a, ?.. f,,r',',kv - chronicling...

B XXXVItii congress. HKf-T SESSION. «ao-ltâ-l TTisaiatnat, May ht IKO. «Vvend iH-t.tious ni««l nieui«)i-tla wen« ixoiv.-d. Mr. BLIDELL (-aas., La. i tn.tn th.- Oaaaaana an> poil.N-d t«i inv« alígate mit« the payaient* umde hy ihc l«_t>li<- pnni« r t«, tarioaa infoie, ami l««r e.«.«ii».iiecring purtvo*»,«, iVi., anaaaa majority rei«ort. ari\in*c - bis- tory «>f tl. pulía p iii i »a, hu il alalina; aa etteot that tht i ayru« nu« m*ide by \\ ! »»111 '«' varmu» pap« * xv. - _i*de in (<>: pi t .<¦ iii h »« h.'.rtr.iiti by \V«i>Ut II. Il raud t>tiy tu« n-y for pt.usitl purpose»«, it was c'itir. ly raíanla i j ana inert- appeai» to be m. evidence thai any thityTike a lev y was tuatl- on any p«r>««.n aoa« Leite«! Willi »he u!' l'i'l'.l... Wluit.'ci IM.,..,.V wtir- expeide- by Wendell »vita without ib.- kuowled .'¦ «.t «ni « rfi.et « th» tii.i. n.ii , i,.. «fba ,,.,.. derro's tl«- «. ' "J* tn ol prthlic prbi-_g,aa the v. rv ->ata»> th»t « BW bac- '.-«en iii|.¡.el e' mi: ver««ly on the tfsiinony « 1 Wendell a* to ¡he . rary ôf h un« n -oty. tt.'.d lie i. lÂlvaaneaB Ol bifl BWai «1 tii. i, . t 1'res .lelil fr »in aliV knew I. dp-or gfriaa anv direction in the i HefkThve « I ,-t«, v : Mr. Wendell a hargnin«aritb Hi H.wn.i.n f«r the traraferol 7», ."'..-,. .. Uemùmated that Mr. llowu'iin «rtrnl MitH :\¡n«'ii uni Tented Mi. \\. no« I t r. getting aa birg« protitaaa t*« Wished, th. t-t-i, i, o -.vi«. ,., out ol iL« mi],-. nu, nu,, of the public pnut'i". Hi Bl Mi. \N(tid« Ii s'.estiiiionv. espiiialiy t ¦piititi ot the I'r.-idem.'was roniradi. Ii «.lit-» it aid an» ¦. bl Ot) tr W.tJ'.esn« but, disilpl- ti. tie ht'p.« oi it. tit-, it...«.« raah aaseruons. He re- f.'r«d tothettf- r of Air Defoea r<> Mr. Ki! --. and . In.I ana. tlu.t ilei,ct« d printer ot n.«- Hoaee, M gué oi nil (.; i ,. roti »for th« w* d «.f the aa »«»tumi ia hr M««,-ana. Defaaan and k-lgor.-. He « eed I y t Ini r.* Vrr,r tb.it the pr.-e-it l.iw- of i-uili«« pntuoii.- Cjtur. reform, and ti.-t aCoaaaai team 1 »"'It t* i' «ttrtj« '«'«1 to ¡:- .ii're int.. t e e.xpedienrv ot pri.xi. _¦».«, Uta 1er the printing i:i_ dean bl B0O> Uad or otln rxx - Mr.KiNt. 1,. |... N. Y.) made a minority report, I ¡,t the ir.,i,:c«. and «.|.«r.ttii>ii- ot pabla priutiug mu «t be K.Khii'.iH-d to. atnmgtj. Ti «hows, leaily that lar«?,- at.hi ot ii..'m.-x I ta th« 1 riniei for it.e (.uppi.it of party pan ira, and to intim nee tied i..i *. Mr. \\ ,-i.d.-ll in' i, thm»» that Aii'.ri-ey-iietieral H:ai k drew ail the ¡aaaraat tha bargain aad aala ti l~~Wf/asen onaian This .«u» the s. Ic oi Iha "Hi ail ..-t >na -( un ply. v. th tin« rendition that ¡«ar; of Hi. protrts were ta ha gtaaa for party paifaaata. Hi ith.t tht J n\ ;t t m it a n /" l'i : .;¦ ml .,.- tie dit.tiiou ol the I'r. «-ni. ,,i p. iK'.nally-. Thi in.«i y *«-««riii» t> ludií-íit-. «'ejiiiv Hat 'lari/e miii,« of tttoi.t-y w< re titawti b-oBB th. treasury by an undci- »tnt.d ng l»t»-i the tnii, ^l rali,,11 ai.l Priul i. and |«-i- '- ; ..! ¡_riv xv-ph]i ;-. Tu r-ln.XXB l! 1.1 tl e p. yn.'.-lit« liiiuit- 1,1 Mr. X t.« the.-«- p^jx rp ware kLown and aamnlnd to by the i dent, astl tl t ,|, bar-g-ain t «r the aale of Tkt open I.e aVdt e of «in _.¦ Bla k. The ('t.uuiiitt ihina the printing mull btdune tot «>I e-!.i,ll t! i be in"-!»-.: v |g i-i «ral ttrn a xxiui il.e rtaolntion rejvrted v the ritv. Sir. ÀNTII'.M l;.{. «.«. I. ,;, k. r vxttsteitili.«- aid aztinvaajanee in tha pui.h. prinúug. in ii- tp |.¡«. rilllilif. lie ng. Hi e..-e in,-adi ,'. I >i!f S-'iat- ;h it i ew-| Ht«e!f tiltil ti uid tit.i support lb« ni*elv«. t\. of u> any |..ity. Ha ti.c.^; t tl.ai ,1. having \ lut ti ib« i a i.-. »I e i t!i« " shoal | rmjetat. 1 he rviti«ect vxa- s>i,««l till t..-mo; row. Kxeill'iie >.!.-,,,n fo)«t>Wt-_ I'lXl'N I«, aattaaal Mr. K«,*.«r. Adjour.«-d BOU8E 01 K. I. MATIVKs. llr.PK^ Ni'I.I»s ).«;. N i.,. nmit- !.-. uli.liidiii r\ t.].. ,\e.: na, k. v. uh an ainend.iieut, the t*Ht_t«' bit] pr..\ ;i nig 1 r tl <. tur-i « xiii ..n There wera Brow l^iM of them *i KnWra. It wi s im, o-tatit tuai lie bill I- pasaad .»: líe rh« -t ¡ ia ti<_!,)e dav. Mr.SMITH l»«n... Va.) ù.d net wan! iof..rcctbem ".t.. h m Banana, bal giaa ihám tha pñrilt-eye i «-'uv ia i-try. Mr. i;i.i fit «i.iis gave anana that ha at._U «;ji m th I 11 taxi Moi.d.iy. The Ilou««e rt si ti t .I the roaaid«-ration of tin I of nie in in t!«e pablk rjriatma. Kt. ((»HI» Peu.. Ala. anal than aaght t" ai n < » «npv ot |"li'V. (»1,1 rata bad rre«p! irate th- < r i»., anal > ._ gol to cunning to hide Uicu.elvts iiom ¡ abo» g::r*. Mr. >.Mri'}' I». m ViB.)flBhi that Mr. I - a ' I mi.« !;: bu» c< rt-iiiilv be 8 va- ti'-t a't. i «¦ rate. He bad COBBB ti> la totaaipporl the bill for tj*ovtanaaanl i-rimiiii/ offl«-«. 11.- vu» sniry- tl..t Mr. Ilai-kin hud BBBhen vx"itii i«. lru.-h naBBian and 1- ug I,...;. BBS -lony that <f Mr. WaadalL it xxaa bad »a«ie f««r baa to r'.it.r J', nl in', mom ai tb- I resident in the attempt to de- giale l raa.n)hea « (llaahia'fnrariaaijrfTnTtrr"ir ed, g>x« tha lOaliait '«" I'ltidU'g to a frieud at a . .m «-..- oftred i". a raaaonaibla ni-i-l'-i. I'. Mr Mi-i-Jt ii had «...ted Idr ^!r. l>,:r Tr t -< ««»i. riei a«; propeaaal »she ">aanhtir_s lO give h:.it tie pr. tilt« for partis-.ii pir.-Obei. And ya tbegei.tle i un-t-m-ir up vxiui a BWaggar, and ar- tn. I'ieri«i«iii l««r iii.niii'i' the jo_ le«jin.lately i . n,n uiuong his own friends, iuM , -ti.mi« s. x.M.I X.NDI'.IIAM 9r] y Was "| .-¦ ten. aud to favoi "t a 0 »« rnmenl nrin Mr. PBYOB Dem., Va.).We bar« ol ¡«Il the vi . .;. '..i!'" ". pr . «j. duttion i" I drav» n from then ,i v. hid. t:"xv . s sonta new iuTi»mtÍ4>n.-ahall w< try another ex« Uabama Mi - « .. xx., n hi t but I d.« i ot looh u, on ti¬ ll a Stt| - i ting, an the ..... . in a .until r «.i i'. ii fon ¦i, « u t) e 1- ahn ei t ol a G >x( would j'«'.,.-,; bat -11;.- "i I'm ut ikti.. p wa». , ... . :,. ni n .. n on I.ii th.- up «r.-* ol fritti'l and t»rrtq»ti'»n 11. .-« d i ! «"''1»(-' «}i>,-«r ¦ vii» 11- _:..I «i bad in ,i th.- (»sople. With i«¦-- i ;-'l! a 1 Jf, ¡kllill, ut I .1 .cl!. M ' StU- -..111. i i i ut 1 . V ! tii h. ; lo iatñhta> it am«.i,rg . ' tn«- .'¦ ¦ring the« .xing lite mon it y n pi.1 i- ad "t th. 1' Ç- mrgt an ouiit ol u ouey to an <¦« j a* ti-y be a_abated this sni trie* ud I l.UK« tl i" I""' '' . (ah net. und I tovohe the j i I I.e ti «arm f'eit «,1 th« .' U ".'.''' "' !l" Ion, «<r vxlidi tl" '1 '"' i l.ni.auoii. I xxt.it io see -xhau-u-tl ib.- wh« ..I ,,,itii|,tiou. 1 b..v, nul . which will B-eeted the |«r« to w n »e 1 tear, a o... i.« «t un .a ««ne t.-..i in i israr. l , tiva il_ «otniii« ¦ ' "r .t. HMit.t t,. ud, aud '" thai »:i I v ti. ¡.rat I'i-.v*- at print Mi m iibi.ru ion «> eyd« n.». i-, tt.nt tl,, | HOW pi a xx l.i. I. . *raxi'«J nl.d «oini| km, and .... i. a i ai arorh. 1 I lei u -m.- t. an«! it n proras a buta ei,»«« tl ; i K- n x. to f im otb« r «,. in... m. Mr. Ill KM-11 d»ein., Ky.l.1 _na»««4pi 1.1 the , ¦ it. hud I lull witi, lb. I' t i,\.r wnieh Iha l'»«-*. bam _id aa« «l t.lexer. Mr. IKVO'ï The g«nil'inaii from Kentnrl .; thai in. I'r« -id«-ni bad no cunte I ov«-i Ü le'taa-. Hut I submit that had u m h.* power, i fa) (onin..', I m .I».. I.il.-li "> aet.iii ' I at aaaaiala 9h« tiere <x«uid be an appropriation t--r -..«ix ihniiaaiii dulUir las I "' .*. j'o»t-d_« a - . . not know No! On tl !.. um ihut s aa al Lea J cd the public tr. aaqry than wa» requisite tot comoen ,,,,,, fc.r»lewo»k done. Wasi.lt», £s dtST'S M ( bief h xecut.ve wakhtnir over the interest« of t cotjiilr», » mtj'nii the iepr»-s,n'atives of the people tin« tact. »O WM tin. large sum of money should savid to tin* (""iit'.v I (»r was it hisdn'y to ha tht latee eurplo« f.\p« i.dfd and t irlni.ni, c\ Hmoi «-dis.-ifs and r«-vile partisans of hi« adtxia t i lit«] Mr. li fit NETT-Il nlhntls toa;,, rl, as-ve :«"su«r. Ittiti nas ths «Uf.ndir ol ...i iptioti f'i.tid-. No tran «ti th'- fli.f.r rrS» gone fort he rut ..bu«.s not « nly cont:"it,-d wob the nqbiir pria it g. but cvetyihing'.-oniie.'ei ssüh the administrsUi '. .«. ' v«- antt i. Bol Ci, C >bi winH uni¦. riieit"! m .1 .iiv'aiid ti,,, power of Ins Oivaî mu t. 'i h. it- nnstbc K.yirii'ive. lbs l,«'gi»iiilive, Si e Jodieial. N..w. I ««y that ,1 tint«- be anv fan <o»it«f,-d wit), th.- M|i,,it .,t «be public plsarirr.i rskraid to ibsjrristing ol th.- |'ort-i »fMce blanks, ta btloi t¡. (¦¦ i.gre*a, i. 1 t.ci t.. th.- ¡-p- lent. Mt. PRTOR.Ths genUe-sisa f.nkh rial bs !<«i t*f i.boies. and w ' en I Msposs t.. remedy Jl.riicnlin t.l os- 1 am rehuí, .i hv Itifl SI llttsSJSB Mr. BUKMEI1-N«. Bir¡ lata merelycLtimiM t hat« the l(.poti»ihili|y tlacd «.he i' il ,', -, I'. is a chine- t'taxely made by the gentleman from New lo'k aii.ii s1 i! « ruinan««. «Mr. I'hVdK.It is ci'arg. d that it whs the dtifv Is« P i«i« n i. bave ¦«¦ ¦¦ .'i «i tl. se al iiaes nutxtt« «ith the printing of the l'..-!-(»fti... blanks. Mat th genihitHii frankly niest httt il was làs PissidflSl utv to int.rt.re."..r lhat he had any cotitml o\ ,-r t'. »ulject. The gentleman denies that the I'r« si! tit wa -| ..»..«ib!, m any partiealar tot ¡my of the abuse i row iic .«et of the .lint-, of the paMIe printin". Ml M HUMAN, Kern, Ohio!-.,* I SBISHBlBBil th Mibjeot, the ;.l im en t.iaine.l <»t ¡is growingoq| oi lit 1 in ;ii ft..! the Post-1 llBce blanks, and growing out o il . (otttatt system, are of motion) ().,»,.. The ('oic, ment h.Mti the nite nt *ln thousand ene«. Now. I" tie «nnttacia made hy the t.xc. tit.ve. offners the worl is i hsrged muh. in rs sii times si r. This i- ths abuse nd it 's ove which was v,r BBSSntsd BO by ( '«Agrsss MS was it known to C«tn»graaB, or it wnul have bflei n « .h. d. Ths aeana man aansnasd lo tho Eaaoutiri I»e; 1,1 Mi. BCBNETT.Thai does not touch the p'.int Dot If the Kxe, utive offic. r< huve been gaii'y of thi tl ifp. if it isa tiotaTlrOnof h.w. SDch vio!¡i;¡óm« cotih I .. asilv onertetl. Mnt I deny that it a violatioi Of tht ¡tci of Itsfatt bttl is rather in acordan.«' with it Tl «. (..'veiiin.ent barj «.,¦,' tin- piice :tt .fl ,i 1,0 and apon the ansas i.t-imipl. the Prnrt*«r of the Bons b: .«.'. .1 (hui! le niioer the san'e a«T. Thi« tryststs h. < hange in the law. The'»en anti »'«.«t.«! i y you ¡ir PrfntST charged in Uusway, Mr. SlU'b'MAN-l never voltd lor Cornel.us \'.'¦ .: ;., Printer it1 mj i Mr BUHNETT~He cull not have neaa ehtststl w t; «.«it tin- K«'|«nl'li(ai. rotes h«> r«'e»'ived. I rom» 1 t.. k to the point I «ran «tin iisvii.K. .Now, as in t1.. tl, Pnudeni of the United stii.K If thii Hoass wa- d "f the fact that too muefa money wnflnaidfiH thspriming of l'.-t-'tffi.e Wanks, then it nan ths sntyof the President t«. tail ins at« tentionoi the Tlnsns lo tas snhjeet Hut I say t! u t < it was co^'fizai.t of he system of extrava- .ne i;.. cmiicit.n with tin- rrrinting, and Ijipi c ngren s Committee wna appointed t«i b> lie the snlvjeet, und »le- President, therefore, kit« \ V. ell thflj tue ll.il.ee W a.- apprised «,! lie tai no »«en pay th«-w-.-,¦¦ than il w;.«. worth. It gentil to tr >m Vni.li,¡a wa«sa lone ¡a Ootnrresass be wa-. be woold ku< w bon «i üauli i. lark it w...-« i" wre-t the plaider y from the Inn.: P Hi,,; the President is not to blame in tl in .!.'. Mr. PKYOit.Tne President answtaatO fad H] piop riat, .1 ¡. et ¦¡¡un sum fori r,..».-. v. Im ii »ion «ästen Unies a the netiatú a work, m il say N was bis dnty, as Exeentive Denaitansit, in whose hands -k war, to inlorm Conirress of the »net, and to ash it to amend the taw. The genUeman from Ken« . ; r that ('. ngrc.-s w;.s BWB > « 1 it. an 1 thai lbs Pi. s dt M». lit i;n»-i i. The Pre ¡dent only knew this: thsl IBM II..us. was inveeliga'tiuf soauiiiitig in conn«-ction with it. Mr. PBTOS.Tea; ths Prenl.-nt knew that nWs Wl « Ian. rnrpl'ir from the work, und he distnlmtcl SvO.OOO ol il so "til/ bis supporters. Mr. hi lvM¡'IT--TLe «.'cntltiinin t&aVgflfl ihfl Pro- is « I sa*> il.at it lb» ii.. nt be trn« that the I're-i«lt ¡it tu k twenty lh«.:is.iii,l "f the ]'iil ,n| told :. friend in what distribute it far aavnaaa ansnosss, beiri-ahv of con ..pi.on, ami ou>{iii to be iui¡*;n !«. R*» »ri. «..".. i- the . \ id. «. «.! tine ' »tr I'KYOK.Tbls is my u|I««n f'«m. foimd'-d on uii- cotitr-(!i<-t<«i I. stiiimny Tl'.at th.- I're-nlejt did say t«. ths i:« nilen an win« does the public printiog, Von ass r th« itsaiid nolhusfor y<onr acrvHces, bat I .-I iw.-t ty ihotS li'ilhti- m«'tc.I (bin:.nil tint tit's I" e«ji)t.lly distribnied BHKHk| the edit" r- ol fkiladclpkia Evening Argnt, Tht Penmyt- v'l-noi:, to a Mr. M«d.«rv. the cdiioroi a j.a¡.ei in Mi. Ml'hM.T'l It Hi.' t. Btimony exl In, 1 hasfl n«.t yst -«'ii it. I do not «all it inqn«9Stion becsai I do not know. Mr. PhtTOB I !«-¦ k that which I ki "»s. Í .' a pro- ¡i s t « ri v us h ad« t«. m.. Mr. BURNETT.1 will not hfl .üvtri.d. Mr. PBTOB.1 am saiisfitd my iriflflai, aVftflf < hal- .- i. «. l' r -' a nv. will ti"t HOW BSJj Mr. BCRNETT. I bave not pot a gag on the esn- ii.hn. Vow, Sir. I d.. net intend tobe divn. 1 -..i. thaï Ibi l'ies..'«.'! ¡- B «t censar for anv lnmd in tonn.- Iio'i w i'h the pri'iai^ ol the i'«..-¦-( im. «¦ blanks, hot that the whole (salt and lipmi t! tWO 1" I BJ do) deli m :!.- tl Ad an v protesf agi Iniled BtatSS DeiBS charged with tl III lor r sponsil Is. I. wbi thi Legis¬ la t the Ej i e Departí that le foi ti fi .¦¦in« New-lcrk find t.ttilt with the Presid ntbeca \. biso| itiinii np'.ii thi sn! j." t. I be p biM'i mien opon a great i nblk qt tl and now h atttn hi d .¦¦ I». holds lies i. from w-1 orko* rsaj «nl ¦«;.. h of the «» ¦.¦¦ ( »i . «tr. , d opon ;t i one eal nbite lo g ti ., Kons ooul the rtenh earryiog onl sn» L a proptni« d the nuii.h« t of . ii.oh ihiog ¡dl ihn u I i,.,... come t.. »tie <.«>' hision ths ,i iai s heme, wlii« the ».»_ trióme of B fe« i.'.iv oi apt, ii wl ¡i would . I but woold in ibis i i - < 1 RYOfi ! B 08< '¦:.¦¦¦ m. "- I that 1 "av.- ma«le no t men win« I, clamor i- V. against the I'r» 1 tell ti i '."Mb n ;.n II si when 14*i»ti dos I BJ tiin.ii ¡ty. (..¡.i hnndred th Dtrj tin- pet o! tl.e I'l.» or then I sconi witi eoi i, .. bot in 1 one r«*t.pset I n ¦-. ill.'- .!¦ ne .Sid ':' .¡,.' -i.-. i '" ih" an- rth tht --«h nf ol t! United t-m-. in rindi- ¦| h ¦'! With ¡I h-ri-i r he forf» ited il" and ' ; d II e i.rji t. v. I v. - r. '!.¦ I I'- ti . nt With i.'1'.lpr..c'iies up"i I wi'l ii"t ').'. Sir, t«. tl« !. ..!, h. t 1 trill laki ll»e ev'.d. nee nected with the I'n fh n « poi ni PI ¡lad I, 1 \.. ( ., 11, foi whs I I eul rtain .. t 'i 'i, k » ,. i ..i ¡mi., i.i.-l l.y tl.,- írapol » ¡- !.. .. "'I .'at V l.Ill «¦: raking np I ..-t in« I'r- ii the , for thi« < v o i. no re»|xwt oi I m (ruld not m!i- '. it t..y dulv to make. frota he i, f;¡'i,.,i y ol M .. ¦;.',, C rjimitt» of 8 Dm Ktnat« A-.ilvlit ¡«thai t.ni.ioi.v i. I»i«l \\»-..l-il ,, ,. wl.om ,,,.,, y 1.i.l be.:..., |.i.,priat»,l Of //.- I .-i ul, |j( , .i had direction» írom ilm Adminw« ,.., blgfa .llicia!r,'urcM, ISjOBOI r ¦ » i did »...i underr-timd hy th« Adíe.m. »ni ¡ ... ó ' A. I astdflflstoeitas PtsBidsHt. o. Toostsokc «.I .«uivcisiiigwnliih. Preaidei what wsa thsl esn»« Bti >¦' A. I und. i . || nl 1830 I do not know from"wboiu m how Argnt wurt'» Micivc 10» BtM BBSs jVtnn and MM* *. Im day ti Au.usi, la» und 1 m- flii.ml(.fi..,« r,vid,'!,t »«.¦JL1* ,",d ¦»*..¦___ redit - f, ,,*«, n «>f Mr. Bhaa n.onr-v, or what waVdn P K\a, :"t«-r of Hort^lBre h'Uiiha. to be .h t wïnJS_p_ « . >¦*' "'" rWideatl s_d ., ,'ífi, ?.. f,,r',',KV th.a». ¿lt-lBa-o-niadla nfiraoftherrnajagsa hwi# ,,,, ,,,,,,.. a,p- -".,,. and ifstx -4# 4 l0-5 «1»! r.er «.'hlnrto.d ... -, vvbenBi«-" hiaowa ...«M. ont nf IhaB-a. . . ,.., ..,,,,«,. Inrt ap|oiPi*d l'iinier, il waelhfMi-i ,m) . . woaldootM rot to over*I0,W0 «.r |l a.^,.,,, aa i;xi...,.,M«rta;.i..l .bat Iber a_OOTtttdk thWilhoM // Ai rut. vxa« liai.) ap, it ans alwiiya gi». nut dir« itii-i i.,-: m. ti . Mr. PRYOR.Now, racoll ct.Ido aol ha.-*. ' the l'iiiiilit 1 ml rxieeaalT directed that thb m«*». ' »I nl(l le liii-t-il Hied luriti «« BJIiOOg the ¡in prrasea of P. nit*jWa_a ana rlaewbere. Batth fay. tint the I'm- ..' it of th. Iltii!«.I Stui'-. a-r custodial ol tie i ui in imaanij tin a that Cunjn lindera b iniaajajaulMlanwi. aaa pajlu«, il tints »hit« thantbi propéi prÍ4*«for Iba exerntini 9 (¦((.( in.- wix i.e. and he failed to nail the < i -H I., tl e Met, or to lu-k t! at II <. hie. miL'hi inded aoaatocl« eh ihia a_ ex". ace of the i 'bl'cfnnd*. Thai la the añtarntio int ke. tu «1 u it h tl,- giiiilcinati lu s extorti d Son Mi. Bl KN1 IT- I will appeal la eery Mir raí did s an m tl i- II. aee, I Bars aol wbatbi r be 1 lawyer "i net, xx I,, th< r a y in ii. Ir of 11>in tent ¡mon; Mr. Baher'a, itaplieB.aa the Pwahhiini bjavea aioel in. in .i in it r.-nre of any know ¦< dgr oa h i of the er i Ierre of fraud or mrrnption in this ma" i'r. PUT« »l¡.The gentian.a ia taking a wri bane. I an aharpa as« I beg the gantlnaani to eaal in ¦< If '«. t| e l-»lie. Mi. lUHNKTI'-There i*noi a partirle .f ihm | tin .'iiy «hi -h the rericflt lyre in bur, or the aiatai Jnatke of th. Paaea in the eoantrjr. would ud i,s evidente in u ««mrt of iaetice. All Baker «. is, thai he beard fr'-m Wendell thai Tkt Dai!* A* nraato reeafre 10" |ier eentaa», hud thai aoaaeatl II ]¦(«.- vrare aleo to reeaiveaoarnch. Ii was sou- I«, . m lu.1« \\ end. Han x\ itne»-. and yet it uii'.n v ords thai Baker gire his testimony. And xvl doea thia Wendell any, hat that be got no dirv-ctioi And ¡a ¡i opon sorb I«»tii h ny an this th«y woaid n to bringn charga aaataal the* Preeidenl of the Vt* Stiit. s, which, if |i,,\en, WOaM -ul'i'-.l iiitti to i pant.nient 1 All 1 a-k la. Ihal a taopia ounalinill be rut apea tl-ir- c'ridence, and x\ il! b, seea how and iM ,«¦ ia lor mi,h a eh.we' i~begent~ea fioin Virginia »ay h that lapoka with ind:mii'."ti Bl ni-iiiii g a n m k Bgahna th.- I'r.-ident, but any (.tie xv knew the genttaran from Virginia k~0W9 nary xv that be ia one of thorn who will ma a nuchal nil thing, and wheabi pV ,. Bal in rs ni' g a mnrk apon this rgea abai npon then who were not n them ai xx I :. 1 ad i "t the power i f cent ting then; atid not «v. r «i ir] .«-«-.I -l e p. m |, Minn nui be lodeVel fraa !.(i. at,, r, I irn-t lift.i. r mu. k h.-xv be better infornwd with reference to the farta <«f tl raae qj a . I be n ties, i bare to meet at every «tun iaarerj di-trii-t in tl «¦( nntrv. ILaagbter.J Mr. l'l""i i»b'.Tu- gt nth riiiin says thai han a proved at; all. path», thai the Exe« nove Departa ai at Um head ««f which is the PresidenI, waa nol awai ili.i aa exeeaehre aid mi-i«''-- arv aarpl pal-Bc money wax proprialcd (ora eartaM pa ad that they did not Inform ('< ¦I f.i't t thai it i. ¡gl I be refer ed, I I lilt ci.'ii.ry. il,- Preridetil hpn-id thia i rpl .«i-rui-t pari least* iatnfat < t«:-'i:rin\ of the beta. I) -1 it lit!, «rant« to tri I p lie a] pointed and I xvi'l u- ii. ; r.,11 of d bnt to it »tigat« one special rub f i ing. Mr. I'll,.'- i. II declini it. beeoini «i party to sue Mr. PBTOR did ii«.t want n <"«»tumirr.. r bbi the n-; in «,i in BahaaUon i" a, aae m,_i« b, dy. hat h .' BUPXETl said they badalrttad* three Can U The gi nth d an m knew what the ('onrtitntion say«, li the ¦¦ -. need »h. President of being ngaged in d Ibe cornil ti..n fond, be would vote foi anotber Chai It the orrantioa . m-»-. let tin » rhrol b arraigned. Ltthim '. in ..«.«.bed and "i ._«i i. <I. I .-. nth . t, x\ iih t., ni'ow lin-ir Baal, lei them tire tin n Bl the op] artl in*', lid o S tica i,l- ta'.' ;'r '."««reí« :,i.,:^' the I»..iTaVV i ,.i »v,«,i|, ti, i do b 1er. Mr. li; "i ( Hi replied thai he wai ti«..!,!,« a .,n hiaovn ml.i ni.ni oi.r lit_>. and in tlte d> i it*«- .-. '.« «« the people. He etraeeired it-..und «.«.h thattiu 1 ». i ..'y »houl.l svaah their hiu.d« <>f ul on. 11 "n i«, lighten the atrip and «t'.ind on a pun ' ni. '. i. « ... r_d *] |. ft] i of tin 1 c t'le. ad ink.- (tiv. r ndei no paiiv «"nil.'tiii'ioii. Mr. lil liNKTT. like the g.-nllei'n.in, vxi.» ira t.,«.,I of ferretins ont corruption bat. in their seal, aeatle nu n ahonld not tnahi chai ea where tl beta la aa wnrrant Mr. PBTOB exphhtttd II« bad -rid that the Pted rh . ki. a tl.. r \xno an ex« saiee tr., id. Xh> deairedtoeibbi¦ tk view .'4 id s ( ni III.'a.nI. i».n... N. i. raa . ~orn_i«h that waat me lhawh le Demo rh« nid rue in lb« il k et. Mr. FLOBEKCE Rennrad índef« -vxh« received th« legil mat« Mr. HOF8TON iDen Al said the I' <-i«l ni ne« «led no defenae. Th« el d he known that hi was 11 \ :.- y lie luxx. aiiii km \\ DOthingoi i Mr. WALTON Bep., Vt.) wan rtntdr to t Miy |T«. "r ;ii"' toenait a reform, even ¦. stop] , In a bat« ¦< i ahall l* dam . bow« \er. heexpeel II ited. \.« K !\ ', -¦,! |] e bate by contend [thai i ent knew of the profil« ól the Poat-Offl« AI j li '."< n <.-,-(.-'I'.-ml H'a k, dj th« m t.. « « | np hi«party organa la Ina Baane "i i that, a n foot d iba 'i" Pn - !i In (Hnsl di m. 'i P ft, J loti t' llechi 'I im ni out lettii g ont lite binding«*«! t).. Il« a i- ni ti" rman t lleCommil.n Printing to the lóweal r i to hia rote for Mr. Defieea far'Priatar. hs t; ,.\-, ...; t... a i" m ha and «roalrl v.a« liai i il sclien « r «.: and otrnption, ¡ ,.. n ride. After Im i ingi tl Ho pa d ' he '.ill for tie ;- t.i ..i o ¦ Pttnl ng~i »fl .-. 1-0 ag Mr. Pit. OR Ian it ion. In be lmd ¡ pr bed hi h haaa it lioTJ. i...- -11 -,. " land, bol i! al u t. d the 11.| " ll.l 'ii« A' h- ' I tDAMf B p., Mi.-f. . Bht»-« m fi rof n ¡,..' an pent ...-,, I«, t-, n.nt- , I.' ¦ .1! .iimted lie white ft f'fl ( ill .1 to r-H|«- t. i 'i- -'«'Il "' 'he Bu Conrl r'n, 9U9,hen .¦;..... t a tigl la« ¦. we n uj u I Ih "' ' \ ', I racy. 1 he I'- p«MÍ4_o pun w; « I of lil«, r»\ and nui»' "| i i.- m, reril rtn '. '1 he dot triaa al Ian "t \ lia coi te waa to Ibe Ktatea? ( s «Ud ,¦¦; il ink so, | bey . i i- t! .-¦.-! . -' f. IB Hl.o. king iii.'i ,and il I" d l'y th. xviH -. .nid 1res" u . n .,| th«- blavebolditi - Th« n vx.,*. li r i. irr« al i D '" ot« rthroa fa!->- d«« 1!. ... .1. t m a i ¡ nil "' a. ¦¦«¦, bnl um!, r a ol« n.n a an ai il itj ineni ib« m on I:, 11. ¦. atative i Icdged to the ranee of Pi ,. n lie i long the qn< 1- m t" Pree .Stal« «mi-i und lb« m i, lav« ol il.« n ai,, nal ! ibe Blar« «s I V.. seek no qnarri ball ral« oar pria« «,iir fi ,. ml- i('. \N a* 'lie leadii. be party ia reí no. t"l and ,,:.. which bare i.- if« btt« lears to rat J ahaasa. aI1 ad vmII d. .:.¦¦, m 11, * lu. il. at Lu Hi- take ot retaining I, «.,¦ «... i.e. n h,I. rali d, ,, n,"-; íilol piares. I!" mail t lin« 'I I i> I .1 ti, «i-e arhe i J '¦¦ .en.ed in lb<- ndri i, «i rnlionofth« (I..-., niii'iit »h"' ii i. i «t. rail y for acotn| t.. 'I rafwrm s a he wi i.l.i i, loi ,.., dorn a- the gnid.- of IpoKtJ t.,».i¡ .(!. the ¡«lei wli'nh hh* li-iitp.-.l lb«throne hi«) deep enongfa toaeeuiahoasatj in th.- C .'¦ I of tail its al! lilr. TIm Poat.(»_(-« Appropriatkm bill for the ensuing « «hi line ntiii. consideration, Mr.' <(||.1A\ .li..,., ln.l. r.in Ihfl l'"»'-"!!,,« ( . i. u it,.--, atorad th< rarieus r. tren« ih »- prnptxaV. ». 'l maximum pay of the ront« l-' bi oa miirjad« v . loff] 000. ..'i. ( I.! .' \ n ,.<. n t.. furl dull u«' j -. ¦.' «.-' A l' yielded over .«lOO pontage ]««r quarter, to the ratea «*»hl Inbi d by the net of ¡K>\ ttn aveníate reduction in tho»e « _(«s of alout ten pal centum, und al-<» regal¬ ing tl e un tion allowing Iks Pe «tnutHter-tîcrieral to give i xt'.i | »y t" l'i Htn i.-ti i> r tl¦< Ir salare, inukin- a Baring ol nearlx K»O0000 per year. It Wh* oaaeaed by Maaara. BAEKHDALK, MH- t;l ETON iM'-.i. aii'dafin repented rateatha Com- lee low- ahhoat a aeoraa>. and _a Hoana ad- jetir ind. ( *. mm _Tl leasufcs "i M' Fr*tirh. «*v*al day« af/i. -I« I: i 1, r.-p«rtad by th* .««-i* t ( na.iuittea, wttaart oa la.lr et'.ibuv-J mi« I ia! to Mi timé. M* T. «fàt ut ral foiiforriicc. Ht n ito, Tharaday, Muy M, IS«"1). Tl « pi»X reding«, of the Oaneral C«nifereaee to-day I iivi | pM-«.,-d a "re rrf general int.-ti««»t than those of __ ¦ dae pasaioaa '.»'«p Baker pnaíórd. After the transartion of m l^'inijiirfant I min«--, the Slavery rejiort was isket) sp,sntl Mr. ill. of Huh ¡more pro.-eed-d t«. 11. i k it"" ',' 'he t. p«rt f 'hi' in ijorit«. Me was f.d- ti.ee«1 I y .*,r' "< Mrt, '" the sanie i«ide. Mr. S«-*:. II < Bsitifl «ne 'I' ¦' U* k th. stand, and. although bisar. ¡ig under a fit of indnpofition, oceroied Ihe tall time allotted him. h.^ap*« . h is watufflnd by sil lo as the e "s' l"«_u. tit and ""I " «-¡ve ol the reason, Alinost lbs entire asdiei s « ': ' B*OTed to leai»». Mr, Coeinbtif lb he.'-lphia of the mio.-trity. and Mr. Hill of ih« ssnjarity, bttewfld. A', tin* priât, Mr. Oowiea oi I.wa intródtm^ a resolution that, sftsi Manara» Bantsr of Virginia iba »»viaerity, and hiingilsy oi Kr.c «,i the u .i|o;.:.'y, shall bare spoken. ll « vo't si aU !.«. t:.k. u on ib. .'ilr.l it -.luí «n in th« n n'y 11 |..tt. with, in liinteru «Hat*. 'I'hi« resolu¬ tion was not to carbide motion, or auiendni.tiitri if t in1, levions to .'. oiloik. Thfl resolution wa«. I,,!, pud. 1*7 IS .'". am! the Coiift-rtuiu Bstjoni Sfld 11 I «'< lock. I | on rears-em!.ling. Mr. Hauler pnaceiiid BOSBSl «p for the null, rlly, t net SJOHsd by Mr. Kitipp-lt y v. ;«. .Sfln tie m ir ai>¡uui«iit «Vf the majorât report. Both |.'« till« men made aide speeches. Mr. tjsnbaS .«ft ! ii'.v.d to fak in.i.i tin tai.I.- ths ri.lnt'tut- oDsssd hy ass dsy a ago. It w¡.« taken boss th« IsMe bbh je» <!. .N umeions an endmenis wen o He red and n jcttid, one uin Ctjng 'he BHHSHBS HI nil.¡nit tht new c! ¡ij «i r pi.'i H.l t«. the Aniltiiil < ..(lièrent e, :nA the ., «Id. is t.. the (»narterlv Conteteoce was I'-t, J4^s t<, «,| another, that IBS old cbapt«;r in the »titvi- plii.ettai.d ¡i- it is. aid liie chapter now bet«.re th.- Conference be |uii itit'i tie pant oral addrcni ia bbs j«.1111.ill "I IHO gi'lieial (olilelelice Was lost- -IH1 t" Hk An an endmenl de» bu ing the « basier simply suivie <iy .h-t. Al o o loi k. the main .Jiesliuli mi th.- li.l' I'¡"ii id lb« new chapter Ib ti« isHiipliss in the plan- of tl.«- Id one was ordt red, and Hie n.-vv chuj'tei Wl s i..!i pled.10-1 to 57. sB» Fir««. Bostoh, lansnsnn», Msy 31. ISM, \v. F. I'm ii;n | Co.'a dyswsssTwotksat Kb h ion, were dt s'ro» » d by tire this mornini.'. !'.».'. »h«-r with the vali.a'le itiichinciv. and a Luge ¡t'o-k of l..gw«iod. ¡/IrfJI.Win. 'fin« dwellings and two stables weie bium-d ¦ Haveihül. tl morning. -.,k slot.-,,: Jackson m KiiSTtsU. at Maaihantiii, h w li;.n ) ihirs, was tnobed ol tß,90t v. rib oi g Skfls last uici 1. 1'-. oil sumí t |»is« opul «t<>»n»million. > a irk, N. J , ansnaany, May ¡i. IHO, The Sun d BH ii initi-e was i.el.ci.d. I lie'I'rue- tflSS «'1 t. i'lid weie otL'a'i./.'l bj ÜM app -mlu etil of Got. Cal. n a. I'r.-i.lent. An ¡mima ed deleite took between ths Bigh and Low Chttreh nisfja, ana itroliiii' n o < c-pt t: «. report of the Ti sntflSI an I pay ill 0 ti «¡I hiilllls II, tl V s l|.i\T III tie pn.e-.iit. aftas f'i'iivi" HiOB I BaaSB was acpt. d Li ..lly. A «.li.m '.I'e »< as :.( ptdbttd 10 «-ubiiii' Bfl end BflBS in the ' to r.'j'i.-etitatiou in the Com- D. ittee. 'In« follón ing were ttotXti Denflaasi to ihe ¡.1 < i v 11 tit.i,. Clergy.Téh Bava. Otort^Bsn Dodo, M»o Maesa D.D. Allied S'ubl.H. D.1V an ! .1.11. K. Iv Utity-lbs h I». H. Kyan. .1. Millet, >. L. t'¡upeiitir. snd .1. B. Thassanan, M. I). Fulul AftidcnI.*. W mil OTOS, N. J», 'llni-ihtv. .May .11 l~ ». AM'«. HcSSH w¡. « run over try a switchinig en«p;*.' ¡it thi la e. ¡ lid 80 ll'jllied that «iie catlliOl riv.iv.'l. S< BASTO«, l'a.. TliUirsiay. May M, IM. An'« >plosi«.ii .1 In«-damp lOoA plan- St .Vitn'.on . M it in.r W ilk'»linrr«'. this- aftofHoon. A m.ii <>f Mi J!i." t le k. aid llarty ami Mdrn Kdvvaid«. HfOHB as. , iidi | «I«" inaH »t Ute t. Ina tassfl ef th« « .s- Okl II» -.I".1-1« Bllsttlic« VS.1- ... ..,,...««. »1 ,,,.».. b. itotii, killing tliem instantly, (»ne man WHS . i «S *»«» i«in I »ml ¦tiirtif«!. ter. f.«.' is, I'hiu «day Mav Ml. I*»ï0. A private iiie|ai«h r.ir lb«- sie.ii.Kr IV.-rlo« was ¡-.1 ihe levee, N>-w-I IllealiH, ol til« -Till. Illldis a total lore: r »t fl'iMMi ;, \ car «.go, and »vas iti- r'.llclt f( r , -< '.(.('() II I -Itlsblllg.' .V.ÎI .'.¦ II LLIGEl CE. \ I'.nhrd of Bsral I nmm rr in« on Wt¦ln.-H.biy IS visit and ¡ii.-j« t the Naval Academy at Auna|»oh». The Heard will consist of the following ofHcen«: Com. I i.viih ite. leceiitly in command of tie Ml uifet r BH8BB Btntios Cants. Wilh.s, Ohnan», Pitea, ¡. i w. K. 'laylor. 'lin C. .s. st«-a'ti sloop-ol'-wir ¦aOfl0n*n»tflO, < ti ii and, i Banni, arrived at New (»rb-ati«. worn Vera Cm«, on tht 23J¡ al srt«JL (Ttrfjiflja Jokneh I Jan i.- at the r. s. Navy -, and boh Lh tnaasnuad <>f th.. S: im'ah at \eia Cran, bar Im-cii tijipoiut« ,| as f'1.1-' (ifliurot the llotne S'tttitdrou. vice ('apt. Medium d a.«« ant of ¡II health. C:ipT. Clsarles ft II v-. Navy now- in command .1' tin Norfolk Bevy fard, baa haan asstsssd to ins ssHHBtnsj of ths Mediienantan ^asvditsa, and tl.ii.-w asana isjrsw .«un b;. »in.« n.i. BsiniHlianj oat M Borfolk, t'a», «d SS his I lair -hip C..iiiaiauder !.. l'aie, .eeat'.y in command f lh«-(}e-|niti- ... i, | le the coti.iiii'.nd «f the Ont« D the Mort farèV M »rgsn H. v.t ;.'ii«b. «i i!« IT. s. Navy, has hsan Hrnsrsd to the Ai h asta, a- Chi« f l!'i«-'!i ser. Thfl I .' y-' :. .-.« ani.-l :|> My tic tiirived at Madeira on ti« «kh in-'. aS well. lbs (oOowing L'bhed Si.. s \, 1-- ¡- ur ass H«n | ." log '.:.. y :.:¦ ..« v. 'I sail in :. I-w «¡ay s to: Ile-it t. ICtrtlvi -¡it.' ¦. w hi, !, ir a. f Mow .- Com ti.i Uedit» rrani ai Ki »a and Dakota fur Chi'.a.- the S> .ninole lo ths BraaQs) and t!« 1': \\ ii« »\ BttbgOBl lit 1'1'iladelphia, w:l! joiu II egqi ...it«.ti. A hn»:e I.lili.'o« of cUinna viri- I ihlyi Navy -Ii ar.l OH W tmmt Bflfll) HSTths porpSHOl aseisgtOS N :.Led nl h wa. >ucn s.-fdly done a'., it k h ¦) e ». uh -.. Sh« v. 1! be ». pairad and Bet« d i le. The prog i am me of thfl Nil J.I.C 1 . t, . . _. .! It ai, s>-h« n.r. taitsed «d going '" Patskasa to mitt tliiaa, wil'. .Me; la m direct from il b port loslapnn toneLingsl Rio s il« i-... Caps ol t3ood II h OtSSI places on the way 'I l.vr-'-.ii.i frgati lo ."« ». hit Ii wa- intend«"! to < v . i, »i. p.. . . I '.. y fnsa Ihi« peri t«. ..ni ol C'.n.iii' -inn on W .¡ii' sja] 'I i;. ;.i,, I>, ha i, i III i I in dni Dgnl eh lûw » h 11 a bug psirtion o! I i i r [ lut a mi y b w I os lioaiti. cotirtip.it titly th« m-n at «I ff. f «ere oo f.It» sis. II« \ attmb«si«OM .' all !¦.!: bei a. mum« m i m. ah is at '(. ''-ii.i h Jit.!,! ii w itb two iva owii i, m 11 -' .i d .a .ii-'a"is- « I I at n .h -. It v.,i i. ' lo |tay o-.l bsrerew. i T«-- 1 ". n i i It is W"r-c lh: n wast, d w I en hauled 11,111 the 1 ,' Ii ¡- only Bond lora »In rt nan.n in WHHOI way ,,r I'«'! path, i.ii«' then it i- ¡1 BHHBSaSS. a niu'itire. in «iiy ¡.j p-'. >! '-.-1- not rsry roJaahk Ii « ninthsnnl ii| on : awl 1 rn hsds, It isa «,'. « d mnhh t.-.r y innig "<«s,«i¡.iy, IM 1... Id ¡lis,'. Its n,.*l val- BBIsV BH i- Í, bsddioglBthfl stiil 1". | Bid 01 pii.' pen. ;; il il- skpiisn, It thsn ésenys, and g,*« Inte ths «. 11.¡1 t.to1, of ill u.anu.e. Whir« it can BO" tiiiiK.l «.'iiituiiomiv. ¡t ¡h alwa.n north haasHtf ebon BHSancss. It ths ..,.- i. Irnsg, it wi.nl'l pay to haul ¡ nut wl, 1, it w-i nlrl dry, and then »'»irn it and save Ihe iisle«. Where straw for l«ed«liii(. 10.«»- j 11 r « *. na it is f.earth«j (itv. it will BSTj t'< lu.ul lau »e» . tal mile». It is, in almost all sitostion», ton valu- ai i. t«. be vv san 1. m -Thel'iu'«.! Stale I \pn- .('.|W0y '«..'¡v. II.» their i'xpreas. y.rt.r«li.v ni'.rnintr two genuine mils !...«¦! AI« l.i.iC'.ln Ihn,» v, a 1 dueled |0 11" 'U..!.' m »ri.. ..t ihi-1 .'y BROOKLYN ±7Em- m -, » . TblS boild- Tin: lli!o<iKi »n Ai AniMï or an "»»VV. i"g will be rooted in about a xv««k. If in «¡tu xi .. «_ . '""a' BJ< Btagaa Mr» et, nein Court, wl ich i* lit OMB . iand eonxoi ier.t of at ce*t- by all the ferrie.' and railro*. UneH in the Weatern I>i«trir«t. Itocciipie« 10l«»'s «if ground, and 2*12 feel Ion;- by !'»! fee« wide, and M fett big1 hii.lt inthe (Joiliic f'yl.-, ol HhiUdelphiu pMf.lli b.ick, Willi 1)0.1 mmmtM BtOM (in-aitig* The giannd floor embrace«« ih* *»a».e -7S feet from nur '«» t""l-!:i.hl-, it'.l h7 It vxile: the a lieec-nom. I, it long, by 100 fee' ft id« the corridor, W « t and ill -.d ni««, 12 feet, Adj"ii-inif the reattaala an- th.- i.«.»-n .¦¦./ dn-s*'ng«>r<'OTns, wirb Hi*. n->tnl «onverii- <-i." -, and txvn e. nimitt'-t-tno;.!*, xvil't n.ii or «I'li-itiii-i.t.-. I)r, -*ifig-ro«>iii* foi he U«e <-f tie i.-tor«. miiKii irifi«. am! others. are I (onviTiimt la «he «tage, and there in a_9 B Bra. ? turante aWaVaahajlBBiaa of burees, machinery, and Other laig«- be9_ -, to trophy-id ¦ drain.it ie ex- bil ¡tioi.e. Tlere will lie a-^rquette. dr*««(ir. iir-t ; tul nanaa IraBB «'iieltfc, wit-, four proaeeuium tmd bitty j rivale boxe*. It i- e-timaierl [].-,,. 9|gg ., (an 11 «.( mf'Tiui ly seated in lia lu.an«, _wa stair« Braja» BBTaa »bet xx id«-, land to the vaBtHNde.aaiaa' fitter to the entran««- at the rear. Din.eflv o»<;r the TfBtil ul* a lednre-reoni, t ntir« ly separat«- from th» main liudi»iife-ii ora. fe»-t taagb* I'-'feet wide, and difipited for publie dinnei*. m*etiiage. bull«, «*.'-. .\ kit«Ik n and ktiory sommnninsU witI. lîiit- rooai, in¬ tended fvr the peaparation .>? i in: era and «upperb The l.uildirg wii« BonuneaeBd Oatohai Uj>i. an,I will be fnliy «¦< n.-i'h'ied 0* tin- l-t of r»,-.aaaW. The entire anal M the m «aetare together with the ground, will be $ I HU Of», all Of wl. iah haï« been nahSB rkieA by ./.-ntle- n -i. of I'rooklyu. und nearly all paid in. Oi-niM/xTi'.«.- Off a (trrriti ._«._ Ciii:,-A T>««et- i ig xvi h bald la* ni.-!* «t» ('. hiiiili;*. «"all. \.. r<0 Gtand ntret-1. \\ iir-.u aha Bjh. ha Iha perpaaB of f-.im- it g a I.', j ahí« .n tluh. Betwesa teja ami thv-e bandmd paraanairoai praarat» M«. Johi laaaajaaa «a# ap|ointcl Nriii raiv Chainiia-«, ami MB Al¬ len Baaelair, Biter ahkb i«an ilixaona iroia "«««d in dorsisg the Chicago aeeaiaBO.aa- and 'hat tier proeeed to organise tbeauehres intoeeanspaigí nlah, t" be knowa a* Heaesl Abe's Wi«l«-. rwake v«.«o ¡a- tion.' IbaJbUawkaggaatlaaaaawaaa elected paeana* am t BE.asa af il e. ( lui.: hasMaal» .i«»»«hriu A. ¡-tea'h \'i«-e-I're#iid« tit«-. Jehu W ¡Smith Milair.« (.uer,. "inn!, acd Milion I'-im». Join S. Allen Si"-tary, und lohn Ti «-ti|-..i '1 raasaarer. BpasKbeawaaa nun« by 7«"r. Ilenth anil BUMBO, and i graa deal of unthurii^am xva- liialiilei-l' Ik m At Plymouth CI « v. K.-nty Vx'a-d ¡'« er e«. «m 'I'm- lay- «\ et. aft, Jana 19, at h o i loch, J. M. Unter xx ill ui'.c I in foiiith Banne] Grand Com Brt, saa» Ibj ISO y.'iniL' lad'.- at.', ad -'4 tximpririag the -1 -il« ut in t'? e:ty: a .»,-'« d bjl a t II oichert «a fr >iu ti «. yexx-"i«'.k i'hilhairnoiiie S a ii-ty. under the direr- t n ..t Georga r. Briatow, .J. Nol Caadar, arba xvi'l ¦ny the sepga. duets and eboi-Baa, aad daring a ill perform Baverai »re wares, « -, ..:« i--..«.¦ Th enteti niant a I aanaiat of anew ". entitled "The Knehantreea," which has beaa X-. r tien for the "cr'»-ioti t! s libretto y a dMogaiohed anther« a, Bndtbemnsie, Inrlndleg n grand orert.e, «. tt;| (.¦' i i,.l ana-.i ,1 f.-r a cnll onh-".ra by Mr. F. ('. l'lel,-. m Kim«- BaOBffl I n ( >, f»C « isdar..Ihe (iieuit (i.li-idir f«,-Tii«-m1 ly June«'., wfll e.n«ii-t if tie'ir-t r .«« rj Baaaaa» wfciak xvili be saUad pasaam» tolily Bad) U«. i-aune will be .nerved uilllll- tile .Jui S Te m of r-aia Court, after the tarn»- Ian been oik - plat-id on tb* «.feudal. -a !«m**_B8bb.-.Iha lla-.-k laaaectera beee, daring Iha paw*aw* ,, .-utl«. granead ov*i-1,700 licw-e« to cart- U.« It, jillik-d-il'tp. .«.| ie-»n i n. . .\ o»herti. The aiiit.tint rtii iv» 1 l««r t!,e»t- B.HMl I WM *>i.l«;7 3S» m It'.i nrnv.- -A'lonf lp o'elock or. We.asaday aaarn. b ¦» «.,11 pfr.i.i 'i't.',',l i, p-*i.,i««-» Se i S. utb 8lxla «tr. t-t. t. I) t i . , ai, "tel -to> «f., . mu it, i i.. | r .- trnowy aae a aaj»bae at árdalas at Jaaaliy, u all »t.rtb alxvi. - ." BaoonrB Cm Cocnr Cai aanaai Fiahi -^t,^. 4'i "I). 2'., 18 Til» SpuiM.-'lH li HOnaa Snow..The ll.ia-d of Mai.at i- avi- anaad t! tir [ inpeaah be iha " Fourth Kuh.. Exbibitioii of Etoraaa, at Bpraagfield, .aaa., lapt 1-7. Ist,(>. and v e trtir-i that ti-«- ame dem09 cd 9areeaa xxill attaad .thatha thWagniahadthethrea preeloafl grand and hirnefkialexhibitiona, ~few*York i' \i un "ut w !i. . t i.r-t. bath putide a greatea til l-itt« r. if ¡"--ill.- show th.Ui thai xxhnh xv «n il « ir [ri/e I at ner- ai the la>t <-.x li.i.it i<-n and xve hope rom«i«i(tn nrilkbaaaelaes apoa th(»u a* -he xva* 11.«it. We Lop«- bath af team bsnaan- xx.li he in the exhibition, aid that a grand i-.Vi.liy batWOBH -vt-ral -"»atea xxill be 9sads to «-xin Iha aea banner now ..find, wbiebfavHlie.iatî'.ix». The Bann otf aaah ¡ ri/t -1* ry Übeml« and all iha aVtraajgensanta bbo apee _a aaaaa graad arnla of fonuii penra, whieh tha people at thai a Wa awake town r .illy- *.-« ..i at It.iixx h.,\\ to ini.'»c ti'i-1! e .- :i,t«. tun.' '"iv ¡'ifiii-i of it e- gaaalB, better »baa anj atbai locatian that wa have ex» r xihitid. I'i,¡\e.al MiL-facio-, » t!i i li.ira. -ter- ii« t- in. to B] i ly to il b prex inn« exkibiiiona, and are x«Ttnii-to iimuif the .-aun fit lag to BTOBJ BXlÛbilOI li xi-it r xxl " tilt, ml» the tast I ow. TI c foil, xxing ia a lir-t of the B ai 1 of H negara- | ;. *_. At li» Ul t. II..11, hit,..* Ji.Iiii L King, XX .1 m l..r,.i Henry ,' 11 /. I- ( n_ l-i. « i. i. t ,i: i.« r ¡'.. i-- '. >, II AI» «i.) «I.. M..i«t.«J. Oaaaaja Di tsr> t,, il-, la .nil j N. Baga« The »¦«»i«tt.ib'.iiy ot thessj . aaagaaraaaaaaoawaa than xi«- ana axpreas of the vbaraeter of the exhibhien. i' -:, !".¦'!.> 11 it the am lii«r.,li'y aa aareiaCMra r \i 11'" and we bope tkerwill gira asear«.»a li.i.it«. to »Wlora Aalo bolei aeoeminoibttiona, il :6 only an a. t of .-«iiiipb ,npt'a«- t" the Ala.-tiu-oii II" ic-i t" -iiytliii it la« on ii'inet aaaaaioae B-betdad graaiaa aad r aeeoa atada.a thaa a y «''her «. eoaatrj4aaa tavern* ant artb, ¦_d ttt an rata It wBi Bgatn. Ir - m'«: agen ata j"«i Bneh ' worhiag man" the " rail- spHtrer el«, ai he ele«-««-«! Pie«Ideal of the UniBad «?'it.». s-., i if*, then, tatheaasi giaal »aaieaalalBe« tiaa, Bad to thai.Si vo at na>i"iial exhibition of b«>r*os at S| in« In i. Ma.«. ... a. Thi Ai-i-i oi koxn-. IV e el'p the loll HO.Bg v*«ry ««i.-ii.'e ¡i»ni luán / ittit'umi..npapar in'. a grea anj sibla thin . i.« il e oi.iii'-iou ot ane.Me'.'ii.t art«.a npaa »I" Baa» «trii'iion "i reaaa, aadtai aaj tiui the aaa af iaaÍ9 i* al "-.d: \\i luxe apahea afasahiafaad sMnding; now hi n (i. .-,..¦ t h. fly nj on iha abuses ol roads I d u \ pig apera anenl i. aanl oi I h r«r- rtiaeoa aahtetj m I '- kftehe as b aal aH .«v I h- gtnerailj le ha»» anne knea of appropriai ,, .; fur -hnb ii t ug i* d«iMgiied. Hut Ih.wi.ii bel ¦..". ihiN.-H, \1, m!,,i, latino' h «iii'ifn'iorv «aWgorgee it-« I' on il. ul ii highway« atakiag h the nansaana ai aU ..,,,,, ,,| m ¡, -' luiiii'it and a'l aorta ol btmiaeaa ,.',,.,,.. it bis lamber, s tod and bata yard¡ Lia rar ore ard |>ig-P>a; he seta Ida hara or whom batí iii'i,in-i it m.. < '.»... »"««i bis Iki w perhapaa « leal i, ii'..,i< a « n 'It other- li h .- h t nur.m xx it ul! ni.i'i- ,,,, ,t forniug ti» I». tul un] ! tiu-ii'B. xxitli pilas ot .ton- andohl raila to complet« the arene, As lang aa aa h »xi il.- fui lorn in the mad. it Is did uh t,. _.,|, ii treefrutii weeds be theea aahnals amsara to i,. up evert il- ul «pot ol gin«** ix* mx-'n aab t-1 uriy ii 1.4 d.* li" tx a lu m m it be any man.- bbbbb af Iha laaaaj ofthbga, xxl- m * "'" b- wh..h- htoi-lv ,hnaw.g thai th«i vi il» proal ni« tu 1 hi- netghhor's II so B.H from t" ¦ at i- Jnal aa inn«', ata pa aartf ai ti« ii,.-ley in I,-« pur««-. \el the owner would relent I.. | altad a Ihk I. Wlilil he tier Tu» BaoToa r«>-1-1 >i » u k. it aawBtatoi thai tl .- Iloa«.-t'oinuilt.'* on I'" t-l >'.¡',i a aad P,,«t B .. i-axe una" in« n*ii agréai ta re».esaasnl ihntrantlna anea et* ana ask.ag bwraqai«lag thai1, --'»til..-«- ,.f i«-h ion E la »it-.-t m iil ¡tare! t, |Mi, Thehiii"! "1 the ('"tuuiiilee la U"ty.t k.igxx | Honre, snd when it is, if the Hoose adopt the iwport, the snlject cannot reach the Nennte early esosrh to be com id«-red. Hence, the present law ceasing fa» exist wi h Ibis M-seion, I'o«tma«Ur Capeo will b«e froo .o move from State to Summer street. oruicr.11. TYRANNY. 7»»» *. «tHars1 The s y Trtmrn» ¡.»ir. ' "in a snhs<ri!«r for y«.nr valuable paper; bave r u" '"';'*. ri.l num'-rs, bal I ¡mi now pro u1»»- t«d fr '''" r,"',v,li<f snysHOts. Thfl J'i»stni«t«ter '»ers ,\- if. ,t,'l|"* ordern from th» J''«tm is»cr-f '«riersl stub |i.r»»-rs, and ha» acted :i«eordiHg1v. V. will ..'.a-'' inform me 'se you knowi wbef'.er .I, I'.rti. i-;« r-<;'',"r''! I".sf«iyao'hori'y to prcwri»»« N.ri!,ernr"*Xi' * "/"'".'ber h. b», giver, »ny «n«-h orders Y we tm '" '" r"»»''w"»i,r we pVajs», and .hiik tl it i'c:''<i ''" ,,"S"r"'">''T-(;.-n«ml, or any ana das, las- any right ... b:,y whht %^w*^^ln Your, .truly. )M0 l'- (-. WHIIKMaN. flarkirtllc, T.zat, V»y M, Ki ri v -No, »Sir I rs n ""' "0< frp* to r'*a4Î wlíit you ¡'lea-e. however . ¦*? ,f-«"' kW th¡nk ahurit it. 1fr. l'o«t...a«t»r ii '"''r,,, Holt has de¬ cided that his deputies may d, ,<,,r"> "n(h P»^« transmitted tbrnoch the mails g,*" onderthn IrfflJ pro* crip* inn of incendiary Hnsl « * -Wt>lln»». ineludmc all ethics! IiN-rature, from ft e .SevT T"1* t.rreiit iom SllannJ the publication.' of tûe An « ri« an Tract N.ci«-»y.which »iiirgert« th .<,"",,t thai Slavery is a divin»? ¡nstitntion.i-', aecordi M ** Snulbcm law, ¡i.-rendiary, aad jffiir I'ottina»^W muy desiroy it. We are far eoongh alone, at ooJ" end of the Urtion, t.i f.nt seen a cen8tTT>bip of the Prers snder oír feet, if it were attainted arnong is-. Y .m arc not; but we ¿lean to help yon to H better state of things older a new admirrietration «raffairs that will not p?tiiiit .my »och despotism un you ¡Uhily c«mislain ot. RE fÜRUCAN CENTRAL CA ÏÏPAIXfNCLUR An ratbnañasie meeting of thix as«« «-¡ati-m wa« h*h_ lact m -ht at Nu. i'2 liroi,d\v.«y, Preaadlaal Dataras] in tl( (b.-'ir. After the traaaaaUen of nie pr« »minar»/ I'liMi.t-.-', Mr. !.. ¥, V' no, the Se«T« ivy, a«i.fress*«j tl «¦ m.««ii(/. urg-Tit,'the nereasitj of bohanga ataaaaa to ratify the Cbteago nomrmttiaae. I/o hid dun ipth« bat week «rasan* 9eimaáeaaaa_9 as the w*g*e.-part ««I lie S -ite, nrui I'.ultl ¡la-fiir«- 'he Club fiat all fowl It epnl liVaaa were satiated with th«- nominal ¡«Milt, and ; It ., nftttei » of rlctory. The ey< « r.f the whol«- c-cnn- .iy were «rnen th* KepoHieaae of Nexv-7.irk, i_td \ ti .Y made xra- <.. <«1er--d with inti-r» «it. lie i»«, »tidi oi Mr. Yoeag called tortl rt-nmrgH .X|.--rr». Orni BS, W. H. i av, and Fiki ,), but it appearing tb.tt the Ctartral Commhtae bad th matrer .ixrd. ¡icti« i in the preaúabb on the part <»f he Cloh \v.,« peeIaoae_ A .Kiem dehtatel to the ( nb waa h ¡i 11 y Mr. "> »im, ai .(,«¦ n it ie-t «'i »he l'i.--i(i,«nt, and after three cb era bot the aoui:ne>«., the in« uigad- d. ^_ ~T7<c Mana t tir ¡X. II. A .7 rim > f We«l eaday say»«' " livra«« Cri'.-'« y of Tur Tr jink i-e-aebe«! th rcity y r i. bal traía «fs«B9s-a9ret9a.aaaaad the aeeaaaj a- the aehhnee of Mr. A. V. Ferry. The Hand enter Bai «I. h> ritg oi hie arrit.ti. g.'tve him a .re¬ ía.I. a' ';. Tine« Inn,'r,«d people Iií.vti.g aBBBBB«!.Id, Mr» OreaVj wae iutrodiited. at.«l srmbe for twenty n iniit«-..ion the tire it tophi "f the day.the ret<»rm of l be fleneral Ooreranmnt. His rema.'kn w< re li«t>_e-d to with pr.-f.'iii'd a.t.'i'i'-n. We peinât a vu.ttat.da- «ttecn gaaeerd eqsare t«.-niphr. on which oc-:as.oa Mi. Oreada« h ahn eipoftofl to apaah " . Heeeaa. N Brand Ohaea, .tank». Iluy'oti, Cameron, «_«-.. laxe al, «-ither by it. .- or oiaily a-' pahUc _«*et- \ in tht-ii fill .'.'H e «ion to th« noriiiiiBlions of l.irei.i.« ana liamlin, nalpaaaBhad bb gara theii«k««t tl.'ir wty «upport. The iibove-Haxnivd rtateit-en were nil -,ip| orted h r President in the Convention at Cl kngo, and the i oid.al and rrareftil manner in wideh they ban '" tl e Issisioa by which they were net anide, i- « uiitiii.tiy « reditahle to thera as men and patriot«; anil angero well for the m rrrii nf ihn i i aniiiin« .An 111 ¦_ eorre«]»»ndeiit.«f '/'/«« Ctemtletnd Isaeikr save that 'if Mr. Lincoln ia chtwea l'r*«*ident.and I il at h.- xvil! be BOthirig wem« *-arer.i.ur (»overnmeiit vxill be in ¡viuir way to Miia to tin- republican aini- | lit y xx i, !i aha in lei i: *d the earlier lot' n i «trat i '»ne. Hin sell a plain n an. honent to a nie ty. pure in ehrar- ¡K'l rand life, uiibletni-di «d in reputation, a man who, tit,,!« r t «> rfrwmatan«-« - what «eer, indnlged in the nse «>f ardent f-pirit», he will rail ab^nt hir_r_e:i like bininelf, ah) x\ ill l <. roo honest t. allow corruption, and t«x> tie to nsgleet t!i<- duties of (Jovpi-uumoi." a. Am iVAl "7 Ka«t Hoi.sk.-..The erlebrate«] horse* Tf .tore, Niclmla.- I.. tronaa and Red K.-igle, ar- rh ,i « a Ti.r.'-'lay morning from Norfolk, in ateamuhip Vorkt".xvil. a ..... b7bw«Ji in- i Si.xii: Aoatcti unst. So. iktt.. Tl, l-:.\e,mil« Committee of the Nc-v-Jersey S'u'e Ag- ri-iiltiTnl So.-t«-tv. at their l..*t meetine, n-eolved kaki their Rink Annnal Ezhibttion it Enaakat_,oa the .-. on which the laat one maa bald. The day« ti\«-d tor lie holding of the Fair aie the 4th. thm, tiih'aud 7th >i "¦'. | it D her. ni whiefc we mppose the tiHual routine; m i ut-an s.» x.'ill h.- Kitidi.i ti «I, a liUml arena.at la] laheea agr:-td apia», and will ai.ortlv be pnhli*h»«d. it to I..- hu|,«d that all | aranaiaa*ereeted m ¡igri«-nl- tmn in all iia hranehea, ana ii the meehsak arts wb_ » ;.l.. .T'abl | n parati. na to partftrrpate in ih«- rxhihi- tien. o iu \ Kegkaer» . Ii, «mai, oi Boteros Lom Was ar..Workmen rerenth been amphrend drfrhaj pihaaaaraha north i-nd oi Long Wharf, i:i B»,«r«n. to form a Hotind fon i'daí urn ...-lie t«.p, upon which veaxeln dim-ha-Tre their targoea. The end and siiea <«f tl.«.- projet-iion :e ' nil; >t I.oír«- bloehsof rough grantte, ru¡.po*ed t.'liix, ..i 9onV*eutl«f ttmsi t" remet the aetteaaf m..« bin aln.it« 11^, ,i clotk on Sundav night it iliutl'- into the die mi. a t-ii i|h.'.«.*.< h»-ap. A lark was_.*.to it, bat aortaiaial eery lit'le dinuign. The eea wall, aboni 00 long, h! .¡-.i-.i tal >:he »treat-. Tli expense of replaring the «tome and making.e ad of the xxl.arí n-rviii-abie xviil pmhablv uinovjilto |£0,000. a. htl »Tl Rt"i -*Hn I'lM-l',,..- /' icnrej.nir - un m«eut t ni a enes of niy«'«-riou«b««l|. muí g r\ that rite. 1 be tiaginaj twtnmantied on Thara- _a t "i three t?k> annoying didth« rlngiaf «become, fiat the f one hell was dulaehed and the other II waa muffled be being eoaBptaoeiy «nv. ¡«.¡n-d in b Mpana» The phir.oii.ein.il wa wi'ii.-t-«1 t.y BBTerai peaaoas, aihotl.nglily examhi deverj perl of tlie bell ap- i.Mi"j». I m ««.nid 'h'« »vet ii.» run», xvl ich ndod to tl roe BBTliph. apon Ihe oei irren«-«-, tine irentleuutn ..i, t-, m i.'.-k I Id .1 the k' ,'' and held u brink h<> «aye there w*» mnrb farce eserledto flaave laa basa« w I.,;, Id it, ai d that be di-ten tl« f< I: i powi r at* -. i, ). '. '" put! '«. Aaaaoa as be It tr", th« l»-l! woald l-efin to move aadüee rnahllj bas-ward and 't.txx nid as thoaah »* a- ana patten, and then at itdenlv go. He 11 hi the kaoh aeveral »«ases, and b arerj i. a il h thi BBBf naah Atibe nanas tu -, the bell wonld rmgb] » B9ox«eaBanl loaimanhaBad u> the airehelweea the list aad aarand « reetor. line g»m- tiea en preasnl auea d \* eiaail > wire.aaéaBBaaa u Ii* land api r. 9ehtid h tl s ringii «.' weal leeaee, and lb« oiber I. Il remmenée ringing Sitddenh tnrabaj t, -, ie «vital of this, it Would *io| and t. 'first ..>iii- ragnin. II« tried thk r«p«_t.«*1>-, and ii cv«m inatanee the motion wcild ;.¦ m the .in«, i,i e .. .. n « .ne in the oilier, .'he nain«- was tru« «uf r - Thi T" y T. mes t. list'.'- '.-lloxx i -i j -1.>rv: More than »ix un allie eiro. Mr. l.'juarl KdwartL«. wla> lixoa -l .«i n tlui ixn, loel « xaiual»* rold v.uith. He j II red i: mon .t -t. t t, after winding it op twisting tit* rhn.t ores it s* aanali When be raaa lathe Btetneag, l-waa.»a* wbeaetohi loand. The ntbiral»«aaonñ~aapaag neaa sun t. ki i'aj-, a ni « an in lus r,>..ii »_ n:i.«\id. aid i'-, loor t.ik.-. n; \ |«i _.« bole had '. »' n '"'¦ rarj 11 tu d th* fl »»r un.«r it by pre- i.'.,r- rn «. In a anagcorner, a«twees liiijutsta. waa a brrfie n«rt <'t rarajd arfa Lea, aarhael i-.ii »per. «»Id n nanti i .-i,. ( m , loti ,. ahaviaga, Wal M»»' l'ke, ..i'ii'o ti y,- , cart fully Mow« dan ay. Tl.r« wa« a dent npoii th« in«.'. theeryatal ana broke-, and «. un> di«_~«_gaua-tU. ol il t- nun hi'jt i) iinlii ated a aext rt abo^k. I! Uttraeedinary iii»sriii-U«. uf Ata*rican v<».-lr4 bj fire a >\ i i.axr «we4aanta now ton» .n« ol ih« buruiii_ v>f ihe tl t-.U Aixiertetui »ki|x «it thi ; port «¡thin «ii aanahs, aad t;i» »Hite«! ttutt, Uu» i n... -I..-I. tiiriru.i ot Amerkaa ve_»ehj tfuai * t?* .\ i-«ih «i.iHii'.lty that bii*iue«* eati la (»Uauit^ »I«*-» foi om-. Few orno Brithh «liip* bax«- bean k**»4 >n II viax. and jrct nlthh» aixtr-en nuintli», t-eaklv «nher \i» ela, «Igbtean Americanahlpa with snUBB «-arg<»««ai Pave l«-«ri <l««*tn»yed. The ainoutil loat in tltr.a v-*- i » ¡«....n'.t i»'. Tin niiilaiaiiaaabaia «ow as* 'he ih ti't-ii.n ainl c .iix it ii'Ui ut Buy p«i onrarttiughn to a »i-.-.m! in port ox at aa*«

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XXXVItii congress.HKf-T SESSION.

«ao-ltâ-l TTisaiatnat, May ht IKO.«Vvend iH-t.tious ni««l nieui«)i-tla wen« ixoiv.-d.Mr. BLIDELL (-aas., La. i tn.tn th.- Oaaaaana an>

poil.N-d t«i inv« alígate mit« the payaient* umde hy ihcl«_t>li<- pnni« r t«, tarioaa infoie, ami l««r e.«.«ii».iiecringpurtvo*»,«, iVi., anaaaa majority rei«ort. ari\in*c - bis-tory «>f tl. pulía p iii i »a, hu il alalina; aa etteot thattht i ayru« nu« m*ide by \\ ! »»111 '«' varmu» pap« * xv. -

_i*de in (<>: pi t .<¦ iii h »« h.'.rtr.iiti by \V«i>Ut II. Il m«

raud t>tiy tu« n-y for pt.usitl purpose»«, it was c'itir. lyraíanla i j ana inert- appeai» to be m. evidence thaianythityTike a levy was tuatl- on any p«r>««.n aoa«Leite«! Willi »he u!' l'i'l'.l... Wluit.'ci IM.,..,.V

wtir- expeide- by Wendell »vita without ib.- kuowled .'¦«.t «ni « rfi.et « th» tii.i. n.ii , i,.. «fba ,,.,..

derro's tl«- «. '¦ ' "J* tn ol prthlic prbi-_g,aa the v. rv

->ata»> th»t « BW bac- '.-«en iii|.¡.el e' mi:

ver««ly on the tfsiinony « 1 Wendell a* to ¡he .

rary ôf h un« n -oty. tt.'.d lie i. lÂlvaaneaB Ol biflBWai «1 tii. i, . t -¦ 1'res .lelil fr »in aliVknew I.dp-or gfriaa anv direction in the iHefkThve « I ,-t«, v : Mr. Wendell a hargnin«aritb HiH.wn.i.n f«r the traraferol 7», ."'..-,. .. Uemùmatedthat Mr. llowu'iin «rtrnl MitH :\¡n«'ii uniTented Mi. \\. no« I t r. getting aa birg« protitaaa t*«Wished, th. t-t-i, i, o -.vi«. ,.,

out ol iL« mi],-. nu, nu,, of the public pnut'i". HiBl Mi. \N(tid« Ii s'.estiiiionv. espiiialiy t

¦piititi ot the I'r.-idem.'was roniradi.Ii «.lit-» it aid an» ¦. bl Ot) tr W.tJ'.esn«a« but, disilpl-ti. tie ht'p.« oi it. tit-, it...«.« raah aaseruons. He re-f.'r«d tothettf- r of Air Defoea r<> Mr. Ki! --. and

. In.I ana. tlu.t ilei,ct« d printer ot n.«- Hoaee,M gué oi nil (.; i ,. roti »for th« w* d «.f theaa »«»tumi ia hr M««,-ana. Defaaan and k-lgor.-.

He « 1« eed I y t Ini r.* Vrr,r tb.it the pr.-e-it l.iw- ofi-uili«« pntuoii.- r« Cjtur. reform, and ti.-t aCoaaaai team1 »"'It t* i' «ttrtj« '«'«1 to ¡:- .ii're int.. t e e.xpedienrv otpri.xi. _¦».«, Uta 1er the printing b« i:i_ dean bl B0O>Uad or otln rxx -

Mr.KiNt. 1,. |... N. Y.) made a minority report,I ¡,t the ir.,i,:c«. and «.|.«r.ttii>ii- ot pabla priutiugmum« «t be K.Khii'.iH-d to. atnmgtj. Ti«hows, leaily that lar«?,- at.hi ot ii..'m.-x Ita th« 1 riniei for it.e (.uppi.it of party pan ira, and tointim nee tied i..i *. Mr. \\ ,-i.d.-ll in' i,thm»» that Aii'.ri-ey-iietieral H:ai k drew ail the¡aaaraat tha bargain aad aala ti l~~Wf/asenonaian This .«u» the s. Ic oi Iha "Hi ail ..-t >na -(

un ply. v. th tin« rendition that ¡«ar; of Hi. protrts wereta ha gtaaa for party paifaaata. Hi ith.ttht J n\ ;t t m it a n I« /" l'i : .;¦ ml .,.-

tie dit.tiiou ol the I'r. «-ni. ,,i p. iK'.nally-. Thiin.«i y *«-««riii» t> ludií-íit-. «'ejiiiv Hat 'lari/e miii,« oftttoi.t-y w< re titawti b-oBB th. treasury by an undci-»tnt.d ng l»t»-i the A« tnii, ^l rali,,11 ai.l Priul i. and|«-i- '- ; ..! ¡_riv n« xv-ph]i ;-. Tu

r-ln.XXB l! 1.1 tl e p. yn.'.-lit« liiiuit- 1,1 Mr. Xt.« the.-«- p^jx rp ware kLown and aamnlnd to by thei dent, astl tl t ,|, bar-g-ain t «r the aale of Tkt

open I.e aVdt e of «in _.¦ Bla k.The ('t.uuiiitt ihina the printing mull btdune tot«>I e-!.i,ll t! i be in"-!»-.: v |g i-i

«ral ttrn a xxiui il.e rtaolntion rejvrted v theritv.

Sir. ÀNTII'.M l;.{. «.«. I. ,;, k. r

vxttsteitili.«- aid aztinvaajanee in tha pui.h. prinúug.in ii- tp |.¡«.

rilllilif. lieng. Hi e..-e in,-adi ,'. I >i!f S-'iat- ;h it

i ew-| Ht«e!f tiltil ti uid tit.i support lb« ni*elv«. t\. r« ofu> any |..ity. Ha ti.c.^; t tl.ai ,1.

having \ lut ti ib« i ai.-. »I e i t!i« " shoal | rmjetat.

1 he rviti«ect vxa- i« s>i,««l till t..-mo; row.Kxeill'iie >.!.-,,,n fo)«t>Wt-_

I'lXl'N I«,aattaaal Mr. K«,*.«r. Adjour.«-d

BOU8E 01 K. I. MATIVKs.llr.PK^ Ni'I.I»s ).«;. N i.,. nmit-

!.-. uli.liidiii r\ t.].. ,\e.: na, k. v. uh an ainend.iieut,the t*Ht_t«' bit] pr..\ ;i nig 1 r tl <. r» tur-i« xiii ..n There wera Brow l^iM of them *iKnWra. It wi s im, o-tatit tuai lie bill I- pasaad.»: líe e¡ rh« -t ¡ ia ti<_!,)e dav.Mr.SMITH l»«n... Va.) ù.d net wan! iof..rcctbem

".t.. h m Banana, bal giaa ihám tha pñrilt-eye i «-'uv iai-try.

Mr. i;i.i fit «i.iis gave anana that ha at._U «;ji mth I 11 taxi Moi.d.iy.The Ilou««e rt si ti t .I the roaaid«-ration of tin I

of nie in in t!«e pablk rjriatma.Kt. ((»HI» Peu.. Ala. anal than aaght t" ai n

< » «npv ot |"li'V. (»1,1 rata bad rre«p! irate th-< r i»., anal > ._ gol to cunning a« to hide Uicu.elvts iiom¡ abo» g::r*.Mr. >.Mri'}' I». m ViB.)flBhi that Mr. I

- a ' I mi.« !;: bu» c< rt-iiiilv be 8va- ti'-t a't. i «¦ rate. He bad COBBB ti> la

totaaipporl the bill for >« tj*ovtanaaanl i-rimiiii/ offl«-«.11.- vu» sniry- tl..t Mr. Ilai-kin hud BBBhen

vx"itii i«. lru.-h naBBian and 1- ugI,...;. BBS -lony a» that

<f Mr. WaadalL it xxaa bad »a«ie f««r baa to r'.it.r

J', nl in', mom ai tb- I resident in the attempt to de-

giale l raa.n)hea « (llaahia'fnrariaaijrfTnTtrr"ir ed,g>x« tha lOaliait '«" I'ltidU'g to a frieud at a

. .m «-..- oftred i". a raaaonaibla ni-i-l'-i. I'.Mr Mi-i-Jt ii had «...ted Idr ^!r. l>,:r

Tr t -< ««»i. riei a«; propeaaal »she ">aanhtir_slO give h:.it tie pr. tilt« for partis-.ii pir.-Obei. And

ya tbegei.tle i un-t-m-ir up vxiui a BWaggar, and ar-

tn. I'ieri«i«iii l««r iii.niii'i' the jo_ le«jin.latelyi . n,n uiuong his own friends, iuM

, -ti.mi« s.

x.M.I X.NDI'.IIAM9r] y Was "| .-¦

ten. aud to favoi "t a 0 »« rnmenl nrinMr. PBYOB Dem., Va.).We bar«

ol ¡«Il the vi . .;. '..i!'" ". pr .

«j. duttion i" I drav» n from then,i

v. hid. t:"xv .

ssonta new iuTi»mtÍ4>n.-ahall w< try another ex«

Uabama Mi- « i¡ ..

xx., n hi t but Id.« i ot looh u, on ti¬

ll a Stt| - i ting, an the.....

. in a

.untilr «.i i'. ii fon

¦i, « u t) e i»

1-ahn ei t ol a G >x( would

j'«'.,.-,; bat-11;.-

"i I'm

ut ikti.. p

wa»., ...


:,. ni n

.. n on I.ii

th.- up «r.-* ol fritti'l and t»rrtq»ti'»n11. .-« d i ! «"''1»(-'

«}i>,-«r mí ¦ vii» 11- _:..I «i bad in

,i th.- (»sople. With i«¦--

i ;-'l! a 1Jf, ¡kllill, ut I .1 .cl!. M ' StU-

-..111. i

i i ut 1 . V ! tii h.; lo iatñhta> it am«.i,rg


' tn«- .'¦

¦ring the« .xing lite mon

it y c« n pi.1 i- ad "t th. 1'Ç- mrgt an ouiit ol u ouey to an <¦«

j a* ti-y be a_abated this snitrie* ud

I l.UK« tl i" I""' ''

. (ah net. und I tovohe the jiI I.e ti «arm

f'eit «,1 th« .' U ".'.''' "' !l"

Ion, «<r vxlidi tl"'1 '"' i

l.ni.auoii. I xxt.it io see -xhau-u-tl ib.- wh«..I ,,,itii|,tiou. 1 b..v, nul

. which will B-eeted the |«r« to w n »e

1 tear, a o... i.«

«t un .a ««ne t.-..i in i israr. l

, tiva il_ «otniii«¦ ' "r

.t. HMit.t t,. ud, aud '" thai »:i I v

ti. ¡.rat I'i-.v*- at printMi m iibi.ru ion «>

eyd« n.». i-, tt.nt tl,, | HOW pia xx l.i. I. .

*raxi'«J nl.d «oini| km, and .... i. a iai arorh. 1 I lei u

-m.- t. an«! it n proras a butaei,»«« tl ; i K- n x. r» to f im otb« r «,. in... m.

Mr. Ill KM-11 d»ein., Ky.l.1 _na»««4pi1.1 the ,

¦ it. hud I lull witi, lb. I'

t i,\.r wnieh Iha l'»«-*. bam _id aa««l t.lexer.

Mr. IKVO'ï The g«nil'inaii from Kentnrl.; thai in. I'r« -id«-ni bad no cunte I ov«-i Ü le'taa-.Hut I submit that h« had u m h.* power, i

fa) (onin..', I m .I».. I.il.-li "> aet.iii ' I

at aaaaiala 9h« tiere <x«uid be an appropriation t--r

-..«ix ihniiaaiii dulUir las I "' .*.j'o»t-d_« a

- . . not knowNo! On tl

!.. um ihut s aa al Lea

J cd the public tr. aaqry than wa» requisite tot comoen,,,,,, fc.r»lewo»k done. Wasi.lt», £s dtST'SM ( bief h xecut.ve wakhtnir over the interest« of tcotjiilr», » mtj'nii the iepr»-s,n'atives of the peopletin« tact. »O WM tin. large sum of money shouldsavid to tin* (""iit'.v I (»r was it hisdn'y to hatht latee eurplo« f.\p« i.dfd and t irlni.ni, c\ Hmoi

«-dis.-ifs and r«-vile partisans of hi« adtxiat i lit«]

Mr. li fitNETT-Il nlhntls m« toa;,, rl, as-ve:«"su«r. Ittiti nas ths «Uf.ndir ol ...i iptiotif'i.tid-. No tran «ti th'- fli.f.r rrS» gone fortherut ..bu«.s not « nly cont:"it,-d wob the nqbiir priait g. but cvetyihing'.-oniie.'ei ssüh the administrsUi'. .«. ' v«- antt i. Bol Ci, C >bi winHuni¦. riieit"! m .1 .iiv'aiid ti,,, power of Ins Oivaîmu t. 'i h. it- nnstbc K.yirii'ive. lbs l,«'gi»iiilive, Sit» e Jodieial. N..w. I ««y that ,1 tint«- be anv fan<o»it«f,-d wit), th.- M|i,,it .,t «be public plsarirr.irskraid to ibsjrristing ol th.- |'ort-i »fMce blanks, tabtloi t¡. (¦¦ i.gre*a, i. 1 t.ci t.. th.- ¡-p- lent.

Mt. PRTOR.Ths genUe-sisa f.nkh rial bs!<«i t*f i.boies. and w ' en I Msposs t.. remedyJl.riicnlin t.l os- 1 am rehuí, .i hv Itifl SI llttsSJSB

Mr. BUKMEI1-N«. Bir¡ lata merelycLtimiM that« the l(.poti»ihili|y tlacd «.he i' il ,', -, I'.is a chine- t'taxely made by the gentleman from Newlo'k aii.ii s1 i! « ruinan««.«Mr. I'hVdK.It is ci'arg. d that it whs the dtifv

Is« P i«i« n i. bave ¦«¦ ¦¦ .'i «i tl. se al iiaes nutxtt««ith the printing of the l'..-!-(»fti... blanks. Mat thgenihitHii frankly d» niest httt il was làs PissidflSlutv to int.rt.re."..r lhat he had any cotitml o\ ,-r t'.

»ulject. The gentleman denies that the I'r« si! tit wai« -| ..»..«ib!, m any partiealar tot ¡my of the abusei row iic .«et of the .lint-, of the paMIe printin".Ml M HUMAN, Kern, Ohio!-.,* I SBISHBlBBil th

Mibjeot, the ;.l im en t.iaine.l <»t ¡is growingoq| oi lit1 in ;ii ft..! the Post-1 llBce blanks, and growing out oil . (otttatt system, are of motion) ().,»,.. The ('oic,ment h.Mti the nite nt *ln thousand ene«. Now. I"tie «nnttacia made hy the t.xc. tit.ve. offners the worlis i hsrged muh. in rs sii times si r. This i- ths abusend it 's ove which was n« v,r BBSSntsd BO by ( '«AgrsssMS was it known to C«tn»graaB, or it wnul have bfleir« n « .h. d. Ths aeana man aansnasd lo tho EaaoutiriI»e; 1,1

Mi. BCBNETT.Thai does not touch the p'.intDot If the Kxe, utive offic. r< huve been gaii'y of thitl ifp. if it isa tiotaTlrOnof h.w. SDch vio!¡i;¡óm« cotihI .. asilv onertetl. Mnt I deny that it i« a violatioiOf tht ¡tci of Itsfatt bttl is rather in acordan.«' with itTl «. (..'veiiin.ent barj |¡ «.,¦,' tin- piice :tt .fl ,i 1,0and apon the ansas i.t-imipl. the Prnrt*«r of the Bonsb: .«.'. .1 (hui! le niioer the san'e a«T. Thi« tryststs h.

< hange in the law. The'»en anti»'«.«t.«! i y you ¡ir PrfntST charged in Uusway,

Mr. SlU'b'MAN-l never voltd lor Cornel.us \'.'¦d« .: ;., Printer it1 mj i

Mr BUHNETT~He cull not have neaa ehtststlw t; «.«it tin- K«'|«nl'li(ai. rotes h«> r«'e»'ived. I rom»1 t.. k to the point I «ran «tin iisvii.K. .Now, as in t1..

tl, Pnudeni of the United stii.K If thiiHoass wa- d "f the fact that too muefamoney wnflnaidfiH thspriming of l'.-t-'tffi.e Wanks,then it nan ths sntyof the President t«. tail ins at«tentionoi the Tlnsns lo tas snhjeet Hut I say t! ut < it was co^'fizai.t of he system of extrava-

.ne i;.. cmiicit.n with tin- rrrinting, andIjipi c ngren s Committee wna appointed t«i b>

lie the snlvjeet, und »le- President, therefore,kit« \ V. ell thflj tue ll.il.ee W a.- apprised «,! lie taino »«en pay th«-w-.-,¦¦ than il w;.«. worth.

Itgentil to tr >mVni.li,¡a wa«sa lone ¡a Ootnrresass be wa-. be wooldku< w bon «i üauli i. lark it w...-« i" wre-t the plaider

y from the Inn.: P Hi,,;

the President is not to blame in tl in .!.'.Mr. PKYOit.Tne President answtaatO

fad H] piop riat, .1 ¡. et ¦¡¡un sum fori r,..».-.v. Im ii »ion «ästen Unies a the netiatú a

work, m il say N was bis dnty, asExeentive Denaitansit, in whose hands

-k war, to inlorm Conirress of the »net, and toash it to amend the taw. The genUeman from Ken«

. ; r that ('. ngrc.-s w;.s BWB > « 1 it. an 1 thai lbsPi. s dtM». lit i;n»-i i.The Pre ¡dent only knew this: thsl

IBM II..us. was inveeliga'tiuf soauiiiitig in conn«-ctionwith it.Mr. PBTOS.Tea; ths Prenl.-nt knew that nWs

Wl « Ian. rnrpl'ir from the work, und he distnlmtclSvO.OOO ol il so "til/ bis supporters.

Mr. hi lvM¡'IT--TLe «.'cntltiinin t&aVgflfl ihfl Pro-is « I sa*> il.at it lb»

ii.. nt be trn« that the I're-i«lt ¡it tu k twenty lh«.:is.iii,l"f the ]'iil ,n| told :. friend in whatdistribute it far aavnaaa ansnosss, beiri-ahv

of con ..pi.on, ami ou>{iii to be iui¡*;n !«. R*» »ri. «.."..i- the . \ id. o« «. «.! tine '

»tr I'KYOK.Tbls is my u|I««n f'«m. foimd'-d on uii-

cotitr-(!i<-t<«i I. stiiimny Tl'.at th.- I're-nlejt did say t«.ths i:« nilen an win« does the public printiog, Von ass

r th« itsaiid nolhusfor y<onr acrvHces, bat I.-I iw.-t ty ihotS li'ilhti- m«'tc.I (bin:.nil

tint tit's I" e«ji)t.lly distribnied BHKHk| the edit" r- olfkiladclpkia Evening Argnt, Tht Penmyt-

v'l-noi:, to a Mr. M«d.«rv. the cdiioroi a j.a¡.ei in

Mi. Ml'hM.T'l It Hi.' t. Btimony exl In, 1 hasfln«.t yst -«'ii it. I do not «all it inqn«9Stion becsai Ido not know.

Mr. PhtTOB I !«-¦ k that which I ki "»s. Í .' a pro-¡i s t « ri v us h ad« t«. m..

Mr. BURNETT.1 will not hfl .üvtri.d.Mr. PBTOB.1 am saiisfitd my iriflflai, aVftflf < hal-

.- i. «. l' r t« -' a nv. will ti"t HOW BSJjMr. BCRNETT. I bave not pot a gag on the esn-

ii.hn. Vow, Sir. I d.. net intend tobe divn.1 -..i. thaï Ibi l'ies..'«.'! ¡- B «t censar

for anv lnmd in tonn.- Iio'i w i'h the pri'iai^ ol

the i'«..-¦-( im. «¦ blanks, hot that the whole (salt andlipmi t! tWO 1"

I BJ do) deli m :!.- tl Ad DÙan v protesf agi

Iniled BtatSS DeiBS charged with tl III lor

r sponsil Is. I. wbi thi Legis¬la t the Ej i e Departí that

le foi ti .¦ fi.¦¦in« New-lcrk find t.ttilt with the Presid ntbeca

\. biso| itiinii np'.ii thi sn! j." t. I be p

biM'i mien opon a great i nblk qttl and now h atttn hi d .¦¦ i« I». holds

lies i. from N« w-1 orko* rsaj «nl¦«;..

h of the «» ¦.¦¦ ( »i . «tr., d opon ;t i one eal nbite lo g

ti ., Kons ooulthe rtenh earryiog onl sn» L a proptni«

d the nuii.h« t of . ii.oh

ihiog ¡dl ihn u

I i,.,... come t.. »tie <.«>' hision ths ,i iai s heme,wlii« the ».»_ trióme of B fe«

i.'.iv oi apt, ii wl i« ¡i would. I but woold

in ibis i i -


1 RYOfi ! B 08< '¦:.¦¦¦ '¦ m. "-

I that 1 "av.- ma«le no

t menwin« I, clamor i-

V. against the I'r»1 tell ti i '."Mb n ;.n II si when 14*i»ti dos I

BJtiin.ii ¡ty.

(..¡.i hnndred thDtrj tin- pet o! tl.e I'l.»

or then I sconi witi eoil¡ i, .. bot in 1 one r«*t.pset I n

¦-. ill.'- .!¦ne .Sid ':'

.¡,.' -i.-. i '" ih" an-

rth tht d« --«h nf ol t! United t-m-. in rindi-¦| h ¦'! With ¡I h-ri-i r

he forf» ited il" and ' ; d II ei.rji t. v. I v. - r.

'!.¦ I I'-ti . nt With i.'1'.lpr..c'iies up"iI wi'l ii"t ').'. Sir, t«. tl« !.

..!, h. t 1 trill laki ll»e ev'.d. neenected with the I'n fh n

«poi ni PI ¡lad I, 1

\.. ( ., 11, foi whs I I eul rtain.. t 'i 'i, k

» ,. i ..i ¡mi., i.i.-l l.y tl.,- írapol » ¡- !.. ..

"'I .'at V l.Ill «¦:

raking np I

..-t in« I'r- ii the, for thi« <

v o i. no re»|xwt oi I m (ruld notm!i-

'. it t..y dulv to make.frota he i, f;¡'i,.,i y ol M

.. ¦;.',, C rjimitt» of 8 DmKtnat« A-.ilvlit ¡«thai t.ni.ioi.v i. I»i«l \\»-..l-il

,, ,. wl.om ,,,.,, y 1.i.l be.:..., |.i.,priat»,lOf //.- I .-i ul,

|j( , .i b« had direction» írom ilm Adminw«,.., blgfa .llicia!r,'urcM, ISjOBOI r

¦ » i

did »...i underr-timd hy th« Adíe.m. »ni

¡ ... ó ' A. I astdflflstoeitas PtsBidsHt.o. Toostsokc «.I .«uivcisiiigwnliih. Preaidei

what wsa thsl esn»« Bti >¦' A. I und.i . || nl 1830 I do not know from"wboiu m how

Argnt wurt'» Micivc 10» BtM BBSs

jVtnn and MM* *. Im day ti Au.usi, la» und 1 m-

flii.ml(.fi..,« r,vid,'!,t »«.¦JL1* ,",d ¦»*..¦___redit - f, ,,*«, n «>f Mr. Bhaa n.onr-v, or whatwaVdn P K\a, :"t«-r of Hort^lBre h'Uiiha. to be.h t wïnJS_p_ « . >¦*' "'" rWideatl s_d

., ,'ífi, ?.. f,,r',',KV th.a». ¿lt-lBa-o-niadlanfiraoftherrnajagsa hwi# ,,,, ,,,,,,.. a,p--".,,. and ifstx -4# 4 l0-5«1»! r.er «.'hlnrto.d ... -, vvbenBi«-"hiaowa ...«M. .¦ ont nf IhaB-a. . . ,.., ..,,,,«,.

Inrt ap|oiPi*d l'iinier, il waelhfMi-i ,m) . .

woaldootM rot to over*I0,W0 «.r |l a.^,.,,, aai;xi...,.,M«rta;.i..l .bat Iber a_OOTtttdk thWilhoM// Ai rut. vxa« liai.) ap, it ans alwiiya gi».nut dir« itii-i i.,-: m. ti .

Mr. PRYOR.Now, racoll ct.Ido aol ha.-*. '

the l'iiiiilit 1 ml rxieeaalT directed that thb m«*». '»I nl(l le liii-t-il Hied 9« luriti «« BJIiOOg the ¡inprrasea of P. nit*jWa_a ana rlaewbere. Batthfay. tint the I'm- ..' it of th. Iltii!«.I Stui'-. a-r

custodial ol tie i ui in imaanij tin a that Cunjnlindera b iniaajajaulMlanwi. aaa pajlu«, iltints »hit« thantbi propéi prÍ4*«for Iba exerntini9 (¦((.( in.- wix i.e. and he failed to nail the< i r« -H I., tl e Met, or to lu-k t! at II <. hie. miL'hi

inded aoaatocl« eh ihia a_ ex".ace of the i 'bl'cfnnd*. Thai la the añtarntio

int ke. tu «1 u it h tl,- giiiilcinati lu s extorti d SonMi. Bl KN1 IT- I will appeal la eery Mir

raí did s an m tl i- II. aee, I Bars aol wbatbi r be 1lawyer "i net, xx I,, th< r a y in ii. Ir of 11>in tent ¡mon;Mr. Baher'a, itaplieB.aa the Pwahhiini bjaveaaioel in. in .i in it r.-nre of any know ¦< dgr oa h iof the er i Ierre of fraud or mrrnption in this ma"

i'r. PUT« »l¡.The gentian.a ia taking a wri

bane. I an aharpa as« I beg the gantlnaani to eaalin ¦< If '«. t| e l-»lie.Mi. lUHNKTI'-There i*noi a partirle .f ihm |

tin .'iiy «hi -h the rericflt lyre in bur, or the aiataiJnatke of th. Paaea in the eoantrjr. would udi,s evidente in u ««mrt of iaetice. All Baker «.

is, thai he beard fr'-m Wendell thai Tkt Dai!* A*nraato reeafre 10" |ier eentaa», hud thai aoaaeatlII ]¦(«.- vrare aleo to reeaiveaoarnch. Ii was sou-I«, . m lu.1« \\ end. Han x\ itne»-. and yet it i« uii'.nv ords thai Baker gire his testimony. And xvldoea thia Wendell any, hat that be got no dirv-ctioiAnd ¡a ¡i opon sorb I«»tii h ny an this th«y woaid nto bringn charga aaataal the* Preeidenl of the Vt*Stiit. s, which, if |i,,\en, WOaM -ul'i'-.l iiitti to i

pant.nient 1 All 1 a-k la. Ihal a taopia ounalinillbe rut apea tl-ir- c'ridence, and '« x\ il! b, seea how v«

and iM ,«¦ ia lor mi,h a eh.we' i~begent~eafioin Virginia »ay h that lapoka with ind:mii'."ti Blni-iiiii g a n m k Bgahna th.- I'r.-ident, but any (.tie xv

knew the genttaran from Virginia k~0W9 nary xv

that be ia one of thorn who will ma a nuchal nil

thing, and wheabi pV ,. Bal in rsni' g a mnrk apon this rgea abainpon then who were not n them aixx I :. 1 ad i "t the power i f cent ting then; atid not«v. r «i ir] .«-«-.I -l e p. m |, Minn nui be lodeVel fraa!.(i. at,, r, I irn-t lift.i. I« r mu. k h.-xvbe better infornwd with reference to the farta <«f tlraae qj a . I be n ties, ibare to meet at every «tun iaarerj di-trii-t in tl«¦( nntrv. ILaagbter.JMr. l'l""i i»b'.Tu- gt nth riiiin says thai han a

proved at; all. path», thai the Exe« nove Departa aiat Um head ««f which is the PresidenI, waa nol awaiili.i aa exeeaehre aid mi-i«''-- arv aarplpal-Bc money wax a¡ proprialcd (ora eartaM pa

ad that they did not Inform ('<¦I f.i't t thai it i. ¡gl I be refer ed, I Ililt ci.'ii.ry. il,- Preridetil hpn-id thia i rpl

.«i-rui-t parileast* iatnfat < t«:-'i:rin\ of the beta. I)

-1 it lit!, «rant« to triI p lie a] pointed and I xvi'l u-

ii. ; r.,11

of d bnt to itx« »tigat« one specialrub i« f i ing.

Mr. I'll,.'- i. II declini it. beeoini «i party to sue

Mr. PBTOR did ii«.t want n <"«»tumirr.. r bbithe n-; in «,i in BahaaUon i" a, aae m,_i« b, dy. hat h

.'BUPXETl said they badalrttad* three Can

U The gi nth d an mknew what the ('onrtitntion say«, li the ¦¦

-. need »h. President of being ngaged in dIbe cornil ti..n fond, be would vote foi anotber Chai

It the orrantioa . m-»-. let tin 1« » rhrol barraigned. Ltthim '. in ..«.«.bed and "i ._«i i. <I. I.-. nth . t, x\ iih t., ni'ow lin-ir Baal, lei them tire tin

n Bl the op] artl in*', lid o

S tica i,l- ta'.' ;'r '."««reí« :,i.,:^' the I»..iTaVVi ,.i »v,«,i|, ti, i do b 1er.Mr. li; "i ( Hi replied thai he wai ti«..!,!,« a .,n hiaovn

ml.i ni.ni r« oi.r lit_>. and in tlte d> i it*«- .-. '.« ««

the people. He etraeeired it-..und «.«.hthattiu 1 ». i ..'y »houl.l svaah their hiu.d« <>f ulon. 11 "n i«, lighten the atrip and «t'.ind on a pun

i« ' ni. '. i. « ... r_d *] |. ft] i of tin1 c t'le. ad ink.- (tiv. r ndei no paiiv «"nil.'tiii'ioii.Mr. lil liNKTT. like the g.-nllei'n.in, vxi.» ira t.,«.,I

of ferretins ont corruption bat. in their seal, aeatlenu n ahonld not tnahi chai ea where tl beta la aawnrrant

Mr. PBTOB exphhtttd II« bad -rid that the Ptedrh . ki. a tl.. r \xno an ex« saiee tr., id.

Xh> deairedtoeibbi¦ tk view.'4 id s ( ni III.'a.nI. i».n... N. i. raa .

~orn_i«h that waat me lhawh le Demorh« nid rue in lb« il k et.Mr. FLOBEKCE Rennrad índef« -vxh«

received th« legil mat«Mr. HOF8TON iDen Al said the I' <-i«l ni

ne« «led no defenae. Th« el d he known that hiwas 11 \ :.- y lie luxx. aiiii km \\ DOthingoi

i ;¦

Mr. WALTON Bep., Vt.) wan rtntdr to tMiy |T«. "r ;ii"' toenait a reform, even ¦. stop]

, In a bat« ¦< i ahall l* dam . bow«\er. heexpeel II ited.

I¡ \.« K !\ ', -¦,! |] e d« bate by contend [thaii ent knew of the profil« ól the Poat-Offl«

AI j li '."< n <.-,-(.-'I'.-ml H'a k, djth« m t.. « « | np hi«party organa la Ina Baane "i

i that, a n h« foot d iba 'i" Pn -

!i In

(Hnsl di m. 'i Pft, J loti t'

llechi 'I im ni out lettii g ont lite binding«*«!t).. Il« a i- ni ti"

rman t lleCommil.n Printing to the lówealr i to hia rote for Mr. Defieea far'Priatar. hst; ,.\-, ...; t... a i" m ha and«roalrlv.a«

liai i il sclien « r «.: and otrnption,¡,.. n ride.

After Im i ingi tl Ho pa d ' he '.illfor tie ;- t.i ..i o ¦ Pttnl ng~i »fl .-.

1-0 agMr. Pit. OR Ian it ion. In

be lmd :¦ ¡ pr bed hi h haaait

lioTJ. i...- -11 -,. " land, bol i! al ut. d the 11.| "

ll.l 'ii« A' h-' I

tDAMf B p., Mi.-f. . Bht»-« mfirofn ¡,..'

anpent ...-,, I«, t-, n.nt-

, I.'¦.1! .iimted lie

whiteft f'fl i« ( ill .1 to r-H|«- t. i 'i- -'«'Il "' 'he BuConrl r'n, 9U9,hen .¦;..... t a tigl la« ¦.

we n uj u I Ih "' '

\ .¦

', I racy. 1 he I'- p«MÍ4_o pun w; «

I of lil«, r»\ and nui»' "|i

i.- m, reril rtn '. '1 he dot triaa alIan "t

.¦ \lia coi te waa to Ibe

Ktatea? ( s «Ud ,¦¦; il ink so,|bey

. i i- t! .-¦.-! . -' f. IB Hl.o. kingiii.'i ,and il I" d l'y th. xviH -. .nid 1res"u . n .,| th«- blavebolditi - Th« n vx.,*.

li r i. irr« ali D '" ot« rthroa fa!->- d««1!. ... .1. t m a i ¡ nil "' a. ¦¦«¦, bnlum!, r a ol« n.n a an ai il itj ineni ib« m on

I:, 11. ¦. atative i Icdged to the ranee of Pi,. n lie i long a« the qn<

1- m t"

b« Pree .Stal« «mi-i und lb«m i, lav« ol il.« n ai,, nal !

ibe Blar« «s IV.. seek no qnarri ball ral« oar pria«

«,iir fi ,. ml- i('. \N '¦ a*

'lie leadii. be party ia reí no. t"l and,,:.. which bare i.- if«

btt« lears to rat J ahaasa. aI1 advmII d. .:.¦¦, m 11, * lu. il. at Lu Hi- take ot retainingI, «.,¦ «... i.e. n h,I. rali d, ,,

n,"-; íilol piares. I!" mail t lin« 'I Ii> I .1 ti, «i-e arhe i J '¦¦

.en.ed in lb<- ndri i, «i rnlionofth« (I..-., niii'iit »h"'ii i. i «t. rail y for acotn| t.. 'I rafwrm s a

he wi i.l.i i, loi ,.., dorn a- the gnid.- of

IpoKtJ t.,».i¡ .(!. the ¡«lei wli'nh hh* li-iitp.-.llb«throne hi«) deep enongfa toaeeuiahoasatj in th.-C .'¦ I of tail its al! lilr.

TIm Poat.(»_(-« Appropriatkm bill for the ensuing« «hi line ntiii. consideration,

Mr.' <(||.1A\ .li..,., ln.l. r.in Ihfl l'"»'-"!!,,«( . i. u it,.--, atorad th< rarieus r. tren« ih »- prnptxaV.


'l maximum pay of the ront« l-' bi oa miirjad«v . loff] 000.

..'i. ( I.! .' \ n ,.<. n t.. furldull u«' j -. ¦.' «.-' A l'

yielded over .«lOO pontage ]««r quarter, to the ratea«*»hl Inbi d by the net of ¡K>\ ttn aveníate reduction intho»e « _(«s of alout ten pal centum, und al-<» regal¬ing tl e un tion allowing Iks Pe «tnutHter-tîcrieral to givei xt'.i | »y t" l'i Htn i.-ti i> "¦ r tl¦< Ir salare, inukin- a

Baring ol nearlx K»O0000 per year.It Wh* oaaeaed by Maaara. BAEKHDALK, MH-

t;l ETON iM'-.i. aii'dafin repented rateatha Com-lee low- ahhoat a aeoraa>. and _a Hoana ad-

jetir ind.( *. mm _Tl leasufcs "i M' Fr*tirh. «*v*al day« af/i.

-I« I: t« i 1, a« r.-p«rtadby th* .««-i* t ( na.iuittea, wttaart oa la.lr et'.ibuv-J b« mi«I ia! to Mi timé.

M* T. «fàt ut ral foiiforriicc.Ht n ito, Tharaday, Muy M, IS«"1).

Tl « pi»X reding«, of the Oaneral C«nifereaee to-dayI iivi | pM-«.,-d a "re rrf general int.-ti««»t than those of__

¦ dae pasaioaa'.»'«p Baker pnaíórd. After the transartion of

m m« l^'inijiirfant I min«--, the Slavery rejiort was

isket) sp,sntl Mr. S« ill. of Huh ¡more pro.-eed-d t«.

11. i k it"" ',' 'he t. p«rt f 'hi' in ijorit«. Me was f.d-ti.ee«1 I y .*,r' "< Mrt, '" the sanie i«ide. Mr. S«-*:. II< Bsitifl «ne 'I' ¦' U* k th. stand, and. although bisar.¡ig under a fit of indnpofition, oceroied Ihe tall timeallotted him. h.^ap*« . h is watufflnd by sil lo as thee "s' l"«_u. tit and ""I " «-¡ve ol the reason, Alinostlbs entire asdiei s « ': ' B*OTed to leai»».Mr, Coeinbtif lb he.'-lphia of the mio.-trity. and Mr.

Hill of ih« ssnjarity, bttewfld. A', tin* priât, Mr.Oowiea oi I.wa intródtm^ a resolution that, sftsiManara» Bantsr of Virginia oí iba »»viaerity, andhiingilsy oi Kr.c «,i the u .i|o;.:.'y, shall bare spoken.ll « vo't si aU !.«. t:.k. u on ib. .'ilr.l it -.luí «n in th«n i« n'y 11 |..tt. with, in liinteru «Hat*. 'I'hi« resolu¬tion was not to carbide motion, or auiendni.tiitri ift in1, levions to .'. oiloik. Thfl resolution wa«.

I,,!, pud. 1*7 IS .'". am! the Coiift-rtuiu Bstjoni Sfld 11 I«'< lock.

I | on rears-em!.ling. Mr. Hauler pnaceiiid BOSBSl «pfor the null, rlly, t netSJOHsd by Mr. Kitipp-lt y v. ;«.

.Sfln tie I« m ir ai>¡uui«iit «Vf the majorât report.Both |.'« till« men made aide speeches. Mr. tjsnbaS .«ft !ii'.v.d to fak in.i.i tin tai.I.- ths ri.lnt'tut- oDsssd hy

ass dsya ago. It w¡.« taken boss th« IsMe bbhi« je» t« <!. .N umeions an endmenis wen oHered and n

jcttid, one uin Ctjng 'he BHHSHBS HI nil.¡nit tht newc! ¡ij «i r pi.'i H.l t«. the Aniltiiil < ..(lièrent e, :nA the

., «Id. is t.. the (»narterlv Conteteoce was I'-t,J4^s t<, «,| another, that IBS old cbapt«;r in the »titvi-plii.ettai.d ¡i- it is. aid liie chapter now bet«.re th.-Conference be |uii itit'i tie pantoral addrcni ia bbs

j«.1111.ill "I IHO gi'lieial (olilelelice Was lost- -IH1 t" HkAn an endmenl de» bu ing the « basier simply suivie <iy

.h-t. Al o o loi k. the main .Jiesliuli mi th.-li.l' I'¡"ii id lb« new chapter Ib ti« isHiipliss in theplan- of tl.«- Id one was ordt red, and Hie n.-vv chuj'teiWl s i..!i pled.10-1 to 57.


Fir««.Bostoh, lansnsnn», Msy 31. ISM,

\v. F. I'm ii;n | Co.'a dyswsssTwotksat Kbh ion,were dt s'ro» » d by tire this mornini.'. !'.».'. »h«-r with thevali.a'le itiichinciv. and a Luge ¡t'o-k of l..gw«iod.¡/IrfJI.Win.'fin« dwellings and two stables weie bium-d ¦

Haveihül. tl i« morning.-.,k slot.-,,: Jackson m KiiSTtsU. at Maaihantiii,

h w li;.n ) ihirs, was tnobed ol tß,90t v. rib oi g Skflslast uici 1.

1'-. oil sumí t |»is« opul «t<>»n»million.> a irk, N. J , ansnaany, May ¡i. IHO,

The Sun d BH C« ii initi-e was i.el.ci.d. I lie'I'rue-tflSS «'1 t. '¦ i'lid weie otL'a'i./.'l bj ÜM app -mlu etil ofGot. Cal. n a. I'r.-i.lent. An ¡mima ed deleite took

between ths Bigh and Low Chttreh nisfja, anaitroliiii' n o a« < c-pt t: «. report of the Ti sntflSI an I payill 0 ti «¡I hiilllls II, tl V s l|.i\T III tie pn.e-.iit. aftasf'i'iivi" HiOB I BaaSB was acpt. d Li ..lly. A«.li.m '.I'e »< as :.( ptdbttd 10 «-ubiiii' Bfl end BflBS in the

' :¦ <¦ to r.'j'i.-etitatiou in the Com-D. ittee. 'In« follóning were ttotXti Denflaasi to ihe

¡.1 < i v 11 tit.i,. Clergy.Téh Bava. Otort^BsnDodo, M»o Maesa D.D. Allied S'ubl.H. D.1V an !.1.11. K. Iv Utity-lbs H« h I». H. Kyan. .1. V»Millet, >. L. t'¡upeiitir. snd .1. B. Thassanan, M. I).

Fulul AftidcnI.*.W mil OTOS, N. J», 'llni-ihtv. .May .11 l~ ».

AM'«. HcSSH w¡. « run over try a switchinig en«p;*.'¡it thi la e. ¡ lid 80 ll'jllied that «iie catlliOl riv.iv.'l.

S< BASTO«, l'a.. TliUirsiay. May M, IM.An'« >plosi«.ii .1 In«-damp lOoA plan- St .Vitn'.on .

M it in.r W ilk'»linrr«'. this- aftofHoon. A m.ii <>fMi J!i." t le k. aid llarty ami Mdrn Kdvvaid«. HfOHBas. , iidi | «I«" inaH »t Ute t. m« Ina tassfl ef th« « .s-

Okl II» -.I".1-1« Bllsttlic« VS.1- ... ..,,...««. »1

,,,.».. b. itotii, killing tliem instantly, (»ne man WHS. i

«S*»«» i«in I »ml ¦tiirtif«!.

ter. f.«.' is, I'hiu «day Mav Ml. I*»ï0.A private iiie|ai«h r.ir lb«- sie.ii.Kr IV.-rlo« was

¡-.1 ihe levee, N>-w-I IllealiH, ol til« -Till. Illldisa total lore: r h« »t fl'iMMi ;, \ car «.go, and »vas iti-

r'.llclt f( r , -< '.(.('() II I -Itlsblllg.'.V.ÎI .'.¦ II LLIGEl CE.

\ I'.nhrd of Bsral I nmm rr in« on Wt¦ln.-H.biy IS visitand ¡ii.-j« t the Naval Academy at Auna|»oh». TheHeard will consist of the following ofHcen«: Com.I i.viih ite. leceiitly in command of tie Ml uifet r BH8BB

Btntios Cants. Wilh.s, Ohnan», Pitea, ¡. i w. K.

'laylor. 'lin C. .s. st«-a'ti sloop-ol'-wir ¦aOfl0n*n»tflO,< ti ii and, i Banni, arrived at New (»rb-ati«. wornVera Cm«, on tht 23J¡ al srt«JL (Ttrfjiflja Jokneh IJan i.- at the r. s. Navy-, and boh Lh tnaasnuad <>f th..S: im'ah at \eia Cran, bar Im-cii tijipoiut« ,| as f'1.1-'(ifliurot the llotne S'tttitdrou. vice ('apt. Medium

d a.«« ant of ¡II health. C:ipT. Clsarles ft IIv-. Navy now- in command .1' tin Norfolk

Bevy fard, baa haan asstsssd to ins ssHHBtnsj of thsMediienantan ^asvditsa, and tl.ii.-w asana isjrsw.«un m« b;. »in.« n.i. BsiniHlianj oat M Borfolk, t'a»,

«d SS his I lair -hip C..iiiaiauder!.. l'aie, i« .eeat'.y in command f lh«-(}e-|niti-

... i, | .¦ le the coti.iiii'.nd «f the Ont«D the Mort farèV M »rgsn H.

v.t ;.'ii«b. «i i!« IT. s. Navy, has hsan Hrnsrsd to theAi h asta, a- Chi« f l!'i«-'!i ser.

Thfl I .' y-' :. .-.« ani.-l :|> My tic tiirived at

Madeira on ti« «kh in-'. aS well. lbs (oOowingL'bhed Si.. s \, 1-- ¡- ur ass H«n | ." log'.:.. y :.:¦ ..« v. 'I sail in :. I-w «¡ay s to: Ile-itt. ICtrtlvi -¡it.' ¦. w hi, !, ir a. f Mow .- Com

ti.i Uedit» rrani ai Ki »a andDakota fur Chi'.a.- the S> .ninole lo ths BraaQs) andt!« 1': \\ e« ii« »\ BttbgOBl lit 1'1'iladelphia, w:l! joiu

II egqi ...it«.ti.A hn»:e I.lili.'o« of cUinna viri- I ihlyi

Navy -Ii ar.l OH W tmmt Bflfll) HSTths porpSHOl aseisgtOSN :.Led nl h wa. >ucn s.-fdly done a'., it

k h ¦) e ». uh -.. Sh« v. 1! be ». pairad and

Bet« d i le. The prog iamme of thflNil J.I.C 1 . t, . . _. .! It

ai, s>-h« n.r. taitsed «d going '" Patskasa tomitt tliiaa, wil'. .Me; la m direct from il b portloslapnn toneLingsl Rio s il« i-... Caps ol t3oodII h OtSSI places on the way

'I l.vr-'-.ii.i frgati lo ."« ». hit Ii wa- intend«"!to < v . i, »i. p.. . . I '.. y fnsa Ihi« peri t«.

..ni ol C'.n.iii' -inn on W .¡ii' sja]'I i;. ;.i,, I>, ha i, i IIIiI in

dni Dgnl eh lûw » h 11 a bug psirtiono! I i i r [ lut a mi y b w

I os lioaiti. cotirtip.it titly th« m-n at «Iff. f «ere oo f.It» sis. II« \ attmb«si«OM

.' all !¦.!: bei a. mum« m i m. ah is at'(. ''-ii.i h Jit.!,! ii w itb two iva

owii i, m 11 -' .i d .a .ii-'a"is-« I I at n .h -. It v.,i i. ' lo |tay o-.lbsrerew.

i T«-- 1 ". n i iIt is W"r-c lh: n wast, d w I en hauled 11,111 the 1 ,'Ii ¡- only Bond lora »In rt nan.n in WHHOI way ,,r

I'«'! path, i.ii«' then it i- ¡1 BHHBSaSS. A» a niu'itire.

in «iiy ¡.j p-'. >! '-.-1- not rsry roJaahk Ii « ninthsnnlii| on : awl 1 rn hsds, It isa «,'. « d mnhh t.-.r y innig"<«s,«i¡.iy, IM 1... Id ¡lis,'. Its n,.*l val-BBIsV BH i- Í, bsddioglBthfl stiil 1". | Bid 01 pii.' pen.

;; il il- skpiisn, It thsn ésenys, and g,*« Inteths «. 11.¡1 t.to1, of ill u.anu.e. Whir« it can I« BO"tiiiiK.l «.'iiituiiomiv. ¡t ¡h alwa.n north haasHtf ebon

BHSancss. It ths ..,.- i. Irnsg, it wi.nl'l pay tohaul ¡ nut wl, 1, it w-i nlrl dry, and then »'»irn it andsave Ihe iisle«. Where straw for l«ed«liii(. i« 10.«»-

j 11 r « *. na it is f.earth«j (itv. it will BSTj t'< lu.ul lau

»e» . tal mile». It is, in almost all sitostion», ton valu-ai i. t«. be vv san 1.


-Thel'iu'«.! Stale I \pn- .('.|W0y '«..'¡v. II.»their i'xpreas. y.rt.r«li.v ni'.rnintr two genuine mils

!...«¦! AI« l.i.iC'.ln Ihn,» v, a 1 dueled|0 11" 'U..!.' m »ri.. ..t ihi-1 .'y

BROOKLYN ±7Em-m -,». TblS boild-

Tin: lli!o<iKi »n Ai AniMï or an "»»VV.i"g will be rooted in about a xv««k. If in «¡tu

xi.. «_ .'""a'BJ< Btagaa Mr» et, nein Court, wl ich i* lit OMB <» .

iand eonxoi ier.t of at ce*t- by all the ferrie.' and railro*.UneH in the Weatern I>i«trir«t. Itocciipie« 10l«»'s «ifground, and i« 2*12 feel Ion;- by !'»! fee« wide, and Mfett big1 i» hii.lt inthe (Joiliic f'yl.-, ol HhiUdelphiupMf.lli b.ick, Willi 1)0.1mmmtM BtOM (in-aitig* The

giannd floor embrace«« ih* *»a».e -7S feet from nur '«»

t""l-!:i.hl-, it'.l h7 It vxile: the a lieec-nom. SíI, it long, by 100 fee' ft id« the corridor, W I« « t andill x« -.d ni««, 12 feet, Adj"ii-inif the reattaala an- th.-i.«.»-n .¦¦./ dn-s*'ng«>r<'OTns, wirb Hi*. n->tnl «onverii-

<-i." -, and txvn e. nimitt'-t-tno;.!*, xvil'tn.ii or «I'li-itiii-i.t.-. I)r, -*ifig-ro«>iii* foi he U«e

<-f tie i.-tor«. miiKii irifi«. am! others. are

I (onviTiimt la «he «tage, and there in a_9 B Bra.? turante aWaVaahajlBBiaa of burees, machinery, andOther laig«- be9_ -, to %» trophy-id ¦ drain.it ie ex-

bil ¡tioi.e. Tlere will lie a-^rquette. dr*««(ir. ]« iir-t

; tul nanaa IraBB «'iieltfc, wit-, four proaeeuium tmdbitty j rivale boxe*. It i- e-timaierl [].-,,. 9|gg .,

(an 11 «.( mf'Tiui ly seated in lia lu.an«, _wa stair«Braja» BBTaa »bet xx id«-, land to the vaBtHNde.aaiaa'fitter to the entran««- at the rear. Din.eflv o»<;r theTfBtil ul* i» a lednre-reoni, t ntir« ly separat«- from th»main liudi»iife-ii ora. 8Ö fe»-t taagb* I'-'feet wide, and

difipited for publie dinnei*. m*etiiage. bull«, «*.'-. .\

kit«Ik n and t« ktiory sommnninsU witI. lîiit- rooai, in¬tended fvr the peaparation .>? i in: era and «upperbThe l.uildirg wii« BonuneaeBd Oatohai Uj>i. an,I willbe fnliy «¦< n.-i'h'ied 0* tin- l-t of r»,-.aaaW. The entireanal M the m «aetare together with the ground, will be$ IHU Of», all Of wl. iah haï« been nahSB rkieA by ./.-ntle-n -i. of I'rooklyu. und nearly all paid in.

Oi-niM/xTi'.«.- Off a (trrriti ._«._ Ciii:,-A T>««et-

i ig xvi h bald la* ni.-!* «t» ('. hiiiili;*. «"all. \.. r<0

Gtand ntret-1. \\ iir-.u aha Bjh. ha Iha perpaaB of f-.im-it g a I.', j ahí« .n tluh. Betwesa teja ami thv-ebandmd paraanairoai praarat» M«. Johi laaaajaaa«a# ap|ointcl Nriii raiv Chainiia-«, ami MB B» Al¬len Baaelair, Biter ahkb i«an ilixaona iroia "«««d indorsisg the Chicago aeeaiaBO.aa- and 'hat tier

proeeed to organise tbeauehres intoeeanspaigí nlah,t" be knowa a* Heaesl Abe's Wi«l«-. rwake v«.«o ¡a-tion.' IbaJbUawkaggaatlaaaaawaaa elected paeana*am t BE.asa af il e. ( lui.: hasMaal» .i«»»«hriu A. ¡-tea'h\'i«-e-I're#iid« tit«-. Jehu W ¡Smith Milair.« (.uer,. "inn!,acd Milion I'-im». Join S. Allen Si"-tary, undlohn Ti «-ti|-..i '1 raasaarer. BpasKbeawaaa nun« by7«"r. Ilenth anil BUMBO, and i graa deal of unthurii^amxva- liialiilei-l' Ik


At Plymouth CI « v. K.-nty Vx'a-d ¡'«er e«. «m 'I'm- lay- «\ et. aft, Jana 19, at h o i loch, J. M.Unter xx ill ui'.c I in foiiith Banne] Grand Com Brt, saa»

Ibj ISO y.'iniL' lad'.- at.', ad -'4 tximpririag the-1 -il« ut in t'? e:ty: a .»,-'« d bjl a t II oichert «a fr >iu

ti «. yexx-"i«'.k i'hilhairnoiiie S a ii-ty. under the direr-t n ..t Georga r. Briatow, .J. Nol Caadar, arba xvi'l

¦ny the sepga. duets and eboi-Baa, aad daringa ill perform Baverai »rewares, « -,

..:« i--..«.¦ Th enteti niant a I aanaiat ofanew". entitled "The Knehantreea," which has beaa

X-. r tien for the "cr'»-ioti t! s libretto y a dMogaiohedanther« a, Bndtbemnsie, Inrlndleg n grand orert.e,«. tt;| (.¦' i i,.l ana-.i ,1 f.-r a cnll onh-".ra by Mr. F.('. l'lel,-.


Kim«- BaOBffl I n ( >, f»C « isdar..Ihe(iieuit (i.li-idir f«,-Tii«-m1 ly June«'., wfll e.n«ii-t iftie'ir-t r .«« rj Baaaaa» wfciak xvili be saUad pasaam»tolily Bad) U«. i-aune will be .nerved uilllll- tile .Jui S

Te m of r-aia Court, after the tarn»- Ian been oik -

plat-id on tb* «.feudal.-a

!«m**_B8bb.-.Iha lla-.-k laaaectera beee, daringIhapaw*aw* ,, .-utl«. granead ov*i-1,700 licw-e« to cart-U.« It, jillik-d-il'tp. .«.| ie-»n i n. . .\ o»herti. Theaiiit.tint rtii iv» 1 l««r t!,e»t- B.HMl I WM *>i.l«;7 3S»


It'.i nrnv.- -A'lonf lp o'elock or. We.asaday aaarn.b ¦» «.,11 pfr.i.i 'i't.',',l i, p-*i.,i««-» Se i S. utb 8lxla «tr. t-t.t. I) t i . , ai, "tel -to> «f., . mu

it, i i.. | r .- trnowy aae a aaj»bae at árdalas at Jaaaliy,u all »t.rtb alxvi. - ."

BaoonrB Cm Cocnr Cai aanaai Fiahi-^t,^. 4'i "I). 2'., 18

Til» SpuiM.-'lH li HOnaa Snow..The ll.ia-d ofMai.at i- avi- anaad t! tir [ inpeaah be iha " FourthKuh.. Exbibitioii of Etoraaa, at Bpraagfield, .aaa.,lapt 1-7. Ist,(>. and v e trtir-i that ti-«- ame dem09 cd9areeaa xxill attaad .thatha thWagniahadthethreapreeloafl grand and hirnefkialexhibitiona, ~few*Yorki' \i un "ut w !i. x« . t i.r-t. bath putide a greateatil l-itt« r. if ¡"--ill.- show th.Ui thai xxhnh xv «n

il « ir [ri/e I at ner- ai the la>t <-.x li.i.it i<-n and xve hoperom«i«i(tn nrilkbaaaelaes apoa th(»u a* -he xva*

11.«it. We Lop«- bath af team bsnaan- xx.li he in theexhibition, aid that a grand i-.Vi.liy batWOBH -vt-ral-"»atea xxill be 9sads to «-xin Iha aea banner now

..find, wbiebfavHlie.iatî'.ix». The Bann otf aaah¡ ri/t -1* v« ry Übeml« and all iha aVtraajgensanta bbo

apee _a aaaaa graad arnla of fonuii penra, whieh thapeople at thai aWa awake town r .illy- *.-« ..i atIt.iixx h.,\\ to ini.'»c ti'i-1! e .- :i,t«. tun.' '"iv ¡'ifiii-i ofit e- gaaalB, better »baa anj atbai locatian that wa haveex» r xihitid. I'i,¡\e.al MiL-facio-, » t!i i li.ira. -ter-ii« i« t- in. to B] i ly to il b prex inn« exkibiiiona, and are

x«Ttnii-to iimuif the .-aun fit lag to BTOBJ BXlÛbilOIli xi-it r xxl " tilt, ml» the tast I ow.

TI c foil, xxing ia a lir-t of the B ai 1 of H negara-| ;. *_. At

li» Ul t. II..11, .¦ hit,..* Ji.Iiii L King, XX .1 m l..r,.i Henry,' 11 /. I- ( n_ l-i. « i. i. t ,i: i.« r ¡'.. i--

'. >, II AI» «i.) «I.. M..i«t.«J. Oaaaaja Ditsr> t,, il-, la .nil j N. Baga«The »¦«»i«tt.ib'.iiy ot thessj . aaagaaraaaaaaoawaa

than xi«- ana axpreas of the vbaraeter of the exhibhien.i' -:, !".¦'!.> 11 it the am lii«r.,li'y aa aareiaCMrar \i 11'" and we bope tkerwill gira asear«.»ali.i.it«. to »Wlora Aalo bolei aeoeminoibttiona, il :6only an a. t of .-«iiiipb ,npt'a«- t" the Ala.-tiu-oii II" ic-i t"

-iiytliii it la« on ii'inet aaaaaioae B-betdad graaiaa aadb« "« r aeeoa atada.a thaa a y «''her «. eoaatrj4aaatavern* ant artb, ¦_d ttt an rata It wBi Bgatn. Ir -

m'«: agen ata j"«i Bneh ' worhiag man" a« the " rail-spHtrer el«, ai t« he ele«-««-«! Pie«Ideal of the UniBad«?'it.». s-., i if*, then, tatheaasi giaal »aaieaalalBe«tiaa, Bad to thai.Si vo at na>i"iial exhibition of b«>r*osat S| in« In i. Ma.«.

... a.

Thi Ai-i-i oi koxn-. IV e el'p the lollHO.Bg v*«ry««i.-ii.'e ¡i»ni luán / ittit'umi..npapar

in'. a grea anj sibla thin .

i.« il e oi.iii'-iou ot ane.Me'.'ii.t art«.a npaa »I" Baa»«trii'iion "i reaaa, aadtai aaj tiui the aaa af iaaÍ9i* al "-.d:

\\i luxe apahea afasahiafaad sMnding; nowhi n (i. .-,..¦ t h. fly nj on iha abuses ol roads I d u

\ pig apera anenl i. aanl oi I h r«r-rtiaeoa aahtetj m I '- kftehe as b aal aH .«v

I h- gtnerailj le ha»» anne knea of appropriai,, .; fur -hnb ii t ug i* d«iMgiied. HutIh.wi.iibel ¦..". ihiN.-H,

\1, m!,,i, latino' h «iii'ifn'iorv «aWgorgee it-« I' on

il. ul ii highway« atakiag h the nansaana ai aU..,,,,, ,,| m ¡, -' luiiii'it and a'l aorta ol btmiaeaa,.',,.,,.. it i» bis lamber, s tod and bata yard¡Lia rar ore ard |>ig-P>a; he seta Ida hara or whom batíiii'i,in-i it m.. < '.»... »"««i bis Iki w perhapaa f« « leali, ii'..,i< a « n 'It other- li h .- h t nur.m xx it ul! ni.i'i-

,,,, ,t forniug ti» I». tul un] ! tiu-ii'B. xxitli pilas ot.ton- andohl raila to complet« the arene, As lang aa

aa h »xi il.- fui lorn in the mad. it Is did uh t,.

_.,|, ii treefrutii weeds be theea aahnals amsara to

i,. up evert il- ul «pot ol gin«** ix* mx-'n aab t-1 uriyii 1.4 d.*

li" tx a lu m m it be any man.- bbbbb af Iha laaaajofthbga, xxl- m * "'" b- wh..h- htoi-lv ,hnaw.gthai th«i vi il» proal ni« tu 1 hi- netghhor's IIso B.H from t" ¦ at i- Jnal aa inn«', ata pa aartf aiti« ii,.-ley in I,-« pur««-. \el the owner would relentI.. | altad a Ihk I. Wlilil i« he I» tier

Tu» BaoToa r«>-1-1 >i » u k. it i« aawBtatoi thaitl .- Iloa«.-t'oinuilt.'* on I'" t-l >'.¡',i a aad P,,«t B ..

i-axe una" in« n*ii agréai ta re».esaasnl ihntrantlnaanea et* ana ask.ag bwraqai«lag thai1, --'»til..-«- ,.fB« i«-h ion E la »it-.-t m iil ¡tare! t, |Mi,Thehiii"! "1 the ('"tuuiiilee la U"ty.t k.igxx |

Honre, snd when it is, if the Hoose adopt the iwport,the snlject cannot reach the Nennte early esosrhto be com id«-red. Hence, the present law ceasing fa»exist wi h Ibis M-seion, I'o«tma«Ur Capeo will b«e froo.o r« move from State to Summer street.

oruicr.11. TYRANNY.7»»» *. «tHars1 The s y Trtmrn»

¡.»ir. ' "in a snhs<ri!«r for y«.nr valuable paper;bave r u" '"';'*. ri.l num'-rs, bal I ¡mi now pro u1»»-t«d fr '''" r,"',v,li<f snysHOts. Thfl J'i»stni«t«ter '»ers,\- if. ,t,'l|"* ordern from th» J''«tm is»cr-f '«riersl

stub |i.r»»-rs, and ha» acted :i«eordiHg1v.V. will ..'.a-'' inform me 'se you knowi wbef'.er

.I, I'.rti. i-;« r-<;'',"r''! I".sf«iyao'hori'y to prcwri»»«N.ri!,ernr"*Xi' * "/"'".'ber h. b», giver, »ny «n«-horders Y we tm '" '" r"»»''w"»i,r we pVajs», and.hiik tl it i'c:''<i

''" ,,"S"r"'">''T-(;.-n«ml, or any ana

das, las- any right ... b:,y whht %^w*^^lnYour, .truly. )M0l'- (-. WHIIKMaN.

flarkirtllc, T.zat, V»y M,

Ki ri v -No, »Sir I rs n ""' "0< frp* to r'*a4Îwlíit you ¡'lea-e. however . ¦*? ,f-«"' kW th¡nkahurit it. 1fr. l'o«t...a«t»r ii '"''r,,, Holt has de¬

cided that his deputies may d, ,<,,r"> "n(h P»^«transmitted tbrnoch the mails g,*" onderthn

IrfflJ pro* crip* inn of incendiary Hnsl « * -Wt>lln»».ineludmc all ethics! IiN-rature, from ft e .SevT T"1*

t.rreiit iom SllannJ the publication.' of tûe

An « ri« an Tract N.ci«-»y.which »iiirgert« th .<,"",,tthai Slavery is a divin»? ¡nstitntion.i-', aecordi M **

Snulbcm law, ¡i.-rendiary, aad jffiir I'ottina»^Wmuy desiroy it. We are far eoongh alone, at ooJ"

end of the Urtion, t.i f.nt seen a cen8tTT>bip of thePrers snder oír feet, if it were attainted arnongis-. Y.m arc not; but we ¿lean to help yon to H

better state of things older a new admirrietration«raffairs that will not p?tiiiit .my »och despotismun you ¡Uhily c«mislain ot.

RE fÜRUCAN CENTRAL CA ÏÏPAIXfNCLURAn ratbnañasie meeting of thix as«« «-¡ati-m wa« h*h_

lact m -ht at Nu. i'2 liroi,d\v.«y, Preaadlaal Dataras] intl( (b.-'ir. After the traaaaaUen of nie pr« »minar»/I'liMi.t-.-', Mr. !.. ¥, V' no, the Se«T« ivy, a«i.fress*«jtl «¦ m.««ii(/. urg-Tit,'the nereasitj of bohanga ataaaaato ratify the Cbteago nomrmttiaae. I/o hid dun ipth«bat week «rasan* 9eimaáeaaaa_9 as the w*g*e.-part««I lie S -ite, nrui I'.ultl ¡la-fiir«- 'he Club fiat all fowlItepnl liVaaa were satiated with th«- nominal ¡«Milt, and; It ., nftttei » of rlctory. The ey< « r.f the whol«- c-cnn-

.iy were «rnen th* KepoHieaae of Nexv-7.irk, i_td\ ti .Y made xra- <.. <«1er--d with inti-r» «it.

lie i»«, »tidi oi Mr. Yoeag called tortl rt-nmrgH.X|.--rr». Orni BS, W. H. i av, and Fiki ,), but it

appearing tb.tt the Ctartral Commhtae bad th matrer.ixrd. ¡icti« i in the preaúabb on the part <»f he Cloh

\v.,« peeIaoae_ A .Kiem dehtatel to the ( nb waah ¡i 11 y Mr. "> »im, ai .(,«¦ n it ie-t «'i »he l'i.--i(i,«nt, andafter three cb era bot the aoui:ne>«., the in« uigad-


~T7<c Mana t tir ¡X. II. A .7 rim > f We«l eadaysay»«'

" livra«« Cri'.-'« y of Tur Tr jink i-e-aebe«! th rcityy r i. bal traía «fs«B9s-a9ret9a.aaaaad the aeeaaaj

a- the aehhnee of Mr. A. V. Ferry. The Hand enterBai «I. h> ritg oi hie arrit.ti. g.'tve him a .re¬

ía. I. a' ';. Tine« Inn,'r,«d people Iií.vti.g aBBBBB«!.Id,Mr» OreaVj wae iutrodiited. at.«l srmbe for twentyn iniit«-..ion the tire it tophi "f the day.the ret<»rm oflbe fleneral Ooreranmnt. His rema.'kn w< re li«t>_e-dto with pr.-f.'iii'd a.t.'i'i'-n. We peinât a vu.ttat.da-«ttecn gaaeerd eqsare t«.-niphr. on which oc-:as.oaMi. Oreada« h ahn eipoftofl to apaah "

. Heeeaa. N Brand Ohaea, .tank». Iluy'oti, Cameron,«_«-.. laxe al, «-ither by 1« it. .- or oiaily a-' pahUc _«*et-

\ in tht-ii fill .'.'H e «ion to th« noriiiiiBlions ofl.irei.i.« ana liamlin, nalpaaaBhad bb gara theii«k««ttl.'ir h« wty «upport. The iibove-Haxnivd rtateit-en

were nil -,ip| orted h r President in the Convention atCl kngo, and the i oid.al and rrareftil manner in widehthey ban '" tl e Issisioa by which they were net anide,i- « uiitiii.tiy « reditahle to thera as men and patriot«;anil angero well for the m rrrii nf ihn i i aniiiin«

.An 111 ¦_ eorre«]»»ndeiit.«f '/'/«« Ctemtletnd Isaeikrsave that 'if Mr. Lincoln ia chtwea l'r*«*ident.and

I il at h.- xvil! be BOthirig wem« *-arer.i.ur (»overnmeiitvxill be in ¡viuir way to Miia to tin- republican aini-

| lit y xx i, !i aha in lei i: *d the earlier a« lot' n i«trat i '»ne.Hin sell a plain n an. honent to a nie ty. pure in ehrar-¡K'l rand life, uiibletni-di «d in reputation, a man who,tit,,!« r t «> rfrwmatan«-« - what «eer, indnlged in the nse

«>f ardent f-pirit», he will rail ab^nt hir_r_e:i like bininelf,ah) x\ ill l <. roo honest t. allow corruption, and t«x>

tie to nsgleet t!i<- duties of (Jovpi-uumoi."a.

Am iVAl "7 Ka«t Hoi.sk.-..The erlebrate«] horse*Tf .tore, Niclmla.- I.. tronaa and Red K.-igle, ar-

rh ,i « a Ti.r.'-'lay morning from Norfolk, in ateamuhipVorkt".xvil.

a .....

b7bw«Ji in- i Si.xii: Aoatcti unst. So. iktt..Tl, l-:.\e,mil« Committee of the Nc-v-Jersey S'u'e Ag-ri-iiltiTnl So.-t«-tv. at their l..*t meetine, n-eolved U»kaki theirRink Annnal Ezhibttion it Enaakat_,oa the

.-. on which the laat one maa bald. The day« ti\«-dtor lie holding of the Fair aie the 4th. thm, tiih'aud 7th>i "¦'. | it D her. ni whiefc we mppose the tiHual routine;m i ut-an s.» x.'ill h.- Kitidi.i ti «I, a liUml arena.at la]laheea agr:-td apia», and will ai.ortlv be pnhli*h»«d.

it I« to I..- hu|,«d that all | aranaiaa*ereeted m ¡igri«-nl-tmn in all iia hranehea, ana ii the meehsak arts wb_» ;.l.. .T'abl | n parati. na to partftrrpate in ih«- rxhihi-

tien. o iu \ Kegkaer».

Ii, «mai, oi Boteros Lom Was ar..Workmenrerenth been amphrend drfrhaj pihaaaaraha

north i-nd oi Long Wharf, i:i B»,«r«n. to form a Hotindfon i'daí urn ...-lie t«.p, upon which veaxeln dim-ha-Tretheir targoea. The end and siiea <«f tl.«.- projet-iionw« :e ' nil; >t I.oír«- bloehsof rough grantte, ru¡.po*edt.'liix, ..i 9onV*eutl«f ttmsi t" remet the aetteaaf

m..« bin aln.it« 11^, ,i clotk on Sundav night itiliutl'- into the die mi. a t-ii i|h.'.«.*.< h»-ap. A

lark was_.*.to it, bat aortaiaial eery lit'le dinuign.The eea wall, aboni 00 f« long, h! .¡-.i-.i tal >:he »treat-.Tli expense of replaring the «tome and making.ead of the xxl.arí n-rviii-abie xviil pmhablv uinovjilto


htl »Tl Rt"i -*Hn I'lM-l',,..- /' icnrej.nir- un m«eut t ni a enes of niy«'«-riou«b««l|.

muí g r\ that rite. 1 be tiaginaj twtnmantied on Thara-_a t "i three

t?k> annoying didth« rlngiaf «become, fiat thefone hell was dulaehed and the other b« II waa

muffled be being eoaBptaoeiy «nv. ¡«.¡n-d in b Mpana»The phir.oii.ein.il wa wi'ii.-t-«1 t.y BBTerai peaaoas,aihotl.nglily examhi deverj perl of tlie bell ap-i.Mi"j». I m ««.nid 'h'« »vet ii.» run», xvl ich t« ndod to

tl roe BBTliph. apon Ihe oei irren«-«-, tine irentleuutn..i, t-, m i.'.-k I Id .1 the k' ,'' and held u brink h<>

«aye there w*»mnrb farce eserledto flaave laa basa«w I.,;, b« Id it, ai d that be di-ten tl« f< I: i powi r at*-. i, ). '. '" put! '«. Aaaaoa as be It tr", th« l»-l!woald l-efin to move aadüee rnahllj bas-ward and't.txx nid as thoaah »* a- ana patten, and then at itdenlvI« go. He 11 hi the kaoh aeveral »«ases, and b arerj

i. a il h thi BBBf naah Atibe nanas tu -, thebell wonld rmgb] » B9ox«eaBanl loaimanhaBad u> theairehelweea the list aad aarand « reetor. line g»m-tiea en preasnl auea d \* eiaail > wire.aaéaBBaaau Ii* land api r. 9ehtid h tl s ringii «.' weal leeaee, andlb« oiber I. Il remmenée ringing Sitddenh tnrabajt, -, ie «vital of this, it Would *io| and t. 'first ..>iii-

ragnin. II« tried thk r«p«_t.«*1>-, andii cv«m inatanee the motion wcild ;.¦ m the .in«,i,i e .. .. n « .ne in the oilier, .'he nain«- was tru« «uf

r '¦ -

Thi T" y T. mes t. list'.'- '.-lloxx i -i j -1.>rv: Morethan »ix un allie eiro. Mr. l.'juarl KdwartL«. wla> lixoa-l .«i n tlui t« ixn, loel « xaiual»* rold

v.uith. He j II red i: mon .t -t. tt, after winding it op twisting tit* rhn.t ores it

s* aanali When be raaa lathe Btetneag, l-waa.»a*wbeaetohi loand. The ntbiral»«aaonñ~aapaag neaasun t. ki i'aj-, a ni « an in lus r,>..ii »_n:i.«\id. aid i'-, loor t.ik.-. n; \ |«i _.« bole had

'. »' n '"'¦ rarj 11 tu d th* fl »»r un.«r it by pre-i.'.,r- rn «. In a anagcorner, a«twees liiijutsta. waaa brrfie n«rt <'t rarajd arfa Lea, aarhael i-.ii »per. «»Id

n nanti i .-i,. ( m , loti ,. ahaviaga, Wal M»»' l'ke,..i'ii'o ti y,- ,

cart fully Mow« dan ay. Tl.r« wa« a dent npoii th«in«.'. theeryatal ana broke-, and «. un> di«_~«_gaua-tU.ol il t- nun hi'jt i) iinlii ated a aext rt abo^k.

I! Uttraeedinary iii»sriii-U«. uf Ata*rican v<».-lr4bj fire a >\ i i.axr «we4aanta now ton»

.n« ol ih« buruiii_ v>f ihe tl t-.U Aixiertetui »ki|x«it thi ; port «¡thin «ii aanahs, aad t;i» »Hite«! ttutt, Uu»

i n... -I..-I. tiiriru.i ot Amerkaa ve_»ehj tfuai * t?*.\ i-«ih «i.iHii'.lty that bii*iue«* eati la (»Uauit^ »I«*-»

foi om-. Few orno Brithh «liip* bax«- bean k**»4 >n

II .» viax. and jrct nlthh» aixtr-en nuintli», t-eaklv «nher\i» ela, «Igbtean Americanahlpa with snUBB «-arg<»««aiPave l«-«ri <l««*tn»yed. The ainoutil loat in tltr.a v-*-

i » ¡«....n'.t i»'. Tin niiilaiaiiaaabaia «ow as*'he ih ti't-ii.n ainl c .iix it ii'Ui ut Buy

p«i onrarttiughn to a »i-.-.m! in port ox at aa*«