a division of jamia darul uloom...

Hira Foundation School A Division of Jamia Darul Uloom Karachi Syllabus of Final Assessment 2019-20 Grade – VII English Language Language Grammar: Types & positions of Adverbs, Punctuation & Capitalization, Affirmative, Negative & Imperative Sentences Descriptive Essay Narrative Essay Comprehension - Unseen Passage English Literature Literature (Ch.27-44 & Character Sketches) Black Beauty Poem (Abu Bin Adhem & Seven Stages of Men’s Life) Urdu ت : دل ب ،ب : ق ااس، مد سا، ب ی ت، ب ب دازی ش وانا : ش ن، وا ، در اورات، ادف، ظ ا، د ظ ، ا اور ،رٹ، ر ن Mathematics Book 1 Chapter 15 Statistical Data Handling Book 2 Chapter 1 Direct and Inverse Proportions Chapter 3 Expansion and Factorisation of Quadratic Expressions Chapter 4 Further Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions Science States of Matter According to Kinetic Theory Atoms Molecules and Ions Computer Chapter # 6: Communication on the Internet Chapter # 7: More Tools in Flash Chapter # 9 :Introduction to HTML 5 Social Studies History Mahmud of Ghazni The Early Mughals Jehangir and Shah Jehan Aurangzeb's Achievements Mughal Arts and Architecture Revision topics Salahuddin Ayubi Contribution of Muslims

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Page 1: A Division of Jamia Darul Uloom Karachihirafoundation.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/G-VII-Final-Exam... · A Division of Jamia Darul Uloom Karachi Geography Energy and Electricity

Hira Foundation School A Division of Jamia Darul Uloom Karachi

Syllabus of Final Assessment 2019-20

Grade – VII

English Language


● Grammar: Types & positions of Adverbs, Punctuation & Capitalization, Affirmative, Negative &

Imperative Sentences

● Descriptive Essay

● Narrative Essay

● Comprehension - Unseen Passage

English Literature

● Literature (Ch.27-44 & Character Sketches) Black Beauty

● Poem (Abu Bin Adhem & Seven Stages of Men’s Life)


: امتوظنم

رےس مھچ مھچ رکیس ، ب ادل ب

اابسق :

ام دوی امیل ،وحاس ہسمخ

ساا ، بی

تریک ، ےسیج وک

اہم ب

رفس ب



: وقادع و ان


، اافلظ اضتمد ، اافلظ رتمادف ، احمورات ، االم یک دریتس ، اسےقب الےقح وادح عمج ، ذمرک ؤمن

ومضمن ونیسی ، روپرٹ ، طخ ونیسی اور میہفت


Book 1 Chapter 15 Statistical Data Handling Book 2 Chapter 1 Direct and Inverse Proportions Chapter 3 Expansion and Factorisation of Quadratic Expressions Chapter 4 Further Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions


● States of Matter According to Kinetic Theory

● Atoms Molecules and Ions


Chapter # 6: Communication on the Internet Chapter # 7: More Tools in Flash Chapter # 9 :Introduction to HTML 5

Social Studies

History ● Mahmud of Ghazni

● The Early Mughals

● Jehangir and Shah Jehan

● Aurangzeb's Achievements

● Mughal Arts and Architecture

Revision topics ● Salahuddin Ayubi

● Contribution of Muslims

Page 2: A Division of Jamia Darul Uloom Karachihirafoundation.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/G-VII-Final-Exam... · A Division of Jamia Darul Uloom Karachi Geography Energy and Electricity

Hira Foundation School A Division of Jamia Darul Uloom Karachi

Geography ● Energy and Electricity ● Small Industries ● Transport and Communication ● Trade and Aid


1. Faith in the day of judgement.

2. Salah Part I

3. Salah Part II

4. Surah Kafiroon

5. The Zakat


( 7جماعت: ستين) نصاب: سنڌي

(۲۶سبق ڇويهون ) کان (۱۱سبق يارهون )

)Lesson 11 to 26( ڳالھ ٻولھ

(Conversation 20 sentences) Counting (۱-۱۰۰سو ) کان هڪ انگ لفظن سان:


Advanced Arabic: (Boys & Girls Campuses) 1.Chapter 7-9 2. Unseen Comprehension Passage 3. Translation Passages 4. Essays / letters:

رسالة عن شاطئ البحر -١ زيارة المتحف -٢ أول رحلة إلى بلد أجنبي -٣ حفلة. -٤

Basic Arabic: (Girls Campus) ٠الدرس الخامس والعشرين إلي الدرس الخامس و الثال ثين مع المفردات الجديدة المتعلقة بالدروس

Chapter 25-Chapter 35 with all the related vocabulary and exercises. Food & Nutrition

● What is Nutrition?

● Micronutrients (vitamins and minerals)

● Macronutrients (protein, carbs and fat)

● Water

● Shopping List

● Kitchen Techniques (tomato concasse, crumbing, beating egg white till stiff foam, poaching an

eggs, grease and line round cake pan, creaming method and rubbing method, blanching and

peeling tomato)

● Chocolate Ice Coffee

● Strawberry Chia Seeds Smoothie

● Bread Pizza

● Recipe Health Benefits


Exp#3: Burglar Alarm Exp#5: Digital Thermometer Exp#6: Arduino Coding

Page 3: A Division of Jamia Darul Uloom Karachihirafoundation.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/G-VII-Final-Exam... · A Division of Jamia Darul Uloom Karachi Geography Energy and Electricity

Hira Foundation School A Division of Jamia Darul Uloom Karachi