a better way to live?

Saving The Planet One House At A Time GreenEarthEquities.Com © 2009 A Better Way To Live? A Better Way To Make A Living? In the recent recession, Many have Downsized, Laid off staff, Been Laid Off, Tightened Their Belt, Just Waiting For Things To Get Better, Waiting For Government Money To Show Up Waiting For Contracts, Waiting, Waiting, Waiting, Is There A Better Way To Live? A Better Business Model? 1

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Explores the benefits of performing Energy Wise Upgrades on your own investment homes compared to contracting for others.


Page 1: A Better Way To Live?

SavingThe PlanetOne HouseAt A Time

G r e e n E a r t h E q u i t i e s . C o m © 2009

A Better Way To Live?A Better Way To Make A Living?

In the recent recession, Many have Downsized,

Laid off staff, Been Laid Off,Tightened Their Belt,

Just Waiting For Things To Get Better,Waiting For Government

Money To Show UpWaiting For Contracts,

Waiting, Waiting, Waiting,

Is There A Better Way To Live?

A Better Business Model?


Page 2: A Better Way To Live?

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An Idea Who’s Time Has ComeSeveral Years Ago The Concept

Of doing complete energy renovation along with a fine remodeling package wasn’t

such a Good Idea.Real Estate Cost Too Much,

Interest was too high,Contractors Charged Too Much.You just couldn’t make money

doing that

But Things Have Changed.

Consider What’s Changed:


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An Idea Who’s Time Has ComeSince 2006

1. Interest has gone down2. Mortgage payments are down

3. Rents have stayed high4. Labor is hungry

5. Subcontractors are working for less6. Foreclosed homes cost 30 - 40%

Of 2006 prices.7. Green has gained more traction

8. The Administration wants homeowning taxpayers

9. Well done Renovations are rare and sell easily.



Page 4: A Better Way To Live?

SavingThe PlanetOne HouseAt A Time

G r e e n E a r t h E q u i t i e s . C o m © 2009


The Classic 3 Point Formula For A Testimony

As Used By The Apostle PaulIn Acts 26 of the New Testament

And Lawyers, Salespeople and other Evangelists Ever Since

1. How It Used To Be

2. Then Something Changed

3. How It Is NowLibrary In Ephesus Where Paul

Used This 1-2-3 Formula


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Testimony part 1. How It Used To BeFor 30 years I was a General Contractor,

along with my wife, as well as subcontracting in most of the energy related trades,

Insulation, HVAC, Windows, & Roofing. We were flexible and diversified and started

“Home Performance” with our first blower door in the early 90’s. It was a hard way to make a living and not that satisfying because

we rarely got to do “Great Home Performance” because of customer budgets,

my less than stellar sales ability, and the public wasn’t yet ready to embrace Home

Performance and Green. It was hard work but we went on a lot of vendor trips and we

were blessed and never (quite) declared bankruptcy in the 4 recessions like many of

our friends in the business had to....


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Part 2: Then Things ChangedAbout 2 years ago we realized that we had a great manager who could run the Utility Company Program

better than I could. (Sometimes, 2 male egos are not needed in the

same space.) So Luelle and I both “retired” a couple of years ago.

She pursued her life-long love of travel and has started a top selling

Travel Agency. I tried a few ideas and then one day woke up and realized the Perfect Storm and Golden Opportunity that was in front of

me. I became an Energy Wise House Flipper. To say I’m loving it

would be an understatement.


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Part 3: How It Is NowBeing an Energy Wise Renovator of

Foreclosed Homes has these advantages:

1. Job Satisfaction. I love being able to Do The Right Thing, the Complete

Home Performance Package, every time. So Different from selling to customers’

over stretched budgets

2. I get to be Creative & Invent New Applications. I’ve been going

crazy with Ducted Mini Split Heat Pumps. Sign up for the feedburner on

this site for the next updates.


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Part 3b: How It Is Now3. Keeping Priorities Straight. Energy

Wise House Flipping is a great Part Time Job (if that’s what you

want, or if you want to keep your day job) Hey, I’m retired. So Grandbabies and protecting my Travel Agent wife from pirates on the high seas are priorities!

4. Doing The Right Thing for the New Homeowner, The Community, The Nation

and The Planet Feels So Right. The homebuyers love their new homes. What’s to not love? We know HP

delivers lower bills and more comfort.


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Part 3c: How It Is Now5. Making Money. To surpass my previous salary in the first year is not bad at all. A

person who really wanted to run with this opportunity could do very well indeed.

I’m happy to work a little bit, make a little bit, support my favorite charities,

and help build the Army of Energy Wise House Flippers.

6. Sharing The Good News:Energy Wise Renovation of Foreclosed

Homes has been such a blessing to me, I feel it’s my duty and privilege to share

with as many as possible. Let’s Build An Army! We could really

reduce our dependence on Foreign Oil.


Page 10: A Better Way To Live?

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Why Not?I cant think of any good reasons to

not do this, but as you can tell, I’m kind of biased.

Reasons I’ve heard are:

1. “I dont have the money.”A. Buy the book, Are You Dumb

Enough To Be Rich. (The new “Book Store” tab on the website takes you

right to the Amazon page. Get it new or used.) Read the section on using Private Money. Also see the previous presentation on this site: Where Do I Find The Money? &

Basic Negotiations (search box or Table of Contens)


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Why Not?2. “It wont work in my


A. That’s probably true if you count only the few

blocks around where you live. But almost every

neighborhood in California has better demographic

areas within a short distance. Beverly Hills is

only 15 miles from Panorama City. (where the

starving actors live)


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Why Not Now?

There may be a good reason to procrastinate, but I haven’t figured

out what it would be.

Reasons I’ve heard are

1. I’m waiting for the economy to hit bottom.

A. Not a good idea, even when it was on its way down. (if you follow the advice on this site, especially “in and out quickly”


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Why Not Now?2. “I dont know enough.”

A. That’s why I recommend starting out with massive amounts of

education:Check out this site.

Over 500 pages, all on this subject.And the Book Store and Bibliography.

Spend a couple hundred bucks. I love Amazon One-Click

The books just show up on my front door. What a Country!

What a Century!

Also: Dont quit your day job if you have one. This works well part time


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Why Not Now?3. “No more Inventory. No

more good deals.”

A. It’s True there is less inventory if you only count the

cookies on the lowest shelf. (Buying REO properties

from the MLS) Now we must work for our

good deals and for those willing to work, there are more good

deals than ever. It’s time to master the art of the Short Sale and the art of the Court House

Steps. Here’s VallejoFor example. Stay tuned. We’ll

learn togethr


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Multiple Streams Of IncomeI am not suggesting that people

torch their day job and burn their bridges to start a new life ONLY working on their own projects.

(I still have the residue of a day job or two)

But dont miss the beauty of Multiple Streams of Income.

When one dries up, another will keep you supplied.


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Enjoy The FreedomThe Business Model recommended on

this site allows a lot of freedom.

(Subcontract almost everything. Have one generalist GC or project manager to manage all the subs and the work

flow. You find and spec the next deal)

Examples:Tonight I am in Key West

I have purchased and sold properties from Europe

and cruise ships

That takes a real good teamSee previous slides in

Planetsavers University


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Deliver More For Less?Delivering More For Less:

It sounds like a violation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics

Or a Crazy Sales Pitch

Actually It’s neither

It’s just about all the things you Dont Have To Do when you work

on Foreclosed Homes (That are Empty and You Own)

See The Comparison on the next slide. Compare the percentages to your current business model


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Why would you want to do this?

Cost & Benefit AnalysisMarketing To Acquire Customer 25% 10,000

Sales Commission 10% 4,000

Premium for Occupied Working 10% 4,000

Overhead & Profit 30% 12,000

Contracted Work 10,000

Total Contract 40,000 40,000

Marketing To Acquire Customer 2% 800

Sales Commission (pro-rata) 10% 4,000

Premium for Occupied Working 0 0

Overhead & Profit 30% 12,000

Contracted Work 23,200

Total Contract 40,000 40,000

Conventioal Contracting To Residential Customer

Energy-Wise Renovation of Foreclosure by Investor

Marketing To Acquire Customer 25% 10,000

Sales Commission 10% 4,000

Premium for Occupied Working 10% 4,000

Overhead & Profit 30% 12,000

Contracted Work 10,000

Total Contract 40,000 40,000

When You Could

Do This?


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What’s Missing?These Parts of “NORMAL”

Contracting are missing from Energy Wise House Flipping

Big Overhead including:Marketing, up to 25%

Sales Commissions 10%+Working in customer’s homes

Working with “Programs”Computer Modeling or Ratings*

Partial Home Performance Projects*Problem Homeowner Headaches*

Lawsuits*Labor Board Complaints*

*How Can This Be? >>>


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* The Rest Of The Story No Programs, Incentives, Rebates

or Tax Credits Required.

Computer Modeling & Ratings are unnecessary - get in the way.

No Partial Jobs. All Projects are as complete as I want them to be.

No Problem Homeowners because the homes are always empty.

No legal problems because no “new home” promises are made

No Labor problems because there is no “labor” in this method. (Labor

works for the Subcontractor)


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Some Choose To Be DifferentIf you choose to become an Energy Wise Renovating, House Flipping Investor who works on your own properties and does the right thing because its the right thing to do......

You will be one of a very small Army.

(the regular House Flipping Army is much larger)

These concepts have not been tried and found lacking. They have

mainly just not been tried

I have tried them and they have proven to be

Ideas Who’s Time Has Come


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For Years There’s Been

One Way:

Maybe It’s Time For a New Way?

Think about it.