a complete guide to understand robots.txt file

The Complete Understanding To – robots.txt You might be probably heard about it, but you believably do not know exactly- what does the actual meaning of “robots.txt”? robots.txt- It embraces commands recognized by the search engines and the rules that you'll use. The rules that are responsible in order to handle your website & helping you to promote it, too. In plain English, this is not more than the text file. Plus, it is not at all, HTML pages. This is normally placed in the “root folder” of any website. In order to create it, you can use the text editor like Notepad. Once the file is created with the use of the Notepad, it can be named as robots.txt. There can be loads of lines in the file that are called as- records & contain instructions. Each record contains two elements i.e. User Agent and Instructions. The Instructions line can be used to specify the content that can be neglected, the location of the sitemap and so many. For Instance, In Order To Inform Google To Ignore The Staging Folder Of The Website: User-agent: Googlebot Disallow: /staging/ In order to add instructions to the robots.txt file, you should be quite careful. Any sort of wrong instruction can lead the searches wrong and it can ignore all the pivotal pages of your website. In order to adapt this can affect the performance of your website- undoubtedly drastic!

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The Complete Understanding To – robots.txt

You might be probably heard about it, but you believably do not know exactly- what does the actual meaning of “robots.txt”?

robots.txt- It embraces commands recognized by the search engines and the rules that you'll use. The rules that are responsible in order to handle your website & helping you to promote it, too.

In plain English, this is not more than the text file. Plus, it is not at all, HTML pages. This is normally placed in the “root folder” of any website. In order to create it, you can use the text editor like Notepad. Once the file is created with the use of the Notepad, it can be named as robots.txt. There can be loads of lines in the file that are called as- records & contain instructions. Each record contains two elements i.e. User Agent and Instructions. The Instructions line can be used to specify the content that can be neglected, the

location of the sitemap and so many.

For Instance, In Order To Inform Google To Ignore The Staging Folder Of The Website:

User-agent: GooglebotDisallow: /staging/

In order to add instructions to the robots.txt file, you should be quite careful. Any sort of wrong instruction can lead the searches wrong and it can ignore all the pivotal pages of your website. In order to adapt this can affect the performance of your website- undoubtedly drastic!

Protecting Your SEO With “robots.txt” Generator

The robots.txt file is used by the websites in order to let the crawlers know about the website. Usually, crawlers visit your website and look for the .txt file. Simply, if the file says not to crawl the website, then it does not crawl the website.

Sorry to repeat the same things that you've already understood, but there is something different conceptually if we talk about SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Here's what do mean by “robots.txt”.

The robots.txt file is used by all search engine friendly websites. Search Engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.) use applications that are called “robots” to “crawl” the whole internet, searching out online files and adding them to the database.

For instance, when a user searches anything into the Google, that query is matched against Google's database of websites it has crawled. However, all reputable search engines look for the robots.txt file on every website they find.

The “robots.txt” tells the crawler the URLs that not to be indexed & the URLs that to be indexed. It also embraces the exact URL address of the sitemap script. The sitemap is an XML script that lists the locations of all URLs on the website.

Why Would You Want A Robot To Crawl Your Website?

If you build the website then you might put filler text as the placeholder. There may be duplicate content that you stuffed in while designing. You do want to spiders in order to crawl the temporary information because it can the search engine rankings of the website. By using txt generator and creating the disallow statement, then the crawlers will stay away from that. The tool robots txt generator make it super easy.