a data skew oriented reduce placement algorithm based …

A Data Skew Oriented Reduce Placement Algorithm Based on Sampling Zhuo Tang , Wen Ma, Kenli Li , Member, IEEE, and Keqin Li , Fellow, IEEE Abstract—For frequent disk I/O and large data transmissions among different racks and physical nodes, intermediate data communication has become the most important performance bottle-neck in most running Hadoop systems. This paper proposes a reduce placement algorithm called CORP to schedule related map and reduce tasks on the near nodes of clusters or racks for data locality. Because the number of keys cannot be counted until the input data are processed by map tasks, this paper applies a reservoir algorithm for sampling the input data, which can bring the distribution of keys/values closer to the overall situation of original data. Based on the distribution matrix of the intermediate results in each partition, by calculating the distance and cost matrices among the cross node communication, the related map and reduce tasks can be scheduled to relatively nearby physical nodes for data locality. We implement CORP in Hadoop 2.4.0 and evaluate its performance using three widely used benchmarks: Sort, Grep, and Join. In these experiments, an evaluation model is proposed for selecting the appropriate sample rates, which can comprehensively consider the importance of cost, effect, and variance in sampling. Experimental results show that CORP can not only improve the balance of reduces tasks effectively but also decreases the job execution time for the lower inner data communication. Compared with some other reduce scheduling algorithms, the average data transmission of the entire system on the core switch has been reduced substantially. Index Terms—Data sampling, data skew, inner communication, MapReduce, reduce placement Ç 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Motivation W ITH the rapid development of the Internet and the exponentially increasing size of data, data parallel programming models have been widely used in processing terabyte- and petabyte-intensive distributed data, such as MapReduce [1], MPI [2], and OpenMP [3]. In particular, Hadoop [4] is an open source implementation of MapRe- duce and is currently enjoying wide popularity; however, it still has room for improvement, such as intermediate data fault tolerance [5], data skewness [6], and localized data [7]. This paper focuses on data-locality and inter-node network traffic in Hadoop, which are critical factors in the high per- formance of the MapReduce framework. In the Hadoop framework, because map tasks always out- put the intermediate data in the local nodes, the data should be transmitted from the map nodes to corresponding reduce nodes, which is an all-to-all communication model. The fre- quent disk I/O and large data transmissions have become the most significant performance bottle-neck in most running Hadoop systems, which may saturate the top-of-rack switch and inflate job execution time [8]. Cross-rack communication occurs if a mapper and a reducer reside in different racks, which is very common in the environment of current data centers [9]. Due to the limitation of the switches in clusters, the overall performance of a system is often not satisfactory when working on large data-sets [10]. For map tasks, which always start at the node with current input data, to mitigate network traffic, an effective method is to place reduce tasks near the physical nodes on which map tasks generate intermediate data used as the reduce input [11]. Because the intermediate key distribution is the deter- mining factor for the input data distribution of reduce tasks, if the intermediate data from map tasks are distributed to reduce tasks uniformly, reduce locality and task placement are unable to optimize the all-to-all communication in Hadoop. Luckily, data skew is universally existent in all input data. Current research proves that moving tasks is more effi- cient than moving data in the Hadoop distributed environ- ment [12], where data skews are widespread (some key values are significantly more frequent than others). These studies allow us to solve the cross-rack/node communication problem through reduce task placement. Most versions of Hadoop usually employ static hash func- tions to partition the intermediate data. This works well only when the data are uniformly distributed, but performs poorly when the intermediate results of the input are skewed. Fig. 1 illustrates the different amount of input data for each reduce task when running the “WordCount” benchmark using 10 GB of data. For reduce tasks, partitioning skew will cause shuffle skew, in which some reduce tasks will receive more data than others. The shuffle skew problem would degrade the performance in Hadoop, because a job may be delayed by a reduce task fetching large input data. To improve system performance in this situation, many studies have focused on the data skew mitigation and tasks Z. Tang, W. Ma, and K. Li are with the College of Information Science and Engineering, Hunan University, and National Supercomputing Center in Changsha, Hunan 410082, China. E-mail: {ztang, lkl}@hnu.edu.cn, [email protected]. K. Li is with the College of Information Science and Engineering, Hunan Uni- versity, and National Supercomputing Center in Changsha, Hunan 410082, China, and with the Department of Computer Science, State University of New York, New Paltz, NY 12561 USA. E-mail: [email protected]. Manuscript received 7 Feb. 2015; revised 9 May 2016; accepted 27 Aug. 2016. Date of publication 9 Sept. 2016; date of current version 3 Dec. 2020. Recommended for acceptance by I. Raicu, I. Foster, Y. Zhao, and J. Wozniak. Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TCC.2016.2607738 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CLOUD COMPUTING, VOL. 8, NO. 4, OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2020 1149 2168-7161 ß 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See ht_tps://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

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Page 1: A Data Skew Oriented Reduce Placement Algorithm Based …

A Data Skew Oriented Reduce PlacementAlgorithm Based on Sampling

Zhuo Tang , Wen Ma, Kenli Li ,Member, IEEE, and Keqin Li , Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—For frequent disk I/O and large data transmissions among different racks and physical nodes, intermediate data

communication has become the most important performance bottle-neck in most running Hadoop systems. This paper proposes a

reduce placement algorithm called CORP to schedule related map and reduce tasks on the near nodes of clusters or racks for data

locality. Because the number of keys cannot be counted until the input data are processed by map tasks, this paper applies a reservoir

algorithm for sampling the input data, which can bring the distribution of keys/values closer to the overall situation of original data.

Based on the distribution matrix of the intermediate results in each partition, by calculating the distance and cost matrices among the

cross node communication, the related map and reduce tasks can be scheduled to relatively nearby physical nodes for data locality.

We implement CORP in Hadoop 2.4.0 and evaluate its performance using three widely used benchmarks: Sort, Grep, and Join. In

these experiments, an evaluation model is proposed for selecting the appropriate sample rates, which can comprehensively consider

the importance of cost, effect, and variance in sampling. Experimental results show that CORP can not only improve the balance of

reduces tasks effectively but also decreases the job execution time for the lower inner data communication. Compared with some other

reduce scheduling algorithms, the average data transmission of the entire system on the core switch has been reduced substantially.

Index Terms—Data sampling, data skew, inner communication, MapReduce, reduce placement



1.1 Motivation

WITH the rapid development of the Internet and theexponentially increasing size of data, data parallel

programming models have been widely used in processingterabyte- and petabyte-intensive distributed data, such asMapReduce [1], MPI [2], and OpenMP [3]. In particular,Hadoop [4] is an open source implementation of MapRe-duce and is currently enjoying wide popularity; however, itstill has room for improvement, such as intermediate datafault tolerance [5], data skewness [6], and localized data [7].This paper focuses on data-locality and inter-node networktraffic in Hadoop, which are critical factors in the high per-formance of the MapReduce framework.

In the Hadoop framework, because map tasks always out-put the intermediate data in the local nodes, the data shouldbe transmitted from the map nodes to corresponding reducenodes, which is an all-to-all communication model. The fre-quent disk I/O and large data transmissions have become themost significant performance bottle-neck in most runningHadoop systems, which may saturate the top-of-rack switchand inflate job execution time [8]. Cross-rack communication

occurs if a mapper and a reducer reside in different racks,which is very common in the environment of current datacenters [9]. Due to the limitation of the switches in clusters,the overall performance of a system is often not satisfactorywhenworking on large data-sets [10].

For map tasks, which always start at the node with currentinput data, to mitigate network traffic, an effective method isto place reduce tasks near the physical nodes on which maptasks generate intermediate data used as the reduce input[11]. Because the intermediate key distribution is the deter-mining factor for the input data distribution of reduce tasks, ifthe intermediate data from map tasks are distributed toreduce tasks uniformly, reduce locality and task placementare unable to optimize the all-to-all communication inHadoop. Luckily, data skew is universally existent in all inputdata. Current research proves that moving tasks is more effi-cient than moving data in the Hadoop distributed environ-ment [12], where data skews are widespread (some keyvalues are significantly more frequent than others). Thesestudies allow us to solve the cross-rack/node communicationproblem through reduce task placement.

Most versions of Hadoop usually employ static hash func-tions to partition the intermediate data. This works well onlywhen the data are uniformly distributed, but performs poorlywhen the intermediate results of the input are skewed. Fig. 1illustrates the different amount of input data for each reducetask when running the “WordCount” benchmark using 10GB of data. For reduce tasks, partitioning skew will causeshuffle skew, in which some reduce tasks will receive moredata than others. The shuffle skew problem would degradethe performance in Hadoop, because a job may be delayed bya reduce task fetching large input data.

To improve system performance in this situation, manystudies have focused on the data skew mitigation and tasks

� Z. Tang, W. Ma, and K. Li are with the College of Information Science andEngineering, Hunan University, and National Supercomputing Center inChangsha, Hunan 410082, China.E-mail: {ztang, lkl}@hnu.edu.cn, [email protected].

� K. Li is with the College of Information Science and Engineering, HunanUni-versity, and National Supercomputing Center in Changsha, Hunan 410082,China, and with the Department of Computer Science, State University ofNewYork, New Paltz, NY 12561USA. E-mail: [email protected].

Manuscript received 7 Feb. 2015; revised 9 May 2016; accepted 27 Aug. 2016.Date of publication 9 Sept. 2016; date of current version 3 Dec. 2020.Recommended for acceptance by I. Raicu, I. Foster, Y. Zhao, and J. Wozniak.Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TCC.2016.2607738


2168-7161� 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See ht _tps://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Page 2: A Data Skew Oriented Reduce Placement Algorithm Based …

load balance at present. Typically, research has addressed theproblems of how to improve system performance by effi-ciently partitioning the intermediate keys to guarantee fairdistribution of the inputs for reducers [13], improving datalocality by direct task placement [7], [14], [15], or indirect taskplacement based on virtual machine immigration [16]. Othershave attempted to improve resource utilization through spec-ulation execution [5], [17] or task placement [15].

With these existing studies, the starting point of our workis not to solve the problems caused by data skew, but to pro-vide a fine-grained detection method for the skewed inter-mediate data distribution to optimize the inner cross-racks/nodes communication through task placement. In this proc-essing, through the calculation of the cost matrix, we con-sider both the data locality and the load balance.

In the Hadoop architecture, data locality and load balanceare not contradictory goals, and there is no direct correlationbetween these two aspects. At present, many studies areattempting to optimize them synchronously. For example,Ioan et al. proposed a data-aware work stealing techniquethat is able to achieve good load balancing, and yet still triesto best exploit data-locality [18]. In their implementations,tasks are launched locally, but they could bemigrated amongschedulers for balancing loads throughwork stealing.

We draw many inspirations from these works. First, inthe processing of a Hadoop job, the map tasks will begin atthe node with its necessary input data. Although data local-ity is very important for map tasks, data unbalance can alsodamage the locality because individual node managers can-not afford excessive map tasks. Second, data skew willcause the imbalance among different reducers because ofthe keys dispatching based on hash, but it is necessary toconsider the problem of how to place the reduce tasks basedonly on this imbalance condition: how to implement thelocality by starting the reduce tasks on the nodes that arethe source nodes of their input data.

1.2 Our Contributions

This paper proposes a communication-oriented reduceplacement (CORP) method to reduce all-to-all communica-tions between mappers and reducers, and its basic idea is toplace related map and reduce tasks on the near nodes ofclusters or racks. Because data skew is difficult to solve ifthe input distribution is unknown, a normal thought is toexamine the data before determining the partition. In a realapplication, the intermediate outputs can be monitored andcounted only after a job begins running, but it is

meaningless to obtain the key value distribution after proc-essing all input data.

To address this problem, this paper provides a dynamicrange partition method that conducts a prerun sample ofthe input before the real job. By integrating sampling into asmall percentage of the map tasks, this paper prioritizes theexecution of sampling tasks over the normal map tasks toachieve the distribution statistics. The main contributions ofthis paper are summarized below.

� We apply the reservoir algorithm to implement thesampling for input data, and propose an evaluationmodel to select the appropriate sample rate. Thismodel can comprehensively consider the importanceof cost, effect, and variance in sampling.

� We propose a novel reduce placement algorithmbased on data distribution, which can schedule therelated map and reduce tasks on the near nodes fordata locality. This algorithm can reduce the all-to-allcommunication among inner Hadoop clusters.

� We implement CORP in Hadoop 2.4.0 and evaluateits performance for some of the most commonbenchmarks. Experiment results show that CORPreduce the data transmission on core switch signifi-cantly compared with the default hash mechanism.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2surveys related works on reducer placement and data skew.Section 3 introduces the overall system framework. Section 4proposes the data sampling algorithm of the MapReduceframework. Section 5 proposes the reduce placement algo-rithm. The performance evaluation is given in Section 6.Section 7 concludes the paper.


To optimize the performance in the Hadoop framework,many algorithms and models for reduce task schedulinghave been proposed in recent years. Through analysis of thecurrent MapReduce scheduling mechanism, our early workillustrated the reasons for system slot resource wasting,which results in starvation of reduce tasks. We proposed aself-adaptive reduce task scheduling model (SARS) for thestart time of reduce tasks [19]. Without the space deploy-ment ability, SARS just determine the start time point ofeach reduce task dynamically according to the predictedcompletion time and current size of the map output. That is,SARS cannot improve the data locality and lighten the net-work loads in the Hadoop cluster.

Data skew is not a new problem specific to MapReduce.For the typically skewed distribution of intermediate data inHadoop, we must face many real world applications exhibit-ing significant data skew, including scientific applications[17], [20]; distributed database operations such as join, group-ing and aggregation [21]; search engine applications (PageRank, Inverted Index, etc.) and some simple applications(sort, grep, etc.) [4]. Methods by which to handle data-skeweffects have been studied previously in parallel databaseresearches [22], [23], [24], but there is still no effective predic-tionmodel for the distribution of the intermediate keys.

The following studies are more similar to our works.Ibrahim et al. [13] developed a novel algorithm named LEENfor locality-aware and fairness-aware key partitioning in

Fig. 1. Partitioning skew in reduce tasks.


Page 3: A Data Skew Oriented Reduce Placement Algorithm Based …

MapReduce. LEEN embraces asynchronous map and reduceschemes. All buffered intermediate keys are partitionedaccording to their frequencies and the fairness of the expecteddata distribution after the shuffle phase. However, it lackspreprocessing to estimate the data distribution effectively, sothis proposed mechanism may incur significant time cost toscan the table of keys frequencies, which is generated aftermap tasks. This aspect of time costs is not considered in theirexperiments.

SkewTune is a partition algorithmproposed byKwon et al.[17], which can remit the skew of intermediate data by redis-tricting the larger partition of output data from map tasks.This method is similar to the improvement of the Range algo-rithm [25], which is also used as a comparable algorithm inour experiments. SkewTune cannot pinpoint or split exactlarge keys because it does not sample any key frequency infor-mation. Therefore, as long as large keys are gathered andprocessed, the system cannot rearrange them. Its reduce skewmitigation cannot improve copy and sort phases, which causeperformance bottleneck for some applications.

The main advantage of the works by Gufler et al. [26] isTopCluster, a proposed distributed monitoring system forcapturing data skew inMapReduce systems, that can providethe cost estimation for each intermediate partition from maptasks. Hence, the partitions are distributed to the reducerssuch that the work load per reducer is balanced. Because theconcern of this work is partition processing rather than tasksplacement, the problem of data locality cannot be solved wellunder thismodel, Similar to SkewTune [17].

Tan et al. [15] formulated a stochastic optimizationframework to improve the data locality for reduce tasks,with the optimal placement policy exhibiting a threshold-based structure. Their other work implemented a resource-aware scheduler for Hadoop [27] that couples the progressof map tasks and reduce tasks, utilizing wait scheduling forreduce tasks and random peeking scheduling for map tasksto jointly optimize the task placement. These excellentworks are based on improving the utility of slots resources,which can improve the data locality but without enoughconsideration of the load balance. In addition, it is also diffi-cult to apply in current versions of Hadoop with Yarnresource management components.

Chen et al. [6] presented LIBRA, a lightweight strategyto solve the data skew problem for reduce-side

applications in MapReduce. LIBRA estimates the interme-diate data distribution by sampling the partial map tasks,and uses an innovative approach to balance the loadamong the reduce tasks, which supports the split of largekeys. Their solutions can reduce the overhead while esti-mating the reducers workload, but these solutions stillhave to wait for the completion of all the map tasks forwhole input data. In addition, because data sampling isalways an additional step of work for running jobs, itinevitably incurs extra running times and degrades theoverall system performance.

In conclusion, there are still some problems that arenot solved perfectly in these previous studies: (1) how todetect the intermediate data distribution efficiently fullscanning in Hadoop job processing seems a bit ineffec-tive; and (2) how to implement fine-grained control forthe task placement: it should be modelled and quantifiedby an accurate cost evaluation model in the runtimeenvironment.


Our standpoint is that if map tasks and correspondingreduce tasks are placed close to each other (on the sameserver, same rack, etc.), the system would cost less forthe same amount of traffic relative to a case with thereduce tasks located far from the node. Furthermore, inaddition to improving the performance of an application,minimizing the communication cost will also reduce thenetwork overhead of the underlying infrastructure bymoving traffic from bottleneck links to high-bandwidthlinks.

Fig. 2 shows the overall execution produce, which iscomposed of two separate jobs. First, the original input dataare sampled to estimate the source of key/value tuples foreach reducer by nodes. The output of this phase is a matrixto record the size and key/value distribution of currentinput data, which can be transferred to a cost matrix forreduce task placement. Before the working job is run, thereduce task placement should be finished according to thismatrix. That way, most data handled by a reduce task han-dles be localized as much as possible, thus saving trafficcost and improving the performance of the reduce tasks.The main steps are as follows.

Data Sampling: Input data are loaded into a file or files ina distributed file system (DFS) where each file is partitionedinto smaller chunks, called input splits. Each split isassigned to a map task. Map tasks process splits, and pro-duce intermediate outputs which are usually partitioned orhashed to one or many reduce tasks. Before a MapReducecomputation begins with a map phase, in which each inputsplit is processed in parallel, a random sample of therequired size will be produced. The splits of samples aresubmitted to the auditor group, while the master and maptasks wait for the results of the auditor.

Reduce Task Placement: The results of sampling willdetermine the placement of reduce tasks. Fig. 3 brieflyshows a typical example. For 80 percent key/value pairs,reduce task R1 comes from map task M2, and the remainingintermediate results are from map task M1. Hence, the mostappropriate position to start the task of reduce task R1 is thenode on which map task M2 is running. Analogously, to

Fig. 2. The framework of CORP.


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obtain better data locality and save the inner communica-tion among nodes, it is better to launch reduce task R2 onthe node of map taskM1.



4.1 Data Skew Model

In this model, to quantify the data received by a specialreduce task, some initial and intermediate results with theirrelationships can be formalized as Table 1.

C ¼ Cs;li;j is a three-dimensional matrix of m� p� n that

defines the distribution of intermediate results in each parti-

tion. Cs;li;j denotes the number key/value tuples processed

by the jth reducer from the ith map task within the lth

node. And Cs;li;j ¼ k means that k pairs of keys/values from

map task Mi in node Nl are currently allocated to reducetask j. For a partition that represents the tuple set processedby the same reducer, the number of partitions is treatedequally to the reducer amount. In this model, n denotes thenumber of nodes, p denotes the number of reducers, and mdenotes the number of map tasks. Hence, 0 � l < n,0 � j < p, and 0 � i < m.

Under normal conditions, the key number of originalinput data follows a Zipf distributions [28]. Parameter s

is used to denote the degree of the skew, which is usu-ally assigned from 0.1 to 1.2. For a specific input dataset,parameter s is a constant. A larger value indicatesheavier skew, and it also determines the distribution ofCi;j. In this model, the number of key/value pairs proc-essed by the reducer j is denoted as RCðjÞ. Without lossof generality, the value of RCðjÞ with a skew degreecould be defined as follows:

RCðj; sÞ ¼Xn�1l¼0

Cs;lj ¼



Cs;li;j : (1)

On this basis, we can calculate the average number ofkey/value tuples of all running reduce tasks as

means ¼Pp�1

j¼0 RCðj; sÞp




i¼0 Cs;li;j

p; (2)

in which parameter p is the number of reduce tasks.Naturally, the intermediate data processed by a reduce

task can be considered as skew using standard deviation as

jRCðj; sÞ �means j > std; (3)

std is the standard deviation of the number of key/valuetuples for all reduce tasks, which can be used to measurethe overall load balancing level of reducers.

Further, we can evaluate the difference between the aver-age intermediate results of all reduce tasks and the numberof key/value pairs belonging to the jth reducer as

RCðj; sÞ �meansð Þ ¼Xn�1l¼0


Cs;li;j �



i¼0 Cs;li;j



The value of this standard deviation for all intermediateresults in reduce tasks can be calculated as

std½ðRCðj; sÞ� ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiPp�1

j¼0 RCðj; sÞ �meansð Þ2p





i¼0 Cs;li;j �



i¼0 Cs;li;j






In this case, when a reduce task is load balanced,jRCðj; sÞ �meansj < std is always satisfied. As a result,when the number of key/value tuples assigned to reducer jis larger than the value of the mean, the jth reducer will betaken as a skew task even although it is running normally.

To measure the data skew degree of all reduce tasks, thispaper uses the indicator FoS (Factor of Skew) to quantizedata skew and load balancing

FoS ¼ std½ðRCðj; sÞ�=means: (6)

The smaller the value of FoS, the better the load balanc-ing and the lower data skew that will be obtained.

4.2 Data Sampling Algorithm

To ascertain the distribution of the intermediate data isthe only way to develop a reduce placement strategy.Because the number of keys cannot be counted until theinput data are processed by map tasks, calculating theoptimal solution to the above problem is unrealistic, andthe cost of pre-scanning the whole dataset would likelybe unacceptable when the amount of data is huge. There-fore, we present a distributed approximation algorithmby sampling and estimation.

In most running Hadoop systems, sampling of the inputdata can be achieved by using the class: org. apache.hadoop. mapred. lib. InputSampler. This class implements

Fig. 3. The intermediate results distribution in reduce tasks.

TABLE 1Variable Declaration

n, 0 � l < n n: node number; l: one node;p, 0 � j < p p: reducer number; j: one reducer;m, 0 � i < m m: mapper number; i: one mapper;


key/value numbers from the mapperMi in node Nl received by jth reducer;

RCðjÞ number of key/value pairs processedby reducer j;

means average number of key/value tuplesof all running reduce tasks;

std the standard deviation for the currentloading of reducer;

FoS an indicator to measure the loadbalance of reducer.


Page 5: A Data Skew Oriented Reduce Placement Algorithm Based …

the SplitSampler method which samples records from thefirst S partitions. The original release is a random samplingof data convenient way. Reading a record will be added tothe sample set in each partition as long as the current num-ber of samples is less than samples needed, by means oflooping through all records in this partition. Our samplestrategies are also run by invoking this InputSampler classin the underlying implementation. To improve the initialrandom selection strategy, this paper overloads the Split-Sampler method and proposes a more efficient selectionmodel for sample data based on reservoir sampling.

Conventional uniform sampling will inevitably result ina certain number of multi-duplicated samples. Because allrandom number generators in the Java and Scala languagesare simply pseudorandom functions, for large-scale data,especially with increasing sampling space, they cannotguarantee that all sample data are completely randomized.From [29], the main process of reservoir sampling is to savek preceding elements first (k is the sample number and alsothe size of the reservoir) and then randomly replace originalselected elements in the reservoir using a new element thatis selected from outside the reservoir in a different probabil-ity. The final k sample data will be generated after finishingthe traversal for current input data. Compared with pseudo-random functions, reservoir sampling can ensure random-ness, especially when taking the data from some sequenceflows, and it is ideal for reading the input data from largetexts line by line in the Hadoop/Spark framework. Com-pared with conventional uniform sampling, reservoir sam-pling can ensure that the key distributions are closer to thewhole situation in the original data.

Algorithm 1 provides the process to obtain the distribu-tion of the intermediate tuples for each reduce task. For aspecific MapReduce job, this algorithm first starts this jobwith the sample data and records the number of tuplesfrom a map local node to each reduce task based on a moni-tor in each map node. As a practice, a data cluster is the sub-set of all pairs with the same key in this paper, and allclusters processed by the same reducer constitute a partition[6]. The function getOrignalMapNode is used to retrace theintermediate tuples and obtain the map nodes that producethese data [30]. From Algorithm 1, because the intermediatetuple distribution of sample data remains coherent with thewhole input dataset, we can calculate the data size of reducetasks from every map node under the consistent distribu-tion law.

Obviously, there is a trade-off between the samplingoverhead and the accuracy of the result. The experiments inSection 6.2.1 are designed to select an appropriate samplerate that satisfies these seemingly contradictory necessities.However, it is important to note that not all jobs must sam-ple the data before running. The key distribution is theobjective, which is indeed application independent. For jobswith the same input, after uploading the original data to theHadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), their original stor-age distributions in data nodes are relatively fixed.

For the matrix C ¼ Cs;li;j , the number and position of

map tasks on the nodes are simply up to the sizes anddistributions of the input data, which can determine sub-scripts i and l for the element in matrix C. Subscript j isjust the order number of the reduce tasks, but the

number of reduce task can actually be pre-set in thesource code. Hence, for this situation, we must performdata sampling only once, and the obtained matrix C canbe reused by different jobs.

Algorithm 1. Distribution Detection

Input:The sample of data blocks BS;a MapReduce job:mrj;the number of computing nodes N ;the number of reduce tasks R;

Output:The matrix C of whole input data.run the MapReduce jobmrj using BS as the input data;initialize an intermediate matrix C.Cs;l

i;j 0; 0 � l < N; 0 � j < R;for each cluster ck with tuple key k do

//get reducer serial number for ck;j systemhashðkÞ;for each map node l dofor each map task i do//if ck is come from node lif l=getOrignalMapNodeðckÞ thenCs;l

i;j Cs;li;j + tuple number ofðckÞ;

end ifend for

end forend forSN the number of tuples in BS;WN the number of tuples in whole input data;for each map node l do

for each map task i dofor each reduce task j doCs;l

i;j (Cs;li;j �WN) / SN ;

end forend for

end forreturnmatrix C ¼ Cs;l


n o.



5.1 The Model of MapReduce

In most implementations of various Hadoop versions, thekey-value pairs space is partitioned among the reducers.The partitioner design has a direct impact on the overallperformance of the job: a poorly designed partitioningfunction will not evenly distribute the load over thereducers. As the default partitioner, HashPartitionerhashes a record key to determine the partition (and thuswhich reducer) in which the record belongs. The numberof partitions is then equal to the number of reduce tasksfor the job [31].

Let n be the number of nodes, andm be the number ofmaptasks. We first initialize the node set as {N0; N1; . . . ;Nl; . . . ;Nn�1}, and the map set as {M0;M1; . . . ;Mi; . . . ;Mm�1g; 0 �n � m for rack set Rr; r 2 f0; 1; . . . ; k� 1g; 0 � k < n. Forthis model, some specific data structures can be formalized asfollows:

(1) V : A vector of length p whose elements indicate therelevant number of key/value tuples in every node.


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If vl;j = k, there are k key/value pairs in node Nl

assigned to reduce j. Therefore,we have

vl;j ¼Xm�1i¼0

Cli;j; 0 � l < n; (7)


Vl ¼ ½vl;0; vl;1; . . . ; vl;p�1�; C ¼ ½V0; V1; . . . ; Vn�1�: (8)

(2) D: A matrix of n� n that defines the distancebetween physical nodes. According to the networklatency, we can define the distance between twophysical nodes in the same rack as d1, the distancebetween two physical nodes in different racks but inthe same cluster as d2, the distance between twophysical nodes in different clusters as d3, and the dis-tance between two physical nodes in different datacenters as d4. The distance among maps is the dis-tance between the two nodes in which the maps arelocated; i.e., the distance among maps in the samenode is 0. In the four situations above, the distancevalue would increase with increasing physical dis-tance: 0 < d1 < d2 < d3 < d4. This paper supposesthat the shorter the distance, the faster the data trans-fer speed, which is the theoretical basis of the modeloptimization.

(3) R: A matrix of p� n that defines the position ofreduce tasks started on the node, and is a typicalsparse matrix. The element rl;j is a Boolean variablethat indicates whether reduce task j is set up onnode l. The following condition ensures that eachreduce task should be placed on only one node:X


rl;j ¼ 1; 8l 2 ½0; n� 1�: (9)

The quantity of reduce tasks is usually less than that ofmap tasks. A reduce task can be started in a physicalnode only if the physical node can provide sufficient com-puting resources apart from the existing map tasks. Inthis model, the allocation matrix R indicates the positionat which to start up the reduce tasks, meanwhile, anothermatrix D defines the mutual distances between the physi-cal nodes. On this basis, this model uses a communicationmatrix T among nodes to quantify the cost of data trans-mission called intermediate results which are copied frommap tasks to reduce tasks in cluster. On this basis, we usea vector RVj to denote the position of a task on a node inthe matrix R:

RVj ¼ ½r0;j; r1;j; . . . ; rl;j; . . . ; rn�1;j�: (10)

The element rl;j in vector RVj is a Boolean variable that indi-cates whether reduce task j is placed on node l. Therefore, ifthere are r reduce tasks among nodes, we can define matrixR as follows:

R ¼ ½RV0; RV1; . . . ; RVr�1�T : (11)

To capture locality, we define a communication costfunction that measures the data transfer between two nodes.In most Hadoop implementations, the largest cost of a

MapReduce application is in copying inner result data frommap tasks to relevant reduce tasks that are placed on theother physical nodes. Using the network hops as the near-far measure, this paper defines a vector DV to calculate thedistance among nodeNl and other nodes:

DVl ¼ ½disl;0; disl;2; . . . ; disl;d; . . . ; disl;n�1�0 < jdisl;dj � d4; 0 � l; d < n:


For the process of map tasks outputting the intermediatekey-value set in their local node and the related reduce tasksof fetching the corresponding data through the network,there are two key factors regarding cost matrix T : theamount of data transferred and the distances between themap nodes and reduce nodes. An element tl;j of the costmatrix can be obtained as follows:

tl;j ¼ DVl �RV Tj ; 8l 2 ½0; n� 1�; 8j 2 ½0; p� 1�


disl;d � rd;j:(13)

In the foregoing discussion, Cl is defined as an interme-diate result allocation matrix, which represents the key/

value pairs distribution in node l. tkl;j denotes the kth place-

ment choice for reduce task j on node l. With cost matrix T ,the minimal cost MC of the whole Hadoop system can becalculated by multiplying the distribution matrix C by thecost matrix T from a distinguished central node:

MC Cs;l; T� � ¼ min





" #� tkl;j

!: (14)

From Eq. (14), in the data skew environment, if most datafor reduce task j come from node l, when MC obtains theminimal value, the jth reduce task can fetch the largest localdata blocks in the kth computing node. Here, m is the num-ber of the map tasks, and p is the number of partitions. Toobtain the load balance of all reduce tasks, Algorithm 2 isdesigned to combine the smaller clusters of <key; value>tuples to an optimal reduce task, according to the currentworkload of the reduce tasks. Algorithm 2 adjusts the inter-mediate data distribution matrix C which is obtained fromAlgorithm 1 before the system runs. The measure of the FoSvalue for typical benchmarks in the experiments also veri-fies that this algorithm can maintain the load balance forM/R tasks effectively.

To achieve an optimal reduce task placement solutionthat can minimize the network communication overheadamong different physical nodes, the objective function ofthis model can be specified as the following optimizationproblem:


MCðCs;l; T Þ; (15)

where n denotes the number of nodes. Hence, the reducetask placement can be specialized as a problem to obtain theassignment of matrix T , which can achieve the target ofEq. (15). The Cost Matrix Generation algorithm shows thespecific steps to calculate cost matrix T by multiplying dis-tribution C by distance matrixD.


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Algorithm 2. Cluster Combination

Input:A collection of tuple set: TS ¼ fts1; . . . ; tsk; . . . ; tsKg;the collection of reduce tasks:R ¼ fr1; r2; . . . ; rj; . . . ; rpg, p � K;the predictedmatrixC of whole input data fromAlgorithm 1.

Output:The adjusted matrix C of input data.calculate the size jtsij of each cluster. 1 � i � K;sort TS in descending order according to j tsk j ;assign p selected clusters from TS sequentially to p reducers;for each k 2 ½pþ 1;K� dofor each map task i doassign cluster tsk to reducer rp;//get the map node for a specific reduce task;l getOrignalMapNodeðtskÞ;j p;//adjust matrix C as output;Cl

i;j tuple number ofðtskÞ;sort R in descending order;

end forend forreturnmatrix C.

Algorithm 3. Cost Matrix Generation

Input:n: the number of node;C: split-partition matrix;D: distance of resources.

Output:The cost matrix T .partitionList ? ;//traverse each element in matrix C;for each l 2 ½0; n� 1� doPartitionList ¼ getPartitionsListðC; iÞ;for j in partitionList do//Count pairs in every partition at node l;tempC½j� CalculateðC; j;DÞ;

end fortempT tempC � getDistðD; jÞ;T ComðtempQÞ;continue;

end forreturn T .

5.2 Placement Algorithm for Reduce Tasks

In Algorithm 3, the getPartiionsListðÞ method returns listpartitions on the lth node.

Parameter D is the distance matrix. The methodCalculateðÞ returns the value with the number of intermedi-ates in node nl, and ComðÞ returns the minimum value ofthe array.

In Algorithm 4, the getNodesListðÞ method returns thelist of node, and getCostðÞ will obtain the cost of placing thejth reduce task on the lth node. The minimum value can beselected in the array by the methodMinimizeðÞ.


The experiments in this paper are divided into two steps.First, we provide a detailed micro-benchmarking for our

data and put forward reduce placement techniques for eachMapReduce job class on a real cluster composed of 20 physi-cal machines. Second we present a detailed and quantitativeanalysis of the result for mixed job types executed underthis reduce placement algorithm.

Algorithm 4. Reduce Task Placement

Input:p: the number of reduce;n: the number of node;T : the cost matrix.

Output:The placement queue R which able to minimize the value ofMC.List nodesList ? ;for each j 2 ½0; p� 1� donodesList getNodesListðN;T Þ;for l in nodes list do//obtain the cost on lth node;tempSum½l� getCostðT; j; lÞ;

end forR½l� MinimizeðtempSumÞ;

end forreturn R.

6.1 Experiment Setting

In our experiments, the following reduce scheduling algo-rithms are chosen for comparison.

NorP (Normal Placement). In original Hadoop imple-mentations, reduce tasks are launched according to randomassignment and the resource utilization in the computingnodes. In Hadoop version 2.0 or higher, this distributioncan be controlled by the programmer in the YARN frame-work, which is the implementation mechanisms of CORP:to complete the reduce placement by invoking these YARNAPIs [4].

Range (Range Partition). This is a widely used algorithmof partition distribution. In this method, the intermediate<key; value> tuples are first sorted by key, and then thetuples are sequentially assigned to the reduce task accord-ing to this key range. Because the partitions may be split orcombined in to different reduce tasks, this algorithm canensure the furthest load balance of the reduce tasks [6], [25].

Self-Adaptive Reduce Scheduling. This is an optimalreduce scheduling policy for reduce tasks start time in theHadoop platform [19]. It can decide the start time points ofeach reduce task dynamically according to each job context,including the task completion time and the size of the mapoutput. This model can decrease the reduce completiontime and the system average response time in the Hadoopplatform effectively [19].

As shown in Fig. 4, our cluster consists of 20 physicalmachines loaded with the operating system of Ubuntu 12.04(KVM as the hypervisor) with 16 core 2.53 GHz Intel pro-cessors. Those machines are managed by CloudStack, whichis an open source cloud platform with two racks, each ofwhich contains 10 physical machines. The network band-width is 1 Gbps, and the nodes within a rack are connectedthrough a single switch. In these experiments, the volumeof intermediate data transmissions of the whole system on


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this core switch can be counted by the monitor of the net-work management software. Each job uses a cluster of50 VMs with each VM configured with 4 GB of memory andfour 2 GHz vCPUs. A description of the various job typesand the dataset sizes are shown in Table 2.

6.2 Performance Evaluation

6.2.1 Sampling Experiments

In this section, we first propose an evaluation formula asEq. (16) to select the appropriate sample rate, which cancomprehensively consider the importance of cost, effect,and variance in sampling

i ¼ argMin½fiðDi; Ti;FiÞ ¼ aDi þ bTi þ gFi�; (16)

where function fiðDi; Ti;FiÞ is a comprehensive index con-sidering both cost and effect, in which Di reflects the differ-ence among the sequences of FoS values between thecurrently adopted percentage and 100 percent (the wholeinput dataset), which can be calculated as

Di ¼


di;j � 1






2vuuut ; (17)

where N denotes the experimental repetition time, and di;jrepresents the FoS value obtained in the jth samplingexperiment under the ith sampling rate. 1 � i � SN is theorder number of different sampling percentages: {1 percent,25 percent, 50 percent, 75 percent, 100 percent}, and SNdenotes the space size of different sampling rates. For thisexperiment, SN ¼ 5, and d5;j denotes the values with a 100percent sampling rate.

As an average sampling execution time, Ti can be calcu-lated simply as

Ti ¼ 1



ti;j; (18)

where ti;j represents the execution time of the jth samplingexperiment under the ith sampling rate, 1 � i � SN and1 � j � N .

To full consider the influence of data volatilities, Eq. (19)provides the process to calculate the parameter Fi based onthe standard deviation formula:

Fi ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1



di;j � 1




!2vuut : (19)

Fig. 5 shows the FoS and execution time obtained in timessampling experiments. Based on these results, Table 3 pro-vides the final values of Di, Ti, and Fi for all benchmarkswith various sampling rates. Each group of sampling experi-ments is repeated ten times, which means that the parameterN in Eqs. (17), (18) and (19) should be set to 10 in theseexperiments. Finally, for the weight coefficients which reflectthe importance of cost, effect, and variance in sampling, wecan simply set a ¼ b ¼ g ¼ 1. That is, we think that the cost,effect, and data volatility are equally important.

Moreover, what is noteworthy is the group of experi-ments with a sample rate of 1 percent: in this case, the timecosts are relatively low, and most of the FoS values arelower than the other sample rates. However, it is easy tofind that the experimental results of FoS values and timecosts are very volatile, and the results of Di in Table 3 con-firm that there is great difference compared with FoS valueswith a 100 percent sample rate, which are actually measuredby Eq. (17). We hold that the lower sample rate cannot easilyrepresent the accurate distribution of the whole inputdataset.

By comprehensive consideration according to Eq. (16), itis easy to learn that sampling 25 percent of the map tasks is

Fig. 4. Experiment network topology.

TABLE 2Job Types and the Dataset Sizes

Workload classification Benchmarks Input data

Map and Reduce-input heavy sort 10 GMap-input heavy Grep:word search 10 GReduce-input heavy Join 2 G

Fig. 5. The comparison experiment with various sampling rate.

TABLE 3Comprehensive Evaluation for Cost and Effect

with Different Benchmarks

i rate Di Ti Fi fi

1 1% 407.307 316 51.173 774.482 25% 209.564 434 38.833 682.3973 50% 143.043 555 31.668 729.7114 75% 80.188 663 14.925 758.1135 100% 11.580 730 3.662 745.242


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an appropriate choice for the input data of Sort and Grepbenchmarks. For benchmark join, the most appropriatesample rate is 1 percent.

As mentioned previously, the major motivation forCORP is to improve the data locality to diminish cross-rackcommunication. In the following experiments, to verify theadvantages of CORP, we evaluate this model for FoS andjob execution time using these common benchmarks: Sort,Grep, and Join.

As mentioned in Section 4.2.1, for the jobs with the sameinput, we need only to perform data sampling once, and theobtained matrix C can be reused by different jobs. More-over, because the sampling target is merely detects the dis-tribution of intermediate data, the time cost is much lowerthan the practical jobs.

6.2.2 Sort Benchmark Testing

The Sort benchmark in Hadoop is usually used for workloadtesting because it is a heavy job for map and reduce inputs.In these experiments, we generate 10 GB of synthetic datasets following Zipf distributions with s parameters varyingfrom 0.1 to 1.2 to control the degree of skew. The reason tochoose Zipf to describe the frequency of the intermediatekeys is that this distribution is very common in data comingfrom human society [26].

In the following experiments, the performance evalua-tions of the relevant algorithms are illustrated consideringtheir job execution time in the change of the input dataskew degree. In this paper, the load balancing and skewdegree are measured by the factor of skew. Fig. 6 shows theexperimental results based on the 10 GB of synthetic data.From Fig. 6a, we can conclude that CORP can improve theFoS obviously for different input data with various skewdegrees. The curves in Fig. 6b show that the job executionperformance of CORP remains better than normal place-ment but worse than SARS. Through this result, we canknow that CORP can decrease the execution time in thereduce phase because it can make the intermediate resultsmore localized.

More specifically, as we can see in Fig. 6a, the value ofFoS increases rapidly when the degree of skew exceeds 0.7for all the experimental algorithms, and from Fig. 6b, theexecution times of all algorithms also increase substantiallyonce the degree of skew reaches a certain threshold.Through the reduce placement, CORP ensures even dataprocessing in the nodes. From the results, this algorithm hasbetter performance in terms of FoS optimization, but it per-forms poorly in terms of execution time.

The results in Fig. 6 shows that, by sampling to deter-mine the placement of reduce tasks, CORP can obtain a bet-ter data load balance, lower FoS and less transfer in thecross-rack compared with other reduce scheduling algo-rithms. However, when the skew degree is less than 0.7,CORP performs worse than NorP and SARS in terms of exe-cution time. The reason is that CORP must calculate the costmatrix and make the decision on reduce task placementafter running a separate sampling job, which would incursignificate extra overheads. However, because the datatransmission among different nodes is optimized throughreduce local placement in CORP, the whole execution timeof a job can be decreased to offset the time spent, which isincreased by the extra overhead for decision-making. Forthis reason, although the performance of CORP and Rangeare both lower among these algorithms, CORP has a muchlower execution time than Range.

A similar trend is seen in Fig. 6c, inwhich the bars illustratethe transfer data through the core switch as a percent of over-all inner data traffic. As the skew degree increases, an approx-imate task location produced by CORP can help balance theexpected load among physical machines and increase datalocality comparedwith other algorithms, which focus only onthe load balancing without consideration given to data local-ity. The data transmission of CORP on the core switch havebeen decreased by up to 51.9 percent compared with NorPwith the skewdegree set to s ¼ 1:1 (in the Fig. 6c).

Fig. 7 represents the variation of job execution time whenthe data size ranges among {4 GB, 8 GB, 12 GB} with differ-ent skew degrees (s ¼ 0:1 and s ¼ 1:2). When the data sethas a smaller skew degree (see Fig. 7a), SARS is the mosttime-efficient algorithm, and CORP performs better thanonly NorP owing to the overhead for data sampling andtask placement decision-making.

With the increased skew degree and the data size (seeFig. 7b), the growth rate of the CORP execution time issmaller than the others. However, in these two experiments,Range has the worst execution time owing to its even split-ting and combining strategy for intermediate tuples. This

Fig. 6. Performance versus data skew for Sort.

Fig. 7. Performance versus data size for sort.


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causes poor locality in the reduce phase and the redundantinner communication finally results in the longer executiontimes. Especially when the data-set size graduallyapproaches 12 GB, the execution time of CORP becomessmaller than SARS with skew degree s ¼ 1:2. The reason isthat the appropriate location of reduce tasks can helpachieve much greater localization, and decrease the unnec-essary communication among racks. This experiment alsodemonstrates that the performance of CORP is relativelyhigh when the scales of the skew degree and data set arelarge.

Fig. 8 illustrates the relationship between FoS and thedata size: the smaller the FoS, the better the load balancing(keeping s ¼ 1:2). When the data set has a smaller skewdegree and data size varies from 4 GB to 12 GB (see Fig. 8a),we can observe that the FoS values of all methods increaseslowly, but this indicator of CORP is always better than theother compared algorithms. As the dataset scale increasesrapidly, the performance of CORP is more prominent: theFoS in our system is 60 percent smaller than NorP in theHadoop implementation.

As shown in Fig. 8b, the factor of skew among all reducetasks in CORP is only 160 percent, whereas, it reaches 280,260, and 230 percent in NorP, SARS, and Range,respectively.

6.2.3 Grep Benchmark Testing

Grep is a popular application for large-scale data processingwith heavy map-input. It searches some regular expressionsthrough input text files and outputs the lines that containthe matched expressions. We improve the Grep benchmarkin Hadoop so that it outputs the matched lines in a descend-ing order based on how frequently the searched expressionoccurs. The data set we used is the full English Wikipediaarchive with a total data size of 10 GB, which constitute thedata processing jobs with heavy map tasks.

Because the behaviour of Grep depends on how fre-quently the search expression appears in the input files, we

tune the expression and make the input query percentagesvary from 10 to 100 percent. Fig. 9 shows the changes of jobexecution time, FoS value and cross-rack transfer withincreasing query percentage. Note that most current ver-sions of Hadoop do not provide a suitable range partitionfor this application: their pre-run sampler can detect theinput data but cannot handle applications in which theintermediate data are in a different format from the input.

In contrast, the proposed sample algorithm in this papercan spot-check the intermediate data directly and workswell for all types of applications. As we can see in Fig. 9a,CORP performs obviously better than NorP, SARS, andRange with lower query percentage. This is because CORPhas obvious advantages for searching unpopular words inthe archive and tends to generate results with heavy dataskew. Although the curve of execution time is always lowerthan those of other algorithms in this experiment, as thequery percentage increases, because the distribution of theresult data becomes increasingly uniform, the performancegap rapidly closes. As a matter of fact, when the query per-centage approaches 100 percent, as shown in the Fig. 9b, theperformance of CORP is very similar to the other threealgorithms.

The inner data transfer in the Fig. 9c shows that CORPhas lower traffic (the highest is only 30.1 percent) comparedwith the NorP, SARS, and Range algorithms for variousquery percentages.

6.2.4 Join Benchmark Testing

Join is one of the most common reduce-input heavy applica-tions, especially in a data skew environment. We implementa simple broadcast Join job in Hadoop that partitions a largetable in the map phase, whereas a small table is directlyread in the reduce phase to generate a hash table to speedup the Join operation. When the small table is too large to fitinto the memory, we use a buffer to maintain only a part ofthe small table in memory and use the cache replacementstrategy to update the buffer. For this experiment, we selecta data set with size ¼ 2 GB and s ¼ 1:2 from the widelyused corpora “Yahoo News Feed dataset, version 1.0” [32] toevaluate the time performance and load balance effect.CORP is compared with other algorithms under Hash Join(PHJ) and Replicated Join (PRJ) in Pig [33]. Fig. 10a showsthe load balance and job execution time of these three testcases. In Fig. 10a, the best Join scheme in Pig is PRJ, whichsplits the large table into multiple map tasks and performsthe Join in map tasks by reading the small table directly intomemory.

Fig. 8. FoS versus data size for Sort.

Fig. 9. Performance versus query percentage for Grep.


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In Fig. 10b, the best scheme in Pig is PHJ, which samples alarge table to generate the key distribution and makes thepartition decision beforehand. In Fig. 10c, the difference injob execution time can be explained by inner data networktraffic. In CORP, the data can be read from closer nodes, andlower time cost of communication can decrease the wholejob execution time. However, because the data sampling willbe additional works that can incur extra run time, the job exe-cution speed in CORP is certainly lower than that of SARS.

6.2.5 Experiment Summary

In the foregoing experiments, we evaluate the performanceand effect using input data with even variable skewdegrees. To verify the effectiveness of synthesized data forSort and Join, a group of comparative experiments aredesigned with the results shown in Fig. 11. For the chosenrealistic data, we generate some different sizes of synthe-

sized data with similar skew degree and repetition of keys.In this example, s ¼ 0:7. From Fig. 11, we can easily see thatthe experimental results of FoS and execution time on syn-thesized data are roughly identical to the real loads.

The squares in Fig. 12 summarize the comparisonsamong these algorithms: NorP, SARS, CORP, and Range.The results in Fig. 12a show that CORP can achieve theshortest execution time for the smallest data communicationfrom map tasks to reduce tasks. The comparison values ofFoS in Fig. 12b further illustrate that, benefiting from thedata-locality, CORP can achieve better load balance thanother algorithms within the workloads: Grep, Sort, and Join.

The final group of experiments is to test the performanceof batch jobs. Because one job client always waits for the exe-cution to complete after the job is submitted, our way is tosubmit various numbers of jobs using multiple shell clientsat the same time. The execution time is the duration from thestart of the first job to the end of the last job. Fig. 13 recordsthe execution time under CORP for batch jobs using thebenchmarks: Sort, Join, andGrep. It is easy to see the time costalways sharply increaseswithmore than 6 concurrent jobs.


The existence of data skew in the intermediate output cre-ated by map tasks provides an opportunity to optimize thecross-rack communication by placing the reduce tasks onthe appropriate nodes. This paper mainly involves the fol-lowing work, i.e., a sampling method based on a reservoiralgorithm is applied to sample the data selection. We pro-pose an evaluation model and undertake a great deal ofexperimental research to select the appropriate sample rate.The advantage of this model is the ability to comprehen-sively consider the importance of cost, effect, and variancein sampling.

Sampling is an independent MapReduce job, which canoutput a distribution matrix of intermediate results in eachpartition. Based on this, by calculating the distance and costmatrices among the cross-node communication, the relatedmap and reduce tasks can be scheduled to relatively nearbyphysical nodes for data locality. Experiments verify that theinner data transmission can be obviously optimizedthrough this algorithm. For most highly skewed data, thejob execution time can also be decreased for lower innerdata communication.


The work is supported by the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China (Grant Nos. 61572176), National High-

Fig. 10. Performance versus Hash and Replicate for Join.

Fig. 11. Effect evaluation for real and synthesis data.

Fig. 12. Whole performance evaluation.

Fig. 13. The performance evaluation for batch jobs.


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tech R&D Program of China (2015AA015303), the Key Tech-nology Research and Development Programs of Guang-dong Province (2015B010108006), and International S&TCooperation Program of China (2015DFA11240). Zhuo Tangis the corresponding author.


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Zhuo Tang received the PhD degree in com-puter science from Huazhong University ofScience and Technology, China, in 2008. Heis currently an associate professor in theCollege of Computer Science and ElectronicEngineering, Hunan University, and an associ-ate chair in the Department of Computing Sci-ence. His majors are distributed computingsystem, cloud computing, and parallel process-ing for big data, including distributed machinelearning, security model, parallel algorithms,

and resources scheduling and management in these areas. He is amember of the ACM and the CCF.

Wen Ma received the BASc degree in computerscience from the University of Science and Tech-nology Liaoning, China. And now he is workingtoward the master’s degree in the College ofInformation Science and Engineering, HunanUniversity, China. His research interests includeparallel computing, improvement and optimiza-tion of task scheduling module in Hadoop andSpark platforms.


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Kenli Li received the PhD degree in computer sci-ence from Huazhong University of Science andTechnology, China, in 2003. Now he is a professorof computer science and technology with HunanUniversity, and an associate director of NationalSupercomputing Center, Changsha. His majorresearch includes parallel computing, grid andcloud computing, and DNA computer. He has pub-lished more than 320 journal articles, book chap-ters, and refereed conference papers. And he is anoutstanding member of the CCF and a member ofthe IEEE.

Keqin Li is a SUNY distinguished professor ofcomputer science. His current research interestsinclude parallel computing and high-performancecomputing, distributed computing, energy-effi-cient computing and communication, heteroge-neous computing systems, cloud computing, bigdata computing, CPU-GPU hybrid and coopera-tive computing, multicore computing, storage andfile systems, wireless communication networks,sensor networks, peer-to-peer file sharing sys-tems, mobile computing, service computing,

Internet of things, and cyber-physical systems. He has published morethan 410 journal articles, book chapters, and refereed conferencepapers, and has received several best paper awards. He is currently orhas served on the editorial boards of the IEEE Transactions on Paralleland Distributed Systems, the IEEE Transactions on Computers, theIEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, and the Journal of Parallel andDistributed Computing. He is a fellow of the IEEE.

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