a fool judges people by the presents they give him. (chinese proverb)

A fool judges people by A fool judges people by the presents they give the presents they give him. (Chinese Proverb) him. (Chinese Proverb) bostonian bostonian 9:49:32, Sat Aug 11, 2012 9:49:32, Sat Aug 11, 2012

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Page 1: A fool judges people by the presents they give him. (Chinese Proverb)

A fool judges people byA fool judges people bythe presents they givethe presents they givehim. (Chinese Proverb) him. (Chinese Proverb) bostonian bostonian 9:49:32, Sat Aug 11, 20129:49:32, Sat Aug 11, 2012

Page 2: A fool judges people by the presents they give him. (Chinese Proverb)

If it keeps up, man willIf it keeps up, man willatrophy all his limbsatrophy all his limbsbut the push-buttonbut the push-buttonfinger.finger.

——Frank Lloyd WrightFrank Lloyd Wright



Page 3: A fool judges people by the presents they give him. (Chinese Proverb)

High Court Judge, high school kid or high as a kite,High Court Judge, high school kid or high as a kite,an opinion is an opinion.an opinion is an opinion.

You will continue to receive a lot of stuff for free but yes,You will continue to receive a lot of stuff for free but yes,you can indeed make a payment if you like what I do.you can indeed make a payment if you like what I do.Youtube has become the de-facto next-generation TVYoutube has become the de-facto next-generation TVfor a lot of people, already.for a lot of people, already.Brown and Dugui reference Microsoft's Brown and Dugui reference Microsoft's slogan, Whereslogan, Wheredo you want to go today?do you want to go today?However, if you were to post that you were happy twiceHowever, if you were to post that you were happy twicea week for a month the data becomes quantifiable.a week for a month the data becomes quantifiable.





Page 4: A fool judges people by the presents they give him. (Chinese Proverb)

Never strike your wife, even with a flower.Never strike your wife, even with a flower.

Transition robust life-hacksTransition robust life-hacks

Page 5: A fool judges people by the presents they give him. (Chinese Proverb)

Clouds that thunder do not always rain.Clouds that thunder do not always rain.

How many really want to HEAR from the public andHow many really want to HEAR from the public andshow that they are open to conversation?show that they are open to conversation?What the country needs are a few labor-makingWhat the country needs are a few labor-makinginventions.inventions.We should encourage further experimentation, artisticWe should encourage further experimentation, artisticresearch and theorization of these topics.research and theorization of these topics.Human thinking has been described as 'cogs turning' aHuman thinking has been described as 'cogs turning' ametaphor which has been largely superseded by themetaphor which has been largely superseded by the'processing of ideas.'processing of ideas.





Page 6: A fool judges people by the presents they give him. (Chinese Proverb)

If it keeps up, man willIf it keeps up, man willatrophy all his limbsatrophy all his limbsbut the push-buttonbut the push-buttonfinger.finger.

——Frank Lloyd WrightFrank Lloyd Wright



Page 7: A fool judges people by the presents they give him. (Chinese Proverb)

No man can paddle two canoes at the same time.No man can paddle two canoes at the same time.

Do you realize if it weren't for Edison we'd be watchingDo you realize if it weren't for Edison we'd be watchingTV by candlelight?TV by candlelight?Think about the community invention of the @ reply.Think about the community invention of the @ reply.How many are on Facebook, joining the conversation?How many are on Facebook, joining the conversation?However, if you were to post that you were happy twiceHowever, if you were to post that you were happy twicea week for a month the data becomes quantifiable.a week for a month the data becomes quantifiable.



Page 8: A fool judges people by the presents they give him. (Chinese Proverb)

In conclusionIn conclusionEnable frictionless infrastructuresEnable frictionless infrastructuresEnable ubiquitous networkingEnable ubiquitous networkingBeta-test sexy web-readinessBeta-test sexy web-readinessand remember: Freedom is courage.and remember: Freedom is courage.


Page 9: A fool judges people by the presents they give him. (Chinese Proverb)

Thank YouThank YouContact DetailsContact Detailshttp://bostonian.weavrs.info/http://bostonian.weavrs.info/


Page 10: A fool judges people by the presents they give him. (Chinese Proverb)


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Kasprzak, Nat Muller, Rachel O'Reilly and JoseKasprzak, Nat Muller, Rachel O'Reilly and Jose

Luis de Vicente.Luis de Vicente.

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Alexis Dworsky, Daniel*1977, Karsten.Wall,Alexis Dworsky, Daniel*1977, Karsten.Wall,

fotemas, that guy named Robfotemas, that guy named Rob

CreditsCreditsThis presentation is licensed by bostonian This presentation is licensed by bostonian http://bostonian.weavrs.info/http://bostonian.weavrs.info/ using Creative Commons V3 BY-SA- using Creative Commons V3 BY-SA-


This presentation includes media also licensed using Creative Commons BY-SA-NCThis presentation includes media also licensed using Creative Commons BY-SA-NC



