91st aacc annual convention new orleans, la online access/online success

91st AACC Annual Convention New Orleans, LA Online Access/Online Success Bailey K. Smith Chuck Sorcabal Director, Learning Assistance Ctr. Professor,Mathematics [email protected] [email protected] Mt. San Antonio Community College Walnut, California

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91st AACC Annual Convention New Orleans, LA Online Access/Online Success. Bailey K. SmithChuck Sorcabal Director, Learning Assistance Ctr.Professor,Mathematics [email protected]@mtsac.edu Mt. San Antonio Community College Walnut, California. OVERVIEW OF SESSION - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: 91st AACC Annual Convention  New Orleans, LA Online Access/Online Success

91st AACC Annual Convention

New Orleans, LA

Online Access/Online Success

Bailey K. Smith Chuck SorcabalDirector, Learning Assistance Ctr. Professor,[email protected]

[email protected]

Mt. San Antonio Community CollegeWalnut, California

Page 2: 91st AACC Annual Convention  New Orleans, LA Online Access/Online Success


(or: What’s In It For Me?)

•Demonstration-not sales pitch-of software tools

• Student perspectives

• Impact of online resources

• Your next steps

Page 3: 91st AACC Annual Convention  New Orleans, LA Online Access/Online Success

Student Stats You Already Know

• 80% of full-time students work full- or part-time • 87% of part-time students work full- or part-


From AACC 2009 Fast Facts:

• 30% of community college students receive Pell Grants

From CCSE “Making Connections”, 2009 :

“…CCSSE respondents have reported steady increases in use of technology….while technology used to be the province of only younger students, the age gap is closing.”

Page 4: 91st AACC Annual Convention  New Orleans, LA Online Access/Online Success

Student Perspectives

• Hours available are very important; most popular time is late evenings

• User-friendly technology is crucial

• Those who participate have positive experiences

• Those who do not participate stated they needed regular reminders of the availability of the services and the hours

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• Summary of benefits

• Overview of online classes Chuck Sorcabal, Professor of Mathematics:

• Implementing live online office hours

• Online office hours

• Tools used for online office hours

• Live session with students at home

Page 6: 91st AACC Annual Convention  New Orleans, LA Online Access/Online Success

Overview of Online Classes




• Hybrid class meets for tests

• Students use textbook & teacher-made videos.

• Online office hours onenight a week.

• Additional questions answered by videos or email.

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Online Office Hours





• Once a week

• Not mandatory

• Questions answered from top to bottomone question at a time

Tools used:

WorldWideWhiteBoard by Link Systems Digital Tablet Headset

FlashInternet Explorer

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Live with Students at Home

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English Tutoring Session

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Geology Tutoring Session

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Additional Online Tutoring Resources

CRLA Tech and Distance Learning SIG wiki – http://onlineteachingandlearning.wikispaces.com/WorldWideWhiteBoard – http://www.link-systems.com

AskOnline – http://www.askonline.net

Smarthinking – http://www.smarthinking.com

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Mt. San Antonio College Websites

Mt. San Antonio Community College-http://www.mtsac.edu

Learning Assistance Center - http://lac.mtsac.edu

Mathematics Department – http://math.mtsac.edu

Math Tutoring Center – http://marc.mtsac.edu/

Writing Center – http://www.mtsac.edu/instruction/humanities/writingcenter/