9.1mw community solar project construction & operation

Q&A #3: 2021-05-03 9.1MW Community Solar Project Construction & Operation Services 1) Our company finances, constructs and operates renewable power projects for communities, mines, industrial sites, etc specific to this niche market size. Do you think that AREA may have an interest in a financed solar project in which we would finance, construct and operate while entering into a 15 year + Power Purchase Agreement with AREA?Is the expected award and commercial operation date (COD) in 2020, 2021, or 2022? Although the third-party ownership model is generally something AREA is interested in for energy projects, its not something we are entertaining for this particular solar project. 2) We arrange and provides long-tern debt financing for PPA based renewable energy projects, and has been very active in Nova Scotia in this regard. I’d be happy to explore this further with you if the municipalities are intending to seek project financing. We aren’t looking for financing proposals on this particular project, but we will I’ll keep that in mind for future opportunities. 3) We noted that a deadline for questions was referenced in the RFP but we did not see the date for this milestone. Also, would there be a limit to the number of persons from a proposal team attending the site visits? We removed the deadline for questions so folks are free to ask them throughout the RFP process and we will do our best to address all questions with the answers posted publicly on NS Tenders and MERX. A personnel limit per company will likely be dependent on the public health measures related to COVID-19 at the time of the site meetings. AREA will be monitoring guidance from public health and will make a determination on limits the week before the site visits are scheduled. At this time there are no limits on the number of persons that can attend the site visits. 4) Are there any forms or communications required to register our company for this bid tender? No, there aren’t any registration documents required. 5) It appears that this is for the construction and set up to operate the systems, and that the solar panels are not part of the scope, is that a fair assessment? Yes, this RFP is for construction and operations services. As per the RFP, solar panels will be free issued to the successful Proponent(s).

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Page 1: 9.1MW Community Solar Project Construction & Operation

Q&A #3: 2021-05-03

9.1MW Community Solar Project Construction & Operation Services

1) Our company finances, constructs and operates renewable power projects for communities,

mines, industrial sites, etc specific to this niche market size. Do you think that AREA may have

an interest in a financed solar project in which we would finance, construct and operate while

entering into a 15 year + Power Purchase Agreement with AREA?Is the expected award and

commercial operation date (COD) in 2020, 2021, or 2022?

Although the third-party ownership model is generally something AREA is interested in for energy

projects, its not something we are entertaining for this particular solar project.

2) We arrange and provides long-tern debt financing for PPA based renewable energy projects,

and has been very active in Nova Scotia in this regard. I’d be happy to explore this further with

you if the municipalities are intending to seek project financing.

We aren’t looking for financing proposals on this particular project, but we will I’ll keep that in

mind for future opportunities.

3) We noted that a deadline for questions was referenced in the RFP but we did not see the date

for this milestone. Also, would there be a limit to the number of persons from a proposal team

attending the site visits?

We removed the deadline for questions so folks are free to ask them throughout the RFP process

and we will do our best to address all questions with the answers posted publicly on NS Tenders

and MERX.

A personnel limit per company will likely be dependent on the public health measures related to

COVID-19 at the time of the site meetings. AREA will be monitoring guidance from public health

and will make a determination on limits the week before the site visits are scheduled. At this time

there are no limits on the number of persons that can attend the site visits.

4) Are there any forms or communications required to register our company for this bid tender?

No, there aren’t any registration documents required.

5) It appears that this is for the construction and set up to operate the systems, and that the solar

panels are not part of the scope, is that a fair assessment?

Yes, this RFP is for construction and operations services. As per the RFP, solar panels will be free

issued to the successful Proponent(s).

Page 2: 9.1MW Community Solar Project Construction & Operation

Q&A #3: 2021-05-03

6) I was wondering if you are keeping a list of registered plan takers for the tender (companies

who request documents)? If so, would we be able to get the list of plan takers?

No, there is not a list of registered plan takers.

7) We manufacture prefabricated e-houses either as a modified container or a building. We could

install and commission your free issued inverters as part of this solution. Is this of interest and

if so, will you accept direct proposals or only through a general contractor? Can you provide an

inverter drawing so we can determine the spacing requirements?

Yes, as per the RFP, AREA is willing to entertain direct proposals from manufacturers and or

suppliers of e-houses, modified containers, or buildings. Inverters have not been selected at this

time. Proponents will be notified once final equipment selection has been made. As per the RFP,

AREA is planning to nominally use 1500V 125kW string inverters for this project. There are several

manufacturers of these inverters that can be used for reference or indicative sizing.

8) Could you please tell me if we can submit our quotations on solar modules, racking system and

helical piles for you on this project? Could you please tell me if you can share the proponents

who are bidding on this project?

AREA already had an RFP for solar equipment that included panels, racking and piles. The RFP

explicitly list racking as an optional submission since some Proponents will want to provide a

wrapped installation service for racking and installation under one warranty. Modules will be free

issued by AREA to the successful Proponent(s).

We don’t have a registration list for this project so we don’t have a list of bidders or plan takers.

9) We see some strong interest in technology to turn every solar panel into a smart panel. This

would be as the panels are being installed, could also be done at the Solar Panel Factory, but

can be done during the set up of the Solar Install, it is small microchip that gets added onto the


Solar panels are excluded from the scope of this RFP and will be free issued to the successful

Proponent. AREA is not interested in pursuing module level power electronics, micro-chips, or

smart solar panels for this project.

10) Are there any pre-screening or safety requirements for the 9.1 MW COMMUNITY SOLAR

PROJECT site visits?

There are no pre-screening requirements, but we are expecting everyone to respect all public

safety protocols with respect to social distancing while on the job sites.

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Q&A #3: 2021-05-03

11) Can AREA please confirm the below regarding free issued equipment: i. Solar Modules and module interconnecting cabling – Supplied by AREA ii. Solar Module Racking – Supplied by AREA iii. Solar Module Foundations – We understand that once Final foundation design

is complete, this can be supplied by AREA or the Contractor. Is this correct?

iv. All Solar Module Combiner Boxes – Supplied by AREA v. All Inverters – Supplied by AREA. The inverters are shown in a seacan enclosure on

the drawing set. Is AREA supplying the pre-fabricated seacan containing all the

inverters, HVAC, lighting, etc. OR is AREA only supplying the inverters and the

Contractor will have to fabricate the seacan enclosure?

vi. If AREA is providing the pre-fabricated seacan for the inverters, will it also contain

the 600V switch board and SCADA system?

vii. Weather station/pyranometers – Supplied by AREA viii. Main Substation Transformer – Supplied by AREA ix. 15kV Load Break Switch, IT cabinet and HV recloser – Supplied by Contractor.

Please Confirm.

Please see the answers to the individual bullet points below:

i. Confirmed that solar modules will be free issued by AREA. Each module comes with 1.0-

1.4m interconnection cables. “Homerun” solar cables will not be supplied by AREA, these are to be supplied by the Proponent.

ii. As per the RFP, solar racking may be free issued by AREA or can be optionally proposed by the Proponent.

iii. The foundations may be free issued by AREA or can be optionally proposed by the Proponent. The final design and pricing of the foundations will be finalized after the completion of the pile testing program. Proponents interested in supplying foundations should provide indicative pricing as part of their proposal based on the information and drawings provided.

iv. Confirmed. v. Confirmed that inverters will be free issued by AREA. Proponents can propose a pre-

fabricated container, or approved equivalent, as part of a larger proposal, or as the only scope, offered to AREA.

vi. See above. If a Proponent is offering a prefabricated seacan as part of a, or the only, scope offered to AREA then it should include the 600V switchboard and SCADA system.

vii. Confirmed. viii. The main substation transformer may be free issued by AREA or optionally supplied by

the Proponent. ix. Confirmed.

12) Please provide manufacturer information and shop drawings for all free issued equipment

and materials.

AREA is still assessing equipment from previous RFPs that will be free issued to Proponents.

Proponents will be notified once the equipment decisions are finalized.

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Q&A #3: 2021-05-03

13) Racking reaction loads are not supplied. Please supply, this information shall be required

for foundation suitability assessment for bid and for final design.

Reaction loads will not be finalized until the racking has been selected and after a pile testing program is completed. The foundation drawings provided are preliminary for budgeting purposes. Indicative reaction loads are shown below, but as noted above are subject to change based on the final racking selection and soil conditions during pile testing:

14) Can you confirm how many foot/lbs of torque the helical piles need to be installed at for

the solar projects? Are all three sites and the 5 different helical piles using the same torque


Reaction loads and torque values for the foundations will not be finalized until after a pile testing program is completed. The foundation drawings provided are preliminary for budgeting purposes.

15) Pile testing program is proposed to start 2nd quarter. Bid closes May 7th. Very tight

timeline, what is the estimated time for award?

Proposals for site preparation work and pile testing will be the first proposals assessed by AREA. Project timelines are subject to change, but AREA is hoping to award the pile testing scope in calendar Q2 2021.

16) Proponent to employ labour from NSCC (Nova Scotia Community College). What percentage?

A set percentage has not been determined. Proponents should make AREA a proposal based on the criteria in 1.10. Local Labour, Skills Training and Materials Inclusion Plan. If there are changes in costs associated with various labour percentages, these should be detailed in the proposal.

17) Portion of the sites are underdeveloped and covered in mature vegetation. Can you

please elaborate and specific sizing, type of vegetation and area covered?

Proponents should make themselves aware of the site conditions as per 1.5. Site Conditions and Investigation by taking part in the Site Visits or by other means. AREA is exploring options for virtual site visits for Proponents who are not able to attend in person due to travel restrictions, but a virtual site visit is not guaranteed and Proponents should not rely on this being an option available to them in order to prepare a submission.

North Wind Uplifting

South Wind Down Force

Vertical (kN) Horizontal (kN) Moment Toward South (kNm) Vertical (kN) Horizontal (kN)

Moment Toward

South (kNm)

AREA Solar Gardens


2.30 KPa

Wind Corner Piler Two End Piles -19.00 10.80 26.80 14.50 -8.40 -10.50

Wind Perimeter Pile -19.10 10.60 23.30 13.85 -7.90 -8.40


0.54 KPa

Wind Interior Pile -18.45 10.25 23.30 9.00 -5.10 -9.50

Snow 19.15 0.75 5.90 28.80 0 4.80

Rain 0.6KPa

Earch Quake 1.22 2.50 -1.22 -2.50

Dead Load 3.80 0.00 0.95 5.32 0.00 0.76

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Q&A #3: 2021-05-03

18) Long term monitoring and maintenance of foundation settlement and frost heave, what

portion of the contract is this captured under?

Long term monitoring and maintenance of foundation settlement and frost heave would be covered under the optional Operations & Maintenance scope.

19) Who owns the existing power pole lines on the Antigonish site need to be moved?

NSPI owns the existing power lines on that site. Yes, the existing pole line feeding the tower will

need to be moved to along the property line adjacent to the tower.

20) Is clearing, or clearing and grubbing, required for site preparation?

Both clearing and grubbing will be required at all three sites.

21) Where does the debris from clearing and or grubbing go, does it need to be removed from

site? Can wood waste be chipped on site?

Wood waste can be chipped on site. Proponents should include a line item cost to remove debris

from grubbing and clearing from the site as part of their proposal.

22) Can alternate locations for service roads be proposed to reduce grades and or costs?

Yes, please detail as part of the proposal.

23) Do you want gravel, sod, seed, or other type of finished topsoil under the panels?

Site conditions can be left “as is” after they have been appropriately prepared for construction

(ex. clearing, grubbing, grading / levelling etc.). AREA does not have a requirement for gravel,

sod, or seed, but Proponents can include an optional cost for these services as part of their


24) Can you clarify the schedule between pile testing and site preparation work?

AREA is intending to complete clearing and grubbing of the sites prior to pile testing.

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Q&A #3: 2021-05-03

25) I have a question about the solar racking system, In that is the system that you have in the

proposal the only one that can be used? I’m asking this, with a different racking system it can

change the pile size requirements and their loading, which can help in the costs with the

system in pile sizes and the installations.

The racking shown in the drawings is an example of what could be used, but shouldn’t be

considered the only option available. AREA ran an RFP for solar equipment, including racking,

previously and is currently assessing the results. As per the RFP, AREA is also open to entertaining

racking and foundations as part of a Proponents response to this RFP and Proponents are free to

propose racking different then that shown in the drawings.

26) Can you share the list of proponents who have been issued the RFP?

AREA does not have a list of Proponents who have a copy of the RFP. The RFP is posted publicly

on NS Tenders and MERX.

27) Are all the solar panels, transformers, piles and racking “Free Issued” to the successful bidder?

Is there a complete list of the all the “free Issued” materials?

The list of free issued equipment can be found in the RFP and is shown below:

Exclusions – Free Issued Equipment:

• The following list of equipment will be free issued by AREA to the successful Proponent. Further details on the free issue of equipment can be found in Part A: The Services – 4 Free Issued Equipment.

• Solar modules • Inverters and combiner boxes • Racking and foundations (can be optionally

proposed by Proponents) • Weather station / pyranometers • Main substation transformers (can be optionally

proposed by Proponents)

28) Are you considering changing the submission date?

No, not currently. AREA is intending that the submission date will remain the same, but retains

the right to change this later if it sees fit. If there are any changes to the submission date, they

will be posted online via NS Tenders and MERX.

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Q&A #3: 2021-05-03

29) We were wondering if there will be an “online” site visit alternative, since it is a bit

complicated to travel right now?

AREA is exploring options for virtual site visits for Proponents who are not able to attend in person due to travel restrictions, but a virtual site visit is not guaranteed and Proponents should not rely on this being an option available to them in order to prepare a submission.

30) Would you be open to a proposal that also includes the supply of all the equipment as part of

this RFP if this can lead to cost savings on the whole project?

There are several key equipment components that AREA does want to keep control of the

procurement on as listed as Free Issued Equipment in the RFP. As per the RFP, we are open to

proposals that wrap the supply of racking along with the installation services as well as supply of

the main transformers.

31) I tried to download the terms of reference but I could not get the dropbox link working. Can

you assist me?

You should be able to download all the project files in .zip format from MERX if the dropbox link

is not working for you.

32) I noted that in the technical specifications provided in the RFP, there is a very good detailed

description of the equipment to be free issued, however not suggesting any specific

manufacturer in most instances, but I did not read any racking specification, but did note the

30 degree tilt on the Typical Rack and Combiner Arrangement Details drawings. We are

interested in supplying the racking, and the pilings for the works, as well as other value-added

services detailed below.

Specific equipment manufactures have not been selected at this time. As per the RFP, Proponents

are free to propose racking and foundations as part of a wrapped construction service as part of

this RFP.

33) With regards to additional value-added services per Section 3 of the RFP, is AREA willing to

consider a complete Bonded EPC offer, whereby we would engineer, procure all of the

equipment, construction, and take all of the risks for the logistical and total project

management of the 3 sites; and in short provide a turn-key offer to AREA for all of the works

described in the RFP, including O and M? We have the experience, resources, and financial

strength to provide this value-added benefit to AREA as a lump-sum offer.

Yes we are open to this turn-key approach, with the exception of supply of the free issued

equipment listed in the RFP.

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Q&A #3: 2021-05-03

34) Berwick Civil Drawing seems to be missing in the Civil and Structural folder.

There will be some minor changes to the Berwick civil / structural drawing (ex. setback from

western property edge watercourse) that will be discussed with the shortlisted and or successful

Proponent(s). Fencing and roadway specifications should be assumed to be the same as the

Antigonish and Mahone Bay sites.

35) What are the tolerances on post foundations? And what if we hit asphalt or other debris


Final tolerances will be dependent on the racking supplier which has not been selected at this

time. Indicative tolerances are shown below:

• Plumb (all directions): < 1 degree

• East/West (positional): +/- 50mm

• North/South (positional): +/- 50mm acceptable but +/- 25mm preferred

• Vertical (pile height): +/- 30mm

A detailed Pile Testing program is included in the scope of this RFP for all three sites. A

Proponent will conduct the Pile Testing program to determine the suitability of the different

foundation designs for specific areas of the site. Some portions of the sites may require

deadman or grouted piles based on underground debris that will be identified during the Pile

Testing program. AREA will be adjusting the scope of work and foundations with the final

successful Proponent(s) based on the results of the Pile Testing program to account for specific

site conditions.

36) Is there a water course / wetland on the sites and if so how are they to be handled?

The Berwick site has a watercourse along the western property boundary. The Issued for

Construction drawings prepared with the successful Proponent(s) will offset construction from

the water course. Proponents should not be budgeting for any modifications to the watercourse

on the Berwick site.

There are no applicable water courses or wetlands on the Mahone Bay or Berwick sites.

37) Nothing is mentioned with respect to disposal of groundwater and/or perched water. What

are the disposal requirements?

We are reviewing the requirements for this with our consultants. Proponents should include a

line item cost and description of their proposed solution for disposal of groundwater and/or

perched water.

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Q&A #3: 2021-05-03

38) Foundation movement tolerances to be confirmed. Estimated to be from 25mm -100mm

and above. What will be the tolerances for design be?

Final tolerances will be dependent on the racking supplier which has not been selected at this

time. Indicative tolerances are shown below:

• Plumb (all directions): < 1 degree

• East/West (positional): +/- 50mm

• North/South (positional): +/- 50mm acceptable but +/- 25mm preferred

• Vertical (pile height): +/- 30mm

39) VJ Rice Concrete Limited drawings April 16/19 are referenced, but not supplied. Please supply.

The VJ Rice drawing referenced in the geotechnical reports is for an above ground ballasted

design. Based on the geotechnical results and consultant input AREA is not anticipating a

requirement to ballast these projects and that all the foundation requirements can be met

through a variation of pile designs and grouted where appropriate.

40) From reviewing the single line diagrams provided, the 15kV transformer disconnect, recloser

and motor operated switch seem to be >5 times larger than required rated at 600A. Can lower

current rated equipment be used for cost efficiency?

The 600A rating is the standard rating based on interrupting capability rather than continuous

rating. If a Proponent wants to suggest alternate equipment with lower continuous ratings that

still meet the interrupting rating that is fine, but it must be clearly detailed in the proposal. Any

proposed alternates will be reviewed by AREA’s Engineer for approval.

41) Concrete pad drawings are referenced; however, no concrete pad drawings were

supplied. Please provide concrete pad drawings.

The final pad design can not be completed until the size and weight of the equipment to be

mounted on the pad can be confirmed. Please provide indicative pricing based on a typical pad

for this type of application. The final pad design will be incorporated in the Issued for Construction

drawings and final pricing will be revisited with the successful Proponent at that time.

42) In Section 2.1 of the RFP document, there is a section pertaining to Access Roads on page 12 of

44. This section indicates that roads are to have 300mm of Gran B placed and compacted, then

covered with 150mm of Gran A compacted. The next point in this section indicates that access

roads are to match existing conditions possible. The question is, do we excavate to place these

granulars such that the existing grade is maintained or, do we place the granulars on top of the

existing soil conditions?

Place the granulars on top of the existing soil conditions.

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Q&A #3: 2021-05-03

43) Could I get estimated start dates for electrical part at each site?

More detailed project schedules will be developed based on the responses to this RFP.

44) The bridge to enter Willow Ave in Berwick is rated for 18 tonnes. Are there plans to

address this to allow for heavy equipment access?

There are no plans to modify the bridge on Willow Avenue. Proponents’ equipment shall

adhere to this rating if they are using this bridge. Alternatively, with the appropriate

approvals from TIR, Proponents may be able to access the site from Highway 101. It will be

the responsibility of the Proponent to secure any required approvals / permissions and to

be able to provide a copy of them to AREA on request.

45) What is AREA’s project management strategy, and preferred approach to project delivery?

AREA does not have a preference and is open to a variety of project management and delivery

approaches including delivery through a general contractor or AREA contracting individually for

specific scopes. If Proponents are interested in general contracting and or project managing the

project, they should highlight in the proposal their applicable solar experience and how their

approach best manages and reduces cost and risk for AREA.

46) Can we submit direct bids for civil work or only through a general contractor?

Yes, as per the RFP AREA is open to entertaining direct bids for specific scopes including, but not

limited to, civil work.

47) Will you re-issue the RFP after completing the pile testing program?

AREA is not intending to re-issue the RFP after the pile testing program. Depending on the results

of the RFP, AREA may opt to proceed with a Proponent for the pile testing scope and then issue

short listed Proponents the results of that testing program in order to provide updated pricing.

48) Are the distribution line upgrades and construction of the substation included in the RFP?


49) Can you confirm that the Berwick project is taking place in 2022? And how do contractors

account for changes in cost between now and 2022?

Yes, we are intending that the construction of the Berwick project will be in 2022. AREA may opt

to conduct some activity at the Berwick site in 2021 and will discuss those details with the selected

or shortlisted Proponent(s). For example, clearing, grubbing, pile testing, grading, fencing and

service roads could be potentially completed in Berwick during 2021.

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Q&A #3: 2021-05-03

Contractors should provide pricing based on current market conditions and it should be valid for

a minimum of sixty (60) days as per the RFP. If pricing is no longer valid at the time AREA awards

a contract for a specific service, AREA will ask the Proponent(s) to provide updated pricing at that


50) Is finishing soil, sod, or gravel required in Berwick?

No, this is not required at any of the three sites. Proponents can provide optional adders for these

and other landscaping / finishing services if they wish, but they are not required.

51) Is galvanized steel mesh an acceptable alternate to aluminum for the fencing and can the fence

posts be driven rather than placed in concrete?

Yes, galvanized steel is an acceptable alternate to aluminum for fencing. Yes, fence posts can be


52) It appears the revised address for the Mahone Bay site (918 Main Street) is at the water

treatment facility. Are there going to be revised drawings issued?

Yes, the Town of Mahone Bay and AREA are changing the location of the Mahone Bay site to 918

Main Street, the municipal waste water treatment facility, as shown below:

AREA is currently working with its consultants on a revised set of drawings for Mahone Bay. The

revised drawings will not be issued prior the project closing on May 7th 2021.

Proponents can opt to provide indicative pricing for Mahone Bay based on the details of the two

other sites, or they can decline to provide pricing at this time. AREA will issue the revised drawings

for the Mahone Bay site when they are available to either the shortlisted and or successful

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Q&A #3: 2021-05-03

Proponent(s) and discuss firm pricing at that time. Note that AREA will be using the results from

the Antigonish and Berwick sites to shortlist potential Proponents for Mahone Bay.

If a Proponent is interested in providing pricing for Mahone Bay, but would prefer to wait until a

drawings set is issued, they should make this clear in the proposal. Declining to provide indicative

pricing for Mahone Bay prior to AREA issuing a revised drawing set will not hurt the evaluation of

a Proponents submission for the Antigonish and Berwick sites.

If a Proponent is planning to bid all three sites they should provide pricing assuming the Mahone

Bay project will start construction in 2021 and will be indicatively sized between 1.8-2.2MW.

53) How do we price civil work for the new Mahone Bay site without drawings?

Proponents will not be required to provide pricing for the Mahone Bay site prior to the May 7th

deadline and this will be noted in an addendum. AREA will be using the results of the Antigonish

and Berwick submissions to select or shortlist Proponent(s) who will be issued the Mahone Bay

drawings to price once they are available.

54) We have already very good prices for all equipment. We want to know if you can include us in

your prices analysis now since a decision is not yet made on equipment procurement.

The RFP lists a few pieces of equipment that AREA will keep control of the procurement for, some

of which the contractors can optionally propose (ex. racking, foundations, and transformers).

Items like solar panels and inverters AREA will be procuring and free issuing to the successful


55) We found out yesterday via the site visits and addenda that the project location for Mahone

Bay has changed. As a result, we are wondering how this will effect the equipment RFP and our

previous racking submission. How would you like for us to update the steel costs with this

project change?

Shortlisted racking vendors will be asked to provide updated proposals for the Mahone Bay site

once the new drawings are available. The site change in Mahone Bay will not affect the review of

previously submitted racking proposals.

Proponents that want to submit for racking as part of the current construction RFP should ensure

that their standard pricing is valid for a minimum of sixty (60) days as per the terms in the RFP.

If Proponents want to provide an optional alternate price submission that removes steel costing

contingencies and is indexed to a recognized North American steel index (ex. CRU index) they are

free to do so.

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Q&A #3: 2021-05-03

56) How long is pricing to be valid for and how do we account for price volatility in the steel


Standard pricing should be valid for a minimum of sixty (60) days as per the terms in the RFP. If

Proponents want to provide an optional alternate price submission that removes steel costing

contingencies and is indexed to a recognized North American steel index (ex. CRU index) they are

free to do so.

57) For the purpose of the AREA EPC RFP and our proposed schedule, we are hoping to

understand the expected delivery timeline for free issued equipment: modules, inverters

and combiner boxes, etc.

AREA is still reviewing the results of the equipment RFP and has not made a final decision on

vendors which will impact delivery schedules. Please assume that the free issued equipment will

be available on site when required. Proponents should make clear in their proposal if there are

specific dates when free issued equipment would be required in order to comply with the rough

project schedule provided.

58) I was wondering if there is an opportunity to provide a proposal for supply of the

electrical distribution gear. We have looked at the plans and have an E-House style


Yes, this is an opportunity. AREA will entertain direct proposals from e-house manufacturers /

suppliers (inclusive of the distribution gear) even if you are not interested in any install /

commissioning services.

59) Do you still expect the Mahone Bay civil works to be started this Summer with the change

in location? Do you anticipate a revised plan or addendum/extension for this project?

It is possible for the Mahone Bay work to start this summer, but it may push into the fall depending

on when the new drawings are available. We will not have the new drawings issued prior to the

RFP closing. Since there are no drawings for Mahone Bay you can opt not to provide pricing at

this time and it will not affect the evaluation. We will be using the results for Berwick and

Antigonish to shortlist and or select Proponents. Revised Mahone Bay drawings will be submitted

to those shortlisted and or selected Proponents for pricing once they become available. This

change will be noted in an addendum. We are not planning to extend the submission deadline at

this time.

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Q&A #3: 2021-05-03

60) If Mahone Bay civil work is delayed, would you expect for the civil work in Berwick to go

this Summer potentially in place of the Mahone Bay work?

Yes, moving forward some of the site work at Berwick is something we are looking at. For example,

clearing, grubbing, pile testing, grading, fencing and service roads could be potentially completed

in Berwick during 2021.

61) Are you still intending to mount modules in landscape or is portrait acceptable?

AREA has not selected a racking design at this time, but at this stage portrait is the preferred


62) Will the site change in Mahone Bay change the Pile Testing scope or will this remain the


Since the project size (MWpdc) and area is anticipated to be similar, AREA is not anticipating any

changes in scope to the Pile Testing due to the Mahone Bay site change.

63) My team is hoping to get the topo CAD files for the Berwick site?

AREA has updated the dropbox link on NS Tenders and the attachments on MERX to include the

topographic maps for the three locations. Proponents can find more detailed information

including but not limited to topographic maps, ariel photographs, soils, site features etc. for all

three locations through the provincial GeoNOVA website: https://geonova.novascotia.ca/.

64) Is building demolition required at any of the sites?


65) I see that Addendum #2 has changed the property address for the Mahone Bay site. Will

you be sharing the Plan view drawings for this site? Specifically we are looking for the

Site Grading Plan, Erosion & Control Plan and Pile Layout Plan. Also will you provide an

access road profile as was given for the previous site?

As per Q&A #2 and Addendum #3, new plans for Mahone Bay will not be available prior to the

closing date. Proponents can opt to provide indicative pricing based on the anticipated project

size (1.8-2.2MW), or not to provide pricing for Mahone Bay at this time since the drawings are not

available. AREA will use the RFP submissions for the Berwick and Antigonish sites to shortlist and

or select Proponent(s) to issue the Mahone Bay drawings to for pricing once the drawings package

is available.

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Q&A #3: 2021-05-03

66) Can the tree stumps be cleared and left to the side on site within the property limits of

all three sites? Or must they be removed from site?

As the base price please assume that stumps can be left to the side on site, but include an optional

adder to have the stumps removed from site.

67) Can AREA confirm that a graphic display will be required for the SCADA Panel (i.e., video

monitor c/w keyboard + mouse)?

A graphic display with monitor, keyboard and mouse is not a requirement onsite, but could

be included as an optional extra.

68) Can AREA confirm that the Contractor is responsible only for the design of the SCADA and

Communications equipment, and NOT the Protection & Control (P&C) equipment. OR is

the Contractor responsible for the complete SCADA, P&C and Communications system?

The Proponent will be responsible for only SCADA and Comms equipment design. The

Proponent’s proposed design will need to be submitted to AREA’s Engineer for approval.

AREA’s consultants are responsible for P&C design. Note that the contractor is responsible

for supplying and installing P&C equipment as per the drawings or approved alternates.

69) In the SCADA System description, the SCADA System must communicate with the “local

electrical utility”. Who is responsible for the metering and communication equipment

required in each Municipal Electric Utility (MEU) substation to provide the substation

load information to ensure power is not passed through to NSPI? How will the MEU

substation metering information be transferred to the Solar Garden SCADA Panel?

The Proponent does not need to provide any metering or communications at the municipal

substations. AREA already has existing meters with cellular communications at each of the

municipal substations that have <5m data resolution. AREA currently collects the meter

data in each Town and the meter data can be directed to the solar garden SCADA system

to enable the zero export feature.

70) Can AREA confirm that all Communications beyond the solar garden, (i.e., internet, MEU

metering, MEU network control, etc.), regardless of medium, will be by others?


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71) The SCADA System description does not mention a GPS Synchronized Clock System, which

is typically supplied to accurately time stamp alarms and events. Is a GPS based Clock

System required?

Yes, a GPS Clock system is required.

72) Can you please provide the cable type and signal type for the connections between the

RTAC and the string inverters? This connection is shown on the provided single line


12 strand fibre OM4 62.5/125 µm.

73) The RFP documents refers to fencing drawings but none were provided. Please provide

referenced fencing drawings and installation details OR provide a description on the type

of fencing required. i.e., similar to utility substation fencing.

Reference fencing drawings can be found in the Mahone Bay and Antigonish drawings


74) The drawings for the Berwick site refer to a “Main Electrical Control Station” however,

there is no layout provided of this item. Can further details of this Control Station be


The “Main Electrical Control Station” refers to the collection of ground mounted equipment

prior to the PCC (ie. motorized LBS, IT Cabinet, recloser etc.) shown on the drawings. The

final layout of this equipment will be determined by the Proponent based on the specifics

of the proposed equipment. The selected Proponent will submit a draft equipment layout

for review and approval by AREA’s engineering during the shop drawing approval process.

75) Both Antigonish and Mahone Bay Combiner Stations have 400A, single phase panels for

the Combiner Station Building small power distribution. Both the Berwick Combiner

Station Buildings have 100A single phase panels. The 400A panels specified on the single

lines for Antigonish and Mahone Bay are excessive for Combiner Station small power. Is

the indicated 400A panel required for Antigonish and Mahone Bay or can they be

replaced by 100A panels similar to the Berwick site?

As in the SLD, the Antigonish and Mahone Bay combiner stations have 400A single phase

panels but the Berwick combiner station has three phase 100A panel. The requirement is

for 400A single phase panels for Antigonish and Mahone Bay sites and 100A three phase

panels for Berwick.

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Q&A #3: 2021-05-03

76) What level of video surveillance does AREA want for each site? We have assumed each

camera will have digital recording but how many cameras does AREA want? Gate only,

entire site coverage, combiner station entry? Please advise on a number of and general

location of each required camera. Are the cameras fixed angle or panning continuously?

Proponents should assume video surveillance at the following locations: site gate,

fabricated container / building doors, and the corners of the site. Camera specifications

should be similar to Bosch Starlight or approved equivalent.

77) Does AREA anticipate the need to bring fiber optic cable into a Combiner Station on each

site to achieve SCADA and Security system communications? If so, is this scope included

in this RFP and which line items should it be costed under?

Communication to the RTAC and inverter daisy chain is the only fibre optic cable

requirement scope under this RFP. If additional fiber optic cable is required for the

Proponent’s video surveillance solution, the additional fiber costs should be included as a

line item in the Security pricing section.

78) I am hoping to nail down a specification for the fence as there is a fair bit of conflicting

information and the specification as provided was obviously for some other project not

in the Maritimes, Please see below and let me know if this is acceptable. The specification

I am proposing is available to all fence companies so in no way will it give advantage to

one company over another, it will also allow for fairly significant cost savings for the

customer and it will certainly allow for the required security.

• 2” x 9ga x 6’ tall galvanized chain Link mesh c/w 1’ of barb wire

• 3 ½” schedule 40 (1/4” wall thickness approximately) galvanized gate posts dug

and set in concrete

• 3 ½” 125 wall (1/8” wall thickness approximately) galvanized corner and end

posts dug and set in concrete

• 2 3/8” 100 wall (1/8” wall thickness approximately) galvanized line posts all


• 1 11/16” 100 wall (1/8” wall thickness approximately) galvanized top and brace


• 6ga galvanized bottom wire

Yes, this is an acceptable alternate. Please make note of proposed fencing specifications as

part of the RFP submission.

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Q&A #3: 2021-05-03

79) Is the $100k bid security bond appliable to engineering proposals; such as for owners’

engineer, SCADA system design, utility intertie design, etc?

No the bid security will not be applicable to consulting services. The bid security is for

Proponents who are proposing to supply equipment and or construction labour into the


80) Is the $100k per site or total for the three (3) sites combined?

The $100k limit would be based on the total value of the proposal pre HST. So depending on what

is being proposed, this could be for just one site or all three.

81) I’m just wondering if there are 2 LBS or to be limited to 1 LBS- motorizes at PCC for the

RFP. The second LBS is located after the demarcation point at POC which I believe the

scope of work for the utility as well as the metering pole (Except metering instruments).

This RFP includes the equipment and installation services on both sides of the demarcation point.

82) What are the requirements for the grounding transformer?

Final grounding transformer requirements are still under consideration, please price as


83) What would the approximate mass of the inverters be?

The inverter type has not been finalised yet. AREA is intending to use a 125kW nominal

string inverter. There are several vendors that manufacture these models that can be used

for reference size and weight.

84) Have the class and heights of the poles been determined?

The final pole specification has not been determined, but they are expected to be 55’ Class


85) Would an alternate be acceptable for SCADA system?

Alternates are acceptable, please provide details of the alternate as part of your proposal.

86) Do we allow for a "Fall of Potential" or a simpler grounding test for each grounding grid?

Most relevant testing standard is IEEE 81. Any testing that follows this standard is


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Q&A #3: 2021-05-03

87) Are shorter table lengths (ex. 2 x 13) acceptable?


88) Is a bid bond required?

Yes, for equipment and construction services proposals over $100,000.00 CAD before HST.

89) Are you planning to start civil work this summer?

Yes, that is the intension.

90) Are ballasted foundations an option for Antigonish?

Yes, ballasted foundations can be quoted as an optional alternative. Final foundation

designs are subject to the results of the pile testing program. Shortlisted or selected

Proponent(s) will be asked to update their proposal based on the results of the pile testing

program which could potentially result in alternate foundation designs, including ballast or

drilled and grouted piles, being used for specific areas of the site where high pile refusal

was encountered during the pile testing program.

91) Should we include the SEL_2440 DPAC in our SCADA proposal with it installed in an

enclosure with UPS and Power Supply? We have access to that device and can certainly

assemble it into a ready to install configuration. Secondly, is there an Engineer of Record

who will be responsible for the programming of the 2440, the protective relay and

revenue grade meter?

It is up to a Proponent to decide which equipment is included in the proposal, but yes the SEL

equipment and accessories (power supply, UPS, enclosure etc.) could be included as part of the

SCADA proposal.

We haven’t decided how we are going to do the programming at this time. If a Proponent offers

programming / commissioning services it can be included as part of the proposal.

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Q&A #3: 2021-05-03

92) Have you finalized the inverter spec? I need to confirm if the final model contains a DC

disconnect. I need the final spec in order to size the building, the required standoff from

the wall and the heat load for the HVAC.

No we have not made a final decision on the inverter yet. Please provide a base price for the

proposal assuming no DC disconnect is required (inverter has it integrated) and an optional

adder if an external DC disconnect is required for the case AREA selects an inverter that doesn’t

have an integrated DC disconnect included.

93) Can the bid bond be emailed to you or does it need to be hand delivered with the quotes?

As per the RFP:

“Proposal submission to this RFP is to be addressed to the RFP Contact Person (Sean

Fleming, [email protected]) and submitted in PDF format by email only

including a scanned copy of the relevant Bid Security documentation. Hard copies of Bid

Security should be submitted by mail to the following address:

AREA – care of Town of Antigonish

274 Main Street

Antigonish, Nova Scotia

Canada, B2G 2C4

ATTN: Meaghan Barkhouse

Emailed proposals, as well as hard copies of Bid Security, must be received no later than

the RFP Closing Date and Time detailed above. It is solely the responsibility of the

Proponent to ensure that the Proposal is received before the RFP Closing Date and Time.

Proposal Submissions should remain valid for a minimum period of sixty (60) days

following the Closing Date and Time of this RFP.”

94) Would you entertain extending the RFP closing date 1week making is closing date May

14 at 3pm?

No, the RFP deadline will remain the same.

95) If we are submitting a proposal price for more than one site, is it acceptable to submit

one bid bond or do we have to submit a bid bond for each site?

One bid bond is acceptable.

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96) Will we automatically be disqualified if the hard copy(ies) of bid bond do not arrive by

May 7 at 3pm?

AREA may, at its sole and unfettered discretion, ask a Proponent for clarification, timing

updates, or submittal of a bid bond if it is not included with the proposal or not received

before the closing date. For further clarity, AREA is not bound or required to do this.

97) Confirming the Obligee Address is 274 Main Street, Antigonish NS B2G 2C4?


98) It is unclear if we are to provide proof of insurance with our proposal, Please confirm.

Proof of insurance should be included as part of the proposal and will be required before

award of a contract. Insurance requirements are as per Part A: 6.2 Insurance in the RFP.

99) Also, if we are submitting a proposal price for more than one site, is it acceptable to

submit one proof of insurance or one proof of insurance for each site?

One proof of insurance is acceptable.

100) Can We bid on the electrical work directly? From reading the Addendums it seems they

may be open to this option?

Yes, you can submit a proposal direct for the electrical work.

101) Does AREA have an office address? This is needed for the bonding and insurance.

The AREA office address for bonding and insurance is:

AREA – care of Town of Antigonish 274 Main Street Antigonish, Nova Scotia Canada, B2G 2C4 ATTN: Meaghan Barkhouse

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Q&A #3: 2021-05-03

102) I am supplier of power transformers located in Nova Scotia. We works with the utilities,

large industrials, and lots of renewable projects. I notice your looking to have the

transformers free issued to this project. Can you tell me is that spec for the transformers

out now?

Yes, there are specs for this equipment out now. You can download them on the link below:


As per the RFP, we are open to equipment and services being priced direct. So you can put in a

submission through contractors or direct, or both.

103) As I understand things…

i. The Mahone Bay project has been removed from the RFP at this time

ii. Leaving Antigonish and Berwick as the remaining projects

iii. And if the sum of our proposals is less than $100,000 US or CA, then no bid bond

is required.

iv. But if over $100,000, then a bid bond is required

v. And the proof of the bond must accompany the proposal due this Friday, May


Is that correct?

Please see below:

i. AREA is still intending to build a solar system in Mahone Bay, but it is not required

to provide for the Mahone Bay site at this time since the drawings for the details

and drawings of the new site are still being determined. AREA will be using

proposals for the Antigonish and Berwick sites to shortlist or select Proponents.

ii. Yes, see above.

iii. If a proposal is less than $100,000 CAD before taxes, then no bid security is


iv. Yes.

v. If the proposal is over $100,000 CAD then the bid security should be included as

part of the proposal. If it is not, AREA may, at its sole and unfettered discretion, ask

a Proponent for clarification, timing updates, or submittal of a bid bond if it is not

included with the proposal or not received before the closing date. For further

clarity, AREA is not bound or required to do this.

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104) I understand that AREA is willing to accept pricing directly from subcontractors for the

installation of the helical piling system but "bonding" is necessary. Will you accept pricing

without a bond or any other type of performance security?

AREA may, at its sole and unfettered discretion, ask a Proponent for clarification, timing

updates, or submittal of a bid bond if it is not included with the proposal or not received

before the closing date. For further clarity, AREA is not bound or required to do this.