»• c c1n social worldfultonhistory.com/newspapers 21/buffalo ny courier...mr. and mrs, joseph...

' " * " ' " " " " •' ' " ! ' ' ' W. " - ' ' BWWALO OOtmiER-BXPRESg, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 84, 192« »• c C1N 1 is..' r o Sale in the history of our establishment, having bought carloads of lie people the benefit of our purchase. Don't let anything detain you anyone can now purchase a piano. Come in and be convinced. • • Railroad fares refunded to out-of-town customers in event of purchase. We deliver within 100 miles of Buffalo. A Small Deposit Will Hold Your Purchase— Storage Free Until Xmas A. This is a wonderful oppor- > v o u so long have promised them. M you can have the best choice. OTHER BARGAINS: Francis Bacon Grand $385 New Emerson Grand $585 Kimball Grand - - 487 New Kimball Grand 594 Whitney Grand - - 508 Repro. Conover Grand 1 687 Trade in your old Piano or Phonograph; we will give you full allowance for them. I OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Are Also Included in This Great Sale Ampliphonic Phonograph $148.00 Kimball Upright . . . . 35.OO Valuphone Console - - - 43*75 . Artone Console r - - - 58.75 24 Record Selections Included With Every Machine' 1 L. : f'"" I -Buy Yours During This Great Sale Monarch Set Magnutrol 5-Tube Comp. - $ 4.75 75.00 ceet at Carlton Don't Let the Terms Worry You I A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Instrument for You Remember Our Slogan: "A Dollar or Two Will Do" This Sale Starts Monday Morning at 9 o'CIock Jm . : - . " •• ! - 3 SOCIAL WORLD CHANGE OF ADDRESS Mrs. Christine Smith Kerr, former- ly of Buffalo, but who has spent the past nine years ID New York, travel I ling abroad and In California, has resumed her residence in Buffalo and has purchased one of the apart- ments at S57 Delaware avenue. Mrs. \ Kerr who is at the Westbrook will ; take possession of her new home i within a few weeks. * Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Leeming, for- merly of Hodge avenue, and little daughter, Avery, have taken a house in Ashland avenue. OVER THE OCEAN Mlaa Caryl Keating, who has b*- the gueet of her aunt, Mrs E. Carlt- ton Sprague in New York, tailed with friends on October 14th on tha steamer Cartnthla via the Panama Canal for a trip around thlf world. Mrs. Francis R. Keating and Miss Frances Keating, who have been in NICP are now in Italy, where Miss Keating will Join them In March. * Mrs. Charles Arthur 8palding, who haa closed her summer home at Point Abino, and has Dean spending a few day* at the Stuyvesant, left Friday for New York, and, with Mrs. Edward J. Flammer, will sail for Naples October 30th. Mrs. Farnham's Dancbg Classes Mrs. Ethel Farnham will resume her classes in ballroom dancing the first week in November. Priyate les- sons will be given by appointment at Mrs. Farnham's studio. OtH Elmwood avenue. Mrs. Farnham, who has re cently Joined the New York Dancing Teachers' Society, will receive in- struction from month to month as to the latest steps, among which the Valencia Is featured. Holy Angels' Alumnae Holy Angels' Academy alumnae will bare their annual bridge guest tea on Saturday at 3 o'clock in the library of the academy, Porter and Prospect avenues. Members are urged*to bring as many non-members as their guests as they choose. But the prisee must be furnished by the members who fill a table Miss Celina KULeen is chairman of the party and should be notified at Bid well 2010-J, on or before Friday October J9th of the number each member if planning on bringing. Haymakers Install The Buffalo Association of Hay makers, No. 315H. has* Installed the j • following new officers: Chief Hay-; maker Scott, Asssistant Chief Huber, I Overseer Rels, Past Chief Klllian, Horn-blower Belriug, Boss-driver, Hunts., Guard of Hayloft Mack, Guard ! of,Barn-door Spelss, Beta Chi Epsilon Alpha Chapter of Beta Chi Epsilon Fraternity of the University of Buf falo announces Its annual informal Hallowe'en house party to be held at the fraternity house, 24 Devereux street, Saturday evening, October 80 at 8.30. Passive members of the fraternity axe Invited. BEAUTY ANSWERS By ANTOINETTE DONNELLY SARAH L.: Headaches such as; H. M. T.: In manicurine, the you complain of are eften due to improper diet and lack of exercise ] rather than too close application to I business. Any one sitting as much | as you do should get some exercise during the noon hour, ind you should be careful to select nourishing food for luncheon, such as light soup, an cuticle should not be pushed back too violently or too far, as this causes ridging of the nails. The nails may be manicured every week or trn days, depending upon bow rapidly the nails and cuticle grow. Daily can- should be given them at home. Send a stamped addressed envelope for omelet, fruit, or a salad with fruit, j printed instructions on how to treat ] and tea—something light, yet noui- j them. j ishlng. Then, too, try to walk three j I or four miles a day" and breathe deep- I ly of the fresh air. MARIE G.: Repeated turning of the ankles results in thickened liga- ments, and in the course of time the ankles become enlarged. Often the wearing of high heels is responsible. Wear shoes with heels from an inch to an inch and a half in height. With the constant turning the ankle bone shifts to one side, and soon there is visible quite a protuberance. With the swelling of the tissues, you have thick ankles. I have some exercises which you will find helpful, but you must first send along a stamped ad- dressed envelope for them. ROSE: Faulty sitting ponun vi cause the shoulder lump. If you vrjl sit and stand erect you will not b*> bothered with excess flesh on thai part of the body. But here are some good exercises for it: Lie on your back on the floor or bed, arm* stretched down and close to tides feet and body stretched to fullest length. Now try to raise your head. without helpJfrom the arms or feet until chin rests on chest. Then turn over and raise your head back at far as possible. You'll feel the pifl on the back muscles. l}o this morning and night, commencing with ftve times each and gradually increasing 5*WBS* .•-**r FRANCES: To reduce your ankl** you have to become an expert kicker ' You must be willing to kick hard Suspend a pillow in the doorway on I level with your shoulders, and kick Gradually increase the height of th* pillow. Send along a stamped ad- dressed envelope for additional exer- cises. Dull BLONDE Hair Gven Golden Sparkle —with wonderful new Swedish lite-hair shampoo. If you want your blonde hair to look soft, fluffy, full of light and beauty, just shampoo it with Blondex and you can say goodbye to ail the streaks and dullness. You can bring out all the natural beauty and lustre of your hair this new way. Blondex will do it. Just shampoo your hair once'or twice with this marvelous new discovery and you'll be Con- vinced that It is the only thing that will help your hair. Blondex is not a dye nor is it in- jurious in any way. It is just a fhampoo made especially for blondes and Usi haired people. Wonderful for children's hair. Money back if not delighted. For sale at all dealers. BLONDEX Jhe Blonde Hair Shampoo M. E. T.: Foods which contain minerals, so necessary to building health and strength, are: Asparagus, cabbage, turnips, carrots, btttl radishes, tomatoes, peas, beans, nut*, lemons, oranges, grapefruit, figs. raisins, dates, and pruneE, Mid apples. Include a certain amount of these foods in your diet. MAE H.: Many of the college? and universities are said to requir* swimming for women. This will give you an idea of its value and shouh help you decide to continue thi- healthful exercise during the" wlnt< i It is one of the best exercise* known. JANE £>.: Your skin lacks suffi- cient oil If you are troubled with itching after bathing. This Itching is thought to be due to the Irritation of the skin by the change in tempera ture, or by the water Itself, or both ,|he use of vaseline or cold cream is hr-lpful. MOTHER: A kerosene hair bath will kill lice. Or, hot vinegar will foosen the nits, which may be re- moved with a fine tooth comb which has been greased. —, .. 1 wttak&M&m Outfitters to Women and Mitse* Main at Tapper Park: 7 I i .. , . r .^ n . r ,. r ^ frr .j-„ DISTINGUISHED WINTER COATS The perfection of Coat Fashions for the woman of exacting tastes The Smartest Fur Coats Fur Trimmed Coats Also Important Arrivals NEW DAYTIME DRESSES DINNER and DANCE DRESSES FORMAL EVENING GOWNS Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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    i s . . ' r

    o Sale in the history of our establishment, having bought carloads of lie people the benefit of our purchase. Don't let anything detain you anyone can now purchase a piano. Come in and be convinced.

    • •

    Railroad fares refunded to out-of-town customers in event of purchase.

    We deliver within 100 miles of Buffalo.

    A Small Deposit Will Hold Your Purchase—

    Storage Free Until Xmas

    A. This is a wonderful oppor->vou so long have promised them.

    M you can have the best choice.

    OTHER BARGAINS: Francis Bacon Grand $ 3 8 5 New Emerson Grand $ 5 8 5 Kimball Grand - - 4 8 7 New Kimball Grand 5 9 4 Whitney Grand - - 5 0 8 Repro. Conover Grand 1 6 8 7

    Trade in your old Piano or Phonograph; we will give

    you full allowance for them.


    A r e Also I n c l u d e d in Th i s G r e a t Sa le

    Ampliphonic Phonograph $148.00 Kimball Upright . . . . 35.OO Valuphone Console - - - 43*75


    Artone Console r - - - 58.75 24 Record Selections Included With Every Machine'


    L.:f'"" I

    -Buy Yours During This Great Sale

    Monarch Set Magnutrol 5-Tube Comp.

    - $ 4.75 • 75.00

    ceet at Carlton

    Don't Let the Terms Worry You I

    A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Instrument for You

    Remember Our Slogan: "A Dollar or Two Will Do"

    This Sale Starts

    Monday Morning

    at 9 o'CIock

    Jm • . : - . • " •• • ! -



    Mrs. Christine Smith Kerr, former-ly of Buffalo, but who has spent the past nine years ID New York, travel

    I ling abroad and In California, has resumed her residence in Buffalo and has purchased one of the apart-ments at S57 Delaware avenue. Mrs.\ Kerr who is at the Westbrook will ; take possession of her new home i within a few weeks.

    • • *

    Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Leeming, for-merly of Hodge avenue, and little daughter, Avery, have taken a house in Ashland avenue.

    OVER THE OCEAN Mlaa Caryl Keating, who has b*-

    the gueet of her aunt, Mrs E. Carlt-ton Sprague in New York, tailed with friends on October 14th on tha steamer Cartnthla via the Panama Canal for a trip around thlf world. Mrs. Francis R. Keating and Miss Frances Keating, who have been in NICP are now in Italy, where Miss Keating will Join them In March.

    • * •

    Mrs. Charles Arthur 8palding, who haa closed her summer home at Point Abino, and has Dean spending a few day* at the Stuyvesant, left Friday for New York, and, with Mrs. Edward J. Flammer, will sail for Naples October 30th.

    Mrs. Farnham's Dancbg Classes Mrs. Ethel Farnham will resume

    her classes in ballroom dancing the first week in November. Priyate les-sons will be given by appointment at Mrs. Farnham's studio. OtH Elmwood avenue. Mrs. Farnham, who has re cently Joined the New York Dancing Teachers' Society, will receive in-struction from month to month as to the latest steps, among which the Valencia Is featured.

    Holy Angels' Alumnae Holy Angels' Academy alumnae

    will bare their annual bridge guest tea on Saturday at 3 o'clock in the library of the academy, Porter and Prospect avenues. Members are urged*to bring as many non-members as their guests as they choose. But the prisee must be furnished by the members who fill a table Miss Celina KULeen is chairman of the party and should be notified at Bid well 2010-J, on or before Friday October J9th of the number each member if planning on bringing.

    Haymakers Install The Buffalo Association of Hay

    makers, No. 315H. has* Installed the j • following new officers: Chief Hay-; maker Scott, Asssistant Chief Huber, I Overseer Rels, Past Chief Klllian, Horn-blower Belriug, Boss-driver, Hunts., Guard of Hayloft Mack, Guard

    ! of,Barn-door Spelss,

    Beta Chi Epsilon Alpha Chapter of Beta Chi Epsilon

    Fraternity of the University of Buf falo announces Its annual informal Hallowe'en house party to be held at the fraternity house, 24 Devereux street, Saturday evening, October 80 at 8.30. Passive members of the fraternity axe Invited.


    SARAH L.: Headaches such a s ; H. M. T.: In manicurine, the you complain of are eften due to improper diet and lack of exercise

    ] rather than too close application to I business. Any one sitting as much | as you do should get some exercise during the noon hour, ind you should be careful to select nourishing food for luncheon, such as light soup, an

    cuticle should not be pushed back too violently or too far, as this causes ridging of the nails. The nails may be manicured every week or trn days, depending upon bow rapidly the nails and cuticle grow. Daily can-should be given them at home. Send a stamped addressed envelope for

    omelet, fruit, or a salad with fruit, j printed instructions on how to treat ] and tea—something light, yet noui- j them. j ishlng. Then, too, try to walk three j I or four miles a day" and breathe deep-I ly of the fresh air.

    MARIE G.: Repeated turning of the ankles results in thickened liga-ments, and in the course of time the ankles become enlarged. Often the wearing of high heels is responsible. Wear shoes with heels from an inch to an inch and a half in height. With the constant turning the ankle bone shifts to one side, and soon there is visible quite a protuberance. With the swelling of the tissues, you have thick ankles. I have some exercises which you will find helpful, but you must first send along a stamped ad-dressed envelope for them.

    ROSE: Faulty sitting ponun vi cause the shoulder lump. If you vrjl sit and stand erect you will not b*> bothered with excess flesh on thai part of the body. But here are some good exercises for it: Lie on your back on the floor or bed, arm* stretched down and close to tides feet and body stretched to fullest length. Now try to raise your head. without helpJfrom the arms or feet until chin rests on chest. Then turn over and raise your head back at far as possible. You'll feel the pifl on the back muscles. l}o this morning and night, commencing with ftve times each and gradually increasing



    FRANCES: To reduce your ankl** you have to become an expert kicker

    ' You must be willing to kick hard Suspend a pillow in the doorway on I level with your shoulders, and kick Gradually increase the height of th* pillow. Send along a stamped ad-dressed envelope for additional exer-cises.

    Dull BLONDE Hair Gven Golden Sparkle —with wonderful new Swedish

    lite-hair shampoo. If you want your blonde hair to look soft,

    fluffy, full of light and beauty, just shampoo it with Blondex and you can say goodbye to ail the streaks and dullness. You can bring out all the natural beauty and lustre of your hair this new way. Blondex will do it. Just shampoo your hair once'or twice with this marvelous new discovery and you'll be Con-vinced that It is the only thing that will help your hair. Blondex is not a dye nor is it in-jurious in any way. It is just a fhampoo made especially for blondes and Usi haired people. Wonderful for children's hair. Money back if not delighted. For sale at all dealers.

    BLONDEX Jhe Blonde Hair Shampoo

    M. E. T.: Foods which contain minerals, so necessary to building health and strength, are: Asparagus, cabbage, turnips, carrots, bt t t l radishes, tomatoes, peas, beans, nut*, lemons, oranges, grapefruit, figs. raisins, dates, and pruneE, Mid apples. Include a certain amount of these foods in your diet.

    MAE H.: Many of the college? and universities are said to requir* swimming for women. This will give you an idea of its value and shouh help you decide to continue thi-healthful exercise during the" wlnt< i It is one of the best exercise* known.

    JANE £>.: Your skin lacks suffi-cient oil If you are troubled with itching after bathing. This Itching is thought to be due to the Irritation of the skin by the change in tempera ture, or by the water Itself, or both ,|he use of vaseline or cold cream is hr-lpful.

    MOTHER: A kerosene hair bath will kill lice. Or, hot vinegar will foosen the nits, which may be re-moved with a fine tooth comb which has been greased. —, .. 1


    Outfitters to Women and Mitse*

    Main at Tapper Park: 7

    I i

    .. ,.r.^n.r,.r^frr.j-„



    The perfection of Coat Fashions for the woman of exacting tastes

    The Smartest Fur Coats Fur Trimmed Coats

    Also Important Arrivals



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    Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
