9 frame structure analysis

9 Frame Structure Analysis Mary Rellin

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Post on 22-Jan-2016




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Page 1: 9 Frame Structure Analysis

9 Frame Structure Analysis

Mary Rellin

Page 2: 9 Frame Structure Analysis

Close up on the picture with the wall covered in blood.

Title ‘Memento’ spread out across the screen

The effect on the cinematography suggests that the picture is the ‘memento’ (another word for souvenir). This would be strange as within the picture there is a suggestion of murder because of all the blood.

This fits the thriller genre because it presents elements within the genre, such as murder and death (shown by the blood) and the irony of the title and the picture…

Since all you can see is the hand, it creates mystery to who the person might be.

Page 3: 9 Frame Structure Analysis

Extreme close up of fingers and charcoal on paper, drawing a line. The darkness of the charcoal contrasts with the white paper.

Titles which are shown to be fading out.

This scene is of the camera following the direction of the line being drawn.

Again because it’s only fingers, it creates mystery in which leaves the audience wondering who might the person drawing be.

And because of the direction the camera is panning it leaves the question to what the person might be drawing.

All of these mysteries fit the genre of thrillers as it creates questions and mysteries waiting to be untold.

Page 4: 9 Frame Structure Analysis

The first part of the scene is of a close of up of Katniss with a startled and distressed expression.

Then it goes to another angle showing her hiding, while a light pans around the room.

The effect of having Katniss being at the side while the light goes directly where she is hiding, is that it creates suspense. This is because the audience knows that she is trying to hide, and is she makes a wrong move, she would be found out.

This fits the thriller genre as it creates tension and suspense to which the audience can feel agitated

watching the sequence. And because it is only the opening, it will create mystery to why Katniss is

hiding? Who is she hiding from? And where is is?

Page 5: 9 Frame Structure Analysis

Here there is an establishing shot of a boat in the middle of a field. The camera is panning across to show the scenery.

Firstly this boat in the middle of a field looks odd, as boats are meant to be in the sea. So this shot immediately creates questions to why the boat is there?

The surrounding area seems very calm but deserted, which creates a mystery to why there are no living beings around. And because there is a human invention (the ship) it suggests that there were humans there.


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This low angle shot shows a body-presumably dead-lying next to a car, while a person on a bike stops next to the scene.

Because it’s a low angle shot, the person’s face on the bike is not scene. This creates mystery to who the person may be and why they are there.

The person next to the car is a mystery himself, to why he is there and how he may have died.

The whole seen is dark with lots of shadows, which creates an eerie

atmosphere. And it’s also good at camouflaging the characters


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Faded long shot showing a silhouette across a corridor. This creates mystery to who the person may be and who the viewer may be too.

Because of the blurred out scene, it can portray a character’s bad eye sight, in which the viewer is the audience themselves and is living the film within the characters perspective. The effect of this is that it put the audience to the characters shoes and lets them life the character (e.g. experiencing the characters feeling…)

Light becomes lighter down the corridor. This can portray the

silhouette to be someone important.

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The people running in groups and the people on the right on the ropes, suggests that the area is a training camp.

This sets the story, to where and what may happen. The titles are large and fill a

big part of the screen.

Page 9: 9 Frame Structure Analysis

The men on the floor kneeling suggests they are prisoners and the people around them to be the capturers. Because the men around have a uniform resembling the army, it is suggested that they are the good people.

The exterior suggest that they are in an aircraft, suggesting that these people are going to another country.

The man in the middle with a different uniform to suggested to have some authority. He is also holding a gun.

Page 10: 9 Frame Structure Analysis

Close up shot of a man on the floor lying on his front and a man walking pass.

The man walking pass is suggested to have killed the man.

There is fire at the back, suggesting that the place is about to be burned down along with the dead man on the floor.

Mystery is created as the shot hides the characters faces, which conceals their identity.This fits the genre of thriller as themes such as death, murder, mystery and possibly action is present.