a call to prayer - worldhorizonsusa.org · 30 days of prayer “arise, my darling, my beautiful...

A Call to Prayer Unengaged Unreached Muslim Peoples of North India !"#$ ;pma&ع#’

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Page 1: A Call to Prayer - worldhorizonsusa.org · 30 Days of Prayer “Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come with me. See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers

A Call to PrayerUnengaged Unreached Muslim Peoples of North India

یسوع مسیح

Page 2: A Call to Prayer - worldhorizonsusa.org · 30 Days of Prayer “Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come with me. See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers

30 Days of Prayer“Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come with me. See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. The fig-tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread

their fragrance. Arise, come, my darling; my beautiful one, come with me.” Song of Songs 2:10-13

 God is doing a new thing in Northern India. For a number of years we have been speaking of the hidden bride – the 100’s thousands of unengaged, unreached, Muslim people groups.

 Now we sense that it is time to mobilise some intense prayer and intercession as the North Indian Bride begins to make herself ready. In this so called desert we want to call out the flowers, hear the new song and feel the wind of the Holy Spirit blow. We want to see fruit

in terms of new workers sent and new expressions of Christ started.

We are launching a 30 day period of prayer and fasting for North India starting Easter Sunday 31st March. Feel free to pray on the ground with us and think about mobilising

prayer within your church wherever you are during this period.

Page 3: A Call to Prayer - worldhorizonsusa.org · 30 Days of Prayer “Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come with me. See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers


Haggai,  “the  Lord’s  messenger,”  encouraged  the  people:  “Give  careful  thought…  You  have  planted  much  but  have  harvested  li?le…”    The  phrase  “give  careful  thought”  is  repeated  five  Bmes  in  Haggai…    The  country  of  India  is  menBoned  in  Ester  1:1.    TradiBon  holds  the  Apostle  Thomas  brought  the  Gospel  to  the  subconBnent  in  the  first  century.    “We  have  expected  much,  but…”  (Haggai  1:9)  we  do  not  yet  see  the  Gospel  impact  we  long  for…      The  Lord  is  again  sBrring  the  spirit  within  his  people  as  He  did  in  Haggai’s  day  (Haggai  1:14).      The  promise  then  was  the  glory  of  the  new  Temple  would  be  greater  than  the  former  house  (Haggai  2:9)  Will  you  join  us  in  expectant  prayer  He  is  about  to  do  something  new  in  our  days?    Habakkuk  1:5  &  3:2  say  the  Lord  will  do  something  new  in  our  days…Amos  3:7  The  Sovereign  Lord  does  nothing  without  revealing  his  plan  to  his  servants  the  prophets…Amos  4:13…  He  reveals  His  thoughts  to  man.  Habakkuk  2:2  The  Lord  says  write  down  the  revelaBon,  it  waits  for  an  appointed  Bme…  though  it  linger,  wait  for  it;  it  will  certainly  come.

the heart behind itYou  are  invited  to  join  the  a?ached  prayer  iniBaBve  as  a  fresh  start  for  India.    Workers  in  the  field  have  an  expectancy  the  Kingdom  of  God  is  coming  in  a  powerful  new  way!    (see  Luke  10:1  -­‐  )  The  iniBaBve  begins  with  the  new  life  of  the  ResurrecBon,  but  can  be  prayed  at  any  Bme  you  can  join  us.    “From  this  day  on  I  will  bless  you,”  says  the  Lord  (Haggai  2:19)  

This  guide  has  a  daily  devoBonal  (some  of  this  is  informaBve  to  try  and  help  us  to  understand  more  of  the  needs  amongst  these  peoples),  a  daily  Bible  verse,  a  different  people  group  focus  and  some  points  for  prayer.  We  hope  that  you  may  be  able  to  spend  some  Bme  and  seek  the  Lord  and  ask  Him  what  He  wants  us  to  pray  for  these  peoples  throughout  these  30  days.  God  said  to  Ezekiel,  3:20:  “I  looked  for  someone  among  them  who  would  build  up  the  wall  and  stand  before  me  in  the  gap  on  behalf  of  the  land  so  I  would  not  have  to  destroy  it,  but  I  found  no  one.”  Our  iniBal  prayer  is  that  the  Lord  will  find  people  who  will  stand  in  the  gap  on  behalf  of  these  people!  Please  join  us  and  pray  for  30  days!

Page 4: A Call to Prayer - worldhorizonsusa.org · 30 Days of Prayer “Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come with me. See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers

the man of peace

Day 1


Population: 11,198,000 Location: Uttar Pradesh: 4,775,000 Bihar: 328,000 Rajasthan: 978,000 Madhya Pradesh: 855,000 Delhi: 238,000


Prayer Focus

People Group Focus: Day 1

Many  believed  because  of  the  woman;  others  said  we  no  longer  believe  just  because  of  her,  now  we  have  heard  for  ourselves.  Lydia  (Acts  16:13-­‐15)  is  an  another  example  of  a  woman  of  peace.    Cornelius  (Acts  10:22-­‐27);  the  jailer  (Acts  16:29-­‐34);  and  Jason  (Acts  17:1-­‐9)  are  other  examples.      Jason  is  an  example  of  how  the  “person  of  peace”  can  suffer  by  creaQng  an  opening  for  the  Gospel.    This  is  why  it  is  essenQal  we  not  only  find  these  people,  but  also  pray  God’s  hand  be  on  them.      

When  you  enter…first  say,  “Peace  to  this  house.”  (Sallam  alaykum)  

If  a  man  of  peace  is  there,  your  peace  will  rest  on  him.    Lk  10:5,6  Jesus  gave  the  72  disciples  this  entry  strategy  when  he  sent  them  ahead  of  him  as  “lambs  among  wolves.”  Luke  10:3.    The  man  of  peace  is  a  gate  keeper  for  families  &  the  larger  community.    He  may  help  create  favor  with  authoriQes  or  create  an  opening  for  the  hearing  of  the  Gospel  –  in  the  places  Jesus  will  come.      The  Samaritan  woman  in  John  4  was  a  woman  of  peace.    Most  of  us  are  familiar  with  the  conversaQon  Jesus  had  with  this  woman,  but  consider  Jn  4:39  &  42:  

and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:7

About: Often those using the surname Khan are Pathan (or Pashtuns). Rae Barelli, Farraukabad, Sambhal, Rohilkhand, Azamgarh. The Pashtun have played an important role in the history of their region.

Sunni Muslims that are related historically to Pashtos in Pakistan and Afghanistan are mostly Pathans. From their community have come Muslim rulers, administrators, and soldiers. While many have moved out of the highlands in search of an easier life on the plains, their mountainous homeland continues to be their citadel of strength and freedom. Pashtun society is based on extended family.

Islam came to them as a great liberating and unifying force, freeing them from the cult of Brahminism and the harshness of Buddhism. For this reason, their underlying faith and steadfast devotion to Islam are very strong.

-­‐  Pray  that  God  will  raise  many  men  and  women  of  peace  to  set  the  pillars  of  his  Church  amongst  the  UUMPG’s  of  North  India.

Page 5: A Call to Prayer - worldhorizonsusa.org · 30 Days of Prayer “Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come with me. See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers

ramadan ‘aka Ramazan’

Day 2


Population: 10,004,000 Location: Uttar Pradesh: 4,424,000 Bihar: 1,825,000 Uttarakhand: 132,000 Gujarat: 127,000 Delhi: 102,000

ansari momin

Prayer Focus

People Group Focus: Day 2

earlier  each  year.    Please  pray  workers  will  be  able  to  share  God’s  idea  of  an  acceptable  fast  described  in  Isaiah  58.  “Is  this  the  kind  of  fast  I’ve  chosen…?”  asks  the  Lord.  Is  58:  5

Muslims  celebrate  the  compleQon  of  the  fast  with  an  end-­‐fasQng  holiday.      Many  poor  North  Indian  Muslims    find  the  end-­‐fasQng  holiday  more  special  than  Islam’s  more  significant  holiday,  known  as  Baqri  Eid  or  Eid  al  Adha.    That  holiday  commemorates  Abraham’s  willingness  to  sacrifice  his  son.    

The  5  pillars  of  Islamic  faith  include:  Saying  the  creed,  praying  five  Qmes  a  day,  giving  alms,  pilgrimage  to  Mecca  (if  you  are  able)  and…  Ramadan:  a  month  of  fasQng  from  food  &  pleasures  from  sunrise  to  sunset.    Many  Muslims  exchange  eaQng  during  the  day  for  feasQng  at  night.    Because  Muslims  are  a  minority  community  in  North  India,  the  fast  is  not  as  strictly  enforced  as  Muslim  majority  countries.    Ramadan  is  the  actual  name  of  a  month  of  the  Islamic  calendar,  which  has  10  less  days  /  year  than  the  Western  calendar.    This  means  the  Ramadan  fast  begins  10  days  

“But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to

your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.”

Matthew 6:17-18

About: Ansari is Arabic derived from Ansar which has a literal meaning of "those who support". Ansar originates from the Medinan people who assisted the prophet Muhammed as he migrated from Mecca to Medina. These people later became his emissaries and soldiers. Urdu speaking Muslims found in Uttar Pradesh and the Sindh region of Pakistan. Are said to be Sunni but also follow folk Islam. Mainly illiterate and poor. Varanasi District is the centre of their community. They are traditionally weavers and are said to have been converted from hindu weaving castes.

Pray  we  can  explain  how  God’s  intervenQon  in  the  Abraham  story  of  Genesis  22  (and  Passover  Exodus  12)  foreshadows  God’s  redempQve  work  on  the  cross.  

Page 6: A Call to Prayer - worldhorizonsusa.org · 30 Days of Prayer “Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come with me. See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers


Day 3


Population: 76,868,000 Location: Uttar Pradesh: 10,236,000 Bihar: 9,249,000 Rajasthan: 2,811,000 Madhya Pradesh: 2,094,000


Prayer Focus

People Group Focus: Day 3

-­‐  With  nearly  70%  Muslims  &  30%  Hindus  churning  centuries  of  un-­‐reconciled  strife,  city  is  always  moments  away  from  a  riot.-­‐  This  massive  urban  center  is  bombarded  with  poverty,  pornography,  materialism,  and  corrupQon  grinding  on  the  most  vulnerable  &  creaQng  conflict  among  families.-­‐  The  influence  of  both  the  Sufi  &  orthodox  Muslim  theological  centers  of  Bareilly  &  Deoband:  That  those  seeing  dreams  of  Jesus  &  miracles  would  take  the  next  step  of  faith  in  Jesus.

This  city  was  established  in  approx.  1600  by  prince  Murad,  the  son  of  the  Mughal  Emperor  Shah  Jahan.  It  is  situated  167  km  (104  mi)  from  the  naQonal  capital,  Delhi,  on  a  tributary  of  the  Ganges  River.    The  city  is  nicknamed  Pital  Nagri,  ("City  of  Brass")  for  its  famous  brass  handicraks  industry.      

-­‐  Pray  for  the  Spirit  of  God  to  bring  lasQng  peace  and  hope  through  emerging  believers  who  are  courageously     searching  for  people  of  peace  in  Muslim  neighborhoods  &  their  family  networks  in  Western  U.P.-­‐  Pray  for  the  exisQng  leaders  of  this  work  to  grow  the  DNA  of  generaQonal  discipleship.                                      -­‐  God  is  pouring  out  His  Spirit  (Joel  2:28)  in  this  city;  pray  also  for  fruit  that  will  last.  John  15:16.

"Having an eternal gospel to preach to those who live on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue

and people." Revelation 14:6

About: After the advent of Islam in South Asia, some high caste (Brahmins, Muslim Rajputs and Khatris) converted to Islam in the Punjab region and adopted this title. They are known as Punjabi Shaikh (Punjabi). Majority of the Punjabi Shaikhs are urbanized and detached from the traditional agricultural ancestry. However, a few families also cultivate their own land in the western districts of Punjab. The main professions of the urban Punjabi Shaikhs are business and public service, and are stereotyped for their reputation for business acumen.

The Khawaja Shaikh, with their sub-division the Chiniotis and the Qanungoh Shaikh are two such communities. The Shaikh can be broadly grouped into five communities. Three of these communities are the Siddiks, Farukis and Abbasi who are often descendents of Arab immigrants. The other two are the Chistis and Kuraishis communities who tend to be mainly from converts to Islam.

Page 7: A Call to Prayer - worldhorizonsusa.org · 30 Days of Prayer “Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come with me. See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers


Day 4


Population: 7,092,000 Location: Uttar Pradesh: 1,557,000 Bihar: 438,000 Rajasthan: 504,000 Gujarat: 256,000


Prayer Focus

People Group Focus: Day 4

College  in  Lucknow.  The  Deobandi  movement  is  known  for  its  harsh  stance  against  many  pracQces  common  in  the  Indian  subconQnent.      These  include  celebraQng  the  Prophet  Mohamed’s  birthday,  and  calling  on  the  prophets  and  saints  for  assistance.  Tablighi  Jamaat,  a  Muslim  reform  organizaQon,  began  as  an  offshoot  of  the  Deobandi  movement.  Its  incepQon  is  believed  to  be  a  response  to  Hindu  reform  movements,  which  were  considered  a  threat  to  vulnerable  and  non-­‐pracQcing  Muslims.

Deobandi  is  the  name  of  a  city  &  Sunni  (branch)  school  in  North  India.    It  is  also  the  name  of  a  revivalist  movement  which  has  spread  beyond,  but  is  mostly  centered  in  the  region.    The  movement  was  inspired  by  Shah  Waliullah  (1703–1762);  the  Darul  Uloom  Deoband  school  was  begun  in  1866.

The  school  /  movement  developed  as  a  reacQon  to  BriQsh  colonialism  ,  which  was  believed  by  a  group  of  prominent  Indian  scholars  to  be  corrupQng  the  Islamic  religion.    The  founders  of  the  Deobandi  movement  were  influenced  by  the  Wahhabi  movement.    

The  school  has  gradually  become  the  second  largest  focal  point  of  Islamic  teachings  and  research  aker  the  Al-­‐Azhar  University,  Cairo,  Egypt.    Graduates  have  opened  thousands  of  madrasas  (schools)  throughout  South  Asia.  An  affiliated  school  is  the  Nadwa

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

John 8:32

About: The Sayyid are one of the larger segments of Muslims in India. The word literally means "master"; the closest English equivalent would be "sir" or "lord". Some Muslims use the term sayyid for the descendants of Abu Talib, uncle of Muhammad, tracing back to the Arabs. Sayyid ancestors migrated to India from different parts of Iran. The Sayyid may have an inadequate understanding of who Jesus truly is, the Son of God, deity. Pray the Sayyid community will increasingly hunger to truly know and follow Isa (Jesus) as he is referred to in the Koran.

Pray   that   followers   of   Christ   will  soon   emerge   from   these   schools  and  become  well  established  in  the  faith,   pray   that   as   they   study  seeking  the  truth,  that  they  will  find  the   True   Gospel   and   receive  revelaQons  of  Jesus.

Page 8: A Call to Prayer - worldhorizonsusa.org · 30 Days of Prayer “Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come with me. See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers


Day 5


Population: 1,082,000 Location: Uttar Pradesh: 815,000 Bihar: 19,000 Rajasthan: 6,000 Madhya Pradesh: 4,900 Haryana: 36,000 Uttarakhand: 28,000 Delhi: 124,000


Prayer Focus

People Group Focus: Day 5

The  book  says  Aligarh  has  several  Muslim  towns  in  a  single  city,  and  is  not  the  “basQon  of  Muslim  separaQsm”  many  Hindu’s  imagine.    

“There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells.”

Psalm 46:4

Aligarh  is  best  known  for  Aligarh  Muslim  University,  which  was  founded  by  Sir  Sayyid  Ahmed  Khan  in  1875.    It  is  an  English  medium  school,  which  includes  modern  science  prominently  in  its  syllabus  –  contrasted  with  the  syllabus  of  Deobandi  which  dates  from  the  middle  ages.    It  was  created  to  help  Muslims  students  find  employment  in  the  imperial  civil  service.  Yet,  many  of  Aligarh’s  graduates  helped  create  Pakistan  as  a  separate  Muslim  naQon.    

Muslims  in  Indian  CiGes  (2012  Harper  Collins)  cites  the  city  as  one  of  India’s  most  riot-­‐prone.    It  has  a  declining  lock  /  hardware  industry  which  idenQfies  poorer  Muslims  from  the  wealthier,  beper  educated  students,  faculty  &  staff  of  the  university.    

The  poor  area  is  characterized  by  a  lack  of  government  infrastructure  &  community  development  iniQaQves.

About: Traditionally butchers from which they get their name Qassab, which means butcher in Urdu. Their community name Qassab is also an Arabic word which means ‘to cut’. They claim that their origin is from Arabia. They are majority Sunni. Qassab found in Kashmir claim to be converted Brahmins, those found in Uttar Pradesh say they are of Arab descent. Urdu speaking they are found in cities and rural areas.Largest community is in Western Uttar Pradesh. Many of them are now engaged in business or work as daily-wage labours. Both child and adult marriages are in practice.

-­‐ Please  pray  both  wealthier  educated  Muslims  &  those  with  limited  resources  will  both  recognize  Jesus  as  their  Savior.    

-­‐ Pray  the  city  will  recognize  &  fulfill  God’s  special  purposes  as  it  creates  a  new  idenQty  of  potenQal  for  itself.

Page 9: A Call to Prayer - worldhorizonsusa.org · 30 Days of Prayer “Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come with me. See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers


Day 6


Population: 519,000 Location: Uttar Pradesh: 457,000 Uttarakhand: 13,000 Rajasthan: 32,000 Madhya Pradesh: 8,500 Gujarat: 2,300


Prayer Focus

People Group Focus: Day 6

Jesus  compared  himself  to  a  bridegroom  coming  for  His  bride,  whom  He  loves.  (Is  62:5,  Map  25:  1-­‐13,  Rev:  21:  2)

My  married  Muslim  women  friends  always  ask  me  if  my  marriage  was  an  ‘arranged’  marriage  or  a  ‘love’  marriage.    I  share  it  was  a  ‘love’  marriage  then  ask  about  theirs.    All  have  been  ‘arranged’.  India’s  government  staQsQcs  report  that  95%  of  all  marriages  in  India  are  arranged.    Women  always  discuss  which  one  is  beper.  Whether  their  marriage  was  arranged  or  not,  their  deepest  longing  in  marriage  is  to  be  valued  and  esteemed.    In  most  cases  this  is  not  true.    The  challenges  for  women  in  India  are  immense.    Women's  rights  acQvists  say  that  discriminaQon  against  women  here  in  India  begins  even  before  birth.    

Pray  for  married  women  and  their  daughters,  so  they  would  come  to  know  the  True  Bridegroom  of  their  lives.  The  One  who  loves  them,  esteems  them,  and  desires  to  prepare  a  room  for  them  in  our  Father’s  House.    Isaiah  62:5  ‘…as  a  bridegroom  rejoices  over  his  bride,  so  will  your  God  rejoice  over  you.’

“I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, My soul shall be joyful in my God; For He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He

has covered me with the robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, And as a bride

adorns herself with her jewels.”Isaiah 61:9-11

About: The term Bhisti is derived from the Persian word Bihisht, meaning paradise, and they were so named on account of the services they rendered to thirsty soldiers. They claim their ancestry from Hazrat Abbas Alamdar, who went to fetch water from a pond in a skin-bag to quench the thirst of the followers of Imam Husain on their way to Damascus. The Bihishti belong to the Sunni sect of Islam. They venerate their village deity, Khera Dev.

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Day 7


Population: 1,617,000 Location: Uttar Pradesh: 610,000 Bihar: 23,000 Rajasthan: 126,000 Delhi: 121,000 Uttarakhand: 21,000


Prayer Focus

People Group Focus: Day 7The  North  Indian  state  of  Upar  Pradesh  is  the  most  populous  state  in  India.    According  to  the  2011  census,  it  has  a  populaQon  of  over  200  million  people.    

The  populaQon  density  is  828  people  per  square  km  making  it  one  of  the  densest  states  in  the  country.  Muslims  make  up  the  largest  minority  group  (19%)  in  the  UP.  Many  workers  feel  the  percentages  are  much  higher.  

Literacy  and  employment  are  2  crucial  indicators  of  socio-­‐economic  well-­‐being  and  they  are  criQcally  low  in  Muslim  communiQes.    Here  in  the  UP,  as  compared  to  other  states  in  India,  they  are  more  deprived  socially  and  economically.    As  we  look  at  these  staQsQcs,  we  are  also  reminded  this  is  an  Un-­‐engaged  area  of  the  world-­‐meaning  very  few  workers  and  no  known  work  among  many  Muslims  peoples.  

Luke  4:18  says  ‘The  Spirit  of  the  Lord  is  upon  me,  because  he  has  anointed  me  to  proclaim  good  news  to  the  poor.    He  has  sent  me  to  proclaim  liberty  to  the  capQves  and  recovering  of  sight  to  the  blind,  to  set  at  liberty  those  who  are  oppressed.’

-­‐  Please  pray  that  Jesus  is  proclaimed  among  the  millions  of  Muslims  of  North  India.                                    

"Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm.

Nothing is too hard for you.”Jeremiah 32:17

About: The Moghal are a well-known Muslim community of North India. According to sources, they were originally from Mongolia and came to India along with the Mughal emperor Babar, the founder of the Mughal empire in India. They are divided into the Shia and Sunni sects of Islam. They adhere to sharia law as regards the rules of marriage, divorce, remarriage, and inheritance of property. They celebrate all Muslim festivals with great enthusiasm and devotion.

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Day 8


Population: 721,000 Location: Uttar Pradesh: 80,000 Bihar: 486,000 Delhi: 60,000 Gujarat: 4,900 Madhya Pradesh: 1,500


Prayer Focus

People Group Focus: Day 8

Gospel.    Yet,  through  the  centuries,  the  church  has  not  sparked  the  movement  we  all  long  for.    What  is  limiQng  our  impact?    What  will  facilitate  greater  indigenous  integraQon?    An  old  ChrisQan  chorus  declares,  “They’ll  know  we  are  ChrisQans  by  our  love.”

“…  the  world  will  know  the  Father  sent  Jesus  &  loves  (His  disciples).”  Jn  17:23  “…  they  will  all  know  (Jesus),  from  the  least  of  them  to  the  greatest.”  Hb  8:11  Every  city  or  people  group  is  disQnguished  by  some  unique  characterisQc(s)  or  event(s).    Lucknow  has  two  famous  historical  sites:  The  “Bara  Imambara,”  is  a  Shia  building  complex  built  in  the  late  1700’s  as  a  public  relief  project.    The  Residency  was  the  site  of  the  baple  for  independence  /  “muQny”  of  1857.  The  city  is  also  famous  for  “chikan,”  &  “Tunday  Kebabi:”  Moghul  style  embroidery  and  seasoned  meat.  India  boasts  a  ChrisQan  presence  since  the  Apostle  Thomas  first  brought  the

“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

John 13:35

-­‐ Please  pray  the  ChrisQans  of  North  India  will  be  known  by  this  characterisQc,  “by  our  love.”

-­‐ Pray  both  naQonal  believers  &  expat  workers  will  be  salt  &  light  in  the  larger  community.    

-­‐ Pray  we  will  maintain  the  unity  Christ  has  entrusted  to  his  body  (Ephesians  4:3)  AND  be  fruivul  in  inviQng  others  to  Jesus.    

About: The Qazi community derive their name from the term qadi which means "judge." They have a tradition of being the religious leaders or imams among the Muslim groups. The majority of the Qazi live in Bihar. The Qazi are skilled in art of Islamic religious rites and tend to perform the traditional ceremonies for the greater Muslim community. They perform the birth, purification, marriage, death and burial rites.

The Qazi are Sunni Muslims of the Hanafi tradition. They faithfully follow the Muslim practice of praying five times a day. There is a need for education. There is also a lack of employment among them. The Qazi are a very strategic community to bring to faith in Christ as they would be natural spiritual leaders as followers of Isa. Terrific influence among many Muslim groups could be made if a Qazi man were able to remain in the community and be a Christian Qazi leader. With Christ all things are possible!

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honour killing

Day 9


Population: 2,481,000 Location: Uttar Pradesh: 1,569,000 Jammu and Kashmir: 205,000 Rajasthan: 114,000 Haryana: 194,000 Uttarakhand:65,000

rajput urdu

Prayer Focus

People Group Focus: Day 9

does  not  want  to  ‘deal’  with  the  issue.

The  Bible  teaches  that  God’s  creaQon  brings  shame  upon  Him  by  disobeying  His  commands.  Society  teaches  that  God  is  bound  by  His  honour  to  punish  those  who  brought  shame  on  His  good  name.  Thankfully,  Jesus  took  our  shame  to  the  cross  while  restoring  the  honour  of  God.

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to

proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free”

Luke 4:18

In  an  honour/shame  society  how  one  does  something  is  more  important  than  what  one  does.  There  are  expectaQons  put  on  each  person  and  they  are  taught  not  to  quesQon  those  in  authority.  When  a  person  does  something  deemed  shameful,  it  is  the  duty  of  that  person’s  superior  to  take  care  of  it.  Usually  the  first  response  is  to  try  to  hide  the  event  so  no  one  else  finds  out  what  happened.  If  the  event  becomes  known,  excuses  come  next  and  then  come  public  humiliaQon.  

In  the  most  extreme  cases,  the  one  in  authority  must  kill  the  one  who  shamed  the  group.  Many  Qmes  when  this  extreme  event  happens,  it  is  seen  as  the  only  way  that  honour  can  be  restored  and  if  it  is  not  done,  that  family  lives  with  the  shame  caused  by  the  event.  At  other  Qmes,  death  comes  in  the  form  of  suicide;  either  by  the  perpetrator  or  by  the  one  in  authority  who  

About: The Rajput Muslims get there name from the larger Rajput people who are one of the four main Hindu divisions of South Asia peoples. Rajput in Sanskrit means, 'son of a ruler or king'. Rajput Muslims today are primarily an agricultural community. As land has been lost, a growing number have become employed in service and even wage labour jobs. As people of influence and social status, the Rajputs are a key people to reach with the Gospel. As converts to Islam they may be more open than many traditionally Muslim peoples to hear and receive of the love of Christ.

-Please  pray  God  will  open  their  eyes  to  see  the  value  in  these  lives.

-Pray  they  will  learn  how  Jesus  has  taken  all  our  shame  on  the  Cross.

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rural life -­‐  problems in coming to faith

Day 10


Population: 737,000 Location: Uttar Pradesh: 40,000 Haryana: 34,000 Rajasthan: 552,000 Madhya Pradesh: 104,000


Prayer Focus

People Group Focus: Day 10

who  comes  to  faith  is  rejecQng  the  family  and  the  community  that  provided  for  them  all  their  lives.  When  a  person  comes  to  faith,  rejecQon  is  experienced  in  different  ways.  For  example,  a  village  believer  is  oken  forced  to  marry  someone  from  his/her  old  religion.  Or  the  person  is  not  allowed  to  use  the  village  well  or  is  refused  work.  On  several  specific  cases,  people  who  came  to  faith  were  refused  burial  in  both  the  Muslim  and  the  ChrisQan  cemeteries.  The  first  because  they  changed  their  religion  and  the  second  because  they  were  not  born  in  the  church.

India  is  a  naQon  of  villages.  Even  the  ciQes  consist  of  countless  small  communiQes  named  aker  a  popular  building,  a  VIP,  or  famous  religious  person.  In  the  state  of  Upar  Pradesh  there  are  over  107,000  villages  with  populaQons  up  to  10,000.    Hindu  temples  and  various  shrines  can  be  found  in  every  village.  Likewise,  Muslim  mosques  and  Islamic  religious  sights  are  evident  in  many  of  the  places.    However,  signs  of  ChrisQanity  are  very  scarce.  Very,  very  few  villages  have  a  church  building  and  many  villages  do  not  have  any  believers  at  all.  Local  families  oken  think  that  anyone

“Sustain me, my God, according to your promise, and I will live; do not let my hopes be dashed.”

Psalm 119:116

Please  pray  that  local  families  understand  the  community  that  exists  in  God  and  that  those  who  want  to  believe  are  allowed  to  do  so.  

About: They were converted Rajput Hindu's and have lived for a millienium as muslims. Orignally they spoke Mewat but now they mainly speak Urdu. Often they blend aspects of Hinduism and Islam. In Uttar Pradesh they are found in Rohikhand and Doab, Mathura, Bulandshahr Ditrict, Meerut District, Moradabad, Bareilly, Rampur and Pilibhit districts. They are mainly farmers and labours.

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the sunnis

Day 11


Population: 1,631,000 Location: Uttar Pradesh: 1,185,000 Gujarat: 156,000 Uttarakhand: 141,000 Haryana: 35,000


Prayer Focus

People Group Focus: Day 11Sunni  Muslims  are  in  the  majority  around  the  enQre  world.  They  adhere  to  the  Qur’an  a  liple  closer  than  their  counterparts.  Sunnis  emphasize  family,  ritual,  religion,  and  outside  appearance.    

Just  like  many  others,  Sunni  people  confuse  the  physical  with  the  spiritual.  In  their  mind,  eaQng  food  without  washing  one’s  hands  is  a  sin.  In  the  same  way,  more  emphasis  is  put  on  the  words  that  are  recited  in  prayer  than  on  the  aytude  of  the  person  praying.  For  this  reason,  Sunni  Muslims  fall  into  the  trap  of  us  versus  them.  

They  also  oken  act  as  their  own  judge  and  jury,  never  considering  God’s  perspecQve  on  one’s  acQons  and  inacQons.  

“The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord

looks at the heart.”1 Samuel 16:7b

Please  pray  that  Sunnis  are  able  to  understand  the  difference  between  the  things  that  are  spiritual  and  the  things  that  are  physical.  Also  pray  that  they  maintain  the  spirit  of  the  law  while  accepQng  God’s  grace  both  for  themselves  and  for  others.  

About: The word 'Teli' is derived from the Sanskrit word 'tailika' or 'tails', which means oil pressed from seeds. The community are traditional manufacturers of mustard or sesame oil. Hindus who convert to Islam are called Roshandaar or Muslim Teli. According to their tradition, their ancestor Luqman was apprenticed to the Biblical King David. Luqman is said to have first started the oil extraction profession. It is said that Luqman's ancestor was the Prophet Ayoub (Biblical Job).Oil is a useful connection between Christians and Telis. The physical and spiritual significance of oil in the Bible can be a key point for sharing the gospel with them.

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muslim jobs

Day 12


Population: 920,000 Location: Uttar Pradesh: 391,000 Bihar: 474,000 Utarakhand: 1,900 Madhya Pradesh: 24,000


Prayer Focus

People Group Focus: Day 12

jobs  and  are  only  able  to  earn  a  small  pay  from  them.  Because  the  variety  of  jobs  are  limited,  many  people  are  forced  to  do  the  same  job.  Which  means  there  are  a  lot  of  very  small  shops  compeQng  with  each  other.  Today,  some  Muslims  find  employment  in  other  countries  as  general  labourers.  But  most  Muslims  work  in  the  trades  or  as  farmers.  

As  a  whole,  Muslims  tend  to  occupy  the  less  glamorous  jobs.  In  the  Qme  of  Islamic  rule,  they  worked  as  skilled  arQsans,  without  an  equal  in  their  given  fields.  However,  Qmes  and  needs  have  changed.  The  jobs  in  which  Muslims  excelled  in  the  past  are  no  longer  the  ones  that  are  in  great  need.

Added  to  this,  Muslims  have  always  been  leery  of  outsiders  which  mean  they  did  not  emphasize  educaQon,  especially  from  an  outside  source.  Therefore,  the  people  were  taught  a  family  job  and  nothing  more.  Granted,  this  fact  is  changing  more  and  more  each  year.    

Due  to  religious  prejudice,  there  are  certain  jobs  that  only  Muslims  are  willing  to  do.  For  example,  selling  milk,  working  with  leather,  butchering,  and  the  like.  Although  a  few  people  have  become  successful  within  these  trades,  most  remain  stuck  in  these  type  of  

“No longer will they build houses and others live in them, or plant and others eat. For as the days of a tree,

so will be the days of my people; my chosen ones will long enjoy the work of their hands.”

Isaiah 65:22

Please  pray  that  God  blesses  the  Muslim  people  with  the  opportuniQes  they  need  to  succeed  by  financially  and  spiritually.  

About: The Kujnra or Rayeen are Sunni. The majority have traditionally been engaged in horticulture and gardening, although this has changed in recent years. The marriage symbol for women is the nose-ring. The Rayeen women, besides performing household chores, assist their menfolk in agricultural operations, cattle-rearing, and in other economic activities. They favor formal education but most of the children drop out after the primary or secondary level, mainly due to economic reasons.

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the shias

Day 13


Population: 545,000 Location: Uttar Pradesh: 466,000 Bihar: 50,000 Uttarakhand: 8,400 Rajasthan: 1,700


Prayer Focus

People Group Focus: Day 13

which  mix  formal  religion  with  cultural  beliefs  and  pracQces.  Prior  to  the  BriQsh  ruling  India,  Shia  Muslims  ruled  in  North  India.  During  that  Qme,  there  was  even  a  connecQon  with  the  Free  Masons  of  America.  This  connecQon  was  so  Qght  that  a  town  in  America  re-­‐named  itself  aker  a  current  capital  city  in  India.

“Who will not fear you, Lord, and bring glory to your name? For you alone are holy. All nations will come

and worship before you, for your righteous acts have been revealed.”Revelation 15:4

Proud,  defiant,  minority,  resistant,  unified,  Qght  knit.  These  are  words  that  define  the  Shia  Muslims  of  India.  This  sect  of  Islam  makes  up  about  20%  of  the  naQon’s  Muslims  and  is  a  definite  minority  around  the  world.  

They  believe  there  were  12  righvul  leaders  aker  Mohammed  and  the  12th  one  never  died,  but  instead  took  on  a  spirit  form.    This  spirit  form  does  good  deeds  around  the  world  and  will  take  on  human  form  when  Jesus  returns.  This  Caliph  (leader)  will  join  Jesus  in  leading  a  special  prayer  for  all  Muslims.    Shia  have  many  other  interesQng  beliefs

Please  pray  that  the  Shia  people  unite  around  the  Gospel  of  Jesus  Christ.  Pray  that  they  are  prepared  for  the  second  coming  of  Jesus  and  not  just  one  of  their  former  leaders.  

About: The Manihar have been known for their occupation of making and selling glass, lac or ivory bangles for many years. Due to the limited availability of elephant tusks for ivory, many bangles and beads now are manufactured in plastics. Today some Manihar take other jobs including tailoring. The literacy rate among the Manihar tends to be low. They speak primary Urdu. Siddiqi can be a common surname. They are Sunni Muslims and tend to share foods with other Muslim families but traditionally do not allow marriage outside their community.

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muslim children

Day 14


Population: 55,000 Location: Uttar Pradesh: 13,000 Gujarat: 6,900 Delhi: 6,400 Madhya Pradesh: 8,800 Rajasthan: 5,500


Prayer Focus

People Group Focus: Day 14

labourers  in  the  world.    Child  labour  is  much  higher  in  Muslim  communiQes.  This  generaQon  needs  our  prayers.    

Jesus  welcomed  children  with  opened  arms,  caring  for  them  and  protecQng  them,  was  of  importance  to  him.    

The  treatment  of  the  children  of  India,  the  next  generaQon  is  a  huge  area  for  concern.  Child  Abuse  appears  to  be  a  growing  problem,  however,  it  is  difficult  to  know  whether  it  is  in  fact  increasing  or  raised  awareness  means  more  cases  are  reported.    With  over  50%  of  children  claiming  to  be  sexually  abused  and  of  those  50%,  20%  reported  severe  abuse.    

Human  Rights  groups  say  that  there  are  over  20  million  sex  workers  in  India.    Each  year  5  million  children  join  the  sex  trade.    SomeQmes  they  are  sold  by  family  members  out  of  desperaQon  and  need  of  food.    Many  Indian  children  are  trafficked  around  the  world  oken  to  Arab  and  Gulf  states  to  work  as  sex  slaves.  India  is  sadly  the  home  to  the  largest  number  of  child

“Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven

belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14

-­‐  for  raised  awareness  of  the  need  to  protect  children.      -­‐  for  an  increase  of  NGO's  and  global  bodies  working  to  prevent  child  abuse,  child  sex  trade,  child  trafficking  and  child  labour.  -­‐  For  the  silence  to  be  liked  from  such  a  sensiQve  topic,  oken  ignored  due  to  cultural  taboos.

About: The Fakir, or faqir derived from faqr, Arabic for “poverty”. Faqirs or Madaris are followers of a celebrated Sufi saint, Zinda Shah of Makanpur in Awadh. The Faqirs were wandering dervishes teaching Islam and living on alms. The term has become a common Urdu, Begali and Hindi byword for "beggar". There is also a distinct caste of Faqirs in North india, descended from communities of Faqirs who took up residence at Sufi shrines.

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conflict between sects

Day 15


Population: 259,188 Location: Uttar Pradesh: 159,000 Haryana: 5,600 Bihar: 5,000 Gujarat: 2,300


Prayer Focus

People Group Focus: Day 15There  is  a  saying  within  Islam:  ‘Me  against  my  brother’,  ‘Me  and  my  brother  against  our  neighbor’,  ‘My  brother,  my  neighbor  and  I  against  the  world.’  In  other  words,  people  can  have  mulQple  enemies  at  the  same  Qme  and  be  able  to  unite  against  a  perceived  greater  threat  even  in  the  midst  of  internal  strife.So  many  Qmes  on  the  TV  news  we  hear  about  the  fighQng  between  Sunni  and  Shia  Muslims.  

Although  the  details  vary  in  each  individual  event,  conflict  is  based  on  a  perceived  threat  from  some  other  group.  So,  oken  specific  groups  believe  that  their  way  is  right  and  are  not  willing  to  compromise  with  anyone  who  sees  it  differently.

In  many  North  Indian  ciQes,  people  live  among  their  religious  affinity.  Although  they  may  go  to  the  same  markets  to  shop,  their  communiQes  are  very  segregated.  During  religious  ceremonies,  police  specify  routes  for  the  various  sects  so  that  they  are  less

Please  pray  for  peace  and  love  among  all  peoples.  Pray  that  people  learn  about  how  God  loves  each  person  equally.

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the

powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

Ephesians 6:12

 likely  to  meet  and  cause  a  confrontaQon.  UlQmately,  the  only  way  for  violence  to  end  is  have  a  heart  change  within  the  people  involved.  As  long  as  there  is  an  emphasis  on  us  versus  them  mentality,  hatred  will  conQnue  and  fighQng  will  be  the  result.

About: The Bhatiara of India have a population of 259,188. They are part of the Oriya people cluster. This people group is found only in India. Their primary language is Awadhi. The primary religion practiced by the Bhatiara is Islam. There are very few believers amongst this people but there has been initial or concentrated church planting among them within the past two years.Ask the Lord to raise up workers who will bring the truth and love of Christ to these people who currently have no witness among them.Pray for God to show Himself to the Bhatiara and for the Gospel to move forward with power among them.

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women -­‐  for such a time as this

Day 16


Population: 128,000 Location: Uttar Pradesh: 55,000 Haryana: 21,000 Punjab: 20,000 Uttarakhand: 16,000


Prayer Focus

People Group Focus: Day 16

She  recognised  her  dependence  on  God  and  the  need  for  the  prayerful  support  of  the  community  when  she  called  them  to  fast.She  brought  about  a  radical  change  from  within  the  community!Mordecai,  her  uncle,  represents  the  men  of  the  community.  He  was  a  humble,  respected  man  of  God  who  loved  his  people  and  became  their  champion.  He  was  trustworthy  and  supporQve  towards  Esther,  but  also  challenging  and  encouraging.  He  recognised  her  calling  and  guided  her  into  it!

Esther’s  story  in  the  Bible  speaks  of  the  key  role  women  can  play  in  their  community’s  salvaQon.    Let’s  think  about  her  character!    

She  had  faith,  integrity,  determinaQon,  courage,  wisdom  and  discernment.  She  was  an  orphan  who  became  influenQal  and  was  in  the  right  place  at  the  right  Qme.  She  was  prepared,  ready  and  willing  to  fight  for  righteousness  and  her  people  in  the  face  of  potenQal  danger  to  herself.  Her  confidence  in  both  God  and  Mordecai  encouraged  her  to  be  an  obedient  risk-­‐taker.  

“If I have found favor with you, O king, and if it pleases your majesty, grant me my life - this is my

petition, and the life of my people - this is my request.”Esther 7:3

Spend  some  Qme  meditaQng  on  Esther’s  story.  Ask  God  to  raise  up  Esthers  and  Mordecais  among  the  Ms  of  North  India,  in  every  UUMPG,  and  every  community.

About: Their community is highly educated and intellectual. They work in cultivation and in agriculture-based business. Most have sufficient farming land and cultivate sugar cane, wheat, rice, mangoes and mustard. Dairy production is an important part of their subsistence also. They are a Muslim people with a broad knowledge of Islam. They are mainly related to the Barelvi movement of Sunni Islam that originated in the Indian subcontinent.

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the caste system

Day 17


Population: 63,000 Location: Jammu and Kashmir: 63,000


Prayer Focus

People Group Focus: Day 17

from  the  Hindu  lower  castes  in  hope  of  an  improvement  in  their  social  standards,  it  rarely  happened.    The  Caste  System  is  a  major  barrier  for  the  gospel.    ParQcularly  for  those  of  high  caste  who  find  comfort  in  their  high  social  status  and  superiroity  over  the  lower  class  Muslims.    To  convert  from  any  Muslim  caste  to  follow  Jesus  is  seen  to  bring  shame  on  the  enQre  family,  to  convert  when  from  a  high  caste  not  only  brings  shame,  but  loss  of  all  rights  and  power  being  in  that  caste  brings.  

The  caste  system  is  something  that  most  people  associate  with  Hinduism,  however,  the  caste  system  is  just  as  alive  in  the  Muslim  communiQes  in  North  India.  Caste  is  determined  by  birth,  this  determines  a  persons  status  which  cannot  be  changed.        It  is  usually  a  persons  surname  that  indicates  a  family's  caste.    A  persons  caste  dictates  social  status,  career  opQons,  who  they  can  marry  and  lifestyle.    The  main  Muslim  castes  are:

1.  The  Sayyeds:  The  descendents  of  the  Prophet  Mohammad.

2.The  Pathans:  The  MarQal  race  and  the  warriors.  

3.  The  Sheikhs:  Converts  who  Qll  the  land  and  are  mainly  in  businesses.  

4.  The  Workers:  Barbers,  cooks,  Ironmongers  etc.

“He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from

darkness for the prisoners.” Isaiah 61:1

Pray  that  those  from  the  High  Caste  may  be  reached  so  they  can  take  the  gospel  through  the  barriers  of  Caste.  Pray  for  those  low  caste  families  who  have  lived  generaQons  down  trodden  and  forgopen,  that  they  may  know  true  hope  and  freedom.

Though  people  may  state  that  they  are  from  a  certain  caste,  e.g.  Sayyed,  it  is  not  always  accurate  that  they  are  descendents  of  Mohammad.  Some  families  may  convert  and  take  on  a  name  that  would  provide  them  with  higher  caste  status.    The  majority  of  the  Indian  Muslim  PopulaQon  came

About: The Makhmi of India have a population of 63,000. They are part of the Tibetan people cluster. This people group is found only in North India. Their primary language is Ladakhi. The main religion practiced by the Makhmi is Islam. Very little research has actually been done about the Makhmi people. Most of them live in Ladakh. The Makhmi people are completely unreached and unengaged.

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Day 18


Population: 59,000 Location: Uttar Pradesh: 39,000 Gujarat: 11,000 Haryana: 4,100 Delhi: 1,300


Prayer Focus

People Group Focus: Day 18The  year  680  AD  is  a  long  Qme  ago,  but  to  many  Muslims  in  India  that  year  is  very  important.  Aker  the  death  of  Mohammed  in  632  AD,  there  was  a  dispute  about  who  should  lead  the  people.  Some  said  it  should  be  a  direct  descendent  of  Mohammed  and  others  said  it  should  be  someone  who  was  spiritually  worthy.This  dispute  came  to  a  head  in  680  AD  at  the  baple  of  Karbala  in  present  day  Iraq.  

As  the  story  goes,  the  reigning  Caliph  brought  3000-­‐4000  troops  to  fight  against  120  supporters  and  family  members  of  Muhammad.  Their  leader  was  Muhammad’s  grandson,  Hussein.  Today  the  Shia  Muslims  talk,  sing,  and  write  poetry  about  the  120  who  fought  so  valiantly.  

This  event  is  important  in  North  India  is  because  the  Muslims  who  ruled  before  the  BriQsh  were  from  the  Shia  sect.  And  even  though  today  they  are  in  the  minority  

Please  pray  that  people  come  to  know  that  Jesus  has  taken  all  our  punishment.

“To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.”

Proverbs 21:3

among  the  Muslims  of  India,  they  remain  very  outspoken.  So  on  the  first  ten  days  of  Muharram  (an  Islamic  month),  north  India  becomes  a  buzz  of  acQvity  which  culminates  on  the  10th  day.

On  that  day,  large  groups  of  Shia  men  beat  their  bodies  unQl  they  bleed.  They  say  they  feel  no  pain  because  they  are  one  with  the  spirit  of  Hussein.  

About: Their history is a mystery. Some have traced their origins to Nimrod, son of Cush (Noah's grandson). But while some things are uncertain, we do know that they first moved to the region in the twelfth century. During the Moghul period, this territory became known as "Baluchistan."

The Baluch traditionally earn their living by a combination of farming and semi-nomadic shepherding. They usually raise sheep, cattle, or goats. Agriculture is limited because of the harsh climate; nevertheless, it plays a large role in the economy. The chief crop is wheat.

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your servant is listening

Day 19


Population: 7,117,000 Location: Jammu and Kashmir: 6,949,000 Himachal Pradesh: 80,000 Delhi: 24,000 Punjab: 3,900


Prayer Focus

People Group Focus: Day 19 who  in  his  wisdom  was  ready  to  help  Samuel  to  recognise  the  voice  of  God.  

Samuel  awoke  in  the  night  “Eli  did  you  call  me?”  “No  child,  go  back  to  sleep.”  he  replied.

“Samuel,”  the  voice  came  again,  to  which  Samuel  responded  “Eli,  I  am  here.”  

Eli  in  his  wisdom  realised  this  was  the  voice  of  God  and  instructed  the  child  to  respond.

Across  the  Muslim  world  and  here  in  India  we  hear  hope-­‐raising  stories  of  God  calling  people  by  name  out  of  their  sleep.    Think  about  the  story  of  Samuel,  the  unlikely  child,  whose  ear  was  ready  to  hear  from  the  Lord.    Eli,

“Speak Lord for your servant is listening” 1 Samuel 3:10

Pray  for  Samuels  to  be  raised  in  North  India,  those  ready  to  hear  God's  call  and  to  respond,  with  “Speak  Lord  for  your  servant  is  listening,”  

About: The Kashmiri mainly live in rural regions; only about one-fifth live in cities. They are generally tall, fair skinned, and have different features to Indians. Most of the Kashmiri are peasant farmers. They raise rice, wheat, maize, barley, lentils, and fruits such as apples, peaches, and apricots. Today, there are less than 1,000 known Kashmiri believers. The Islamic stronghold over them will only be broken down through prayer. These precious people who live in a highly volatile area of the world need to meet the Prince of Peace.

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Day 20


Population: 446,757 Location: Jammu and Kashmir: 446,757


Prayer Focus

People Group Focus: Day 20

other  things  that  are  not  normally  possible  via  formal  religions.  Sufi  leaders  are  seen  as  spiritualists,  being  able  control  the  spirit  world  in  order  that  it  benefits  some  at  the  expense  of  others.

“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the

Father seeks.”John 4:23

The  Sufi  sect  of  Islam  started  about  70  years  aker  Mohammed’s  death  in  632  AD.  At  that  Qme,  formal  Islam  taught  that  God  was  removed  from  His  creaQon  and  that  He  was  to  be  worshiped  only  according  to  strict  rules.  Within  this  line  of  thought,  God  only  interacts  with  the  prophets,  who  are  deemed  perfect.  Therefore,  those  of  us  who  are  not  perfect  have  no  chance  of  experiencing  God.

With  this  as  a  background,  Sufis  wanted  to  experience  God  and  not  only  worship  Him  as  a  removed  deity.  According  to  their  teachings,  there  are  many  ways  to  experience  God  but  most  of  those  ways  include  chanQng,  burning  incense  and  going  through  a  number  of  rituals.  

‘Experts’  are  paid  to  conjure  up  the  presence  of  God  for  all  types  of  worshipers.  They  also  apempt  healings,  give  advice,  and  do  many

Please  pray  that  the  Sufi  Muslims  have  an  experience  with  the  true  and  living  God.  And  through  that  experience  they  learn  what  it  means  to  worship  Him  in  spirit  and  in  truth.  

About: The city of Rawalakot (still disputed between Pakistan and India), the capital of the Sudhan tribe, suffered significant damage from the 2005 Kashmir earthquake. Sudhuns are a tightly knit community, and female education is highly valued. There likely are no followers of Christ among the Sudhan community. But please pray for those that the Lord will soon call to Himself, that they will clearly understand the grace and truth offered through faith in Christ, resting fully on His finished work on the cross, and the power of His life within them. Focused, sustained prayer is needed to prepare the hearts of the Sudhan community to receive the Gospel of Christ when it comes.

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multi-­‐coloured dream

Day 21


Population: 907,000 Location: Uttar Pradesh: 534,000 Bihar: 155,000 Uttarakhand: 12,000 Haryana: 9,500


Prayer Focus

People Group Focus: Day 21

into  the  Muslim  communiQes;  “And  a0erward,  I  will  pour  out  my  Spirit  on  all  people.  Your  sons  and  daughters  will  prophesy,  your  old  men  will  dream  dreams,  your  young  men  will  see  visions.”  Joel  2:28

Joseph  had  a  dream  that  changed  the  course  of  his  life.    He  later  interpreted  dreams  that  changed  the  desQny  of  a  people.    

So  much  of  muslim  culture  crushes  the  dreamers  of  this  generaQon,  lack  of  hope,  poverty,  caste,  compeQQon  due  to  growing  populaQon,  lack  of  creaQve  educaQon,  means  that  so  many  of  this  generaQon  no  longer  allow  themselves  to  dream.    Today  pray  for  a  pouring  out  of  God's  spirit  on  North  India,  that  sons  and  daughters  will  speak  God's  word  

“And  akerward,  I  will  pour  out  my  Spirit  on  all  people.  Your  sons  and  daughters  will  prophesy,  your  old  men  will  

dream  dreams,  your  young  men  will  see  visions.”  Joel  2:28

Pray  for  the  dreamers  of  this  generaQon,  pray  for  transforming  mulQ-­‐coloured  dreams,  that  will  not  only  change  the  lives  of  the  dreamer  but  of  his  people.  

About: The Dhobi are traditionally the clothes washers. Today more than most South Asian communities the Dhobi have maintained their traditional occupation of washing clothes and running laundry services. Though some small success has come in ministry to the Hindu Dhobi, the Muslim Dhobi have no known work amongst them. In general, the attitude of the Dhobi to education is quite good and literacy in some locations is higher than other Muslim communities.

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muslim children and education

Day 22


Population: 445,000 Location: Uttar Pradesh: 364,000 Uttarakhand: 41,000 Haryana: 19,000 Punjab: 18,000


Prayer Focus

People Group Focus: Day 22India's  largest  concentraQon  of  Muslims  live  in  Northern  India.  They  are  described  by  Indian  government  reports  as  one  of  the  most  marginalized  and  discriminated  against  minority  in  their  country.  They  are  underrepresented  in  poliQcs  and  educaQon  considering  their  numbers.  In  North  India,  Muslim's  literacy  rates  are  36%/49%  in  urban/rural  areas  respecQvely.  

But  girls  are  even  less  likely  to  get  an  educaQon  as  this  very  conservaQve  and  uneducated  people  group  will  see  work  at  home  more  important  for  daughters  than  for  their  sons.  But  there  is  hope  as  the  enrollment  of  Muslim  children  in  schools  has  seen  a  sharp  rise.  QuoQng  a  Muslim  parent,  “There  is  a  passionate  urge  to  get  educaQon  (for  their  children).”

Thank  God  for  this  new  generaQon  of  young  Muslim  parents.  

-­‐  Pray  for  the  majority  of  these  precious  children,  especially  girls,  who  sQll  do  not  get  any  opportunity  to  learn  to  read  because  they  come  from  desperately  poor  families.

-­‐Pray  that  once  they  learn  to  read,  these  young  people  will  have  the  opportunity  to  read  the  Bible.

“For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.”

Proverbs 2:10

About: As various Muslim groups began invading India and Pakistan in the eleventh century, the Gujur Hindus converted to Islam. Ever since their conversion to Islam in the eleventh century, the Gujur have been bound by a life of poverty, illiteracy, and social oppression. In general, they are a simple, inoffensive people with a generous, hospitable nature. Today, most of the Gujur living in India live as law-abiding shepherds and farmers. Unfortunately, they are still belittled by those of higher castes (social classes), and often labeled as thieves and vagrants.

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shakil’s story

Day 23


Population: 16,000 Location: Uttar Pradesh: 7,400 Bihar: 6,500


Prayer Focus

People Group Focus: Day 23

For  our  struggle  is  not  against  flesh  and  blood,  but  against  the  rulers,  against  the  authoriQes,  against  the  powers  of  this  dark  world  and  against  the  spiritual  forces  of  evil  in  the  heavenly  realms.  Ephesians  6:12

"This  kind  can  come  out  by  nothing  but  prayer  and  fasQng."  Mark  9:29

Mohsin  was  16  when  I  first  met  him.    His  bright  open  eyes  soaked  in  every  word  as  I  shared  the  gospel  with  him.    He  told  me  of  his  mother  who  was  possessed  and  had  regularly  been  involved  in  witch  crak,  frequently  following  the  advice  of  the  witch  doctor.    

I  didn't  meet  Mohsin  again  for  almost  9  years,  when  I  did  the  25  year  old  that  greeted  me  was  far  from  the  bright  teenager  I  remembered.    He  looked  older  than  his  years  and  appeared  tormented  and  Qred.    Mohsin  shared  of  the  9  years  that  had  passed  and  how  his  mothers'  'illness'  plagued  the  home.    The  witch  doctors  recipes,  poQons  and  spells  were  forced  upon  everyone  in  the  household.    'I  have  spirits  living  inside  of  me'  Mohsin  acknowledged.    

Sadly  this  is  a  story  we  hear  too  oken.    In  the  mosque  you  can  see  men  spinning  their  heads  around  and  around  in  hope  of  freedom  from  the  bad  spirits  'jin'  that  torment  them.  

“After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe,

people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. They were wearing white robes...”

Revelations 7:9

Pray  today  for  freedom  for  those  who  are  capQve  and  live  a  tormented  life.

About: Being a minority religious group in a primarily Hindu country, Muslim Chamars know what discrimination feels like. Their name derives from Chamakara, meaning "a worker in leather." In South Asia people say the Chamars, be they Hindu or Muslim, are criminally minded and unintelligent.

Such beliefs should be expected regarding those who process leather in a land where Hinduism teaches people to venerate cattle. Most Chamar Muslims make their homes in the Indian border with Nepal. This is a rugged, mountainous area that requires great vigor and endurance.

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Day 24


Population: 153,000 Location: Uttar Pradesh: 131,000 Uttarakhand: 13,000 Haryana: 3,900


Prayer Focus

People Group Focus: Day 24

Specific  areas  of  the  city  that  contain  high  concentraQons  of  Muslims  and  require  special  prayer  include:  Chowk,  Daliganj,  Aliganj,  Mahanagar,  Aminabad,  Husainabad  and  Kashmiri  Mohalla.  

Poverty  is  an  enormous  challenge  within  Lucknow  with  500,000  people  living  in  slums  and  an  addiQonal  100,000  people  homeless.    While  there  are  wealthy  areas  within  the  city,  the  vast  majority  of  the  populaQon  live  at  extreme  poverty  levels.    Amongst  the  poor,  those  who  are  rickshaw  drivers,  pickers,  and  street  sweepers  are  amongst  the  poorest  and  most  likely  to  be  homeless.

Lucknow  is  the  capital  city  of  Upar  Pradesh  State,  which  is  both  the  most  populous  state  in  the  country  and  contains  25%  of  all  Muslims  living  within  India.    

While  accurate  populaQon  staQsQcs  are  difficult  to  obtain,  the  latest  figures  on  Lucknow’s  populaQon  place  it  at  4.86  million  people.    Muslims  represent  38%  of  this  populaQon  of  which  70%  are  Sunni  and  30%  Shia.    The  majority  of  Muslims  living  in  Lucknow  live  in  highly  concentrated  areas,  with  liple  infrastructure,  and  high  poverty.    

Sunnis,  Shias  and  Hindus  all  tend  to  live  within  separate  pockets  of  the  city  with  borderlines  between  groups  occasionally  erupQng  into  violence  and  rioQng.    Lucknow  is  a  somewhat  unique  in  that  there  has  been  more  violence  between  the  two  segments  of  Islam,  than  between  Hindus  and  Muslims  (which  has  been  more  the  norm  in  other  areas  of  the  country).

“I will make rivers flow on barren heights, and springs within the valleys. I will turn the desert into

pools of water, and the parched ground into springs.”Isaiah 41:18

Pray  for  an  revival  over  this  city,  dreams  and  transformaQon.

About: The Muslim Banjara have twelve clans. They maintain cordial relations with neighboring communities and share water sources with them. They belong to the Sunni sect of Islam. To follow Jesus is to risk upsetting community harmony, and to risk losing family and friends. There are probably no present followers of Jesus among the Muslim Banjara community, but pray for those the Lord will soon call to Himself. Pray they will have nothing to do with the deeds of darkness, living as children of light.

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Day 25


Population: 997,249 Location: Uttar Pradesh: 420,000


Prayer Focus

People Group Focus: Day 25Ajmer  is  a  city  that  is  located  in  the  south  east  of  the  state  called  Rajasthan.  Ajmer  has  a  populaQon  of  around  551,360.  

Ajmer  is  surrounded  by  the  Aravalli  Mountains.  It  is  a  pilgrimage  centre  for  the  shrine  of  the  Sufi  Saint  Khwaja  Moinuddin  ChishQ.

Ajmer  is  a  prominent  pilgrimage  centre  for  Northern  Indian  Shia  Muslims  and  it  is  believed  that  by  visiQng  “Ajmer-­‐Sharif”  (the  main  mosque  monument  where  tomb  of  Khwaja  Moinuddin  ChishQ)  3  Qmes  is  equivalent  to  one  Haj  (pilgrimage)  to  Mecca.

Pilgrims  firmly  believe  that  by  visiQng  Ajmer-­‐Sharif,  all  their  wishes  are  fulfilled.  Millions  of  people  visit  Ajmer  every  year  in  hope  of  having  their  problems  taken  away  from  them  and  wishes  fulfilled.  

“The poor and needy search for water, but there is none;    their tongues are parched with thirst. But I the Lord will answer them; I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them.”

Isaiah 41:17

Please,  pray  that  as  pilgrims  go  and  bow  down  in  reverence  to  their  god,  that  a  flashing  revelaQon  of  Christ  will  come  to  many.  That  they  may  find  the  real  and  only  One  who  can  take  all  anxieQes  away,  Jesus.

About: The name Baghban comes from the Urdu Baghban, which means one who looks after the garden. The Baghban are a horticultural community residing mainly in the state of Uttar Pradesh. They mainly identify themselves as an independent occupational group of the Kunjra, a community of greengrocers who sell vegetables and fruits. Among the Baghban, daughters receive a smaller share of the ancestral property than the sons and the eldest son succeeds to the late father’s authority as head of the family.  The Baghban women in addition to carrying out all the domestic duties contribute directly to the family income by selling fruits and vegetables in the local markets. 

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Day 26


Population: 1,603,000 Location: Mainly in the Punjab


Prayer Focus

People Group Focus: Day 26

 Ephesians  2:8-­‐9  says  ‘For  it  is  by  grace  you  have  been  saved,  through  faith-­‐  and  this  not  from  yourselves,  it  is  a  giO  of  God-­‐not  by  works,  so  that  no  one  can  boast.‘      

There  are  5  pillars  of  Islam  that  are  obligatory  and  foundaQonal  for  Muslim  life.They  are:

*The  Shahada-­‐  the  creed  that  you  say  to  be  a  Muslim*Salah-­‐  daily  prayers  that  are  done  5x  a  day*Zakat-­‐  almsgiving*Sawm  -­‐  fasQng  in  the  month  of  Ramadan*Hajj-­‐  pilgrimage  to  Mecca  at  least  once  in  your  lifeQme

In  North  India,  there  are  Sunni  and  Shi’a  Muslims.    Both  agree  on  the  essenQal  details  of  these  pillars,  but  Shi’a  do  not  refer  to  them  by  the  same  name  and  have  addiQonal  pracQces  that  they  must  perform.    To  learn  more  about  these  pracQces  you  can  refer  to  Shi’a  Twelvers  and  Ismailis.      

Through  the  pillars  of  both  Indian  Sunni  and  Shi’a    Muslims  believe  they  are  leading  a  good  and  responsible  life.    These  good  deeds  will  hopefully  be  enough  when  they  meet  God  at  their  death.

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith- and this not from yourselves, it is a gift

of God-not by works, so that no one can boast.”Ephesians 2:8-9

Let  us  pray  for  both  Sunni  and  Shi’a  Muslims  of  North  India,  that  they  would  discover  and  receive  the  gik  of  God-­‐Jesus’  work  upon  the  cross.  

About: The Kambohs are an ethnic community mainly of the Punjab region. They may relate to the Kambojas, an Iranian tribe known to the people of Iron Age India and mentioned in ancient Sanskrit texts and epigraphy. Kamboh or Kamboj is frequently used as a surname in lieu of the sub-caste or the gotra name by many Kambohs of Punjab.

A good number of Kambohs are also found in the Doab region of Uttar Pradesh, especially in the town of Marehra, and call themselves Zuberis. Kambojs are known as adventurous and enterprising people. Therefore, as a colonists, servicemen, politicians and businessmen, they have also spread, after the partition, into various parts of India.

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Day 27


Population: 32,000 Location: Uttar Pradesh: 4,600 Bihar: 25,000


Prayer Focus

People Group Focus: Day 27

‘‘I  am  the  Lord’s  servant’..  ‘May  it  be  to  me  as  you  have  said.’’    

(Lk  1  :38).  Pray  for  the  Josephs  in  their  lives  -­‐  husbands,  fathers,  brothers  -­‐  who  will  be  honourable  and  protecQve  towards  them,  just  as  Joseph  was  towards  Mary.  Pray  that  they  would  store  up  the  promises  and  words  of  God  in  their  hearts,  just  as  Mary  did.  Pray  that  God  would  give  understanding,  wisdom  and  discernment  to  them  and  cause  them  to  guard  the  promises  in  prayer!

‘‘I am the Lord’s servant’.. ‘May it be to me as you have said.’’

Luke 1:38

Jesus’  mother,  Mary,  played  a  key  role  in  God’s  plan  for  salvaQon  for  us  all!  In  God’s  eyes  she  was  highly  favoured!  In  the  world’s  eyes  she  was  anything  but!  She  was  unmarried,  and  young,  but  accepted  God’s  promise,  delivered  by  the  angel,  with  such  beauQful  humility  and  faith!

Pray  that  God  will  raise  up  women  in  Muslim  communiQes  across  North  India  who  will  accept  God’s  incarnate  Word  and  play  key  roles  in  bringing  to  birth  and  nurturing  the  body  of  Christ,  the  church  among  their  people  –  women  with  the  faith  and  humility  to  say  

Pray  for  God’s  hand  to  be  upon  them  and  their  spiritual  offspring,  protecQng,  guiding,  teaching  and  fulfilling  every  purpose  that  He  has  for  them.  

About: Being of a lower social status has caused many Abdul families to survive on charity. In some communities they are alms gatherers while singing and drumming or selling perfume. It is said that during Ramadan some Abdul wake up early and go village to village playing their dafali (instrument) and singing the names of Allah. Traditions like this have given them the title 'wandering singers' or 'a class of wandering Muslim saints' in some places. They are Sunni Muslims. No believers known amongst this people.

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eid al adha

Day 28


Population: 31,000 Location: Uttar Pradesh: 21,000 Bihar: 5,800


Prayer Focus

People Group Focus: Day 28

which  Abraham’s  sacrifice  foreshadowed.              

Eid  Al  Adha,  the  religious  fesQval  of  sacrifice  is  referred  to  as  Bakri  Eid  by  Muslims  of  North  India.    It  honors  the  willingness  of  Abraham  to  sacrifice  his  son  as  an  act  of  submission  to  God’s  command,  and  his  son’s  willingness  to  be  sacrificed.    The  holiday  occurs  at  the  culminaQon  of  the  annual  pilgrimage  to  Mecca  or  Hajj.    

It  is  not  on  the  same  day  every  year  because  the  Islamic  Calendar  is  based  on  a  lunar  calendar.    The  holiday  moves  10  days  earlier  every  year.    The  morning  of  the  Eid  begins  with  the  men  praying  at  the  mosque.    So  many  come,  they  spill  outside  of  the  mosques  into  the  streets  nearby.    Aker  praying,  each  household  is  expected  to  sacrifice  a  goat.    The  day  is  then  spent  visiQng  and  sharing  special  foods  with  family  and  friends.      North  Indian  Muslims  say  they  sacrifice  for  God’s  happiness.    If  only  they  knew  this  does  not  bring  God  happiness.      God  wants  them  to  know  of  of  His  greater  and  more  perfect  sacrifice,  

“Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”

John 1:29

Pray  the  Muslims  of  North  India  will  come  to  understand  this  incredible  gik.            

About: They are an occupational lower caste people who have been singers, dancers, actors and jesters since the days of feudal Kingdoms in India. Today the Bhands are still known for their singing, dancing and story-telling in many areas of north and central India. The Bhands are especially known for their folk-dance, folk-music and playing of the drum and flute. Most Bhand, however, can be found to have left their traditional occupation and moved into small business selling of household goods or toys. Because of their prominent traditional position in the community in performing, the Bhand community ought to be more open to outside communication and likely the Gospel

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the seeds are in the ground

Day 29


Population: 225,000 Location: Uttar Pradesh: 190,000 Bihar: 21,000 Gujarat: 3,100 Jammu and Kaskhmir: 2,400


Prayer Focus

People Group Focus: Day 29Over  the  centuries,  countless  ChrisQans  have  prayed  in  villages,  towns  and  ciQes  across  North  India.  There  is  no  way  of  knowing  which  places  have  been  prayed  in,  or  for,  and  which  have  not.  No  doubt  there  are  many  places  where  no  believer  has  been,  but  every  prayer  has  been  heard  by  God,  and  has  not  been  wasted!

North  India  is,  and  always  has  been,  a  hard  place  for  anyone  who  takes  the  Great  commission  seriously.  Many  have  died  here,  become  discouraged  and  lek,  or  persevered  despite  the  hardships.  

Whether  believers  stay  for  a  short  Qme  or  forever,  and  whether  they  feel  they  have  done  well  or  not,  every  prayer  they  have  offered  in  faith  has  been  heard!  Like  seed  scapered  by  farmers,  these  prayers  are  lying  in  the  ground  awaiQng  the  right  Qme  to  germinate,  grow  and  be  harvested!  

Join  with  us  in  asking  God  for  the  right  amount  of  rain,  for  the  seeds  to  ‘germinate’  wherever  they  have  been  sown  in  prayer,  and  for  a  mighty  harvest  among  the  peoples  of  this  region.

“I will put in the desert the cedar and the acacia, the myrtle and the olive. I will set junipers in the wasteland, the fir and

the cypress together, so that people may see and know,    may consider and understand, that the hand of the Lord

has done this, that the Holy One of Israel has created it.”Isaiah 41:19,20

About: Bhat were expert historians, and the literature of India owes the preservation of its oldest treasures to these people. They recited poems and ballads (in a typical high-pitched sing-song tone) in the courts of rulers and chiefs.

The Bhat were known to ridicule those who offended them with sarcasm. They are converts to Islam from the Rai Bhat community. The community is now mainly made of small peasant farmers, traders and government servants. They cultivate wheat, sorghum, paddy, maize, pulses and vegetables. In villages, they are sharecroppers.

God  says  ‘The  seeds  are  in  the  ground!’,  and  ‘Ask  for  rain  in  the  SpringQme’.  We  have  had  an  unusually  high  number  of  rain  storms  in  this  early  spring  season  in  2013!  

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the harvest is plenty

Day 30


Population: 771,000 Location: Jammu and Kashmir: 684,000 Himachal Pradesh: 76,000 Uttar Pradesh: 2,700


Prayer Focus

People Group Focus: Day 30Where  would  India  be  today  if  William  Carey  had  given  up  when  a  minister  rebuked  him:  "Young  man,  sit  down;  when  God  is  pleased  to  convert  the  the  lost  world,  He  will  do  it  without  your  help  or  mine."    Carey  listened  instead  to  Jesus  who  says  "Go  into  all  the  world  and  preach  the  gospel  to  all  creaQon."  -­‐Mark  16:15  

CT  Studd  wrote  many  years  ago:  Only  one  life,  ’twill  soon  be  past,  Only  what’s  done  for  Christ  will  last.  You  and  I  are  here  only  a  few  short  days.  Make  them  count!

To  finish  this  30  days  we  would  like  to  invite  you  to  pray  for  more  laborers  in  this  vast  field,  pray  they  be  raised  from  the  local  church  or  internaQonal  community.

Why  not  ask  God  if  you  are  to  be  the  answer  to  this  prayer  and  join  us  in  laboring  amongst  the  Muslims  of  North  India?

“Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”

Matthew 9:38.

Amazingly,  Jesus  gave  us  the  exact  prayer  for  this  need,  so  please  pray  it  today:  "Therefore  pray  the  Lord  of  the  harvest  to  send  out  laborers  into  His  harvest."  Maphew  9:38.  

About: In Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttaranchal areas, Gujjars are mostly pastoral nomads, having no villages or other permanent settlements. They roam behind their herds of cattle on carts and horses and make their temporary settlements under tents in forest areas. They move to high altitude hills in summer while came back to pastoral grounds of lowlands in winter. Some of them are very well-to-do and rich landlords.

Generally Gujjars are tall, strong and sturdy people with fair skin color and sharp features. They are considered wrestlers from birth in some areas while their other favorite sport is to lift huge, heavy stones.