8pickens p1ct ens, s. c., 7,historicnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn93067659/1903-05-07/ed-1/seq-1.pdf ·...

hE 8PICKENS SENTINELEstablisbed. 1871. P1CT ENS, S. C., MAY, 7, 1903. VOL. XX II NO. CONSOLIDATED, 1903. 'URAt DELIVERY. OADS IROVING AN OBSTACLE TO ITS EXTENSION. h of the Service and How It ents the Burai -. Population. d Highways a Prerequlite of Establishment. ef the' greatest arguments for rdads-is the rural free delivery. -report of the postoffice depart- I free.delivery service has be- an.established fact. It is no lon- th experimental stage, and un- edly. cong-ess will continue to in- the appropriation for this serv- til all the people of the country ached where it is thickly enough to warrant it. -The estimates of epartment are to the effect that vailable territory for this- service aabout a million square miles, ne-third 6f the &untry's area ex- ive of Alasa-- The -1,65' routes in operation cover abogt one-third availale territory. The rapid on of-the service will of course the deficits during the next rs .ifter it-is completed the .lLiquickly feel the effect of b hment, and \whatever deficit occasioned. #ill gradually dis- It wiill also be interesting to hat -ural free delivery carriers a*plications during the last ,946 money orders." experiments- have demonstrat- .seryice can be extended in ties to the rural population, president of the.Missouri Good oation. There is one obsta- er, that has confronted most iorts -to: extend this system, is the absence..of roads over rriers can cover sufficient ter- y a given. time.- and with regu- ty a 11 seasons of the year. hat jreater benefit cduld accrue to er'living a number of miles from - pistoffide than to have his delifereddaily at his door? How o 6fthe itondony of his Isolation tbe removed if he coiffd receive ally paperjed the news of the -world, watch the markets for roducts and be able to take advan- of 'prices that are often lost to him see his ehldreri -happy-nd content -of resless apd d ssatisfied or wing up in stolid indifference the outgrowtha of mental lethar- lgnorance. -difficult to determine the finan- enefits the farmers receive from tablishment of the system of ru edelivery, but ex-Assistant Post eGeneral Heath, treating of the on in one of his reports, summed Sbenefits to farmers as follows: hancement of the value of the ands reached by rural free deliv- :Iincrea-se :of the value has esated as high as $5 per acre Sstates. A moderate estimate is -2 to $3 per acre. A general im. tent of the conditions of the traversed by the rural carrier. westei-n ~states especially the f good roads has been a site of the establishment of ree delivery. In one county in a a special agent reports tiia rmers incurred an ..expense of !,600) to grade and gravel a road to obtain rural free delivery. rices obtained for farm prod* e producers being brought into ch with the state of the mar 2d thus being enabled to take ad~ e 'of information heretofore un- th-en he very, forcefully adds: the'se material advantages may ded ..thes ednecastional advantages 4-il by .reievijig- the monotony ~'trough ready access to ture and the keeping idents, the young peo their -elders,. fully in- othe stirring events of moralLvalue of these civ- ~fluences cannot be too highly let the rural population not fail - rye that the statement is made "econstruction of good roads a prerequisite of the estab- of rural free delivery ser,- cit will be continued a pre- e in the future. It is an old ht "the Lord helps those who its and. the. government .-think it a rule worthy of em- -This great boon'of rural free elivery with all of its conven- and educational and moral In- s will be denied those communi- t'ack the exiergy- and 'spirit of -to pave the way for it by pay- ways over which the mail must -Ied to their homes. re the Roads Are Good. there are fine roads there are -and the people are more cul- -and, indeed, civilization is ad. President National Good iation. ph Pomninvilleof Stiliwater, ter having spent over $2,00( ebest doctors for stor.ach trouble relier, was advised by his -drug Alex. Richard, to try a box of -'s Stomnach and Liver Tab. id so, and is a well man to- tubled with in digestion, bad he,mnouth, lack of appetite o: tion, givo these Tablets a trial, are certain to be more that ith the result. For sale at 22 box by Dr. G. W. Earle, Pick- nr. RL. F1 Smith,- Easley. -Belton is to build an oil mill and have it ready for the next croi of cotton seed. -Kingstree has voted by 45 to to issue $7,000 of bonds to build and equip a school house. -A Mr. McCormick, aged 7( years, was killed by a Southorr train near Dillon, Marion county on Tuesday. -Capt. H. Y. Vance, a promi nent citizen of Clinton, died oi Monday of lart week at the age o forty after a lingerine illness. -Cadet Ira Giles of Anderson a student in the Citadel academ3 in Charleston, was operated on it St. Fraficis Xavier infirmary or Tuesday for appendicitis and is ir a critical condition. -Ike Edwards, an old negro wa. knocked from the track of th Southern between Greenwood ani Hodges on Wednesday by the pas senger train and died instantly It is supposed he was deaf. J. A. Wright, a young butchei of Greenville, attempted suicide with a knife on Tuesday, cutting his throat in a ghastly way; but i is thought he will recover. Finan cial embarrassment was the cause -Swinton Dozier, a farmer o Florence county, was killed by th( kick of a mule on Tuesday. Tb kick vas so strong that the poo. man's abdomen was torn open an< his liver cut by the heels of thi animal. And it was a 'sick mul( too. -The evidence taken by Refere Culbreath in the case of the Spar tanburg mills, sued for allegei back taxes, covers 200 type writter pages. taken down and transcribei by Stenographer L. L. Matte, I may be a Sear before the case i! heard by the Supreme court. -James G. Gibbes, state lani agent, died at his home in Colum bia of a paralytic stroke on Tues. day in the 75th year of his age Mr. Gibbes was a man of greai wealth before the war. He wai mayr fO61iimbia when the city was captured and burned by Sher man in 1865. -.Mrs. W. B. Stewart, of Belt on aibride of a few weeks,only 16 yeari old, was terribly burned on Tues day while kindling a fire in thi stove. She was using kerosent and the can exploded throwingt the beirning oil over her cloting Her injuries will probably provi fatal. -Tom Hamilton, Wmn. Olive> and Joe Bird were convicted in thue United States court in Grt envilli on Wednesday of robbing postof fices in Autun, Pendleton and Iva Anderson county, on the nights o0 February 2d and 3d, and were sen tenced to serve five years in thi federal prison in Atlanta. Ga. Judge Tyner fli Over the Ingoiry. Washington, D. C., Special.- Judge Tyner who was recently dis missed as assistant postmaster gen eral is critically ill. The strain o the inquiry into his affairs causei him to break down. Danish West Indies Will Be Purchased Washington, D. C., Special. Information has been received here of a special session of the Daniel legislature which will likely b caled for June for the purpose o ratifying the treaty for the sale o: the islands of St. Thomas and Santa Cruse to the United States Howls This? We orfer One Hundred Dollars TOwari for any case of catarrh that cannot b cured by Hall's Catarrh cure. F. J. CHENEY & Co.,Toledo,0. We, the undersigned, have known I J. Cheney-for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all bisi ness transactions and financially able t carry out any obligations made by the firm. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesali Druggists, Toledo. 0.. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internall; acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Testimc( nials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle Sold by all Druggists. Hall's Famil: Pills are the best. Insurgents at Work again in The Ph11 Ippines. Manilla, P. I., Special.-The town of Mariquina has been burnet by incendiaries believed to be in surgents. A thousand houses Wer destroyed and the inhabitants are in distress. The people of Maniil are reliev'ng sufferers. Quick Arrest. J. A. Gulledge of Verbena, Ala. wa twice in the hospital from a severe cas of piles causing 24 tumors. After doc tors and all remedies failed, Bucklen Arnica Salve quickly arrested furthe inflammation and cured him. It cort t.i*rs aches and klspain 25c. at th kus rug o., ruggst h SNOW STOIn IN NEW YORK. The Thermometer Dropped 50 Degrees bhursday Night. Plattsburg, N. Y., Special.-Dur- ing Thursday night the tempera- ture in this vicinity aropped from 80 in the shade to about freezing point. At 2 o'clock this morning 1 a heavy snow storm set in over the Adirondack region somo three in- ches falling, completely checking the forest fires that have been rag- ing fiercely for several days. EIGHTY IN IRONS FOR SHIPS MUTINY. The Sbip Wabash, Being Ieceived, Was the Primary Cause of All the Trouble. Boston, Mass., Special.-Eighty persons are in irons today on pris- on ships at Southey, at Charles- town navy yards, as a result of a mutinious riot last night on ac- count of receivin~g the ship Wabash. The officers were assaulted. The men were sentenced to five days imprisonment. TEDDY AND NEGRO. President Shakes Hand of Colored Police- man near His Car at Topeka. Topeka, Kan., Special.-The President was stirri nig about his car at the Union Pacifio station this morning fifteen minutes before the time scheduled for the departure of the train. He appeared at the rear plattorm and was presented to the small crowd gathered to see him oiff. The President made a brief talk to the people and c.n- gratulated the polic.3 fUrce. He then reached over the railing and gave a hearty shake to the hand of a big colored policeman, who was within distance. The officer smiled all over his face and showed his white teeth in true Roosevelt- ian style. After chatting with a friend or two on the platform the I President withdrew into the car, and the train pulled out at 8 o'clock for Sharon Springs SADDLE FOR ROOSEVELT. Cheyenne, Wyo, May 2.-The citizens of Cheyenne will present President Roosevelt on his visit to this city on May 3, with o.ib of the finest rough-riding outfits ever seen. It will be composed of a sad- die, bridle,squirt, spurs and Navajo blanket, which will cost $400. ELOPED WITH HIs WIFE. Sensational Termination of an Important Worth County Case. A rather sensational law suit of nearly two years' standing was ditsmatically closed in Tifton, Ga , on April 29th. On May 12, :1901, Miss Carrie Bateman, daughter of Mr. G. WV. Bateman, one of the wealthiest far- mers and a member of one of the mcst prominent families in Worth county, eloped with and married Mr. Frank L. Williams, a young dry goods clerk in Sylvester. The bride's family were greatly dib- pleas d at the match, and it is said used str.,ng efforts to separate the couple, succeediing Sept. 28, after they had lived together nearly five months, when Mrs. Williams left her husband during his temporary illness and returned to her father's home. In October, 1901, she, filed suit for a divorce, alleging cruel treat- ment and non-support. M r. Wil- liams filed a counter suit, denying the allegations made in her plea for divorce, and asking for $1 0.000 damages from her father, Mr. G. W. ~Bateman, for alienating his wife's affections. The case was continued for two terms, but a trial was expected at this session of Worth Superior court, which convenes shortly. Meanwhile, Williams and] his wife began corresponding, and ar- rangements were finally made for them to meet at the Chataulua in Albany yesterday. They met there in the cemetery, a reconciliation was effected and they boarded the 6 o'clock train for Tifton. This train was a combination freight, and stopped in Sylvester for about half an hour. Here the bride's brother and brother-in-law, learn- ing of the intended second elopa- m ent, tried to persuade her to leave the train, but she refused, and eame on to Tifton with her husband last night. It is probable that they will make their home here; -This will probably settle both suits, which have become quite famous on the dockets of Worth Superior court. Made Young Again. ''One of Dr. King's New Life Pills Seach night for two weeks has put me in my 'teens' again" writes I). H. Turner of Dempsey tow n,Pa. They're the best in S1the world for Liver, Stomach and Bow- rels. Purely vegetable. Never gript Only 25c at the Pickens Drug Co's., Drg Storea FOr GOOD i:OADS. Resolution Favoring Co-operarion Adopt- ed at st. Louis. The National and International Good Roads Convention at St. Louis, on April 29, adopted resolu- tions favoring the harmonious co- operation of the township, county, state and national governments in the building of roads and the ap- propriation of monef by the fed- eral government for that purpose. .Charles P. Lane of Huntsville, Ala., came before the convention in behalf of the Brownlow bill in- troduced at the last session of Congress. Paying Out Pensioo Monoye The work of making out the checks for the individual pensions of Pickens county has been com- pleted by the clerk of the court and his assistants'and the checks are being given to the pensioners as they are called for. Already sav- eral have been distributed. All checks will be given out at the clerk's office. STOPPED AT ALTER. Pastor Discovers Groom is Divorced and Declines to Perform Ceremony. Hartford, Conn., Special.-With the bridal party approaching the chancel and the church filled with fashionable people Rev. Dr. God- win of Christ Episcopal church, refused to perform the ceremony and dismissed the guests because in reading the marriage license, be found the bridegroom had been divorced ten years previously. The wedding was to have been between Lincoln Chase, manager of one of the largest di-partment stores here and Miss Gladys Geer, daughter of one of the oldest residents of Hart- ford and prominent s cially. GoIs to Netw Mexico. Samuel L. Messer, a well known railroad man who has been holding the rnr between Asheville and Co- lumbia for seven years has gone to New Mexico to engage in the rail- road business. It is said, that a number of other railroad men have gone West, preceding Mr. Messer, in the belief that chances of promo- tion were better in the West than in the South. Georgia'a-Frui t Crop. Columnbus, Ga, Special.-Fruit growers throughout this section of the fruit belt, state that they will have from one-third to one-half of a crop. In the Buena Vista re- gion, 30 miles south of here, the crop is expected to average fully 50 per cent. The general opinion owever, seems to be thit the fruit growing section of southwest Geor- gia will not average more than one-fourth of a crop. Many fruit trees were killed by the recent cold snaps. CATHOLICOCHURCH THE SCENE OF A BiOr CONFLICT. Pitched Blattle in Wiche Praya'r Books and Broken Furniture were the Ml siles-Women Participute. Joile%, Ill., Special.--A pitched battle, in which prayer books and broken furniture were the missiles, took place in the Slavonic Roman Catholic church here Sunday, when the police arrived to quell the dis- turbance the belligerents turned from each other and united their- forces against the officers: The fight, which grew out of factional differences, resulted in no serious bodily harm jo any of the 2,000 men, women ai~d children who were in the church when it began, but the panic among the affrighted women and children was the cause of severe bruises. Bloody and lac- erated faces and hands were evi- dences of the fierceness of the con- test and the protests of Father Kiar and others were unavailing to restore peace. The men had been penned in by a mob of angry women, wbo peited the stronger sex with whatsvet they could lay their hands on. The men who could fled or jumped from the windows, and when the police. arrived they returned to the assistance of the women. It was not until the police had drawn their revolvers and threatened to use them that peace was restored and arrests were made. A Sure Thing. It is said th-et nothing is sure except death and taxes, but that is not alto-. gether true- Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption is a sure cure for all lung and throat troubles. Mrs. C. B. VanMetre of Shepherdtown, W. Va., says "I had a severe case of Bronchitis and for a year tried everything I heard of but got no relief. One bottle of Dr. Kin's New Discovery then cured me absolutely.'' It is infallible for Croup, Whooping Cough. Grip, Pneumonia and n.~fSU2pton. Try it. it's guaranteed by Ith Pickeus; Drug, Co., Druggist :Im ri free. Reg. sizes 50c. $1.00. A BOXANTIC MARIUAGE. A Sumter Girl Travels Alone 3000 Miles to Wed the Man She Loved. Miss Claudia F. McClellan, the sweet and charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. McClellan, of Dingle Grove, met Mr. Walter H. Jones in Greensboro, N. C., five years ago. The acquaintanceship ripened into a mutual love, and sometime ago Miss McClellan re- ceived a loving message telling her to come to his far away home, where he might claim her as his own, as it was utterly impractica, ble for him to come to South Caro- lina. With true womanly devo- tion and womanly contidence iha bade motherhome and 1.oved ones a sad farewell on April 1st, and boardedan Atlantie Coast Line Pullman for her future home in the far northwest. The account of her trip is very interesting. Whle crossing the Mississippi Valley sec- tion of country the car wheels were covered with water from the Miss- issippi flood for many miles at different places, but she never grew faint, but with dauntless courage she continued her journey. She speaks of the great kindness to her of men and women while en route When she told that * she was a South Carolinian and traveled alone she received many courtesies Miss McClellan arrived at Hunt- ly, Washington, har destination, on thecigh--eight days on the road. On the evningof the I1th the marriage was solemniz4d at the home of the groom by Rev. E F. Jones. Mr. Walter Jones, the grocm, is a cattleman and extensive wheat planter. He is a young man of sterling worth and great energy. Mrs. Jones, the bride, is highly pleased with her new home, and praises the country very much. She was a member of the Episco- pal church Jbeze, and was popular with a host of friends. We wish them much happiness and prospar. ity.-Sumter Herald. Went Fishing on Sunday. Shreveport, Ind., Special.-Miss Evelyn Hodge, Miss Ingersoll inge and Samuel Williams, three prominent young society people of this city, were drowned in Twelve Mile bayou, four and a half miles from this city Sunday afternoon. The party were in-a skiff fishing in the bayou. S42,000 WAS STOLEN Wns. Fargo safe en Mexican Central Opened. Mexico City, Special.-The fact that the Wells Fargo Express Co., was robbed of $42,000 at Silalo last Thursday morning has just come to light. Peculiar circumstances attet ded the robbery. A smallsafe is usually carrie~d from the through Mexican Central train .to the office nd thence to Guanjaato train by .urier. On the morning of the robbery the express messenga warned the orier to be careful as the safe c.>n. taned a large se m of money. In- stead of taking the safe to the office e took it home and called a num- ber of friends and opened it. The money was extracted and distribu- ted. Following the discovery c f the robbery in Silas about 40 per- sons were arrested. All but $11,- ()00 was recovered. A MURDER MYSTERY. Beautiful Young Woman Killed In Her Bedroom. A terriblo murder was committed at L orraini, Ohio, Thursday night at the home of Father Reichlan, a Catholic pri*2t of that city. Reich- lan was out of town. His sister, a beautiful woman of 28 years kept house. About midnight another priest living in the house heard Miss Reichlan cry out. He rushed to the rescue and was confronted by a man in the ball who roughly pushed him aside anid leaped through a window. The priest found her dead in her room with her skull crushed. The murder was done with a large stone which was found at her bed- side. There were jewels and val-. ables about, but nothing was dis- turbed. In almost every neighborhood some- one has died from an attack of colic or cholera morbus,of ten before medicine could be procured or a physician sum- moned. A reliable remedy for these diseaseg should be kept at hand. The riac is too great for anyone to take Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera anid IDiar-. rhoea Benmedy has undoubtedly saved the lives of more people and relieved more pain aund suffering than any ote medicine inuse. It can always be de- pended upon. For sale by Dr. G. W. 1rl, Pickens., and Dr. R. F. Smith, LIVED IN TBR EE CENTURIES Death of the Oldest Woman in Ala- bama. Age Was 116. Mrs. Marsylla Keith, the oldest woman in the state of Alabama, died Wednesday April 30, at the age of 116 at the residence of J. D. -Long, 405 Herron treet, Montgom- ery Ala. Mrs. Keith had been bedridden Jor about six yeargad weighed about 40 pounds at the time of her death. Mrs. Keith was borni in Darling- ton, S. C., in dei8u. e from the Scotch settlei over to America during the co - hial times. At the age of 15 she moved with her parents to what is now Montgomery, where she was married to James Keith at the age of 16. A few years alter her mar- riage Mrs. Keith and her husband moved to Butler county but came back to Montgomery in 1853, where she had lived ever sine. Mrs. Keith was one of the earliest set- tlers in Alabama. She came to Alabama when the people were few, and it took all they could do to fight off the In- dians and grow enough to keep them alive. Hence her education was limited by. circumstances, al- though she had a bright mind to the end of her life. Mrs. Keith has lived in the ad. ministration of every president of the United States down to the pres- three centuries-1700, 1800 and 1900. Mrs, Keith had 13 children, four of whom are now living. The grandchildren are so scatter- ed and numerous that no accurate estimate osn now be made of the number. Twenty great-grand- children have been enumerated. Mrs. Keith had two great-great- grandchildren, the children of Jack Tally, whose wife was a Miss Eila Keith, the great-grandchild of the deceased. KILLED BY BURGLARS. Mcahon's Head Splub Open With Sharp Edged Jimmy. The-body of JaniesE. IcMahon, a brother of ex-Judge.McMahon was found at 5 o'clock this morn- ing in the vestibule of his home at 268 West 153d street, New York. The police believe that he sur- prised two burglars who were try- ing to break into the place and they killed him. They think a sharp-edged bur- glars "jimmy'' was used. His head as slashed and cut in many places, there being one which divided the left ear, penetrated the skull and entered the brain. The only clue found 'was a bloody trail left by one of the assailanzts' foot prints after having literalmy waded mn the blood of his victim. The police have arrested Donald Kennedy, aged 24, charged with murdering McMahon. The McKinley National Memorial Asso- ciation. Postmaster A. M. Morris has re- ceive'd from the McKinley Nation- al Memorial Association a limited supply of the certificates which have been prepared for distribu- ion to contributors to the monu- mont fund as souvenirs of their participation in that great enter- prise. The certificate is a beauti- ful work of art on which is given an excellent reproduction of Mrs. McKinley's favorite likeness of her husband, together with a picture of the McKinley honie in gpnton and of the White House. The wording below the illustration is as follows: "This certifies that ,has contributed to the fund for the erection of the nation- al memorial at Canton, phio, in honor of William McKinley.'' The workmanship and artistic effects are of the yery highest order, the great house of 'liffany & Co., New York, being the designers and manufacturers. The supply in the hands of Postmaster Morris is a portion of the first edition of the certificates and is sent here - to en- able those who have not as yet con- tributed to do so. Parties who have already identified themselves with the movement will receive souvenirs direct from the office of the association or through local committees. A Startling Test. To save a life, Dr. T. G. Merritt, of No:- Mehoopany, Pa., made a startling test resulting in a wonderful cure. He writes, "a patient was attacked with~ violent hemorrhages, caused by ulcerra- tion of the stomach. I had cf ten found Eectric Bitters excellent for acute stom- ach and liver troubles so I prescribed them. The patient gained from the first, and has not had an attack in 14 months. Electric Bitters are postively guaranteed for DysvepsiaI dgetion, Constipatior and Kidney troube. Try them. Only nl.aimickn- Drg o STATE BOBROWI1YG MONEY. Has Already Borrowed $75,000 and Ms Borrow 9300,000. The State of South Carolina mad, arrangements last week to borrov $50,000 and another rate will bi made for *25,000 soon, making i total of $75,000 borrow y MA 1st. This is rather early for the State to be borrowing money, bui the State treasurer thinks it wil] be necessary to have it on hand by the first of the mouth, and he does nvt wish to run behind in meeting tLe obligations of the "e. The' eta' will have to borrow up to the tall amount authorized by law-$300,. 000-before the general assembly meets agaiin. BAILEY'A FEE 8200.000. 'enator Winy Fortune in Texas Deal in New York. The friends of United States Senator Joseph W. Bailey are Con. gratulating him on his splendid financial success in the east. John H. Kirby recently needed money to build another railroad and went to New York to get it. Going by Washington he employed Senator Baily to assist in urging New York capitalists to put money into Mr. Ifirby's Texas enterprises. Mr. Bailey was to receive a fixed fee and a percentage. Mr. Kirby says Penator Bailey came away -from New Yoric- -W~th..V200 o(Wto the good. Something About The Pare Mr. Charles M. Harvey gives in the current World's Work, some amazing statistics as to the bigness and value of our middle West and Soth-the "Louisiana Purchase" from Napoleon. The thirteen origi 1 states dover 830,914 square miles; the purchase covers 875,000 square miles. All Europe except Russia and Scandi- navia is only 1,237,667 miles. Half a billion dollars worth of corn was raised on the purchase in 1902, 48 per cent of the product of the whole country. More than half the wheat crop and 38 per cent of its oat crop were raised on this territory. Missouri alone has more people than had the thirteen colonies that revolted from Britain. Colorado, a part of the purchase, alone pro. duced .last year $28,000,000 in gold, more than the entire territory of the United States had produced from the landing of Cabot to the strike at S utter's. mill iD 1848. Montana alone has added *1.000,- 000,000 to the world's wealth of metals: The corn yield of one state, Iowa, for the single year 1902 would 1,ay six times over the price we paid Napoleon for fourteen states or parts of states and territories. A DOUBLE MURDER. Offier and His Prisoner Shot to Death. Constable Moneyhan and his prisoner, the "Rev." D. M. Malone, living at Wardell,twelve riileswest of Caruthersville, Mo. were mur- dered Sunday night by an armed mob of disguised men. Sheriff Franklin has a clew to some mem- bers of the mob. Great excite- ment prevails throughout the county. Malone was one of the "sancti- ~fed" preachers who infested the country some time ago. He was about 50 years old and had a wife. Recently he became enamored of a grass widow, lI~rs. Mary Frill, whom he converted to his faith, and the two traveled togetner as man and wife. A warrant was isstied for living together unlawfully and Money- han arrested them. It was too late to carry them to Carrathersville and he took them to his residence to be carried there the next day. At 11 o'clock Sunday night some one called to the officer. When he went to the door he was shot with- out warning. The mob then swarmed into the house and shot the preacher dead, dragged his body into the wood and riddled it with bullets. Mrs, Frill was jailed Monday morning. The shooting of the officer is a mystery. "A man living on a farm near hern came in a short time ago completely doubled up with rheumatism. I handei him a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Bain and told him to use it freely and if noi satisfied after using it he need not pay cent for it," says C. P. Rayder, of Pat ten's Miills, N Y. "A few days later he walked into the store as straight as string and handed me a dollar saying give me another bottle of Chamberlain'i Pain Balm. I want it in the house al the time for it cured me." For sale b2 Dr. G.W. Earle, Pickens and Dr. R. F Smith, Easley. AN: INTERESTING t Presiding Elder and Il Ini e laiiso & the moithly by the Methodists - ville distrcte presiding elde hase i article, which will be and will be appreciate bj frienda and the publiec last iasue of theM ion completed r tira0! onfld Greenville distr' district ingoodsia and people t met with theaw selco6 e friends df former d hearty hand shake and a chee "God bless you. At Pickens, our old i for more than sizteen year*a practicedara very car ^ gregation [came ut to hoa .u preach, and gave the ver attenton while we atteme pound the precious truthsof G Word. As we stood up---.. that splenqid audience -nd down upon the upturned' -e-%,- the people, our hearts swell gratitude -to God for isicole in permitting us to retir.- n preach to the people amoniwho- in the long ago, we scattere&.t wild oats. of our youth.A$h same time a feeling of sadnesspx r sessed us, for. we missed ma familiar faces of aid syne." S 0r ithe'rier. Whil sp had returned unto God wh them their bodies were peacefua resting in the village cemeterysrd by, there to remain until theresur-;:,- rection morning, when the slejmg..."1 dust shall agintsFin -the voiceif Him who is the rection and the Life, and who said "If I live ye shall live also About two miles out of Pickens is Bethlehem. Here we were re- minded of an incidentthat occurred .on a Quarterly Conference occai 1. ion more than twenty -years ago. Dr. S. B. Jones was the Presiding Elder, and Dr. S. P. H. Elwell the pastor. It was a cold, darkgrain day, and not more than a dozen of the faithful were present andthese were clustered immediately aiound the pulpit. Just before~ services began two -godless, dissipated men of the world from Pickens drov into the church yard, and entering they sat about 'midway of -the ch'irch. Dr. Jones eyed ethiem closely for a moment or two, and - then announced his text: "Turi. ye, turn ye, for why will ye die, o house of Isreal?" And- sneha sermon! Though preached at ei two men Dr, Jones preached a though he were preachinig to a thousand. At the 'conclusion of the aermon 'the door of the church was opened, and one of the men of Pickens went forward and gave his hand to Dr. Elwell the pastor, as a candidate for church member- ship. The other was amazed and thought his companion drunk. Years passed; the first of these two Joung men was stricken down with a fatal illness, and beside his dying bed stood the friend and comn- pai.ion of Bethlehem, rejoicing with him as he shouted the praises of his Saviour. For many years now this man has been in heaven. Dr. .Jones and Dr. Elwell are also there. The fourth man still lives and now fills the place then so ably filled by Dr. Jones. His friend and companion on that cold, dark, rainy Sunday at Bethlehem was Col. J. C. Thompson of the Pickens Sentinel. Peace to his ashes. -When you want aspleaant physic try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab- lets.. They are easy to take and pleant in effect. -For sale by Dr. G. W. Earle, Pickens, and Dr. R. F. Smith, Easly. - Blizzard struck Chicago Forty Xnes Au - Hour. Chicago, Special-A blizzardj with the wind at torty miles an hour struck Chicago today. JIt was one of the most seygere on- record. GREATLY ALARMED By a Persistent Coughl, but Perm nently Cured by Camberlaift" Cough Remedy. Mr. H. P. Burbage, a student -as~ in Greenville. S. (2:, had been troubled - for four or five years with g continuous cough which he sars, "greatly alarmed mcausing me to fear that I was in-the first stage of .consumption." Mr. Bar bage, having seen Chamnberlain's Copgd SRemedy advertised, con::luded to try . LNow read what be says of it: "I BO felt a remarkable change and after 3~ two bottles of the twenty-five centI3S was p'ermanently cured." Sold by D.7~ W. Earle, Pickens, and Dr. R. . Easley. A certainl cure forC Shake into your 'rhees &inS ' powder. It cures Chlbin5S~ sweating, Swollen feet.: . shoe stores. 25e

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(-.ThE 8PICKENS SENTINELEstablisbed. 1871. P1CT ENS, S. C.,MAY, 7, 1903. VOL. XX II NO.



h of the Service and How Itents the Burai -. Population.d Highways a Prerequlite ofEstablishment.

ef the' greatest arguments forrdads-is the rural free delivery.

-report of the postoffice depart-

I free.delivery service has be-an.established fact. It is no lon-th experimental stage, and un-

edly. cong-ess will continue to in-the appropriation for this serv-

til all the people of the countryached where it is thickly enoughto warrant it. -The estimates of

epartment are to the effect thatvailable territory for this- service

aabout a million square miles,ne-third 6f the &untry's area ex-ive of Alasa-- The -1,65' routesin operation cover abogt one-third

availale territory. The rapidon of-the service will of course

the deficits during the nextrs .ifter it-is completed the.lLiquickly feel the effect of

b hment, and \whatever deficitoccasioned. #ill gradually dis-It wiill also be interesting to

hat -ural free delivery carriersa*plications during the last

,946 money orders."experiments- have demonstrat-

.seryice can be extended inties to the rural population,

president of the.Missouri Goodoation. There is one obsta-

er, that has confronted mostiorts -to: extend this system,is the absence..of roads overrriers can cover sufficient ter-

y a given. time.- and with regu-ty a 11 seasons of the year.hat jreater benefit cduld accrue to

er'living a number of miles from- pistoffide than to have his

delifereddaily at his door? Howo6fthe itondony of his Isolationtbe removed if he coiffd receive

ally paperjed the news of the-world, watch the markets for

roducts and be able to take advan-of 'prices that are often lost to himsee his ehldreri -happy-nd content

-of resless apd d ssatisfied orwing up in stolid indifferencethe outgrowtha of mental lethar-lgnorance.-difficult to determine the finan-

enefits the farmers receive fromtablishment of the system of ruedelivery, but ex-Assistant PosteGeneral Heath, treating of theon in one of his reports, summedSbenefits to farmers as follows:hancement of the value of theands reached by rural free deliv-

:Iincrea-se :of the value hasesated as high as $5 per acre

Sstates. A moderate estimate is-2 to $3 per acre. A general im.tent of the conditions of thetraversed by the rural carrier.westei-n ~states especially the

f good roads has been asite of the establishment of

ree delivery. In one county ina a special agent reports tiiarmers incurred an ..expense of!,600) to grade and gravel a road

to obtain rural free delivery.rices obtained for farm prod*

e producers being brought intoch with the state of the mar

2d thus being enabled to take ad~e'of information heretofore un-

th-enhe very, forcefully adds:the'se material advantages mayded ..thes ednecastional advantages

4-il by .reievijig- the monotony~'trough ready access to

ture and the keepingidents, the young peotheir -elders,. fully in-

othe stirring events ofmoralLvalue of these civ-

~fluences cannot be too highly

let the rural population not fail- rye that the statement is made

"econstruction of good roadsa prerequisite of the estab-of rural free delivery ser,-cit will be continued a pre-

e in the future. It is an oldht "the Lord helps those who

its and. the. government.-think it a rule worthy of em--This great boon'of rural freeelivery with all of its conven-and educational and moral In-s will be denied those communi-t'ack the exiergy- and 'spirit of-to pave the way for it by pay-ways over which the mail must

-Ied to their homes.

re the Roads Are Good.

there are fine roads there are-and the people are more cul-

-and, indeed, civilization is ad.President National Good

iation.ph Pomninvilleof Stiliwater,ter having spent over $2,00(

ebest doctors for stor.ach troublerelier, was advised by his -drugAlex. Richard, to try a box of

-'s Stomnach and Liver Tab.id so, and is a well man to-tubled with indigestion, bad

he,mnouth, lack of appetite o:tion, givo these Tablets a trial,are certain to be more thatith the result. For sale at 22box by Dr. G. W. Earle, Pick-nr. RL. F1 Smith,- Easley.

-Belton is to build an oil milland have it ready for the next croiof cotton seed.

-Kingstree has voted by 45 toto issue $7,000 of bonds to buildand equip a school house.

-A Mr. McCormick, aged 7(years, was killed by a Southorrtrain near Dillon, Marion countyon Tuesday.-Capt. H. Y. Vance, a promi

nent citizen of Clinton, died oi

Monday of lart week at the age o

forty after a lingerine illness.

-Cadet Ira Giles of Andersona student in the Citadel academ3in Charleston, was operated on itSt. Fraficis Xavier infirmary or

Tuesday for appendicitis and is ira critical condition.-Ike Edwards, an old negro wa.

knocked from the track of thSouthern between Greenwood aniHodges on Wednesday by the passenger train and died instantlyIt is supposed he was deaf.

J. A. Wright, a young butcheiof Greenville, attempted suicidewith a knife on Tuesday, cuttinghis throat in a ghastly way; but iis thought he will recover. Financial embarrassment was the cause

-Swinton Dozier, a farmer o

Florence county, was killed by th(kick of a mule on Tuesday. Tbkick vas so strong that the poo.man's abdomen was torn open an<

his liver cut by the heels of thianimal. And it was a 'sick mul(too.-The evidence taken by Refere

Culbreath in the case of the Spartanburg mills, sued for allegeiback taxes, covers 200 type writterpages. taken down and transcribeiby Stenographer L. L. Matte, I

may be a Sear before the case i!heard by the Supreme court.

-James G. Gibbes, state laniagent, died at his home in Columbia of a paralytic stroke on Tues.day in the 75th year of his ageMr. Gibbes was a man of greaiwealth before the war. He waimayr fO61iimbia when the citywas captured and burned by Sherman in 1865.

-.Mrs. W. B. Stewart, of Beltonaibride of a few weeks,only 16 yeariold, was terribly burned on Tuesday while kindling a fire in thistove. She was using kerosentand the can exploded throwingtthe beirning oil over her clotingHer injuries will probably provifatal.-Tom Hamilton, Wmn. Olive>

and Joe Bird were convicted in thueUnited States court in Grtenvillion Wednesday of robbing postoffices in Autun, Pendleton and IvaAnderson county, on the nights o0February 2d and 3d, and were sentenced to serve five years in thifederal prison in Atlanta. Ga.

Judge Tyner fli Over the Ingoiry.Washington, D. C., Special.-

Judge Tyner who was recently dismissed as assistant postmaster general is critically ill. The strain othe inquiry into his affairs causeihim to break down.

Danish West Indies Will Be Purchased

Washington, D. C., Special.Information has been received hereof a special session of the Daniellegislature which will likely bcaled for June for the purpose o

ratifying the treaty for the sale o:the islands of St. Thomas andSanta Cruse to the United States

Howls This?We orfer One Hundred Dollars TOwari

for any case of catarrh that cannot bcured by Hall's Catarrh cure.

F. J. CHENEY & Co.,Toledo,0.We, the undersigned, have known I

J. Cheney-for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all bisiness transactions and financially able tcarry out any obligations made by thefirm.Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, WholesaliDruggists, Toledo. 0..Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internall;

acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimc(nials sent free. Price 75c. per bottleSold by all Druggists. Hall's Famil:Pills are the best.

Insurgents at Work again in The Ph11Ippines.

Manilla, P. I., Special.-Thetown of Mariquina has been burnetby incendiaries believed to be in

surgents. A thousand houses Wer

destroyed and the inhabitants are

in distress. The people of Maniilare reliev'ng sufferers.

Quick Arrest.

J. A. Gulledge of Verbena, Ala. watwice in the hospital from a severe casof piles causing 24 tumors. After doctors and all remedies failed, BucklenArnica Salve quickly arrested furtheinflammation and cured him. It cortt.i*rs aches and klspain 25c. at th

kusrugo., ruggsth


The Thermometer Dropped 50 Degreesbhursday Night.

Plattsburg, N. Y., Special.-Dur-ing Thursday night the tempera-ture in this vicinity aropped from80 in the shade to about freezingpoint. At 2 o'clock this morning

1 a heavy snow storm set in over theAdirondack region somo three in-ches falling, completely checkingthe forest fires that have been rag-ing fiercely for several days.EIGHTY IN IRONS FOR SHIPS MUTINY.

The Sbip Wabash, Being Ieceived, Was

the Primary Cause of All the Trouble.

Boston, Mass., Special.-Eightypersons are in irons today on pris-on ships at Southey, at Charles-town navy yards, as a result of a

mutinious riot last night on ac-

count of receivin~g the ship Wabash.The officers were assaulted. The

men were sentenced to five daysimprisonment.


President Shakes Hand of Colored Police-man near His Car at Topeka.

Topeka, Kan., Special.-ThePresident was stirri nig about his car

at the Union Pacifio station this

morning fifteen minutes before thetime scheduled for the departureof the train. He appeared at therear plattorm and was presented tothe small crowd gathered to see

him oiff. The President made a

brief talk to the people and c.n-gratulated the polic.3 fUrce. Hethen reached over the railing andgave a hearty shake to the handof a big colored policeman, whowas within distance. The officersmiled all over his face and showedhis white teeth in true Roosevelt-ian style. After chatting with a

friend or two on the platform theIPresident withdrew into the car,and the train pulled out at 8o'clock for Sharon Springs


Cheyenne, Wyo, May 2.-Thecitizens of Cheyenne will presentPresident Roosevelt on his visit tothis city on May 3, with o.ib of thefinest rough-riding outfits ever

seen. It will be composed of a sad-die, bridle,squirt, spurs and Navajoblanket, which will cost $400.


Sensational Termination of an ImportantWorth County Case.

A rather sensational law suit ofnearly two years' standing was

ditsmatically closed in Tifton, Ga ,

on April 29th.On May 12, :1901, Miss Carrie

Bateman, daughter of Mr. G. WV.Bateman, one of the wealthiest far-mers and a member of one of themcst prominent families in Worthcounty, eloped with and marriedMr. Frank L. Williams, a youngdry goods clerk in Sylvester. Thebride's family were greatly dib-pleas d at the match, and it is saidused str.,ng efforts to separate thecouple, succeediing Sept. 28, afterthey had lived together nearly fivemonths, when Mrs. Williams lefther husband during his temporaryillness and returned to her father'shome.In October, 1901, she, filed suit

for a divorce, alleging cruel treat-ment and non-support. M r. Wil-liams filed a counter suit, denyingthe allegations made in her pleafor divorce, and asking for $1 0.000damages from her father, Mr. G.W. ~Bateman, for alienating hiswife's affections.The case was continued for two

terms, but a trial was expected atthis session of Worth Superiorcourt, which convenes shortly.Meanwhile, Williams and] his

wife began corresponding, and ar-

rangements were finally made forthem to meet at the Chataulua inAlbany yesterday. They met therein the cemetery, a reconciliationwas effected and they boarded the6 o'clock train for Tifton. Thistrain was a combination freight,and stopped in Sylvester for abouthalf an hour. Here the bride'sbrother and brother-in-law, learn-ing of the intended second elopa-m ent, tried to persuade her to

leave the train, but she refused,and eame on to Tifton with herhusband last night. It is probablethat they will make their homehere;-This will probably settle both

suits, which have become quitefamous on the dockets of WorthSuperior court.

Made Young Again.''One of Dr. King's New Life Pills

Seach night for two weeks has put me inmy 'teens' again" writes I). H. Turnerof Dempsey tow n,Pa. They're the best inS1the world for Liver, Stomach and Bow-rels. Purely vegetable. Never griptOnly 25c at the Pickens Drug Co's.,Drg Storea


Resolution Favoring Co-operarion Adopt-ed at st. Louis.

The National and InternationalGood Roads Convention at St.Louis, on April 29, adopted resolu-tions favoring the harmonious co-

operation of the township, county,state and national governments in

the building of roads and the ap-propriation of monef by the fed-eral government for that purpose.

.Charles P. Lane of Huntsville,Ala., came before the conventionin behalf of the Brownlow bill in-troduced at the last session of

Congress.Paying Out Pensioo Monoye

The work of making out thechecks for the individual pensionsof Pickens county has been com-

pleted by the clerk of the court andhis assistants'and the checks are

being given to the pensioners as

they are called for. Already sav-

eral have been distributed. Allchecks will be given out at theclerk's office.


Pastor Discovers Groom is Divorced andDeclines to Perform Ceremony.

Hartford, Conn., Special.-Withthe bridal party approaching thechancel and the church filled withfashionable people Rev. Dr. God-win of Christ Episcopal church,refused to perform the ceremonyand dismissed the guests becausein reading the marriage license,be found the bridegroom had beendivorced ten years previously. Thewedding was to have been betweenLincoln Chase, manager of one ofthe largest di-partment stores hereand Miss Gladys Geer, daughter ofone of the oldest residents of Hart-ford and prominent s cially.

GoIs to Netw Mexico.

Samuel L. Messer, a well knownrailroad man who has been holding

the rnr between Asheville and Co-lumbia for seven years has gone toNew Mexico to engage in the rail-road business. It is said, that a

number of other railroad men havegone West, preceding Mr. Messer,in the belief that chances of promo-tion were better in the West thanin the South.

Georgia'a-Frui t Crop.

Columnbus, Ga, Special.-Fruitgrowers throughout this section ofthe fruit belt, state that they willhave from one-third to one-half ofa crop. In the Buena Vista re-

gion, 30 miles south of here, thecrop is expected to average fully50 per cent. The general opinionowever, seems to be thit the fruit

growing section of southwest Geor-gia will not average more thanone-fourth of a crop. Many fruittrees were killed by the recent coldsnaps.


Pitched Blattle in Wiche Praya'r Booksand Broken Furniture were theMl siles-Women Participute.

Joile%, Ill., Special.--A pitchedbattle, in which prayer books andbroken furniture were the missiles,took place in the Slavonic RomanCatholic church here Sunday, whenthe police arrived to quell the dis-turbance the belligerents turnedfrom each other and united their-forces against the officers: Thefight, which grew out of factionaldifferences, resulted in no seriousbodily harm jo any of the 2,000men, women ai~d children whowere in the church when it began,but the panic among the affrightedwomen and children was the causeof severe bruises. Bloody and lac-erated faces and hands were evi-dences of the fierceness of the con-

test and the protests of FatherKiar and others were unavailingto restore peace.The men had been penned in by

a mob of angry women, wbo peitedthe stronger sex with whatsvetthey could lay their hands on. Themen who could fled or jumpedfrom the windows, and when thepolice. arrived they returned to theassistance of the women. It was

not until the police had drawntheir revolvers and threatened touse them that peace was restoredand arrests were made.

A Sure Thing.It is said th-et nothing is sure except

death and taxes, but that is not alto-.gether true- Dr. King's New Discoveryfor Consumption is a sure cure for alllung and throat troubles. Mrs. C. B.VanMetre of Shepherdtown, W. Va.,says "I had a severe case of Bronchitisand for a year tried everything I heardof but got no relief. One bottle of Dr.Kin's New Discovery then cured me

absolutely.'' It is infallible for Croup,Whooping Cough. Grip, Pneumonia andn.~fSU2pton. Try it. it's guaranteed by

Ith Pickeus; Drug, Co., Druggist:Imri free. Reg. sizes 50c. $1.00.


A Sumter Girl Travels Alone 3000 Milesto Wed the Man She Loved.

Miss Claudia F. McClellan, thesweet and charming daughter ofMr. and Mrs. A. McClellan, ofDingle Grove, met Mr. Walter H.Jones in Greensboro, N. C., fiveyears ago. The acquaintanceshipripened into a mutual love, andsometime ago Miss McClellan re-

ceived a loving message telling herto come to his far away home,where he might claim her as hisown, as it was utterly impractica,ble for him to come to South Caro-lina. With true womanly devo-tion and womanly contidence ihabade motherhome and 1.oved ones a

sad farewell on April 1st, andboardedan Atlantie Coast LinePullman for her future home in thefar northwest. The account of hertrip is very interesting. Whlecrossing the Mississippi Valley sec-tion of country the car wheels werecovered with water from the Miss-issippi flood for many miles atdifferent places, but she never grewfaint, but with dauntless courageshe continued her journey. Shespeaks of the great kindness to herof men and women while en routeWhen she told that * she was a

South Carolinian and traveledalone she received many courtesiesMiss McClellan arrived at Hunt-

ly, Washington, har destination,on thecigh--eight days on theroad. On the evningof the I1ththe marriage was solemniz4d at thehome of the groom by Rev. E F.Jones.Mr. Walter Jones, the grocm, is

a cattleman and extensive wheatplanter. He is a young man ofsterling worth and great energy.Mrs. Jones, the bride, is highly

pleased with her new home, andpraises the country very much.She was a member of the Episco-pal church Jbeze, and was popularwith a host of friends. We wishthem much happiness and prospar.ity.-Sumter Herald.

Went Fishing on Sunday.

Shreveport, Ind., Special.-MissEvelyn Hodge, Miss Ingersollinge and Samuel Williams, three

prominent young society people ofthis city, were drowned in TwelveMile bayou, four and a half milesfrom this city Sunday afternoon.The party were in-a skiff fishingin the bayou.


Wns. Fargo safe en Mexican CentralOpened.

Mexico City, Special.-The factthat the Wells Fargo Express Co.,was robbed of $42,000 at Silalo last

Thursday morning has just cometo light. Peculiar circumstancesattet ded the robbery. A smallsafeis usually carrie~d from the throughMexican Central train .to the officend thence to Guanjaato train by.urier.On the morning of the robbery

the express messenga warned theorier to be careful as the safe c.>n.

taned a large sem of money. In-stead of taking the safe to the officee took it home and called a num-

ber of friends and opened it. Themoney was extracted and distribu-ted. Following the discovery cfthe robbery in Silas about 40 per-sons were arrested. All but $11,-()00 was recovered.


Beautiful Young Woman Killed In HerBedroom.

A terriblo murder was committedatLorraini, Ohio, Thursday nightat the home of Father Reichlan, a

Catholic pri*2t of that city. Reich-lan was out of town. His sister,a beautiful woman of 28 years kepthouse.About midnight another priest

living in the house heard MissReichlan cry out. He rushed tothe rescue and was confronted bya man in the ball who roughlypushed him aside anid leapedthrough a window.The priest found her dead in her

room with her skull crushed. Themurder was done with a largestone which was found at her bed-side. There were jewels and val-.ables about, but nothing was dis-


In almost every neighborhood some-

one has died from an attack of colicor cholera morbus,often before medicinecould be procured or a physician sum-

moned. A reliable remedy for thesediseaseg should be kept at hand. Theriac is too great for anyone to takeChamberlain's Colic, Cholera anid IDiar-.rhoea Benmedy has undoubtedly savedthe lives of more people and relievedmore pain aund suffering than any otemedicine inuse. Itcan always be de-pended upon. For sale by Dr. G. W.1rl, Pickens., and Dr. R. F. Smith,


Death of the Oldest Woman in Ala-bama. Age Was 116.

Mrs. Marsylla Keith, the oldestwoman in the state of Alabama,died Wednesday April 30, at theage of 116 at the residence of J. D.-Long, 405 Herron treet, Montgom-ery Ala.

Mrs. Keith had been bedriddenJor about six yeargad weighedabout 40 pounds at the time of her

death.Mrs. Keith was borni in Darling-

ton, S. C., in dei8u.e

from the Scotch settleiover to America during the co -

hial times. At the age of 15 shemoved with her parents to what isnow Montgomery, where she was

married to James Keith at the ageof 16. A few years alter her mar-

riage Mrs. Keith and her husbandmoved to Butler county but came

back to Montgomery in 1853, whereshe had lived ever sine. Mrs.Keith was one of the earliest set-tlers in Alabama.She came to Alabama when the

people were few, and it took allthey could do to fight off the In-dians and grow enough to keepthem alive. Hence her educationwas limited by. circumstances, al-though she had a bright mind tothe end of her life.Mrs. Keith has lived in the ad.

ministration of every president ofthe United States down to the pres-

three centuries-1700, 1800 and1900.Mrs, Keith had 13 children, four

of whom are now living.The grandchildren are so scatter-

ed and numerous that no accurateestimate osn now be made of thenumber. Twenty great-grand-children have been enumerated.Mrs. Keith had two great-great-grandchildren, the children ofJackTally, whose wife was a Miss EilaKeith, the great-grandchild of thedeceased.


Mcahon's Head Splub Open With SharpEdged Jimmy.

The-body of JaniesE. IcMahon,a brother of ex-Judge.McMahonwas found at 5 o'clock this morn-

ing in the vestibule of his home at268 West 153d street, New York.The police believe that he sur-

prised two burglars who were try-ing to break into the place andthey killed him.They think a sharp-edged bur-

glars "jimmy'' was used. His headas slashed and cut in many places,there being one which divided theleft ear, penetrated the skull andentered the brain. The only cluefound 'was a bloody trail left byone of the assailanzts' foot printsafter having literalmy waded mn theblood of his victim.The police have arrested DonaldKennedy, aged 24, charged withmurdering McMahon.The McKinley National Memorial Asso-


Postmaster A. M. Morris has re-

ceive'd from the McKinley Nation-alMemorial Association a limitedsupply of the certificates whichhave been prepared for distribu-ion to contributors to the monu-mont fund as souvenirs of theirparticipation in that great enter-prise. The certificate is a beauti-ful work of art on which is givenanexcellent reproduction of Mrs.McKinley's favorite likeness of herhusband, together with a pictureofthe McKinley honie in gpntonand of the White House. Thewording below the illustration isasfollows: "This certifies that

,has contributed to thefund for the erection of the nation-almemorial at Canton, phio, in

honor of William McKinley.'' Theworkmanship and artistic effectsare of the yery highest order, thegreat house of 'liffany & Co., NewYork, being the designers andmanufacturers. The supply in thehands of Postmaster Morris is a

portion of the first edition of thecertificates and is sent here - to en-

able those who have not as yet con-

tributed to do so. Parties whohave already identified themselveswith the movement will receivesouvenirs direct from the office ofthe association or through localcommittees.

A Startling Test.To save a life, Dr. T. G. Merritt, of

No:- Mehoopany, Pa., made a startlingtest resulting in a wonderful cure. Hewrites, "a patient was attacked with~violent hemorrhages, caused by ulcerra-tion of the stomach. I had cften foundEectric Bitters excellent for acute stom-ach and liver troubles so I prescribedthem. The patient gained from the first,and has not had an attack in 14 months.Electric Bitters are postively guaranteedfor DysvepsiaI dgetion, Constipatiorand Kidney troube. Try them. Onlynl.aimickn-Drg o


Has Already Borrowed $75,000 and MsBorrow 9300,000.

The State of South Carolina mad,arrangements last week to borrov$50,000 and another rate will bimade for *25,000 soon, making i

total of $75,000 borrow y MA1st.This is rather early for the

State to be borrowing money, buithe State treasurer thinks it wil]be necessary to have it on handby the first of the mouth, and hedoes nvt wish to run behind inmeeting tLe obligations of the


will have to borrow up to the tallamount authorized by law-$300,.000-before the general assemblymeets agaiin.

BAILEY'A FEE 8200.000.

'enator Winy Fortune in Texas Deal inNew York.

The friends of United StatesSenator Joseph W. Bailey are Con.gratulating him on his splendidfinancial success in the east. JohnH. Kirby recently needed moneyto build another railroad and wentto New York to get it. Going byWashington he employed SenatorBaily to assist in urging New Yorkcapitalists to put money into Mr.Ifirby's Texas enterprises. Mr.Bailey was to receive a fixed feeand a percentage. Mr. Kirby saysPenator Bailey came away-fromNew Yoric- -W~th..V200 o(Wto thegood.

Something About The Pare

Mr. Charles M. Harvey gives inthe current World's Work, some

amazing statistics as to the bignessand value of our middle West andSoth-the "Louisiana Purchase"from Napoleon.The thirteen origi 1 states dover

830,914 square miles; the purchasecovers 875,000 square miles. AllEurope except Russia and Scandi-navia is only 1,237,667 miles.Half a billion dollars worth of

corn was raised on the purchase in1902, 48 per cent of the product ofthe whole country. More thanhalf the wheat crop and 38 percent of its oat crop were raised onthis territory.

Missouri alone has more peoplethan had the thirteen colonies thatrevolted from Britain. Colorado,a part of the purchase, alone pro.duced .last year $28,000,000 in gold,more than the entire territory ofthe United States had producedfrom the landing of Cabot to thestrike at S utter's. mill iD 1848.Montana alone has added *1.000,-000,000 to the world's wealth ofmetals:The corn yield of one state, Iowa,

for the single year 1902 would 1,aysix times over the price we paidNapoleon for fourteen states or

parts of states and territories.


Offier and His Prisoner Shot to Death.

Constable Moneyhan and hisprisoner, the "Rev." D. M. Malone,living at Wardell,twelve riileswestof Caruthersville, Mo. were mur-dered Sunday night by an armedmob of disguised men. SheriffFranklin has a clew to some mem-bers of the mob. Great excite-ment prevails throughout thecounty.Malone was one of the "sancti-

~fed" preachers who infested thecountry some time ago. He was

about 50 years old and had a wife.Recently he became enamored of a

grass widow, lI~rs. Mary Frill,whom he converted to his faith,and the two traveled togetner asman and wife.A warrant was isstied for living

together unlawfully and Money-han arrested them. It was too lateto carry them to Carrathersvilleand he took them to his residenceto be carried there the next day.At 11 o'clock Sunday night someone called to the officer. When hewent to the door he was shot with-out warning.The mob then swarmed into the

house and shot the preacher dead,dragged his body into the woodand riddled it with bullets. Mrs,Frill was jailed Monday morning.The shooting of the officer is a

mystery."A man living on a farm near hern

came in a short time ago completelydoubled up with rheumatism. I handeihim a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Bainand told him to use it freely and if noisatisfied after using it he need not paycent for it," says C. P. Rayder, of Patten's Miills, N Y. "A few days later hewalked into the store as straight asstring and handed me a dollar sayinggive me another bottle of Chamberlain'iPain Balm. I want it in the house althe time for it cured me." For sale b2Dr. G.W. Earle, Pickens and Dr. R. FSmith, Easley.


t Presiding Elderand Il

Ini e laiiso &the moithly

by the Methodists -

ville distrctepresiding elde hase iarticle, which will beand will be appreciate bjfrienda and the publieclast iasue of theM ioncompleted rtira0! onfldGreenville distr'district ingoodsiaand people t

met with theaw selco6efriends df former dhearty hand shake and a chee"God bless you.At Pickens, our old i

for more than sizteen year*apracticedara very car ^

gregation [came ut to hoa .u

preach, and gave the verattenton while we attemepound the precious truthsof GWord. As we stood up---..that splenqid audience -nddown upon the upturned' -e-%,-the people, our hearts swellgratitude -to God for isicolein permitting us to retir.- n

preach to the people amoniwho-in the long ago, we scattere&.twild oats. of our youth.A$hsame time a feeling of sadnesspx r

sessed us, for. we missed mafamiliar faces of aidsyne." S

0rithe'rier. Whil sphad returned unto God whthem their bodies were peacefuaresting in the village cemeterysrdby, there to remain until theresur-;:,-rection morning, when the slejmg..."1dust shall agintsFin-the voiceif Him who is therection and the Life, and whosaid "If I live ye shall live alsoAbout two miles out of Pickens

is Bethlehem. Here we were re-minded ofan incidentthat occurred.on a Quarterly Conference occai 1.ion more than twenty -years ago.Dr. S. B. Jones was the PresidingElder, and Dr. S. P. H. Elwell thepastor. It was a cold, darkgrainday, and not more than a dozen ofthe faithful were present andthesewere clustered immediately aioundthe pulpit. Just before~ servicesbegan two -godless, dissipated menof the world from Pickens drovinto the church yard, and enteringthey sat about 'midway of -thech'irch. Dr. Jones eyed ethiemclosely for a moment or two, and -

then announced his text: "Turi.ye, turn ye, for why will ye die,o house of Isreal?" And- snehasermon! Though preached at eitwo men Dr, Jones preached athough he were preachinig to a

thousand. At the 'conclusion ofthe aermon 'the door of the churchwas opened, and one of the men ofPickens went forward and gave hishand to Dr. Elwell the pastor, asa candidate for church member-ship. The other was amazed andthought his companion drunk.Years passed; the first of thesetwo Joung men was stricken downwith a fatal illness, and beside hisdying bed stood the friend and comn-pai.ion of Bethlehem, rejoicingwith him as he shouted the praisesof his Saviour. For many yearsnow this man has been in heaven.Dr. .Jones and Dr. Elwell are alsothere. The fourth man still livesand now fills the place then so ablyfilled by Dr. Jones. His friendand companion on that cold, dark,rainy Sunday at Bethlehem wasCol. J. C. Thompson of the PickensSentinel. Peace to his ashes.

-When you want aspleaant physic tryChamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab-lets.. They are easy to take andpleantin effect. -For sale by Dr. G. W. Earle,Pickens, and Dr. R. F. Smith, Easly. -

Blizzard struck Chicago Forty Xnes Au- Hour.

Chicago, Special-A blizzardjwith the wind at torty miles anhour struck Chicago today. JItwas one of the most seygere on-record.


By a Persistent Coughl, but Permnently Cured by Camberlaift"

Cough Remedy.Mr. H. P. Burbage, a student -as~

in Greenville. S. (2:, had been troubled -for four or five years withg continuouscough which he sars, "greatly alarmedmcausing me to fear that Iwas in-the

first stage of .consumption." Mr. Barbage, having seen Chamnberlain's CopgdSRemedy advertised, con::luded to try .

LNow read what be says of it: "I BOfelt a remarkable change and after 3~

two bottles of the twenty-five centI3Swas p'ermanently cured." Sold by D.7~W. Earle, Pickens, and Dr. R. .

Easley.A certainl cure forC

Shake into your 'rhees &inS 'powder. It cures Chlbin5S~sweating, Swollen feet.: .shoe stores. 25e