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A Concise Learning Report on – The 6 th Board of the Director’s Meeting of APEN Date: December 5 - 7, 2016 Venue: Gujarat Technological University. Ahmedabad, India Host by: GTU’s Centre for Industrial Design (OPEN DESIGN SCHOOL)

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A Concise Learning Report on –

The 6th Board of the Director’s Meeting of APEN

Date: December 5 - 7, 2016

Venue: Gujarat Technological University. Ahmedabad, India

Host by: GTU’s Centre for Industrial Design (OPEN DESIGN SCHOOL)

The 6th Board of the Director’s Meeting of APEN 2016

2 Gujarat Technological University


Gujarat Technological University (GTU), one of the largest Technological University of

India has been trying through a number of innovative programs and initiatives, to

significantly improve the quality of graduates/diploma holders that it offers to the

industry and society. GTU is working towards providing all necessary exposure to its

students which can make them industry ready. Considering GTU’s initiatives &

achievements and based on the meeting of Prof Hidetoshi Nishimura, Executive

Director, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) with Shri

Narendra Modi, Honourable Prime Minister of India (then the Chief Minister of

Gujarat), GTU was invited to represent India in Asia Professional Education Network

(APEN) network. APEN has been founded on June 6, 2011 and it is the first education

network in Asia, which specially aims at producing professionals, who can solve the many

issues that industry confronts today and in the future.

MoU signing ceremony: Left to Right: Dr. G. P. Vadodaria, I/C Registrar-GTU, Mr. Keyur Darji, RA-GTU, Dr.

Akshai Aggarwal, Previous Vice Chancellor—GTU, Prof. Mitsuhiro MAEDA, ED—APEN Japan, Ms. Anita

Prakash, Director-ERIA Indonesia, Mr. Naresh Jadeja, Dy. Director-GTU

Currently, APEN has 13 members from 13 Asian countries, and the Advanced Institute of

Industrial Technology, (AIIT, Japan) plays the role of secretariat. Other members of APEN

are Gujarat Technological University (India), Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China),

Pohang University of Science and technology (South Korea), Vietnam National University

(Vietnam), Institute of Technology of Cambodia (Cambodia), Institut Teknologi Bandung

(Indonesia), Thammasat University (Thailand), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Malaysia),

National University of Laos (Laos), De La Salle University (Philippines), University Brunei

Darussalam (Brunei), Yangon Technological University (Myanmar).

The 6th Board of the Director’s Meeting of APEN 2016

3 Gujarat Technological University

6th Board of Directors (BOD) meeting of APEN at GTU, India:

The 6th Board of Directors meeting of APEN was organized on 6th December, 2016 at

Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Every year, APEN is

organizing BOD meeting at different countries to map the progress of all the members in

Design/Project based learning for skill development.

Based on GTU’s initiatives and large impact being made by it, GTU has shown willingness

to host the 6th BOD meeting for FY 2015-16 in India before the APEN secretariat and

other members during the 5th BOD meeting at Indonesia last year and APEN secretariat

and other members accepted our proposal for hosting 6th BOD meeting at GTU. Hence,

6th Board of the Director’s meeting along with a seminar on “Role of Design in Global

Economy through Academia-Industry-Government Collaboration” was organized. In 5th

BOD meeting of APEN, on behalf of GTU, Dr N. M. Bhatt, Dean-GTU, Mr. Naresh Jadeja,

Deputy Director-GTU and Karmjitsinh Bihola, Asst. prof. – GTU (Centre for Industrial

Design – OPEN DESIGN SCHOOL) have participated and presented GTU’s efforts in

Design/Projects Based Learning and Innovation to other directors and representative of

around 14 countries.

Top 13 institutes of Asia region as a director of APEN are working in the field of Design

and Project based learning to overcome the issues that industry and community

confronts today with the aim of skill development among the students and MSME

personnel. Dr. Rajul Gajjar, Honourable Vice Chancellor – GTU has nominated Dr. N. M.

Bhatt (Dean of GTU; Director of GIT) and Mr. Karmjitsinh Bihola (Assistant Professor,

Centre for Industrial Design-GTU) to manage and coordinate this 6th BOD meeting of

APEN. The main objectives of the meeting were:

Sharing best practices in Engineering education for project based learning

Collaboration for projects and consulting work through APEN consortium


Active Teaching Learning Through Electronic Media Like Skype or webinars

Participation and Presentation of Paper During Symposium/Conferences

Sharing the Experiences (Success Story, Challenges etc.)

Research in the field of Design Engineering, Project Based Learning, Engineering


Implementation of various initiatives for collaboration with Asian SMEs


Faculty and students exchange for various projects to learn practical approach

The 6th Board of the Director’s Meeting of APEN 2016

4 Gujarat Technological University

Day 1: 5th December, 2016 – A meeting of GTU representative and APEN members

APEN delegation was arrived in India on 4th December, 2016. On 5th December, they

visited GTU and had a meeting with Hon’ble VC madam and GTU representative to

understand the each other’s need in terms of collaboration between GTU, APEN and

other directors’ institute. VC mam enlightened the activities and initiations of GTU, to the

APEN delegation, regarding Design/Project based learning, Academia-Industry

collaboration and skill development efforts. Then Dr. Shintaro Ishijima, Chairperson of

APEN and retired professor of Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology (AIIT), Japan

explained the main activities of APEN. Also he explained the structure and courses at AIIT.

AIIT is funded by Tokyo metropolitan local government; it offers the courses for Master

level only to the industry professionals mainly aiming for skill development. He also

described the flagship programs of the APEN for MSME collaboration and skill

development in brief. Prof. Alvin Culaba from De La Salle University of Philippines has

described the efforts taken by his university for SME development in Philippines with

different projects.

The participants’ lists for 6th Board of Directors meeting are as below:

Sr. No.



1 Asia Professional Education Network

Dr. Shintaro Ishijima Chairperson of APEN; Honorary President of AIIT


2 Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda

Secretary General, APEN; Professor and Director of Foreign Affairs of AIIT

3 Gujarat Technological University

Dr. N M Bhatt

Dean ME & PhD – GTU; Director GIT; Chairperson of APEN India Chapter India

4 Mr. Karmjitsinh Bihola

Assistant Professor, Centre for Industrial Design (Open Design School)


Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology

Dr. Satoshi Yoshida

Professor of Graduate School of Industrial Technology; Chairperson of APEN Japan Chapter


6 De La Salle University

Prof. Alvin B. Culaba Ph.D.

University Fellow & Professor of Mechanical Engineering; Chairperson of APEN Philippine Chapter


7 Asia Professional Education Network

Mr. Toshikuni Kaneto

Staff, APEN Japan

8 Mr. Tadashi Hatasa Staff, APEN

The 6th Board of the Director’s Meeting of APEN 2016

5 Gujarat Technological University

(Meeting of GTU representative and APEN members at Vice Chancellor office, GTU)

The 6th Board of the Director’s Meeting of APEN 2016

6 Gujarat Technological University

Day 2: 6th December, 2016 – 6th Board of Directors (BOD) meeting of APEN

The 6th Board of the Directors’ Meeting of APEN was started sharp at 10.00 am in the A-1

conference hall of Gujarat Technological University (GTU), India. Directors of different

countries were present in the meeting to discuss the agendas listed below.

Agenda of 6th BOD Meeting:

1. Inaugural Address:

a. Opening address (Chairperson)

b. Welcome address (Dr. Rajul Gajjar, Hon’ble VC – GTU)

c. Address by directors and Introduction

d. Vote of thanks (Dr. J. C. Lilani, Registrar, GTU)

2. Confirmation of the Quorum (Secretariat of APEN)

3. (for Information)

a. New Regular Members

University of Indonesia (Indonesia)

Tokyo Association of Small Business Entrepreneurs (Japan)

Eastern Visayas State University (Philippines)

b. Withdrawal

NTU (Singapore)

4. Progress Report 2015-16

5. Action Plan 2016-17

6. For discussion

7. Closing of BOD

In inauguration ceremony, Dr. Rajul Gajjar,

Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, GTU has welcomed all

attendees of the meeting and shared her views

on how to collaborate between GTU and other

directors’ institute of APEN in Academia-Industry

collaboration, skill development and the

roadmap ahead to contribute in industrial

growth through various initiations. She also has

shown the willingness for the partnership for Dr. Rajul Gajjar, VC – GTU

during inaugural talk

The 6th Board of the Director’s Meeting of APEN 2016

7 Gujarat Technological University

Dr. Shintaro Ishijima, Chairperson

of APEN during opening address

projects and internship program between GTU and other directors’ institute of APEN.

Also she mentioned the visit of India’s PM to Japan for addressing the needs of industry

in Asian region. VC madam proposed the plan for creating model for MSME development

for Asian countries by the activities of APEN.

Dr. Shintaro Ishijima, Chairperson of APEN

explained the journey of APEN from its

inception phase in 2011. APEN has mainly

three pillars as SME networking, Human

Resource Development though skills and SME

finance, he mentioned. He said all 14

countries as a Director of APEN has similar

problems with different context and solution for

the same would be different, so we collectively

work for Academia-Industry collaboration to

prepare our students with the skill that industry

needs today.

Directors of APEN present in the meeting gave their introduction and briefly explained

the activities of their respective institute in line with Design/Project Based Learning and

MSME skill development.

Dr. J. C. Lilani, Registrar – GTU thanked chairman of APEN for giving the opportunity of

hosting the 6th BOD meeting of APEN at GTU along with he also thanked all directors of

APEN for attending the meeting during vote of thanks.

(Inaugural function of 6th BOD meeting of APEN, June 6, 2015 @ ITB, Indonesia)

The 6th Board of the Director’s Meeting of APEN 2016

8 Gujarat Technological University

Inaugural ceremony of 6th Board of Directors meeting: December 6, 2016 at GTU, India

Dr. Rajul Gajjar greeting Dr. Shintaro Ishijima Dr. J C Lilani felicitating Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda

Dr. J C Lilani giving Vote of thanks Discussions during BOD meeting

Dr. N M Bhatt greeting Dr. Alvin Culaba Dr. N M Bhatt greeting Dr. Satoshi Yoshida

Directors of Japan and Philippines Directors of GTU – India

The 6th Board of the Director’s Meeting of APEN 2016

9 Gujarat Technological University

List of APEN Members (As of Dec 06, 2016):


No. University Name Country

1 Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology Japan

2 Pohang University of Science and Technology South Korea

3 Shanghai Jiao Tong University China

4 Vietnam National University Vietnam

5 Institute of Technology of Cambodia Cambodia

6 Institut Teknologi Bandung Indonesia

7 Thammasat University Thailand

8 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Malaysia

9 National University of Laos Lao PDR

10 De La Salle University Philippines

11 University Brunei Darussalam Brunei Darussalam

12 Yangon Technological University Myanmar

13 Gujarat Technological University India

[Regular Members]

No. Name Country

1 The Hiroshima Shinkin Bank Japan

2 The Okazaki Shinkin Bank Japan

3 The Johnan Shinkin Bank Japan

4 Universitas Darma Persada Indonesia

5 Japan Institute of Design Promotion Japan

6 JTB Corporate Sales Inc. s Japan

7 J-Tech Corporation Japan

8 University of the Ryukyus Japan

9 University of the Philippines, Institute for small scale Industries


10 Tanri Abeng University Indonesia

11 Hanoi University of Business and Technology Vietnam

12 SIMCO SONG DA Joint Stock Company Vietnam

13 Lao VITA Development Co., Ltd. Lao PDR

14 Newton Microfinance Institution Lao PDR

The 6th Board of the Director’s Meeting of APEN 2016

10 Gujarat Technological University

Progress Report of APEN 2015-16:

Dr. Mitsuhiro Maeda, Secretary General of APEN reported the progress of APEN activities

during 2015-16 as below:

1. APEN conference on Asia – Africa Aerial and Optical Silk Road

(APEN Silk Road Conference), Bandung, November 11-12, 2015.

2. JAIF (Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund) Projects

a. Kick-off Meeting (Manila, May 5, 2016)

b. i - HRD Seminar (Tokyo, May 13, 2016)

c. i - HRD Seminar (KL, July 25-26, 2016)

d. CIS Seminar (Manila, October 4, 2016)

e. CIS Seminar (Hanoi, October 6, 2016)

f. i - HRD Seminar (Hanoi, October 7, 2016)

g. i - HRD Seminar (Bandar Seri Begawan, November 14, 2016)

3. ICBM (Industrial Community Building Measures) Seminar

a. Hanoi International Seminar: International Community Building – the Asian

Development Strategy under the Globalization 2.0 and the implication to

Vietnam (HUBT, Hanoi, July 28th, 2015)

b. JETRO Indonesia-Japan Business, Trade and Investment Partnership

Symposium(Jakarta, November 24, 2015)

c. ICBM Seminar (HUBT< Hanoi, November 30, 2015)

Action Plan of APEN 2016-17:

Dr. Maeda again explained the action plan for 2016-17 to the directors of APEN.

Four major proposals as shown below were discussed through action plan of FY 2016-17

among the participants in the meeting and all four decisions were approved by the


1. JAIF (Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund) Projects

Duration of the projects: end of June 2017

Seminars are scheduled

- Vientiane (January 2017)

The 6th Board of the Director’s Meeting of APEN 2016

11 Gujarat Technological University

- Phnom Penh (January 2017)

- Bandung (March 2017)

2. ICBM (Industrial Community Building Measures) Seminar

3. ACFi (Asian Community Finance Initiative)

4. i - HRD

Industry - Academia Collaboration Seminar: 2.00 pm

After the lunch session, we have seminar of Industry – Academia Collaboration. In this

seminar, we also invited Deans, Academic council members and senior professor of GTU

to share their views on the seminar topic.

This seminar was started with the key note presentation from Dr. Shintaro Ishijima,

Chairperson of APEN with topic on “APEN as a Center of Asian Industrial Human Resource

Development”. In his presentation, he explained the roadmap ahead for APEN activities

and how all directors’ institute can participate and grow in terms of MSME development.

He said engineering students who would become future industry experts required the

Scientific Knowledge and Protocol Knowledge to compete globally; Scientific Knowledge

is the knowledge that students get in the school/college through theory and Protocol

Knowledge is the practical knowledge which students would get through learning by

doing approach, project based leaning and industrial exposure. He also emphasized on

the “Emotional Quotient (EQ)” – another competence characteristics for the industry

people. He said capacity to empathize and ethics is very much required in today’s

generation which is one of the key characteristics of Japanese workplace.

Second presentation was from Dr. N M Bhatt, GTU. First he gave brief introduction of

GTU’s affiliating structure to directors of APEN in line with

Global context and how GTU is bringing all those aspects in

its curricula and delivered the needs of Industry and

society. He explained the efforts of GTU in Design Based

Learning through Design Engineering course which was

introduced by GTU in AY 2014-15 from 3rd to 6th Semester

across the engineering discipline for transforming “Thinkers

into Doers”. Design Engineering is one of the pioneered and

first of its kind initiation of GTU among the affiliating type of

Universities in India which is based on Design thinking

Methodology. He mentioned the process followed by

GTU for Design Engineering course, implementation

efforts along with various International and National

The 6th Board of the Director’s Meeting of APEN 2016

12 Gujarat Technological University

Prof. Alvin Culaba

during seminar

Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda

during seminar

interactions for strengthening the initiation. In two years, GTU’s Centre for Industrial

Design (Open Design School) trained more than 2400 faculty members of GTU affiliated

colleges in the Gujarat state for Design Thinking through 39 Faculty Development

Program (FDP), each of four days. He also explained the academia and industry

collaboration of GTU through Industrial Shodhayatra for final year capstone projects,

Industry Based Electives, Centre of Excellence and various MoU with Industry and

organization for skill development. He mentioned the other academic initiation of GTU

like Vishwakarma Yojana, 500 Colleges - 500 Villages and 100 activity points. He added

that GTU developed the first Student Start-up Policy - which is now implemented by

AICTE across the India for affiliating institutes and also GTU is approved as Nodal Institute

(NI) and Technological Business Incubator (TBI) to help Startups based on Product,

Process and Service under the “Scheme for Assistance for Startups/Innovation under New

Industrial Policy 2015”. When Dr. Bhatt was describing about framework and canvases

developed by GTU for easy learning and understating for students to such an intellectual

audience, everyone had raised their eyebrows with curiosity and taken the pictures of

framework and canvases.

Next presentation was by Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, Secretary General of APEN on topic

“The Global Production Network Analysis (GPNA) and Developmental Strategies”. He

explained strategies for Industry – Academia collaboration for MSME development in

Asian region. He also mentioned production scenario in different countries and how skill

developments help in house products for GDP growth of country.

Last presentation of this seminar by Prof. Alvin Culaba from De La Salle University,

Philippine about the “Establishing an Innovation Ecosystem for SMEs: Case of Philippine

Algae Industry”. He explained the efforts of his university in research of Algae industry in

Philippines. He also mentioned that India has big advantage in the field of Algae

development and research.

The 6th Board of the Director’s Meeting of APEN 2016

13 Gujarat Technological University

This session of seminar on Industry – Academia collaboration was ended up with the very

good Q & A round between APEN directors and invited Deans, Academic council

members and senior professors of GTU. Here, we would like to take privilege that GTU’s

efforts in Design Based Learning through Design Engineering initiatives were very much

appreciated by all present participants.

Mr. Karmjitsinh Bihola, Asst. prof., Centre

for Industrial Design (Open Design School)

– GTU, has


managed and


the 6th BOD

meeting of

APEN and

other respective events.

Deans, Academic council members & senior professors of GTU discussing with APEN directors

At the end of BOD meeting, below

proposals were made:

1. APEN instructors group for GTU

2. India – Japan skill initiatives

3. MSME connectivity conference

among Asian countries at GTU

next year

4. Craftsman skill development

centre for India

The 6th Board of the Director’s Meeting of APEN 2016

14 Gujarat Technological University

Day 3: 7th December, 2016 – Meeting with Governorshri of Gujarat and

MSME experts

In the morning, GTU has arranged the meeting of APEN delegation with Governorshri of

Gujarat at Rajbhavan, Gandhinagar at 11.45 am. At Rajbhavan, in the meeting, VC madam

first thanked Governor Shri O P Kohli sir, for giving his valuable time to discuss the MSME

skill development agenda with APEN delegation and how India and other countries may

collaborate on this note. Dr. Ishijima briefly explained to Governorshri about APEN

history, objectives of establishment of APEN along with its activities and implementation

efforts till date.

Governor sir has shared his views on learning and networking with academic institutes

and industries of Japan and other Asian countries for their technological advancements

and skill developments and he said “India should now become technological advanced

country – How long India will remain developing nation?”

We had very fruitful meeting with Governorshri regarding MSME development through

skill sets and how engineering students will get benefit through activities of APEN.

GTU and APEN delegation with Shri. O P Kohli, Governorshri of Gujarat

on 7th December, 2016 at Rajbhavan, Gandhinagar

The 6th Board of the Director’s Meeting of APEN 2016

15 Gujarat Technological University

In the afternoon of 7th December, we had also organized the meet up for MSME experts

and APEN delegation to discuss on how to network with various MSMEs of different APEN

director countries; sharing the best practices (Success Story, Challenges etc.); planning

and implementation of various initiatives for collaboration with Asian MSMEs

connectivity; Industry-Academia collaboration. We had very fruitful discussion during this

meeting with all participants. Pictures for this meet up can be found below.

The 6th Board of the Director’s Meeting of APEN 2016

16 Gujarat Technological University

Glimpses of Event:

Report Prepared By:

Dr. N M Bhatt Karmjitsinh Bihola

Dean – GTU; Director – Gandhinagar institute of


Asst. Prof. – GTU, Centre for Industrial Design