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EHP5 for SAP ERP6.0

September 2011English

Parallel AccountingFinancials (891)

SAP AGDietmar-Hopp-Allee 166 1 0 !all"orf German#

$%il"ing $lo&' (onfig%ration G%i"e

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SAP Best Practices Parallel A&&o%nting )inan&ials *+ 1, (onfig%ration G%i"e


2011 SAP AG. All rights reser/e".

o part of this p%bli&ation ma# be repro"%&e" or transmitte" in an# form or for an# p%rpose itho%t thee press permission of SAP AG. 3he information &ontaine" herein ma# be &hange" itho%t prior noti&e.

Some soft are pro"%&ts mar'ete" b# SAP AG an" its "istrib%tors &ontain proprietar# soft are&omponents of other soft are /en"ors.

4i&rosoft !in"o s E &el %tloo' an" Po erPoint are registere" tra"emar's of 4i&rosoft (orporation.

7$4 D$2 D$2 8ni/ersal Database S#stem i S#stem i5 S#stem p S#stem p5 S#stem S#stem 9S#stem 910 S#stem 9 910 9 iSeries pSeries Series 9Series eSer/er 9:;4 9: S i5: S S:< 0S:< 0 S:=00 AS:=00 S:< 0 Parallel Enterprise Ser/er Po er;4 Po er Ar&hite&t%re P !ER6>P !ER6 P !ER5> P !ER5 P !ER penPo er Po erP( $at&hPipes $la"e(enter S#stemStorage GP)S HA(4P RE3A7 D$2 (onne&t RA() Re"boo's S:2 Parallel S#sple 4;S:ESA

A7? 7ntelligent 4iner !ebSphere etfinit# 3i/oli an" 7nformi are tra"emar's or registere" tra"emar'sof 7$4 (orporation.

@in% is the registere" tra"emar' of @in%s 3or/al"s in the 8.S. an" other &o%ntries.

A"obe the A"obe logo A&robat PostS&ript an" Rea"er are either tra"emar's or registere" tra"emar'sof A"obe S#stems 7n&orporate" in the 8nite" States an":or other &o%ntries.

ra&le an" a/a are registere" tra"emar's of ra&le.

8 7? ?: pen S):1 an" 4otif are registere" tra"emar's of the pen Gro%p.

(itri 7(A Program eighborhoo" 4eta)rame !in)rame ;i"eo)rame an" 4%lti!in are tra"emar'sor registere" tra"emar's of (itri S#stems 7n&.

H34@ ?4@ ?H34@ an" !<( are tra"emar's or registere" tra"emar's of !<( B !orl" !i"e !eb(onsorti%m 4assa&h%setts 7nstit%te of 3e&hnolog#.

SAP R:< SAP et!ea/er D%et PartnerE"ge $#Design SAP $%siness bCe&ts E plorer Stream!or'SAP HA A an" other SAP pro"%&ts an" ser/i&es mentione" herein as ell as their respe&ti/e logosare tra"emar's or registere" tra"emar's of SAP AG in German# an" other &o%ntries.

$%siness bCe&ts an" the $%siness bCe&ts logo $%siness bCe&ts (r#stal Reports (r#stal De&isions!eb 7ntelligen&e ?&elsi%s an" other $%siness bCe&ts pro"%&ts an" ser/i&es mentione" herein as ellas their respe&ti/e logos are tra"emar's or registere" tra"emar's of $%siness bCe&ts Soft are @t".$%siness bCe&ts is an SAP &ompan#.

S#base an" A"apti/e Ser/er iAn# here S#base <65 S @ An# here an" other S#base pro"%&ts an"

ser/i&es mentione" herein as ell as their respe&ti/e logos are tra"emar's or registere" tra"emar's ofS#base 7n&. S#base is an SAP &ompan#.

All other pro"%&t an" ser/i&e names mentione" are the tra"emar's of their respe&ti/e &ompanies. Data&ontaine" in this "o&%ment ser/es informational p%rposes onl#. ational pro"%&t spe&ifi&ations ma#/ar#.

3hese materials are s%bCe&t to &hange itho%t noti&e. 3hese materials are pro/i"e" b# SAP AG an" itsaffiliate" &ompanies * SAP Gro%p , for informational p%rposes onl# itho%t representation or arrant#of an# 'in" an" SAP Gro%p shall not be liable for errors or omissions ith respe&t to the materials. 3heonl# arranties for SAP Gro%p pro"%&ts an" ser/i&es are those that are set forth in the e press arrant#statements a&&ompan#ing s%&h pro"%&ts an" ser/i&es if an#. othing herein sho%l" be &onstr%e" as&onstit%ting an a""itional arrant#.

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SAP Best Practices Parallel A&&o%nting )inan&ials *+ 1, (onfig%ration G%i"e


Icon Meaning


E ample




E ternal Pro&ess

$%siness Pro&ess Alternati/e:De&ision (hoi&e

Typographic Conventions

Type Style Description

Example text !or"s or &hara&ters that appear on the s&reen. 3hese in&l%"e fiel"names s&reen titles p%shb%ttons as ell as men% names paths an"options.

(ross-referen&es to other "o&%mentation.

Example text Emphasi9e" or"s or phrases in bo"# te t titles of graphi&s an" tables.

E?A4P@E 3E?3 ames of elements in the s#stem. 3hese in&l%"e report namesprogram names transa&tion &o"es table names an" in"i/i"%al 'e#or"s of a programming lang%age hen s%rro%n"e" b# bo"# te t fore ample SE@E(3 an" 7 (@8DE.

Example text S&reen o%tp%t. 3his in&l%"es file an" "ire&tor# names an" their pathsmessages so%r&e &o"e names of /ariables an" parameters as ell asnames of installation %pgra"e an" "atabase tools.

EXAMPLE TEXT Fe#s on the 'e#boar" for e ample f%n&tion 'e#s *s%&h as F2 , or theENTER 'e#.

Example text E a&t %ser entr#. 3hese are or"s or &hara&ters that #o% enter in thes#stem e a&tl# as the# appear in the "o&%mentation.

<Example text> ;ariable %ser entr#. Pointe" bra&'ets in"i&ate that #o% repla&e theseor"s an" &hara&ters ith appropriate entries.

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SAP Best Practices Parallel A&&o%nting )inan&ials *+ 1, (onfig%ration G%i"e


1 P%rpose.............................................................................................................................5

2 Preparation........................................................................................................................52.1 Prere %isites............................................................................................................5

2.1.1 $%il"ing $lo&'s....................................................................................................5

< (onfig%ration.....................................................................................................................5

<.1 A&ti/ating Parallel A&&o%nting..................................................................................5

<.1.1 Defining @e"gers for General @e"ger A&&o%nting................................................5

<.1.2 Defining an" A&ti/ating on-@ea"ing @e"ger.......................................................6

<.1.< Defining A&&o%nting Prin&iples............................................................................6

<.1.= Assigning A&&o%nting Prin&iple to @e"ger Gro%ps...............................................

<.2 (losing Pro&ess.......................................................................................................

<.2.1 )oreign (%rren&# ;al%ation.................................................................................

<.2.2 Regro%ping of A&&o%nts Re&ei/ables : Pa#ables..............................................10

<.2.< (reating )inan&ial Statement ;ersion for lea"ing @e"ger..................................12

<.2.= (lassif#ing Do&%ment 3#pes for Do&%ment Splitting.........................................15

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SAP Best Practices Parallel A&&o%nting )inan&ials *+ 1, (onfig%ration G%i"e

Parallel Accounting Financials

1 Purpose3his &onfig%ration g%i"e pro/i"es the information #o% nee" to set %p the &onfig%ration of thisb%il"ing blo&' man%all#.


!1 Prere"uisites

!1!1#uil$ing #loc%s$efore #o% start installing this b%il"ing blo&' #o% m%st install prere %isite b%il"ing blo&'s. )ormore information see the $%il"ing $lo&' Prere %isite 4atri *Prere %isitesI4atri IJ xx KIJyy KIJzz K. lsL the pla&ehol"er J xx K "epen"s on the SAP $est Pra&ti&es /ersion #o% %se fore ample (H4 refers to the SAP $est Pra&ti&es for (hemi&als J yy K "epen"s on the lang%age/ersion for e ample E for English lang%age an" J zz K "epen"s on the &o%ntr# /ersion fore ample ( for (hina Prerequisites_Matrix_CHM_EN_CN.xls ,. 3his "o&%ment &an be fo%n"on the SAP $est Pra&ti&es "o&%mentation D;D in the fol"er ..\J xx K _ Jzz K\Documentation\; ( J xx K"epen"s on the SAP $est Pra&ti&es /ersion an" J zz K "epen"s on the &o%ntr# /ersion,.

& Con'iguration

&!1 Activating Parallel Accounting

se3he p%rpose of this a&ti/it# is to a&ti/ate the ne general le"ger to set %p parallel a&&o%nting.

&!1!1De'ining e$gers 'or *eneral e$ger Accounting

se3he p%rpose of this a&ti/it# is to &reate a le"ger for parallel a&&o%nting.

Proce$ure1. A&&ess the a&ti/it# %sing one of the follo ing na/igation options

Transaction co$e SPR

IM* +enu Financial ccountin! (Ne"# Financial ccountin! $lo%al&ettin!s (Ne"# 'e !ers 'e !er De)ine 'e !ers )or$eneral 'e !er ccountin!

2. n the C*an!e +ie" ,De)ine 'e !ers in $eneral 'e !er ccountin!- /er/ie" s&reenma'e the follo ing entries

Fiel$ na+e Description ser action an$ values Co++ent

@e"ger M

@e"ger name 7)RS le"ger 3otals 3able )AG@)@E?3

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Fiel$ na+e Description ser action an$ values Co++ent

@ea"ing @ea/e empt#

<. (hoose &a/e .

,esult3 o le"gers are no a/ailable in General @e"ger A&&o%nting.

&!1! De'ining an$ Activating -on. ea$ing e$ger

se3he p%rpose of this a&ti/it# is to speci'y hi&h le$ger is use$ 'or non.lea$ing le$ger!

Proce$ure1. A&&ess the a&ti/it# %sing one of the follo ing na/igation options

Transaction co$e SPRIM* +enu Financial ccountin! (Ne"# Financial ccountin! $lo%al &ettin!s

(Ne"# 'e !er 'e !er De)ine an cti/ate non0'ea in!'e !ers

2. n the Determine 1or2 rea3 Entry s&reen &hoose @e"ger 45 .

<. n the C*an!e +ie" ,&ettin!s )or non0'ea in! 'e !ers in $eneral 'e !er- /er/ie" s&reen &hoose Ne" Entries .

=. 4a'e the follo ing entries

Fiel$ na+e Description ser action an$ values Co++ent

(ompan# &o"e 1000

(2 (%rren&# 3#pe of se&on" &%rren&# <0

5. (hoose Enter . 3he table is &omplete" a%tomati&all# ith the settings for the &ompan#&%rren&# *&%rren&# t#pe 10, an" the &orrespon"ing &%rren&# 'e#s in both &ases ( M.

6. (hoose &a/e .

,esulton-@ea"ing @e"ger postings are &omplete".

&!1!&De'ining Accounting Principles

se3he p%rpose of this a&ti/it# is to "efine the a&&o%nting prin&iples. Mo% then assign the "esire"le"ger gro%p to the a&&o%nting prin&iples.

Proce$ure1. A&&ess the a&ti/it# %sing one of the follo ing na/igation options

Transaction co$e SPR

IM* +enu Financial ccountin! (Ne"# Financial ccountin! $lo%al&ettin!s (Ne"# Parallel ccountin! De)ine ccountin!Principles

2. n the C*an!e +ie" , ccountin! Principles- /er/ie" s&reen &reate follo ing entries

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SAP Best Practices Parallel A&&o%nting )inan&ials *+ 1, (onfig%ration G%i"e

Fiel$ na+e Description ser action an$ values Co++ent


M 7A

Des&ription 7nternational )inan&ial ReportingStan"ar"s

<. (hoose &a/e .

,esult A&&o%nting prin&iples are "efine".

&!1!/Assigning Accounting Principle to e$ger *roups

se3he p%rpose of this a&ti/it# is to assign the "esire" le"ger gro%p to #o%r a&&o%nting prin&iples.

Proce$ure1. A&&ess the a&ti/it# %sing one of the follo ing na/igation options

Transaction co$e SPR

IM* +enu Financial ccountin! (Ne"# Financial ccountin! $lo%al&ettin!s (Ne"# Parallel ccountin! ssi!n ccountin!Principle to 'e !er $roup

2. n the C*an!e +ie" , ssi!nment o) ccountin! Principle to 6ar!et 'e !er $roup-s&reen &hoose Ne" Entries . (reate follo ing entries

Fiel$ na+e Description ser action an$ values Co++ent

@ine 2 A&&o%ntingPrin&iples

M 7A

3arget @e"gerGro%p

M @e"ger Gro%p M has been&reate" in the ba&'gro%n" hile&reating le"ger M

<. (hoose &a/e .

,esult A&&o%nting prin&iples are assigne" to a le"ger gro%p.

&! Closing Process

&! !1Foreign Currency 0aluation

se3he p%rpose of this a&ti/it# is to set %p the foreign &%rren&# /al%ation follo ing t o a&&o%ntingprin&iples in parallel

- @o&al GAAP *Han"elsre&ht, in the lea"ing le"ger 0@

- 7)RS in the in le"ger NM N

&! !1!1 De'ining 0aluation Metho$s

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se!ith this a&ti/it# #o% "efine #o%r /al%ation metho"s. !ith the /al%ation metho" #o% gro%pspe&ifi&ations together that #o% nee" for /al%ation.

Proce$ure1. A&&ess the a&ti/it# %sing one of the follo ing na/igation options

Transaction co$e SPR

IM* +enu Financial ccountin! (Ne"# $eneral 'e !er ccountin! (Ne"# Perio ic Processin! +aluate De)ine +aluation Met*o s

2. (reate a /al%ation metho" 457 as &op# of stan"ar" entr# 86 .

<. n the C*an!e +ie" ,Forei!n Currency +aluation Met*o - Details s&reen ma'e thefollo ing entries

Fiel$ na+e Description ser action an$ values Co++ent

;al%ation metho" M 7A

Des&ription )( bal.per a&&t print @7Os al a#se/al%ate

;al%ation Pro&e"%re (hoose l"ays e/aluate

Do&%ment t#pe SA

Debit E &h. Rate 3#pe 4

(re"it E &h. Rate 3#pe 4

Det. E &h. Rate t#pe froma&&t. bal.

Sele&t the b%tton.

=. (hoose Enter .

5. (hoose &a/e .

,esult A ne /al%ation metho" has been maintaine".

&! !1! De'ining 0aluation Areas

se3he p%rpose of this a&ti/it# is to "efine #o%r /al%ation areas for #o%r &losing operations. !iththe /al%ation areas #o% &an report "ifferent /al%ation approa&hes an" post to "ifferent

a&&o%nts an" le"gers.

Proce$ure1. A&&ess the a&ti/it# %sing one of the follo ing na/igation options

Transaction co$e SPR

IM* +enu Financial ccountin! (Ne"# $eneral 'e !er ccountin!(Ne"# Perio ic Processin! +aluate De)ine +aluation


2. (hoose Ne" entries .

<. 4a'e the follo ing entries for 7)RS

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Fiel$ na+e Description ser action an$ values Co++ent

;al%ation area M

;al%ation metho" M 7A

(r&# t#pe (ompan# &o"e &%rren&#

=. (hoose &a/e .

,esult3 o ne /al%ation areas ha/e been maintaine".

Mo% &an &he&' hether the assignment of #o%r "esire" le"ger gro%p to #o%ra&&o%nting prin&iples. 3o &he&' the assignment %se one of the follo ingna/igation options

Transaction co$e SPR

IM* +enu Financial ccountin! (Ne"# $eneral 'e !er ccountin!(Ne"# Perio ic Processin! +aluate C*ec2

ssi!nment o) ccountin! Principle to 'e !er $roup

4aintain the &%stomi9ing as follo s


Target e$ger *roup Description

HG$ 0@ @e"ger @o&al GAAP

M 7A M 7)RS

(hoose 9ac2 .

&! !1!& Assigning 0aluation Areas an$ AccountingPrinciples

se3he p%rpose of this a&ti/it# is to assign the "esire" a&&o%nting prin&iples to #o%r /al%ationareas.

Proce$ure1. A&&ess the a&ti/it# %sing one of the follo ing na/igation options

Transaction co$e SPR

IM* +enu Financial ccountin! (Ne"# $eneral 'e !er ccountin!(Ne"# Perio ic Processin! +aluate :. . .< ssi!n+aluation reas an ccountin! Principles

2. n the C*an!e +ie" , ssi!nment o) +aluation reas to ccountin! Principles- /er/ie" s&reen ma'e the follo ing entries

Fiel$ na+e Description ser action an$ values Co++ent

@ine 1

;al%ation area M

A&&o%nting prin&iple M 7A

<. (hoose &a/e .

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,esult Assignment of /al%ation area to a&&o%nting prin&iple has been fi e".

&! ! ,egrouping o' Accounts ,eceiva les 2 Paya les

&! ! !1 De'ining Sort Metho$ an$ A$3ust+ent Accounts 'or ,egrouping ,eceiva les2Paya les

se3he p%rpose of this a&ti/it# is to "efine #o%r sort metho". Mo% "efine the perio"s for theremaining terms of re&ei/ables an" pa#ables. )or ea&h perio" #o% &an spe&if# hethertransfer postings are to be ma"e for &%stomer /en"or or G:@ a&&o%nts.

Proce$ure1. A&&ess the a&ti/it# %sing one of the follo ing na/igation options

Transaction co$e SPR

IM* +enu Financial ccountin! (NE1# $eneral 'e !er ccountin! (Ne"# Perio ic Processin! =eclassi)y 6rans)er an &ort

=ecei/a%les an Paya%les De)ine &ort Met*o an >ustment ccounts )or =e!roupin! =ecei/a%les?Paya%les

2. Sele&t sort metho" & P an" &hoose Copy .

<. 4a'e the follo ing entries

Sort Metho$ Description

M 7)RS

@G @o&al GAAP - Han"elsre&ht=. (hoose &a/e .

5. (hoose Copy all . (onfirm the 7n)ormation "ialog bo .

6. 4ar' entr# 45 an" "o%ble-&li&' =ecei/a%les .

. 4a'e the follo ing entries


Fro+,e+! i'e


Description Cust!Post



M 0 Mear Re&ei/ables Q 1#ear 7)RS

? ?

M 1 Mear Re&ei/ables 1#ear 7)RS

? ? ?

+. (hoose &a/e .

. Do%ble-&li&' Paya%les . 4a'e the follo ing entries


Fro+,e+! i'e


Description Cust!Post



M 0 Mear @iabilities Q 1 #ear7)RS

? ?

M 1 Mear @iabilities 1 #ear7)RS

? ? ?

10. Delete entr# 'ia%ilities @ A.11. (hoose &a/e .

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SAP Best Practices Parallel A&&o%nting )inan&ials *+ 1, (onfig%ration G%i"e

&! ! ! De'ining Account Deter+ination 'or ,egrouping,eceiva les2Paya les


3he p%rpose of this a&ti/it# is to "efine #o%r sort metho". Mo% "efine the perio"s for theremaining terms of re&ei/ables an" pa#ables. )or ea&h perio" #o% &an spe&if# hethertransfer postings are to be ma"e for &%stomer /en"or or G:@ a&&o%nts.

Proce$ure1. A&&ess the a&ti/it# %sing one of the follo ing na/igation options

Transaction co$e SPR

IM* +enu Financial ccountin! (NE1# $eneral 'e !er ccountin! (Ne"# Perio ic Processin! =eclassi)y 6rans)er an &ort

=ecei/a%les an Paya%les De)ine &ort Met*o an >ustment ccounts )or =e!roupin! =ecei/a%les?Paya%les

2. Sele&t sort metho" M an" "o%ble-&li&' =ecei/a%les .

<. (hoose A&&o%nt in line 1 *Re&ei/ables Q 1 #ear 7)RS,

=. Enter C*art o) ccounts 0010 an" &hoose C*an!e +aluation rea.

5. Enter /al%ation area YQ an c*oose Continue.

6. 4a'e the follo ing entries

,econciliation Account A$3ust+ent Account Target Account

112<0101 22=101 112<0 00

22020101 220201 112<0 00

22020201 220202 112<0 0022020611 220201 112<0 00

. (hoose &a/e .

+. (hoose 9ac2 .

. (hoose A&&o%nt 7n line 1 *Re&ei/ables 1 #ear 7)RS,.

10. )rom the men% &hoose E it C*an!e C*art o) ccounts .

11. Enter C*art o) ccounts 0010 an" &hoose C*an!e +aluation rea

12. Enter /al%ation area M an c*oose Continue.

1<. 4a'e the follo ing entries

,econciliation Account A$3ust+ent Account Target Account

11220101 112201 112201 0

11220201 112202 112202 0

11220<01 11220< 11220< 0

11220501 112201 112201 0

11<20<01 11<20< 11220<

22020101 220201 112<0 0

22020201 220202 112<0 00

22020611 220201 112<0 00

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1=. (hoose &a/e.

15. (hoose 9ac2 .

16. Do%ble-&li&' Paya%les .

1 . (hoose the ccount b%tton in line


Fro+,e+! i'e


Description Cust!Post



M 0 Mear @iabilities Q 1 #ear7)RS

? ?

1+. (hoose E it → C*an!e C*art o) ccounts .

1 . Enter C*art ) ccounts 0010 an" &hoose C*an!e +aluation rea

20. Enter /al%ation area M .

21. 4a'e the follo ing entries

,econciliation Account A$3ust+ent Account Target Account

11220101 112201 112201 0

11220201 112202 112202 0

11220501 112201 112202 0

22050101 112201 22050 00

22. (hoose &a/e.

2<. (hoose 9ac2 .

2=. (hoose ccount in line


Fro+ ,e+!i'e


Description Cust!Post



M 1 Mear @iabilities 1 #ear7)RS

? ? ?

25. (hoose E it → C*an!e C*art o) ccounts .

26. Enter C*art ) ccounts 0010 an" &hoose C*an!e +aluation rea .

2 . Enter /al%ation area M .

2+. 4a'e the follo ing entries

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