9-10 december 2010 1 gpar luang prabang arm 2010 gpar lp ii gpar luang prabang phase ii:...

9-10 December 2010 1 GPAR Luang Prabang ARM 2010 GPAR LP II GPAR Luang Prabang Phase II: Decentralized Participatory Governance and Service Delivery Reform Project 2006-2010 ID 00045991 Annual Project Review Outputs 2010

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9-10 December 2010 1GPAR Luang Prabang ARM 2010

GPAR LP IIGPAR Luang Prabang Phase II:

Decentralized Participatory Governance and Service Delivery

Reform Project2006-2010ID 00045991

Annual Project Review Outputs 2010

09-10 December 2010 2GPAR Luang Prabang ARM 2010

GPARLP - Phase 2

Phase 2 Project began 1/1/2006 and will end 31/12/2010.

Total Budget (US$):o Sida: 2,500,000 o UNDP : 589,000o Total: 3,089,000 o Remaining: 6,850

(estimate) 2010 Budget:

o UNDP + Sida 414,957

09 - 10 December 2010 3GPAR Luang Prabang ARM 2010

GPARLP - Phase 2

Focus areas during 2010: Complete activities as defined in AWP 2010 Phasing out and prepare for closing

consolidation for sustainability or smooth closing down of activity

Documentation Lessons learned GPAR beyond 2010

09 - 10 December 2010 4GPAR Luang Prabang ARM 2010

GPARLP – Outcome

Expected outcome:Sustainable improvements in provincial policies, administrative practices and capacities which will: (1) improve availability, reliability and responsiveness of pro-poor services (2) enable greater transparency and citizens’ participation in governance, and (3) strengthen clarity and accountability in delivering services to citizens

09 -10 December 2010 5GPAR Luang Prabang ARM 2010

“ The achievement of the project in terms of its intended outcome has been very substantial in terms of improvements in administrative practices and capacities. This has resulted in more visible, reliable, responsive, accountable, pro-poor services delivery occurring within the districts, Kumbans and villages where the project has been operating.” (Evaluation Report, 2010)

GPARLP – Overall Outcome achievements

09 - 10 December 2010 6GPAR Luang Prabang ARM 2010

GPAR LP II Outputs

Six outputs have contributed to the outcome:

1. Strengthened decentralized administration

2. Public service delivery reforms in H and E

3. Business Facilitation Centre (BFC) 4. Provincial oversight (SDIS)5. GPAR support facility (SDF)6. PAR Resource Centre

09 - 10 December 2010 7GPAR Luang Prabang ARM 2010

GPARLP – Output 1:Strengthened Decentralised

Administration Installed fibre-optic cabling within

DoF Computer training on PIMS Retraining of staff in LP on ODS Capacity building of PCAW at Prov.

and Dist. Provincial socio-economic review

meetings Capacity building of district cabinet

offices Kumban socio-economic


09 - 10 December 2010 8GPAR Luang Prabang ARM 2010

GPARLP – Output 2:Public Service Delivery Reform –

Health and Education

Training on office administration for health staff in 12 districts

Training on strategic Planning skills at provincial

and district level for DoH Primary mother-child health care

services by mobile team in five districts

Volunteer teacher training in five districts

09 - 10 December 2010 9GPAR Luang Prabang ARM 2010

GPARLP – Output 3:Business Facilitation Centre in DPI

Establishment of Web Site for business promotion, accessible directly from www

Lessons learning workshop on business promotion for DPI

Workshop on job descriptions for DPI

09 - 10 December 2010 10GPAR Luang Prabang ARM 2010

GPARLP – Output 4:Provincial oversight - SDIS

Provincial workshops with all district on SDIS operational modalities and strengths & weaknesses

7 weeks national consultancy on clarification and strengthening SDIS for future sustainability

Training of leadership on use and application of SDIS information for strategic planning

09 - 10 December 2010 11GPAR Luang Prabang ARM 2010

GPARLP – Output 5:Service Delivery Fund (SDF)

12 project contracted and implemented, mostly clean water and sanitation projects, but also agriculture, schools, and support to LWU

102 % of budget spent (target was 80 %)

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GPARLP – Output 6:GPAR Resource Centre (GRC) at OoG

No specific activities to establish GRC as it was already established

Other activities under output 6:o Lessons learned workshopo LP Administrative Improvement

Plan and proposal for GPAR in LP after 2010

o Review meeting with all TOTs and training manuals review

o ICT training and web site for GRC

09 - 10 December 2010 13GPAR Luang Prabang ARM 2010

GPARLP: Sustainability Sustainability of systems:

GFIS, PIMS ongoing and well mainstreamed

SDIS less well integrated and needs further attention to be sustainable

ODS (LP) and BFC well functioning and mainstreamed

Training activities: All training activities completed (outputs achieved); sustainability depends on future staff transfers and institutionalization of enhanced capacity

09 - 10 December 2010 14GPAR Luang Prabang ARM 2010

GPARLP: Sustainability

Organisational development with job descriptions in DOH and DOE is well integrated and sustainable SDF supported projects are all completed and in most cases useful vis-a-vis their purposes GPAR Resource Centre in OoG is established and mainstreamed – future usefulness and sustainability depends on budget allocations.

09 – 10 December 2010 15GPAR Luang Prabang ARM 2010

GPARLP: Documentation for Closing

Lessons learned report prepared and a 3

pages summary as per UNDP requirement

Final Project Report prepared Inventory of equipment prepared

and verified Last budget review with

calculation of unspent balance

09 - 10 December 2010 16GPAR Luang Prabang ARM 2010

GPARLP: Final Accounting

The Project Accountant will be retained for 5 months, January – May 2011, for anyAdministrative issue, final accounting and facilitation of auditing

All Project activities expected to be finalisedby 31 December 2010.

09 - 10 December 2010 17GPAR Luang Prabang ARM 2010

GPARLP: - after 2010

Great stakeholder interest in LP whether

a successor project/programme will materialise

Administrative Improvement Plan for LP

with list of identified needs and priority

interventions prepared in 2009 and updated in

2010 based on participatory process

Preliminary proposal for GPAR in LP 2011 –

15 prepared on basis of Improvement Plan