a century of fish biomass decline in the ocean

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An article on the reasons for fish biomass decline in the ocean.



    Vol. 512: 155166, 2014doi: 10.3354/meps10946

    Published October 9


    Opinions regarding the state and future of marineresources differ. Many fear that we are losing groundin this last frontier on the globe, and that our impactis so devastating that all fish stocks will be collapsedby 2048 (Worm et al. 2006), while alternative inter-pretations of data conclude that conditions areimproving and we are seeing improvements in fishpopulations (Worm et al. 2009). Such conflicting find-ings have, while creating headlines, sparked a hea -ted discussion within the scientific community and

    have created confusion for fisheries managers andthe general public.

    In this study, we evaluate how the abundance offish has changed in the world ocean over the last100 yr. Building on a methodology that combines foodweb modeling, statistical analysis and geographic in-formation systems, as well as physical and ecologicalglobal spatial datasets, our study is the first to eva -luate trends in global fish biomass based on stratifica-tion of the worlds oceans using food web models.

    We used 200 detailed descriptions of ecosystems inthe form of ecosystem food web models to provide

    Inter-Research 2014 www.int-res.com*Corresponding author: [email protected]

    A century of fish biomass decline in the ocean

    Villy Christensen1,*, Marta Coll2,3, Chiara Piroddi4, Jeroen Steenbeek3, Joe Buszowski3, Daniel Pauly1

    1Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia, 2202 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada2Institut de Recherche pour le Dveloppement, UMR EME 212,

    Centre de Recherche Halieutique Mditerranenne et Tropicale, Avenue Jean Monnet, BP 171, 34203 Ste Cedex, France,and Institute of Marine Science, ICM-CSIC, Passeig Martim de la Barceloneta, 37-49, Barcelona 08003, Spain

    3Ecopath International Initiative Research Association, Barcelona, Spain4European Commission - DG JRC, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Water Resources Unit, Via E. Fermi,

    2749 - TP 272, 21027 Ispra, VA, Italy

    ABSTRACT: We performed a global assessment of how fish biomass has changed over the last100 yr, applying a previously developed methodology using ecological modeling. Our assessmentbuilt on more than 200 food web models representing marine ecosystems throughout the worldcovering the period from 1880 to 2007. All models were constructed based on the same approach,and have been previously documented. We spatially and temporally distributed fish biomassesdelivered by these models based on fish habitat preferences, ecology, and feeding conditions.From these distributions, we extracted over 68000 estimates of biomass (for predatory and preyfishes separately, including trophic level of 3.5 or higher, and trophic level between 2.0 and 3.0,respectively), and predicted spatialtemporal trends in fish biomass using multiple regression.Our results predicted that the biomass of predatory fish in the world oceans has declined by two-thirds over the last 100 yr. This decline is accelerating, with 54% occurring in the last 40 yr. Resultsalso showed that the biomass of prey fish has increased over the last 100 yr, likely as a conse-quence of predation release. These findings allowed us to predict that there will be fish in thefuture ocean, but the composition of fish assemblages will be very different from current ones,with small prey fish dominating. Our results show that the trophic structure of marine ecosystemshas changed at a global scale, in a manner consistent with fishing down marine food webs.

    KEY WORDS: Fish biomass Global distribution Trends Ecosystem models Fishing down marine food webs

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    Contribution to the Theme Section Trophodynamics in marine ecology FREEREE ACCESSCCESS

  • Mar Ecol Prog Ser 512: 155166, 2014

    snapshots of how much life was in the ocean at givenpoints in time and space. We then evaluated how theconditions at each point related to environmentalparameters, based on which we developed a regres-sion model to predict biomass trend over time.Finally, we used global environmental databases topredict the spatial distribution of fish biomass. Forthe study, we used an established methodology pre-viously applied to the North Atlantic, Southeast Asia,and West Africa (Christensen et al. 2003a,b, 2004).

    This study allowed us to predict the biomass trendsfor higher trophic level fish, i.e. the larger predatoryfish or table fish, as well as for the lower trophiclevel prey fish, such as small pelagic fish (e.g. sar-dines, anchovies, capelins), which are used mainlyfor fishmeal and oil (Pikitch et al. 2013). Local andregional studies have reported important declinesof large predators in the ocean (Christensen et al.2003b), including large finfish and sharks (Baum etal. 2003, Myers & Worm 2003). In parallel, some stud-ies have indicated that the abundance of foragefishes and invertebrates may have increased due tocascading effects caused by decreasing predatorabundance as a result of human exploitation (Car -scadden et al. 2001, Worm & Myers 2003, Myers et al.2007, Coll et al. 2013).

    Given the recent controversy over whether fishingdown the food web is a phenomenon actually occur-ring in nature (Pauly et al. 1998) or a sampling arti-fact (Branch et al. 2010) with no or little relation to theunderlying ecosystem structure, our study adds tothe discussion by specifically evaluating how the bio-mass of high trophic level species has changed rela-tive to the biomass of low trophic level species.


    Ecosystem models

    We built a database with 230 ecosystem models, allof which were based on the Ecopath with Ecosim(EwE) approach and software (Christensen & Pauly1992, Christensen & Walters 2004), currently themost widely used ecosystem modeling approach inthe marine environment (Coll et al. 2008a, Collter etal. 2013, Heymans et al. 2014). EwE integrates alarge body of information from the ecosystem in acoherent description of aquatic food webs, placinghuman activities within an ecosystem context, andaccounts for environmental changes (Christensen &Walters 2004). For detailed information about theEwE approach, its main advantages and limitations,

    see the literature (e.g. Christensen & Walters 2004,Plagnyi 2007), and www.ecopath.org.

    Each of these EwE models was constructed by eco-system modelers (i.e. fisheries scientists, ecologists ormarine biologists) using local and regional datasets,usually with the aim of providing a snapshot of anecosystem in a given year, and which had been pre-viously published and well documented in the scien-tific literature (see the Supplement at www.int-res.com/articles/suppl/m512p155_supp.pdf). These mo -dels jointly cover 44% of the worlds ocean surface(Fig. 1), representing the years between 1880 and2007 (the number of models in 3 time periods withinthose years are indicated in Table 1).

    For the analysis, we first used the snapshot Ecopathmodels. We evaluated and quality-controlled theavailable Ecopath models, eliminating 30 of the can-didate models from our analysis. As criteria for inclu-sion, models must have been well documented in theliterature, included biomass information for differentfish groups as inputs, and the modeled food websmust have accounted for all living components intraceable detail. For example, we eliminated modelsthat only specified fish groups as fish. For each of the200 remaining ecosystem models, we evaluatedwhich of its functional groups belonged to the widercategory of exploitable fish species. We excludedmesopelagic species, which mainly occur in the deep,open ocean and which cannot be exploited economi-cally with existing technology (Valinassab et al. 2007).We also excluded juvenile fish, which cannot form thebasis of sustainable fisheries (Libralato et al. 2008).

    We performed the analysis separately for fish with atrophic level of 3.5 or higher, and for fish with atrophic level between 2.0 and 3.0. The higher-trophiclevel group includes predatory fish and representsthe larger table fish that tend to be used directly forhuman consumption. The lower trophic level groupstend to be forage fish, a major prey for the table fishand other marine predators (Cury et al. 2011, Pikitchet al. 2012). Humans tend to use forage fish mainly forfishmeal and oil (Alder et al. 2008, Pikitch et al. 2012).We also excluded invertebrate species from this ana -lysis since there is less information about them, andecosystem models tend to lack information on theseorganisms (but see Pauly et al. 2009, Coll et al. 2013).

    There were approximately 3000 types (uniquenames) of functional groups in the ecosystem models.Each functional group represents individual species,life stages of species, or a collection of similar species(for instance, small pelagic fishes). We assignedeach of the functional groups to depth categories,based on information from FishBase (Froese & Pauly


  • Christensen et al.: Fish biomass decline in the ocean

    2013), SeaLifeBase (Palomares & Pauly 2013), Aqua -maps (Kaschner et al. 2013), other online searches,and general knowledge of the species involved. Thedepth stratifications we used were 2000 m, and did not include habitat type. Eachfunctional group could be assigned to any number ofdepth strata, with most pelagic species (for example)being assigned to all strata.

    Secondly, we used the spatial-dynamic Ecospacemodule of EwE (Walters et al. 1999) to spatially dis-tribute the functional groups within each Ecopathecosystem model based on standardized habitat dis-tributions as described above, using the depth strati-fication categories. We used a timespatial dynamicsimulation of 30 yr per Ecopath model. Default valuesof the vulnerability parameter were used. In additionto depth stratification, the models used relative pri-mary production as input, derived from SeaWiFSsatellite data. The ecosystem models were then dis-

    tributed spatially to a global half-degree grid, basedon information in the model descriptions. The distri-bution by the available ecosystem models (Fig. 1)highlights the wide coverage of the global ocean. It isalso important to note that for many locations, severalmodels were available from different periods, whichwas important for obtaining estimates of how fishabundance has changed over time (Fig. 1 and theSupplement).

    From the spatial models, we extracted 68039 pre-dictions of fish biomass by cell and year, which sub-sequently were used as a basis for multiple regres-sion analyses.

    Multiple regression analyses

    Regression analyses to model the biomass of pre -datory and forage fish were done using the opensource R-package. We considered the following predictor variables: (1) year, (2) latitude, (3) bottomdepth (from www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/fliers/ 01mgg04.html), (4) distance from coast (modified fromwww.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/fliers/01mgg04.html), (5)density of seamounts (Christensen et al. 2011, www.seaaroundus.org), (6) absolute primary production(http://oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov/SeaWiFS/), (7) aver-age of surface and bottom temperature (from www.noaa.gov/), (8) zooplankton biomass (Bogorov et al.


    Period Number

    18801969 3519701989 9719902010 108

    Table 1. Number of ecosystem models by time period that were included in the analyses

    Number of modelsNo coverage123456789

    Fig. 1. Spatial distribution of the ecosystem models used in this study, illustrating the wide global coverage. Color density is indicative of the number of models at each location

  • Mar Ecol Prog Ser 512: 155166, 2014

    1968, FAO 1981, www.seaaroundus.org, Christensenet al. 2011), (9) macrobenthos biomass (Christensenet al. 2011, www.seaaroundus.org), (10) mesopelagicfish biomass (Gjsaeter & Kawaguchi 1980, Lam &Pauly 2005, www.seaaroundus.org, Christensen etal. 2011), (11) upwelling index (from www.pfeg.noaa.gov/ products/las/docs/global_upwell.html), and (12)FAO statistical areas (from www.seaaroundus.org).

    Our methodology builds directly on 3 previousstudies of trends in fish biomass in the North Atlantic,Southeast Asia, and off West Africa (Christensen etal. 2003a,b, 2004). A detailed flow diagram of theprocedure is provided by Christensen et al. (2003b).As in previous applications of this methodology, theenvironmental parameters were treated as static inthe analysis, while in reality they show considerableinter-annual variability. However, we do not have ac -cess to a time series of all the environmental dataused in this analysis covering the time period of inter-est (as such data do not exist).

    We used additive and variance stabilizing transfor-mations as implemented in the AVAS (additivity andvariance stabilization for regression) module of theacepack R-library to check for linearity between thepredictive variables and the dependent variable (i.e.the biomass of potentially exploitable fish with tro -phic level of 3.5 or higher or trophic level between2.0 and 3.0).

    After model exploratory selection using the lmmodule of R (R-library gamair) to assess the contribu-tion of each independent variable to the model, weexcluded the following independent variables: lati-tude, because of its covariance with temperature andFAO area; depth, because of its covariance with distance from coast; density of seamounts, becauseour sample of the ecosystem model collection did nothave a good coverage of seamount models; zoo-plankton biomass, because of its covariance with pri-mary production; macrobenthos biomass, because ofits covariance with depth; and mesopelagic fish bio-mass, because it did not significantly correlate withthe independent variable.

    We included 19 marine FAO statistical areas aspotential factorial variables, but ignored 4 of theseareas for which we had less than 5 models. We thusdid not use FAO areas 51, 58, 81, and 88 as factorialvariables in the regressions; however, models fromthese areas were used for the predictions, i.e. theywere treated as if the FAO areas in which they occurwere not specified.

    The AVAS transformations (Fig. 2) indicated thatthe dependent variable (biomass) should be log-transformed, along with 2 of the predictor variables

    (primary production and distance from the coast).The temperature transformation had a peculiarshape indicating divergence from linearity, which islikely due to the very limited observations availablefor waters where the average of bottom and surfacetemperature exceeded 20C.

    After transformation of the variables, we used thebiomass results from the 200 ecosystem models toevaluate the time trend in fish biomass over the last100 yr. We also estimated how fish biomass hadchanged during 3 time periods: 1910 to 1970, 1970to 1990, and 1990 to 2010 (see Table 3). We chosethese splits since the North Atlantic fish catchespeaked around 1970, and this was the period whenfisheries expansion gained momentum throughoutthe world (Coll et al. 2008b, Swartz et al. 2010). By1990, this expansion had reached a new level andfisheries resource depletion had become a globalphenomenon.

    The multiple linear regressions had the followingform:

    loge(biomass) = a + b1 year + b2 loge(distance) +b3 loge(primary production) + b4 temperature +

    b5 upwelling index + bi factor(FAO)

    where a is the regression intercept, b1 to b5 are theregression coefficients, and bi is a coefficient for eachof the categorical FAO variables. In the regressions,we weighted each of the 68039 estimates of fish bio-mass by time and space with 1 / loge(number of spa-tial units), i.e. with the inverse of the log of the num-ber of half-degree cells covered by each of theecosystem models. This was done to limit the influ-ence of models covering very large spatial areas(Christensen et al. 2003a,b, 2004). Since the spatialresolution of the ecosystem models was a half-degreelatitude by half-degree longitude, and because eachcell was sampled only once for each model, spatialautocorrelation and pseudoreplication were avoided(Legendre 1993, Guisan & Zimmermann 2000).

    Since results from regressions depend on whatecosystem models are included as data inputs, weevaluated the robustness of the regression by jack-knifing (leaving out one ecosystem model at a time),and found that this had no noteworthy effects on theresults, as previously found in regional studies(Christensen et al. 2003a,b, 2004). We further evalu-ated uncertainty by resampling: we randomly selec -ted 30% of the 68039 estimates of fish biomass 1000times, and evaluated predicted biomass trends fromthe subsampling.

    The regression coefficients and test statistics wereanalyzed from the regression analysis.


  • Christensen et al.: Fish biomass decline in the ocean

    Finally, we used the regression analyses(based on the total data set and on resam-pled sets), jointly with a global databasewith the predictor parameters (with half-degree resolution) to estimate global, spatialbiomass distributions of fish from 1950 andfrom 2010.


    Biomass of predatory fishes

    Our evaluations indicated that the bio-mass of predatory fish has declined signifi-cantly over the last 100 yr. For the 200 mod-els covering the entire time period from1880 to 2010, the multiple regression coeffi-cient, r2 = 0.70, indicating that the regres-sion explained 70% of the variation in thedata set, which is highly significant(Table 2). The predictor variables were allhighly significant, apart from the factorialvariable for FAO areas 18 and 31 (represent-ing the Amerasian Arctic and the Carib-bean, respectively).


    Estimate t-value Pr(>|t |) Significance

    Intercept 24.2500 54.8 2.00E-16 ***Year 0.0151 69.7 2.00E-16 ***loge(distance) 0.1008 28.0 2.00E-16 ***loge(prim. prod.) 1.1040 142.8 2.00E-16 ***Temperature 0.0608 69.6 2.00E-16 ***Upwelling index 0.0002 42.4 2.00E-16 ***FAO 18 0.0978 2.0 0.0407 *FAO 21 0.6361 19.9 2.00E-16 ***FAO 27 0.7966 28.4 2.00E-16 ***FAO 31 0.0605 1.7 0.0907 nsFAO 34 0.1952 6.0 2.33E-09 ***FAO 37 0.4279 8.4 2.00E-16 ***FAO 41 1.0460 31.0 2.00E-16 ***FAO 47 0.6778 18.2 2.00E-16 ***FAO 48 1.1660 32.8 2.00E-16 ***FAO 57 1.1920 26.1 2.00E-16 ***FAO 61 1.1250 35.6 2.00E-16 ***FAO 67 1.5880 51.4 2.00E-16 ***FAO 71 1.2270 36.1 2.00E-16 ***FAO 77 0.4832 14.9 2.00E-16 ***FAO 87 0.3341 9.7 2.00E-16 ***

    Table 2. Parameter coefficients and associated test statistics for multiplelinear regressions to predict the global marine biomass of predatoryfishes (multiple r2 = 0.70). The t-value is the ratio between an estimateand its standard error, and Pr(>|t |) indicates the probability of obtain-ing a larger t-value. The smaller this probability is, the higher the sig-nificance of this parameter. ns: not significant; *p < 0.05, ***p < 0.001

    Fig. 2. Additivity andvariance stabilization forregression (AVAS) trans-formation of independ-ent variables included inthe regression analysis.The ana lysis indicatesthat loge-transformationshould be used for bio-mass, primary produc-tion, and distance from


  • Mar Ecol Prog Ser 512: 155166, 2014

    Our results showed that the signs of the predictorvariable coefficients were negative for biomass, dis-tance, and temperature, and positive for primary pro-duction and the upwelling index (Table 2). Notably,the regression indicated that we have lost 1.5% ofthe biomass of higher trophic level fish annuallysince 1880, and that biomass declines 5 to 6% forevery degree of higher water temperature.

    If we examine the relationship between observedand predicted values based on the regression inTable 2, we see that the regression overestimatedabundance at low biomass and underestimates athigh biomass (Fig. 3). This indicates that the regres-sion was conservative, i.e. it did not overestimate thetrend in biomass. It also means that the residuals(predicted less observed values) were negative atlow biomasses and positive at high biomasses. Such astructure in the residuals suggests that there are hid-den predictors, i.e. variables that have not beenincluded in the multiple regressions. This should notcome as a surprise given that we seek to predict thebiomass based on a limited number of variables:year, distance from coast, primary production, tem-perature, upwelling, and FAO area. While theseparameters do lead to a skewed residuals overall,

    only the upwelling index shows indi-cation of a divergence from linearity(Fig. 4). These results suggest, over-all, that our predictor variables aresuitable for use in the regressions.

    Using a resampling methodology,we randomly drew 30% of the esti-mates of biomass over space and timeand performed a multiple regressionwith each subsample for the 3 timeperiods analyzed. Based on this ana -lysis, we obtained a distribution foreach predictor variable (Fig. 5). Wethen used each of the resampled re -gressions and the database of envi-ronmental parameters to predictglobal biomasses. From this, we esti-mated that the biomass of predatoryfishes has declined by around 75%during the 100 yr from 1910 to 2010.

    Dividing the models into 3 timeperiods to obtain higher temporal res-olution (Table 1), and with the splitsmade in 1970 and 1990, we obtainedmultiple linear regressions similar tothat reported above for the entiretime period (Table 3). Again, the pre-dictor variables were highly signifi-

    cant (p < 1016) and the regressions explain 66 to 91%of the variability in the biomass data.

    Evaluating the time trends based on resamplingthe 3 regressions 1000 times based on randomlyselecting 30% of the biomass estimates, our resultsshowed that the biomass of predatory fishes hasdeclined by two-thirds (66.4% with 95% confidenceintervals ranging from 60.271.2%) over the last100 yr (Fig. 6). This decline is estimated to have beenslow during the first period (10.8% or 0.2% yr1 up to1970), then severe during the second period (41.6%or 4.0% yr1 during 1970 to 1990), and slower duringthe third period (14.0% or 2.9% yr1 since 1990).

    Biomass of lower trophic level fish

    We repeated the same procedure as describedabove to predict the biomass of lower trophic levelfish (with trophic level between 2.0 and 3.0). Resultsfrom the multiple linear regressions for the entiretime period (Table 4) showed a positive and signifi-cant regression coefficient for year (0.0085). This in -dicated that the biomass of prey fish had been in -creasing over time by 0.85% yr1. Over a 100 yr time


    2 0 2 4





    Observed biomass (loge)






    s (lo

    g e)

    Fig. 3. Predicted versus observed biomass (loge-scales, t km2) for highertrophic level fish in the world ocean. Solid line indicates the 1:1 line; dottedline is the observed average trend. The predicted variables underestimate the

    observed variability

  • Christensen et al.: Fish biomass decline in the ocean 161





    0.0150 0.0145 0.0140 0.0135 0.0130





    Distance0.13 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.09




    Prim. prod.1.02 1.04 1.06 1.08 1.10





    Temperature0.060 0.058 0.056 0.054 0.052 0.050





    Upwelling0.00018 0.00020 0.00022 0.00024




    Fig. 5. Frequency distributions for pre-dictor variables in the regression cover-

    ing the entire time period

    Fig. 4. Residuals (predicted minus ob -served values, loge-transformed) for thepredictor variables in the multiple linearregression analysis covering the entire

    time period

  • Mar Ecol Prog Ser 512: 155166, 2014

    period, this corresponds to a 130% increase, suggest-ing that there are now more than twice as many preyfish in the global ocean as there were a century ago.

    Spatial biomass distributions

    Results of the global spatial biomass distributionsof predatory fish highlighted notable changes withtime (Fig. 7), especially evident in the NorthernHemisphere and main upwelling systems. Predictedpredatory fish biomass during the 1950s showedhigher values of biomass in the Northern Hemi-sphere and upwelling systems (Fig. 7a). Results from2010 showed large changes in these areas, with ageneral decrease of biomass spatially notable in thenorth and generally in coastal areas and shelf eco -systems (Fig. 7b).


    Through this study, we further refined a methodo -logy we originally introduced to describe how thebiomass of predatory fish has changed in the NorthAtlantic, West Africa, and Southeast Asia (Christen -sen et al. 2003a,b, 2004). Extending this meth odo -logy, the aim was to provide a first global estimate forhow fish biomass has changed over the last century,drawing on a vast amount of information made avail-able through data-rich ecosystem models (Chris-tensen & Pauly 1992, Christensen & Walters 2004) toadd to the general discussion of the status of marineresources worldwide.

    Our results show major declines in the biomass ofpredatory fish (i.e. of the larger fish that humans tendto eat), amounting to a decline of two-thirds over thelast century, with 55% of the decline occurring in thelast 40 yr. Indications are that the decline was shar -pest during the period between 1970 and 1990, andhas since leveled off somewhat. This does not mean,however, that conditions have started to improveglobally; we found no indications of increase in bio-mass of predatory fish. There may be regional im -provements (Worm et al. 2009, Lotze et al. 2011),however, this is not evident yet at a global scale.

    These results could indicate that we have beenfishing past the maximum sustainable yield (MSY)level (Hilborn & Walters 1992). Productivity for high -er trophic level fish populations (e.g. tuna) may in -deed be maximized when populations are reduced tobetween one-third and half of their original biomass,but our study shows that this reduction is an overallaverage. The implication is that some higher trophiclevel species (notably the larger species) may likelybe reduced even more, while smaller species willhave declined less, yet the overall average indicatesa large reduction. This is in accordance with one ofthe most thorough studies of top predator abundance


    18801969 19701989 19902010

    Intercept 0.5489 76.5400 51.5800Year 0.0021 0.0411 0.0293loge(distance) 0.1054 0.1183 0.0700loge(prim. prod.) 1.1000 1.0530 1.1950Temperature 0.1917 0.1008 0.0335Upwelling index 0.0001 0.0001 0.0004r2 0.9117 0.6721 0.6562

    Table 3. Regression coefficients for predictor variables forthe 3 time periods considered, used to estimate the loge(bio-mass) of predatory fishes (trophic level >3.5). Coefficients

    for FAO areas are not listed for clarity

    Estimate t

    Intercept 14.5200 54.8Year 0.0085 69.7loge(distance) 0.5958 28.0loge(prim. prod.) 0.7790 142.8Temperature 0.1269 69.6Upwelling index 0.0001 42.4r2 0.5572

    Table 4. Regression coefficients for predictor variables forprey fish (trophic level between 2.0 and 3.0) covering the entire time period. Coefficients for FAO areas are not listed

    for clarity








    1910 1930 1950 1970 1990 2010



    s (%


    Fig. 6. Global biomass trends for predatory fish during 1910to 2010 as predicted based on 200 ecosystem models and1000 times random resampling of 30% of data points. Thelines indicate median values and 95% confidence intervals

  • Christensen et al.: Fish biomass decline in the ocean

    (Sibert et al. 2006). For the Pacific Ocean, it was esti-mated that the largest pelagic fish (>175 cm forklength) had decreased to 17% of the unexploited bio-mass, whereas the decline was much lower for thesmaller species. We also note that it indeed is impos-sible to fish all species at the MSY level; doing somay have severe impacts on the trophic structure ofthe ecosystem (Walters et al. 2005).

    Our results are also in line with previous regionalstudies using the same methodology. For example, adecline of high trophic level fishes by two-thirds dur-ing a 50 yr period and by a factor of 9 between 1880and 1998 was documented to have occurred in theNorth Atlantic (Christensen et al. 2003b). In WestAfrica, previous analysis showed fish biomass (ex -cluding low trophic level and small fishes) has de -


    Fig. 7. Global spatial biomass distribution of predatory fish for (a) 1950 and (b) 2010

  • Mar Ecol Prog Ser 512: 155166, 2014

    clined over a 40 yr period from 1960 to 2000 by a fac-tor of 13 (Christensen et al. 2004). In Southeast Asia,the abundance of fish with trophic levels of 3.0 orhigher in 2000 was less than half the value in 1960(Christensen et al. 2003a). It is interesting to note thatthis study reports similar, but somewhat lower, esti-mates of predatory fish biomass declines than previ-ous studies. It may be possible that by focusing exclu-sively on high trophic-level fish (and not just ontarget species), the present study is less biasedtowards detection of large (~90%) declines (Myers &Worm 2003, Ferretti et al. 2010).

    The decline in predatory fish biomass is closelylinked to increased fishing effort. Anticamara et al.(2011) found that global fishing capacity (measuredin potential kilowatt days) increased 54% from 1950to 2010 with no indication of a decrease in re centyears. Note that this latter study did not include anytechnology creep factor indicating an increase intechnology efficiency (which averages 2 to 3% annu-ally; Pauly & Palomares 2010, Stergiou & Tsikliras2011). Overall, we conclude that our results are con-sistent with the study of fishing effort (Anticamara etal. 2011), which reports the decline in biomass thatcan be expected given the described increase inglobal fishing capacity. The increase in fishingcapacity has been up dated and confirmed recentlyby additional studies (Watson et al. 2013).

    It is interesting to highlight that the FAO areaswere an important term in the regression model toexplain the dependent variables. This importancemay be related to differences in historical pressureand the expansion of fisheries in marine ecosystems(Coll et al. 2008b, Swartz et al. 2010), and it is in linewith other studies suggesting that the historical evo-lution of fishing is a key factor to understand thedynamics seen in ecological indicators (Shannon etal. 2014, this Theme Section). The predictive vari-ables we used in this study are not the only importantfactors for fish biomass, even if 70% of the variationcan be explained based solely on them. There areother important variables, for instance rugosity (i.e.depth variability within spatial cells), substrate types,and fishing ef fort, but we did not have access toglobal data layers covering such variables (or theywere not of sufficient quality to be included), andtherefore they were omitted from the analysis for thetime being. In addition, the spatial distributions usedwithin Ecospace were inferred from depths at whichspecies are known to occur; other information such ashabitat type was not included. This represents a lim-itation to our analysis that must be acknowledged.The implication is not that the present study is likely

    to be misleading, but rather that we would haveobtained better predictions if we could have hadadded additional suitable predictor variables. Inaddition, although the number of ecosystem modelsfitted to the time series of data with Ecosim hasgrown substantially (Christensen & Walters 2011,Christensen 2013), these models were not usedbecause they do not cover the ocean in a representa-tive way, since such models are only available fordata-rich areas. However, as more fitted-to-time-series models become available, future worldwideanalysis will become possible.

    It is also important to highlight that, even thoughspatial autocorrelation of the data was avoided due tothe data sampling procedure, our cells do not providetrue degrees of freedom. In addition, the t-values ofthe regressions give an indication of the internalranking of the parameters (i.e. which ones mattermost). However, due to covariation between vari-ables it must be acknowledged that the interpreta-tion of these t-values needs to be treated with cau-tion, even though the results indicated that theregression was fairly robust.

    Our results also highlight that the biomass ofsmaller fish at lower trophic level positions has likelyincreased. Because our study used a trophodynamicapproach, this increase is likely linked to predationrelease, i.e. the mechanism whereby reduction inpredator populations leads to an increase in preyabundance, as documented in local and regionalstudies (Carscadden et al. 2001, Frank et al. 2005,Ward & Myers 2005, Daskalov et al. 2007, Myers etal. 2007, Coll et al. 2008c, Baum & Worm 2009), andwhich can be captured using trophic models. Thisincrease in forage fish biomass is also in line with agrowing importance of this resource in global fishingactivities (Pikitch et al. 2012), which warns of thedegradation of marine ecosystems due to the fact thatthese organisms are key elements of the food web(Cury et al. 2011). Further development of this studyshould focus on spatially describing the global distri-bution of smaller fish.

    Overall, our findings contribute to the discussion ofwhether fishing down the food web is a samplingartifact or something that occurs in reality (Pauly etal. 1998, Branch et al. 2010). Here, we estimated thatpredatory fish have declined by two-thirds, whileprey fish have increased. Combined, the decrease ofhigh trophic level fish and increase of low trophiclevel fish show that the trophic structure of marineecosystems has been changed at a global scale in amanner consistent with fishing down marine foodwebs, in addition to that which is occurring on local


  • Christensen et al.: Fish biomass decline in the ocean

    and regional scales (Stergiou & Christensen 2011,and see www.fishingdown.org). To add to the discus-sion, it should be noted that our methodology is lessdependent on fisheries catch estimates than previousstudies an issue that has been central to thisdebate. This study is based on food web modelingresults, which deliver important information regard-ing the fishing down the food web debate (Shannonet al. 2014).

    Our results have clear implications regardingchanges in marine ecosystem functioning, and thusmanagement of marine resources, since the structureof marine ecosystems may have shifted from eco -systems with larger abundance of high trophic levelsand large body sizes to ecosystems dominated bylower trophic level and small body size organisms. Agrowing importance of forage fish in marine eco -systems due to a decrease of top-down control is ofconcern, since these organisms are short-lived andare much more vulnerable to environmental fluctua-tions (Planque et al. 2010).

    Acknowledgements. This is a contribution from Sea AroundUs, a scientific cooperation between the University of BritishColumbia (UBC) and the Pew Charitable trust. V.C. acknowl-edges support from the Natural Sciences and EngineeringResearch Council of Canada. M.C. was partially funded bythe EC Marie Curie Career Integration Grant Fellowships tothe BIOWEB project and the Spanish National ProgramRamon y Cajal.


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    Submitted: March 27, 2014; Accepted: July 13, 2014 Proofs received from author(s): September 3, 2014


































