a brief summary of john ponets politic power

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  • 8/2/2019 A Brief Summary of John Ponets POLITIC POWER


    A brief summary ofA brief summary ofJohnJohn PonetsPonetsA Short Treatise of PoliticA Short Treatise of Politic

    owerowerBy Ng Yee Juenne and

    Bilal Hyder Jefri

  • 8/2/2019 A Brief Summary of John Ponets POLITIC POWER



    It is better to trust in the Lords than to

    trust in Princes This is the fundamentalprinciple of Ponets theory. He believed

    well as it would be for the welfare of the


    By Yee Juenne Ng and Bilal Hyder Jefri

  • 8/2/2019 A Brief Summary of John Ponets POLITIC POWER


    Where to get the powerWhere to get the power

    He believes there are two types of

    government: absolute monarchy or themixed state in which monarchs are

    By Yee Juenne Ng and Bilal Hyder Jefri

  • 8/2/2019 A Brief Summary of John Ponets POLITIC POWER


    How much power do they haveHow much power do they have

    While he admitted there could be

    disobedience against power, he believedthat the justification of the use of tyranny

    By Yee Juenne Ng and Bilal Hyder Jefri

  • 8/2/2019 A Brief Summary of John Ponets POLITIC POWER


    Checks and balances on the powerChecks and balances on the power

    He believed that if a monarch failed to recognizetheir duties, a hierarchy should be set up in

    which the people would first complain to eitherthe Parliament or Gods ministers first. If theauthority figures in the hierarchy fail, only thenshould the people take matters into their own

    hands and revolt. He believed that the roles of monarchs was to

    act as moral authorities who had the duty tomaintain justice, to defend the innocent, and to

    punish evil. They should also abstain fromtyranny, do their duties and glorify God.

    By Yee Juenne Ng and Bilal Hyder Jefri

  • 8/2/2019 A Brief Summary of John Ponets POLITIC POWER


    How far are we boundHow far are we bound

    Obedience is subject to individual judgement. We are human, ergo we make mistakes make judgements

    based on the situation and matter.

    Duties of a ruler within a framework Loyalty should be to God and your country first, not a man, but

    a realm must have a ruler and the ruler defers to God.


    under dire circumstances The ruler must be just and seek the council of the people.

    Princes and Lords should be the defenders of theirpeoples, and not impose their power over them.

    By Yee Juenne Ng and Bilal Hyder Jefri

  • 8/2/2019 A Brief Summary of John Ponets POLITIC POWER


    What they can take and what they cantWhat they can take and what they cant

    They shouldnt impose taxes just

    because they can, a good ruler shouldput the wealth of his people first.

    By Yee Juenne Ng and Bilal Hyder Jefri

  • 8/2/2019 A Brief Summary of John Ponets POLITIC POWER


    Is it right to depose themIs it right to depose them

    If the ruler is a good and Godly person,

    no. If the ruler is unscrupulous and

    , .

    By Yee Juenne Ng and Bilal Hyder Jefri

  • 8/2/2019 A Brief Summary of John Ponets POLITIC POWER


    Additional NotesAdditional Notes This tract was written before

    Shakespeare was born so it is possiblethat some of his political values were

    By Yee Juenne Ng and Bilal Hyder Jefri