8th semester civil engineering (2010 - december) question papers

I]SN 0scvsI Eighth $ermester I}"K" E)*gr** Flxxminst'**r*, tr)*c*mber *$It) &dvmnsffid ffimmmre*w Temhrn*rl*rg3n Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:lU0 Nrte: I " lmsxrer an"y #7}3'$*lf ryl*esrieim.s, "r*lr*.fing *J fer:.sf fru/# qe*esrilrrrslrresuo *a** pmri" 2 " {/s* rt'',{iY-.$S# - 2 {} {t {:t sxrl f.}'- J # 3 # 2 - 2 * $ g is p * mx* itt * rf . P-4RT * A a. llame the Bogue's csmpounds. Iixpiain th*ir rolc ix slr*ngth d*vel*1:m*nt. {ti} Markr) h. ilixpl*in the impi:rt*n** *l'{::ansition znne in ci}rlcret{:. {116 p,1*rkr) (:. i"low El: Ilinghanr's parilrn*ter$ help to osc*r"Iain rh*log,r": of'**ncr*ie? q04 F{arks} &" Explain the mechanism of' 'd*fio*culatiun" of e*m*nt particles b1, supcr plasricizers, with d (-) ,J $ '$ f0 .6= t:-. du s, d)" e9(} ,3 f! tsU {)r LL 33 Yi* ,4d o{J *L ,li,b >* fi{ *J: >, ), 5H : l)i r.X 3$ '); > ;"i ; -:J 5 .'j $l* *0u =6$ *U 5tJ U< ; e.i 1.' x trJ * {} C *. What ar* the basie c*trsiderations &"rr 'mix praporti*ning' cf **n*r*te? 10s llt:rrks) b. Yttu are required t* prop*rtion *$nm*te fur * givon set r:f r*at*ri*]s. List tfu* vari**s tcsi* ynu cr:nduet in your laboratory and explain rvhy. {t}ii ti{arkr} c. Lirt th* s;llient lbaturrs ol the revised I$-102*2-2S0t (**ncrcfc prop*rti*ning -"gxid*{.in*s}. {{}S ftit*rksi &. What is eartx:naii*n ${'c*ncret*'/ I'{<lr*'dr:cs it inl'h:snc* the +r:rrosi*n *f st**l? {lt} &{*rks} h. f;xplain th* mecl:sr:listn. sympl*m and prr:vrr":tion *{'alkali-silicn r*act.iq:n in *x.:n*rctr. f 1 {l }i.4.r rlr*l $IAI{"4. * tr} mix.ing nnd trn*sp$r1in$ in RMC. Lixplain h*w s*t{ing tir:re i* {1{} Marks} hy iiilil't llow is it iji[l*r*nt fri]m ni:rr*;rl (oncr*l*? Il]r;srrat* y*ur prnp&r{i0ns. { ti} i\,lar{i*} nt:a{ sket*hes. b. What are m'in*r*l *rlmixture^c? Whar aru rlic mcclrar:isms hv rvhi*h enlrar:**s concrel* prerper{ies'} a. Ilxplain th* rn*thod r:f **ntr*llecl in I{h{C, h^ Wh*t d* y*u und*r*iilneJ answ*i r+,ith typi*al r:lix &. Write short n*t*s on: i) Light w*ight ***crere ii) ${i$.h d*nsit3, con$rst*j h. what is'high per{iirm$nfe c*n{:r*t*' {i"lpil)? x"rtrl:w is il tr:r:6gx:rrion*1l'l with lypical nrix prop*rrirns *f l{I}fl" ilti Mark) irridititn r:l' {lv nsh {l$ l!furks} {{}* lH*rkr} {{}l} iWxrks} {}6 kl:trks} {N{} Marks} I II ust*ite your arl$wsrs {t{} l?larks} Sa. i,, Wh*t *re t*:e diffe re nt types of {ihres us*d ir: $tncr*te? Whal is fispefit r*rtir:?}"trow d*es it influence rvrrkability *.nd srrength *f irRC? what is F*rr*-ccmrnt? List th* various applir:ati*ns r:f I;*rro cemsnr. {t' What are th* fart$rs which in{luen*e th* 'er:mpressive strsngth' clf"roncrete? {tti h4arks) b. I,l*:*'elo*s th* TJSFV method uscii Jix qualitativ* a$$$$$msnt rJ'oor:cret*? Hxplain" {tr{}&{arkr} $*s*$

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Page 1: 8th semester Civil Engineering (2010 - December) Question Papers

I]SN 0scvsI

Eighth $ermester I}"K" E)*gr** Flxxminst'**r*, tr)*c*mber *$It)&dvmnsffid ffimmmre*w Temhrn*rl*rg3n

Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:lU0Nrte: I " lmsxrer an"y #7}3'$*lf ryl*esrieim.s, "r*lr*.fing

*J fer:.sf fru/# qe*esrilrrrslrresuo *a** pmri"2 " {/s* rt'',{iY-.$S# - 2 {} {t {:t sxrl f.}'- J # 3 # 2 - 2 * $ g is p * mx* itt * rf .

P-4RT * Aa. llame the Bogue's csmpounds. Iixpiain th*ir rolc ix slr*ngth d*vel*1:m*nt. {ti} Markr)h. ilixpl*in the impi:rt*n** *l'{::ansition znne in ci}rlcret{:. {116

p,1*rkr)(:. i"low El: Ilinghanr's parilrn*ter$ help to osc*r"Iain rh*log,r": of'**ncr*ie? q04 F{arks}

&" Explain the mechanism of' 'd*fio*culatiun" of e*m*nt particles b1, supcr plasricizers, with






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*. What ar* the basie c*trsiderations &"rr 'mix praporti*ning' cf **n*r*te? 10s llt:rrks)b. Yttu are required t* prop*rtion *$nm*te fur * givon set r:f r*at*ri*]s. List tfu* vari**s tcsi*

ynu cr:nduet in your laboratory and explain rvhy. {t}ii ti{arkr}c. Lirt th* s;llient lbaturrs ol the revised I$-102*2-2S0t (**ncrcfc prop*rti*ning -"gxid*{.in*s}.

{{}S ftit*rksi

&. What is eartx:naii*n ${'c*ncret*'/ I'{<lr*'dr:cs it inl'h:snc* the +r:rrosi*n *f st**l? {lt} &{*rks}h. f;xplain th* mecl:sr:listn. sympl*m and prr:vrr":tion *{'alkali-silicn r*act.iq:n in *x.:n*rctr.

f 1 {l }i.4.r rlr*l

$IAI{"4. * tr}

mix.ing nnd trn*sp$r1in$ in RMC. Lixplain h*w s*t{ing tir:re i*{1{} Marks}

hy iiilil't llow is it iji[l*r*nt fri]m ni:rr*;rl (oncr*l*? Il]r;srrat* y*urprnp&r{i0ns. { ti} i\,lar{i*}

nt:a{ sket*hes.b. What are m'in*r*l *rlmixture^c? Whar aru rlic mcclrar:isms hv rvhi*h

enlrar:**s concrel* prerper{ies'}

a. Ilxplain th* rn*thod r:f**ntr*llecl in I{h{C,

h^ Wh*t d* y*u und*r*iilneJansw*i r+,ith typi*al r:lix

&. Write short n*t*s on:i) Light w*ight ***crere ii) ${i$.h d*nsit3, con$rst*j

h. what is'high per{iirm$nfe c*n{:r*t*' {i"lpil)? x"rtrl:w is il tr:r:6gx:rrion*1l'lwith lypical nrix prop*rrirns *f l{I}fl"

ilti Mark)irridititn r:l' {lv nsh

{l$ l!furks}

{{}* lH*rkr}{{}l} iWxrks}

{}6 kl:trks}

{N{} Marks}I II ust*ite your arl$wsrs

{t{} l?larks}


Wh*t *re t*:e diffe re nt types of {ihres us*d ir: $tncr*te?Whal is fispefit r*rtir:?}"trow d*es it influence rvrrkability *.nd srrength *f irRC?what is F*rr*-ccmrnt? List th* various applir:ati*ns r:f I;*rro cemsnr.

{t' What are th* fart$rs which in{luen*e th* 'er:mpressive strsngth' clf"roncrete? {tti h4arks)b. I,l*:*'elo*s th* TJSFV method uscii Jix qualitativ* a$$$$$msnt rJ'oor:cret*? Hxplain" {tr{}&{arkr}


Page 2: 8th semester Civil Engineering (2010 - December) Question Papers

--r-r *l* l-- l*- l-l- i* i ti6cv82

I I I I I rl l*ifr;il;;;*r s.il. Ilegr** fiNaxrximxri*,x, $)ere'*tr*r ?',1s

,Ilesign nm$ $SrmuriruS $f Steei Structure$

Max' Marks:1fi{)Tirx.e:4 trrs.



1 u. A srs$s beanl tlLq lUO -@ i4'5 Y'* ix ***nect*d to a main b*anr

r tr$Mp * 5S0 @ *.?.sg kNlm, rof orfr* fi*ng s *r* *i u*r* r*v*,. Trr* *i*meel conner:iiein h**

thetbllowingdetail's lrcA r(cr v I 1 { x 10 i*l {).2kNr'm.i) cnn#rio["r** rygle - ?IsA i50 x l i 5 x 1ft (} il.2 kNim"

ii] .I'e c*nni*tion l**t*"**o the clcat *ngr* ,iii t*ngr' *5_.nwr an,:i web *f' r**

*ro*$ * herim is *nn*.**re;*f : nr,* irllct w*td. f.iepth *1'wold is I ff0 nrrn'

iil) Th* c*nne*tion betw**uirr*i i*uip*gr- ,,r l*rrgrr", i:* ** and '*'ch *i' rhe m*in b*a;rr

i, **;;;;;Ji,y * n,o, tillet welrl. {)epth rlf w*trd is 25fl rn:::.

iv)Cl*ar&ncehutw*enCr0s$hr:amantlwghofnrailrh**mig12n:m.Ilr,arv t* * suitahi* *c*j*, {tS l!t*rtt*}

b" ? H*"tifr_J-tuo "'dtYJtffi* *, **mrer:rerr ts rhs rlans* *r rg- y.r*"ISHIS 4,,fi & &2.? kg/r* *,rrh i* e*, [i *titt-n*rs" '{'h* stift's'n*r: ar:gl*s ** a "" ISA 8{J x s{} x s

rnrn. lJ *e ten t r:,l* r:{ 1{i rmm ii*n",*t*, rc'ith 5 bolts in *&*li r*rrv with * pitr:h *f S{} rnxl' A se*t

angrc *r tsa i.tr: * r1{) x rs-l""- *rrd. a r*p cr**r migli: of rsA, r*0 x ltx} x 1*, mrn ts

pr*vid*d *ltt, ourninal h*lts o}2 - I ? mnr elinm*:ter {i}r: ths *.,rlne${i*nx"

Drxw * - --io-ur;;;;i- : ;: pioor;;' il : ii; $i,1* oiew' {lslr{*rk*}

?, n. $rnw t$ il s*ira*le s**r* the pran and .s,r.evation *f 2 ""' I - s*ctinn* *l- sir*

ts*$ 30* &I s3 kglrn *onn**i**i hy n si*gl* l**,nf $y$t$n"l *itl .3 tip*rci*g *f 350 u,nt */r

befinr**n,w*bs. i.,acing b*r is -i io rsr g *rrl", s do fiti** ueid r<.:r * r*ngth *f' 5() mrn on

I eithsr side *f flat at the encls. The *ngie or ln*ilnuiion <,t' thr* lacing har is 45" rvith tht:

l*ngituitinr*Laxi* nf ttu* c*tun:*. Also pi*vid* u ri* pr*re al the"b*rt*nr o{"thr: c,lumn of size

4ss x i s0 x g mm wi& 6 ,** xtt*, **t(l *ith *niir*iu*n. "fh* length $fl the colunrn is 3'5 m'

sh*w at le*st ? lacing b*rs ir: el*vatielt:' ,... :.- ..^ i'^rl.'.'.c

l$ IVIurks)

b" Tt * *onnil;;;;#l'-rs of n b*iit - up eolunrn bnse is as tr:llsws :

Colwrln : I$llB 3{}S (4 S3 kglm'

.irlang* piu,* , 2 * 400 * Zil-rn*- rin* on each side *f **lurnn flanS*'

W*h*l*at: ?- ISA Ii* x S*xtiwith?h*lts*f 16- mrn,clia:n*tsr"

il.uss*tplal*: ? },*r},s *i. 1.{:l mm lhick, ?*t] rrr*r l*ng r:i.Huitabi* rl*pt'}r l.r: a*c*mrfio*latc

thed*slgnhtlltarrd*ui*ti:lytap*red,()n*$neachsidg.Cttssctansle " 2*ISA I50x I5t)x 15mm'

;;;;- iso nin' x 7oo mm x 25 mm thick'

Xffi-l'*-' iI--Til'#"JJilffi il - r*-u',i'rn :y :1,?::xy:-XtrJ;',Tn'*and prss*I. pl*te with c*:luiyrn- N*minnl hr:Its shall be pr*viel*d.

]n th*

xid*s f*r corut*uling su$$*t angle u,,c{ g.mo*t"p}ai*. ?s mrn rli*metor ho}t

ls uscd firr *emn*ctlng tlangei:f c*lurin imd **ver plat* wilh a pit*h *:f




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Ss*r, ll;'06


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Note:,4xsr#srrlry?"ff#lruJJques{i*lt'LseJrcfing{}N# ql**s#i*r /rsry e*rr& P*rf'

'-'" "' - 8$ mm *l*'f5+-+i*"*.rtiWlex*ale: i) Iil*vati*n and ii'i "$id* v"i*w'

I *f7

{15 Marks}

Page 3: 8th semester Civil Engineering (2010 - December) Question Papers



Ilcsign*simpl-v supl;r:ri*rJ l:ol{r:il fir,,v*l{i*ri pi*t* iiire}*r lvil}"l thicl' w*h wjthrirrl s1i{"tbni:r;; Lt:

/ c'arry a udl *l 5{} kN/m {}v{:r' & spn.n *f 2* rx. I }*sitrr* {ir* {i:ll*u,ing :

i) .ilr**rs;- sq:otittn *l'thr: girct*r *l rnid sy:im.

ii) Cr"rrt*itn:*rrt <:1'{'l;t:ngu pl*ti:s.iii) {.lcr**c:cl"ittir d*L*il:s.

l)rats t* a s*itti:i*, lhi: {''r-:l}r:n,ixt :

i] t.**ngit*r{ir:*}*:lr:rrH(irrtt;i) *ls *rt rxid sp*x. {7f} Mxrl*s}

I;'ig"Q.4. Aisr.: d*:sign 1l:r* br:aring pi*t* t* r*:;is{ ihr: sirppt:t'l Li:itr::litit *i i}il }i\1. llxlr:*nrrect[*n i]t 1.h*.j*int l] itril I i:i i{i h*l pr*r,ili*r.1 rvillt {lllr:r ii'i:ld. tUrrlth r:{

c*lumn * l*il 1nlyl *$e 4 -' 2il mrn iiian:*l*r nnclt*r t>r"iltt"


I)r*r'1, l*.: * x*it*.hlr: s*iil,* :

i) .r\p*x -i*int. lx'i; l ).

ii) I:inlilrge* vi*rv r. f tlu: rigi:ri sttS:pnri



e-l *t"


iiLJ l*I



fl{} Pr'!rtrlis}

Page 4: 8th semester Civil Engineering (2010 - December) Question Papers


'I'i*'le: 3 l:rr*.

High**t Seffi:*s**r 13"tr{. I}cgr** Hx*mlma*ion, X}***ru*fr:er ?*l{}Isrdustr*m * Kfmstswe*ffir Yrsatmsnt


&4nx. Mnrk*:i*0

{{}S M*rl,,si

tI3 tuIat'9i;q)

{*t} &txrk*}

iI * M*rl**){l {} M*rks}

{{i8 Marks}

ql{} i!!trks){l$ l}{nrtrl.s}

F{*t*: l,Awswer e*y {IYXT fr*{l q**s#*lcs, setre*lrxgdxf isn.r, TW{} qw*sti*ns.f,trpnr eaclx p*rt,

2"&ii.tsiiag *fnl*r ntay *r s*ir*&/;v s.rsrxl*ts#,






.* f"rd'+t!oI{}-c. 4)










&. S/hat do you rnean by s*lf"purifr**tion *f strea;n? Ilxpl*in with all z$nes. i{}d Mnrks)

b, Ilxplain the oxygen sag culve. {06 Mar"ks)

c. A waste warer efi]g*nt *f 5S{} lls with * 130* * 5i) lr:g/lt " I)$ * 3.0 ragllt and t*mlpsr;lture

*f 23oC, enters e r*v*;:, wi:*r* th* flr:rv is ?$ rxiisec anr{ 80fi * 4^il m*/lt. SO * 8"2 rng/lt

a*ci tenrperature *f i?"C. ld.r *l'{lte wast* is {i.1fi p*r e!*y af 2S"C. Th* v*l*city r:f'wltt*r irthe rivsidawnstrsar* is (}.1 I *r/s and <i*pth of 1.3m. I}:t*rmine tl:e fullorving a{ler Lnixirig of'

w*stewater with the river water:

i) Cor"nbincd discharge iii $0n iii) n0 iv) Temperetilr*'

fl*,lt{ -.4&. V/hiit are lhc e{,fbcts $f wa$lew{tt*r *n lancl'l

b. Bxplain the efle*ts $f wilst*w&ter iln $*wage lr*$tffi*fit plmrt"

Ilis*uss the l*llowing :

?L Volx:n* r*ducti*:r and *tr*ngth r*d**ti*nb. li:qxalizatrt:n and prop*rti*ning'


Wtal *r* tl'ii: kx'n:f,t.ll *i'i*r,t.l o:fir':dustri*i w"rlsl* c)* a str**ln?

n" f;xplain lh*: l*mtrval cf in*rg;*;":it iioiiCs li"off ra.itsle wiiilcr. {{}8 r?!*rku}

b, Ilrieiiy explain th* ir*i:*rr*nt m*th**j*i rmpli,'yed :t': r*rnt:r,ing *rgar:i* dissclvtcl ix ixr-irmtri$l

wast* wilter' {}?i?turkr}

flxplain th* f*xsihiiity of c*n:]rinsrJ tr*&trl]eill *f i*dustrial raw wxst*, voriiit d*m*stit w*tst*'{l} IVI*rt*)

Ilxpl*in tl:* pr*c*ss JIE:u; rhart shs*l. sl::i:wint *rinin s*urc*$ *l' waste wat*r and irentment

rn*thi:cis af cation t*xlilc i*rlLtrtri*s. ' {?il }larkt)

Writ* thc prrress fl*r.v she*l of Cail'y i::d*:lirie* *Lrd cxplain ti:o tr*a*n*nl melh*ds. {}li Flarks}


Writ* the tr**lment n:reth*cis 0fFeper *nd pulp i:rdustry'P hium a*e utical i n <iustr,v


Page 5: 8th semester Civil Engineering (2010 - December) Question Papers

1..:''l;r, r:l. ll.,i.-", I r ':;:l,'t':. l:';ij

' .: ';i: rl.'/:'

: l:l