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A Great Workforce A Great Workplace Ng Zhihan Senior Specialist Occupational Hygiene Branch OSH Specialist Department Ministry of Manpower Managing Workplace Health Hazards Strategies & Approaches

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A Great Workforce A Great Workplace

© 2010 Government of Singapore 1

A Great Workforce A Great Workplace

Ng Zhihan Senior Specialist

Occupational Hygiene Branch OSH Specialist Department

Ministry of Manpower

Managing Workplace Health Hazards Strategies & Approaches

© 2014 Government of Singapore 2

A Great Workforce A Great Workplace


• Background

• Safety and Health – A holistic approach

• Workplace Health Strategies

• Relevant Regulations

• In-plant Management Programmes

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2011 2005 2006 2008

New WSH Framework

Minister for Manpower sets

target: 2.5 fatalities per

100,000 by 2015

3 Key Principles

Reduce Risk at Source

Greater Industry Ownership

Higher Penalties for Poor Safety Management


Setting up of Workplace Safety & Health

Advisory Committee

Begin reviewing & enhancing


Prime Minister refreshes


1.8 fatalities per 100,000 by


Formation Of WSH Council

Extension of WSH Act to cover New


2009 2010


Embodiment of WSH

Framework in legislation

Official Launch of WSH2015


Official Launch of WSH Strategy

WSH 2018


Official Launch of WH Strategy

and Sectoral Roadmaps

Set up of WSH Institute

Extension of WSH Act to all



(Risk Management)


Singapore’s WSH Journey

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Principles of WSH Framework

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Integrating Safety & Health

Personal Well-being

Health Safety

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The WSH vs WH Strategies WSH


Build strong capabilities to manage WSH

Implement an effective

regulatory framework

Develop strong partnerships

locally & internationally

Promote the benefits of WSH & recognise best


WH Strategies

Implementing targeted

intervention programmes

Monitoring & intelligence gathering

Research & Development

Promotion of good practices

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OH Hazards – The Iceberg Theory

Unknown Hazards •New chemicals

Known Hazards •Noise


Emerging Hazards •Nanomaterials


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Common Occupational Health Hazards



Confined spaces Visual

Display Units



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National Strategies for Managing OH Hazards

Establish WH Hazards Emerging Hazards Unknown Hazards

Direct Causal Link Contributing Factor

Targeted Intervention Programmes

Monitoring and Intelligence Gathering

Research and Standards Development

Promotion of Good Practices

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A Great Workforce A Great Workplace

Multi-Pronged Approach to Managing WH hazards

Developing Standards

Compliance Assistance

Capability Building

Promotion & Engagement

Research & Development

Targeted Enforcement

Self Regulation

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Occupiers Employers Principals

Erectors & Installers Manufacturers & Suppliers


Duty Holders under WSH Act

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Duties of Stakeholders • The Act specifies the duties of various


– Employers: ensure the health and safety of all persons at work

– Occupiers: ensure the workplace is safe and without risks to health

– Principals: ensure the health and safety of contractors and subcontractors, with the necessary expertise, engaged at work

– Persons at work: use protection provided and co-operate to comply with the provisions of the Act

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Relevant Regulations • Key requirements of the WSH (Risk

Management) Regulations

– Conduct risk assessment for all work activities

– Take reasonably practicable steps to eliminate all foreseeable risk

– If risks cannot be eliminated, minimize the risks and develop corresponding safe work procedures

– Principles of control measures are specified in the regulations

– Train and communicate the various hazards to all workers

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Relevant Regulations • Key requirements of the WSH (Medical Examinations)

Regulations – Pre-placement (no later than 3 months after starting work)

and periodic medical examinations (intervals specified in schedule) for workers exposed to certain workplace hazards including • the use or handling of or exposure to the liquid, fumes or vapour of

benzene, organophosphates or vinyl chloride monomer;

• the use or handling of or exposure to the dust of asbestos, raw cotton or silica;

• exposure to excessive noise

– Must be conducted by a Designated Workplace Doctor

– Designated Workplace Doctor may recommend suspension from work if is he is of the opinion that the worker is likely to be or has been injuriously affected by the person’s employment in a hazardous occupation

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Relevant Regulations • Key requirements of the WSH (Noise)

Regulations – Take reasonably practicable measures to

reduce or control the noise from any process in the workplace, measures are specified in the regulations

– Reduce the duration of exposure if the noise levels cannot be reduced

– Engage competent persons to assess workplace noise levels (using suitable calibrated equipments) and to advise on proper noise control measures

– Ensure that manufacturer or supplier of noisy machines has a proper label stating the noise levels and the requirement of hearing protection warning signs

– Provide and ensure the proper use and care of hearing protectors

– Provide proper training annually and proper hazard communications of noise hazards to workers

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Relevant Regulations • Key requirements of the WSH (General Provisions)

Regulations – Assess workplace airborne contaminants levels of

hazardous chemicals by a competent persons – Control hazardous emissions at workplace, measures are

specified in the regulations – Provide and ensure the proper use and care of personal

protective equipments – Obtain, assess and make available the information from

the Safety Data Sheets provided by seller or agent – Proper training and communication of hazards to workers – Provide proper labelling of containers in accordance with

GHS standards – Keep, store, use, handle or dispose of hazardous chemicals

in a manner so as not to pose a risk to any person at work – Protection against excessive heat and any bio-hazardous


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Relevant Regulations • Key requirements of the WSH (First-

Aid) Regulations – Provide sufficient, adequate, properly

maintained and properly equipped first aid boxes at workplace

– Appoint trained first-aiders

– Provide for the emergency treatment of workers who are exposed to corrosive and toxic substances

– If the eyes or body of any person may come into contact with toxic or corrosive substances, suitable facilities for quick drenching or flushing of the eyes and body must be provided and properly maintained

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Relevant Regulations • Key requirements of the WSH (Incident

Reporting) Regulations

– Report any workplace incidents, including deaths, dangerous occurrences and occupational diseases to the Commissioner

– 35 notifiable occupational diseases are specified in the law, including noise induced deafness, occupational skin diseases and or cancers, musculoskeletal disorders, diseases caused by excessive heat, etc.

© 2014 Government of Singapore 20

A Great Workforce A Great Workplace

Multi-Pronged Approach to Managing WH hazards

Developing Standards

Compliance Assistance

Capability Building

Promotion & Engagement

Research & Development

Targeted Enforcement

Self Regulation

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Targeted Workplace Programmes Noise Induced Deafness Prevention Programme

Management of Hazardous Chemicals Programme

Confined Space Management Programme

National Asbestos Control Programme

Workplace Ergonomics

Thermal Stress

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Key Elements of Workplace HCP


Identify Noise Hazard and

Evaluate Risk

Noise Control Provision of

PPEs Training & Education



Records Keeping

Programme Review

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Key Elements of Workplace MHCP


Identify Hazard and Evaluate


Implementation of Control Measures

Provision of PPEs

Training & Hazard


Statutory Medical


Records Keeping

Programme Review

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Planning & Commitment

Identify Hazard and Evaluate Risk

Implementation of Control Measures

Employee Involvement

Training & Education

Workplace Monitoring,

Reporting and Medical Mgmt

Records Keeping

Programme Review

Key Elements of Workplace Ergonomics Programme

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In-Plant Programmes • Critical elements for the success of any

programme includes

– Strong commitment and endorsement by management

– Active involvement by all employees

– Single administrator who co-ordinates all aspects of programme

– Objectives to be measureable, achievable, realistic and specific

– Programme should be regularly monitored, reviewed and continually improved

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Costs of Workplace Health Problems • Top 3 common Workplace Health Problems

– Noise Induced Deafness

– Occupational Skin Diseases

– Musculoskeletal Disorders

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Summary • All stakeholders play an important role in

managing WH hazards – Employers – Occupiers – Principals

• Different strategies for different WH hazards

• Multi-pronged approach to manage WH hazards

– Standards setting and targeted enforcement – Self regulation by employers by implementing

sustainable programmes – Others

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Useful Resources • Factsheet on “Management of Occupational

Health Hazards”

• Ministry of Manpower Website – www.mom.gov.sg

• WSH Council’s Webpage – http://www.wshc.sg

• Singapore Standards e-shop – http://www.singaporestandardseshop.sg/Product/Ho


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