a closer look at social tv

March 12, 2012

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here at iModerate, we conducted a new study that shows the impact Social TV is having on our viewing habits. Our study also reveals who the biggest participants are, or as we call them, “The Social TV Gurus”. Finally, we found that beyond giving feedback and supporting their shows, the other main reasons individuals engage in Social TV are to be relevant and recognized, be part of a community, maintain relationships, and have virtual “hang out time” with friends. Enjoy!


Page 1: A Closer Look At Social TV

March 12, 2012

Page 2: A Closer Look At Social TV

our social tv story As we see it, social tv refers to connecting with people via social networks while watching television. It combines discovery and experience.

Social TV is changing the way people interact with TV by adding a sense of community

with instant, two-way communication.


Using a social network of friends and associates to discover new concepts

that are of collective interest.


Watching content together and commenting on it in real-time while in different locations.

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project overview Background

We took a closer look into the motivations behind how and why people utilize social media in real-time to discuss what they are watching, and better understand the impact it has on their viewing.


To do so, we conducted a hybrid study that was both quantitative and qualitative.

150 respondents completed the online quantitative study.

40 of which participated in one-on-one conversations online.

Respondents included both males and females aged 18+ who spent at least one hour per week watching television and typically comment or post about programming at least once a week.

Our Questions

Who is engaging in social tv?

How do people use social media while watching tv?

Why do people use social tv?

How does social tv influence their viewing habits?

social tv gurus

who are

In order to determine…

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The Sports Nut The Girlfriend

social tv gurus? The Extrovert

who are

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social tv gurus?

I can razz my buds in real time and tell them their team made a great play or screwed up.

If you’re a friend of mine and you’re on Facebook or Twitter, and I know you are on, I’ll write

something that will get you to respond! Like, “How stupid can your quarterback be?“ For me, it’s a

way to chat with old friends about a common interest – what we used to do in person! Facebook Male, 45-54

who are

The Sports Nut

Male between 25 and 54 years old

Watches more than 5 hours of TV a day

Watches sports, comedy, and especially enjoys Social TV for “big games”

Posts more than 5 times a week on Social Media

Engages in Social Media to feel connected and enjoys the “company” of close friends with like interests

Enjoys debating sports, razzing buddies, celebrating and venting about teams’ successes and failures, and showing off knowledge of sports

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social tv gurus?

I like using it to react with my friends in other areas of the country, and world, in real-time as things

happen. It's as if I have them on the couch with me, but with the convenience of us all being in our

own homes.

Facebook Male, 18-24

who are

The Extrovert

Male between 18 and 34 years old

Watches more than 5 hours of TV a day

Posts more than 5 times a week on Social Media

Has a vast network of virtual and personal friends all over the world

Makes new friends online through chat rooms and via posting about Social TV

Considers online social network as “real” friends, even if they don’t actually “know each other”

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social tv gurus?

When I'm watching a movie or TV show and other people are watching it too, we can talk about the

characters and how they should have done this or that . Or, the outfit someone has on. It's like

watching TV with someone right in the room with you. [Person A: “Who’s watching “The Game?''

Person B: “Girl, you see what Mel got on?'‘ Me: “Yeah, that’s cute.” Person A: “Why Derwin acting

like that?” Person B: “He wouldn't be talking to me like that!”] Facebook

Female, 35-44

who are

The Girlfriend

Female between 25-44 years old

Mainly engages in Social TV while watching dramas and reality shows

Uses Social TV to connect with her real life friends and family about shows that they all enjoy

Relates deeply with her favorite shows and looks forward to the “girls’ night out” aspect of interacting with them through Social TV

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how are they using social media?

In what way do you typically engage in Social TV?

My use of Social TV has increased over time with the availability of Facebook, the Facebook app,

text, etc., and probably will continue to increase. New technology like the iPhone, and social media

websites like Facebook, allow me to share comments more easily with friends. Q14

Facebook Male, 35-44









91% Facebook Status Update

Comment on a friend's Facebook Update

Comment on a show's FB Page

Twitter Status Update

Twitter Comment / Re-Tweet

Comment on a show's website


Check in on GetGlue.com

Comment on Tendrr.tv

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why do people use social tv?

I’ll just post my opinion and sit back to see who wants to talk about it. The goal is to engage friends

in a discussion.

Facebook Male, 25-34

People engage in Social TV for a sense of relevance and recognition.

29% of respondents engage in Social TV primarily “to advise my network of friends and let them know what’s good and what’s bad.” This is more important to men than women (36% vs. 21%).

People want to start a conversation. They want their posts to generate “likes” and feedback because it makes them feel important, loved, and in-the-know.

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why do people use social tv?

It’s a good way for my friends and I to have a common interest and something to bond over.

It brings us closer by giving us something to talk and speculate about.

Facebook Male, 18-24

Sharing the experience of watching TV strengthens relationships by maintaining connections.

23% of respondents engage in Social TV primarily “to be connected with others who have similar television program likes and dislikes.”

Maintaining relationships takes work and people view Social TV as an effective and important way to ensure that even long-distance or virtual friendships stay current and invigorated.

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why do people use social tv?

I’m a mommy who is always home alone and my husband is always working, so it feels nice

not to feel not alone and still doing the things I did before being pregnant. I feel like I am hanging

out with other people when I really never get to. It feels like I can still enjoy things

as part of a group. I like feeling like I still have a life and interacting with my old friends who are not

parents yet. Facebook

Female, 18-24

For parents, Social TV is “virtual” hang out time with friends.

It’s a way for parents to balance their family obligations with their desire to relax with friends.

While a new mom doesn’t get to hang out with the girls very often, and a family man can’t justify a Sunday afternoon at the bar with his buddies, Social TV allows them to live their current role without totally abandoning who they used to be.

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how does social tv impact viewing habits?

When I post, I feel empowered because I believe that my opinion can help or hurt my favorite

shows or products.

Facebook Male, 35-44

TV viewers are active consumers.

People are no longer being passive and just watching shows, they are engaging in two way conversations about the content of the show giving them the power to transform TV.

Social TV can be a tool to influence programming.

15% of respondents say their primary reason for engaging in Social TV is to “give feedback to the television network.”

18% say it is to “show my support for the television program.”

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It influences me to watch shows that others are talking about that I would not normally

be interested in. I started to watch The Voice because of others on social media.

Facebook Female, 18-24

how does social tv impact viewing habits?

Social TV has become a mass influencer.

People take social media chatter seriously.

If a member of their network suggests a show, they often check it out.

Online buzz can motivate people to try shows out of curiosity and out of desire to keep up with the conversation.

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how does social tv impact viewing habits? Live viewing is becoming more important.

People feel that if they want to be part of the conversation, they need to watch live or they will miss out. A key part of the fun of Social TV is that it’s taking place in real-time. This is what lets it serve as a stand-in for physical social interaction.

Those who post 10 times or more per week were far more likely to say they watch more live television, while those who post only once a week said their viewing is about the same.

Since you started engaging in Social TV, would you say you have been watching

more live television, less live television, or about the same?





+ 10

Times per Week






49% 47%






More Live TV Less Live TV About the Same

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how does social tv impact viewing habits?

For me, Social TV, increases enjoyment and now, I generally watch more TV than I did before.

Now, I usually watch while I’m on the laptop at the same time.

Facebook Female, 18-24

Social TV increases overall TV watching.

Because Social TV makes TV more fun, many people find their viewing increases as they become more engaged.

They enjoy the social interactions and are also adding shows to their viewing lineup, both of which have the net effect of increasing how much TV they watch.

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how does social tv impact viewing habits? Social TV posting increases as respondents spend more time on Social Media.

Not surprisingly, the more time respondents spend using social media each day, the more often they tend to post on Social TV.

How much time, on average, would you say you spend on social media

site(s) per day?


< 1



+ 5

Hours per Week

Once a Week 2-5 Times per Week 5-10 Times per Week 10 + Times per Week


5% 0% 0%








17% 17% 13% 11%


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iModerate 720 South Colorado Blvd. Suite 500 N Denver, CO. 80246

Phone: (303) 333-7880 Fax: (303) 333-7844

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