a greener transportation future for the empire state - energy vision · 2015-05-02 · 1!...

1 A Greener Transportation Future for the Empire State? by Energy Vision All New Yorkers have a stake in decisions made today about the State’s transportation and energy future. Will it be a healthy one for their children? Will it give their communities the greatest energy security? As millions of their tax dollars are spent, will these dollars be invested most productively? Many decisions will determine the State’s transportation course – decisions ranging from mass transit and land use planning, to electric vehicle and smart grid development, and to bicycle lanes. These decisions will also significantly impact the State’s environmental future, since vehicles are the dominant source of climate changing greenhouse gas emissions and of healththreatening air pollution. This factsheet summarizes the challenges posed by continued reliance on petroleumbased fuel, especially by the 2.5 million largelydiesel powered trucks and buses that are the greatest fuel consumers and air polluters. It discusses the one way to make rapid progress today away from oil: converting these fleets to a clean renewable biobased gas fuel made from the State’s organic wastes. Fleets converting to fossil natural gas can achieve cleaner air and greenhouse gas reductions and are poised for a transition to this better gas. (see p. 5) VEHICLE POLLUTION: A KEY CHALLENGE Although New York State was an early national leader in promoting alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs), the 31,325 AFVs on the road as of 2009 make up only 0.3% of the total vehicles in the State. 1,2 Long Island is a leading region in this movement. New York’s 11,245,208 vehicles are a major source of the State’s healththreatening air pollution. Though all vehicles pose environmental and health risks, dieselrun trucks and buses are of greatest concern – both those registered instate and the “18 wheelers” and other long distance trucks traveling through NYS on Interstate I95, the New York State Thruway, and other major highways. All contribute to the State’s pollution burden. Diesel emissions have been classified as a known carcinogen. 4 Exhaust from most pre2007 diesel fueled trucks, buses and other heavyduty vehicles may contain as many as 40 toxic substances, including carcinogens (such as acetaldehyde and benzene) and reproductive toxins. A key impact of soot particles is on respiratory health: they are clearly linked to asthma attacks, and they exacerbate the health of those who already have pulmonary illnesses and allergies. Some key facts: While NYS meets the annual and 24hour federal Air Quality Standards for particulates (2.5 microns in size), and is requesting a re designation to achieve attainment status 3 67.7% of the state’s population live in nonattainment areas for ozone pollution (2012), with levels ranging from moderate to severe. 3,9 1 in 8 adults in NYC have been diagnosed with asthma at one point in their lives—a rate 30% higher than the national average. VEHICLES IN NYS QUICK FACTS (2009) Total automobiles 8,725,551 Total trucks 2,448,218 Total buses 71,439 Total vehicles 1 * *registered in NYS. Includes federal, state, county, municipal, private and commercial vehicles, not including military vehicles 11,245,208 Total AFVs 2 31,325 Compressed Natural Gas 10,017 Electric 8,094 Ethanol, 85% (E85) 11,437 Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) 1,777 THE HEALTH RISKS OF AIR POLLUTION 9 (2012) Total Population of NYS 19,465,197 Population at Risk of: Pediatric Asthma 397,702 Adult Asthma 1,347,988 Chronic Bronchitis 588,414 Emphysema 257,899 Smog over Lower Manhattan, NYC

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Page 1: A Greener Transportation Future for the Empire State - Energy Vision · 2015-05-02 · 1! A"Greener"Transportation"Future"" fortheEmpireState?" by"Energy"Vision"! All!New!Yorkers!have!a!stake!in!decisions!made!today!about!the!State’s!transportation


A  Greener  Transportation  Future    for  the  Empire  State?  

by  Energy  Vision    All  New  Yorkers  have  a  stake  in  decisions  made  today  about  the  State’s  transportation  and  energy  future.  Will  it  be  a  healthy  one  for  their  children?  Will  it  give  their  communities  the  greatest  energy  security?  As  millions  of  their  tax  dollars  are  spent,  will  these  dollars  be  invested  most  productively?        Many  decisions  will  determine  the  State’s  transportation  course  –  decisions  ranging  from  mass  transit  and  land  use  planning,  to  electric  vehicle  and  smart  grid  development,  and  to  bicycle  lanes.  These  decisions  will  also  significantly  impact  the  State’s  environmental  future,  since  vehicles  are  the  dominant  source  of  climate-­‐changing  greenhouse  gas  emissions  and  of  health-­‐threatening  air  pollution.      This  factsheet  summarizes  the  challenges  posed  by  continued  reliance  on  petroleum-­‐based  fuel,  especially  by  the  2.5  million  largely-­‐diesel  powered  trucks  and  buses  that  are  the  greatest  fuel  consumers  and  air  polluters.  It  discusses  the  one  way  to  make  rapid  progress  today  away  from  oil:    converting  these  fleets  to  a  clean  renewable  bio-­‐based  gas  fuel  made  from  the  State’s  organic  wastes.  Fleets  converting  to  fossil  natural  gas  can  achieve  cleaner  air  and  greenhouse  gas  reductions  and  are  poised  for  a  transition  to  this  better  gas.  (see  p.  5)      VEHICLE  POLLUTION:  A  KEY  CHALLENGE    Although   New   York   State   was   an   early   national  leader   in  promoting  alternative   fuel  vehicles   (AFVs),  the  31,325  AFVs  on  the  road  as  of  2009  make  up  only  0.3%  of  the  total  vehicles  in  the  State.1,2  Long  Island  is  a  leading  region  in  this  movement.  

 New  York’s  11,245,208  vehicles  are  a  major  source  of  the  State’s  health-­‐threatening  air  pollution.  Though  all  vehicles  pose  environmental  and  health  risks,  diesel-­‐run  trucks  and  buses  are  of  greatest  concern  –  both  those  registered  in-­‐state  and  the  “18-­‐  wheelers”  and  other  long  distance  trucks  traveling  through                    

 NYS  on  Interstate  I-­‐95,  the  New  York  State  Thruway,  and  other  major  highways.  All  contribute  to  the  State’s  pollution  burden.      Diesel   emissions   have   been   classified   as   a   known  carcinogen.4   Exhaust   from   most   pre-­‐2007   diesel-­‐fueled   trucks,   buses   and   other   heavy-­‐duty   vehicles  may   contain   as   many   as   40   toxic   substances,  including   carcinogens   (such   as   acetaldehyde   and  benzene)   and   reproductive   toxins.   A   key   impact   of  soot   particles   is   on   respiratory   health:   they   are  clearly  linked  to  asthma  attacks,  and  they  exacerbate  the   health   of   those   who   already   have   pulmonary  illnesses  and  allergies.    

 Some  key  facts:    • While  NYS  meets  the  annual  and  24-­‐hour  federal  Air  Quality  Standards  for  particulates  (2.5  microns  in  size),  and  is  requesting  a  re-­‐designation  to  achieve  attainment  status  3  67.7%  of  the  state’s  population  live  in  non-­‐attainment  areas  for  ozone  pollution  (2012),  with  levels  ranging  from  moderate  to  severe.3,9  

• 1  in  8  adults  in  NYC  have  been  diagnosed  with  asthma  at  one  point  in  their  lives—a  rate  30%  higher  than  the  national  average.    



Total  automobiles   8,725,551  Total  trucks   2,448,218  Total  buses   71,439  Total  vehicles  1*  *registered  in  NYS.  Includes  federal,  state,  county,  municipal,  private  and  commercial  vehicles,  not  including  military  vehicles  


Total  AFVs2     31,325    Compressed  Natural  Gas   10,017  Electric   8,094  Ethanol,  85%  (E85)   11,437  Liquefied  Petroleum  Gas  (LPG)   1,777  





Total  Population  of  NYS   19,465,197  Population  at  Risk  of:              Pediatric  Asthma   397,702            Adult  Asthma   1,347,988            Chronic  Bronchitis   588,414            Emphysema   257,899  


Smog  over  Lower  Manhattan,  NYC  

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• Asthma  is  the  leading  cause  of  hospitalizations  of  children  in  NYC.6  

         NYS   truckers   and   dockworkers   are   inordinately  affected   by   diesel   emissions.   A   2007   report   by  Harvard   and   UC   Berkeley   found   that   those   who  operated  or  worked  with  diesel  engines  had  a  higher  rate   of   premature   death   and   disease   and   that  truckers  were  50%  more  likely  to  die  prematurely  of  heart  disease  than  the  general  population.7    In   2008,   the   same   researchers   studied   31,135  truckers’   records.   They   found   that   those   who   did  short-­‐haul  pickups  and  deliveries  were  at  the  highest  risk  for  lung  disease.  Of  those  in  the  study,  there  were  4,306   deaths;   734   resulted   from   lung   cancer.   40  other  workers  also  had  lung  cancer.  8    NEW  YORK  STATE’S  AIR  QUALITY  RECORD  

 The   American   Lung   Association’s   2012   State   of   the  Air  Report9   found   a  marked   improvement   in   ground  level  ozone  emissions  with  just  six  counties  given  an  "F"  grade  compared  with  16  the  previous  year.    DIESEL  FLEETS:  MAJOR  CONTRIBUTORS  TO    CLIMATE  CHANGE  AND  OIL  DEPENDENCE    In  NYS,  the  transportation  sector  generates  the    

largest  share  (41%)  of  carbon  dioxide  emissions,  a  major  climate-­‐changing  greenhouse  gas,  as  seen   in  Figure   1.10  However,   the   use   of   petroleum   products  for  vehicles  continues   to  rise,  as  does   the  associated  carbon  dioxide  emissions,  as  seen  in  Figure  2.    

 Reliance   by   NYS   on   petroleum-­‐based   fuels   for  essential  fleet  operations  is  increasingly  risky.    As  of  2007,  New  York  was  importing  91%  of  the  193  million   barrels   of   oil   consumed—   more   than   any  other   state.   77%   of   the   oil   consumed   was   used   for  transportation,  at  a  cost  of  approximately  $33  million  a   day.11   Of   the   top   5   countries   from   which   NYS  imports   its   oil   –   Canada,   Mexico,   Saudi   Arabia,  Nigeria   and   Venezuela,   several   are   politically  unstable  and  not  solidly  allied  with  U.S.  interests.      In   addition,   the  bombing  of   a  pipeline   in   the  Middle  East   or   an   oil   embargo   would   paralyze   the   U.S.  economy.   But,   short   of   such   crises,   volatile   price  shifts   of   fuel   controlled   by   foreign   suppliers   shake  municipal   budgets.   Furthermore,   global   competition  for   access   to   the   world’s   most   rapidly   dwindling  fossil  fuel  is  growing,  especially  from  China,  India  and  other  parts  of  industrializing  Asia.  


STATE  OF  THE  AIR  REPORT  2011  and  2012  (From  2011  to  2012,  the  number  of  counties  graded  "F"  for  

ground-­‐level  ozone  fell  from  16  to  6*)  County     Grade  

(2011)  Grade  (2012)  


Bronx     F   D     1,397,287  Chautauqua     F   F     133,503  Dutchess     F   D     293,562  Erie     F   C     909,247  Essex     F   D     37,686  Jefferson     F   F     118,719  Monroe     F   C     733,703  New  York     F   D     1,629,054  Niagara     F   C     214,557  Orange     F   D     383,532  Putnam     F   F     99,265  Rensselaer     F   C     155,541  Richmond     F   F     491,730  Saratoga     F   D     220,069  Suffolk     F   F     1,518,475  Westchester    

F   F     955,962      

Total  Population  at  Risk     9,291,892      *Counties  not  included:  Kings,  Nassau,  Rockland,  St.  Lawrence,  due  to  incomplete  monitoring  or  the  county  did  not  collect  monitoring  data.    

Figure  2.  Carbon  dioxide  emissions  from  petroleum  products  in  the  transportation  sector  between  1980  and  2010.  

Figure  1.  NYS  Carbon  Dioxide  emissions  by  sector.  2009  

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NATURAL  GAS  BUS  AND  TRUCK  FLEETS:  AN  ENVIRONMENTAL/ECONOMIC  SOLUTION  FOR  TODAY  AND  TOMORROW      Government  officials,  industry  leaders  and  citizens  in  NYS  increasingly  recognize  the  exceptional  problems  caused   by   dependence   on   diesel   fuel.   But   what   are  the   solutions?   For   municipalities   wanting   the  healthiest  air,   freedom  from  foreign  oil,  and  the  best  economic   investment   going   forward,   the   most  attractive  option  is  natural  gas.      14.8   million   natural   gas   vehicles   travel   the   roads  worldwide,  but  only  123,000  are   in   the  U.S.   (ranked  16  among  nations).40  The  move  to  natural  gas  refuse  trucks   began   on   the   West   Coast   a   decade   ago   and  began  spreading  in  the  East  in  2007.  There  are  many  reasons  for  this  shift:    • Natural  gas  is  a  secure  fuel.  97%  of  the  natural  gas  consumed   domestically   is   from   North   America  and   U.S.   supplies   are   projected   to   last   for  decades.12  

• With   expanded   drilling,   natural   gas   prices   are   at  rock  bottom—costing  $1-­‐$2/gal  less  than  diesel.  

• It  is  the  cleanest  fuel  widely  available,  being  80%  hydrogen,   and   it   burns  more   cleanly   than   diesel  even  as  trucks  age.13    

• Compressed  natural  gas  (CNG)  is  67-­‐94%  lower  in  particulate   matter   and   50%   lower   in   smog-­‐forming  nitrogen  oxides  compared  to  diesel.  CNG  trucks   and   buses   generate   20%-­‐25%   fewer  greenhouse  gas  emissions.  

• Natural   gas   engines   are   fully   commercial   and  operate  cleanly  and  quietly.  

• Best  of  all,  engines  and  refueling  stations  installed  to   use   fossil   gas   are   exactly   what   are   needed   to  move   to   an   even   better   gas   fuel:   the   renewable  form   of   natural   gas   made   from   organic   wastes,  called   “biomethane”   or   “RNG.”     NYS   is   ripe   with  potential   to   produce   and   use   “frack-­‐free”   RNG.  (See  p.  4)  

 NY  STATE  CNG  VEHICLE  STATUS  REPORT    There  were  31,325  alternative  fueled  vehicles  on  the  road   in   the   State   as   of   2009,   of   which   10,017   are  powered  by  natural  gas  fuel.      Natural   gas   fueling   infrastructure—This   is  essential  if  the  number  of  CNG  vehicles  in  the  State  is  to   grow.   For   the   10,017   natural   gas   vehicles   in  NYS  today,   there   are   just   106   CNG   refueling   stations.   34  are   open   to   the   public,   with   prices   ranging   from  $1.30   to   $3.03/gallon,14   compared   to   6,500   gasoline  fueling   stations   (2008).15   But   as   gasoline   and   diesel  prices  continue  to  increase,  the  lower  cost  of  natural  

gas   fuel   is   attracting   rising   interest   in   natural   gas  vehicles.   For   a   national   map   including   NYS   stations  and  the  price  of  CNG  fuel,  visit  “www.  cngnow.com”.    

                     Transit   Buses—While   there   are   no   total   figures   on  transit   buses   in   NYS,   6,783   transit   buses   operate   in  New  York  City.  Of   these,  1,112  are  CNG  buses,  1,171  are   the  more   fuel-­‐efficient  hybrid-­‐electric   buses,   the  largest  such  fleet  in  the  world,  but  the  vast  majority,  4,500,   still   burn   diesel.16   (MTA   awarded   New   Flyer  Industries,   a   Winnipeg-­‐based   company,   a   $216  million   contract   in   2010   for   135   new   replacement  CNG  buses  with  the  option  of  ordering  250,  with  the  base  order  delivered  in  2012.)  The  277  transit  buses  operating   in   Nassau   and   Suffolk   County   on   Long  Island  are  all  CNG  buses.17    

                     One  of  the  1,112  CNG  transit  buses  operating  in  NYC  

 Garbage   trucks—There   are   over   136,000   refuse  trucks   operating   in   the   U.S.18   and   while   no   total   is  available  for  NYS’  contribution,  NYC  alone  had  5,150  in   2005.19   Refuse   trucks   are   major   contributors   to  pollution   and   CO2   emissions   as   most   operate   on  diesel   fuel   at   an   average  of  2.8  miles  per   gallon  and  over   8,900   gallons   per   year.20   In   2006,   Smithtown,  NY   on   Long   Island   introduced   the   first   program   on  the  East  Coast  that  required  all  refuse  trucks  serving  the   community   to   be   powered   by   natural   gas   by  January   2007.21   The   pioneering   Smithtown   example  inspired   many   other   Long   Island   communities   to  follow   suit:   as   of   the   end   of   2011,   Smithtown,  Huntington,   Brookhaven,   Oyster   Bay,   and   East  Rockaway   had   a   total   of   172   CNG   trucks.   Nassau  County   also   had   5   heavy-­‐duty   dump   trucks  repowered   to   CNG.   Other   areas   include   the   Buffalo  Niagara  region  (15),  which  hopes  to  expand  to  40  by  

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the   end   of   2012.  Following   Smithtown’s   lead,   some  private   waste   companies   have   begun   buying   CNG  trucks  voluntarily.  They  include  Filco  Carting  (3)  and  Metropolitan  Paper  Recycling  in  NYC  (9).  22,  23    

 V.  Garofalo  Truck  serving  Smithtown  (with  CNG  fuel  on  top).  

 Delivery   trucks—Private  companies  own  2,350,091  trucks   in  NYS.1  These   companies   are   also   turning   to  alternative  fuels.  Some  notable  examples:  Manhattan  Beer   Distributors   deployed   15   CNG   trucks   in   their  Bronx  location  in  2002  and  have  now  expanded  to  45  at   their  Brooklyn  and  Long   Island   facilities  and  plan  for  100%  of  their  500  truck  fleet  to  go  to  CNG.24  UPS  bought   its   first   10  CNG   trucks   in  NY   in   the   l980s.   It  now  has  55  AFVs   in   the  State  and  1445  nationally.25  UPS   doesn’t   specify   the   breakdown  by   fuel.   Snapple  has   27   CNG   trucks   in   Red   Hook   Brooklyn   (2001).26  AT&T  has  over  3,400  CNG  vehicles  and  1,600  hybrid  electric  vehicles   in   its  nationwide   fleet  as  of   January  2012.27    

 One  of  Manhattan  Beer’s  15  CNG  trucks  in  the  Bronx  

 School  Buses—There  are  nearly  50,000  school  buses  operating   in   NYS   carrying   2.3   million   children   to  school   everyday.28   Each   diesel   bus   produces   on  average   400   pounds   of   NOx/Non-­‐methane  hydrocarbons,   900   pounds   of   CO,   14   pounds   of   PM,  and  23  tons  of  GHGs  per  year.29  Every  school  child  is  exposed   to   these   emissions.   CNG   school   buses   can  significantly  reduce  pollution  and  reduce  health  risks  to   children.  But  EV  data  has   identified   just   two  CNG  fleets:   28   CNG   buses   in   the   Long   Beach   School  District   (Suffolk)   and   21   in   the   Middle   Country  Central  School  District  (Suffolk  County).29            Taxis—13,087  taxis  operate  in  New  York  City30,  by  far  the  largest  fleet  in  the  country.  As  of  2011,  4,980  

of  the  NYC  taxi  fleet  were  hybrid-­‐electric  vehicles,  and  in  Spring  2012,  6  all-­‐electric  Nissan  Leaf  vehicles  joined  the  taxi  fleet  as  part  of  a  pilot  program.31,  32  Very  few  natural  gas  taxis  are  currently  in  operation.  However,  in  the  fall  of  2011,  the  Taxi  and  Limousine  Commission  (TLC)  approved  the  purchase  of  the  MV-­‐1  taxi,  a  wheelchair-­‐accessible  cab  that  can  be  purchased  with  a  CNG  fuel  system  option.31  The  NYC  MTA  Access-­‐a-­‐Ride  Program  has  the  first  30  MV-­‐1’s  in  operation,  15  of  which  are  natural  gas-­‐powered.  32    



The  new  wheelchair-­‐accessible  MV-­‐1  taxi    

Government   fleet—NYS  planned   to   shift   its  14,964  light-­‐duty  vehicles  to  alternative  fuels  by  2010.  While  this  has  not  been  achieved,  the  Clean  Fueled  Vehicles  Council   (CFVC)   chaired   by   the   Office   of   General  Services   has   grown   NYS’   alternative   vehicle   fleet  from   383   in   1998   to   8,529   as   of   September   2008,  57%  of  the  state’s  light-­‐duty  fleet.35    As  of  2007,  the  NYS  Department  of  Transportation  had  716  CNG  cars,  10  hybrids  and  35  heavy-­‐duty  dual  fuel  trucks.36    NYS’   Office   of   General   Services   awarded   a   3-­‐year  contract  to  Empire  Coachworks  in  2010  to  distribute  natural   gas   vehicles   (cars,   SUVs,   cargo   vans,   and  pickup   trucks)   of   2010-­‐model   or   after,   to   all  municipal   and   government   agencies   in   the   State.  Empire  Coachworks  converts  existing  and  new  gas  or  diesel   fueling   systems   and   replaces   them  with   EPA-­‐  and  CARB-­‐   certified  CNG  systems  provided  by  Clean  Vehicle  Solutions  and  partner  companies.35    WHAT’S  NEXT  FOR  NEW  YORK?    Much   has   been   done   to   improve   New   York’s   air  quality,   but   the   chance   to   embrace   natural   gas   for  fleets  to  a  much  larger  degree  would  bring  enhanced  energy  security,  environmental,  and  economic  gains.      RENEWABLE  NATURAL  GAS—THE  SUSTAINABLE  OPTION      Perhaps   the   greatest   long-­‐term   benefit   is   the   role  that   natural   gas   use   plays   as   a   stepping-­‐stone  towards   the   use   of   an   even   better   gas   fuel.   Use   of  natural   gas   in  heavy-­‐duty   fleets  paves   the  way   for   a  transition   to   renewable   natural   gas   (RNG),  which   is  

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obtained,   not   by   drilling,   but   by   processing   the  biogases   generated   wherever   organic   wastes   are  breaking  down  in  an  airless,  contained  environment.  In  2008,  NYS  generated  7.2  million  tons  of  municipal  solid  waste   (MSW).   From   the   total   amount   of  waste  generated,   only   36%  was   recycled   and   8%  used   for  combustion   (incineration).   Within   the   stream   of  MSW,  33%  of  this  is  paper  and  23%  is  organic  waste,  suggesting   that   well   over   a   third   of   the   waste  generated   could   be   converted   to   RNG   through   the  process  of  anaerobic  digestion.      Collecting   and   refining   these   gases   can   turn   NYS’s  expensive   garbage   problem   into   a   renewable   fuel  solution!  RNG,  on  a  well   to  wheels  basis,   emits  88%  less   carbon-­‐dioxide   than   diesel.   In   some   cases   it   is  carbon   neutral,   since   its   production   captures   more  methane   (a   powerful   greenhouse   gas)   than   the  vehicles   using   it   emit.   RNG   is   already   being   widely  used   in  vehicles   in  Europe,  and  as  production   in   the  U.S.   grows,   fleets   using   fossil   natural   gas   today   can  blend  the  fuels  or  make  a  full  “seamless”  transition  to  this  first  truly  sustainable  fuel.38    New   York   State   is   superbly   positioned   to   reap   the  benefits  of  RNG,  since   it  has  bountiful   feedstocks   for  producing   it:   it   has   the   fourth   largest   dairy   herd   in  the   nation,   a   $3   billion   per   year   food   processing  industry,   and   a   sizeable   amount   of   waste   in   its   27  largest   landfills,   and   at   its   over   six   hundred   sewage  treatment  plants.      Municipalities   and   cities   could   generate   fuel   from  their  wastes  and,  at  the  same  time,  reduce  both  their  fuel   and   waste   disposal   costs.     In   the   State’s   most  populous   urban   center,   New   York   City,   it   costs   a  whopping   $325   million   a   year   to   send   municipal  wastes   to  out-­‐of-­‐state   landfills  –  wastes   that  contain  sufficient  organics  to  produce  renewable  natural  gas  that  could  power  thousands  of  heavy-­‐duty  buses  and  trucks  for  two  decades  or  more.        HOW  NEW  YORKERS  CAN  HELP    Alternatively   fueled  vehicles   are  available   in   the  market.   New  Yorkers   can  help   promote   the   shift   to  cleaner   fuels   and   more   efficient   engines   by   making  their  next  car  a  hybrid  electric  or  natural  gas  vehicle  (if  bicycles  and  mass  transit  are  not  available).    The   Honda   Civic   GX,   a   natural   gas   vehicle,   is  commercially  available,  achieves  27-­‐38  mpg,  and  was  considered   the   “Greenest   Vehicle   in   2012”   by   the  American   Council   for   Energy   Efficient   Economy  (ACEEE).39  The  Toyota  Prius  and  Honda  Civic  hybrid  can  achieve   from  40  up   to  55  mpg,  compared   to   the  average   of   18   mpg   by   standard   vehicles.      

Every   New   Yorker   can   have   an   important   voice,  by   encouraging   state   and   federal   legislators   to  support   reinstatement   of   federal   tax   credits   helping  overcome   the  higher  costs  of   these  new  vehicles;  by  encouraging   the   State   to   create   a   grant   program  covering  part  of  the  higher  costs  for  CNG  vehicles  as  an   added   incentive;   by   letting   community   leaders  know  how   important   it   is   to  put   cleaner  natural  gas  refuse   fleets,   transit   and   school  buses   and   taxis   into  service,  and  by  distributing   this   fact  sheet   to   friends  and  colleagues!  

 To   learn  more   about   the   environmental,   health   and  economic  benefits  of  a  shift   to  natural  gas   fleets  and  how   to   explore   a   local   initiative,   sources   of  information  include:  


Clean  Communities  of  Western  New  York  (Buffalo)  9  Halwill  Drive,  Amherst,  NY  14226  (716)-­‐839-­‐6717  Attn:  William  A.  Pauly   [email protected]  

   ©  Energy  Vision  Prepared  by:  Alexandra  Tung      Energy  Vision,  a  national  non-­‐profit  organization,    analyzes  the  clean  petroleum-­‐free  fuels  of  the  future  and  collaborates  with  public  and  private  sector  leaders  in  promoting  change.    EV’s  team  published  the  first  reports  on  alternative  fuels  for  transit  buses  (2000)  and  refuse  trucks  (2003),  spurring  initial  interest  in  the  natural  gas  option.  EV  now  focuses  on  turning  U.S.  wastes  into  a  renewable  form  of  natural  gas.    (www.energy-­‐vision.org)    To  support  EV’s  NYS  Outreach,  please  visit:  http://www.energy-­‐vision.org/support-­‐EV.html      

Clean  Communities  of  Central  New  York  (Syracuse)  3320  Rock  Rose  Circle,  Baldwinsville,  NY  13027  (315)-­‐443-­‐1203  Attn:  Amy  Dejohn     adejohn@cc-­‐cny.com  

Greater  Long  Island  Clean  Cities  AERTC,  Room  209,  1000  Innovation  Road,  Stony  Brook,  NY  11794-­‐6044  (631)-­‐504-­‐5771  Attn:  Rita  D.  Ebert     [email protected]  

Energy  Vision  138th  East  13th  Street,  New  York,  NY  10003  (212)-­‐228-­‐0225  Attn:  Joanna  Underwood   underwood@energy-­‐vision.org  

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REFERENCES  1  US  Department  of  Transportation.  Web  19  Mar  2012.  http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/policy/ohim/hs03/mv.htm    2  DMV  State  Motor-­‐Vehicle  Registrations  Web  19  March  2012.  http://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/cats/transportation/motor_vehicle_registrations_alternative_fueled_vehicles.html    3  Clean  Data  Petition  for  the  2006  24-­‐hour  PM2.5  NAAQS,  May  5,  2011  Web  July  2012    http://www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/75338.html    4  World  Health  Organization,  International  Agency  for  Research  on  Cancer,  Press  release:  Diesel  Engine  Exhaust  Carinogenic,  June  12,  2012  http://press.iarc.fr/pr213_E.pdf    5  New  York  City  Department  of  Health  and  Mental  Hygiene,  “Asthma  Facts:  Second  Edition.”  Web  19  March  2012  http://www.nyc.gov/html/doh/pdf/asthma/facts.pdf    6  US  Environmental  Protection  Agency,  “Nonattainment  Status  for  Each  County  by  Year.”  Web  19  March  2012  http://www.epa.gov/airquality/greenbk/anayo_ny.html    7  “Trucker  Heart  Disease  Study  and  Diesel  Particulate  Air  Pollution.”  California  Green  Solutions.  Web  19  March  2012  http://www.californiagreensolutions.com/cgi-­‐bin/gt/tpl.h.content=1837    8  “Diesel  truckers  at  cancer  risk  from  exhaust”  SFGate.  Web.  24  Mar.  2012.  http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-­‐bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/12/09/MNFO14KAA3.DTL    9  American  Lung  Association,  “New  York:  State  of  the  Air  2011.”  Web.  29  Mar  2012.  http://www.stateoftheair.org/2011/states/new-­‐york/    10  US  Energy  Information  Administration,  Web.  29  Mar  2012.    11  NYSERDA,  “Patterns  and  Trends:  NYS  Energy  Profiles  1995-­‐2009.”  http://www.nyserda.ny.gov/~/media/Files/Publications/Energy-­‐Analysis/1995_2009_patterns_trends_rpt.ashx    12  US  Energy  Information  Administration,  http://www.nyserda.ny.gov/~/media/Files/Publications/Energy-­‐Analysis/1995_2009_patterns_trends_rpt.ashx    13  NaturalGas.org.  Web.  24  Mar.  2012.  http://www.naturalgas.org/environment/naturalgas.asp#emission.      14  CNG  Now.  Web.  29  Mar  2012.  http://www.cngnow.com/    15  US  Energy  Information  Administration,  State  Energy  Data  System  (SEDS).  Web.  29  Mar  2012.  http://www.eia.gov/state/seds/  16  MTA,  New  York  City  Transit  and  the  Environment,  Web.  29  Mar  2012.  http://www.mta.info/nyct/facts/ffenvironment.htm#clean_bus    17Nassau  County  Energy  Policy  and  Action  Plan,  www.longislandnn.org/energy/NASSAUENERGYACTIONPLAN.pdf  

 18The  New  York  Times,  Smithtown  vs.  OPEC,  Web.  29  Mar  2012.  http://www.cleanenergyfuels.com/pdf/nytimesrelease.pdf      19  New  York  City  Department  of  Sanitation,  Refuse  and  Recycling  Collection,  Web.  29  Mar  2012.  http://www.nyc.gov/html/dsny/html/collection/refuse.shtml      20  Greening  Garbage  Trucks:  Trends  in  Alternative  Fuel  Use  2002-­‐2005.    21  Clean  Energy,  New  Clean-­‐Air  Solution  for  Solid  Waste  Collection,  Web.  29  Mar  2012.  http://www.cleanenergyfuels.com/smithtown.html      22  Filco  Carting,  Web.  29  Mar  2012.  http://www.filcocarting.com      23  Metropolitan  Recycling,  Web.  29  Mar  2012.  http://www.metropaperrecycling.com      24  US  Department  of  Energy,  Web  29  Mar  2012.  http://energy.gov/articles/green-­‐beer-­‐not-­‐just-­‐st-­‐patrick-­‐s-­‐day      25  L.  McIntire,  UPS    26  Fleet  Owner,  “Snapple  converts  vehicles  to  CNG.”  Web  29  Mar  2012.    http://fleetowner.com/news/fleet_snapple_converts_vehicles/    27  AT&T,  Web  29  Mar  2012.  http://www.att.com/    28  Alternative  Energy,  “Hybrid  Electric  School  Buses  in  New  York.”  Web  29  Mar  2012.  http://www.alternative-­‐energy-­‐news-­‐info/hybrid-­‐electric-­‐school-­‐buses-­‐new-­‐york    29  Energy  Vision,  “Why  Natural  Gas  School  Buses?”    30  New  York  Times,  Web  29  Mar  2012.  http://www.nytimes/com/2007/08/24/nyregion/24taxi.html?_r=1&0ref=slogin      31  NGV  Global,  “New  York  Approves  the  MV-­‐1  for  Use  as  City  Taxi”  Web  29  Mar  2012.  http://www.ngvglobal.com/new-­‐york-­‐approves-­‐the-­‐mv-­‐1-­‐for-­‐use-­‐as-­‐city-­‐taxi-­‐1021      32  Brian  Perone,  Clean  Energy    33  New  York  Times,  Web  29  Mar  2012.  http://wheels.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/07/12/mayor-­‐bloomberg-­‐adds-­‐70-­‐hybrids-­‐and-­‐e-­‐v-­‐s-­‐to-­‐city-­‐fleet/?emc=eta1      34  New  York  City  Taxi  and  Limousine  Commission,  Web  29  Mar  2012.  http://www.nyc.gov/html/media/totweb/taxioftomorrow_taxioftoday_specs11.html      35  Government  Fleet,  Web  29  Mar  2012.  http://www.government-­‐fleet.com/Channel/Fuel-­‐Management/News/Story/2010/07/Natural-­‐Gas-­‐to-­‐Make-­‐its-­‐Way-­‐to-­‐New-­‐York-­‐Fleets.aspx      36  NYSDOT  Activities,  https://www.dot.ny.gov/programs/climate-­‐change/activities    37  Department  of  Environmental  Conservation,  “MSW  Materials  Composition  in  New  York  State”  Web  29  Mar  2012.  http://www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/65541.html      38  Alternative  Fuels  and  Advanced  Vehicles  Data  Center:  “What  is  Biogas?”  EERE:  Alternative  Fuels  and  Advanced  Vehicles  Data  Center  Program.  Web  29  Mar  2012.  http://www.afdc.energy.gov/afdc/fuels/emerging_biogas_what  _is.html      39  Honda,  Web  29  Mar.  2012.  http://automobiles.honda.com/civic-­‐natural-­‐gas/reviews/aspx      40  NGV  Global,  http://www.iangv.org/current-­‐ngv-­‐stats/    

Capital  District  Clean  Communities  (Albany)  One  Park  Place,  Albany,  NY  12205  (518)-­‐458-­‐2161  Attn:  Deborah  Stacey   [email protected]  

Genesee  Region  Clean  Communities  (Rochester)  3409  West  Lake  Road,  Canandaigua,  NY  14424  (585)-­‐301-­‐2433  Attn:  David  Keefe     [email protected]  

New  York  City  and  Lower  Hudson  Valley  Clean  Communities  55  Water  Street,  9th  Floor,  New  York,  NY  10041  (212)-­‐839-­‐7728  Attn:  Christina  Ficicchia   [email protected]