a documentational approach of didactics. roots and dynamics sør-trøndelag university college,...

A documentational approach of didactics. Roots and dynamics Sør-Trøndelag University College, March 2013 Luc Trouche French Institute of Education, ENS de Lyon

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Page 1: A documentational approach of didactics. Roots and dynamics Sør-Trøndelag University College, March 2013 Luc Trouche French Institute of Education, ENS

A documentational approach of didactics. Roots and dynamics

Sør-Trøndelag University College, March 2013

Luc Trouche

French Institute of Education, ENS de Lyon

Page 2: A documentational approach of didactics. Roots and dynamics Sør-Trøndelag University College, March 2013 Luc Trouche French Institute of Education, ENS

As a beginning…

Page 3: A documentational approach of didactics. Roots and dynamics Sør-Trøndelag University College, March 2013 Luc Trouche French Institute of Education, ENS
Page 4: A documentational approach of didactics. Roots and dynamics Sør-Trøndelag University College, March 2013 Luc Trouche French Institute of Education, ENS


• Instrumental approach, potential and weakness• Taking into account teacher’s role in orchestrating learning situations• Understanding the true role of teachers in a changing digital world• Crossing theoretical frameworks, towards a documentational

approach of didactics• Questions and current research

Page 5: A documentational approach of didactics. Roots and dynamics Sør-Trøndelag University College, March 2013 Luc Trouche French Institute of Education, ENS

Once upon a time…

The instrumental approach (Guin & Trouche 1999), motivated by:•The rapid evolution and proliferation of tools in mathematics classroom;•Their influence on both students activity and conceptualisation.

An approach rooted in Vygotski theory (the word artefact situates human activity in a world of culture and history) and in Piaget theory (the notion of scheme).

A developmental approach of learning

An artefact A subject



An instrument = a part

of the artefact +

utilisation schemeIn



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Page 6: A documentational approach of didactics. Roots and dynamics Sør-Trøndelag University College, March 2013 Luc Trouche French Institute of Education, ENS

Mains results

The fruitful notion of system of instruments (from a system of tasks and a set of artefacts)

A focus on instrumentation

Instrumentalisation: underestimated

The unexpected complexity and diversity of instrumental geneses

Where is the teacher?

Artefacts A subject



Instruments = part of

artefacts + utilisation





l ge



Page 7: A documentational approach of didactics. Roots and dynamics Sør-Trøndelag University College, March 2013 Luc Trouche French Institute of Education, ENS

Orchestration!The idea of necessary external steering of students instrumental geneses, to help the construction of efficient instrument systems

An instrumental orchestration is defined by didactic configurations (i.e., the layout of the artifacts available in the environment, with one layout for each stage of the mathematical treatment) and by exploitation modes of these configurations (Trouche 2004)

For the teacher: need for meta artifacts, for new resources (a lot of them provided by Internet)

Page 8: A documentational approach of didactics. Roots and dynamics Sør-Trøndelag University College, March 2013 Luc Trouche French Institute of Education, ENS

Understanding the role of teachers in the digital age

Google to know himself/herself•Sesamath

Page 9: A documentational approach of didactics. Roots and dynamics Sør-Trøndelag University College, March 2013 Luc Trouche French Institute of Education, ENS

Changes of words, or paradigm shift?

From an instrumental to a documentational approach of didactics, from dialectic artefact / instrument to dialectic resources / document•Taking into account major technological developments•Hybridization with an approach coming from the field of information architecture (Pedauque 2006) and curriculum material (Remillard 2005)•An deeper understanding of concepts as instrumentalisation, geneses, emerging of new concepts (resource systems)

Page 10: A documentational approach of didactics. Roots and dynamics Sør-Trøndelag University College, March 2013 Luc Trouche French Institute of Education, ENS

Changes of words, or paradigm shift?

From an instrumental to a documentational approach of didactics, from dialectic artefact / instrument to dialectic resources / document•Taking into account major technological developments•Hybridization with an approach coming from the field of information architecture (Pedauque 2006) and curriculum material (Remillard 2005)•An deeper understanding of concepts as instrumentalisation, geneses, emerging of new concepts (resource systems)

Page 11: A documentational approach of didactics. Roots and dynamics Sør-Trøndelag University College, March 2013 Luc Trouche French Institute of Education, ENS

Change of words, or paradigm shift?

From an instrumental to a documentational approach of didactics, from dialectic artefact / instrument to dialectic resources / document•Taking into account major technological developments•Hybridization with an approach coming from the field of information architecture (Pedauque 2006) and curriculum material (Remillard 2005)•An deeper understanding of concepts as instrumentalisation, geneses, emerging of new concepts (resource systems)

Page 12: A documentational approach of didactics. Roots and dynamics Sør-Trøndelag University College, March 2013 Luc Trouche French Institute of Education, ENS

As a conclusion…

• Half baked theories as boundary objects (Kynigos)

• A "good distance" between theories, provided fruitful crossovers?

• Hybridization (crossbreeding) requires successful theoretical reasons to be (= problem solving) and a long companionship

• The theoretical diversity as a condition of scientific development

• Beyond ... For a plurality of scientific approaches ...

Page 13: A documentational approach of didactics. Roots and dynamics Sør-Trøndelag University College, March 2013 Luc Trouche French Institute of Education, ENS

As a conclusion…

Recursos relacionados:- Por su pertenencia a un mismo directorio- Por su participación en la misma situación- Debido a que son controlados por el mismo conocimiento profesional

Page 14: A documentational approach of didactics. Roots and dynamics Sør-Trøndelag University College, March 2013 Luc Trouche French Institute of Education, ENS

Schematic Representation of Resource system

First appointmentDiscussion of methological tools and agenda of the follow up

First appointmentDiscussion of methological tools and agenda of the follow up

Guided visit of the resources“Instruction to the double”SRRS

Guided visit of the resources“Instruction to the double”SRRS

Observation of a lesson (videotaped)Interview just before and after

Observation of a lesson (videotaped)Interview just before and after

Auto-confrontation with the videoBack to resources and SRRS

Auto-confrontation with the videoBack to resources and SRRS

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3


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Individual questions…

Follow up of the design of an online textbook by a Sesamath working group, analysis of the interactions between individual and collective documentation work (Sabra & Trouche, to be published)

Effects on the documentation of a teacher through her interactions with different collectives (Hammoud et al. 2010)

Effects of the joint action of a teacher and her students on her resource system (Aldon 2011)



Community Documentation Logbook (CDL)

One community of practice

Three teachers collectives


Interaction Documentation Logbook (CDL)

Student (vs Teacher) Class Logbook (SCL/TCL)

A class



Page 16: A documentational approach of didactics. Roots and dynamics Sør-Trøndelag University College, March 2013 Luc Trouche French Institute of Education, ENS

Collective questions…

Follow up of the design of an online textbook by a Sesamath working group, analysis of the interactions between individual and collective documentation work (Sabra & Trouche, to be published)

Effects on the documentation of a teacher through her interactions with different collectives (Hammoud et al. 2010)

Effects of the joint action of a teacher and her students on her resource system (Aldon 2011)



Community Documentation Logbook (CDL)

One community of practice

Three teachers collectives


Interaction Documentation Logbook (CDL)

Teacher Class Logbook (TCL)

A class


Page 17: A documentational approach of didactics. Roots and dynamics Sør-Trøndelag University College, March 2013 Luc Trouche French Institute of Education, ENS

Current researchA special issue of ZDM, The International Journal on Mathematics Education: Pepin, B., Gueudet, G., & Trouche, L. (Eds.) (to be published). Re-sourcing teacher work and interaction: new perspectives on resource design, use and teacher collaboration

A French-Chinese project, involving Trondheim. French-Chinese Lab for Comparing Curricula in Science Education. Applying this methodology to compare the documentation work of two teachers teaching statistics.

A conceptual work, crossing several theoretical approaches, didactics, information architecture, anthropology.

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ReferencesAdler, J. (2000). Conceptualising resources as a theme for teacher education. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 3, 205–224.

Aldon, G. (2011). Interactions didactiques dans la classe de mathématiques en environnement numérique : construction et mise à l'épreuve d'un cadre d'analyse exploitant la notion d'incident, PhD, Université Lyon 1.

Gueudet, G., & Trouche, L. (2009), Towards new documentation systems for mathematics teachers? Educational Studies in Mathematics, 71(3), 199-218.

Gueudet, G., Pepin, B., & Trouche, L. (Eds.) (2012), From Text to ‘Lived’ Resources: Mathematics Curriculum Materials and Teacher Development. New York: Springer

Guin, D., & Trouche, L. (1999), The Complex Process of Converting Tools into Mathematical Instruments. The Case of Calculators, The International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning, 3(3), 195-227 Hammoud, R., Le Maréchal, J.-F., & Trouche, L. (2010). Démarches d’investigation : conceptions et usages de ressources, impact du travail collectif des professeurs. In C. Loisy, J. Trgalova & R. Monod-Ansaldi, Ressources et travail collectif dans la mise en place des démarches d’investigation dans l’enseignement des sciences, pp. 67-76, INRP.

Pedauque, R. T. (coll.) (2006). Le document à la lumière du numérique. Caen : C & F éditions

Pepin, B., Gueudet, G., & Trouche, L. (Eds.) (to be published). Re-sourcing teacher work and interaction: new perspectives on resource design, use and teacher collaboration, special issue of ZDM, The International Journal on Mathematics Education.

Remillard, J.T. (2005). Examining key concepts in research on teachers’ use of mathematics curricula. Review of Educational Research, 75(2), 211–246.

Sabra, H., & Trouche, L. (to be published). Designing digital resources within communities of practice: A route to develop mathematics teachers’ knowledge. In A. Clark-Wilson, O. Robutti & N. Sinclair, The Mathematics Teacher in the Digital Era: An International Perspective on Technology Focused Professional Development. New York: Springer.

Trouche, L. (2004), Managing the complexity of human/machine interactions in computerized learning environments: guiding students’ command process through instrumental orchestrations. International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning, 9, 281-307

Wenger, E. (1998). Communities of practice. Learning, meaning, identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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A website dedicated to this approach:


A website dedicated a collaborative work on bibliography:


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A diffusion measured by Google…

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