a database called the web

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Post on 16-May-2015




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  • 1. A Database Called The Web Nathan R. Yergler Creative Commons

2. First Things 3. This Talk Is About

  • Semantic Web

4. RDFa 5. Using them to drive your applications 6. It isnotabout

  • Distributed data stores

7. SQL Databases 8. That is, the titular database is a metaphor 9. And now I've usedtitularin a conference talk 10. share, reuse, and remix legally 11. 12. 13. Attribution 3.0 Unported 14. Why do we care? Programs should be able to answer simple questions about licensed works.

  • What is the work's license?

15. Allows commercial use? 16. Are derivative works allowed? 17. How do we attribute the work? 18. Semantic Web (a gross oversimplificationin 120 seconds) 19. Down with silos! 20. RDF 21. (subject, predicate, object) 22. 23. RDF

  • Subject and Predicate are URIs

24. Object is a URI or Literal 25. 2002 26. 27. 28. Pervasive Problems

  • Opaque to parsers

29. Opaque to humans 30. Easy to screw up 31. Overly verbose 32. 2009 33. 34. 35. CC Rights Expression Language 36. Principles for HTML Encoding

  • Independence & Extensibility

37. Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) 38. Visual Locality 39. Remix Friendliness 40. RDFa

  • Builds on [X]HTML

41. Uses a few attributes (rel, rev, about, href, property, resource) to encode RDF triples in [X]HTML 42. Extensible for emerging applications 43. rel=license 44. Attribution Metadata

  • Users can assert a name and URL for Attribution

45. We encode this in the generated HTML 46. Our deeds display this information when we can detect it 47. 48. 49. Where should I link to? >>> import rdfadict >>> dessert = 'http://www.flickr.com/photos/nathan_y/3637818168/' >>> p = rdfadict.RdfaParser() >>> p.parse_url(dessert)[dessert]['http://creativecommons.org/ns#attributionURL'] ['http://www.flickr.com/photos/nathan_y/'] 50. 51. CC Network

  • Launched October 2008

52. A place creators to collect work references 53. A platform for digital copyright registry exploration 54. Built on ccREL 55. Free Software: AGPL 3, available from code.creativecommons.org 56. 57. 58. Network + License Badges 59. Reciprocal Ownership Metadata Identity Work 60. 61. A Registry Nathan Yergler

  • A Database Called The Web

62. 63. 64. 65. What about you? 66. Interface Considerations

  • Javascript is limited to progressive enhancement
  • RDFa builds on the existing DOM

67. We could insert the RDFa with Javascript but that severely increases demand on consumers 68. General Principles

  • You're probably using templates already make them useful for software, too.

69. Vocab mix-n-match is fine: use established vocabularies whenever possible (DC, etc). 70. If you're a market leader (or hope to be), commit to publishing a minimum set of information. 71. Think about your URIs you're making a commitment to maintain them. 72. Why Bother?

  • Enable mashups and remixes

73. You're probably making the information available anyway 74. It builds an open web 75. It adds value for your site 76. Google

  • Recently announced support for RDFa in Rich Snippets

77. They're exploring ways to make this easier for webmasters 78. Yahoo

  • Supports RDFa inmanyproperties

79. Search Monkey lets you build info bars 80. BOSS lets you query for presence of metadata 81. Nathan R. Yergler Chief Technology Officer Creative Commons [email_address] tivecommons.org @nyergler {twitter | identi.ca} http://wiki.creativecommons.org/A_Database_Called_The_Web