a creative civil servant is (people, events, activities ...€¦ · boleh meningkatkan produktiviti...

Rangkaian Khidmat Awam Negeri Sarawak April 2007 PPK 235/10/2007 www.faradalemedia.com/rakansarawak S t r e n g t h e n i n g t h e M i n d & K e e p in g A f l a m e t h e H e a d o f S e r vi c e First published in 1994 A Monthly Publication of the State Secretary's Office, Chief Minister's Department, Sarawak (People, events, activities and programmes of quality Civil Service) ISSN 1394-5726 Malaysiaku Gemilang Diterbit oleh: FARADALE MEDIA - M SDN BHD 2nd Floor, Lot 2749, Block 10 Central Park Commercial Centre 2 1 /2 Mile, Jln. Tun Ahmad Zaidi Adruce 93200 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia Tel: 082-236629 Fax: 082-234498 E-mail: [email protected] Dicetak oleh: THE SARAWAK PRESS SDN BHD Lot 231, Jalan Nipah Off Jalan Abell Utara 93100 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia Tel: 082-245506 Fax: 082-252609 A Creative Civil Servant Is One Who Has The Ability To Work Around And Rise Above Whatever Limitations That Could Potentially Disrupt Or Lower The Standard Of Service That He Or She Is Expected To Provide To The Public IN ENGLISH Defining Service Delivery : “We Unleash Our Creative Force Together” 12 & 13 Gima Rises Up to the Challenge of Serving in the Remote Sub-district of Sarawak 14 & 15 Government Website : Reflect Image and Professionalism of Civil Service 16 & 17 State Secretary : Assures That Strict Monitoring of Projects Will be Carried Out 18 Kapit’s New State Government Complex : a One-Stop Centre for Quality Public Service Delivery 19 SMC’s Proactive Approach Worth Emulating 20 IN BAHASA MALAYSIA Sorotan Berita 3–8 Rencana 9 – 11

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Page 1: A Creative Civil Servant Is (People, events, activities ...€¦ · boleh meningkatkan produktiviti dan keberkesanan perkhidmatan awam dalam menghadapi cabaran-cabaran pembangunan

Rangkaian Khidmat Awam Negeri Sarawak April 2007

PPK 235/10/2007


Strengthening the


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First published in 1994

A Monthly Publicationof the State Secretary's Office, Chief Minister's Department, Sarawak(People, events, activitiesand programmes of quality Civil Service)

ISSN 1394-5726

Malaysiaku Gemilang

Diterbit oleh:


2nd Floor, Lot 2749, Block 10

Central Park Commercial Centre

21/2 Mile, Jln. Tun Ahmad Zaidi Adruce

93200 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

Tel: 082-236629 Fax: 082-234498

E-mail: [email protected]

Dicetak oleh:


Lot 231, Jalan Nipah

Off Jalan Abell Utara

93100 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

Tel: 082-245506 Fax: 082-252609

A Creative Civil Servant Is One Who Has The Ability To Work Around And Rise Above Whatever Limitations That Could Potentially Disrupt Or Lower The Standard Of Service That He Or She Is Expected

To Provide To The Public

In EnglIsh

• DefiningServiceDelivery: “WeUnleashOurCreative ForceTogether” 12&13• GimaRisesUptothe ChallengeofServinginthe RemoteSub-district ofSarawak 14&15• GovernmentWebsite: ReflectImageand Professionalismof CivilService 16&17• StateSecretary: AssuresThatStrict MonitoringofProjects WillbeCarriedOut 18• Kapit’sNewState GovernmentComplex: aOne-StopCentrefor QualityPublicService Delivery 19• SMC’sProactiveApproach WorthEmulating 20

In Bahasa MalaysIa

• SorotanBerita 3–8• Rencana 9–11

Page 2: A Creative Civil Servant Is (People, events, activities ...€¦ · boleh meningkatkan produktiviti dan keberkesanan perkhidmatan awam dalam menghadapi cabaran-cabaran pembangunan

Dalam era pembangunan yang dipelopori sejak negara mencapai kemerdekaan, fungsi pentadbiran awam telah mengalami perubahan yang dinamik di mana keseluruhan jentera Kerajaan digembleng dan dijuruskan kepada usaha-usaha meningkatkan taraf hidup rakyat di samping menjamin keamanan, kesejahteraan dan keselamatan awam.

Keupayaan perkhidmatan awam memberikan perkhidmatan yang bermutu dan berwibawa perlulah dipertingkatkan sealiran dengan perkembangan-perkembangan yang pesat berlaku di dalam atau di luar negeri.

Ini memerlukan perubahan-perubahan yang boleh meningkatkan produktiviti dan keberkesanan perkhidmatan awam dalam menghadapi cabaran-cabaran pembangunan negara.

Sungguhpun ada langkah-langkah tertentu seperti penswastaan dan usaha mengurangkan perbelanjaan awam, namun perkhidmatan awam akan terus memikul tanggungjawab yang berat dalam pembangunan negara.

Peranan yang dimainkan oleh perkhidmatan awam untuk memberikan perkhidmatan yang berkualiti kepada orang ramai adalah berat dan ini tidak membenarkan pegawai awam setakat menjalankan tugas atau melaksanakan dengan cara yang sedia ada, sebaliknya perlu memikirkan cara-cara baru untuk memperbaikinya.

Pemikiran systems maintenance tidak lagi sesuai dalam keadaan sekarang dan harus diubah kepada pemikiran berbentuk kreatif dan inovatif yang bermakna pegawai awam patut bersikap proaktif. Ini hanya dapat dicapai jika mereka mempunyai kemahiran dan pengetahuan yang tinggi disertai dengan sikap yang positif, peribadi yang mulia dan nilai-nilai yang unggul.


Penasihat : Datu Wilson Baya Dandot Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri

Pengerusi : Datuk Haji Mohd. Morshidi bin Abdul Ghani Timbalan Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri

(Pentadbiran, Keselamatan dan Hal Ehwal Korporat)

Ahli : Tuan Haji Sarudu Haji Hoklai Encik Chang Ngee Hui Encik William Patrick Nyigor Encik Udin Bujang Encik Jameson Ahip Nawie Encik Desmond Jerukan

Penerbit : Puan Maria Corazon M. Cortez

Penulis : Abdul Hamid Ahmad Safri Ali Othman Peter Ahwa Benard Sawat

Edaran : Adeline Sia Mohd. Fuad Jobli Linda Loh

RAKAN Sarawak ingin merakamkan ribuan terima kasih di atas bantuan, sokongan dan kerjasama daripada semua pihak yang terlibat di dalam menghasilkan penerbitan kali ini.

Sidang Pengarang/Penyunting RAKAN Sarawak

Usaha-usaha peningkatan kualiti dan produktiviti bukan sahaja perlu diteruskan malah ia perlu ditingkatkan secara berterusan dari semasa ke semasa sejajar dengan perkembangan semasa dalam era K-Ekonomi.

Dalam aera ini, ilmu akan menjadi asas bagi pengenalan inovasi yang mana akan menentukan daya saing negara kita. Ilmu akan menjadi punca utama bagi menambah nilai produk atau perkhidmatan yang dihasilkan. Dengan itu, pengumpulan, pengedaran dan penjanaan ilmu akan menjadi satu aktiviti penting pada semua peringkat organisasi, masyarakat dan negara.

Dalam melayari gelora era K-Ekonomi, perkhidmatan awam akan terus dikehendaki memainkan peranannya sebagai pemimpin, pelaksana, fasilitator, penentu rentak (pacesetter), perunding, pengawal (regulator) dan penyatuan strategik (strategic integrator) dalam senario baru ini.

Untuk itu beberapa pendekatan, dasar dan strategi baru diperlukan bagi perkhidmatan awam memainkan peranan-peranan ini secara cekap dan berkesan. Sumber manusia yang merupakan sebagai aset intelektual (intellectual asset) adalah aset yang lebih penting daripada aset-aset fizikal seperti tanah, modal dan jentera.

Sebagai contoh, nilai saham Syarikat Microsoft itu tinggi bukan kerana aset fizikalnya tetapi kerana ilmu yang ada pada sumber manusianya. Dengan itu, setiap anggota perkhidmatan awam harus mempunyai ilmu yang tinggi dan sesuai bagi menjalankan kerja masing-masing secara cekap dan berkesan serta bagi memperkenalkan inovasi di dalam perkhidmatan awam.

Dalam konteks perkhidmatan awam, inovasi boleh kita kaitkan dengan idea-idea baru dalam semua aspek kerja untuk menghasilkan perkhidmatan yang berkualiti. Perubahan-perubahan ini boleh berlaku dalam pelbagai bentuk seperti pengenalan teknologi yang baru, perubahan-perubahan prosedur yang boleh menjimatkan tenaga, masa dan kos dengan itu boleh meningkatkan penghasilan kerja.

Profesor Dato’ Dzulkifli Abdul Razak, Naib Canselor, Universiti Sains Malaysia dalam syarahan umum beliau yang disampaikan pada Januari 2003, menyatakan bahawa penilaian hasil daripada proses inovasi itu bukan hanya sesuatu yang ketara (tangible) semata-matanya, tetapi termasuk juga yang tidak ketara (intangible) seperti penjimatan masa atau kos, mahupun peningkatan kecekapan atau perubahan sikap dan tingkah laku kepada yang lebih membina, walaupun ini lebih sukar dikesan atau diukur. Yang penting adalah satu usaha yang berfokuskan perubahan dan pengubahsuaian dalam membangunkan potensi sosial dan ekonomi.

Beliau seterusnya memetik hujah Peter Drucker yang menyatakan bahawa inovasi bukannya setakat hasil inspirasi (idea) besar, tetapi satu bentuk kerja yang tersusun dan sistematik. Sesuai dengan kefahaman ini, persekitaran kita menawarkan berbagai-bagai peluang untuk melakukan inovasi, ataupun bertindak kreatif melalui perubahan persepsi, set minda dan pengetahuan baru. Oleh itu, inovasi boleh dipelajari dan diintegrasikan dalam membangunkan organisasi.

Inovasi dan Peningkatan Produktiviti dan Kualiti Dalam Perkhidmatan Awam Aset Intelektual Penggerak Inovasi

Dalam Organisasi

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Page 3: A Creative Civil Servant Is (People, events, activities ...€¦ · boleh meningkatkan produktiviti dan keberkesanan perkhidmatan awam dalam menghadapi cabaran-cabaran pembangunan

Perkhidmatan Awam Negeri

Pehin Sri Ketua Menteri berkata demikian pada Perasmian Seminar Integriti Peringkat Negeri Sarawak 2007 di Sibu pada awal April lalu.

Pehin Sri Ketua Menteri turut menyatakan bahawa kesalahan tertentu seperti salah guna kuasa dan rasuah akan berlaku dari semasa ke semasa di dalam perkhidmatan awam dan adalah perlu usaha mengesan dan mengatasinya serta mengenakan tindakan yang sewajarnya kepada mereka yang didapati bersalah harus cepat dilakukan.

"Teras tadbir urus yang baik dalam perkhidmatan awam adalah bergantung pada status perkhidmatan awam itu sendiri. Oleh yang demikian adalah penting kita mesti memastikan integriti di dalam perkhidmatan awam sentiasa dipertahankan pada tahap yang tertinggi dalam apa juga keadaan dan dengan apa cara sekalipun,” tegas Pehin Sri Ketua Menteri.

"Rasa hormat dari kalangan masyarakat ke atas kita seharusnya adalah bersandarkan kepada integriti kita yang tinggi, kejujuran kita dan kebolehpercayaan kita dalam melaksanakan amanah yang dipertanggungjawabkan,” tambah beliau lagi.

Beliau turut menjelaskan bawa integriti dalam perkhidmatan awam juga merangkumi usaha memastikan semua projek pembangunan yang dirancang dan dilaksanakan itu berjalan lancar tanda berlaku sebarang kelewatan, pembaziran dan peningkatan kos.

Dalam ucapan beliau, Pehin Sri Ketua Menteri juga memuji perkhidmatan awam negeri ini yang mana menurut beliau secara keseluruhannya adalah bersih dan pegawai-pegawainya melaksanakan tugas mereka dengan penuh dedikasi dan amanah.

Terdahulu, YB Datu Wilson Baya Dandot, Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri dalam ucapan aluan beliau menyatakan bahawa adalah penting untuk membudayakan integriti sebagai amalan hidup harian baik di peringkat individu mahupun di peringkat organisasi.

“Oleh itu, saya akan memastikan agar Pentadbiran Awam di Sarawak terus mengamalkan nilai murni, ketelusan, keterbukaan, tadbir urus dan sistem penyampaian perkhidmatan yang cekap dan berkesan berdasarkan prinsip, konsep dan model yang digariskan dalam PIN,” jelas Datu Wilson.

Datu Wilson seterusnya menyatakan bahawa sebagai usaha menyokong pelaksanaan PIN, Perkhidmatan Awam Negeri Sarawak akan melaksanakan beberapa pendekatan yang antara lain ialah meningkatkan inisiatif kualiti,

mempromosi dan menjelaskan kepada orang ramai mengenai penyampaian perkhidmatan awam yang berkesan, meningkatkan etika dan imej, menyampaikan segala yang dijanjikan terutama kepentingan, meningkatkan komunikasi dan kemudahan di antara perkhidmatan awam dan swasta dan mengadakan lawatan kerja bagi melihat sendiri pelaksanaan perkhidmatan di peringkat akar umbi.

Seminar kali dihadiri oleh lebih daripada 400 orang penjawat awam dari kalangan Kumpulan Pengurusan dan Profesional dan Kumpulan Sokongan I dan dianjurkan bersama oleh Unit Pengurusan Sumber Manusia dan Unit Pembangunan Sumber Manusia dan Kualiti, Jabatan Ketua Menteri Sarawak.

Objektif Seminar Integriti Peringkat Negeri Sarawak 2007 :

• untuk memberi hala tuju dan bimbingan pelbagai sektor kerajaan Negeri supaya mereka dapat bekerjasama dalam usaha membina masyarakat yang bersatu padu, harmoni, berintergriti, bermoral dan beretika

• untuk meningkatkan kesedaran, komitmen dan kerjasama pelbagai sektor kerajaan Negeri dalam usaha peningkatan integriti supaya integriti menajdi budaya masyarakat dan diamalkan dalam semua bidang

• untuk menggalakkan semangat bertanggungjawab di kalangan anggota masyarakat serta mendorong perkembangan masyarakat sivil yang menjunjung prinsip integriti dan bergerak cergas menegakkan integriti

• Untuk menyumbang kepada usaha pengukuhan asas moral masyarakat dan Negara, dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidup anggota masyarakat

• Untuk meningkatkan daya saing dan daya tahan Malaysia dalam usaha menangani cabaran abad ke 21 khususnya cabaran globalisasi dengan lebih berkesan.

YAB Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib Mahmud, Ketua Menteri Sarawak menyatakan bahawa Kerajaan Negeri akan melaksanakan pelan

tindakan Audit Pengurusan dalam tempoh dua tahun dalam usaha untuk meningkatkan lagi keutuhan integriti dan keupayaan perkhidmatan awam negeri.

Audit Pengurusan Dicadang Untuk Pertingkatkan Prestasi

Datu Wilson menyampaikan ucapan alu-aluan sempena Majlis Perasmian Seminar Integriti Peringkat Negeri Sarawak 2007

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Page 4: A Creative Civil Servant Is (People, events, activities ...€¦ · boleh meningkatkan produktiviti dan keberkesanan perkhidmatan awam dalam menghadapi cabaran-cabaran pembangunan

Demikian merupakan antara mesej yang cuba disampaikan oleh YB Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Datu Wilson Baya Dandot ketika menutup Seminar Integriti Keusahawanan anjuran Institut Integriti Malaysia (IIM) di Pustaka Negeri pada Mac lepas.

Menurut Datu Wilson, jangka masa pelaksanaan juga perlu ditetapkan dan segala sumber perlu digunakan supaya semua keperluan yang dikehendaki dalam sesebuah projek dapat dipenuhi.

Masing-masing juga perlu menetapkan tahap yang ingin dicapai dan konsisten dengan penyampaian perkhidmatan mereka.

Katanya, integriti dan ketelusan di kalangan kakitangan awam dalam menjalankan tugas amat perlu untuk meletakkan perkhidmatan awam pada tahap tertinggi.

Malah menurutnya, kerajaan melalui Jawatankuasa Keutuhan Pengurusan Kerajaan Negeri tidak akan teragak-agak untuk mengambil

tindakan ke atas kakitangan awam negeri yang tidak berintegriti atau melanggar disiplin.

Sebelum itu, Ahli Lembaga Pengarah IIM Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr. Hamid Bugo dalam ucapan rumusannya berkata bahawa semua orang dilahirkan dengan integriti. Jadi terpulang kepada setiap orang bagaimana untuk mengamalkannya.

Katanya, setiap individu juga perlu memahami peranan dan tugasnya sebelum mengamalkan integriti. Jika seseorang memahami peranan dan tugasnya sudah semesti integriti tidak akan menjadi masalah bagi mereka.

Jelasnya, keadaan yang serupa juga bagi organisasi yang meraih keuntungan jutaan ringgit masih perlu menghargai setiap kakitangannya supaya dapat terus berkembang.

Sementara itu, Presiden IIM, Datuk Dr Mohd Tap Salleh, dalam ucapan perasmiannya pada sebelah pagi

berkata rakyat kini telah dididik melalui pelbagai pendekatan dan mahukan perkhidmatan yang ada selari dengan kemahuan mereka.

Ini kerana kesedaran rakyat mengenai integriti dan etika kerja semakin meningkat membabitkan sektor awam, swasta, parti politik, media, kesatuan kerja dan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan.

Katanya, rakyat kini menuntut supaya gejala yang bertentangan dengan prinsip etika dan integriti seperti rasuah, penyelewengan, salah guna kuasa dan ketidakecekapan

dihapuskan. Mereka mahu integriti

dipertahankan dan ditingkatkan dalam semua urusan kerajaan, swasta, parti politik dan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan lain.

Menurutnya, usaha memantapkan integriti bermula pada peringkat akar umbi iaitu dari institusi kekeluargaan, komuniti, masyarakat sivil sehingga peringkat atas.

Sehubungan itu, tugas untuk melaksanakan matlamat Pelan Integriti Nasional (PIN) adalah tanggung jawab semua rakyat yang harus diamalkan bermula pada diri sendiri.

Seminar selama sehari itu bertujuan untuk mendedahkan golongan pentadbir terutama dari sektor korporat terhadap integriti serta tanggung jawab sosial mereka ketika bergiat dalam aktiviti perniagaan.

Datu Wilson menunjukkan kandungan buku cenderamata yang disampaikannya kepada Datuk Dr. Mohd Tap Salleh ketika Presiden Institut Integriti Malaysia itu mengadakan kunjungan hormat ke pejabatnya di Wisma Bapa Malaysia

Berkhidmat dengan Proaktif, Amalan Berintegriti Untuk Perkhidmatan yang Berkesan

Pelan Integriti Nasional (PIN) ialah suatu pelan induk yang memberikan hala tuju dan bimbingan pelbagai

sektor seperti kerajaan, swasta, parti politik, pertubuhan bukan kerajaan, media, belia dan pelajar serta ahli masyarakat.

Pembentukan dan pelaksanaan pelan itu bertujuan supaya semua

sektor ini dapat bekerjasama dalam usaha membina dan mempertingkatkan suatu masyarakat yang bermoral, beretika dan berintegriti tinggi.

Ia juga bertujuan menggalakkan semangat pertanggungjawaban di kalangan anggota masyarakat, dengan mendorong perkembangan masyarakat sivil yang menjunjung

prinsip integriti, memerangi rasuah dan gejala tidak beretika yang lain.

Pelaksanaan PIN akan meningkat dan memantapkan lagi integriti masyarakat, daya saing dan daya tahan Malaysia di arena global supaya negara dapat menangani cabaran abad ke-21 dengan lebih berkesan, khususnya cabaran globalisasi.


Semua jabatan dan agensi kerajaan perlu memberikan perkhidmatan dengan lebih proaktif dan bukan hanya bertindak setelah menerima aduan daripada orang ramai.

Kerana itu konsistensi dan keterbukaan adalah antara elemen penting dalam ‘integriti’ yang perlu diamalkan oleh kakitangan awam untuk mewujudkan perkhidmatan awam yang berkesan.

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Page 5: A Creative Civil Servant Is (People, events, activities ...€¦ · boleh meningkatkan produktiviti dan keberkesanan perkhidmatan awam dalam menghadapi cabaran-cabaran pembangunan

YB Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri, Datu Wilson Baya Dandot berharap perjumpaan dengan

jabatan atau agensi kerajaan yang lebih kerap akan dapat mewujudkan perasaan persaudaraan (sense of togetherness) serta lebih mengenali di antara satu sama lain.

Sebagai Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri yang baru memegang jawatan itu, adalah penting untuk beliau serta kerajaan negeri mengetahui pelbagai perkembangan yang berlaku dalam setiap agensi dan jabatan kerajaan negeri.

Dengan cara itu, semua pihak akan dapat saling membantu dalam memberi cadangan serta saranan bagi memperbaik mutu perkhidmatan dan sistem penyampaian kepada orang ramai.

Ia katanya amat perlu memandangkan tahun 2007 merupakan tahun pelaksanaan Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan (RMK9) dan adalah amat penting bagi kerajaan mempergiat usaha ke arah membuat impak dalam sistem penyampaian perkhidmatan kepada orang ramai.

Beliau berkata demikian dalam ucapan aluannya sebelum mendengar taklimat daripada dua buah agensi kerajaan negeri, Jabatan Muzium serta Lembaga Penyatuan dan Pemulihan Tanah Sarawak (SALCRA) di pejabatnya di Wisma Bapa Malaysia.

Taklimat berkenaan aktiviti dan pembangunan Muzium telah disampaikan oleh Pengarah Jabatan Muzium Sarawak, Tuan Haji Sanib bin Haji Said.

Secara umumnya, taklimat Jabatan Muzium itu bertujuan membolehkan kerajaan negeri mendengar dan mengetahui aktiviti dan pembangunan jabatan terutama dalam usahanya menggalakkan industri pelancongan di Sarawak dan sempena Tahun Melawat Malaysia 2007.

Antara perkara yang telah disentuh ialah situasi terkini yang berlaku dalam jabatan serta masalah-masalah yang dihadapi seperti kewangan yang terhad, keadaan bangunan yang perlu diperbaik dan situasi sumber manusia jabatan.

Sementara itu, Pengurus Besar SALCRA, Datu Vasco Sabat Singkang telah menyampaikan taklimat berkenaan aktiviti SALCRA daripada perspektif polisi.

Tujuannya adalah supaya kerajaan negeri mengetahui perkembangan aktiviti dan polisi organisasi SALCRA terutama dalam pembangunan tanah di Sarawak.

Dalam taklimatnya, Datu Vasco telah

Datu Wilson menyampaikan ucapan aluannya sebelum mendengar taklimat daripada Jabatan Muzium dan SALCRA

menyampaikan perkembangan terkini dalam organisasi, profil lembaga termasuk aktiviti yang sedang dalam pelaksanaan, keadaan kewangan dan keuntungan pada pihak SALCRA dan peserta program pembangunannya serta status pelaksanaan program baru seperti ternakan lembu di ladang.

Siri taklimat jabatan seperti ini akan diperluas untuk agensi lain kerajaan negeri. Sebelum ini, Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri juga telah mengadakan beberapa siri lawatan ke beberapa buah agensi kerajaan persekutuan dalam usahanya menjalinkan kerjasama yang lebih erat untuk memantapkan lagi perkhidmatan awam di Sarawak.

Muzium Sarawak• Ditubuhkan oleh Rajah Kedua

Sarawak, Sir Charles Brooke pada tahun 1860. Muzium sementara beroperasi pada 30 Oktober 1886 manakala bangunan yang ada pada hari ini telah siap dibina dan dibuka dengan rasminya pada 4 Ogos 1891.

• Jabatan itu bertanggungjawab terhadap semua dokumen sejarah, artifak-artifak negeri Sarawak khasnya dan Borneo amnya. Ia juga terlibat dalam pengumpulan bahan-bahan sejarah untuk dipamerkan bagi memberi peluang kepada penuntut sekolah dan orang awam mengetahui tentang sejarah Sarawak dan Borneo.

• Ketika ini terdapat 9 buah muzium di bawah pentadbiran Jabatan Muzium.

• Ia merupakan sebuah institusi yang terulung di Borneo kerana menyimpan koleksi terbesar pelbagai jenis flora dan fauna di Kepulauan Borneo.

• Sarawak Museum Journal yang diterbitkan sejak tahun 1911 juga merupakan penerbitan jurnal saintifik di antara yang tertua di dunia dan diedarkan ke seluruh pelusuk dunia sejak penerbitan sulungnya.

SALCRA• Ditubuhkan pada 1 Mei 1976 dengan

peranan utamanya untuk menyatukan, memulihkan dan memajukan tanah untuk tujuan pertanian.

• Melaksanakan pembangunan tanah secara besar-besaran dengan tanaman kelapa sawit melalui konsep pembangunan in-situ (setempat).

• Kawasan pembangunan tanah SALCRA terletak di Bahagian Kuching (Bau-Lundu), Samarahan (Serian), Sri Aman dan Betong (Saratok Saribas).

• Projek ladang kelapa sawit pertama SALCRA ialah di Lubok Antu pada tahun 1976. Pada tahun 1982, ia membuka dua ladang koko dan ladang teh (Mayang Teh) pada tahun 1983.


WujudPerasaan Persaudaraan MelaluiPerjumpaanJabatan

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Page 6: A Creative Civil Servant Is (People, events, activities ...€¦ · boleh meningkatkan produktiviti dan keberkesanan perkhidmatan awam dalam menghadapi cabaran-cabaran pembangunan

Sediakan kemudahan untuk melengkap perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan Pejabat Daerah Mukah

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Ia begitu dirasai di kebanyakan kawasan luar bandar yang mungkin berhadapan dengan kesukaran

untuk mendapatkan akses internet.ERC (Elektronic Resources Centre)

atau Pusat Elektronik Setempat, antara usaha Kerajaan Negeri untuk merapatkan jurang ICT di kawasan luar bandar telah berjaya memberikan perkhidmatan terutamanya kepada komuniti di kawasan luar bandar.

Perkara ini turut diakui Azri Brahim, yang bertugas sebagai Penyelia ERC Mukah yang menyatakan bahawa setelah hampir empat (4) tahun beroperasi, ERC Mukah sentiasa mendapat sambutan yang begitu mengalakkan malah ada di kalangan p e n g g u n a n y a yang datang d a r i

Selangau dan Balingian.Sebagai sebuah pusat sehenti

untuk mendapatkan perkhidmatan secara elektronik, ERC Mukah menurutnya dapat mempopularkan penggunaan ICT di kalangan komuniti luar bandar.

Yang paling penting, kewujudan ERC Mukah telah menyediakan satu sokongan perkhidmatan yang disediakan oleh Pejabat Daerah Mukah.

Menurut Azri Brahim, ERC Mukah disifatkan banyak membantu mereka yang tidak mempunyai akses internet di rumah ataupun memerlukan tunjuk ajar ketika melakukan proses menggunakan perkhidmatan tersebut.

Ini kerana menurutnya, beberapa jenis borang yang boleh dimuat turun memerlukan mereka

mengakses internet terlebih dahulu.

K e b i a s a a n n y a , pihaknya akan membantu pelanggan yang datang yang ingin mendapatkan kemudahan atau

perkhidmatan online yang ditawarkan.

Mengenai perkhidmatan yang disediakan, pengguna boleh mendapat akses untuk membuat semakan ke IPTA, EduNet, semakan SPR, semakan Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN), e-recruitment dan SPA 8.

ERC Mukah turut memperluaskan penggunaannya kepada perkhidmatan lain seperti Imbasan (Scanning), memuat turun fail dan borang online, di samping bagi tujuan menaip kertas kerja dan sebagainya.

Berdasarkan rekod sehingga penghujung tahun lepas (2006) yang diperolehi dari ERC Mukah, tiga (3) Kategori pengguna utama ERC Mukah, iaitu terdiri golongan pelajar sekolah, orang perseorangan dan penjawat awam dan swasta.

Melayari internet masih lagi menyumbang peratusan tertinggi penggunaan sekitar 80 peratus manakala selebihnya bagi tujuan imbasan dan percetakan.

Menurut Azri lagi, selain perkhidmatan yang sedia ada ditawarkan, pihaknya juga bersedia memberi tunjuk ajar dan latihan kemahiran menggunakan komputer serta kemahiran membangun laman web.

Memperluaskan lagi keberkesanannya, ERC Mukah turut mengadakan beberapa kursus berkaitan ICT.

Setakat ini, pihaknya telah menganjurkan kursus pembangunan

Sokong Penyampaian Perkhidmatan di Luar Bandar ERC

Peralihan kepada penggunaan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi (ICT) begitu ketara sejak kebelakangan ini. Kebanyakan urusan telah dilaksanakan secara dalam talian (online), ini termasuklah pemohonan kerja, pendaftaran masuk, semakan ke PLKN, kemasukan ke IPT dan sebagainya.

Keadaan ini juga turut menuntut kepada penyediaan prasarana ataupun infostruktur bagi membolehkan pengguna mendapat akses kepada internet untuk mendapatkan perkhidmatan tersebut.

ERC Mukah terletak di tingkat bawah Menara Pehin Setiaraja, Mukah

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Info Tambahan

Objektif ERC• Menjadi pusat perkhidmatan

setempat bagi perkhidmatan kerajaan negeri menerusi talian elektronik.

• Menjadi penghubung antara kerajaan Negeri dan orang ramai menerusi pengendalian, penyebaran dan perolehan maklumat kerajaan.

• Menggalakkan penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi oleh masyarakat setempat dalam berurusan dengan Kerajaan Negeri.

• Membentuk masyarakat yang lebih maju bagi masyarakat setempat yang berteraskan penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi.

Bilangan ERC• Setakat ini, terdapat 11 buah

ERC yang terdapat di Pejabat Daerah di negeri Sarawak.

laman web selama tiga (3) hari melibatkan 20 orang perseorangan yang diadakan di Pejabat Pelajaran Gabungan Mukah pada tahun lepas.

Tambah Azri lagi, khidmat mereka turut diperlukan untuk membantu membangunkan laman web untuk SMK Three River dan GDW Kampung Pulat, Balingian.

Terletak di Tingkat bawah, Pejabat Daerah Mukah, Bangunan Menara Pehin Setiaraja, Mukah, ERC Mukah dilengkapi dua (2) buah komputer yang dapat akses kepada SarawakNet, mesin pencetak dan mesin pengimbas.

Ia dibuka dari jam 8.00 pagi hingga 1.00 petang, di sambung pada 2.00 hingga 5.00 petang (Isnin hingga Khamis) manakala pada hari Jumaat dibuka dari jam 8.00 pagi hingga 11.45 tengah hari dan sebelah petangnya dari 2.15 hingga 5.00 petang.

Bagi mendekatkan ERC Mukah dengan komunitinya, sebuah portal laman web ERC turut dibangunkan.

Selain ERC Mukah, dalam Bahagian Mukah terdapat (2) buah lain ERC yang beroperasi iaitu di Pejabat Daerah Matu dan Pejabat Daerah Kecil Belawai.

Bil. Nama Telecentre Tahun Penubuhan Beroperasi di

1 ERC Mukah 2002 Pejabat Daerah Mukah2 ERC Pusa 2003 Pejabat Daerah Kecil Pusa3 ERC Tebedu 2003 Pejabat Daerah Kecil Tebedu4 ERC Selangau 2004 Pejabat Daerah Selangau5 ERC Kapit 2004 Pejabat Daerah Kapit6 ERC Sundar 2004 Pejabat Daerah Kecil Sundar7 ERC Matu 2005 Pejabat Daerah Matu8 ERC Belawai 2005 Pejabat Daerah Kecil Belawai9 ERC Sebauh 2005 Pejabat Daerah Kecil Sebauh10 ERC Kanowit 2005 Pejabat Daerah Kanowit11 ERC Simunjan 2005 Pejabat Daerah Simunjan12 ERC Sebuyau 2005 Pejabat Daerah Kecil Sebuyau

Pusat Sumber Elektronik (Electronic Resource Center [ERC])

Sumber: Unit ICT, Jabatan Ketua Menteri


Perkhidmatan ERC turut menjangkau ke kawasan luar bandar seperti Daerah Pusa (dalam Bahagian Betong)

Pejabat Daerah Kecil Tebedu turut mempunyai pusat maklumat elektroniknya sendiri

Page 8: A Creative Civil Servant Is (People, events, activities ...€¦ · boleh meningkatkan produktiviti dan keberkesanan perkhidmatan awam dalam menghadapi cabaran-cabaran pembangunan

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Aspek pemantauan berkesan dapat menjamin setiap projek pembangunan berjalan lancar

tanpa menghadapi sebarang masalah, kata Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri, YB Datu Wilson Baya Dandot.

Jelasnya, pihak yang terbabit dalam melaksanakan projek harus kerap turun padang bagi memastikan projek berkenaan berjalan mengikut jadual.

Beliau berkata demikian setelah mendengar taklimat perkembangan projek Jalan Bawang Assan/Serdeng/Tanjung Manis di Sibu.

Katanya lagi, kerjasama kedua belah pihak (di peringkat JKR Sarikei dan JKR Sibu) berserta kontraktor perlu dipertingkatkan bagi memastikan projek dilaksanakan dengan lancar dan menepati spesifikasi dan kualiti yang telah ditetapkan.

Hanya dengan pemantauan berkesan dan menyeluruh dapat memberi gambaran sebenar mengenai perkembangan sesebuah projek.

Ini menurut beliau lagi, adalah penting terutama projek yang memberi manfaat besar kepada rakyat seperti pembinaan jalan persisir Sibu/ Bawang Assan/Serdeng/Tanjung Manis sepanjang 88 km yang bernilai RM420 juta itu.

Projek tersebut juga adalah sebahagian projek penting dalam Rancangan Malaysia ke Sembilan (RMK9) yang apabila siap nanti bakal memanfaatkan serta merancakkan pembangunan Wilayah Tengah Sarawak.

Lawatan ke tapak projek, menurut Datu Wilson adalah usaha untuk mendapatkan laporan sebenar serta gambaran jelas mengenai perkembangan projek tersebut.

Terdahulu, Vincent Tang, Jurutera Jabatan Kerja Raya Bahagian Sibu telah menyampai taklimat Projek Jalan Sibu/Bawang Assan/Serdeng/Tanjung Manis.

Beliau berkata jambatan yang bakal dibina (merentasi Sungai Lebaan) dengan jarak 1,240 meter, adalah antara komponen penting projek tersebut yang termasuk dalam pakej pertama.

Pakej pertama bernilai RM222 juta dilaksanakan oleh sebuah syarikat tempatan, Trans Resources Corporation Sdn Bhd .Ia turut merangkumi pembinaan jalan raya sepanjang 37.5 km dari tapak projek ke Sungai Satubah Satu serta dua (2) buah jambatan sepanjang 260 meter, masing-masing di Sungai

Legan dan Sungai Loba Satubah.Manakala pakej kedua pula,

dipertanggungjawab kepada Inai Kiara Sdn Bhd dengan nilai kontrak RM152.2 juta bagi menyambung pembinaan jalan raya dari Sungai Loba Satubah ke Serdeng. Turut termasuk dalam pakej tersebut, pembinaan dua jambatan iaitu Jambatan Seredeng (755 meter) dan Jambatan Loba Stabar (280 meter).

Manakala pembinaan dua (2) jambatan iaitu Jambatan Belawai (480 meter) dan Jambatan Sungai Loba Pulau (400 meter) dilaksanakan oleh Syarikat Pekerjaan Konkrit Sdn Bhd dengan nilai kontrak RM67 juta.

Projek yang bakal memberikan kesan positif ekonomi ke atas dua (2) kawasan Tanjung Manis menganjurkan ke Bahagian Sibu ini akan memulakan projeknya pada bulan depan (April 2007) dan dijangka siap pada Oktober 2009.

Pemantauan Berkesan Pastikan Projek Dilaksanakan Ikut Jadual

• Jambatan yang bakal dibina (merentasi Sungai Lebaan) sepanjang 1,240 meter, akan menjadi jambatan terpanjang di negeri Sarawak apabila siap kelak.

• Jalan Bawang Assan/Serdeng/Tanjung Manis ini akan meningkatkan pembangunan kawasan Tanjung Manis, (sebelah Mukah) sehingga ke kawasan

P e r b i n c a n g a n p e r l u diadakan dengan lebih kerap untuk mengenalpasti masalah yang mungkin timbul serta langkah untuk menyelesaikannya.

Sibu yang berpotensi besar dalam sektor perindustrian dan sektor perkapalan,

• Ia turut membolehkan pembukaan kawasan di pedalaman untuk pertanian komersial, akuakultur dan industri pembuatan disamping mewujudkan banyak peluang kerja dan perniagaan.


Pertemuan lebih kerap…Datu Wilson bersalaman dengan mereka yang terlibat secara langsung di tapak projek

Gambar hiasan

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Mengapa Disiplin dan Integriti Penting?

Sebagai manusia biasa, pegawai atau penjawat awam tidak dapat melarikan diri daripada membuat

kesalahan mahupun kesilapan. Kesalahan itu pula boleh

dikategorikan sebagai kecil atau ringan dan berat atau memudaratkan.

Walau apapun kategorinya, dalam menjalankan tugas sebagai penjawat awam, melakukan sesuatu yang dianggap sebagai kesalahan adalah suatu yang tidak boleh dipandang remeh.

Maka, pelbagai peraturan dan prosedur telah disediakan bagi memastikan seseorang penjawat awam itu melaksanakan tugasnya dengan betul dan dapat mengelak daripada terjebak dalam melakukan kesalahan.

Kerajaan juga tidak boleh bertolak ansur dalam situasi yang memerlukan tindakan tatatertib diambil.

Antara kesalahan berat atau pelanggaran disiplin yang boleh memudaratkan perkhidmatan awam adalah seperti pecah amanah, salah guna kuasa dan rasuah.

Tiga jenis pelanggaran disiplin itu sentiasa menarik perhatian masyarakat dan menjadi isu besar di dada akhbar sekiranya berlaku.

Sehubungan itu disiplin memainkan peranan penting dan amat ditekankan dalam perkhidmatan awam kerana ia menjadi penentu kepada corak pembangunan negara keseluruhannya.

Sebelum itu mungkin kita perlu memahami apa yang dikatakan sebagai ‘disiplin’ dan tiga jenis kesalahan berat di atas.

‘Disiplin’ adalah peraturan atau ketertiban. Sehubungan itu, tidak disiplin bermakna melanggar peraturan dan tidak tertib dalam menjalankan tugas sebagai seorang penjawat awam.

‘Pecah amanah’ pula merupakan pelanggaran atau penafian ke atas kepercayaan yang diletakkan kepada seseorang. Sementara ‘salah guna kuasa’ pula bermaksud tidak menggunakan sesuatu seperti daya, kemampuan, keupayaan, tenaga, perintah, amanah dan sebagainya sebagaimana yang sepatutnya.

Rasuah - pemberian untuk menumbuk rusuk seperti menyogok atau menyuap. (Disesuaikan dari Kamus Dewan Edisi Tiga).

Definisi itu sudah tentu memudahkan orang ramai memahami istilah pelanggaran disiplin di kalangan penjawat awam. Namun, bagi seorang penjawat awam definisi itu terlalu umum untuk dimengertikan.

Oleh itu, dua sumber yang harus menjadi rujukan ialah Peraturan-Peraturan Pegawai Awam (Kelakuan Dan Tatatertib) (Pindaan) 2002 bagi penjawat awam Persekutuan dan Perintah Am Perkhidmatan Awam Negeri 1996 bagi penjawat awam Negeri.

‘Seseorang pegawai tidak boleh (a) membelakangkan tugas awamnya

demi kepentingan peribadinya; (b) berkelakuan dengan sedemikian

cara yang mungkin menyebabkan kepentingan peribadinya bercanggah dengan tugas awamnya;

(c) berkelakuan dengan apa-apa cara yang mungkin menyebabkan syak yang munasabah bahawa -

(i) dia telah membiarkan kepentingan peribadinya bercanggah dengan tugas awamnya sehingga menjejaskan kebergunaannya sebagai seorang pegawai awam; atau

(ii) dia telah menggunakan kedudukan awamnya bagi faedahnya sendiri;

(d) berkelakuan dengan sedemikian cara sehingga memburukkan nama atau mencemarkan nama perkhidmatan awam;

(e) kurang cekap atau kurang berusaha;

(f) tidak jujur atau tidak amanah; (g) tidak bertanggungjawab; (h) membawa atau cuba membawa

apa-apa bentuk pengaruh atau tekanan luar untuk menyokong atau memajukan apa-apa tuntutan berhubung dengan atau terhadap perkhidmatan awam, sama ada tuntutan itu ialah tuntutannya sendiri atau tuntutan mana-mana pegawai lain;

(i) ingkar perintah atau berkelakuan dengan apa-apa cara yang boleh ditafsirkan dengan munasabah sebagai ingkar perintah; dan

(j) cuai dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugasnya.’

Sumber: Peraturan-Peraturan Pegawai Awam (Kelakuan Dan Tatatertib) (Pindaan) 2002

bersambung di mukasurat 10

Disiplin dan integriti dapat mengelak diri daripada memilih ‘pelanggan’ dalam memberikan perkhidmatan

Integriti harus sentiasa diamalkan dalam memberi perkhidmatan kepada pelanggan

Page 10: A Creative Civil Servant Is (People, events, activities ...€¦ · boleh meningkatkan produktiviti dan keberkesanan perkhidmatan awam dalam menghadapi cabaran-cabaran pembangunan

Kedua-dua sumber itu telah menjelaskan peraturan dan tatatertib yang perlu dipatuhi penjawat awam. Namun, seperti yang sering terpampang pada dada akhbar, masih terdapat penjawat awam yang gagal dalam menempuh cabaran berkenaan.

Mantan Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri, YBhg. Datuk Amar Haji Abdul Aziz dalam Ucapan Perdana 2005 mendedahkan bahawa dalam tempoh tahun 2000 hingga 2004, sejumlah 210 kes berkaitan perkhidmatan awam telah dilaporkan.

Sebanyak 68 kes adalah tidak hadir bertugas, 56 kes kemalangan melibatkan kenderaan kerajaan, 24 kes rasuah, 23 terlibat dalam pecah amanah dan 16 kes muflis.

Sebuah lagi saluran talian aduan bagi orang ramai ialah Perkhidmatan TALIKHIDMAT. Bilangan aduan yang dicatatkan di Sarawak untuk sektor awam Persekutuan dan Negeri serta swasta dapat dilihat dalam jadual 1.

Walaupun angka itu kelihatan meningkat, masalah disiplin di kalangan penjawat awam sebenarnya masih terkawal. Ia berikutan pelbagai usaha serta langkah yang diambil oleh kerajaan dalam merencana serta melaksanakan Pelan Integriti Nasional (PIN) yang dilancarkan pada bulan April 2004, serentak dengan pelancaran TEKAD 2008.

Ia merupakan fasa pertama ke arah meningkatkan tahap etika dan integriti serta memastikannya menjadi sebahagian daripada budaya masyarakat.

Malah, pelbagai saluran mudah seperti TALIKHIDMAT yang disediakan oleh kerajaan bagi orang ramai membuat aduan juga telah meningkatkan kesedaran mereka untuk menggunakan pelbagai saluran sedia ada untuk menyampaikan sebarang kelemahan yang berlaku.

Bagi penjawat awam, integriti bermaksud melaksanakan amanah dan kuasa yang dipertanggungjawabkan menurut kepentingan umum. Justeru, penjawat jawatan itu tidak boleh menyalahgunakan kuasanya untuk kepentingan diri, keluarga, saudara mara atau kaum kerabat sendiri.

Apabila berlaku konflik kepentingan, ia mesti diselesaikan dengan memberi keutamaan kepada kepentingan awam. Dengan demikian penjawat itu perlu telus dan tulus, harus memikul pertanggungjawaban terhadap ketuanya, orang di bawahnya dan kepada pihak lain.

Sesungguhnya usaha itu menuntut disiplin diri yang tinggi supaya tidak terjerumus dalam pancaroba yang dapat memusnahkan karier mereka dan membantutkan pembangunan negara.

Kerana itu kerajaan dan perkhidmatan awam sentiasa mempunyai azam, iltizam serta komitmen yang diterjemahkan melalui usaha untuk meningkatkan integriti dan memerangi jenayah rasuah, penyelewengan dan salah guna kuasa di semua peringkat sehingga ke akar umbi.

Komitmen itu juga diterjemahkan melalui peruntukan sumber kewangan bagi melaksanakan pelbagai aktiviti dan program yang terancang serta bersesuaian.

Di samping slogan ‘Bersih, Cekap, Amanah’, penerapan nilai-nilai murni, pembentukan budaya dan etika kerja cemerlang juga amat ditekankan.

Kerajaan juga telah mengarahkan semua Ketua Jabatan menjadi ‘role model’ untuk terus menanam budaya dan etika kerja cemerlang di kalangan semua anggota kerja.

Aspek penyeliaan dan pemantauan turut ditekankan untuk memperlihatkan ketelusan dan usaha

Sumber yang sama juga menjelaskan bahawa ‘Jika seseorang pegawai didapati bersalah atas suatu kesalahan tatatertib, mana-mana satu atau apa-apa gabungan dua atau lebih hukuman yang berikut, bergantung kepada keseriusan kesalahan itu, boleh dikenakan ke atas pegawai itu:

(a) amaran; (b) denda; (c) lucut hak emolumen; (d) tangguh pergerakan gaji; (e) turun gaji; (f) turun pangkat; (g) buang kerja.’

Bab 4 Perintah Am Perkhidmatan Awam Negeri 1996 pula menerangkan bahawa ‘Sesuatu kemungkiran atau pelanggaran terhadap mana-mana daripada peruntukan dalam Perintah-Perintah Am atau pelanggaran terhadap surat aku janji yang ditandatangani oleh seseorang pegawai boleh menyebabkan dirinya dikenakan tindakan tatatertib mengikut Kaedah-Kaedah Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam, 1996.

Jika Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri berpendapat bahawa kemungkaran atau pelanggaran yang dilakukan itu tidak mewajarkan tindakan tatatertib diambil terhadap pegawai itu, tetapi difikirkan perlu untuk mengeluarkan surat amaran kepada pegawai itu, maka Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri boleh mengeluarkan surat amaran itu tanpa merujukkan perkara itu kepada Suruhanjaya. Sungguhpun demikian, surat amaran itu tidak boleh disifatkan sebagai hukuman tatatertib.

Sementara‘…seseorang pegawai yang gagal untuk menjalankan kawalan dan pengawasan ke atas pegawai bawahannya, atau untuk mengambil t i n d a k a n t e r h a d a p pegawai bawahannya yang melanggar mana-mana peruntukan Peraturan ini hendaklah disifatkan cuai dalam melaksanakan tugasnya dan tidak bertanggungjawab, dan dia boleh dikenakan tindakan tatatertib.’

www.faradalemedia.com/rakansarawakMARCH 2007


Page 11: A Creative Civil Servant Is (People, events, activities ...€¦ · boleh meningkatkan produktiviti dan keberkesanan perkhidmatan awam dalam menghadapi cabaran-cabaran pembangunan

Versi lengkap artikel ini boleh diperolehi di laman web RAKAN Interaktif : www.faradalemedia.com/rakansarawak

3. Konvensyen, Seminar, Ceramah dan Taklimat berkenaan Integriti ‘Seminar Kebangsaan Ke Arah Pengisian Pelan Integriti Nasional’ yang turut dikenali sebagai ‘Sidang Kenyalang’ telah diadakan di Kuching pada 2004. Bersempena dengan Hari Perkhidmatan Awam 2005, Kerajaan Negeri juga telah menganjurkan Seminar Kecemerlangan Perkhidmatan Awam Negeri Sarawak. Pelbagai tajuk berkaitan integriti telah disampaikan oleh beberapa pihak seperti Badan Pencegah Rasuah (BPR) dan Institut Integriti Malaysia (IIM).

4. Hari Integriti Peringkat Negeri dan Peringkat Jabatan

Setiap program dan aktiviti diadakan dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kesedaran pentingnya integriti disemai dalam diri penjawat awam serta organisasi keseluruhannya. Hari Integriti Peringkat Negeri telah diadakan pada Februari 2006 sementara pelbagai Jabatan Kerajaan telah mengadakan Hari Integriti Peringkat Jabatan masing-masing sejak tahun 2005.

5. Anugerah Integriti Setiap Ketua Jabatan adalah

digalakkan untuk mencalonkan mana-mana pegawai yang mempunyai nilai-nilai integriti yang tinggi dan difikirkan layak untuk menerima pengiktirafan integriti terutamanya di kalangan pegawai-pegawai kumpulan sokongan. Pegawai yang dipilih akan menerima anugerah tersebut pada Hari Integriti Peringkat Negeri Sarawak.

6. Tapisan Integriti bagi pengisian jawatan dalam Perkhidmatan Awam Negeri

Sebagai usaha menggalak serta meningkatkan budaya integriti dalam Perkhidmatan Awam Negeri.

suatu masyarakat yang bermoral, beretika dan berintegriti tinggi.

Ia juga bertujuan menggalakkan semangat bertanggungjawab di kalangan anggota masyarakat dengan mendorong perkembangan masyarakat sivil yang menjunjung prinsip integriti, memerangi rasuah dan gejala tidak beretika yang lain.

Pelaksanaan PIN akan memantapkan lagi integriti masyarakat, daya saing dan daya tahan Malaysia di arena global supaya negara dapat menangani cabaran abad ke-21 dengan lebih berkesan, khususnya cabaran globalisasi.

Kerajaan Negeri juga memandang serius usaha berkenaan dan menerima pakai PIN dengan melaksanakan pelan tersebut bagi memantapkan tadbir urus di negeri ini.

Antara pencapaian dan aktiviti yang sedang dalam pelaksanaan di Sarawak ialah :1. Gerakan Pemantapan Keutuhan

Sistem Pengurusan Pentadbiran Kerajaan Malaysia a. Penubuhan Jawatankuasa

Keutuhan Pengurusan Kerajaan Negeri (JKPKN) untuk peringkat Negeri Sarawak dipengerusikan oleh YAB Ketua Menteri Sarawak

b. Jawatankuasa Kerja Kepada Jawatankuasa Keutuhan Pengurusan Kerajaan Negeri (JKPKN) yang dipengerusikan oleh YB Setiausaha Kerajaan Sarawak

c. Jawatankuasa Keutuhan Pengurusan (JKP) Peringkat Jabatan yang merangkumi pihak Kementerian, Jabatan Kerajaan Negeri, Badan Berkanun Negeri dan Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan yang menghantar laporan ke sekretariat JKPKN setiap suku tahun

2. Minggu Integriti Peringkat Jabatan Tempoh seminggu diisi dengan

pelbagai program ceramah dan kempen peningkatan integriti yang melibatkan semua kakitangan. Perbadanan Pembangunan Ekonomi Sarawak (SEDC) telah menganjurkan Minggu Integriti mereka pada 2 September 2004 di Kuching.

bersungguh-sungguh kerajaan ke arah penyampaian perkhidmatan yang efisyen, efektif dan terbaik.

Penelitian semula prosedur kerja pula bertujuan mengurangkan karenah birokrasi dan mempercepatkan proses membuat keputusan. Aspek ini ditekankan kerana tindakan itu akan meningkatkan kecekapan dan keberkesanan, sekali gus memantapkan integriti agensi-agensi kerajaan dan penjawat awam, di samping mengurangkan ruang dan peluang gejala disiplin seperti rasuah.

Dengan cara itu, pembangunan negara keseluruhannya akan terlaksana dengan lebih lancar, teratur dan cekap.

Ramai daripada kita pasti bersetuju bahawa semua tindakan itu mampu menjadi daya penarik kemasukan pelabur dan menggalakkan aktiviti perniagaan. Suasana itu seterusnya akan membantu memacu pembangunan ekonomi dan menyediakan pelbagai ruang pekerjaan untuk masyarakat.

Pelaksanaan PIN dalam Perkhidmatan Awam Sarawak

Idea tentang integriti mula menjadi sebutan dan dibincangkan pada tahun 1998. Dalam perkhidmatan awam, kerajaan telah melancar dan melaksanakan Gerakan Pemantapan Keutuhan Sistem Pengurusan Pentadbiran Kerajaan Malaysia.

Gerakan ini dilaksanakan melalui Arahan YAB Perdana Menteri No. 1 Tahun 1998, khususnya melalui pe nubuhan Jawatankuasa Keutuhan Pengurusan (JKP) di semua Kementerian, jabatan dan agensi Kerajaan Persekutuan dan Kerajaan Negeri.

Semua idea dan usaha itu akhirnya membawa kepada pelaksanaan Pelan Integriti Nasional (PIN) pada bulan April 2004. PIN merupakan suatu pelan induk yang memberikan hala tuju dan bimbingan multi-sektor kerajaan, sektor swasta, parti politik, pertubuhan bukan kerajaan, media, belia dan pelajar serta pelbagai lapisan masyarakat.

Pembentukan dan pelaksanaan pelan itu bertujuan supaya semua sektor ini dapat bekerjasama dalam usaha membina dan mempertingkatkan

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A conversationwith SS

RAKAN Sarawak: In our readings on the history of the Sarawak civil service, we came across these descriptions of the people that Rajah Brooke, in his letter to Templer, had requested to be sent to work in Sarawak. He wrote: “You are aware how little pecuniary inducement we can offer to (Sarawak officers). They will be poor but independent and they will share the success of the government. If they have higher feelings, they will appreciate being nobly employed and leading a life of usefulness…Now for the qualifications, sweet temper is indispensable, (good) judgment in preference to ability and native ability in preference to acquired; moderate and just minded, plucky, refined and gentle. I want them heart and soul in their work.”

Would you say that this still very much applies as a requirement for today’s civil servant s here in Sarawak?

YB DATU WILSON BAYA DANDOT (STATE SECRETARY): Yes, I certainly think so, especially the last phrase he used: “heart and soul in their work”. That is basically what we still expect of our civil servants. But the context of how we should look at it is definitely different.

During the Rajah Brooke’s time, those who were sent to serve here in Sarawak gave up their “heart and soul” for their jobs because they had to give up their homes and all that were dear to their hearts – family, friends, homeland. But in today’s context, we are fortunate that we do not have to face heart wrenching decisions that our counterparts during the Brooke era had to face. Perhaps, the only tough decision that one will need to

face when he or she is

deciding to be a civil servant is to give up

on the relatively higher salaries and more opportunities to make money that he or she could possibly have being in the private sector.

When we made the choice to be a civil servant, we have in effect made a decision to put the peoples’ interests and welfare above our own. That is the true calling of a civil servant. Rewards, in terms of monetary or other tangible rewards such as public recognition, might not even be forthcoming when we do our jobs. The main consolation that we have as civil servants is the fact that whatever we do will be for the good of our families, friends, neighbours, and our country and state.

So, seen in that context, we are not being asked to “sacrifice’ in much the same way that the civil servants during Rajah Brooke’s time had to.

RAKAN Sarawak: How would you describe a civil servant whose heart and soul is in his/her work?

STATE SECRETARY: Sarawak civil servants in the past were asked to give up what was dear to their hearts and souls in order to serve in an unknown, distant, strange land and work for the welfare of people whom they can only remotely and vaguely relate to in terms of culture, traditions, manners and beliefs.

How much more should we be able to give of our hearts and souls into our jobs when we know that we are fundamentally serving our own families, communities and country?

Putting one’s heart and soul into our work doesn’t mean that we become obsessive with our jobs at the expense of other areas of our lives. It simply means being totally committed to providing the best service that we can to the people whom we are called to serve.

For instance, we should be prepared to put in more than the usual number of hours into our work day, if and when the situation demands it. There will be days when we must be willing to work overtime, without expecting any additional compensation or even words of thanks, in order to meet the peoples’ need for efficient and compassionate service from us.

Besides giving of our time to meeting the peoples’ needs, we must also be constantly on our toes thinking of ways that would meet the changing expectations of the people. This requires a great deal of the spirit of creativity and innovation from each one of us in the civil service, especially since we are living in a world that is constantly changing and evolving. We cannot get caught in the rut of doing the same thing the same way that we’ve been doing it if the need of the time has changed. Or else, we end up disappointing people and eventually, we will become irrelevant.

RAKAN Sarawak: You mentioned creativity and innovation. How do you define creativity?

STATE SECRETARY: In a metaphorical sense, I’d like to quote Warren G. Bennis: "There are two ways of being creative. One can sing and dance. Or one can create an environment in which singers and dancers flourish." Of course, we are certainly not tasked to perform a song-and-dance routine up on stage. Our work-a-day world is so far removed from those of artists, inventors, craftsmen, and performers who are almost always recognized and rewarded for their creative talents.

Civil servants are rarely recognized or expected to be creative. In fact, we do not have the “license” to give way to our creative bent in performing our tasks since our primary duty is to be the custodians and watchmen of the structures, processes, systems, procedures that are needed to lend stability and security to our country. We cannot change systems and procedures simply at our whim.

And so, the second category that Bennis described, would be apt as far as creativity in the civil service is concerned. We have been handed the means, mechanisms, resources and capacities that enable us to create an environment in which the rest of society can flourish, where everyone in society can do a better job in whatever field or occupation or position they are in, where the rest of our citizens are able to lead a meaningful and productive life because we are able to give them the help and assistance that they require at the time that they needed it.

(RAKAN Sarawak’s series of interviews with the STATE SECRETARY on


"We Must Unleash Our Creative Force


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A conversationwith SS

In that context then, a creative civil servant is one who has the ability to work around and rise above whatever limitations he or she may face that could potentially disrupt or lower the standard of service that he is expected to provide to the public. Civil servants demonstrate this ability when, for example, they have the initiative to think of solutions to problems or issues without waiting for their heads of department to instruct them. They will then exert efforts to convince their superiors on the viability of their proposed solution, crafting a well-laid out and articulate plan-of–action, which will make it easier for their superiors to approve and/or allocate resources for them to carry out the plan.

Or another example will be of civil servants who do not hesitate to work beyond official working hours in order to complete whatever paper works are necessary for their superiors to make an important decision on the applications of the customers. They know that any delay can cause a spiral of unpleasant circumstances that will affect the customer’s business or family affairs. By the simple act of extending their working hours, they have actually created an environment for the customer’s business to flourish or help lift a man’s spirit who has been previously burdened by an unpleasant situation.

RAKAN Sarawak: What is that one thing that you believe can spark creativity and innovation in the civil service?

STATE SECRETARY: That spark of creativity stems from a person’s keen desire to keep on improving and upgrading. For example, desiring to keep our offices clean and welcoming for our customers will move us to go the extra mile of bringing flowers or plants to the office, even if we are not expected to. That latent creativity in each one of us will be activated when we consciously start the day asking ourselves, “How can I make my day, and eventually, those of others’ around me, be better today?”

Creativity and innovation begins when we try to understand how our customers would respond, use or apply, and finally, benefit from the services that we are providing or introducing. And the best way to gain that understanding is to try and “walk in our customer’s shoes”.

This brings us back to the heart and soul issue of being a civil servant. We must always remember that whatever we decide to do within the scope of the tasks and duties that we have as civil servants will also affect us directly, or indirectly through the experience of someone we know, somewhere somehow.

Let’s look at an example: A company needs to recruit foreign labour. They submit the papers as required by the government agencies involved. The first agency that processed the applications did the job within the time frame that was stated in their client charter. The second agency, somehow didn’t perform as efficiently as the first, and delayed the processing of the application. That delay, of course, caused a spiral effect…it caused a delay in the next agency, and so on down the line. By the time the papers were processed and the foreign workers were given their working visas, the company had already lost a great deal of money from the forced downtime they had to suffer from as a result of the delay. As a result, other problems and implications will spiral down the line.

RAKAN Sarawak: What would you consider to be a “truly creative idea”?

STATE SECRETARY: Most people have the misconception that creative ideas must be something totally original. I don’t look at it that way. Creativity is about thinking in new ways, not necessarily changing the basic idea or premise of why something has to be done.

Particularly in the civil service, we cannot just change anything because most of the procedures and processes and systems that we have in place are bound by the laws of our country, the Civil Service Code, General Orders, etc. But we can always think of creative ways to do our jobs much more efficiently and effectively without compromising the integrity of the civil service.

Creativity involves many different mental capacities: seeing, noticing, remembering, decoding, categorising, associating, comparing, challenging, evaluating, filtering, combining, etc. When we look at a certain approach, procedure or process and we apply all or some of these mental capacities to come up with new ways of doing things, without deviating from the main purpose of why such a procedure or process was introduced in the first place; then, we are being creative.

For instance, in the earlier example I mentioned of the matter of recruiting foreign workers and the procedures involved in processing such applications, I suggest that the agencies involved should sit down and discuss how certain steps in the process can be combined so as to cut down the time it takes and thus, speed up the whole process.

On a personal note, I also need to change a lot of things that I have been used to doing. There may not be anything wrong with those ways, but if finding new ways of fulfilling my responsibilities will

make me more effective and efficient, then I must apply my creative thinking process to discover those new ways. I was actually thinking about how I can improve the way I communicate with others. I understand that when people talk to the State Secretary, there can be an element of apprehension. I realized that I could actually make my encounters with the people I work with, and the people outside of the civil service, more meaningful and productive by improving the way I communicate with others. I know that our choice of words and how we use them could improve communication so I could start by replacing certain words that I have been accustomed to say. For example, instead of saying, “Do you have any question?” I could say, “Is there anything that I could give you an advice or a direction on in this matter that we’ve just discussed?”

Wouldn’t that be a more creative way of finding out whether people have understood my instructions or intentions well, without intimidating them?

RAKAN Sarawak: We agree with

you that talking to the State Secretary can be quite an intimidating experience. It’s nothing personal…it’s just that the position of the State Secretary carries with it authority and power that could be intimidating to anyone, if he or she has to talk with the State Secretary. And yes, we can see that if you phrase your question that way, you come across as being sincerely open and honest about your intentions of understanding where a person might be needing some more clarifications, advice or guidance.

STATE SECRETARY: Well, I hope that no one will doubt my sincerity in truly wanting to know how I can be of help to anyone so that they can perform their jobs better. I definitely cannot do the task of providing effective and efficient public service delivery alone. We are one big team within the civil service. So, if there are any weaknesses or concerns, we must address them all together. We must, and we can, harness and unleash our creative force together. We must keep on encouraging each other to continue searching for creative ways of doing things better, or more effectively. Again, I wish to reiterate that the creative process begins with “walking in our customers’ shoes”. Imagine if all the civil servants in all the 11 divisions of Sarawak will come up with creative ideas on how to serve and carry out their duties well, what an impact we will have and what a difference we can truly make!.

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When the State Secretary, Datu Wilson Baya Dandot, visited the Long Lama sub-

distrcit recently, he took note of and commended Gima ak Mengkang, a 47 year-old Sarawak Adm in i s t r a t i v e Officer (SAO), as an example of a civil servant who does not fail to fulfil his duties to the people despite the lack of certain resources.

The sub-dsitrict’s remote location and the scattered villages and longhouses in his area of coverage did not faze Gima at all when he was assigned to the Long Lama sub-district three years ago. Gima has long ago decided to “appreciate what I have around me, and make the most of it.” He constantly reminds himself that “even if I think I am in an unfortunate situation, I am much better off than someone who is less fortunate than I am.”

He appreciates working for the government and considers his job as a civil servant as an opportunity to help others, especially the less fortunate members of the community.

For Gima, the lack of certain resources is a challenge that help brings out the ingenuity and resourcefulness in him.

“It makes me more appreciative of what we do have, and not to take for granted whatever resources we have,” Gima said. “It also makes me more creative in fulfilling my tasks when the resources are not available.”

He considers Long Lama Sub District as the biggest challenge of his civil

Gima ak Mengkang Rises Up to the Challenges of Serving in the Remote Sub-district of Sarawak

service career so far, having served previously in Song District (for more than three years), Roban sub district (for more than five years), Saratok (for three years) and Lawas (for four years).

Those who have the opportunity to serve in the rural areas will be tested in their commitment to their tasks and vocation as civil servants. As in most sub-districts in Sarawak’s vast rural areas, the villages and longhouses in Long Lama is linked and can only be accessed through logging or plantation roads or by river transport.

Faced with a lack of vehicle that he can use to visit the villages and longhouses in his area, Gima applied his resourcefulness and creativity by requesting logging companies to allow him to hitch a ride in their logging trucks or 4wheel drive cars to enable him to make his regular visits to the villages within the sub-district. Most of the journeys that Gima has to make will take at least four hours, sometimes nine hours trip, via plantation or logging roads. During rainy seasons, the journey could take much longer. There are also some places that will require 2-3 days overnight stay for the SAO.

Despite the rough and time consuming journey, Gima appreciates his visits to the longhouses and villages because “the peoples’ warm and friendly welcome whenever I visit them make me feel like I’m a member of their family. I also learn a lot from the headmen of the villages I visit; they are full of wisdom and experience and they help me understand the place and the people better. These insights are valuable in our role of planning for, and implementing development programmes, for the

areas in our jurisdiction.”Another approach he used to

connect with the people was to request Radyo Televisyen Malaysia (RTM) to make use of its network and the Miri FM radio (especially Kayan/Kenyah language broadcast) to air announcements and information that needs to be relayed to the people.

“That is also one of the things that we appreciate when we serve in the smaller and more remote sub-districts. All of the civil servants here work closely together, and we are always ready to assist each other. We also enjoy close rapport with the business community in our areas, with most of them always ready to help out when there are occasions that we need them to do so.”

Gima believes that his experiences in the rural districts of Sarawak prepare and equip him to face whatever challenges may come his way.

CaptionFlashback - Deputy Chief Minister, Datu Patinggi Tan Sri George Chan Hong Nam officiating the Long Lama 100th Anniversary (1905-2005)

Encik Gima (first from left) seen in the picture during Datu Wilson, State Secretary visit to Long Lama Sub District Office early this year (2007)

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Infotook about 40 minutes from Long Bedian by four wheel drive vehicle. The centre is run by JKKK Long Bedian.

What Long Lama Need • Long Lama needs good road

transportation links to provide the people another transportation option apart from the existing water transportation.

History of Long Lama• Most of the areas or living areas

here can be reached by the river. Long Lama originated from a small river, Sungai Lamah.

• Long Lama town centre serves as the administrative and commercial centre for the sub-district.

Other Services • Police Station • Public Works Department (Water

Supply)• Agriculture Department• Information Department• National Registration Department• Forestry Department• SESco• Pos Malaysia

How to get there• Main transportation is by

waterways using express boat and long boat.

• Long Lama can be reached via a 3 hours express boat ride from Marudi, the nearest town.

• Some of the areas can only be reached by logging and plantation roads.

Long Lama Attraction• Sungai Tenyok Recreation Centre

is the new attraction. The journey


LONG LAMA SUB DISTRICT• Long Lama is one of the four sub

district under Miri Division. Others are Bekenu, Niah and Beluru.

Area • 19,300 square km

Population • 17,269 people (Housing and

Population Census 2000)

Population Composition • Kayan (44%), • Kenyah (38%), • Penan (14%), • Chinese (3%)• Others (0.4%)

Main Economy Activities • Agriculture (65%), • Timber (16%), • Government Sectors (14%) • Other (5%)

Still upholding the tradition … the element that make Long Lama unique

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and so we had to create online forms that are easy for them to access and download anywhere they are,” added En Azri.

According to Encik Azri, there are 11 forms, such as those meant for Minor Rural Project Application as well as other Administrative Services, which can be downloaded from their website.

Asked about the skills and competencies that is required of a web developer or webmaster, En Azri mentioned creativity, patience and keen interest in the art of designing a website, besides basic graphic and IT skills.

“The web developer must be able to present important information in a neat and organised manner using creative graphics in order to attract users, “ he said. “The words, graphics, pictures and colour should match and complement each other and most importantly, must not distract from the information presented.”

“The quality of a website does not depend on just the graphic or design, but also on the contents of the website, and the ease with which the user can navigate through and access the information they require,” he stressed.

En Azri emphasizes that keeping the information up-to-date is crucial. ‘I always try and provide a link or a cross reference to complement the information presented in our website. We are linked to several government departments and agencies’ websites, which make it easier for our users to find and check government-related information”.

The Mukah District Office’ website won second place several years ago in the Public Sector Website Competition organized by the Chief Minister’s Department (ICT Unit).

The said competition, which was first organized by the ICT Unit in 2001, is aimed at encouraging and recognizing excellent efforts

In this Information Age, the Internet has become the main source of information for most people, especially those

who do not have much time to spend searching for facts and data that they need. And so, having a website has become “de rigueur” for companies, organizations and individuals who need to stay connected and share information with others.

Websites, serving as the online ‘face’ of an organisation, provide a more or less accurate image of what the organisation is all about. While it is relatively easy to set up a website, it takes a lot of efforts to keep it relevant and attractive. A website that has outdated information and is very complicated to navigate will reflect poorly on the organisation and is no better than not having a website at all.

Most Sarawak government agencies and departments, including the Residents’ Offices, are encouraged to set up and maintain their respective websites. A major challenge for most of these agencies and departments is to keep the information fresh and up-to-date at all times, a task that requires commitment and creativity from those who are involved in managing the website. Moreover, a government website must also be able to enhance effective public service delivery by serving as a channel for offering fast, efficient and reliable services to the

public. These services could include, among others, creating online forms or interactive tools which the general public can easily and conveniently access anytime, anywhere.

These are the job expectations that En. Azri Brahim must fulfil when he was assigned the task of developing and maintaining the Mukah District Office’s website.

“Before I could start developing the website, I have to make sure of the main purpose for the site,” he said. “In the case of the Mukah District Offfice website, all of us in the District Office agreed that its main purpose will be to provide information on Mukah Division as well as record and document events and developments in the Division.”

“We also wanted to make it easier for the public to avail of our services,

Information at your finger tips … technology has change our work style

One of the best state government agency website – Human Resource Management Unit, Chief Minister Department

Give the best service to its client – Bintulu Development Authority Website's goal



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by State government departments and agencies in their website development and management.

Among the criteria for a winning Public Sector Website award are the easily understood content, clear concept, originality, responsiveness to the clients’ need, creativity in design and presentation of information in both Bahasa Malaysia and English languages, ease of use and interactive applications, and hyperlinks functions.

Features in Mukah District Office Website• Information about Section and Division• Photo Gallery• Program and Activities• Form Download• District and Village Profile• Bi-language information• Work Process and Civil Service

E-government refers to the delivery of information and services online through the Internet or other digital means. Many governmental units have embraced the digital revolution and are putting a wide range of

materials from publications and databases to actual government services online for citizen use. Since e-government is still in its infancy, it is a perfect time to measure the extent of web service delivery.

Significant findings :

1) 29 percent of government websites offer services that are fully executable online, up from 19 percent in 2005.

2) 94 percent of websites in 2006 provide access to publications and 72 percent have links to databases.

3) 26 percent (up from 18 percent in 2005) show privacy policies, while 14 percent have security policies (up from 10 percent in 2005).

4) 23 percent of government websites have some form of disability access, meaning access for persons with disabilities, up from 19 percent in 2005.

5) Countries vary enormously in their overall e-government performance based on our analysis. The most highly ranked nations include South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, the United States, Canada, Britain, Ireland, Germany, Japan, and Spain.

In order to see how the 198 nations ranked overall, a 0 to 100 point e-government index were created and apply it to each nation's websites based on the availability of publications, databases, and number of online services.

Four points are awarded to each website for the presence of the following features: publications, databases, audio clips, video clips, foreign language access, not having ads, not having premium fees, not having user fees, disability access, having privacy policies, security policies, allowing digital signatures on transactions, an option to pay via credit cards, email contact information, areas to post comments, option for email updates, option for website personalization, and PDA accessibility.

These features provide a maximum of 72 points for particular websites. Each site then qualifies for a bonus of 28 points based on the number of

online services executable on that site (one point for one service, two points for two services, three points for three services, and on up to twenty-eight points for twenty-eight or more services).

The e-government index runs along a scale from zero (having none of these features and no online services) to 100 (having all features plus at least 28 online services).

Totals for each website within a country were averaged across all of that nation's websites to produce a zero to 100 overall rating for that nation.

The top country in our ranking is South Korea at 60.3 percent. This means that every website analyzed for that nation has more than half of the features important for information availability, citizen access, portal access, and service delivery.

Other nations that score well on e-government include Taiwan, Singapore, the United States, Canada, Britain, Ireland, Germany, Japan, and Spain.

E-Government Country Ratings, 2005 and 2006

2005 No. 2006

% Country Country %

57.2 Taiwan 1 Korea (Republic)* 60.3

54.5 Singapore 2 Taiwan 49.8

50.5 United States 3 Singapore 47.5

46.2 Hong Kong 4 United States 47.4

44.3 China (People’s Rep) 5 Canada 43.5

43.3 Canada 6 Great Britain 42.6

35.3 Germany 7 Ireland 41.9

35.1 Australia 8 Germany 41.5

34.6 Ireland 9 Japan 41.5

34.5 Vatican 10 Spain 40.6

34.3 Great Britain 11 Dominica 40

34 Bahamas 12 Australia 39.9

32.1 Chile 13 Sweden 38.3

32 Chad 14 New Zealand 37.6

32 Estonia 15 Netherlands 37.4

32 Finland 16 Switzerland 36.9

32 Guinea-Bissau 17 Azerbaijan 36

32 Macedonia 18 Finland 35.6

31.4 Netherlands 19 Hong Kong 35.4

31.2 Switzerland 20 Norway 35

31 Bahrain 21 Ukraine 35

31 Belize 22 France 34.7

31 Israel 23 Qatar 34.5

31 Liechtenstein 24 Estonia 34

30.7 Iran 25 Swaziland 34

30.4 New Zealand 26 Turkey 33.7

30.1 Arab Emirates 27 Malta 33.6

30.1 Qatar 28 Kazakhstan 33.6

30 Syria 29 Vatican 33.5

29.7 Denmark 30 Macedonia 33

29.7 Mexico 31 Liechtenstein 33

29.3 Benin 32 Libya 33

29.3 Iceland 33 Chile 32.9

29.2 Norway 34 Italy 32.9

29 Andorra 35 Malaysia** 32.7

29 Brunei 36 Slovakia 32.3

29 Colombia 37 Brazil 32.1

29 Dominica 38 Tuvalu 32

29 St. Lucia 39 Monaco 32

29 Swaziland 40 Bhutan 32

An analysis of 1,782 government websites in 198 different nations undertaken in 2006

Information extracted from a report prepare by Professor Darrell M. West, Center for Public Policy, Brown University Providence, Rhode Island United States.


• Feedback• Archive• Link

* in 2005, Korea (Republic) ranked number 86** in 2005, Malaysia ranked number 157

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All development projects under the 9th Malaysia Plan (9MP) for the

Central Region Corridor, which covers Mukah and Sibu Divisions, will be closely monitored to ensure their smooth impementation.

On his visits to various areas in the two Divisions in March, YB Datu Wilson Baya Dandot, State Secretary, reminded those in-charge of project implementation that any delays will jeopardise the State government’s effort to develop and tap the huge potential of Tanjung Manis (in Mukah) and Sibu, for shipping, modern fishing and other industrial sectors.

As such, the State Secretary enjoins all the staff in both the Federal and State government departments and agencies in the two Divisions to work as one team in carrying out the projects.

During his visit to Sibu from 14th-15th March, Datu Wilson commended the Sibu Municipal Council for their proactive approach in working with community societies to develop community gardens throughout the town.

As part of his “site visit-see to verify” journey, the State Secretary and a group of senior civil servants, visited the site of the Sibu/Bawang Assan/Seredeng Road project, one of the main projects under the 9th MP for the Sibu Division.

He took note of the close cooperation among the staff of the Public Works Departments of Sibu and Sarikei as they implement the project and encouraged them to continue working together to ensure that the project remains on track.

The next day, the group visited Kanowit and Pakan Districts to get acquainted with the potentials for economic development, particularly in tourism, agriculture and service industries, in the said areas.

Datu Wilson directed the staff in the two Districts to intensify their efforts in

Assures That Strict Monitoring of Projects Will be Carried Out

The State Secretary, Datu Wilson take a close look at the Pakan Sports Complex plan during his visit to Pakan in March this year. Also accompanying State Secretary were Datuk Haji Morshidi Ghani and Datu Abdul Ghafur Shariff

Smooth construction of Balingian Bridge

Community Gardens in Sibu:In Sibu, there are 20 recreation

parks and gardens out of which, 13 were sponsored and constructed by community associations (see related article on pg20.

Sibu Lake Garden is a boost to tourism in Sibu. Under its phase 3 development, RM4.3 million is allocated to beautify the Sibu Lake Garden Water Front, Amphitheatre, Shopping Arcade, Food Court, Jetty, Viewing Tower and Restaurant.

Also on the drawing board is Sibu’s “World of Flower & Garden Centre” costing RM4.2 million.

Durin Bridge The bridge, built at a cost of

RM95.8 million, was opened to the public on 21st October 2006.

Before the bridge was completed, Durin Ferry Terminal was one of the busiest ferries in Sarawak based on the total number of users.

Coal Power Generator, Balingian

The coal power supply project costing RM800 million was launched on 16th April 2006 and is scheduled for completion by 2009.

The power plant is expected to generate 270 mega watts.

Able to supply electricity for Mukah, Bintulu, Sarikei and Sibu.

Batang Balingian BridgeThe bridge will connect

Balingian (in Balingian Town) to Kuala Balingian.

The project costing RM22 million started in June 2005 and is expected to be completed by June 2008.

RGC Balingian RGC Balingian project is

aimed to create a "viable and self-sustaining” rural settlement complete with infrastructures and facilities comparable with any urban centre. It will have a well-planned economic development and social environment to generate job opportunities for the population, thus reducing migration flow to the big towns or cities.


helping the people to take advantage of the economic development potentials in their areas. He explained that the opening of Durin Bridge last year, which has reduced travelling time to and from Sibu, has also opened up more development opportunities for the districts of Kanowit, Julau and Pakan.

The State Secretary also took time to visit the two major companies - Ta Ann and Rimbunan Hijau – both of which are playing a crucial role in the development of Sibu by providing employment opportunities and spin-off business opportunities for small-and-medium scale entrepreneurs in the Division. He assured the business communities that the State government will continue to work closely with them in enhancing the climate for businesses in Sarawak by updating policies and improving procedures, as and when necessary.

On his way to Mukah on 18th March 2007, the State Secretary, made a stop over at the newly upgraded Selangau District Office. Upon arriving in Mukah for his two day visit, the State Secretary was briefed on Mukah Division development by Deputy Resident of Mukah, Encik Anthony Valentine Leseh.

He also visited the RM800 million coal power generation station at Jalan Mateding, Balingian where he and his group also saw the progress of the Batang Balingian Bridge that will connect Balingian and Kuala Balingian as well as Balingian Growth Project.

At the end of his visit to Mukah Division, Datu Wilson was pleased to acknowledge the commitment and close cooperation of the staff in all the government agencies and departments in Mukah. He said that the rapid pace of development in the Division, eventhough it was a relatively new Division, is proof of such dedication and commitment from the staff.

State Secretary:

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The working environment in Kapit’s new State Government Complex has

boosted the professional image of government agencies and departments in the Division. April 1st, 2007 marked the day when 300 staff from several government agencies and departments moved to the new government complex. Among them are the staff of the Resident and District Offices of Kapit who were working from the old state government building since 1977.

With the move to the new complex, the staff can enjoy the comfortable ambience and well-equipped physical working environment that is on par with any modern office building in the urban areas. Besides providing a more conducive working environment to civil servants in Kapit, the new complex also makes it easier for the general public to avail of government services and assistance.

According to En. Paimon Fashar, Administrative Officer at the Kapit Resident Office, the building can now serve as a one-stop centre where services provided by the various agencies and state departments can be availed of under one roof. Members of the public, especially community leaders, need no longer spend a lot of time and energy going to and from several places just like before thus, enhancing the quality of public service delivery to the people.

He added that the Resident of Kapit, En Hang Tuah Merawin, encourages the staff to go out of their way to assist the members of the public who come to visit them at the new complex. He said that the Resident often reminds them that the new Complex is not just for them to enjoy, but it is a symbol of a caring, committed, and professional civil service.

“The new working environment has encouraged us to be more friendly and cordial among each other as well as to the public,” En. Paimon said. “For example,

we often find ourselves assisting people from the rural areas how to use the lifts, as this is something new for most of them. The simple delight that the rural folks express when we show them the modern amenities and facilities in the building makes our day-to-day tasks more rewarding.”

En. Paimon Fashar, who is also assigned as “Office Manager” for the new building, is pleased with the introduction of visitors’ pass, which improves the security in the new building. “Recording and monitoring of visitors’ access is more organised now,” he said. He also noted that apart from the meeting rooms at every level, there is also a meeting room at level 2 that can accommodate 60 person and is equipped with up-to-date meeting room amenities.

Kapit’s State Government Complex was built at a cost of RM42.866 million under the 8th Malaysia Plan (8MP). Construction of the building commenced on April 2004 and

was completed in June 2006.

At present, all levels, except level 3, are occupied by the state departments and agencies in Kapit. Level 1 houses the Magistrate Court, State Treasury Office, Welfare Department Office, a canteen and a surau. Level 2 houses the District Office while the Agriculture Department and Tekun Foundation occupy Level 4. The

Forestry Office is located at Level 5 while the Public Works Department (JKR) occupies Levels 6 & 7. Level 8 houses the Sarawak Rivers Board (LSS) and level 9 is occupied by Kapit Resident’s Office. Level 3 has been reserved for the Social and Urbanisation Development Ministry’s office.

The new government complex is able to accommodate 500 staff from various state government agencies and department.

Kapit’s New State Government Complex :

Info on Kapit Division

Vision :Kapit – Premier Destination for Nature Tourism

Mission :Will be a premier destination for nature tourism by year 2015 • Elevated as a division since

2nd April 1973 • Kapit covers an area of 38,934

sq km, making it the largest division in Sarawak (Kapit District, 15,595.6 sq km, Song District 3,3935.2 sq km and Belaga District 19,403.2 sq km)

• Total population is 113,900. Kapit – 63,000, Song – 22,200, Belaga – 28,300 (based on estimated population on 2006).

• There are two sub-districts in Kapit – Ng.Merit and Sungai Asap.

Impressive … Kapit State Government Complex – the latest landmark in Kapit. Information and photographs provided by Kapit Resident Office

Nicely done interior design

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The town of Sibu is one of the most radically transformed major urban centre in Sarawak in recent

years. Sibu is emerging as gracefully as its symbol –the swan – away from its image as a town that basically grew catering to the needs of the timber-based industries in the area. One of the things that lend credence to the town becoming a “graceful swan” are the beautiful gardens that are now an attractive feature in many of its commercial and residential areas.

This pleasant change in Sibu was largely due to the proactive approach adopted by the Sibu Municipal Council (SMS) to engage community societies as its partner in developing the town. By working with the community societies who generously provided funds and other forms of.assistance, the SMC was able to develop, construct and manage beautifully landscaped gardens throughout the town. With the active involvement of the community societies, the SMC saved about RM6.44 million in Sibu’s development and management costs.

The State Secretary, Datu Wilson Baya Dandot, commended the Council’s proactive approach in the town’s development, noting that

SMC’s example proved that creativity and innovation are the crucial keys to effecting positive change in any society.

Datu Wilson said that SMC’s experience brings home the point yet again that the success of any development projects depends on the community’s active involvement.

“If the people are involved in the planning and implementation of projects that are aimed at improving their quality of life, they themselves will ensure that the projects are well implemented, even providing the resources needed to successfully complete these projects,” Datu Wilson said.

He expressed satisfaction at SMC’s efforts and hoped that the other Divisions will follow the example set by the Council.

The State Secretary was on a two-day visit to Sibu Division from March 14th - 15th 2007. During his visit, he was given a briefing on the Community Lake and Gardens by Senior Officer of SMC, Mr. Hii Chang Kee.

Datu Wilson also visited two other gardens that were jointly developed by the SMC and the community societies - the Kutien Memorial Park at Bukit Lima

Road, Upper Lanang and the Chiang Chuan Garden, Rejang Riverside, in Sibu town.

Currently, there are 20 recreation parks in Sibu, 13 of which were developed and sponsored by the community associations, which includes the Kutien Memorial Park, Wong Nai Siong Square, Hii’s Garden, Hing Hua Memorial Park, Hui Ning Memorial Park, Friendship Memorial Park, Su Kouk Garden, Chiang Chuan Garden, Ling Clan Swan Garden and Sungai Merah Heritage Walk.

The idea for the community garden development was first mooted during the 100th Year celebration of the migration of the first Foochow Chinese to Sibu.

The SMC suggested a plot of an empty land near Sungai Merah where the first ancestors of Sarawak Foochows landed one hundred years ago, to be developed. The suggestion received a good response from the Chinese Foochow Association and led to the development of Wong Nai Siong Memorial Garden.

The success of this partnership led to 13 more community gardens being built around Sibu.

Datu Wilson was briefed on the development of phase three, Sibu Lake Garden

The tranquillity of Sibu Lake Garden

says SSSMC’s Proactive Approach Worth Emulating,

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Source : Dr. Randall Hansen, www.quintcareers.com

1. Read voraciously Reading about the ideas and innovations in your field will help you to generate

creative approaches to your education and career. Also, read about subjects in other disciplines as knowledge in one area can often inform thought and problem solving in another area.

2. Write regularly Keep a journal of your readings and project ideas. Keep track of what you

have done and what you want to do next. Describing these in writing gives you the chance to reflect and do some forward thinking.

3. Seek People who share your interests Socialize with people who have the same interests and with whom you can

share ideas about the projects that excite you. Developing projects outside of school and work will keep your personal interests satisfied and will allow you to develop them further. Networking with people in your profession who have the same interests will stimulate your professional growth and open new avenues of development.

There are the specific and formal skills of lateral thinking, which can be very powerful.

Then there are the basic skills of creativity. If these basic skills are in place, then the use of the deliberate tools of lateral thinking is much more powerful and effective. These skills are not natural. They need to be developed and practised. After a while they become natural habits of the mind.

My latest book is entitled 'How to have Creative Ideas: 62 Exercises to Develop the Mind'. The book contains 62 exercises designed to develop

the basic skills and habits of creative thinking. There are no right answers. You will surprise yourself by finding new and better answers beyond the first ones you think of.

Creativity is a matter of opening up possibilities. Creativity is a matter of playing with possibilities. Creativity is a matter of designing possible ideas. Without possibility there is no creativity.

Possibility is a very important part of doing the exercises in the book. You may arrive at a certain answer, but what other 'possible' answers might there be?

With creativity, good is never good enough. You can always develop the thinking skills involved even further. As you practise the skills, you pick

up not only the ability but also confidence. Confidence is a very key part in creativity. I f you have confidence in your creativity, you will indeed be more creative.

It is extremely important to distinguish confidence from arrogance. Confidence is openness and a willingness to go further. Arrogance is closure and defensiveness. Really creative people are never arrogant. Really rich people do not need to impress you with an expensive watch.

(Edward de Bono’s new book, 'How to have Creative Ideas: 62 Exercises to Develop the Mind', is published by Vermillion, London).

Source : Richard Wiseman, The Luck Factor

? ?!

! Tips

checklist to applying creavity in your work placeMake it easier, Change the look ie presentation, image, packagingAlign with other product/service, De-automate parts, Make it more extreme, Make it more simple , Put some fun in it, Substitute,Find new distribution, Change the state,Make it self service,

Add a step, Find other uses, Slow down, Quicken steps,Rearrange the steps, Improve the quality,Add motion, Add an ingredient,

'List And Twist'Go through the checklist below and see which one could be applied to an existing situation in your work place to add a twist of creativity in your work-a-day world.

Combine other processes, Change the shape , Add more service,Make it a game, Put a story with it, Celebrity connection, Reverse the concept,Add nostalgia, Add smell

For more ideas visit http://www.creative4business.co.uk.

Basic Skill Creativityof

From Edward de Bono

? ?!

! Tips

Source: http://www.thinkingmanagers.com/

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Being able to use the right words for the right occasion, writing or saying them correctly in the proper context...it’s a skill that anyone aspiring to be a “better communicator” must learn to acquire and constantly, improve on. As the line in that popular song, “Words”, by the Bee Gees says: “It’s only words, and words are all I have to take your heart away...”, the right words are the key to bridging that communication gap and bringing people closer and working well with each other. So, from our wordsmith’s toolbox, here are some tips on how we can make “words work for us”....


Source : Dictionary.com Word FAQs

What is the difference between discreet and discrete?

This is another pair of homophones (words that sound alike but are different in spelling or meaning or both) that can be very confusing.

Discreet implies the showing of reserve and prudence in one’s behavior or speech. Discrete means something quite different - ‘distinct, separate, unrelated’. Both words derive from the same Latin

word discretus and for a long time these words were each spelled two different ways, but eventually came to be differentiated in spelling as well as in meaning.

Discreet has yielded the noun discretion, but discrete’s noun form is discreteness. Examples: They tried to be discreet about their unapproved friendship. / The course is broken down into 10

discrete study units.

On opening his new store, a man received a bouquet of flowers. He became dismayed on reading the enclosed card,

that it expressed “Deepest Sympathy”. While puzzling over the message, his telephone rang. It was the florist, apologizing for having

sent the wrong card. “Oh, it’s alright.” said the storekeeper. “I’m a businessman and I understand how these things can happen.” “But,” added the florist, “I accidentally sent your card to a funeral party.” “Well, what did it say?” ask the storekeeper. “‘Congratulations on your new location’.” was the reply.

A prisoner in jail receives a letter from his wife: “Dear Husband, I have decided to plant some lettuce in the back garden. When is the best time to plant them?” The prisoner, knowing that the prison guards read all mail, replied in a letter: “Dear Wife, whatever you do, do not touch the back garden. That is where I hid all the money.” A week or so later, he received another letter from his wife: “Dear Husband, You wouldn’t believe what happened, some men came with shovels to the house, and dug up all the back garden.” The prisoner wrote another letter back: “Dear wife, now is the best time to plant the lettuce.”

A math student is pestered by a classmate who wants to copy his homework assignment. The student hesitates, not only because he thinks it’s wrong, but also because he doesn’t want to be sanctioned for aiding and abetting.

His classmate calms him down: “Nobody will be able

to trace my homework to you: I’ll be changing the names of all the constants and variables: a to b, x to y, and so on.”

Not quite convinced, but eager to be left alone, the student hands his completed assignment to the classmate for copying.

After the deadline, the student asks: “Did you really change the names of all the variables?”

“Sure!” the classmate replies. “When you called a function f, I called it g; when you called a variable x, I renamed it to y; and when you were writing about the log of x+1, I called it the timber of x+1...”

A wife returning from a fishing trip with her husband was telling her troubles to a neighbor. “I did everything all wrong again today,” she said.

“I talked too loud, I used the wrong bait, I reeled in too soon, and I caught more than he did.”

The psychology instructor had just finished a lecture on mental health and had proceeded to give an oral quiz to the freshman class.

Speaking specifically about manic depression, the instructor asked, “How would you diagnose a patient who walks back and forth screaming at the top of his lungs one minute, then sits in a chair weeping uncontrollably the next?”

A young man in the rear of the room raised his hand and answered, “A basketball coach?


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Across4 An internet address owned by a company,

organisation or individual5 The smallest portion of an image or

display that a computer is capable of printing or displaying

6 A graphic effect and/or technique that takes a graphic image and/or text and blends it into the background or foreground by blurring the edges

7 Term often used to describe when data is sent to a computer or other network device and that information is automatically sent back to help verify the information is received

8 A color-image graphics compression format

11 Widely-used video codec used by most computers to display a video

13 A basic unit of measurement for pieces of information; the space required to store one character

14 Row of boxes, often at the top of an application window that control various functions of the software

15 Software intended to prevent the unauthorised duplication of copyrighted video or audio, usually built into a computer’s operating system

17 Al utility designed to keep the desktop settings and program settings currently being used or worked on when laptop computer loses its power

19 A small data file stored on your computer by a website, in theory to allow it to “remember” your preferences, but in practise mostly used to track which adverts you have seen

21 A set of secret characters or words utilized to gain access to a computer, network resource, or data

23 Error, especially in a program, that has been missed in testing

24 An address of a computer or other network device on a network

Down1 A description of when a connection

has been made with another device or service

2 Someone who buys up internet domain names in order to sell them on at a profit

3 A method of processing data where the data first received is the first to be sent out after processed

7 Term used to describe an object, software, or hardware that is independent and does not need an external program or device to run it

9 An issue with a program generally caused by a mistake in the programming. Can also be caused by errors in other programs installed on the computer, conflictions with hardware installed on the computer or various other issues

10 A program that indexes pages on the World Wide Web for search engines.

12 Term used to describe a shadowing effect on any moving images on a screen

16 Series of keyboard, mouse actions, and/or other computer steps recorded to be run quickly and easily

18 A small graphic representation of a program or file that, when clicked on, will be run or opened

20 A term used to describe when a computer stops operating when trying to run a program, boot up, or close out of a program

22 A special type of connector for computer monitors, particularly flat panels

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(Puzzle No. 45) - Computer Jargon

1. Contestant's Name :

(as in your IC)

Please fill in the correct answer. First six winners will each receive a mystery gift. Please mail (no fax copies please) the original copy of the Quiz to Faradale Media-M Sdn. Bhd., 2nd Floor, Lot 2749, Block

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?Do You KnowDo You Know?

• PhD, Masters Level

√ Specially for Federal Government Officers, State Government, Statutory Bodies in the management and professional group not including Education Services and Ministry of Defense Officers who have been sponsored by their own ministry.

√ Sponsorship is in the form of a scholarship and study leave where the officers are bound by a contract.

√ Selection will be done by the ‘Search Committee at their own Ministry level except for commonly shared officers such as Administrative Officer, Diplomatic and Information System Officers. In this case selection will be done by Services Division of the Public Service Department.

√ Courses can be done locally or overseas in any field according to the need of the services.

• Specialization courses for Medical Services Officer√ Specially for medical officer, dentistry and

pharmacy at Ministry of Health.√ Courses can be done locally or overseas in any

field according to the need of the services set forth by Ministry of Health.

√ Sponsorship is in the form of scholarship and study leave where the officer will be bound by a contract.

• Courses for Para-Medic Officers√ Specially for Para Medical Officers who are in

service with Ministry of Health such as nurses, dentist nurses, assistant pharmacist and laboratory Technologist.

√ Sponsorship is in the form of a scholarship and study leave where the officer will be bound by a contract.

• Advanced Management Program√ This program is specially for Officers of Main

Position Public Sector Group (JUSA) and Senior Officers

√ Place of study is as follows:-√ Harvard Business School, Harvard University,

USA√ Stanford University, USA√ Templeton College, Oxford University UK.

• Related Program√ Related program is for middle level officers

from Management and Professional group.√ This program will be conducted at the National

Institute of Public Administration (INTAN) and participating international company in Malaysia.

√ In some specific programs, candidates will be sent overseas, with the participating holding company.

• Training for Technical and Vocational Trainers√ This program is specifically to upgrade the

skills of the technical and vocational trainers.√ This program can be done locally or

overseas.√ Selection of candidates will be done by the

National Vocational Training council.

Source : Public Service Department – www.jpa.gov.my

Long Term Courses Short Term Courses

A Government Circular (Perj. BiI.20/2006) issued on November 2006 by the State Secretary created the “Discipline and Integrity Section”

under the Human Resources Management Unit of the Chief Minister’s Department.

The establishment of the section is in line with the Malaysian government’s emphasis on inculcating and enhancing integrity in the public service. The Discipline and Integrity Section will work on promoting and inculcating principles and practices of integrity among civil servants as well as ensure that an ethical and disciplined work culture remains an integral quality of the Sarawak civil service.

The new section has been entrusted with the following functions:• To monitor the implementation of PIN (Pelan Integriti

Nasional – Nasional Integrity Plan) at the State level

• To conduct talks and other activities that will help inculcate integrity in the civil service

• To implement activities at the Divisional and District levels designed to raise awareness among civil servants in the rural areas on the government’s efforts in implementing the PIN.

• Monitor and handle disciplinary cases involving State public administrators.

• Hold talks for public service administrators on issues and cases of discipline in order to create awareness of and reduce disciplinary cases from occurring among the ranks of civil servants.