a grammar of the greek new testament in the light of historical research 3

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  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3








    CHAPTER  I. New Material Material

      The Ieal Gra!!ar"

      I. The Pre#Wi$er Peri%

      II. The Ser&i'e %( Wi$er 

    )a* Wi$er+, I$'%$,i,te$'ie,

    )-* Wi$er E%'h#Ma/i$0

    )'* S'h!ieel

    )* B1tt!a$$)e* Bla,,

      III. The M%er$ Peri%

    )a* Dei,,!a$$

    )-* Th1!-

    )'* M%1lt%$

    )* Other C%$tri-1ti%$,

    )e* Ri'h$e,, %( Material

      I2. The New Gra!!ati'al E31i!e$t

    )a* C%!arati&e Phil%l%04

    5. The Li$01i,ti' Re&%l1ti%$

    6. A S/et'h %( Gree/ Gra!!ati'al Hi,t%r47. The Di,'%&er4 %( Sa$,/rit

    8. Fr%! B% t% Br10!a$$

    )-* A&a$'e i$ Ge$eral Gree/ Gra!!ar 

    )'* Criti'al Eiti%$, %( Gree/ A1th%r,

    )* W%r/, %$ I$i&i1al Writer,

    )e* The Gree/ I$,'riti%$,

    )(* F1ller K$%wle0e %( the Diale't,

    )0* The Pa4ri a$ O,tra'a

    )h* The B49a$ti$e a$ the M%er$ Gree/ 

    )i* The He-rew a$ Ara!ai'

    5. The Ol 2iew

    6. A Cha$0e with Ke$$e4

    7. Dei,,!a$$+, Re&%lt

    8. The La$01a0e %( :e,1,

    );* Gra!!ati'al C%!!e$tarie,

      2. The New P%i$t %( 2iew

    CHAPTER  II. The Hi,t%ri'al Meth%

      I. La$01a0e a, Hi,t%r4

    )a* C%!-i$i$0 the 2ari%1, Ele!e$t,

    )-* Pra'ti'al Gra!!ar a C%!r%!i,e

      II. La$01a0e a, a Li&i$0 Or0a$i,!)a* The Ori0i$ %( La$01a0e

  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


    )-* E&%l1ti%$ i$ La$01a0e

    )'* Cha$0e Chie(l4 i$ the 2er$a'1lar 

      III. Gree/ N%t a$ I,%late La$01a0e

    )a* The I!%rta$'e %( C%!arati&e Gra!!ar 

    )-* The C%!!%$ B%$ i$ La$01a0e

    )'* The Ori0i$al I$%#Ger!a$i' See'h)* Gree/ a, a

  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


    )-* The 2iew %( Dei,,!a$$ a$ M%1lt%$

    )'* Little Dire't He-rew I$(l1e$'e

    )* A Deeer I!re,, -4 the Set1a0i$t

    )e* Ara!ai,!,

    )(* 2ar4i$0 Re,1lt,

      I2. Lati$i,!, a$ Other F%rei0$ W%r,  2. The Chri,tia$ Aiti%$

      2I. I$i&i1al Pe'1liaritie,

    )a* Mar/ 

    )-* Matthew

    )'* L1/e

    )* :a!e,

    )e* :1e

    )(* Peter 

    )0* Pa1l

    )h* Writer %( He-rew,

    )i* :%h$  2II. N. T. Gree/ Ill1,trate -4 the M%er$ Gree/ 2er$a'1lar 


    CHAPTER  2. W%r#F%r!ati%$

      I. Et4!%l%04

      II. R%%t,

      III. W%r, with F%r!ati&e S1((i>e,

    )a* 2er-,

    5. Pri!ar4 %r Pri!iti&e 2er-,

    6. Se'%$ar4 %r Deri&ati&e 2er-,

    )-* S1-,ta$ti&e,5. Pri!ar4 %r Pri!iti&e S1-,ta$ti&e,

    6. Se'%$ar4 %r Deri&ati&e S1-,ta$ti&e,

    )* Th%,e (r%! &er-,

    )* Th%,e (r%! ,1-,ta$ti&e,

    )* Th%,e (r%! a;e'ti&e,

    )'* A;e'ti&e,

    5. Pri!ar4 %r Pri!iti&e A;e'ti&e,

    6. Se'%$ar4 %r Deri&ati&e A;e'ti&e,

    )* Th%,e (r%! &er-,

    )* Th%,e (r%! ,1-,ta$ti&e,

    )* Th%,e (r%! a;e'ti&e,)* Th%,e (r%! a&er-,

    )* The A&er-

      I2. W%r, F%r!e -4 C%!%,iti%$ )Composita*

    )a* Ki$, %( C%!%1$ W%r, i$ Gree/ 

    )-* I$,eara-le Pre(i>e,

    )'* A00l1ti$ati&e C%!%1$, ):1>ta%,iti%$ %r Parathe,i,*

    5. 2er-,

    6. S1-,ta$ti&e,

    7. A;e'ti&e,

    8. A&er-,

      2. Per,%$al Na!e, A--re&iate %r H4%'%ri,ti'  2I. The Hi,t%r4 %( W%r,

  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


      2II. The Ki$,hi %( Gree/ W%r,

      2III. C%$tra,t, i$ Gree/ W%r, %r S4$%$4!,

    CHAPTER  2I. Orth%0rah4 a$ Ph%$eti',

      I. The U$'ertai$t4 %( the E&ie$'e

    )a* The A$'ie$t Literar4 Selli$0

    )-* The Diale't#C%l%1re 2er$a'1lar )'* The U$'ial,

    )* The Pa4ri

      II. 2%wel#Cha$0e,

    )a* The Cha$0e, )I$ter'ha$0e,* with α  α a$ ε  ε a$ α  α a$ η  α a$ ο  α a$ ω  α a$ αι  α a$ αυ  αι a$ ε)-* The Cha$0e, with ε  ε a$ ει  ε a$ η  ε a$ ι  ε a$ ο  ἐάν a$ ἄν)'* The Cha$0e, with η  η a$ ι  η a$ ει  ηι a$ ει  η a$ ῃ  η a$ υ)* The Cha$0e, with ι  ι a$ ει  ει a$ ι  ι a$ ο  ι a$ οι  ι a$ υ

    )e* The Cha$0e, with ο  ο a$ ου  ο a$ υ  ο a$ ω  ω a$ ο)(* The Cha$0e, with υ  υ a$ ευ  υ a$ ου)0* The Cha$0e, with ω  ω a$ ου

      ω a$ ωϋ)h* C%$tra'ti%$ a$ S4$'%e

  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


    )i* Dihth%$0, a$ Dire,i,

    );* Ahre,i, a$ Pr%theti' 2%wel,

    )/* Eli,i%$

    )l* Cra,i,

      III. C%$,%$a$t#Cha$0e,

    )a* Ori0i$ a$ Chara'ter %( the C%$,%$a$t,)-* The I$,erti%$ %( C%$,%$a$t,

    )'* The O!i,,i%$ %( C%$,%$a$t,

    )* Si$0le %r D%1-le C%$,%$a$t,

    )e* A,,i!ilati%$ %( C%$,%$a$t,

    )(* I$ter'ha$0e a$ Cha$0i$0 2al1e %( C%$,%$a$t,

    )0* A,irati%$ %( C%$,%$a$t,

    )h* 2aria-le Fi$al C%$,%$a$t,

    )i* Metathe,i,

      I2. Breathi$0,

    )a* Ori0i$ %( the A,irate

    )-* I$'rea,i$0 De#a,irati%$ )P,il%,i,*)'* 2ariati%$, i$ the MSS. )A,irati%$ a$ P,il%,i,*

    )* Tra$,literate Se!iti' W%r,

    )e* The U,e %( Breathi$0, with ρ a$ ρρ)(* The 1e,ti%$ %( Αὑτοῦ

      2. A''e$t

    )a* The A0e %( Gree/ A''e$t

    )-* Si0$i(i'a$'e %( A''e$t i$ the Κοινή)'* Si0$, %( A''e$t

    )* Later De&el%!e$t, i$ A''e$t

    )e* N. T. Pe'1liaritie,

    5. Sh%rte$i$0 Ste!#2%wel,

    6. Searate W%r,

    7. Di((ere$'e i$ Se$,e

    8. E$'liti', )a$ Pr%'liti',*

    . Pr%er Na!e,

    . F%rei0$ W%r,

      2I. Pr%$1$'iati%$ i$ the Κοινή  2II. P1$'t1ati%$

    )a* The Para0rah

    )-* Se$te$'e,

    )'* W%r,)* The Eit%r+, Prer%0ati&e

    CHAPTER  2II. The De'le$,i%$,

      I. The S1-,ta$ti&e

    5. Hi,t%r4 %( the De'le$,i%$,

    6. The N1!-er %( the Ca,e,

    )a* The Hi,t%r4 %( the F%r!, %( the Ca,e,

    )-* The Ble$i$0 %( Ca,e#E$i$0,

    )'* Ori0i$ %( Ca,e#S1((i>e,

    7. N1!-er i$ S1-,ta$ti&e,

    8. Ge$er i$ S1-,ta$ti&e,

    )a* 2ariati%$, i$ Ge$er )-* I$terretati%$ %( the L

  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


    )'* 2ariati%$, D1e t% Heter%'li,i, a$ Metala,!

    . The Fir,t %r α De'le$,i%$)a* The D%ri' Ge$iti&e#A-lati&e Si$01lar ᾱ)-* The Atti' Ge$iti&e#A-lati&e Si$01lar 

    )'* 2%'ati&e i$ –α %( !a,'. $%1$, i$ –της

    )* W%r, i$ –ρα a$ Parti'ile, i$ –υῖα)e* The O%,ite Te$e$'4 t% )d *

    )(* D%1-le De'le$,i%$

    )0* Heter%'li,i, a$ Metala,!

    )h* I$e'li$a-le S1-,ta$ti&e,

    . The Se'%$ %r ο De'le$,i%$)a* The S%#Calle Atti' Se'%$ De'le$,i%$

    )-* C%$tra'ti%$

    )'* The 2%'ati&e

    )* Heter%'li,i, a$ Metala,!

    )e* The Mi>e De'le$,i%$

    )(* Pr%er Na!e,

    J. The Thir De'le$,i%$ )'%$,%$a$t, a$ 'l%,e &%wel, ι a$ υ*)a* The N%!i$ati&e a, 2%'ati&e

    )-* The A''1,ati&e Si$01lar 

    )'* The A''1,ati&e Pl1ral

    )* Pe'1liaritie, i$ the N%!i$ati&e

    )e* The Ge$iti&e#A-lati&e F%r!,

    )(* C%$tra'ti%$

    )0* Pr%er Na!e,

    )h* Heter%'li,i, a$ Metala,!

    . I$e'li$a-le W%r,  II. The A;e'ti&e

    5. The Ori0i$ %( the A;e'ti&e

    6. I$(le'ti%$ %( A;e'ti&e,

    )a* A;e'ti&e, with O$e Ter!i$ati%$

    )-* A;e'ti&e, with Tw% Ter!i$ati%$,

    )'* A;e'ti&e, with Three Ter!i$ati%$,

    )* The A''1,ati&e Si$01lar 

    )e* C%$tra'ti%$ i$ A;e'ti&e,

    )(* I$e'li$a-le A;e'ti&e,

    7. C%!ari,%$ %( A;e'ti&e,

    )a* The P%,iti&e)-* The C%!arati&e

    )'* The S1erlati&e

      III. N1!eral,

    5. The Ori0i$ %( N1!eral,

    6. 2ariet4 a!%$0 N1!eral,

    )a* Di((ere$t F1$'ti%$,

    )-* The Cari$al,

    )'* The Ori$al,

    )* Di,tri-1ti&e, i$ the N. T.

    )e* N1!eral A&er-,

      I2. Pr%$%1$,5. Iea %( Pr%$%1$,

  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


    6. A$ti31it4 %( Pr%$%1$,

    7. Pr%$%!i$al R%%t,

    8. Cla,,i(i'ati%$

    )a* The Per,%$al Pr%$%1$,

    )-* The I$te$,i&e Pr%$%1$

    )'* Re(le>i&e Pr%$%1$,)* P%,,e,,i&e Pr%$%1$,

    )e* De!%$,trati&e Pr%$%1$,

    )(* Relati&e Pr%$%1$,

    )0* I$terr%0ati&e Pr%$%1$,

    )h* I$e(i$ite Pr%$%1$,

    )i* Di,tri-1ti&e a$ Re'ir%'al Pr%$%1$,

      2. A&er-,

    5. Ne0le't %( A&er-,

    6. F%r!ati%$ %( the A&er-

    )a* Fi>e Ca,e,

    )5* The A''1,ati&e)6* The A-lati&e

    )7* The Ge$iti&e

    )8* The L%'ati&e

    )* The I$,tr1!e$tal

    )* The Dati&e

    )-* S1((i>e,

    )'* C%!%1$ A&er-,

    )* A$al%04

    )e* The C%!ari,%$ %( A&er-,

    7. A&er-ial Ste!,

    )a* S1-,ta$ti&e,

    )-* A;e'ti&e,

    )'* N1!eral,

    )* Pr%$%1$,

    )e* 2er-,

    8. U,e %( A&er-,

    )a* A&er-, %( Ma$$er 

    )-* A&er-, %( Pla'e

    )'* A&er-, %( Ti!e

    . S'%e %( A&er-,

    )a* Relati%$ -etwee$ A&er-, a$ Pre%,iti%$,)-* A&er-, a$ C%$;1$'ti%$,

    )'* A&er-, a$ I$te$,i&e Parti'le,

    )* A&er-, a$ I$ter;e'ti%$,

    CHAPTER  2III. C%$;10ati%$ %( the 2er-

      I. Di((i'1lt4 %( the S1-;e't

      II. Nat1re %( the 2er-

    )a* 2er- a$ N%1$

    )-* Mea$i$0 %( the 2er-

    )'* P1re a$ H4-ri 2er-,

      III. The B1ili$0 %( the 2er-

      I2. The S1r&i&al %( –μι 2er-,)a* A Cr%,, Di&i,i%$

  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


    )-* The Ole,t 2er-,

    )'* Gra1al Di,aeara$'e

    )* N. T. U,a0e a, t% –μι 2er-,5. The Se'%$ A%ri,t, )a'ti&e a$ !ile*

    6. S%!e –μι Pre,e$t,

    7. S%!e –μι Per(e't,  2. The M%e,

    )a* The N1!-er %( the M%%, %r M%e, ) Modi*

    )-* The Di,ti$'ti%$, -etwee$ the M%%,

    )'* The I$i'ati&e

    )* The S1-;1$'ti&e

    )e* The Otati&e

    )(* The I!erati&e

    5. The N%$#The!ati' Ste!

    6. The The!ati' Ste!

    7. The S1((i> –θι8. The S1((i> –τω. The Ol I$;1$'ti&e M%%

    . F%r!, i$ –σαιJ. The F%r! i$ –σον. Fir,t Per,%$

    . Pr%hi-iti%$,

    5. Per(e't I!erati&e

    55. Perihra,ti' Pre,e$t,

    56. Cir'1!l%'1ti%$,

      2I. The 2%i'e,

    )a* Tra$,iti&e a$ I$tra$,iti&e)-* The Na!e, %( the 2%i'e,

    )'* The Relati&e A0e %( the 2%i'e,

    )* The S%#Calle )* The ι 'la,,

  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


    )* The ν 'la,,)* The σκ 'la,,)* The τ 'la,,)* The θ 'la,,)(* The F1t1re Te$,e

    )0* The Per(e't Te$,e,5. The Na!e

    6. The Ori0i$al Per(e't

    7. The κ Per(e't8. The A,irate Per(e't,

    . Mile a$ Pa,,i&e F%r!,

    . The De'a4 %( the Per(e't F%r!,

    J. The Per(e't i$ the S1-;1$'ti&e? Otati&e? I!erati&e

    . The Per(e't I$i'ati&e

    . Σ i$ Per(e't Mile a$ Pa,,i&e a$ A%ri,t Pa,,i&e)h* Re1li'ati%$

    5. Pri!iti&e

    6. B%th N%1$, a$ 2er-,

    7. I$ Three Te$,e, i$ 2er-,

    8. Three Meth%, i$ Re1li'ati%$

    . Re1li'ati%$ i$ the Per(e't

    )i* A10!e$t

    5. The Ori0i$ %( A10!e$t

    6. Where F%1$

    7. The P1r%,e %( A10!e$t

    8. The S4lla-i' A10!e$t

    . The Te!%ral A10!e$t. C%!%1$ 2er-,

    J. D%1-le A10!e$t

      2III. The I$(i$iti&e

    5. N% Ter!i$%l%04 at Fir,t

    6. Fi>e Ca,e#F%r!,

    7. With 2%i'e a$ Te$,e

    8. N% Per,%$al E$i$0,

    . Dati&e a$ L%'ati&e i$ F%r!

    . The Pre,e$'e %( the Arti'le

    J. The Di,aeara$'e %( the I$(i$iti&e

    . S%!e N. T. F%r!,  I. The Parti'ile

    5. The Na!e

    6. 2er-al A;e'ti&e,

    7. Tr1e Parti'ile,

    8. I$ Perihra,ti' U,e


    CHAPTER  I. The Mea$i$0 %( S4$ta>

      I. Ba'/war$e,, i$ the St14 %( S4$ta>

      II. New Te,ta!e$t Li!itati%$,

      III. Re'e$t A&a$'e -4 Del-r'/ 

      I2. The Pr%&i$'e %( S4$ta>

    )a* The W%r S4$ta>

  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


    )-* S'%e %( S4$ta>

    )'* C%$,tr1'ti%$ %( W%r, a$ Cla1,e,

    )* Hi,t%ri'al S4$ta>

    )e* Irre01laritie,

      2. The Meth% %( thi, Gra!!ar 

    )a* Pri$'ile,? $%t R1le,)-* The Ori0i$al Si0$i(i'a$'e

    )'* F%r! a$ F1$'ti%$

    )* De&el%!e$t

    )e* C%$te>t

    )(* Tra$,lati%$

    )0* Li!it, %( S4$ta>

    CHAPTER  . The Se$te$'e

      I. The Se$te$'e a$ S4$ta>

      II. The Se$te$'e De(i$e

    )a* C%!le> C%$'eti%$

    )-* Tw% E,,e$tial Part,)'* O$e#Me!-ere Se$te$'e

    )* Elliti'al Se$te$'e

    )e* O$l4 Prei'ate

    )(* O$l4 S1-;e't

    )0* 2er- $%t the O$l4 Prei'ate

    )h* C%1la $%t Ne'e,,ar4

    )i* The Tw% Raiati$0 F%'i %( the Se$te$'e

    );* 2arietie, %( the Si!le Se$te$'e

      III. The E>a$,i%$ %( the S1-;e't

    )a* Iea#W%r, a$ F%r!#W%r,

    )-* C%$'%r a$ G%&er$!e$t

    )'* The Gr%1 ar%1$ the S1-;e't

    5. S1-%ri$ate Cla1,e

    6. With the Arti'le

    7. The A&er-

    8. The A;e'ti&e

    . The S1-,ta$ti&e

    )* B4 a$ %-li31e 'a,e

    )* A%,iti%$

      I2. The E>a$,i%$ %( the Prei'ate

    )a* Prei'ate i$ Wier Se$,e)-* The I$(i$iti&e a$ the Parti'ile

    )'* The Relati%$ -etwee$ the Prei'ate a$ S1-,ta$ti&e,

    )* The Pr%$%1$

    )e* A;e'ti&e,

    )(* The A&er-

    )0* Pre%,iti%$,

    )h* Ne0ati&e Parti'le, οὐ a$ μή)i* S1-%ri$ate Cla1,e,

    );* A%,iti%$ with the Prei'ate a$ L%%,er A!li(i'ati%$,

      2. S1-%ri$ate Ce$tre, i$ the Se$te$'e

      2I. C%$'%r i$ Per,%$  2II. C%$'%r i$ N1!-er 

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    )a* S1-;e't a$ Prei'ate

    5. Tw% C%$(li'ti$0 Pri$'ile,

    6. Ne1ter Pl1ral a$ Si$01lar 2er-

    7. C%lle'ti&e S1-,ta$ti&e,

    8. The Pi$ari' C%$,tr1'ti%$

    . Si$01lar 2er- with Fir,t S1-;e't. The Literar4 Pl1ral

    )-* S1-,ta$ti&e a$ A;e'ti&e

    )'* Rere,e$tati&e Si$01lar 

    )* Ii%!ati' Pl1ral i$ N%1$,

    )e* Ii%!ati' Si$01lar i$ N%1$,

    )(* Se'ial I$,ta$'e,

      2III. C%$'%r i$ Ge$er 

    )a* Fl1't1ati%$, i$ Ge$er 

    )-* The Ne1ter Si$01lar 

    )'* E>la$at%r4 ὅ ἐστιν a$ τοῦτ! "στιν)* The Parti'ile)e* A;e'ti&e,

      I. C%$'%r i$ Ca,e

    )a* A;e'ti&e,

    )-* Parti'ile,

    )'* The B%%/ %( Re&elati%$

    )* Other Pe'1liaritie, i$ A%,iti%$

    )e* The A-,%l1te U,e %( the Ca,e, )$%!i$ati&e? 0e$iti&e? a-lati&e a$ a''1,ati&e*

      . P%,iti%$ %( W%r, i$ the Se$te$'e

    )a* Free%! (r%! R1le,

    )-* Prei'ate %(te$ Fir,t

    )'* E!ha,i,

    )* The Mi$%r W%r, i$ a Se$te$'e

    )e* E1h%$4 a$ Rh4th!

    )(* Pr%le,i,

    )0* H4,ter%$ Pr%ter%$

    )h* H4er-at%$

    )i* P%,t%,iti&e,

    );* Fl1't1ati$0 W%r,

    )/* The Orer %( Cla1,e, i$ C%!%1$ Se$te$'e,

      I. C%!%1$ Se$te$'e,

    )a* Tw% Ki$, %( Se$te$'e,)-* Tw% Ki$, %( C%!%1$ Se$te$'e,

    )'* Parata'ti' Se$te$'e,

    )* H4%ta'ti' Se$te$'e,

      II. C%$$e'ti%$ i$ Se$te$'e,

    )a* Si$0le W%r,

    )-* Cla1,e,

    5. Parata'ti' Se$te$'e,

    6. H4%ta'ti' Se$te$'e,

    7. The I$(i$iti&e a$ Parti'ile a, C%$$e'ti&e,

    )'* Tw% Ki$, %( St4le

    )* The Pare$the,i,)e* A$a'%l1th%$

  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


    5. The S1,e$e S1-;e't

    6. Di0re,,i%$

    7. The Parti'ile i$ A$a'%l1tha

    8. A,4$et%$ D1e t% A-,e$'e %( #$ a$ %&&ά)(* Orati% 2ariata

    5. Di,ti$'ti%$ (r%! A$a'%l1th%$6. Heter%0e$e%1, Str1't1re

    7. Parti'ile, i$ Orati% 2ariata

    8. E>'ha$0e %( Dire't a$ I$ire't Di,'%1r,e

    )0* C%$$e'ti%$ -etwee$ Searate Se$te$'e,

    )h* C%$$e'ti%$ -etwee$ Para0rah,

      III. F%re'a,t

    CHAPTER  I. The Ca,e,

      I. Hi,t%r4 %( the I$terretati%$ %( the Gree/ Ca,e,

    )a* C%$(1,i%$

    )-* B%+, C%$tri-1ti%$

    )'* M%er$ U,a0e)* Gree$+, Cla,,i(i'ati%$

    )e* S4$'reti,! %( the Ca,e,

    )(* Free%! i$ U,e %( Ca,e

      II. The P1r%,e %( the Ca,e,

    )a* Ari,t%tle+, U,a0e

    )-* W%r#Relati%$,

      III. The E$'r%a'h!e$t %( Pre%,iti%$, %$ the Ca,e,

    )a* The Rea,%$

    )-* N%

  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


    )e* A%,iti%$ t% the 2%'ati&e

    )(* 2%'ati&e i$ Prei'ate

    )0* The Arti'le with the 2%'ati&e

      2II. The A''1,ati&e Ca,e

    )a* The Na!e

    )-* A0e a$ Hi,t%r4)'* The Mea$i$0 %( the A''1,ati&e

    )* With 2er-, %( M%ti%$

    )e* E>te$t %( Sa'e

    )(* E>te$t %( Ti!e

    )0* With Tra$,iti&e 2er-,

    )h* The C%0$ate A''1,ati&e

    )i* D%1-le A''1,ati&e

    );* With Pa,,i&e 2er-,

    )/* The A&er-ial A''1,ati&e

    )l* The A''1,ati&e -4 A$tit%,i,

    )!* The A''1,ati&e -4 I$&er,e Attra'ti%$)$* The A''1,ati&e with the I$(i$iti&e

    )%* The A''1,ati&e A-,%l1te

    )* The A''1,ati&e with Pre%,iti%$,

      2III. The Ge$iti&e )Tr1e* Ca,e

    )a* Tw% Ca,e, with O$e F%r!

    )-* Na!e I$'%rre't

    )'* The Se'i(4i$0 Ca,e

    )* The L%'al U,e

    )e* The Te!%ral U,e

    )(* With S1-,ta$ti&e,

    5. The P%,,e,,i&e Ge$iti&e

    6. Attri-1ti&e Ge$iti&e

    7. The Prei'ate Ge$iti&e

    8. A%,iti%$ %r De(i$iti%$

    . The S1-;e'ti&e Ge$iti&e

    . The O-;e'ti&e Ge$iti&e

    J. Ge$iti&e %( Relati%$,hi

    . Partiti&e Ge$iti&e

    . The P%,iti%$ %( the Ge$iti&e

    5. C%$'ate$ati%$ %( Ge$iti&e,

    )0* The Ge$iti&e with A;e'ti&e,)h* The Ge$iti&e with A&er-, a$ Pre%,iti%$,

    )i* The Ge$iti&e with 2er-,

    5. 2er4 C%!!%$

    6. Fai$0 Di,ti$'ti%$ (r%! A''1,ati&e

    7. 2er-, %( Se$,ati%$

    8. 2er-, %( E!%ti%$

    . 2er-, %( Shari$0? Parta/i$0 a$ Filli$0

    . 2er-, %( R1li$0

    J. 2er-, %( B14i$0? Selli$0? Bei$0 W%rth4 %( 

    . 2er-, %( A''1,i$0 a$ C%$e!$i$0

    . Ge$iti&e D1e t% Pre%,iti%$, i$ C%!%,iti%$5. Attra'ti%$ %( the Relati&e

  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


    );* The Ge$iti&e %( the I$(i$iti&e

    )/* The Ge$iti&e A-,%l1te

      I. The A-lati&e Ca,e

    )a* The Na!e

    )-* The Mea$i$0

    )'* Rare with S1-,ta$ti&e,)* The A-lati&e with A;e'ti&e,

    )e* The A-lati&e with Pre%,iti%$,

    )(* The A-lati&e with 2er-,

    5. 2er-, %( Deart1re a$ Re!%&al

    6. 2er-, %( Cea,i$0? A-,tai$i$0

    7. 2er-, %( Mi,,i$0? La'/i$0? De,airi$0

    8. 2er-, %( Di((eri$0? E>'elli$0

    . 2er-, %( A,/i$0 a$ Heari$0

    . 2er-, with the Partiti&e Iea

    J. Attra'ti%$ %( the Relati&e

      . The L%'ati&e Ca,e)a* The Na!e L%'ati&e

    )-* The Si0$i(i'a$'e %( the L%'ati&e

    )'* Pla'e

    )* Ti!e

    )e* L%'ati&e with A;e'ti&e,

    )(* L%'ati&e with 2er-,

    )0* The L%'ati&e with S1-,ta$ti&e,

    )h* The L%'ati&e with Pre%,iti%$,

    )i* The Pre0$a$t C%$,tr1'ti%$ %( the L%'ati&e

      I. The I$,tr1!e$tal Ca,e

    )a* The Ter! I$,tr1!e$tal

    )-* S4$'reti,ti'"

    )'* Pla'e

    )* Ti!e

    )e* The A,,%'iati&e Iea

    )(* With W%r, %( Li/e$e,, a$ Ie$tit4

    )0* Ma$$er 

    )h* De0ree %( Di((ere$'e

    )i* Ca1,e

    );* Mea$,

    )/* With Pre%,iti%$,  II. The Dati&e )Tr1e* Ca,e

    )a* S4$'reti,!

    )-* The De'a4 %( the Dati&e

    )'* The Iea %( the Dati&e

    )* The Dati&e with S1-,ta$ti&e,

    )e* With A;e'ti&e,

    )(* With A&er-, a$ Pre%,iti%$,

    )0* With 2er-,

    5. I$ire't O-;e't

    6. Dati&1, C%!!%i &el I$'%!!%i )Ethi'al*

    7. Dire't O-;e't8. The Dati&e with I$tra$,iti&e 2er-,

  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


    . P%,,e,,i%$

    . I$(i$iti&e a, Fi$al Dati&e

    J. The Dati&e %( the A0e$t

    . The Dati&e -e'a1,e %( the Pre%,iti%$

    )h* A!-i01%1, E>a!le,

    CHAPTER  II. A&er-,  I. Se'ial Di((i'1ltie,

    )a* Nat1re %( the A&er-

    )-* The Narr%wer Se$,e %( A&er-

      II. A&er-, with 2er-,

    )a* C%!!%$e,t U,e

    )-* N. T. U,a0e

    )'* Prei'ati&e U,e, with ()νομαι a$ ε*μ))* With "+ω)e* With Parti'ile,

    )(* L%%,e Relati%$ t% the 2er-

      III. A&er-, U,e with Other A&er-,  I2. A&er-, with A;e'ti&e,

      2. A&er-, with S1-,ta$ti&e,

      2I. A&er-, Treate a, S1-,ta$ti&e,

      2II. The Pre0$a$t U,e %( A&er-,

      2III. A&er-, a, Mar/, %( St4le

      I. The A&er- Di,ti$01i,he (r%! the A;e'ti&e

    )a* Di((ere$t Mea$i$0

    )-* Di((ere$'e i$ Gree/ a$ E$0li,h Ii%!

      . A&er-ial Phra,e,

    )a* I$'iie$t A&er-,

    )-* Pre%,iti%$al Phra,e,

    )'* Parti'ile,

    )* The 2er- U,e A&er-iall4

    CHAPTER  III. Pre%,iti%$,

      I. The Na!e

    )a* S%!e P%,t%,iti&e

    )-* N%t Ori0i$all4 U,e with 2er-,

    )'* E>la$ati%$

      II. The Ori0i$ %( Pre%,iti%$,

    )a* Ori0i$all4 A&er-,

    )-* Rea,%$ (%r U,e %( Pre%,iti%$,)'* 2ar4i$0 Hi,t%r4

      III. Gr%wth i$ the U,e %( Pre%,iti%$,

    )a* O$'e N% Pre%,iti%$,

    )-* The Pre%,iti%$, Still U,e a, A&er-, i$ H%!er 

    )'* De'rea,i$0 U,e a, A&er-, a(ter H%!er 

    )* Se!iti' I$(l1e$'e i$ N. T.

    )e* I$ M%er$ Gree/ 

      I2. Pre%,iti%$, i$ C%!%,iti%$ with 2er-,

    )a* N%t the Mai$ F1$'ti%$

    )-* Pre%,iti%$ Al%$e

    )'* I$'rea,i$0 U,e)* Reetiti%$ a(ter 2er-

  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


    )e* Di((ere$t Pre%,iti%$ a(ter 2er-

    )(* Se'%$ Pre%,iti%$ N%t Ne'e,,ar4

    )0* E((e't %( Pre%,iti%$ %$ Mea$i$0 %( the 2er-

    )h* Dr%i$0 the Pre%,iti%$ with Se'%$ 2er-

    )i* I$te$,i&e %r Per(e'ti&e

    );* D%1-le C%!%1$,  2. Reetiti%$ a$ 2ariati%$ %( Pre%,iti%$,

    )a* Sa!e Pre%,iti%$ with Di((ere$t Ca,e,

    )-* Reetiti%$ with Se&eral N%1$,

    )'* Reetiti%$ with the Relati&e

    )* C%$e$,ati%$ -4 2ariati%$

      2I. The F1$'ti%$, %( Pre%,iti%$, with Ca,e,

    )a* The Ca,e -e(%re Pre%,iti%$,

    )-* N%ti%$ %( Di!e$,i%$

    )'* Ori0i$al F%r'e %( the Ca,e

    )* The Gr%1$#Mea$i$0 %( the Pre%,iti%$

    )e* The O-li31e Ca,e, Al%$e with Pre%,iti%$,)(* Ori0i$al Free%!

    )0* N% Ae31ate Di&i,i%$ -4 Ca,e,

    )h* Sit1ati%$ i$ the N. T.

    5. Th%,e with O$e Ca,e

    6. Th%,e with Tw% Ca,e,

    7. Th%,e with Three Ca,e,

    8. P%,,i-l4 F%1r with ἐ,))i* Ea'h Pre%,iti%$ i$ a Ca,e

      2II. Pr%er Pre%,iti%$, i$ the N. T.

    )a* -νά)-* -ντ))'* -,.5. Ori0i$al Si0$i(i'a$'e

    6. Mea$i$0 Ba'/+


  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


    5. I$,tr1!e$tal U,e %( ἐν)(* 3*ς5. Ori0i$al Stati' U,e

    6. With 2er-, %( M%ti%$

    7. With E>re,,i%$, %( Ti!e

    8. Li/e a Dati&e. Ai! %r P1r%,e

    . Prei'ati&e U,e

    J. C%!are with ἐ,)4 ,αρά a$ ,ρ.ς)0* 2κ 5ἐ675. Mea$i$0

    6. I$ C%!%,iti%$

    7. Pla'e

    8. Ti!e

    . Searati%$

    . Ori0i$ %r S%1r'e

    J. Ca1,e %r O''a,i%$

    . The Partiti&e U,e %( ἐκ. 2κ a$ ἐν)h* 2,)5. Gr%1$#Mea$i$0

    6. I$ C%!%,iti%$ i$ the N. T.

    7. Fre31e$'4 i$ N. T.

    8. With the A''1,ati&e

    . With the Ge$iti&e

    . With the L%'ati&e

    J. The Tr1e Dati&e)i* Κατά5. R%%t#Mea$i$0

    6. Di,tri-1ti&e Se$,e

    7. Κατά i$ C%!%,iti%$8. With the A-lati&e

    . With the Ge$iti&e

    . With the A''1,ati&e

    );* 8ετά5. The R%%t#Mea$i$0

    6. I$ C%!%,iti%$

    7. C%!are with σ9ν8. L%,, %( the L%'ati&e U,e

    . With the Ge$iti&e

    . With the A''1,ati&e

    )/* :αρά5. Si0$i(i'a$'e

    6. C%!are with ,ρ.ς7. I$ C%!%,iti%$

    8. With the L%'ati&e

    . With the A-lati&e

    . With the A''1,ati&e

    )l* :ερ)5. The R%%t#Mea$i$0

  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


    6. I$ C%!%,iti%$

    7. Ori0i$all4 F%1r Ca,e, U,e

    8. With the A-lati&e

    . With the Ge$iti&e

    . With the A''1,ati&e

    )!* :ρ.5. The Ori0i$al Mea$i$0

    6. I$ C%!%,iti%$

    7. The Ca,e, U,e with ,ρ.8. Pla'e

    . Ti!e

    . S1eri%rit4

    )$* :ρ.ς5. The Mea$i$0

    6. I$ C%!%,iti%$

    7. Ori0i$all4 with Fi&e Ca,e,

    8. The A-lati&e. With the L%'ati&e

    . With the A''1,ati&e

    )%* Σ9ν5. The Mea$i$0

    6. Hi,t%r4

    7. I$ C%!%,iti%$

    8. N. T. U,a0e

    )* ;,$ρ5. The Mea$i$0

    6. I$ C%!%,iti%$7. With Ge$iti&e"

    8. With A-lati&e

    . The A''1,ati&e with ὑ,$ρ)3* ;,.5. The Ori0i$al Mea$i$0

    6. I$ C%!%,iti%$

    7. The Ca,e, O$'e U,e with ὑ,.8. With the A''1,ati&e

    . With the A-lati&e

      2III. The ναντι56. 2ναντ)ον

  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


    57. ?νεκα58. 2ντ.ς5. 2ν@,ιον5. >6ω5J. >6ωθεν

    5. 2,Aάνω5. 2,$κεινα6. >σω65. ?ως66. Κατ$ναντι67. Κατεν@,ιον68. Κυκ&.θεν6. Κ9κ&B6. 8$σον6J. 8ετα69

    6. 8$+ρι6. C,ισθεν7. D,)σω75. DE$76. :αραA,&ήσιον77. :αρAεκτ.ς78. :$ραν7. :&ήν7. :&ησ)ον7J. ;,ερAάνω

    7. ;,ερA$κεινα7. ;,ερAεκA,ερισσοῦ8. ;,οAκάτω85. Fάριν86. Fωρ)ς

      I. C%!%1$ Pre%,iti%$,

      . Pre%,iti%$al Cir'1!l%'1ti%$,

    )a* 8$σον)-* Cνομα)'* :ρ.σω,ον)* Στ.μα)e* Fε)ρ

    CHAPTER  I2. A;e'ti&e,

      I. Ori0i$ %( A;e'ti&e,

      II. The A;e'ti&al %r A%,iti%$al U,e %( the S1-,ta$ti&e

      III. The A;e'ti&e a, S1-,ta$ti&e

    )a* A$4 Ge$er 

    )-* With Ma,'1li$e A;e'ti&e,

    )'* With Fe!i$i$e A;e'ti&e,

    )* With the Ne1ter 

      I2. A0ree!e$t %( A;e'ti&e, with S1-,ta$ti&e,

    )a* I$ N1!-er )-* I$ Ge$er 

  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


    )'* I$ Ca,e

    )* Tw% %r M%re A;e'ti&e,

      2. The Attri-1ti&e A;e'ti&e

      2I. The Prei'ate A;e'ti&e

      2II. A;e'ti&e Rather tha$ A&er-

      2III. The Per,%$al C%$,tr1'ti%$  I. A;e'ti&e, U,e with Ca,e,

      . A;e'ti&e, with the I$(i$iti&e a$ Cla1,e,

      I. The A;e'ti&e a, A&er-

      II. The P%,iti&e A;e'ti&e

    )a* Relati&e C%$tra,t

    )-* U,e a, C%!arati&e %r S1erlati&e

    )'* With Pre%,iti%$,

    )* C%!ari,%$ I!lie -4 G)e* I$ A-,%l1te Se$,e

      III. The C%!arati&e A;e'ti&e

    )a* C%$tra,t %r D1alit4)-* De0ree

    )'* With%1t S1((i>e,

    )* D%1-le C%!ari,%$

    )e* With%1t O-;e't %( C%!ari,%$

    )(* F%ll%we -4 G)0* F%ll%we -4 the A-lati&e

    )h* F%ll%we -4 Pre%,iti%$,

    )i* The C%!arati&e Di,la'i$0 the S1erlati&e

      I2. The S1erlati&e A;e'ti&e

    )a* The S1erlati&e 2a$i,hi$0

    )-* A Few Tr1e S1erlati&e, i$ the N. T.

    )'* The Elati&e S1erlati&e

    )* N% D%1-le S1erlati&e,

    )e* F%ll%we -4 A-lati&e

    )(* N%

  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


    5. Ori0i$all4 Re(le>i&e

    6. Αὐτοῦ7. Ge$iti&e (%r P%,,e,,i%$

    8. E$'liti' F%r!,

    )'* The Fre31e$'4 %( the Per,%$al Pr%$%1$,

    )* Re1$a$t)e* A''%ri$0 t% Se$,e

    )(* Reetiti%$ %( the S1-,ta$ti&e

      II. The P%,,e,,i&e Pr%$%1$,

    )a* :1,t the Arti'le

    )-* O$l4 (%r Fir,t a$ Se'%$ Per,%$,

    )'* E!ha,i,? Whe$ U,e

    )* With the Arti'le

    )e* P%,,e,,i&e a$ Ge$iti&e T%0ether 

    )(* O-;e'ti&e U,e

    )0* I$,tea %( Re(le>i&e

      III. The I$te$,i&e a$ Ie$ti'al Pr%$%1$)a* The N%!i$ati&e U,e %( Αὐτ.ς)-* 2ar4i$0 De0ree, %( E!ha,i,

    )'* Αὐτ.ς with οNτος)* Αὐτ.ς al!%,t De!%$,trati&e)e* I$ the O-li31e Ca,e,

    )(* Αὐτ.ς Sie -4 Sie with the Re(le>i&e)0* O αὐτ.ς

      I2. The Re(le>i&e Pr%$%1$

    )a* Di,ti$'ti&e U,e

    )-* The A-,e$'e %( the Re(le>i&e (r%! the N%!i$ati&e)'* The I$ire't Re(le>i&e

    )* I$ the Si$01lar 

    )e* I$ the Pl1ral

    )(* Arti'le with

    )0* Re(le>i&e i$ the Re'ir%'al Se$,e

    )h* Re(le>i&e with Mile 2%i'e

    )i* The U,e %( P#ιος  2. The Re'ir%'al Pr%$%1$

      2I. De!%$,trati&e Pr%$%1$,

    )a* Nat1re

    )-* Di((ere$t Shae, %( Mea$i$0)'* O4 Q4 τ.)* Rς)e* R#ε)(* SNτος5. The P1rel4 Dei'ti'

    6. The C%$te!t1%1, U,e %( οTτος7. The A$ah%ri' U,e

    8. I$ A%,iti%$

    . U,e %( the Arti'le

    . Arti'le A-,e$t

    J. SNτος i$ C%$tra,t with ἐκεῖνος. A, A$te'ee$t %( the Relati&e Pr%$%1$

  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


    . Ge$er a$ N1!-er %( SNτος5. The A&er-ial U,e, %( τοῦτο a$ ταῦτα55. The Phra,e τοῦτ! "στιν56. I$ C%!-i$ati%$ with Other Pr%$%1$,

    57. Elli,i, %( SNτος

    58. Shi(t i$ Re(ere$'e)0* 2κεῖνος5. The P1rel4 Dei'ti'

    6. The C%$te!t1%1, U,e

    7. The A$ah%ri'

    8. The Re!%te O-;e't )C%$tra,t*

    . E!ha,i,

    . With A%,iti%$

    J. Arti'le with N%1$, e>'et whe$ Prei'ate

    . A, A$te'ee$t t% Relati&e

    . Ge$er a$ N1!-er 

    5. I$ee$e$t U,e

    )h* Αὐτ.ς)i* The C%rrelati&e De!%$,trati&e,

      2II. Relati&e Pr%$%1$,

    )a* Li,t i$ the N. T.

    )-* The Na!e

  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


    . 2al1e %( Uς". Ca,e

    J. N1!-er 

    . Ge$er 

    . Dire't 1e,ti%$,

    5. I$ire't 1e,ti%$,)(* SHος5. Relati%$ t% Uς6. I$'%r%rati%$

    7. I$ire't 1e,ti%$

    8. N1!-er 

    . SM.ν τ$ ἐστιν)0* O,οῖος5. 1alitati&e

    6. D%1-le O((i'e

    7. C%rrelati&e

    )h* Cσος5. 1a$titati&e

    6. A$te'ee$t

    7. Attra'ti%$

    8. I$'%r%rati%$

    . Reetiti%$

    . With ἄνJ. I$ire't 1e,ti%$,

    . I$ C%!ari,%$

    . A&er-ial

    )i* V&)κος);* O a, Relati&e  2III. I$terr%0ati&e Pr%$%1$,

    )a* L)ς5. S1-,ta$ti&al %r A;e'ti&al

    6. The A-,e$'e %( Ge$er 

    7. L)ςK,οῖος8. I$e'li$a-le τ). Prei'ate U,e %( τ) with τοῦτο. I$ Alter$ati&e 1e,ti%$,

    J. The D%1-le I$terr%0ati&e

    . A, Relati&e. A&er-ial U,e

    5. With Pre%,iti%$,

    55. With Parti'le,

    56. A, E>'la!ati%$

    57. I$ire't 1e,ti%$,

    58. L)ς %r τWς)-* :οῖος5. 1alitati&e

    6. N%$#31alitati&e

    7. I$ I$ire't 1e,ti%$,)'* :.σος

  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


    5. Le,, Fre31e$t tha$ ,οῖος6. Mea$i$0

    7. I$ I$ire't 1e,ti%$,

    8. The E>'la!at%r4 U,e

    )* :η&)κος

    5. Rare6. I$ire't 1e,ti%$,

    )e* :οτα,.ς)(* :.τερος

      I. I$e(i$ite Pr%$%1$,

    )a* LWς5. The A''e$t

    6. Relati%$ t% L)ς7. LWς a, S1-,ta$ti&e8. With N1!eral,QA-%1t+

    . With S1-,ta$ti&e,

    . With A;e'ti&e,

    J. A, Prei'ate

    . The P%,iti%$ %( τις. A, A$te'ee$t

    5. Alter$ati&e

    55. The Ne0ati&e F%r!,

    56. I$e'li$a-le τι)-* 3MςKLις)'* :XςQa$4 %$e+)* O 1εῖνα

      . Alter$ati&e %r Di,tri-1ti&e Pr%$%1$,)a* -μ/.τεροι)-* >καστος5. With%1t S1-,ta$ti&e

    6. With S1-,ta$ti&e

    7. With εMς8. With Ge$iti&e

    . Partiti&e A%,iti%$

    . Rare i$ Pl1ral

    J. Reetiti%$

    )'* =&&ος5. U,e a-,%l1tel4QA$#%ther?+ O$e Other+

    6. F%r Tw%

    7. A, A;e'ti&e

    8. With the Arti'le

    . The U,e %( ἄ&&ος ἄ&&ο. I$ C%$tra,t (%r S%!eOther,+

    J. Elli,i, %( ἄ&&ος. The U,e %( ἄ&&ος a$ "τερος T%0ether . QDi((ere$t+

    5. -&&.τριος

    )* >τερος5. A-,%l1tel4

  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


    6. With Arti'le

    7. Se'%$ %( Pair 

    8. QDi((ere$t+

    . QA$%ther+ %( Three %r M%re

    . I$ C%$tra,t

    )e* Other A$titheti' Pr%$%1$,  I. Ne0ati&e Pr%$%1$,

    )a* Sὐ#ε)ς5. Hi,t%r4

    6. Sὐθε)ς7. Ge$er 

    8. Sὐ#Y εMς. 3MςZοὐ)-* 8η#ε)ς)'* S[τις a$ 8ήτις)* With :Xς5. Sὐ ,Xς6. SὐZ,Xς7. 8ήZ,Xς8. Sὐ μήZ,Xν. :XςZοὐ. :XςZμήJ. :XςZοὐ μή. SὐZ,άντες. :άντες οὐ

    CHAPTER  2I. The Arti'le

      I. Other U,e, %( \4 Q4 τ.  II. Ori0i$ a$ De&el%!e$t %( the Arti'le

    )a* A Gree/ C%$tri-1ti%$

    )-* Deri&e (r%! the De!%$,trati&e

      III. Si0$i(i'a$'e %( the Arti'le

      I2. The Meth% E!l%4e -4 the Arti'le

    )a* I$i&i1al, (r%! I$i&i1al,

    )-* Cla,,e, (r%! Other Cla,,e,

    )'* 1alitie, (r%! Other 1alitie,

      2. 2arie U,a0e, %( the Arti'le

    )a* With S1-,ta$ti&e,

    5. C%$te>t

    6. Ge$er %( the Arti'le

    7. With Pr%er Na!e,

    8. Se'%$ Me$ti%$ )A$ah%ri'*

    )-* With A;e'ti&e,

    5. The Re,1!ti&e Arti'le

    6. With the A;e'ti&e Al%$e

    7. The Arti'le $%t Ne'e,,ar4 with the A;e'ti&e

    8. With N1!eral,

    )'* With Parti'ile,

    )* With the I$(i$iti&e)e* With A&er-,

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    )(* With Pre%,iti%$al Phra,e,

    )0* With Si$0le W%r, %r Wh%le Se$te$'e,

    )h* With Ge$iti&e Al%$e

    )i* N%1$, i$ the Prei'ate

    );* Di,tri-1ti&e

    )/* N%!i$ati&e with the Arti'leQ2%'ati&e)l* A, the E31i&ale$t %( a P%,,e,,i&e Pr%$%1$

    )!* With P%,,e,,i&e Pr%$%1$,

    )$* With Αὐτ.ς)%* With De!%$,trati&e,

    )* With C&ος4 :Xς 5=,ας7)3* With :ο&9ς)r* =κρος4 ]μισυς4 >σ+ατος4 8$σος),* With =&&ος a$ >τερος)t* 8.νος

      2I. P%,iti%$ with Attri-1ti&e,

    )a* With A;e'ti&e,

    5. N%r!al P%,iti%$ %( the A;e'ti&e

    6. The Other C%$,tr1'ti%$ )Reetiti%$ %( the Arti'le*

    7. Arti'le Reeate Se&eral Ti!e,

    8. O$e Arti'le with Se&eral A;e'ti&e,

    . With A$arthr%1, S1-,ta$ti&e,

    . With Parti'ile,

    )-* With Ge$iti&e,

    5. The P%,iti%$ -etwee$ the Arti'le a$ the S1-,ta$ti&e

    6. Ge$iti&e a(ter the S1-,ta$ti&e with%1t Reetiti%$ %( the Arti'le

    7. Reetiti%$ %( Arti'le with Ge$iti&e8. The Arti'le O$l4 with Ge$iti&e

    . Arti'le A-,e$t with B%th

    . The C%rrelati%$ %( the Arti'le

    )'* With A;1$'t, %r A&er-,

    5. Betwee$ the Arti'le a$ the N%1$

    6. Arti'le Reeate

    7. O$l4 with A;1$'t

    8. O$l4 with the N%1$

    . Whe$ Se&eral A;1$'t, O''1r 

    . Phra,e, %( 2er-al Ori0i$

    J. E>e0eti'al 1e,ti%$,. A$arthr%1, Attri-1ti&e,

    )* Se&eral Attri-1ti&e, with Κα)5. Se&eral Eithet, Alie t% the Sa!e Per,%$ %r Thi$0

    6. Whe$ t% -e Di,ti$01i,he

    7. Gr%1, Treate a, O$e

    8. P%i$t %( 2iew

    . Di((ere$'e i$ N1!-er 

    . Di((ere$'e i$ Ge$er 

    J. With Di,;1$'ti&e Parti'le

      2II. P%,iti%$ with Prei'ate,

      2III. The A-,e$'e %( the Arti'le)a* With Pr%er Na!e,

  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


    )-* With Ge$iti&e,

    )'* Pre%,iti%$al Phra,e,

    )* With B%th Pre%,iti%$ a$ Ge$iti&e

    )e* Title, %( B%%/, %r Se'ti%$,

    )(* W%r, i$ Pair,

    )0* Ori$al N1!eral,)h* I$ the Prei'ate

    )i* A-,tra't W%r,

    );* 1alitati&e F%r'e

    )/* O$l4 O-;e't %( Ki$

      I. The I$e(i$ite Arti'le

    CHAPTER  2II. 2%i'e

      I. P%i$t %( 2iew

    )a* Di,ti$'ti%$ -etwee$ 2%i'e a$ Tra$,iti&e$e,,

    )-* Mea$i$0 %( 2%i'e

    )'* Na!e, %( the 2%i'e,

    )* Hi,t%r4 %( the 2%i'e,)e* Hel (r%! the Sa$,/rit

    )(* De(e'ti&e 2er-,

      II. The A'ti&e 2%i'e

    )a* Mea$i$0 %( the A'ti&e 2%i'e

    )-* Either Tra$,iti&e %r I$tra$,iti&e

    )'* E((e't %( Pre%,iti%$, i$ C%!%,iti%$

    )* Di((ere$t Te$,e, 2ar4

    )e* The A'ti&e a, Ca1,ati&e

    )(* A'ti&e with Re(le>i&e,

    )0* I!er,%$al A'ti&e

    )h* I$(i$iti&e,

    )i* A'ti&e 2er-, a, Pa,,i&e, %( Other 2er-,

      III. The Mile 2%i'e

    )a* Ori0i$ %( the Mile

    )-* Mea$i$0 %( the Mile

    )'* O(te$ Di((ere$'e (r%! A'ti&e A'1te

    )* The U,e %( the Mile $%t O-li0at%r4

    )e* Either Tra$,iti&e %r I$tra$,iti&e

    )(* Dire't Mile

    )0* Ca1,ati&e %r Per!i,,i&e Mile

    )h* I$ire't Mile)i* Re'ir%'al Mile

    );* Re1$a$t Mile

    )/* D4$a!i' )De%$e$t* Mile

    )l* Mile F1t1re? th%10h A'ti&e Pre,e$t

    )!* The Mile Retreati$0 i$ the N. T.

      I2. The Pa,,i&e 2%i'e

    )a* Ori0i$ %( the Pa,,i&e

    )-* Si0$i(i'a$'e %( the Pa,,i&e

    )'* With I$tra$,iti&e %r Tra$,iti&e 2er-,

    )* The Pa,,i&e U,1all4 I$tra$,iti&e

    )e* A%ri,t Pa,,i&e)(* F1t1re Pa,,i&e

  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


    )0* The A0e$t with the Pa,,i&e 2%i'e

    )h* I!er,%$al C%$,tr1'ti%$

    CHAPTER  2III. Te$,e

      I. C%!le>it4 %( the S1-;e't

    5. The Di((i'1lt4 %( C%!ari$0 Gree/ Te$,e, with Ger!a$i' Te$,e,

    6. Ba I$(l1e$'e %( the Lati$ %$ Gree/ Gra!!aria$,7. A-,e$'e %( He-rew I$(l1e$'e

    8. Gra1al Gr%wth %( the Gree/ Te$,e,


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    6. P1$'tiliar )A%ri,ti'* Pre,e$t

    )a* The Se'i(i' Pre,e$t

    )-* The G$%!i' Pre,e$t

    )'* The Hi,t%ri'al Pre,e$t

    )* The F1t1ri,ti' Pre,e$t

    7. The P1$'tiliar )A%ri,ti'* F1t1re)a* P1$'tiliar %r D1rati&e

    )-* The M%al A,e't %( the F1t1re

    )* Merel4 F1t1ri,ti'

    )* The 2%liti&e F1t1re

    )* Deli-erati&e F1t1re

    )'* The F1t1re i$ the M%%,

    )* The I$i'ati&e

    )* The S1-;1$'ti&e a$ Otati&e

    )* The I$(i$iti&e

    )* The Parti'ile

    )* The Perihra,ti' S1-,tit1te, (%r the F1t1re  III. D1rati&e )Li$ear* A'ti%$

    5. I$i'ati&e

    )a* The Pre,e$t )\ ἐνεστ@ς* (%r Pre,e$t Ti!e)* The De,'riti&e Pre,e$t

    )* The Pr%0re,,i&e Pre,e$t

    )* The Iterati&e %r C1,t%!ar4 Pre,e$t

    )* The I$'h%ati&e %r C%$ati&e Pre,e$t

    )* The Hi,t%ri'al Pre,e$t

    )* The Deli-erati&e Pre,e$t

    )* The Perihra,ti' Pre,e$t

    )* Pre,e$t, a, Per(e't,

    )V* Per(e't, a, Pre,e$t,

    )* F1t1ri,ti' Pre,e$t,

    )-* The I!er(e't (%r Pa,t Ti!e

    )* D%1-t(1l I!er(e't,

    )* The De,'riti&e Te$,e i$ Narrati&e

    )* The Iterati&e )C1,t%!ar4* I!er(e't

    )* The Pr%0re,,i&e I!er(e't

    )* The I$'h%ati&e %r C%$ati&e I!er(e't

    )* The

  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


    )'* De,'riti&e

    )* C%$ati&e

    )e* A$te'ee$t Ti!e

    )(* I$ire't Di,'%1r,e

    )0* With the Arti'le

    )h* Pa,t A'ti%$ Still i$ Pr%0re,,)i* te$,i&e Per(e't

    )* Iea %( Ti!e i$ the Te$,e

    6. The I$i'ati&e

    )a* The Pre,e$t Per(e't

    )* The I$te$,i&e Pre,e$t Per(e't)* The E>te$,i&e Pre,e$t Per(e'tQa '%!lete ,tate

    )* The Pre,e$t Per(e't %( Br%/e$ C%$ti$1it4

    )* The Dra!ati' Hi,t%ri'al Pre,e$t Per(e't

    )* The G$%!i' Pre,e$t Per(e't

    )* The Per(e't i$ I$ire't Di,'%1r,e

    )* F1t1ri,ti' Pre,e$t Per(e't

    )* The 1r4 i$ Gree/ 

    )* The I$te$,i&e Pa,t Per(e't

    )* The E>te$,i&e Pa,t Per(e't

    )* The Pa,t Per(e't %( Br%/e$ C%$ti$1it4

    )* Pa,t Per(e't i$ C%$iti%$al Se$te$'e,

    )* The Perihra,ti' Pa,t Per(e't

    )* Se'ial U,e %( ἐκε)μην)'* The F1t1re Per(e't

    7. The S1-;1$'ti&e a$ Otati&e

    8. The I!erati&e. The I$(i$iti&e

    )a* I$ire't Di,'%1r,e

    )-* Per(e't I$(i$iti&e $%t i$ I$ire't Di,'%1r,e

    )* S1-;e't %r O-;e't I$(i$iti&e

    )* With Pre%,iti%$,

    . The Parti'ile

    )a* The Mea$i$0

    )-* The Ti!e %( the Te$,e

    )'* The Per(e't Te$,e O''1r, with 2ari%1, U,e, %( the Parti'ile

    )* The Perihra,ti' Parti'ile

    CHAPTER  I. M%e  I$tr%1't%r4

  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


      A. I$ee$e$t %r Parata'ti' Se$te$'e,

    I. The I$i'ati&e M%e

    5. Mea$i$0 %( the I$i'ati&e M%e

    6. Ki$, %( Se$te$'e, U,i$0 the I$i'ati&e

    )a* Either De'larati&e %r I$terr%0ati&e

    )-* P%,iti&e a$ Ne0ati&e7. Se'ial U,e, %( the I$i'ati&e

    )a* Pa,t Te$,e,

    )* F%r C%1rte,4

    )* Pre,e$t Ne'e,,it4? O-li0ati%$? P%,,i-ilit4? Pr%riet4 i$ Te$,e, %( the Pa,t

    )* The A%%,i, %( C%$iti%$, %( the Se'%$ Cla,,

    )* I!%,,i-le Wi,he,

    )-* The Pre,e$t

    )'* The F1t1re

    II. The S1-;1$'ti&e M%e

    5. Relati%$, t% Other M%e,

    )a* The A%ri,t S1-;1$'ti&e a$ the F1t1re I$i'ati&e)-* The S1-;1$'ti&e a$ the I!erati&e

    )'* The S1-;1$'ti&e a$ the Otati&e

    6. Ori0i$al Si0$i(i'a$'e %( the S1-;1$'ti&e

    7. Three(%l U,a0e

    )a* F1t1ri,ti'

    )-* 2%liti&e

    )'* Deli-erati&e

    III. The Otati&e M%e

    5. Hi,t%r4 %( the Otati&e

    6. Si0$i(i'a$'e

    7. The Three U,e,

    )a* F1t1ri,ti' %r P%te$tial

    )-* 2%liti&e

    )'* Deli-erati&e

    I2. The I!erati&e

    5. Ori0i$ %( the I!erati&e

    6. Mea$i$0 %( the I!erati&e

    7. Di,aeara$'e %( the I!erati&e F%r!,

    8. Alter$ati&e, (%r the I!erati&e

    )a* The F1t1re I$i'ati&e

    )-* The S1-;1$'ti&e)'* The Otati&e

    )* The I$(i$iti&e

    )e* The Parti'ile

    . U,e, %( the I!erati&e

    )a* C%!!a$ %r E>h%rtati%$

    )-* Pr%hi-it%$

    )'* E$treat4

    )* Per!i,,i%$

    )e* C%$'e,,i%$ %r C%$iti%$

    )(* I$ A,4$et%$

    )0* I$ S1-%ri$ate Cla1,e,)h* The Te$,e,

  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


    )i* I$ I$ire't Di,'%1r,e

      B. Dee$e$t %r H4%ta'ti' Se$te$'e,


    )a* U,e %( M%e, i$ S1-%ri$ate Se$te$'e,

    )-* The U,e %( C%$;1$'ti%$, i$ S1-%ri$ate Cla1,e,

    )'* L%0i'al 2arietie, %( S1-%ri$ate Cla1,e,5. Relati&e Se$te$'e,

    )a* Relati&e Se$te$'e, Ori0i$all4 Parata'ti'

    )-* M%,t S1-%ri$ate Cla1,e, Relati&e i$ Ori0i$

    )'* Relati&e Cla1,e, U,1all4 A;e'ti&al

    )* M%e, i$ Relati&e Se$te$'e,

    )e* De(i$ite a$ I$e(i$ite Relati&e Se$te$'e,

    )(* The U,e %( ἄν i$ Relati&e Cla1,e,)0* Se'ial U,e, %( Relati&e Cla1,e,

    )h* Ne0ati&e, i$ Relati&e Cla1,e,

    6. Ca1,al Se$te$'e,

    )a* Parata'ti' Ca1,al Se$te$'e,)-* With S1-%ri$ati$0 C%$;1$'ti%$,

    )'* Relati&e Cla1,e,

    )* 1ι^ τ. a$ the I$(i$iti&e)e* The Parti'ile

    7. C%!arati&e Cla1,e,

    )a* The Relati&e Uσος)-* Relati&e Uς with κατά)'* Καθ.τι i$ a C%!arati&e Se$,e)* _ς a$ it, C%!%1$,

    8. L%'al Cla1,e,. Te!%ral Cla1,e,

    )a* Ki$ t% Relati&e Cla1,e, i$ Ori0i$ a$ Ii%!

    )-* C%$;1$'ti%$, Mea$i$0 Whe$+

    )'* The Gr%1 Mea$i$0 U$til+ )While+*

    )* S%!e N%!i$al a$ Pre%,iti%$al Phra,e,

    )e* The Te!%ral U,e %( the I$(i$iti&e

    )(* Te!%ral U,e %( the Parti'ile

    . Fi$al a$ C%$,e'1ti&e Cla1,e,

    )a* Ki$,hi

    )-* Ori0i$ i$ Parata>i,

    )'* P1re Fi$al Cla1,e,)* Pνα)* C,ως)* _ς)* μή4 μή ,οτε4 μή ,ως)* Relati&e Cla1,e,

    )* The I$(i$iti&e

    )* The Parti'ile

    )* S1-#Fi$al Cla1,e,

    )* Pνα)* C,ως)* 8ή4 μή ,ως4 μή ,οτε)* The Relati&e Cla1,e

  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


    )* The I$(i$iti&e

    )* ` a$ Uτι)e* C%$,e'1ti&e Cla1,e,

    )* Pνα)* aστε

    )* _ς)* Cτι)* The Relati&e

    )* The I$(i$iti&e

    J. Wi,he,

    . C%$iti%$al Se$te$'e,

    )a* Tw% T4e,

    )-* F%1r Cla,,e,

    )* Deter!i$e a, F1l(ille

    )* Deter!i$e a, U$(1l(ille

    )* U$eter!i$e? -1t with Pr%,e't %( Deter!i$ati%$

    )* Re!%te Pr%,e't %( Deter!i$ati%$

    )'* Se'ial P%i$t,

    )* Mi>e C%$iti%$,

    )* I!lie C%$iti%$,

    )* Elliti'al C%$iti%$,

    )* C%$'e,,i&e Cla1,e,

    )* Other Parti'le, with ε* a$ ἐάν. I$ire't Di,'%1r,e

    )a* Re'itati&e Cτι i$ Orati% Re'ta)-* Cha$0e %( Per,%$ i$ I$ire't Di,'%1r,e

    )'* Cha$0e %( Te$,e i$ I$ire't Di,'%1r,e)* Cha$0e %( M%e i$ I$ire't Di,'%1r,e

    )e* The Li!it, %( I$ire't Di,'%1r,e

    )(* De'larati&e Cla1,e,

    )* Cτι a$ the I$i'ati&e)* The I$(i$iti&e

    )* The Parti'ile

    )* ΚαW ἐ($νετο)0* I$ire't 1e,ti%$,

    )* Te$,e

    )* M%e

    )* I$terr%0ati&e Pr%$%1$, a$ C%$;1$'ti%$, U,e)h* I$ire't C%!!a$

    )* Deli-erati&e 1e,ti%$

    )* The C%$;1$'ti%$, bνα a$ U,ως)* The I$(i$iti&e

    )i* Mi>t1re

    );* The S1-%ri$ate Cla1,e

    5. Serie, %( S1-%ri$ate Cla1,e,

    CHAPTER  . 2er-al N%1$,

      I. Ki$,hi

      II. The I$(i$iti&e

    5. Ori0i$

    6. De&el%!e$t

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  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


    . 2er-al A,e't, %( the Parti'ile

    )a* 2%i'e

    )-* Te$,e

    )* Ti!ele,,$e,, %( the Parti'ile

    )* The A%ri,t

    )* The Pre,e$t)* The Per(e't

    )* The F1t1re

    )'* Ca,e,

    )* The S1le!e$tar4 Parti'ile

    )* The Perihra,ti' C%$,tr1'ti%$

    )* A Di!i$1ti%$ %( the C%!le!e$tar4 Parti'ile

    )* 2er-, %( E!%ti%$

    )* I$ire't Di,'%1r,e

    )e* The Cir'1!,ta$tial Parti'ile

    )* The Ge$eral The%r4

    )* 2arietie, %( the Cir'1!,ta$tial Parti'ile)* The A-,%l1te Parti'ile i$ S1-%ri$ate Cla1,e,

    )(* The I$ee$e$t Parti'ile i$ a Se$te$'e

    )0* C%#%ri$ati%$ -etwee$ Parti'ile,

    )h* Sὐ a$ μή with the Parti'ile)i* Other Parti'le, with the Parti'ile

    CHAPTER  I. Parti'le,

      I. S'%e

      II. I$te$,i&e %r E!hati' Parti'le,

    5. Li!itati%$,

    6. The N. T. Ill1,trati%$,

    )a* c$)-* 1ή)'* 3M μήν4 νή a$ να))* 8$ν)e* :$ρ)(* Lο)

      III. Ne0ati&e Parti'le,

    5. The O-;e'ti&e Sὐ a$ it, C%!%1$,)a* Ori0i$

    )-* Hi,t%r4

    )'* Mea$i$0)* U,e,

    )i* The I$i'ati&e

    )* I$ee$e$t Se$te$'e,

    )* S1-%ri$ate Cla1,e,

    )ii* The S1-;1$'ti&e

    )iii* The Otati&e

    )i&* The I!erati&e

    )&* The I$(i$iti&e

    )&i* The Parti'ile

    )&ii* With N%1$,

    )e* ΚαW Sὐ)(* Re1$a$t %r Ple%$a,ti' Sὐ

  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


    )0* Reetiti%$ %( Sὐ)h* The I$te$,i(4i$0 C%!%1$ Ne0ati&e

    )i* The Di,;1$'ti&e Ne0ati&e

    6. The S1-;e'ti&e Ne0ati&e 8ή a$ It, C%!%1$,)a* The Hi,t%r4 %( 8ή

    )-* Si0$i(i'a$'e %( 8ή)'* U,e, %( 8ή)i* The I$i'ati&e

    )ii* The S1-;1$'ti&e

    )iii* The Otati&e

    )i&* The I!erati&e

    )&* The I$(i$iti&e

    )&i* The Parti'ile

    )&ii* N%1$,

    )* The I$te$,i(4i$0 C%!%1$, with 8ή)e* ΚαW μή)(* Di,;1$'ti&e U,e %( 8ή7. C%!-i$ati%$ %( the Tw% Ne0ati&e,

    )a* 8d οὐ)-* Sὐ μή

      I2. I$terr%0ati&e Parti'le,

    5. Si$0le 1e,ti%$,

    )a* Dire't 1e,ti%$,

    )i* N% Parti'le at All

    )ii* The U,e %( Ne0ati&e Parti'le,

    )iii* Other Parti'le,

    )i&* I$terr%0ati&e Pr%$%1$,)&* I$terr%0ati&e C%$;1$'ti%$,

    )-* I$ire't 1e,ti%$,

    )i* Pr%$%1$,

    )ii* C%$;1$'ti%$,

    6. D%1-le 1e,ti%$,

    )i* Dire't

    )ii* I$ire't

      2. C%$;1$'ti%$,

    5. Parata'ti' C%$;1$'ti%$,

    )a* C%1lati&e

    )i* L$)ii* Κα))iii* 1$)i&* -&&ά)-* A&er,ati&e

    )i* 1$)ii* -&&ά)iii* :&ήν)i&* 8$ντοι)&* Cμως

    )&i* 3* μή)'* Di,;1$'ti&e,

  • 8/13/2019 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research 3


    )i* ])ii* 3bτεZεbτε 5ἐάντεZἐάντε7)iii* S[τεZο[τε 5μήτεZμήτε7)* I$(ere$tial C%$;1$'ti%$,

    )i* =ρα

    )ii* c%ρ)iii* STν6. H4%ta'ti' C%$;1$'ti%$,

      2I. I$ter;e'ti%$,

    CHAPTER  II. Fi01re, %( See'h

      I. Rhet%ri'al? $%t Gra!!ati'al

      II. St4le i$ the N. T.

      III. Fi01re, %( Iea %r Th%10ht

      I2. Fi01re, %( E>re,,i%$

    )a* Parallel, a$ C%$tra,t,

    )-* C%$tra,t, i$ W%r,

    )'* C%$tra'ti%$ a$ E>a$,i%$

    )* Metah%r, a$ Si!ilar Tr%e,


    5. Καθαρ)eω %r καθερ)eω6. Pr%theti' 2%wel, i$ the N. T.

    7. Eli,i%$

    8. :αρρησ)α. A,,i!ilati%$ %( ἐν μ$σB. R1le, (%r A,,i!ilati%$ %( C%$,%$a$t,

    J. Metathe,i,

    . E$'liti', a$ Pr%'liti',. fουστρο/η#.ν5. Per(e't %( gράω55. A10!e$t i$ the Pa,t Per(e't

    56. Li,t %( I!%rta$t 2er-,

    57. A-la1t




    )a* New Te,ta!e$t

    )-* Ol Te,ta!e$t

    )'* I$,'riti%$,)* Pa4ri a$ O,tra'a

    )e* Gree/ Literat1re

    )i* Cla,,i'al

    )ii* Κοινή)(* Lati$