9-16-2013 1 agenda – 9/16/2013/ monday howard j rattliff, jr. – principles of technology -...

9-16-2013 1 Agenda – 9/16/2013/ Monday Howard J Rattliff, Jr. – Principles of Technology - Course # 130227200 -

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Page 1: 9-16-2013 1 Agenda – 9/16/2013/ Monday Howard J Rattliff, Jr. – Principles of Technology - Course # 130227200 -

9-16-2013 1

Agenda – 9/16/2013/ Monday

Howard J Rattliff, Jr. –

Principles of Technology - Course # 130227200 -

Page 2: 9-16-2013 1 Agenda – 9/16/2013/ Monday Howard J Rattliff, Jr. – Principles of Technology - Course # 130227200 -





Assignment/ Discussions

SME = Subject Matter Expert

Unit 10 Agenda

<Wednesday>, <Sept 16>, Rm 219 - On CampusDress: Business Casual


Start End Topic/Discussion Teacher / Instructor


Elapse Time


1:25 1:30Meeting Final Checks (and Dial in - Not Applicable)

Howard Rattliff0:05 0:00

1:30 1:35<< CLASS BEGINS >> -- Welcome - Introductions of any /Guests?

Howard Rattliff0:05 0:05

1:35 1:40 Class Roster (1st 10 minutes of Class) Howard Rattliff 0:05 0:10

1:40 1:45 Unit Agenda for Today & Logistics Howard Rattliff 0:05 0:15

1:45 1:50Review of Last Class - Key Notes or Learning Objectives / CLASS QUESTIONS??

Howard Rattliff0:05 0:20

2:10 2:25 Assignment STEM (No Grade)CLASS DISCUSSION 0:15 0:55

1:50 2:00Sum Counter Used for Graphing Number (Pie Chart)


2:00 2:10Lecture on Conditional Logic ( = If ( ), Then ( ) Statements)

Howard Rattliff0:10 0:40

2:25 2:30Next steps and assignments (Unit 11) Assignments Reminder / Next Class Look-Ahead

Howard Rattliff0:05 1:00

1. Assignment -- 1. Use UME instructor website to view /access lecture notes; 2 Continue discussion on STEM.3) Example of lecture notes and review in prep for testing. Sample test?

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Review Notes from Previous Lecture and Feedback:

1. Built a data table in Excel with a defined data structure

2. Used the basics on any computer program: a) Defining the purpose of the program, b) Defining data structure (typically tables )and data types ( numbers/ text/etc)c) Initializing the starting values or defaults d) entering the data e) Computing the values using logical conditions, loops, etc) to arrive at a solution or

decision f) Arrive at a result ( a table/ display/ plot the data).

3. Headers in the 1st rowa) Initialized value to cell A1=1b) Used keyboard shortcut to enter data (Ctrl C (copy) and Ctrl V (paste) and Ctrl

D (fill down)c) Used the If Then Conditional Logic to Test a Logic Conditions ( “Under

Budget” or “Over Budget”d) Used the Sort icon (filter button) to Sorted / Ordered / Grouped the results in

a Calculated Text Field ( column D)

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Class Assignment ( no grade) -

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STEM - Friday Topic of the Week

STEM stands for Science Technology Engineering Math.

ASSIGNMENT READING : 1 page article (an ad ) in Bloomberg Magazine entitled “STEM Sell” Posted to my UME website. Go to the UME website http://howard_rattliff.myteachersite.org/teacher/site/ Path is www.umeprep.org/HOME/TEACHER SITES/Howard Rattliff

Under Teacher Sites select my name and you’ll see the class postings. The article is a jpeg file posted under the LN (lecture notes ) 9-13-2013 postings. Read and be prepared to discuss in class Monday – Topic of the Day session.

Ideas / Suggestion: Attend STEM Summer sessions at local universities. SMU has a engineering summer program for High School. Texas Wesleyan in Fort Worth has one. These are great resources that encourage student to consider Science Technology Engineering and Math as career. Even if you don’t consider this a career path, technology is so pervasive that this investment helps you use it and understand it.

It is a great competitive edge! It keep all your options open.

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Class Exercise !!

1. The IF statement (conditional logic) - “A Classic”

2. Continuation of Exercise Graphing the Data – Pie Chart

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Housekeeping / Rules during Computer Use (pg 1of 2)

1. Keep the noise levels down during transitions (from Lecture to LAB exercise and projects).

2. Stay on task – no wandering (don’t open other software on PC and certainly no internet surfing Demerits

3. Follow the steps in the exercise. Make notes to ask questions during the post exercise review What did you learn? Class discussion of results.

4. If you are finish with your exercise – Assist someone else. Do “ what if” to see if they really go it. Let them repeat the steps on their own as you observe what they do. Be patient. Don’t expect them to do it exactly as you did it. “ Everyone internalizes the steps to learning something new differently. Are they doing the key steps to succeed? Are they using the right terminology at the right time? Explain and then Listen carefully !! Listen and Learn -- Stay open because you can learn from them too.

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Exercise Description: Word Problem>> An organization has a budget of $100 limit on each of its facilities. Each facility has a name and an assigned budget. Assign random values consisting of various data types ( + and - number values ranging above and below or = to 100 . Include blanks text names and other mixed characters in the Budget Data to the 19 faciliities.

Using the Budget Data, Mark the facilities records that are "Within budget" . Mark the facilities records that are "Over Budget"

2. Sort the records to identify which are Within vs Over budget.

3. Save file

4. Note how the numbers values or text are treated as data values.

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PART I - Loading Data into cells ( selecting and loading using keyboard shortcuts) 1. Set cell A1 = 1 / beginning value (constant value) 2. Set A2=A1+1 / calculated value using formula Select starting cell = A2 Hold down shift key and go to A20 > Result is highlighted cell array from A2 thru A20. Control Key + keypad letter D ( Fill Down shortcut) Result: Short cut used to copy the formula in A2 to the cells in the selected array. Ending cell

A20 operations fill down to from A2 to A20

3. Enter Column Header Names " , B is "Data", C is "Facility Name", D= Test Value of Data Results

4. Select cell D2 , load formula : =IF(B2<=100,"Within budget","Over budget") into D2. Results: Values in Column D are determined based upon whether the conditions are


5. Select column cell range D2 thru D20. Use Fill Down Short cut to load formula in D2 to other cells in column. Results: Should see values as calculated either Within or Outside Budget of $100. Dynamically changes as cell values in Column B changes.

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Part II Graph data: 1 Use sort icon to filter data by Column D 2. add new In Budget ( column E) and Out Budget Headers

(column F). Select D2 and fill Right to cell E2. Go to E2 and change foumula to

=IF(D2="Within budget",1,0). Load and fill down formula to E20; 3. Then move to E2 and fill Right to F2. change foumula to

=IF(D2="Within budget",0,1). fill down Column to F20. Enter =sum(E2:E20) in cell E23 and =sum(F2:F20) in F23. Place

header on the Sum cells and box in then create pie chart on same worksheet.

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Many of you tried to plot the raw data from the data table (worksheet) in part I.

A counter is needed to chart the data properly. Part II of this exercise implements a simple counter. The sum function counts the number of measured events. That sum is what we what to graph. In doing so we change what is normally considered “data” or raw data as it commonly

referred, into useful “information”. “Data is cheap / information is precious”

The key thing to remember is logically group the data, count and then plot the data using the correct headers.

What did you learn?

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Logical condition Programming – The basic If statement

Returns one value if a condition you specify evaluates to TRUE and another value if it evaluates to FALSE.

Use IF to conduct conditional tests on values and formulas.


IF(logical_test,value_if_true,value_if_false) Logical_test is any value or expression that can be evaluated to TRUE or FALSE.

For example, A10=100 is a logical expression; if the value in cell A10 is equal to 100, the expression evaluates to TRUE. Otherwise, the expression evaluates to FALSE. This argument can use any comparison calculation operator.

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If Statement Construct (Syntax)


Data Facility Name


Formula Description

=IF(A2<=100,"Within budget","Over budget")

If the number above is less than or equal to 100, then the formula displays "Within budget". Otherwise, the function displays "Over budget"



Microsoft Excel Worksheet

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Value_if_true is the value that is returned if logical_test is TRUE. For example, if this argument is the text string "Within budget" and the

logical_test argument evaluates to TRUE, then the IF function displays the text "Within budget". If logical_test is TRUE and value_if_true is blank, this argument returns 0 (zero).

To display the word “TRUE”, use the logical value TRUE for this argument. Value_if_true can be another formula.

Value_if_false is the value that is returned if logical_test is FALSE. For example, if this argument is the text string "Over budget" and the

logical_test argument evaluates to FALSE, then the IF function displays the text "Over budget". If logical_test is FALSE and value_if_false is omitted, (that is, after value_if_true,

there is no comma), then the logical value FALSE is returned. If logical_test is FALSE and value_if_false is blank (that is, after value_if_true,

there is a comma followed by the closing parenthesis), then the value 0 (zero) is returned.

Value_if_false can be another formula.

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The Excel Workbook (multiple worksheets)

Worksheet names (default qty is 3)

Active Cell

Column letters

Row numbersColumn Cell selector (the intersection of Column and Row)

Sheet tabs

Formula BarName box

(identifies active cell)

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The Excel Workbook (multiple worksheets)

Worksheet names (default qty is 3)

Active Cell

Column letters

Row numbersColumn Cell selector (the intersection of Column and Row)

Sheet tabs

Formula BarName box

(identifies active cell)

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