a compilation of tests and quizzes

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  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    Teacher: Mbarek Akaddar Student’sname…………………………………….

    1 year bac 2 nd term 

    Global Test

    People need to be active to be healthy. ur modern li!estyle and all the conveniences "e#ve become used to havemade us sedentary $ and that#s dan%erous !or our health. Sittin% around in !ront o! the T& or the computer' ridin% inthe car !or even a short trip to the store and usin% elevators instead o! stairs or ramps all contribute to our inactivity.Physical inactivity is as dan%erous to our health as smokin%(Add up your activities durin% the day in periods o! at least 1) minutes each. Start slo"ly ... and build up. *! you#realready doin% some li%ht activities move up to more moderate ones. A little is %ood' but more is better i! you "antto achieve health bene!its.Scientists say accumulate +) minutes o! physical activity every day to stay healthy or improve your health. Timeneeded depends on e!!ort $ as you pro%ress to moderate activities' you can cut do"n to thirty minutes' !our days a"eek. Physical activity doesn#t have to be very hard to improve your health. This %oal can be reached by buildin% physical activities into your daily routine. ,ust add up in periods o! at least ten minutes each throu%hout the day.A!ter three months o! re%ular physical activity' you "ill notice a di!!erence $ people o!ten say %ettin% started is thehardest part.

    Physiolo%y' tta"a' ntario' 1--

    A-Read the text and answer the following questions

    1$/hy do people need to keep healthy 0…………………………………………………………………………2$/hat’s as dan%erous to our health as smokin% 0…………………………………………………………………………$o" lon% do you need to e3ercise to stay healthy 0………………………………………………………………………B-Are the following statements true (T) or false (F) ;justif our answer1$ 4ou must e3ercise very hard to stay healthy …………………………2$Modern li!estyle makes people very active ……………………………

    !-Find word or "hrases that mean the same as#- become better :………………………………………………………… 2$!it…………………………………………………………………………$the most di!!icult……………………………………………………

    $ -%ut the &erbs between bra'ets in the right tense1 *! you practise everyday ' you 5 stay 6 …………………..healthy .2$7etty su!!ers !rom obesity. *! she practised everyday ' she 5put on 6…………………….."ei%ht

    -Fill in the blan with the right relati&e "ronoun * who + whi'h + whose + where1$This is the house ……………………* "as born2$People …………………respect the tra!!ic li%hts rarely %et into trouble

    F -Rewrite the following senten'es in the "assi&e form 1 $ *nactivity makes people obese……………………………………………………………………………………………


  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    2 8 Modern li!estyle made us sedentary………………………………………………………………………………………..

    G -,riting * %hsi'al ina'ti&it is dangerous for health ,rite a "aragra"h ex"laining this idea ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

    9 ; 

      level: 1  level: 1stst year bac Teacher: Mohamed ;out!iyear bac Teacher: Mohamed ;out!i11stst S?M?ST?@ 9;7A; T?ST * ?9;*SS?M?ST?@ 9;7A; T?ST * ?9;*S

      Michael >evin >earney 5born ,anuary 1' 1-B6 is a !ormer child prodi%y kno"n !or settin% several "orldrecords' and teachin% colle%e at the a%e o! 1C.

    7e!ore Michael >earney "as born' the doctors "arn his parents that he mi%ht have learnin% di!!iculties. e’s been provin% them "ron% ever since( 7y the time he "as !our months old' Michael could say !ull sentences like'D/hat’s !or dinner' Mom0E 7y ten months' he could read "ords. Studyin% at home "ith his parents' Michaelcompleted !our %rades levels each year. At !ive' he entered hi%h school 8 and !inished in one year. 7y ten' he%raduated !rom colle%e "ith honors. For this reason' he is listed in the 9uinness 7ook as the "orld#s youn%estuniversity %raduate at this a%e' receivin% a bachelor#s de%ree in anthropolo%y !rom the

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    7. Put the "ords in brackets into the ri%ht !orm usin% the suitable pre!i3es or su!!i3es.52 pts6# = thin = (agree) with our o"inion = don:t find it 'on&in'ing0 A* =s this water (drin) 3  B* >es+ = ha&e just "oured it from the bottle4 Tom tore the en&elo"e+ too out the letter+ (fold) it and began to read7 After the fall of the wall of Berlin+ German got (united) =. Fill in the blank "ith the appropriate phrasal verb !rom the list. 51 pt H6came in 8 came out 8 dropped in 8 dropped out 8 handed in 8 handed out# The tea'her ????? ???? the boos at the beginning of the lesson0 ,hen she got home+ she o"ened the door and ????? ???4 2e o"ened the window and ????? the bag ???. *denti!y the !unctions o! these sentences. 51 pt H6# =:m sorr to sa this+ but ou did hurt me0 Forgi&e me for being late4 ,ould ou mind o"ening the window+ "lease3/@*T*9: 5+ pts6,rite a "aragra"h of @8 lines taling about the im"ortan'e of women:s edu'ation and its im"a't onde&elo"ment

    Medlout!i;ycIe tIchniGue *bn ?lhaitam' uarJaJate

    1st year 7ac 2nd testTeacher : ;ahsen Ahmam

    /e thou%ht that a computer "ould be an ideal %i!t !or our three$year$old son because it "ould beeducational. My husband' ,e!!' brou%ht one home and set it up on the table in the livin%$room.

    S"itchin% on the machine' ,e!! started to play the space$invaders %ame that came "ith it. * Koined in'competin% a%ainst him. *t "as %ood !un !or hal! an hour but then * %re" bored and "atched T& instead. o"ever',e!! remained %lued to the screen !or the "hole evenin%' and the ne3t day he stayed up until 2 a.m. From then on'!irst thin% every mornin% he sat at the computer' eatin% corn!lakes "hile he played. At ni%ht *’d cook a meal andhe’d eat it "ithout stoppin%. e stopped talkin% to me and to our little boy' "en' and lost interest in everythin%else. /hen he "asn’t asleep or at "ork he played %ames. e’d stay up until a.m. becomin% e3hausted but unableto tear himsel! a"ay. e could hardly %o to "ork in the mornin%.

    ne day' he arrived home une3pectedly and said he had lost his Kob. The !actory mana%er had complainedabout his lateness and ,e!! had been dismissed. o" he could play his computer %ames all day "ithout "ork %ettin%in the "ay. * stru%%led to do everythin% in the house. ,e!! didn’t li!t a !in%er to help' nor did he search !or "ork. 4et be!ore the computer came he had been very considerate. /e survived on CC pounds a !ortni%ht. 4et !rom time totime he spent 2) pounds on a ne" %ame.=-!/%R2.C=.* 51) points6A) Answer these questions* 5 + points616 /hy "as ,e!! attracted by the computer026 o" did he lose his Kob06 /hy "as it di!!icult !or ,e!! to %o to "ork in the mornin%0B) Are these senten'es true or false3

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    26 Ahmed had lost his keys. 4esterday' he ……………………them "hile he "as puttin% onhis clothes.6 /hen Martin ;uther sa" =oretta Scott' he…………………..her. Soon they %ot married.B6 My !riend ……………………."ith his 9erman !riends because he speaks 9erman "ell.B- Rewrite these senten'es as suggested* 5 pts616 Aicha can’t travel alone.  *! only…………………………………………………………………………………..26 ,e!! doesn’t help his "i!e.  is "i!e "ishes…………………………………………6 adia doesn’t revise her lessons. She %ets bad marks.  *! adia…………………….' she………………………!- !om"lete this table* 5 pts6

    &erbLadK. oun1. to decimate2.to deprive. 5adK6 hetero%eneityB. =ulture.to implement+. ideolo%y

     ;ycIe tIchniGue *bn ?lhaitam' uarJaJate

    1st year 7ac 2nd testTeacher : ;ahsen Ahmam

     %uo%ui !inished his studies at university in 1-. The ne3t year' he le!t his country' i%eria' !or 9ermany.e "ent "ith a %roup o! i%erian students to train !or a doctor’s Kob. There' he met the 7ahsens. Mr.Man!red7ahsen "as an en%ineer at a !actory o! P?; cars and Mrs ;illa 7ahsen "as a doctor at 7rotherhood ospital.Man!red and ;illa "ere very kind to him' so he lived "ith them.

    T"o years later' %uo%ui %ot his diploma !rom 7rotherhood ospital. Then he "ent back to his native

    villa%e "here a lot o! people "ere "aitin% !or his medical help. At the airport' all the members o! his !amily "antedto ask Guestions about 9ermany and 9ermans. D/here’s the 9erman %irl you "rote us about0E is little sisterasked. Dave you brou%ht a photo o! her0E %uo%ui Kust nodded his head smilin%ly…

    =-!/%R2.C=.* (# "oints)A- Are these senten'es true or false3

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    7$ Fill in the blans with the a""ro"riate words or ex"ression from the list* used to' harm!ul' homeless'autonomy' research' recover:(7 "oints)

    1. Some students "ere sick. o"' a!ter takin% some medicine' they…………2. The %overnment should take care o! the…………….children.. Smokin% is……………..*t causes some diseases.B. %uo%ui ………….live in 9ermany. o" he lives in his villa%e.!- ,hat would ou sa in these situations3 (4 "oints)

    1. 7asketball is the most popular sport.$ ………………………………………… 5?3press your disa%reement6.

    2. The service in the hotel "as very slo".$ ……………………………………..5 =omplain to the mana%er6

    . 4our !riend has %ot heart disorders.  $…………………………………………… 59ive him an advice6

    9 ;.

      PollutionPollution is one o! the problems in the "orld. ay a!ter day' it is %ro"in% and makin% a serious

    troublemaker !or nature. *t is o! several types. /hat are its causes and its conseGuences0

    Pollution is a serious menace threatenin% all creatures. *t includes air pollution' "ater and soil one.Some air pollutants have reduced the capacity o! the atmosphere to !ilter out the sun harm!ul ultravioletradiation. This problem is a result o! lar%e Guantity o! %ases and smoke o! cars and !actories. Factoriesal"ays spill industrial chemicals such as metals' oils and other substances in "ater. These "astes harmmany plants' animals' and Man in particular.

    uman bein%s are the !irst victims o! pollution. *n many countries o! the "orld' %overnments "orkhard to put an end to its dan%ers. umerous members o! international associations attempt to protect theearth resources. The important solution is to make people a"are o! the pollution threat. Then' to reduceusin% cars and all sorts o! dama%in% technolo%y is o! eGual "ei%ht.

     =- RA$=.G !/%R2.C=. (1%=.TC)A- Answer these questions a''ording to the text* ( 4 "ts )

    1. /hat sorts o! pollution are listed in the te3t02. /hat are the causes o! pollution0. o" can "e reduce pollution0

     B- Find out snonms of these words from the text* ( 0 "ts )  a *ncreasin% N b dan%erous N '. hurt N d destroyin%.!- Find nouns from the following words these words* ( 0 "ts )

    erb To %ro" To include To threaten To protect.oun  

    …………. ………….

     …………. ………….


    ==- DA.GEAG ( 1 %=.TC)A- Rewrite the senten'es as indi'ated* ( 4"ts)1.

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


     !- ,hat do ou sa in the following situation3 ,rite a short dialogue ( 0 "ts )  You forget to do your homework. What do say to your teacher?

    $ 4ou: …………………………………..$4our teacher: ………………………….

    ***$ /@*T*9 ( 1 %=.TC)  /rite an email to your !riend describin% to him L her your city uarJaJate.


  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    /!I JA/ 0@01D! D,ERE$=.CTRE!TR* /r BRA2=/ I2ART=T

    Common questions about language learning 

    a. /hat are some strate%ies !or lan%ua%e learnin%0

     b. /hat is the best "ay to learn a lan%ua%e0c. /hat should * do "hen * don’t understand somethin%0d. =an adults learn !orei%n lan%ua%e0e. =an * avoid makin% mistakes0

    #………………………………………………0*t is commonly thou%ht that children are the best lan%ua%e learners' and that it is very di!!icult' i! notimpossible' !or older people to learn a ne" lan%ua%e. *n !act' that is not true. @esearch sho"s that there is nodecline in the ability to learn as people %et older. ?3cept in the case o! hearin% or vision loss' the a%e o! theadult learner is not a maKor !actor in their ability to learn a ne" lan%ua%e.*n some "ay' adults are better lan%ua%e than children. Adults have developed learnin% strate%ies and havemore e3perience in learnin%. =hildren %ive the appearance o! learnin% lan%ua%es more easily because they are

     better at pronouncin% them. Adults almost al"ays have a !orei%n accent "hen they learn a ne" lan%ua%e'"hile children are not. The most important !actor is not the teacher or the course. The most important !actor isyou' the learner' and your contribution to the process o! learnin%. 4our motivation' your reason !or learnin%the lan%ua%e' your need to communicate and your attitude are all importantN "e also e3pect a little !romchildren. /hen they learn a little' "e are pleased' adults' thou%h have hi%h e3pectations o! themselves andothers as lan%ua%e learners' and easily become discoura%ed i! the do not learn rapidly.0…………………………………………………..0There is no Done and onlyE "ay that "orks !or every body. ;earnin% a lan%ua%e is a hi%hly individual processand consists o! a combination o! !actors. *t helps a lot i! you try to !ind opportunities to practice the lan%ua%e'especially speakin% and listenin%' shyness and !ear o! usin% the ne" lan%ua%e can considerably slo" youlearnin% pro%ress.4……………………………………..N0

    ne o! the bi%%est problems that lan%ua%e learners must solve is their hesitancy to make mistakes. 4ounaturally "ant to e3press yoursel! "ellN but the truth is there is no "ay to learn a lan%ua%e "ithout makin% plenty o! mistakes. 4ou must practice to learn and "hen you practice you "ill make errors. 7ut usually people can still understand you even "ith some mistakes and the more you speak the better your !orei%nlan%ua%e becomes.7……………………………………….09uessin% is a very important part o! !orei%n lan%ua%e learnin%. ?ven advanced learners depend on %uessin%.There!ore' do not %et discoura%ed or !rustrated "hen your %uess is "ron%. A!ter some practice you "ill !indthat it is not necessary to %et the meanin% o! every sin%le "ord or phrase in order to understand the messa%e.

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


     Answer true or false and ustify

    1. The "riter thinks that there is . . BCT "ay to learn a !orei%n lan%ua%e.2.

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    /!I JA/ 0@01

    D! D,ERE$=.CTRE!TR* /r BRA2=/ I2ART=T/o' exam 0@-01

    T2 FF!TC F !//E.=!AT=. . A$RT=C/.T

    =ommunication means not only speech or pictures' but any "ay one person can pass in!ormation' ideas or!eelin%s to another. Thus communication uses all o! the senses: smell' touch' taste' sound and si%ht. ! the !ive'only t"o are really use!ul in advertisin% $$ sound and si%ht. The !ive !orms o! human communication can be used

    to send any messa%e to potential customers. o"ever' not all !ive are eGual. Smell' touch and taste are o! littleuse' but sound and si%ht are o! %reat value and e!!ectiveness.

    A is probably the least use!ul communication channel available to advertisin%. ;ike touch' tastereGuires the potential customer to come in actual physical contact "ith the product. o"ever' taste is even morelimited than touch. There are !e" products other than !ood !or "hich taste is a maKor sellin% point' and there isvirtually no medium in "hich an advertisement can be placed that people are likely to lickN *#m sure !e" peopleare %oin% to lick a ma%aJine pa%e or the T& screen' nor %et much sense o! "hat the product tastes like !rom them.*t is possible to use direct mail' sendin% samples to homes' but that is an e3pensive "ay to advertise. Theremainin% t"o senses' sound and si%ht' are the most e!!ective and easily used channels o! communicationavailable to advertisin%. For these reasons virtually all advertisin% relies on them.

    B  is e3tremely use!ul !or advertisin%. *t can be used in a variety o! media' !rom radio andtelevision to the ne" technolo%y o! bindin% micro$sound chips in ma%aJines to present 2)$second sales messa%es.*t is also capable o! presentin% "ords and Otheatre o! the mind.O /ords' the method by "hich humanscommunicate their ideas and !eelin%s' are presented by sound' by speakin% aloud. Throu%h the use o! "ords it is

     possible to deliver lo%ical ar%uments' discuss pros and cons' and evoke emotions. Thus sound' in the !orms o!"ords and e!!ects' are Guite use!ul to the advertiser in a!!ectin% a listener.

    !  is ar%uably the most use!ul o! the communication channels available to the advertiser.Throu%h si%ht it is possible to use both "ords and ima%es e!!ectively. /ords do not have to be spoken to beunderstood. They can be printed' as "ell. Althou%h it is di!!icult to put in "ritten "ords the emotional impact

     possible in spoken "ords' "ith their in!lections and subtle sound cues' nevertheless "ritten "ords areunsurpassed !or %ettin% across and e3plainin% comple3 ideas or ar%uments. There is an additional !actor in si%htthat makes it e3cellent !or advertisin%. The old sayin%' OA "i'ture is worth a thousand  words+L  is correct.Think ho" lon% it takes to describe somethin% as opposed to sho"in% a picture o! it. o matter ho" many "ordsyou use' some details "ill be le!t out that are visible at a %lance. Thus si%ht can Guickly and concisely sho" acustomer "hat the advertiser "ants them to see' be it a product or ho" buyin% the product can bene!it them

     A. Comprehension.

    o  /at'h the sub-titles with the "aragra"hs*; ;o Read the text and find words whi'h mean almost the same as: 

    Cight %aragra"h*

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    Means or tool:…………………………...Success!ully…………………7rie!ly: ………………………………….?!!ects:………………………?3press.………………………………… 

    o Answer true of false and justif#. $ommunication means only speech and pictures


    &. All the five forms of communication are equal in terms of effectiveness%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%..

    '. (ound can be used successfully in different types of media


    o Re-read the text and answer these questionWhy is it difficult to use taste in advertisement?

    ……………………………………………………………………………………..2 What are the advantages of using sight in advertisement?

    ……………………………………………………………………………………….3 What does the writer mean by ) picture worth a thousand words*


     B. Language

     L Rewrite these senten'es beginning with the words gi&en1. Sylvester Stallone is not only physically stron% but also a %reat artistic talent.

      .ot onl  …………………………………………………………………………..2. /e should do somethin% about pollution.Comething …………………………………………………………………………... * ha&e to ''le to school km everyday: = wish…………………………..……………..B. The e3am is very di!!icult because * was often absent !rom school:=f onl…………………………………………………………………………….

    Gi&e the 'orre't form of the words between bra'ets1. The 5negotiate6 …………… ……..bet"een Palestine and *srael have not pro%ressed.2. Tom al"ays !eels (sleep6 …………… ……..a!ter a bi% lunch.. =asablanca is one o! the bi%%est 5industry …………………….. cities in Morocco. Fill in the blans in the right "hrasal &erbs from the list  5 +igure out , hand out , pick up , put off , hand in61. The teacher "ill ……………….. The test to the students. Then "hen the students !inish' they must

    …………… …….their ans"er sheets 2. Mohamed is intelli%ent. *’m sure he "ill ………………… ?n%lish !ast in the

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    ,hi'h whose what where who where when wh

    C. She "ould like you to meet the youn% man…………..saved many lives in =asablanca terrorist attacks. e "ants you to talk to the child ……………li!e he saved a!ter the earthGuake.-. * can’t hear …………….the teacher is sayin%. there is too much noise in class1). ave you seen the picture ……………..my brother dre"11. School is ……."e a%reed to meet but "e !or%ot to decide on the time.. ……the meetin% "as %oin% to take

     place12. e talks about himsel! all the time' this is the reason………nobody likes him.! !riting

    =hose only . o! the following to"i' senten'es; then "rite enou%h supporting sentences and an appropriateconcludin% sentence:

    o  "y school is my second home ##.

    o  $ollution has many causes as well as consequences##

    o  Learning a %oreign language in &ery important##




  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    /AR D I2A>A/ ! T #st ear ba' s'ien'e  2=G2 C!2D  ME=N nO0 A 4 mns  (#st term)  (Testing Grammar+ !ommuni'ation P o'abular)

    = * GRA//AR * (@ "oints)  A * F=DD =. T2 BDA.IC ,=T2 T2 R=G2T =T/C FR/ A!2 D=CT1. * "ant to make a piJJa' but i don’t havetomatoes and olives.  5some 8 any 8 a little62. $assan : o"su%ar do you put in your co!!ee 0  5many 8 a little 8 much6  $>halid : ,ust one lump please.. Amina is on a diet. She eats Kust  bread everyday.  5many 8 a little 8 any6B. My mother usually usesolive oil in salads.  5a !e" 8 many 8 some6.* am very busy. * have  home"ork to do.

      5 Many 8 a lot o! 8 any6+. There are  nice boutiGues in *nJe%ane.  5a !e" 8 any 8 much6

    == * !//E.=!AT=. *(7"oints)  A * !/%DT T2C J!2A.GC

    1. *nvite your !riend to eat a sand"ich.  $4< * 32.4our !riend re!uses the invitation and %ives a reason.  $4 *(#"oints)

      A *F=ll =. T2 BDA.IC ,=T2 T2 A%%R%R=AT ,R$C FR/ T2 D=CT(K"ts)  5%uests 8 diet 8 in%redients 8 ve%etables 8 spices 8 "aiter 8 dish6  1.=ouscous is a Moroccan popular    2. *n Morocco' "e usually serve our tea and cookies.  . ;ahcen is a e "orks in a piJJeria.

    B./e buy at the %reen%rocer’s.  .=homicha %iveso! di!!erent recipes.  B * ,R=T T2 F$C =. T2 R=G2T !DE/.C(K"ts)  cheese 8pumpkin 8!ish 8 cabba%e 8 bee!vt  onion 8 stra"berries 8chicken 8 milk 8%rapes. 


      .  .A/   !DACC

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    'eacher "ustapha Al%akihi )ame ---------------------------------------- Academic *ear +-+/ Class ---------------------- )---------------

     +nd   Bac L 0s 1emester. 

    23I4 0

    thni' /inorities in !hina 

    =hina is the homeland o! o!!icial ethnic %roups. The lar%est %roup' the an' makes up over -2 o! =hina#s vastpopulation' and it is the an civiliJation that the "orld considers O=hinese culture.O 4et' the ethnic minorities havepreserved their o"n rich traditions and customs' and all are part o! =hinese culture. o"ever' those ethnic %roups"ere not easily selected. A!ter 1-B- a serious e!!ort to choose real minorities be%an. At !irst there "ere about B))minority %roups "ho claimed to be separate %roups' but a!ter !our years o! detailed research and !ield "ork' B ethnic

    %roups "ere o!!icially reco%niJed as independent nationalities. A th "as added in 1-C-.Those ethnic %roups "ere determined by !our elements. The !irst "as a distinct lan%ua%e. A %roup should have a

    uniGue lan%ua%e "hich is not simply a dialect. Althou%h there "ere hundreds o! =hinese dialects spoken in china' onlysome "ere considered lan%ua%es' because they had distinct %rammatical and phonolo%ical di!!erences !rom =hinese.Second' a reco%niJed indi%enous homeland. A %roup needed to have a land "ithin the national !rontiers o! =hina' !rom"hich the %roup ori%inated. The %roup should also have a native history related to the native land. Third' distin%uishedcustoms ran%in% !rom dress' marria%e rituals' cuisine' reli%ion' and so !orth. Finally' to be taken as ethnic minorities' all%roups needed to share a stron% sense o! identity !eelin% "ith other members o! the %roup' alon% "ith historicallyperceived !riends and enemies amon% other %roups.

    = !om"rehension*# Are these senten'es true or false 3

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    a The detailed resear'h lasted about !our years. The resear'h "as conducted by the =hinese authority…………………………………………………………………………………………………………

    b ?thnic %roups needed to have their o"n historical land. Their %rand!athers used to live in that land  ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

    Good lu'

    Tea'her* /usta"ha AD FAI=2= !ourse* nglish Timing* minsDe&el* 0nd ear Ba' Detters- 0nd semester

    =mmigrants "ast P "resent  *! "e %o back !ar enou%h' "e can say that everyone "ho lives in 7ritain today has ori%ins some"here else.Many o! us can probably trace the immi%rants in our o"n !amily histories.  Some may have been amon% the various invadin% armies $ @oman' Sa3on' &ikin% or orman. thers hadlittle choice about comin%: A!ricans "ere brou%ht to 7ritain by !orce in the seventeenth and ei%hteenth centuriesas slaves or servantsN and thousands o! people arrived at various times as re!u%ees !rom France' *reland' @ussia'

    and other countries' escapin% !rom persecution or !amine in their o"n countries.  Most people probably came because they thou%ht they could make a better li!e !or themselves here. 7e!ore1-1B' "hen the First /orld /ar broke out' there "ere !e"er restrictions and it "as possible to travel to manycountries "ithout passports' visas or "ork permits. People could Kust decide to make a ne" li!e some"here else'

     provided they had enou%h money !or the passa%e. !ten they "ere encoura%ed by the monarch or %overnment because immi%ration "as a "ay o! dealin% "ith local shorta%es o! capital' skills or labour.  At any one time' ne"comers have only been a tiny proportion o! the 7ritish population. ?ven today' onlyabout C o! the population "ere not born in 7ritain. e"comers have o!ten met hostility' hatred and resentment'yet even a Guick study "ould sho" that they have brou%ht skills and Guali!ications' set up businesses and created

     Kobs' not only !or themselves but also !or local people. Many have been "illin% to do Kobs that have been di!!icultto !ill locally. /hat is remarkable and o!ten not understood is that the contributions immi%rants and theirimmediate descendants have made' and continue to make' to 7ritain are out o! all proportion to their numbers.

    = !om"rehension* (@ "ts)# Are these senten'es true or false 3 justif 0"ts

    b *mmi%rants needed visas' passports' and a lot o! money to pass to 7ritain.' *mmi%rants "ere unskilled and not "ell Guali!ied.

    0 Answer the following questions 4"tsa Accordin% to the te3t' "hy did immi%rants %o to 7ritain0b o" did 7ritish people treat the ne"comers0

    4 The last senten'e of the third "aragra"h means * #"t

    a /hat immi%rants have done !or 7ritain is much %reater than their numbers.b /hat immi%rants have done !or 7ritain is as %reat as their numbers.' /hat immi%rants have done !or 7ritain is less %reat than their numbers.

    == Danguage* (1 "ts)# /at'h these words to form 'ollo'ations* (0 "ts)  1. %eneral a. society  2. humanitarian b. assembly  . voluntary c. "ork   B. civil d. aid

    0 Rewrite the following senten'es starting as suggested* (7 "ts)

    a ,obs "ere di!!icult. ,obs "ere taken by immi%rants.  The Kobs………………………………….………………………………………………..………...b D*t’s terribly hot today( /hy don’t "e %o to the beach and have a s"im0E said 7rian.

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


      7rian said that ……………………………………………………………………………….'. * am not old enou%h to drive a car.  * "ish…………………………………………………………………………………………d My bicycle "as brokenN that’s "hy * didn’t %o to school.

    *! ………………………………………………………………………………….…………4 !hoose the 'orre't o"tion to 'om"lete the senten'e (# "oint)  a. *nternational or%aniJations try hard to establish peace and "el!are. ………………' local %overnments

    sometimes don’t cooperate. ( Besides, Although, 5owe&er  b. ……………………..an epidemic spread in some A!rican countries' many 9s sent medical assistance tothe area. (As a result, As soon as, Immediately 

    === ,riting* (1 "ts)Many people see that the situation o! Moroccan "omen has kno"n some development in recent years. 7ut some!eminist activists claim that this chan%e is only super!icial and is not a real one./rite an essay !or your school ma%aJine e3plainin% i! you a%ree or disa%ree "ith this claim.

    mar Alkhyiam hi%hschool   Teacher : Mohamed 7ouchakka  cheira


  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    B. 7ut it’s the easiest "ay to travel.7ut she decided ……………………………………………………………………

    . /e’re %oin% to spend a "eek in Paris.She told me ………………………………………………………………………..

    Turn from A!T= into %ACC=* K"ts1. Someone is helpin% her "ith the house"ork.

    2$ A pickpocket robbed me.

    $ The mail$order company sent Mrs. 9reen a parcel.B$ A do% is chasin% the child.$ My !riend sent me an invitation.

      9ood luck

    mar Alkhyiam hi%hschool   Teacher : Mohamed 7ouchakka  cheira

      ME=N B 0D/

    #- Ese FETER %RF!T T.C* @"ts

    1. 7y ne3t February * ……………………………………………… 5"rite6 my third book.2. * hope you ……………………………………………. 5not L !or%et6 my name by tomorro".. 7y ne3t "eek "e …………………………………………….. 5redecorate6 the house.B. e3t ,uly she …………………………………………… 5be6 dead !or ten years.. * hope * ……………………………………………… 5not L make6 a lot o! mistakes in this e3am "hen *

    !inish it.+. 7y the end o! this year * ………………………………………… 5drive6 more than one hundred

    thousand kilometers "ith this car.0- ,rite what the "eo"le ,=C2* K"ts

      1$ Mike crashed his dad’s car last ni%ht.Mike …………………………………………………………………………………..

      2$7arbara can’t type !ast. She "on’t %et the Kob.7arbara: ……………………………………………………………………………….

      $,ack’s mother shouts at him all the time.,ack: …………………………………………………………………………………..

    B $Smith talks too much and his "i!e doesn’t like it.Smith’s "i!e: ………………………………………………………………………….

      $;uis’s car is very old but he can’t buy a ne" one.;uis: …………………………………………………………………………………..

    4) !hange the following senten'es from $=R!T to =.$=R!T C%!2* K"ts

    1. e said' 7I will be here at noon.8  5e said that he would be here at noon.

    2. Mary said' DThe train "ill probably arrive on time.E………………………………………………………………………………………..

    . e said' D* have to !inish this report by !ive o’clock.E………………………………………………………………………………………..

    B. The doctor said' DMr. Smith "ill improve Guickly.E………………………………………………………………………………………..

    . /illiam said to me' D* am leavin% in the mornin%.E………………………………………………………………………………………..

    7) %ut the following senten'es into the %ACC= =!* 7"ts

    1. Someone has already paid the electrician !or his "ork.………………………………………………………………………………..

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    . 4ou ou%ht 5%o6 …………… to bed early i! you !eel tired.-Fill in the blans with an a""ro"riate word or ex"ression from the list

    5 points6 1 each )e&ertheless : in spite o% ; although ; as well as ; whereas : e&en i% 

    1. The book tells about the author#s li!e UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU his "ritin%s.2. UUUUUUUUU she "as in poor health' she continued to carry out her duties.. octors# salaries have risen substantially' UUUUUUUUUU nurses# pay has actually !allen.

    F-!om"lete the following 'on&ersation+ res"onding to the "rom"ts between bra'ets 5 points6 1 each Cituation* L>ou ha&e ordered a "i99a+ but the didn‡t deli&er it on timeL>ou: 5complain6...............................................................................................The "i99eria manager: 5apolo%iJes6........................................................................................>ou: 5accept his apolo%y6..............................................................................................

      (0 points

    An nglish-s"eaing friend would lie to now about wedding 'eremonies in /oro''o Res"ond to his emailTal about some of the 'ultural "ra'ti'es in /oro''an wedding 'eremonies 5Appro3imately 2))6

    Teacher : Akhssass   lobal test f^ghVi fj km\ [\mVn : VWXYZ[\B ]^_`  \ : fXgggggggggZ[\ ehXgggi ]ggjX`c : X\ W  ggggggX[\ : qgggggZ[\ tXcuXi ]Z`sv[\ ehXi ]wx ]`Z^fXyz

    : ]`{\|[\ ]}[\2))CL2)). ]^~•Y[\ €\f\ : ]gggggggg‚Yƒ[\

      =harles ,ohn u!!ham ickens "as born in Portsea' on ?n%land#s southern coast' on FebruaryC' 112. The ickens !amily moved several times durin% his youth' and the boy attended several schools' received

    instruction !rom his mother' and read voraciously.7e!ore his death in 1C) ickens published !ourteen maKor novels' several plays' numerous short stories' and manyother books and articles. At times he "as involved in "ritin% as many as three novels simultaneously. A man o!incredible ener%y and vitality' ickens also acted' edited several periodicals' and "orked "ith various charitableor%aniJations. 2e t"ice toured America' %ivin% readin%s !rom his "orks to packed houses. ickens#s novels„ amon% them'  avid $opperfield/ 0leak 1ouse  5126'  "ittle orrit   51C6'  A 2ale of 2wo $ities/ 3reat

     4xpectations/ and 5ur 6utual +riend  51+6„dominated the &ictorian literary scene throu%hout his li!e' and he"as ar%uably the most popular novelist ever to "rite in ?n%lish.

    ickens#s realistic descriptions o! the ;ondon criminal under"orld are !ascinatin% and e!!ective.e creates lively characters and situations and has a knack !or !indin% Kust the ri%ht "ord to devastate a character'drive home a point' or create e!!ective irony or humor. is social criticism still %enerates animated discussionsabout similar problems e3istin% today' and the moral issues ickens raises "ill probably al"ays !ace us. ickens

    uses coincidences to propel the plot o! 5liver 2wist. e depends on the kinds o! unlikely connections that manymodern "riters care!ully avoidN ickens himsel! toned do"n his reliance on coincidence as a plot device in hislater "orks.

      ickens#s story revolves around youn% liver T"ist' an orphan brou%ht up at a #charitable#institution "ithout the inconvenience o! too much !ood or too much clothin%.# A!ter nine years liver %raduates to a"orkhouse !or youn% orphans. Stead!astly resistin% the criminals# attempts to corrupt him' liver eventuallyescapes' discovers his true parenta%e' and receives the respect he deserves. ickens does a creditable Kob o! makin%liver#s unshakable %oodness believable.

    For critics' ickens presents a "orld %overned by morality' in "hich both honest and dishonestcharacters receive their due. *n 5liver 2wist  and all o! his "orks' ickens deals realistically and pro!oundly "ithsocial and moral issues that remain relevant today.

    : #K /ARIC 

    =- !hoose the a""ro"riate answer* 5 2 marks6

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    The text is:a$ An ?3pository te3t b-  an e3tract !rom a novel '-  a book revie" d$ a poem

      ==- /at'h the subtitles with the 'orres"onding "aragra"h* 5 2 marks6A$S

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    B. These antibiotics have to 5take6................................................................................. 4our car "ill be ready at o’clock. The mechanic………………………… 5@epair6 it by then.+. * hate ………………………….…….. 5/ait6 !or buses in the rain.

    -Fill in the blans with an a""ro"riate word or ex"ression from the list %a attention to "un'tuation5 points 6 1


     )e&ertheless : in spite o% ; although ; as well as ; whereas : e&en i% B. e "ent !or a lon% ............................ the rain.. .........................alima su!!ers !rom a heart disease' she trains very hard.+. They "ant to live in the city' ........................ "e "ould pre!er to live in the countryside.

    F-!om"lete the following 'on&ersation+ res"onding to the "rom"ts between bra'ets 5 points 6 1 each >ou* 5 4ou ask @achid about his opinion concernin% brain drain6..................................................................................................................................Ra'hid: 5e %ives his opinion6.......................................................................................................................................>ou: 54ou e3press your disa%reement6......................................................................................................................................

      (0 points

     ,rite an arti'le for our s'hool maga9ine about the a'tions whi'h the go&ernment should tae in order tosustain de&elo"ment in our region

    Tea'her* /usta"ha AD FAI=2= !ourse* nglishTiming* minsDe&el* 0nd ear Ba' Detters- 0nd semester

    =mmigrants "ast P "resent  *! "e %o back !ar enou%h' "e can say that everyone "ho lives in 7ritain today has ori%ins some"here else.Many o! us can probably trace the immi%rants in our o"n !amily histories.  Some may have been amon% the various invadin% armies $ @oman' Sa3on' &ikin% or orman. thers hadlittle choice about comin%: A!ricans "ere brou%ht to 7ritain by !orce in the seventeenth and ei%hteenth centuries asslaves or servantsN and thousands o! people arrived at various times as re!u%ees !rom France' *reland' @ussia' andother countries' escapin% !rom persecution or !amine in their o"n countries.

      Most people probably came because they thou%ht they could make a better li!e !or themselves here. 7e!ore1-1B' "hen the First /orld /ar broke out' there "ere !e"er restrictions and it "as possible to travel to manycountries "ithout passports' visas or "ork permits. People could Kust decide to make a ne" li!e some"here else'

     provided they had enou%h money !or the passa%e. !ten they "ere encoura%ed by the monarch or %overnment because immi%ration "as a "ay o! dealin% "ith local shorta%es o! capital' skills or labour.

      At an one time+ new'omers ha&e onl been a tin "ro"ortion of the British "o"ulation &en toda+

    onl about 1ˆ of the "o"ulation were not born in Britain .ew'omers ha&e often met hostilit+ hatred andresentment+ et e&en a qui' stud would show that the ha&e brought sills and qualifi'ations+ set u"businesses and 'reated jobs+ not onl for themsel&es but also for lo'al "eo"le /an ha&e been willing to do jobs that ha&e been diffi'ult to fill lo'all /hat is remarkable and o!ten not understood is that the contributionsimmi%rants and their immediate descendants have made' and continue to make' to 7ritain are out o! all proportionto their numbers

    = !om"rehension* (@ "ts)# Are these senten'es true or false 3 justif 0"ts

    d *mmi%rants needed visas' passports' and a lot o! money to pass to 7ritain.e *mmi%rants "ere unskilled and not "ell Guali!ied.

    0 Answer the following questions 4"ts

    a Accordin% to the te3t' "hy did immi%rants %o to 7ritain0b o" did 7ritish people treat the ne"comers0

    4 Th l t t f th thi d h # t

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    a /hat immi%rants have done !or 7ritain is much %reater than their numbers.b /hat immi%rants have done !or 7ritain is as %reat as their numbers.' /hat immi%rants have done !or 7ritain is less %reat than their numbers.

    == Danguage* (1 "ts)# /at'h these words to form 'ollo'ations* (0 "ts)  1. %eneral a. society  2. humanitarian b. assembly  . voluntary c. "ork   B. civil d. aid

    0 Rewrite the following senten'es starting as suggested* (7 "ts)' ,obs "ere di!!icult. ,obs "ere taken by immi%rants.

      The Kobs………………………………….………………………………………………..………...d D*t’s terribly hot today( /hy don’t "e %o to the beach and have a s"im0E said 7rian.

      7rian said that ………………………………………………………………………………. '. *am not old enou%h to drive a car.  * "ish…………………………………………………………………………………………  d My bicycle "as brokenN that’s "hy * didn’t %o to school.

    *! ………………………………………………………………………………….…………4 !hoose the 'orre't o"tion to 'om"lete the senten'e (# "oint)  a. *nternational or%aniJations try hard to establish peace and "el!are. ………………' local %overnments

    sometimes don’t cooperate. ( Besides, Although, 5owe&er  b. ……………………..an epidemic spread in some A!rican countries' many 9s sent medical assistance tothe area. (As a result, As soon as, Immediately 

    === ,riting* (1 "ts)Many people see that the situation o! Moroccan "omen has kno"n some development in recent years. 7ut some!eminist activists claim that this chan%e is only super!icial and is not a real one./rite an essay !or your school ma%aJine e3plainin% i! you a%ree or disa%ree "ith this claim.

      Global Test Ce'ond term le&el* 0 ba' 2umanities Teacher: M. nane

    =hildren are usin% and o"nin% consumer electronics !rom a youn%er a%e than ever be!ore' accordin% to ids and=onsumer ?lectronics Trends ***E' says the youn%est consumers are also %ettin% choosy about "hat they buy.More and more youn% children no" o"n a & player' portable video %ame' di%ital camera or cell phone.

     P’s Anita FraJier said: D>ids are dra"n to the latest and %reatest di%ital devices Kust as their parents are.EShe added: DThey appear to have no !ear o! technolo%y and adopt it easily and "ithout !an!are' makin% thesedevices a part o! their everyday lives.E  The study is based on data collected via an online survey to a sample o! American adults a%ed 2 and older"ho had children a%ed bet"een !our and !ourteen. The survey also !ound that kids use electronic devices anavera%e o! three days per "eek. Surprisin%ly' many o! the !amilies surveyed "ere not re%ular consumerelectronics buyers. Almost 2 percent o! parents surveyed said they had made no electronics purchases durin%the previous 12 months. Father o! t"o @obert 9arside' ' said he "as amaJed at "hat his children "ant to buy.e admits to o!ten havin% to ask his nine$year$old ho" to operate his Sony PlayStation. D=hildren no"adays areso tech savvy that soon Sony "ill brin% out a PlayStation !or babies'E he said. is son @obert ,unior said all the%ad%ets around him really "ere child’s play.

    =- !/%R2.C=.* 1 %=.TC A$,2AT =C T2 ,R=TR:C =.T.T3 %ut x on the right answer

    To sho" that parents don’t use electronic %ad%ets like their kids:……………. To sho" that usin% electronic %ad%ets has some dan%ers on kids : ……………. To sho" that kids are usin% electronic %ad%ets youn%er than be!ore:…………..


      The avera%e a%e at "hich kids start usin% %ad%ets has !allen.……… ……………………………………………

    A Guarter o! parents intervie"ed don’t buy %ad%ets re%ularly

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


      ……………. ……………………………………   4oun% children seem !ri%htened o! electronic device

    ………. …………………………………………  !-F=.$ =. T2 TJT ,R$C R J%RCC=.C T2AT /A. T2 CA/ AC*  1 Machines 5par%16………….. 2. Throu%h: 5par%26………………… .  $ - F=DD =. A!2 BDA.I ,=T2 . ,R$ FR/ T2 TJT

    The people surveyed submitted their ans"ers ………………..

    The study !ocused on ……….."ith children a%ed bet"een B and 1B.==- DA.GEAG* 1 %=.TC  A- F=DD =. T2 GA% ,=T2 A. A%%R%R=AT ,R$ R J%RCC=. FR/ T2 D=CT  /ae- graduates- ex"atriates- "ull- do- funds- "ush- 'hallenging

      ?3cuse me' could you UUUUU me a !avour and "atch my ba%s !or a moment0  Moroccan………….in ?urope are not enKoyin% their !ull ri%hts.  ;ack o! Kob opportunities is an essential ………….!actor that make people immi%rateB-R,R=T T2 C.T.!C BG=..=.G ,=T2 T2 ,R$C G=. ,ohn drove his car so !ast that he had an accident.  ,ohn "ishes………………………………………………………… Mary to ;ucy' D/ill you come to my party tomorro"0E

      Mary asked ……………………………………………………….. Mr. ?d"ards has %one into hospital !or some treatments. is health has not been %ood lately.  Mr. ?d"ards "hose…………………………………………………………………………

    *t is possible that she didn’t invite him to the party.  She …………………………………………………………………………………….

    ,R=T=.G* @ %=.TC Many youn% %raduates are leavin% their country to %et better Kobs abroad(/rite an article to your school ma%aJine su%%estin% "hat should the %overnment do to keep these youn% %raduatesin their countries.

    Global Test Ce'ond term le&el* 0 ba' 2umanities Teacher: M. nane

    =hildren are usin% and o"nin% consumer electronics !rom a youn%er a%e than ever be!ore' accordin% to ids and=onsumer ?lectronics Trends ***E' says the youn%est consumers are also %ettin% choosy about "hat they buy.More and more youn% children no" o"n a & player' portable video %ame' di%ital camera or cell phone.

     P’s Anita FraJier said: D>ids are dra"n to the latest and %reatest di%ital devices Kust as their parents are.EShe added: DThey appear to have no !ear o! technolo%y and adopt it easily and "ithout !an!are' makin% thesedevices a part o! their everyday lives.E

      The study is based on data collected via an online survey to a sample o! American adults a%ed 2 and older

    "ho had children a%ed bet"een !our and !ourteen. The survey also !ound that kids use electronic devices anavera%e o! three days per "eek. Surprisin%ly' many o! the !amilies surveyed "ere not re%ular consumerelectronics buyers. Almost 2 percent o! parents surveyed said they had made no electronics purchases durin%the previous 12 months. Father o! t"o @obert 9arside' ' said he "as amaJed at "hat his children "ant to buy.e admits to o!ten havin% to ask his nine$year$old ho" to operate his Sony PlayStation. D=hildren no"adays areso tech savvy that soon Sony "ill brin% out a PlayStation !or babies'E he said. is son @obert ,unior said all the%ad%ets around him really "ere child’s play.

    *$ =MP@??S*: C points A$,2AT =C T2 ,R=TR:C =.T.T3 %ut x on the right answer

    To sho" that parents don’t use electronic %ad%ets like their kids:……………. To sho" that usin% electronic %ad%ets has some dan%ers on kids : …………….

    To sho" that kids are usin% electronic %ad%ets youn%er than be!ore:…………..B-AR T2C C.T.!C TRE R FADC3

    The avera%e a%e at "hich kids start usin% %ad%ets has !allen

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


      ……… …………………………………………… A Guarter o! parents intervie"ed don’t buy %ad%ets re%ularly

    ……………. ……………………………………   4oun% children seem !ri%htened o! electronic device

    ………. …………………………………………  !-F=.$ =. T2 TJT ,R$C R J%RCC=.C T2AT /A. T2 CA/ AC*  1 Machines 5par%16………….. 2. Throu%h: 5par%26………………… .

      $ - F=DD =. A!2 BDA.I ,=T2 . ,R$ FR/ T2 TJT The people surveyed submitted their ans"ers ……………….. The study !ocused on ……….."ith children a%ed bet"een B and 1B.

    ==- DA.GEAG: C points  A- F=DD =. T2 GA% ,=T2 A. A%%R%R=AT ,R$ R J%RCC=. FR/ T2 D=CT  /ae- graduates- ex"atriates- "ull- do- funds- "ush- 'hallenging

      ?3cuse me' could you UUUUU me a !avour and "atch my ba%s !or a moment0  Moroccan………….in ?urope are not enKoyin% their !ull ri%hts.  ;ack o! Kob opportunities is an essential ………….!actor that make people immi%rateB-R,R=T T2 C.T.!C BG=..=.G ,=T2 T2 ,R$C G=. ,ohn drove his car so !ast that he had an accident.

      ,ohn "ishes………………………………………………………… Mary to ;ucy' D/ill you come to my party tomorro"0E  Mary asked ………………………………………………………..

    Mr. ?d"ards has %one into hospital !or some treatments. is health has not been %ood lately.  Mr. ?d"ards "hose…………………………………………………………………………

    *t is possible that she didn’t invite him to the party.  She …………………………………………………………………………………….

    ,riting*  + points Many youn% %raduates are leavin% their country to %et better Kobs abroad(/rite an article to your school ma%aJine su%%estin% "hat should the %overnment do to keep these youn% %raduatesin their countries.

    Su%%ested byassan Mourabiti

     8 fX ]wx †^q‡[\ ]`j~[ ]^qw[\ ]`Z^fX\ˆ‰^z

    ˆ‰W }j ]jX` Š[X‹ †j Œ`Ž[\ ]``[\ ‘\|_\ ~j ]^qX“ 

     |XW |f X^|q[XX‚[ ‚^~[\ ‘XW\2))

    ”[\ ]Ž•[\ XX{ X\ W: ]^_`\ ]–[\ fXZ[\:

    B VWXYZ[\: ]^~•Y[\ €\f\ ]‚Yƒ[\:

    Many cultures and reli%ions have distinct traditional mournin%‰  rituals‰  "hich help them deal "ith death.Mournin% traditions o!ten include common themes like observin% a certain period o! mournin% be!ore enterin%society' "earin% modest or dark clothin%' and sayin% prayers !or the dead. *! you are visitin% a !amily in mournin%that is !rom a di!!erent culture' you may "ant to look up their speci!ic mournin% rituals so that you "on’tinadvertently cause o!!ence durin% a di!!icult time.The !irst set o! mournin% rituals in many societies involves dealin% "ith the body o! the deceased. Many culturesencoura%e !amily members to "ash the body and dress or shroud it !or burial' althou%h in some re%ions this task isdele%ated to a !uneral director. For people "ho do deal "ith their dead directly' the act o! bathin% and dressin% the

     body can be a very important act o! mournin%. ependin% on cultural values' the body may be buried or crematedimmediately a!ter it is prepared' or the deceased may be put on display so that visitors can say their %oodbyes.*n some cultures' the deceased must be buried be!ore sundo"n on the day that he or she died' and ideally the

    deceased should be buried close to home. Many cultures also prescribe simple co!!ins and shrouds !or their dead.Mourners "ho attend the burial typically "ear dark' sombre clothin%' and they may brin% %i!ts !or the dead like!lo"ers' art"ork' letters' and so !orth. Prayers !or the dead are usually said "hile he or she is buried or cremated.

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    A set period o! mournin% is common to many mournin% rituals. For e3ample' people o! the ,e"ish !aith sit shiva ‰!or a "eek as part o! their mournin% process' and they traditionally tear or rip their clothin% to symboliJe their%rie!. People "ho do not sit in vi%ils may still observe a period o! mournin% in "hich they "ear dark clothin% or

     per!orm speci!ic prayers !or the deadN 7uddhists' !or e3ample' have a set o! prayers !or the dead "hich are said atvaryin% intervals a!ter the deceased is cremated.7ecause death is unavoidable' every culture has developed speci!ic "ays o! dealin% "ith death. Many mournin%rituals have a reli%ious basis' but some are also practicalN many desert cultures' !or e3ample' reGuire bodies to be

     buried immediately' as hi%h temperatures can tri%%er rapid decomposition. ther cultures reGuire "ido"s‰  toremain in mournin% !or nine months to ensure that "hen the remarry' paternity o! any children "ill be clear.Most mournin% rituals are intended to celebrate the li!e o! the deceased "hile also e3pressin% sorro" at his or her

     passin%. 4ou are unlikely to o!!end mourners i! you are respect!ul' but be a"are that some cultures have veryspeci!ic taboos surroundin% certain !lo"ers or !uneral %i!tsN !or e3ample' !lo"ers are not traditionally brou%ht to

     people sittin% shiva. Mournin% rituals are so comple3 that it "ould take several volumes to describe them all' but aGuick search in your !avourite search en%ine can %ive you a Guick course on mournin% etiGuette !or a "ide ran%e o!cultures and situations.

      Mournin%: f\ — [\  @ituals: q˜   Shiva: a period o! seven days# !ormal mournin% !or the dead' be%innin% immediately a!ter the !uneral.  /ido"s: VW\|\

    = !om"rehension* #K "oints

    A !hoose the right answer from the list gi&en* # "oint# The text is "robabl taen from* K "ointa. an intervie".b. a play.'. the internet.

    0 The text is about* K "oint

    a. marria%e rituals in some countries.b. buryin% the dead in the desert.'. mournin% rituals accordin% to some cultures.

    B Ca whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F)

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    7. "rohibition:………………………..

    ,hat do the underlined words in the text refer to3 # "oint (K "oint ea'h)

    #. it: 5para%raph 26……………………………….0. the: 5para%raph B6 ……………………………

    F. !om"lete the following senten'es* 4 "oints (# "oint ea'h)

    #. ealin% "ith the body o! the deceased is…………………………………………….0. Some mournin% rituals are practical "hereas………………………………………4. ?very culture has developed speci!ic "ays o! dealin% "ith death as……………………………

    == Danguage* #K "oints

    A Rewrite these senten'es beginning with the words gi&en* 4 "oints (# "oint ea'h)#. e couldn#t %o to the

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    in !ront o! a T& set all day.

    =ertainly' there are some circumstances' as in a sin%le$parent !amily' where it is necessary !or the mother to "orkand !ind someone else to care !or a youn% child. More o!ten' both parents are "orkin% not because they have to' but

     because they "ant a second car' a bi%%er house or apartment' an e3trava%ant vacation ...The little children su!!er asa result.

    Psycholo%ists tell us that the Guality o! nurturin% durin% the child#s earliest months and years determines theemotional health o! the child and the adult he or she "ill become. For children to be separated !rom their parents isan emotional trauma. * !ear !or "hat this day$care %eneration "ill be like as adults and even as teena%ers. * hopethat the parents o! youn% children "ill reconsider their consumer desires and %o back to the traditional American!amily values. 4oun% children belon% at home "ith love' "armth' and the security o! a parent to care !or them.

    A A.C,R T2C MECT=.C (K "ts)1$ /hat do most parents do every mornin% be!ore they %o to "ork0 (# "t)……………………………………………………………………2$ /hy is the Guality o! day care poor0 (0 "ts)………………………………………………………………$ Accordin% to the "riter' is it necessary !or all those parents to %o out to "ork0 ?3plain. (0 "ts)

    ………………………………………………………………………………………B AR T2C C.T.!C TRE R FADC3 (0 "ts; # "t ea'h)1$ *n a sin%le$parent !amily' the mother needs someone to look a!ter her youn% child.………………………………………….2$ The "riter is a%ainst keepin% the traditional American !amily values.…………………………………………

    ! !/%DT T2C C.T.!C (0 "ts; # "t ea'h)1$As there is no one to look a!ter them' even sick children..………………………………………………. 2$ Accordin% to psycholo%ists' the child#s emotional health depends on..…………………………………… …

    $ ,2AT $ T2 E.$RD=.$ ,R$C =. T2 TJT RFR T3 (7 "ts; # "t ea'h)1. their 5para%raph 16 re!ers to .........................................................2. they 5para%raph 26 re!ers to .......................................................... "here 5para%raph 6 re!ers to .........................................................B. he or she 5para%raph B6 re!ers to .........................................................

    F=.$ J%RCC=.C =. T2 TJT T2AT /A. T2 CA/ AC T2 FDD,=.G (0 "ts; K "tea'h)1. brin%in% up 5para%raph 16 .........................................................2. look a!ter 5para%raph 26 .......................................................... conseGuently 5para%raph 6 .........................................................B. rethink 5para%raph B6 .........................................................

    %art 0* Danguage (#K %=.TC)A R,R=T T2 C.T.!C AC =.$=!AT$ (K "ts # "t ea'h)#

    They have made a lot o! pro%ress.

    ™ A lot o! pro%ress ………………………………………………………………0

    Parents shouldn#t keep medicines "ithin children#s reach.

    ™ Medicines …………………………………………………………………4

    The players didn’t train enou%h last month' so they lost the match.

    ™ *! the players ……………………………………………………………………………7 =i%arette$smoke is likely to cause cancer in humans because it contains poisonous substances.

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    ™ Since …………………………………………………………………………


    *n spite o! his very youn% a%e' he can drive a car easily.

    ™ ?ven thou%h …………………………………………………

    B %ET T2 RBC BT,. BRA!ITC =. T2 !RR!T FR/ (0 "ts # "t ea'h)# 7y the end o! ne3t month' Sam 5!inish6 .................................... the proKect.0 7e!ore he %ot a Kob in a !ast$!ood restaurant' Fred 5be6 .................................... an lympic athlete.

    ! F=DD =. T2 GA%(C) ,=T2 T2 A%%R%R=AT ,R$ R J%RCC=. FR/ T2 D=CT (7"ts # "t ea'h)

    # a u" b down ' out d inPlease !ill .................. the application !orm and send it by e3press mail.

    0 a 'ae b 'heese ' "ie d breadMike: #/hat "as the e3am like' =arol0# =arol: #9reat( *t "as a piece o! ...................#

    4 a don#t have b didn#t have ' "on#t have d hadn#t had* hate havin% to %o to school on Saturdays. *! only * .................. class on that day.

    7 a !onsequentl b .e&ertheless ' /oreo&er d Be'auseur association %ives the poor !ree meals. ..................' it helps them to !ind Kobs.

    $ G= T2 !RR!T FR/ F T2 ,R$C BT,. BRA!ITC (0 "ts # "t ea'h)

    # Accordin% to the

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


     ations has !inally admitted that emi%ration o! A!rican pro!essionals to the "est is one o! the %reatest obstacles toA!rica’s development.>o!i Apraku' an A!rican livin% in the o!i ended up stayin% there to %et his doctorate. e achieved distinctionnot only in his pro!essional career' but also in his social and personal li!e. o" a pro!essor o! economics at the

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    /ork conditions and salaries in A!rican universities2. A!ter readin% the te3t you can conclude that >o!i Apraku is:

     *ndi!!erent to %oin% back to his country.opeless about %oin% back to his country.ptimistic about %oin% back to his country.

    F ,hat do the underlined words in the text refer to3 0 ("ts)

    1. continent: Africa 2. them: trained professionals. they: some AfricansB. these: foreign advisors

    G Find in the text words or ex"ressions that mean the same as* 0 ("ts)1. human capital !li%ht 5para%.16 brain drain2. the country "here a person is born5para%.6 homeland 

    == DA.GEAG* (#K %=.TC)A Fill in the ga"s with the a""ro"riate words from the list* (# "t)

    who+ whose+ where + whi'h+ whomThe

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    These su%%estions may help you:›the kind o! activity 5plantin% trees' cleanin%' helpin% old people' campai%ns a%ainst smokin%' road accidents6›people involved 5students' teachers' administrators' e3perts…6›the bene!its o! the activity 8 your !eelin%s L attitude 8 voluntary "ork as an aspect o! %ood citiJenship

    Tea'her* /r $aoudi /o' xam /ar'h 08 0 Ba' 2umanities .ame*

      o" many Americans have ever considered askin% !riends or relatives to select their spouse !or them 0not very

    many 'apparently .yet this is e3actly "hat avid /einlick did.  /einlick had apparently lon% been considerin% marria%e and had kno"n !or Guite some time that he "as %oin%to %et married in ,une o! 1--. /hen the "eddin% "ould take place and "ho "ould be invited he already kne".e

     Kust didn’t kno" "hom he "ould be marryin%.>ou see'he hadn’t met his bride yet .  *t all started some years a%o . Friends "ould repeatedly ask /einlick' an anthropolo%y student at the universityo! Minnesota'"hen he "as %oin% to tie the knot .e "ould say he didn’t kno".?ventually he %ot tired o! theseGuestions'so he Kust picked a date out o! the blue:,une 1'1--.As this date "as %ettin% closer andcloser'/einlick'2'>ne" he had to do somethin%.is !riend Steve Fletcher came up "ith the idea o! a democraticselection process./einlick liked the idea' so he advertised !or a bride on the *nternet on a 7ridal omination=ommittee "ebsite.  e created an application !orm and asked !riends and relatives to intervie" the candidates and select the"inner.They did this at a bridal candidate party be!ore the ceremony on the day o! the "eddin%.

      /einlick’s !riends and relatives took the reGuest Guite seriously.Thou%h /einlick "asn’t sure "ho his bride"ould be'he did "ant to %et married.e said he thinks commitment is important and that people have to "ork atrelationships to make them success!ul./einlick’s sister'/enonah /ilms'said she thou%ht that all o! the candidates"ere nice but that she "as lookin% !or someone really special./ilms added that it "as important !or her brother tomarry someone "ho "ould !it into !amily celebrations like at =hristmas.  So "ho "on the election0 *t "as ?liJabeth @unJe' a pharmacy student at the university o! Minnesota.@unJehadn’t met /einlick be!ore she picked up a candidate survey on the Monday be!ore the "eddin%. The  talked

     brie!ly on that day and a%ain on Tuesday "hen @unJe turned in the completed survey about her carrer plans andhobbies.o"ever'neither /einlick nor @unJe kne" "ho "ould ultimately be chosen by /einlick’s !riends and!amily on Saturday' the day o! the "eddin%. A!ter her Saturday selection by the committee'@unJe said the day "asthe most incredible she ever e3perienced.  /einlick "as happy too.A!ter the selection' the %room said the plan had turned out almost e3actly as he hadhoped.  7y the time the "eddin% day arrived'/einlick had prepared everythin%: the rin%s' the musicians' histu3edo'and the reception a!ter"ards.The t"o took their vo"s at the mall o! America in Minneapolis "hile about2'))) shoppers looked on !rom the upper levels o! the mall.  Probably !e" Americans "ould do "hat /einlick and @unJe did.There have been reports'ho"ever'that thene"ly"eds are doin% "ell. /einlick and @unJe’s union Guali!ies as an Earran%ed marria%e'Ea phenomenon that hastraditionally not been popular in America.Arran%ed marria%es are common in many other parts o! the "orld'thou%h' or at least the used to be. Maybe they’re not such a bad idea.

    !om"rehension #K "oints

    A Find a suitable tilte to this text * ( 0 "t )* B Are these senten'es true or false 3

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    1 1 /einlick didn’t consider marria%e !or a lon% time be!ore his"eddin%……………………………………………………..

    1 1 They met several months be!ore the "eddin%:……………………………………………………………………

    1 1 /einlick didn’t kno" "ho his bride "ould be until the day o! the"eddin%………………………………………………………………………………..

      ! Answer the following questions ( 4 "ts )

    1. /hat is ne" about this kind o! marria%e 0 ………………………………………………………..2. /ho "ere to select the bride "inner candidate 0 ……………………………………………………….. /hat do you think o! D arran%ed marria%es D 0 ………………………………………………………………

    $Find in the text words or "hrases meaning the same as * ( 7 "ts )*1. to %et married: 5para%rap% 6:…………………………. . suit : 5 para%raph 6:…………………….2. "i!e : 5 para%raph 16:………………………………… B. ne" husband and "i!e:5para%raph -.6:


    ?. /hat do the !ollo"in% "ords re!er to in the te3t ' 5 pts 6.

    1. you: para%raph:2:……………….. 2.they:para%raph +:………………. : they:para%raph :………….

      Danguage #K "oints

    A Rewrite these senten'es as suggested ( 7 "ts ) 1. /e should reduce unemployement.

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     2. * 5 travel 6 ………………….. to @abat ne3t "eekend.

    ,riting # "oints  /hat do you think o! usin% the *nternet at school0 /rite an article to yourschool ma%aJine .



    Good Du' 


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    GDBAD TCT2ACCA. == 2=G2 C!2D ( DAA>E.)CTRA/ * C!=.!/r D2

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    must e3pect to chan%e employers several times in their "orkin% lives. Many o! them "ill possibly become sel!$employed ' runnin% their o"n businesses.

    This means that throu%hout people’s lives they "ill need to acGuire ne" kno"led%e and skills !rom the timethey leave !ull$time education until a!ter they retire . This li!elon% learnin% is necessary because the "orld o! "orkis chan%in% a lot !aster than it used to . For e3ample ' no"adays employers o!ten only employ sta!! on short$termcontracts to complete a certain Kob. This keeps their costs do"n. nce the Kob is over' the employees have to look!or another or%aniJation to employ them on other Kobs.

      Aisha ' "ho is married "ith t"o teena%e children. She has a 7Sc in *n!ormation Technolo%y 5 *T 6 and she "ouldlike to %o back to "ork "hen her children leave home. She "ants to catch up "ith the latest developments in *T and"ants to %et a Master’s de%ree in the subje't. She can’t leave her !amily and become a student at a universityabroad. /hat can she do0 The ans"er !or Aisha is Ddistance learnin%E.

    Aisha heard o! an or%aniJation that o!!ered distance learnin% to students all over the "orld . The teacher andstudent are in di!!erent places .She enrolled on one o! its MSc courses and "as deli%hted "ith the teachin%methods. Aisha’s pro!essors communicated re%ularly. *n the ne3t t"o years Aisha hopes to %et her Master’sde%ree via usin% e$mail and video con!erencin% to %et her de%ree.  = !/%R2.C=. A !ir'le the main idea of the "assage* a Full$time education. b *n!ormation Technolo%y. '. ;i!elon%learnin%. B Are these senten'es TRE or FADC 3

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    1. They believe that help "ill come soon. *t ………………………………………………………………….2.Monia arrived in ;ondon. She immediately phoned her !amily in Morocco. As soon as………………………………... O;et me stay up a little lon%er toni%ht' motherO. She be%%ed her Mum…………………………………….B. My bicycle "as stolen because * le!t it outside . *! only……………………………………………………..E * "ill Koin a %ym because * haven’t lost much "ei%ht so !arE' She told me……………………………………+. Many people leave their villa%es because they are very poor. 7ecause o!……………………………………….

    $ Gi&e the 'orre't form of the &erbs between bra'ets .1. assan is late . e 5 must miss6………………the bus. 2.My brother "ould like 5 run6………………..his o"n business..* "ish * 5 can %o6…………………….around the "orld. B.Ali told me he 5 buy6………………….a bike the day

     be!ore.. 7e!ore the end o! this year ' they 5 travel6……………………….to all Arab countries. !om"lete these senten'es with the a""ro"riate words 1./henever * l…………… in ' * !ound Sara o……………….. ' she keeps chattin% all the time.2.9ood citiJens o……………….the la" and are a"are o! their ri%hts and o……………………….Many s………………………and talented people mi%rate to i…………………..their li!e and to %et betters………………B.9…………………….citiJenship means the ability to think beyond the %eo%raphical b…………………..o! your

    country..People !rom di!!erent cultural b………………………..called !or peace in the middle east.+.To r……………….the number o! illiterate people in our c……………………………' "e need to set up moreassociations .


    2ACCA. == 2=G2 C!2D ( DAA>E.)CTRA/ * C!=.!/r D2

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


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    .D/hy didn’t you come here yesterday0E e "anted to kno"…………………………………………………………B.*t "as "ron% o! them to hide the truth. Theyshouldn#t .......................................................................................................* invited ,ohn ' but he spoiled the party . *! only……………………………………………………………………=== ,R=T=.G@oyal Air Maroc is askin% Moroccan students to "rite an article 'in ?n%lish ' about some aspects o! the Moroccan

    culture. The best article "ill be published in the @AM ma%aJine and their "riters "ill be %iven tickets to %o to=hina and "atch the lympic %ames . /rite an article in order to participate in this competition.

      The "orld is %oin% to become an impossible place to survive in. *! "e continue to pollute it' the environmentand all livin% creatures "ill su!!er. There!ore' i! pollution is not controlled' there "ill be a lot o! ne%ativeconseGuences.  The air "ill become "orse i! pollution continues. More cars are bein% produced' and their e3haust !umes

     pollute the atmosphere. Skies seem %rey and black because o! the smo% in the air. *n addition' !actories continue to pump smoke into the air people breathe. *! chimneys aren’t !iltered' the air "ill %et more polluted.  ot only the air' but also the "ater "ill %et dirtier i! this situation persists. Tankers are transportin% oil in

     precious "aters. ?ach time there are oil spills' sea li!e dies. Moreover' lar%e industrial comple3es dispose o! their"aste in the ocean. *! this %oes on' the sea "ill eventually be !ull o! to3ic "aste.

      Alon% "ith air and "ater' people’s and animals’ lives "ill be endan%ered by more pollution. ;un% diseases"ill increase i! there are unhealthy environmental conditions. People "ill have respiratory ailments. Furthermore'the balance o! nature "ill be disturbed and animals’ natural habitats "ill be destroyed. *n other "ords' certainspecies o! animals could become e3tinct.  *n conclusion' the "orld "ill be a sa!er place i! pollution is eliminated. The environment "ill be healthier.People and animals "ill be able to live more harmoniously "ith their environment.……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….  The "orld is %oin% to become an impossible place to survive in. *! "e continue to pollute it' the environmentand all livin% creatures "ill su!!er. There!ore' i! pollution is not controlled' there "ill be a lot o! ne%ativeconseGuences.  The air "ill become "orse i! pollution continues. More cars are bein% produced' and their e3haust !umes

     pollute the atmosphere. Skies seem %rey and black because o! the smo% in the air. *n addition' !actories continue to pump smoke into the air people breathe. *! chimneys aren’t !iltered' the air "ill %et more polluted.  ot only the air' but also the "ater "ill %et dirtier i! this situation persists. Tankers are transportin% oil in

     precious "aters. ?ach time there are oil spills' sea li!e dies. Moreover' lar%e industrial comple3es dispose o! their"aste in the ocean. *! this %oes on' the sea "ill eventually be !ull o! to3ic "aste.  Alon% "ith air and "ater' people’s and animals’ lives "ill be endan%ered by more pollution. ;un% diseases"ill increase i! there are unhealthy environmental conditions. People "ill have respiratory ailments. Furthermore'the balance o! nature "ill be disturbed and animals’ natural habitats "ill be destroyed. *n other "ords' certainspecies o! animals could become e3tinct.  *n conclusion' the "orld "ill be a sa!er place i! pollution is eliminated. The environment "ill be healthier.People and animals "ill be able to live more harmoniously "ith their environment.…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

    Madani Ait >abbout

    ;ycee TechniGue ;evel : 2nd 4ear bac

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  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    Teacher : ;ahsen Ahmam

    0nd ear Ba'0nd term 0nd qui9A)Rewrite these senten'es as suggested : (@"oints)Rewrite these senten'es as suggested :

    16 The oil company o!!ered my brother a %ood Kob.My brother………………………………………………………………………….26 er uncle has %iven her a lot o! money.She…………………………………………………………………………………..6 D/hen "ere you born0E e "anted to kno".e "anted to kno"…………………………………………………………………B6 DAre you "ritin% a letter0E e asked me. e asked me………………………………………………………………………6 Thou%h he is poor' he is happy.

    *n spite o!…………………………………………………………………………….+6 e "orked hard' but he didn’t %et hi%h %rades.Althou%h……………………………………………………………………………..C6 4ousse! doesn’t %et up early. e doesn’t catch the bus.*! 4ousse!……………………………………………………………………………..6 The secretary didn’t do her "ork "ell. She lost her Kob.*! the secretary……………………………………………………………………….-6 Fatima can’t read and "rite.Fatima "ishes………………………………………………………………………..1)6 * don’t %o abroad.*! only………………………………………………………………………………..

    B)Gi&e the 'orre't form of the &erbs in bra'ets* (7"oints)

    16 A!ter they had eaten lunch' they 5clean6………………………………….the table.26 7y 2)2)' everybody 5have6……………………………………….a car.6 4ou aren’t allo"ed 5 smoke6…………………………………in public places.B6 o" about 5have6……………………………..a "alk ri%ht no"0

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    aoudi Mimoune.i%h School Teacher o! ?n%lish.Ph.d Student.=ultural Studies:=ulture and *dentity in Morocco.Mohammed 7en Abdellah

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    c$ indi!!erent to children’s healthd$ an%ry about children "ho play video %ames

    B- Are these statements True or false3

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    espite the hi%h price o! tobacco and the ne" la"s a%ainst smokin% in public areas' there is al"ays a %ro"in%number o! ci%arette$addicts' especially amon% youn% people. /rite an article to your school ma%aJine statin% thedan%ers o! smokin%' and o!!erin% some pieces o! advice !or those "ho "ant to Guit this bad habit.

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    X^|q[XX‚[ œqZ[\ }˜q[\ ‘XW\ qžqW Ÿ\~\ q‚¡W\ ]^qw[\ ]}[Xj ¢X£ 56¤X{Xj ¢X£[‚Y 

     {\|[\ qžqZ[\2))C$2)) ¤X{\ ¥{\56\\| :]jX`}[\ ]`}[\ ¥`w[\ †j\ ]``[\ ]^qX[\ :]{¦Z[\ §q‚ ¨^z \Z[\ :

      :X\ W ]^_`z :fXZ[\12)]`f©|\f\ ~``[\ X`} :]‚Yƒ[\27T9A :VWXYZ[\ X^|q[XXj ]`X[\ :ª[\2

    =- RA$=.G !/%R2.C=. #K "oints

    @easons !or learnin% a !orei%n lan%ua%e

      ,h should we learn a foreign language3 After all+ the whole world s"eas nglishŠ Dadies andGentlemen+ there‡s some truth in this argument - but onl someŠ Allow me to gi&e an exam"le from the areawhi'h = 'an "erha"s judge well* di"loma' British di"lomats generall ha&e an ex'ellent re"utation asextremel "rofessional and effi'ient And that s"e'ifi'all in'ludes language sills Before the‡re "osted toa new 'ountr+ British di"lomats are trained in its language+ sometimes for u" to a ear ,h do the dothat3 ,hen ou 'ome to a new "ost+ ou 'an onl reall mae full use of our "rofessionalism andeffi'ien' in our host 'ountr‡s language >ou 'an‡t just rel on nglish Co ha&ing a foreign language inaddition to nglish is &ital - as indeed it is in so man other "rofessions  Dearning a foreign language at the earliest "ossible age - that is+ at nurser and "rimar s'hool - o"ensu" a whole new dimension for 'hildren* it greatl benefits their reading and writing in their own language;there‡s e&iden'e that+ lie musi'al edu'ation+ it 'ontributes signifi'antl to the de&elo"ment of indi&idualintelligen'e; and 'on'retel it im"ro&es o&erall results at s'hool

    A new language o"ens u" a whole new 'ulture A foreign language gi&es us a''ess to another 'ulture+and our li&es tae on a new dimension The great German "oet+

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    >ey to ?3am

    X^|q[XX‚[ œqZ[\ }˜q[\ ‘XW\ qžqW Ÿ\~\ q‚¡W\ ]^qw[\ ]}[Xj ¢X£ 56¤X{Xj ¢X£[‚Y 

     {\|[\ qžqZ[\2))C$2)) ¤X{\ ¥{56\\| :]jX`}[\ ]`}[\ ¥`w[\ †j\ ]``[\ ]^qX[\ :]{¦Z[\ §q‚ ¨^z \Z[\ :

    X{ :X\ W ]^_`z :fXZ[ ] )]`f©|\f\ ~``[\ X`} :]‚Yƒ[27T9A :VWXYZ[\ X^|q[XXj ]`X[\ :ª[\2

    ]jXx\ ~‹X} «`}[\ ¥{ 

    2. pts2. pts

    =- RA$=.G !/%R2.C=. #K "oints

    A. Answer these questions ,rite onl the numbers and the a""ro"riate answers ( K"ts )

    1.  ( =t taes for )u" to a ear

    2. to make !ull use o! their pro!essionalism and e!!iciency in their host country#s lan%ua%e L youmay accept any lo%ical ans"er 

    2. pts2. pts

    7. Are these senten'es TRE or FADC3 ( K"ts )

    . False: 4ou can#t Kust rely on ?n%lish. So havin% a !orei%n lan%ua%e in addition to ?n%lish isvital.

    B. True: /hoever is not acGuainted "ith !orei%n lan%ua%es kno"s nothin% o! his o"n.


    =. Find out the a""roximate snonms of these words from the text* ( K"ts )

      a- area b- rel '- &ital d- a'quainted e- journe


    ==- DA.GEAG  #K "oints 

    A- !ombine the following senten'es using a relati&e "ronoun* who+ whose and whi'h ( 4"ts )1.* returned the money "hich * have borro"ed !rom the bank.2.The man "hose car "as stolen "ent to the police..* liked the player "ho scored the best %oal in the A!rican =up' last February .

    2 pts2 pts2 pts

    B- ,rite the senten'es+ using the &erbs in ea'h senten'e in the sim"le "ast and the "ast "erfe't( @"ts )

    1.9ot 8 had closed2.le!t 8 had started.had already died $ sa"


    !- 'om"lete the following senten'es using the words from the following list ( 4"ts )B. rubbish.  pollution+. drou%ht


    $- Ese the following situation to ex"ress wishes about the "ast ( 4"ts ) 

    B. ;eila "ished she hadn’t eaten too !atty !ood.. Ali "ished he had revised "ell !or the e3am.+. Moroccan !ootball !ans "ished the national team had done "ell in the last A!rican =up.

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


      Teacher : Mohamed 7ouchakka ;evel: 2nd year bac

      7ac ?3am Proposal


    2uge 'hallenges+ enormous rewards

      MIdecins Sans Fronti¬res 5MSF6. /hich means octors "ithout 7orders' "as establishedin 1-C1. *t is no" the "orld’s lar%est independent or%aniJation that provides emer%ency medicalrelie!. The aim o! the or%aniJation is to help people "ho have su!!ered badly in "ars or naturaldisasters' such as earthGuakes or !loods. ?ach year' about '))) people are sent abroad to "ork in over seventy di!!erent countries"orld"ide. MSF relies on volunteer pro!essionals but also "orks closely "ith local pro!essionalsN inmost proKects' there are seven local sta!! members to every one !orei%ner. &olunteers are paid about)) a month and receive travel e3penses. The usually "ork !or nine months to a year on a proKectand then %o homeN ho"ever' about ) o! volunteers %o on more than one mission. ne volunteerreports' D/orkin% in politically sensitive areas "ith limited resources can be !rustratin%' but there ishu%e satis!action in makin% even a small or temporary di!!erence to people. /hat betterrecommendation than to say =’m about to leave on a third mission(E/hat Gualities and skills do you need to become a volunteer0 4ou have to be able to deal "ith stress.And you need to be able "ork independently as "ell as in a team. 4ou are not reGuired' ho"ever' tohave medical Guali!ications. 7esides medical pro!essionals' MSF needs the skilled support o!technical sta!! such as buildin% en%ineers and !ood e3perts.

    The rea'tion of &olunteers returning from /CF s"eas for itself 5ne of m biggest 'hallengeswas organi9ing a team to o"en a new hos"ital in a town that had had no medi'al 'are for threeears+6 one &olunteer said This &olunteer 'on'luded that the "roje't was a su''ess for two

  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


  • 8/13/2019 A Compilation of Tests and Quizzes


    receive an advanced educationN later' !eminists !ou%ht !or shared responsibility o! unpaid house"ork andchildrea