Lea. Chem. Assoc. 2j2, 543-72



189. Babasinian, V. S., "Bromonitrothiophene," J. Am.Chem. Soc 57,

1763-4 (1935).

190. Billinger, R. D., "Review of Practical Everyday Chemistry" in

May, 1935, Octagon (publ. by Lehigh Valley Section of A.C.S.).

191. Billinger, R. D., "Biographical Sketch of Harry Maas Ullmann,"

the Octagon, October, 1935, 18, 8.

192. Hazlehurst, T. H., and Kelley, W. H., Jr., "Representation of

Statistical Distribution by Continuous Spectra," J. Chem. Ed.,

12, 309-13 (1935).

193. Hazlehurst, T. H., "Demonstration of Rotating-Vibrating Diatomic

Molecules," J. Chem. Ed., 12, 353-5 (1935).

194. Neville, H. A. and Harris, M., "Selective Adsorption from Soap

Solutions," Am. Dystuff Reptr. 24., 312-14 (1935).

195. Neville, H. A. and Hazlehurst, T. H., Jr., "New Models of Old

Molecules," J. Chem. Ed., 12, 128-32 (1935).


196. Hopkins, B. S., Smith, B., Neville, H. A. and Alexander, H.,

"Lab. Exercises and Problems in General Chemistry," D. C.

Heath & Co. (1935).

197. Theis, E. R. and Serfass, E. J., "Critical Study of Pickling.

V. Effect of Volume Ratio upon Acid and Salt Absorption by Bated

Skins during Pickling," J. Am. Lea. Chem. Assoc, J30, 166-83


198. Theis, E. R. and Serfass, E. J., "Studies in Chrome Liquors.

IV. Chemical Characteristics of Some Sucrose-Reduced Liquors,"

J. Am. Lea. Chem. Assoc, 3j0, 478-92 (1935).

199. Theis, E. R. and Serfass, E. J., "Studies in Chrome Liquors.

V. Effect of Various Factors in Manufacture of Sucrose-Reduced

Liquors upon the Chromic Oxide and Oil Takeup of Pickled Hide

Powder," J. Am. Lea. Chem, Assoc, J50, 600-14 (1935).

200. Theis, E. R.,"Pickling - Its Relation to Fur Dressing or

Tanning," J. Tech. Assoc. Fur Ind., 6., 49-66 (1935),

201. Theis, E. R., "Fat Liquoring of Animal Skin." J.Tech. Assoc

Fur Ind., 6, 88-96 (1935).

202. Theis, E. R. and Serfass, E. J., "Studies in Chrome Liquors.

III. Penetration of Various Anions into the Chromium Nucleus,"

J. Am. Lea. Chem. Assoc, 30, 341-69 (1935).


203. Anderson, H. V., "Fiber Structures," J. Tech. Assoc, of the

Fur Industry, _7> 4 (1936).

204. Billinger, R. D., "Early Zinc Works in the Lehigh Valley,"

J. Chem. Ed., 13, 60 (1936).

204a. Billinger, R. D., "Assaying - The Lehigh Way," Lehigh Alumni

Bulletin, April, 1936, p. 8.

205. Hazlehurst, T. H. and Martin, H. C. and Brewer, L., "The


Creeping of Saturated Salt Solution, J. Phys. Chem. .40, 439-52


206. Neville, H. A., "Surface Chemistry and Dyeing," Am. Dyestuff

Reptr. 25., 267-78 (1936).

207. Theis, E. R., "Chrome Tanning," J. Tech. Assoc. Pur Ind., 7.*

40-51 (1936).

208. Theis, E. R. and Schafer, E. J., "A Study of Aluminum Sulfate

Pickles. II. Effect of Neutral Salts upon Aluminum Sulfate

Pickles," J. Tech. Ass. Fur Ind., 2> 67-75 (1936).

209. Theis, E. R., and Pisarev, D. C , "A Study of Aluminum Sulfate

Pickles. III. Determination of Basicity of Basic Aluminum Sul­

fate," J. Tech. Assn. Fur Ind., 7, 76-81 (1936).

210. Theis, E. R. and Serfass, E. J., "Photomicrographical Studies

of the Fat Liquoring of Leather," J. Am. Lea. Chem. Assoc, .31,

120-36 (1936).

211. Smull, J. G. and Taylor, R. S., "Oxidation of Linseed Oil," Ind.

& Eng. Chem., 28., 193-5 (1936).


212. Anderson, H# V. and Kehl, G. L., "Orientation in RolledCopper",

Metals and Alloys, March 1937.

213. Anderson, H. V. and Hazlehurst, T. H., "Qualitative Analysis,"

2nd Edition, (revised), Prentice Hall, New York (1937).

214. Billinger, R. D., "America's Pioneer Press Agent for Aluminum -

J. W. Richards," J. Chem. Ed., 14, 253 (1937).

215. Billinger, R. D., book review, "Applied Chemistry for Engineers,"

by A. F. H# Ward, J. Chem. Ed., 14, 298 (1937).

216. Billinger, R. D., "Lecture Demonstration Experiments," J. Chem.

Ed., 14, 375 (1937).


217. Billinger, R. D., book review, "Elementary Chemistry, D. G. Hill,

J. H# Saylor, W. C. Vosburgh, R. N. Wilson, Duke University,

Henry Holt & Co., Inc., N. I. 1937, 473 pp. $2.80, J. Chem. Ed.,

14, 399 (1937).

218. Billinger, R. D., "Early Iron Works of Pennsylvania. I. The

Durham Furnace," Ind. Eng. , Chem., J50, 428, 1938.

219. Billinger, R. D., book, "General Chemistry Experiments," (Fresh­

man Laboratory Manual) 1937. ( R. D. Billinger and H# A. Smith),

The Rhode Press, Kutztown, Pa.

220. Billinger, R. D., "History of the Department of Chemistry at

Lehigh University," Dec 1936 and Jan. 1937, Octagon, L.V.A.C.S.


221. Billinger, R. D., article, (co-author), in "Chemical Industries,"

41, 565, 1937, "How Can the Industry Get and Hold Competent


222. Ewing, W. W., "Studies on the Vapor Pressure-Temperature Relations

of the Binary System Zinc Nitrate-Water," J.A.C.S. 59^ 1046


223. Ewing, W. W., "Vapor Pressures of Saturated Solutions," J.A.C.S.

59, 1293 (1937).

224. Hazlehurst, T. H#, "Approach to the Theory of Ionization," J.

Chem. Ed., 14, 316-20 (1937).

225. Hazlehurst, T. H. and Neville, H. A., "Liquid Drops on Liquid

Surfaces," J. Phys. Chem., 41, 1205-14 (1937).

226. Neville, H. A. and Hazlehurst, T. H., Jr., "The Effect of Evapo­

ration upon the Stability of Liquid Films," J. Phys. Chem., 41,

545-51 (1937).

227. Serfass, E. J., Theis, E. R. and Weidner, C. L., "Studies in

Chrome Liquors, VI. Properties of Chrome Tanning Extracts," J. Am.


Lea. Chem. Assoc, 32., 166-80, (1937).

228. Smith, Hilton A., "Sulfuric Acid by the Lead Chamber Process.

A Laboratory Experiment," J. Chem. Ed., 14., 479 (1937).

229. Smith, Hilton A. and Berman, M., "The Solubility Curves of the

Systems Carbon Tetrachloride - n-Alkyl Acids - Water at 25°,"

J. Am. Chem. Soc, 59, 2390-2391 (1937).

230. Theis, E. R., "Studies in Chrome Tanning. II. The Effect of

Neutralization upon Combined Sulfate and Basicity of the Lea­

ther," J. Am. Lea. Chem. Assoc, 32., 285-92 (1937).

231. Theis, E. R. and Weidner, C. L., "Chrome Liquors. VI. A

Critical Study of the Reduction of Potassium Dichromate by

Sucrose," J. Am. Lea. Chem. Assoc, .32, 424-59 (1937).


232. Billinger, R. D., book review for J. Chem. Ed., 15_, 548,(1938),

"General Inorganic Chemistry," by F. C. Irwin andG. Ray Sherwood).

233. Billinger, R. D#, "Growth of the Lehigh Valley Section of the

American Chemical Society," The Octagon, 21., 38, (1938).

234. Billinger, R. D., "Early Iron Works of Pennsylvania, The Durham

Furnaces," Ind. Eng. Chem., 30, 428, (1938).

235. Billinger, R. D., "The Cornwall Furnace," Iron and Steel

Engineer, 15., 68, (1938).

236. Ewing, W. W., "The Binary System Cadmium Nitrate-Water: Vapor

Pressure-Temperature Relations," J.A.C.S. 60., 2707 (1938).

237. Serfass, E. J. and Theis, E. R., "Ultraviolet Light and Photo­

micrograph, Study of Animal Skin," J. Am. Lea. Chem. Assoc 55,

67-79, (1938).

238. Smith, Hilton A. and Taylor, Harold, "The Solubility Curves

of the Systems Carbon Tetrachloride - Branched Chain Alkyl Acids

- Water at 25°,» J. Am. Chem. Soc £0, 1696-1697 (1938).


259. Theis, E. R. and Kalb, G. H., "Chrome Tanning, III. A Critical

Study of the Two-bath Process," J. Am. Lea. Chem. Assoc, 35,

120-44 (1938).

240. Theis, E. R. and Serfass, E. J., "Chrome Liquors, VIII," J.Am.

Lea. Chem. Assoc, 33_, 422-38 (1938).

241. Theis, E. R. and Weidner, C. L., "Studies in Chrome Tanning.

IV. The Effect of Pickling upon Cr203 Distribution," J. Am.

Lea. Chem. Assoc. 33., 581-92 (1938).

242. Theis, E. R., "Chrome Tannin. V. Further Effects of Pickling

upon Chromic Oxide Distribution," J. Am. Lea. Chem. Assoc,

33, 646-54 (1938).


243. Billinger, R. D., "America's Oldest Pharmacy," Amer. J. Phar­

macy, p. 234, June, 1939.

244. Billinger, R. D., "The Chandler Influence in American Chemis­

try," J. Chem. Ed., 16., 253, 1939.

245. Ewing, W. W., Brandner, J. D., Guyer, W. R. F#J "The Heats of

Dilution and of Solution of the Binary Systems Zinc Nitrate-

Water and Cadmium Nitrate-Water," J.A.C.S. 61, 260 (1939).

246. Ewing, W. W., "Adsorption of Pigments: The Specific Surface

of Some Zinc Oxide Pigments," J.A.C.S., 61, 1317 (1939).

247. Hazlehurst, T. H., "Analogues of Entropy," J. Phys. Chem. 45,

759-65 (1939).

248. McReynolds, J. P. and Bailar, J. C , "The Stereochemistry of

Complex Inorganic Compounds. V. The Reaction of Carbonates with

Dichlorodipropylenediamine Cobaltic Chloride. A New Method of

Determining Relative Configuration," J.A.C.S., 61, 3199-5203,


249. Osborn, H. B., Jr. and Simmons, C. W., "Countercurrent Absorp-


tion," Ind. Eng. Chem., 51, 1105-8 (1959).

250. Schultz, R. F», "Studies in Ester Hydrolysis Equilibria. Formic

Acid Esters. J.A.C.S., 61, 1443-7, (1939).

251. Simmons, C. W. and Osborn, H. B., "Absorption Research," Lehigh

Alumni Bulletin, 26., 12, (1939).

252. Smith, Hilton, A., "Kinetics of the Catalyzed Esterification of

Normal Aliphatic Acids in Methyl Alcohol,"J.A.C.S., 61, 254-260


253. Smith, Hilton A. and Levenson, H. S., "Kinetics of the Saponifica­

tion of the Ethyl Esters of Normal Aliphatic Acids," J.A.C.S., 61.

1172-1175 (1939).

254. Smith, Hilton A., "Kinetics of the Catalyzed Esterification of

Methyl and Phenyl Substituted Aliphatic Acids in Methyl Alcohol,"

J.A.C.S., 61, 1176-1180 (1939).

255. Smith, Hilton A. and McReynolds, J. P., "Evidence for Ring Struc­

ture in Certain Aliphatic Organic Compounds," J.A.C.S., 61, 1963-

1970 (1939).

256. Smull, J. G., "Lignin Recovery from Vegetable Materials," (Patent

to Stacom Process Corp.) U. S. P. 2,167,556, July 25, 1939.

257. Theis, E. R., and Ganz, J., "Studies in Chrome Tanning. VI. Effect

of Sodium Chloride and Sodium Sulfate upon Basic Chrome Chloride

Tannage," J. Am. Lea. Chem. Assoc, 34, 250-7 (1939).

258. Theis, E. R. and Ganz, J., "Studies in Chrome Tanning. VII. Effect

of Various Pickles upon Chromium Acetate Tannage," J. Am. Lea.

Chem. Assoc, 54., 258-61 (1939).

259. Theis,E. R., "Studies in Chrome Liquors. IX. The Effect of Excess

Sugar upon Chemical Characteristics of the Chrome Liquors," J. Am.

Lea. Chem. Assoc, 54, 397-406 (1939).


260. Theis, E. R. and Jacoby, T. F., "Studies in Chrome Liquors. X.

The Effect of Dichromate Concentration during Reduction upon the

Chemical Characteristics of the Chrome Liquor," J. Am. Lea. Chem.

Assoc, 54, 461-5 (1959).

261. Theis, E. R., Ganz, J., "Chrome Liquors. XI. The Effect of Excess

Sugar During Reduction upon the Basicity," J. Am. Lea. Chem.(1939).

262. Theis, E. R., and Priestly, W., Jr., "Studies in Aldehyde Tannage.

II. The Mechanism of Aldehyde Tannage," J. Am. Lea. Chem. Assoc,

34, 566-39 (1939).

263. Theis, E. R. and Ganz, J., "Chrome Liquors. III. Comparison of the

Chemical Characteristics of Basic Chromium Sulfate Liquors made

with and without Reflux," J. Am. Lea. Chem. Assoc 54, 709-11 (1939).


264. Amstutz, E. D. and Plucker, Julius, III, "Preparation of 2-furan-

acetic acid," J.A.C.S., 62., 1512 (1940).

265. Amstutz, E. D., Ryan, J. F. and Plucker, Julius, III, "Some Esters

of 2-furanacetic acid," J.A.C.S., 62., 2057 (1940).

266. Anderson, H. V.,"The Copper Sulfate-Sodium Silicate Reaction,"

J. Phys. Chem. 44, 439 (1940).

267. Billinger, R. D., "Early Pennsylvania Pottery," J. Chem. Ed., 11*

407, (1940).

268. Billinger, R. D., "Two Hundred Years of Waterworks Development

in Bethlehem, Penna." News Edition, A.C.S., 18, 1132, (1940).

269. Ewing, W. W., "The 20° Isotherm of the Ternary System: Manganous

Nitrate-Nitric Acid-Water." J.A.C.S. 62, 2174 (1940).

270. Hazlehurst, T. H., "Construction of Molecular Models," Rept. New

Engl. Assoc Chem. Teachers 42., 23-31 (1940).

271. Hazlehurst, T. H., "Acid-base Reactions - Their Analogy to Oxida­

tion-reduction Reactions in Solution," J. Chem. Ed., 17, 466-8,



272. Hazlehurst, T. H. and Neville, H. A., "Cybotaxis at Interfaces,"

J. Phys. Chem. 44, 592-600 (1940).

273. Levenson, H. S. and Smith, Hilton A., "The Saponification of Ethyl

Esters of Aliphatic Acids," J.A.C.S. §Z, 1556-1558 (1940).

274. Levenson, H. S. and Smith, Hilton A., "Kinetics of the Saponifica­

tion of Several Phenyl Substituted Aliphatic Acids," J.A.C.S. 62,

2324-2327 (1940).

275. McReynolds, J. P. and Bailar, J. C , "Acid-Base Reactions in Non-

Protonic Solvents," J. Chem. Ed. 17, 116-19 (1940). A review.

276. Neville, H. A., and Forbes, W. C , "Artificial Bristles for Paint

Brushes," Patent U. S. 2,207,156, July 9, 1940.

277. Forbes, W. C. and Neville, H. A., "Wijs Iodine Numbers for Conju­

gated Double Bonds - Influence of Sample - Reagent Ratio," Ind.

and Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 12, 72-4 (1940).

278. Forbes, W. C. and Neville, H. A., "Catalytic Methods for Increasing

the Unsaturation of Long-Chain Fatty Compounds - Dehydration of

Castor Oil," Ind. Eng. Chem., 52., 555-8 (1940).

279. Schultz, R. F#, "Separation of Acetic Acid and Other Compounds

from their Complexes with Boron Fluoride," (to E. I. du Pont de

Nemours & Co.)(U.S.P. 2,135,458) Nov. 1, 1940.

280. Serfass, E. J., "An Electron-Ray Titrimeter," Ind. Eng. Chem.,

Anal. Ed., 12.* 536-9 (1940).

281. Smith, Hilton A., Napravnik, A., "The Photochemical Oxidation of

Hydrogen," J.A.C.S. 62, 385-592 (1940).

282. Smith, Hilton A., "The Acid Catalyzed Esterification of Aliphatic

Acids," J.A.C.S., £2, 1136-1139 (1940).

283. Smith, Hilton A. and Levenson, H. S., "Kinetics of the Esterifica­

tion of Cyclohexanoic Acid and of the Saponification of its Ethyl


Ester," J.A.C.S. 62, 2733-2755 (1940).

284. Theis, E. R. and Ottens, E. F., "Studies in Aldehyde Tannage. III.

The Free Amino Groups of Collagen before and after Formaldehyde

Treatment," J. Am. Lea. Chem. Assoc. 55., 330-51 (1940).

285. Theis, E. R., "Chrome Tanning. XI. Further Effects of Pickling on

Subsequent Chrome Tanning," J. Am. Lea. Chem. Assoc., 55, 452-70


286. Theis, E. R. and Ganz, J., "Chrome Tanning. VIII. The Effect of

Various Added Anion in the Chrome Liquor upon Tannage," J. Am.

Lea. Chem. Assoc, J35_, 504-16 (1940).

287. Theis, E. R. and Esterly, A. R., "Studies in Aldehyde Tannage,

IV. The Effect of Hydrogen-ion Concentration during the Tannage

upon theShrink Temperature of the Leather," J. Am. Lea. Chem.

Assoc, .35., 565-76 (1940).

288. Theis, E. R., "Chrome Tanning, XII. Determination of Total Acid

Groups in Chrome-tanned Leather," J. Am. Lea. Chem. Assoc, 55,

610-14 (1940).

289. Theis, E. R. and Ricker, M. 0., "Studies in Unhairing. I. The

Determination of pH Values," J. Am. Lea. Chem. Assoc., 35., 663-7


290. Theis, E. R., "The Unhairing of Hides and Skins. I. Some Notes on

the Composition of Sodium Sulfide," Shoe Leather Reptr. 220, No.

11, 16-18 (1940).

291. Theis, E. R., "Basic Chromium Sulfate Liquors for Chromic Tanning,"

Shoe Leather Reptr. .220, No. 7, 16-20 (1940).

292. Ullmann, H. M., Pisarev, D. C. and Weiskopf, E. C., "White Furs,"

U.S.P. 2,199,365, April 50, 1940.

295. Ullmann, H. M., "Burners, such as Bunsen Burners", U.S.P. 2,171,816,

Sept. 5, 1940.




JUNE, 1 9 4 1 .


AESTUTZ, Edward Delbert, Asst. Prof, of Chemistry. b. New Athens, Ohio, May 1, 1909; h. 6'1", w. 155#. m. Frances Dean VanSchaack, children - 2. Edn. College of Wooster, B.S. '30, Inst, of Paper Chemistry, M.S. ^32,

Cornell University, Ph.D. '36. Member A.C.S., A.A.U.P. Publ.- Investigation of Certain Problems in Heterocyclic Chemistry -

3 publications. Experience: Cornell - Asst. f33-i36, Union College, »36-i38, Lehigh

•38-Church: Presbyterian. Chief Duties: Org. Chem. lecture and lab., E.D.T. Hobby: Fishing.


ANDERSON, Harold Victor, Profe b. Manistique, Michigan, April m. Judith Botvidson, one child Edn. Manistique Public Schools

C h. E. 112, Lehigh Univ., in X-ray Tech.

Frat. and Soc: Sigma Xi, Phi Publ.: Chemical Calculations,

T. H. Hazlehurst, 3rd ed, 1 x-ray studies.

Experience: Chemist, Dixie Por 1914-18, May '18-0ct. •18, Shoals, Ala.; Lehigh Univ.

Civic activity: School Directo Co., Pa.

Chief Duties: Hobby: Gardening.

ssor of Chemistry. 4, 1890; h. 5'11", w. 155#.

. - 1896-1908, Univ. of Michigan, B.S. in

M.S. 125, Univ. of Illinois 1928-29 course

Eta Sigma, Alpha Chi Sigma, Kappa Sigma. 4th ed, 1940; Qualitative Analysis with 941; twelve research articles, chiefly

tland Cement Co., Richard City, Tenn, Chemist, Air Nitrates Corp., Mtiscle 1918-r (Treasurer) Salisbury Towenship, Lehigh

In charge of Freshman Chem., X-ray Tech.


BECK, George Calton, Asst. Prof. Chem. b. Huntingdon, Penna., July 4, 1878, h. 5' 10", w. 155#. Edn. Williamsport Dickinson Seminary, B.S., Johns Hopkins Univ.,

Lehigh, A. C. '03. Member American Chemical Society. Experience: Chief Chemist, New Jersey Zinc Co., Palmerton, Pa., f03-'04.

Asst. Prof. Quant. Anal. Lehigh 1904 -. Church: Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. Chief Duties: Assisting in Quant. Lab., Assaying.






BILLINGER, Robert Dominick, Assoc. Prof, of Chemistry. b. Reading, Pa., Oct. 17, 1899, h. 5», 8 l/2", w. 155#. m. Evelyn Anna McCarthy. Edn. Shenandoah, Pa., H. S. 117, Lehigh U., Ch. E. !21, M.S. '25, g.s.

Yale U., i26-'27, U. of Cincinnati, Ph.D. '29. Frat. & Soc. - Tau Beta Pi, Alpha Chi Sigma, Sigma Xi, Newcomen Society. Mem. A.C.S., L. V. Eng. Club. Publ. (books) Expts. in Inorg. Chem. (1932) with J. S. Long, Gen. Chem.

Expts. (1937) with H. A. Smith. (articles) 40 in fields of chem. educ, history of chem., metal­

lurgy and phys. Chem. Experience. 2nd It., U.S.Inf. 118, Chem.. and Metallurgist, Bartlett-

Hayward Co., Baltimore, Md. ('21-'23). Instr. Lehigh U. (!23-!26); grad. asst. Yale i26-'27; grad. asst. Cincinnati f27-?29. Summers: Mines, U.S. Naval Expt. Sta.., Camp councillor, travel, Eng. Defense Train.

Church: Episcopalian (vestryman). Chief Duties: Lecture Demonstrator (Gen. Chem.); Qual. Anal.; Assaying;

Chem. History. Hobbies: travel, writing, photography.


18 0#.

•08, g.s. -. fa .

DIEFENDERFER, Alpha Albert, Prof, of Chemistry. b. Jenner Cross Roads, Pa., April 23, 1881, h. 5f6", w, m. E. Olive Girvin. Edn. Allentown, Pa. H. S. 1898, Lehigh U., B.S. 1902, 1

Kaiser Wilhelm Univ., Berlin, »27-'28. Frat. & Soc. - Tau Beta Pi, Haines Scholarship. Mem. A.C.S., Fellow Amer. Assn. for Adv. of Science. Scien. Discoveries: Numerous devices to shorten the time in Quant. Anal. Experience: 39 yrs. at Lehigh Church: Christ Evangelical and Reformed, Beth. Chief Duties: Prof, of Quant. Anal, and Assaying.


EWING, Warren Walter, Prof, of Chem. b. Winterset, Iowa, Nov. 4, 1889, h. 5i6«, w. 125#. m. Adah Shawver. Edn. Grimes, Iowa H. S., 1906, Parsons College, B.S. 1912, Univ. of

Chicago, Ph.D. 1920. Frat. & Soc. Kappa Phi Kappa, Sigma Xi. Member, A.C.S., A.A.A.S. Publ. some 20 articles on Physical Chemistry research. Experience: Mission H. S. Fatehgarh, India, 1912-16, Marshalltown,Iowa

H. S. 1916-17, Lehigh Univ. Assis. Prof. 1920, Assoc Prof. 1938, Prof. 38-.

Chief Duties: Physical Chem. Lecturer. Hobby: Gardening.


FORNOFF, Frank Junior, Instructor. b. Mt. Carmel, Illinois, March 29, 1914, h. S'lO", w. 145#. Edn. Mt. Carmel, 111. H.S., Univ. of 111. A.B., 1936, Ohio State,

M. Sc, 1937, Ph.D. 1939. Frat. & Soc, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Phi

Eta Sigma, Sigma Xi, Proctor and Gamble Fellow at Ohio State. Member A.C.S. Researches done on the nature of eerie oxide, rare earth separations;

heat capacities of certain rare earth salts from low temperatures to room temperature.

Experience: National Research Fellow in Chem., 1939-40, Univ. of Calif Instructor, Lehigh Univ. 1940-.

Church: Methodist. Chief Duties: Freshman lab. instr., Adv. Chem. (juniors) Adv. Inorg.

(graduate students).


HAZLEHURST, Thomas Huger, Jr., Assoc. Prof. Chem. b. Corinth, Miss., March 11, 1906, h. 5»7", w. 145#. m. Edith P. Blackburn, children - 1. Edn. Porter Military Academy, Charleston, S. C , College of Charleston,

1925, A.B., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1927, Fh.D. Honors. Boyce Scholarship, 1919-23, Junior Medallist, First honor

graduate, Regional Fellow at J. H. U. 1923-5. Member A.C.S.; Sigma Xi; Gamma Alpha. Publ. (books) "Qualitative Analysis," long, Anderson and Hazlehurst,

(Revised), Prentice-Hall, 1933. "Qualitative Analysis", Anderson and Hazlehurst, (second revised edition) 1937. Ditto (third revised edition), 1941. (articles) in the field of Thermodynamics 3, Chemical Education,

10, Colloid Chemistry, 5. Experience. College of Charleston, Lab. asst. in Chemistry, 1921-3,

Lab. asst. in Physics, 1922-3, Asst. in English, 1922-3. Johns Hopkins Univ., Lab. Asst. in Chemistry, 1926-7. Lehigh University, Inst, in Chem. 1927-30; Asst. Prof. 1930-8, Assoc Prof. 1939-.

Church: Episcopalian. Also Exec. Comm. Advisory Council of P.T.A., Beth. Chief Duties: Teaching Elem. Chem., Qual. Anal., Stoich., Adv. Inorg.

Chem., Elem. Phys. Chem. (for pre-meds), Kinetic Theory (for grads), Thermodynamics (for grads). N.B.-Course in Kinetic Theory turned over to Dr. Smith in 1935.

Hobby: Punning. 86

MERTZ, John Clewell, Asst. Prof. Chem. b. Allentown, Pa., July 20, 1910, h. 5f 10 1/2", w. 155#. m. Jacqueline Nock, children - 1. Edn. Allentown H. S., 1927, Lehigh B.S. in Ch.E. 1951, Yale Univ. Ph.D

1936. Honors, Soc: Tau Beta Pi Prize, Wilbur Scholarship, Chandler Chem.

Prize, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Pi Mu Epsilon, Univ. Scholar (Yale«34*35).

Member A.G.S. Experience: Instr. in Chem. Lehigh 136-141, Asst. Prof. «41-. Churcht Evangelical Congregational. Publ. 4 articles.


SCHULTZ, Raymond Frederick, Assistant Prof, of Chemistry b. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, February 11, 1908, h. 5f 11 l/2", w. 158#. m. Emma Margaret Dietz. Edn. North Division High School, Milwaukee, 1921-25, Univ. of Wisconsin,

B.S. 1926-1950, Harvard University, M. A., Ph. D., 1950-34. Publ.,Articles: "Diss, into Free Radicals of Di-tert-butyltetraphenyl-

ethane. J.A.C.S. 55., 2098 (1955) .""Thermal Decomp. of Tert. Butyl and Amyl Alcohols," J.A.C.S. Several patents pending.

Exp.: Assistant in Org. Chem., Harvard Univ., 1930-34^ Head assistant for one year; E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., 1934-37; Assistant Prof, of Chemistry, Lehigh University, 1937-41.

Church: Evangelical Lutheran.


SERFASS, Earl James, Asst. Prof. Chem. b. Allentown, Pa., Dec 12, 1912, h. 5'H", w. 205#. m. Mabel Dowling Edn. Allentown H. S. grad. 1929, B.S. in Ch.E. Lehigh 1933, M.S. '35,

Ph.D. '38. Member A.C.S., Am. Leather Chemists Assn., Sigma Xi. Publ:-(articles) on leather in the J. Am. Lea. Chem. Assn. with Dr.

Theis. Also papers covering textiles, oils and analytical instru. Scien. disc: 2 instruments for rapid industrial analyses: "Electron

Ray Titration Unit," "Vacuum Tube Relay." Experience: Hunt-Rankin Leather Research Fellow, 1933, Senior Fellow

for Textile Foundation until 1936, then Senior Research Fellow for National Oil Products Co., Instructor in Chem. Dept.1937-59, Assist. Prof.i39-.

Chief Duties: Freshman lab. inst., collaborated with Dr. Mertz on instituting revised course in Adv. Anal. Chem. Dr. Serfass also instituted a lab course in Anal. Phases of Ind. Biochem.

Hobby: Electrical devices.


SIMMONS, Charles Wellington, Pr b. Kingston, Ontario, Sept. 28, m. Mary V. Elliot, children - 2 Edn. B.Sc Queens (Can.), 1920, Frat. & Soc. Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Member A.C.S., F.C.I.C., A.I.Ch Publ. 10 articles in field of c

others in other phases of Experience: C.E.F., 15-18, Brit

Deloro Research Labs., M. for Raybestos Manhattan, John T. Lewis & Bros. Co. Prof. 1940 -.

Church: Presbyterian. Hobby: Gardening.

of. of Chem. Eng. 1897, h. 6'1», w. 185#.


M.S. Lehigh, 1928. Xi, Kappa Alpha, A.F. & A.M. •E., L.V#gng. Club, Pen.Chem.Soc. ounter current absorption and 7 chem. eng. ish Chem. Co., Trenton, Ont., 16-17, J.O'Brien, Ltd., 20-26, Consultant Co., Chester Enameling Co., and , Asst. Prof. 1928, Asso. Prof. 1936,


SMITH, Hilton Albert, Asst. Prof. Chem. b. Plymouth, N. I., Sept. 4, 1908, h. 5«10", w. 160#. m. Elizabeth Zarbaugh, children - 3. Edn. Drury High School, N. Adams, Mass., Deerfield Academy, Deerfield,

Mass., Oberlin College, 1926-30 (A.B.), Harvard Univ. 1930-34, (A.M., Ph.D.).

Member A.C.S., Sigma Xi, Alpha Chi Sigma. Publ. (books), "General Chemistry Expts." with R. D. Billinger.

(articles), Twenty in phys. chem.: Heats of Reaction, Esterifica« tion Kinetics, etc

Experience: Assistant, Harvard Univ. 1930-33; Research Asst., Rocke­feller Foundation (at Harvard) 1934-55; Instructor, Lehigh, 1935-39, Asst. Prof. Lehigh, 1959-

Chief Duties: Phys. Chem. Lab., Assaying. Hobby: Music

91 '

SMULL, Judson Gray, Asst. Prof, of Chem. b. Altoona, Pa., 1882, h. 5f10«, w. 175#. m. Margaret Montgomery Erwin (dec), children - 2. Edn. Altoona High School, Lehigh, f06, M.S. »21. Frat.: A.T.O. Member A.C.S., Sigma Xi. Publ. "Causes of the Opalescence of Glass", "Electrolytic Oxidation

of Lactic Acid to Pyruvic Acid," "Studies in Drying Oils". Experience: N. J. Zinc Co., Chief Chemist, Dept. of Mines, Franklin

Furnace, N. J., Palmerton, Pa.,

1907-09; N. J. Zinc Co., Foreman, Testing Lab., 1910-12; National Lead Co., Research Laby.

Brooklyn, N. Y., 1912-17; N. J. Zinc Co., Dept., 1917-19, Asst. at Lehigh, 1919-22, Asst. Prof. 1958 -.

Church: Moravian. Member General Board of Elders, School Board, Moravian Prep. School.

Chief Duties: Organic Lab.

Palmerton, Pa.,Research Instructor, 1922-58,

former member


THEIS, Edwin Raymond, Prof, of Chem. Eng. b. Newport, Ky., July 8, 1896, h. 5' 6 l/2", w. 175#. m. Martha Pauling, children - 2. Edn. Cincinnati, Ch.E. '21, Ph. D. 126. Frat. & Soc. Tau Beta Pi, Delta Sigma Phi, Sigma Xi. Member A.C.S.,Tech. Assn. of Fur Industry, Am. Leather Chemists Assn. Publ. in chemistry of the proteins, lipids, and subjects related to

the leather industry. Experience. 2nd Lt. Infantry, 1918, 1st Lt. Ord. Res. 1926, Capt.

Ord. Res. 1953. Research assoc. and assoc. director, tanners research lab. Cincinnati, 21-26; assoc sci. director, Frederick Stearns and Co., Detroit, 27; assoc. prof. chem. eng. Lehigh, 27-, director tanning research, asst. prof. 27-30, assoc. prof. 30-38, prof, of chem. 38-.

Chief duties: Directing division of Industrial Biochem. Hobby: Traveling.


Quantitative Analytical Laboratory (1925)

General Chemistry (Freshman) and Qualitative Analytical Laboratories



Organic Chemistry Laboratory (1925)

Chemical Museum (1925)

95 *

Lecture Demonstrations (1925)


Sub-Freshman Day Exhibits (1940)





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