a day in of an egyptian noble (1)


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Page 1: A day in of an egyptian noble (1)

Luke G.

Page 2: A day in of an egyptian noble (1)

As Ra rises of the great city of Thebes I get out of bed

and light an incense candle to give my thanks to Ra for the rising sun and life giving water of the Nile that my ancestors had discovered almost a thousand years ago. As the sweet smell of the incense candle fills my room I ring the bell that will call my servant Nevid to come and dress me. He rushes in and puts on me a long blue kilt with a kalasaris* with the cat god Bast embroidered on the linen to protect from whatever trouble might befall me. Lastly I put on an amulet of Ra so that I will have warmth wherever I go. I head down to breakfast.

*a transparent over shirt

The Dawn

Page 3: A day in of an egyptian noble (1)

As I eat a light breakfast of fruit with milk to suppress my

thirst. I get up from my low table that had had my breakfast on it. A servant that had been hovering, rushed over and picked up my plate and pillow that I had been sitting on. I then prepare to leave my lavish townhouse and head out to see and hear how Pharaoh Angelo’s great pyramids are coming along. I leave the house with orders to prepare a great feast for Pharaoh is coming for dinner. I ride in a chariot pulled by horses, horses (what a great discovery they had been.)To the great pyramids.


Page 4: A day in of an egyptian noble (1)

I am very glad that the Nile is near or else we would

never get the stone that we need to build the pyramids. As I arrive a cacophony of noise greets me. The ringing of hammers as slaves cut the blocks of stone. As well as cries of anguish when a slave misbehaves. I step out of my chariot to find the head architect greeting me. “Iiti* master.” “How is the work coming along?” I ask. The work is going well we shall be done in less than two years; although if we had more slaves we could be done in a year. I beg you to talk to Pharaoh about this.” “ I shall see what can be done. If all is going well I will be going before the heat of the day.” I get back into my chariot and ride off, thinking about how nice it would be to be Pharaoh.

* Iiti an Egyptian greeting to one in a higher rank than yourself.


Page 5: A day in of an egyptian noble (1)

Before heading back to my townhouse I go to an archery

range and practice my archery for the upcoming tournament I am a skilled archer but even the best need practice. After having humiliating everyone at the archery range, I ride back to my townhouse to enjoy a nap during the heat of the day. I pray to Ra that tonight’s feast will go well. When I awoke it was close to dinner time, I played a quick game of senet with one of my daughters. After that the first nobles started to trickle in.


Page 6: A day in of an egyptian noble (1)

I greeted noble David, and so many others that it

would take to long to write down here. Then Great Pharaoh Angelo arrived and we all sat down at along table and ate Fresh grapes, cyllestis*, wine and lots of meats; cook fowl, raw fish, sun dried fish, cattle, and many other exotic animal meat. It was a feast to remember, even Pharaoh said that it was a great feast, which is good because he has been known to execute people who have bad food. *bread

The Pharaoh’s Feast

Page 7: A day in of an egyptian noble (1)

After Pharaoh left, I went up to bed. Instead of Nevid

dressing me in soft silk pajamas it was a new servant. Why? “Why are you dressing me?” I asked. “Master you got mad at Nevid for ruining a kalasaris and had him whipped and fired.” He said in a timid voice. I had no recollection of this, then again my servants aren’t important. I dismiss my new servant for the night. I lay down on my bed and before drifting into sleep pray to Anubis that my body will be properly cared for and nothing forgot. Hopefully they will take out my insides and wash me in wine before wrapping me in linen before my final journey.


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