95539255 fundamentals of matlab final

MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D Fundamentals of MATLAB Delivered by Dr. Suman Chakraborty Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering IIT Kharagpur

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MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS – R&D

Fundamentals of MATLAB

Delivered by

Dr. Suman ChakrabortyAssistant Professor

Department of Mechanical EngineeringIIT Kharagpur

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MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS – R&D


• Introduction – Using MATLAB

• Basics of Programming

• Introduction to 2D and 3D plot

• Statistical Analysis

• Numerical Analysis

• Symbolic Mathematics

• Conclusion

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MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS – R&D

What is MATLAB

• “matrix laboratory”

• Was originally written to provide easy access to matrix software developed by the LINPACK and EISPACK projects that together presented the state-of-the-artsoftware for matrix manipulation

• Standard instructional tool for industrial optimization and advance computations in mathematics, engineering, and science

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More about MATLAB

• High-performance language for technical


• Integrates computation, visualization, and

programming in an easy-to-use user


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Uses of MATLAB

• Math and computation

• Algorithm development

• Application development, including

graphical user interface (GUI) building

• Data analysis, exploration, and


• Modeling, simulation, and prototyping

• Scientific and engineering graphics

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MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS – R&D

Components of MATLAB

• Basic Window

• Extensive Help


• Toolboxes


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Control System Communications

Financial Fuzzy Logic

Image Processing Neural Network

PDE Signal Processing

Statistics Symbolic Math

And Many More …

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• Simulink Extensions

– Simulink Accelerator

– Real-Time Workshop

– Stateflow

• Blocksets


– Nonlinear Control Design

– Communications

– Fixed-Point

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MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS – R&D

Documentation Set

• MATLAB incorporates an exclusive set of online

help and function references containing

following divisions –

– MATLAB Installation Guide

– Getting Started with MATLAB

– Using MATLAB

– Using MATLAB Graphics

– The MATLAB Application Program Interface


– New features guide

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Basic Window

Command line









MenuWorking Directory

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Help and Demo

Access Matlab Help Menu


Type help in Command Window

Type help subtopic

Access Matlab Demo Menu


Type demo in Command Window

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Basics of Programming

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File Types

• .m filesScript (executable program)

Function (user written function)

• .fig files Plot visualization and


• .dat or

.mat filesWorking with Formatted


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Script and Function FilesScript Files Function Files





Function Declaration on top

Syntax: function [output parameters] = function name (input parameters)

Save the file in – function name.m

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MATLAB variables are created when they appear on the left of an equal sign. The

general statement

>> variable = expression

creates the “variable” and assigns to it the value of the expression on the right hand side

||Types of variables||

Scalar Variables

Vector Variables



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Creating and Operating with


Scalar Vector


# variable with one row

and one column

>> x = 2;

>> y = 3;

>> z = x + y;

>> w = y – x;

>> u = y*x;

# variable with many rows

and columns

>> x = zeros(4,2);

>> y = ones(6,8);

>> x(1,3) = 1729;

>> x(:,1) = [0 0 0 0]

Colon Notation

>> sFirst = ‘Hello’

>> sSecond = ‘All’

>> sTotal = [sFirst, ‘ ’, sSecond]

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Handling Matrices

Initialization Transpose



Determinant Eigenvalues

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Arithmetic operatorsPlus +

Minus -

Matrix multiply *

Array multiply .*

Matrix power ^

Array power .^

Backslash or left matrix divide \

Slash or right matrix divide /

Left array divide .\

Right array divide ./

Kronecker tensor product kron

Relational operators

Equal ==

Not equal ~=

Less than <

Greater than >

Less than or equal <=

Greater than or equal >=

Logical operators

Short-circuit logical AND &&

Short-circuit logical OR ||

Element-wise logical AND &

Element-wise logical OR |

Logical NOT ~

Logical EXCLUSIVE OR xor

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“for” Loop

for n=1:3 % Starting value=1, end=3, increment=1

for m=3:-1:1 % Starting value=3, end=3, increment= -1

a(n,m) = n.^2 + m.^2;

end % End of the “for” loop of “m”

end % End of the “for” loop of “n”


2 5 10

a = 5 8 13

10 13 18

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“while” Loop

n = 0; eps = 1;

while (1+eps) > 1

eps = eps/2;

n = n + 1; % “n” indicates how many times the loop is




n = 53


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“if-else” Statement

rt = 1:4; pp=0; qq=0;

for i=1:4

if (rt(i) < 2)

pp = pp + 1; % Indicates how many times “if” executed


qq = qq + 1; % Indicates how many times “else” executed

end % End of “if-else” statement

end % End of “for” Loop


pp = 1

qq = 3


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Debugging MATLAB

• Syntax Error

– e.g. a function has been misspelled or a parenthesis

has been omitted

– Display error message and line number– “??? Error: File: D:\MATLAB6p5\work\DNA melting langevin\HeteroSeq1.m

Line: 17 Column: 16

Assignment statements do not produce results. (Use == to test for


• Run-time Error

– e.g. insertion of a wrong variable or a calculation has

been performed wrongly such as “divided by zero” or


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Introduction to 2D and 3D plot

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Plots Using MATLAB

• 2-D Graphics

• 3-D Graphics

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Example: Plot y = sin x in 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π

2-D Graphics

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Command Line Plotting

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MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS – R&D

Editing Figures

Edit Button



Axis Label

Line or Point Type

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Command Line Editing

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MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS – R&D

Plot in Polar Co-ordinate

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MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS – R&D

Fitting Polynomials

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Data Statistics

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Plotting polynomialsy = x3 + 4x2 - 7x – 10 in 1 ≤ x ≤ 3

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Specialized Plots using MATLAB

• Bar and Area Graphs

• Pie Charts

• Histograms

• Discrete Data Graphs

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Bar and Area Plots

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Pie Charts

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Discrete Data Graphs

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3-D GraphicsUse “plot3” in place of “plot” : Simple Enough !!!!

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Use of “Mesh”, “Surf”, “Contour”

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Statistical Analysis

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MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS – R&D

Data Import in MATLAB

• Data as explicit list of elements

– e.g. [1 3 -5 5 7 10 5]

• Create Data in M-file

– Data editor can be utilized, more effective than the first one

• Load data from ASCII file

– e.g. g = load(„mydata.dat‟)

• Read data using fopen, fread and MATLAB file I/O functions

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Other methods of Import

• Specialized file reader function– dlmread Read ASCII data file

– imread Read image from graphics file

– wk1read Read spreadsheet (WK1) file

– auread Read Sun (.au) sound file

– wavread Read Microsoft WAVE (.wav) sound file

– readsnd Read SND resources and files (Macintosh)

• MEX-file to read the data

• Develop an associated Fortran or C


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Exporting Data from MATLAB

• Diary Command

– creates a diary of present MATLAB session in

a disk file (excluding graphics)

– View and edit with any word processor

– e.g. diary mysession.out

diary off

• Save data in ASCII format

• Write data in .mat file

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Specialized Write Functions

• dlmwrite Write ASCII data file

• wk1write Write spreadsheet (WK1) file

• imwrite Write image to graphics file

• auwrite Write Sun (.au) sound file

• wavwrite Write Microsoft WAVE (.wav) sound file

• writesnd Write SND resources and files (Macintosh)

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Data Statistics

• Basic functions for data statistics:

– max Largest component

– min Smallest component

– mean Average or mean value

– median Median value

– std Standard deviation

– sort Sort in ascending order

– sortrows Sort rows in ascending order

– sum Sum of elements

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More Statistical Functions

– prod Product of elements.

– diff Difference function and

approximate derivative

– trapz Trapezoidal numerical


– cumsum Cumulative sum of elements

– cumprod Cumulative product of elements

– cumtrapz Cumulative trapezoidal numerical


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Covariance and Correlation

• Function cov evaluates

– Variance of a vector i.e. measure of spread or dispersion of sample variable

– Covariance of a matrix i.e. measure of strength of linear relationships between variables

• Function corrcoef evaluates

– correlation coefficient i.e. normalized measure of linear relationship strength between variables

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Minimizing Functions

• Minimizing Functions with one variable

– fmin (function name, range)

• Minimizing Functions with several


– fmins (function name, starting vector)


>> a = fmin (‘humps’,0.4,0.9)

>> a = 0.6370

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Plotting Mathematical Functions


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Numerical Analysis

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Functions for Finite Differences

• diff Difference between successive elements of a vector

Numerical partial derivatives of a vector

• gradient Numerical partial derivatives a matrix

• del2 Discrete Laplacian of a matrix

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Functions for Fourier Analysis

• fft Discrete Fourier transform

• fft2 Two-dimensional discrete Fourier transform

• fftn N-dimensional discrete Fourier transform.

• ifft Inverse discrete Fourier transform

• ifft2 Two-dimensional inverse discrete Fourier transform

• ifftn N-dimensional inverse discrete Fourier transform

• abs Magnitude

• angle Phase angle

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Solving Linear Equations

• Solution by Square System

• Overdetermined System

• Undetermined System

General situation involves a square coefficient

matrix A and a single right-hand side column

vector b.

e.g. Ax = b then solution: x = b\A

System is solved by „backslash‟ operator

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Overdetermined Equation

With a, b dataset fitting equation is predicted asaeccab 21)(

MATLAB finds C1 = 0.4763 and C2 = 0.3400

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Undetermined Equation

• More unknowns than equations

• Solution is not unique

• MATLAB finds a basic solution even it is

not unique

• Associated constraints can not be coupled


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Ordinary Differential Equations

• Nonstiff solvers– ode23: an explicit Runge-Kutta (2,3) formula i.e.

Bogacki-Shampine pair

– ode45: an explicit Runge-Kutta (4,5) formula i.e.

Dormand-Prince pair

– ode113: Adams-Bashforth-Moulton PECE solver

• Stiff solvers

– ode15s, ode23s, ode23t and ode23tb

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Generic Syntax for ODE Solver

>> [T,Y] = solver („Func‟, tspan, y0);

'Func' String containing the name of the file that contains the system of ODEs

tspan Vector specifying the interval of integration. For a two-element vector tspan = [t0 tfinal], the solver integrates from t0 to tfinal.

y0 Vector of initial conditions for the problem.


T Column vector of time points

Y Solution array. Each row in Y corresponds to the solution at a time returned in the corresponding row of T

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Numerical Integration

The area under a section of a function F(x)

can be evaluated by numerically

integrating F(x), a process known as

quadrature. The in-built MATLAB functions

for 1D quadrature are:

• quad - Adaptive Simpson‟s Rule

• quad8 - Adaptive Newton Cotes 8

panel rule

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Numerical Integration - Example

>> Q = quad („sin‟,0,2*pi)

>> Q = 0

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Performing Double Integral

% function declaration

>> function integrnd_out = integrnd (x,y)

>> integrnd_out = x*sin(x) + y*cos(y);

% Double Integral Evaluation

>> x_min = pi;

>> x_max = 2*pi;

>> y_min = 0;

>> y_max = pi;


>> intg_result = dblquad („integrnd‟, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max)

>> intg_result = -9.8698

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Symbolic Mathematics

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Symbolic Mathematics

• The Symbolic Math Toolboxes include symbolic computation into MATLAB‟s numeric environment

• Facilities Available with Symbolic Math Toolboxes contain – Calculus, Linear Algebra, Simplification, Solution of Equations, Variable-Precision Arithmetic, Transforms and Special Applied Functions

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Command Line Demonstrations are available

with Symbolic Math Toolboxes

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Example: Differentiation

>> syms a x

>> fx = sin (a*x)

>> dfx = diff(fx)

>> dfx = cos (a*x)*a

% with respect to a

>> dfa = diff(fx, a)

>> dfa = cos (a*x)*x

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In Summary - Why MATLAB !

• Interpreted language for numerical computation

• Perform numerical calculations and visualize the

results without complicated and time exhaustive


• Good accuracy in numerical computing

• Specially in-built with commands and

subroutines that are commonly used by


• Toolboxes to make advance scientific

computations easy to implement

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Thank You