9 his 22.7.11


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Lijin Golden

Page 2: 9 his 22.7.11

The Nazis were compelled the farmers to belong to Hitler- why?

(or) To write a short note on National Socialism

Put forward by Nazis

(or) The Nazis were against Capitalism and

Marxism- why?

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The Nazis warned the farmers of Germany that you are standing in between two great dangerous

One is the danger of American Economic System- Big Capitalism.

The other is the Marxist economic system of Bolshevism

The Big capitalism and Marxism work hand in hand ; they are born of Jewish thought and serve the master plan of world jewery.

So the Nazis propagated that only the National Socialism can rescue from this dangerous.

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Briefly describe the approach of common people towards the Nazis

(or) The reaction of common people towards Nazim

(or) In Germany had many organised resistance

against Nazism- Discuss

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Many people saw the World through the Nazi eyes and spoke their mind in Nazi language.

The felt hatred and anger those who looked like Jews. They marked the house of Jews and reported

suspicious neighbours. They genuinely believed Nazism would bring prosperity

and improve general well-being. But not every German was not Nazi. Many organised active resistance to Nazism, braving

police repression and death. The large majority of Germans, however were passive

and apathetic witness. They were too scared to act, differ, to protest. Pastor Niemoeller- a resistance fighter and he write

about this silence……………………

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First they came for the communist

well, I was not a communist

So I said Nothing. Then they came for the socialist

well, I was not a socialist.

So I said nothing Then they came for the trade Unionist

But I was not a trade unionist And then they came for the Jews

But I was not a Jew- so I did little Then when they came for me

There was no one left who could stand up for me

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To write a short note on Charlotte Beradt and her book- Third Reich of Dream

The Jewish people feared their dreams- Examin

She secretly recorded people’s dream in her diary and later published a book called Third Reich of Dream.

In this book she describing the Jews themselves believed Nazi stereotypes about them.

They dreamt of their hooked noses, black hair and eyes, Jewish looks and body movts.

The images publicised in the Nazi press haunted the Jews They troubled them even in their dreams. The Jews many deaths even before they reached the gas


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Holocaust The information about Nazi practices had trickled

out of Germany during the last years of the war. Germany defeated the world war and realised

the horrors of what had happened. The Germans preoccupied with their own plight. The Jews wanted the world to remember the

atrocities and sufferings they had endured the during Nazi killing operations- called Holocaust.

The spirit to bear witness and to preserve the document can be seen in many ghettos and camp inhabitants who wrote diaries, kept note books and created archives

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On the other hand when the war seemed to lost, Nazi leadership distributed petrol to its functionaries to destroy all incriminating evidences available in offices.

The history and memory of the Holocaust live on in our memoirs(short life history of a person), fictions, documentaries, poetry, memorials and museums in many parts of world today.

(plz seen the pictures page No. 72)