a handy guide for student housing - swansea … · cymera luniau o’r tŷ er mwyn gwirio popeth yn...


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Post on 05-May-2019




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The Basics ................. 3Agency v Landlord ..... 4SAS Lettings .............. 5The Location .............. 6The Paperwork .......... 7Rent Smart Wales ...... 8Top Tips ..................... 9The Neighbours ........ 10The Bins .................... 11Useful Contacts ......... 12


You’re thrown into halls with a group of people you don’t know and suddenly it’s time to think of where to live next year.

Don’t panic! Wait until you’ve settled in, got to know your friends and decided who you want to live with.

It’s best to start thinking about this in November, but there’s no need to put a deposit down quite that quickly.



You can rent your house from a letting agency or directly from a landlord.

AgencyA company through which an agreement is made between a landlord and tenant for the rental of a property. The agency manages the admin and repairs of the property.

LandlordA property owner who lets out their house them-selves and deals with the tenants directly.


SAS LETTINGSWe help you find the right house, we don’t charge admin fees, and we make sure that landlords meet our safety standards, so no dodgy business.

Our properties go up in November, but there’s no need to sign a contract that early if you’re not 100% sure.

Go to swansea.ac.uk/accommodation/saslettings to see what’s on offer.


One of the most popular areas to live in, situated right next to Singleton campus and the beach.

Close to Singleton campus and the seafront but slightly further inland.

Near the City Centre and just a short stroll to Swansea Bay.

At the top of Singleton Park, and a short walk from Singleton campus.

Ideal for Bay Campus students, just opposite the marina area of Swansea.





St Thomas

There are five main areas in Swansea that students can live in:



THE PAPERWORKThe landlord/agent will ask for a deposit to stop the prop-erty being offered to anyone else. This is normal, so don’t worry if you’re asked to give a deposit.

Before you pay, read through your contract and ask about anything you don’t understand.

Make sure you take a copy of the contract and read it over before signing anything!

It’s a legal necessity that all deposits are paid into a Ten-ancy Deposit Scheme (TDP). Once you’ve handed over your deposit, your landlord must give you contact details of this scheme within 14 days.

The Government approved schemes to look out for are: Tenancy Deposit Scheme Ltd Tenancy Deposit Solutions Ltd Deposit Protection Services

You’ll probably be asked for a guarantor, who the landlord/agent will take take the money from if you miss a payment. This is normally a parent but it can be any adult as long as you have their consent.




All landlords in Wales must register with Rent Smart Wales. They’ll get the right training and a liscence to show you they’re the real deal, so no funny business.

You can check that your landlord is registered or make a complaint about their behaviour at rent-smart.gov.wales.

TOP TIPSTake photos of the house and check everything against the inventory. If you haven’t had one, ask your landlord/agent

Check your e-mails for evidence that your deposit has been registered with one of the three official schemes

Follow up any promises made by the landlod/agent and keep a diary of any issues that come up

If there are issues after 2 weeks of trying, contact us at the Students' Union Advice and Support Centre

With your housemates, work out a rota for cleaning the house and organising bills. Make sure you clean as you go so it’s easier at the end of the year

Send a list of issues that you want resolved to the landlord/agent over the holidays

Before you leave, take photos of the property to show how it was left









THE NEIGHBOURSEven though loads of students live in the area, loads of residents do too.

Remember that they have busy lives, and probably have a different body clock to you. When you’re coming home in the early hours or you’re up early for an exam, just remember that someone’s probably trying to sleep next door.

It’s a good idea to introduce yourself to the neighbours when you move in. That way, you can ask them to keep it down when they’re hoovering first thing in the morning, and they can ask you to keep it down when you’re playing loud music after hours.

Parking can also be an issue around here, so only bring your car to Uni if you really need to. If you have a few cars between you and your housemates, avoid parking them all outside the house so your neighbours have somewhere to park theirs too.

We also have a Safe Taxi Sceheme so you can get a bus or taxi around town and know it’s completely safe.


THE BINSRecycling isn't exciting, but if you don't want a hefty fine, it's time to get to grips with it.

If you live in Uplands and Brynmill, they're collected on Wednesday morning. If you live in different a area, check the council website to find out which day to put out your bins.

You can get a free food bin from Fulton House Reception on Singleton Campus.

Put glass and cans in one bag, and paper and card in another, and put out your food bin

Put plastic in a pink bag and non-recyclables in black bags, and put out your food bin.

Green Week

Pink Week


Advice and Support CentreWe can offer you free and confidential advice on all things housing. Book an appointment to see us and we can go through your contract to check everything is fine and give you advice.Singleton: Fulton House, behind CostcutterBay: SU [email protected] 295 821

Welfare OfficerYour full-time Welfare Officer is always on hand to point you in the right direction and answer any questions you have about moving in or out of accommodation as a student.

For more info and contact details, go to swansea-union.co.uk.



CYSYLLTIADAU DEFNYDDIOLCanolfan Cyngor a ChymorthYng Nghanolfan Cyngor a Chymorth Undeb y Myfyrwyr, ry-dyn ni’n cynnig cyngor cyfrinachol am ddim am lety yn Ab-ertawe. Dere i’n gweld ni i fynd trwy dy gontract i’w wirio, rhoi cyngor i ti ar beth i wneud nesaf a rhoi cyngor cyfre-ithiol arall.Singleton: Ty Fulton, tu ôl i CostcutterBae: Adeilad UM [email protected] 295 821

Swyddog LlesMae’r Swyddog Lles llawn-amser wastad wrth law i ddweud wrthot ti le i ddod o hyd i gymorthac ateb unrhyw gwesti-ynau sydd gennyt ti am lety yn Abertawe.

Am ragor o wybodaeth a manylion cyswllt, cer i swansea-union.co.uk.


Y BINIAUDyw ailgylchu ddim yn beth hwylus, ond i osgoi dirwy, mae rhaid deall y system.

Os wyt ti’n byw yn Uplands neu Brynmill, mae’r biniau yn cael eu casglu bob bore Mercher. Os wyt ti’n byw mewn ardal arall, mae’r holl wybodaeth ar wefan y cyngor.

Mae biniau bwyd am ddim i’w cael o Dderbynfa Tŷ Ful-ton ar Gampws Singleton.

Gwydr a chaniau mewn un bag, papur a cherdyn mewn bag arall, a’r bin bwyd

Plastig mewn bag pinc, popeth nad sy’n ailgylchu mewn bag du, a’r bin bwyd

Wythnos Werdd

Wythnos Binc


Y CYMDOGIONEr bod myfyrwyr yn byw yn yr ardal, mae pobl leol yn byw yma hefyd.

Cofia fod ganddyn nhw fywydau prysur, ac efallai yn deffro am amseroedd gwahanol i ti. Wrth i ti ddod adre yn hwyr yn y nos neu ddeffro;n gynnar cyn ar-holiad, cofia fod rhywun yn byw drws nesaf, ac efal-lai bod nhw’n trio cysgu.

Mae’n syniad da i gyflwyno dy hunain wrth symud mewn er mwyn i ti allu gofyn iddyn nhw fod yn daw-elwch wrth hwfro, ac iddyn nhw allu gofyn i ti fod yn dawelach wrth wrando ar gerddoriaeth.

Gall parcio fod yn boen hefyd, felly paid â dod â car os nad oes angen. Os oes gennych chi fwy nag un car yn y tŷ, ceisia barcio rhywle arall i roi lle i’r cymdogion barcio.

Mae hefyd gennym ni Gynllun Tacsi Diogel, felly mae dal bws neu dacsi yn hollol ddiogel.


AWGRYMIADAU DEFNYDDIOLCymera luniau o’r tŷ er mwyn gwirio popeth yn erbyn y llechres. Os nad wyt ti wedi derbyn un, gofynna i’r landlord/asiant

Gwiria dy ebyst am dystiolaeth bod dy flaendal wedi’i gofrestru gyda un o’r cynlluniau swyddogol

Gwiria fod unrhyw addewidion gan y landlord/asiant a chadwa ddyddiadur o unrhyw broblemau

Os oes problem ar ôl pythefnos o drio, cysyllta â Chanolfan Cyngor a Chymorth Undeb y Myfyrwyr

Gyda phawb arall yn y tŷ, gwnewch rota o bwy sy’n glanhau a phryd a phwy sy’n trefnu’r biliau. Sichrewch eich bod chi’n glanhau wrth fynd ymlaen i osgoi llanastr ar ddiwedd y flwyddyn

Anfona restr o broblemau at y landlord/asiant dros y gwyliau

Cyn gadael, cymera luniau o’r tŷ i ddangos sut oedd e’n edrych wrth i ti adae












Rhaid i bob landlord yng Nghymru gofrestru gyda Rhentu Doeth Cymru. Maen nhw’n derbyn hyfford-diant a thrwydded i ddangos eu bod nhw’n ddilys.

Gellid gwirio bod landlord wedi’i gofrestru neu wneud cwyn am ei ymddygiad ar rentsmart.gov.wales.

Y GWAITH PAPURBydd y landlord/asiant yn gofyn am flaendal er mwyn cadw’r tŷ rhag cael ei gynnig i unrhyw yn arall. Mae hyn yn normal, felly paid â phoeni os oes rhaid talu blaendal.

Cyn talu, darllena drwy’r contract a gofynna am unrhyw beth nad wyt ti’n deall.

Sicrha dy fod ti’n cymryd copi o’r contract a’i ddarllen cyn arwyddo!

Mae rhaid i bob blaendal gael ei dalu i Gynllun Blaendal Tenantiaid (TDP). Unwiath i ti dalu’r blaendal, rhaid i’r landlord rhoi’r manylion cyswllt i ti o fewn 14 diwrnod.

Y cynlluniau sy’n cael eu cymeradwyo gan y Llywodraeth yw:Tenancy Deposit Scheme Ltd Tenancy Deposit Solutions Ltd Deposit Protection Services

Bydd gofyn i ti roi enw gwarantwr, a bydd y landlord/asiant yn cymryd arial ganddyn nhw os wyt ti’n colli taliad. Fel arf-er, bydd rhaint yn cytuno ond gall hwn fod yn unrhyw oedolyn sy’n ei ganiatau.



Un o’r ardaloedd mwyaf boblogaiff ger Campws Singleton a’r traeth.

Agos at Gampws Singleton a’r traeth, ond yn bellach o’r arfordir.

Yn agos at ganol y ddinas ond ddim yn bell o Fae Abertawe.

Ger Parc Singleton, ddim yn bell o Gamp-ws Singleton.

Gwych i fyfyrwyr ar Gampws y Bae, cy-ferbyn â’r marina.





St Thomas

Mae 5 prif ardal i fyfyrwyr yn Abertawe:


LANDLORD V ASIANTAETHSAS LETTINGSRydyn ni’n helpu ti ddod o hyd i’r tŷ iawn, dydyn ni ddim yn codi ffioedd, a rydyn ni’n sicrhau bod land-lordiaid yn cyrraedd ein safonnau diogelwch.

Mae ein tai ar gael o fis Tachwedd, ond does dim angen arwyddo contract mor gynnar â hynny os nad wyt ti 100% yn siwr.

Cer i swansea.ac.uk/accommodation/saslettings i weld beth sydd ar gael.


LANDLORD V ASIANTAETHGellid rhentu tŷ o asiantaeth neu landlord.

AsiantaethMae cytundebau’n cael eu gwneud rhwng land-lord a thenant drwy’r asiantaeth. Mae’r asianta-eth yn rheoli’r gweinyddiaeth ac unrhyw brob-lemau gyda’r tŷ.

LandlordPerchennog sy’n rhentu’r tŷ eu hunain ac yn delio â’r tenantiaid yn uniongyrchol.


I DDECHRAU...Rwyt ti newydd symud mewn gyda phobl newydd ac mae rhaid meddwl am le i fyw flwyddyn nesaf yn syth.

Paid â phoeni! Arhosa tan i ti’n gyfforddus ac yn nabod dy ffrindiau cyn penderfynu pwy i fwy gyda nhw nesaf.

Mae’n bwysig i ddechrau meddwl am hyn ym mis Tachwedd, ond does dim angen talu blaendal mor gynnar â hynny.


CYNNWYSI Ddechrau ........................... 3Landlord v Asiantaeth .......... 4SAS Lettings ........................ 5Y Lleoliad ............................. 6Y Gwaith Papur .................... 7Rhentu Doeth Cymru ............ 8Awgrymiadau Defnyddiol ..... 9Y Cymdogion ....................... 10Y Biniau ................................ 11Cysylltiadau Defnyddiol ....... 12