• april 2012 · 85 manufacturing at 1125 d street ne/ robert m. pohl 88...

13 April 2012

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Page 1: • April 2012 · 85 Manufacturing at 1125 D Street NE/ Robert M. Pohl 88 Changing Hands: Home Sales / Don Denton 91. COVER: Cock and Bull by Robert C. Jackson • April 2012

Page 2: • April 2012 · 85 Manufacturing at 1125 D Street NE/ Robert M. Pohl 88 Changing Hands: Home Sales / Don Denton 91. COVER: Cock and Bull by Robert C. Jackson


225 Pennsylvania Avenue, SEWashington, DC 20003


Sales • Rentals • Commercial Leasing • Property Management • Investments

Est. 1981

517 7th Street, SE

Storybook porch front onpicturesque block. Large yard,2.5-Car GARAGE & baby steps

to Eastern Market!



Todd Bissey202-841-7653

Stan Bissey202-841-1433

CAPITOL HILL637 3rd Street, NE3BR/2.5BA & Parking.$829,500 - REDUCED

Colin Johnson 202-536-4445

SHAW455 Q Street, NW

Renovated 3BR/2.5BA.$724,500 – SOLD Frias 202-744-8973

CAPITOL HILL216 3rd Street, NE

$399,000 –

Colin Johnson 202-536-4445


$813,000 –

Todd Bissey 202-841-SOLD THE BISSEY TEAM


Charming 2BR/1.5BA.$659,000

Genie Hutinet 202-413-7661

PETWORTH5107 8th Street, NW$424,500 – REDUCED

Fern Pannill 240-508-4856

PETWORTH434 Randolph Street, NW

$639,500 -

Fern Pannill 240-508-4856

CAPITOL HILL145 North Carolina Ave, SE

Renovated 4BR/2.5BA. $1,150,000 – SOLD

Genie Hutinet 202-413-7661

OPEN SUN. 4/15From 1:00-4:00

16th STREET HEIGHTS4711 Piney Branch Rd, NW

$689,000 –

Todd Bissey 202-841-SOLD THE BISSEY TEAM

CAPITOL HILL815 8th Street, NERenovated 4BR/3.5BA.

$829,500 – COMING SOONPete Frias 202-744-8973


$498,750 -

Todd Bissey 202-841-SOLD THE BISSEY TEAM

CAPITOL HILL329 East Capitol Street, SE

$1,850,000 –

Stan Bissey 202-841-1433 THE BISSEY TEAM

Page 3: • April 2012 · 85 Manufacturing at 1125 D Street NE/ Robert M. Pohl 88 Changing Hands: Home Sales / Don Denton 91. COVER: Cock and Bull by Robert C. Jackson
Page 4: • April 2012 · 85 Manufacturing at 1125 D Street NE/ Robert M. Pohl 88 Changing Hands: Home Sales / Don Denton 91. COVER: Cock and Bull by Robert C. Jackson
Page 5: • April 2012 · 85 Manufacturing at 1125 D Street NE/ Robert M. Pohl 88 Changing Hands: Home Sales / Don Denton 91. COVER: Cock and Bull by Robert C. Jackson
Page 6: • April 2012 · 85 Manufacturing at 1125 D Street NE/ Robert M. Pohl 88 Changing Hands: Home Sales / Don Denton 91. COVER: Cock and Bull by Robert C. Jackson
Page 7: • April 2012 · 85 Manufacturing at 1125 D Street NE/ Robert M. Pohl 88 Changing Hands: Home Sales / Don Denton 91. COVER: Cock and Bull by Robert C. Jackson
Page 8: • April 2012 · 85 Manufacturing at 1125 D Street NE/ Robert M. Pohl 88 Changing Hands: Home Sales / Don Denton 91. COVER: Cock and Bull by Robert C. Jackson

04.12What’s Insideineveryissue12 Go ... See ... Do

14 Washington’s Best Calendar

60 Hill Rag Crossword

116 Classified Ads

161 Last Word

162 The Nose

capitolstreets29 Celebrating Emancipation Day / G. Derek Musgrove

32 The Bulletin Board

40 The District Beat / Martin Austermuhle

42 The Numbers / Elissa Silverman

44 Reservation 13 -- Where We Are Today / Emily Clark

46 Eastern Market Legislation Moves Forward / Roberta


48 Arts Lead Development in Anacostia / Dana Bell

52 Housing Options for Long-time Residents / Jim Hardin

54 ANC 6A Re port / Roberta Weiner

55 ANC 6B Report / Emily Clark

56 ANC 6C Report / Roberta Weiner

57 ANC 6D Report / Roberta Weiner

communitylife61 Spotted on the Hill / Peter Vankevich

62 CHRS House & Garden Tour / Roberta Gutman

64 Remembering Sharon McCarthy / Linda McLain

66 NE Branch Celebrates Its 80th / Vince Morris

68 Family Connections Run Deep at Stuart-Hobson / Satu

Hasse-Webb & Janice McKinnon

70 Arts Workshop Celebrates 40th / Megan Cheek

72 H Street Life: / Elise Bernard

74 Barracks Row / Sharon Bosworth

76 South by West / William Rich

78 Capitol Riverfront News / Michael Stevens

80 @ Your Service / Heather Schoell

realestate85 Manufacturing at 1125 D Street NE/ Robert M. Pohl

88 Changing Hands: Home Sales / Don Denton


Page 9: • April 2012 · 85 Manufacturing at 1125 D Street NE/ Robert M. Pohl 88 Changing Hands: Home Sales / Don Denton 91. COVER: Cock and Bull by Robert C. Jackson

COVER: Cock and Bull by Robert C. Jackson. Oil on Linen, 26” x 20”. From the In Loving Memory Exhibition (See Art in the City) at Zenith Gallery; PO# 55295, Washington, DC 20040 202-783-2963.

ARTSdiningentertainmentspecial 96 Hang Your Hat, Take A Load Off / Emily Clark

98 Inspire BBQ / Celeste and Pete McCall

100 Dining Notes / Celeste McCall

102 The Wine Guys / Emma Kirwan

104 Hitched on the Hill / Monica Cavanaugh

106 Theater: Return of the Patriot Revue / Barbara Wells

108 At the Movies / Mike Canning

110 Art and The City / Jim Magner

112 5X5 Art Project / DC Commission on the Arts

114 The Literary Hill / Karen Lyon

beautyhealthfitness119 Getting to the Core/ Pattie Cinelli

122 Does it Work? / Jen Zatkowski

123 Valuing the Quiet Person / Ronda Bresnick Hauss

kidsandfamily125 Kids & Family Notebook / Kathleen Donner

130 School Notes / Susan Braun Johnson

138 Boy Scout Troop 380 Contributes / Anne Runow

homesandgardens141 The Hill Gardener / Rindy O’Brien

146 Garden Spot / Derek Thomas

148 @ Your Service / Heather Schoell

150 Replacing a Turret Roof / Tom Daniel

152 Dear Garden Lady / by Anonymous

Wall Street Journal recognizes local Hill agent,

Jason Martin Group,as one of best in nation!

Capitol Hill based Jason Martin Group of Keller Williams Capi-tal Properties was named one of America’s top real estate profes-sional teams by The Wall Street Journal and REAL Trends. Jason Martin Group is now a member of the Thousand Top Real Estate Professionals, a prestigious na-tional awards ranking sponsored annually by the two respected pub-lications. Jason Martin Group is now ranked in the top one half of 1 percent of the more than 1 million REALTORS® nationwide – and right here on the Hill!

1527 A Street NE$631,000Sold in 5 days


520 N Street SW,#S316 $217,500Coveted Waterfront Community & First Class Amenities. Extra Large1 BR / 1 BA


905 2nd Street NETurn Key Investment

3 2 BR/2 BA unitsw/ C of O


1424 Duncan NE$485,000

Great Layout Light Filled & Open Floor

Plan 2 BR / 2.5 BA


Page 10: • April 2012 · 85 Manufacturing at 1125 D Street NE/ Robert M. Pohl 88 Changing Hands: Home Sales / Don Denton 91. COVER: Cock and Bull by Robert C. Jackson

10 H HillRag | April 2012

EDItORIAL StAFFManaging Editor: Andrew Lightman [email protected] & assoCiatE Editor: Maria Carolina [email protected] notEs Editor: susan Braun Johnson

[email protected]

Kids & FaMily notEBooK Editor: KathlEEn donnEr

[email protected]

ARtS, DInInG & EntERtAInMEnt art: Jim Magner • [email protected]: Emily Clark • [email protected] thE City: Joylyn Hopkins • [email protected]: Karen Lyon • [email protected]: Mike Canning • [email protected]: Jean-Keith Fagon • [email protected] thErapy: Scott Fazzini • [email protected]: Barbara Wells • [email protected]: Maggie Hall • [email protected] WinE guys: Jon Genderson • [email protected]

CALEnDAR & BuLLEtIn BOARDhill rag, MidCity dC & East oF thE rivEr: CalEndar Editor: Kathleen Donner [email protected], [email protected]

GEnERAL ASSIGnMEnt Michelle Phipps-Evans • [email protected] McCall • [email protected] Schoell • [email protected] Avniel Spatz • [email protected] Waldron • [email protected] Donner • [email protected] Deutsch • [email protected] Ollstein • [email protected] Weiner • [email protected] Jones • [email protected] H. Muller • [email protected] Wilson • [email protected] Bell • [email protected]

BEAutY, HEALtH & FItnESSPatricia Cinelli • [email protected] Bresnick Hauss, LCSW • [email protected]

KIDS & FAMILYKathleen Donner • [email protected] Johnson • [email protected]

SOCIEtY & EVEntSMickey Thompson • [email protected]

HOMES & GARDEnSRindy O’Brien - Hill Gardener • [email protected] Thomas • [email protected] Capen • [email protected]: Mark Johnson • [email protected]

nEWS & nEIGHBORHOOD REPORtSanC6a, 6B, 6C, 6d: Roberta Weiner • [email protected]: EMily ClarK • [email protected] roW: [email protected] strEEt liFE: Elise Bernard • [email protected] nosE: [email protected] CirClE • [email protected] • Ralph Brabham: Ralph • [email protected] Triangle • Amanda Wilson • [email protected]

PRODuCtIOn/GRAPHIC DESIGnassoCiatE art dirECtor: Jason Yen202.543.8300 X21 • [email protected] dEsignEr / WEB MastEr: Jason nickens202.543.8300 X17 • [email protected]

ADVERtISInG & SALESsEnior aCCount ExECutivE: Deborah Bandzerewicz 202.543.8300 X13 • [email protected] ExECutivE: Kira Means 202.543.8300 X16 • [email protected] ExECutivE: Lucy Fagon202.543.8300 X20 • [email protected] advErtising: Maria Carolina Lopez202.543.8300 X12 • [email protected] asst.: Giancarlo Fagon

DIStRIButIOndistriBution ManagEr: Andrew LightmandistriButors: Southwest DistributiondistriBution inForMation: [email protected]

DEADLInES & COntACtSadvErtising: [email protected] ads: 15th of each monthClassiFiEd ads: 10th of each monthEditorial: 15th of each month; [email protected] Board & CalEndar: 15th of each month; [email protected], [email protected]

Hill Rag Mid City dC East Of tHE RivERfagOn COMMunity guidEs

Capital Community news, inc.224 7th street, sE, suite 300, Washington, dC 20003 202.543.8300 •

We welcome suggestions for stories. send queries to [email protected] are also interested in your views on community issues which are published in the last Word. Please limit your comments to 250 words. letters may be edited for space. Please include your name, address and phone number. send last Word submissions to [email protected] employment opportunities email [email protected].

Publisher: Jean-Keith Fagon • [email protected] © 2012 by Capital Community news. all Rights Reserved.

EXECUTIVE EDITOR: Melissa ashabranner [email protected]

100 Miles By Dr. David Walls-Kaufman

Two practice members of mine today asked a similar question about their progress. Essentially, the ques-tion was, “Why am I still experiencing a symptom

now and then even after I am better and have started treat-ment with you?”

I came up with this analogy:I told them that they should think of their spinal and ner-

vous system problem as their body being a distance of 100 miles from Normal. “When I adjust you,” I said, “you tend to think that I have moved the bone or improved your body sit-uation by the complete 100 miles.” In their minds, they have been restored to normal, or near normal, in one fell swoop!

But, really, the problems has only improved a distance of 8 miles. And then, after their visit, they go back to their lives and encounter more psychological, chemical and physical stresses that pile up on top of the junk that got them to see me in the first place. These new stresses push them 2 miles from the improved place I put them, 2 miles farther from Normal.

Now, they stand at milepost 6, not milepost 0.When they come in again for the next treatment at mile-

post 6, I advance them 9 miles to milepost 15. Now, they are 15 miles closer to Normal, but they are still quite vulnerable to wear and tear stresses and new stresses. And as they go about their lives they still encounter stresses that knock them back farther away from Normal yet again.

It is a process! It may take us some patience, but at least we have a process and it is an extremely powerful and effective one at that.

And so, what is in our minds a linear progression toward improvement is, in fact, the serrated edge of a saw blade of ups and downs, or forwards and reversals, that in time add up to a significant improvement.

This improvement allows the body to organize itself better and better resist new problems and heal from both new and old problems faster and more competently.

If we want, we can even go beyond the level of health and well-being that we experienced before we “hurt” ourselves and sought chiropractic care.

For the better health and life experience of you and your family

Capitol Hill Chiropractic Center411 East Capitol St., SE | 202.544.6035

Serving Capitol Hill since 1985.


Page 11: • April 2012 · 85 Manufacturing at 1125 D Street NE/ Robert M. Pohl 88 Changing Hands: Home Sales / Don Denton 91. COVER: Cock and Bull by Robert C. Jackson

Hours: 7am-9pm Monday-Saturday8am-7pm Sundays

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Proud sponsors of Lumen8 Anacostia

The most exciting “illuminating” arts project to ever happen in Washington, DC. A festival of light, art, music and fun.

April 14, 2012, from noon to midnightCall: (202) 468.5277


SOLD: 514 G ST NE, WDC 20002

2 Level, nearly 2000 luxurious square feet at the prestigious Foxhall. HUGE terrace patio. Security, concierge, parking, storage, pool.

FOR SALE: 4200 Mass Ave NW WDC 20016


Need space? Lovely move-in ready 5 BR, 4.5 Bath Shingled Cape Cod with Award-winning pool/landscaping. 3 levels of great flow in Storybook Brookville

off McArthur Blvd. Whitman Cluster Schools.

FOR SALE: 4011 62nd Street, Bethesda, MD 20816


Page 12: • April 2012 · 85 Manufacturing at 1125 D Street NE/ Robert M. Pohl 88 Changing Hands: Home Sales / Don Denton 91. COVER: Cock and Bull by Robert C. Jackson

12 H HillRag | April 2012

LUMEN8AnacostiaLUMEN8Anacostia inaugurates a series of cre-ative spaces in the commercial corridor of Historic Anacostia from noon to midnight Sat-urday, April 14. The corridor comes alive with illuminated storefronts, landmarks and murals. Creative spaces from Good Hope Road up Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue will showcase the works of local fine artists, artisans and creative entre-preneurs. The festival will include performances by visual artists, dancers and actors throughout the day and into the night. While April 14 is the inaugural opening of many of the Arts and Culture Temporiums, many of these storefronts will continue to operate through May and June.

Mamas Kitchen art at luMEn8anacostia

Washington National Cathedral Flower MartEvery year, on the first May weekend, the Cathedral shines and the welcome mat is out. On Friday, May 4, 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. and Saturday, May 5, 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (rain or shine); hear live music, see puppet shows, enjoy kids games and rides, tour the gar-den, eat, shop the antique/collectible booths, climb the tower and ride the antique carousel. Washington National Cathedral at the in-tersection of Wisconsin and Massachusetts avenues, NW. 202-537-6200.

Climb the tower at the flower Mart for one of the best views of Washington. Photo: Courtesy of Washington national Cathedral


Page 13: • April 2012 · 85 Manufacturing at 1125 D Street NE/ Robert M. Pohl 88 Changing Hands: Home Sales / Don Denton 91. COVER: Cock and Bull by Robert C. Jackson H 13

Take Yourself Out to the Ball GameThe food’s expensive but you can get in for as little as $5 (day-of, grandstand seating). It’s a great carnival at-mosphere, National’s Park must be experienced and most people reading this can walk there. Opening day is April 12 at 1:05 p.m. against the Cincinnati Reds. Go to for overpriced tickets. Other Nats games coming up are on April 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and May 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Bring your dog with you on April 21. Nation-als Park. 202-675-6287.

Pitcher drew storen. Photo: Courtesy of the Washington nationals

WineFest at St. MichaelsWineFest at St. Michaels is a unique festival for wine lovers. Instead of going to a wide open field or getting jammed into a single tent, WineFest at St. Michaels is a streetscape event with wine tastings at many beautiful venues thoughout town. There will also be many different dining, shopping and lodging options. Over 300 wines will be poured and available for pur-chase. WineFest at St. Michaels benefits local charities includ-ing the St. Michaels Food Bank, the St. Michaels Community Center, Benedictine School and Project Healing Waters. Apr 28-29, noon-5:00 p.m. Saturday ticket, $60. Sunday ticket, $40. $75 for both days. Discount for early purchase. St. Micheals, Maryland is about 80 miles from DC.

Courtesy of Winefest at st. Michaels

Fire & Ice: Hindenburg and TitanicThis innovative new exhibit brings together two marvels of transportation. Ti-tanic and Hindenburg served demands for rapid worldwide communication and transportation. Both operated as the world’s largest mobile post offices. Each in its day promised the fastest possible worldwide mail service. Each offered onboard gentility and opulence. Each met a tragic end. National Postal Museum, 2 Massachusetts Ave. NE. 202-633-5555.

titanic leaves southampton, England, april 10, 1912. the last mooring line connecting titanic to land is cast off. Photo: Courtesy of national Museums northern ireland