9 reasons why your life isn't bouncing and how to … · 2017-02-06 · process that we should...


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When your life is bouncing it’s like living on easy street. Have you ever had a moment on holiday or at home where you feel energised, relaxed and happy? When you are completely at peace with yourself and your life and you say to yourself, “How does it get better than this?”

What if life could be like that all the time? If even at your busiest, most crucial and demanding moments you could still say, “It doesn’t get better than this!”

Perhaps this isn’t too far away for you, perhaps this is happening already. Or just maybe you are reading this and wondering on what planet I am currently residing!

Turn the clock back several years and I too would have thought this impossible. I loved my children, my home and my dog very much, but I didn’t love my life and couldn’t see any way of making it any different. I was disengaged, unenthusiastic and just didn’t have the energy to do anything different.



I call this energy “Bounce”.

Your mojo, your get up and go or va-va-voom. I think it’s a combination of physical energy, of free and peaceful mind space and strength of spirit. I believe that we are a fantastic combination of mind, body and spirit and as such amazing beings we have three prongs of attack that we can use in harmony to get our lives back on track and bouncing more than ever before.

So to this end, here is my list of the 9 reasons your life may not be bouncing and a concise guide of how to overcome them. You may after reading this want to delve deeper into this subject, so at the end of this report I’ll briefly tell you how to do this.

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin!



Reason One: Overwhelm

We live in a world where it’s so easy to be busy! We have developed some great technology designed to make our life easier, but in truth this just allows us to squeeze more into our time. We can talk on our mobiles while driving our car (on hands-free of course!), work while on holiday thanks to Wi-Fi and laptops and generally in our spare moments we grab our mobiles to check in. The temptation is to constantly be on the go and as a consequence if we aren’t careful we can become overwhelmed. We get to the point where we want to throw our laptop out of the window, turn off our phone and reside on a desert island (see above!).

This can either be due to a huge to do list, by trying to be all things to all people, or simply by technology overload. Too much stimulation and our poor brains just refuse to switch off!

Through the media and peer pressure it’s easy to slip into the thought process that we should always be striving, trying and doing 24 hours a day 7 days a week, something that our bodies simply can’t keep up with.

I have seen people exhausted in mind and body and consequently their spirits are completely dampened. Even the easiest of tasks become too much and insomnia, migraines or general malaise wash over them.



Reason Two: The “I’m Fine!” Syndrome

People who suffer from this can be the most dangerous, as those around them simply take them at their word.

Rather than admit that life is demanding or that they could do with a hand they simply respond to any enquiry as to their being with the two most dangerous words in the English language, “I’m fine.”

Of course in truth they are far from fine, but have maybe been brought up with the opinion that there is always someone worse off, or that it’s selfish to complain.

These folks simply soldier on, day after day saying yes to anyone and everything. They always have a smile and time for people because they are the world’s natural healers and doers. To stop this kind of person it usually takes a huge trauma or physical accident and then they are awash with guilt and hate to put anyone out!


I’m Fine!



Reason Three: Mood Hoovers

I have heard so many phrases to describe this type of person: Negative Nellies, Buzz Killers, Fun Sponges, Neg Ferretts to name just a few!

You can be having the best day ever, life is full of sunshine and you come into contact with this person. You ask how they are and before you know it you have heard the full list of their woes. They are having a nightmare (even though they are awake), everything is a big deal and they have no comprehension of thinking positive.

Now I know people that have genuine struggles and have good reason to feel down, however the Mood Hoovers always have something bad happening. They don’t want you to solve their problems and they certainly don’t want to know about yours! If you do share your own struggles their problems will always be bigger: for them it’s a competition they are guaranteed to win, so my advice is to not even try!



Reason Four: Your Discomfort Zone

Our brains have the huge task of filtering the millions of bits of information that come our way on a daily basis and as such have got very good at filtering and sticking to what they know.

New information is compared to the memory banks to quickly ascertain whether it is good or bad. If we try something new that is similar to something that we failed at in the past, the brain quickly flashes up warnings by way of nervousness, fear and panic to keep us ‘safe’. As a consequence our comfort zones shrink and restrict us and the known zone becomes a discomfort zone.

It can be really difficult to escape this zone, even if we are fed up and yearning for the new, as our neural programmes need some serious re-programming to allow us to venture to new vistas!

Sometimes when a severe attack of boredom ensues people take huge leaps to escape, like lemmings from a cliff top. They do something radically different and move in one jump from their discomfort zones.

The trouble with this is they go straight into their panic zone where everything is too new, too scary and too unknown. Rather than having fun and adventures they either turn tail and retreat to the safety of the discomfort zone or end up feeling bewildered and miserable.

The trick is to gently sneak into the stretch zone, where tiny steps can be taken and little by little change can be brought about in such a way that the brain stays assured, keeping a sense of wellbeing and relaxation.



Reason Five: Doubt

As well as our five senses of touch, sight, smell, sound and taste we are all born with a sixth sense, a gut instinct or intuition. When we are trying something new or getting to the point where a change is coming, our sixth sense goes into overdrive, like a metaphoric tap on the shoulder alerting us that more caution is required.

Doubt can be a good thing, as it allows us to check and re-check; to stop and take stock of our situation and ensure we have all bases covered. In some cases though the state of high alert becomes too much and as I mentioned we can retreat away from our new opportunity in favour of the known.

We are instinctively programmed to do something, to make a choice and act quickly. Where doubt is concerned though this can work against us. If we take our time and go through our choices with our intuition switched on then we can make the best decision and quash any doubts that arise.

We live in a world that has swapped working by intuition and emotion with favouring the logical and systematic. Rather than going with our hunches and feelings we follow the crowd and doubt what could have been our best move ever! We cross our fingers and hope that everything will be ok rather than knowing and feeling confident.



Reason Six: Your Body

Our bodies are finely balanced, intricate machines with routines, programmes and sensors all working towards keeping us upright and functioning. To keep the status quo we have a host of hormones and chemicals that flood our system every second to assist with keeping the homeostasis – the state of being well.

When we have been working too hard, have undergone too much long term stress or have suffered an illness our body still does its best to keep us going, even if that means making adaptations that aren’t in our long term best interests. Our body gets flooded with adrenaline and cortisol to keep us putting one foot in front of the other when really a good rest would be better.

As a result we can definitely lose our bounce, either because we are wired, short tempered and frazzled or simply because on a spiritual level we know that life should be different and we are craving peace and relaxation.



Reason Seven: Your Language

When we are stressed, overworked and overwhelmed our brain turns to the oldest, reptilian part of our brain to function. This part of our brain is always negative and cannot problem solve. When we are living here there can be no relief from stresses and the body’s programme of healing and regeneration cannot happen.

To find out if you are here and therefore definitely not bouncing listen to your language. You will say things like:

“It’s impossible”

“I can’t be bothered.”

“I really should, but…”

“What’s the point”

“I can’t”


If you are here, don’t worry! We have lots of remedies for this – keep reading!



Reason Eight: The Space/Time Continuum

Did you know that each day we have 86,400 seconds? 86,400 compartments of time that we can use in any way we like? I think that’s a reason to celebrate!

This is our allowance each and every day and each morning this clicks back up to a full allowance. Each person on the planet gets the same allocation, so how come some people don’t have the time and others always do?

There is an illusion that time is linear and uniform – but how come the last 5 minutes before the end of a work day yawn and stretch out in front of us and the hours spent with friends, or the last 2 days of any holiday go in a flash?

Again it’s an attention thing and depends on what we tell ourselves. If we have an attitude of lack or panic then we will always be worrying about our time. The paradox is that if we tell ourselves that we have plenty of time then we will always enjoy the present moment, instead of going over the past or worrying about the future.



Reason Nine: Lack of Support

In times of stress and discomfort there is a human tendency to struggle on alone, either in fear of being seen as weak or we simply refuse to admit that we are lacking a solution!

Our poor brains go around and around the same situation trying to look for the missing link. Again and again it goes around and around, usually without writing anything down, trying to keep a mental tally of the facts while looking for that vital ingredient.

Einstein said: “A problem cannot be solved in the same place that it originated” and yet that’s what the majority of us try to do!

Current society has been conditioned to expect us to be doing something new, conquering some goal or getting ahead in some way. This is great…if we have chosen to do this AND of we have the support of family, friends, mentors and colleagues that can support and encourage us.

So there you have my 9 reasons – in my opinion I think we should all stop and pat ourselves on the back for getting anything done at all! SO now we’ll head on over to the remedies, easy solutions for re-discovering your bounce and being able to embrace anything and everything!



The Remedies!

Wow – so many ways we can end up uninspired and without our bounce and of course our list isn’t all of them! Unfortunately there is no magic pill or instant fix…

So here is the good news: there are easy and painless ways to discover your bounce in a heartbeat! All it takes is a little attention and a few minutes of your time and here are our favourites:



Remedy One: Take a Holiday!

This doesn’t have to be two weeks in the Caribbean, but step away from the daily grind and nurture yourself. Even if this is 5 minutes a day until you start feeling better you will soon feel the benefits. Perhaps take a morning with no laptop or phone and just enjoy a walk in silence?

Did you know that just by planning a holiday you get the same feel good factor and serotonin rush as if you actually went? So where would you like to go?



Remedy Two: Change your state!

If you always do what you always did you will always get what you always got – so do something different! Send your brain the message that life is different by wearing different clothes and varying your routines. Tell others that you are doing something new, use new language and add some extra vocabulary to your repertoire!

Have a list of things that make you feel good – from bouncing on the bed, singing to your favourite song to outings to your favourite restaurant or beauty spot. Spend a whole day indulging in your favourites, or take 5 minutes out in times of stress to have some fun and reset your compass to happy!

Remember the reptile brain? By doing something you love your attention swiftly moves to the frontal lobe, which is positive and problem solving and the centre for inspiration. The brain starts to produce the feel good hormone serotonin and so while you sleep you naturally de-stress and heal.



Remedy Three: Say No!

Start to say no to anything or anyone that doesn’t make you feel good. Saying no should expressly be used around mood hoovers and buzz killers – limit your time or avoid them altogether if you can. They may complain, but the more they complain the more you know they were stealing your energy and relying on your good will!

If you know something will overwhelm you, make you feel bad or wear you out just say no. The end result will be that if you help anyone they will know that you genuinely want to lend a hand and you can start each day in the knowledge that life is good! Putting yourself first ensures you have the energy for the important things and important people…including you!



Remedy Four: Adopt a Mantra!

We love mantras and get really excited making up new ones! A mantra is an easy learned, positive phrase that gently educates the brain to look at a particular subject in a positive way. For example if you panic that you have no time repeat to yourself as often as you can, “I always have time for the important tasks.” If you worry about money use, “Every day money comes to me in new and exciting ways.”

When you feel yourself getting stressed simply repeat your mantra and over time your thoughts will change. Consequently you will find ways to save time or make and retain more money. A mantra can be used for anything that causes you stress.



Remedy Five: Get Some Help

It is amazing when you have someone on your side, someone who wants the very best for you and has the time; energy and focus to put you first, work through current problems and help you to come to great solutions. Someone who can also make sure you do the important things.

Would you like some more remedies?

We mentioned at the beginning that we would share some information for those of you who wanted to delve a little deeper into ways to get your life bouncing and here it is.

Our Discover Your Bounce!® Programme is full of tips, ideas and techniques designed with you in mind. It’s a way of learning how to stay happy, energised, positive and well every day. The programme has been put together in such a way that you can learn weekly, online or in one day so there is an option for everyone.

Our step by step approach means that you can tailor your learning to your lifestyle and we’re always on hand to give you support and inspiration.



We would love to share the details with you! If you would like to discuss whether the programme is right for you simply sign up on our home page to arrange a free strategy call and Nicky will call at a time that is convenient for you!

Or to jump in immediately you can purchase the online programme here.

About Nicky Marshall

Nicky specialises in helping you to “Discover Your Bounce!” This means working through current challenges whether that’s illness, stress or life changes like divorce or work changes. The goal when working together is to clear away the challenges and learn a new way of being that fires up your own intuition and gives you tools to achieve greater energy and wellbeing.

Nicky started her career in finance and trained to be a Management Accountant before working for 5 years as Company Accountant. Through her personal wellbeing she discovered holistic therapy and discovered a passion for sharing her knowledge.



In 2010 she suffered and stroke after a diving accident: her left side was affected and driving her car, running her coffee shop and even crossing the road became a challenge.

Nicky decided to use all the knowledge she had learned, using meditation, positive thinking and holistic therapies to heal her body. In 2013 Nicky was declared fit to dive again and today feels fitter and happier than ever before!

Nicky’s knowledge of all things energetic is truly inspiring and anyone who spends time with her will testify to her magnetic and cheerful personality. Her experience in the Holistic field allows her to help those she works with on a personal and business level to achieve their goals and dreams. Her business and accounting experience gives her the knowledge and grounding to make the path to success a realistic one.

Whether you’re recovering from illness, pushing through a set back or just find you’ve lost your mojo in life Nicky can help through 1:1 mentoring, workshops or holistic courses.