a cynical view seen from a balcony in paris

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  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris



    A Cynical View from a

    Balcony in ParisTanka, Senryu, poems and stories.Oscar Hansen

    [Pick the date]

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris



    Is the Eifel tower female? Yes, she is a timeless Miss Paris.

    Leaves are getting auburn and there is no denying fall is here.

    Im the great survivor standing on a plateau of nothingness.

    Many wasted years, ok, but it was those years in the wilderness

    that brought me here. I shall not climb the tower from the outside

    to honour the army of workers, who built this magnificent tower.

    They are all but forgotten now. The name Eifel lives on, but the man

    himself lost his crown when trying to build the Panama Canal.

    I walk in a long corridor with many doors, but I will look inside,

    my curiosity is gone I need not know. My goal is to reach the end of

    the hall where I see shadows, perhaps the great man Eifel is there,

    and if not, I hope it is the army of the forgotten I will meet.

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris


    Fear of Flying

    Having spent a week in Israel and seen the inequity and arrogance

    of the way the Palestinians were treated, I had a breakdown and

    sent to a psychiatric hospital. When feeling better a male nurse

    was flying with me to London. The nurse had a great fear of flying

    I persuaded him to take valium he was to give me. He got quite

    giddy, I ordered whisky for both of us. He insisted on singing Yiddish

    songs and fell asleep. I told the stewardess not to disturb him as he

    had mental problems .For safety he was hand cuffed and I moved

    to another seat. When we landed he had to be wheeled into

    the terminal and it took me some time to tell them that it was no

    longer my duty to look after him anymore. The nurse was carried

    Into a cell while I caught a plane to Liverpool.

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris



    Worlds oldest man

    Hundred and twenty today

    Resides in a zoo

    Visitors gasp as he smokes

    The ape enclosure is shut.

    Gorillas are envious

    No one throws them bananas

    Neglected and hurt

    Want to go back to Gabon

    Where Jane Goodall visits them

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris



    A pretty butterfly

    Flitters across a highway



    The admiral is dead

    Sail ships congregate in the bay



    Red admiral pale

    Shivers on my window ledge


  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris


    What Happened to Laughter?

    What I miss the most not being a child, is its exuberance.

    The easy tears and laughter, to jump up in the air for no

    reason at all other that it gave a dizzying sensation.

    I loved to go to circus, laughed uproar sly at the clown

    and admired the lion tamer with his whip.

    These days a clowns mask is an unfolding tragedy and

    animals should be free to survive or die in the wild.

    But I still hanker for the days of innocence which is so

    utterly lacking in morality. Now I seek refuge behind

    irony a place where to hide my tears and hilarity.

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris


    The Leaf.

    On my walks I picked up a perfectly formed elm leaf,

    the colour of dry tobacco. In Norway, during the Nazi

    occupation, people had tobacco plants in back yards.

    Perhaps carrots and cabbage had been healthier.

    Put the leaf on top of a white wall and took a picture.

    The wind came and blew it away. I brief meeting of

    equals and a memory

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris


    Christmas in Lisbon (1974)

    The day before Christmas the Atlantic was in a frenzy

    it was with relief when we turned starboard and met

    the softer water of Tagus.

    We birthed far from town, on a double Decker Bus

    I had bumpy drive into town. I good meal and wine,

    just sting sitting there reading newspapers.

    Rang my wife to hear a friendly voice, she asked if I

    was drunk since I sounded chirpy. Put down the phone

    Drank some more wine and aimlessly walked about.

    Picked up an cushy prostitute, needed a warm body

    next to mine, In the morning I took a taxi back and

    a new long, laborious shipboard day began.

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris



    It is Saturday, the lady in the flat next to mine,

    Is playing Mozart on her stereo

    I have stopped reading, sit back and let

    the wonderful music sooth my mind.

    Im also immensely grateful that It is not someone

    learning to play the drums that lives next door.

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris


    The Excursion (Edith Piaf)

    A man with blue rinsed hair was our leader.

    We stopped outside the house where she was born,

    the house is still a dwelling and the stone steps to the door

    looked well trod. Our leader held up pictures of the lady,

    photos I had seen before on YouTube, and told us a fairy tale

    about her goodness. For a moment I thought he was

    talking about a saint. We retired to a cafe where he sang

    La vie en rose and forever destroyed the most beautiful

    of songs..

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris


    Second Excursion (Edit Piaf)

    Fighting my way through the Metro and jostling

    with rude French commuters I found my way back

    to where Edith was born. The street was now entirely

    Taken over by the Chinese, and best of all several

    weddings were going on. The Chinese really can

    throw a party, noise, laughter and lovely brides.

    While I sat on the steps outside Ediths house, her

    voice came back to me the offensive blue rinsed

    man had not succeeded after all.

    It was a beautiful autumnal day and together Edith

    and I walked to a park overlooking Paris and saw,

    at safe distance, the Fabled Eifel tower looking old,

    yet elegant in glorious sunlight.

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris


    A Cynical View from a Balcony in Paris

    Fine rain, open umbrella, sitting on the balcony of a hotel

    overlooking Haussmann Saint Lazare. A throng of people

    and cars, but something as changed, people drinks Starbuck

    coffee and eat burgers on the hoof. Old restaurants are

    closing or converted to fast-food joints. I sigh and drink from

    a bottle of Bordeaux to avoid getting rainwater in my wine.

    This place together with rue dAmsterdam used to be where

    the posh people lived and now, safe for the ruddy scrap yard

    tower, this could have been downtown New York.

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris


    Tanka (air travel)

    Air travel

    Like number nine to Garston

    Lost its lustre

    You will get nothing to eat

    But you can buy high mileage food.

    Busy Sex.

    Our Alger taxi driver

    Had two wives and five sons

    Worked 18 hours day

    How come he had time for sex?

    O, it only takes five minutes.

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris


    My Landscape

    Today, now as the weather is cooling, I went on my walk.

    Hadnt been here since June; simply because it gets to

    hot to walk here in summers. The stony part of the track

    was firm like walking on a cobblestoned street. The soft

    part was like walking barefoot on a newly mowed lawn.

    At the part where thorny bushes had made archway,

    a tunnel of mystery, I hesitated. Neednt have worried

    the branches embraced me like a mother whos young

    son is coming home from the sea. When I stopped for

    a rest under the tree where also sheep rest in the heat,

    leaves, in perfectly still air, fell as confetti welcoming

    the returning hero. How I love this odd landscape, once it

    was tilled but now humanity have gone leaving the land

    to its own devise and strange beauty.

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris


    Tanka (Neo fascism)

    The exterminators

    Unrelenting nightmares -are

    The superiors

    The best must be beheaded

    To ease the minors burden

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris


    The God Problem

    Religions root

    Is mans guest to live forever

    Not only of flesh

    But superior to other life forms

    Spiritual and advanced

    He seeks a deity

    In his own vain image

    Insist hes right

    Ready to kill for his icon

    And askew timelessness

    Will not accept

    Hes no more than a weed

    Or a dandelion

    Forever seeking assurance

    That life offers more than death

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris


    The Experience

    Twenty years ago

    What I thought of as correct

    I now see as wrong

    I could have been right back then

    If my views are now habitual

    Due to lack of perceptions

    But twenty years ago

    I lacked lives true experience

    Habituated by norm

    Following the mainstream

    I may see thing clearer now

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris


    On the Highest Crest

    Beautiful October

    God has gone main-stream

    Ignores the seasons

    Wants to be loved by us all

    Before the big deluge

    Lovely October

    God disregard the cycles

    My river is dry

    While I sunbathe by its shore

    And think of buying camels.

    Godly October

    Vacations our new deity

    Tomorrow is today

    Frost and snow are banished

    But Himalaya is an island

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris


    Pretty October

    We fight for a place to sit

    The strongest win

    Design a new national flag

    And build a golden temple

    Scenic October

    The Sea is heavens mirror

    God was a dream

    No echo of man lingers

    The long stillness has begun

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris


    The horses

    Three horses graze on my land, one is a foal.

    In the twilight and with gentle rain falling

    they remind me of work horses of by gone

    days when I steered the plough that made

    furrows in dark, clean soil.

    When I stroke their flanks the good aroma

    of warm horse arises; dreams are endless.

    In daylight they pretend to be boulders, but

    even then they make the land serene.

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris


    Birthday Poem

    Happy birthday

    The festive occasion

    Wishing me well

    This gaping greedy hole

    Too deep for an almond tree

    Wonderful birthday

    Im the oldest in my family

    The rest have died

    Seventy two years old

    Am I immortal?

    Blissful birthday

    Carefree October month

    A drifting ice floe

    Breaking up in the ocean

    Who will rescue me now?

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris



    Jubilation of life

    Trumpet revel of a new day

    Instead of stillness

    Memories are silent

    They fade and lose the truth

    Tomorrow has nothing to offer

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris


    A Soldiers Wife

    I dont want to be a superman but I do love, love madly.

    It is strange to think hadnt you come a long I would have

    loved someone else- unthinkable today. When I finish

    too early, you smile and say it doesnt matter but I know

    I cant let you down and must make love to you again.

    Lucky you cant read my thoughts, I used to be soldier

    and dream the way we spoke about women in the dugout.

    When I see a smile of heavenly satisfaction glide around

    your face my work is done. Two body entwined, one think

    of love the other about comrades in arms.

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris


    The Sad Escape.

    I sat by the table, near the window, reading. A woman and her man sat

    on a filthy sofa, eating smoked sardines off an old newspaper.

    This room stank of unwashed bodies and lack of hygiene. Dry washing

    that should have been ironed weeks ago occupied a chair.

    The pair rolled their own cigarettes and had nicotine stained fingers.

    It was raining heavily I could not go out and felt a violent despair, like

    a trapped animal that attacks its rescuers.Use fork and knife I snapped.

    They both giggled. Rain had stopped I walked out, light shone out of

    miserable curtainsand I knew. I must leave now. Get out! It was too easy

    sink into apathy, and ignorance. Yet, I loved them, they were my flesh

    and blood, good people who had never been encouraged to seek anything

    better. But I must leave and I left never to return.

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris


    Unplanted Land

    Things made by man never impressed me, but the fallow land,

    where I live, which is going back to natures way does impress.

    On my walks I see how each plant strive towards the light, one

    may say, as man seeks god, but here it is not about being better

    or more powerful, its just nature. Thats way I see Eifel tower

    as a symbol of power, pride and vanity. But in the back of my

    mind an unpleasant thought arises: could it be that wars are

    a natural cause? Natures way of insuring that only the strong

    survives ? That peace is like fallow land, beautiful but useless?

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris


    The Grump

    This is really too much!

    I have painted her chair golden,

    The one she is taking to her flat in


    Stabled the winter wood and

    covered it with a black plastic sheet.

    Still she goes on, wants us to go

    to bed at eleven when Im watching

    Charles Rose.

    Im fed up, better off living alone.

    She has gone out shopping and

    why is she so late coming back?

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris


    The Love Story

    We live far apart

    The distance is getting hazy

    My dearest love

    I can still hear your heartbeat

    In the stillness of the night

    Youre my love

    Green eyes clear as the ocean

    Tears like pearls

    My soul was transient back then

    My quest was worldly success

    Give me sign

    Help me to see, I was blind

    Open my eyes

    So you can come into sight

    Before cruel time erases us

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris


  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris


    The Night Fall

    My evening walk was interrupted by night. Keeping close the verge

    of the road I fell down a ditch, and saw stars as never before.

    A kaleidoscope of colours swiveling around and around in my head

    Life, we never see in daylight, was all around me, spirit shadows in

    a haste to find food and safety before man intruded. Knew I had

    caused chaos in their life, I got out of there and heard silent relief.

    Starry, starry night, as the song goes, trees moved and whispered

    scary stories about the man with the chainsaw, whether it is true

    there is a Paradise for trees. Wished I could tell them a tall story

    with a happy ending- no turning into winter woods and ashes for

    them, but a malevolent mule kept kicking me home as it wanted

    the night to itself.

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris


    Non Je Ne Regrette (Edith Piaf)

    Wish it was true

    Regrets have made me what Im

    Scars on my mind

    I remember my mistakes

    The done cannot be untied

    There is no healing

    Pain caused when briefly blinded

    Yet, to be woeful

    Is a pointless act of lament

    Leads to joyless self pity.

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris



    Trumpeting outside

    An elephant on the terrace

    Its raining too

    The poor thing needs an umbrella

    Go back to sleep youre dreaming


    Dawn creeps in

    Got to buy bigger curtains

    Im not a worm

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris


    Soldiers Pride

    Soldiers train hard

    They want to go into action

    Show off their skills

    In the art of killing enemies

    And civilians in their fields

    A dead soldier

    Hard training came to nothing

    Funereal at five

    A skill the army knows well.

    A medal on the mantelpiece

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris


    The Tenth Month

    Dead leaves

    Blows useless in the street

    Once so green

    No one hear their despair

    Every garden a cemetery

    Fallen leaves

    Dance no more to springs tune

    Blow where the wind will

    October moon, the mortals waltz

    To the dirge of the vanished.


    Marriage Is

    Great expectations


  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris


    The Festivity

    The party has ended they have all gone home, the house sighs,

    I open windows cooling air clears away the smell of perfume

    and full ashtrays. Wine glasses everywhere on tables, shelves

    on the floor. Empties have to be thrown in the bin, and glasses

    have to be cleaned and put back in the cupboard. Got to do it

    now, I dont want to be faced with this task tomorrow morning.

    Im glad they came to my day; glad to be alone also; sad too.

    Im one year older and time seems so short, the ocean of life is

    not endless and the horizon ends just beyond where the sun

    goes down.

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris


    October Sunday.

    Along the promenade at the marina, where the rich

    have their boats on display, the tourists have gone;

    mostly Portuguese people walking about this sunny

    October day. I have brought a camera with me, but

    will not take pictures of boats which look like plastic

    toys, shiny and had never sailed on the open sea. Yet,

    they lend a pretty picture to the maritime ambience.

    On the promenade elderly people, pretty girls and

    boys, in their teens, walk up and down, for a moment

    wished I was sixteen, but remember how painful it was

    to be that young, a face full of acne and timid. A lovely

    day, not a time for thoughts of mortality. While my

    wife eats an ice cream I smoke a sly cigarette and think:

    this is good Sunday to be alive.

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris


    The Date.

    It is midnight I was to meet her at nine under railways stations clock.

    I waited to eleven, something might have happened, the train delayed

    (his was before mobile phones were invented,) I didnt have her home

    number. I walked along the docks where harbour light is forever throwing

    itself into dark water. I threw the flowers I had bought her into the sea

    and saw them sink slowly into the sea only the wrapping paper floats on

    the surface of despair. I was seventeen it took great courage to invite her

    out, this humiliation and she had such a sincere smile. Why couldnt she

    had said no in the first place? It was what I had expected her to do.

    A fog horn blare in the distance, the world knows I have been stood up.

    no escape if anyone asks I will have to play the clown, make a funny story

    to hide my sorrow for not dating a girl I thought I loved.

  • 7/28/2019 A Cynical View Seen From a Balcony in Paris


    The Poet

    Is a quarreler

    Doesnt accept status quo

    No wonder


    Didnt like them


    Poets are also vain

    Hungry for fame

    Which rarely come their


    If they do meet success

    And get a medal

    They soon destroy

    Their official status

    By being
